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How to
How to
Your Dreams
Paul M. Sheldon, M.A.
Start with getting a good night’s sleep!
•  Drink enough (not too much) water.
•  Enjoy full-spectrum light, outside, for at
least an hour each day.
•  Eat a simple diet of natural foods – not too
many processed, sweetened or stimulating
•  Enjoy moderate exercise—move your body!
•  Have a regular dreamstream ritual.
To begin remembering
your dreams here are
three basic myths:
Myth #1: Dreams are merely
a distraction – “day residue.”
Truth: Most people’s dreams
are merely a distraction
because they do not pay
attention to them.
Myth #2: You should try to
control, change, or manipulate
your dreams.
Truth: Trying to control,
change, or manipulate
your dreams can make
dreaming hard work.
Myth #3: To get value from
dreaming, you should try to
interpret, analyze, or
understand your dreams.
Truth: If you try to interpret,
analyze, or understand your
dreams, you may only
distract yourself.
Dreaming is natural;
it happens all by itself.
When you approach
dreaming, let go.
Let the dreams do the work.
*How To Be Free In Your Dreams
*How To Feel Good In Your Dreams
*How To Make Friends in Your Dreams
*How To Speak Up In Your Dreams
*How To Understand and Realize Dreams
a) Keep in mind that you are
interested in
remembering your dreams.
b) When you first awaken, don’t
Just notice how you feel.
c) Talk about dreams
with your friends and
your daily contacts.
d) Ask three other people
if they remember their dreams,
even if you don't remember yours,
a) If you wake up at the same
time using an alarm every
morning, set the alarm for half
an hour earlier.
b) On the days when you don't
have to get up, go in the other
wake up without an alarm --
whenever it happens naturally --
The later the better.
Keep a pad and pen next to
your bed.
Begin writing down how you feel
as you wake up in the morning.
Write down anything
that you think or feel.
Don't try to remember dreams;
just be aware of how you feel.
Choose a “dream buddy”
to share dreams with.
Schedule time to meet with
your dream buddy once
each week. Share your
dreams with each other.
Through contact with OWL
you will learn an entirely new
way of thinking about and
experiencing your dreams:
a series of simple exercises
to help you begin having
dreams that work FOR you,
not against you.
Through contact with OWL you will learn
an entirely new way of thinking about and
experiencing your dreams. Your Dream
Guide will give you a series of simple
exercises to help you begin having
dreams that work FOR you, not against
Each simple OWL initiation presents one
Dream Opportunity.
Remembering dreams
is like reweaving
the fabric of your life:
seemingly unrelated or
unraveled parts
begin to fit together.
At Level One of each
initiation, all you are
asked to do is
NOTICE your Dream
At this level, you are not trying to make very
detailed connections between your dreams and
your waking life.
Instead, you are being shown how to NOTICE
that many of the opportunities, which are there
during the day, also occur in your dreams.
At Level Two, you will
learn to IDENTIFY
your basic
When you learn this skill,
you are learning
something you can use
for the rest of your life.
At Level Three, you will
learn how to CHANGE
your dream opportunities
while you are awake.
Remember, DO NOT
ASLEEP--that makes
dreaming hard work.
There are many ways
that you can do the basic
You can just answer all
the questions silently in
your own awareness.
That means it will only
take about five minutes a
day to complete the
Or you can spend up
to half an hour a day
writing out the
answers and
recording your
experiences in detail.
If you wake up in the morning
without a dream, DON'T MOVE
Notice how you feel and any
thoughts you may have.
that might have led to
those feelings and thoughts.
Then answer the questions
for your made-up dream!
You can answer all the
questions in one day, about the
same dream.
Or you can spread them out --
answering just one or a few
questions each day.
Typically, if you take longer to
complete each level over time, you
will have a deeper and more
profound experience of the Dream
Opportunity -- taking a week to
complete all the questions for each
level is not too long.
Or you can respond to all the questions
in one day -- it's up to you!
Whichever way you choose, you may be
surprised at how powerful these questions
are. They will stay with you during the day.
You may find yourself going over your dreams
and the questions just because it feels good.
Thinking about the questions, your
answers, and your dreams probably feels
good, because they are about you; you
will be paying attention to yourself.
Remember, there are no right or wrong
answers; there are only your answers.
Just noticing your answers will begin to make a
difference in your dreams,
Do the exercises on days that you have
remembered or made up a dream.
How to Be Free
in Your Dreams
When we say BE FREE, at the simplest level, we
AWARE or UNAWARE of yourself, as the dreamer.
Think about your dreams without any constraints
or restrictions at all, just total freedom.
Think about trying to identify your dreams by
how free you are.
For now, just NOTICE your sense of freedom in
the dream – active or passive, free or restrained
– and any other ways you may feel
Your opportunities to be free will come from
noticing in this way.
Remember or make up your dream.
may be easier
if you write it down.
Then, with each dream, for the next week,
answer these questions:
1.  Are you as the dreamer active or passive in
this dream?
2.  Are you free or restrained in some way?
3.  Do you have the starring role in this dream
or a secondary part?
4.  Do you like the way you are in this dream?
5.  Are you participating in this dream or just
6.  What is the main form of activity in this
7.  List all the different roles (ways of doing
things or talking or moving or acting) in this
dream. Choose the one you like the most.
Waking Questions:
1. Is your role in this dream similar to your
role in waking?
2.  Pause for a moment:
Think about your level of freedom in
work, play, and relationships.
In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how
to consider dreams in a new way.
A useful thing to do is teach someone else what
you have just learned.
Talk with someone at work, someone at home,
someone at a party, or someone you meet
outside about dreams.
Use the “meter rule” – anyone within one meter
of you is the person with whom you can talk
about dreams.
You'll probably notice that they are like you
were before you started this initiation process --
they will want to know what everything means
and why.
If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps
introduce them to OWL's
"How To Remember Your Dreams."
You don't have to be an expert to talk about
In these first steps to being free in your dreams,
you do not have to do anything else.
You don't have to understand your dreams,
interpret them, work with them, or try to make
them significant. They are your dreams.
Let them be.
For many who haven't remembered dreams in
years, the increased intensity and excitement
they get from remembering dreams is very
valuable. It's like watering a fruit tree--now the
tree can begin to flower and perhaps even bear
As you begin to remember more and more of
your dreams, just get to know yourself as a
dreamer. You may be surprised at how much
intensity and truth you've been holding in.
Exciting things may start to happen.
Dream Opportunity Day
Sometime during the week, take a
Dream Opportunity Day:
Make up an exercise that you think would help
you have the dreams you want.
Previously, you followed the OWL exercises.
On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
It can be anything.
The kind of exercise is less important than doing
it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay
attention to your dreams.
Dream Opportunity Day
Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING.
If you want, you could eat banana ice cream
while standing on your head and that would be
a good Dream Opportunity exercise.
You'd probably remember it!
Before you move to Level Two, take a look back
and review what you have learned.
The opportunity to be free--to take action, to
move--is important not only in your dreams, but
also in your waking life.
To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how
free you are, what role you play, and if you feel
restrained or limited in your dreams and in your life.
Think about how this opportunity is involved in
EVERY aspect of your life.
How’s your DREAM LIFE?
How to Feel Good
in Your Dreams
Remember, at Level One, you are not trying to
make detailed connections between your dreams
and your waking life.
Instead, you are being shown how to NOTICE
that many of the opportunities, which are there
during the day, also occur in your dreams.
As you try to understand what is meant by
think about the entire dream without words or
movement or any picture at all—
Just imagine that the dream is a feeling—
like being pinched--you feel it.
Often people dream dreams that have very strong
feelings in them,
but the dreamer doesn't feel anything.
When we discuss feeling, we mean both how you
felt as the dreamer and how the dream feels to
you overall.
Think about trying to notice how you feel,
in your dreams.
For now, just NOTICE the feeling in the
dream--good and bad.
Your opportunities to feel good will come
from noticing in this way.
Remember or make up your dream.
may be easier
if you write it down.
Then, with each dream, for the next week,
answer these questions:
1. How strongly do you feel in this dream?
2. What is the overall feeling in this dream?
3. What feelings do you as the dreamer
have in this dream?
4.  List all the different feelings in this dream,
putting the strongest first:
Waking Questions:
1.  Think about all the feelings you had
a.  Which was the strongest?
b.  The weakest?
2.  List some of the different feelings you
normally do NOT have:
3. What feelings do you have about yourself?
a. Do you like yourself?
b. Do you like some things and dislike others?
4.  Are there some ways you would like to
feel in the dream but you just can't or
don't feel that way for different reasons?
5.  In waking?
6.  Make a mental note of them.
In Level One of this Initiation, you have learned how
to consider dreams in a new way.
A useful thing to do is teach someone else what
you have just learned.
Talk with someone at work, someone at home,
someone at a party, or someone you meet
outside about dreams.
Use the “three-foot rule” – anyone within three
feet of you is the person with whom you can talk
about dreams.
You'll probably notice that they are like you
were before you started this initiation process --
they will want to know what everything means
and why.
If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps
introduce them to OWL's
"How To Remember Your Dreams."
You don't have to be an expert to talk about
Try telling someone about the five basic
Dream Opportunities:
In these first steps to feeling good in your
dreams, you do not have to do anything else.
You don't have to understand your dreams,
interpret them, work with them, or try to make
them significant. They are your dreams.
Let them be.
For many who haven't remembered dreams in
years, the increased intensity and excitement
they get from remembering dreams is very
valuable. It's like watering a fruit tree--now the
tree can begin to flower and perhaps even bear
As you begin to remember more and more of
your dreams, just get to know yourself as a
dreamer. You may be surprised at how much
intensity and truth you've been holding in.
Exciting things may start to happen.
Dream Opportunity Day
Sometime during the week, take a
Dream Opportunity Day:
Make up an exercise that you think would help
you have the dreams you want.
Previously, you followed the OWL exercises.
On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
It can be anything.
The kind of exercise is less important than doing
it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay
attention to your dreams.
Dream Opportunity Day
Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING.
If you want, you could eat banana ice cream
while standing on your head and that would be
a good Dream Opportunity exercise.
You'd probably remember it!
Before you move to Level Two, take a look back
and review what you have learned.
The opportunity to feel good is important not only
in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how
you feel in your dreams and in your waking life.
Think about how this opportunity is involved in
EVERY aspect of your life.
How to Speak Up
in Your Dreams
At Level One of each
initiation, all you are
asked to do is
NOTICE your Dream
When we say SPEAK UP! at the simplest
level, we mean
or express yourself in any way.
Think about your dreams without any pictures
or people at all, just sounds or expressions.
Often people dream dreams that have very loud
sounds in them,
but the dreamer doesn't make any noise.
When we discuss noise, we mean both how you
made noise as the dreamer and what noises
occur in the dream overall.
Think about beginning to identify your
dreams by sounds or noise or other forms
of expression.
For now, just NOTICE the noise in the dream
— loud or soft;
and any other ways you communicate with
other people, via
•  signs,
•  dance,
•  art,
•  gardening,
•  proferring food, etc.
Your opportunities to speak up will come from
noticing in this way.
Remember or make up your dream.
may be easier
if you write it down.
Then, with each dream, for the next
week, answer these questions:
1.  How much do you speak, make noise, or
express yourself in this dream?
2. What is your main way of making noise or
expressing yourself?
3. Is your speaking and communication the
main expression in the dream? Or is
something or someone else more
4.  List all the different ways of making noise
or expressing yourself in the dream, the
most important first:
Waking Questions:
1.  Is this the same style of speaking and
expression you use in waking?
2.  Do you like the way you are speaking
or expressing yourself in this dream?
In waking?
3.  What would you think about yourself if
other people saw you speaking or
expressing yourself the same way in
waking as you do in this dream?
4.  Are there more things you would like to
say or communicate in the dream but hold
in for different reasons? In waking?
List them:
Dream Opportunity Question:
Do you believe you can speak up or express
yourself more than you do in this dream?
In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how
to consider dreams in a new way.
A useful thing to do is teach someone else what
you have just learned.
Talk with someone at work, someone at home,
someone at a party, or someone you meet
outside about dreams.
Dream Opportunity Day
Sometime during the week, take a
Dream Opportunity Day:
Make up an exercise that you think would help
you have the dreams you want.
Previously, you followed the OWL exercises.
On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
It can be anything.
The kind of exercise is less important than doing
it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay
attention to your dreams.
Before you move to Level Two, take a look back
and review what you have learned.
The opportunity to speak up is important not only
in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how
much noise you make and other ways of expression
in your dreams and in your waking life.
Think about how this opportunity is involved in
EVERY aspect of your life.
How to
Make Friends
in Your Dreams
When we say MAKE FRIENDS, at the
simplest level, we mean
physical, verbal, telepathic -- any contact.
Think about your dreams in terms of how you
make contact with others.
Often people dream dreams that have a lot of
but the dreamer doesn't make contact at all.
When we discuss contact, we mean both how you
make contact as the dreamer; and what contacts
occur in the dream overall.
Think about beginning to identify your
dreams by physical contacts or other
forms of contact.
For now, just NOTICE the contacts in the
dream — active or passive;
and any other ways you make contact with
other people, via
•  signs,
•  dance,
•  art,
•  gardening,
•  proferring food, etc.
Your opportunities to make friends will come
from noticing in this way.
Remember or make up your dream.
may be easier
if you write it down.
Then, with each dream, for the next
week, answer these questions:
1.  How much contact did you have with others
in this dream?
2. What is your main way of making contact?
3. Did you move towards others in the dream?
4. Did you actually touch others?
5. Did you have emotional contact? That is,
did you have any feelings towards others in
the dream?
6. Did other dream characters have emotional
contact with you?
7.  List all the different ways of making contact
physically or emotionally in the dream, the
most important first:
8. In the dream overall, did you tend to move
toward or away from others characters or
aspects of the dream?
9. Were others in this dream known to you?
a. Were they strangers?
b. Were there more strangers?
c. Were there more people you knew?
Waking Questions:
1.  How much contact do you have with
others in your waking life?
2.  Do you tend to avoid or move toward
emotional contact with others?
3.  Do you have more contact with strangers
or people you know already?
4.  How often do you actually touch others?
5.  How often do others touch you?
Dream Opportunity Question:
Would you prefer to have more or less
contact with others than you do in this
In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how
to consider dreams in a new way.
A useful thing to do is teach someone else what
you have just learned.
Talk with someone at work, someone at home,
someone at a party, or someone you meet
outside about dreams.
Use the “three-foot rule” – anyone within three
feet of you is the person with whom you can talk
about dreams.
If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps
introduce them to OWL's
"How To Remember Your Dreams"
Which can be downloaded from for free.
You don't have to be an expert to talk about
In these first steps, you do not have to
do anything else.
You don't have to understand your dreams,
interpret them, work with them, or try to make
them significant. They are your dreams.
Let them be.
Dream Opportunity Day
Sometime during the week, take a
Dream Opportunity Day:
Make up an exercise that you think would help
you have the dreams you want.
Previously, you followed the OWL exercises.
On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
It can be anything.
The kind of exercise is less important than doing
it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay
attention to your dreams.
Dream Opportunity Day
Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING.
If you want, you could sing a song while
hopping up and down on one foot and that
would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise.
You'd probably remember it!
Before you move to Level Two, take a look back
and review what you have learned.
The opportunity to make friends is important not
only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how
much contact you have in your dreams and in your
waking life – physically and emotionally.
Think about how this opportunity is involved in
EVERY aspect of your life.
How to
Understand and
Realize Your
your dreams ties all the other dream
opportunities together—being free, feeling
good, speaking up, and making friends.
at the simplest level, we mean
What are your dreams telling you or
showing you?
What you will find is that as you identify each
opportunity in your dreams, each opportunity will
become more powerful.
You will be able to notice connections between
opportunities; for example that when you are
passive in a dream, you usually are also unclear
about what the dream is telling you.
You will learn more about these connections at
Level Two and Level Three of this initiation.
For the moment, keep in mind that the
OWL journey gives you a new way of
thinking about dreams that eliminates
good or bad.
Now you can understand dreams as a
dynamic process.
For now, just NOTICE.
Your opportunities to understand and realize
your dreams come from noticing in this way.
Remember or make up your dream.
may be easier
if you write it down.
Then, with each dream, for the next
week, answer these questions:
1.  How clear is this dream?
a.  How vivid were the colors?
b.  Were the images fuzzy or a clear picture?
c. Did you understand everything that
happened when you woke up?
d. Did the dream make sense to you when you
were dreaming?
2. How clear were you as the dreamer?
3. Do you have a starring role or secondary
4. Do you like the way you are in this dream?
5. Are you participating in this dream or just
6. What is the main activity in this dream?
7.  List all the roles (ways of doing things,
moving, or acting) in this dream:
Which one do you like the most?
8. List the characters in order of how well they
understood what was going on in the
Waking Questions:
1. How much do you understand what
happens at work in your waking life?
2. How much do you understand what
happens when you’re at play?
3. How much to you understand what
happens in your relationships?
4.  Do you act on what you know?
5.  Do you silently think about things?
6.  Do things seem to just happen to you?
7.  Do you know the cause and effect of what
is going on in your life?
8.  Do most other people in your life
understand more than you do?
Body Questions:
While you were dreaming, did you clearly see
your body in the dream?
What parts, if any, were missing
A useful thing to do is teach someone else what
you have just learned.
Talk with someone at work, someone at home,
someone at a party, or someone you meet
outside about dreams.
Dream Opportunity Day
Sometime during the week, take a
Dream Opportunity Day:
Dream Opportunity Day
Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING.
If you want, you could sing a song while
hopping up and down on one foot and that
would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise.
You'd probably remember it!
Make up an exercise that you think would help
you have the dreams you want.
Previously, you followed the OWL exercises.
On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
The kind of exercise is less important than doing
it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay
attention to your dreams.
In these first steps to understanding and
realizing your dreams, you do not have to do
anything else.
You don't have to understand your dreams,
interpret them, work with them, or try to make
them significant. They are your dreams.
Let them be.
The End of Level One
Before you move to Level Two, take a look back
and review what you have learned.
The opportunity to be clear is important not only in
your dreams, but also in your waking life.
To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how
clear you are in your dreams and in your waking life
– physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Think about how this opportunity is involved in
EVERY aspect of your life.
How To Remember Your Dreams

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How To Remember Your Dreams

  • 2. How to Remember Your Dreams Paul M. Sheldon, M.A.
  • 3. HOW TO REMEMBER DREAMS Start with getting a good night’s sleep! •  Drink enough (not too much) water. •  Enjoy full-spectrum light, outside, for at least an hour each day. •  Eat a simple diet of natural foods – not too many processed, sweetened or stimulating foods. •  Enjoy moderate exercise—move your body! •  Have a regular dreamstream ritual.
  • 4. To begin remembering your dreams here are three basic myths:
  • 5. Myth #1: Dreams are merely a distraction – “day residue.”
  • 6. Truth: Most people’s dreams are merely a distraction because they do not pay attention to them.
  • 7.
  • 8. Myth #2: You should try to control, change, or manipulate your dreams.
  • 9. Truth: Trying to control, change, or manipulate your dreams can make dreaming hard work.
  • 10.
  • 11. Myth #3: To get value from dreaming, you should try to interpret, analyze, or understand your dreams.
  • 12. Truth: If you try to interpret, analyze, or understand your dreams, you may only distract yourself.
  • 13.
  • 14. Dreaming is natural; it happens all by itself. When you approach dreaming, let go. Let the dreams do the work.
  • 15. DREAM OPPORTUNITIES FROM OWL: *How To Be Free In Your Dreams *How To Feel Good In Your Dreams *How To Make Friends in Your Dreams *How To Speak Up In Your Dreams *How To Understand and Realize Dreams
  • 16. DREAM STEP #1 a) Keep in mind that you are interested in remembering your dreams. b) When you first awaken, don’t move. Just notice how you feel. c) Talk about dreams with your friends and your daily contacts. d) Ask three other people if they remember their dreams, even if you don't remember yours, yet.
  • 17. DREAM STEP #2 a) If you wake up at the same time using an alarm every morning, set the alarm for half an hour earlier. b) On the days when you don't have to get up, go in the other direction: wake up without an alarm -- whenever it happens naturally -- The later the better.
  • 18. DREAM STEP #3 Keep a pad and pen next to your bed. Begin writing down how you feel as you wake up in the morning. Write down anything that you think or feel. Don't try to remember dreams; just be aware of how you feel.
  • 19. Choose a “dream buddy” to share dreams with. Schedule time to meet with your dream buddy once each week. Share your dreams with each other.
  • 20. Through contact with OWL you will learn an entirely new way of thinking about and experiencing your dreams: DREAM INITIATIONS-- a series of simple exercises to help you begin having dreams that work FOR you, not against you.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. HOW TO BE FREE IN YOUR DREAMS! Introduction Through contact with OWL you will learn an entirely new way of thinking about and experiencing your dreams. Your Dream Guide will give you a series of simple exercises to help you begin having dreams that work FOR you, not against you. Each simple OWL initiation presents one Dream Opportunity.
  • 25. Remembering dreams is like reweaving the fabric of your life: seemingly unrelated or unraveled parts begin to fit together.
  • 26. At Level One of each initiation, all you are asked to do is NOTICE your Dream Opportunities.
  • 27. At this level, you are not trying to make very detailed connections between your dreams and your waking life. Instead, you are being shown how to NOTICE that many of the opportunities, which are there during the day, also occur in your dreams.
  • 28. At Level Two, you will learn to IDENTIFY your basic Dream Opportunities. When you learn this skill, you are learning something you can use for the rest of your life.
  • 29. At Level Three, you will learn how to CHANGE your dream opportunities while you are awake. Remember, DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE YOUR DREAMS WHILE YOU ARE ASLEEP--that makes dreaming hard work.
  • 30. ABOUT THE BASIC EXERCISES There are many ways that you can do the basic exercises: You can just answer all the questions silently in your own awareness. That means it will only take about five minutes a day to complete the questions.
  • 31. Or you can spend up to half an hour a day writing out the answers and recording your experiences in detail.
  • 32. If you wake up in the morning without a dream, DON'T MOVE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY. Notice how you feel and any thoughts you may have.
  • 33. Then, MAKE UP A DREAM that might have led to those feelings and thoughts. Then answer the questions for your made-up dream!
  • 34. You can answer all the questions in one day, about the same dream. Or you can spread them out -- answering just one or a few questions each day.
  • 35. Typically, if you take longer to complete each level over time, you will have a deeper and more profound experience of the Dream Opportunity -- taking a week to complete all the questions for each level is not too long.
  • 36. Or you can respond to all the questions in one day -- it's up to you!
  • 37. Whichever way you choose, you may be surprised at how powerful these questions are. They will stay with you during the day.
  • 38. You may find yourself going over your dreams and the questions just because it feels good.
  • 39. Thinking about the questions, your answers, and your dreams probably feels good, because they are about you; you will be paying attention to yourself.
  • 40. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; there are only your answers. Just noticing your answers will begin to make a difference in your dreams,
  • 42.
  • 43. Do the exercises on days that you have remembered or made up a dream.
  • 44. How to Be Free in Your Dreams
  • 45. When we say BE FREE, at the simplest level, we mean ACTIVE or PASSIVE, FREE or RESTRAINED, CONSCIOUS, or UNCONSCIOUS, AWARE or UNAWARE of yourself, as the dreamer.
  • 46. Think about your dreams without any constraints or restrictions at all, just total freedom.
  • 47. Think about trying to identify your dreams by how free you are.
  • 48. For now, just NOTICE your sense of freedom in the dream – active or passive, free or restrained – and any other ways you may feel FREE or CONSTRAINED.
  • 49. Your opportunities to be free will come from noticing in this way.
  • 50. Remember or make up your dream. Remembering may be easier if you write it down. Then, with each dream, for the next week, answer these questions:
  • 51. 1.  Are you as the dreamer active or passive in this dream? 2.  Are you free or restrained in some way? 3.  Do you have the starring role in this dream or a secondary part? 4.  Do you like the way you are in this dream? 5.  Are you participating in this dream or just observing? 6.  What is the main form of activity in this dream? 7.  List all the different roles (ways of doing things or talking or moving or acting) in this dream. Choose the one you like the most.
  • 52. Waking Questions: 1. Is your role in this dream similar to your role in waking? 2.  Pause for a moment: Think about your level of freedom in work, play, and relationships.
  • 53. In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how to consider dreams in a new way.
  • 54. A useful thing to do is teach someone else what you have just learned. Talk with someone at work, someone at home, someone at a party, or someone you meet outside about dreams.
  • 55. Use the “meter rule” – anyone within one meter of you is the person with whom you can talk about dreams.
  • 56. You'll probably notice that they are like you were before you started this initiation process -- they will want to know what everything means and why.
  • 57. If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps introduce them to OWL's "How To Remember Your Dreams." You don't have to be an expert to talk about dreams.
  • 58. In these first steps to being free in your dreams, you do not have to do anything else. You don't have to understand your dreams, interpret them, work with them, or try to make them significant. They are your dreams. Let them be.
  • 59. For many who haven't remembered dreams in years, the increased intensity and excitement they get from remembering dreams is very valuable. It's like watering a fruit tree--now the tree can begin to flower and perhaps even bear fruit!
  • 60. As you begin to remember more and more of your dreams, just get to know yourself as a dreamer. You may be surprised at how much intensity and truth you've been holding in. Exciting things may start to happen.
  • 61. Dream Opportunity Day Sometime during the week, take a Dream Opportunity Day:
  • 62. Make up an exercise that you think would help you have the dreams you want. Previously, you followed the OWL exercises. On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
  • 63. It can be anything. The kind of exercise is less important than doing it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay attention to your dreams.
  • 64. Dream Opportunity Day Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING. If you want, you could eat banana ice cream while standing on your head and that would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise. You'd probably remember it!
  • 65. Before you move to Level Two, take a look back and review what you have learned. The opportunity to be free--to take action, to move--is important not only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
  • 66. To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how free you are, what role you play, and if you feel restrained or limited in your dreams and in your life. Think about how this opportunity is involved in EVERY aspect of your life.
  • 67.
  • 69. How to Feel Good in Your Dreams
  • 70. Remember, at Level One, you are not trying to make detailed connections between your dreams and your waking life. Instead, you are being shown how to NOTICE that many of the opportunities, which are there during the day, also occur in your dreams.
  • 71.
  • 72. As you try to understand what is meant by feeling, think about the entire dream without words or movement or any picture at all— Just imagine that the dream is a feeling— like being pinched--you feel it.
  • 73. Often people dream dreams that have very strong feelings in them, but the dreamer doesn't feel anything. When we discuss feeling, we mean both how you felt as the dreamer and how the dream feels to you overall.
  • 74. Think about trying to notice how you feel, in your dreams.
  • 75. For now, just NOTICE the feeling in the dream--good and bad. Your opportunities to feel good will come from noticing in this way.
  • 76. Remember or make up your dream. Remembering may be easier if you write it down. Then, with each dream, for the next week, answer these questions:
  • 77. 1. How strongly do you feel in this dream? 2. What is the overall feeling in this dream? 3. What feelings do you as the dreamer have in this dream?
  • 78. 4.  List all the different feelings in this dream, putting the strongest first: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________
  • 79. Waking Questions: 1.  Think about all the feelings you had today: a.  Which was the strongest? b.  The weakest?
  • 80. 2.  List some of the different feelings you normally do NOT have: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________
  • 81. 3. What feelings do you have about yourself? a. Do you like yourself? b. Do you like some things and dislike others?
  • 82. 4.  Are there some ways you would like to feel in the dream but you just can't or don't feel that way for different reasons? 5.  In waking? 6.  Make a mental note of them.
  • 83. In Level One of this Initiation, you have learned how to consider dreams in a new way.
  • 84. A useful thing to do is teach someone else what you have just learned. Talk with someone at work, someone at home, someone at a party, or someone you meet outside about dreams.
  • 85. Use the “three-foot rule” – anyone within three feet of you is the person with whom you can talk about dreams.
  • 86. You'll probably notice that they are like you were before you started this initiation process -- they will want to know what everything means and why.
  • 87. If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps introduce them to OWL's "How To Remember Your Dreams." You don't have to be an expert to talk about dreams.
  • 89. In these first steps to feeling good in your dreams, you do not have to do anything else. You don't have to understand your dreams, interpret them, work with them, or try to make them significant. They are your dreams. Let them be.
  • 90. For many who haven't remembered dreams in years, the increased intensity and excitement they get from remembering dreams is very valuable. It's like watering a fruit tree--now the tree can begin to flower and perhaps even bear fruit!
  • 91. As you begin to remember more and more of your dreams, just get to know yourself as a dreamer. You may be surprised at how much intensity and truth you've been holding in. Exciting things may start to happen.
  • 92. Dream Opportunity Day Sometime during the week, take a Dream Opportunity Day:
  • 93. Make up an exercise that you think would help you have the dreams you want. Previously, you followed the OWL exercises. On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
  • 94. It can be anything. The kind of exercise is less important than doing it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay attention to your dreams.
  • 95. Dream Opportunity Day Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING. If you want, you could eat banana ice cream while standing on your head and that would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise. You'd probably remember it!
  • 96. Before you move to Level Two, take a look back and review what you have learned. The opportunity to feel good is important not only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
  • 97. To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how you feel in your dreams and in your waking life. Think about how this opportunity is involved in EVERY aspect of your life.
  • 98.
  • 99. How to Speak Up in Your Dreams
  • 100.
  • 101. At Level One of each initiation, all you are asked to do is NOTICE your Dream Opportunities.
  • 102. When we say SPEAK UP! at the simplest level, we mean MAKE NOISE, or express yourself in any way. Think about your dreams without any pictures or people at all, just sounds or expressions.
  • 103. Often people dream dreams that have very loud sounds in them, but the dreamer doesn't make any noise. When we discuss noise, we mean both how you made noise as the dreamer and what noises occur in the dream overall.
  • 104. Think about beginning to identify your dreams by sounds or noise or other forms of expression.
  • 105. For now, just NOTICE the noise in the dream — loud or soft; and any other ways you communicate with other people, via •  signs, •  dance, •  art, •  gardening, •  proferring food, etc. Your opportunities to speak up will come from noticing in this way.
  • 106. Remember or make up your dream. Remembering may be easier if you write it down. Then, with each dream, for the next week, answer these questions:
  • 107. 1.  How much do you speak, make noise, or express yourself in this dream? 2. What is your main way of making noise or expressing yourself? 3. Is your speaking and communication the main expression in the dream? Or is something or someone else more important?
  • 108. 4.  List all the different ways of making noise or expressing yourself in the dream, the most important first: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________
  • 109. Waking Questions: 1.  Is this the same style of speaking and expression you use in waking? 2.  Do you like the way you are speaking or expressing yourself in this dream? In waking? 3.  What would you think about yourself if other people saw you speaking or expressing yourself the same way in waking as you do in this dream?
  • 110. 4.  Are there more things you would like to say or communicate in the dream but hold in for different reasons? In waking? List them: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________
  • 111. Dream Opportunity Question: Do you believe you can speak up or express yourself more than you do in this dream?
  • 112. In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how to consider dreams in a new way.
  • 113. A useful thing to do is teach someone else what you have just learned. Talk with someone at work, someone at home, someone at a party, or someone you meet outside about dreams.
  • 114. Dream Opportunity Day Sometime during the week, take a Dream Opportunity Day:
  • 115. Make up an exercise that you think would help you have the dreams you want. Previously, you followed the OWL exercises. On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
  • 116. It can be anything. The kind of exercise is less important than doing it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay attention to your dreams.
  • 117. Before you move to Level Two, take a look back and review what you have learned. The opportunity to speak up is important not only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
  • 118. To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how much noise you make and other ways of expression in your dreams and in your waking life. Think about how this opportunity is involved in EVERY aspect of your life.
  • 119.
  • 120. How to Make Friends in Your Dreams
  • 121. When we say MAKE FRIENDS, at the simplest level, we mean CONTACT, physical, verbal, telepathic -- any contact. Think about your dreams in terms of how you make contact with others.
  • 122. Often people dream dreams that have a lot of contact. but the dreamer doesn't make contact at all. When we discuss contact, we mean both how you make contact as the dreamer; and what contacts occur in the dream overall.
  • 123. Think about beginning to identify your dreams by physical contacts or other forms of contact.
  • 124. For now, just NOTICE the contacts in the dream — active or passive; and any other ways you make contact with other people, via •  signs, •  dance, •  art, •  gardening, •  proferring food, etc. Your opportunities to make friends will come from noticing in this way.
  • 125. Remember or make up your dream. Remembering may be easier if you write it down. Then, with each dream, for the next week, answer these questions:
  • 126. 1.  How much contact did you have with others in this dream? 2. What is your main way of making contact? 3. Did you move towards others in the dream? 4. Did you actually touch others? 5. Did you have emotional contact? That is, did you have any feelings towards others in the dream? 6. Did other dream characters have emotional contact with you?
  • 127. 7.  List all the different ways of making contact physically or emotionally in the dream, the most important first: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________
  • 128. 8. In the dream overall, did you tend to move toward or away from others characters or aspects of the dream? 9. Were others in this dream known to you? a. Were they strangers? b. Were there more strangers? c. Were there more people you knew?
  • 129. Waking Questions: 1.  How much contact do you have with others in your waking life? 2.  Do you tend to avoid or move toward emotional contact with others? 3.  Do you have more contact with strangers or people you know already? 4.  How often do you actually touch others? 5.  How often do others touch you?
  • 130. Dream Opportunity Question: Would you prefer to have more or less contact with others than you do in this dream?
  • 131. In level one of this Initiation, you have learned how to consider dreams in a new way.
  • 132. A useful thing to do is teach someone else what you have just learned. Talk with someone at work, someone at home, someone at a party, or someone you meet outside about dreams.
  • 133. Use the “three-foot rule” – anyone within three feet of you is the person with whom you can talk about dreams.
  • 134. If they say they don't remember dreams, perhaps introduce them to OWL's "How To Remember Your Dreams" Which can be downloaded from for free. You don't have to be an expert to talk about dreams.
  • 135. In these first steps, you do not have to do anything else. You don't have to understand your dreams, interpret them, work with them, or try to make them significant. They are your dreams. Let them be.
  • 136. Dream Opportunity Day Sometime during the week, take a Dream Opportunity Day:
  • 137. Make up an exercise that you think would help you have the dreams you want. Previously, you followed the OWL exercises. On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
  • 138. It can be anything. The kind of exercise is less important than doing it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay attention to your dreams.
  • 139. Dream Opportunity Day Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING. If you want, you could sing a song while hopping up and down on one foot and that would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise. You'd probably remember it!
  • 140. Before you move to Level Two, take a look back and review what you have learned. The opportunity to make friends is important not only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
  • 141. To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how much contact you have in your dreams and in your waking life – physically and emotionally. Think about how this opportunity is involved in EVERY aspect of your life.
  • 142.
  • 144. UNDERSTANDING and REALIZING your dreams ties all the other dream opportunities together—being free, feeling good, speaking up, and making friends.
  • 145. When we say UNDERSTAND and REALIZE, at the simplest level, we mean CLARITY, What are your dreams telling you or showing you? What you will find is that as you identify each opportunity in your dreams, each opportunity will become more powerful.
  • 146. You will be able to notice connections between opportunities; for example that when you are passive in a dream, you usually are also unclear about what the dream is telling you. You will learn more about these connections at Level Two and Level Three of this initiation.
  • 147. For the moment, keep in mind that the OWL journey gives you a new way of thinking about dreams that eliminates good or bad. Now you can understand dreams as a dynamic process.
  • 148. For now, just NOTICE. Your opportunities to understand and realize your dreams come from noticing in this way.
  • 149. Remember or make up your dream. Remembering may be easier if you write it down. Then, with each dream, for the next week, answer these questions:
  • 150. 1.  How clear is this dream? a.  How vivid were the colors? b.  Were the images fuzzy or a clear picture? c. Did you understand everything that happened when you woke up? d. Did the dream make sense to you when you were dreaming? 2. How clear were you as the dreamer? 3. Do you have a starring role or secondary part?
  • 151. 4. Do you like the way you are in this dream? 5. Are you participating in this dream or just observing? 6. What is the main activity in this dream?
  • 152. 7.  List all the roles (ways of doing things, moving, or acting) in this dream: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________ e._____________________________ Which one do you like the most?
  • 153. 8. List the characters in order of how well they understood what was going on in the dream: a._____________________________ b._____________________________ c._____________________________ d._____________________________ e._____________________________
  • 154. Waking Questions: 1. How much do you understand what happens at work in your waking life? 2. How much do you understand what happens when you’re at play? 3. How much to you understand what happens in your relationships?
  • 155. 4.  Do you act on what you know? 5.  Do you silently think about things? 6.  Do things seem to just happen to you? 7.  Do you know the cause and effect of what is going on in your life? 8.  Do most other people in your life understand more than you do?
  • 156. Body Questions: While you were dreaming, did you clearly see your body in the dream? What parts, if any, were missing
  • 157. A useful thing to do is teach someone else what you have just learned. Talk with someone at work, someone at home, someone at a party, or someone you meet outside about dreams.
  • 158. Dream Opportunity Day Sometime during the week, take a Dream Opportunity Day:
  • 159. Dream Opportunity Day Once again, the exercise can be ANYTHING. If you want, you could sing a song while hopping up and down on one foot and that would be a good Dream Opportunity exercise. You'd probably remember it!
  • 160. Make up an exercise that you think would help you have the dreams you want. Previously, you followed the OWL exercises. On this day, be inventive and make up your own.
  • 161. The kind of exercise is less important than doing it, because it is the doing that really helps you pay attention to your dreams.
  • 162. In these first steps to understanding and realizing your dreams, you do not have to do anything else. You don't have to understand your dreams, interpret them, work with them, or try to make them significant. They are your dreams. Let them be.
  • 164. Before you move to Level Two, take a look back and review what you have learned. The opportunity to be clear is important not only in your dreams, but also in your waking life.
  • 165. To begin with, it is necessary for you to NOTICE how clear you are in your dreams and in your waking life – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Think about how this opportunity is involved in EVERY aspect of your life.