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How to Grow Your
             Open Source Project 10x
                and Revenues 5x
                          Henrik Ingo

                         OSCON 2011
                     IT Leadership Summit

2011-07-26   OSCON 2011                     1
Henrik Ingo

                                           open source technology and strategy
                                           active in MySQL, Drupal communities
                                           worked in mobile and LAMP with
                                           business management, sales, R&D
                                           current: Senior Performance Architect at
                                           Nokia Ovi
                                           author of "Open Life: The Philosophy of
                                           Open Source"

        O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 to INTRO (46876)

        Or use the internet:

2011-07-26                              OSCON 2011                                      2
What we want to learn today

    We now have FOSS projects 20-30 years old.
    Let's study the most popular ones:
         What governance models are used?
         (Focus on ownership more than leadership.)
         Which projects have most development velocity
         = biggest developer community?
         = investment?
         "I don't care about community,
         I'm in it to make money."

2011-07-26                   OSCON 2011                  3

A group of people contributing to a common
cause or vision. (Jono Bacon)
Free workforce (production, marketing...)
Not objects for lead generation.         (Traditional meaning
at MySQL and some other firms. Not used in these slides.)
   Stephen Walli & Matthew Aslett
Take sample of popular, leading
                               FOSS projects/communities

          Debian                     Ubuntu                   Sourceforge             Henrik
                perl                       gcc                    JBoss                 KDE
        gnu system tools           gnu system tools            phpMyAdmin              Eclipse
             openssh                    python                    phpBB                Drupal
              python                      w3m                    Webmin               Wordpress
              openssl                  openssh
             procmail                      ogg                                          2011:
               w3m                      openssl                                       Chromium
               mysql                       xorg                                       OpenStack
                gcc                        perl
               cups                     samba
               exim             launchpad-integration
            ghostscript                    gpg
                ogg                     gnome
              samba                   openoffice
               linux                   rdesktop
              apache                     firefox
               xorg                 smartdimmer
            openoffice                   mono                                 Note:
              gnome                       gimp
             openjdk                       vino                       Upstream projects only.
                                                                       Upstream projects only.
       firefox (iceweasel)              compiz                             (No Debian,
                                                                            (No Debian,
                php                       sqlite
               gimp                      mysql                          Ubuntu, XAMPP...)
                                                                         Ubuntu, XAMPP...)
             html2text               thunderbird
                 qt                     openjdk

2011-07-26                                       OSCON 2011                                       5
project              devs/day         commits/day         loc/day   devs/mo         devs all time   companies
linux                                               130     18000         1100                                200

kde                             100                 300
apache (ASF)                    100                 300
Eclipse                                                                                     1000              170
perl+CPAN                                                                                  (8500)
Drupal                                              133                       300           2719
gnome                                               100                                     3500              106
Mozilla+addons                                                                             (5000)
qt                                                   67                       110             393
gcc                                                  25                        70             441
php+pear                                             34                        65             700
openoffice                                                                     60             512
perl                                                 17                        40            1000
mono                                                 25                        30             390
samba                                                33                        30             205
openjdk                                               7                        30              99
mysql                                                 7                        25            1027
python                                               13                        25             142
jboss                                                 7                        20             111
subversion                                           13                        20             161
phpmyadmin                                           13                        10             137
ghostscript                                           1                        10              39
gimp                                                 10                        10             394
phpbb                                                10                        10              65
        2011-07-26                                  OSCON 2011                                            6
Wordpress                                            33                         8              30

   Top projects (bold) publish their own studies or "marketing
   numbers". Smaller projects were measured with
        Ordering still difficult because studies don't measure the same
        things. (Please follow Linux Foundation everyone, thanks.)
   Drupal 7 (core) = 954 code contributors / 3 years + 8291
   addon modules!
   Perl+CPAN and Mozilla+Addons only estimated by
   number of modules.
   OpenJDK apparently developed within closed doors,
   mercurial/OHLOH statistics not realistic.

2011-07-26                       OSCON 2011                               7
Garbage in, Garbage out

How should one read OHLOH?
MySQL had 50-75 devs until 2008, when it was
acquired by Sun and number of devs dropped to
25. By end of 2009 Oracle took over and
development completely stopped.
  I personally know more than 25 MySQL devs.
  Despite the drama, development certainly
  didn't stop.
  So we use OHLOH numbers together with
  reality check...
  Making detailed graphs seems pointless, but
  we can group by order of magnitude...

2011-07-26                                   OSCON 2011   8
GROUP BY governance, community size

    XtraLarge     Linux, KDE, Apache,
    1000+ devs       Drupal, Eclipse,
 100+ commits/day     Perl+CPAN,
      Large       GCC, Python, Samba MySQL, Qt, OpenOffice,          PHP+PEAR
   20-200 devs                        Mono, JBoss, OpenJDK
 50-100 commits
      Medium              GIMP          Subversion, GhostScript,    phpMyAdmin
   Missing data      Xorg, GNU system
                       Foundation                Vendor            "Just a project"

2011-07-26                          OSCON 2011                                        9

  Categories are observed, not pre-determined, ie they follow as observations from the sample. For instance
  "Multiple vendor consortium" is not observed in the sample. (Eg. Eclipse 2001-2003.)
  KDE, Apache, Gnome, Eclipse... are entire foundations hosting many sub-projects, but considered here as one
  community with some common focus / shared code. With the donation of OpenOffice to Apache this
  interpretation may perhaps have reached its limit, other than the Apache license, OpenOffice seems to have
  nothing at all in common with any of the other Apache projects.
  "Contributor modules" archives - found in Perl, PHP, Drupal etc... - are considered part of the main project.
  (Otoh, MySQL and phpMyAdmin are separate.)
  GIMP predates Gnome but is now part of it.
  GCC is part of GNU, but listed separately as data was available. The author estimates that "the GNU project"
  would also be an XtraLarge project if data had been found, as GCC alone tops the Large category already.
  Python changed to Foundation in 2000. Subversion was previously led by CollabNet, but is since 2009 an
  Apache (Foundation) project and Wordpress is transfering to its own foundation in 2010 from Automattic. Both
  are here categorized as vendor projects since this is the model that existed for most of their lifetime.
  Qt, MySQL and GhostScript are the stars of 1990 dual-licensing era.
  OpenOffice was forked in 2010: LibreOffice. In 2011 Oracle donated the OpenOffice code to Apache Foundation
  (IBM). This categorization is looking at historical Sun OpenOffice.
  Mozilla Foundation has ~100MUSD revenues and employs many engineers. (Ironic!)
  Wordpress only has data for core, plugins and themes is here added as guesstimate to even reach Medium.
  "The PHP Group" has never formally incorporated in any jurisdiction. Despite this fact, PHP does have a well
  defined process of membership and decision making similar to what more formal organizations tend to have.

2011-07-26                                         OSCON 2011                                                     10
Observations 1/2

    XtraLarge projects are always foundation governed.
       10x larger community
       9 projects: statistically strong result
       Glass ceiling for Vendor projects?
    OpenJDK = Java is probably XtraLarge too (Oracle, Red Hat, IBM,
    Apple, SAP...) but commits don't happen in the open.
    XtraLarge foundations "acquire" Medium projects and commercial
    code: Subversion, GIMP, OpenOffice, Mozilla, Python.
    No movement in opposite direction.

2011-07-26                     OSCON 2011                             11
Observations 2/2

    Large Vendor governed projects tend to be controversial:
         MySQL: Financial star, but now forked many times over. A lot of work to just keep it alive
         OpenOffice: Typical Sun: Stagnated and mismanaged since 2000.
         Successfully forked: all Linuxes immediately backed it, 77 new contributors within 2
         Mono: FOSS fundamentalists boycott it anyway because of .NET origin, the rest don't care
         that it is vendor managed.
         Qt: Technically superior, but lost total dominance to being 50-50 with GTK (part of Gnome)
         due to Trolltech over-controlling it. (Financially ok: Nokia acquired in 2008.)
         JBoss is uncontroversial to the community, but was attacked by IBM backed Apache
         Geronimo (but survived).
         OpenJDK is likely to break into the XtraLarge Vendor spot, after Oracle bullied IBM into
         contributing to it. (This strategy is unfortunately not available to the average open source
         startup :-(

    We know Large Vendor projects to have poor community
    contributions. (JBoss?)

2011-07-26                                  OSCON 2011                                             12
2 contenders to watch

   Chromium All time devs = 759
       Last 12 months = 600, per month = 300.
       Falls between Large & XtraLarge (Not far behind Gnome)
       Vendor led (Google)
   OpenStack 1171 "contributors" at 82 companies
       OHLOH & my friends confirm code committers per month = 100+
       Still remarkable: Project is only 12 months old!
       Foundation-like community of equals, but OpenStack LLC owned
       by Rackspace (technicality? See next slide...)

2011-07-26                        OSCON 2011                          13
OpenStack governance

   OpenStack vs Eucalyptus
       Same field, different model: OpenStack momentum is evidence of direct
       missed opportunity by Eucalyptus:
             Developers (10 MEUR / year)
             Channel partners (Ubuntu)
       No copyright assignments
       Policy Board, Advisory board, bi-annual elections
       Trademark & website = neutral ground
   Owned by Rackspace
       What happens if Racskpace executives decide to veto / disregard
       community process?
       Personally seen it happen in another project...

2011-07-26                                 OSCON 2011                     14
451 Group study

           Governance              Single vendor                    Community
 Observed development

     Closed (Cathedral)                74%                              5%

       Open (Bazaar)                   25%                             95%

      The 2010 report from 451 Group (aptly) titled "Control and Community":
      The software industry has entered the fourth stage of commercial open source
      business strategies, characterized by a shift away from projects controlled by a single
      vendor and back toward community and collaboration. There is an increased focus on
      open source as a development model for the creation of software to be monetized
      indirectly, rather than a licensing strategy to spread adoption for direct monetization.
      Established open source specialists that rely on controlling open source development
      projects need to evaluate how they might transition towards more collaborative
      While the single-vendor open source approach is not going to die out, vendors that
      control open source projects need to transition to more collaborative development.
      (Monty Program, Forgerock cited as examples)
2011-07-26                              OSCON 2011                                        15
451: Decline of single vendor model

             Simon Phipps: "Open Source bubble"

2011-07-26                 OSCON 2011               16
So what about making money?

2011-07-26     OSCON 2011             17
3. ???
                           4. Profit!

    Actual quotes from managers of open source
    related firms:
             "Community is nice and all, but I'm in it for the
             "I don't believe in ecosystems. You invest in
             developing a product, then you sell it to
             "We need to become profitable first. Then we
             can do something nice for the community."

2011-07-26                     OSCON 2011                    18
Valid point
             So which is it?

2011-07-26      OSCON 2011     19

       I want to keep
      the whole cake
      even at the risk
     of the cake then
    remaining smaller

2011-07-26               OSCON 2011   20
Let's use Linux market shares to estimate an answer...

    Red Hat
         Most commits, 12% to Linux kernel
         Most control by employing 36% of the lead
         developers that review commits. (...used to be 50%)
         Red Hat has 62% market share of Linux operating
         system sales
    Leverage factor                = 62/12        ~    5x

    Novell                         = 29 / 7.6 ~        4x

2011-07-26                         OSCON 2011                         21
Rationale of that handwawing:

Factors affecting revenues of Linux vendor:
   Total addressable market (OS market = N*10 billions USD)
   Linux' market share
   One factor limiting Linux market share is how well its functionality
   and features serve the needs of the total addressable market. This
   is a result of engineering investment. ("Limits to growth" theory.)
      Other factors like marketing, sales, "good timing" etc ignored.
   Vendor's share of Linux market

                       (Obviously, this part is less accurate than the first part. I'm
                       using Physics 101 method of assuming linear causality for
                       highly non-linear system :-)

2011-07-26                           OSCON 2011                                     22

    2 types: foundation or vendor.
        Exception: PHP
    9 of them 10x larger: Foundations rule.
        Mozilla revenues higher than for-profit open source
        vendors like MySQL, JBoss.
    Watch OpenJDK, Chromium and Openstack for 1st
    XtraLarge vendor owned.
    Linux market: Red Hat & Novell benefit from
    community development.
        Leverage = 4-5 x (revenues/engineering investment)

2011-07-26                   OSCON 2011                       23

    Prefer participating in existing foundation projects
    Owning a project? Share it!
    Expected benefits:
         Project can grow 10 x larger
         This should increase addressable market (10x?)
         Main vendor typically can capture 50% or more of its
         500% more revenues

2011-07-26                   OSCON 2011                         24

      O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 toto INTRO (46876)
       O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 INTRO (46876)
      Or use the internet:
     Or use the internet:

2011-07-26                             OSCON 2011                                      25

   Jono Bacon at MySQL conference 2010
   Linux Kernel Development - who writes it
   Red Hat Market share
   Popular FOSS projects: (top 1000), (top 1000), (a few picks), myself added
   Project size (OpenOffice)

2011-07-26                                        OSCON 2011                                               26

   Thanks to

   ...for kindly sharing your images under Creative Commons
   Attribution license:

   And to

   ...for kindly sharing your image under Creative Commons
   Attribution-ShareAlike license:

2011-07-26                                     OSCON 2011         27

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How to grow your open source project 10x and revenues 5x OSCON2011

  • 1. How to Grow Your Open Source Project 10x and Revenues 5x Henrik Ingo OSCON 2011 IT Leadership Summit 2011-07-26 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 1
  • 2. Henrik Ingo open source technology and strategy specialist active in MySQL, Drupal communities worked in mobile and LAMP with business management, sales, R&D current: Senior Performance Architect at Nokia Ovi author of "Open Life: The Philosophy of Open Source" O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 to INTRO (46876) Or use the internet: 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 2
  • 3. What we want to learn today We now have FOSS projects 20-30 years old. Let's study the most popular ones: What governance models are used? (Focus on ownership more than leadership.) Which projects have most development velocity = biggest developer community? = investment? Business: "I don't care about community, I'm in it to make money." 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 3
  • 4. "Community" A group of people contributing to a common cause or vision. (Jono Bacon) Free workforce (production, marketing...) Not objects for lead generation. (Traditional meaning at MySQL and some other firms. Not used in these slides.) Stephen Walli & Matthew Aslett
  • 5. Take sample of popular, leading FOSS projects/communities Debian Ubuntu Sourceforge Henrik perl gcc JBoss KDE gnu system tools gnu system tools phpMyAdmin Eclipse openssh python phpBB Drupal python w3m Webmin Wordpress openssl openssh procmail ogg 2011: w3m openssl Chromium mysql xorg OpenStack gcc perl cups samba exim launchpad-integration ghostscript gpg ogg gnome samba openoffice linux rdesktop apache firefox xorg smartdimmer openoffice mono Note: Note: gnome gimp openjdk vino Upstream projects only. Upstream projects only. firefox (iceweasel) compiz (No Debian, (No Debian, php sqlite gimp mysql Ubuntu, XAMPP...) Ubuntu, XAMPP...) html2text thunderbird qt openjdk mailx vino subversion 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 5
  • 6. project devs/day commits/day loc/day devs/mo devs all time companies linux 130 18000 1100 200 kde 100 300 apache (ASF) 100 300 Eclipse 1000 170 perl+CPAN (8500) Drupal 133 300 2719 gnome 100 3500 106 Mozilla+addons (5000) qt 67 110 393 gcc 25 70 441 php+pear 34 65 700 openoffice 60 512 perl 17 40 1000 mono 25 30 390 samba 33 30 205 openjdk 7 30 99 mysql 7 25 1027 python 13 25 142 jboss 7 20 111 subversion 13 20 161 phpmyadmin 13 10 137 ghostscript 1 10 39 gimp 10 10 394 phpbb 10 10 65 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 6 Wordpress 33 8 30
  • 7. Notes Top projects (bold) publish their own studies or "marketing numbers". Smaller projects were measured with Ordering still difficult because studies don't measure the same things. (Please follow Linux Foundation everyone, thanks.) Drupal 7 (core) = 954 code contributors / 3 years + 8291 addon modules! Perl+CPAN and Mozilla+Addons only estimated by number of modules. OpenJDK apparently developed within closed doors, mercurial/OHLOH statistics not realistic. 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 7
  • 8. Garbage in, Garbage out How should one read OHLOH? MySQL had 50-75 devs until 2008, when it was acquired by Sun and number of devs dropped to 25. By end of 2009 Oracle took over and development completely stopped. I personally know more than 25 MySQL devs. Despite the drama, development certainly didn't stop. So we use OHLOH numbers together with reality check... Making detailed graphs seems pointless, but we can group by order of magnitude... 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 8
  • 9. GROUP BY governance, community size XtraLarge Linux, KDE, Apache, 1000+ devs Drupal, Eclipse, 100+ commits/day Perl+CPAN, Mozilla+Addons, Gnome Large GCC, Python, Samba MySQL, Qt, OpenOffice, PHP+PEAR 20-200 devs Mono, JBoss, OpenJDK 50-100 commits Medium GIMP Subversion, GhostScript, phpMyAdmin Wordpress Missing data Xorg, GNU system tools Foundation Vendor "Just a project" 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 9
  • 10. Notes: Categories are observed, not pre-determined, ie they follow as observations from the sample. For instance "Multiple vendor consortium" is not observed in the sample. (Eg. Eclipse 2001-2003.) KDE, Apache, Gnome, Eclipse... are entire foundations hosting many sub-projects, but considered here as one community with some common focus / shared code. With the donation of OpenOffice to Apache this interpretation may perhaps have reached its limit, other than the Apache license, OpenOffice seems to have nothing at all in common with any of the other Apache projects. "Contributor modules" archives - found in Perl, PHP, Drupal etc... - are considered part of the main project. (Otoh, MySQL and phpMyAdmin are separate.) GIMP predates Gnome but is now part of it. GCC is part of GNU, but listed separately as data was available. The author estimates that "the GNU project" would also be an XtraLarge project if data had been found, as GCC alone tops the Large category already. Python changed to Foundation in 2000. Subversion was previously led by CollabNet, but is since 2009 an Apache (Foundation) project and Wordpress is transfering to its own foundation in 2010 from Automattic. Both are here categorized as vendor projects since this is the model that existed for most of their lifetime. Qt, MySQL and GhostScript are the stars of 1990 dual-licensing era. OpenOffice was forked in 2010: LibreOffice. In 2011 Oracle donated the OpenOffice code to Apache Foundation (IBM). This categorization is looking at historical Sun OpenOffice. Mozilla Foundation has ~100MUSD revenues and employs many engineers. (Ironic!) Wordpress only has data for core, plugins and themes is here added as guesstimate to even reach Medium. "The PHP Group" has never formally incorporated in any jurisdiction. Despite this fact, PHP does have a well defined process of membership and decision making similar to what more formal organizations tend to have. 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 10
  • 11. Observations 1/2 XtraLarge projects are always foundation governed. 10x larger community 9 projects: statistically strong result Glass ceiling for Vendor projects? OpenJDK = Java is probably XtraLarge too (Oracle, Red Hat, IBM, Apple, SAP...) but commits don't happen in the open. XtraLarge foundations "acquire" Medium projects and commercial code: Subversion, GIMP, OpenOffice, Mozilla, Python. No movement in opposite direction. 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 11
  • 12. Observations 2/2 Large Vendor governed projects tend to be controversial: MySQL: Financial star, but now forked many times over. A lot of work to just keep it alive now. OpenOffice: Typical Sun: Stagnated and mismanaged since 2000. Successfully forked: all Linuxes immediately backed it, 77 new contributors within 2 months. Mono: FOSS fundamentalists boycott it anyway because of .NET origin, the rest don't care that it is vendor managed. Qt: Technically superior, but lost total dominance to being 50-50 with GTK (part of Gnome) due to Trolltech over-controlling it. (Financially ok: Nokia acquired in 2008.) JBoss is uncontroversial to the community, but was attacked by IBM backed Apache Geronimo (but survived). OpenJDK is likely to break into the XtraLarge Vendor spot, after Oracle bullied IBM into contributing to it. (This strategy is unfortunately not available to the average open source startup :-( We know Large Vendor projects to have poor community contributions. (JBoss?) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 12
  • 13. 2 contenders to watch Chromium All time devs = 759 Last 12 months = 600, per month = 300. Falls between Large & XtraLarge (Not far behind Gnome) Vendor led (Google) OpenStack 1171 "contributors" at 82 companies OHLOH & my friends confirm code committers per month = 100+ Still remarkable: Project is only 12 months old! Foundation-like community of equals, but OpenStack LLC owned by Rackspace (technicality? See next slide...) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 13
  • 14. OpenStack governance OpenStack vs Eucalyptus Same field, different model: OpenStack momentum is evidence of direct missed opportunity by Eucalyptus: Developers (10 MEUR / year) Channel partners (Ubuntu) Foundation-like: No copyright assignments Policy Board, Advisory board, bi-annual elections Trademark & website = neutral ground Owned by Rackspace What happens if Racskpace executives decide to veto / disregard community process? Personally seen it happen in another project... 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 14
  • 15. 451 Group study Governance Single vendor Community Observed development Closed (Cathedral) 74% 5% Open (Bazaar) 25% 95% The 2010 report from 451 Group (aptly) titled "Control and Community": The software industry has entered the fourth stage of commercial open source business strategies, characterized by a shift away from projects controlled by a single vendor and back toward community and collaboration. There is an increased focus on open source as a development model for the creation of software to be monetized indirectly, rather than a licensing strategy to spread adoption for direct monetization. Established open source specialists that rely on controlling open source development projects need to evaluate how they might transition towards more collaborative development. While the single-vendor open source approach is not going to die out, vendors that control open source projects need to transition to more collaborative development. (Monty Program, Forgerock cited as examples) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 15
  • 16. 451: Decline of single vendor model Simon Phipps: "Open Source bubble" 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 16
  • 17. So what about making money? 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 17
  • 18. 3. ??? 4. Profit! Actual quotes from managers of open source related firms: "Community is nice and all, but I'm in it for the money..." "I don't believe in ecosystems. You invest in developing a product, then you sell it to customers." "We need to become profitable first. Then we can do something nice for the community." 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 18
  • 19. Valid point So which is it? 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 19
  • 20. Or? I want to keep the whole cake even at the risk of the cake then remaining smaller 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 20
  • 21. Let's use Linux market shares to estimate an answer... Red Hat Most commits, 12% to Linux kernel Most control by employing 36% of the lead developers that review commits. (...used to be 50%) Red Hat has 62% market share of Linux operating system sales Leverage factor = 62/12 ~ 5x Novell = 29 / 7.6 ~ 4x 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 21
  • 22. Rationale of that handwawing: Factors affecting revenues of Linux vendor: Total addressable market (OS market = N*10 billions USD) Linux' market share One factor limiting Linux market share is how well its functionality and features serve the needs of the total addressable market. This is a result of engineering investment. ("Limits to growth" theory.) Other factors like marketing, sales, "good timing" etc ignored. Vendor's share of Linux market (Obviously, this part is less accurate than the first part. I'm using Physics 101 method of assuming linear causality for highly non-linear system :-) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 22
  • 23. Summary 2 types: foundation or vendor. Exception: PHP 9 of them 10x larger: Foundations rule. Mozilla revenues higher than for-profit open source vendors like MySQL, JBoss. Watch OpenJDK, Chromium and Openstack for 1st XtraLarge vendor owned. Linux market: Red Hat & Novell benefit from community development. Leverage = 4-5 x (revenues/engineering investment) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 23
  • 24. Recommendations Prefer participating in existing foundation projects Owning a project? Share it! Expected benefits: Project can grow 10 x larger This should increase addressable market (10x?) Main vendor typically can capture 50% or more of its market 500% more revenues 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 24
  • 25. Questions? O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 toto INTRO (46876) O'Reilly high tech: To contact me after my presentation, text NV2 INTRO (46876) Or use the internet: Or use the internet: 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 25
  • 26. Sources Jono Bacon at MySQL conference 2010 Linux Kernel Development - who writes it Red Hat Market share life-sciences-firm Red-Hat-on-cost-at-life-sciences-firm+%22red+hat%22+novell+%22market+share %22+idc&hl=en&client=firefox-a&strip=1 Popular FOSS projects: (top 1000), (top 1000), (a few picks), myself added KDE. Project size (OpenOffice) 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 26
  • 27. Credits Thanks to ...for kindly sharing your images under Creative Commons Attribution license: And to ...for kindly sharing your image under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license: 2011-07-26 OSCON 2011 27