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eBooks Made Easy
How To Create eBooks That
Drive Leads And Increase
Introduction: eBooks Bring Your Leads Closer to
As a largely visual story, eBooks are great content pieces any business owner
can use to start a library of deep, authentic content. In this format, buyers can
consume large amounts of granular information in a very short time frame.
And as a seller, the more buyer centric content you can provide a buyer, the
more likely you are to be the one they select to buy from when they are ready.

For senior managers who want to increase revenue and close sales from new
customers, this eBook will teach you how to:

       •   Select a topic buyers want to know about
       •   Write a compelling headline
       •   Write an engaging introduction
       •   Generate quick eBooks using body templates
       •   Conclude the eBook with calls to action
       •   Format the eBook for skim readers
       •   Design an attractive and clear eBook
       •   Promote the eBook
                                                                                    The more buyer centric
If the ideas in this eBook are not followed, you will continue to see a weak
return on your current marketing content and miss revenue opportunities.            content you can provide a
                                                                                    buyer, the more likely you
                                                                                    are to be the one they
                                                                                    select to buy from when
                                                                                    they are ready.
                                                                               920.964.5564   2
eBooks Drive More Leads

Generate Leads
While conducting a search on the same topic, you and a peer are more than
likely to use very unique search phrases. Your buyers are no different than
you, but there may be thousands of them, all with their own thousands of
individual search phrases-- making SEO virtually impossible. These unique
phrases are called longtail search phrases. The only way to get found in the
myriad of search phrases is to publish relevant, granular content.

Content in its entirety, rather than phrases, drives searchability. Google relies
on your content for the most relevant match between the search phrase and
your Web site.

Capture Leads
After being referred to your Web site from a social media site or search
engine, the valuable content will encourage your buyers to register to receive
it-- growing your lead database. You can provide further content to these
leads and drive them through the Purchase Decision Process to purchase-

                                                                           920.964.5564   3
eBooks Help Nurture Leads More Efficiently

Nurture Leads
Every lead, before deciding to buy, goes through a series of steps called the
Purchase Decision Process. It consists of five stages:

1. Discovery: buyers realize they have a problem and begin seeking someone
or something to help them solve their problem.

2. Information: buyers are actively finding information that answers their
questions, solves their problems or shows them how to accomplish a task.

3. Endorsement: buyers read and see what their peers are saying about a
product or service.

4. Proof/Demo: buyers want to make sure the solution accomplishes what
they need it to do.

5. Conversion: buyers want to purchase the product or service in a way that is
easy for them.

Buyers want to go through this process without being forced to have a live
interface with a sales person.

By providing the content that fulfills the above buyers’ needs, you can
continually stay in front of these leads, guiding them through the Purchase
Decision Process.

                                                                        920.964.5564   4
Find The Topics Buyers Are Looking For

Buyers are looking for content that helps them with one or more of three

       1. Answers to their questions
       2. Solutions to their problems
       3. "How-to's" that show them how to accomplish a task

To give them this information, find out:

       • What questions buyers are trying to answer
       • What problems they are trying to solve
       • What tasks they are trying to learn how to accomplish             1.Answers to their
Following are a few channels to monitor and get the topics buyers are        questions
interested in.

                                                                           2.Solutions to their

                                                                           3."How-to's" that show
                                                                             them how to accomplish
                                                                             a task
                                                                      920.964.5564   5
Listen To Buyers On Social Media

Social Media
First of all, know who you're target audience is. Find out what they are saying
through Web 2.0 tools:

       •   Social Mention
       •   Google Alerts
       •   Google Blog Search
       •   Google Search on specific content topics
       •   Forums
       •   Targeted LinkedIn groups

Once you are listening, be alert and document their complaints, concerns,
what they see as valuable and what they need.

Further probe and engage your audience with surveys. Remember, DON'T
SPAM - don't ever come across as if you want to sell something. You will be
shut out immediately.

                                                                                  Find out what they are saying through Web 2.0

                                                                               920.964.5564          6
Pay Attention To Topics Buyers Actively Seek

Industry Articles
In industry publications, pay close attention to your buyer’s quotes. From the
mouths of your buyers, you will be able to deduce exactly what information
they are seeking.

"I currently am trying to get my company on social media, but I don't have
enough time." From this quote, a company that provides services to this
buyer could provide information about how to become more efficient on
social media sites.

Industry Associations
Industry associations exist for the mission of following and reporting on
industry trends, news and advocating on behalf of members. These groups
often provide conferences with speakers on various topics they know are very
important to the majority of members.

When the Economic Recovery Act passed in 2009, millions of dollars were
allocated for the advancement of broadband communications. At
telecommunication industry events, associations brought in speakers to
provide information that answered their members' questions surrounding the
Act. A company that provides services to the telecommunications industry
could have taken the hint and provided information to telecommunication
providers about how to gain the funds or how to get the most out of the funds

                                                                        920.964.5564   7
What Are Buyers Telling You Without Words?

Web Analytics
There are numerous sites and reporting tools that can show you which
content is popular. A simple and free tool is Google AdWords. Here’s how to
use it:

•   Create a Google account
•   Go to Google AdWords
•   Click “Start Now” in the upper right corner and follow the instructions
•   Once you have your account set up and verified, find which content will help
    your client base the most
•   Login to Google AdWords and go to the Home Page
•   From the tabs at the top of the page, click on the “Opportunities” tab
•   In the left-hand toolbar, find the link for Keyword Tool and click the link
•   Enter your Web site address into the text box and click “search”
•   Once the list populates, check all three boxes, “Broad,” “[Exact]” and
    “Phrase,” found at the bottom left hand corner; the list should auto
    populate again
•   Download the information into an excel grid by clicking the “Download”
    button directly above your keywords
•   Save it as a CSV file for Excel
•   In Excel, delete the following columns: Competition; “Ad Share”; “Search
    Share”; “Estimated Avg.”; and “Extracted from Webpage”
•   Sort the data based on the highest Global Monthly Searches by: right-
    clicking in the “Global Monthly Searches” cell; hovering over “Sort”; clicking
    “Sort Z to A”
•   You now have your top keyword searches based on your website and                 There are numerous sites and reporting tools that can
                                                                                     show you which content is popular.
    Google Searches, letting you create the most relevant eBook

                                                                                   920.964.5564                 8
Ask Buyers About Their Problems

Customer Surveys
The surveys should not ask buyers what they think about your product, but
what problems they have with the general task they are trying to accomplish.
For example, if you make pens, don't ask buyers what they think about the
colors of pens you offer or if they like gel or ballpoint. Instead, ask buyers
what problems they have when taking notes. From the results, create
information that helps buyers take better notes.

Being helpful will draw buyers to read your content and allow you to stay in
front of the buyers until they are ready to buy.

                                                                                 The surveys should not ask
                                                                                 buyers what they think
                                                                                 about your product, but
                                                                                 what problems they have
                                                                                 with the general task they
                                                                                 are trying to accomplish.
                                                                            920.964.5564   9
3 Quick And Effective eBook Templates

After you know your topic and have all the information you need to answer
the buyer’s problem, answer their questions or provide a how-to, you can
now select the best format and write the eBook. Without having to reinvent
the wheel every time, the templates that follow will allow you to simply plug-
in your information.

Use one of these three eBook templates to begin writing your content:

       • The Numbered List
       • The Time Tunnel
       • The Case Study

                                                                                 Without having to reinvent
                                                                                 the wheel every time, the
                                                                                 templates that follow will
                                                                                 allow you to simply plug-in
                                                                                 your information.
                                                                            920.964.5564   10
Template 1: Readers Love Lists

The Numbered List
Readers love lists. They are easy to read and predictable-- a great
characteristic to get time-challenged readers to engage. The numbered list
format offers X number of ideas centered around a common theme or

Here is an outline of a numbered list eBook:

So You Don't Have A Rich Uncle: 9 Fresh Tactics That Combat Funding

       1. Utilize the inmate workforce
       2. Outsource operations
       3. Shop around for the best price
       4. Avoid lawsuits at all costs
       5. Weigh the costs of facility updates to new building operations
       6. Build small and plan big
       7. Improve inmate and staff flow throughout the facility
       8. Implement green tactics
       9. Research how other operators save money

The number of items in the list is completely dependent on the amount of
information you have. Longer lists aren't necessarily more effective-- the key is
to have the best information possible.                                              Lists are easy to read and predictable-- a great
                                                                                    characteristic to get time-challenged readers to engage.

                                                                                    920.964.5564             11
Template 2: Show Readers “How-To”

The Time Tunnel
As a modified numbered list, a time tunnel eBook arranges content in order of
progression. This type of eBook is great for explaining processes. The eBook
you are reading right now was founded on the time tunnel template. The
topics of this eBook are laid out according to how it makes sense to create an

       1. Gather topics and information
       2. Choose a template
       3. Write
       4. Write a headline
       5. Write an engaging introduction
       6. Write the conclusion
       7. Lay out the eBook for skim readers
       8. Add color to the eBook
       9. Publish and promote the eBook

                                                                                                         Step 2

                                                                                     Step 1                                  Step 3

                                                                                 Time tunnel eBooks are great for explaining processes.

                                                                                 920.964.5564           12
Template 3: Demonstrate Your Expertise

Case Study
Case studies exhibit how your company assisted in solving a client's problem.
They are very powerful when a buyer is seeking endorsement or proof that
your solution will do what they need it to do.

Components of a case study include:

The Situation
In a case study, it is easy to tell a story that is only focused on the client you
helped. The purpose of a case study however, is to create empathy in the
audience-- tell a story that can be related to several audience members rather
than just the one client you helped. Depict what was going on in the market
when you came to the rescue.

The Problem
The problem section explains in detail the client and their problem. This
section should include the "so what." What was at stake if your client did not       Case studies are very
solve the problem?
                                                                                     powerful when a buyer is
The Solution
The real solution to the problem is not your company or your products. The           seeking endorsement or
solution is "how" you did it. Explain the process and steps that were taken to
solve the problem. If there were hiccups in the process, don't skip those.           proof that your solution
Buyers expect problems; they want to know how you overcame those.
                                                                                     will do what they need it to
The Result
The results section explains the solution's outcome. Include both the technical      do.
and business benefits here.
                                                                                920.964.5564   13
How To Write A Compelling Headline

Take a quick analysis of how many headlines and titles you flash through in a
day. What items do you actually stop and read? Chances are if the headlines
have one or more of the following characteristics, you took time to read
deeper into the content:

1. Numbers
2. A Promise of benefit
3. A “How to”

To get in the habit of writing headlines that grab reader's attention, be
conscious of the headlines of articles you select to read. Ask yourself, how did
the title get me to read deeper?

                                                                                   To get in the habit of writing headlines that grab reader's
                                                                                   attention, be conscious of the headlines of articles you
                                                                                   select to read.

                                                                                   920.964.5564               14
Lure Readers With A Meaty Intro

The introduction summary provides a synopsis of an entire eBook within one
concise page. The introduction allows readers to determine whether the
eBook will be a good investment of time.

The introduction needs to answer the following questions:

       •   Who is the eBook for?
       •   What will the reader gain from reading?
       •   What is the risk of not reading the information in the eBook?
       •   What can the audience expect when reading the eBook?
       •   What would you like the audience to do after reading the eBook?

                                                                             The introduction allows
                                                                             readers to determine
                                                                             whether the eBook will be
                                                                             a good investment of time.
                                                                        920.964.5564   15
Never End The Story With A Death

The conclusion should not simply summarize the content of the eBook. It
should offer a chance for readers to engage with your company and get more
information if needed. For skim readers, a conclusion is a natural stopping
point. A conclusion that shows the reader the value of the piece will
encourage them to dedicate more time into reading and understanding the
concepts presented in the eBook. The key is to offer value.

A conclusion should help buyers take the next step in the Purchase Decision

       • Remind readers what was covered in the eBook
       • Encourage readers to apply the ideas of the eBook to their
       • Offer an opportunity to engage:
               • Customer survey
               • Subscribe to your blog
               • Subscribe to your newsletter
               • Get more content (whitepaper, video, blog) relevant to the
                 topic covered in the eBook
               • Offer a free service from your company

                                                                              The conclusion should offer a chance for readers to
                                                                              engage with your company and get more information if

                                                                             920.964.5564           16
Create eBooks For Readers Who Don’t Read

Time-deprived decision-makers need content they can quickly skim through
and understand what they can get out of it. When creating an eBook, write it
to take on the form of an onion-- think layers. Readers will peel away the
layers and engage deeper into the eBook if they find value in the skimming
layers. The layers you need to include in your eBook follow.

                                                                               Readers will peel away the layers and engage
                                                                               deeper into the eBook if they find value in the
                                                                               skimming layers.

                                                                           920.964.5564             17
Layer 1: Give Me The Skinny

When buyers take their first look at an eBook, they quickly page through the
entire document trying to find pieces of information that might be of interest
to them. This process usually takes about a minute and will determine if they
choose to spend more time reading.

At this point: buyers are seeking to answer two fundamental questions during
this layer of reading:

       • Will this information provide valuable answers that can solve a
         business problem I am experiencing?
       • Will this eBook be a good investment of my limited and important
         reading time?

Readers look for the following elements:

       •   Callouts/pull quotes
       •   Illustrations
       •   Shaded text boxes
           Conclusion                                                            This process usually takes
                                                                                 about a minute and will
                                                                                 determine if they choose
                                                                                 to spend more time
                                                                           920.964.5564   18
Layer 2: Get My Feet Wet

Once readers have found rewarding informational elements in layer one, they
will devote more time to understanding their meaning. Readers will read
information surrounding the major elements of the skimming layer. This
process usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes.

If the information answers some of their key questions or seems to address
current business needs, then they advance to the third and final layer.

                                                                     920.964.5564   19
Layer 3: Dive In and Pass It On

Once rewarded with valuable information in layers one and two, readers
advance to the third and final layer. They will devote as much time as
necessary to reading the eBook. At this point, the reader is more likely to
forward the eBook to subordinate or another member of the decision-making
team with recommendation to report back with comments and/or opinions.

                                                                     920.964.5564   20
Design: Less Is More

Adding design to an eBook can be a little or huge undertaking depending upon
your capabilities and your audience. Remember that the most important part
of any eBook is the message. The design should assist buyers in attaining the
information that solves their problems, answers their questions and shows
them how to do something. Distracting design will get in the way of your

Again, consistency and predictability is key. Don’t redesign every page; create
a rule and stick to it.

Here are a few elements that need to be on each page:

       •   Header
       •   Body Text
       •   Page number
       •   Your company’s Web address
       •   Your company’s phone number

                                                                                  Don’t redesign every page;
                                                                                  create a rule and stick to
                                                                            920.964.5564   21
Use Your eBook As A Tool To Drive Leads And Sales

Okay, so you have an eBook. How can you get the most out of it?

       • Post the eBook on your Web site and set up registration
       • Promote the eBook on your blog and in social media
       • Create a blog calendar based on the eBook’s content; think of each
         page of the eBook as a blog topic
       • Create a webinar about the blog-- invite your leads
       • Produce Web casts on focused topics in the eBook

                                                                     920.964.5564   22
Conclusion: Elements Of An Effective eBook

This eBook described how to create eBooks that bring buyers closer to
purchase-ready. If you implement the following elements into your eBooks,
you will see a dramatic increase in leads and sales:

       •   Select topics that buyers want to know about
       •   Write a compelling headline
       •   Write an engaging introduction
       •   Generate quick eBooks using body templates
       •   Conclude the eBook with calls to action
       •   Format the eBook for skim readers
       •   Design an attractive and clear eBook
       •   Promote the eBook

                                                                   920.964.5564   23
Free Offer

Get something for FREE and discover what it’s like to work with The ROM
Group. Offers may include a FREE customer survey, eBook, white paper,
testimonial video, and more.

Visit the website address shown below for the current FREE offer from The
ROM Group.

                                                                   920.964.5564   24
When You Need Top-Line Growth, The ROM Group
The ROM Group provides buyer centric lead generation and lead nurturing
programs for B2B companies. ROM’s approach delivers dramatic increases in
top-line revenue by integrating proprietary buyer research, online lead
generation, lead profiling phone calls, lead nurturing, and lead conversion into
a single, simple-to-use solution. At each stage in the life of a lead, ROM
(return-on-marketing) measures the key metrics that senior managers need to
clearly understand the effectiveness and ROI of their programs.


                                                                          920.964.5564   25

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How to create_an_e_book

  • 1. Grow Your Own Content Library eBooks Made Easy How To Create eBooks That Drive Leads And Increase Revenue
  • 2. Introduction: eBooks Bring Your Leads Closer to Purchase-Ready As a largely visual story, eBooks are great content pieces any business owner can use to start a library of deep, authentic content. In this format, buyers can consume large amounts of granular information in a very short time frame. And as a seller, the more buyer centric content you can provide a buyer, the more likely you are to be the one they select to buy from when they are ready. For senior managers who want to increase revenue and close sales from new customers, this eBook will teach you how to: • Select a topic buyers want to know about • Write a compelling headline • Write an engaging introduction • Generate quick eBooks using body templates • Conclude the eBook with calls to action • Format the eBook for skim readers • Design an attractive and clear eBook • Promote the eBook The more buyer centric If the ideas in this eBook are not followed, you will continue to see a weak return on your current marketing content and miss revenue opportunities. content you can provide a buyer, the more likely you are to be the one they select to buy from when they are ready. 920.964.5564 2
  • 3. eBooks Drive More Leads Generate Leads While conducting a search on the same topic, you and a peer are more than likely to use very unique search phrases. Your buyers are no different than you, but there may be thousands of them, all with their own thousands of individual search phrases-- making SEO virtually impossible. These unique phrases are called longtail search phrases. The only way to get found in the myriad of search phrases is to publish relevant, granular content. Content in its entirety, rather than phrases, drives searchability. Google relies on your content for the most relevant match between the search phrase and your Web site. Capture Leads After being referred to your Web site from a social media site or search engine, the valuable content will encourage your buyers to register to receive it-- growing your lead database. You can provide further content to these leads and drive them through the Purchase Decision Process to purchase- ready. 920.964.5564 3
  • 4. eBooks Help Nurture Leads More Efficiently Nurture Leads Every lead, before deciding to buy, goes through a series of steps called the Purchase Decision Process. It consists of five stages: 1. Discovery: buyers realize they have a problem and begin seeking someone or something to help them solve their problem. 2. Information: buyers are actively finding information that answers their questions, solves their problems or shows them how to accomplish a task. 3. Endorsement: buyers read and see what their peers are saying about a product or service. 4. Proof/Demo: buyers want to make sure the solution accomplishes what they need it to do. 5. Conversion: buyers want to purchase the product or service in a way that is easy for them. Buyers want to go through this process without being forced to have a live interface with a sales person. By providing the content that fulfills the above buyers’ needs, you can continually stay in front of these leads, guiding them through the Purchase Decision Process. 920.964.5564 4
  • 5. Find The Topics Buyers Are Looking For Buyers are looking for content that helps them with one or more of three things: 1. Answers to their questions 2. Solutions to their problems 3. "How-to's" that show them how to accomplish a task To give them this information, find out: • What questions buyers are trying to answer • What problems they are trying to solve • What tasks they are trying to learn how to accomplish 1.Answers to their Following are a few channels to monitor and get the topics buyers are questions interested in. 2.Solutions to their problems 3."How-to's" that show them how to accomplish a task 920.964.5564 5
  • 6. Listen To Buyers On Social Media Social Media First of all, know who you're target audience is. Find out what they are saying through Web 2.0 tools: • Social Mention • Google Alerts • Google Blog Search • Google Search on specific content topics • Forums • Targeted LinkedIn groups Once you are listening, be alert and document their complaints, concerns, what they see as valuable and what they need. Further probe and engage your audience with surveys. Remember, DON'T SPAM - don't ever come across as if you want to sell something. You will be shut out immediately. Find out what they are saying through Web 2.0 tools. 920.964.5564 6
  • 7. Pay Attention To Topics Buyers Actively Seek Industry Articles In industry publications, pay close attention to your buyer’s quotes. From the mouths of your buyers, you will be able to deduce exactly what information they are seeking. "I currently am trying to get my company on social media, but I don't have enough time." From this quote, a company that provides services to this buyer could provide information about how to become more efficient on social media sites. Industry Associations Industry associations exist for the mission of following and reporting on industry trends, news and advocating on behalf of members. These groups often provide conferences with speakers on various topics they know are very important to the majority of members. When the Economic Recovery Act passed in 2009, millions of dollars were allocated for the advancement of broadband communications. At telecommunication industry events, associations brought in speakers to provide information that answered their members' questions surrounding the Act. A company that provides services to the telecommunications industry could have taken the hint and provided information to telecommunication providers about how to gain the funds or how to get the most out of the funds received. 920.964.5564 7
  • 8. What Are Buyers Telling You Without Words? Web Analytics There are numerous sites and reporting tools that can show you which content is popular. A simple and free tool is Google AdWords. Here’s how to use it: • Create a Google account • Go to Google AdWords • Click “Start Now” in the upper right corner and follow the instructions • Once you have your account set up and verified, find which content will help your client base the most • Login to Google AdWords and go to the Home Page • From the tabs at the top of the page, click on the “Opportunities” tab • In the left-hand toolbar, find the link for Keyword Tool and click the link • Enter your Web site address into the text box and click “search” • Once the list populates, check all three boxes, “Broad,” “[Exact]” and “Phrase,” found at the bottom left hand corner; the list should auto populate again • Download the information into an excel grid by clicking the “Download” button directly above your keywords • Save it as a CSV file for Excel • In Excel, delete the following columns: Competition; “Ad Share”; “Search Share”; “Estimated Avg.”; and “Extracted from Webpage” • Sort the data based on the highest Global Monthly Searches by: right- clicking in the “Global Monthly Searches” cell; hovering over “Sort”; clicking “Sort Z to A” • You now have your top keyword searches based on your website and There are numerous sites and reporting tools that can show you which content is popular. Google Searches, letting you create the most relevant eBook 920.964.5564 8
  • 9. Ask Buyers About Their Problems Customer Surveys The surveys should not ask buyers what they think about your product, but what problems they have with the general task they are trying to accomplish. For example, if you make pens, don't ask buyers what they think about the colors of pens you offer or if they like gel or ballpoint. Instead, ask buyers what problems they have when taking notes. From the results, create information that helps buyers take better notes. Being helpful will draw buyers to read your content and allow you to stay in front of the buyers until they are ready to buy. The surveys should not ask buyers what they think about your product, but what problems they have with the general task they are trying to accomplish. 920.964.5564 9
  • 10. 3 Quick And Effective eBook Templates After you know your topic and have all the information you need to answer the buyer’s problem, answer their questions or provide a how-to, you can now select the best format and write the eBook. Without having to reinvent the wheel every time, the templates that follow will allow you to simply plug- in your information. Use one of these three eBook templates to begin writing your content: • The Numbered List • The Time Tunnel • The Case Study Without having to reinvent the wheel every time, the templates that follow will allow you to simply plug-in your information. 920.964.5564 10
  • 11. Template 1: Readers Love Lists The Numbered List Readers love lists. They are easy to read and predictable-- a great characteristic to get time-challenged readers to engage. The numbered list format offers X number of ideas centered around a common theme or subject. Here is an outline of a numbered list eBook: So You Don't Have A Rich Uncle: 9 Fresh Tactics That Combat Funding Shortages 1. Utilize the inmate workforce 2. Outsource operations 3. Shop around for the best price 4. Avoid lawsuits at all costs 5. Weigh the costs of facility updates to new building operations savings 6. Build small and plan big 7. Improve inmate and staff flow throughout the facility 8. Implement green tactics 9. Research how other operators save money The number of items in the list is completely dependent on the amount of information you have. Longer lists aren't necessarily more effective-- the key is to have the best information possible. Lists are easy to read and predictable-- a great characteristic to get time-challenged readers to engage. 920.964.5564 11
  • 12. Template 2: Show Readers “How-To” The Time Tunnel As a modified numbered list, a time tunnel eBook arranges content in order of progression. This type of eBook is great for explaining processes. The eBook you are reading right now was founded on the time tunnel template. The topics of this eBook are laid out according to how it makes sense to create an eBook: 1. Gather topics and information 2. Choose a template 3. Write 4. Write a headline 5. Write an engaging introduction 6. Write the conclusion 7. Lay out the eBook for skim readers 8. Add color to the eBook 9. Publish and promote the eBook Step 2 Step 1 Step 3 Time tunnel eBooks are great for explaining processes. 920.964.5564 12
  • 13. Template 3: Demonstrate Your Expertise Case Study Case studies exhibit how your company assisted in solving a client's problem. They are very powerful when a buyer is seeking endorsement or proof that your solution will do what they need it to do. Components of a case study include: The Situation In a case study, it is easy to tell a story that is only focused on the client you helped. The purpose of a case study however, is to create empathy in the audience-- tell a story that can be related to several audience members rather than just the one client you helped. Depict what was going on in the market when you came to the rescue. The Problem The problem section explains in detail the client and their problem. This section should include the "so what." What was at stake if your client did not Case studies are very solve the problem? powerful when a buyer is The Solution The real solution to the problem is not your company or your products. The seeking endorsement or solution is "how" you did it. Explain the process and steps that were taken to solve the problem. If there were hiccups in the process, don't skip those. proof that your solution Buyers expect problems; they want to know how you overcame those. will do what they need it to The Result The results section explains the solution's outcome. Include both the technical do. and business benefits here. 920.964.5564 13
  • 14. How To Write A Compelling Headline Take a quick analysis of how many headlines and titles you flash through in a day. What items do you actually stop and read? Chances are if the headlines have one or more of the following characteristics, you took time to read deeper into the content: 1. Numbers 2. A Promise of benefit 3. A “How to” To get in the habit of writing headlines that grab reader's attention, be conscious of the headlines of articles you select to read. Ask yourself, how did the title get me to read deeper? To get in the habit of writing headlines that grab reader's attention, be conscious of the headlines of articles you select to read. 920.964.5564 14
  • 15. Lure Readers With A Meaty Intro The introduction summary provides a synopsis of an entire eBook within one concise page. The introduction allows readers to determine whether the eBook will be a good investment of time. The introduction needs to answer the following questions: • Who is the eBook for? • What will the reader gain from reading? • What is the risk of not reading the information in the eBook? • What can the audience expect when reading the eBook? • What would you like the audience to do after reading the eBook? The introduction allows readers to determine whether the eBook will be a good investment of time. 920.964.5564 15
  • 16. Never End The Story With A Death The conclusion should not simply summarize the content of the eBook. It should offer a chance for readers to engage with your company and get more information if needed. For skim readers, a conclusion is a natural stopping point. A conclusion that shows the reader the value of the piece will encourage them to dedicate more time into reading and understanding the concepts presented in the eBook. The key is to offer value. A conclusion should help buyers take the next step in the Purchase Decision Process: • Remind readers what was covered in the eBook • Encourage readers to apply the ideas of the eBook to their businesses • Offer an opportunity to engage: • Customer survey • Subscribe to your blog • Subscribe to your newsletter • Get more content (whitepaper, video, blog) relevant to the topic covered in the eBook • Offer a free service from your company The conclusion should offer a chance for readers to engage with your company and get more information if needed. 920.964.5564 16
  • 17. Create eBooks For Readers Who Don’t Read Time-deprived decision-makers need content they can quickly skim through and understand what they can get out of it. When creating an eBook, write it to take on the form of an onion-- think layers. Readers will peel away the layers and engage deeper into the eBook if they find value in the skimming layers. The layers you need to include in your eBook follow. Readers will peel away the layers and engage deeper into the eBook if they find value in the skimming layers. 920.964.5564 17
  • 18. Layer 1: Give Me The Skinny When buyers take their first look at an eBook, they quickly page through the entire document trying to find pieces of information that might be of interest to them. This process usually takes about a minute and will determine if they choose to spend more time reading. At this point: buyers are seeking to answer two fundamental questions during this layer of reading: • Will this information provide valuable answers that can solve a business problem I am experiencing? • Will this eBook be a good investment of my limited and important reading time? Readers look for the following elements: • Callouts/pull quotes • Illustrations • Shaded text boxes • • Introduction Conclusion This process usually takes about a minute and will determine if they choose to spend more time reading. 920.964.5564 18
  • 19. Layer 2: Get My Feet Wet Once readers have found rewarding informational elements in layer one, they will devote more time to understanding their meaning. Readers will read information surrounding the major elements of the skimming layer. This process usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes. If the information answers some of their key questions or seems to address current business needs, then they advance to the third and final layer. 920.964.5564 19
  • 20. Layer 3: Dive In and Pass It On Once rewarded with valuable information in layers one and two, readers advance to the third and final layer. They will devote as much time as necessary to reading the eBook. At this point, the reader is more likely to forward the eBook to subordinate or another member of the decision-making team with recommendation to report back with comments and/or opinions. 920.964.5564 20
  • 21. Design: Less Is More Adding design to an eBook can be a little or huge undertaking depending upon your capabilities and your audience. Remember that the most important part of any eBook is the message. The design should assist buyers in attaining the information that solves their problems, answers their questions and shows them how to do something. Distracting design will get in the way of your message. Again, consistency and predictability is key. Don’t redesign every page; create a rule and stick to it. Here are a few elements that need to be on each page: • Header • Body Text • Page number • Your company’s Web address • Your company’s phone number Don’t redesign every page; create a rule and stick to it. 920.964.5564 21
  • 22. Use Your eBook As A Tool To Drive Leads And Sales Okay, so you have an eBook. How can you get the most out of it? • Post the eBook on your Web site and set up registration • Promote the eBook on your blog and in social media • Create a blog calendar based on the eBook’s content; think of each page of the eBook as a blog topic • Create a webinar about the blog-- invite your leads • Produce Web casts on focused topics in the eBook 920.964.5564 22
  • 23. Conclusion: Elements Of An Effective eBook This eBook described how to create eBooks that bring buyers closer to purchase-ready. If you implement the following elements into your eBooks, you will see a dramatic increase in leads and sales: • Select topics that buyers want to know about • Write a compelling headline • Write an engaging introduction • Generate quick eBooks using body templates • Conclude the eBook with calls to action • Format the eBook for skim readers • Design an attractive and clear eBook • Promote the eBook 920.964.5564 23
  • 24. Free Offer Get something for FREE and discover what it’s like to work with The ROM Group. Offers may include a FREE customer survey, eBook, white paper, testimonial video, and more. Visit the website address shown below for the current FREE offer from The ROM Group. 920.964.5564 24
  • 25. When You Need Top-Line Growth, The ROM Group Delivers The ROM Group provides buyer centric lead generation and lead nurturing programs for B2B companies. ROM’s approach delivers dramatic increases in top-line revenue by integrating proprietary buyer research, online lead generation, lead profiling phone calls, lead nurturing, and lead conversion into a single, simple-to-use solution. At each stage in the life of a lead, ROM (return-on-marketing) measures the key metrics that senior managers need to clearly understand the effectiveness and ROI of their programs. 920-964-5564 920.964.5564 25