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MKTG 303-010 & 011 Marketing Plan Overview
· Identifying Business Problem / Opportunity
· Situational Analysis (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities /
Offering (Products / Services)
· Target Market (Industry / Segment),Knowledge and Dynamics
· Competitive Environment
· Positioning
· Launch Marketing Strategies
· Launch Goals and Metrics / Demand Projections
What is your organization’s addressable target market, industry
and/or segment?
What is the current “phase” of your target market, industry
and/or segment? Introduction? Growth? Maturity? Decline?
Is there enough room in your target market, industry and/or
segment for successful and sustainable business growth? For
how long?
Who are your key customer decision makers? Influencers to
those decision makers? Information gatherers? “Qualitative
Buyer” (e.g., Customer Executive)? “Quantitative Buyer” (e.g.,
Procurement / Contracts)? Who Can Say “Yes”?
What keeps those decision makers up at night? What “pain” is
your “solutions set” remedying?
Marketing Plan / Competitive Environment
· Who is your organization’s key competition in terms of size
(revenue / market share)? Success (profitability)? Innovation?
Fastest growth? Most like you?
· Are you going to market to compete as an innovation /
technical leader? Service and support leader? (Lowest) price
leader? Or as a “me too” player? Is there room in that position
to survive? Thrive?
· What is your current “share of customer wallet”? How will
you “unhook” your competitors to secure their current business?
· If you are “first to market,” will the first competitive entry
leap over you on innovation / technical capability? On service
and support? Undercut you on price? How will you respond?
· How will buyer behavior change the competitive playing field
(e.g., “Gen Y” and/or “Gen Z” way of embracing /
disseminating information, making decisions and doing
Marketing Plan / Positioning
· From the perspective of the buyer, where does your
organization’s offering fit vis-à-vis the “total solutions
continuum” required for this target market, industry and/or
segment? Are you just the “kitchen appliances” for the home
· Where does your offering fit in this “total solutions
continuum” in terms of capabilities? Upstream? Downstream?
“An inch deep and mile wide?” “An inch wide and a mile
deep?” “A mile deep and a mile wide?”
· Are you positioning yourself as a leader for innovation /
technical capability? Service and support excellent? (Lowest)
price competitiveness? Or as just a “me too” player?
· Would your positioning, messaging and value proposition(s)
resonate with the key customer decision makers? Influencers to
the decision makers? Information gatherers? With the key
industry influencers (e.g., advisors, analysts, associations,
consultants, media, researchers)?
· How would your current brand drive or hinder your progress
(e.g., unknown; known; known for something; known for
something good; preferred for something good)?
Step 7: Launch Marketing Strategies
· What are your organization’s most efficient “Go to Market”
channels and vehicles for Brand, Image and Promotion (e.g.,
advertising, collateral, media relations, public relations,
website, social media)?
· For Thought Leadership (e.g., articles, newsletters, white
papers, speaking, industry influencers)?
· For Business Development (e.g., partnerships and alliances,
target marketing, channel development, executive network,
industry influencers)?
· What are the most effective “Go to Market” plans, programs
and processes?
· What (who) are the most effective “Go to Market” owners,
budgets, timetables, critical success factors and metrics?
Step 8: Launch Goals and Metrics
· What would be the “lift” to your organization’s other business
areas in terms of Brand, Image and Promotion? Thought
Leadership? Business Development?
· How will your organization measure targeted customers (e.g.,
decision makers, influencers to the decision makers,
information gatherers)?
· How will you measure industry influencers to your targeted
customers (e.g., advisors, analysts, associations, consultants,
media, researchers)?
Step 8: Launch Goals and Metrics
· What would be the primary “ROI” Dashboard measurements?
Qualified Leads? Qualified Prospects? Revenues? Margins?
What would be the secondary “ROI” Dashboard measurements?
Market Share? Brand Awareness? Brand Equity? Client
Satisfaction and Retention?
· What are the risks for a successful and sustained “Go to
Market” Plan? How would you monitor, address and mitigate
those risks?
Diana Hernandez
George Mason University
Table of
……….....Page 2
………...Page 3
……….....Page 4
2.1 Mission
…………......Page 4
………………………Page 4
2.3 Competitive
.............Page 5
……………................Page 5
3.1 Company Problem/
Page 6
3.2 Marketing Plan
...... Page 6
......... Page 6
4.1. SWOT
………….. Page 7
4.1.1. Strengths
…………. Page 8
4.1.2. Weaknesses
………. Page 8
4.1.3. Opportunities
……... Page 9
4.1.4. Threats
……………. Page 9
…………………. Page 10
........ Page 11
…………………….Page 11
5.2 Targeting
……….. Page 11
……………………. Page 12
…… Page 12
……………………….……………………………......... Page 12
METRICS……………………………………………………… Page
……….. Page 14
……. Page 15
Westinghouse Electric Corporation has long been in the growing
market of microwave ovens. Although microwaves have been
declining as many households contain an oven, it is still a
growing market in many international markets as it is seen as a
standard kitchen appliance in many developing countries.
Westinghouse is targeting this standard kitchen appliance
market in one of the newly economically developing BRIC
countries, India. Although there are many competitors in this
market, such as Sharp and LG Electronics, we believe we can
compete because the unique features of our product as well as
detailed marketing plan for our targeted location offers a value-
based pricing.
Microwaves, as a consumer product, do not have much exposure
in India’s market. On the contrary to the uses of microwaves, in
this country, most consumers tend to heat their food using gas
stoves. Our objective is to make consumers shift from stoves to
microwave ovens as their primary way to heat their foods. We
will do this by implementing market strategies such as
targeting, segmenting, and delivering our message to the India
market, all while acknowledging and accounting for the cultural
We believe in our company and the magnitude of our strengths
in order to achieve our objectives. We understand that in this
situation we are entering a new market and thus our strengths
will be the factor in being able to penetrate the market
successfully. We will rely heavily on the research we conducted
to find the right way to communicate the product for the
customer through extensive promotion in order to capture the
potential market and try to convince customers to buy into our
Westinghouse microwave.
Westinghouse Electrical Corporation for more than a century,
has consistently provided innovative, reliable, high quality
products and customer service. It has achieved a world class
name and most trusted brand due to its advanced technology and
outstanding dependability. From generators to functional
appliances, Westinghouse strives to provide their customers
with the best product available in each market segment, while
continuing to increase their revenues by continuing to innovate
new products.
Westinghouse Electrical Corporation mission statement: “Total
quality. Market leadership. Technology drive. Global. Focused
growth. Diversified.”
The Westinghouse Electric Corporation was an American
manufacturing company and was founded on January 8, 1886 by
George Westinghouse. It has grown to be among the country’s
largest electronic companies with units committed to serving
the U.S defense industry as well as with new segments such as
power generation and manufacturing. The company has played
an integral role in several notable projects, namely the
conversion of Niagara Falls to electric power, the installations
of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company in New York and
the South Side Elevated Railroad in Chicago, and the powering
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Westinghouse’s estimated
annual revenue is around 1.5 billion.
Although Microwaves have been around since 1940’s and many
well reputed businesses have also established market in the
microwave industry, the battle for a competitive advantage in
the international market is still ongoing. Especially in a country
like India, who is one of the four countries under the BRIC
acronym, the opportunity for these companies to successfully
penetrate this country is strongly competitive, but not
impossible. Thus, every competitive advantage Westinghouse
Electrical Company has over its competitors is key. Looking
into their marketing research, Westinghouse has a competitive
advantage over their competitors in terms of data tools and their
importance on funding their research. By emphasizing
marketing research, Westinghouse not only has an advantage
over its competitors, but it is able to increase its revenues by
knowing specifically what their customers are looking for.
According to an article in the Journal of Marketing, Eugene
Kelly categorizes Westinghouse’s market planning intro three
divisions: general economic and sales forecasting, market
research, and new product planning (75). Due to
Westinghouse’s extensive marketing research they are able to
focus on many factors contributing to the failures and successes
of their company and therefore have an advantage over their
To enter and successfully penetrate India’s microwave market
by developing a strategized marketing plan fit accordingly to
India’s demographics and culture in order to further globalize
the Westinghouse company.
Westinghouse Electrical faces a huge problem of not currently
having a market established for their microwaves in India, one
of the fastest growing countries in the world, both economically
and socially. This problem opens a grand opportunity for
Westinghouse to take their corporation to a new level, with the
opportunity to increase their profits by substantial margins.
Not only does Westinghouse plan to enter a new market in an
international country, but Westinghouse plans to become a top
microwave competitor in India with its extensive research
strategy and strategic targeting segmentation.
Microwaves first became introduced in the commercial market
in 1955, when Tappan Stove Company sold the first domestic
microwave oven (Defree). It has since been growing to become
a standard kitchen appliance in most households across the
world. However, the potential of growth still exists in the vastly
untouched market of India. Counsellor and Director of the
Research Department of the International Monetary Fund,
Raghuram Rajan, stated how India has become “a hub for
globalization” (2005). In addition, according to a statistic on
Statista, Kitchen appliances market in India is expected to grow
over 17% during 2016-2021. The stats also showed the demand
of microwave has increased by 27% in last 2 years.
· Easy to use and time saving
· Convection Heating methods which combine traditional oven
heating with microwave
· Value Pricing
· High technology
· Lacking brand awareness and image
· The microwave penetration in India is significantly low
· Not a traditional form of cooking food in their culture.
· Low cost even through more value-added add-ons
· Increasing demand in the kitchen appliance market as
microwaves are becoming a staple piece.
· Entrance to an unestablished market could lead to financial
· The other stronger competitors of Westinghouse may use their
market share as an advantage if they decide to enter the Indian
market as well.
The strengths that Westinghouse proposes into penetrating the
microwave market in India is the easy to use and conventional
way of heating food. In order to take in to consideration India’s
heavy emphasized traditional style of cooking, Westinghouse
promotes the fast but efficient methods of combining traditional
oven heating with microwave heating. This appeals to more
users in India as many studies have shown that majority of
India’s population do not currently have or plan to have a
microwave as a form of heating food as it is not tradition.
Another strength that we will later discuss in promotion strategy
is Westinghouse positioning their microwave product on value
pricing. This gives a safe, but strong approach when entering
the new market as they showcase their microwave as a valuable
necessity for its price. Finally, a country that is advancing into
a leading world country, the high technology a microwave
brings will soon become a custom in their society.
Westinghouse company has some weaknesses of its own that
will cause some setbacks when beginning its initial steps in the
marketing plan. The first weakness begins from the core of the
company, the lack of brand awareness and image from the
populates of India. In order to overcome this, Westinghouse will
have to make their brand known by using several advertising
tactics and promotions. Another weakness Westinghouse will
face is the lack of microwave market there is in India. Without a
solid route into the market Westinghouse will eventually realize
there is more room for errors when a clear path into the
microwave market in India has not yet been established. Finally,
India is well known for the its deep integrated culture among its
society. Thus cooking, an important part of their traditions has
not been exposed to appliances such as the microwave. Thus,
Westinghouse will have to appeal by incorporating add on
exclusively for Indian traditions.
Westinghouse’s weaknesses can be overturned into strengths by
the opportunities they have to control. Based on an article in
The Hindu Business Line, consumers in the Indian kitchen
appliances market, preferred basic models because of lower
costs as opposed to fancier models. Knowing this, Westinghouse
can position their microwave pricing based on value and add-
ons exclusively to fit India’s customs. Another huge opportunity
opens in advertising the use of microwaves in the country and
making it known how useful and easy microwaves are to use. By
focusing on the necessities and values rather than fancy and
high-priced microwaves, Westinghouse will stand a greater
The threats Westinghouse faces are large but can be contained
when managed correctly. First, Westinghouse microwaves face
the threat of entering an unknown market and the financial risks
that come with it. They face the possibility of spending large
amounts on research and advertising for their product, that in
the end might not be bought. In addition, another threat that
could be face is the other stronger competitors of Westinghouse
who might use their market share as an advantage if they decide
to enter the Indian market as well. If they do, this could cause
Westinghouse to exert all financial costs for knowing how to
enter the market, only to be beaten by the competitors who
come after them.
To make the market entry in the Indian market successful, it is
important to set objectives and intermediate objects to facilitate
the entry. The solution to our problem is an efficient marketing
strategy that not only will guide Westinghouse Company to
enter the market but continue its long-term success.
Westinghouse’s solution is to establish itself on the market and
to prevail against the major competitors. Using the four
marketing P’s; Price, Product, Promotion, and Place,
Westinghouse plans to allocate its marketing resources into
extensive market research and advertising in order to begin
reaching their expected customers.
For the segmentation, targeting and positioning of
Westinghouse, there are several states in India we can target all
in different ways based on the STP analysis we will conduct
below. This is primarily important to do before entering a
brand-new market as it gets you to a more direct plan on who
your consumers will be.
Market segmentation is necessary for every marketing plan as it
divides the market into distinct groups of buyers with different
needs or behaviors. This requires separate products or
marketing mixes for each specific segmentation. For this
specific marketing proposal, we will segment India’s market
into four different segments.
1. Geographical Segmentation: Urban and suburban regions of
2. Demographic Segmentation: Targeting people with a stable
income of over 20,000 takas.
3. Life-stage Segmentation: Targeting single and married young
couples who are with or without children.
4. Behavioral Segmentation: Based on usage rate: Light vs
Heavy usage
Westinghouse will use its segmenting proposition to further
assist them in the targeting part of the analysis. The company
will target the 10 most populated cities across India and make
sure to know how each city is segmented in the four divisions
we discussed above.
In order for Westinghouse to position their microwaves against
its competitors, they must add value to their product in order to
position themselves above average. The add-ons that their
microwave product can include are many, but the most
importantly, remembering to cater to the Indian culture. This
will not only appeal to those who are attracted to the idea of
microwaves already but will attract those who are hesitant to
the idea of converting their usual way of heating food to the
new one our company will try to sell.
As stated before, the entry into the Indian market is a goal for
many other competitors who are trying to expand their product
to an up and coming country. Not only will Westinghouse have
to do extensive work to enter the new market successfully, but
they will also have to maintain themselves in order to be the
leading microwave vendor once the market in India has been
established. The main competitor that Westinghouse will have
to face from the very beginning is India’s very own kitchen
manufacturing companies, as they are the ones who know
India’s true wants and needs. These competitors know how to
reach the population of India, as they have already established
their brand and brought awareness to their image through their
knowledge of the Indian market.
1. PRICE: We plan to propose the microwave in India using the
Market-oriented method pricing. Based on demand and supply
and we will adjust the price accordingly.
2. PRODUCT: Westinghouse will offer 3 lines of microwaves to
the market of India.
1. Compact Microwave: This compact microwave size will be
for those in need of a small quick heating who do not have the
space for the regular sized microwaves.
2. Medium Capacity: These microwaves are larger than compact
microwaves while still offering a doable size for those who
want to go one step up from our base line model.
3. Large Capacity: This large capacity offering will be offered
to those who are plan on heating large quantities of food while
being able to sustain its larger compact in their household.
3. PROMOTION: For this oven brand, informative objective has
to be followed. Since the brand is new in the market, this
approach is the most appropriate for the beginning of
Westinghouse’s business. Thus, we need an advertising strategy
which will create awareness and knowledge among customers so
that it can penetrate into the market as well as customers mind.
We will also incorporate coupons during seasonal sales.
4. PLACE: The targeted most populated cities of India.
GOAL: To successfully enter and become the leading
microwave seller in India’s market.
· Number of units of microwaves sold in the Indian market
· Total annual value of Westinghouse brand
· Total costs and profits of the Westinghouse Co.
Demand reflects the willingness of a consumer to purchase a
good or service. Market demand reflects the willingness of all
consumers within a given market to purchase a good or service.
In order to project how substantial demands will be when we
begin to enter the market, we will have to look at different
aspects surrounding the norms of India’s population. It is only
after careful research and analysis that our company will be
able to sketch a demand projection model. Based upon our
future expectations of this fast-growing country, we can predict
income will increase throughout the population. As India
pushes to be a leading country in the world, India will also see
the rise of wealth across the country, meaning more and more
people will be able to buy our products and see them more
1st Domestic Microwave Is Sold, October 25, 1955 | EDN.
25--1955. Accessed 24 Nov. 2018.
Hussain Elius. Micron Microwave Oven Marketing Plan.
“India -- A Hub for Globalization, Remarks by Raghuram
Rajan, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research
Department, IMF.” IMF,
05. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Kelley, Eugene J. “10. General Marketing Studies.” Journal of
Marketing, vol. 23, no. 1, July 1958, pp. 75–75.
“The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company | The
Westinghouse World | Articles and Essays | Inside an American
Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904 | Digital
Collections | Library of Congress.” Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,
westinghouse-electric-and-manufacturing-company/. Accessed
19 Nov. 2018.
“Westinghouse Electric Company Competitors, Revenue and
Employees - Owler Company Profile.” Owler,
Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Marketing Westinghouse brand microwaves in India
Westinghouse is targeting this standard kitchen appliance
market in one of the newly economically developing BRIC
countries, India.
Microwaves do not have much exposure in India’s market. On
the contrary, most consumers tend to heat their food using gas
Our objective is to make consumers shift from stoves to
microwave ovens as their primary way to heat their foods.
“Total quality. Market leadership. Technology drive. Global.
Focused growth. Diversified.”
Westinghouse Electrical Corporation has consistently provided
innovative, reliable, and high customer service for over a
They strive to provide their customers with the best product
available in each market segment, while continuing to increase
their revenues by continuing to innovate new products.
To enter and successfully penetrate India’s microwave market
by developing a strategized marketing plan fit accordingly to
India’s demographics and culture in order to further globalize
the Westinghouse company.
PROBLEM: Westinghouse Electrical faces a huge problem of
not currently having a market established for their microwaves
in India, one of the fastest growing countries in the world, both
economically and socially.
SOLUTION: This problem opens a grand opportunity for
Westinghouse to take their corporation to a new level, with the
opportunity to increase their profits by substantial margins.
Geographical Segmentation: Urban and suburban regions of
Demographic Segmentation: Targeting people with a stable
income of over 20,000 takas.
Life-stage Segmentation: Targeting single and married young
couples who are with or without children.
Behavioral Segmentation: Based on usage rate: Light vs Heavy
The company will target the 10 most populated cities across
India and make sure to know how each city is segmented in the
four divisions as discussed above.
In order for Westinghouse to position their microwaves against
its competitors, they must:
add value to their product in order to position themselves above
add-ons that their microwave product can include are many, but
the most importantly, remembering to cater to the Indian culture
Not only will Westinghouse have to do extensive work to enter
the new market successfully, but they will also have to maintain
themselves in order to be the leading microwave vendor once
the market in India has been established.
The main competitor that Westinghouse will have to face from
the very beginning is India’s very own kitchen manufacturing
companies, as they are the one’s who know India’s true wants
and needs.
Westinghouse primary marketing strategy is to create demand in
an untapped market through several promotions using the right
strategies to reach users through the incorporation of their
culture and taking note of what their base line price should be
1. PRICE: We plan to propose the microwave in India using the
Market-oriented method pricing. Based on demand and supply
and we will adjust the price accordingly.
2. PRODUCT: Westinghouse will offer 3 lines of microwaves to
the market of India.
Compact Microwave: This compact microwave size will be for
those in need of a small quick heating who do not have the
space for the regular sized microwaves.
Medium Capacity: These microwaves are larger than compact
microwaves while still offering a doable size for those who
want to go one step up from our base line model.
Large Capacity: This large capacity offering will be offered to
those who are plan on heating large quantities of food while
being able to sustain its larger compact in their household.
3. PROMOTION: For this oven brand, informative objective has
to be followed. Since the brand is new in the market, this
approach is the most appropriate for the beginning of
Westinghouse’s business. Thus, we need an advertising strategy
which will create awareness and knowledge among customers so
that it can penetrate into the market as well as customers mind.
We will also incorporate coupons during seasonal sales.
4. PLACE: The targeted most populated cities of India.
GOAL: To successfully enter and become the leading
microwave seller in India’s market.
Number of units of microwaves sold in the Indian market
Total annual value of Westinghouse brand
Total costs and profits of the Westinghouse Co.
Based upon our future expectations of this fast-growing
country, we can predict income will increase throughout the
As India pushes to be a leading country in the world, India will
also see the rise of wealth across the country, meaning more and
more people will be able to buy our products and see them more
1st Domestic Microwave Is Sold, October 25, 1955 | EDN.
25--1955. Accessed 24 Nov. 2018.
Hussain Elius. Micron Microwave Oven Marketing Plan.
“India -- A Hub for Globalization, Remarks by Raghuram
Rajan, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research
Department, IMF.” IMF,
05. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Kelley, Eugene J. “10. General Marketing Studies.” Journal of
Marketing, vol. 23, no. 1, July 1958, pp. 75–75.
“The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company | The
Westinghouse World | Articles and Essays | Inside an American
Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904 | Digital
Collections | Library of Congress.” Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,
westinghouse-electric-and-manufacturing-company/. Accessed
19 Nov. 2018.
“Westinghouse Electric Company Competitors, Revenue and
Employees - Owler Company Profile.” Owler,
Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.

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  • 5. Step 8: Launch Goals and Metrics · What would be the “lift” to your organization’s other business areas in terms of Brand, Image and Promotion? Thought Leadership? Business Development? · How will your organization measure targeted customers (e.g., decision makers, influencers to the decision makers, information gatherers)? · How will you measure industry influencers to your targeted customers (e.g., advisors, analysts, associations, consultants, media, researchers)? Step 8: Launch Goals and Metrics · What would be the primary “ROI” Dashboard measurements? Qualified Leads? Qualified Prospects? Revenues? Margins? What would be the secondary “ROI” Dashboard measurements? Market Share? Brand Awareness? Brand Equity? Client Satisfaction and Retention? · What are the risks for a successful and sustained “Go to
  • 6. Market” Plan? How would you monitor, address and mitigate those risks? 1 WESTINGHOUSE MICROWAVE
  • 8. Table of Contents……………………………………………………………… ……….....Page 2 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………………………… ………...Page 3 2. COMPANY OVERVIEW………………………………………………………… ……….....Page 4 2.1 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………… …………......Page 4 2.2 Background………………………………………………………… ………………………Page 4 2.3 Competitive Advantages…………………………………………………………... .............Page 5 3. OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………… ……………................Page 5 3.1 Company Problem/
  • 9. Opportunity…………………………………………………………. Page 6 3.2 Marketing Plan Goals……………………………………………………………......... ...... Page 6 4. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS………………………………………………………...... ......... Page 6 4.1. SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………… ………….. Page 7 4.1.1. Strengths ………………………………………………………………………… …………. Page 8 4.1.2. Weaknesses ………………………………………………………………………… ………. Page 8 4.1.3. Opportunities ………………………………………………………………………… ……... Page 9 4.1.4. Threats ………………………………………………………………………… ……………. Page 9 5. SOLUTION OFFERING……………………………………………………………
  • 10. …………………. Page 10 6. STP ANALYSIS ……………………………………………………………………....... ........ Page 11 5.1 Segmentation………………………………………………………… …………………….Page 11 5.2 Targeting ………………………………………………………………………… ……….. Page 11 5.3 Positioning…………………………………………………………… ……………………. Page 12 7. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT…………………………………………………… …… Page 12 8. MARKETING STRATEGY ……………………….……………………………......... Page 12 9. LAUNCH GOALS AND METRICS……………………………………………………… Page 13 10. DEMAND PROJECTIONS………….…………………………………………… ……….. Page 14 11. REFERENCES
  • 11. ………………………………………………………………………… ……. Page 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Westinghouse Electric Corporation has long been in the growing market of microwave ovens. Although microwaves have been declining as many households contain an oven, it is still a growing market in many international markets as it is seen as a standard kitchen appliance in many developing countries. Westinghouse is targeting this standard kitchen appliance market in one of the newly economically developing BRIC countries, India. Although there are many competitors in this market, such as Sharp and LG Electronics, we believe we can compete because the unique features of our product as well as detailed marketing plan for our targeted location offers a value- based pricing. Microwaves, as a consumer product, do not have much exposure in India’s market. On the contrary to the uses of microwaves, in this country, most consumers tend to heat their food using gas stoves. Our objective is to make consumers shift from stoves to microwave ovens as their primary way to heat their foods. We
  • 12. will do this by implementing market strategies such as targeting, segmenting, and delivering our message to the India market, all while acknowledging and accounting for the cultural differences. We believe in our company and the magnitude of our strengths in order to achieve our objectives. We understand that in this situation we are entering a new market and thus our strengths will be the factor in being able to penetrate the market successfully. We will rely heavily on the research we conducted to find the right way to communicate the product for the customer through extensive promotion in order to capture the potential market and try to convince customers to buy into our Westinghouse microwave. COMPANY OVERVIEW: Westinghouse Electrical Corporation for more than a century, has consistently provided innovative, reliable, high quality products and customer service. It has achieved a world class name and most trusted brand due to its advanced technology and outstanding dependability. From generators to functional appliances, Westinghouse strives to provide their customers with the best product available in each market segment, while continuing to increase their revenues by continuing to innovate new products.
  • 13. 2.1 MISSION STATEMENT Westinghouse Electrical Corporation mission statement: “Total quality. Market leadership. Technology drive. Global. Focused growth. Diversified.” 2.2 BACKGROUND The Westinghouse Electric Corporation was an American manufacturing company and was founded on January 8, 1886 by George Westinghouse. It has grown to be among the country’s largest electronic companies with units committed to serving the U.S defense industry as well as with new segments such as power generation and manufacturing. The company has played an integral role in several notable projects, namely the conversion of Niagara Falls to electric power, the installations of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company in New York and the South Side Elevated Railroad in Chicago, and the powering of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Westinghouse’s estimated annual revenue is around 1.5 billion. 2.3 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Although Microwaves have been around since 1940’s and many
  • 14. well reputed businesses have also established market in the microwave industry, the battle for a competitive advantage in the international market is still ongoing. Especially in a country like India, who is one of the four countries under the BRIC acronym, the opportunity for these companies to successfully penetrate this country is strongly competitive, but not impossible. Thus, every competitive advantage Westinghouse Electrical Company has over its competitors is key. Looking into their marketing research, Westinghouse has a competitive advantage over their competitors in terms of data tools and their importance on funding their research. By emphasizing marketing research, Westinghouse not only has an advantage over its competitors, but it is able to increase its revenues by knowing specifically what their customers are looking for. According to an article in the Journal of Marketing, Eugene Kelly categorizes Westinghouse’s market planning intro three divisions: general economic and sales forecasting, market research, and new product planning (75). Due to Westinghouse’s extensive marketing research they are able to focus on many factors contributing to the failures and successes of their company and therefore have an advantage over their competitors. OBJECTIVES:
  • 15. To enter and successfully penetrate India’s microwave market by developing a strategized marketing plan fit accordingly to India’s demographics and culture in order to further globalize the Westinghouse company. 3.1 COMPANY PROBLEM/ OPPORTUNITY Westinghouse Electrical faces a huge problem of not currently having a market established for their microwaves in India, one of the fastest growing countries in the world, both economically and socially. This problem opens a grand opportunity for Westinghouse to take their corporation to a new level, with the opportunity to increase their profits by substantial margins. 3.2 MARKETING GOALS Not only does Westinghouse plan to enter a new market in an international country, but Westinghouse plans to become a top microwave competitor in India with its extensive research strategy and strategic targeting segmentation.
  • 16. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Microwaves first became introduced in the commercial market in 1955, when Tappan Stove Company sold the first domestic microwave oven (Defree). It has since been growing to become a standard kitchen appliance in most households across the world. However, the potential of growth still exists in the vastly untouched market of India. Counsellor and Director of the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund, Raghuram Rajan, stated how India has become “a hub for globalization” (2005). In addition, according to a statistic on Statista, Kitchen appliances market in India is expected to grow over 17% during 2016-2021. The stats also showed the demand of microwave has increased by 27% in last 2 years. 4.1 SWOT ANAYLSIS STRENGTHS:
  • 17. · Easy to use and time saving · Convection Heating methods which combine traditional oven heating with microwave · Value Pricing · High technology WEAKNESSES: · Lacking brand awareness and image · The microwave penetration in India is significantly low · Not a traditional form of cooking food in their culture. OPPORTUNITY: · Low cost even through more value-added add-ons · Increasing demand in the kitchen appliance market as microwaves are becoming a staple piece.
  • 18. THREATS: · Entrance to an unestablished market could lead to financial burdens · The other stronger competitors of Westinghouse may use their market share as an advantage if they decide to enter the Indian market as well. 4.1.1 STRENGTHS The strengths that Westinghouse proposes into penetrating the microwave market in India is the easy to use and conventional way of heating food. In order to take in to consideration India’s heavy emphasized traditional style of cooking, Westinghouse promotes the fast but efficient methods of combining traditional oven heating with microwave heating. This appeals to more users in India as many studies have shown that majority of India’s population do not currently have or plan to have a microwave as a form of heating food as it is not tradition. Another strength that we will later discuss in promotion strategy is Westinghouse positioning their microwave product on value pricing. This gives a safe, but strong approach when entering the new market as they showcase their microwave as a valuable necessity for its price. Finally, a country that is advancing into a leading world country, the high technology a microwave brings will soon become a custom in their society.
  • 19. 4.1.2 WEAKNESSES Westinghouse company has some weaknesses of its own that will cause some setbacks when beginning its initial steps in the marketing plan. The first weakness begins from the core of the company, the lack of brand awareness and image from the populates of India. In order to overcome this, Westinghouse will have to make their brand known by using several advertising tactics and promotions. Another weakness Westinghouse will face is the lack of microwave market there is in India. Without a solid route into the market Westinghouse will eventually realize there is more room for errors when a clear path into the microwave market in India has not yet been established. Finally, India is well known for the its deep integrated culture among its society. Thus cooking, an important part of their traditions has not been exposed to appliances such as the microwave. Thus, Westinghouse will have to appeal by incorporating add on exclusively for Indian traditions. 4.1.3 OPPORTUNITY Westinghouse’s weaknesses can be overturned into strengths by the opportunities they have to control. Based on an article in The Hindu Business Line, consumers in the Indian kitchen appliances market, preferred basic models because of lower costs as opposed to fancier models. Knowing this, Westinghouse can position their microwave pricing based on value and add-
  • 20. ons exclusively to fit India’s customs. Another huge opportunity opens in advertising the use of microwaves in the country and making it known how useful and easy microwaves are to use. By focusing on the necessities and values rather than fancy and high-priced microwaves, Westinghouse will stand a greater chance. 4.1.4 THREATS The threats Westinghouse faces are large but can be contained when managed correctly. First, Westinghouse microwaves face the threat of entering an unknown market and the financial risks that come with it. They face the possibility of spending large amounts on research and advertising for their product, that in the end might not be bought. In addition, another threat that could be face is the other stronger competitors of Westinghouse who might use their market share as an advantage if they decide to enter the Indian market as well. If they do, this could cause Westinghouse to exert all financial costs for knowing how to enter the market, only to be beaten by the competitors who come after them. SOLUTION OFFERING To make the market entry in the Indian market successful, it is important to set objectives and intermediate objects to facilitate
  • 21. the entry. The solution to our problem is an efficient marketing strategy that not only will guide Westinghouse Company to enter the market but continue its long-term success. Westinghouse’s solution is to establish itself on the market and to prevail against the major competitors. Using the four marketing P’s; Price, Product, Promotion, and Place, Westinghouse plans to allocate its marketing resources into extensive market research and advertising in order to begin reaching their expected customers. STP ANALYSIS For the segmentation, targeting and positioning of Westinghouse, there are several states in India we can target all in different ways based on the STP analysis we will conduct below. This is primarily important to do before entering a brand-new market as it gets you to a more direct plan on who your consumers will be. 5.1 SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is necessary for every marketing plan as it divides the market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs or behaviors. This requires separate products or marketing mixes for each specific segmentation. For this specific marketing proposal, we will segment India’s market
  • 22. into four different segments. 1. Geographical Segmentation: Urban and suburban regions of India. 2. Demographic Segmentation: Targeting people with a stable income of over 20,000 takas. 3. Life-stage Segmentation: Targeting single and married young couples who are with or without children. 4. Behavioral Segmentation: Based on usage rate: Light vs Heavy usage 5.2 TARGETING Westinghouse will use its segmenting proposition to further assist them in the targeting part of the analysis. The company will target the 10 most populated cities across India and make sure to know how each city is segmented in the four divisions we discussed above. 5.3 POSITIONING In order for Westinghouse to position their microwaves against its competitors, they must add value to their product in order to
  • 23. position themselves above average. The add-ons that their microwave product can include are many, but the most importantly, remembering to cater to the Indian culture. This will not only appeal to those who are attracted to the idea of microwaves already but will attract those who are hesitant to the idea of converting their usual way of heating food to the new one our company will try to sell. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT As stated before, the entry into the Indian market is a goal for many other competitors who are trying to expand their product to an up and coming country. Not only will Westinghouse have to do extensive work to enter the new market successfully, but they will also have to maintain themselves in order to be the leading microwave vendor once the market in India has been established. The main competitor that Westinghouse will have to face from the very beginning is India’s very own kitchen manufacturing companies, as they are the ones who know India’s true wants and needs. These competitors know how to reach the population of India, as they have already established their brand and brought awareness to their image through their knowledge of the Indian market. MARKETING STRATEGY (FOUR P’S) 1. PRICE: We plan to propose the microwave in India using the
  • 24. Market-oriented method pricing. Based on demand and supply and we will adjust the price accordingly. 2. PRODUCT: Westinghouse will offer 3 lines of microwaves to the market of India. 1. Compact Microwave: This compact microwave size will be for those in need of a small quick heating who do not have the space for the regular sized microwaves. 2. Medium Capacity: These microwaves are larger than compact microwaves while still offering a doable size for those who want to go one step up from our base line model. 3. Large Capacity: This large capacity offering will be offered to those who are plan on heating large quantities of food while being able to sustain its larger compact in their household. 3. PROMOTION: For this oven brand, informative objective has to be followed. Since the brand is new in the market, this approach is the most appropriate for the beginning of Westinghouse’s business. Thus, we need an advertising strategy which will create awareness and knowledge among customers so that it can penetrate into the market as well as customers mind. We will also incorporate coupons during seasonal sales. 4. PLACE: The targeted most populated cities of India. LAUNCH GOALS AND METRICS: GOAL: To successfully enter and become the leading microwave seller in India’s market.
  • 25. METRICS: · Number of units of microwaves sold in the Indian market · Total annual value of Westinghouse brand · Total costs and profits of the Westinghouse Co. DEMAND PROJECTIONS Demand reflects the willingness of a consumer to purchase a good or service. Market demand reflects the willingness of all consumers within a given market to purchase a good or service. In order to project how substantial demands will be when we begin to enter the market, we will have to look at different aspects surrounding the norms of India’s population. It is only after careful research and analysis that our company will be able to sketch a demand projection model. Based upon our future expectations of this fast-growing country, we can predict income will increase throughout the population. As India pushes to be a leading country in the world, India will also see the rise of wealth across the country, meaning more and more people will be able to buy our products and see them more convenient.
  • 26. REFERENCES: 1st Domestic Microwave Is Sold, October 25, 1955 | EDN. moments/4399387/1st-domestic-microwave-is-sold--October- 25--1955. Accessed 24 Nov. 2018. Hussain Elius. Micron Microwave Oven Marketing Plan. marketing-plan. “India -- A Hub for Globalization, Remarks by Raghuram Rajan, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, IMF.” IMF, 05. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. Kelley, Eugene J. “10. General Marketing Studies.” Journal of
  • 27. Marketing, vol. 23, no. 1, July 1958, pp. 75–75. “The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company | The Westinghouse World | Articles and Essays | Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904 | Digital Collections | Library of Congress.” Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, 1904/articles-and-essays/the-westinghouse-world/the- westinghouse-electric-and-manufacturing-company/. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. “Westinghouse Electric Company Competitors, Revenue and Employees - Owler Company Profile.” Owler, Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. WESTINGHOUSE MARKETING PLAN BY: DIANA HERNANDEZ
  • 28. Marketing Westinghouse brand microwaves in India INTRODUCTION: Westinghouse is targeting this standard kitchen appliance market in one of the newly economically developing BRIC countries, India. Microwaves do not have much exposure in India’s market. On the contrary, most consumers tend to heat their food using gas stoves. Our objective is to make consumers shift from stoves to microwave ovens as their primary way to heat their foods. COMPANY’S MISSION STATEMENT: “Total quality. Market leadership. Technology drive. Global. Focused growth. Diversified.”
  • 29. COMPANY OVERVIEW: Westinghouse Electrical Corporation has consistently provided innovative, reliable, and high customer service for over a century They strive to provide their customers with the best product available in each market segment, while continuing to increase their revenues by continuing to innovate new products. OBJECTIVES: To enter and successfully penetrate India’s microwave market by developing a strategized marketing plan fit accordingly to India’s demographics and culture in order to further globalize the Westinghouse company.
  • 30. COMPANY PROBLEM / OPPORTUNITIES PROBLEM: Westinghouse Electrical faces a huge problem of not currently having a market established for their microwaves in India, one of the fastest growing countries in the world, both economically and socially. SOLUTION: This problem opens a grand opportunity for Westinghouse to take their corporation to a new level, with the opportunity to increase their profits by substantial margins. SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 31. STP ANALYSIS: SEGMENTATION: Geographical Segmentation: Urban and suburban regions of India. Demographic Segmentation: Targeting people with a stable income of over 20,000 takas. Life-stage Segmentation: Targeting single and married young couples who are with or without children. Behavioral Segmentation: Based on usage rate: Light vs Heavy usage TARGETING: The company will target the 10 most populated cities across India and make sure to know how each city is segmented in the four divisions as discussed above. POSITIONING: In order for Westinghouse to position their microwaves against its competitors, they must: add value to their product in order to position themselves above average add-ons that their microwave product can include are many, but the most importantly, remembering to cater to the Indian culture
  • 32. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT Not only will Westinghouse have to do extensive work to enter the new market successfully, but they will also have to maintain themselves in order to be the leading microwave vendor once the market in India has been established. The main competitor that Westinghouse will have to face from the very beginning is India’s very own kitchen manufacturing companies, as they are the one’s who know India’s true wants and needs. MARKETING STRATEGY Westinghouse primary marketing strategy is to create demand in an untapped market through several promotions using the right strategies to reach users through the incorporation of their culture and taking note of what their base line price should be
  • 33. THE FOUR P’S 1. PRICE: We plan to propose the microwave in India using the Market-oriented method pricing. Based on demand and supply and we will adjust the price accordingly. 2. PRODUCT: Westinghouse will offer 3 lines of microwaves to the market of India. Compact Microwave: This compact microwave size will be for those in need of a small quick heating who do not have the space for the regular sized microwaves. Medium Capacity: These microwaves are larger than compact microwaves while still offering a doable size for those who want to go one step up from our base line model. Large Capacity: This large capacity offering will be offered to those who are plan on heating large quantities of food while being able to sustain its larger compact in their household. 3. PROMOTION: For this oven brand, informative objective has to be followed. Since the brand is new in the market, this approach is the most appropriate for the beginning of
  • 34. Westinghouse’s business. Thus, we need an advertising strategy which will create awareness and knowledge among customers so that it can penetrate into the market as well as customers mind. We will also incorporate coupons during seasonal sales. 4. PLACE: The targeted most populated cities of India. LAUNCH GOALS AND METRICS GOAL: To successfully enter and become the leading microwave seller in India’s market. LAUNCH GOALS AND METRICS METRICS: Number of units of microwaves sold in the Indian market Total annual value of Westinghouse brand Total costs and profits of the Westinghouse Co.
  • 35. DEMAND PROJECTIONS Based upon our future expectations of this fast-growing country, we can predict income will increase throughout the population. As India pushes to be a leading country in the world, India will also see the rise of wealth across the country, meaning more and more people will be able to buy our products and see them more convenient. REFERENCES 1st Domestic Microwave Is Sold, October 25, 1955 | EDN.
  • 36. moments/4399387/1st-domestic-microwave-is-sold--October- 25--1955. Accessed 24 Nov. 2018. Hussain Elius. Micron Microwave Oven Marketing Plan. marketing-plan. “India -- A Hub for Globalization, Remarks by Raghuram Rajan, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, IMF.” IMF, 05. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. Kelley, Eugene J. “10. General Marketing Studies.” Journal of Marketing, vol. 23, no. 1, July 1958, pp. 75–75. “The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company | The Westinghouse World | Articles and Essays | Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904 | Digital Collections | Library of Congress.” Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, 1904/articles-and-essays/the-westinghouse-world/the- westinghouse-electric-and-manufacturing-company/. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. “Westinghouse Electric Company Competitors, Revenue and Employees - Owler Company Profile.” Owler,