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An Holistic/Alternative
Approach for Learning and
 Developmental Change

Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA
      The Davis Center, Succasunna, NJ

Presentation Overview
   The Davis Model of Sound Intervention
    began as a way to use specific methods like
    AIT and Tomatis® and has become an
    integrative approach using the best
    methods to make core foundational energy
    change for the person on the autism
    spectrum. As each cell vibrates and emits
    sound, this approach rebalances what is
    naturally within us. Change occurs with
    improvements in sensory responsiveness,
    language learning, social communication,
    and overall thinking and development.
How can this happen?
   The Davis Model of Sound
 Intervention uses the power of
  sound vibration to enhance a
 subtle energy system called the
Voice-Ear-Brain Connection which
  must be balanced in order to
 demonstrate positive change in
   learning, development, and
   wellness. The process uses
 specific sound-based therapies.
   Each person can begin to make natural
    self change by rebalancing how their body
    receives, perceives, interprets, and uses
    the sound vibrational patterns that exist
    both within their body and externally from
    outside of their body.

   This includes the person diagnosed
    with various learning and
    developmental challenges.
   And if the person’s environment—
    including both their physical
    surroundings and their internal body
    —created some form of distortion,
    then sound can rebalance the body.

   How is this possible??
Let’s first look at some terms:
   Sound Healing: Using tones,
    mantras, various rhythms and sound
    patterns, and other sounding
    techniques to support change with
    the body’s energy patterns
   Sound Therapy: Using specific notes
    of the musical scales to make change
    with the body’s energy patterns
    usually with a sounding source
What is sound-based therapy?

   Sound-based therapy uses sound
    vibration with special equipment,
    specific programs, modified music,
    and/or specific tones/beats, the
    need for which is identified with
    appropriate testing.
    Sound-based therapy goes beyond hearing,
    beyond auditory processing, and beyond
    music. Sound-based therapy utilizes the
    energy of the person and supports change
    with the person’s natural form and function
    by repatterning this energy.
Two additional terms:
   Music: The Artwork of Sound
   Music Therapy: Using the Artwork of
    Sound to make change with
    emotional, behavioral, and
    physiological body responses
More Terms:
 1.Hearing is the physical act of
   utilizing the ear to receive sound
 2.Listening involves using the brain
   in conjunction with the physical
   act of receiving sound. (Involves
   a mental process)
 3.Perception is how the brain
   receives, perceives and uses
Paradigm Shift
   The body’s response to sound is
    more than a ‘hearing’ function. It
    is a whole body response
    coordinated through the brain.
The Foundation for The Davis
Model of Sound Intervention
    3 key points:
1.   There are 5 laws which connect the voice,
     the ear, and the brain. Summarized, the
     voice produces what the ear hears, and
     the ear emits the same stressed
     frequencies as the voice. If one is
     modified, the other changes and the brain
     sends the correcting response to the body.
     These laws are known as The Tomatis Effect
     and The Davis Addendum® to the Tomatis
2.    Every cell in the body emits and takes
     in sound frequencies, thereby
     portraying the body as one’s “Signature
     Symphony of Sound®”. If there is an ‘out
     of tune’ frequency, the ‘instruments
     (cells)’ of the body are not supporting the
     symphony and the music is discordant.
     The ‘out of tune’ frequencies are identified.
     The sound is introduced to the body and
     the brain then introduces the correct
     frequency to the cell to ‘tune it up’.
3. The ear is viewed as the body’s global
   sensory processor and not just a hearing
   mechanism, as all of the body’s senses are
   stimulated either directly or indirectly
   through the ear. Sound vibration is also
   processed through bone response, cell
   response, the nervous system, the
   circulatory system, and the soft tissue
   network of the body. The body as a whole
   is considered a vibrational frequency
Moving beyond the foundation,
how can change occur?
1.   Each client starts with a test battery
     that determines if the patterns exist
     that need change and then suggests
     the protocol of sound-based therapy
2.   The protocol of sound-based
     therapies begins. Change is
     monitored and programs modified as
How is the Protocol determined?
   The Diagnostic Evaluation for
    Therapy Protocol (DETP®) is
    based on the interpretation of The
    Tree of Sound Enhancement
    Therapy℠--the developmental flow chart
    for the correct administration of any sound-
    based therapy.
Developmental Flow
             1. Sense of Hearing
             2. Body Rhythms
             3. General Sound
             4. Specific Auditory
                Processing Skills
             5. Academic Skills
             6. Overall body
                stability and
   While there are many different
    sound-based therapies that can be
    administered individually with some
    level of success, the best outcomes
    are evidenced when The Tree analogy
    is used.
The Tree has 6 Parts:
              1. Sense of Hearing
                 The “Root System” addresses
                  one’s sense of hearing. The
                  therapy(ies) offered at this
                  level are a form of Auditory
                  Integration Training, which
                  repatterns how the acoustic
                  reflex muscle in the middle ear
                  responds to sound, and
                  subsequently supports the
                  reception of sound in the
                  cochlea. These therapies are
                  modeled after the work of Dr.
                  Guy Berard. The changes
                  evidenced are a result of better
                  sound reception.
Developmental Flow
             2.   Body Rhythms
                   The “Seed” is the foundation
                  for all sound response in the
                  body as it addresses our basal
                  body rhythms, such as the
                  heart beat or breath stream.
                  The therapies at this level of
                  The Tree can be utilized at any
                  time in the person’s protocol of
                  sound therapies because these
                  skills bring the person back
                  into focus and keep them
                  feeling positive at their core
                  level. These therapies
                  introduce rhythmical patterns
                  to which the body responds
                  physically and emotionally.
Developmental Flow
             3.. General Sound Processing
                The “Trunk” addresses all
                 responses of the ear for
                 general sound processing
                 stimulation, not hearing. The
                 programs at this level are
                 called Listening Training
                 Programs and are modeled
                 after the work of Dr. Alfred
                 Tomatis who established the
                 Tomatis® Method. The
                 changes evidenced are a
                 result of the vibrational
                 stimulation through the parts
                 of the ear: cochlea, semi-
                 circular canals, and vestibule,
                 as well as the bones,
                 circulatory system, nervous
                 system, soft-tissue network,
                 and cell structure of the body.
Developmental Flow
             4. Specific Auditory
                 Processing Skills
                  The “Lower Leaves and
                Branches” address specific
                auditory processing skills such
                as memory, sequencing, and
                discrimination. These skills
                are inherent in how the brain
                receives information from the
                auditory pathway to the brain,
                specifically from the cochlea
                to the auditory reception
                centers in the brain. There
                are numerous sound-based
                therapies that address these
                skills either in a specific skill
                area such as temporal
                sequencing, or with general
                overall auditory processing
Developmental Flow
             5.    Academic skills
                   The “Upper Leaves and
                  Branches” address the
                  academic areas such as
                  reading, spelling and
                  handwriting skills, which
                  can only be maximally
                  achieved when the
                  foundation of The Tree is in
                  place. People can have
                  these skills as splinter skills
                  but not always process
                  them in their entirety. The
                  programs suggested at this
                  level must include an
                  auditory, visual, and
                  language combination of
                  instructional skills, thereby
                  allowing for full integration
                  of the foundational skills.
Developmental Flow
           6.   Overall body stability and
                   The “Overall Maintenance of
                The Tree” addresses one’s wellness
                or body support for maintaining the
                learning and developmental changes
                obtained with the therapies at the
                various parts of The Tree. The head
                surrounding The Tree reflects the
                combination of the Voice, the Ear,
                and the Brain supporting each other
                for the learning and developmental
                changes. Currently the voice
                identifies the body’s imbalances and
                then the ear sends the correcting
                frequency to the brain and body so
                that the body can make
                foundational change.
Once the therapy protocol is determined,
how does the body change naturally?
    Point to consider: How does sound
     affect the body, especially as it
     relates to learning, development and
     wellness issues that impact various
Sound Impacts our Entire Body
     We hear sound through our
      ears, our skin, our bones, our
      sense of touch, and our cells
     It affects our physical well-
      being, emotions, and response
      to the world around us
     We must hear sound correctly
      in order to process what is
      being said
Positive                Negative
   Calming and            Isolation
    relaxing               Lack of attention
   Brings into focus      Hypersensitivity
   Creates                 to all sensory
    awareness of
                           Poor social skills
                           Weak motor &
   Supports                vestibular skills
    language               Poor reading
    development             skills
   Enhances               Weak Auditory
    responsiveness          Processing skills
Negative Impact on the Special
         Needs Child
      Will cover ears
      Will turn TV volume up
      Has fear of sound (phobia)
      Will tune out the world
      Dislikes background noise
      Will react sometimes and
       not others
      May act “deaf”
The Ear is the Major Sensory
Stimulator for the Body
The ear stimulates our sense of:
            * taste          * touch
            * sight          * smell
                    * hearing
Additionally, it affects our balance, emotions,
  digestion, and social skills.

With sound vibration, all senses are stimulated,
  bringing them into better functional use.

10 cranial nerves are directly stimulated with sound
  and sensations spread throughout the entire
Diagnosis doesn’t matter
   The diagnosis of the person seeking to make
    change does not matter, for it is the sound
    energy patterns of the body that determine
    the possibilities for change for each
   In other words, sound-based therapies force the
    evaluator and the client to focus on the energy
    patterns of the body, not the disability—neither
    medical nor educational. The symptoms,
    disabilities and challenges are not what are
    addressed. Each person is helped as an
    individual energy entity.
   Each person makes natural self-change at a
    basic core level.
   Intentional sound programs apparently
    go to the person’s weakest area and
    begins to make change from that core
    spot. Sometimes the change is noticed
    immediately and sometimes the change is
    more subtle because the weakest area is so
    deeply imbedded.
   These programs complement allopathic
    medicine programs and are considered
    holistic/alternative approaches to wellness.
Root Therapy Changes
               1. Sense of Hearing
                  Improved hearing
                   hyper- sensitivity to
                   sound (one type)
                  Decreased hypo-
                   responsiveness to
                  Better reception of
                   sound input
                  Improved sense of
                  More social awareness
Seed Therapy Changes
            2.   Body Rhythms
                More connected with
                 the world around
                More focused
                More relaxed
                Better concentration
Trunk Therapy Changes
             3.. General Sound Processing
                Decreased sensory
                Language skills
                Reading skills
                Attention/focus
                Pragmatics
                Social skills
                Communication skills
                Oral motor skills
                Vestibular, motor,
                 balance skills
                And sooo much more!
Leaves and Branches Changes
               4. Specific Auditory
                  Processing Skills
                  Improved memory,
                   discrimination, and
                   sequencing skills
                  Improved clarity of
                   incoming receptive
                  Better listening in
                   background noise
                  Better awareness of the
                   world around them
                  Improved pragmatics of
Head Changes
          6. Overall body stability
               and maintenance

              Muscle support
              Biochemical support
              Hormonal issues
              Enhanced learning
              Nutritional support
              Wellness challenge
To maintain whole body change
   The body has to maintain the
    sense of harmony.
       Maintain the Voice-Ear-Brain
       Maintain cellular harmonic balance
       Balance life’s challenges with sound-
        based therapy
One key way to determine if
your body is in harmony:

       Your voice
Every cell in your body has its
own frequency or sound.
   So, your body represents many
    thousands of frequencies!! Your
    vocal frequencies have been
    connected to your cellular
    frequencies. The easiest way to
    determine if our body’s
    frequencies are staying in tune is
    through vocal analysis.

   When the frequencies of the
    body become distorted, the
    voiceprint will display these
Before Sound

After Sound
Vocal analysis has supported the
notion that the Body is a
Mathematical Matrix of
Predictable Frequency
   By evaluating the numerical
    frequency relationships, the
    harmonic relationships become
    balanced with specific sound
    frequency combinations.

   It’s all about the numbers, which
    relate to specific sound
Available Therapies
Listening Training                     LEAVES
    Programs:                       Fast ForWord®
     Tomatis®                         Interactive
     Enlisten®                       Metronome®

                                    ROOT SYSTEM
    SYSTEM                            Auditory
 MAINTENANCE                         Integration
 BioAcoustics™                        Training
    The Voice
   Our bodies search for stability
    between external sound sources
    and internal body vibrations to
    create balance. Our bodies react
    physically and psychologically.
    Sometimes the body cannot make
    the change by itself and needs a
    sound-based therapy to
    accomplish the change.
For anyone using sound-based
   Each person is unique
   Each person will change from their
    internally demonstrated needs
   For some the process is slow; others
   Sometimes steps backwards are
    necessary before steps forward occur
   To reach the desired goal, it is
    important to follow the process to
 Provides solutions to
    understanding the
 complexities of sound-
   based therapies and
  takes the guess work
 out of which therapies
 will help each person.
So let’s look at particular cases
1.   Philip J
2.   Jacob N
3.   William T
1. Philip J Age 18, male
   Diagnosis: autism/sensory disorder
   Behavior prior to service: nonverbal,
    can’t say what wants, likes to swing, seeks
    proprioceptive input, shows fear to sound,
    distractible, impulsive, temper tantrums,
    destructive, aggressive, poorly organized,
    poor reading skills, and difficulty with
    peers. History of ear infections.
Philip J DETP results
1.   Seed:REI
2.   AIT
3.   Listening Training Program

    Previous AIT, age 3 & 7, no change
    Previous LTP, gained single words
   REI: Sleeping better; initially sang
    more, then stopped; constipation
    lessened; emotion of Sadness
    developed; began crying in public
   AIT: Slightly more compliant; saying
    more words that had said in the past;
    sang more; listened better; became
    constipated again
Beginning the listening process
   LTP: Going to start soon; more
    foundational skills will be set in place.

   Retest after LTP basic finished

   The process is one of building on making
    correct developmental, learning and
    wellness changes. The body searches for
    the weakest areas and stimulates those
    areas. Each step supports ‘building a better
    harmonic body’ allowing the body to self-
2. Jacob N Age 12, male
   Diagnosis: Autism, CAPD, Sensory
    Problems, Global Delay
   Behavior Prior to Service:
    distractible; impulsive, hyperactive,
    low frustration level; oversensitive to
    sound; inflexible; poor social
    interactions; not follow verbal
    directions; problems with social
Jacob N DETP Results
1.   Listening Training Program
2.   BioAcoustics
3.   Fast ForWord

    No previous sound interventions
   Listening Training Program: Academic
    achievement increased; follows directions
    better; less difficulty with arithmetic and
    number sequences; organizational skills
    improved; improved attention span; better
    concentration; tolerates sound better;
    improved impulsivity control; completes
    tasks better; frustration tolerance
    improved; anxiety levels improved; less
    supervision for tasks.
Before starting
Feeling blue but trying to be happy.
Beginning to feel ‘alive’
My world has changed. Feeling great!
Changes continued
   Less shy; able to express feelings;
    can acknowledge other person’s
    viewpoint; improved creative
    expression; more imaginative play;
    better problem solving; bettere
    interaction with others; more
    appropriate play; sets and works
    towards goals; uses inappropriate
    non verbal expressions;
Changes continued
   Better use of syntax and grammar;
    speech more fluent; language use
    more effective; listening skills better;
    listens before responding; no longer
    difficulty decoding symbols into
    sounds; reading is more fluent;
    spelling improved but still struggle;
    eye-hand improved; voice quality,
    strength and volume improved.
   Retest at end of LTP demonstrated
    Fast ForWord as the next appropriate
    sound-based therapy. BioAcoustics
    was not attempted because of the
    then difficulty of maintaining this
    client long distance and no
    practitioner was found nearby. Fast
    ForWord Therapy started in April.
    Results not in yet.
3. William T Age 9, male
   Diagnosis: Autism, PDD
   Behavior Prior to Service: Covers
    ears to loud sounds; tunes out when
    not interested in activity; talks too
    fast; ignores sound; over-reacts;
    over-emotional; destructive behavior;
    prone to tantrums; distractible; short
    attention span; oversensitive to all
William T DETP Results
1.   AIT
2.   Listening Training Program
3.   BioAcoustics
   AIT: Happier; more affectionate; would
    allow someone to hug and hold him; cried
    more; babbled more; spoke ‘silly’ talk;
    more hyper
   LTP: Fussed when not allowed to use the
    computer while listening; didn’t want to
    play games with family; some music while
    listening made him sad; he wanted to
    continued listening.
Changes continued
   Liked being provoked into an
    emotional response; homework
    became easy to accomplish initially
    and then more difficult; more
    independent; more defiant; said ‘no’
    more often; became more
    emotionally upset more quickly;
    expressed more complex thoughts;
    talking while playing increased;
Changes continued
   Mumbling has decreased; can have
    conversations with family, not at
    family; more friendly and
    affectionate; more cuddly with
    family; began to lie; became defiant;
    understands consequences better; a
    few sounds continue to bother him;
    more energy; can wake up on his
    own; more talkative;
Changes continued
   Bothering his sister more; trying to get his
    sister to interact more with him; difficulty
    respecting other’s boundaries

   BioAcoustics: immune system improved

   After integration for all therapies, his
    teachers reported that he had more
    concentration in class and for homework,
    was more focused and attentive, was
    responding to classroom noise better.
    Personally his allergies did not bother him
    as badly as in the past.
3 Cases
   Each made foundational change based on
    their own needs. Change builds upon
    change so that individual skills can have
    the frequency, duration and intensity
    needed to make the skills embedded for
    long term effects.
   Skills are only ‘undone’ when sufficient
    frequency, duration and intensity hasn’t
    been received to maintain the skill or some
    other outside influence triggered a
   It is important to finish the DETP protocol
    for change to occur.
For Adults: Many Possibilities
   Betsy, age 48, TBI, Reversed sound
    sensitivities, improved
    vestibular/motor skills, improved
    body in time & space, improved
    memory, improved clarity of thought,
    better able to handle life’s difficulties
   Valerie, age 44, Depression,
    eliminated depression, discovered
    ‘sense of self’
   The DETP provides the solution as to
    which sound-based therapy(ies)
    should be the starting place and
    which therapy can provide the
    appropriate progression of
    developmental stimulation to build
    upon each skill.
   It is not the disability that is
    helped. Sound-based therapies, as
    directed by The Tree of Sound
    Enhancement Therapy™, address the
    challenges of many learning,
    development, and wellness issues.
   It is not always the specific
    therapy that will make the most
    change. All sound-based therapies
    can make change but the correct
    administration of the therapies will
    maximize the energy responses of the
    body to enhance the body’s natural
    form and function.
The voice, the ear, and the brain
combined is most important!

 The Davis Model uses
    your voice, which
   reflects what your
  ear and brain receive
      and perceive.
In Summary

   All sound therapies are not
               the same!
 Although any sound therapy can

  make change, it is the correct
  order of the administration of
  sound therapies that can make
  the greatest impact. The order is
  identified from testing.
To Date: The Voice and the Ear
   The voice is the most obvious and
    readily available frequency source for
    obtaining information about the body.
   The voice is the sound source and the
    ear is the receiver. Together they form
    a dynamic system.
   The ear establishes the foundation for
    energy patterns and the voice displays
    the patterns.
  And now with my latest work,
  called Ototoning, you can soon
   learn how to use the emission
from your ear to help you self-heal
        by using your voice!!
My new work
   Bridges the gap between Sound
    Healing and Sound-based therapy.
       In order to maximize how you can use
        sound healing, you must balance your
        body with sound-based therapy.
       It is the connection between our voice,
        our ear and our brain that supports our
        ability to maintain a balanced place for
        learning, development and wellness.
       Once balanced, we can look at self-
Going Forward: The Dynamic Trio
   The voice and the ear are frequency sources
    for obtaining information about the body.
   The voice and ear are sound sources and the
    ear also receives sound. Together they form a
    dynamic system.
   The ear provides information about what the
    body needs and the voice displays how the
    body is functioning.
   The voice can be used to support foundational
    change for the body.
   The brain then regulates the body.
We offer a new paradigm for learning,
development and wellness…..
   We combine
       The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection
       The scientific biological principles of our
        body’s cell structure
       Sound Therapies administered in the
        correct order

       To Make Positive Change in Learning,
        Development, and Wellness
The Davis Model
   The Davis Model of Sound
    Intervention is a whole body
    approach to supporting
    learning, development and
    wellness changes. The
    Voice-Ear-Brain Connection
    provides the foundation to
    make this happen.
   This approach uses the foundational
    energy of each person to begin
    working towards personal change.
    Change can occur in many areas,
    but mostly where the body directs
    it. By using the natural energy of
    the person, the approach is
    considered an holistic/alternative
    approach. or
Newest Release
Free ebooklet to download for
limited time:
                     http://www.thedaviscen
Contact Information:
   Dorinne S. Davis
   The Davis Center
   19 State Rt 10 E, Ste 25
   Succasunna, NJ 07876
   862-251-4637

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Holistic alt app for ld change

  • 1. An Holistic/Alternative Approach for Learning and Developmental Change Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA The Davis Center, Succasunna, NJ
  • 2. Presentation Overview  The Davis Model of Sound Intervention began as a way to use specific methods like AIT and Tomatis® and has become an integrative approach using the best methods to make core foundational energy change for the person on the autism spectrum. As each cell vibrates and emits sound, this approach rebalances what is naturally within us. Change occurs with improvements in sensory responsiveness, language learning, social communication, and overall thinking and development.
  • 3. How can this happen?  The Davis Model of Sound Intervention uses the power of sound vibration to enhance a subtle energy system called the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection which must be balanced in order to demonstrate positive change in learning, development, and wellness. The process uses specific sound-based therapies.
  • 4. Each person can begin to make natural self change by rebalancing how their body receives, perceives, interprets, and uses the sound vibrational patterns that exist both within their body and externally from outside of their body.  This includes the person diagnosed with various learning and developmental challenges.
  • 5. And if the person’s environment— including both their physical surroundings and their internal body —created some form of distortion, then sound can rebalance the body.  How is this possible??
  • 6. Let’s first look at some terms:  Sound Healing: Using tones, mantras, various rhythms and sound patterns, and other sounding techniques to support change with the body’s energy patterns  Sound Therapy: Using specific notes of the musical scales to make change with the body’s energy patterns usually with a sounding source
  • 7. What is sound-based therapy?  Sound-based therapy uses sound vibration with special equipment, specific programs, modified music, and/or specific tones/beats, the need for which is identified with appropriate testing.  Sound-based therapy goes beyond hearing, beyond auditory processing, and beyond music. Sound-based therapy utilizes the energy of the person and supports change with the person’s natural form and function by repatterning this energy.
  • 8. Two additional terms:  Music: The Artwork of Sound  Music Therapy: Using the Artwork of Sound to make change with emotional, behavioral, and physiological body responses
  • 9. More Terms: 1.Hearing is the physical act of utilizing the ear to receive sound 2.Listening involves using the brain in conjunction with the physical act of receiving sound. (Involves a mental process) 3.Perception is how the brain receives, perceives and uses sound
  • 10. Paradigm Shift  The body’s response to sound is more than a ‘hearing’ function. It is a whole body response coordinated through the brain.
  • 11. The Foundation for The Davis Model of Sound Intervention  3 key points: 1. There are 5 laws which connect the voice, the ear, and the brain. Summarized, the voice produces what the ear hears, and the ear emits the same stressed frequencies as the voice. If one is modified, the other changes and the brain sends the correcting response to the body. These laws are known as The Tomatis Effect and The Davis Addendum® to the Tomatis Effect.
  • 12. 2. Every cell in the body emits and takes in sound frequencies, thereby portraying the body as one’s “Signature Symphony of Sound®”. If there is an ‘out of tune’ frequency, the ‘instruments (cells)’ of the body are not supporting the symphony and the music is discordant. The ‘out of tune’ frequencies are identified. The sound is introduced to the body and the brain then introduces the correct frequency to the cell to ‘tune it up’.
  • 13. 3. The ear is viewed as the body’s global sensory processor and not just a hearing mechanism, as all of the body’s senses are stimulated either directly or indirectly through the ear. Sound vibration is also processed through bone response, cell response, the nervous system, the circulatory system, and the soft tissue network of the body. The body as a whole is considered a vibrational frequency entity.
  • 14. Moving beyond the foundation, how can change occur? 1. Each client starts with a test battery that determines if the patterns exist that need change and then suggests the protocol of sound-based therapy use. 2. The protocol of sound-based therapies begins. Change is monitored and programs modified as needed.
  • 15. How is the Protocol determined?  The Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) is based on the interpretation of The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy℠--the developmental flow chart for the correct administration of any sound- based therapy.
  • 16. Developmental Flow 1. Sense of Hearing 2. Body Rhythms 3. General Sound Processing Connections 4. Specific Auditory Processing Skills 5. Academic Skills 6. Overall body stability and maintenance
  • 17. While there are many different sound-based therapies that can be administered individually with some level of success, the best outcomes are evidenced when The Tree analogy is used.
  • 18. The Tree has 6 Parts: 1. Sense of Hearing  The “Root System” addresses one’s sense of hearing. The therapy(ies) offered at this level are a form of Auditory Integration Training, which repatterns how the acoustic reflex muscle in the middle ear responds to sound, and subsequently supports the reception of sound in the cochlea. These therapies are modeled after the work of Dr. Guy Berard. The changes evidenced are a result of better sound reception.
  • 19. Developmental Flow 2. Body Rhythms The “Seed” is the foundation for all sound response in the body as it addresses our basal body rhythms, such as the heart beat or breath stream. The therapies at this level of The Tree can be utilized at any time in the person’s protocol of sound therapies because these skills bring the person back into focus and keep them feeling positive at their core level. These therapies introduce rhythmical patterns to which the body responds physically and emotionally.
  • 20. Developmental Flow 3.. General Sound Processing Connections The “Trunk” addresses all responses of the ear for general sound processing stimulation, not hearing. The programs at this level are called Listening Training Programs and are modeled after the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis who established the Tomatis® Method. The changes evidenced are a result of the vibrational stimulation through the parts of the ear: cochlea, semi- circular canals, and vestibule, as well as the bones, circulatory system, nervous system, soft-tissue network, and cell structure of the body.
  • 21. Developmental Flow 4. Specific Auditory Processing Skills The “Lower Leaves and Branches” address specific auditory processing skills such as memory, sequencing, and discrimination. These skills are inherent in how the brain receives information from the auditory pathway to the brain, specifically from the cochlea to the auditory reception centers in the brain. There are numerous sound-based therapies that address these skills either in a specific skill area such as temporal sequencing, or with general overall auditory processing skills.
  • 22. Developmental Flow 5. Academic skills The “Upper Leaves and Branches” address the academic areas such as reading, spelling and handwriting skills, which can only be maximally achieved when the foundation of The Tree is in place. People can have these skills as splinter skills but not always process them in their entirety. The programs suggested at this level must include an auditory, visual, and language combination of instructional skills, thereby allowing for full integration of the foundational skills.
  • 23. Developmental Flow 6. Overall body stability and maintenance The “Overall Maintenance of The Tree” addresses one’s wellness or body support for maintaining the learning and developmental changes obtained with the therapies at the various parts of The Tree. The head surrounding The Tree reflects the combination of the Voice, the Ear, and the Brain supporting each other for the learning and developmental changes. Currently the voice identifies the body’s imbalances and then the ear sends the correcting frequency to the brain and body so that the body can make foundational change.
  • 24. Once the therapy protocol is determined, how does the body change naturally?  Point to consider: How does sound affect the body, especially as it relates to learning, development and wellness issues that impact various diagnoses.
  • 25. Sound Impacts our Entire Body  We hear sound through our ears, our skin, our bones, our sense of touch, and our cells  It affects our physical well- being, emotions, and response to the world around us  We must hear sound correctly in order to process what is being said
  • 26. Positive Negative  Calming and  Isolation relaxing  Lack of attention  Brings into focus  Hypersensitivity  Creates to all sensory stimulation awareness of world  Poor social skills  Weak motor &  Supports vestibular skills language  Poor reading development skills  Enhances  Weak Auditory responsiveness Processing skills
  • 27. Negative Impact on the Special Needs Child  Will cover ears  Will turn TV volume up  Has fear of sound (phobia)  Will tune out the world  Dislikes background noise  Will react sometimes and not others  May act “deaf”
  • 28. The Ear is the Major Sensory Stimulator for the Body The ear stimulates our sense of: * taste * touch * sight * smell * hearing Additionally, it affects our balance, emotions, digestion, and social skills. With sound vibration, all senses are stimulated, bringing them into better functional use. 10 cranial nerves are directly stimulated with sound and sensations spread throughout the entire body.
  • 29. Diagnosis doesn’t matter  The diagnosis of the person seeking to make change does not matter, for it is the sound energy patterns of the body that determine the possibilities for change for each individual.  In other words, sound-based therapies force the evaluator and the client to focus on the energy patterns of the body, not the disability—neither medical nor educational. The symptoms, disabilities and challenges are not what are addressed. Each person is helped as an individual energy entity.  Each person makes natural self-change at a basic core level.
  • 30. Intentional sound programs apparently go to the person’s weakest area and begins to make change from that core spot. Sometimes the change is noticed immediately and sometimes the change is more subtle because the weakest area is so deeply imbedded.  These programs complement allopathic medicine programs and are considered holistic/alternative approaches to wellness.
  • 31. Root Therapy Changes 1. Sense of Hearing  Improved hearing hyper- sensitivity to sound (one type)  Decreased hypo- responsiveness to sound  Better reception of sound input  Improved sense of self  More social awareness
  • 32. Seed Therapy Changes 2. Body Rhythms  More connected with the world around them  More focused  More relaxed  Better concentration
  • 33. Trunk Therapy Changes 3.. General Sound Processing Connections  Decreased sensory hypersensitivities  Language skills  Reading skills  Attention/focus  Pragmatics  Social skills  Communication skills  Oral motor skills  Vestibular, motor, balance skills  And sooo much more!
  • 34. Leaves and Branches Changes 4. Specific Auditory Processing Skills  Improved memory, discrimination, and sequencing skills  Improved clarity of incoming receptive language  Better listening in background noise  Better awareness of the world around them  Improved pragmatics of language
  • 35. Head Changes 6. Overall body stability and maintenance  Muscle support  Biochemical support  Hormonal issues  Enhanced learning  Nutritional support  Wellness challenge support
  • 36. To maintain whole body change  The body has to maintain the sense of harmony.  Maintain the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection  Maintain cellular harmonic balance  Balance life’s challenges with sound- based therapy
  • 37. One key way to determine if your body is in harmony: Your voice
  • 38. Every cell in your body has its own frequency or sound.  So, your body represents many thousands of frequencies!! Your vocal frequencies have been connected to your cellular frequencies. The easiest way to determine if our body’s frequencies are staying in tune is through vocal analysis.
  • 39. Voiceprint  When the frequencies of the body become distorted, the voiceprint will display these distortions.
  • 41. Vocal analysis has supported the notion that the Body is a Mathematical Matrix of Predictable Frequency Relationships.
  • 42. By evaluating the numerical frequency relationships, the harmonic relationships become balanced with specific sound frequency combinations.  It’s all about the numbers, which relate to specific sound frequencies!
  • 43.
  • 44. Available Therapies TRUNK Listening Training LEAVES Programs: Fast ForWord® Tomatis® Interactive Enlisten® Metronome® ROOT SYSTEM SYSTEM Auditory MAINTENANCE Integration BioAcoustics™ Training The Voice SEED REI® CymaTherapy®
  • 45. OUR BODIES  Our bodies search for stability between external sound sources and internal body vibrations to create balance. Our bodies react physically and psychologically. Sometimes the body cannot make the change by itself and needs a sound-based therapy to accomplish the change.
  • 46. For anyone using sound-based therapy  Each person is unique  Each person will change from their internally demonstrated needs  For some the process is slow; others faster  Sometimes steps backwards are necessary before steps forward occur  To reach the desired goal, it is important to follow the process to completion.
  • 47. DETP® Provides solutions to understanding the complexities of sound- based therapies and takes the guess work out of which therapies will help each person.
  • 48. So let’s look at particular cases 1. Philip J 2. Jacob N 3. William T
  • 49. 1. Philip J Age 18, male  Diagnosis: autism/sensory disorder  Behavior prior to service: nonverbal, can’t say what wants, likes to swing, seeks proprioceptive input, shows fear to sound, distractible, impulsive, temper tantrums, destructive, aggressive, poorly organized, poor reading skills, and difficulty with peers. History of ear infections.
  • 50. Philip J DETP results 1. Seed:REI 2. AIT 3. Listening Training Program  Previous AIT, age 3 & 7, no change  Previous LTP, gained single words
  • 51. Changes:  REI: Sleeping better; initially sang more, then stopped; constipation lessened; emotion of Sadness developed; began crying in public  AIT: Slightly more compliant; saying more words that had said in the past; sang more; listened better; became constipated again
  • 53. LTP: Going to start soon; more foundational skills will be set in place.  Retest after LTP basic finished  The process is one of building on making correct developmental, learning and wellness changes. The body searches for the weakest areas and stimulates those areas. Each step supports ‘building a better harmonic body’ allowing the body to self- correct.
  • 54. 2. Jacob N Age 12, male  Diagnosis: Autism, CAPD, Sensory Problems, Global Delay  Behavior Prior to Service: distractible; impulsive, hyperactive, low frustration level; oversensitive to sound; inflexible; poor social interactions; not follow verbal directions; problems with social etiquette
  • 55. Jacob N DETP Results 1. Listening Training Program 2. BioAcoustics 3. Fast ForWord  No previous sound interventions
  • 56. Changes:  Listening Training Program: Academic achievement increased; follows directions better; less difficulty with arithmetic and number sequences; organizational skills improved; improved attention span; better concentration; tolerates sound better; improved impulsivity control; completes tasks better; frustration tolerance improved; anxiety levels improved; less supervision for tasks.
  • 58. Feeling blue but trying to be happy.
  • 59. Beginning to feel ‘alive’
  • 60. My world has changed. Feeling great!
  • 61. Changes continued  Less shy; able to express feelings; can acknowledge other person’s viewpoint; improved creative expression; more imaginative play; better problem solving; bettere interaction with others; more appropriate play; sets and works towards goals; uses inappropriate non verbal expressions;
  • 62. Changes continued  Better use of syntax and grammar; speech more fluent; language use more effective; listening skills better; listens before responding; no longer difficulty decoding symbols into sounds; reading is more fluent; spelling improved but still struggle; eye-hand improved; voice quality, strength and volume improved.
  • 63. Next:  Retest at end of LTP demonstrated Fast ForWord as the next appropriate sound-based therapy. BioAcoustics was not attempted because of the then difficulty of maintaining this client long distance and no practitioner was found nearby. Fast ForWord Therapy started in April. Results not in yet.
  • 64. 3. William T Age 9, male  Diagnosis: Autism, PDD  Behavior Prior to Service: Covers ears to loud sounds; tunes out when not interested in activity; talks too fast; ignores sound; over-reacts; over-emotional; destructive behavior; prone to tantrums; distractible; short attention span; oversensitive to all sound.
  • 65. William T DETP Results 1. AIT 2. Listening Training Program 3. BioAcoustics
  • 66. Changes  AIT: Happier; more affectionate; would allow someone to hug and hold him; cried more; babbled more; spoke ‘silly’ talk; more hyper  LTP: Fussed when not allowed to use the computer while listening; didn’t want to play games with family; some music while listening made him sad; he wanted to continued listening.
  • 67. Changes continued  Liked being provoked into an emotional response; homework became easy to accomplish initially and then more difficult; more independent; more defiant; said ‘no’ more often; became more emotionally upset more quickly; expressed more complex thoughts; talking while playing increased;
  • 68. Changes continued  Mumbling has decreased; can have conversations with family, not at family; more friendly and affectionate; more cuddly with family; began to lie; became defiant; understands consequences better; a few sounds continue to bother him; more energy; can wake up on his own; more talkative;
  • 69. Changes continued  Bothering his sister more; trying to get his sister to interact more with him; difficulty respecting other’s boundaries  BioAcoustics: immune system improved  After integration for all therapies, his teachers reported that he had more concentration in class and for homework, was more focused and attentive, was responding to classroom noise better. Personally his allergies did not bother him as badly as in the past.
  • 70. 3 Cases  Each made foundational change based on their own needs. Change builds upon change so that individual skills can have the frequency, duration and intensity needed to make the skills embedded for long term effects.  Skills are only ‘undone’ when sufficient frequency, duration and intensity hasn’t been received to maintain the skill or some other outside influence triggered a regression.  It is important to finish the DETP protocol for change to occur.
  • 71. For Adults: Many Possibilities  Betsy, age 48, TBI, Reversed sound sensitivities, improved vestibular/motor skills, improved body in time & space, improved memory, improved clarity of thought, better able to handle life’s difficulties  Valerie, age 44, Depression, eliminated depression, discovered ‘sense of self’
  • 72. The DETP provides the solution as to which sound-based therapy(ies) should be the starting place and which therapy can provide the appropriate progression of developmental stimulation to build upon each skill.
  • 73. It is not the disability that is helped. Sound-based therapies, as directed by The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy™, address the challenges of many learning, development, and wellness issues.
  • 74. It is not always the specific therapy that will make the most change. All sound-based therapies can make change but the correct administration of the therapies will maximize the energy responses of the body to enhance the body’s natural form and function.
  • 75. The voice, the ear, and the brain combined is most important! The Davis Model uses your voice, which reflects what your ear and brain receive and perceive.
  • 76. In Summary  All sound therapies are not the same!  Although any sound therapy can make change, it is the correct order of the administration of sound therapies that can make the greatest impact. The order is identified from testing.
  • 77. To Date: The Voice and the Ear  The voice is the most obvious and readily available frequency source for obtaining information about the body.  The voice is the sound source and the ear is the receiver. Together they form a dynamic system.  The ear establishes the foundation for energy patterns and the voice displays the patterns.
  • 78.  And now with my latest work, called Ototoning, you can soon learn how to use the emission from your ear to help you self-heal by using your voice!!
  • 79. My new work  Bridges the gap between Sound Healing and Sound-based therapy.  In order to maximize how you can use sound healing, you must balance your body with sound-based therapy.  It is the connection between our voice, our ear and our brain that supports our ability to maintain a balanced place for learning, development and wellness.  Once balanced, we can look at self- healing.
  • 80. Going Forward: The Dynamic Trio  The voice and the ear are frequency sources for obtaining information about the body.  The voice and ear are sound sources and the ear also receives sound. Together they form a dynamic system.  The ear provides information about what the body needs and the voice displays how the body is functioning.  The voice can be used to support foundational change for the body.  The brain then regulates the body.
  • 81. We offer a new paradigm for learning, development and wellness…..  We combine  The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection  The scientific biological principles of our body’s cell structure  Sound Therapies administered in the correct order  To Make Positive Change in Learning, Development, and Wellness
  • 82. The Davis Model  The Davis Model of Sound Intervention is a whole body approach to supporting learning, development and wellness changes. The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection provides the foundation to make this happen.
  • 83. This approach uses the foundational energy of each person to begin working towards personal change. Change can occur in many areas, but mostly where the body directs it. By using the natural energy of the person, the approach is considered an holistic/alternative approach.
  • 87. Free ebooklet to download for limited time:  http://www.thedaviscen
  • 88. Contact Information:  Dorinne S. Davis  The Davis Center  19 State Rt 10 E, Ste 25  Succasunna, NJ 07876  862-251-4637  

Editor's Notes

  1. Sound therapy uses ambient sound or headphones. This is different from Frequency therapy, which uses transducers placed directly on the body. Sound therapy is also different from music therapy because the sounds may not always be within the range of vocal or instrumental octaves. BioAcoustics is more specific. It means “life sounds”. It is the study of those frequencies produced by all living things.
  2. Sound therapy uses ambient sound or headphones. This is different from Frequency therapy, which uses transducers placed directly on the body. Sound therapy is also different from music therapy because the sounds may not always be within the range of vocal or instrumental octaves. BioAcoustics is more specific. It means “life sounds”. It is the study of those frequencies produced by all living things.