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“Seek Under Porus”
KQA History Quiz 3.0
Round I -Written Round (6 questions)
Round II - Infinite Bounce (20 questions)
Round III- Written Round (6 questions)
Round IV - Infinite Bounce (20 questions)
Round V -Theme (8 questions)
The Write Wing
   Written round
   5 caricatures, you have to identify the person
   Bonus of 5 for identifying the artist
   30 points in all!
6 ID the artist
1.   Salvador Allende
2.   Lyndon B Johnson
3.   Vaclav Havel
4.   Narasimha Rao
5.   Sukharno
6.   The artist is David Levine
   Scores!
Round II
 20 questions
   He began his career as a dragoon . Despite of not being
    an English man, he eventually became a Major-General
    in the Bengal Army. He was also a shrewd business
    man and amassed lots of wealth through various
    ventures. He was an amateur scientist and a doctor of
    sorts. He performed first recorded lithotripsy on
    himself and was an avid hot air balloonist. He was also
    very successful architect, the Raj Bhavan in Lucknow
    was built according to his design. However his name
    lives through something else established by his
    philanthropic contribution. Who?
And the answer is…
   This was Claude Martin.
    The La Martinere
    schools were established
    in his memory
2. An incident and its cause are shown
            here. Explain
And the answer is…
   The picture on the right is a representation of a tally
    stick. Tally stick was an ancient memory aid device to
    record and document numbers, quantities, or even
   The incident is the October 16th 1834 fire of Palace of
    Westminster .The burning of the tally sticks went out of
    control and brought the whole structure down.
   The picture on the left is a painting of the incident by
    J.M.W. Turner, who was present there.

   It was the only European country to appoint a diplomatic
    consul to the Confederate States of America during the
    American Civil War. Their royal family had connections
    to the English Royal family, Emperor Maxmillian of
    Mexico, Queen Isabella of Brazil, Pedro of Portugal, the
    last Tsar and Tsarina of Russia, the Kings of Spain,
    Bulgaria and Prussia. This country doesn't exist now, in
    1918 after the German Revolution it got divided and one
    part merged with Bavaria and other joined the Weimar
    Republic. After the Second World War the name also
    disappeared from the public view. ID
And the answer is…
   Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

 He was one of the sons of Noah and is considered by many
as his eldest son. Elam, Asshur, Aram, Arpachshad and Lud
were his five sons. It is believed that these five sons were the
progenitors of the nations of Elam, Assyria, Syria, Chaldea,
and Lydia, respectively. Abraham, the patriarch of the
Hebrews and Arabs, was one of the descendants of his son
Arpachshad. His name has given rise to a term which in
linguistics and ethnology is used to denote a family of
languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms
of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew,
Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others. We
however know it in a different context, name him or the term.
And the answer is…
   He was Shem and the word Semitic is derived
    from him
 From the year 1973, this ten year old boy is always
shown with his back turned to the viewer. He always
walks with his hands clasped behind his back. His age
represented the artist's age when the artist was forced to
leave his homeland and would not grow up until the
artist could return. He wears ragged clothes and walks
barefoot, symbolizing his allegiance to the poor. In the
later cartoons, he sometimes appears committing
assault or vandalism. Identify this icon of defiance and
his creator.
And the answer is…
   Naji al Ali and Handala.

   He was a German Pacifist and a very vocal critic of the Nazi
    party. He was convicted of high treason and espionage in 1931
    after publishing details of Germany's alleged violation of the
    Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding an air force, the predecessor
    of the Luftwaffe, and training pilots in the Soviet Union. On
    28 February 1933, after the Reichstag fire, he was arrested and
    held in so-called protective custody in Spandau prison. While
    at the prison he was suffering from TB, the authorities denied
    treatment and he finally died in custody on May 1938. In 1935
    his plight got international attention and he shares a unique
    distinction with 2 others. What? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Carl Von Ossietzky He won the Nobel Peace
    Prize in 1935, he along with Aung Sang Syuki
    and Liu Xiabo are the only three people to
    receive the peace prize in absentia
 Marcus Licinius Crassus was a Roman general and
politician who commanded the left wing of Sulla's army
at the Battle of the Colline Gate. He also provided
political and financial support to Julius Caesar and
entered into the political alliance known as the First
Triumvirate with Pompey and Caesar. He is considered
the wealthiest man in Roman history, and perhaps one of
the richest men in all history. He is also credited for
leading the Roman forces to victory almost single
handedly in a civil war. This war was fought between
73-71 BC and it was getting out of control and had
started threatening the heartland of Italy before Crassus
crushed it. Who was his main adversary in this war?
And the answer is…
   This war was known as the Third Servile War,
    the rebels were mainly slaves who were fighting
    under the leadership of a Thracian slave named
 When the Foreign Minister Fakir Azizuddin was
asked, which one of his King's eyes was missing,
he replied: "The King is like the sun and sun has
only one eye. The splendor and luminosity of his
single eye is so much that I have never dared to
look at his other eye." Who was this one eyed
King who lost one of his eyes in an attack of
small pox in his childhood?
And the answer is…
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
The Keralaanthakan gopuram was a gate which was built
to commemorate the victory over the Kerala king
Bhaskara Ravi Varma and the name means the Destroyer
of Kerala. It is believed that any VIP who passes through
this gate would lose power or fall ill or lose even his life
within a few days. This gained credibility when former
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated and
former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.G. Ramachandran
had a serious stroke, both in 1984, after using the said
entrance, the current Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
Karunanidhi is known to avoid this entrance. Where can
you see this gate? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Brihadeeshwara Temple

 It was an identification system based on physical
measurements. It was the first scientific system used by police
to identify criminals. Before that time, criminals could only be
identified based on unreliable eyewitness accounts. The
method was eventually supplanted by fingerprinting. The
inventor of this system is also credited with standardizing the
mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene
photography, these practices are still followed today. He was
also referenced in the Hound of Baskervilles in which one of
Holmes' clients refers to Holmes as the "second highest
expert in Europe“, after him. Who? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Alphonse Bertillon
 It was founded in Austria in 1923.Following the
Anschluss (Austria's annexation by Germany) in 1938, the
organization fell under the control of Nazi Germany, and
the Commission's headquarters were eventually moved to
Berlin in 1942.From 1938 to 1945, all the presidents were
from SS. The most notable Nazi among them was
Reinhard Heydrich who the headed Reich Main Security
Office, the umbrella organization of Gestapo, SD and
Kripo. After the war, the allies revived it with officials
from Belgium, France, Scandinavia and the United
Kingdom. Now it is headquartered at Lyon in France,
And the answer is…
The Interpol
   During the World War Two, the British intelligence had come to know
    of what eventually became the only civilian transfer across two
    submarines of two different navies in World War II. Even though the
    "civilian" who was being transferred was of utmost importance to the
    British, they refrained from taking any action. It was because the
    intelligence for this mission and another highly secret mission was
    obtained from the same source, the Allied crypto-analysis project. The
    Allies feared that two back to back operations would have revealed the
    source to the Axis. The other piece of intelligence resulted in an
    American covert operation called Operation Vengeance, the longest
    fighter-intercept mission of the war. It was ordered by President
    Roosevelt himself. The target was a plane flying from Rabaul to
    Ballalae Airfield, on an island near Bougainville in the Solomon Islands
    Who/What was the target? Who was the “civilian” who was let off?
And the answer is…
   The American target was Admiral Yamamoto,
    the architect of Pearl Harbour attack, his
    assassination was a major morale booster for the
   The civilian was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

   She was the first woman to graduate with a history degree
    from Oxford. She learnt Arabic in Jerusalem in 1897,and
    taught herself archaeology. She worked with TE Lawrence
    and other archaeologist-spies at an intelligence operation in
    Cairo, known as the Arab Bureau. And very quickly she
    became the most influential British diplomat and was trusted
    by the Arabs. They gave her the nickname Khatun, which
    means fine lady or gentlewoman. She is most remembered
    today in the Arab world and else where for the founding a
    nation under the Kingship of Hashemite Prince Faisal, who
    had been ousted by the French in Syria. Who is she? And
    what country did she found? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Gertrude Bell, she was almost single-handedly
    responsible for the founding of modern Iraq.

   Bab-i Ali was the name of the open court of the sultan. It got
    its name from the gate to the headquarters of the Grand
    Vizier in Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, where the sultan held the
    greeting ceremony for foreign ambassadors. It was an ancient
    Ottoman practice to make the gates of cities and kings' palaces
    places of assembly. Later the name came to refer to the
    Foreign Ministry. In contemporary times, it is used for the
    office of the governor of Istanbul Province. This name has
    also been interpreted as referring to the Empire's position as
    gateway between Europe and Asia.
   How is Bab-i Ali known in western world? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Porte or Sublime Porte. It is a synecdoche for
    the Ottoman Empire

   The structure doesn’t have a single designer and it is said that people
    throughout China designed and built it. Material from all over China was used
    for the construction: granite from Sichuan Province, porcelain plates from
    Guangdong Province, pine trees from Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, saw-wort
    seeds from the Tian Shan Mountains in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region,
    earth from the quake-stricken Tangshan, color pebbles from Nanjing, milky
    quartz from the Kunlun Mountains, pine logs from Jiangxi Province, and
    rock samples from Mount Everest. Water and sand from the Taiwan Straits
    were also used to symbolically emphasize the People's Republic of China's
    claims over Taiwan. 700,000 people from different provinces, autonomous
    regions, and nationalities did symbolic voluntary labour. What?
And the answer is…
   Mao’s Mausoleum
Audience Q. What is Godwin’s Law?
And the answer is…
   It says “as a Usenet discussion grows longer, the
    probability of a comparison involving Nazis or
    Hitler approaches one”

   Or in other words - as a Usenet thread goes on,
    the chances of somebody or something being
    compared to a Nazi approach one.
   Which institution, who has a Nobel Peace Prize winner
    among it's alumni was established in 1956 by an
    industrialist in the fond memory of his wife, Phoolan
And the answer is…
   Lady Shri Ram College for Women New Delhi.
He started his espionage career as a foreign intelligence officer in 1948.
During the 1950s he served on various undercover assignments
overseas like accompanying the Soviet team to the Olympic games in
Australia. But later that year, after he had apparently mishandled an
operational assignment, he was moved from operational duties and was
told he would never work in the field again. His disillusionment with
the Soviet system is supposed to have started with Nikita Khrushchev's
famous speech to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union congress
denouncing Joseph Stalin. Also his new job gave him opportunity to
discover KGB's systematic repression of the Russian people, which
cemented his anti-Soviet views. This prompted him to start his
clandestine work which later FBI described as "the most complete and
extensive intelligence ever received from any source". Who? <pic>
And the answer is…
   Vasily Mitrokhin

   It is a soft conical cap with the top pulled forward in the
    western provinces of the Roman Empire it came to
    signify freedom and the pursuit of liberty, perhaps
    through a confusion with the pileus, the cap used by a
    freed slave in ancient Rome. It is sometimes called a
    liberty cap and in artistic representations it signifies
    freedom and the pursuit of liberty. The national emblem
    of France, Marianne always shown is shown wearing it. It
    is also seen on the Seal of the United States Senate and
    the coat of arms of Cuba. It is associated in antiquity with
    the inhabitants of a region of central Anatolia and it
    named after this region, What? <pic>
And the answer is…
Phrygian Cap

 Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista was formed as a
communist opposition to Stalinism by the revolutionaries
Andreu Nin and Joaquín Maurín. The two were heavily
influenced by the thinking of Trotsky, particularly his
Permanent Revolution thesis. The POUM was highly
critical of the strategy advocated by Joseph Stalin and as a
result Nin was detained and tortured to death by NKVD
agents in Madrid, and his party consistently labeled as
provocateur in Stalinist propaganda. This violent
crackdown formed the anti-totalarian views of a member
who later became a caustic critic of Communism who?
And the answer is…
   George Orwell
This character is one of the nine pirate lords in the 2007 movie
“Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End”. He is based on a real life
personality who terrorized European ships during the late 17th and
early 18th centuries. While considered a pirate by the British, he is
regarded as a courageous patriot in his homeland. Name the real life
And the answer is…
   Kanoji Angre, the Maratha admiral.
   The character was named “Sri Sumbhajee
   Scores!
Round III
            “Horses for Courses”
          6 questions, all related to horses
10 points each. A bonus 10 for getting all questions
   The cartoon featuring Gordon Brown before the 2010 UK general
    elections, references a famous legend associated with a European
    warrior. As per the story, the man’s corpse was strapped onto his
    horse Babieca and sent into battle by his wife, in order to avoid a
    collapse in troop morale. Name the hero.
   Identify the lady who is the subject of the
    unfortunate cartoons here. What’s the story?
   Two views of a famous memorial. Whose ?
   A famous duel at the climax of the Battle of the Bosworth Field,
    which ended the “War of the Roses”. In dramatized versions of the
    scene, which famous statement is uttered by the defeated man
    before this duel ?
   “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” by Richard III in
    Shakespeare’s play.
   Henry VII became the first Tudor monarch of England after the
   Only two horses in United States history have been
    buried with Full Military Honors. The first was
    “Comanche”, the most famous survivor of the “Battle
    of Little Big Horn”. The second was “Black Jack”, who
    never fought a battle. What special purpose was “Black
    Jack” used for ?
   Budweiser’s association with Clydesdale horses in its
    advertisements started off on April 7, 1933 when August Busch Jr
    gifted a wagon of beer drawn by Clydesdale horses to his father
    August Anheuser Busch. The Clydesdales also made a famous visit
    to the White House. What was the cause for celebration ?
   Exchange Papers!
   The cartoon featuring Gordon Brown before the 2010 UK general
    elections, references a famous legend associated with a European
    warrior. As per the story, the man’s corpse was strapped onto his
    horse Babieca and sent into battle by his wife, in order to avoid a
    collapse in troop morale. Name the hero.
   Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, better known as “El Cid
   Identify the lady who is the subject of the
    unfortunate cartoons here. What’s the story?
   One of the unfortunate rumors associated with
    Catherine the Great was that she died while attempting
    sex with a horse. Story has that the rope used by her
    attendants to raise the horse above her broke, and the
    animal fell on her, crushing her to death.
   Story is untrue. She died of a stroke.
   Two views of a famous memorial. Whose ?
   Crazy Horse Memorial.
   Carved out of the Black Hills of South Dakota, the
    work was sculpted by Korczak Ziolkowski and pays
    homage to Crazy Horse, the Lakota warrior and leader.
   A famous duel at the climax of the Battle of the Bosworth Field,
    which ended the “War of the Roses”. In dramatized versions of the
    scene, which famous statement is uttered by the defeated man
    before this duel ?
   “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” by Richard III in
    Shakespeare’s play.
   Henry VII became the first Tudor monarch of England after the
   Only two horses in United States history have been
    buried with Full Military Honors. The first was
    “Comanche”, the most famous survivor of the “Battle
    of Little Big Horn”. The second was “Black Jack”, who
    never fought a battle. What special purpose was “Black
    Jack” used for ?
   He was the rider less horse in more than 1,000 Armed Forces Full
    Honors Funerals (AFFHF), the most famous occasions being the state
    funerals of John F Kennedy, Herbert Hoover, Lyndon Johnson and
    Douglas McArthur. With boots reversed in the stirrups, he was a
    symbol of a fallen leader.
   Budweiser’s association with Clydesdale horses in its
    advertisements started off on April 7, 1933 when August Busch Jr
    gifted a wagon of beer drawn by Clydesdale horses to his father
    August Anheuser Busch. The Clydesdales also made a famous visit
    to the White House. What was the cause for celebration ?
   The repeal of Prohibition in the United States.
   The horse driven carriage famously delivered a
    case of beer to President Franklin D Roosevelt.
   Scores!
Round IV

Counter Clockwise
  -20 questions
   1. In June 1917, General John J
    Pershing landed in Europe as part
    of the first American involvement
    in WWI. In a show of American
    presence, part of the 16th Infantry
    Regiment marched through a
    European city shortly after his
    arrival. Pausing at a particular
    location to pay his respect, he was
    reputed to have uttered the famous
    line "____________." The line
    was in fact spoken by his aide,
    Colonel Charles E. Stanton. Which,
    now famous, statement ?
   Answer…
   “Lafayette, we have come”.
   The object in picture, sold at an
    auction for a good sum of              2.
    money, was made from the
    remains of a wooden barrel of
    historic significance. The barrel
    has been the subject of much
    discussion and many jokes on
    account of the special purpose it
    was used for. The phrase
    “tapping the admiral”, used to
    denote the practice of sneaking a
    furtive, illicit alcoholic drink, is
    said to have originated from the
    use of this barrel.
   Explain.
   Answer…
   A barrel filled with Whisky was used to transport the body of
    Admiral Horatio Nelson, after his death at Trafalgar. There was
    shortage of lead on the ship to make a coffin and the barrel had
    to be used. Whisky was meant to prevent decomposition. Story
    goes that, when the body reached England, the level of Whisky
    had gone down. This lead to speculation that some sailors had
    tapped into the barrel with straws, for a quick drink. Hence,
    “tapping the admiral”.
    National newspapers ran
     advertisements to help
     out this gentleman when
     he announced that he
     had lost something while
     “changing trains at
     Reading station”.
    What much anticipated
     item was thus delayed ?
   Answer…
   The original manuscript of “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”.
   Lawrence lost it at the station and it was never discovered. He
    re-wrote the book based on things that he remembered (having
    destroyed his notes already).
   This much anticipated annual event had its origins in
    1958 at the modest Green's Hotel – later absorbed by
    the more grandiose Taj Hotel – and was an instant hit.
    By 1960 the hotel's banqueting hall was too small for
    the large audiences and the venue was shifted in turn to
    a nearby exhibition centre, then the sprawling lawns of
    the Cricket Club of India, before moving finally in 1982
    to the Brabourne Stadium, where the attendance
    topped 100,000 people. The last of its kind was in 1994.
   What event ?
   Answer…
   Nani Palkhiwala’s annual post-Budget analysis.
   In 2006, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the Chief of the
    Islamic Courts Union in Somalia, issued a secret order
    to assassinate Somali government officials. This was
    widely reported in the western media but was
    ferociously denied by the organisation.
   What was significant about this incident ?
   Answer…
   The first document published by Wikileaks in
    2006 was this secret letter signed by Sheikh
   The monument pays homage
    to an activity which had
    constituted the chief business
    of a country till the 19th
    century. The industry had
    been in existence since
    ancient times and the region
    was famous for the quality of
    its product. The industry
    disappeared abruptly in the
    1930s, ironically as a side-
    effect of the advent of the
    next big industry in the
    country. Name the country
    and the two industries.
   Answer…
   Bahrain.
   Pearl Industry and Oil.
   The discovery of oil in the 1930s caused serious pollution which
    destroyed Bahrain’s natural pearl beds. This, along with the
    advance in artificial pearl production, lead to the collapse of the
    natural pearl industry. The Pearl monument in Bahrain is
    currently at the center of protests.
   For about a year prior to 1948, the printers who operated the
    Linotype machines in many Chicago establishments had been on
    strike, in protest of the Taft-Hartley Act. A new method had been
    developed, where a copy was composed on typewriters and
    photographed and then engraved onto the printing plates. This
    process was lengthy and had to start earlier than normal.
    The veteran Washington correspondent and political analyst Arthur
    Sears Henning had a reputation for getting things right.
    Conventional wisdom had also supported his view and everyone
    assumed that it was “inevitable”.
   A combination of the above two reasons is suggested as an
    explanation for ?
   Answer…
   The first edition of the Chicago Tribune therefore went to press
    with the banner headline "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN".
    The title of this play is a
     reference to a 1973 debate that
     caused considerable friction in
     international circles. According
     to Time magazine, the debate
     went on for more than 10
     weeks and “nearly two dozen
     designs” had to be studied
     before an agreement was
     reached. A table of 151 feet
     diameter had to be constructed
     by French carpenters, once the
     debate was resolved.
    Explain.
   Answer…
   Shape of the negotiating table for the Paris accords which ended
    the Vietnam war.
   North Vietnam wanted a “square table” representing four equal
    sides – USA, North Vietnam, South Vietnamese government and
    South Vietnamese communists who supported the North.
   South Vietnam and USA wanted a “rectangular table” where
    there were only two equal sides.
   Finally, “a round table flanked by two smaller rectangular
    tables” was agreed upon, with the condition that the smaller
    tables had to be separated slightly from the big table.
   In 2010, a company named “Fathead”, specializing in
    full size posters and other sports memorabilia, was in
    an unusual hurry to offload all items connected with a
    particular sports personality. It announced that the
    prizes were being slashed from $99.99 to $17.41.
   The symbolism of the new price was not lost on the
    fans and some sets quickly sold out.
   What’s the symbolism ?
   Answer…
   The sports star was Lebron James, who made the decision to
    quit Cleveland Cavaliers in an act seen by the franchise as a
   1741 is the year of birth of Benedict Arnold, the most famous
    turncoat in US history.
   Hence $17.41 .
   Until the beginning of the 20th century, the practice of
    “cremation” was illegal in England because of the perception that
    it was an “un-Christian” act. In 1874, the editor of the Punch
    magazine and several other notables formed the “Cremation
    Society of England” to campaign for legalization. The editor died
    soon afterwards, but his body couldn’t be cremated despite his
    wishes. His son was very disappointed with the government’s
    refusal to grant permission. His (the son's) most famous work is
    now regarded as a subtle effort to support the cause. The work
    came out around the same time that another petition for the right
    of cremation had been submitted to the Govt.
    Although this famous effort did not help the legalization struggle
    too much, it is an enduring image in a different field.
   What work ?
   Answer…
The editor of Punch was Shirley Brooks. His son was Reginald Brooks who
  wrote the following notice in the Sporting Times.

In Affectionate Remembrance
which died at the Oval
29th AUGUST 1882,
Deeply lamented by a large circle of sorrowing
friends and acquaintances
N.B.—The body will be cremated and the
ashes taken to Australia.
   In 1826 Stanislas Baudry, the owner of a flour mill in Nantes,
    had the idea of opening a public bath to make use of the hot
    water discharged by his steam engines. In order to make this
    attractive, he also had to start another service. This one started in
    front of the premises of a hatter by the name of Omnès whose
    sign read "Omnès ____" - a pun on a famous Latin phrase. The
    users of this service got into the habit of calling the service the
    “____". The word stuck. The people of Nantes immediately
    took to the ___. In 1828, realizing the implications of his
    success, Baudry closed the baths and the flour mill and went to
    Paris to set up the Compagnie Générale d‘____. Success was
    short-lived. Baudry quickly fell into financial ruin which led him
    to take his own life. The idea, however, gained ground.
   What word?
   Answer…
   Omnibus.
   “nus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno” is a Latin phrase that
    means "One for all, all for one" in English. It is most
    famous for being the motto of Alexandre Dumas'
    Three Musketeers
   The painting depicts an event in the early 17th century which resulted in
    the complete subjugation of Calvinists/Protestants in the country. The
    victory of the King and his Catholic supporters resulted in the
    establishment of a strong central government in the country, soon
    paving the way for an absolute monarchy. Name the event and the
    religious group which was destroyed in this action.
   Answer…
   The Siege of La Rochele.
   La Rochele was a fortress of the Huguenots (French Calvinists)
    who’s power was destroyed by the siege led by King Louis XIII
    and Cardinal Richelieu. The event increased the power and
    popularity of the French monarchy.
   Col Leon Dostert is believed to have been the man responsible for
    the introduction of this system at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945.
    The proposal for the use of this system was met with much
    skepticism, with concerns about whether it violated the rights of the
    defendants to a fair trial. The experienced professionals in this field
    advocated the "consecutive" system which had been in use much
    earlier. But Dostert convinced all the delegations that "consecutive"
    would make the trials unfeasible and destroy public confidence.
    Finally everyone came around to this opinion and the proposal was
    accepted. A variant of the "Filene-Finlay" system was used.
   This "system" is often credited with making the Nuremberg trials
    possible. In fact, it became a huge success and was adapted across
    the world. What path breaking innovation?
   Answer…
   Simultaneous translation/interpretation.
   In the “consecutive system”, every statement
    made by the speaker would be followed by a
    translator repeating it in a different language.
    The international nature of the Nuremberg
    trials meant that every statement had to be
    translated in at least four languages, making it
    prohibitively long. The “Filene-Finlay” system
    (supplied by IBM) provided listeners with
    headphones which could be used to select
    “language channels”. All the interpreters
    simultaneously translated the statements and
    spoke them into microphones. The listeners did
    not have to sit through consecutive translations!
    Without this system, UN proceedings,
    international conferences etc would have been
    way more complicated.
   There are 8 statues around the Place de La Concorde, an
    octagonal shaped public square in Paris. For about 50
    years, one of the statues was covered in black mourning
    crepe on state occasions. Wreaths were placed on the
    statue by citizens of France. The practice stopped only
    after the end of WWI.
   Give a very specific explanation. (images on next slide)
14 (continued…)
   Answer…
   The eight statues represented eight major cities of
   Alsace-Lorraine had been annexed by the Germans
    after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871. The statue
    representing Strasbourg, a prominent city of the
    province, was draped in black by the French to mourn
    the loss of Alsace.
   When the armistice ending WWI was signed, the
    province was returned and triumphant Parisians ripped
    apart the wreaths, replacing it with the tricolore.
   Anna Walentynowicz was fired from her job with just 5 months
    left for her retirement. What did she thus become a trigger for ?
   Answer…
   The dismissal of Anna, a popular crane operator, for illegal trade
    union activities led to a workers strike in the Gdansk shipyard.
    The strike under the leadership of Lech Walesa led to Anna being
    reinstated and unions being legalized – thus allowing Solidarity to
    be formed. Eventually this triggered off a wave of protests that led
    to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
   Identify the city where this taxi service operates.
   Answer…
   Salem, famous for the Salem Witch Trials.
   Some time in the early 1980s, this person was on a visit to a
    foreign country and went to meet a famous Pir of that country.
    The dignitary asked the Pir the following question “When will the
    assassin of my father…. die ?”
    The Pir closed his eyes for a few moments and then gave this
    enigmatic reply: “When ___ fly, he will die”.
   This curious prophesy is said to have come to fruition some time
    later. Fill up the blank or explain how this remarkable story ties
    in with the equally remarkable tale of the prophesy coming true.
   Answer…
   The person asking the question was Benazir Bhuto, while on a visit
    to Bangladesh in the early 1980s. The Pir’s response was “When
    mangoes fly, he will die”. Zia-ul-Haq’s death has been attributed to a
    case of exploding mangoes or poison-gas filled mangoes, smuggled
    aboard his plane.

   (“come to fruition” was
    supposed to be a clue )
Identify this gentleman laying gold coins on the floor in front of
   Nawab Wazir Khan of Sirhind. What is he paying for ?
   Answer…
   Diwan Todar Mal, paying for land to cremate the sons of Guru
    Gobind Singh, the last Sikh Guru.
   The captured sons of the Guru had been bricked alive by Wazir Khan, the
    Mughal Governor, when they refused to convert to Islam. Todar Mal tried to
    pay ransom and rescue them, but was too late. He wished to cremate their
    bodies with respect. A decree had been issued banning their cremation on
    Mughal land.
   The Sultan told Todar Mal that he would agree to his request if he paid for
    the land by spreading as many gold mohurs (coins) as would cover the piece
    of land required for cremation
   Every five miles, you will find a “crownstone” decorated with the
    coat of arms of two families, one on either other. Every mile is
    also marked by a smaller milestone with a “M” on one side and a
    “P” on the other side. What purpose did these stones serve?

          Milestone                         Crownstone
   Answer…
   Cornerstones of the Mason-Dixon line.
   Mason and Dixon settled the boundaries of Maryland (controlled
    by the Calvert family) and Pennsylvania (controlled by the Penn
    family). The “M” and “P” represent the two states.
   On Easter Monday 1282, at the Church of the Holy Spirit just outside
    Palermo, at evening prayer, a Frenchman harassed a local woman. According
    to Steven Runciman, the woman’s husband attacked the French soldier with a
    knife, killing him. When the other Frenchmen tried to avenge their comrade
    the crowd fell upon them, killing them all. At that moment all the church bells
    in Palermo began to ring for evening prayers. To the sound of the bells,
    messengers ran through the city calling on the men of Palermo to rise against
    the French who had been ruling this kingdom. . Four thousand Frenchmen
    were massacred in the next few weeks. It became a full blown European war,
    when the King of Arragon joined the Italians in their rebellion. The popular
    name for the original incident (and the war that followed) is derived from the
    timing of its start. What name?
   Answer…
   The incident was known as the “Sicilian Vespers” and the wider
    war became known as the “War of the Sicilian Vespers”.
   Vespers are the evening prayers held inside a Church.
   Scores!
Round V
                       8 questions
Questions 1,2   +30/-15
Questions 3,4   +20/-10
Questions 5,6   +15/-7.5
Questions 7,8   +10/-5
1.                 +30/-15
   This national monument is named after the fifth Prime Minister
    of Pakistan. In India, he is often remembered for the time he
    spent with the Mahatma in an abandoned house in Belliaghatta,
    trying to bring peace after the riots in the region. Name.
   Answer…
   Suhrawardy Udyan, named after Shahid Hussain
2.                                           +30/-15
   This battle in A.D. 1187 was a famous victory for this ruler. He
    used a small force to launch a siege against the isolated fortress
    of Tiberias held by his opponents, while keeping his main army
    in reserve. When the bulk of the enemy army came out of the
    city to relieve the fortress under siege, the main army moved in
    and engaged it in open battle. The result of this battle is said to
    have caused the taxes in England to go up by roughly 10%.
   Name the ruler and the battle.
   Answer…
   Saladin and the battle of Hattin which destroyed the Crusader
    forces based in Jersusalem.
   The “Saladin Tithe” was a special tax imposed by the Church to
    finance the third Crusade.
   Attempts for the theme ?
   +30/-15.
3.                                           +20/-10
   Which Indian structure, the first of its kind in the sub-continent,
    was originally inspired by the monument in the picture?
   Humayun’s tomb, the first garden-tomb in the
    sub-continent was inspired by Timur’s tomb
    (seen in the picture).
4.                                         +20/-10
   “We do not exchange marshals for soldiers”. What
    exchange was rejected with these brave words?
   Answer…
   Stalin rejected the exchange of Field Marshal Paulus,
    the German commander of Stalingrad for his son
    Yakov Dzhugashvili, a POW in a German camp.
   Attempts for the theme ?
   +20/-10.
5.          +15/-7.5
 Statue in Alesia, commissioned
    by Napoleon III. The
    inscription at the base
    translates to:

     “Gaul united,
     Forming a single nation
     Animated by a common spirit,
     Can defy the Universe”.

     Id the subject of the
   Answer…
   Vercingetorix.
6                                   +15/-7.5
   Painting depicts the siege of a city in A.D. 1430. ___ rushed to the
    city while it was being besieged by the Burgundians. After a small
    skirmish, ___ ordered a retreat and assumed the place of honor as
    the last to leave the field. Unfortunately ___ was unseated by an
    archer and captured by the Burgundians. Name the victim as well as
    the city.
   Answer…
   Joan of Arc, captured during the siege of
   Attempts for the theme ?
   +15/-7.5.
7.                           10/-5
        This US flag with 31 stars is a replica of
         the flag that had been flown from
         Commodore Matthew Perry's flagship in
         1853–1854 when he led the US Navy's
         Far East Squadron on his most famous
        Some 92 years later, the flag was
         specially flown in from the Naval
         Academy Museum for a special
         occasion, closely related to the first.
         Fittingly, the man who was at the center
         of the proceedings was a cousin of
         Cmdr Perry. Incidentally, on this
         illustrious occasion, this flag was actually
         displayed backward — reverse side
         showing (stars in the upper right
         corner). What occasion ?
   The Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri.
   Cmdr Perry had flown into Tokyo bay in 1853-54,
    forcing Japan to open up its ports to foreign ships.
   Gen Douglas McArthur was a cousin of Commodore
    Matthew Perry
8.                                                    +10/-5
   A dinner was going on in Wilmer Mclean’s house when a cannon ball
    dropped through the kitchen fireplace. The region was soon engulfed in
    strife. A grocer by profession, he soon found the situation to be really
    bad and decided to move his family to safety. The family relocated to
    120 miles south of their original house. Nearly four years later, some
    people turned up at his new house and asked him if they could use it for
    a special occasion. Mclean, thus became an unwitting celebrity in history.
   What is his unusual claim to fame? Where was his second house
    located ?
   Answer…
   The US Civil War began in Mclean’s front yard and ended in his
    front parlor. The first battle of the war (First Battle of Bull Run)
    had ruined the dinner at his original house. He relocated to a
    town called Appamatox Court House. The surrender of Robert
    Lee to Ulysses Grant happened in the front parlor of Mclean’s
    second house.
   Attempts for the theme ?
   +10/-5.
   Theme?
Surrenders in History
   Suhrawardy Udyan (originally Ramna Race Course) – Surrender
    of Gen Niazi and the Pakistan army to J S Aurora.
   Hattin – Surrender of the Crusaders of Jersusalem to Saladin.
   Humayun’s Tomb – Surrender of Bahadur Shah Zafar to the
    British forces.
   Stalingrad – Surrender of Field Marshal Paulus and the German
    6th army to the Soviets.
   Alesia, Gaul - Surrender of Vercingetorix to Julius Caesar.
   Compiegne – Surrender of Germany in WWII (was also the
    venue of an armistice in WWI)
   USS Missouri – Surrender of Japan in WWII
   Appamatox Court House – Surrender of Robert Lee and the
    Confederate Army to Ulysses Grant.
That’s all folks!

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History quiz finals 2011

  • 1. “Seek Under Porus” KQA History Quiz 3.0
  • 2. Finals Round I -Written Round (6 questions) Round II - Infinite Bounce (20 questions) Round III- Written Round (6 questions) Round IV - Infinite Bounce (20 questions) Round V -Theme (8 questions)
  • 4. Written round  5 caricatures, you have to identify the person  Bonus of 5 for identifying the artist  30 points in all!
  • 5. 1
  • 6. 2
  • 7. 3
  • 8. 4
  • 9. 5
  • 10. 6 ID the artist
  • 12. 1. Salvador Allende 2. Lyndon B Johnson 3. Vaclav Havel 4. Narasimha Rao 5. Sukharno 6. The artist is David Levine
  • 13. Scores!
  • 14. Round II Clockwise 20 questions
  • 15. 1  He began his career as a dragoon . Despite of not being an English man, he eventually became a Major-General in the Bengal Army. He was also a shrewd business man and amassed lots of wealth through various ventures. He was an amateur scientist and a doctor of sorts. He performed first recorded lithotripsy on himself and was an avid hot air balloonist. He was also very successful architect, the Raj Bhavan in Lucknow was built according to his design. However his name lives through something else established by his philanthropic contribution. Who?
  • 16. And the answer is…
  • 17. This was Claude Martin. The La Martinere schools were established in his memory
  • 18. 2. An incident and its cause are shown here. Explain
  • 19. And the answer is…
  • 20. Answer  The picture on the right is a representation of a tally stick. Tally stick was an ancient memory aid device to record and document numbers, quantities, or even messages  The incident is the October 16th 1834 fire of Palace of Westminster .The burning of the tally sticks went out of control and brought the whole structure down.  The picture on the left is a painting of the incident by J.M.W. Turner, who was present there.
  • 21. 3  It was the only European country to appoint a diplomatic consul to the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Their royal family had connections to the English Royal family, Emperor Maxmillian of Mexico, Queen Isabella of Brazil, Pedro of Portugal, the last Tsar and Tsarina of Russia, the Kings of Spain, Bulgaria and Prussia. This country doesn't exist now, in 1918 after the German Revolution it got divided and one part merged with Bavaria and other joined the Weimar Republic. After the Second World War the name also disappeared from the public view. ID
  • 22. And the answer is…
  • 23. Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  • 24. 4 He was one of the sons of Noah and is considered by many as his eldest son. Elam, Asshur, Aram, Arpachshad and Lud were his five sons. It is believed that these five sons were the progenitors of the nations of Elam, Assyria, Syria, Chaldea, and Lydia, respectively. Abraham, the patriarch of the Hebrews and Arabs, was one of the descendants of his son Arpachshad. His name has given rise to a term which in linguistics and ethnology is used to denote a family of languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others. We however know it in a different context, name him or the term.
  • 25. And the answer is…
  • 26. He was Shem and the word Semitic is derived from him
  • 27. 5. From the year 1973, this ten year old boy is always shown with his back turned to the viewer. He always walks with his hands clasped behind his back. His age represented the artist's age when the artist was forced to leave his homeland and would not grow up until the artist could return. He wears ragged clothes and walks barefoot, symbolizing his allegiance to the poor. In the later cartoons, he sometimes appears committing assault or vandalism. Identify this icon of defiance and his creator.
  • 28. And the answer is…
  • 29. Naji al Ali and Handala.
  • 30. 6  He was a German Pacifist and a very vocal critic of the Nazi party. He was convicted of high treason and espionage in 1931 after publishing details of Germany's alleged violation of the Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding an air force, the predecessor of the Luftwaffe, and training pilots in the Soviet Union. On 28 February 1933, after the Reichstag fire, he was arrested and held in so-called protective custody in Spandau prison. While at the prison he was suffering from TB, the authorities denied treatment and he finally died in custody on May 1938. In 1935 his plight got international attention and he shares a unique distinction with 2 others. What? <pic>
  • 31.
  • 32. And the answer is…
  • 33. Carl Von Ossietzky He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935, he along with Aung Sang Syuki and Liu Xiabo are the only three people to receive the peace prize in absentia
  • 34. 7 Marcus Licinius Crassus was a Roman general and politician who commanded the left wing of Sulla's army at the Battle of the Colline Gate. He also provided political and financial support to Julius Caesar and entered into the political alliance known as the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Caesar. He is considered the wealthiest man in Roman history, and perhaps one of the richest men in all history. He is also credited for leading the Roman forces to victory almost single handedly in a civil war. This war was fought between 73-71 BC and it was getting out of control and had started threatening the heartland of Italy before Crassus crushed it. Who was his main adversary in this war?
  • 35. And the answer is…
  • 36. This war was known as the Third Servile War, the rebels were mainly slaves who were fighting under the leadership of a Thracian slave named Spartacus.
  • 37. 8 When the Foreign Minister Fakir Azizuddin was asked, which one of his King's eyes was missing, he replied: "The King is like the sun and sun has only one eye. The splendor and luminosity of his single eye is so much that I have never dared to look at his other eye." Who was this one eyed King who lost one of his eyes in an attack of small pox in his childhood?
  • 38. And the answer is…
  • 40. 9 The Keralaanthakan gopuram was a gate which was built to commemorate the victory over the Kerala king Bhaskara Ravi Varma and the name means the Destroyer of Kerala. It is believed that any VIP who passes through this gate would lose power or fall ill or lose even his life within a few days. This gained credibility when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.G. Ramachandran had a serious stroke, both in 1984, after using the said entrance, the current Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi is known to avoid this entrance. Where can you see this gate? <pic>
  • 41.
  • 42. And the answer is…
  • 43. Brihadeeshwara Temple
  • 44. 10 It was an identification system based on physical measurements. It was the first scientific system used by police to identify criminals. Before that time, criminals could only be identified based on unreliable eyewitness accounts. The method was eventually supplanted by fingerprinting. The inventor of this system is also credited with standardizing the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography, these practices are still followed today. He was also referenced in the Hound of Baskervilles in which one of Holmes' clients refers to Holmes as the "second highest expert in Europe“, after him. Who? <pic>
  • 45.
  • 46. And the answer is…
  • 47. Alphonse Bertillon
  • 48. 11 It was founded in Austria in 1923.Following the Anschluss (Austria's annexation by Germany) in 1938, the organization fell under the control of Nazi Germany, and the Commission's headquarters were eventually moved to Berlin in 1942.From 1938 to 1945, all the presidents were from SS. The most notable Nazi among them was Reinhard Heydrich who the headed Reich Main Security Office, the umbrella organization of Gestapo, SD and Kripo. After the war, the allies revived it with officials from Belgium, France, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. Now it is headquartered at Lyon in France, what?
  • 49. And the answer is…
  • 51. 12  During the World War Two, the British intelligence had come to know of what eventually became the only civilian transfer across two submarines of two different navies in World War II. Even though the "civilian" who was being transferred was of utmost importance to the British, they refrained from taking any action. It was because the intelligence for this mission and another highly secret mission was obtained from the same source, the Allied crypto-analysis project. The Allies feared that two back to back operations would have revealed the source to the Axis. The other piece of intelligence resulted in an American covert operation called Operation Vengeance, the longest fighter-intercept mission of the war. It was ordered by President Roosevelt himself. The target was a plane flying from Rabaul to Ballalae Airfield, on an island near Bougainville in the Solomon Islands Who/What was the target? Who was the “civilian” who was let off?
  • 52. And the answer is…
  • 53. The American target was Admiral Yamamoto, the architect of Pearl Harbour attack, his assassination was a major morale booster for the Americans.  The civilian was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
  • 54. 13  She was the first woman to graduate with a history degree from Oxford. She learnt Arabic in Jerusalem in 1897,and taught herself archaeology. She worked with TE Lawrence and other archaeologist-spies at an intelligence operation in Cairo, known as the Arab Bureau. And very quickly she became the most influential British diplomat and was trusted by the Arabs. They gave her the nickname Khatun, which means fine lady or gentlewoman. She is most remembered today in the Arab world and else where for the founding a nation under the Kingship of Hashemite Prince Faisal, who had been ousted by the French in Syria. Who is she? And what country did she found? <pic>
  • 55.
  • 56. And the answer is…
  • 57. Gertrude Bell, she was almost single-handedly responsible for the founding of modern Iraq.
  • 58. 14  Bab-i Ali was the name of the open court of the sultan. It got its name from the gate to the headquarters of the Grand Vizier in Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, where the sultan held the greeting ceremony for foreign ambassadors. It was an ancient Ottoman practice to make the gates of cities and kings' palaces places of assembly. Later the name came to refer to the Foreign Ministry. In contemporary times, it is used for the office of the governor of Istanbul Province. This name has also been interpreted as referring to the Empire's position as gateway between Europe and Asia.  How is Bab-i Ali known in western world? <pic>
  • 59.
  • 60. And the answer is…
  • 61. Porte or Sublime Porte. It is a synecdoche for the Ottoman Empire
  • 62. 15.  The structure doesn’t have a single designer and it is said that people throughout China designed and built it. Material from all over China was used for the construction: granite from Sichuan Province, porcelain plates from Guangdong Province, pine trees from Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, saw-wort seeds from the Tian Shan Mountains in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, earth from the quake-stricken Tangshan, color pebbles from Nanjing, milky quartz from the Kunlun Mountains, pine logs from Jiangxi Province, and rock samples from Mount Everest. Water and sand from the Taiwan Straits were also used to symbolically emphasize the People's Republic of China's claims over Taiwan. 700,000 people from different provinces, autonomous regions, and nationalities did symbolic voluntary labour. What?
  • 63. And the answer is…
  • 64. Mao’s Mausoleum
  • 65. Audience Q. What is Godwin’s Law?
  • 66. And the answer is…
  • 67. It says “as a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one”  Or in other words - as a Usenet thread goes on, the chances of somebody or something being compared to a Nazi approach one.
  • 68. 16  Which institution, who has a Nobel Peace Prize winner among it's alumni was established in 1956 by an industrialist in the fond memory of his wife, Phoolan Devi?
  • 69. And the answer is…
  • 70. Lady Shri Ram College for Women New Delhi.
  • 71. 17 He started his espionage career as a foreign intelligence officer in 1948. During the 1950s he served on various undercover assignments overseas like accompanying the Soviet team to the Olympic games in Australia. But later that year, after he had apparently mishandled an operational assignment, he was moved from operational duties and was told he would never work in the field again. His disillusionment with the Soviet system is supposed to have started with Nikita Khrushchev's famous speech to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union congress denouncing Joseph Stalin. Also his new job gave him opportunity to discover KGB's systematic repression of the Russian people, which cemented his anti-Soviet views. This prompted him to start his clandestine work which later FBI described as "the most complete and extensive intelligence ever received from any source". Who? <pic>
  • 72.
  • 73. And the answer is…
  • 74. Vasily Mitrokhin
  • 75. 18  It is a soft conical cap with the top pulled forward in the western provinces of the Roman Empire it came to signify freedom and the pursuit of liberty, perhaps through a confusion with the pileus, the cap used by a freed slave in ancient Rome. It is sometimes called a liberty cap and in artistic representations it signifies freedom and the pursuit of liberty. The national emblem of France, Marianne always shown is shown wearing it. It is also seen on the Seal of the United States Senate and the coat of arms of Cuba. It is associated in antiquity with the inhabitants of a region of central Anatolia and it named after this region, What? <pic>
  • 76.
  • 77. And the answer is…
  • 79. 19 Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista was formed as a communist opposition to Stalinism by the revolutionaries Andreu Nin and Joaquín Maurín. The two were heavily influenced by the thinking of Trotsky, particularly his Permanent Revolution thesis. The POUM was highly critical of the strategy advocated by Joseph Stalin and as a result Nin was detained and tortured to death by NKVD agents in Madrid, and his party consistently labeled as provocateur in Stalinist propaganda. This violent crackdown formed the anti-totalarian views of a member who later became a caustic critic of Communism who?
  • 80. And the answer is…
  • 81. George Orwell
  • 82. 20 This character is one of the nine pirate lords in the 2007 movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End”. He is based on a real life personality who terrorized European ships during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. While considered a pirate by the British, he is regarded as a courageous patriot in his homeland. Name the real life person.
  • 83. And the answer is…
  • 84. Kanoji Angre, the Maratha admiral.  The character was named “Sri Sumbhajee Angria”
  • 85. Scores!
  • 86. Round III “Horses for Courses” 6 questions, all related to horses 10 points each. A bonus 10 for getting all questions right
  • 87. 1.  The cartoon featuring Gordon Brown before the 2010 UK general elections, references a famous legend associated with a European warrior. As per the story, the man’s corpse was strapped onto his horse Babieca and sent into battle by his wife, in order to avoid a collapse in troop morale. Name the hero.
  • 88. 2.  Identify the lady who is the subject of the unfortunate cartoons here. What’s the story?
  • 89. 3.  Two views of a famous memorial. Whose ?
  • 90. 4.  A famous duel at the climax of the Battle of the Bosworth Field, which ended the “War of the Roses”. In dramatized versions of the scene, which famous statement is uttered by the defeated man before this duel ?
  • 91. “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” by Richard III in Shakespeare’s play.  Henry VII became the first Tudor monarch of England after the battle.
  • 92. 5.  Only two horses in United States history have been buried with Full Military Honors. The first was “Comanche”, the most famous survivor of the “Battle of Little Big Horn”. The second was “Black Jack”, who never fought a battle. What special purpose was “Black Jack” used for ?
  • 93. 6.  Budweiser’s association with Clydesdale horses in its advertisements started off on April 7, 1933 when August Busch Jr gifted a wagon of beer drawn by Clydesdale horses to his father August Anheuser Busch. The Clydesdales also made a famous visit to the White House. What was the cause for celebration ?
  • 94. Exchange Papers!
  • 96. 1.  The cartoon featuring Gordon Brown before the 2010 UK general elections, references a famous legend associated with a European warrior. As per the story, the man’s corpse was strapped onto his horse Babieca and sent into battle by his wife, in order to avoid a collapse in troop morale. Name the hero.
  • 97. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, better known as “El Cid Campeador”.
  • 98. 2.  Identify the lady who is the subject of the unfortunate cartoons here. What’s the story?
  • 99. One of the unfortunate rumors associated with Catherine the Great was that she died while attempting sex with a horse. Story has that the rope used by her attendants to raise the horse above her broke, and the animal fell on her, crushing her to death.  Story is untrue. She died of a stroke.
  • 100. 3.  Two views of a famous memorial. Whose ?
  • 101. Crazy Horse Memorial.  Carved out of the Black Hills of South Dakota, the work was sculpted by Korczak Ziolkowski and pays homage to Crazy Horse, the Lakota warrior and leader.
  • 102. 4.  A famous duel at the climax of the Battle of the Bosworth Field, which ended the “War of the Roses”. In dramatized versions of the scene, which famous statement is uttered by the defeated man before this duel ?
  • 103. “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” by Richard III in Shakespeare’s play.  Henry VII became the first Tudor monarch of England after the battle.
  • 104. 5.  Only two horses in United States history have been buried with Full Military Honors. The first was “Comanche”, the most famous survivor of the “Battle of Little Big Horn”. The second was “Black Jack”, who never fought a battle. What special purpose was “Black Jack” used for ?
  • 105. He was the rider less horse in more than 1,000 Armed Forces Full Honors Funerals (AFFHF), the most famous occasions being the state funerals of John F Kennedy, Herbert Hoover, Lyndon Johnson and Douglas McArthur. With boots reversed in the stirrups, he was a symbol of a fallen leader.
  • 106. 6.  Budweiser’s association with Clydesdale horses in its advertisements started off on April 7, 1933 when August Busch Jr gifted a wagon of beer drawn by Clydesdale horses to his father August Anheuser Busch. The Clydesdales also made a famous visit to the White House. What was the cause for celebration ?
  • 107. The repeal of Prohibition in the United States.  The horse driven carriage famously delivered a case of beer to President Franklin D Roosevelt.
  • 108. Scores!
  • 109. Round IV Counter Clockwise -20 questions
  • 110. 1.  1. In June 1917, General John J Pershing landed in Europe as part of the first American involvement in WWI. In a show of American presence, part of the 16th Infantry Regiment marched through a European city shortly after his arrival. Pausing at a particular location to pay his respect, he was reputed to have uttered the famous line "____________." The line was in fact spoken by his aide, Colonel Charles E. Stanton. Which, now famous, statement ?
  • 111. Answer…
  • 112. “Lafayette, we have come”.
  • 113. The object in picture, sold at an auction for a good sum of 2. money, was made from the remains of a wooden barrel of historic significance. The barrel has been the subject of much discussion and many jokes on account of the special purpose it was used for. The phrase “tapping the admiral”, used to denote the practice of sneaking a furtive, illicit alcoholic drink, is said to have originated from the use of this barrel.  Explain.
  • 114. Answer…
  • 115. A barrel filled with Whisky was used to transport the body of Admiral Horatio Nelson, after his death at Trafalgar. There was shortage of lead on the ship to make a coffin and the barrel had to be used. Whisky was meant to prevent decomposition. Story goes that, when the body reached England, the level of Whisky had gone down. This lead to speculation that some sailors had tapped into the barrel with straws, for a quick drink. Hence, “tapping the admiral”.
  • 116. 3.  National newspapers ran advertisements to help out this gentleman when he announced that he had lost something while “changing trains at Reading station”.  What much anticipated item was thus delayed ?
  • 117. Answer…
  • 118. The original manuscript of “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”.  Lawrence lost it at the station and it was never discovered. He re-wrote the book based on things that he remembered (having destroyed his notes already).
  • 119. 4.  This much anticipated annual event had its origins in 1958 at the modest Green's Hotel – later absorbed by the more grandiose Taj Hotel – and was an instant hit. By 1960 the hotel's banqueting hall was too small for the large audiences and the venue was shifted in turn to a nearby exhibition centre, then the sprawling lawns of the Cricket Club of India, before moving finally in 1982 to the Brabourne Stadium, where the attendance topped 100,000 people. The last of its kind was in 1994.  What event ?
  • 120. Answer…
  • 121. Nani Palkhiwala’s annual post-Budget analysis.
  • 122. 5.  In 2006, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the Chief of the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia, issued a secret order to assassinate Somali government officials. This was widely reported in the western media but was ferociously denied by the organisation.  What was significant about this incident ?
  • 123. Answer…
  • 124. The first document published by Wikileaks in 2006 was this secret letter signed by Sheikh Hassan.
  • 125. 6.  The monument pays homage to an activity which had constituted the chief business of a country till the 19th century. The industry had been in existence since ancient times and the region was famous for the quality of its product. The industry disappeared abruptly in the 1930s, ironically as a side- effect of the advent of the next big industry in the country. Name the country and the two industries.
  • 126. Answer…
  • 127. Bahrain.  Pearl Industry and Oil.  The discovery of oil in the 1930s caused serious pollution which destroyed Bahrain’s natural pearl beds. This, along with the advance in artificial pearl production, lead to the collapse of the natural pearl industry. The Pearl monument in Bahrain is currently at the center of protests.
  • 128. 7  For about a year prior to 1948, the printers who operated the Linotype machines in many Chicago establishments had been on strike, in protest of the Taft-Hartley Act. A new method had been developed, where a copy was composed on typewriters and photographed and then engraved onto the printing plates. This process was lengthy and had to start earlier than normal. The veteran Washington correspondent and political analyst Arthur Sears Henning had a reputation for getting things right. Conventional wisdom had also supported his view and everyone assumed that it was “inevitable”.  A combination of the above two reasons is suggested as an explanation for ?
  • 129. Answer…
  • 130. The first edition of the Chicago Tribune therefore went to press with the banner headline "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN".
  • 131. 8.  The title of this play is a reference to a 1973 debate that caused considerable friction in international circles. According to Time magazine, the debate went on for more than 10 weeks and “nearly two dozen designs” had to be studied before an agreement was reached. A table of 151 feet diameter had to be constructed by French carpenters, once the debate was resolved.  Explain.
  • 132. Answer…
  • 133. Shape of the negotiating table for the Paris accords which ended the Vietnam war.  North Vietnam wanted a “square table” representing four equal sides – USA, North Vietnam, South Vietnamese government and South Vietnamese communists who supported the North.  South Vietnam and USA wanted a “rectangular table” where there were only two equal sides.  Finally, “a round table flanked by two smaller rectangular tables” was agreed upon, with the condition that the smaller tables had to be separated slightly from the big table.
  • 134. 9.  In 2010, a company named “Fathead”, specializing in full size posters and other sports memorabilia, was in an unusual hurry to offload all items connected with a particular sports personality. It announced that the prizes were being slashed from $99.99 to $17.41.  The symbolism of the new price was not lost on the fans and some sets quickly sold out.  What’s the symbolism ?
  • 135. Answer…
  • 136. The sports star was Lebron James, who made the decision to quit Cleveland Cavaliers in an act seen by the franchise as a “betrayal”.  1741 is the year of birth of Benedict Arnold, the most famous turncoat in US history.  Hence $17.41 .
  • 137. 10.  Until the beginning of the 20th century, the practice of “cremation” was illegal in England because of the perception that it was an “un-Christian” act. In 1874, the editor of the Punch magazine and several other notables formed the “Cremation Society of England” to campaign for legalization. The editor died soon afterwards, but his body couldn’t be cremated despite his wishes. His son was very disappointed with the government’s refusal to grant permission. His (the son's) most famous work is now regarded as a subtle effort to support the cause. The work came out around the same time that another petition for the right of cremation had been submitted to the Govt. Although this famous effort did not help the legalization struggle too much, it is an enduring image in a different field.  What work ?
  • 138. Answer…
  • 139. The editor of Punch was Shirley Brooks. His son was Reginald Brooks who wrote the following notice in the Sporting Times. In Affectionate Remembrance of ENGLISH CRICKET, which died at the Oval on 29th AUGUST 1882, Deeply lamented by a large circle of sorrowing friends and acquaintances R.I.P. N.B.—The body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.
  • 140. 11.  In 1826 Stanislas Baudry, the owner of a flour mill in Nantes, had the idea of opening a public bath to make use of the hot water discharged by his steam engines. In order to make this attractive, he also had to start another service. This one started in front of the premises of a hatter by the name of Omnès whose sign read "Omnès ____" - a pun on a famous Latin phrase. The users of this service got into the habit of calling the service the “____". The word stuck. The people of Nantes immediately took to the ___. In 1828, realizing the implications of his success, Baudry closed the baths and the flour mill and went to Paris to set up the Compagnie Générale d‘____. Success was short-lived. Baudry quickly fell into financial ruin which led him to take his own life. The idea, however, gained ground.  What word?
  • 141. Answer…
  • 142. Omnibus.  “nus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno” is a Latin phrase that means "One for all, all for one" in English. It is most famous for being the motto of Alexandre Dumas' Three Musketeers
  • 143. 12.  The painting depicts an event in the early 17th century which resulted in the complete subjugation of Calvinists/Protestants in the country. The victory of the King and his Catholic supporters resulted in the establishment of a strong central government in the country, soon paving the way for an absolute monarchy. Name the event and the religious group which was destroyed in this action.
  • 144. Answer…
  • 145. The Siege of La Rochele.  La Rochele was a fortress of the Huguenots (French Calvinists) who’s power was destroyed by the siege led by King Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu. The event increased the power and popularity of the French monarchy.
  • 146. 13.  Col Leon Dostert is believed to have been the man responsible for the introduction of this system at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945. The proposal for the use of this system was met with much skepticism, with concerns about whether it violated the rights of the defendants to a fair trial. The experienced professionals in this field advocated the "consecutive" system which had been in use much earlier. But Dostert convinced all the delegations that "consecutive" would make the trials unfeasible and destroy public confidence. Finally everyone came around to this opinion and the proposal was accepted. A variant of the "Filene-Finlay" system was used.  This "system" is often credited with making the Nuremberg trials possible. In fact, it became a huge success and was adapted across the world. What path breaking innovation?
  • 147. Answer…
  • 148. Simultaneous translation/interpretation.  In the “consecutive system”, every statement made by the speaker would be followed by a translator repeating it in a different language. The international nature of the Nuremberg trials meant that every statement had to be translated in at least four languages, making it prohibitively long. The “Filene-Finlay” system (supplied by IBM) provided listeners with headphones which could be used to select “language channels”. All the interpreters simultaneously translated the statements and spoke them into microphones. The listeners did not have to sit through consecutive translations! Without this system, UN proceedings, international conferences etc would have been way more complicated.
  • 149. 14.  There are 8 statues around the Place de La Concorde, an octagonal shaped public square in Paris. For about 50 years, one of the statues was covered in black mourning crepe on state occasions. Wreaths were placed on the statue by citizens of France. The practice stopped only after the end of WWI.  Give a very specific explanation. (images on next slide)
  • 151. Answer…
  • 152. The eight statues represented eight major cities of France.  Alsace-Lorraine had been annexed by the Germans after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871. The statue representing Strasbourg, a prominent city of the province, was draped in black by the French to mourn the loss of Alsace.  When the armistice ending WWI was signed, the province was returned and triumphant Parisians ripped apart the wreaths, replacing it with the tricolore.
  • 153. 15.  Anna Walentynowicz was fired from her job with just 5 months left for her retirement. What did she thus become a trigger for ?
  • 154. Answer…
  • 155. The dismissal of Anna, a popular crane operator, for illegal trade union activities led to a workers strike in the Gdansk shipyard. The strike under the leadership of Lech Walesa led to Anna being reinstated and unions being legalized – thus allowing Solidarity to be formed. Eventually this triggered off a wave of protests that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • 156. 16.  Identify the city where this taxi service operates.
  • 157. Answer…
  • 158. Salem, famous for the Salem Witch Trials.
  • 159. 17.  Some time in the early 1980s, this person was on a visit to a foreign country and went to meet a famous Pir of that country. The dignitary asked the Pir the following question “When will the assassin of my father…. die ?” The Pir closed his eyes for a few moments and then gave this enigmatic reply: “When ___ fly, he will die”.  This curious prophesy is said to have come to fruition some time later. Fill up the blank or explain how this remarkable story ties in with the equally remarkable tale of the prophesy coming true.
  • 160. Answer…
  • 161. The person asking the question was Benazir Bhuto, while on a visit to Bangladesh in the early 1980s. The Pir’s response was “When mangoes fly, he will die”. Zia-ul-Haq’s death has been attributed to a case of exploding mangoes or poison-gas filled mangoes, smuggled aboard his plane.  (“come to fruition” was supposed to be a clue )
  • 162. 18. Identify this gentleman laying gold coins on the floor in front of Nawab Wazir Khan of Sirhind. What is he paying for ?
  • 163. Answer…
  • 164. Diwan Todar Mal, paying for land to cremate the sons of Guru Gobind Singh, the last Sikh Guru.  The captured sons of the Guru had been bricked alive by Wazir Khan, the Mughal Governor, when they refused to convert to Islam. Todar Mal tried to pay ransom and rescue them, but was too late. He wished to cremate their bodies with respect. A decree had been issued banning their cremation on Mughal land.  The Sultan told Todar Mal that he would agree to his request if he paid for the land by spreading as many gold mohurs (coins) as would cover the piece of land required for cremation
  • 165. 19.  Every five miles, you will find a “crownstone” decorated with the coat of arms of two families, one on either other. Every mile is also marked by a smaller milestone with a “M” on one side and a “P” on the other side. What purpose did these stones serve? Milestone Crownstone
  • 166. Answer…
  • 167. Cornerstones of the Mason-Dixon line.  Mason and Dixon settled the boundaries of Maryland (controlled by the Calvert family) and Pennsylvania (controlled by the Penn family). The “M” and “P” represent the two states.
  • 168. 20.  On Easter Monday 1282, at the Church of the Holy Spirit just outside Palermo, at evening prayer, a Frenchman harassed a local woman. According to Steven Runciman, the woman’s husband attacked the French soldier with a knife, killing him. When the other Frenchmen tried to avenge their comrade the crowd fell upon them, killing them all. At that moment all the church bells in Palermo began to ring for evening prayers. To the sound of the bells, messengers ran through the city calling on the men of Palermo to rise against the French who had been ruling this kingdom. . Four thousand Frenchmen were massacred in the next few weeks. It became a full blown European war, when the King of Arragon joined the Italians in their rebellion. The popular name for the original incident (and the war that followed) is derived from the timing of its start. What name?
  • 169. Answer…
  • 170. The incident was known as the “Sicilian Vespers” and the wider war became known as the “War of the Sicilian Vespers”.  Vespers are the evening prayers held inside a Church.
  • 171. Scores!
  • 172. Round V Theme 8 questions Questions 1,2 +30/-15 Questions 3,4 +20/-10 Questions 5,6 +15/-7.5 Questions 7,8 +10/-5
  • 173. 1. +30/-15  This national monument is named after the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. In India, he is often remembered for the time he spent with the Mahatma in an abandoned house in Belliaghatta, trying to bring peace after the riots in the region. Name.
  • 174. Answer…
  • 175. Suhrawardy Udyan, named after Shahid Hussain Suhrawardy.
  • 176. 2. +30/-15  This battle in A.D. 1187 was a famous victory for this ruler. He used a small force to launch a siege against the isolated fortress of Tiberias held by his opponents, while keeping his main army in reserve. When the bulk of the enemy army came out of the city to relieve the fortress under siege, the main army moved in and engaged it in open battle. The result of this battle is said to have caused the taxes in England to go up by roughly 10%.  Name the ruler and the battle.
  • 177. Answer…
  • 178. Saladin and the battle of Hattin which destroyed the Crusader forces based in Jersusalem.  The “Saladin Tithe” was a special tax imposed by the Church to finance the third Crusade.
  • 179. Attempts for the theme ?  +30/-15.
  • 180. 3. +20/-10  Which Indian structure, the first of its kind in the sub-continent, was originally inspired by the monument in the picture?
  • 181. Humayun’s tomb, the first garden-tomb in the sub-continent was inspired by Timur’s tomb (seen in the picture).
  • 182. 4. +20/-10  “We do not exchange marshals for soldiers”. What exchange was rejected with these brave words?
  • 183. Answer…
  • 184. Stalin rejected the exchange of Field Marshal Paulus, the German commander of Stalingrad for his son Yakov Dzhugashvili, a POW in a German camp.
  • 185. Attempts for the theme ?  +20/-10.
  • 186. 5. +15/-7.5 Statue in Alesia, commissioned by Napoleon III. The inscription at the base translates to: “Gaul united, Forming a single nation Animated by a common spirit, Can defy the Universe”. Id the subject of the statue.
  • 187. Answer…
  • 188. Vercingetorix.
  • 189. 6 +15/-7.5  Painting depicts the siege of a city in A.D. 1430. ___ rushed to the city while it was being besieged by the Burgundians. After a small skirmish, ___ ordered a retreat and assumed the place of honor as the last to leave the field. Unfortunately ___ was unseated by an archer and captured by the Burgundians. Name the victim as well as the city.
  • 190. Answer…
  • 191. Joan of Arc, captured during the siege of Compiegne.
  • 192. Attempts for the theme ?  +15/-7.5.
  • 193. 7. 10/-5  This US flag with 31 stars is a replica of the flag that had been flown from Commodore Matthew Perry's flagship in 1853–1854 when he led the US Navy's Far East Squadron on his most famous mission.  Some 92 years later, the flag was specially flown in from the Naval Academy Museum for a special occasion, closely related to the first. Fittingly, the man who was at the center of the proceedings was a cousin of Cmdr Perry. Incidentally, on this illustrious occasion, this flag was actually displayed backward — reverse side showing (stars in the upper right corner). What occasion ?
  • 194. The Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri.  Cmdr Perry had flown into Tokyo bay in 1853-54, forcing Japan to open up its ports to foreign ships.  Gen Douglas McArthur was a cousin of Commodore Matthew Perry
  • 195. 8. +10/-5  A dinner was going on in Wilmer Mclean’s house when a cannon ball dropped through the kitchen fireplace. The region was soon engulfed in strife. A grocer by profession, he soon found the situation to be really bad and decided to move his family to safety. The family relocated to 120 miles south of their original house. Nearly four years later, some people turned up at his new house and asked him if they could use it for a special occasion. Mclean, thus became an unwitting celebrity in history.  What is his unusual claim to fame? Where was his second house located ?
  • 196. Answer…
  • 197. The US Civil War began in Mclean’s front yard and ended in his front parlor. The first battle of the war (First Battle of Bull Run) had ruined the dinner at his original house. He relocated to a town called Appamatox Court House. The surrender of Robert Lee to Ulysses Grant happened in the front parlor of Mclean’s second house.
  • 198. Attempts for the theme ?  +10/-5.
  • 199. Theme?
  • 200. Surrenders in History  Suhrawardy Udyan (originally Ramna Race Course) – Surrender of Gen Niazi and the Pakistan army to J S Aurora.  Hattin – Surrender of the Crusaders of Jersusalem to Saladin.  Humayun’s Tomb – Surrender of Bahadur Shah Zafar to the British forces.  Stalingrad – Surrender of Field Marshal Paulus and the German 6th army to the Soviets.  Alesia, Gaul - Surrender of Vercingetorix to Julius Caesar.  Compiegne – Surrender of Germany in WWII (was also the venue of an armistice in WWI)  USS Missouri – Surrender of Japan in WWII  Appamatox Court House – Surrender of Robert Lee and the Confederate Army to Ulysses Grant.