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QMs - Ankan Bansal and Prakhar Gupta
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Who comes next?
What does this list represent?
• Vimal Vasahi
• Luna Vasahi
• Pittalhar
• Parshvanatha
• Mahavir Swami
Dilwara Temples
These started around 1950s for revenue
generation as a simple profit sharing
agreement between the railways and some
private companies. Western Railway
generated Rs 26 lakh in 2001, and Rs 19 lakh
in 2010, but the collections plummeted to Rs.
1.71 lakh in 2012. As train frequency improves
there is now little hope of their survival. What
are we talking about?
The film is a love story between a prince and a
gypsy girl. The story centres on a royal family.
The main characters are the king and his two
warring wives. Their rivalry escalates when
a fakir predicts that Navbahar will bear the king's
heir. Dilbahar, in revenge, attempts to have an
affair with the kingdom's chief minister. The affair
goes sour and a vengeful Dilbahar imprisons him
and exiles his daughter. Upon returning to the
palace, the girl meets and falls in love with the
charming young prince. In the end, Dilbahar is
punished and the lovers marry.
X was an Indian jurist. He was the Indian member
appointed to the International Military Tribunal
for the Far East's trials of Japanese war
crimes committed during the second World War.
Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the
only one who submitted a judgment which
insisted all defendants were not guilty.
The Yasukuni Shrine and the Kyoto Ryozen
Gokoku Shrine have monuments specially
dedicated to him.
Justice Radha Binod Pal
X was an Indian origin Allied Special Operations Executive
(SOE) agent during the Second World War. She became the
first female radio operator to be sent from Britain into
occupied France to aid the French Resistance. During her
training she adopted the name "Nora Baker". She travelled
to Paris and joined the Physician network led by Francis
Suttill. She was betrayed and arrested and interrogated at
the SD Headquarters. On 11 September 1944 X and three
other SOE agents from Karlsruhe prison were moved to
the Dachau Concentration Camp. In the early hours of the
morning of 13 September 1944, the four women were
executed by a shot to the head. She was portrayed
by Barbara Hershey in the 1979 miniseries A Man Called
Intrepid. X-?
Noor Inayat Khan
When written as a horizontal line, it is called
vinculum and when written as a vertical line, it
is called solidus. What?
The line between the numerator and the
denominator (or the symbol for division for
division of two numbers)
The term refers to a type of organism whose
cells don't have a nucleus or any other
organelles with a membrane. So all of the
matter in the cell is just enclosed by the cell
membrane. Most current theories hold that
the first living organisms were this type of
organism. What is the term?
Prokaryote (meaning "before kernel"
i.e. before nucleus)
Some would say that this is not science. Well, whatever.
_______ is a unit of measurement of beauty.
1 milli_____ is the amount of beauty needed to launch
a single ship. According to The Rebel Angels, a 1981
novel by Robertson Davies, this system was invented by
W.A.H. Rushton who was a professor of Physiology at
Cambridge. If certain sources are to be believed,
________ had a beauty rating of 1.186 _______.
Negative values have also been observed—these are
measured by the number of ships sunk.
X are a series of organic molecules whose structural
formulae resemble human forms. James Tour et al.
(Rice University) designed and synthesized these
compounds in 2003 as a part of a sequence of chemical
education for young students. The compounds consist
of two benzene rings connected via a few carbon
atoms as the body, four acetylene units each carrying
an alkyl group at their ends which represents the hands
and legs, and a 1,3-dioxolane ring as the head.
(Example on next slide)
In theoretical physics, a _______________ is a hypothetical universe with
no global definition of charge. What a Klein bottle is to a closed two-
dimensional surface, a _______________ is to a closed three-dimensional
A _____________ can be considered to allow at least two topologically-
distinct routes between any two points, and if one connection (or
"handle") is declared to be a "conventional" spatial connection, at least
one other must be deemed to be a non-orientable wormhole connection.
Once these two connections are made, we can no longer define whether a
given particle is matter or antimatter. A particle might appear as
an electron when viewed along one route, and as a positron when viewed
along the other. If we define a reference charge as nominally positive and
bring it alongside our "undefined charge" particle, the two particles may
attract if brought together along one route, and repel if brought together
along another - the ____________ loses the ability to distinguish between
positive and negative charges, except locally.
Alice Universe
X was a French civil engineer noted for his
inventions in the field of information graphics. He
was born in Dijon and studied science and
mathematics at the École Polytechnique, then
civil engineering at École nationale des ponts et
chaussées. He is best known for this graph (image
on next slide) which has been described as "best
statistical graphic ever drawn" by Edward Tufte.
Give us X and tell us what is depicted in the
X - Charles Joseph Minard
The 1869 chart shows the number of men in
Napoleon’s 1812 Russian campaign army, their
movements, as well as the temperature they
encountered on the return path. (Brown -
towards Moscow(extreme right) and Black -
• Found in 1926 during archaeological excavations, X is
one of the best-known structures among the ruins of
the ancient Indus Valley
Civilization at Mohenjodaro in Sindh, Pakistan.
Archaeological evidence indicates that the X was built
in the 3rd Millennium BCE
• X of Mohenjodaro is known as “the first of its kind". X
measures 11.88 metres x 7.01 metres, and has a
maximum depth of 2.43 metres. Two wide staircases,
one from the north and one from the south, served as
the entry to the structure. A 1 meter wide and 40
centimeters mound at present at end of these stairs.
The Great Bath of Mohenjodaro.
• The Xs were a series of three wars fought between Y and Z
from 264 BC to 146 BC. At the time, they were probably the
largest wars that had ever taken place.
• At the start of the first X, Y was the dominant power of
the Western Mediterranean, with an extensive maritime
empire, while Z was the rapidly ascending power in Italy,
but lacked the naval power of Y. By the end of the third war,
after more than a hundred years, and the loss of many
hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides, Z had
conquered Y's empire and completely destroyed the city,
becoming the most powerful state of the Western
• ID X,Y and Z.
X- Punic Wars
Y- Rome
Z- Carthage
• X ,formerly known as Formosa was mainly inhabited by
aborigines until the Dutch settlement during the Age of
Discovery in the 17th century. Then, its control changed hands
from the Dutch to the Qing dynasty and then it was ceded to
Japan in 1895. In 1945, Its control went to Y (an official name
for X, now) and in 1949 became the centre of government of
Generalissimo Z. ID X,Y and Z for full points.
X- Taiwan
Y- Republic of China
Z- Chiang Kai-Shek
• X was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant
guilds and their market towns with Lübeck as its capital that
dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe. It
stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during
the Late Middle Ages and early modern period (c. 13th to
17th centuries).
• The legacy of X is remembered in many names including the
German Airline Lufthansa.
X- Hansa, Hanse of Hanseatic League
• During the 1989 anti communist revolutions, X
was the only country where people overthrew
the communist regime violently. Y, the
country’s president. was arrested and was
shot along with his wife who used to be the
deputy prime minister after facing a show
X – Romania
Y- Nicolae Ceauşescu
• X, which took place during World War 1 is acknowledged to
have been one of the first genocides.
• It is known as the Great Crime among the victimized group
Y, when the government of Z preformed wholesale killing
of the able-bodied male population through massacre and
forced labor, and the deportation of women, children, the
elderly and infirm on death marches to the Syrian Desert.
• Around 1.5 million people were estimated to be dead as a
result of X.
• Z’, the successor of Z still denies that the word genocide is
an accurate description of the events.
• ID X and Z
X- Armenian Genocide
Y- Armenians
Z- Ottoman Empire.
• X was a long distance runner who won three gold medals at
Helsinki Olmpics. He became famous for the third medal,
when he decided to run first marathon of his life and won the
• In February 2013, the editors at Runner's World Magazine
selected him as the Greatest Runner of All Time.
• ID X.
Emil Zátopek
• X was a French tennis player who later became a
business man. He was one of the famous “Four
Musketeers” and won seven Grand Slam singles
titles in the French, American, and British
championships but never made the long trip to
Australia to play in their championships.
• He was nicknamed as Y for his tenacity on the court
which later became the logo of his eponymous
• ID X and Y.
X- Rene Lacoste
Y- Crocodile
• In archery, what does the term “Robin Hood” denote?
The act of splitting the shaft of an arrow already in the target.
• The overall time leader gets the Yellow Jersey in Tour de
France. Who gets the Green and the Polka Dot jersey?
• Green jersey goes to the rider with maximum sprint points.
• Polka Dot Jersey goes to the rider who wins ‘the king of the
mountain’ i.e the best climber.
• Rafael Moreno Aranzadi was a Spanish player who played as
an striker for the Athletic Bilbao during the 1910s and 1920s.
• He won four Spanish Cups with Bilbao and a silver medal for
Spain in 1920 Antwerp Olympics.
• How has he been immortalised in Spain?
The Pichichi trophy is named after his nickname ‘Pichichi’ and
is awarded to the highest goal scorer in La Liga.
• X put up a valiant display and scored 62 runs out of his team’s
score of 136 against the Indian Cricket Team in the 2003 world
cup. Later, he was selected to join the MCC Young Cricketers
programme. He hit the record books in 2004 when he scored
a 38-ball century – the fastest in the history of MCC Young
• However, we all know X for some different reason, for being a
part of a historical first in another world cup.
• ID X as well as the event.
• X- Daan Van Bunge
• Got hit for 6 sixes in an over in 2007 world cup by Herschelle Gibbs.
• In Jainism, a X is a human being who helps in achieving
liberation and enlightenment as an "Arihant" by destroying
their soul-constraining karmas, became a role-model and
leader for those seeking spiritual guidance.
• X is also said to mean “full moon,” a metaphorical reference
to Kevala Jnana, the spiritual state achieved by exalted and
rare beings.
• Future X include Lord Krishna and Ravana.
• ID X.
The 12 Norse gods who lived in Asgard were called X. There
were also a second group of gods called Y, who fought the X.
Later some Y gods like Frey and his sister Freya became X.ID X
and Y.
According to a religious philosophy X (which means Way of the
gods) , Y (meaning spirits) are "essences" or "deities", that are
associated with many understood formats; in some cases
being human-like, in others being animistic, and others being
associated with more abstract "natural" forces in the world
(mountains, rivers, lightning, wind, waves, trees, rocks). Y and
people are not separate; they exist within the same world and
share its interrelated complexity.
X- Shinto
Y- Kami
• X, a Christian festival also know as Twelfth
Night celebrates three events that are thought
to have happened on this day:
• Jesus’s appearance as a newborn to Magi.
• Baptism of Jesus,when god acknowledged him
as his son.
• First public miracle of Jesus, when he turned
water to wine in Galilee.
• X is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It was developed in
England during the first half of the 20th century and it was
introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British
civil servant. It draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th
century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual
• X is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.
It is divided into various lineages and denominations, referred to as
traditions, each with its own organisational structure and level of
centralisation. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some
disagreement over what actually constitutes X . Some traditions,
collectively referred to as British Traditional X, strictly follow the
initiatory lineage of Gardner and consider the term X to apply only
to such lineaged traditions, while other eclectic traditions do not.
• A reason often evoked in Indian mythology
for refusing marriage proposals is that the
proposed couple is already in relation XY. Now
mythological character A in Mahabharata used
this clause twice to refuse marriage, claiming
he was X to person B and Y to person C, so
could not marry either. What is XY, and who
are A, B and C?
XY - Guru-Shishya
A – Arjun
B – Uttara
C - Urvashi
• Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a writer,
mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and
photographer. He is noted for his facility at word
play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies in
many parts of the world dedicated to the
enjoyment and promotion of his works and the
investigation of his life.
• His unorthodox interest in children has been a
subject of controversy and is also supposed to
have inspired him for his most famous work.
• How do we better know him and for what?
Lewis Carroll for Alice in Wonderland.
• X is a 2006 TV series produced by Y. It was aired on Discovery Channel, a year later.
It also tops It also tops IMDb's list of the highest rated TV shows with at least 5000
votes, with a score of 9.5/10. It also won the Science and Natural History award at
the Royal Television Society Programme Awards in 2007.The TV series crew was
able to film the following which were a first in history to be shown on TV :
• Wild bactrian camels filmed eating snow in the Gobi Desert
• An amur leopard mother and cub in the forests of eastern Russia
• A sequence showing a snow leopard attempting to hunt a markhor in North - West
• Arctic wolf and African wild dog hunts filmed from the air
• The highest-ever aerial footage of Mount Everest and the Karakoram
• Desperate lions hunting and killing an African elephant at night
• A piranha feeding frenzy filmed underwater
• Unprecedented access to the dramatic Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico
• The oceanic whitetip shark, a rare ocean wanderer
X- Planet Earth
• X was billed as ”An Aquarian Exposition : 3 days of Peace &
• X was initiated through the efforts of Michael Lang, John
Roberts, Joel Rosenman and Artie Kornfield. Roberts and
Roseman placed the following advertisement in The NY
Times and The Wall Street Journal under the name of
“Challenge International Ltd.”: “Young man with unlimited
capital looking for interesting, legitimate investment
opportunities and business propositions”.
• X was designed as a profit making venture. It famously
became a “free concert” only after it became obvious that
the event was drawing hundreds of thousands more people
than the organisers have prepared for. ID X.
The Woodstock Festival
• “In a compelling story of this genre, we are
continually being asked to rethink our
assessment of the relationship between
various characters, and I decided to structure
my story in such a way as to emphasize the
audience’s incomplete understanding of each
new scene as it is first represented”. This is X
talking about Y. ID X and Y.
X- Christopher Nolan
Y-Non Linear Story Line
• The movie X is an adaptation of the 1973 German novel of
the same name by Lothar-Günther Buchheim.
• It has been exhibited both as a theatrical release and as a
TV miniseries, and in several different home video versions
of various running times.
• Produced with a budget of 32 million DM (about $18.5
million), the film was released on September 17, 1981, and
was later released in 1997 in a director's cut version
supervised by Petersen. It grossed over $80 million
worldwide between its theatrical releases and received
critical acclaim. Its high production cost ranks it among the
most expensive films in the history of German cinema. It
was the second most expensive up until that time, after
X-Das Boot
• X literally meaning “the pictures of the floating
world” is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints
(or woodcuts) and paintings produced between
the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs
of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and
pleasure quarters. It is the main artistic genre of
woodblock printing in Japan.
• One of the most popular examples of X is Y, a
painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
• ID X and Y.
X- Ukiyo-e
Y- The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Shown in the figure is the cross-section of a
2000 year old building. It was designed so that
a sphere can fit exactly under its large dome.
Identify the building. For pounce, we also
need the name of the Roman emperor who
re-built it in its current form.
Voted as one of the ugliest
buildings in the world,
where is this television
tower located?
__________ is the largest of Antarctica's almost 400
known subglacial lakes. Its name translates to “East” in Russian. The
existence of a subglacial lake in the region was first suggested by
Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa based on seismic soundings
made during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in 1959 and 1964 to
measure the thickness of the ice sheet. The continued research by
Russian and British scientists led by 1993 to the final confirmation
of the existence of the lake by J.P. Ridley using ERS-1 laser altimetry.
It is hypothesized that unusual forms of life could be found in the
lake's liquid layer, a fossil water reserve. The lake contains an
environment sealed off below the ice for millions of years, in
conditions which could resemble those of the hypothesized ice-
covered ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa.
Lake Vostok
Fry mustard seeds, cumin along with chana
dal and urad dal. Add cashews. Add onions,
green chilly, ginger, curry leaves and fry for
some time. Add water to this mixture and let
it come to a boil. Add salt, sugar and other
spices to taste. Add semolina while constantly
stirring. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Garnish with
coriander leaves and serve hot with coconut
chutney or lime pickle. Recipe for what?
Early on the morning of Saturday, 28 June 1969,
some people rioted following a police raid on
the Stonewall Inn, a bar at 43 Christopher Street,
New York City. This riot and further protests and
rioting over the following nights were the
impetus for organizing ____________ on a much
larger public scale. On November 2, 1969, Craig
Rodwell, his partner Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy,
and Linda Rhodes proposed the first __________
to be held in New York City. This has become an
annual event in NYC since then and has inspired
people in many other cities across the world.
LGBT Pride March
The mermaid is this city’s symbol and can be found on
statues throughout the city and on the city's coat of arms.
This imagery has been in use since at least the mid-14th
century. The oldest existing armed seal of the city is from
the year 1390, consisting of a round seal bordered with the
a Latin inscription translating to - Seal of the city of
_________. Records as far back as 1609 document the use
of a crude form of a sea monster with a female upper body
and holding a sword in its claws. Members of the Queen's
Royal Hussars of the United Kingdom light cavalry and
of the 651 Squadron Army Air Corps of the United Kingdom
wear the Maid of __________ on the left sleeve of their
Service Dress.
(Image on next slide)
The 1659 coat of arms of the city
X is a plea in a court of law that a soldier not
be held guilty for actions which were ordered
by a superior officer. The plea is similar to a
doctrine in tort law where a superior is held
liable for the actions of a subordinate. One of
the most noted uses of this plea, or "defense,"
was by the accused in 1945–46, such that it
came to be called the Y. Give us X or Y.
X – Superior Orders plea
Y – Nuremberg Defence
What has been blanked out? And Put funda.
The Battle of Agincourt was a major English
victory in the Hundred Years' War. The battle is
notable for the use of the English longbow,
which Henry used in very large numbers,
with English and Welsh archers forming most
of his army.
Tribute Question
X is a common name for several daisy-like plants of the
family Asteraceae. These plants are best known for their
ability to be made into an infusion which is commonly used
to help with sleep and is often served with honey or lemon,
or both. It can cause uterine contractions which can lead
to miscarriage. It is frequently added to skin cosmetics to
serve as an emollient, and for its anti-inflammatory effects.
A certain individual can often be seen drinking this infusion,
usually with an organic sweetener Y. Interestingly, in 1991,
after receiving an anonymous industry complaint, the
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had
labelled Y as an "unsafe food additive" and restricted its
import. Give us X and Y.
X – Chamomile, Y – Stevia
____ __ _______ is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable
problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and
unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or
object. Depending on how it is done, it can be intended to move
the story forward when the writer has "painted himself into a
corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, to
bring a happy ending into the tale, or as a comedic device.
Examples of its use include the resolution of H.G. Wells' The War of
the Worlds, in which the otherwise unconquerable invaders are
killed by terrestrial microorganisms and in The Return of the
King in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the ending where Sam and
Frodo, having journeyed across Middle-earth for months to reach
Mount Doom, are suddenly rescued by eagles and taken back to
Minas Tirith. FITB.
Deus ex Machina
24601 _______ is an asteroid, discovered on
26 October 1971 by Lubos Kohoutek in
Hamburg-Bergedorf. It is named after a
famous character from a 19th century novel
which has been adapted several times for film
and theatre.
This scene from The Simpsons is a reference to a painting.
Name the painting and the artist.
The Dream by
Henri Rousseau

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General Quiz - 2/10/2013 - Finals

  • 1. General Quiz Finals QMs - Ankan Bansal and Prakhar Gupta
  • 2. Rules • 8 categories – 6 questions each • 5-10-15-20-25-30 • Pounce: Levels 1-3: +10/-5 Levels 4-6: +25/-15
  • 3. 5 10 15 20 25 30 India 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yeah Science! 1 2 3 4 5 6 History 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sports 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mythology 1 2 3 4 5 6 MELA 1 2 3 4 5 6 Travel and Living 1 2 3 4 5 6 Misc. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 4.
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9. I-2 What does this list represent? • Vimal Vasahi • Luna Vasahi • Pittalhar • Parshvanatha • Mahavir Swami
  • 10.
  • 12.
  • 13. I-3 These started around 1950s for revenue generation as a simple profit sharing agreement between the railways and some private companies. Western Railway generated Rs 26 lakh in 2001, and Rs 19 lakh in 2010, but the collections plummeted to Rs. 1.71 lakh in 2012. As train frequency improves there is now little hope of their survival. What are we talking about?
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 17. I-4 The film is a love story between a prince and a gypsy girl. The story centres on a royal family. The main characters are the king and his two warring wives. Their rivalry escalates when a fakir predicts that Navbahar will bear the king's heir. Dilbahar, in revenge, attempts to have an affair with the kingdom's chief minister. The affair goes sour and a vengeful Dilbahar imprisons him and exiles his daughter. Upon returning to the palace, the girl meets and falls in love with the charming young prince. In the end, Dilbahar is punished and the lovers marry.
  • 18.
  • 20.
  • 21. I-5 X was an Indian jurist. He was the Indian member appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East's trials of Japanese war crimes committed during the second World War. Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty. The Yasukuni Shrine and the Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine have monuments specially dedicated to him.
  • 22.
  • 24.
  • 25. I-6 X was an Indian origin Allied Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent during the Second World War. She became the first female radio operator to be sent from Britain into occupied France to aid the French Resistance. During her training she adopted the name "Nora Baker". She travelled to Paris and joined the Physician network led by Francis Suttill. She was betrayed and arrested and interrogated at the SD Headquarters. On 11 September 1944 X and three other SOE agents from Karlsruhe prison were moved to the Dachau Concentration Camp. In the early hours of the morning of 13 September 1944, the four women were executed by a shot to the head. She was portrayed by Barbara Hershey in the 1979 miniseries A Man Called Intrepid. X-?
  • 26.
  • 28.
  • 29. S-1 When written as a horizontal line, it is called vinculum and when written as a vertical line, it is called solidus. What?
  • 30.
  • 31. Answer The line between the numerator and the denominator (or the symbol for division for division of two numbers) Back
  • 32.
  • 33. S-2 The term refers to a type of organism whose cells don't have a nucleus or any other organelles with a membrane. So all of the matter in the cell is just enclosed by the cell membrane. Most current theories hold that the first living organisms were this type of organism. What is the term?
  • 34.
  • 35. Answer Prokaryote (meaning "before kernel" i.e. before nucleus) Back
  • 36.
  • 37. S-3 Some would say that this is not science. Well, whatever. FITB _______ is a unit of measurement of beauty. 1 milli_____ is the amount of beauty needed to launch a single ship. According to The Rebel Angels, a 1981 novel by Robertson Davies, this system was invented by W.A.H. Rushton who was a professor of Physiology at Cambridge. If certain sources are to be believed, ________ had a beauty rating of 1.186 _______. Negative values have also been observed—these are measured by the number of ships sunk.
  • 38.
  • 40.
  • 41. S-4 X are a series of organic molecules whose structural formulae resemble human forms. James Tour et al. (Rice University) designed and synthesized these compounds in 2003 as a part of a sequence of chemical education for young students. The compounds consist of two benzene rings connected via a few carbon atoms as the body, four acetylene units each carrying an alkyl group at their ends which represents the hands and legs, and a 1,3-dioxolane ring as the head. (Example on next slide)
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 45.
  • 46. S-5 In theoretical physics, a _______________ is a hypothetical universe with no global definition of charge. What a Klein bottle is to a closed two- dimensional surface, a _______________ is to a closed three-dimensional volume. A _____________ can be considered to allow at least two topologically- distinct routes between any two points, and if one connection (or "handle") is declared to be a "conventional" spatial connection, at least one other must be deemed to be a non-orientable wormhole connection. Once these two connections are made, we can no longer define whether a given particle is matter or antimatter. A particle might appear as an electron when viewed along one route, and as a positron when viewed along the other. If we define a reference charge as nominally positive and bring it alongside our "undefined charge" particle, the two particles may attract if brought together along one route, and repel if brought together along another - the ____________ loses the ability to distinguish between positive and negative charges, except locally.
  • 47.
  • 49.
  • 50. S-6 X was a French civil engineer noted for his inventions in the field of information graphics. He was born in Dijon and studied science and mathematics at the École Polytechnique, then civil engineering at École nationale des ponts et chaussées. He is best known for this graph (image on next slide) which has been described as "best statistical graphic ever drawn" by Edward Tufte. Give us X and tell us what is depicted in the graph.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. Answer X - Charles Joseph Minard The 1869 chart shows the number of men in Napoleon’s 1812 Russian campaign army, their movements, as well as the temperature they encountered on the return path. (Brown - towards Moscow(extreme right) and Black - back) Back
  • 54.
  • 55. H-1 • Found in 1926 during archaeological excavations, X is one of the best-known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjodaro in Sindh, Pakistan. Archaeological evidence indicates that the X was built in the 3rd Millennium BCE • X of Mohenjodaro is known as “the first of its kind". X measures 11.88 metres x 7.01 metres, and has a maximum depth of 2.43 metres. Two wide staircases, one from the north and one from the south, served as the entry to the structure. A 1 meter wide and 40 centimeters mound at present at end of these stairs.
  • 56.
  • 57. Answer Back The Great Bath of Mohenjodaro.
  • 58.
  • 59. H-2 • The Xs were a series of three wars fought between Y and Z from 264 BC to 146 BC. At the time, they were probably the largest wars that had ever taken place. • At the start of the first X, Y was the dominant power of the Western Mediterranean, with an extensive maritime empire, while Z was the rapidly ascending power in Italy, but lacked the naval power of Y. By the end of the third war, after more than a hundred years, and the loss of many hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides, Z had conquered Y's empire and completely destroyed the city, becoming the most powerful state of the Western Mediterranean. • ID X,Y and Z.
  • 60.
  • 61. Answer Back X- Punic Wars Y- Rome Z- Carthage
  • 62.
  • 63. H-3 • X ,formerly known as Formosa was mainly inhabited by aborigines until the Dutch settlement during the Age of Discovery in the 17th century. Then, its control changed hands from the Dutch to the Qing dynasty and then it was ceded to Japan in 1895. In 1945, Its control went to Y (an official name for X, now) and in 1949 became the centre of government of Generalissimo Z. ID X,Y and Z for full points.
  • 64.
  • 65. Answer Back X- Taiwan Y- Republic of China Z- Chiang Kai-Shek
  • 66.
  • 67. H-4 • X was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns with Lübeck as its capital that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe. It stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during the Late Middle Ages and early modern period (c. 13th to 17th centuries). • The legacy of X is remembered in many names including the German Airline Lufthansa.
  • 68.
  • 69. Answer Back X- Hansa, Hanse of Hanseatic League
  • 70.
  • 71. H-5 • During the 1989 anti communist revolutions, X was the only country where people overthrew the communist regime violently. Y, the country’s president. was arrested and was shot along with his wife who used to be the deputy prime minister after facing a show trial.
  • 72.
  • 73. Answer Back X – Romania Y- Nicolae Ceauşescu
  • 74.
  • 75. H-6 • X, which took place during World War 1 is acknowledged to have been one of the first genocides. • It is known as the Great Crime among the victimized group Y, when the government of Z preformed wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and forced labor, and the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches to the Syrian Desert. • Around 1.5 million people were estimated to be dead as a result of X. • Z’, the successor of Z still denies that the word genocide is an accurate description of the events. • ID X and Z
  • 76.
  • 77. Answer Back X- Armenian Genocide Y- Armenians Z- Ottoman Empire.
  • 78.
  • 79. Sp-1 • X was a long distance runner who won three gold medals at Helsinki Olmpics. He became famous for the third medal, when he decided to run first marathon of his life and won the race. • In February 2013, the editors at Runner's World Magazine selected him as the Greatest Runner of All Time. • ID X.
  • 80.
  • 82.
  • 83. Sp-2 • X was a French tennis player who later became a business man. He was one of the famous “Four Musketeers” and won seven Grand Slam singles titles in the French, American, and British championships but never made the long trip to Australia to play in their championships. • He was nicknamed as Y for his tenacity on the court which later became the logo of his eponymous company. • ID X and Y.
  • 84.
  • 86.
  • 87. Sp-3 • In archery, what does the term “Robin Hood” denote?
  • 88.
  • 89. Answer Back The act of splitting the shaft of an arrow already in the target.
  • 90.
  • 91. Sp-4 • The overall time leader gets the Yellow Jersey in Tour de France. Who gets the Green and the Polka Dot jersey?
  • 92.
  • 93. Answer Back • Green jersey goes to the rider with maximum sprint points. • Polka Dot Jersey goes to the rider who wins ‘the king of the mountain’ i.e the best climber.
  • 94.
  • 95. Sp-5 • Rafael Moreno Aranzadi was a Spanish player who played as an striker for the Athletic Bilbao during the 1910s and 1920s. • He won four Spanish Cups with Bilbao and a silver medal for Spain in 1920 Antwerp Olympics. • How has he been immortalised in Spain?
  • 96.
  • 97. Answer Back The Pichichi trophy is named after his nickname ‘Pichichi’ and is awarded to the highest goal scorer in La Liga.
  • 98.
  • 99. Sp-6 • X put up a valiant display and scored 62 runs out of his team’s score of 136 against the Indian Cricket Team in the 2003 world cup. Later, he was selected to join the MCC Young Cricketers programme. He hit the record books in 2004 when he scored a 38-ball century – the fastest in the history of MCC Young Cricketers. • However, we all know X for some different reason, for being a part of a historical first in another world cup. • ID X as well as the event.
  • 100.
  • 101. Answer Back • X- Daan Van Bunge • Got hit for 6 sixes in an over in 2007 world cup by Herschelle Gibbs.
  • 102.
  • 103. M-1 • In Jainism, a X is a human being who helps in achieving liberation and enlightenment as an "Arihant" by destroying their soul-constraining karmas, became a role-model and leader for those seeking spiritual guidance. • X is also said to mean “full moon,” a metaphorical reference to Kevala Jnana, the spiritual state achieved by exalted and rare beings. • Future X include Lord Krishna and Ravana. • ID X.
  • 104.
  • 106.
  • 107. M-2 The 12 Norse gods who lived in Asgard were called X. There were also a second group of gods called Y, who fought the X. Later some Y gods like Frey and his sister Freya became X.ID X and Y.
  • 108.
  • 110.
  • 111. M-3 According to a religious philosophy X (which means Way of the gods) , Y (meaning spirits) are "essences" or "deities", that are associated with many understood formats; in some cases being human-like, in others being animistic, and others being associated with more abstract "natural" forces in the world (mountains, rivers, lightning, wind, waves, trees, rocks). Y and people are not separate; they exist within the same world and share its interrelated complexity.
  • 112.
  • 114.
  • 115. M-4 • X, a Christian festival also know as Twelfth Night celebrates three events that are thought to have happened on this day: • Jesus’s appearance as a newborn to Magi. • Baptism of Jesus,when god acknowledged him as his son. • First public miracle of Jesus, when he turned water to wine in Galilee.
  • 116.
  • 118.
  • 119. M-5 • X is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and it was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. It draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice. • X is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it. It is divided into various lineages and denominations, referred to as traditions, each with its own organisational structure and level of centralisation. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some disagreement over what actually constitutes X . Some traditions, collectively referred to as British Traditional X, strictly follow the initiatory lineage of Gardner and consider the term X to apply only to such lineaged traditions, while other eclectic traditions do not.
  • 120.
  • 122.
  • 123. M-6 • A reason often evoked in Indian mythology for refusing marriage proposals is that the proposed couple is already in relation XY. Now mythological character A in Mahabharata used this clause twice to refuse marriage, claiming he was X to person B and Y to person C, so could not marry either. What is XY, and who are A, B and C?
  • 124.
  • 125. Answer Back XY - Guru-Shishya A – Arjun B – Uttara C - Urvashi
  • 126.
  • 127. MELA-1 • Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies in many parts of the world dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life. • His unorthodox interest in children has been a subject of controversy and is also supposed to have inspired him for his most famous work. • How do we better know him and for what?
  • 128.
  • 129. Answer Back Lewis Carroll for Alice in Wonderland.
  • 130.
  • 131. MELA-2 • X is a 2006 TV series produced by Y. It was aired on Discovery Channel, a year later. It also tops It also tops IMDb's list of the highest rated TV shows with at least 5000 votes, with a score of 9.5/10. It also won the Science and Natural History award at the Royal Television Society Programme Awards in 2007.The TV series crew was able to film the following which were a first in history to be shown on TV : • Wild bactrian camels filmed eating snow in the Gobi Desert • An amur leopard mother and cub in the forests of eastern Russia • A sequence showing a snow leopard attempting to hunt a markhor in North - West Pakistan • Arctic wolf and African wild dog hunts filmed from the air • The highest-ever aerial footage of Mount Everest and the Karakoram • Desperate lions hunting and killing an African elephant at night • A piranha feeding frenzy filmed underwater • Unprecedented access to the dramatic Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico • The oceanic whitetip shark, a rare ocean wanderer
  • 132.
  • 134.
  • 135. MELA-3 • X was billed as ”An Aquarian Exposition : 3 days of Peace & Music”. • X was initiated through the efforts of Michael Lang, John Roberts, Joel Rosenman and Artie Kornfield. Roberts and Roseman placed the following advertisement in The NY Times and The Wall Street Journal under the name of “Challenge International Ltd.”: “Young man with unlimited capital looking for interesting, legitimate investment opportunities and business propositions”. • X was designed as a profit making venture. It famously became a “free concert” only after it became obvious that the event was drawing hundreds of thousands more people than the organisers have prepared for. ID X.
  • 136.
  • 138.
  • 139. MELA-4 • “In a compelling story of this genre, we are continually being asked to rethink our assessment of the relationship between various characters, and I decided to structure my story in such a way as to emphasize the audience’s incomplete understanding of each new scene as it is first represented”. This is X talking about Y. ID X and Y.
  • 140.
  • 142.
  • 143. MELA-5 • The movie X is an adaptation of the 1973 German novel of the same name by Lothar-Günther Buchheim. • It has been exhibited both as a theatrical release and as a TV miniseries, and in several different home video versions of various running times. • Produced with a budget of 32 million DM (about $18.5 million), the film was released on September 17, 1981, and was later released in 1997 in a director's cut version supervised by Petersen. It grossed over $80 million worldwide between its theatrical releases and received critical acclaim. Its high production cost ranks it among the most expensive films in the history of German cinema. It was the second most expensive up until that time, after Metropolis.
  • 144.
  • 146.
  • 147. MELA-6 • X literally meaning “the pictures of the floating world” is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints (or woodcuts) and paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and pleasure quarters. It is the main artistic genre of woodblock printing in Japan. • One of the most popular examples of X is Y, a painting by Katsushika Hokusai. • ID X and Y.
  • 148.
  • 149. Answer Back X- Ukiyo-e Y- The Great Wave off Kanagawa
  • 150.
  • 151. T-1 Shown in the figure is the cross-section of a 2000 year old building. It was designed so that a sphere can fit exactly under its large dome. Identify the building. For pounce, we also need the name of the Roman emperor who re-built it in its current form.
  • 152.
  • 153.
  • 155.
  • 156. T-2 Voted as one of the ugliest buildings in the world, where is this television tower located?
  • 157.
  • 159.
  • 160. T-3 FITB. __________ is the largest of Antarctica's almost 400 known subglacial lakes. Its name translates to “East” in Russian. The existence of a subglacial lake in the region was first suggested by Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa based on seismic soundings made during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. The continued research by Russian and British scientists led by 1993 to the final confirmation of the existence of the lake by J.P. Ridley using ERS-1 laser altimetry. It is hypothesized that unusual forms of life could be found in the lake's liquid layer, a fossil water reserve. The lake contains an environment sealed off below the ice for millions of years, in conditions which could resemble those of the hypothesized ice- covered ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa.
  • 161.
  • 163.
  • 164. T-4 Fry mustard seeds, cumin along with chana dal and urad dal. Add cashews. Add onions, green chilly, ginger, curry leaves and fry for some time. Add water to this mixture and let it come to a boil. Add salt, sugar and other spices to taste. Add semolina while constantly stirring. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with coconut chutney or lime pickle. Recipe for what?
  • 165.
  • 167.
  • 168. T-5 Early on the morning of Saturday, 28 June 1969, some people rioted following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a bar at 43 Christopher Street, New York City. This riot and further protests and rioting over the following nights were the impetus for organizing ____________ on a much larger public scale. On November 2, 1969, Craig Rodwell, his partner Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy, and Linda Rhodes proposed the first __________ to be held in New York City. This has become an annual event in NYC since then and has inspired people in many other cities across the world.
  • 169.
  • 171.
  • 172. T-6 The mermaid is this city’s symbol and can be found on statues throughout the city and on the city's coat of arms. This imagery has been in use since at least the mid-14th century. The oldest existing armed seal of the city is from the year 1390, consisting of a round seal bordered with the a Latin inscription translating to - Seal of the city of _________. Records as far back as 1609 document the use of a crude form of a sea monster with a female upper body and holding a sword in its claws. Members of the Queen's Royal Hussars of the United Kingdom light cavalry and of the 651 Squadron Army Air Corps of the United Kingdom wear the Maid of __________ on the left sleeve of their Service Dress. (Image on next slide)
  • 173. The 1659 coat of arms of the city
  • 174.
  • 176.
  • 177. Misc-1 X is a plea in a court of law that a soldier not be held guilty for actions which were ordered by a superior officer. The plea is similar to a doctrine in tort law where a superior is held liable for the actions of a subordinate. One of the most noted uses of this plea, or "defense," was by the accused in 1945–46, such that it came to be called the Y. Give us X or Y.
  • 178.
  • 179. Answer X – Superior Orders plea Y – Nuremberg Defence Back
  • 180.
  • 181. Misc-2 What has been blanked out? And Put funda.
  • 182.
  • 183. Answer Agincourt The Battle of Agincourt was a major English victory in the Hundred Years' War. The battle is notable for the use of the English longbow, which Henry used in very large numbers, with English and Welsh archers forming most of his army. Back
  • 184.
  • 185. Misc-3 Tribute Question X is a common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae. These plants are best known for their ability to be made into an infusion which is commonly used to help with sleep and is often served with honey or lemon, or both. It can cause uterine contractions which can lead to miscarriage. It is frequently added to skin cosmetics to serve as an emollient, and for its anti-inflammatory effects. A certain individual can often be seen drinking this infusion, usually with an organic sweetener Y. Interestingly, in 1991, after receiving an anonymous industry complaint, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had labelled Y as an "unsafe food additive" and restricted its import. Give us X and Y.
  • 186.
  • 187. Answer X – Chamomile, Y – Stevia Back
  • 188.
  • 189. Misc-4 ____ __ _______ is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object. Depending on how it is done, it can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has "painted himself into a corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, to bring a happy ending into the tale, or as a comedic device. Examples of its use include the resolution of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds, in which the otherwise unconquerable invaders are killed by terrestrial microorganisms and in The Return of the King in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the ending where Sam and Frodo, having journeyed across Middle-earth for months to reach Mount Doom, are suddenly rescued by eagles and taken back to Minas Tirith. FITB.
  • 190.
  • 192.
  • 193. Misc-5 FITB. 24601 _______ is an asteroid, discovered on 26 October 1971 by Lubos Kohoutek in Hamburg-Bergedorf. It is named after a famous character from a 19th century novel which has been adapted several times for film and theatre.
  • 194.
  • 196.
  • 197. Misc-6 This scene from The Simpsons is a reference to a painting. Name the painting and the artist.
  • 198.