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The 2013 edition of the History Quiz
Quiz Masters: Manjith K. and Praveen V.R.
 30 questions.
 In case of a tie, * questions will be counted.
The pic shows a type of rock snail by the name Murex.
They are capable of secreting a reddish-purple natural
dye which was greatly prized in the antiquity because
the color did not easily fade, but instead became
brighter with weathering and sunlight. Which ancient
Semitic civilization who were the main purveyors of this
dye gets their name from the Greek word for purple?
In 1951 avid Lilienthal, formerly the chairman of the Tennessee Valley
Authority and of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, visited our
subcontinent to write a series of articles for Colliers magazine. During the
course of his visit, it became clear to Lilienthal that tensions between
India and Pakistan were acute, but also unable to be erased with one
sweeping gesture. In his journal he wrote:
"India and Pakistan were on the verge of war over Kashmir. There seemed
to be no possibility of negotiating this issue until tensions abated. One
way to reduce hostility . . . would be to concentrate on other important
issues where cooperation was possible. Progress in these areas would
promote a sense of community between the two nations which might, in
time, lead to a Kashmir settlement. ..“
 What was the other important issue he was talking about?
This archaeological site in northern Afghanistan was
surveyed in 1979 by a Soviet-Afghan mission of
archaeologists led by Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan. They unearthed a treasure of 20,000
gold ornaments, these artifacts were kept at the Kabul
Museum. In 1989 the hoard was moved from the museum to
an underground vault at the Central Bank of Afghanistan in
Kabul. The doors of the vault were locked with keys which
were distributed to five trusted individuals. After Taliban was
defeated the five key-holders were successfully assembled
and the vault opened. Since then, the National Geographic
Society has catalogued the collection, which appears to be
complete. Which site?
The name of this country in its most prominent language has
a multitude of meanings and has evolved through time. For
instance one dynasty believed that they were the center of the
world while the four ethnic groups surrounding them were
barbarians. However, there are different uses of this term in
every period. It could refer to capital of the Emperor.
Finally, it is used to mean the sovereignty in the traditional
area. This is how it appears in the present official name of
this state. In English and in other western languages the
translation of the name has been used to refer to this country
What terms?
It's spread of usage is often associated with the rise of
Christianity, which adopted the format for the Bible
early on. First described by the 1st-century AD Roman
poet Martial, who praised its convenient use, it achieved
numerical parity with the scroll around AD 300, and had
completely replaced it throughout the now Christianised
Greco-Roman world by the 6th century. And this gradual
replacement of the scroll, has been termed the most
important advance in the history of the book prior to the
invention of printing. What are we talking about?
 Arnaud Amalric was a Cisterian church leader, in
 1204, he was named a papal legate and inquisitor. He
 was sent by Innocent III to attempt the conversion of
 the Albigensians. Failing in this, he incited his men to
 crusade. He was in charge of the crusader army that
 sacked Béziers in 1209 and slaughtered it’s inhabitants
 which had lots of Catholics among them. According to
 the Cistercian writer Caesar of Heisterbach, Arnaul
 Amalric was asked by a Crusader how to distinguish
 the Cathars from the Catholics. His answer has
 entered our popular culture. What did he say?
 The first mention of these people are made by Babur
 in the early 16th century in Baburnama. Their name is
 mostly likely the Persion translation of the Mongol
 word ming (or minggan), a military unit of 1000
 soldiers at the time of Gengis Khan. Who?
The name of this city probably comes from the ancient
tradition that Abraham gave milk to travelers as they
moved throughout the region. The colour of his cows
was ash, therefore the city is also called Halab ash-
Shahba ("he milked the ash-coloured"). It is one of the
oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world having
been inhabited as early as the 6th millennium BC. The
city's significance in history has been its location at the
end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia
and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was
inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and the
city began its slow decline. Which city?
This idea of presenting history this way goes back at least to
1932, when John B. Sparks copyrighted his "Histomap of
Evolution". Around the same time it was also explored by the
cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster, who used it to propose that
memories naturally fade in a certain manner. This kind of
representation enables more events to be included closer to
one end. Sparks explained this by stating:
 “As we travel forward in geological time the more complex is
the evolution of life forms and the more are the changes to be
recorded. Further, the most recent periods of evolution hold
the most interest for us. We need therefore increasingly more
space for our outline the nearer we approach modern times...”
What technique?
It was originally a weekly publication published in New
Delhi and was founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah on
October 26, 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League.
It went on to become a daily under the leadership of it's
first editor Pothan Joseph. Which Pakistani paper?
Frank Calvert was a shy British consular official and
amateur archaeologist working in the Eastern
Mediterranean region, from 1847 onwards he started
excavating a family owned land which incorporated
parts of a certain mount Hisarlik. His discoveries at this
site was instrumental in making another archeologist
really famous but he never got his due and died
unrecognized. What did Calvert find at Hisarlik?
In 2008 Florence passed a motion by 19 votes to
5, revoking a judgement from 1302. The judgment had
sentenced a citizen to death by burning and the
accused's crime was supporting the White Guelphs
faction who wanted more freedom from Rome's
hegemony. However the accused never stepped foot in
Florence for the sentence to be carried out. Who?
Situated at present day Bordrum in Turkey, this structure
was built circa 350 BC for a Satrap of the Persian Empire.
It was designed by renowned Greek architects of the
time and stands 45m tall and each of the four sides was
adorned with sculptural reliefs. The structure was
considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that
Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World. Either name the Satrap
or the term used for these grand buildings.
His book was the first well-known Western account of
India and he is regarded as one of the founders of the
study of Indian history in the West. He is also the first
foreign Ambassador to be mentioned in Indian history.
Even though the book was lost fragments survived at
second hand through the writings of Arrian, Strabo,
Justin and other historians of the Roman period to
become the Western world's main source of information
about India and Indian culture for more than a thousand
centuries. Who is this Greek Historian?
A bak’tun is one of many units of time in the Long
Count calendar and each bak’tun is about 400 years
long. According Monument 6, a slab excavated at a site
called Tortuguero in Mexico when will the 13th baktun
 Which UN World Heritage site owes much of its
 preservation to a town clerk and antiquarian named
 John Clayton, who purchased land to protect the
 archeological remains? The original structure was
 about 80 miles long and was built around AD 122.
 Akleen Akhtar, a woman who ran an escort
 service, was considered to be the most powerful
 woman in a country during 1969-1971. By what popular
 nickname was she referred to?
 In British India, the honor of gun salutes was accorded
 to hereditary rulers of princely states. There was only
 one salute that was not attached to any territorial
 principality. It was a personal gun salute of 11-guns
 awarded to this individual. Who?
 When a mortar shell lands on concrete, it creates a
 unique fragmentation pattern that resembles a flower.
 This concrete scar is filled with red resin to form
 patterns like these (see next slide). Such patterns are
 named after a city, infamous for its brutal shelling and
 urban warfare. What name?
 Before the Battle of the Milvain Bridge, he is set to
  have received a vision urging him to put the mark of
  God on the shields of his soldiers. He followed this
  advice and won a decisive victory against a superior
  enemy. This is said to have prompted him to make a
  decision that reversed the state’s official position of
  many centuries. What decision?
 In 1796-97, the explorer Mungo Park travelled through west
  Africa and recorded his experiences in a journal. While entering
  a town called Kolor, he noticed a strange bugbear like costume
  made of bark, hanging from a tree. He found out that the
  costume belonged to a _______ _____, a sort of judge who settled
  disputes between wives in a household. Each man was allowed to
  keep several wives and frequently the women fought amongst
  themselves. In such cases, the grievances were brought before
  the ____ ____.
 This strange minister of justice (who is supposed to be either the
  husband himself, or some person instructed by him), disguised
  in the dress that has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of
  public authority, announces his coming by loud and dismal
  screams in the woods near the town. His judgment is accepted as
  final by the women.
 What phrase entered the lexicon from this description?
 This fort is regarded as the only fort along India's
  Western coast that remained undefeated despite
  Dutch, Maratha and English East India Company
  attacks. Since the 16th century, the fort was under the
  control of a particular ethnic group, known to be fierce
  warriors. Name the fort as well as the community.
What unusual fad from the 1630s is satirized in these
paintings by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot and Pieter Brueghel the
 In 1294, Pietro di Morrone was elected to the office, as
  no consensus had been reached for an appointment
  for the previous two years. Despite his initial
  reluctance, he was forced to accept the post.
  Soon, everyone realized that he had no experience for
  a job of this magnitude. He himself realized his lack of
  authority and quit the post. He is remembered today
  as the last person to _____. Fill up.
 In 1600, William Adams, an English navigator working
 on a Dutch fleet, arrived in Japan with an
 impoverished crew. Arrested on arrival as a pirate, he
 eventually stuck a friendship with Tokugawa Ieyasu
 and assisted him in building the first western style
 ships in Japan. Adams is considered to be the first and
 only Westerner to be officially recognized as a ____.
 Fill up.
 This small island is part of the Banda islands and is roughly
  3km long and 1km wide. In the 17th century, this island was
  famous for an item found exclusively in the Banda islands.
  In 1616, Capt Nathaniel Courthope reached the island to
  protect it from the Dutch East India company and signed
  an agreement with the natives to recognize King James I as
  the sovereign of the island. Later, the Dutch gained control
  of the island, after a prolonged siege. Later, when the main
  island of the Banda islands fell to the British, they
  destroyed the Dutch monopoly of the product, by taking it
  to the other British colonies like Ceylon and Singapore.
 Which island and what product?
 What innovation is
 celebrated on Time
 magazine’s cover from
 April 7, 1967?
 Paintings and posters such as these served as
 propaganda for what initiative between 1928-1940,
 alleged to have caused more deaths than the
The pic shows a 5th century B.C.E. Achaemenid-era
tower-like construction at an archaeological site just
northwest of Persepolis, Iran. This enigmatic structure is
one of many surviving examples of the Achaemenid
architectural design. The current name probably dates to
the 14th century, is a reference to a similar structure in
the region. The structure is not actually a shrine, nor are
there reports of it ever having been a pilgrimage site.
It was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of
a state. The revolution was one of the two successful
attempts, along with the American Revolution, to
achieve permanent independence from a European
colonial power for an American state before the 19th
century. Where did this happened?
The pic shows a type of rock snail by the name Murex.
They are capable of secreting a reddish-purple natural
dye which was greatly prized in the antiquity because
the color did not easily fade, but instead became
brighter with weathering and sunlight. Which ancient
Semitic civilization who were the main purveyors of this
dye gets their name from the Greek word for purple?
 The answer is
 The Pheonicians
In 1951 avid Lilienthal, formerly the chairman of the Tennessee Valley
Authority and of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, visited our
subcontinent to write a series of articles for Colliers magazine. During the
course of his visit, it became clear to Lilienthal that tensions between
India and Pakistan were acute, but also unable to be erased with one
sweeping gesture. In his journal he wrote:
"India and Pakistan were on the verge of war over Kashmir. There seemed
to be no possibility of negotiating this issue until tensions abated. One
way to reduce hostility . . . would be to concentrate on other important
issues where cooperation was possible. Progress in these areas would
promote a sense of community between the two nations which might, in
time, lead to a Kashmir settlement. ..“
 What was the other important issue he was talking about?
 The answer is
Indus Water Treaty
This archaeological site in northern Afghanistan was
surveyed in 1979 by a Soviet-Afghan mission of
archaeologists led by Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan. They unearthed a treasure of 20,000
gold ornaments, these artifacts were kept at the Kabul
Museum. In 1989 the hoard was moved from the museum to
an underground vault at the Central Bank of Afghanistan in
Kabul. The doors of the vault were locked with keys which
were distributed to five trusted individuals. After Taliban was
defeated the five key-holders were successfully assembled
and the vault opened. Since then, the National Geographic
Society has catalogued the collection, which appears to be
complete. Which site?
 The answer is
 Tillya Tepe and the hoard is known as the Bactrian
 Gold. Victor Sarianidi is also credited with discovering
 what is known as the Oxus Civilization
The name of this country in its most prominent language has
a multitude of meanings and has evolved through time. For
instance one dynasty believed that they were the center of the
world while the four ethnic groups surrounding them were
barbarians. However, there are different uses of this term in
every period. It could refer to capital of the Emperor.
Finally, it is used to mean the sovereignty in the traditional
area. This is how it appears in the present official name of
this state. In English and in other western languages the
translation of the name has been used to refer to this country
What terms?
 The answer is
Zhonghua as in Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó or the
PRC. The English term is Middle Kingdom
It's spread of usage is often associated with the rise of
Christianity, which adopted the format for the Bible
early on. First described by the 1st-century AD Roman
poet Martial, who praised its convenient use, it achieved
numerical parity with the scroll around AD 300, and had
completely replaced it throughout the now Christianised
Greco-Roman world by the 6th century. And this gradual
replacement of the scroll, has been termed the most
important advance in the history of the book prior to the
invention of printing. What are we talking about?
 The answer is
 Codex
 Arnaud Amalric was a Cisterian church leader, in
 1204, he was named a papal legate and inquisitor. He
 was sent by Innocent III to attempt the conversion of
 the Albigensians. Failing in this, he incited his men to
 crusade. He was in charge of the crusader army that
 sacked Béziers in 1209 and slaughtered it’s inhabitants
 which had lots of Catholics among them. According to
 the Cistercian writer Caesar of Heisterbach, Arnaul
 Amalric was asked by a Crusader how to distinguish
 the Cathars from the Catholics. His answer has
 entered our popular culture. What did he say?
 The answer is
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (Kill
them all. For the Lord knoweth them that are His.)
 The first mention of these people are made by Babur
 in the early 16th century in Baburnama. Their name is
 mostly likely the Persion translation of the Mongol
 word ming (or minggan), a military unit of 1000
 soldiers at the time of Gengis Khan. Who?
 The answer is
 The Hazaras
The name of this city probably comes from the ancient
tradition that Abraham gave milk to travelers as they
moved throughout the region. The colour of his cows
was ash, therefore the city is also called Halab ash-
Shahba ("he milked the ash-coloured"). It is one of the
oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world having
been inhabited as early as the 6th millennium BC. The
city's significance in history has been its location at the
end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia
and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was
inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and the
city began its slow decline. Which city?
 The answer is
 Aleppo
This idea of presenting history this way goes back at least to
1932, when John B. Sparks copyrighted his "Histomap of
Evolution". Around the same time it was also explored by the
cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster, who used it to propose that
memories naturally fade in a certain manner. This kind of
representation enables more events to be included closer to
one end. Sparks explained this by stating:
 “As we travel forward in geological time the more complex is
the evolution of life forms and the more are the changes to be
recorded. Further, the most recent periods of evolution hold
the most interest for us. We need therefore increasingly more
space for our outline the nearer we approach modern times...”
What technique?
 The answer is
 Logarithm
It was originally a weekly publication published in New
Delhi and was founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah on
October 26, 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League.
It went on to become a daily under the leadership of it's
first editor Pothan Joseph. Which Pakistani paper?
 The answer is
 Dawn
Frank Calvert was a shy British consular official and
amateur archaeologist working in the Eastern
Mediterranean region, from 1847 onwards he started
excavating a family owned land which incorporated
parts of a certain mount Hisarlik. His discoveries at this
site was instrumental in making another archeologist
really famous but he never got his due and died
unrecognized. What did Calvert find at Hisarlik?
 The answer is
 Troy
In 2008 Florence passed a motion by 19 votes to
5, revoking a judgement from 1302. The judgment had
sentenced a citizen to death by burning and the
accused's crime was supporting the White Guelphs
faction who wanted more freedom from Rome's
hegemony. However the accused never stepped foot in
Florence for the sentence to be carried out. Who?
 The answer is
 Dante
Situated at present day Bordrum in Turkey, this structure
was built circa 350 BC for a Satrap of the Persian Empire.
It was designed by renowned Greek architects of the
time and stands 45m tall and each of the four sides was
adorned with sculptural reliefs. The structure was
considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that
Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World. Either name the Satrap
or the term used for these grand buildings.
 The answer is
Mausolos or Mausoleum (of Halikarnassos)
His book was the first well-known Western account of
India and he is regarded as one of the founders of the
study of Indian history in the West. He is also the first
foreign Ambassador to be mentioned in Indian history.
Even though the book was lost fragments survived at
second hand through the writings of
Arrian, Strabo, Justin and other historians of the Roman
period to become the Western world's main source of
information about India and Indian culture for more
than a thousand centuries. Who is this Greek Historian?
 The answer is….
 Megasthenes
A bak’tun is one of many units of time in the Long
Count calendar and each bak’tun is about 400 years
long. According Monument 6, a slab excavated at a site
called Tortuguero in Mexico when will the 13th baktun
 The answer is
 Dec 21st 2012
 Which UN World Heritage site owes much of its
 preservation to a town clerk and antiquarian named
 John Clayton, who purchased land to protect the
 archeological remains? The original structure was
 about 80 miles long and was built around AD 122.
 The answer is
 Hadrian’s Wall.
 Akleen Akhtar, a woman who ran an escort
 service, was considered to be the most powerful
 woman in a country during 1969-1971. By what popular
 nickname was she referred to?
 The answer is
 General Rani.
 Her closeness to General Yahya Khan, the dictator of
 Pakistan earned her this nickname.
 In British India, the honor of gun salutes was accorded
 to hereditary rulers of princely states. There was only
 one salute that was not attached to any territorial
 principality. It was a personal gun salute of 11-guns
 awarded to this individual. Who?
 The answer is
 H. H. Aga Khan, the leader of the Ismaili community.
 When a mortar shell lands on concrete, it creates a
 unique fragmentation pattern that resembles a flower.
 This concrete scar is filled with red resin to form
 patterns like these (see next slide). Such patterns are
 named after a city, infamous for its brutal shelling and
 urban warfare. What name?
 The answer is
 Sarajevo Rose
 Before the Battle of the Milvain Bridge, he is set to
  have received a vision urging him to put the mark of
  God on the shields of his soldiers. He followed this
  advice and won a decisive victory against a superior
  enemy. This is said to have prompted him to make a
  decision that reversed the state’s official position of
  many centuries. What decision?
 The answer is
 Constantine decided to convert to Christianity, with the
  religion eventually becoming the official religion of the
  Roman Empire. This reversed the policy of persecution
  followed by the empire, from the early days of Christianity.
 In 1796-97, the explorer Mungo Park travelled through west
  Africa and recorded his experiences in a journal. While entering
  a town called Kolor, he noticed a strange bugbear like costume
  made of bark, hanging from a tree. He found out that the
  costume belonged to a _______ _____, a sort of judge who settled
  disputes between wives in a household. Each man was allowed to
  keep several wives and frequently the women fought amongst
  themselves. In such cases, the grievances were brought before
  the ____ ____.
 This strange minister of justice (who is supposed to be either the
  husband himself, or some person instructed by him), disguised
  in the dress that has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of
  public authority, announces his coming by loud and dismal
  screams in the woods near the town. His judgment is accepted as
  final by the women.
 What phrase entered the lexicon from this description?
 The answer is
 The judge was called a Mumbo Jumbo.
 This fort is regarded as the only fort along India's
  Western coast that remained undefeated despite
  Dutch, Maratha and English East India Company
  attacks. Since the 16th century, the fort was under the
  control of a particular ethnic group, known to be fierce
  warriors. Name the fort as well as the community.
 The answer is
 Janjira Fort.
 The Siddhis or Habshis (Abyssinians who settled in
  India) controlled it.
What unusual fad from the 1630s is satirized in these
paintings by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot and Pieter Brueghel the
 The answer is
 Tulip Mania, considered to be the first “economic
 In 1294, Pietro di Morrone was elected to the office, as
  no consensus had been reached for an appointment
  for the previous two years. Despite his initial
  reluctance, he was forced to accept the post.
  Soon, everyone realized that he had no experience for
  a job of this magnitude. He himself realized his lack of
  authority and quit the post. He is remembered today
  as the last person to _____. Fill up.
 The answer is
 Pietro di Morrone aka Celestine V, was the last person
  to resign the papacy.
 (Also accept - Last Pope to be elected without a
  conclave. )
 In 1600, William Adams, an English navigator working
 on a Dutch fleet, arrived in Japan with an
 impoverished crew. Arrested on arrival as a pirate, he
 eventually stuck a friendship with Tokugawa Ieyasu
 and assisted him in building the first western style
 ships in Japan. Adams is considered to be the first and
 only Westerner to be officially recognized as a ____.
 Fill up.
 The answer is
 Samurai.
 William Adams was
 presented with two
 swords representing the
 authority of a Samurai.
 This small island is part of the Banda islands and is roughly
  3km long and 1km wide. In the 17th century, this island was
  famous for an item found exclusively in the Banda islands.
  In 1616, Capt Nathaniel Courthope reached the island to
  protect it from the Dutch East India company and signed
  an agreement with the natives to recognize King James I as
  the sovereign of the island. Later, the Dutch gained control
  of the island, after a prolonged siege. Later, when the main
  island of the Banda islands fell to the British, they
  destroyed the Dutch monopoly of the product, by taking it
  to the other British colonies like Ceylon and Singapore.
 Which island and what product?
 The island is named “Run”.
 The product is Nutmeg.
 What innovation is
 celebrated on Time
 magazine’s cover from
 April 7, 1967?
 The Pill.
 Paintings and posters such as these served as
 propaganda for what initiative between 1928-
 1940, alleged to have caused more deaths than the
 Soviet Collectivization program.
The pic shows a 5th century B.C.E. Achaemenid-era
tower-like construction at an archaeological site just
northwest of Persepolis, Iran. This enigmatic structure is
one of many surviving examples of the Achaemenid
architectural design. The current name probably dates to
the 14th century, is a reference to a similar structure in
the region. The structure is not actually a shrine, nor are
there reports of it ever having been a pilgrimage site.
 The answer is….
 Ka'ba-ye Zartosht or Cube of Zoroaster
It was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of
a state. The revolution was one of the two successful
attempts, along with the American Revolution, to
achieve permanent independence from a European
colonial power for an American state before the 19th
century. Where did this happened?
 The answer is….
 Haiti
The KQA History Quiz, Seek under Porus 2013 Prelims

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The KQA History Quiz, Seek under Porus 2013 Prelims

  • 1. The 2013 edition of the History Quiz Quiz Masters: Manjith K. and Praveen V.R.
  • 2.  30 questions.  In case of a tie, * questions will be counted.
  • 3. The pic shows a type of rock snail by the name Murex. They are capable of secreting a reddish-purple natural dye which was greatly prized in the antiquity because the color did not easily fade, but instead became brighter with weathering and sunlight. Which ancient Semitic civilization who were the main purveyors of this dye gets their name from the Greek word for purple?
  • 4.
  • 5. In 1951 avid Lilienthal, formerly the chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority and of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, visited our subcontinent to write a series of articles for Colliers magazine. During the course of his visit, it became clear to Lilienthal that tensions between India and Pakistan were acute, but also unable to be erased with one sweeping gesture. In his journal he wrote: "India and Pakistan were on the verge of war over Kashmir. There seemed to be no possibility of negotiating this issue until tensions abated. One way to reduce hostility . . . would be to concentrate on other important issues where cooperation was possible. Progress in these areas would promote a sense of community between the two nations which might, in time, lead to a Kashmir settlement. ..“ What was the other important issue he was talking about?
  • 6.
  • 7. This archaeological site in northern Afghanistan was surveyed in 1979 by a Soviet-Afghan mission of archaeologists led by Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They unearthed a treasure of 20,000 gold ornaments, these artifacts were kept at the Kabul Museum. In 1989 the hoard was moved from the museum to an underground vault at the Central Bank of Afghanistan in Kabul. The doors of the vault were locked with keys which were distributed to five trusted individuals. After Taliban was defeated the five key-holders were successfully assembled and the vault opened. Since then, the National Geographic Society has catalogued the collection, which appears to be complete. Which site?
  • 8. The name of this country in its most prominent language has a multitude of meanings and has evolved through time. For instance one dynasty believed that they were the center of the world while the four ethnic groups surrounding them were barbarians. However, there are different uses of this term in every period. It could refer to capital of the Emperor. Finally, it is used to mean the sovereignty in the traditional area. This is how it appears in the present official name of this state. In English and in other western languages the translation of the name has been used to refer to this country unofficially. What terms?
  • 9.
  • 10. It's spread of usage is often associated with the rise of Christianity, which adopted the format for the Bible early on. First described by the 1st-century AD Roman poet Martial, who praised its convenient use, it achieved numerical parity with the scroll around AD 300, and had completely replaced it throughout the now Christianised Greco-Roman world by the 6th century. And this gradual replacement of the scroll, has been termed the most important advance in the history of the book prior to the invention of printing. What are we talking about?
  • 11.  Arnaud Amalric was a Cisterian church leader, in 1204, he was named a papal legate and inquisitor. He was sent by Innocent III to attempt the conversion of the Albigensians. Failing in this, he incited his men to crusade. He was in charge of the crusader army that sacked Béziers in 1209 and slaughtered it’s inhabitants which had lots of Catholics among them. According to the Cistercian writer Caesar of Heisterbach, Arnaul Amalric was asked by a Crusader how to distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics. His answer has entered our popular culture. What did he say?
  • 12.  The first mention of these people are made by Babur in the early 16th century in Baburnama. Their name is mostly likely the Persion translation of the Mongol word ming (or minggan), a military unit of 1000 soldiers at the time of Gengis Khan. Who?
  • 13. The name of this city probably comes from the ancient tradition that Abraham gave milk to travelers as they moved throughout the region. The colour of his cows was ash, therefore the city is also called Halab ash- Shahba ("he milked the ash-coloured"). It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world having been inhabited as early as the 6th millennium BC. The city's significance in history has been its location at the end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and the city began its slow decline. Which city?
  • 14. This idea of presenting history this way goes back at least to 1932, when John B. Sparks copyrighted his "Histomap of Evolution". Around the same time it was also explored by the cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster, who used it to propose that memories naturally fade in a certain manner. This kind of representation enables more events to be included closer to one end. Sparks explained this by stating: “As we travel forward in geological time the more complex is the evolution of life forms and the more are the changes to be recorded. Further, the most recent periods of evolution hold the most interest for us. We need therefore increasingly more space for our outline the nearer we approach modern times...” What technique?
  • 15. It was originally a weekly publication published in New Delhi and was founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah on October 26, 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League. It went on to become a daily under the leadership of it's first editor Pothan Joseph. Which Pakistani paper?
  • 16. Frank Calvert was a shy British consular official and amateur archaeologist working in the Eastern Mediterranean region, from 1847 onwards he started excavating a family owned land which incorporated parts of a certain mount Hisarlik. His discoveries at this site was instrumental in making another archeologist really famous but he never got his due and died unrecognized. What did Calvert find at Hisarlik?
  • 17.
  • 18. In 2008 Florence passed a motion by 19 votes to 5, revoking a judgement from 1302. The judgment had sentenced a citizen to death by burning and the accused's crime was supporting the White Guelphs faction who wanted more freedom from Rome's hegemony. However the accused never stepped foot in Florence for the sentence to be carried out. Who?
  • 19. Situated at present day Bordrum in Turkey, this structure was built circa 350 BC for a Satrap of the Persian Empire. It was designed by renowned Greek architects of the time and stands 45m tall and each of the four sides was adorned with sculptural reliefs. The structure was considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Either name the Satrap or the term used for these grand buildings.
  • 20.
  • 21. His book was the first well-known Western account of India and he is regarded as one of the founders of the study of Indian history in the West. He is also the first foreign Ambassador to be mentioned in Indian history. Even though the book was lost fragments survived at second hand through the writings of Arrian, Strabo, Justin and other historians of the Roman period to become the Western world's main source of information about India and Indian culture for more than a thousand centuries. Who is this Greek Historian?
  • 22. A bak’tun is one of many units of time in the Long Count calendar and each bak’tun is about 400 years long. According Monument 6, a slab excavated at a site called Tortuguero in Mexico when will the 13th baktun end?
  • 23.
  • 24.  Which UN World Heritage site owes much of its preservation to a town clerk and antiquarian named John Clayton, who purchased land to protect the archeological remains? The original structure was about 80 miles long and was built around AD 122.
  • 25.  Akleen Akhtar, a woman who ran an escort service, was considered to be the most powerful woman in a country during 1969-1971. By what popular nickname was she referred to?
  • 26.  In British India, the honor of gun salutes was accorded to hereditary rulers of princely states. There was only one salute that was not attached to any territorial principality. It was a personal gun salute of 11-guns awarded to this individual. Who?
  • 27.  When a mortar shell lands on concrete, it creates a unique fragmentation pattern that resembles a flower. This concrete scar is filled with red resin to form patterns like these (see next slide). Such patterns are named after a city, infamous for its brutal shelling and urban warfare. What name?
  • 28.
  • 29.  Before the Battle of the Milvain Bridge, he is set to have received a vision urging him to put the mark of God on the shields of his soldiers. He followed this advice and won a decisive victory against a superior enemy. This is said to have prompted him to make a decision that reversed the state’s official position of many centuries. What decision?
  • 30.  In 1796-97, the explorer Mungo Park travelled through west Africa and recorded his experiences in a journal. While entering a town called Kolor, he noticed a strange bugbear like costume made of bark, hanging from a tree. He found out that the costume belonged to a _______ _____, a sort of judge who settled disputes between wives in a household. Each man was allowed to keep several wives and frequently the women fought amongst themselves. In such cases, the grievances were brought before the ____ ____.  This strange minister of justice (who is supposed to be either the husband himself, or some person instructed by him), disguised in the dress that has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of public authority, announces his coming by loud and dismal screams in the woods near the town. His judgment is accepted as final by the women.  What phrase entered the lexicon from this description?
  • 31.  This fort is regarded as the only fort along India's Western coast that remained undefeated despite Dutch, Maratha and English East India Company attacks. Since the 16th century, the fort was under the control of a particular ethnic group, known to be fierce warriors. Name the fort as well as the community.
  • 32.
  • 33. What unusual fad from the 1630s is satirized in these paintings by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot and Pieter Brueghel the Younger?
  • 34.  In 1294, Pietro di Morrone was elected to the office, as no consensus had been reached for an appointment for the previous two years. Despite his initial reluctance, he was forced to accept the post. Soon, everyone realized that he had no experience for a job of this magnitude. He himself realized his lack of authority and quit the post. He is remembered today as the last person to _____. Fill up.
  • 35.  In 1600, William Adams, an English navigator working on a Dutch fleet, arrived in Japan with an impoverished crew. Arrested on arrival as a pirate, he eventually stuck a friendship with Tokugawa Ieyasu and assisted him in building the first western style ships in Japan. Adams is considered to be the first and only Westerner to be officially recognized as a ____. Fill up.
  • 36.  This small island is part of the Banda islands and is roughly 3km long and 1km wide. In the 17th century, this island was famous for an item found exclusively in the Banda islands. In 1616, Capt Nathaniel Courthope reached the island to protect it from the Dutch East India company and signed an agreement with the natives to recognize King James I as the sovereign of the island. Later, the Dutch gained control of the island, after a prolonged siege. Later, when the main island of the Banda islands fell to the British, they destroyed the Dutch monopoly of the product, by taking it to the other British colonies like Ceylon and Singapore.  Which island and what product?
  • 37.  What innovation is celebrated on Time magazine’s cover from April 7, 1967?
  • 38.  Paintings and posters such as these served as propaganda for what initiative between 1928-1940, alleged to have caused more deaths than the holocaust.
  • 39.
  • 40. The pic shows a 5th century B.C.E. Achaemenid-era tower-like construction at an archaeological site just northwest of Persepolis, Iran. This enigmatic structure is one of many surviving examples of the Achaemenid architectural design. The current name probably dates to the 14th century, is a reference to a similar structure in the region. The structure is not actually a shrine, nor are there reports of it ever having been a pilgrimage site.
  • 41.
  • 42. It was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of a state. The revolution was one of the two successful attempts, along with the American Revolution, to achieve permanent independence from a European colonial power for an American state before the 19th century. Where did this happened?
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. The pic shows a type of rock snail by the name Murex. They are capable of secreting a reddish-purple natural dye which was greatly prized in the antiquity because the color did not easily fade, but instead became brighter with weathering and sunlight. Which ancient Semitic civilization who were the main purveyors of this dye gets their name from the Greek word for purple?
  • 46.
  • 49. In 1951 avid Lilienthal, formerly the chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority and of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, visited our subcontinent to write a series of articles for Colliers magazine. During the course of his visit, it became clear to Lilienthal that tensions between India and Pakistan were acute, but also unable to be erased with one sweeping gesture. In his journal he wrote: "India and Pakistan were on the verge of war over Kashmir. There seemed to be no possibility of negotiating this issue until tensions abated. One way to reduce hostility . . . would be to concentrate on other important issues where cooperation was possible. Progress in these areas would promote a sense of community between the two nations which might, in time, lead to a Kashmir settlement. ..“ What was the other important issue he was talking about?
  • 50.
  • 53. This archaeological site in northern Afghanistan was surveyed in 1979 by a Soviet-Afghan mission of archaeologists led by Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They unearthed a treasure of 20,000 gold ornaments, these artifacts were kept at the Kabul Museum. In 1989 the hoard was moved from the museum to an underground vault at the Central Bank of Afghanistan in Kabul. The doors of the vault were locked with keys which were distributed to five trusted individuals. After Taliban was defeated the five key-holders were successfully assembled and the vault opened. Since then, the National Geographic Society has catalogued the collection, which appears to be complete. Which site?
  • 55.  Tillya Tepe and the hoard is known as the Bactrian Gold. Victor Sarianidi is also credited with discovering what is known as the Oxus Civilization
  • 56. The name of this country in its most prominent language has a multitude of meanings and has evolved through time. For instance one dynasty believed that they were the center of the world while the four ethnic groups surrounding them were barbarians. However, there are different uses of this term in every period. It could refer to capital of the Emperor. Finally, it is used to mean the sovereignty in the traditional area. This is how it appears in the present official name of this state. In English and in other western languages the translation of the name has been used to refer to this country unofficially. What terms?
  • 57.
  • 59. Zhonghua as in Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó or the PRC. The English term is Middle Kingdom
  • 60. It's spread of usage is often associated with the rise of Christianity, which adopted the format for the Bible early on. First described by the 1st-century AD Roman poet Martial, who praised its convenient use, it achieved numerical parity with the scroll around AD 300, and had completely replaced it throughout the now Christianised Greco-Roman world by the 6th century. And this gradual replacement of the scroll, has been termed the most important advance in the history of the book prior to the invention of printing. What are we talking about?
  • 63.  Arnaud Amalric was a Cisterian church leader, in 1204, he was named a papal legate and inquisitor. He was sent by Innocent III to attempt the conversion of the Albigensians. Failing in this, he incited his men to crusade. He was in charge of the crusader army that sacked Béziers in 1209 and slaughtered it’s inhabitants which had lots of Catholics among them. According to the Cistercian writer Caesar of Heisterbach, Arnaul Amalric was asked by a Crusader how to distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics. His answer has entered our popular culture. What did he say?
  • 65. Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (Kill them all. For the Lord knoweth them that are His.)
  • 66.  The first mention of these people are made by Babur in the early 16th century in Baburnama. Their name is mostly likely the Persion translation of the Mongol word ming (or minggan), a military unit of 1000 soldiers at the time of Gengis Khan. Who?
  • 69. The name of this city probably comes from the ancient tradition that Abraham gave milk to travelers as they moved throughout the region. The colour of his cows was ash, therefore the city is also called Halab ash- Shahba ("he milked the ash-coloured"). It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world having been inhabited as early as the 6th millennium BC. The city's significance in history has been its location at the end of the Silk Road, which passed through central Asia and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and the city began its slow decline. Which city?
  • 72. This idea of presenting history this way goes back at least to 1932, when John B. Sparks copyrighted his "Histomap of Evolution". Around the same time it was also explored by the cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster, who used it to propose that memories naturally fade in a certain manner. This kind of representation enables more events to be included closer to one end. Sparks explained this by stating: “As we travel forward in geological time the more complex is the evolution of life forms and the more are the changes to be recorded. Further, the most recent periods of evolution hold the most interest for us. We need therefore increasingly more space for our outline the nearer we approach modern times...” What technique?
  • 75. It was originally a weekly publication published in New Delhi and was founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah on October 26, 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League. It went on to become a daily under the leadership of it's first editor Pothan Joseph. Which Pakistani paper?
  • 78. Frank Calvert was a shy British consular official and amateur archaeologist working in the Eastern Mediterranean region, from 1847 onwards he started excavating a family owned land which incorporated parts of a certain mount Hisarlik. His discoveries at this site was instrumental in making another archeologist really famous but he never got his due and died unrecognized. What did Calvert find at Hisarlik?
  • 79.
  • 82. In 2008 Florence passed a motion by 19 votes to 5, revoking a judgement from 1302. The judgment had sentenced a citizen to death by burning and the accused's crime was supporting the White Guelphs faction who wanted more freedom from Rome's hegemony. However the accused never stepped foot in Florence for the sentence to be carried out. Who?
  • 85. Situated at present day Bordrum in Turkey, this structure was built circa 350 BC for a Satrap of the Persian Empire. It was designed by renowned Greek architects of the time and stands 45m tall and each of the four sides was adorned with sculptural reliefs. The structure was considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Either name the Satrap or the term used for these grand buildings.
  • 86.
  • 88. Mausolos or Mausoleum (of Halikarnassos)
  • 89. His book was the first well-known Western account of India and he is regarded as one of the founders of the study of Indian history in the West. He is also the first foreign Ambassador to be mentioned in Indian history. Even though the book was lost fragments survived at second hand through the writings of Arrian, Strabo, Justin and other historians of the Roman period to become the Western world's main source of information about India and Indian culture for more than a thousand centuries. Who is this Greek Historian?
  • 90.  The answer is….
  • 92. A bak’tun is one of many units of time in the Long Count calendar and each bak’tun is about 400 years long. According Monument 6, a slab excavated at a site called Tortuguero in Mexico when will the 13th baktun end?
  • 93.
  • 95.  Dec 21st 2012
  • 96.  Which UN World Heritage site owes much of its preservation to a town clerk and antiquarian named John Clayton, who purchased land to protect the archeological remains? The original structure was about 80 miles long and was built around AD 122.
  • 99.  Akleen Akhtar, a woman who ran an escort service, was considered to be the most powerful woman in a country during 1969-1971. By what popular nickname was she referred to?
  • 101.  General Rani.  Her closeness to General Yahya Khan, the dictator of Pakistan earned her this nickname.
  • 102.  In British India, the honor of gun salutes was accorded to hereditary rulers of princely states. There was only one salute that was not attached to any territorial principality. It was a personal gun salute of 11-guns awarded to this individual. Who?
  • 104.  H. H. Aga Khan, the leader of the Ismaili community.
  • 105.  When a mortar shell lands on concrete, it creates a unique fragmentation pattern that resembles a flower. This concrete scar is filled with red resin to form patterns like these (see next slide). Such patterns are named after a city, infamous for its brutal shelling and urban warfare. What name?
  • 107.
  • 109.  Before the Battle of the Milvain Bridge, he is set to have received a vision urging him to put the mark of God on the shields of his soldiers. He followed this advice and won a decisive victory against a superior enemy. This is said to have prompted him to make a decision that reversed the state’s official position of many centuries. What decision?
  • 111.  Constantine decided to convert to Christianity, with the religion eventually becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire. This reversed the policy of persecution followed by the empire, from the early days of Christianity.
  • 112.  In 1796-97, the explorer Mungo Park travelled through west Africa and recorded his experiences in a journal. While entering a town called Kolor, he noticed a strange bugbear like costume made of bark, hanging from a tree. He found out that the costume belonged to a _______ _____, a sort of judge who settled disputes between wives in a household. Each man was allowed to keep several wives and frequently the women fought amongst themselves. In such cases, the grievances were brought before the ____ ____.  This strange minister of justice (who is supposed to be either the husband himself, or some person instructed by him), disguised in the dress that has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of public authority, announces his coming by loud and dismal screams in the woods near the town. His judgment is accepted as final by the women.  What phrase entered the lexicon from this description?
  • 114.  The judge was called a Mumbo Jumbo.
  • 115.  This fort is regarded as the only fort along India's Western coast that remained undefeated despite Dutch, Maratha and English East India Company attacks. Since the 16th century, the fort was under the control of a particular ethnic group, known to be fierce warriors. Name the fort as well as the community.
  • 116.
  • 118.  Janjira Fort.  The Siddhis or Habshis (Abyssinians who settled in India) controlled it.
  • 119. What unusual fad from the 1630s is satirized in these paintings by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot and Pieter Brueghel the Younger?
  • 121.  Tulip Mania, considered to be the first “economic bubble”.
  • 122.  In 1294, Pietro di Morrone was elected to the office, as no consensus had been reached for an appointment for the previous two years. Despite his initial reluctance, he was forced to accept the post. Soon, everyone realized that he had no experience for a job of this magnitude. He himself realized his lack of authority and quit the post. He is remembered today as the last person to _____. Fill up.
  • 124.  Pietro di Morrone aka Celestine V, was the last person to resign the papacy.  (Also accept - Last Pope to be elected without a conclave. )
  • 125.  In 1600, William Adams, an English navigator working on a Dutch fleet, arrived in Japan with an impoverished crew. Arrested on arrival as a pirate, he eventually stuck a friendship with Tokugawa Ieyasu and assisted him in building the first western style ships in Japan. Adams is considered to be the first and only Westerner to be officially recognized as a ____. Fill up.
  • 127.  Samurai.  William Adams was presented with two swords representing the authority of a Samurai.
  • 128.  This small island is part of the Banda islands and is roughly 3km long and 1km wide. In the 17th century, this island was famous for an item found exclusively in the Banda islands. In 1616, Capt Nathaniel Courthope reached the island to protect it from the Dutch East India company and signed an agreement with the natives to recognize King James I as the sovereign of the island. Later, the Dutch gained control of the island, after a prolonged siege. Later, when the main island of the Banda islands fell to the British, they destroyed the Dutch monopoly of the product, by taking it to the other British colonies like Ceylon and Singapore.  Which island and what product?
  • 129.  The island is named “Run”.  The product is Nutmeg.
  • 130.  What innovation is celebrated on Time magazine’s cover from April 7, 1967?
  • 132.  Paintings and posters such as these served as propaganda for what initiative between 1928- 1940, alleged to have caused more deaths than the holocaust.
  • 133.
  • 135. The pic shows a 5th century B.C.E. Achaemenid-era tower-like construction at an archaeological site just northwest of Persepolis, Iran. This enigmatic structure is one of many surviving examples of the Achaemenid architectural design. The current name probably dates to the 14th century, is a reference to a similar structure in the region. The structure is not actually a shrine, nor are there reports of it ever having been a pilgrimage site.
  • 136.
  • 137.  The answer is….
  • 138.  Ka'ba-ye Zartosht or Cube of Zoroaster
  • 139. It was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of a state. The revolution was one of the two successful attempts, along with the American Revolution, to achieve permanent independence from a European colonial power for an American state before the 19th century. Where did this happened?
  • 140.  The answer is….