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Quizotic, 2015
Aryapriya Ganguly
The Finals
9 topics, 6 questions each
54 questions
• Holly 1. What is the name of the animated
character? His name is a pun on an iconic character
played by Joseph Wiseman from the eponymous 1962
film, also the first in a franchise.
• Name the voice actor as well.
• INSERT Video
Dr. Know from A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
Robin Williams
Holly 2.
• The film Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie
Vernon (2006) explains and talks extensively about
this popular horror film convention.
• The concept in many of these works shares
common characteristics: she is typically sexually
unavailable or virginal, avoiding the vices of the victims
(sex, illegal drug use, hedonistic lifestyle, etc.). She sometimes
has a unisex name (e.g., Teddy, Billie, Georgie, Sidney).
Occasionally, she will have a shared history with the killer.
• For example, in Halloween II, Michael Myers is
revealed to be the brother of Laurie Strode and
in Scream 3 the killer is revealed to be Roman
Bridger, half-brother of sole ________ Sidney
Prescott. She is the "investigating consciousness" of
the film, moving the narrative forward and as such,
she exhibits intelligence, curiosity, and vigilance.
• What is this trope?
Final Girl/ Survivor Girl
Holly 3
• His filmography lists 2 films. The lesser known one is "The
• The DVD of the more famous movie, wherein one finds The
Three’s log-line- reads- : "We're all one thing, Lieutenant. That's
what I've come to realize. Like cells in a body. 'Cept we can't
see the body. The way fish can't see the ocean. And so we
envy each other. Hurt each other. Hate each other. How silly is
that? A heart cell hating a lung cell." - Cassie from THE
• That’s all the world knows of this screenplay writer’s
• Who is this screenwriter and what is the more famous collaborative
The fictional Donald Kaufman as
screenwriter of Adaptation.
Holly 4. Insert sequence
• It is a form of entertainment in which an amateur actor or
actors perform along with a muted DVD in order to give
voice to the character in the film. The film is projected onto a
screen behind the actor and onto an alternate monitor which
provides subtitles and action cues.
• What is it titled, a portmanteau?
• In this scene, an actor who later went on to achieve Indie-
directorial infamy with a member of the Sylvilagus palustris
species, performs a famous scene from a well-known 1959
• Identify the film being homaged, the 1993 film from which
this sequence is taken, and the actor-turned-director
performing it.
Movieoke; North by Northwest; Arizona
Dream; Vincent Gallo
Holly 5. What unique casting gimmick
connects these films?
Getting two actors/actresses to play the
same role in the movie.
• At one point, Virginia Cherrill came back to the set late from an appointment,
keepingCharles Chaplin waiting. Chaplin, whose relationship with Cherrill was not friendly,
fired her on the spot. He intended to reshoot the film with Georgia Hale, his heroine from
The Gold Rush (1925), playing the flower girl; he even reshot the final scene between the
tramp and the flower girl with Hale in the role. However, Chaplin had already spent far too
much time and money on the project to start over. Knowing this, Cherrill offered to come
back to work - at double her original salary. Chaplin reluctantly agreed and the film was
completed with two actresses playing the role of the flower girl. (Source: Virginia Cherrill
interview, Unknown Chaplin (1983))
• According to John Frankenheimer, it was Hudson's idea to have two different actors play
the Arthur Hamilton/Tony Wilson role, instead of having just one actor play both parts
with makeup changes like originally envisioned. Hudson felt that he would be unconvincing
as Arthur Hamilton and said he would only do the movie in the Tony Wilson role.
Frankenheimer agreed and felt the film was much stronger as a result of the change.
• Buñuel apparently had difficulties managing his lead actress and hired another one to
replace her but rather than delete the sequences in which the first one had appeared, he
retained them. There are therefore two actresses – Carole Bouquet and Angela Molina –
playing the role in the film and, in a strange way, it is makes eminent sense.
Holly 6. Connect all of them. How are the
two boxed unique in this list?
They all received Oscar nominations for their first credited screen appearance.
Paul Muni and James Dean are the only actors to receive an Academy Award
nomination for both their first and last credited screen appearance.
• Paul Muni- for The Valiant (1929) and The Last Angry
Man (1959).
• James Dean- For the 1956 Academy Awards, Dean
received a posthumous nomination for Best Actor in a
Leading Role for his performance in East of Eden, also his
first movie.
• Dean received his second posthumous Best Actor
Academy Award nomination for his role in Giant at
the 29th Academy Awards in 1957 for films released in
• The other four actors are: Orson Welles, Lawrence
Tibbett, Alan Arkin and Montgomery Clift.
Lit 1. Insert video game clip.
• This piece of literature which is part personal declaration of
independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual
discovery, satire, and manual for self-reliance, was ironically
written by accident. At the same time that this was eventually
written, the author wanted to retire to a relatively peaceful
place, and write A Week, detailing how his brother, John
passed away on a camping trip at 27 years.
• A Week was terrible and irrelevant to critics, but it is the
author’s journal maintenance that gave us what he is best
known for.
• This immersive video game recreates the experience of this
literary composition.
• What anarcho-primitivist form did the journal maintenance
finally take?
Thoreau’s Walden
Lit 2. What serves as the common structural
Dante’s Divine Comedy
• A Prison Diary is a series of three books
of diaries written by Jeffrey Archer during his time
in prisons following his convictions
for perjury and perverting the course of justice. Each
volume is named after the parts of Dante's The
Divine Comedy.
• Lowry had envisaged a Dantean trilogy of books he
had written between 1936 and 1944, with Under the
Volcano as the Inferno. The posthumously published
Swinging the Maelstrom, about a musician in the Bellevue
psychiatric hospital in New York, was to be
Purgatorio, with In Ballast to the White Sea as Paradiso.
• Divine Comedy of Dante- Godard’s Notre Musique.
The film's tripartite structure is inspired by the Divine
Comedy of Dante; the film's three segments being
titled "Realm 1: Hell", "Realm 2: Purgatory", and
"Realm 3: Heaven".
Lit 3.
• It is a type of rawhide consisting of rough
untanned skin, formerly made from a horse's back
or that of an onager (wild ass).
• The word derives from is related to Italian zigrino,
derived from the Turkish sāğrī / çāğrī 'rump of a
horse' or the prepared skin of this part. The
roughness of its texture led to the French meaning of
anxiety, vexation, embarrassment, or annoyance.
• It is the dual connotation of this word that Balzac
punned on when titling his 1831 novel La Peau de
_______. Set in early 19th-century Paris, it tells
the story of a young man who finds a magic piece
of ________ that fulfils his every desire. For each
wish granted, however, the skin shrinks and
consumes a portion of his physical energy.
• What is this rawhide called/ which word is derived
from the annoyance caused by the roughness of its
Shagreen, the material Chagrin
Lit 4.
• Pat Barker’s Regeneration trilogy of novels (1991-95) commemorates a strange meeting at
Craiglockhart, a military psychiatric hospital during the travails of WWI.
• A is famous for his WWI memoirs (as he is for a first-person fictional autobiography), whose title may
also point to the passing of an old order following the cataclysm of the First World War and the
inadequacies of patriotism. In 1917, B rebelled against the conduct of the war by making a
public anti-war statement. A feared B could face a court martial and intervened with the military
authorities, persuading them that B was suffering from shell shock and that they should treat him
accordingly. A and B befriended C there, as well. The relationship clearly had a profound impact
on A, B, and C. C who wrote in his first letter to B after leaving Craiglockhart “You have fixed my
life-however short”, ominous and prophetic as time would soon confirm it.
• The character of Billy Prior was invented by Barker to parallel and contrast with B and C.
• Who are A, B and C?
Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon,
Wilfred Owen
Lit 5. In an elegant bit of coincidence, what
connects these movies and their basis?
Both based on novels by James Jones, both of
whose titles are from poems by Rudyard Kipling.
• The Thin Red Line- The title of James
Jones’ novel references a line from
Rudyard Kipling's poem "Tommy",
from Barrack-Room Ballads, in which
he calls foot soldiers "the thin red
line of heroes”.
• From Here To Eternity- The title of
James Jones’ novel comes again from
a quote from Rudyard Kipling's 1892
poem "Gentlemen-Rankers", about
soldiers of the British Empire who
had "lost [their] way" and were
"damned from here to eternity".
Lit 6. INSERT VIDEO. Whatever connects this canto from Byron’s Childe
Harold's Pilgrimage to the video and the two books, forms the central event of
which 1847-48 literary work? This served as a precursor to which event
celebrating its 200th anniversary this year? (Incidentally, the title of the movie also
fills the blank in the poem and is the event celebrating its 200th anniversary.)
• And Harold stands upon this place of
skulls, The grave of France, the deadly
• How in an hour the power which gave
• Its gifts, transferring fame as fleeting too!
• In `pride of place' here last the eagle
• Then tore with bloody talon the rent
• Pierced by the shaft of banded nations
• Ambition's life and labours all were vain;
• He wears the shatter'd links of the
world's broken chain.
Vanity Fair; The Battle of Waterloo
• Ball thrown by Duchess of
Richmond for her son on the
eve of the Battle of
Waterloo. Commemorated in
canto III of Childe Harold’s
• Thackeray made the ball
(“the most glamorous such
event since the days of
Darius”) central to Vanity
• The subject of the ball- Lord
William Lennox, who
became an author later and
wrote Compton Audey (1841),
The Tuft Hunter (1864) and
The Adventures of a man of
family (1864)
Arts 1. What unique claim to infamy is
this cartoon’s?
Only Laxman cartoon to be censored
during Emergency
• The only known cartoon censored during the Emergency was
by R.K. Laxman in which Gerald Ford (twice President of the
United States) was seen being welcomed at the airport by a
group of workers ready with a net to catch him as he was
known to be tripping frequently. Laxman commented later:
“This is the most harmless cartoon I have ever done. The
theme is simple. Gerald Ford was to come to India but
cancelled his visit. During this period [Emergency] he kept on
tripping and falling frequently. The Censor thought my
cartoon was a dangerous comment on international affairs and
therefore prevented publication.”
Arts 2
• Plaque reads:
“Built 1837-1841;
Architect for the project: F. Boffo;
Restored 1933”.
• What are we talking about, that chronologically
have been called ‘the Boulevard _____’, ‘the Giant
_____’ and ‘the Richelieu _____’, but post a
revolutionary 1925 work, have been known by the
name of the imperial war-machine which forms the work’s
Potemkin Stairs in Odessa, Ukraine
Arts 3
• In graphic design, it is a unique form for a
frame to an image, either illustration or
photograph. Rather than the image's edges
being rectilinear, it is overlayed with decorative
artwork featuring a unique outline.
• In photography and optics, it is a reduction of
an image's brightness or saturation at
the periphery compared to the image center.
The word originally referred to a decorative
border in a book. Later, the word came to be
used for a photographic portrait which is clear
in the center, and fades off at the edges.
• What inter-disciplinary term, which is most
well-known from literature, where it refers to a
short impressionistic scene that focuses on one moment or
gives a trenchant impression about a character?
Arts 4
• It was constructed in just 5 months during 1564 and was built to allow
Grand Duke Cosimo I de' Medici to travel from the family residence in
the Pitti Palace to the Palazzo Vecchio, crossing the river Arno and
avoiding having to descend at any time to rough it with the plebeians.
• The man who designed it, more famous for a lively 1550 work in a different
medium, also gives its popular name.
• What is it called?
• What is the more famous lively work?
The Vasari Corridor; Lives or, Lives of the
Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and
Arts 5
• When Antoine Watteau applied to join the Académie Royale
de Peinture et de Sculpture, there was no suitable category for
his ____ _______ works, so the academy simply created one
rather than reject his application, describing him as a “peintre
des ____ ________”, the blanked out phrase meaning
‘courtship party’.
• While this acknowledged Watteau as the originator of the
genre, it also prevented him being recognised as a _______
_______, the highest class of painter, and the only one from
which the academy's professors were drawn.
• So, which genre did Watteau found, an what higher order of
artistry was he thus deprived of?
Fête galante; History painter
• Watteau is credited with inventing the genre
of fêtes galantes, scenes of bucolic and idyllic
charm, suffused with a theatrical air.
Arts 6
• Barlach built this memorial to those
killed in the war and to remember
those who remained – using the face
of his friend, a contemporary artist.
• This Hovering Angel, suspended from
the ceiling – so elevating individual
grief into general mourning – is an
evocation of a mother looking west,
to the killing fields of Flanders,
grieving serenely, perpetually, for her
dead son. This is significant as the
artist whose face is the angel’s is famous for
a depiction of motherly loss due to war.
• Who is the other artist?
• What is this sculpture titled,
referencing a more famous depiction of
motherly loss?
Käthe Kollwitz; Pieta
• “I have no right to withdraw from
the responsibility of being an
advocate. It is my duty to voice
the sufferings of people, the
sufferings that never end and are
as big as mountains.” So wrote
Käthe Kollwitz – artist, socialist,
pacifist, and grieving mother –
five years after her son Peter died
on the battlefield in World War I.
In 1937, she began working on
her Pietà in his memory as war
loomed again. In that second
great bloodletting she would lose
her grandson, also named Pete.
Myth 1
• Traditional Batik colours include indigo, dark
brown, and white.
• What are they supposed to represent?
The Hindu Trinity (Brahmā, Vishnu, and
Myth 2
• The European Parliament ___ Prize,
introduced in 2007, is a prize given to a
competing film by the European
• It is named after the unit of illuminance,
“___”, which is Latin for "light". The
objective of the Prize is to illuminate the
public debate on European
integration and to facilitate the diffusion
of European films in the European
Union. Name it.
• The trophy is inspired by, and the
underlying concept of the award is,
which object which formed the subject
of a famous 1563 paining by the elder
one of a Flemish pair?
LUX; Tower of Babel
Myth 3
• The Mahabharata apart from having some very
graphic and explanatory tracts detailing the conflict
between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, contains a
few extremely difficult to understand slokas, referred
to as ‘Vyasa kuta’, which provided debating fodder
to our classicists for ages.
• What amanuensic ploy, that would make Terry Gilliam
proud, is responsible for these Vyasa kutas?
Tough, time-buying slokas, to get Ganesha on board,
making him the history’s ealiest time-bandit. 
• Deciding to write his epic, Vyasa required
an amanuensis who could write in long
hand. Ganesh, with his vast erudition, was
the ideal amanuensis..
• However, he would only agree on the
condition that “Once I star taking
dictation, you (Vyasa) cannot stop.”
• Vyasa being the smart man he was
answered- “Ok, I accept, but I have a
condition, too; you will not write a single
world unless you have thoroughly
understood it.”
• Na buddha ma likha kaachit.
• So, to get time to thin and get a breather,
Vyasa gave Ganesha a smattering of
tough slokas. And bought time.
Myth 4
• It lies near the source of some of the longest rivers in Asia: the Indus
River, the Sutlej River (a major tributary of the Indus River),
the Brahmaputra River, and the Karnali River (a tributary of the River
• The Tibetan name is an honorific meaning "precious jewel of snows".
Depending on which mythology you ascribe to, its four faces are
made of crystal, ruby, gold, and lapis lazuli; it is the site where the
first JainTirthankara, Rishabhadeva, attained Nirvana; is the home of
the Buddha Demchok, who represents supreme bliss and in Bön, the
entire mystical region is the seat of all spiritual power
• The more well-known name may be derived from the word which means
“crystal” in Sanskrit.
• What are we talking about?
Mt. Kailash
• It is considered a sacred place in
four religions: Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.
Myth 5
• It is a long literary work, usually in prose, but sometimes in verse, in which the author
bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained
invective, and always contains a prophecy of society's imminent downfall.
• The word is an eponym, named after the Biblical prophet, and comes from Biblical
works attributed to him. The Book prophesies the coming downfall of the Kingdom
of Judah, and asserts that this is because its rulers have broken the covenant with the
• What is such a lamenting literary work called?
• The same prophet interpreted a soothing resinous substance as a spiritual medicine
that would be able to heal Israel’s wounds. He laments "Is there no ____ __ ______?
Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my
[God's] people?" This substance has since become a byword for anything that makes
things right, especially after things have not been going your way, even being used to
refer to Christ as a cure for humanity. It is also the name of the fictional universe
Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale is set in.
• What substance?
Jeremiad; Balm in/of Gilead
Myth 6
• After the Arab conquest of Damascus in
634, the mosque was built on the site of a
Christian basilica dedicated
to a prophet honored by Christians and Muslims
• A legend dating to the 6th century holds
that the building contains a personal
belonging of said prophet, which forms the subject
of an Oscar Wilde play and a Caravaggio
painting, among other artistic
• This artefact is responsible for what
religious first which happened in 2001?
• Which famous ruler and founder of
the Ayyubid dynasty, whose bird of choice lives
on in vexillography, is buried here, in a small
garden adjoining the north wall of the
John the Baptist (Yahya), the first time a
Pope paid a visit to a mosque; Saladin
• In 2001 Pope John Paul II visited the mosque, primarily to visit the
relics of John the Baptist.
Music 1. Who are the protagonists
portraying in this role-reversal?
• INSERT video
Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen
Music 2. Insert Heisenberg song
• What you hear and can see the subtitles to, and what is
celebrated, in the Heisenberg song is the most famous
example of the Mexican _____-_______ music genre, a recent
variant of traditional folk music from northern Mexico, from
which other several genres have evolved. This type of music is
heard on both sides of the US–Mexican border.
• The lyrics tend to speak approvingly of illegal activities
like torture, racketeering, extortion, drug smuggling, illegal
• What is the traditional folk music genre of Mexican ballads
• What is this recent subgenre called, its name derived from the
profession it aims to celebrate?
Corridos; Narco-corridos
Music 3. Which iconic album cover is
• Based on a poster by David Juniper, the design was based
on a photograph of the Jagdstaffel 11 Division of the
German Air Force during World War I.
• Besides the four, other faces added were either Miles
Davis or Blind Willie Johnson, a friend of Andy Warhol
(possibly Mary Woronov) and astronaut Neil Armstrong,
although in reality it is fellow astronaut Frank Borman.
• Also pictured is the outline of a _______ on a brown
background, which gave it its nickname “Brown
Bomber”, an object that also contributes half the title of
the band in question.
Music 4. Insert3 audios. What routine triptych, that shares its title with
the three Roth novels with only an article separating the two, which
the singer began performing in concerts starting 1972, would
connect the following:
A blackface minstrel song that
became the unofficial anthem of the
Confederacy since the Civil War
Originally a Bahamian lullaby, but
closely related to African American
spirituals, and well-known through
folk music revivalists
the marching song of
the Union Army during
the Civil War
An American Trilogy by Elvis Presley;
The American Trilogy by Philip Roth
• "Dixie"
• "All My Trials"
• "The Battle Hymn of the
• The American Trilogy:
American Pastoral / I
Married a Communist / The
Human Stain
In 1874, Russian artist, Victor
Hartmann displayed these paintings
and some more (lost in time) at a
memorial exhibit. Clockwise from
top left : Samuel Goldenburg and
Schmuyle; The Unhatched Chickens;
Baba Yaga (or, Hut on Fowl’s Legs);
The Great Gate of Kiev;
Question is where else would one
find them clubbed together?
Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest
The works by Hartmann were used by Mussorgsky
in assembling his suite, along with their titles.
Music 6. Insert Trainspotting nightclub
• Danny Boyle had his actors prepare by making
them watch this 1971 film, along with a few
• The film is directly homaged in the scene set in
the Volcano nightclub, which is designed like
another drink bar from this 1971 film.
• What 1971 film is this?
• What other direct reference is made to the same
film in this sequence?
A Clockwork Orange (1971); Heaven 17.
• Danny Boyle had his actors prepare by making them watch A
Clockwork Orange (1971), along with a few others.
• The latter film is directly homaged in the scene set in the
Volcano nightclub, which is designed like the Milk Bar in
Stanley Kubrick's film.
• The track playing in the Volcano club is Temptation by Heaven
17 who took their name from A Clockwork Orange (1971), a
deliberate homage.
Biz 1. Insert Iron man 2 and
Transcendence cameos.
• Who makes a cameo in both the sequences?
Elon Musk
Biz 2. Insert trailer
• The phrase is a variant of an earlier advertising slogan.
The brand adopted it in 1935 and it was their slogan until
1982 when the "Through Chemistry" part was dropped.
Since 1999, their slogan has been "The miracles of
• To help you with the plot of you just saw, a straight-laced
pharmacist's uneventful life spirals out of control when
he starts an affair with a trophy wife customer who takes
him on a joyride involving sex, drugs and possibly
• What is the film titled, referencing the brand’s slogan?
• Also, name the brand.
“Better Living Through Chemistry”;
Biz 3.
• X, among other things, had for years advised the Royal
Prussian sejmik (Parliament) on monetary reform, particularly in
the 1520s when that was a major question in regional Prussian
• In 1526 he wrote a study on the value of money, Monetae cudendae
ratio. In it he formulated an early iteration of the theory, now
called Gresham's law, that "bad" (debased) coinage drives "good"
(un-debased) coinage out of circulation—several decades
before Thomas Gresham.
• He also, in 1517, set down a quantity theory of money, a
principal concept in economics to the present day.
• Known for other, revolutionary things,who is x?
Nicolaus Copernicus
Biz 4
• How did Air India commemorate the induction
of the first Boeing 707 into their fleet in 1960?
• The patriotic change was and continues to be a
signifier for the airline. Which is why a recent
change irked some sons and daughters of the
soil, when it was announced that Air India was
going back to the norm in question. What recent
They changed the uniform of air-hostesses to the sari.
They announced last September that they’re going in for a
dress code that is more global.
• The earlier cabin crews wore European uniforms.
Biz 5. Connect the description with this
incantation from the Book of the Dead
in Evil Dead II.
• In 1975, the Securities and Exchange
Commission uncovered a $2.5
million bribe that Eli Black, CEO of
the United Fruit Company, offered
to Honduran president Oswaldo
López Arellano in order to obtain a
reduction of taxes on banana exports.
• A few weeks before the scandal
broke, on February 3, 1975, Eli Black
went to his office on the forty-fourth
floor of the Pan Am
Building in Manhattan, and
committed suicide.
Hudsucker Proxy
• On February 3, 1975, Eli Black,
the CEO of the United Fruit
Company, smashed an office
window with his briefcase and
jumped to his death from the
44th floor of the Pan Am
Building in New York City. The
death of Waring Hudsucker was
inspired by this real-life incident.
• "Hudsucker Proxy" was one of
the incantations in the Book of
the Dead Evil Dead II.
Biz 6. What, interpreted to be a fail-safe feature used during diplomatic missions or
simply translating to “save earth” is paid a homage by Lucas through the names
of Jabba’s Skiff Guards in the Star Wars universe and through this Mozilla
Easter Egg ‘about:Robots’?
Klaatu barada nikto! From The Day the
Earth Stood Still
• As an homage to this film George Lucas named three of the alien bounty
hunters in his Star Wars trilogy "Klaatu", "Barada" and “Nikto”.
• Mozilla Firefox features an Easter egg that involves this phrase; when
typing in "about:robots" into the address bar, the words "Gort! Klaatu
barada nikto!" appears in the tab display.
Misc Ent 1
London's East End
The Shady Pines Asylum
The Pits of Hell
The Graveyard
The Pharaoh's Tomb
And others
• The game passes through all these levels, all of which are lifted from
__________________. While the gameplay itself consists of shooting
enemies with the mouse cursor, the player has no control over movement
apart from occasionally choosing his route through the various levels. In spite
of this, the user can select which tracks play in the background.
• Who is the main character in this game, a “zombie-like” creation that has appeared
at other points in guises as diverse as a cyborg, an Egyptian mummy and a lobotomised
mental patient?
Eddie the Head
Misc Ent 2. Insert trailer and Madonna
Le Samourai
• Jim Jarmusch paid homage to Le Samouraï with the 1999 crime-drama, Ghost Dog:
The Way of the Samurai, starring Forest Whitaker as a meditative, loner assassin who
lives by the bushido code. In the same manner that Jef Costello has a huge ring of keys
that enables him to steal any Citroën DS, the hitman Ghost Dog has an electronic
"key" to break into luxury cars.
• Madonna's 2012 song "Beautiful Killer" is an homage to Alain Delon. The song alludes
to Le Samouraï and Delon's Jef: "You are a beautiful killer / I like your silhouette when
you stand on the streets / Like a samurai you can handle the heat / Makes me wanna
pray for a haunted man..."
Misc Ent 3
• The character of Ken
Rosenberg from Grand
Theft Auto: Vice
City (2002) is not only
modelled on, but the
interiors of his office
in GTA III is an almost
replica of, his
inspiration’s office
from a 1993 film.
• What is his inspiration?
David Kleinfeld from Carlito's Way
• In addition to the physical similarities, both are cocaine addicts.
Furthermore, Rosenberg's office looks just like Kleinfeld's.
Misc Ent 4.
• This term originates from wartime
censorship, and is short for the object you
see here, which was used to cross out unacceptable
parts of documents and letters.
• The term was popularized in America by
television producer Kermit Schaefer in the
1950s. Schaefer produced a long-running
series of Pardon My _______! record
albums in the 50s and 60s which featured a
mixture of actual recordings of certain
compilations from television and radio
broadcasts, coupled with re-creations.
• What term?
• A similar connotation has meant that this
object has become a metonym for a particular
profession. Which profession?
Blooper, as a short for “Blue Pencil”;
Editors- of movies or literary works- are
often referred to as Blue pencils.
Misc Ent 5. Insert Can Can dance.
All originate from the interval between
acts of an opera/ play/ performance
• The word makuno-uchi bentō ("between-act bento"), dates
back to the Edo Period (1603 to 1867), when they were served
during the intermissions of Noh and Kabuki theater
• Entr'acte can mean a pause between two parts of a stage
production, synonymous to an intermission (this is nowadays
the more common meaning in French), but it more often (in
English) indicates a piece of music performed between acts
of a theatrical production. Can Can sequence from Orpheus in
the Underworld is an example of the form.
• In music, an intermezzo, in the most general sense, is a
composition which fits between other musical or dramatic
entities, such as acts of a play or movements of a larger
musical work.
Misc Ent 6.
• This is a shot of Oakley Castle, used
in the filming of a number of films
including several Hammer
horror films, such as The Brides of
Dracula (1962), The Reptile (1966), The
Plague of the Zombies (1966).
• It is, however, most well-known for
being Dr. Frank N Furter's castle
(called The Frankenstein Place)
in which cult 1975 movie?
• When we see the castle at the start, the
camera zooms in onto that shiny
circular feature on top of the castle.
• How did the world come to know this
shiny, circular feature?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show; The dome used in Richard
O'Brien's series The Crystal Maze (1990).
• He wrote the cult musical and appeared as Riff
Raff, and the church custodian in the opening
scene of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and later
presented the television show The Crystal Maze.
Fashion 1
• This decorative fabric’s name, related to the
same root as a much-loathed nutritional aid, comes
from an Italian word meaning "embossed
cloth," originally past participle of the verb "to
stud, set with nails," from "small nail," from
the Latin word for, "projecting, pointed."
• Which fabric?
• What much-loathed nutritional aid?
Brocade; Broccoli
Fashion 2
• The director has gone on record claiming that this 1950s dress with its
dramatic silhouette inspired the film’s look in general and one iconic
emergence, in particular.
• Who created this dress?
• What iconic emergence did it inspire?
Balenciaga’s Sack Dress; Anita Ekberg from
the Trevi Fountain in La Dolce Vita
Fashion 3.
• This street became one of the coolest destinations associated
with the Swinging London of the 1960s.
• When Swinging London stormed into North American and
international awareness with the April 15, 1966 publication
of Time magazine's cover, the article extolled this street's role:
• “Perhaps nothing illustrates the new swinging London better than
narrow, three-block-long _______ Street, which is crammed with a
cluster of the 'gear' boutiques where the girls and boys buy each other
• Spoofed in The Kinks song ‘Dedicated follower of fashion’, the
subject of this 2011 documentary titled _______ Street
Undressed and the primary location for the U2 music video,
identify this mecca of swinging London?
Carnaby Street
• Carnaby Street was an
already well-enough
established phenomenon to
be satirized by The Kinks in
their early 1966 hit,
"Dedicated Follower of
Fashion," which contains the
line "Everywhere the
Carnabetian Army marches
on, each one a dedicated
follower of fashion".
Fashion 4
• Identify the two
doyens of fashion
who form the
subject of this
• What is it titled,
also the subtitle of a
2014 3D biblically-
inspired epic
fantasy film directed
by Ridley Scott?
Fashion 5
• This material is most often used on snooker and billiards tables to
cover the slate and cushions, and is often used on other kinds of gaming
tables such as those for blackjack, baccarat, craps and other casino
games. What material, that has now become a synecdoche to refer to
snooker/ billiards?
• At one time, a door to which a cloth of this material had been tacked
to deaden noise in a house separated the servants' quarters from the family's
living quarters.
• As Steward to Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, Ernest
King reached the top of the tree as a man-servant. Other royal
households in which he served as the domestic head were those of the
Duke and Duchess of Windsor and of King George of Greece. The
title of his memoirs charting his lifetime in domestic service refers to
the phrase's usage as a general metonymy for domestic service.
• What phrase?
Baize, “the green baize door”
Fashion 6. Connect with a name. The clip is from
a film whose protagonist was modelled on the
person who connects all of these. Which film?
Insert Beatles song and Think Pink video
Suzy Parker; Funny Face
• The Audrey Hepburn character was
inspired by Suzy Parker, who made a
fashionable cameo appearance in the
film (her first film) in the "Think
Pink" sequence.
• She appeared in
several Revlon advertisements as well
as in advertisements for many other
cosmetic companies, photographed
in all her appearances by Richard
• She was the first model to earn $200
per hour and $100,000 per year. And
the only fashion model to have
a Beatles song named after her.
Food 1
• These intended-to-be-utilitarian-objects have developed an
affectionate following, of a somewhat ironic kind, in our
lifetime. There are several websites devoted to them,
proffering tips on use (“bend the prongs inward and outward
and stand the _____ on end. This is a leaning tower of _____”),
haikus in their honor (“The _____, true beauty / the tines, the
bowl, the long stem / life now is complete”), and general
• has this to say: It is a perfect metaphor for human
existence. It tries to function as both _____ and ____, and
because of this dual nature, it fails miserably at both. You
cannot have soup with a _____; it is far too shallow. You
cannot eat meat with a _____; the prongs are too small.
• What is this object with an affectionate following?
Food 2
• This expedition, backed by the great and influential botanist Sir Joseph
Banks, patron of Kew Gardens and president of the Royal Society,
had been commissioned to transport the nutritious, fast-growing fruit
to the West Indies for propagation as a cheap food for slave laborers
who worked the vast sugar estates.
• The historical event and subject of more than half-a dozen
reimaginings, therefore, not only deprived our man of his ship, but
defused a grand botanical enterprise.
• Two thousand one hundred twenty-six plants were carried from Tahiti,
in pots and tubs stored both on deck and in the below-deck nursery.
The expedition's gardener described depredations inflicted by
"exceedingly troublesome" flies, cold, "unwholesomeness of Sea Air,"
salt spray and rationed water; nonetheless, 678 survived to the West
Indies, being delivered first to St. Vincent and finally to Jamaica.
• Which plant?
• Who was the captain of the ship?
• What historical event, c. 1789?
Breadfruit; Lt. William Bligh;
Mutiny on the Bounty
Food 3
• Dönmeh refers to a group of crypto-Jews in
the Ottoman Empire who, to escape the
inferior condition of dhimmis, converted
publicly to Islam, but were said to have
retained their beliefs. The movement was
historically centred in Salonica.
• The Turkish word dönme is from the verbal
root dön- that means 'to turn', i.e., "to
convert", but in a pejorative sense. Members
of the group refer to themselves simply as
"the Believers" in Hebrew or "sazanikos”.
• Why sazanikos or what does it mean in
• Use the image as a clue.
Carp, in honor of the changing outward
nature of the fish, much like converts
‘change colours’ wrt their allegiance.
Food 4
• References have been inferred in Shakespeare's Twelfth
Night (c. 1602), (Act II, Scene iii), where Sir Toby Belch tells a
clown: "Come on; there is ________ for you: let's have a
song" and in Beaumont and Fletcher's Bonduca (1614), which
contains the line "Whoa, here's a stir now! ____ _ ____ __
• Either ways, the nursery rhyme in question has its genesis in a
culinary trick presented to amuse banquet guests in the 14th century.
Literally meaning “between servings”, it is in modern French
cuisine a small dish served between courses or simply a
• What is this kind of dish called?
• What is it called in English, giving us a word connoting the aspect
of understated-ness?
• While at all this, what is the nursery rhyme?
Entremet; Subtlety;
Sing a Song of Sixpence
• Live birds were
slipped into a baked
pie shell through a
hole cut in its bottom.
The unwary guest
would release the
flapping birds once
the upper crust was
cut into.
Food 5
• Which edible gets its name from Latin for
• An annual event involving great fanfare has
its origins in the colonial period when these
edibles were introduced by the Spanish. The
city in question has a long wood carving
tradition and farmers began carving the
edibles into figures as a way to attract
customers’ attention during the Christmas
market which was held in the main square.
Which city?
• The tradition is celebrated in this oil on
canvas painting by an artist from the country
famous for another artistic medium. Which artist,
primarily known for works on a different
artistic medium?
• What counter-cultural word takes its root from
the same Latin word?
• (Video of festival)
Radish; Oaxaca, Mexico; Diego Rivera
( Known for his murals. This one is titled The
Temptations of Saint Antony.) Radical
Food 6
• Because it inevitably looks like a sloppy brown mess, it is exempt from gochiso,
the culinary laws of purity and perfection. Unlike sushi—complex to
assemble, served with great care for the aesthetics of the food and eaten
delicately— _____ is poured over the rice on a Western plate and eaten with a
spoon. It has thus become a Japanese comfort food: warm, sustaining, and
without need of ceremony.
• In 1912, a revolutionary Indian nationalist, fled the British authorities in
Bengal. He found refuge with the right-wing militarist Black Dragon Society
in Japan. While he helped spread anti- British propaganda among Indian
students at Japanese universities, he also helped to popularize Indian food.
Lore has it that he taught his father-in-law, who owned a bakery, how to make
this dish the Indian way.
• Soma Aizo used his new culinary skills to open a restaurant, named after his
daughter, Nakamuraya, the revolutionary’s japanese wife. The restaurant is still
there in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district and apparently still serves the eponymous
• Just name the eponymous dish.
Rash Behari Bose Curry/ R. B. Bose Curry

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Bits pilani movie quiz

FLAMBÉ Finals at Quizotic 2015 by Aryapriya Ganguly

  • 2. The Finals 9 topics, 6 questions each 54 questions
  • 3. • Holly 1. What is the name of the animated character? His name is a pun on an iconic character played by Joseph Wiseman from the eponymous 1962 film, also the first in a franchise. • Name the voice actor as well. • INSERT Video
  • 4.
  • 5. Dr. Know from A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001); Robin Williams
  • 6. Holly 2. • The film Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) explains and talks extensively about this popular horror film convention. • The concept in many of these works shares common characteristics: she is typically sexually unavailable or virginal, avoiding the vices of the victims (sex, illegal drug use, hedonistic lifestyle, etc.). She sometimes has a unisex name (e.g., Teddy, Billie, Georgie, Sidney). Occasionally, she will have a shared history with the killer. • For example, in Halloween II, Michael Myers is revealed to be the brother of Laurie Strode and in Scream 3 the killer is revealed to be Roman Bridger, half-brother of sole ________ Sidney Prescott. She is the "investigating consciousness" of the film, moving the narrative forward and as such, she exhibits intelligence, curiosity, and vigilance. • What is this trope?
  • 7.
  • 9. Holly 3 • His filmography lists 2 films. The lesser known one is "The Three". • The DVD of the more famous movie, wherein one finds The Three’s log-line- reads- : "We're all one thing, Lieutenant. That's what I've come to realize. Like cells in a body. 'Cept we can't see the body. The way fish can't see the ocean. And so we envy each other. Hurt each other. Hate each other. How silly is that? A heart cell hating a lung cell." - Cassie from THE THREE • That’s all the world knows of this screenplay writer’s productivity. • Who is this screenwriter and what is the more famous collaborative venture?
  • 10.
  • 11. The fictional Donald Kaufman as screenwriter of Adaptation.
  • 12. Holly 4. Insert sequence • It is a form of entertainment in which an amateur actor or actors perform along with a muted DVD in order to give voice to the character in the film. The film is projected onto a screen behind the actor and onto an alternate monitor which provides subtitles and action cues. • What is it titled, a portmanteau? • In this scene, an actor who later went on to achieve Indie- directorial infamy with a member of the Sylvilagus palustris species, performs a famous scene from a well-known 1959 film. • Identify the film being homaged, the 1993 film from which this sequence is taken, and the actor-turned-director performing it.
  • 13.
  • 14. Movieoke; North by Northwest; Arizona Dream; Vincent Gallo
  • 15. Holly 5. What unique casting gimmick connects these films?
  • 16.
  • 17. Getting two actors/actresses to play the same role in the movie. • At one point, Virginia Cherrill came back to the set late from an appointment, keepingCharles Chaplin waiting. Chaplin, whose relationship with Cherrill was not friendly, fired her on the spot. He intended to reshoot the film with Georgia Hale, his heroine from The Gold Rush (1925), playing the flower girl; he even reshot the final scene between the tramp and the flower girl with Hale in the role. However, Chaplin had already spent far too much time and money on the project to start over. Knowing this, Cherrill offered to come back to work - at double her original salary. Chaplin reluctantly agreed and the film was completed with two actresses playing the role of the flower girl. (Source: Virginia Cherrill interview, Unknown Chaplin (1983)) • According to John Frankenheimer, it was Hudson's idea to have two different actors play the Arthur Hamilton/Tony Wilson role, instead of having just one actor play both parts with makeup changes like originally envisioned. Hudson felt that he would be unconvincing as Arthur Hamilton and said he would only do the movie in the Tony Wilson role. Frankenheimer agreed and felt the film was much stronger as a result of the change. • Buñuel apparently had difficulties managing his lead actress and hired another one to replace her but rather than delete the sequences in which the first one had appeared, he retained them. There are therefore two actresses – Carole Bouquet and Angela Molina – playing the role in the film and, in a strange way, it is makes eminent sense.
  • 18. Holly 6. Connect all of them. How are the two boxed unique in this list?
  • 19.
  • 20. They all received Oscar nominations for their first credited screen appearance. Paul Muni and James Dean are the only actors to receive an Academy Award nomination for both their first and last credited screen appearance. • Paul Muni- for The Valiant (1929) and The Last Angry Man (1959). • James Dean- For the 1956 Academy Awards, Dean received a posthumous nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performance in East of Eden, also his first movie. • Dean received his second posthumous Best Actor Academy Award nomination for his role in Giant at the 29th Academy Awards in 1957 for films released in 1956. • The other four actors are: Orson Welles, Lawrence Tibbett, Alan Arkin and Montgomery Clift.
  • 21. Lit 1. Insert video game clip. • This piece of literature which is part personal declaration of independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self-reliance, was ironically written by accident. At the same time that this was eventually written, the author wanted to retire to a relatively peaceful place, and write A Week, detailing how his brother, John passed away on a camping trip at 27 years. • A Week was terrible and irrelevant to critics, but it is the author’s journal maintenance that gave us what he is best known for. • This immersive video game recreates the experience of this literary composition. • What anarcho-primitivist form did the journal maintenance finally take?
  • 22.
  • 24. Lit 2. What serves as the common structural inspiration?
  • 25.
  • 26. Dante’s Divine Comedy • A Prison Diary is a series of three books of diaries written by Jeffrey Archer during his time in prisons following his convictions for perjury and perverting the course of justice. Each volume is named after the parts of Dante's The Divine Comedy. • Lowry had envisaged a Dantean trilogy of books he had written between 1936 and 1944, with Under the Volcano as the Inferno. The posthumously published Swinging the Maelstrom, about a musician in the Bellevue psychiatric hospital in New York, was to be Purgatorio, with In Ballast to the White Sea as Paradiso. • Divine Comedy of Dante- Godard’s Notre Musique. The film's tripartite structure is inspired by the Divine Comedy of Dante; the film's three segments being titled "Realm 1: Hell", "Realm 2: Purgatory", and "Realm 3: Heaven".
  • 27. Lit 3. • It is a type of rawhide consisting of rough untanned skin, formerly made from a horse's back or that of an onager (wild ass). • The word derives from is related to Italian zigrino, derived from the Turkish sāğrī / çāğrī 'rump of a horse' or the prepared skin of this part. The roughness of its texture led to the French meaning of anxiety, vexation, embarrassment, or annoyance. • It is the dual connotation of this word that Balzac punned on when titling his 1831 novel La Peau de _______. Set in early 19th-century Paris, it tells the story of a young man who finds a magic piece of ________ that fulfils his every desire. For each wish granted, however, the skin shrinks and consumes a portion of his physical energy. • What is this rawhide called/ which word is derived from the annoyance caused by the roughness of its texture?
  • 28.
  • 30. Lit 4. • Pat Barker’s Regeneration trilogy of novels (1991-95) commemorates a strange meeting at Craiglockhart, a military psychiatric hospital during the travails of WWI. • A is famous for his WWI memoirs (as he is for a first-person fictional autobiography), whose title may also point to the passing of an old order following the cataclysm of the First World War and the inadequacies of patriotism. In 1917, B rebelled against the conduct of the war by making a public anti-war statement. A feared B could face a court martial and intervened with the military authorities, persuading them that B was suffering from shell shock and that they should treat him accordingly. A and B befriended C there, as well. The relationship clearly had a profound impact on A, B, and C. C who wrote in his first letter to B after leaving Craiglockhart “You have fixed my life-however short”, ominous and prophetic as time would soon confirm it. • The character of Billy Prior was invented by Barker to parallel and contrast with B and C. • Who are A, B and C?
  • 31.
  • 32. Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen
  • 33. Lit 5. In an elegant bit of coincidence, what connects these movies and their basis?
  • 34.
  • 35. Both based on novels by James Jones, both of whose titles are from poems by Rudyard Kipling. • The Thin Red Line- The title of James Jones’ novel references a line from Rudyard Kipling's poem "Tommy", from Barrack-Room Ballads, in which he calls foot soldiers "the thin red line of heroes”. • From Here To Eternity- The title of James Jones’ novel comes again from a quote from Rudyard Kipling's 1892 poem "Gentlemen-Rankers", about soldiers of the British Empire who had "lost [their] way" and were "damned from here to eternity".
  • 36. Lit 6. INSERT VIDEO. Whatever connects this canto from Byron’s Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to the video and the two books, forms the central event of which 1847-48 literary work? This served as a precursor to which event celebrating its 200th anniversary this year? (Incidentally, the title of the movie also fills the blank in the poem and is the event celebrating its 200th anniversary.) • And Harold stands upon this place of skulls, The grave of France, the deadly ________; • How in an hour the power which gave annuls • Its gifts, transferring fame as fleeting too! • In `pride of place' here last the eagle flew, • Then tore with bloody talon the rent plain, • Pierced by the shaft of banded nations through; • Ambition's life and labours all were vain; • He wears the shatter'd links of the world's broken chain.
  • 37.
  • 38. Vanity Fair; The Battle of Waterloo • Ball thrown by Duchess of Richmond for her son on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo. Commemorated in canto III of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage • Thackeray made the ball (“the most glamorous such event since the days of Darius”) central to Vanity Fair • The subject of the ball- Lord William Lennox, who became an author later and wrote Compton Audey (1841), The Tuft Hunter (1864) and The Adventures of a man of family (1864)
  • 39. Arts 1. What unique claim to infamy is this cartoon’s?
  • 40.
  • 41. Only Laxman cartoon to be censored during Emergency • openpage/cant-our-politicians-laugh-at- themselves/article3460968.ece • The only known cartoon censored during the Emergency was by R.K. Laxman in which Gerald Ford (twice President of the United States) was seen being welcomed at the airport by a group of workers ready with a net to catch him as he was known to be tripping frequently. Laxman commented later: “This is the most harmless cartoon I have ever done. The theme is simple. Gerald Ford was to come to India but cancelled his visit. During this period [Emergency] he kept on tripping and falling frequently. The Censor thought my cartoon was a dangerous comment on international affairs and therefore prevented publication.”
  • 42. Arts 2 • Plaque reads: “Built 1837-1841; Architect for the project: F. Boffo; Restored 1933”. • What are we talking about, that chronologically have been called ‘the Boulevard _____’, ‘the Giant _____’ and ‘the Richelieu _____’, but post a revolutionary 1925 work, have been known by the name of the imperial war-machine which forms the work’s basis?
  • 43.
  • 44. Potemkin Stairs in Odessa, Ukraine
  • 45. Arts 3 • In graphic design, it is a unique form for a frame to an image, either illustration or photograph. Rather than the image's edges being rectilinear, it is overlayed with decorative artwork featuring a unique outline. • In photography and optics, it is a reduction of an image's brightness or saturation at the periphery compared to the image center. The word originally referred to a decorative border in a book. Later, the word came to be used for a photographic portrait which is clear in the center, and fades off at the edges. • What inter-disciplinary term, which is most well-known from literature, where it refers to a short impressionistic scene that focuses on one moment or gives a trenchant impression about a character?
  • 46.
  • 48. Arts 4 • It was constructed in just 5 months during 1564 and was built to allow Grand Duke Cosimo I de' Medici to travel from the family residence in the Pitti Palace to the Palazzo Vecchio, crossing the river Arno and avoiding having to descend at any time to rough it with the plebeians. • The man who designed it, more famous for a lively 1550 work in a different medium, also gives its popular name. • What is it called? • What is the more famous lively work?
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51. The Vasari Corridor; Lives or, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
  • 52. Arts 5 • When Antoine Watteau applied to join the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, there was no suitable category for his ____ _______ works, so the academy simply created one rather than reject his application, describing him as a “peintre des ____ ________”, the blanked out phrase meaning ‘courtship party’. • While this acknowledged Watteau as the originator of the genre, it also prevented him being recognised as a _______ _______, the highest class of painter, and the only one from which the academy's professors were drawn. • So, which genre did Watteau found, an what higher order of artistry was he thus deprived of?
  • 53.
  • 54. Fête galante; History painter • Watteau is credited with inventing the genre of fêtes galantes, scenes of bucolic and idyllic charm, suffused with a theatrical air.
  • 55. Arts 6 • Barlach built this memorial to those killed in the war and to remember those who remained – using the face of his friend, a contemporary artist. • This Hovering Angel, suspended from the ceiling – so elevating individual grief into general mourning – is an evocation of a mother looking west, to the killing fields of Flanders, grieving serenely, perpetually, for her dead son. This is significant as the artist whose face is the angel’s is famous for a depiction of motherly loss due to war. • Who is the other artist? • What is this sculpture titled, referencing a more famous depiction of motherly loss?
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. Käthe Kollwitz; Pieta • “I have no right to withdraw from the responsibility of being an advocate. It is my duty to voice the sufferings of people, the sufferings that never end and are as big as mountains.” So wrote Käthe Kollwitz – artist, socialist, pacifist, and grieving mother – five years after her son Peter died on the battlefield in World War I. In 1937, she began working on her Pietà in his memory as war loomed again. In that second great bloodletting she would lose her grandson, also named Pete.
  • 60. Myth 1 • Traditional Batik colours include indigo, dark brown, and white. • What are they supposed to represent?
  • 61.
  • 62. The Hindu Trinity (Brahmā, Vishnu, and Śiva).
  • 63. Myth 2 • The European Parliament ___ Prize, introduced in 2007, is a prize given to a competing film by the European Parliament. • It is named after the unit of illuminance, “___”, which is Latin for "light". The objective of the Prize is to illuminate the public debate on European integration and to facilitate the diffusion of European films in the European Union. Name it. • The trophy is inspired by, and the underlying concept of the award is, which object which formed the subject of a famous 1563 paining by the elder one of a Flemish pair?
  • 64.
  • 65. LUX; Tower of Babel
  • 66. Myth 3 • The Mahabharata apart from having some very graphic and explanatory tracts detailing the conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, contains a few extremely difficult to understand slokas, referred to as ‘Vyasa kuta’, which provided debating fodder to our classicists for ages. • What amanuensic ploy, that would make Terry Gilliam proud, is responsible for these Vyasa kutas?
  • 67.
  • 68. Tough, time-buying slokas, to get Ganesha on board, making him the history’s ealiest time-bandit.  • Deciding to write his epic, Vyasa required an amanuensis who could write in long hand. Ganesh, with his vast erudition, was the ideal amanuensis.. • However, he would only agree on the condition that “Once I star taking dictation, you (Vyasa) cannot stop.” • Vyasa being the smart man he was answered- “Ok, I accept, but I have a condition, too; you will not write a single world unless you have thoroughly understood it.” • Na buddha ma likha kaachit. • So, to get time to thin and get a breather, Vyasa gave Ganesha a smattering of tough slokas. And bought time.
  • 69. Myth 4 • It lies near the source of some of the longest rivers in Asia: the Indus River, the Sutlej River (a major tributary of the Indus River), the Brahmaputra River, and the Karnali River (a tributary of the River Ganga). • The Tibetan name is an honorific meaning "precious jewel of snows". Depending on which mythology you ascribe to, its four faces are made of crystal, ruby, gold, and lapis lazuli; it is the site where the first JainTirthankara, Rishabhadeva, attained Nirvana; is the home of the Buddha Demchok, who represents supreme bliss and in Bön, the entire mystical region is the seat of all spiritual power • The more well-known name may be derived from the word which means “crystal” in Sanskrit. • What are we talking about?
  • 70.
  • 71. Mt. Kailash • It is considered a sacred place in four religions: Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.
  • 72. Myth 5 • It is a long literary work, usually in prose, but sometimes in verse, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society's imminent downfall. • The word is an eponym, named after the Biblical prophet, and comes from Biblical works attributed to him. The Book prophesies the coming downfall of the Kingdom of Judah, and asserts that this is because its rulers have broken the covenant with the Lord. • What is such a lamenting literary work called? • The same prophet interpreted a soothing resinous substance as a spiritual medicine that would be able to heal Israel’s wounds. He laments "Is there no ____ __ ______? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my [God's] people?" This substance has since become a byword for anything that makes things right, especially after things have not been going your way, even being used to refer to Christ as a cure for humanity. It is also the name of the fictional universe Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale is set in. • What substance?
  • 73.
  • 75. Myth 6 • After the Arab conquest of Damascus in 634, the mosque was built on the site of a Christian basilica dedicated to a prophet honored by Christians and Muslims alike. • A legend dating to the 6th century holds that the building contains a personal belonging of said prophet, which forms the subject of an Oscar Wilde play and a Caravaggio painting, among other artistic representations. • This artefact is responsible for what religious first which happened in 2001? • Which famous ruler and founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, whose bird of choice lives on in vexillography, is buried here, in a small garden adjoining the north wall of the mosque?
  • 76.
  • 77. John the Baptist (Yahya), the first time a Pope paid a visit to a mosque; Saladin • In 2001 Pope John Paul II visited the mosque, primarily to visit the relics of John the Baptist.
  • 78. Music 1. Who are the protagonists portraying in this role-reversal? • INSERT video
  • 79.
  • 80. Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen
  • 81. Music 2. Insert Heisenberg song • What you hear and can see the subtitles to, and what is celebrated, in the Heisenberg song is the most famous example of the Mexican _____-_______ music genre, a recent variant of traditional folk music from northern Mexico, from which other several genres have evolved. This type of music is heard on both sides of the US–Mexican border. • The lyrics tend to speak approvingly of illegal activities like torture, racketeering, extortion, drug smuggling, illegal immigration. • What is the traditional folk music genre of Mexican ballads called? • What is this recent subgenre called, its name derived from the profession it aims to celebrate?
  • 82.
  • 84. Music 3. Which iconic album cover is this? • Based on a poster by David Juniper, the design was based on a photograph of the Jagdstaffel 11 Division of the German Air Force during World War I. • Besides the four, other faces added were either Miles Davis or Blind Willie Johnson, a friend of Andy Warhol (possibly Mary Woronov) and astronaut Neil Armstrong, although in reality it is fellow astronaut Frank Borman. • Also pictured is the outline of a _______ on a brown background, which gave it its nickname “Brown Bomber”, an object that also contributes half the title of the band in question.
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88. Music 4. Insert3 audios. What routine triptych, that shares its title with the three Roth novels with only an article separating the two, which the singer began performing in concerts starting 1972, would connect the following: A blackface minstrel song that became the unofficial anthem of the Confederacy since the Civil War Originally a Bahamian lullaby, but closely related to African American spirituals, and well-known through folk music revivalists the marching song of the Union Army during the Civil War
  • 89.
  • 90. An American Trilogy by Elvis Presley; The American Trilogy by Philip Roth • "Dixie" • "All My Trials" • "The Battle Hymn of the Republic“ • The American Trilogy: American Pastoral / I Married a Communist / The Human Stain
  • 91. Music 5. INSERT AUDIO In 1874, Russian artist, Victor Hartmann displayed these paintings and some more (lost in time) at a memorial exhibit. Clockwise from top left : Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle; The Unhatched Chickens; Baba Yaga (or, Hut on Fowl’s Legs); The Great Gate of Kiev; Catacombs. Question is where else would one find them clubbed together?
  • 92.
  • 93. Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky. The works by Hartmann were used by Mussorgsky in assembling his suite, along with their titles.
  • 94. Music 6. Insert Trainspotting nightclub sequence. • Danny Boyle had his actors prepare by making them watch this 1971 film, along with a few others. • The film is directly homaged in the scene set in the Volcano nightclub, which is designed like another drink bar from this 1971 film. • What 1971 film is this? • What other direct reference is made to the same film in this sequence?
  • 95.
  • 96. A Clockwork Orange (1971); Heaven 17. • Danny Boyle had his actors prepare by making them watch A Clockwork Orange (1971), along with a few others. • The latter film is directly homaged in the scene set in the Volcano nightclub, which is designed like the Milk Bar in Stanley Kubrick's film. • The track playing in the Volcano club is Temptation by Heaven 17 who took their name from A Clockwork Orange (1971), a deliberate homage.
  • 97. Biz 1. Insert Iron man 2 and Transcendence cameos. • Who makes a cameo in both the sequences?
  • 98.
  • 100. Biz 2. Insert trailer • The phrase is a variant of an earlier advertising slogan. The brand adopted it in 1935 and it was their slogan until 1982 when the "Through Chemistry" part was dropped. Since 1999, their slogan has been "The miracles of science“. • To help you with the plot of you just saw, a straight-laced pharmacist's uneventful life spirals out of control when he starts an affair with a trophy wife customer who takes him on a joyride involving sex, drugs and possibly murder. • What is the film titled, referencing the brand’s slogan? • Also, name the brand.
  • 101.
  • 102. “Better Living Through Chemistry”; DuPont.
  • 103. Biz 3. • X, among other things, had for years advised the Royal Prussian sejmik (Parliament) on monetary reform, particularly in the 1520s when that was a major question in regional Prussian politics. • In 1526 he wrote a study on the value of money, Monetae cudendae ratio. In it he formulated an early iteration of the theory, now called Gresham's law, that "bad" (debased) coinage drives "good" (un-debased) coinage out of circulation—several decades before Thomas Gresham. • He also, in 1517, set down a quantity theory of money, a principal concept in economics to the present day. • Known for other, revolutionary things,who is x?
  • 104.
  • 106. Biz 4 • How did Air India commemorate the induction of the first Boeing 707 into their fleet in 1960? • The patriotic change was and continues to be a signifier for the airline. Which is why a recent change irked some sons and daughters of the soil, when it was announced that Air India was going back to the norm in question. What recent change?
  • 107.
  • 108. They changed the uniform of air-hostesses to the sari. They announced last September that they’re going in for a dress code that is more global. • The earlier cabin crews wore European uniforms.
  • 109. Biz 5. Connect the description with this incantation from the Book of the Dead in Evil Dead II. • In 1975, the Securities and Exchange Commission uncovered a $2.5 million bribe that Eli Black, CEO of the United Fruit Company, offered to Honduran president Oswaldo López Arellano in order to obtain a reduction of taxes on banana exports. • A few weeks before the scandal broke, on February 3, 1975, Eli Black went to his office on the forty-fourth floor of the Pan Am Building in Manhattan, and committed suicide.
  • 110.
  • 111. Hudsucker Proxy • On February 3, 1975, Eli Black, the CEO of the United Fruit Company, smashed an office window with his briefcase and jumped to his death from the 44th floor of the Pan Am Building in New York City. The death of Waring Hudsucker was inspired by this real-life incident. • "Hudsucker Proxy" was one of the incantations in the Book of the Dead Evil Dead II.
  • 112. Biz 6. What, interpreted to be a fail-safe feature used during diplomatic missions or simply translating to “save earth” is paid a homage by Lucas through the names of Jabba’s Skiff Guards in the Star Wars universe and through this Mozilla Easter Egg ‘about:Robots’?
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. Klaatu barada nikto! From The Day the Earth Stood Still • As an homage to this film George Lucas named three of the alien bounty hunters in his Star Wars trilogy "Klaatu", "Barada" and “Nikto”. • Mozilla Firefox features an Easter egg that involves this phrase; when typing in "about:robots" into the address bar, the words "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!" appears in the tab display.
  • 116. Misc Ent 1 London's East End The Shady Pines Asylum The Pits of Hell The Graveyard The Pharaoh's Tomb And others • The game passes through all these levels, all of which are lifted from __________________. While the gameplay itself consists of shooting enemies with the mouse cursor, the player has no control over movement apart from occasionally choosing his route through the various levels. In spite of this, the user can select which tracks play in the background. • Who is the main character in this game, a “zombie-like” creation that has appeared at other points in guises as diverse as a cyborg, an Egyptian mummy and a lobotomised mental patient?
  • 117.
  • 119. Misc Ent 2. Insert trailer and Madonna Song.
  • 120.
  • 121. Le Samourai • Jim Jarmusch paid homage to Le Samouraï with the 1999 crime-drama, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, starring Forest Whitaker as a meditative, loner assassin who lives by the bushido code. In the same manner that Jef Costello has a huge ring of keys that enables him to steal any Citroën DS, the hitman Ghost Dog has an electronic "key" to break into luxury cars. • Madonna's 2012 song "Beautiful Killer" is an homage to Alain Delon. The song alludes to Le Samouraï and Delon's Jef: "You are a beautiful killer / I like your silhouette when you stand on the streets / Like a samurai you can handle the heat / Makes me wanna pray for a haunted man..."
  • 122. Misc Ent 3 • The character of Ken Rosenberg from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) is not only modelled on, but the interiors of his office in GTA III is an almost replica of, his inspiration’s office from a 1993 film. • What is his inspiration?
  • 123.
  • 124. David Kleinfeld from Carlito's Way (1993). • In addition to the physical similarities, both are cocaine addicts. Furthermore, Rosenberg's office looks just like Kleinfeld's.
  • 125. Misc Ent 4. • This term originates from wartime censorship, and is short for the object you see here, which was used to cross out unacceptable parts of documents and letters. • The term was popularized in America by television producer Kermit Schaefer in the 1950s. Schaefer produced a long-running series of Pardon My _______! record albums in the 50s and 60s which featured a mixture of actual recordings of certain compilations from television and radio broadcasts, coupled with re-creations. • What term? • A similar connotation has meant that this object has become a metonym for a particular profession. Which profession?
  • 126.
  • 127. Blooper, as a short for “Blue Pencil”; Editors- of movies or literary works- are often referred to as Blue pencils.
  • 128. Misc Ent 5. Insert Can Can dance.
  • 129.
  • 130. All originate from the interval between acts of an opera/ play/ performance • The word makuno-uchi bentō ("between-act bento"), dates back to the Edo Period (1603 to 1867), when they were served during the intermissions of Noh and Kabuki theater performances. • Entr'acte can mean a pause between two parts of a stage production, synonymous to an intermission (this is nowadays the more common meaning in French), but it more often (in English) indicates a piece of music performed between acts of a theatrical production. Can Can sequence from Orpheus in the Underworld is an example of the form. • In music, an intermezzo, in the most general sense, is a composition which fits between other musical or dramatic entities, such as acts of a play or movements of a larger musical work.
  • 131. Misc Ent 6. • This is a shot of Oakley Castle, used in the filming of a number of films including several Hammer horror films, such as The Brides of Dracula (1962), The Reptile (1966), The Plague of the Zombies (1966). • It is, however, most well-known for being Dr. Frank N Furter's castle (called The Frankenstein Place) in which cult 1975 movie? • When we see the castle at the start, the camera zooms in onto that shiny circular feature on top of the castle. • How did the world come to know this shiny, circular feature?
  • 132.
  • 133.
  • 134. The Rocky Horror Picture Show; The dome used in Richard O'Brien's series The Crystal Maze (1990). • He wrote the cult musical and appeared as Riff Raff, and the church custodian in the opening scene of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and later presented the television show The Crystal Maze.
  • 135. Fashion 1 • This decorative fabric’s name, related to the same root as a much-loathed nutritional aid, comes from an Italian word meaning "embossed cloth," originally past participle of the verb "to stud, set with nails," from "small nail," from the Latin word for, "projecting, pointed." • Which fabric? • What much-loathed nutritional aid?
  • 136.
  • 138. Fashion 2 • The director has gone on record claiming that this 1950s dress with its dramatic silhouette inspired the film’s look in general and one iconic emergence, in particular. • Who created this dress? • What iconic emergence did it inspire?
  • 139.
  • 140. Balenciaga’s Sack Dress; Anita Ekberg from the Trevi Fountain in La Dolce Vita
  • 141. Fashion 3. • This street became one of the coolest destinations associated with the Swinging London of the 1960s. • When Swinging London stormed into North American and international awareness with the April 15, 1966 publication of Time magazine's cover, the article extolled this street's role: • “Perhaps nothing illustrates the new swinging London better than narrow, three-block-long _______ Street, which is crammed with a cluster of the 'gear' boutiques where the girls and boys buy each other clothing..” • Spoofed in The Kinks song ‘Dedicated follower of fashion’, the subject of this 2011 documentary titled _______ Street Undressed and the primary location for the U2 music video, identify this mecca of swinging London?
  • 142.
  • 143. Carnaby Street • Carnaby Street was an already well-enough established phenomenon to be satirized by The Kinks in their early 1966 hit, "Dedicated Follower of Fashion," which contains the line "Everywhere the Carnabetian Army marches on, each one a dedicated follower of fashion".
  • 144. Fashion 4 • Identify the two doyens of fashion who form the subject of this book. • What is it titled, also the subtitle of a 2014 3D biblically- inspired epic fantasy film directed by Ridley Scott?
  • 145.
  • 146.
  • 147. Fashion 5 • This material is most often used on snooker and billiards tables to cover the slate and cushions, and is often used on other kinds of gaming tables such as those for blackjack, baccarat, craps and other casino games. What material, that has now become a synecdoche to refer to snooker/ billiards? • At one time, a door to which a cloth of this material had been tacked to deaden noise in a house separated the servants' quarters from the family's living quarters. • As Steward to Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, Ernest King reached the top of the tree as a man-servant. Other royal households in which he served as the domestic head were those of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and of King George of Greece. The title of his memoirs charting his lifetime in domestic service refers to the phrase's usage as a general metonymy for domestic service. • What phrase?
  • 148.
  • 149. Baize, “the green baize door”
  • 150. Fashion 6. Connect with a name. The clip is from a film whose protagonist was modelled on the person who connects all of these. Which film? Insert Beatles song and Think Pink video
  • 151.
  • 152. Suzy Parker; Funny Face • The Audrey Hepburn character was inspired by Suzy Parker, who made a fashionable cameo appearance in the film (her first film) in the "Think Pink" sequence. • She appeared in several Revlon advertisements as well as in advertisements for many other cosmetic companies, photographed in all her appearances by Richard Avedon. • She was the first model to earn $200 per hour and $100,000 per year. And the only fashion model to have a Beatles song named after her.
  • 153. Food 1 • These intended-to-be-utilitarian-objects have developed an affectionate following, of a somewhat ironic kind, in our lifetime. There are several websites devoted to them, proffering tips on use (“bend the prongs inward and outward and stand the _____ on end. This is a leaning tower of _____”), haikus in their honor (“The _____, true beauty / the tines, the bowl, the long stem / life now is complete”), and general musings. • has this to say: It is a perfect metaphor for human existence. It tries to function as both _____ and ____, and because of this dual nature, it fails miserably at both. You cannot have soup with a _____; it is far too shallow. You cannot eat meat with a _____; the prongs are too small. • What is this object with an affectionate following?
  • 154.
  • 155. Spork
  • 156. Food 2 • This expedition, backed by the great and influential botanist Sir Joseph Banks, patron of Kew Gardens and president of the Royal Society, had been commissioned to transport the nutritious, fast-growing fruit to the West Indies for propagation as a cheap food for slave laborers who worked the vast sugar estates. • The historical event and subject of more than half-a dozen reimaginings, therefore, not only deprived our man of his ship, but defused a grand botanical enterprise. • Two thousand one hundred twenty-six plants were carried from Tahiti, in pots and tubs stored both on deck and in the below-deck nursery. The expedition's gardener described depredations inflicted by "exceedingly troublesome" flies, cold, "unwholesomeness of Sea Air," salt spray and rationed water; nonetheless, 678 survived to the West Indies, being delivered first to St. Vincent and finally to Jamaica. • Which plant? • Who was the captain of the ship? • What historical event, c. 1789?
  • 157.
  • 158. Breadfruit; Lt. William Bligh; Mutiny on the Bounty
  • 159. Food 3 • Dönmeh refers to a group of crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who, to escape the inferior condition of dhimmis, converted publicly to Islam, but were said to have retained their beliefs. The movement was historically centred in Salonica. • The Turkish word dönme is from the verbal root dön- that means 'to turn', i.e., "to convert", but in a pejorative sense. Members of the group refer to themselves simply as "the Believers" in Hebrew or "sazanikos”. • Why sazanikos or what does it mean in Turkish? • Use the image as a clue.
  • 160.
  • 161. Carp, in honor of the changing outward nature of the fish, much like converts ‘change colours’ wrt their allegiance.
  • 162. Food 4 • References have been inferred in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (c. 1602), (Act II, Scene iii), where Sir Toby Belch tells a clown: "Come on; there is ________ for you: let's have a song" and in Beaumont and Fletcher's Bonduca (1614), which contains the line "Whoa, here's a stir now! ____ _ ____ __ ________!“ • Either ways, the nursery rhyme in question has its genesis in a culinary trick presented to amuse banquet guests in the 14th century. Literally meaning “between servings”, it is in modern French cuisine a small dish served between courses or simply a dessert. • What is this kind of dish called? • What is it called in English, giving us a word connoting the aspect of understated-ness? • While at all this, what is the nursery rhyme?
  • 163.
  • 164. Entremet; Subtlety; Sing a Song of Sixpence • Live birds were slipped into a baked pie shell through a hole cut in its bottom. The unwary guest would release the flapping birds once the upper crust was cut into.
  • 165. Food 5 • Which edible gets its name from Latin for "root"? • An annual event involving great fanfare has its origins in the colonial period when these edibles were introduced by the Spanish. The city in question has a long wood carving tradition and farmers began carving the edibles into figures as a way to attract customers’ attention during the Christmas market which was held in the main square. Which city? • The tradition is celebrated in this oil on canvas painting by an artist from the country famous for another artistic medium. Which artist, primarily known for works on a different artistic medium? • What counter-cultural word takes its root from the same Latin word? • (Video of festival)
  • 166.
  • 167. Radish; Oaxaca, Mexico; Diego Rivera ( Known for his murals. This one is titled The Temptations of Saint Antony.) Radical
  • 168. Food 6 • Because it inevitably looks like a sloppy brown mess, it is exempt from gochiso, the culinary laws of purity and perfection. Unlike sushi—complex to assemble, served with great care for the aesthetics of the food and eaten delicately— _____ is poured over the rice on a Western plate and eaten with a spoon. It has thus become a Japanese comfort food: warm, sustaining, and without need of ceremony. • In 1912, a revolutionary Indian nationalist, fled the British authorities in Bengal. He found refuge with the right-wing militarist Black Dragon Society in Japan. While he helped spread anti- British propaganda among Indian students at Japanese universities, he also helped to popularize Indian food. Lore has it that he taught his father-in-law, who owned a bakery, how to make this dish the Indian way. • Soma Aizo used his new culinary skills to open a restaurant, named after his daughter, Nakamuraya, the revolutionary’s japanese wife. The restaurant is still there in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district and apparently still serves the eponymous dish. • Just name the eponymous dish.
  • 169.
  • 170. Rash Behari Bose Curry/ R. B. Bose Curry