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                                                   “50 FIRST DATES”

                                                (A PRAGMATIC STUDY)

                                                     REZKIAWATI N


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan ujaran-ujaran yang
mengandung illocutionary act dalam dialog film “50 First Dates”. Dalam ujaran-ujaran yang terjadi
dalam dialog film tersebut, penulis akan mengklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga bentuk kalimat, yaitu
declarative, imperative, dan interrogative. Selanjutnya penulis mengidentifikasi ujaran tersebut
menurut direct atau indirect illocutionary act. Ada banyak macam ujaran direct dan indirect
illocutionary act yang terjadi.

Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan ditunjang dengan buku-
buku referensi yang berhubungan erat dengan penelitian ini. sedangkan sumber data yang digunakan
seluruhnya berasal dari naskah dialog film "50 First Dates", setelah itu penulis memilih beberapa data
yang dikumpulkan dan didefinisikan jenis kalimatnya.

  I.   Introduction

Communication is a social activity requiring the coordinated efforts of two or more individuals. Mere
talk to produce sentence, no matter how well formed or elegant the outcome, does not by itself
constitute communication. Only when a move has elicited a response can we say communication is
taking place. To participate in such verbal exchanges, that is, to create and sustain conversational
involvement, we require knowledge and abilities which go considerably beyond the grammatical
competence we need to decode short isolated messages. We do not and cannot automatically respond to
everything we hear. In the course of our daily activities we are exposed to a multitude of signals, many
more than we could possibly have time to react to.

Movie is one media that reflects human social life. It is played by some actors/actresses. When the
writer watched a movie, she is interested the plot of the story, the background of the story (where it
take place), the fashion (the dresses of the characters), the way of the characters to speak (language
they use), etc. one more important aspect that mostly occurred in a movie is dialogue (conversation)
between the characters. The actor/ actress speak one to another, and there will be Illocutionary Act.
And it is one reason why the writer takes a movie as the data of her analysis.
II. Research Questions

What are the sentence types of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”?

   1. What kinds of direct illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First
   2. What kinds of indirect illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First

III. Objective Of The Study

To show what the sentence types of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”.

   1. To show what kinds of direct illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50
      First Dates”
   2. To show what kinds of indirect illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50
      First Dates”.

IV. Method of Research

In this research, the writer used library research to collect certain data, information and theory related
to the topic of this writing, the writer also read the script of “50 First Dates”, some relevant books and
some guiding books that closely related to the topic of this writing.

         Source of the data for this writing is “50 First Dates” a film acted by Adam Sandler and Drew
Barrymore as the main characters. They mostly occur in this movie and involve in the conversation.
The writer focused on all illocutionary acts between the characters. By using purposive sampling
technique, there were some data which are representative for this writing. In choosing the samples the
writer focused on and selected the illocutionary acts.

VI. Findings and Discussions

A. The Short Definition of the Movie “50 First Dates”

This movie is the love story of Lucy Whitmore that suffers lost short-time memory and Henry Roth
who afraid of making a commitment with a local girl, that’s why he just dating with tourists that come
to Hawaii. Until one morning in the Hukilau Café He meet Lucy Whitmore, they actually in love. But
sadly the next morning as they promise to breakfast again in that café, Lucy doesn’t remember him
anymore. Henry firstly shocking but he decided not give up to find Lucy’s heart. Even when the next
morning she doesn’t remember him anymore. Day by day He tries to make Lucy falling love with him
again. Lucy’s father, Marlin Whitmore firstly doesn’t agree with what Henry did to her daughter. But
to looking Henry’s seriousness, finally He supports Henry. Henry try to found some way to get Lucy
still remember about him. And he’s got a brilliant idea about taping the activity after Lucy’s accident.
And this way is working. Every morning when Lucy wake up, she watch that video and realizing all the
things she has missed. And of course she always reminded of her love, Henry.

One day, Lucy heard about Henry’s obsession, sailing to Alaska and doing research about the live of
wild walrus. But Henry doesn’t want to leave Lucy and cancelled his plan. Lucy doesn’t want to let
Henry sacrifice his live just for keeping Lucy. Lucy comes to Henry’s place and asking for break up
their relationship. At the beginning Henry refuse Lucy’s wish, but finally he understands the reason
why Lucy do that. Henry then disappear from Lucy’s live, when they met accidently Henry try to
pretending like He never know Lucy before.

Henry decided to fulfill his ambition, He’s preparing for his sailing to Alaska, when Marlin comes to
say good bye, He also give Henry a Beach Boys’s CD album. When Henry heard that songs He
suddenly remembers Lucy and crying. He realize the meaning of that song, Marlin said Lucy only sing
that song at the day She meet Henry. That means Lucy remembers Henry even a little. Henry then back
from his sailing and looking for Lucy. When they meet, Henry asking Lucy, is She Know him?. Lucy’s
answer no. Henry then disappointed again but then Lucy asking him to follow her. Lucy shows her
studio and there are so many Henry’s face painting. Lucy said that every night she dreams about Henry
but she never remembers who Henry is. Henry was so happy and explaining about them in the past.
And they finally got married.

B. Presentation and Analysis of Data

Datum 1

Linda: “Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent?” (1)

         Henry: “l prefer intelligence operative, and l couldn't tell you until l knew you.”(2)

Linda : “Well, can l call you when l land?”(3)

Henry: “You can call me, but l'll be in Peru. l said that a little loud.”(4)

Linda: “Well, maybe when you get back from Peru.” (5)

         At this scene, the introduction of the main character Henry Roth. The place in the port for
farewell to his dates. The girl is a tourist that got cush on Henry, same with the others dates, this is just
a one night stand dates. The girl name Linda said why Henry didn’t tell her that Henry was a secret
agent as in utterance (1) this is a interrogative sentence and the direct illocution is asking while the
indirect illocutionary act of this sentence is protesting to Henry, why since their first meet Henry
didn’t tell her the truth. She never realizes that this a Henry’s deceitfull. She seems so hardly to say
good bye to Henry. And Henry make a reason to complete his lying. He said that this to protect Linda
(2). Then He makes a declarative sentence and a kind direct illocutionary act of asserting. Actually he
just don’t want to make any contact further with Linda, because this is just a short date for him, and no
commitment for their relationship. Then Linda make an offering, to call Henry when he’s back when
she’s landing like in utterance (3) the direct illocution is asking but actually Linda makes an offering
to Henry by using an interrogative sentence, she really hopes Henry don’t reject her offering. But
Henry not a defeased easy man. He stands of his principal. He makes a rejection by using refusing act
as the indirect illocution in utterance (4) by said that maybe he will be in Peru. This an imperative
sentence. While the direct illocution is disapproving. Henry totally wants to get away from that girl.
Linda don’t give up to get Henry, She makes direct illocutionary act of asserting in utterance (5). She
said that maybe she can call him when Henry’s back from Peru. So, the indirect illocutionary act is

                                                  Table 1

                The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are:

                                                         Types of illocutionary acts
 Utterance                                               Types of illocutionary acts
                   Actors           Types of sentence
                                                           Direct          Indirect
     1            Linda               Interrogative        Asking         Protesting
     2            Henry                Declarative       Asserting            -
     3            Linda               Interrogative        Asking          Offering
     4            Henry                Declarative       Informing         Refusing
     5            Linda                Declarative       Asserting        Suggesting
Source: Data Analyzed

Datum 2

Henry : “We have to go our separate ways now. Well, goodbye.. “(1)

Henry : “Got it! Moving out!”(2)

The boat rider: “What the hell is your problem?“(3)

Henry : “Just keep going,”(4)

         “l'll give you $ 20.”(5)

The boat rider: “You got it.”(6)

                  “How's your balls?“(7)
Henry : “Killing me. Hit it.”(8)

          This is the continuation scene from datum 1, and finally this is the farewell for Henry and
Linda, Henry said that they have to go separate ways now (1) this is an declarative and the kind of
leave taking acts. Then Henry pretending and act like the real secret agent. He’s pretending like there
was an instruction to go out soon in utterance (2) and this is an imperative acts, and the illocutionary
act is ordering. Then Henry jump into the riding boat by someone that actually a stranger. But this is
just for convincing Linda that Henry truly a secret agent. Of course the stranger that riding a boat was
so surprising and asked Henry why he do that, He performs the kind of utterance of asking in utterance
(3) and the indirect illocution is a protesting act, but Henry just answered and to keep going (4) this is
an imperative sentence and produce the indirect illocution of requesting and Henry will give him 20
dollars like in utterance (5) He performs a declarative utterance and this is the indirect illocution of
promising, while the direct illocution is asserting.

          Then the boat rider approving Henry’s request in utterance (6) So, He performs a declarative
sentence and the direct illocution of approving. While the indirect illocution is allowing. He allows
Henry on his boat. When Henry jump he feels pain for his ball. And the stranger asked Henry about
that as in utterance (7), by performs direct illocutionary act of asking, this is an interrogative sentence.
Henry answered that was very hurt in utterance (8). He performs a declarative sentence. And the direct
illocution of asserting or informing act.

                                                  Table 2

The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are:

                                                          Types of illocutionary acts
 Utterance                                               Types of illocutionary acts
                    Actors         Types of sentence
                                                            Direct          Indirect
     1            Henry              Declarative         Leavetaking           -
     2            Henry               Imperative           Ordering            -
     3        The boat rider         Interrogative          Asking         Protesting
     4                                Declarative        Requesting            -
     5                                Declarative         Asserting       Promising
     6                                Declarative         Approving       Suggesting
              The boat rider
     7                               Interrogative          Asking             -
     8            Henry               Declarative         Informing            -
Source: Data Analyzed
Datum 3

Ula: “Hey, l'm a person, not a seal.”(1)

Henry: “Well, l am a vet, not a doctor. “(2)

         “So just hold still, or l won't give you a treat.”(3)

Ula: “l know, it's okay.”(4)

Henry is sewing Ula’s wound, when Ula is moaning of pain. And Ula produce a declarative by
informing that He is a person and not a seal and the indirect illocution is protesting that Henry should
be carefully of sewing his wound in utterance (1). Henry reciprocating Ula and protesting too that He is
not a doctor, he just a vet that used to take care of seal. So He performs a declarative sentence by
saying the act of informing. While in the utterance (2) Henry try to get Ula calm down so He performs
an act of ordering by using imperative sentence (3). He performs a declarative sentence. And Ula said
that’s OK in utterance (4) maybe He thinks it’s OK altough Henry not a real doctor, but He still need
him to treat his wound. This is a declarative sentence and a kind of approving act.

                                                    Table 3

The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are:

                                                           Types of illocutionary acts
  Utterance                                                Types of illocutionary acts
                    Actors         Types of sentence
                                                             Direct          Indirect
     1             Ula                Declarative          Informing        Protesting
     2            Henry               Declarative          Informing            -
     3            Henry               Imperative            Ordering            -
     4             Ula                Declarative          Approving            -
Source: Data Analyzed

Datum 4
Henry : “Why do you say mean things like that...”(1)

         “...and why is your foot on my pillow?”(2)

“l don't want your ass on it, either.”(3)

“ Get up! Get up!”(4)

          This is the scene where Ula, Henry’s friend try to influence Henry. And Henry doesn’t like
about what Ula said, he thinks that it is so mean to trapping the tourists with the love game so they
would stay in Hawaii. This is an asking act by using interrogative sentence, and He performs the
indirect illocution of protesting act as in utterance (1). Then Ula raise his foot at Henry’s pillow, of
course Henry asking Ula why his foot on his pillow in utterance (2) this is an interrogative sentence
and the indirect illocution is ordering Ula to get down his foot. And Ula try to sit on that pillow, Henry
asserting that He doesn’t want Ula’s ass on his pillow too, this is a declarative sentence but the
indirect illocution is ordering (3). And then Henry ordering Ula to get up, this is an imperative
sentence like in utterance (4).

                                                  Table 4

The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are:

                                                         Types of illocutionary acts
  Utterance                                              Types of illocutionary acts
                    Actors         Types of sentence
                                                           Direct          Indirect
     1                               Interrogative         Asking         Protesting
     2                               Interrogative         Asking          Ordering
     3                                Declarative        Asserting         Ordering
     4                                Imperative          Ordering            -
Source: Data Analyzed

Datum 5

Henry : “Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy?” (1)

“Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine.”(2)

“Just stay calm. All right.” (3)
This is the scene when Alexa comes to Henry’s room and informs that something happen with
Jocko, one of their seals. And Henry gets panic when he heard that. So He and Alexa run into Jocko’s
pool. Henry try to asking the seal like his own friend. This is an interrogative sentence as in utterance
(1). He performs direct illocutionary act of asking. While, indirect illocution is assuring. He assures
that Jocko just fine. Henry try to calm down Jocko by saying like in uterance (2) this is a declarative
sentence. This is direct illocutionary act of asserting and indirect illocution is suggesting. Henry
suggests Jocko not to scared cause everything’s will be fine. Further, in utterance (3) Henry still
performs direct illocutionary act of asserting and indirect illocution is suggesting, by using a
declarative sentence.

                                                  Table 5

The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are:

                                                         Types of illocutionary acts
  Utterance                                              Types of illocutionary acts
                    Actors        Types of sentence
                                                           Direct          Indirect
     1                               Interrogative        Asking           Assuring
     2            Henry               Declarative        Asserting        Suggesting
     3                                Declarative        Asserting        Suggesting
Source: Data Analyzed

V. Conclusions and Suggestions

The writer has successfully analyzed and described the direct illocutionary act and indirect
illocutionary act, within the character of utterances and their sentence types. The writer has found some
kinds of sentence type such as declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, and imperative sentence.
And also many kinds of direct and indirect illocutionary act in the movie’s dialogue 50 First Dates.
Such as asserting act, ordering act, promising act, suggesting act, assuring act, protesting act, informing
act, approving act, etc.

Austin, J.L. 1975. How To Do Things With Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cole, Peter and Jerry L. Morgan. 1975. Syntax And Semantics Volume 3: Speech Acts.
Cambridge: University Press Inc.,

Cook, Guy. 1989. Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

       Coulthard, Malcom. 1985. An Introduction To Discourse Analysis. Longman Inc., New York.

       Crystal, David. 1941. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
       University Press.

       Hurford, James B., Brendan Hasley. 1987. Semantics: A Course Book. Cambridge: Cambridge
               University Press.

Kempson, Ruth M. 1984. Semantic Theory. London: Cambridge University Press.
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lyons, John.(Ed). 1985. Semantics (II). London: Cambridge University.

       Nababan & Sri Utari Subyakto. 1992. Psikolinguistik: Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia

       Richard,C and Smidt,R. 1982. Language and Communication. New York: Longman Inc.

       Searle, John R. 1969. Speech Acts (An Essay In The Philosophy Of Language). Cambridge
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       Sevilla, et al. 1993. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press.

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       Wolfson, N and E. Judds. 1983. Sosiolinguistics And Language Acquisition. London: Newburry
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Penulis lahir di Segeri, kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan.

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  • 1. ILLOCUTIONARY ACT IN THE MOVIE “50 FIRST DATES” (A PRAGMATIC STUDY) REZKIAWATI N Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan ujaran-ujaran yang mengandung illocutionary act dalam dialog film “50 First Dates”. Dalam ujaran-ujaran yang terjadi dalam dialog film tersebut, penulis akan mengklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga bentuk kalimat, yaitu declarative, imperative, dan interrogative. Selanjutnya penulis mengidentifikasi ujaran tersebut menurut direct atau indirect illocutionary act. Ada banyak macam ujaran direct dan indirect illocutionary act yang terjadi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan ditunjang dengan buku- buku referensi yang berhubungan erat dengan penelitian ini. sedangkan sumber data yang digunakan seluruhnya berasal dari naskah dialog film "50 First Dates", setelah itu penulis memilih beberapa data yang dikumpulkan dan didefinisikan jenis kalimatnya. I. Introduction Communication is a social activity requiring the coordinated efforts of two or more individuals. Mere talk to produce sentence, no matter how well formed or elegant the outcome, does not by itself constitute communication. Only when a move has elicited a response can we say communication is taking place. To participate in such verbal exchanges, that is, to create and sustain conversational involvement, we require knowledge and abilities which go considerably beyond the grammatical competence we need to decode short isolated messages. We do not and cannot automatically respond to everything we hear. In the course of our daily activities we are exposed to a multitude of signals, many more than we could possibly have time to react to. Movie is one media that reflects human social life. It is played by some actors/actresses. When the writer watched a movie, she is interested the plot of the story, the background of the story (where it take place), the fashion (the dresses of the characters), the way of the characters to speak (language they use), etc. one more important aspect that mostly occurred in a movie is dialogue (conversation) between the characters. The actor/ actress speak one to another, and there will be Illocutionary Act. And it is one reason why the writer takes a movie as the data of her analysis.
  • 2. II. Research Questions What are the sentence types of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”? 1. What kinds of direct illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”? 2. What kinds of indirect illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”? III. Objective Of The Study To show what the sentence types of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”. 1. To show what kinds of direct illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates” 2. To show what kinds of indirect illocution of the utterances performed by actors/actresses in “50 First Dates”. IV. Method of Research In this research, the writer used library research to collect certain data, information and theory related to the topic of this writing, the writer also read the script of “50 First Dates”, some relevant books and some guiding books that closely related to the topic of this writing. Source of the data for this writing is “50 First Dates” a film acted by Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore as the main characters. They mostly occur in this movie and involve in the conversation. The writer focused on all illocutionary acts between the characters. By using purposive sampling technique, there were some data which are representative for this writing. In choosing the samples the writer focused on and selected the illocutionary acts. VI. Findings and Discussions A. The Short Definition of the Movie “50 First Dates” This movie is the love story of Lucy Whitmore that suffers lost short-time memory and Henry Roth who afraid of making a commitment with a local girl, that’s why he just dating with tourists that come to Hawaii. Until one morning in the Hukilau Café He meet Lucy Whitmore, they actually in love. But sadly the next morning as they promise to breakfast again in that café, Lucy doesn’t remember him anymore. Henry firstly shocking but he decided not give up to find Lucy’s heart. Even when the next morning she doesn’t remember him anymore. Day by day He tries to make Lucy falling love with him
  • 3. again. Lucy’s father, Marlin Whitmore firstly doesn’t agree with what Henry did to her daughter. But to looking Henry’s seriousness, finally He supports Henry. Henry try to found some way to get Lucy still remember about him. And he’s got a brilliant idea about taping the activity after Lucy’s accident. And this way is working. Every morning when Lucy wake up, she watch that video and realizing all the things she has missed. And of course she always reminded of her love, Henry. One day, Lucy heard about Henry’s obsession, sailing to Alaska and doing research about the live of wild walrus. But Henry doesn’t want to leave Lucy and cancelled his plan. Lucy doesn’t want to let Henry sacrifice his live just for keeping Lucy. Lucy comes to Henry’s place and asking for break up their relationship. At the beginning Henry refuse Lucy’s wish, but finally he understands the reason why Lucy do that. Henry then disappear from Lucy’s live, when they met accidently Henry try to pretending like He never know Lucy before. Henry decided to fulfill his ambition, He’s preparing for his sailing to Alaska, when Marlin comes to say good bye, He also give Henry a Beach Boys’s CD album. When Henry heard that songs He suddenly remembers Lucy and crying. He realize the meaning of that song, Marlin said Lucy only sing that song at the day She meet Henry. That means Lucy remembers Henry even a little. Henry then back from his sailing and looking for Lucy. When they meet, Henry asking Lucy, is She Know him?. Lucy’s answer no. Henry then disappointed again but then Lucy asking him to follow her. Lucy shows her studio and there are so many Henry’s face painting. Lucy said that every night she dreams about Henry but she never remembers who Henry is. Henry was so happy and explaining about them in the past. And they finally got married. B. Presentation and Analysis of Data Datum 1 Linda: “Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent?” (1) Henry: “l prefer intelligence operative, and l couldn't tell you until l knew you.”(2) Linda : “Well, can l call you when l land?”(3) Henry: “You can call me, but l'll be in Peru. l said that a little loud.”(4) Linda: “Well, maybe when you get back from Peru.” (5) At this scene, the introduction of the main character Henry Roth. The place in the port for farewell to his dates. The girl is a tourist that got cush on Henry, same with the others dates, this is just a one night stand dates. The girl name Linda said why Henry didn’t tell her that Henry was a secret
  • 4. agent as in utterance (1) this is a interrogative sentence and the direct illocution is asking while the indirect illocutionary act of this sentence is protesting to Henry, why since their first meet Henry didn’t tell her the truth. She never realizes that this a Henry’s deceitfull. She seems so hardly to say good bye to Henry. And Henry make a reason to complete his lying. He said that this to protect Linda (2). Then He makes a declarative sentence and a kind direct illocutionary act of asserting. Actually he just don’t want to make any contact further with Linda, because this is just a short date for him, and no commitment for their relationship. Then Linda make an offering, to call Henry when he’s back when she’s landing like in utterance (3) the direct illocution is asking but actually Linda makes an offering to Henry by using an interrogative sentence, she really hopes Henry don’t reject her offering. But Henry not a defeased easy man. He stands of his principal. He makes a rejection by using refusing act as the indirect illocution in utterance (4) by said that maybe he will be in Peru. This an imperative sentence. While the direct illocution is disapproving. Henry totally wants to get away from that girl. Linda don’t give up to get Henry, She makes direct illocutionary act of asserting in utterance (5). She said that maybe she can call him when Henry’s back from Peru. So, the indirect illocutionary act is suggesting. Table 1 The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are: Types of illocutionary acts Utterance Types of illocutionary acts Actors Types of sentence number Direct Indirect 1 Linda Interrogative Asking Protesting 2 Henry Declarative Asserting - 3 Linda Interrogative Asking Offering 4 Henry Declarative Informing Refusing 5 Linda Declarative Asserting Suggesting Source: Data Analyzed Datum 2 Henry : “We have to go our separate ways now. Well, goodbye.. “(1) Henry : “Got it! Moving out!”(2) The boat rider: “What the hell is your problem?“(3) Henry : “Just keep going,”(4) “l'll give you $ 20.”(5) The boat rider: “You got it.”(6) “How's your balls?“(7)
  • 5. Henry : “Killing me. Hit it.”(8) This is the continuation scene from datum 1, and finally this is the farewell for Henry and Linda, Henry said that they have to go separate ways now (1) this is an declarative and the kind of leave taking acts. Then Henry pretending and act like the real secret agent. He’s pretending like there was an instruction to go out soon in utterance (2) and this is an imperative acts, and the illocutionary act is ordering. Then Henry jump into the riding boat by someone that actually a stranger. But this is just for convincing Linda that Henry truly a secret agent. Of course the stranger that riding a boat was so surprising and asked Henry why he do that, He performs the kind of utterance of asking in utterance (3) and the indirect illocution is a protesting act, but Henry just answered and to keep going (4) this is an imperative sentence and produce the indirect illocution of requesting and Henry will give him 20 dollars like in utterance (5) He performs a declarative utterance and this is the indirect illocution of promising, while the direct illocution is asserting. Then the boat rider approving Henry’s request in utterance (6) So, He performs a declarative sentence and the direct illocution of approving. While the indirect illocution is allowing. He allows Henry on his boat. When Henry jump he feels pain for his ball. And the stranger asked Henry about that as in utterance (7), by performs direct illocutionary act of asking, this is an interrogative sentence. Henry answered that was very hurt in utterance (8). He performs a declarative sentence. And the direct illocution of asserting or informing act. Table 2 The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are: Types of illocutionary acts Utterance Types of illocutionary acts Actors Types of sentence number Direct Indirect 1 Henry Declarative Leavetaking - 2 Henry Imperative Ordering - 3 The boat rider Interrogative Asking Protesting 4 Declarative Requesting - Henry 5 Declarative Asserting Promising 6 Declarative Approving Suggesting The boat rider 7 Interrogative Asking - 8 Henry Declarative Informing - Source: Data Analyzed
  • 6. Datum 3 Ula: “Hey, l'm a person, not a seal.”(1) Henry: “Well, l am a vet, not a doctor. “(2) “So just hold still, or l won't give you a treat.”(3) Ula: “l know, it's okay.”(4) Henry is sewing Ula’s wound, when Ula is moaning of pain. And Ula produce a declarative by informing that He is a person and not a seal and the indirect illocution is protesting that Henry should be carefully of sewing his wound in utterance (1). Henry reciprocating Ula and protesting too that He is not a doctor, he just a vet that used to take care of seal. So He performs a declarative sentence by saying the act of informing. While in the utterance (2) Henry try to get Ula calm down so He performs an act of ordering by using imperative sentence (3). He performs a declarative sentence. And Ula said that’s OK in utterance (4) maybe He thinks it’s OK altough Henry not a real doctor, but He still need him to treat his wound. This is a declarative sentence and a kind of approving act. Table 3 The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are: Types of illocutionary acts Utterance Types of illocutionary acts Actors Types of sentence number Direct Indirect 1 Ula Declarative Informing Protesting 2 Henry Declarative Informing - 3 Henry Imperative Ordering - 4 Ula Declarative Approving - Source: Data Analyzed Datum 4
  • 7. Henry : “Why do you say mean things like that...”(1) “...and why is your foot on my pillow?”(2) “l don't want your ass on it, either.”(3) “ Get up! Get up!”(4) This is the scene where Ula, Henry’s friend try to influence Henry. And Henry doesn’t like about what Ula said, he thinks that it is so mean to trapping the tourists with the love game so they would stay in Hawaii. This is an asking act by using interrogative sentence, and He performs the indirect illocution of protesting act as in utterance (1). Then Ula raise his foot at Henry’s pillow, of course Henry asking Ula why his foot on his pillow in utterance (2) this is an interrogative sentence and the indirect illocution is ordering Ula to get down his foot. And Ula try to sit on that pillow, Henry asserting that He doesn’t want Ula’s ass on his pillow too, this is a declarative sentence but the indirect illocution is ordering (3). And then Henry ordering Ula to get up, this is an imperative sentence like in utterance (4). Table 4 The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are: Types of illocutionary acts Utterance Types of illocutionary acts Actors Types of sentence number Direct Indirect 1 Interrogative Asking Protesting 2 Interrogative Asking Ordering Henry 3 Declarative Asserting Ordering 4 Imperative Ordering - Source: Data Analyzed Datum 5 Henry : “Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy?” (1) “Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine.”(2) “Just stay calm. All right.” (3)
  • 8. This is the scene when Alexa comes to Henry’s room and informs that something happen with Jocko, one of their seals. And Henry gets panic when he heard that. So He and Alexa run into Jocko’s pool. Henry try to asking the seal like his own friend. This is an interrogative sentence as in utterance (1). He performs direct illocutionary act of asking. While, indirect illocution is assuring. He assures that Jocko just fine. Henry try to calm down Jocko by saying like in uterance (2) this is a declarative sentence. This is direct illocutionary act of asserting and indirect illocution is suggesting. Henry suggests Jocko not to scared cause everything’s will be fine. Further, in utterance (3) Henry still performs direct illocutionary act of asserting and indirect illocution is suggesting, by using a declarative sentence. Table 5 The structure of direct and indirect illocutionary act of the utterance are: Types of illocutionary acts Utterance Types of illocutionary acts Actors Types of sentence number Direct Indirect 1 Interrogative Asking Assuring 2 Henry Declarative Asserting Suggesting 3 Declarative Asserting Suggesting Source: Data Analyzed V. Conclusions and Suggestions The writer has successfully analyzed and described the direct illocutionary act and indirect illocutionary act, within the character of utterances and their sentence types. The writer has found some kinds of sentence type such as declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, and imperative sentence. And also many kinds of direct and indirect illocutionary act in the movie’s dialogue 50 First Dates. Such as asserting act, ordering act, promising act, suggesting act, assuring act, protesting act, informing act, approving act, etc.
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