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Hightech Marketing Strategy

주요 참고문헌

- Adrian Ryans, Roger More, Donald Barclay and Terry Deutscher, Winning Market Leadership : Strategic Market Planning for Technology-Driven
Businesses, Wiley (Dec 15, 1999)
- Geoffrey A. Moore, 캐즘 마케팅(Crossing the Chasm), 세종서적, 2002 (초판번역: 벤처마케팅(1999))
- Geoffrey A. Moore, 토네이도 마케팅(Inside the Tornado: Strategies for Developing, Leveraging, and Surviving Hypergrowth Markets), 세종서적,
- 이승주, 경영전략실천매뉴얼, 시그마컨설팅그룹, 1999

자료물 출처: 파아란 영혼 ,

본 자료는 위 참고문헌 및 기타 리포트에서 인용하여 제작하였음을 알려드립니다. 제작한 지 거의 10년이 다 된 자료물이나, 현재에도 하이테크마케팅
은 충분한 의미를 가진다는 판단 아래 다시 업로드하여 유통합니다.

I.     Process for Understanding Market

II.    Understand Discontinuous Innovation

III.   Technology Adoption Life Cycles

IV.    Understand Buyer Behavior

V.     Understand Complete Market Chain

I.   Process for Understanding Market

Planning Process

              Implement the Strategy         Define the Business Arenas :            Identify Attractive
                                                                                       Opportunities :
                                            • Define the arena within which
                                              you will search for attractive   • Segments the market
                                              opportunities                    • Evaluate market forces

      Understand the Profit                                                                     Understand the Market
            Dynamic :                                                                                  Environment
• Estimate market acceptance                                                                • Lay out market chain(s)
• Develop price, cost, and                                                                  • Understand buyer
  investment forecasts                                                                        choice/rejected behavior

                                            Planning Process
     Complete the Winning                                                                        Assess Resources and
             Strategy :                                                                               Competencies :
• Detail complete strategy                                                                  • Identify resources and
• Ensure strategic leverage for                                                               competencies
  market chain members                                                                      • Determine fit

             Plan Critical Relationships:   Make Tough Strategic Choices:        Understand the Competitive
                                            • Review past strategy                         Challenge :
           • Identify key players           • Identify strategic issues        • Analyze current and potential
           • Plan relationships             • Create option                      competitors
           • Organize relationship teams    • Make Choices                     • Understand strategy drivers

Process for Understanding Market

 q    Process for Analyzing Technology Adoption, Buyer Behavior, and Market Chains

                                                     Identify Stage of Technology Adoption Life Cycle
     Technology Adoption Life Cycle
                                                   Understand Characteristics of Target Adopter Group

                                                           Understand “Whole Product” Needs

                                                              Identify Decision-Making Unit

     Understand Buyer Behavior
                                                               Understand Choice Criteria

                                                          Understand Choice/Rejection Process

                                                              Review Market Chain Options

Understand Complete Market Chain
                                                            Consider Market Chain Dynamics

                                                  Analyze Buyer Behavior at All Key Levels in the Chain

II. Understand Discontinuous Innovation

What is Innovation?

                  What is Innovation?                                                 Source of Innovation

  •   Innovation is the successful development and
      commercialization of new products, services, or                                         Occurrence
      business systems.
  •   In many industries, innovation is the primary basis
      for competitive advantage and the principal driving
      force of industry structural change.                                                     Innovation
                                                                  Changes in                                                Process
                                                                  Perception                                                 Needs
  •   Continuous Innovation
  •   Dynamically Continuous Innovation
  •   Discontinuous Innovation                                                                               Industry
                                                                                                            and Market

                                                            Source: P.Drucker, “The Discipline of Innovation,” Harvard Business Review, 1985

The Technology S-Curve

                           The S-Curve Phenomenon                            Making The Transition To a New Technology

          Performance                                                      Performance

                  Effort                                                         Effort

Source : R.Foster, Innovation:The Attacker’s Advantage, 1996
The Attacker’s Advantage in Technology Development

                               of New
                             Technology                                 Technology


                                                                                                       Cumulative Effort


                          Productivity of
                          R&D Function

                                                                                                        Cumulative Effort

Source : J.Kluge, “Managing Technological Discontinuity,” Innovation and Technology Management, 1989
Changing Leadership in the Semiconductor Industry

                      1955                              1965                1975                    1995
                      (Vacuum Tubes)                    (Transistors)       (Integrated Circuits)   (Submicrons)

                      RCA                               Hughes              TI                      Intel
                      Sylvania                          Transitron          Fairchild               NEC
                      General Electric                  Philco              National                Toshiba
                      Raytheon                          Sylvania            Intel                   Hitachi
                      Westinghouse                      Texas Instruments   Motorola                Motorola
                      Amperex                           GE                  Rockwell                Samsung
                      National Video                    RCA                 GI                      TI
                      Rawland                           Wesinghouse         RCA                     Fujitsu
                      Eimac                             Motorola            Philips                 Mitsubishi
                      Lansdale                          Clevite             AMD                     Philips

Source : R.Foster, Innovation:The Attacker’s Advantage, 1996
III.   The Technology Adoption Life Cycle

Technology vs. Product Category Life Cycles

* Boston Consulting Group portfolio management model

The Technology Adoption Life Cycle

     q      Understanding this technology adoption life cycle, and where your products and services are positioned
            relative to this adoption life cycle, can give you some important insights into buyer behavior.

                                                 Pragmatists :                              Conservatives :
                                              Stick with the herd!                              Hold on!

                            Visionaries :
                      Get ahead of the herd!
                                                                                                                   Skeptics :
                                                                                                                    No way!
         Techies :
           Try it!

                  2.5%                13.5%                       34%                     34%                     16%

              Innovators        Early Adopters               Early Majority          Late Majority            Laggards


Source : Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 1962

Innovators(Technology Enthusiast)

 q    Gatekeeper to the Early Adopter.
        §    They don’t need a complete solution.
        §    But, Innovators want lots of information on the technology so they can understand how the technology works. In many
             cases, they will read leading scientific journals in the field and attend technical conferences.

                                   Innovators(Technology Enthusiast, Techies)
     Focus                         §   Technology
     Key Characteristics           §   Very Knowledgeably about technology
                                   §   Appreciate elegant technical solutions
                                   §   Like to test new technology
                                   §   Don’t need complete “solutions”
     Needs                         §   Early access to emerging technologies
                                   §   Access to all information on technology
     Role in adoption process      §   Confirm viability of technology
                                       (They are critical in legitimizing the product and convincing other potential users that the
                                       technology does in fact work)
     Challenges                    §   Want unrestricted access to top technical people
                                   §   Want no-profit pricing(preferably free)

Early Adopters(Visionaries)

 q    Fund the development of the early market
        §    Visionaries can imagine high-leverage applications of the technology and are willing to take substantial risks to gain the
             potential rewards.
        §    If they can see lots of leverage from applying the technology, they are also willing to invest their resources to create a
             complete solution

                                    Early Adopters(Visionaries)
     Focus                          §   Breakthrough that will create competitive advantage
     Key Characteristics            §   Can imagine high leverage applications
                                    §   Willing to take risks
                                    §   Willing to invest resources to create
                                    §   Not price sensitive

     Needs                          §   Lots of support
                                    §   Want to move quickly
     Role in adoption process       §   Help commercialize the technology
                                        (They can demonstrate the business value of the technology)
                                    §   Give visibility to technology
     Challenges                     §   Want rapid time-to-market
                                    §   Demand high degree of customization and support

Early Majority(Pragmatists)

 q    Bulwark of the mainstream market
        §    Looking for proven solutions that can give them a competitive advantage,
        §    So They like to work with a market leader, or work with other suppliers that provide the required level of support and

                                    Early Majority(Pragmatists)
     Focus                          §   Proven solution that can give lower costs and/on competitive advantage
     Key Characteristics            §   Comfortable with technology
                                    §   Pragmatic rather than risk takers
                                    §   Like to work with market leaders
                                    §   Have a “wait and see attitude”
                                    §   Don’t like surprises
     Needs                          §   Complete, proven solution
                                    §   Want credible reference accounts in their own industry
     Role in adoption process       §   Are entry point into huge, mainstream market
                                        (Pragmatists create the dynamics of high-tech market development.)
     Challenges                     §   Insist on good references from trusted colleagues
                                    §   Want to see the solution in production at the reference site

Late Majority(Conservatives)

 q    Extend product life cycles
        §    But they adopt new technology only under duress
        §    They are driven to adopt the new technology in order to reduce costs and to remain competitive in their markets.
        §    They need a complete solution and they prefer a simple, standardized, pre-assembled solution that just works.

                                Late Majority(Conservatives)
     Focus                      §   Remain competitive
     Key Characteristics        §   Less comfortable with technology
                                §   Resistant to change
                                §   More price sensitive
                                §   Risk averse
     Needs                      §   Prefer simple solutions that are easy to install and operate
                                §   Want to buy the established standard

     Role in adoption process   §   Represent significant portion of the total market
                                §   Can be quite profitable
     Challenges                 §   Need completely pre-assembled solutions
                                §   Would benefit from value-added services but do not want to pay for them


 q    Retard the development of high-tech markets
        §    In many cases, a Skeptics located in an influential position in a company can delay, or stop, the adoption of a new
        §    The Challenge in these situations is to find some way to work around the skeptic or to neutralize the skeptic, so that
             other, more innovative individuals within the organization can support the adoption of the new technology.

     Focus                          §   Avoid change
     Key Characteristics            §   Very skeptical of technology and business cases
                                    §   Very risk averse
     Needs                          §   Technology may need to be “Hidden” from them
                                    §   Need to be convinced that all other solutions are weaker
     Role in adoption process       §   Obstructs change
                                    §   You should usually try to avoid or neutralize them
     Challenges                     §   Not a customer
                                    §   Can be formidable opposition to early adoption

Identify Stage of Technology Adoption Life Cycle

 q   Understanding the adoption process has some clear implications for you as you try to speed the adoption of
     an innovative new product or service.

 q   The Adoption “Stairway”

      §   Innovators(Technology Enthusiast)
      §   Seed innovators with new product
      §   Help innovators educate visionaries

      §   Early Adopters(Visionaries)
      §   Capture interest of visionaries
      §   Make them satisfied customers
      §   Serve as good references for pragmatists

      §   Early Majority(Pragmatists)
      §   Gain bulk of revenue by serving pragmatists ideally by becoming market leader and setting de facto standards

      §   Late Majority(Conservatives)
      §   Generate volumes and experience so product become reliable and cheap to meet demands of conservatives

      §   Laggards(Skeptics)
      §   Leave skeptics to their own devices

Discovering The Chasm

  q        Visionaries don’t see enough of a head start, Pragmatists see no reason to start yet.

             Early Market                                        Mainstream Market

                                             Pragmatists :                              Conservatives :
                                          Stick with the herd!                             Hold on!

                 Visionaries :
             Get ahead of the herd!
                                                                                                                 Skeptics :
                                                                                                                 No way!
Techies :
 Try it!                              The Chasm

   Innovators       Early Adopters                     Early Majority            Late Majority              Laggards


Model Breaks Down at Key Transition

 q   Pragmatists don’t trust visionaries as references

      Visionaries                              Vs.            Pragmatists
      § Adventurous                                           § Prudent
      § Early buy-in attitude                                 § Wait-and-see

      § Think Big                                             § Manage expectations

      § Go it alone relationships                             § Maintain

      § Spend big                                             § Spend to budget

      § First strike capability                               § Staying power

      § Think Pragmatists are pedestrian                      § Think Visionaries are dangerous

      § Don’t need reference base                             § Reference base very important, not
      § Take greater interest in technology                     visionaries
      § Underemphasize infrastructure                         § Less interested in technology

      § Plan for disruption                                   § Value infrastructure and support

      § Don’t plan to stay for long                           § Dislike disruption

                                                              § Plan for long term career

Crossing the Chasm

 q   A number of indicators warn of an emerging chasm


          Early Market                                    Mainstream Market

      §   Product vendor’s problem
             ü 80% of many solutions – 100% of none
             ü Pragmatists won’t buy 80% solutions
      §   Most common vendor mistake:
             ü Committing to the most common enhancement requests
             ü Never finishing any one customer’s wish-list
      §   Solution
             ü Focus on a single beachhead
             ü Accelerate formation of that segment’s whole product
             ü Pick a list and finish it!

Most Important Implication

 q   Don’t let this happen to you

             §   Not seeing the chasm creates a chasm crisis
             §   Management is discredited
             §   Equity is radically diluted
             §   Key personnel become disillusioned
             §   Drastic actions are taken – but don’t help
             §   Typical success pattern is not achieved
             §   Everyone loses

Crossing the Chasm

 q   Time of despair, early market interest wanes, but mainstream not comfortable with product

 q   Pragmatist departmental managers adopting before the herd

      §   Head-pin segment adopts only if in severe pain
      §   Responsible for a broken mission-critical business process
      §   Must have complete solution to the business process problem
      §   Will try anything that looks like it should work
      §   Will track customer references within own niche carefully

 q   Niche Marketing prevails

      §   Direct sales opens up the niche
      §   Indirect sales takes over the niche once adoption is under way
      §   Healthy price margins and restricted competition are normal
      §   Think whole product not product

After Crossing the Chasm - Market Development Model

 q   Your company then must try to leverage this success in on segment to other related segments
      §   Early Market : Deal-driven marketing prevails
      §   Crossing the Chasm : Niche marketing prevails
      §   Bowling Alley à Tornado à Main Street

Bowling Alley

 q   Period of niche-based adoption in advance of the general marketplace; whole product for niche applications

      §    First, managers in your company might try to identify other vertical markets with almost identical applications and
           move to penetrate them.
      §    Second, they might look new, different, but related applications in the vertical market in which your company is already

                                Seg 3                          Seg 2                            Seg 1
                               App 1                          App 2                             App 3

                                              Seg 2                            Seg 1

                                              App 1                           App 2

                                                               Seg 1
                          Whole Product                                                     Customer Reference
                                                              App 1

      Seg : Segment
      App : Application


 q   Period of mass market adoption; market place switches over to new paradigm
      §   Once the company has begun to successfully implement the bowling pin strategy and penetrate the early majority or
          pragmatists, revenues grow very rapidly.

      §   Pragmatist infrastructure managers adopting with the herd
      §   Transition to the new infrastructure
      §   Must have standards
      §   Rely on market share

      §   Mass marketing prevails
                                                                                  Post-Tornado Market Shares
      §   Streamlined one-size-fits-all whole product
      §   Low-touch, high-volume distribution
      §   Think product

                                                                                                               The Gorilla
                                                                                                               Chimp #1
                                                                                                               Chimp #2

Gorilla Power

 q   Gorilla set the de facto standards in a hypergrowth market

 q   Basis of gorilla power

      §   Proprietary open architecture
      §   Proprietary means gorilla can control standards going gorward
      §   Open means rest of the value chain becomes dependent on gorilla

      §   High switching costs
      §   Keeps customers and partners in
      §   Keeps competitors out

 q   Results in unique combination of three types of power
      §   Supplier power (over customers)
      §   Value chain power (over partners)
      §   Market leadership power (over competitors)

 q   Gorilla – Market leader in a tornado, Proprietary ‘architecture’
 q   Chimp – Market challenger in a tornado, Incompatible with the gorilla architecture
 q   Monkey – Market follower in a tornado, May clone gorilla architecture

Main Street

 q   Period of aftermarket development; goal is now to reach and flesh out the market potential

 q   Installed base driving the after-market
      §   Want better value, no disruption
      §   Two paths: commodity vs. differentiation
      §   Installed vendor has major competitive advantage
      §   Customer relies on trial, not references

 q   Mass customization prevails
      §   Standard core for price-sensitive sales
      §   Customizable surface for differentiated offers
      §   High-touch, high-volume distribution direct to end users
      §   Think end-user experience not product

                              Commodity                                              Niche Market
                                Market                                                Extensions

                                               <Market opportunity in Main Street>

The Comparison of Bowling Alley and Tornado

 q   Bowling Alley vs. Tornado

     §   Focus on economic buyer and end-user            §   Focus on infrastructure buyer; ignore
                                                             economic buyer
     §   Emphasize ROI as the compelling reason to
         buy                                             §   Ignore ROI; focus on timely infrastructure
     §   Differentiate “whole product” for a single
         application                                     §   Commoditize product for general purpose use

     §   Partner with value-added distribution channel   §   Distribute via low cost, high volume channels
         to ensure customized solution delivery              to ensure maximum market exposure

     §   Use value-based pricing to maximize profit      §   Use competition based pricing to maximize
         margins                                             market share

     §   Avoid competition to gain niche market share    §   Attack competition to gain mass market share

     §   Position products within vertical market        §   Position products horizontally as global
         segments                                            infrastructure

The Comparison of Tornado and Main Street

 q   Tornado vs. Main Street

     • Sell to infrastructure buyer                    §   Sell to end-user

     • Focus on timely & reliable infrastructure       §   Focus on end-user’s product experience; seek
       deployment                                          to gratify individual needs

     • Commoditize product for universal               §   Differentiate commoditized products via +1
       deployment (open systems & need for strategic       campaigns directed at specific niches
                                                       §   Continue same channels, but focus on
     • Distribute via low cost, high volume channels       merchandising that communicates +1
       & advertise heavily to ensure maximum               messages
       market exposure
                                                       §   Gain margins above low cost clone with +1
     • Drive price points even lower to maximize           benefits
       market share
                                                       §   Compete against own low-cost offering to
     • Attack other competitors to gain market share       boost margin share

     • Position products horizontally as global        §   Position in niche markets based on end user
       infrastructure                                      preferences

Toward the “Whole” Product

 q      With the innovator, the core product is a big part of the whole product.
 q      By the time the product has reached the late majority or conservatives adopter group, the success of the
        product will depend much more heavily on the non-core elements of the product rather than the core product
 q      Thus the core-product is increasingly taken for granted and becomes a less important determinant of choice
        as the product moves into the later stages of the adoption cycle.

                                                                                          Potential Product

                             Expected Product           Augmented Product

     Generic Product

Priorities in Market

                                                Mass                                Mass
                                               Marketing                        Customization



 Key Priority: Design & build the whole product        Key Priority: Simplify and extend the whole product
 Partnering Priority: Complementary technologies       Partnering Priority: Complementary skills and resources in
 & services to form the whole product and win          marketing and distribution to succeed in identifying new niches
 dominant segment share                                Distribution Priority: Find some hunters for the Tornado and
 Distribution Priority: Find some evangelists for      farmers for the Main Street
 Early market and Crusaders for Bowling Alley

IV.   Understand Buyer Behavior

Identify Decision-Making Unit

 q    The decision-making unit, or buying network, is a group of individuals that have some influence on whether
      to buy a particular product or service and, if the decision is made to buy the product or service, the particular
      brand of that product or service.
        §   To recognize that the key individuals in the decision-making unit may very well evolve over time.
        §   To understand the power and influence of each individual in the decision-making unit.

                                                                                                   Key Questions

                                                                                            • Who are the key
                             Who is the                                                     • In what decisions do they
     Influencer                                          Approver
                             Customer?                                                        exercise influence?

                                                                                            • What evaluation criteria
                                                                                              do they use?


Understand Choice Criteria

 q         A second important element is the choice criteria that individuals in the decision-making units bring to bear
          as they attempt to make a decision. These criteria are related to both organizational and personal objectives.

                       Product Criteria                                            Process Criteria

     §   Product criteria refer to the fit of the product       §   Process criteria refer to the degree to which your
         attributes to the customer’s need.                         product or service fits the customer’s need from
                                                                    a purchasing, usage, and disposal perspective.
     §   Does the product or service have the
         functionality, quality, reliability, speed the         §   Some organizations call this the customer
         customer is seeking?                                       interface strategy.

                    This information on choice criteria by market segment can be absolutely critical as
                       you design your product and service offerings and as you decide how best to
                     position them relative to customer needs and competitive offerings in the market.

Understand Choice/Rejection Process

 q   The third element in understanding buyer choice/rejection behavior is the “How” question – how the
     customer goes about making decisions in the choice/rejection process.
      §    In order for them to adopt the new product or service, these customers need to switch from their existing choices.

                                                                                                                Step 3 :
                           Competitor                                                                       BUILD BARRIERS
                           A’s Solution                                                                      Creation of barriers
                                                                                                              to reduce chances
                                                    Current                                                  of rejection of your
                                                    Solution                                Step 2 : IN          new solution
      Need for                                                                             Adoption of
       Change                                                                              new solution
                                                                  Step 1 : OUT
                       B’s Solution
                                                               Rejection of current
                                                                choice or solution

                                               Choice/Rejection Process
                                               (The Three Critical Issues)
      Experience                                                                                       Experience


V.   Understand Complete Market Chain

Defining Market Chain

   q     A Market Chain is simply the chain of organizations a company uses that play key roles converting raw
         materials into solutions that meet end-user requirements
   q     Market Chain as live, profit-driven, value-creating networks of companies that compete with other value-
         creating systems in the market

   Raw                                                                                                    End User/
  Materials                                                                                               Consumers

   Raw                                  Systems/      Manufacturer/                        VAR/           End User/
                       Components                                        Distributor
  Materials                             Products         OEM                              Retailer        Consumers

                                                                                                          End User/
                                        Services                         Distributor
OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
VAR – Value-Added Reseller

Choices Among Market Chain

 q   Market Chain Challenge facing a Manufacturer Trying to Reach Multiple Target Segments

                                        Market Channels                 Target Segments


                                                                    5            6

Choices Among Market Chain

 q    Two Potential Market Channels for a Manufacturer of Semiconductor Components to Access the Antilock
      Braking Systems Market

 Raw                                                                                                 Car
                                                                    GM             Dealers
Materials                                                                                           Buyers
                                  Modules          Tevis

 Capital                                                                                             Car
                 Motorola                                           Ford           Dealers
Equipment                                                                                           Buyers

                                  Modules          Bosch

Supplies                                                          Chrysler         Dealers

Consider Market Chain Dynamics

 q   Take account of a number of considerations.

 q   First, it should use channels that represent an attractive opportunity for it. Other things being equal, it should
     focus on the channel(s) most likely to be successful in gaining market share, growth, and profitability.
     These channels will be ones where there is an excellent fit between what the channels can deliver and the
     needs of the end user.

 q   Second, if a company is aiming to capture leadership in the opportunity, it should focus on those channels
     where it can clearly emerge as the market leader relative to competing companies using the same chain. It
     will need to present powerful reasons for the market chain members to work closely with it and to
     aggressively market its products.

 q   In PC Industry, Dell eliminate all downstream market chain members and deal directly with customers
     largely by personal selling, by telephone, or over internet.

Downscaling and Upscaling

                                      Vertical Downscaling or Upscaling
                                          Changing an organization’s
                                              Value-adding role

 Raw                           Systems/         Manufacturer                          VAR/           End Users/
            Components                                                 Distributor
Materials                      Products           (OEM)                              Retailer        Consumers

                         Horizontal Upscaling
                   Changing the application and/or
                technology to create more value-added
                      for market chain members

Vertical Downscaling and Upscaling

 q   Vertical Upscaling

       Motorola acquire
       a module maker
                          Modules    Tevis

     Motorola                                                                    Car
                                                  Car Makers   Dealers

                          Modules    Bosch

 q   Vertical Downscaling

                          Modules    Tevis

     Motorola                                                                    Car
                                                  Car Makers   Dealers

                          Modules    Bosch

Market Chains as a Series of Choice/Rejection Process

 q   The major challenges in any technology-intensive industry is
      §   Getting new products to the market in a timely manner
      §   Managers don’t usually pay enough attention to adoption along each of the market channels that make
          up the market chain
      §   Existing business that carry a certain set of products and services and operate in certain ways

 q   Once they have adopted, you or other players in the market chain will need to work with them
     and develop programs that solidify the new behavior.
 q   To do all of this effectively requires that you or other committed partners in the market chain
     understand the decision-making unit, the choice criteria, and the choice/rejection process at all
     levels in the market chain.

Thank you.


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High-Tech marketing

  • 1. Hightech Marketing Strategy
  • 2. 주요 참고문헌 - Adrian Ryans, Roger More, Donald Barclay and Terry Deutscher, Winning Market Leadership : Strategic Market Planning for Technology-Driven Businesses, Wiley (Dec 15, 1999) - Geoffrey A. Moore, 캐즘 마케팅(Crossing the Chasm), 세종서적, 2002 (초판번역: 벤처마케팅(1999)) - Geoffrey A. Moore, 토네이도 마케팅(Inside the Tornado: Strategies for Developing, Leveraging, and Surviving Hypergrowth Markets), 세종서적, 2001 - 이승주, 경영전략실천매뉴얼, 시그마컨설팅그룹, 1999 자료물 출처: 파아란 영혼 , 본 자료는 위 참고문헌 및 기타 리포트에서 인용하여 제작하였음을 알려드립니다. 제작한 지 거의 10년이 다 된 자료물이나, 현재에도 하이테크마케팅 은 충분한 의미를 가진다는 판단 아래 다시 업로드하여 유통합니다. 2
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Process for Understanding Market II. Understand Discontinuous Innovation III. Technology Adoption Life Cycles IV. Understand Buyer Behavior V. Understand Complete Market Chain
  • 4. I. Process for Understanding Market
  • 5. Planning Process Implement the Strategy Define the Business Arenas : Identify Attractive Opportunities : • Define the arena within which you will search for attractive • Segments the market opportunities • Evaluate market forces Understand the Profit Understand the Market Dynamic : Environment • Estimate market acceptance • Lay out market chain(s) • Develop price, cost, and • Understand buyer investment forecasts choice/rejected behavior Planning Process Complete the Winning Assess Resources and Strategy : Competencies : • Detail complete strategy • Identify resources and • Ensure strategic leverage for competencies market chain members • Determine fit Plan Critical Relationships: Make Tough Strategic Choices: Understand the Competitive • Review past strategy Challenge : • Identify key players • Identify strategic issues • Analyze current and potential • Plan relationships • Create option competitors • Organize relationship teams • Make Choices • Understand strategy drivers 5
  • 6. Process for Understanding Market q Process for Analyzing Technology Adoption, Buyer Behavior, and Market Chains Identify Stage of Technology Adoption Life Cycle Technology Adoption Life Cycle Understand Characteristics of Target Adopter Group Understand “Whole Product” Needs Identify Decision-Making Unit Understand Buyer Behavior Understand Choice Criteria Understand Choice/Rejection Process Review Market Chain Options Understand Complete Market Chain Consider Market Chain Dynamics Analyze Buyer Behavior at All Key Levels in the Chain 6
  • 7. II. Understand Discontinuous Innovation
  • 8. What is Innovation? What is Innovation? Source of Innovation • Innovation is the successful development and Unexpected commercialization of new products, services, or Occurrence business systems. New Incongruities Knowledge • In many industries, innovation is the primary basis for competitive advantage and the principal driving force of industry structural change. Innovation Changes in Process Perception Needs • Continuous Innovation • Dynamically Continuous Innovation • Discontinuous Innovation Industry Demographic and Market Changes Changes Source: P.Drucker, “The Discipline of Innovation,” Harvard Business Review, 1985 8
  • 9. The Technology S-Curve The S-Curve Phenomenon Making The Transition To a New Technology Performance Performance Limit discontinuity Effort Effort Source : R.Foster, Innovation:The Attacker’s Advantage, 1996 9
  • 10. The Attacker’s Advantage in Technology Development Performance of New Technology Technology Leap Attacker Cumulative Effort Defender Productivity of R&D Function Cumulative Effort Source : J.Kluge, “Managing Technological Discontinuity,” Innovation and Technology Management, 1989 10
  • 11. Changing Leadership in the Semiconductor Industry 1955 1965 1975 1995 (Vacuum Tubes) (Transistors) (Integrated Circuits) (Submicrons) RCA Hughes TI Intel Sylvania Transitron Fairchild NEC General Electric Philco National Toshiba Raytheon Sylvania Intel Hitachi Westinghouse Texas Instruments Motorola Motorola Amperex GE Rockwell Samsung National Video RCA GI TI Rawland Wesinghouse RCA Fujitsu Eimac Motorola Philips Mitsubishi Lansdale Clevite AMD Philips Source : R.Foster, Innovation:The Attacker’s Advantage, 1996 11
  • 12. III. The Technology Adoption Life Cycle
  • 13. Technology vs. Product Category Life Cycles * Boston Consulting Group portfolio management model 13
  • 14. The Technology Adoption Life Cycle q Understanding this technology adoption life cycle, and where your products and services are positioned relative to this adoption life cycle, can give you some important insights into buyer behavior. Pragmatists : Conservatives : Stick with the herd! Hold on! Visionaries : Get ahead of the herd! Skeptics : No way! Techies : Try it! 2.5% 13.5% 34% 34% 16% Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Time Source : Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 1962 14
  • 15. Innovators(Technology Enthusiast) q Gatekeeper to the Early Adopter. § They don’t need a complete solution. § But, Innovators want lots of information on the technology so they can understand how the technology works. In many cases, they will read leading scientific journals in the field and attend technical conferences. Innovators(Technology Enthusiast, Techies) Focus § Technology Key Characteristics § Very Knowledgeably about technology § Appreciate elegant technical solutions § Like to test new technology § Don’t need complete “solutions” Needs § Early access to emerging technologies § Access to all information on technology Role in adoption process § Confirm viability of technology (They are critical in legitimizing the product and convincing other potential users that the technology does in fact work) Challenges § Want unrestricted access to top technical people § Want no-profit pricing(preferably free) 15
  • 16. Early Adopters(Visionaries) q Fund the development of the early market § Visionaries can imagine high-leverage applications of the technology and are willing to take substantial risks to gain the potential rewards. § If they can see lots of leverage from applying the technology, they are also willing to invest their resources to create a complete solution Early Adopters(Visionaries) Focus § Breakthrough that will create competitive advantage Key Characteristics § Can imagine high leverage applications § Willing to take risks § Willing to invest resources to create § Not price sensitive Needs § Lots of support § Want to move quickly Role in adoption process § Help commercialize the technology (They can demonstrate the business value of the technology) § Give visibility to technology Challenges § Want rapid time-to-market § Demand high degree of customization and support 16
  • 17. Early Majority(Pragmatists) q Bulwark of the mainstream market § Looking for proven solutions that can give them a competitive advantage, § So They like to work with a market leader, or work with other suppliers that provide the required level of support and service. Early Majority(Pragmatists) Focus § Proven solution that can give lower costs and/on competitive advantage Key Characteristics § Comfortable with technology § Pragmatic rather than risk takers § Like to work with market leaders § Have a “wait and see attitude” § Don’t like surprises Needs § Complete, proven solution § Want credible reference accounts in their own industry Role in adoption process § Are entry point into huge, mainstream market (Pragmatists create the dynamics of high-tech market development.) Challenges § Insist on good references from trusted colleagues § Want to see the solution in production at the reference site 17
  • 18. Late Majority(Conservatives) q Extend product life cycles § But they adopt new technology only under duress § They are driven to adopt the new technology in order to reduce costs and to remain competitive in their markets. § They need a complete solution and they prefer a simple, standardized, pre-assembled solution that just works. Late Majority(Conservatives) Focus § Remain competitive Key Characteristics § Less comfortable with technology § Resistant to change § More price sensitive § Risk averse Needs § Prefer simple solutions that are easy to install and operate § Want to buy the established standard Role in adoption process § Represent significant portion of the total market § Can be quite profitable Challenges § Need completely pre-assembled solutions § Would benefit from value-added services but do not want to pay for them 18
  • 19. Laggards(Skeptics) q Retard the development of high-tech markets § In many cases, a Skeptics located in an influential position in a company can delay, or stop, the adoption of a new technology. § The Challenge in these situations is to find some way to work around the skeptic or to neutralize the skeptic, so that other, more innovative individuals within the organization can support the adoption of the new technology. Laggards(Skeptics) Focus § Avoid change Key Characteristics § Very skeptical of technology and business cases § Very risk averse Needs § Technology may need to be “Hidden” from them § Need to be convinced that all other solutions are weaker Role in adoption process § Obstructs change § You should usually try to avoid or neutralize them Challenges § Not a customer § Can be formidable opposition to early adoption 19
  • 20. Identify Stage of Technology Adoption Life Cycle q Understanding the adoption process has some clear implications for you as you try to speed the adoption of an innovative new product or service. q The Adoption “Stairway” § Innovators(Technology Enthusiast) § Seed innovators with new product § Help innovators educate visionaries § Early Adopters(Visionaries) § Capture interest of visionaries § Make them satisfied customers § Serve as good references for pragmatists § Early Majority(Pragmatists) § Gain bulk of revenue by serving pragmatists ideally by becoming market leader and setting de facto standards § Late Majority(Conservatives) § Generate volumes and experience so product become reliable and cheap to meet demands of conservatives § Laggards(Skeptics) § Leave skeptics to their own devices 20
  • 21. Discovering The Chasm q Visionaries don’t see enough of a head start, Pragmatists see no reason to start yet. Early Market Mainstream Market Pragmatists : Conservatives : Stick with the herd! Hold on! Visionaries : Get ahead of the herd! Skeptics : No way! Techies : Try it! The Chasm Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Time 21
  • 22. Model Breaks Down at Key Transition q Pragmatists don’t trust visionaries as references Visionaries Vs. Pragmatists § Adventurous § Prudent § Early buy-in attitude § Wait-and-see § Think Big § Manage expectations § Go it alone relationships § Maintain § Spend big § Spend to budget § First strike capability § Staying power § Think Pragmatists are pedestrian § Think Visionaries are dangerous § Don’t need reference base § Reference base very important, not § Take greater interest in technology visionaries § Underemphasize infrastructure § Less interested in technology § Plan for disruption § Value infrastructure and support § Don’t plan to stay for long § Dislike disruption § Plan for long term career 22
  • 23. Crossing the Chasm q A number of indicators warn of an emerging chasm Chasm Early Market Mainstream Market § Product vendor’s problem ü 80% of many solutions – 100% of none ü Pragmatists won’t buy 80% solutions § Most common vendor mistake: ü Committing to the most common enhancement requests ü Never finishing any one customer’s wish-list § Solution ü Focus on a single beachhead ü Accelerate formation of that segment’s whole product ü Pick a list and finish it! 23
  • 24. Most Important Implication q Don’t let this happen to you § Not seeing the chasm creates a chasm crisis § Management is discredited § Equity is radically diluted § Key personnel become disillusioned § Drastic actions are taken – but don’t help § Typical success pattern is not achieved § Everyone loses 24
  • 25. Crossing the Chasm q Time of despair, early market interest wanes, but mainstream not comfortable with product q Pragmatist departmental managers adopting before the herd § Head-pin segment adopts only if in severe pain § Responsible for a broken mission-critical business process § Must have complete solution to the business process problem § Will try anything that looks like it should work § Will track customer references within own niche carefully q Niche Marketing prevails § Direct sales opens up the niche § Indirect sales takes over the niche once adoption is under way § Healthy price margins and restricted competition are normal § Think whole product not product 25
  • 26. After Crossing the Chasm - Market Development Model q Your company then must try to leverage this success in on segment to other related segments § Early Market : Deal-driven marketing prevails § Crossing the Chasm : Niche marketing prevails § Bowling Alley à Tornado à Main Street 26
  • 27. Bowling Alley q Period of niche-based adoption in advance of the general marketplace; whole product for niche applications § First, managers in your company might try to identify other vertical markets with almost identical applications and move to penetrate them. § Second, they might look new, different, but related applications in the vertical market in which your company is already established. Seg 3 Seg 2 Seg 1 App 1 App 2 App 3 Seg 2 Seg 1 App 1 App 2 Seg 1 Whole Product Customer Reference App 1 Seg : Segment App : Application 27
  • 28. Tornado q Period of mass market adoption; market place switches over to new paradigm § Once the company has begun to successfully implement the bowling pin strategy and penetrate the early majority or pragmatists, revenues grow very rapidly. § Pragmatist infrastructure managers adopting with the herd § Transition to the new infrastructure § Must have standards § Rely on market share § Mass marketing prevails Post-Tornado Market Shares § Streamlined one-size-fits-all whole product § Low-touch, high-volume distribution § Think product The Gorilla Chimp #1 Chimp #2 Monkeys 28
  • 29. Gorilla Power q Gorilla set the de facto standards in a hypergrowth market q Basis of gorilla power § Proprietary open architecture § Proprietary means gorilla can control standards going gorward § Open means rest of the value chain becomes dependent on gorilla § High switching costs § Keeps customers and partners in § Keeps competitors out q Results in unique combination of three types of power § Supplier power (over customers) § Value chain power (over partners) § Market leadership power (over competitors) q Gorilla – Market leader in a tornado, Proprietary ‘architecture’ q Chimp – Market challenger in a tornado, Incompatible with the gorilla architecture q Monkey – Market follower in a tornado, May clone gorilla architecture 29
  • 30. Main Street q Period of aftermarket development; goal is now to reach and flesh out the market potential q Installed base driving the after-market § Want better value, no disruption § Two paths: commodity vs. differentiation § Installed vendor has major competitive advantage § Customer relies on trial, not references q Mass customization prevails § Standard core for price-sensitive sales § Customizable surface for differentiated offers § High-touch, high-volume distribution direct to end users § Think end-user experience not product Commodity Niche Market Market Extensions <Market opportunity in Main Street> 30
  • 31. The Comparison of Bowling Alley and Tornado q Bowling Alley vs. Tornado § Focus on economic buyer and end-user § Focus on infrastructure buyer; ignore economic buyer § Emphasize ROI as the compelling reason to buy § Ignore ROI; focus on timely infrastructure deployment § Differentiate “whole product” for a single application § Commoditize product for general purpose use § Partner with value-added distribution channel § Distribute via low cost, high volume channels to ensure customized solution delivery to ensure maximum market exposure § Use value-based pricing to maximize profit § Use competition based pricing to maximize margins market share § Avoid competition to gain niche market share § Attack competition to gain mass market share § Position products within vertical market § Position products horizontally as global segments infrastructure 31
  • 32. The Comparison of Tornado and Main Street q Tornado vs. Main Street • Sell to infrastructure buyer § Sell to end-user • Focus on timely & reliable infrastructure § Focus on end-user’s product experience; seek deployment to gratify individual needs • Commoditize product for universal § Differentiate commoditized products via +1 deployment (open systems & need for strategic campaigns directed at specific niches partnerships) § Continue same channels, but focus on • Distribute via low cost, high volume channels merchandising that communicates +1 & advertise heavily to ensure maximum messages market exposure § Gain margins above low cost clone with +1 • Drive price points even lower to maximize benefits market share § Compete against own low-cost offering to • Attack other competitors to gain market share boost margin share • Position products horizontally as global § Position in niche markets based on end user infrastructure preferences 32
  • 33. Toward the “Whole” Product q With the innovator, the core product is a big part of the whole product. q By the time the product has reached the late majority or conservatives adopter group, the success of the product will depend much more heavily on the non-core elements of the product rather than the core product itself. q Thus the core-product is increasingly taken for granted and becomes a less important determinant of choice as the product moves into the later stages of the adoption cycle. Potential Product Expected Product Augmented Product Generic Product 33
  • 34. Priorities in Market Mass Mass Marketing Customization Deal-driven Marketing Niche Marketing Key Priority: Design & build the whole product Key Priority: Simplify and extend the whole product Partnering Priority: Complementary technologies Partnering Priority: Complementary skills and resources in & services to form the whole product and win marketing and distribution to succeed in identifying new niches dominant segment share Distribution Priority: Find some hunters for the Tornado and Distribution Priority: Find some evangelists for farmers for the Main Street Early market and Crusaders for Bowling Alley 34
  • 35. IV. Understand Buyer Behavior
  • 36. Identify Decision-Making Unit q The decision-making unit, or buying network, is a group of individuals that have some influence on whether to buy a particular product or service and, if the decision is made to buy the product or service, the particular brand of that product or service. § To recognize that the key individuals in the decision-making unit may very well evolve over time. § To understand the power and influence of each individual in the decision-making unit. Buyer Key Questions • Who are the key decision-makers? Who is the • In what decisions do they Influencer Approver Customer? exercise influence? • What evaluation criteria do they use? User 36
  • 37. Understand Choice Criteria q A second important element is the choice criteria that individuals in the decision-making units bring to bear as they attempt to make a decision. These criteria are related to both organizational and personal objectives. Product Criteria Process Criteria § Product criteria refer to the fit of the product § Process criteria refer to the degree to which your attributes to the customer’s need. product or service fits the customer’s need from a purchasing, usage, and disposal perspective. § Does the product or service have the functionality, quality, reliability, speed the § Some organizations call this the customer customer is seeking? interface strategy. This information on choice criteria by market segment can be absolutely critical as you design your product and service offerings and as you decide how best to position them relative to customer needs and competitive offerings in the market. 37
  • 38. Understand Choice/Rejection Process q The third element in understanding buyer choice/rejection behavior is the “How” question – how the customer goes about making decisions in the choice/rejection process. § In order for them to adopt the new product or service, these customers need to switch from their existing choices. Step 3 : Your Competitor BUILD BARRIERS Solution A’s Solution Creation of barriers to reduce chances Current of rejection of your Solution Step 2 : IN new solution Perceived Need for Adoption of Change new solution Competitor Step 1 : OUT B’s Solution Rejection of current choice or solution Choice/Rejection Process (The Three Critical Issues) Experience Experience Time 38
  • 39. V. Understand Complete Market Chain
  • 40. Defining Market Chain q A Market Chain is simply the chain of organizations a company uses that play key roles converting raw materials into solutions that meet end-user requirements q Market Chain as live, profit-driven, value-creating networks of companies that compete with other value- creating systems in the market Raw End User/ Equipment Materials Consumers Raw Systems/ Manufacturer/ VAR/ End User/ Components Distributor Materials Products OEM Retailer Consumers End User/ Services Distributor Consumers OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer VAR – Value-Added Reseller 40
  • 41. Choices Among Market Chain q Market Chain Challenge facing a Manufacturer Trying to Reach Multiple Target Segments Market Channels Target Segments 2 1 3 Manufacturer 4 7 5 6 41
  • 42. Choices Among Market Chain q Two Potential Market Channels for a Manufacturer of Semiconductor Components to Access the Antilock Braking Systems Market Raw Car GM Dealers Materials Buyers Modules Tevis Capital Car Motorola Ford Dealers Equipment Buyers Modules Bosch Car Supplies Chrysler Dealers Buyers 42
  • 43. Consider Market Chain Dynamics q Take account of a number of considerations. q First, it should use channels that represent an attractive opportunity for it. Other things being equal, it should focus on the channel(s) most likely to be successful in gaining market share, growth, and profitability. These channels will be ones where there is an excellent fit between what the channels can deliver and the needs of the end user. q Second, if a company is aiming to capture leadership in the opportunity, it should focus on those channels where it can clearly emerge as the market leader relative to competing companies using the same chain. It will need to present powerful reasons for the market chain members to work closely with it and to aggressively market its products. q In PC Industry, Dell eliminate all downstream market chain members and deal directly with customers largely by personal selling, by telephone, or over internet. 43
  • 44. Downscaling and Upscaling Vertical Downscaling or Upscaling Changing an organization’s Value-adding role Raw Systems/ Manufacturer VAR/ End Users/ Components Distributor Materials Products (OEM) Retailer Consumers Horizontal Upscaling Changing the application and/or technology to create more value-added for market chain members 44
  • 45. Vertical Downscaling and Upscaling q Vertical Upscaling Motorola acquire a module maker Modules Tevis Motorola Car Car Makers Dealers Buyers Modules Bosch q Vertical Downscaling Modules Tevis Motorola Car Car Makers Dealers Buyers Modules Bosch Motorola 45
  • 46. Market Chains as a Series of Choice/Rejection Process q The major challenges in any technology-intensive industry is § Getting new products to the market in a timely manner § Managers don’t usually pay enough attention to adoption along each of the market channels that make up the market chain § Existing business that carry a certain set of products and services and operate in certain ways q Once they have adopted, you or other players in the market chain will need to work with them and develop programs that solidify the new behavior. q To do all of this effectively requires that you or other committed partners in the market chain understand the decision-making unit, the choice criteria, and the choice/rejection process at all levels in the market chain. 46