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15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
To	increase	adoption	to	premium	(paid)	service,	High	Note	should	focus	on	the	following	strategies	in	
order	of	prioritisation,	based	on	potential	ease	and	cost	of	implementation:	
1) Expand	difference	between	free	and	premium	service,	and	ensure	that	users	fully	understand	
the	benefits	of	the	paid	service	
Having	 an	 expanded	 difference	 between	 free	 and	 premium	 service	 will	 encourage	 more	 free	
users	to	convert	to	premium	service	to	enjoy	the	additional	features.	Specific	exclusive	features	
for	 premium	 users	 could	 include	 exclusive	 access	 to	 the	 latest	 songs,	 offline	 listening	 (like	
Spotify),	and	unlimited	song	listening.	
Importantly,	 the	 exclusive	 features	 for	 premium	 users	 should	 be	 clearly	 explained	 and	
understood	so	that	free	users	will	be	encouraged	to	convert	to	premium	service.	This	can	be	
done	through	in-app	reminders,	advertisements,	direct	email,	etc.	A	premium	service	free-trial	
period	could	be	introduced	so	that	free	users	can	experience	the	different	service	level	and	be	
enticed	to	convert.	
2) Encourage	premium	users	to	add	friends	to	their	network	
Premium	users	influence	free	users	to	convert	to	premium	service.	Therefore	High	Note	should	
introduce	 efforts	 to	 connect	 premium	 and	 free	 users.	 Strategies	 could	 include	 connecting	
premium	and	free	users	(i.e.	recommending	friends)	based	on	similar	taste	in	music	(using	data	
on	their	songs	listened	and	playlists	created),	introducing	a	feature	for	users	to	share	playlists	
and	thereafter	connecting	creators	and	users	of	playlists	to	become	friends,	rewarding	users	for	
having	more	friends.	This	feature	will	also	encourage	users	to	create	more	playlists.	
3) Increase	the	number	of	free	users	by	leveraging	referral	and	social	app	marketing	
Focus	on	building	a	strong,	active	community	to	leverage	word-of-mouth	marketing.	High	Note	
can	then	work	towards	achieving	a	moderate	conversion	rate	from	a	high	volume	of	traffic.	High	
Note	 could	 introduce	 a	 referral	 program	 to	 incentivize	 existing	 users	 to	 bring	 more	 users	
onboard.	High	Note	could	also	partner	with	social	media	platforms	such	as	Facebook	to	market	
the	 app,	 as	 well	 as	 make	 use	 of	 social	 app	 marketing	 tools	 to	 enhance	 High	 Note’s	 visibility	
amongst	streaming	music	users.	These	efforts	can	then	be	coupled	with	strategies	to	convert	
free	users	to	premium	users	to	increase	the	conversion	rate.
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
4) Encourage	users	to	create	more	playlists	
Users	 with	 more	 playlists	 are	 more	 likely	 to	 be	 premium	 users.	 High	 Note	 could	 introduce	
features	to	make	it	easier	to	create	playlists,	to	adapt	playlists	shared	by	friends,	popular	playlist	
ranking	for	different	playlist	categories	(jogging,	meditation,	driving,	partying	etc.)	
Qualitative	Analysis	
Research	 on	 the	 freemium	 and	 music	 streaming	 industry,	 including	 competitors,	 yield	 the	 following	
1) Expand	 difference	 between	 free	 and	 paid	 service.	 One	 of	 the	 chief	 purposes	 of	 freemium	 is	 to	
attract	new	users.	If	you're	generating	lots	of	traffic	but	few	people	are	paying	to	upgrade,	you	may	
have	the	opposite	problem:	Your	free	offerings	are	too	rich,	and	it's	time	to	cut	back.		
2) Ensure	that	customers	fully	understand	the	premium	offer.	It	could	probably	monetize	more	users	
if	the	distinctions	between	free	and	paid	offerings	are	clearer.	
3) Increase	in	free	users	eventually	leads	to	larger	paid	users.	Freemium’s	core	growth	engine	is	social	
proof	aka	word-of-mouth	marketing.	All	other	things	being	equal,	it	would	be	better	to	convert	5%	
of	2	million	monthly	visitors,	for	example,	than	to	convert	50%	of	100,000	visitors.	The	best	long-
term	strategy	is	generally	to	aim	for	a	moderate	conversion	rate	(research	has	shown	that	most	
companies'	range	from	2%	to	5%)	coupled	with	a	high	volume	of	traffic.		
4) Referral	&	Social	App	marketing.	Referral	marketing	enables	marketers	to	get	value	for	acquisition	
and	 conversion,	 while	 rewarding	 existing	 customers	 and	 generating	 new	 customers.	 Social	 app	
marketing,	which	is	relevant	to	music	streaming,	performs	well	in	terms	of	user	quality,	conversion	
and	volume.	
Quantitative	Analysis	
Regression	analysis	was	carried	out	on	the	characteristics	and	behaviours	of	existing	High	Note	users	
showed	that	conversion	to	premium	service	was	associated	with	the	following	variables:		
1) No.	 of	 subscriber	 friend.	 Conversion	 to	 premium	 service	 is	 associated	 with	 the	 number	 of	
subscribers	friends	a	user	has	(if	a	user	has	more	friends	who	are	subscribers,	the	user	is	more	likely	
to	be	a	premium	user)	
2) No.	of	playlists.	Conversion	to	premium	service	is	associated	with	the	number	of	playlist	a	user	has	
(if	a	user	has	more	playlists,	the	user	is	more	likely	to	be	a	premium	user)	
The	quantitative	analysis,	however,	only	showed	association	between	conversion	to	premium	service	
and	 the	 variables.	 Therefore	 further	 analysis	 and/or	 experimentation	 should	 be	 carried	 out	 to	 show	
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
The word freemium is a combination of the words free and premium. It describes a business model in which you
give a core product away for free to a large group of users and sell premium products to a smaller fraction of this
user base. Freemium is not the same as a free trial. A common misconception is that freemium includes or consists
of a free trial period though this is not the case. The difference is that a free trial allows a user to test a product or
service for a limited time before buying the actual product. A freemium model on the other hand provides a product
or service that is always free and the premium part comes from offering the free platform of users additional
products or services that for a fee can expand or improve their experience. So just because a free product appears in
a business model does not make it freemium.
Product Characteristics. Product can have 2-step value proposition. The first proposition is a dead-simple single
user experience, ideally in the form of a mobile app. The second proposition is a network effect proposition or multi-
player experience. This is key to fast growth and high retention.
Market Characteristics. The market offers either tens of millions of users at low price points or millions of users at
higher price points. Freemium funnels typically convert only 2 to 4% of users who try the product.
Distribution Tactics. Target segment of users has a strong, active community. Freemium’s core growth engine is
social proof aka word-of-mouth marketing. To drive word of mouth marketing, a freemium business needs a
community, typically an existing one which falls in love with the business’s product. Harnessing this community
starts with building a great product. Then, a startup must cultivate and grow their community. Second, hackable
distribution channels are a sine qua non. Freemium business must either leverage new distribution platforms or
develop novel tactics on existing distribution platforms.
Conversion Point. The conversion to paid point feels natural because a user derives enough value from the product
that living without it is too painful. Successful freemium products have a conversion point to paid at the point the
customer understands the value proposition and is already committed to the product. I think there are 4 ways to
trigger conversion to paid:
1. Limited time trial: user pays after 14 days or 30 days after enough time has passed to kick the tires on the
2. Money back guarantee: user pays on sign up but can cancel at any time.
3. Utility upsell: user pays after a certain amount of data has been uploaded into the system, or a certain
number of seats in a given company have been activated.
4. Limited functionality: user pays to integrate into other systems or to access pro-level features like exporting
data or collaborating with a team.
Making Free Pay. Subscribers have two key user journey entry
points: 1) a trial 2) free. Streaming services need to make better use
of their analytics (which are increasingly sophisticated) to identify
which free users to invest time and effort into trying to convert. For
example, Spotify or Deezer use free as a marketing tool. So they
have no reason to cling to free users that show no sign of converting.
Instead after a sufficient period of free music has been offered users
should be pushed to subscriptions or onto a radio tier (see figure).
There is no business benefit to the streaming services nor rights
holders to have perpetual on demand free users.
Streaming Music Industry Analysis
This industry is young but growing dramatically. Currently
Pandora and Spotify are the biggest players but the industry
is getting more competitive because of new entrants.
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
Comparison of top 2 music streaming services (from HPs)
Pandora Spotify
Total active users 76.5million (Q3 2014) 75million (Nov 2015)
Premium subscriber fraction About5% About25%
Premium fee $4.99/month $9.99/month
Service Music radio, not on-demand On-demand
Restriction of free users Advertisement between songs
Limited music skip
10hours/month; Occasional Ad
interruption; No off-line listening
Average Revenue $1.0/month/users $3.4/month/users
Financial information (2014) Revenue $92million
Profit -$30million
Revenue $1.1 billion
Profit -$182 million
Spotify is the most successful freemium music streaming business. Spotify's success as a freemium product can be
attributed to the breadth and ingenuity of its product portfolio and the virality derived from social features1
- Conversion to Premium. Upon its initial launch, Spotify's product strategy involved engaging with the user
on an unpaid basis, establishing regular use patterns, and then enticing the user to upgrade to a paid account
tier. By bundling cross-device functionality based on payment—paid accounts provide access through an
unlimited number of the user's devices—the most engaged users are prompted to upgrade in order to access
their music whenever they want.
- Retention. And once users had upgraded, they were incentivized to keep their subscriptions current through
Spotify's offline mode, which only allows a user access to their downloaded songs while subscription is active.
- Virility. In terms of distribution, Spotify's viral, social strategy served as the engine of its initial growth. The
ability to link to objects within the application allows users to simultaneously share the efforts of their playlist
creation and incite new users to adopt the product. And through its partnership with Facebook, Spotify allows
its viral dispatches to be associated with the feel-good sentiment of new artist discovery: what are essentially
advertisements for the service on Facebook, can be interpreted by their recipients as a courtesy by Spotify.
Digital Marketing Channels
Digital marketing spending has been growing and is
forecasted to hit $76.6 billion in the US in 2016. Search
and display will continue to have the biggest proportion of
digital spending, comprising 44% and 36%, respectively2
In terms of effectiveness of different digital marketing
channels, recent research and surveys have found email
and organic search / search engine optimisation (SEO)
to be the most effective. This is shown in research
compiled by Conductor3
, as indicated by the most popular
digital marketing channels via which people discovered
new websites.
Comparison of Digital Marketing Channels
Digital Marketing Channel How people discover new websites Source of customers for
E-Commerce and B2C Firms
Organic Search / Search
Engine Optimisation
54% 18%
Paid Search / Search Engine
18% 10%
Social Media Marketing 32% 1%
Email Marketing 51% 7%
Freemium Economics—Leveraging Analytics and User Segmentation to Drive Revenue
Forrester Research Interactive Marketing Forecasts, 2011 to 2016 (US)
Lam, B. (2014, April 17). [Infographic] Which Marketing Channel Gets You the Most Bang for your Click? Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
A study by Gigaom and Extole4
(based on a survey of 300 US-based digital marketers) found email marketing,
social media marketing and SEO to be one of the most popular tactics for achieving brand awareness. Another study
by Ascend25
(based on a survey of 333 marketing, sales and business professionals globally) found email marketing,
social media marketing and SEO to be rated the most effective types of digital marketing.
An interesting finding from the Gigaom/Extole study was that referral marketing (e.g. refer-a-friend programs)
which is being integrated with social and email marketing, enables marketers to get value for acquisition and
conversion, while rewarding existing customers and generating new customers. It is considered extremely effective,
generating a higher percentage of new customers than other tactics.
The studies above, however, do not distinguish between the
types of products/ services being sold. In relation to the
music streaming industry, it may be useful to consider the
effectiveness of digital marketing channels for
marketing mobile apps, since users are likely to use
digital music streaming via apps installed on their mobile
devices. In this regard, an AppsFlyer study6
found that
social app marketing, which includes app marketing on
social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and users
inviting their friends, was the top app marketing
channel when considering three metrics: user quality,
conversion rates and volume. Specific to mobile apps, app
store optimization is also becoming increasingly important.7
1) Expand difference between free and paid service. One of the chief purposes of freemium is to attract new
users. If you're generating lots of traffic but few people are paying to upgrade, you may have the opposite
problem: Your free offerings are too rich, and it's time to cut back.
2) Ensure that customers fully understand the premium offer. It could probably monetize more users if the
distinctions between free and paid offerings are clearer.
3) Increase in free users eventually leads to larger paid users. Focus on building a strong, active community.
Freemium’s core growth engine is social proof aka word-of-mouth marketing. All other things being equal, it
Nanji, A. (2014, July 15). The Most Effective, Most Used, and Most Budgeted for Digital Marketing Tactics. Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from
Marketers Continue to Rate Email the Most Effective Digital Marketing Tactic. (2014, Sep 23). Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from
Beese, J. (2013, May 10). Social Media Is More Effective at Marketing Mobile Apps [Study] | Sprout Social. Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from According to the study, social media marketing campaigns were especially effective for games, travel, social apps, and
geo-targeted apps, while search delivered the highest quality users for e-commerce, utilities, and food apps.
Dogtiev, A. (2015, Jan 29). App Marketing: What Channels Will Be Most Effective in 2015? Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from
Making "Freemium" Work. Harvard Business Review. May 2014, Vol. 92 Issue 5, p27-29. 3p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Illustration, 1 Chart, 1
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
would be better to convert 5% of 2 million monthly visitors, for example, than to convert 50% of 100,000
visitors. The best long-term strategy is generally to aim for a moderate conversion rate (research has shown
that most companies' range from 2% to 5%) coupled with a high volume of traffic.
4) Referral & Social App marketing. Referral marketing enables marketers to get value for acquisition and
conversion, while rewarding existing customers and generating new customers. Social app marketing, which is
relevant to music streaming, performs well in terms of user quality, conversion and volume.
Quantitative Analysis
Cleaning Data
To prevent outliers from skewing the results of the analysis, the dataset was reviewed to remove users who were
outliers for each of the independent variables for which the value far exceeded the range of values of the rest of the
users. The following users were removed from the data set:
• davedim and mixounette: 29,371 and 65,872 shouts vs range of 0 to 8,892
• siesahorasi, mikeypleasure and billpa: 1,000,000 songs listened vs range of 0 to 138,400
• catachresistant and keiyo: 12,309 and 15,185 posts vs range of 0 to 8,592
Ratios Analysis
Comparing Adopters and Non-Adopters
Current Period Delta1
Current Period Variable Name Adopter
Ratio Adopter
Demographics age 26.30 24.32 1.08 1.48 0.38 3.91
male 0.72 0.62 1.15 0.20 0.22 0.88
Friends friend_cnt 28.38 11.36 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.40
avg_friend_age 25.85 24.53 1.05 0.21 0.05 3.90
avg_friend_male 0.65 0.64 1.02 -0.01 -0.02 0.79
friend_country_cnt 5.38 2.71 1.99 1519.09 553.81 2.74
subscriber_friend_cnt 1.25 0.29 4.36 12.34 2.82 4.37
songsListened 25959.55 12431.48 2.09 1.30 0.02 53.77
lovedTracks 226.13 68.60 3.30 0.02 0.00 8.77
playlists 1.15 0.46 2.50 5.05 0.38 13.25
posts 16.72 2.16 7.74 1.48 0.38 3.91
shouts 73.45 16.54 4.44 0.20 0.22 0.88
The ratio analysis shows that the following variables are likely to be associated with conversion to premium
- friend_cnt
- friend_country_cnt
- subscriber_friend_cnt
- songsListened
- lovedTracks
- playlists
- posts
- shouts
- delta1_friend_cnt
- delta1_friend_country_cnt
- delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt
- delta1_song_listened
- delta1_lovedTracks
- delta1_posts
- delta1_playlists
- delta1_shouts
From the qualitative analysis, we understand that building a strong, active community is important in improving
viral / word-of-mouth marketing. This implies that the following variables may be important in predicting
conversion to premium subscription: shouts, posts, friend_cnt, songsListened
Therefore the qualitative analysis supports the quantitative analysis in terms of the variables which could be
predictive of conversion to premium subscribers.
Correlation Analysis
The correlation matrix for the variables is shown in the table at the end of the Appendix. Based on the analysis, we
find that the following variables are relatively highly correlated (ρ > 0.5):
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
friend_cnt and friend_country_cnt [ρ = 0.737]
friend_cnt and subscriber_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.762]
friend_country_cnt and subscriber_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.554]
avg_friend_age and age [ρ = 0.676]
delta1_friend_cnt and delta1_friend_country_cnt [ρ = 0.667]
shouts and delta1_shouts [ρ = 0.859]
delta1_posts and posts [ρ = 0.528]
delta2_friend_country_cnt and delta2_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.514]
Regression Model
The data provided includes demographic, social and behavioural data of 107,000 users for the current period as well
as the change in this data between the previous and current period (delta1) and the current and next period (delta2).
To create a prediction model for conversion to premium subscription, we will carry out logistic regression with the
dependent variable being adopter and the independent variables being the current and delta1 variables.
For the purpose of building the regression model to conversion to premium subscription, we should not use
independent variables which are relatively highly correlated. Therefore, combining the ratio, qualitative and
correlation analysis above, we use the following independent
variables for the logistic regression model:
Where independent variables are correlated, we have retained the independent variable for which the absolute
adopter/non-adopter ratio is the highest. On this basis, we have excluded the following independent variables:
friend_cnt, friend_country_cnt, delta1_posts, delta1_shouts, delta1_friend_cnt.
The equation for estimating the probability of converting to a premium subscriber is as follows:
U(Subscribe) = α0 + α1(subscriber_friend_cnt) + α2(songListened) + α3(lovedTracks) + α4(playlists) + α5(posts) + α6(shouts)
+ α7(delta1_subscriber_friend_count_cnt) + α8(delta1_friend_count_cnt) + α9(delta1_song_listened) +
α10(delta1_lovedTracks) + α11(delta1_playlists) + Ɛ
The output from the logistic regression (in Stata) is shown below. For the variables delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt
and shouts the 95% confidence intervals given in the output included 0, i.e. there was no confident at the 95%
confidence level that the coefficients are different from zero. Therefore these variables have been excluded.
Based on the results of the logistic regression, we find that the variables playlists and subscriber_friend_cnt were
most strong associated with conversion to premium users, as shown by the high odds ratios.
- subscriber_friend_cnt
- songsListened
- lovedTracks
- playlists
- posts
- shouts
- delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt
- delta1_friend_country_cnt
- delta1_song_listened
- delta1_lovedTracks
- delta1_playlists
15.570:	Digital	Marketing	&	Social	Media	Analytics	–	Final	Project	
Group:	Shuichi	Maeda,	Rahul	Muchhal,	Chung	Wei	Lee	
Correlation	Matrix	
age	 1.000	
male	 0.177	 1.000	
friend_cnt	 -0.043	 -0.007	 1.000	
avg_friend_age	 0.676	 0.043	 -0.052	 1.000	
avg_friend_male	 0.077	 0.054	 -0.018	 0.178	 1.000	
friend_country_cnt	 -0.048	 -0.043	 0.737	 -0.041	 -0.031	 1.000	
subscriber_friend_cnt	 0.062	 0.002	 0.762	 0.056	 0.004	 0.544	 1.000	
songsListened	 0.007	 0.111	 0.239	 -0.021	 0.005	 0.360	 0.160	 1.000	
lovedTracks	 0.048	 0.021	 0.172	 0.037	 -0.004	 0.262	 0.172	 0.256	 1.000	
posts	 0.001	 0.006	 0.070	 0.001	 0.002	 0.106	 0.077	 0.089	 0.046	 1.000	
playlists	 0.107	 -0.003	 0.010	 0.020	 -0.001	 0.019	 0.016	 0.013	 0.028	 0.003	 1.000	
shouts	 -0.024	 -0.016	 0.214	 -0.024	 -0.008	 0.226	 0.147	 0.135	 0.100	 0.108	 0.003	 1.000	
delta1_friend_cnt	 -0.038	 -0.001	 0.349	 -0.045	 -0.011	 0.299	 0.229	 0.075	 0.075	 0.008	 0.004	 0.063	 1.000	
delta1_avg_friend_age	 -0.003	 -0.009	 -0.005	 0.040	 0.004	 -0.009	 -0.003	 -0.003	 -0.004	 0.001	 0.001	 -0.003	 -0.009	 1.000	
delta1_avg_friend_male	 -0.006	 -0.015	 0.001	 0.005	 0.032	 0.003	 0.003	 -0.005	 -0.002	 0.001	 0.000	 0.002	 -0.021	 0.114	 1.000	
delta1_friend_country_cnt	 -0.035	 -0.009	 0.159	 -0.036	 -0.008	 0.227	 0.122	 0.050	 0.050	 -0.001	 0.004	 0.025	 0.667	 -0.001	 -0.016	 1.000	
delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt	 -0.002	 0.000	 -0.192	 -0.007	 -0.001	 -0.112	 -0.098	 -0.023	 -0.025	 -0.010	 0.002	 -0.059	 0.265	 0.016	 -0.004	 0.213	 1.000	
delta1_songsListened	 -0.048	 0.054	 0.168	 -0.064	 -0.006	 0.233	 0.111	 0.475	 0.147	 0.050	 0.004	 0.072	 0.201	 -0.003	 -0.007	 0.189	 0.023	 1.000	
delta1_lovedTracks	 -0.024	 0.010	 0.099	 -0.023	 -0.003	 0.145	 0.084	 0.085	 0.383	 0.021	 0.010	 0.044	 0.154	 -0.007	 -0.015	 0.158	 0.023	 0.203	 1.000	
delta1_posts	 -0.005	 0.002	 0.043	 -0.002	 0.001	 0.061	 0.044	 0.044	 0.011	 0.528	 0.000	 0.013	 0.041	 -0.001	 -0.002	 0.038	 0.029	 0.065	 0.022	 1.000	
delta1_playlists	 0.017	 0.003	 0.005	 0.008	 0.002	 0.008	 0.024	 0.011	 0.026	 -0.001	 0.102	 0.001	 0.027	 -0.001	 -0.004	 0.026	 0.032	 0.020	 0.043	 0.000	 1.000	
delta1_shouts	 -0.013	 -0.007	 0.080	 -0.013	 -0.002	 0.085	 0.049	 0.037	 0.040	 0.018	 0.000	 0.859	 0.115	 -0.004	 -0.001	 0.080	 -0.006	 0.045	 0.057	 0.018	 0.003	 1.000	
adopter	 0.082	 0.056	 0.090	 0.059	 0.015	 0.140	 0.117	 0.140	 0.140	 0.037	 0.027	 0.054	 0.051	 -0.012	 0.002	 0.057	 0.001	 0.118	 0.100	 0.023	 0.008	 0.031	 1.000	
tenure	 0.274	 0.096	 0.041	 0.275	 0.066	 0.088	 0.039	 0.244	 0.023	 0.033	 0.017	 0.030	 -0.050	 0.002	 -0.003	 -0.060	 -0.018	 -0.030	 -0.066	 -0.006	 -0.004	 -0.006	 0.027	 1.000	
good_country	 0.105	 0.014	 -0.035	 0.106	 0.022	 -0.057	 0.005	 0.015	 0.021	 -0.006	 -0.001	 -0.020	 -0.019	 -0.003	 -0.004	 -0.017	 0.002	 -0.026	 0.003	 -0.003	 -0.001	 -0.008	 -0.032	 0.101	 1.000	
delta1_good_country	 0.007	 -0.002	 0.001	 0.003	 -0.003	 0.005	 0.000	 0.005	 0.004	 -0.004	 0.001	 0.002	 0.001	 -0.005	 -0.004	 0.000	 0.010	 0.005	 0.000	 0.000	 0.003	 0.000	 -0.004	 0.006	 0.041	 1.000	
delta2_friend_cnt	 -0.020	 0.006	 0.266	 -0.024	 -0.003	 0.204	 0.175	 0.063	 0.067	 0.032	 0.001	 0.079	 0.428	 -0.009	 0.002	 0.164	 0.051	 0.093	 0.111	 0.047	 0.001	 0.091	 0.057	 -0.026	 -0.021	 0.004	 1.000	
delta2_avg_friend_age	 -0.007	 0.001	 -0.007	 -0.059	 0.003	 -0.011	 -0.009	 -0.005	 -0.010	 -0.002	 0.000	 -0.003	 -0.005	 -0.101	 0.011	 -0.003	 0.003	 -0.006	 -0.011	 -0.002	 0.006	 -0.001	 -0.005	 0.001	 0.005	 -0.006	 -0.015	 1.000	
delta2_avg_friend_male	 -0.007	 -0.010	 0.006	 -0.003	 -0.071	 0.010	 0.003	 0.001	 0.004	 0.001	 0.000	 0.003	 0.006	 -0.004	 -0.030	 0.002	 -0.003	 0.003	 0.000	 -0.001	 0.003	 0.000	 0.003	 -0.006	 -0.005	 -0.004	 -0.019	 0.085	 1.000	
delta2_friend_country_cnt	 -0.022	 0.007	 0.109	 -0.025	 0.001	 0.121	 0.074	 0.057	 0.057	 0.010	 0.002	 0.016	 0.152	 -0.008	 0.001	 0.106	 0.013	 0.103	 0.095	 0.010	 0.006	 0.024	 0.080	 -0.038	 -0.025	 0.009	 0.514	 -0.007	 -0.045	 1.000	
delta2_subscriber_friend_cnt	 -0.008	 0.006	 -0.171	 -0.010	 -0.003	 -0.091	 -0.220	 -0.024	 -0.017	 0.003	 0.000	 -0.043	 0.064	 -0.008	 0.000	 0.025	 0.084	 0.000	 0.030	 0.023	 0.010	 -0.008	 -0.015	 -0.017	 0.003	 0.004	 0.362	 0.007	 -0.001	 0.260	 1.000	
delta2_songsListened	 -0.029	 0.049	 0.127	 -0.041	 -0.004	 0.183	 0.097	 0.329	 0.122	 0.044	 0.005	 0.061	 0.119	 -0.009	 -0.006	 0.108	 0.021	 0.411	 0.134	 0.055	 0.010	 0.034	 0.139	 -0.008	 -0.018	 0.002	 0.107	 0.001	 -0.004	 0.115	 0.006	 1.000	
delta2_lovedTracks	 0.005	 0.012	 0.074	 0.000	 -0.001	 0.104	 0.083	 0.057	 0.223	 0.017	 0.007	 0.046	 0.083	 -0.011	 -0.002	 0.085	 0.026	 0.089	 0.347	 0.015	 0.017	 0.028	 0.124	 -0.024	 0.003	 0.008	 0.194	 -0.008	 0.004	 0.142	 0.143	 0.132	 1.000	
delta2_posts	 0.006	 -0.001	 0.019	 0.000	 -0.001	 0.033	 0.022	 0.024	 0.017	 0.233	 0.002	 0.012	 0.004	 0.001	 0.001	 0.002	 0.003	 0.031	 0.009	 0.292	 0.000	 0.005	 0.022	 0.002	 0.001	 0.000	 0.023	 0.000	 -0.001	 0.006	 0.024	 0.032	 0.007	 1.000	
delta2_playlists	 0.005	 0.003	 0.000	 -0.004	 0.000	 0.001	 0.001	 0.002	 0.005	 0.001	 -0.953	 0.000	 0.002	 0.000	 0.000	 0.002	 0.002	 0.001	 0.003	 0.002	 0.051	 0.001	 -0.008	 -0.002	 0.002	 0.001	 0.002	 0.001	 0.002	 0.003	 0.002	 0.003	 0.016	 0.000	 1.000	
delta2_good_country	 0.006	 0.006	 -0.006	 0.005	 -0.001	 -0.006	 -0.003	 0.002	 -0.007	 0.002	 0.000	 -0.010	 -0.013	 -0.002	 -0.005	 -0.007	 -0.007	 -0.006	 0.003	 0.000	 0.000	 -0.004	 0.006	 0.006	 -0.029	 -0.039	 -0.004	 0.007	 -0.005	 -0.006	 -0.002	 -0.001	 0.002	 0.000	 0.001	 1.000

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HighNote Report(Final )10Dec7pm

  • 1. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee HIGH NOTE RECOMMENDATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendations To increase adoption to premium (paid) service, High Note should focus on the following strategies in order of prioritisation, based on potential ease and cost of implementation: 1) Expand difference between free and premium service, and ensure that users fully understand the benefits of the paid service Having an expanded difference between free and premium service will encourage more free users to convert to premium service to enjoy the additional features. Specific exclusive features for premium users could include exclusive access to the latest songs, offline listening (like Spotify), and unlimited song listening. Importantly, the exclusive features for premium users should be clearly explained and understood so that free users will be encouraged to convert to premium service. This can be done through in-app reminders, advertisements, direct email, etc. A premium service free-trial period could be introduced so that free users can experience the different service level and be enticed to convert. 2) Encourage premium users to add friends to their network Premium users influence free users to convert to premium service. Therefore High Note should introduce efforts to connect premium and free users. Strategies could include connecting premium and free users (i.e. recommending friends) based on similar taste in music (using data on their songs listened and playlists created), introducing a feature for users to share playlists and thereafter connecting creators and users of playlists to become friends, rewarding users for having more friends. This feature will also encourage users to create more playlists. 3) Increase the number of free users by leveraging referral and social app marketing Focus on building a strong, active community to leverage word-of-mouth marketing. High Note can then work towards achieving a moderate conversion rate from a high volume of traffic. High Note could introduce a referral program to incentivize existing users to bring more users onboard. High Note could also partner with social media platforms such as Facebook to market the app, as well as make use of social app marketing tools to enhance High Note’s visibility amongst streaming music users. These efforts can then be coupled with strategies to convert free users to premium users to increase the conversion rate.
  • 2. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee 4) Encourage users to create more playlists Users with more playlists are more likely to be premium users. High Note could introduce features to make it easier to create playlists, to adapt playlists shared by friends, popular playlist ranking for different playlist categories (jogging, meditation, driving, partying etc.) Findings Qualitative Analysis Research on the freemium and music streaming industry, including competitors, yield the following insights: 1) Expand difference between free and paid service. One of the chief purposes of freemium is to attract new users. If you're generating lots of traffic but few people are paying to upgrade, you may have the opposite problem: Your free offerings are too rich, and it's time to cut back. 2) Ensure that customers fully understand the premium offer. It could probably monetize more users if the distinctions between free and paid offerings are clearer. 3) Increase in free users eventually leads to larger paid users. Freemium’s core growth engine is social proof aka word-of-mouth marketing. All other things being equal, it would be better to convert 5% of 2 million monthly visitors, for example, than to convert 50% of 100,000 visitors. The best long- term strategy is generally to aim for a moderate conversion rate (research has shown that most companies' range from 2% to 5%) coupled with a high volume of traffic. 4) Referral & Social App marketing. Referral marketing enables marketers to get value for acquisition and conversion, while rewarding existing customers and generating new customers. Social app marketing, which is relevant to music streaming, performs well in terms of user quality, conversion and volume. Quantitative Analysis Regression analysis was carried out on the characteristics and behaviours of existing High Note users showed that conversion to premium service was associated with the following variables: 1) No. of subscriber friend. Conversion to premium service is associated with the number of subscribers friends a user has (if a user has more friends who are subscribers, the user is more likely to be a premium user) 2) No. of playlists. Conversion to premium service is associated with the number of playlist a user has (if a user has more playlists, the user is more likely to be a premium user) The quantitative analysis, however, only showed association between conversion to premium service and the variables. Therefore further analysis and/or experimentation should be carried out to show causality.
  • 3. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee Freemium The word freemium is a combination of the words free and premium. It describes a business model in which you give a core product away for free to a large group of users and sell premium products to a smaller fraction of this user base. Freemium is not the same as a free trial. A common misconception is that freemium includes or consists of a free trial period though this is not the case. The difference is that a free trial allows a user to test a product or service for a limited time before buying the actual product. A freemium model on the other hand provides a product or service that is always free and the premium part comes from offering the free platform of users additional products or services that for a fee can expand or improve their experience. So just because a free product appears in a business model does not make it freemium. Product Characteristics. Product can have 2-step value proposition. The first proposition is a dead-simple single user experience, ideally in the form of a mobile app. The second proposition is a network effect proposition or multi- player experience. This is key to fast growth and high retention. Market Characteristics. The market offers either tens of millions of users at low price points or millions of users at higher price points. Freemium funnels typically convert only 2 to 4% of users who try the product. Distribution Tactics. Target segment of users has a strong, active community. Freemium’s core growth engine is social proof aka word-of-mouth marketing. To drive word of mouth marketing, a freemium business needs a community, typically an existing one which falls in love with the business’s product. Harnessing this community starts with building a great product. Then, a startup must cultivate and grow their community. Second, hackable distribution channels are a sine qua non. Freemium business must either leverage new distribution platforms or develop novel tactics on existing distribution platforms. Conversion Point. The conversion to paid point feels natural because a user derives enough value from the product that living without it is too painful. Successful freemium products have a conversion point to paid at the point the customer understands the value proposition and is already committed to the product. I think there are 4 ways to trigger conversion to paid: 1. Limited time trial: user pays after 14 days or 30 days after enough time has passed to kick the tires on the product. 2. Money back guarantee: user pays on sign up but can cancel at any time. 3. Utility upsell: user pays after a certain amount of data has been uploaded into the system, or a certain number of seats in a given company have been activated. 4. Limited functionality: user pays to integrate into other systems or to access pro-level features like exporting data or collaborating with a team. Making Free Pay. Subscribers have two key user journey entry points: 1) a trial 2) free. Streaming services need to make better use of their analytics (which are increasingly sophisticated) to identify which free users to invest time and effort into trying to convert. For example, Spotify or Deezer use free as a marketing tool. So they have no reason to cling to free users that show no sign of converting. Instead after a sufficient period of free music has been offered users should be pushed to subscriptions or onto a radio tier (see figure). There is no business benefit to the streaming services nor rights holders to have perpetual on demand free users. Streaming Music Industry Analysis This industry is young but growing dramatically. Currently Pandora and Spotify are the biggest players but the industry is getting more competitive because of new entrants. (Statista) APPENDIX
  • 4. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee Comparison of top 2 music streaming services (from HPs) Pandora Spotify Total active users 76.5million (Q3 2014) 75million (Nov 2015) Premium subscriber fraction About5% About25% Premium fee $4.99/month $9.99/month Service Music radio, not on-demand On-demand Restriction of free users Advertisement between songs Limited music skip 10hours/month; Occasional Ad interruption; No off-line listening Average Revenue $1.0/month/users $3.4/month/users Financial information (2014) Revenue $92million Profit -$30million Revenue $1.1 billion Profit -$182 million Spotify is the most successful freemium music streaming business. Spotify's success as a freemium product can be attributed to the breadth and ingenuity of its product portfolio and the virality derived from social features1 . - Conversion to Premium. Upon its initial launch, Spotify's product strategy involved engaging with the user on an unpaid basis, establishing regular use patterns, and then enticing the user to upgrade to a paid account tier. By bundling cross-device functionality based on payment—paid accounts provide access through an unlimited number of the user's devices—the most engaged users are prompted to upgrade in order to access their music whenever they want. - Retention. And once users had upgraded, they were incentivized to keep their subscriptions current through Spotify's offline mode, which only allows a user access to their downloaded songs while subscription is active. - Virility. In terms of distribution, Spotify's viral, social strategy served as the engine of its initial growth. The ability to link to objects within the application allows users to simultaneously share the efforts of their playlist creation and incite new users to adopt the product. And through its partnership with Facebook, Spotify allows its viral dispatches to be associated with the feel-good sentiment of new artist discovery: what are essentially advertisements for the service on Facebook, can be interpreted by their recipients as a courtesy by Spotify. Digital Marketing Channels Digital marketing spending has been growing and is forecasted to hit $76.6 billion in the US in 2016. Search and display will continue to have the biggest proportion of digital spending, comprising 44% and 36%, respectively2 . In terms of effectiveness of different digital marketing channels, recent research and surveys have found email and organic search / search engine optimisation (SEO) to be the most effective. This is shown in research compiled by Conductor3 , as indicated by the most popular digital marketing channels via which people discovered new websites. Comparison of Digital Marketing Channels Digital Marketing Channel How people discover new websites Source of customers for E-Commerce and B2C Firms Organic Search / Search Engine Optimisation 54% 18% Paid Search / Search Engine Marketing 18% 10% Social Media Marketing 32% 1% Email Marketing 51% 7% 1 Freemium Economics—Leveraging Analytics and User Segmentation to Drive Revenue 2 Forrester Research Interactive Marketing Forecasts, 2011 to 2016 (US) 3 Lam, B. (2014, April 17). [Infographic] Which Marketing Channel Gets You the Most Bang for your Click? Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from
  • 5. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee A study by Gigaom and Extole4 (based on a survey of 300 US-based digital marketers) found email marketing, social media marketing and SEO to be one of the most popular tactics for achieving brand awareness. Another study by Ascend25 (based on a survey of 333 marketing, sales and business professionals globally) found email marketing, social media marketing and SEO to be rated the most effective types of digital marketing. An interesting finding from the Gigaom/Extole study was that referral marketing (e.g. refer-a-friend programs) which is being integrated with social and email marketing, enables marketers to get value for acquisition and conversion, while rewarding existing customers and generating new customers. It is considered extremely effective, generating a higher percentage of new customers than other tactics. The studies above, however, do not distinguish between the types of products/ services being sold. In relation to the music streaming industry, it may be useful to consider the effectiveness of digital marketing channels for marketing mobile apps, since users are likely to use digital music streaming via apps installed on their mobile devices. In this regard, an AppsFlyer study6 found that social app marketing, which includes app marketing on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and users inviting their friends, was the top app marketing channel when considering three metrics: user quality, conversion rates and volume. Specific to mobile apps, app store optimization is also becoming increasingly important.7 Insights8 1) Expand difference between free and paid service. One of the chief purposes of freemium is to attract new users. If you're generating lots of traffic but few people are paying to upgrade, you may have the opposite problem: Your free offerings are too rich, and it's time to cut back. 2) Ensure that customers fully understand the premium offer. It could probably monetize more users if the distinctions between free and paid offerings are clearer. 3) Increase in free users eventually leads to larger paid users. Focus on building a strong, active community. Freemium’s core growth engine is social proof aka word-of-mouth marketing. All other things being equal, it 4 Nanji, A. (2014, July 15). The Most Effective, Most Used, and Most Budgeted for Digital Marketing Tactics. Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from 5 Marketers Continue to Rate Email the Most Effective Digital Marketing Tactic. (2014, Sep 23). Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from 6 Beese, J. (2013, May 10). Social Media Is More Effective at Marketing Mobile Apps [Study] | Sprout Social. Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from According to the study, social media marketing campaigns were especially effective for games, travel, social apps, and geo-targeted apps, while search delivered the highest quality users for e-commerce, utilities, and food apps. 7 Dogtiev, A. (2015, Jan 29). App Marketing: What Channels Will Be Most Effective in 2015? Retrieved Nov 21, 2015, from 8 Making "Freemium" Work. Harvard Business Review. May 2014, Vol. 92 Issue 5, p27-29. 3p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Illustration, 1 Chart, 1 Graph.
  • 6. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee would be better to convert 5% of 2 million monthly visitors, for example, than to convert 50% of 100,000 visitors. The best long-term strategy is generally to aim for a moderate conversion rate (research has shown that most companies' range from 2% to 5%) coupled with a high volume of traffic. 4) Referral & Social App marketing. Referral marketing enables marketers to get value for acquisition and conversion, while rewarding existing customers and generating new customers. Social app marketing, which is relevant to music streaming, performs well in terms of user quality, conversion and volume. Quantitative Analysis Cleaning Data To prevent outliers from skewing the results of the analysis, the dataset was reviewed to remove users who were outliers for each of the independent variables for which the value far exceeded the range of values of the rest of the users. The following users were removed from the data set: • davedim and mixounette: 29,371 and 65,872 shouts vs range of 0 to 8,892 • siesahorasi, mikeypleasure and billpa: 1,000,000 songs listened vs range of 0 to 138,400 • catachresistant and keiyo: 12,309 and 15,185 posts vs range of 0 to 8,592 Ratios Analysis Comparing Adopters and Non-Adopters Current Period Delta1 Current Period Variable Name Adopter Mean Non- Adopter Mean Ratio Adopter Mean Non- Adopter Mean Ratio Demographics age 26.30 24.32 1.08 1.48 0.38 3.91 male 0.72 0.62 1.15 0.20 0.22 0.88 Friends friend_cnt 28.38 11.36 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.40 avg_friend_age 25.85 24.53 1.05 0.21 0.05 3.90 avg_friend_male 0.65 0.64 1.02 -0.01 -0.02 0.79 friend_country_cnt 5.38 2.71 1.99 1519.09 553.81 2.74 subscriber_friend_cnt 1.25 0.29 4.36 12.34 2.82 4.37 Content Consumption songsListened 25959.55 12431.48 2.09 1.30 0.02 53.77 Content Organization lovedTracks 226.13 68.60 3.30 0.02 0.00 8.77 playlists 1.15 0.46 2.50 5.05 0.38 13.25 Community Participation posts 16.72 2.16 7.74 1.48 0.38 3.91 shouts 73.45 16.54 4.44 0.20 0.22 0.88 The ratio analysis shows that the following variables are likely to be associated with conversion to premium subscription: - friend_cnt - friend_country_cnt - subscriber_friend_cnt - songsListened - lovedTracks - playlists - posts - shouts - delta1_friend_cnt - delta1_friend_country_cnt - delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt - delta1_song_listened - delta1_lovedTracks - delta1_posts - delta1_playlists - delta1_shouts From the qualitative analysis, we understand that building a strong, active community is important in improving viral / word-of-mouth marketing. This implies that the following variables may be important in predicting conversion to premium subscription: shouts, posts, friend_cnt, songsListened Therefore the qualitative analysis supports the quantitative analysis in terms of the variables which could be predictive of conversion to premium subscribers. Correlation Analysis The correlation matrix for the variables is shown in the table at the end of the Appendix. Based on the analysis, we find that the following variables are relatively highly correlated (ρ > 0.5):
  • 7. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee friend_cnt and friend_country_cnt [ρ = 0.737] friend_cnt and subscriber_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.762] friend_country_cnt and subscriber_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.554] avg_friend_age and age [ρ = 0.676] delta1_friend_cnt and delta1_friend_country_cnt [ρ = 0.667] shouts and delta1_shouts [ρ = 0.859] delta1_posts and posts [ρ = 0.528] delta2_friend_country_cnt and delta2_friend_cnt [ρ = 0.514] Regression Model The data provided includes demographic, social and behavioural data of 107,000 users for the current period as well as the change in this data between the previous and current period (delta1) and the current and next period (delta2). To create a prediction model for conversion to premium subscription, we will carry out logistic regression with the dependent variable being adopter and the independent variables being the current and delta1 variables. For the purpose of building the regression model to conversion to premium subscription, we should not use independent variables which are relatively highly correlated. Therefore, combining the ratio, qualitative and correlation analysis above, we use the following independent variables for the logistic regression model: Where independent variables are correlated, we have retained the independent variable for which the absolute adopter/non-adopter ratio is the highest. On this basis, we have excluded the following independent variables: friend_cnt, friend_country_cnt, delta1_posts, delta1_shouts, delta1_friend_cnt. The equation for estimating the probability of converting to a premium subscriber is as follows: U(Subscribe) = α0 + α1(subscriber_friend_cnt) + α2(songListened) + α3(lovedTracks) + α4(playlists) + α5(posts) + α6(shouts) + α7(delta1_subscriber_friend_count_cnt) + α8(delta1_friend_count_cnt) + α9(delta1_song_listened) + α10(delta1_lovedTracks) + α11(delta1_playlists) + Ɛ The output from the logistic regression (in Stata) is shown below. For the variables delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt and shouts the 95% confidence intervals given in the output included 0, i.e. there was no confident at the 95% confidence level that the coefficients are different from zero. Therefore these variables have been excluded. Based on the results of the logistic regression, we find that the variables playlists and subscriber_friend_cnt were most strong associated with conversion to premium users, as shown by the high odds ratios. - subscriber_friend_cnt - songsListened - lovedTracks - playlists - posts - shouts - delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt - delta1_friend_country_cnt - delta1_song_listened - delta1_lovedTracks - delta1_playlists
  • 8. 15.570: Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics – Final Project Group: Shuichi Maeda, Rahul Muchhal, Chung Wei Lee Correlation Matrix age male friend_cnt avg_friend_age avg_friend_male friend_country_cnt subscriber_friend_cnt songsListened lovedTracks posts playlists shouts delta1_friend_cnt delta1_avg_friend_age delta1_avg_friend_male delta1_friend_country_cnt delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt delta1_songsListened delta1_lovedTracks delta1_posts delta1_playlists delta1_shouts adopter tenure good_country delta1_good_country delta2_friend_cnt delta2_avg_friend_age delta2_avg_friend_male delta2_friend_country_cnt delta2_subscriber_friend_cnt delta2_songsListened delta2_lovedTracks delta2_posts delta2_playlists delta2_good_country age 1.000 male 0.177 1.000 friend_cnt -0.043 -0.007 1.000 avg_friend_age 0.676 0.043 -0.052 1.000 avg_friend_male 0.077 0.054 -0.018 0.178 1.000 friend_country_cnt -0.048 -0.043 0.737 -0.041 -0.031 1.000 subscriber_friend_cnt 0.062 0.002 0.762 0.056 0.004 0.544 1.000 songsListened 0.007 0.111 0.239 -0.021 0.005 0.360 0.160 1.000 lovedTracks 0.048 0.021 0.172 0.037 -0.004 0.262 0.172 0.256 1.000 posts 0.001 0.006 0.070 0.001 0.002 0.106 0.077 0.089 0.046 1.000 playlists 0.107 -0.003 0.010 0.020 -0.001 0.019 0.016 0.013 0.028 0.003 1.000 shouts -0.024 -0.016 0.214 -0.024 -0.008 0.226 0.147 0.135 0.100 0.108 0.003 1.000 delta1_friend_cnt -0.038 -0.001 0.349 -0.045 -0.011 0.299 0.229 0.075 0.075 0.008 0.004 0.063 1.000 delta1_avg_friend_age -0.003 -0.009 -0.005 0.040 0.004 -0.009 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 0.001 0.001 -0.003 -0.009 1.000 delta1_avg_friend_male -0.006 -0.015 0.001 0.005 0.032 0.003 0.003 -0.005 -0.002 0.001 0.000 0.002 -0.021 0.114 1.000 delta1_friend_country_cnt -0.035 -0.009 0.159 -0.036 -0.008 0.227 0.122 0.050 0.050 -0.001 0.004 0.025 0.667 -0.001 -0.016 1.000 delta1_subscriber_friend_cnt -0.002 0.000 -0.192 -0.007 -0.001 -0.112 -0.098 -0.023 -0.025 -0.010 0.002 -0.059 0.265 0.016 -0.004 0.213 1.000 delta1_songsListened -0.048 0.054 0.168 -0.064 -0.006 0.233 0.111 0.475 0.147 0.050 0.004 0.072 0.201 -0.003 -0.007 0.189 0.023 1.000 delta1_lovedTracks -0.024 0.010 0.099 -0.023 -0.003 0.145 0.084 0.085 0.383 0.021 0.010 0.044 0.154 -0.007 -0.015 0.158 0.023 0.203 1.000 delta1_posts -0.005 0.002 0.043 -0.002 0.001 0.061 0.044 0.044 0.011 0.528 0.000 0.013 0.041 -0.001 -0.002 0.038 0.029 0.065 0.022 1.000 delta1_playlists 0.017 0.003 0.005 0.008 0.002 0.008 0.024 0.011 0.026 -0.001 0.102 0.001 0.027 -0.001 -0.004 0.026 0.032 0.020 0.043 0.000 1.000 delta1_shouts -0.013 -0.007 0.080 -0.013 -0.002 0.085 0.049 0.037 0.040 0.018 0.000 0.859 0.115 -0.004 -0.001 0.080 -0.006 0.045 0.057 0.018 0.003 1.000 adopter 0.082 0.056 0.090 0.059 0.015 0.140 0.117 0.140 0.140 0.037 0.027 0.054 0.051 -0.012 0.002 0.057 0.001 0.118 0.100 0.023 0.008 0.031 1.000 tenure 0.274 0.096 0.041 0.275 0.066 0.088 0.039 0.244 0.023 0.033 0.017 0.030 -0.050 0.002 -0.003 -0.060 -0.018 -0.030 -0.066 -0.006 -0.004 -0.006 0.027 1.000 good_country 0.105 0.014 -0.035 0.106 0.022 -0.057 0.005 0.015 0.021 -0.006 -0.001 -0.020 -0.019 -0.003 -0.004 -0.017 0.002 -0.026 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 -0.008 -0.032 0.101 1.000 delta1_good_country 0.007 -0.002 0.001 0.003 -0.003 0.005 0.000 0.005 0.004 -0.004 0.001 0.002 0.001 -0.005 -0.004 0.000 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 -0.004 0.006 0.041 1.000 delta2_friend_cnt -0.020 0.006 0.266 -0.024 -0.003 0.204 0.175 0.063 0.067 0.032 0.001 0.079 0.428 -0.009 0.002 0.164 0.051 0.093 0.111 0.047 0.001 0.091 0.057 -0.026 -0.021 0.004 1.000 delta2_avg_friend_age -0.007 0.001 -0.007 -0.059 0.003 -0.011 -0.009 -0.005 -0.010 -0.002 0.000 -0.003 -0.005 -0.101 0.011 -0.003 0.003 -0.006 -0.011 -0.002 0.006 -0.001 -0.005 0.001 0.005 -0.006 -0.015 1.000 delta2_avg_friend_male -0.007 -0.010 0.006 -0.003 -0.071 0.010 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.006 -0.004 -0.030 0.002 -0.003 0.003 0.000 -0.001 0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.006 -0.005 -0.004 -0.019 0.085 1.000 delta2_friend_country_cnt -0.022 0.007 0.109 -0.025 0.001 0.121 0.074 0.057 0.057 0.010 0.002 0.016 0.152 -0.008 0.001 0.106 0.013 0.103 0.095 0.010 0.006 0.024 0.080 -0.038 -0.025 0.009 0.514 -0.007 -0.045 1.000 delta2_subscriber_friend_cnt -0.008 0.006 -0.171 -0.010 -0.003 -0.091 -0.220 -0.024 -0.017 0.003 0.000 -0.043 0.064 -0.008 0.000 0.025 0.084 0.000 0.030 0.023 0.010 -0.008 -0.015 -0.017 0.003 0.004 0.362 0.007 -0.001 0.260 1.000 delta2_songsListened -0.029 0.049 0.127 -0.041 -0.004 0.183 0.097 0.329 0.122 0.044 0.005 0.061 0.119 -0.009 -0.006 0.108 0.021 0.411 0.134 0.055 0.010 0.034 0.139 -0.008 -0.018 0.002 0.107 0.001 -0.004 0.115 0.006 1.000 delta2_lovedTracks 0.005 0.012 0.074 0.000 -0.001 0.104 0.083 0.057 0.223 0.017 0.007 0.046 0.083 -0.011 -0.002 0.085 0.026 0.089 0.347 0.015 0.017 0.028 0.124 -0.024 0.003 0.008 0.194 -0.008 0.004 0.142 0.143 0.132 1.000 delta2_posts 0.006 -0.001 0.019 0.000 -0.001 0.033 0.022 0.024 0.017 0.233 0.002 0.012 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.031 0.009 0.292 0.000 0.005 0.022 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.023 0.000 -0.001 0.006 0.024 0.032 0.007 1.000 delta2_playlists 0.005 0.003 0.000 -0.004 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.001 -0.953 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.051 0.001 -0.008 -0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.016 0.000 1.000 delta2_good_country 0.006 0.006 -0.006 0.005 -0.001 -0.006 -0.003 0.002 -0.007 0.002 0.000 -0.010 -0.013 -0.002 -0.005 -0.007 -0.007 -0.006 0.003 0.000 0.000 -0.004 0.006 0.006 -0.029 -0.039 -0.004 0.007 -0.005 -0.006 -0.002 -0.001 0.002 0.000 0.001 1.000