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A Unique Brand
Holiday Hypermarket is an established part of the
TUI portfolio, but has yet to identify itself as a truly
unique brand that stands out in the crowded online
travel market.
We have now settled on a clean and fresh design
that is reflected across all of Holiday Hypermarket
platforms including the website, emails, social
media and print materials.
Standing Out
The next step is to establish a brand voice that
will help toput Holiday Hypermarket on the map
and make it a recognised national brand with
clear values, visions and voice.
Friendly & bubbly
The Holiday Hypermarket demographic is broad:
BookingsWebsite traffic
25-44 50%
Why Tone of Voice Matters
Why Tone of Voice Matters
Tone of voice is extremely important when trying to build a distinctive brand. It’s the personality of your business. It’s
one of the main things people will remember you by. Here’s some examples of current brands that have set the global
“This isn’t just lamb. This is succulent, full flavoured and easy to carve leg of lamb...”
Marks & Spencer
With just three opening words “This isn’t just”, M&S consistently emphasise their high-quality,
value-for-money ethod and show just how effective repitition can be.
“No bits. No rubbish, Our drinks and fruit tubes are just the thing to keep your little
ones’ lunch boxes nice and healthy. You’re welcome”
Innocent Smoothies
Talking to everyone in the same way they talk to their friends ‘but with fewer swear words’
Innocent write in a playful way as if they’re actually talking to someone, rather than selling something
Video Examples
Brand Video Examples
Let’s look at some brand adverts.
The tone of voice of the adverts relates to the
brand image.
TUI Tone of Voice
TUI Tone of Voice
Let’s look at the TUI Tone of Voice. In a nutshell it’s...
Together these three themes demonstrate TUI’s
personality. They show consistency and convey TUI’s
values to their customer. They make TUI sound like TUI.
As for sister company First Choice, their tone of
voice is defined as:
Warm & Conversational
Expert & Insightful
Upbeat & Playful
Holiday Hypermarket
What About Us?
At Holiday Hypermarket, our personality is as
bubbly as our logo. Our tone of voice must be
Our brand pillars must act as the backbone of all
content so that we help our customers...
Bright & Bubbly
Save Money
Save Time
Bright & Bubbly
Bright & Bubbly
We love what we do. To us, Holidays are a time of
happiness, that’s why we are constantly full of
cheerful, high spirits and this should be reflected
right the way through our copy.
No matter what we are writing about, we must
always stay positive, upbeat and ultimately
create a sense of excitement around each topic.
Generating Excitement
To generate excitement and inspire customers,
we don’t need to use a tonne of cheesy adjectives,
instead we can appeal to the senses and create
imagery that sells the experience and makes them
feel something. We want to give customers an idea
of what it might be like to actually be on holiday.
For example, instead of writing “Just metres from
the hotel, you can step onto the sweeping sandy
beach with it’s soft golden sand” you could write,
“The beach is just a flip-flops’ throw from the hotel,
so you can be stretched out with a cold cocktail
listening to Spotify within minutes of waking up.”
Bright & Bubbly
Bright Sparks
We’re bright in more ways than one. Along with
our bright colours and bold designs, we’re bright
sparks when it comes to making big savings.
Our savvy customers probably know we have the
backing of the big brands in TUI & First Choice,
but what we want them to know is that we are
the brighter option, the option where they can
book the right holidat at the best possible price.
Rule Book
Remain positive and upbeat to create a sense
of excitement around the content
Let our bubbly personality shine through
We don’t want to gve the impression that we’re
cheap, but rather that we’re the best value of
any online travel company, so our customers
are the brights ones for spotting that and
holidaying with us
Bright Sparks
It’s important that we take an honest and
transparent approach when writing content. We
must remember that people invest a lot of money,
sometimes their life savings, to go on holiday, so
they want to know they’re in good hands.
By using modern everyday language rather than
stilted ‘corporate speak’ we should be able to show
that we are trustworthy and approachable
Building Trust
To fill customers with turst we must back up our
promises with evidence. Where possible, customer
reviews, Feefo scores and Facebook recommendations
can be used to confirm credibility and highlight that
we are already trusted by thousands of customers.
Communicating with Equals
We never want to come across as a know-it-all as
this tarnishes brand loyalty. With that in mind, we
must remain professional and not step into the
realms of sarcasm or disrespect. If a witty remark
or analogy is made about something, always be
sure you know exactly what you are talking about.
Be senstitive to anything that may sound
patronising, remember you are communicating
with equals.
When writing copy for a destination or hotel that
may have nagative reviews on the web, we must
not shy away. Instead, address the issue and put
a positive spin on it.
Take the TUI Family Life Flamingo Beach Resort
for example. Reviews on TripAdvisor say the pools
are ice cold so when writing about this hotel, we
could say:
“The trio of pools means you’ve got a
large, lagoon-like number, one for activities and
another especially for relaxing. Somehting a little
on the chilly side - they’re a great way to cool off
in the 20+ degree heat.”
This will emphasise that we think of the
customer first.
Rule Book
Remind readers that we are already trusted
by thousands of customers.
Make customers feel thay they know
everything that we know - there’s no secrets.
Highlight that we care more about helping the
customer than we do getting the sale by
addressing negatives and adidng a positive
Approachable & Friendly
An approachable and friendly style of writing
should give our readers the impression that we’re
on their side - we want to help them.
The customer should view us as their bubbly and
well-travelled best friend. They know they can
approach us for travel advice, but they won’t get
the hard sell or feel like they’re talking to a big
faceless corporation.
Customers Should Relate
Include elements that customers can instantly
relate to in your copy. Customers are attracted to
brands they share values with so think about what
they want to know and read about.
By being relatable, the chance of
people thinking of Holiday Hypermarket when
considering options increases. As their reliable
online ‘friend’, we can become the instant go-to
for customers when planning their holiday.
Honest and Accurate
Customers should feel they can ask us anything,
anytime and will recieve honest and accurate
answers as soon as possible. To make it more
personal, probouns like ‘you’, ‘us’ and ‘we’ should
be used consistently throughout all channels.
To make it even more personal, offer information
that can’t be found online anywhere else. Use the
knowledge and experience of all our Holiday
Hypermarket sales tame and provide insider tips
and identify something special.
Rule Book
Speak to the individual - picture someone you
know and write as if you were speaking.
Use personal pronouns - you, we, us etc. to
make the reader feel that they are part of
Remind readers of all the different ways they
can contact us or interact with us - Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Live Chat.
Our Audience
For our tone of voice to be effective, it is vital that
we understand our audience and make sure the
copy we’re writing is appealing and beneficial to
them. Here’s an overview...
Website & Facebook Audience
Website Age
Website Age
Website data collected from Dec 2017-Dec 2018
Refer to the Holiday Hypermarket Target Market Analysis for more information
Writing on Different Platforms
Blogs should also make people enthusiastic about
going on holiday as well as giving the audience
useful information about regions, resorts,
destinations and hotels,
The first paragraph in particular needs to be
bubbly and enthusiastic. It needs to sum up the
subject matter in an exciting way, this will give
the rest of the piece momentum.
Bare in mind that it’s sometimes easier to
rewrite and strengthen the intro once you’ve
finished the rest of the blog.
Break up long stretches of text with subheadings,
questions and use images throughout. Make sure
they’re bubbly and eye-catching to attract your
readers. Use the blog ‘Revealed- the best seats
on the Thomson Dreamliner’ as an example as
this is one of our most popular blogs.
Make sure the blog has relevance- it should be
something that is going to benefit the reader or
include information about a new product/ service
offering. Don’t just write about any old topic for
the sake of posting a blog. Quality is better than
If it’s boring to write, chances are it’ll be boring
to read. If you don’t feel engaged with the subject
matter, do a bit more research and find
something that interests you.
Our Audience
Affinity Category
The lifestyles of our audience
In-Market Segment
The types of userts searching and comparing products
Website data collected from Dec 2017-Dec 2018
Refer to the Holiday Hypermarket Target Market Analysis for more information
Our Audience
Predicted Demographics
Email Age
A Unique Brand
Holiday Hypermarket is an established part of the
TUI portfolio, but has yet to identify itself as a truly
unique brand that stands out in the crowded online
travel market.
We have now settled on a clean and fresh design
that is reflected across all of Holiday Hypermarket
platforms including the website, emails, social
media and print materials.
Writing to Different Audiences
Part-Time in Retail
Customer Service
Married withh 2 children (3 & 5)
Busy mum, savvy shopper, family focussed
Holidays, shopping (bargain hunting), cooking
Juggling time, saving money, finding quick info,
influenced by online reviews
Social Network:
Online Behaviour:
Money Saving Expert, Travel Supermarket
iPhone & iPad
Facebook & Instagram
Comparison websites, online reviews,
discounts, advice blogs
Writing to Different Audiences
Part time retail
Holiday, shopping
Juggling time, saving money,
finding quick info
Full time manager
Working, keeping active, news
Difficult to switch off from
work, finding more time to
spend with the children
Reading, swimming, football
Energetic, needs constant
entertainment, fussy eater
Mobile, social media, friends
Constant phone use, little
interest in family activities,
likes own space
Holiday Planning
How Much Will You Save?
With our slogan ‘How much will you save?’
customers can distinguish the Holiday Hypermarket
brand from TUI and First Choice, despite us selling
the same destinations and products. Whilst we use
TUI and their compelling style as an inspirational
base, our content focuses on the fact that we’re all
about savings. Depending on which platform we
are writing on, here’s how the slogan can be used:
Landing Pages
Each destination landing page should include a
‘How much is…?’ box with key items that
customers would want to know the price of when
visiting a destination. The key items are:
For the region and sub region pages, the same
box will apply with prices that are quick and easy
to access. It is important that we specify that
these act as a rough guide and are subject
to change.
Bottle of water
3 course meal
Pint of Beer
Glass of wine
How Much Will You Save?
With our slogan ‘How much will you save?’
customers can distinguish the Holiday Hypermarket
brand from TUI and First Choice, despite us selling
the same destinations and products. Whilst we use
TUI and their compelling style as an inspirational
base, our content focuses on the fact that we’re all
about savings. Depending on which platform we
are writing on, here’s how the slogan can be used:
Average saving
Up to 4% discount
How much will you save ?
Slogan extension
How much will you save today?
in 2019?
on holidays to Greece?
with Holiday Hypermarket?
the environment?
on family holidays?
when travelling in October?
if you book late?
when eating out in Alcudia?
How Much Will You Save?
Social Media
Each daily deal must highlight how huge savings
can be made with Holiday Hypermarket day in,
day out. Here’s some examples on how to
word it:
Writing on Different Platforms
Landing Pages
Landing pages should make people enthusiastic
about going on holiday. Relaying facts won’t
cut it- we need to appeal to their senses
and emotions.
Avoid any generic descriptions. If you’re able to
switch out the name of one destination or hotel
for another, the copy isn’t specific enough. The
more detail, the better, that way you’ll help the
reader to visualise the destination or hotel itself.
If another destination, region or sub-region is
mentioned, make an internal link but don’t
overkill it. If you mention a region’s beaches,
you might want to link to the ‘best beaches’
page, but don’t add a link every time a beach
is mentioned.
Always start with the most important information
first, we need to capture the readers attention
straight away. If we start with a topic that isn’t
very interesting, the reader is likely to not
bother with the whole page.
Use bubbly, eye-catching subheadings. This
will make the content easy for the reader to
digest. So, for destination landing pages, the
reader can discover the highlights of a
destination quickly. Or for general landing
pages it will help the reader skim through
and easily find the information they’re
looking for.
The number of sections on each page should
be decided upon a case by case basis.
Writing on Different Platforms
Social Media
Social media is a chatty outlet we can use
to engage our audience with the brand and
raise brand awareness.
Make sure the most important points are the
first thing people see! For example, if there’s a
huge discount, amazing price, voucher code
etc. – shout about it. We want to cut through
people’s social feed.
Have a reason or theme for everything you post.
You may have found a great image but link it to
something trending on social media or maybe a
relevant blog post – DON’T post things for
no reason.
Do your research, see what other travel
companies are doing to make them stand out
from the rest of us.
Be relevant to your audience, the majority of our
HH audience sits between 25-44- find topics
fit in with our brand yet are relevant to them.
Use relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram
– you can google top hashtags for travel, beach,
holidays etc..
Don’t forget the all important ‘*’ putting this after
a price ‘£100*’ or ‘based on 2 adults sharing*’
symbolises that this is subject to change and we
have T&C’s to cover this.
Community Management
Community Management
It’s not only important what we post on social
media, but also how we communicate with our
followers/fans. If a customer has a question, worry
or simply wants to share their holiday stories with
us on social media, we must always be willing to
listen. We want to show that we are a friendly
bunch that’ll go the extra mile in making things
easy before, during and after their holiday.
Respond to audience queries as quickly as
possible. As a general rule, all inboxes should be
answered in less than 24 hours.
Always address the user by their first name, this
makes our response more personal.
Use smiley emoji’s where appropriate to highlight
that we are a friendly, bubbly bunch.
All complaints must be acknowledged and
handled in an appropriate way. Complaints
or negative comments should never be ignored
as this may tarnish the fact that we are
If a user complains about price changes we must
sympathise with them on how frustrating it can
be but highlight that new deals come in every
day with huge savings to be made.
It is important to remember that the customer
care we provide today, could influence whether
a potential customer will make a purchase
Community Management
Community Management
Although we are unable to carry out holiday
searches via Facebook or Twitter, we must be
as helpful as possible. This can be done by
including a direct link to the destination page
the user has in mind and clear information on
how they can tailor their holiday search or call
our travel advisors who will be able to assist them
(include call centre open times)
TUI or Holiday Hypermarket?
TUI would say:
“Ready to visit Mexico? We don’t blame you. A holiday to the cactus state has loads to offer, from
exploring ancient Mayan ruins and swimming in world-famous cenotes, to partying with the spring
breakers at the beach. While the winter months are the best time of the year to visit, find out when
hurricane seasons hits, and what you can get up to while you’re visiting.”
Holiday Hypermarket would say:
“So, you’re looking at Mexico for your next holiday destination but you’re wondering when’s the best
time to visit, when does hurricane season strike and what fantastic things you can get up to in the
cactus state itself. That’s what we’re here for. From exploring ancient Mayan ruins and swimming in
world-famous cenotes, to partying with the spring breakers at the beach we’ll help you find exactly
what you’re looking for.”
Bubbly – listing examples of what to expect can create a sense of excitement
Trustworthy – acknowledging that there is a hurricane season but it can be avoided
Approachable - highlighting that we’re here to help
Copywriting Guide
Copywriting Guide
Use small paragraphs. They are much easier
to digest.
Be consistent.
Don’t waffle and keep it simple – if what you’re
saying doesn’t have a point, say something else.
Be friendly and conversational – imagine you’re
talking to a friend.
Read back each paragraph aloud (in your head)
to see if it makes sense.
Keep sentences short -
Always write ‘Holiday Hypermarket’ as two
capitalised words, unless referring to the website
Numbers one to ten are written as words, e.g.
“three swimming pools” not “3 swimming pools”.
Use numerals for 11 onwards.
In sales/marketing copy remember to sell the
benefits, instead of just mentioning the features
eg “The hotel’s three swimming pools provide
plenty of space to enjoy a dip and cool off
without stepping on a toddler”, rather than “The
hotel has three swimming pools”.
Don’t use colons “:” or semi-colons “;”, use
dashes instead – this keeps us inline with TUI
Copywriting Guide
Copywriting Guide
Use exclamation marks sparingly! If you use
them too often readers may think there’s
something wrong with you!
Don’t use jargon or regional slang words. Not
everyone in the UK puts “like” at the end of a
sentence, like
Adopting a more relaxed and open
conversational style doesn’t mean we want to
turn everything into an editorial piece. Make sure
you don’t lose sight of the fact that we are a
business, selling holidays, so don’t be TOO
Brand Voice
We show we’re approachable by being confident, knowledgeable and showing customers we’re happy to help. We show
thet we’re friendly and bubbly by speaking to out customers in a conversational way so they can view us as their bubbly
and well travelled best friend. We show we’re trustworhy by being honest and genuine, using modern everyday language
rather than corporation speak.
Happy to help
Approachable & Helpful Friendly & Bubbly Trustworthy
Brand Voice
Emotional States
Honest & Genuine
Considerate &
Writing Guidelines
Satisfied to Pleased
When customers are satisfied to pleased, they’re
more likely to return to Holiday Hypermarket when
booking their next holiday. Make sure we’re bubbly,
fun and memorable:
One exclamation mark per screen! This shows
we’re enthusiastic but not too shouty.
Describe benefits, not functions:
“We’re updating our website to make it easier
to find the best holiday deals!” rather than,
“We’re making some changes to the website.”
Be playful but don’t take it too far. Sometimes,
jokes don’t translate well through the screen
and can be misinterpreted or people might miss
the point entirely.
Use emojis to help express ourselves
but don’t overuse them
Writing Guidelines
Customers with a neutral outlook may not return
to Holiday Hypermarket so it’s important that
we’re positive, courteous and helpful to give them
a good communication experience:
Using words like ‘you’re’ instead of ‘you are’
makes us sound warm and relateable and shows
the customer that they’re talking to a real person
and not a robot.
Talk as if you’re talking to a friend (to an extent.)
Be friendly and polite and don’t use words you
wouldn’t normally use to keep it simple.
Be straight talking and honest, giving the
customer the most important and useful info
first so they don’t have to go digging - this
makes us look helpful and trustworthy too!
Writing Guidelines
Confused to Angry
This is where we have to be considerate of the
customer, put ourselves in their shoes and
understand their point of view. It’s also useful
to try and deflect the anger and calm the customer
down by reassuring that we will help.
Choose short words that are easy to digest.
Short words feel calm and reassuring.
Make sure to use simple sentences too.
Reading comprehension goes down when
people are angry or anxious.
Be honest and direct. Use phrases like,
“We made a mistake” as opposed to
“A mistake was made”
Be apologetic but don’t overdo it. At this point,
the customer just wants the problem sorting
as soon as possible.

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  • 2. Introduction A Unique Brand Holiday Hypermarket is an established part of the TUI portfolio, but has yet to identify itself as a truly unique brand that stands out in the crowded online travel market. We have now settled on a clean and fresh design that is reflected across all of Holiday Hypermarket platforms including the website, emails, social media and print materials. Standing Out The next step is to establish a brand voice that will help toput Holiday Hypermarket on the map and make it a recognised national brand with clear values, visions and voice. Approachable Friendly & bubbly Trustworthy Audience The Holiday Hypermarket demographic is broad: 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ BookingsWebsite traffic 6% 22% 21% 23% 17% 11% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 3% 12% 14% 25% 26% 19% Facebook 25-44 50% Email 25-34 35-44 45-54 24% 21% 29%
  • 3. Why Tone of Voice Matters Why Tone of Voice Matters Tone of voice is extremely important when trying to build a distinctive brand. It’s the personality of your business. It’s one of the main things people will remember you by. Here’s some examples of current brands that have set the global benchmark: “This isn’t just lamb. This is succulent, full flavoured and easy to carve leg of lamb...” Marks & Spencer With just three opening words “This isn’t just”, M&S consistently emphasise their high-quality, value-for-money ethod and show just how effective repitition can be. “No bits. No rubbish, Our drinks and fruit tubes are just the thing to keep your little ones’ lunch boxes nice and healthy. You’re welcome” Innocent Smoothies Talking to everyone in the same way they talk to their friends ‘but with fewer swear words’ Innocent write in a playful way as if they’re actually talking to someone, rather than selling something
  • 4. Video Examples Brand Video Examples Let’s look at some brand adverts. The tone of voice of the adverts relates to the brand image.
  • 5. TUI Tone of Voice TUI Tone of Voice Let’s look at the TUI Tone of Voice. In a nutshell it’s... Together these three themes demonstrate TUI’s personality. They show consistency and convey TUI’s values to their customer. They make TUI sound like TUI. As for sister company First Choice, their tone of voice is defined as: Warm & Conversational Expert & Insightful Calm Upbeat & Playful Understanding In-the-know
  • 6. Holiday Hypermarket What About Us? At Holiday Hypermarket, our personality is as bubbly as our logo. Our tone of voice must be consistently... Our brand pillars must act as the backbone of all content so that we help our customers... Bright & Bubbly Approachable Trustworthy Save Money Save Time
  • 7. Bright & Bubbly Bright & Bubbly We love what we do. To us, Holidays are a time of happiness, that’s why we are constantly full of cheerful, high spirits and this should be reflected right the way through our copy. No matter what we are writing about, we must always stay positive, upbeat and ultimately create a sense of excitement around each topic. Generating Excitement To generate excitement and inspire customers, we don’t need to use a tonne of cheesy adjectives, instead we can appeal to the senses and create imagery that sells the experience and makes them feel something. We want to give customers an idea of what it might be like to actually be on holiday. For example, instead of writing “Just metres from the hotel, you can step onto the sweeping sandy beach with it’s soft golden sand” you could write, “The beach is just a flip-flops’ throw from the hotel, so you can be stretched out with a cold cocktail listening to Spotify within minutes of waking up.”
  • 8. Bright & Bubbly Bright Sparks We’re bright in more ways than one. Along with our bright colours and bold designs, we’re bright sparks when it comes to making big savings. Our savvy customers probably know we have the backing of the big brands in TUI & First Choice, but what we want them to know is that we are the brighter option, the option where they can book the right holidat at the best possible price. Rule Book Remain positive and upbeat to create a sense of excitement around the content Let our bubbly personality shine through We don’t want to gve the impression that we’re cheap, but rather that we’re the best value of any online travel company, so our customers are the brights ones for spotting that and holidaying with us
  • 9. Trustworthy Bright Sparks It’s important that we take an honest and transparent approach when writing content. We must remember that people invest a lot of money, sometimes their life savings, to go on holiday, so they want to know they’re in good hands. By using modern everyday language rather than stilted ‘corporate speak’ we should be able to show that we are trustworthy and approachable Building Trust To fill customers with turst we must back up our promises with evidence. Where possible, customer reviews, Feefo scores and Facebook recommendations can be used to confirm credibility and highlight that we are already trusted by thousands of customers. Communicating with Equals We never want to come across as a know-it-all as this tarnishes brand loyalty. With that in mind, we must remain professional and not step into the realms of sarcasm or disrespect. If a witty remark or analogy is made about something, always be sure you know exactly what you are talking about. Be senstitive to anything that may sound patronising, remember you are communicating with equals.
  • 10. Trustworthy Positives When writing copy for a destination or hotel that may have nagative reviews on the web, we must not shy away. Instead, address the issue and put a positive spin on it. Take the TUI Family Life Flamingo Beach Resort for example. Reviews on TripAdvisor say the pools are ice cold so when writing about this hotel, we could say: “The trio of pools means you’ve got a large, lagoon-like number, one for activities and another especially for relaxing. Somehting a little on the chilly side - they’re a great way to cool off in the 20+ degree heat.” This will emphasise that we think of the customer first. Rule Book Remind readers that we are already trusted by thousands of customers. Make customers feel thay they know everything that we know - there’s no secrets. Highlight that we care more about helping the customer than we do getting the sale by addressing negatives and adidng a positive outlook.
  • 11. Approachable Approachable & Friendly An approachable and friendly style of writing should give our readers the impression that we’re on their side - we want to help them. The customer should view us as their bubbly and well-travelled best friend. They know they can approach us for travel advice, but they won’t get the hard sell or feel like they’re talking to a big faceless corporation. Customers Should Relate Include elements that customers can instantly relate to in your copy. Customers are attracted to brands they share values with so think about what they want to know and read about. By being relatable, the chance of people thinking of Holiday Hypermarket when considering options increases. As their reliable online ‘friend’, we can become the instant go-to for customers when planning their holiday.
  • 12. Approachable Honest and Accurate Customers should feel they can ask us anything, anytime and will recieve honest and accurate answers as soon as possible. To make it more personal, probouns like ‘you’, ‘us’ and ‘we’ should be used consistently throughout all channels. To make it even more personal, offer information that can’t be found online anywhere else. Use the knowledge and experience of all our Holiday Hypermarket sales tame and provide insider tips and identify something special. Rule Book Speak to the individual - picture someone you know and write as if you were speaking. Use personal pronouns - you, we, us etc. to make the reader feel that they are part of something Remind readers of all the different ways they can contact us or interact with us - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Live Chat.
  • 13. Audience Our Audience For our tone of voice to be effective, it is vital that we understand our audience and make sure the copy we’re writing is appealing and beneficial to them. Here’s an overview... Website & Facebook Audience Website Female Male 61% 39% Website Age 25-34 35-44 45-54 22% 21% 23% Facebook Female Male 76% 24% Website Age 25-34 35-44 45-54 25% 25% 15% Website data collected from Dec 2017-Dec 2018 Refer to the Holiday Hypermarket Target Market Analysis for more information
  • 14. Writing on Different Platforms Blogs Blogs should also make people enthusiastic about going on holiday as well as giving the audience useful information about regions, resorts, destinations and hotels, The first paragraph in particular needs to be bubbly and enthusiastic. It needs to sum up the subject matter in an exciting way, this will give the rest of the piece momentum. Bare in mind that it’s sometimes easier to rewrite and strengthen the intro once you’ve finished the rest of the blog. Break up long stretches of text with subheadings, questions and use images throughout. Make sure they’re bubbly and eye-catching to attract your readers. Use the blog ‘Revealed- the best seats on the Thomson Dreamliner’ as an example as this is one of our most popular blogs. Make sure the blog has relevance- it should be something that is going to benefit the reader or include information about a new product/ service offering. Don’t just write about any old topic for the sake of posting a blog. Quality is better than quantity. If it’s boring to write, chances are it’ll be boring to read. If you don’t feel engaged with the subject matter, do a bit more research and find something that interests you.
  • 15. Audience Our Audience Affinity Category The lifestyles of our audience In-Market Segment The types of userts searching and comparing products Website data collected from Dec 2017-Dec 2018 Refer to the Holiday Hypermarket Target Market Analysis for more information
  • 17. A Unique Brand Holiday Hypermarket is an established part of the TUI portfolio, but has yet to identify itself as a truly unique brand that stands out in the crowded online travel market. We have now settled on a clean and fresh design that is reflected across all of Holiday Hypermarket platforms including the website, emails, social media and print materials. Writing to Different Audiences Age: Gender: Location: Occupation: 40 Female UK Part-Time in Retail Customer Service Family: Lifestyle: Interests: Challenges: Married withh 2 children (3 & 5) Busy mum, savvy shopper, family focussed Holidays, shopping (bargain hunting), cooking Juggling time, saving money, finding quick info, influenced by online reviews Blogs: Technology: Social Network: Communication: Online Behaviour: Money Saving Expert, Travel Supermarket iPhone & iPad Facebook & Instagram WhatsApp/Email Comparison websites, online reviews, discounts, advice blogs
  • 18. Writing to Different Audiences Mum Age: Occupation: Interests: Challenges: 40 Part time retail Holiday, shopping Juggling time, saving money, finding quick info Dad Age: Occupation: Interests: Challenges: 45 Full time manager Working, keeping active, news Difficult to switch off from work, finding more time to spend with the children Harry Age: Interests: Challenges: 6 Reading, swimming, football Energetic, needs constant entertainment, fussy eater Eliza Age: Interests: Challenges: 14 Mobile, social media, friends Constant phone use, little interest in family activities, likes own space
  • 20. How Much Will You Save? Slogan With our slogan ‘How much will you save?’ customers can distinguish the Holiday Hypermarket brand from TUI and First Choice, despite us selling the same destinations and products. Whilst we use TUI and their compelling style as an inspirational base, our content focuses on the fact that we’re all about savings. Depending on which platform we are writing on, here’s how the slogan can be used: Landing Pages Each destination landing page should include a ‘How much is…?’ box with key items that customers would want to know the price of when visiting a destination. The key items are: For the region and sub region pages, the same box will apply with prices that are quick and easy to access. It is important that we specify that these act as a rough guide and are subject to change. Bottle of water 3 course meal Pint of Beer Glass of wine
  • 21. How Much Will You Save? Slogan With our slogan ‘How much will you save?’ customers can distinguish the Holiday Hypermarket brand from TUI and First Choice, despite us selling the same destinations and products. Whilst we use TUI and their compelling style as an inspirational base, our content focuses on the fact that we’re all about savings. Depending on which platform we are writing on, here’s how the slogan can be used:
  • 22. SloganSlogan Personalised Individuals Average saving Up to 4% discount Time Money How much will you save ?
  • 23. Slogan extension How much will you save today? in 2019? on holidays to Greece? with Holiday Hypermarket? the environment? on family holidays? when travelling in October? if you book late? when eating out in Alcudia?
  • 24. How Much Will You Save? Social Media Each daily deal must highlight how huge savings can be made with Holiday Hypermarket day in, day out. Here’s some examples on how to word it:
  • 25. Writing on Different Platforms Landing Pages Landing pages should make people enthusiastic about going on holiday. Relaying facts won’t cut it- we need to appeal to their senses and emotions. Avoid any generic descriptions. If you’re able to switch out the name of one destination or hotel for another, the copy isn’t specific enough. The more detail, the better, that way you’ll help the reader to visualise the destination or hotel itself. If another destination, region or sub-region is mentioned, make an internal link but don’t overkill it. If you mention a region’s beaches, you might want to link to the ‘best beaches’ page, but don’t add a link every time a beach is mentioned. Always start with the most important information first, we need to capture the readers attention straight away. If we start with a topic that isn’t very interesting, the reader is likely to not bother with the whole page. Use bubbly, eye-catching subheadings. This will make the content easy for the reader to digest. So, for destination landing pages, the reader can discover the highlights of a destination quickly. Or for general landing pages it will help the reader skim through and easily find the information they’re looking for. The number of sections on each page should be decided upon a case by case basis.
  • 26. Writing on Different Platforms Social Media Social media is a chatty outlet we can use to engage our audience with the brand and raise brand awareness. Make sure the most important points are the first thing people see! For example, if there’s a huge discount, amazing price, voucher code etc. – shout about it. We want to cut through people’s social feed. Have a reason or theme for everything you post. You may have found a great image but link it to something trending on social media or maybe a relevant blog post – DON’T post things for no reason. Do your research, see what other travel companies are doing to make them stand out from the rest of us. Be relevant to your audience, the majority of our HH audience sits between 25-44- find topics that fit in with our brand yet are relevant to them. Use relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram – you can google top hashtags for travel, beach, holidays etc.. Don’t forget the all important ‘*’ putting this after a price ‘£100*’ or ‘based on 2 adults sharing*’ symbolises that this is subject to change and we have T&C’s to cover this.
  • 27. Community Management Community Management It’s not only important what we post on social media, but also how we communicate with our followers/fans. If a customer has a question, worry or simply wants to share their holiday stories with us on social media, we must always be willing to listen. We want to show that we are a friendly bunch that’ll go the extra mile in making things easy before, during and after their holiday. Respond to audience queries as quickly as possible. As a general rule, all inboxes should be answered in less than 24 hours. Always address the user by their first name, this makes our response more personal. Use smiley emoji’s where appropriate to highlight that we are a friendly, bubbly bunch. All complaints must be acknowledged and handled in an appropriate way. Complaints or negative comments should never be ignored as this may tarnish the fact that we are trustworthy. If a user complains about price changes we must sympathise with them on how frustrating it can be but highlight that new deals come in every day with huge savings to be made. It is important to remember that the customer care we provide today, could influence whether a potential customer will make a purchase tomorrow.
  • 28. Community Management Community Management Although we are unable to carry out holiday searches via Facebook or Twitter, we must be as helpful as possible. This can be done by including a direct link to the destination page the user has in mind and clear information on how they can tailor their holiday search or call our travel advisors who will be able to assist them (include call centre open times)
  • 29. TUI or Holiday Hypermarket? TUI would say: “Ready to visit Mexico? We don’t blame you. A holiday to the cactus state has loads to offer, from exploring ancient Mayan ruins and swimming in world-famous cenotes, to partying with the spring breakers at the beach. While the winter months are the best time of the year to visit, find out when hurricane seasons hits, and what you can get up to while you’re visiting.” Holiday Hypermarket would say: “So, you’re looking at Mexico for your next holiday destination but you’re wondering when’s the best time to visit, when does hurricane season strike and what fantastic things you can get up to in the cactus state itself. That’s what we’re here for. From exploring ancient Mayan ruins and swimming in world-famous cenotes, to partying with the spring breakers at the beach we’ll help you find exactly what you’re looking for.” Bubbly – listing examples of what to expect can create a sense of excitement Trustworthy – acknowledging that there is a hurricane season but it can be avoided Approachable - highlighting that we’re here to help
  • 30. Copywriting Guide Copywriting Guide Use small paragraphs. They are much easier to digest. Be consistent. Don’t waffle and keep it simple – if what you’re saying doesn’t have a point, say something else. Be friendly and conversational – imagine you’re talking to a friend. Read back each paragraph aloud (in your head) to see if it makes sense. Keep sentences short - Always write ‘Holiday Hypermarket’ as two capitalised words, unless referring to the website as Numbers one to ten are written as words, e.g. “three swimming pools” not “3 swimming pools”. Use numerals for 11 onwards. In sales/marketing copy remember to sell the benefits, instead of just mentioning the features eg “The hotel’s three swimming pools provide plenty of space to enjoy a dip and cool off without stepping on a toddler”, rather than “The hotel has three swimming pools”. Don’t use colons “:” or semi-colons “;”, use dashes instead – this keeps us inline with TUI policy.
  • 31. Copywriting Guide Copywriting Guide Use exclamation marks sparingly! If you use them too often readers may think there’s something wrong with you! Don’t use jargon or regional slang words. Not everyone in the UK puts “like” at the end of a sentence, like Adopting a more relaxed and open conversational style doesn’t mean we want to turn everything into an editorial piece. Make sure you don’t lose sight of the fact that we are a business, selling holidays, so don’t be TOO opinionated.
  • 32. Brand Voice Tones We show we’re approachable by being confident, knowledgeable and showing customers we’re happy to help. We show thet we’re friendly and bubbly by speaking to out customers in a conversational way so they can view us as their bubbly and well travelled best friend. We show we’re trustworhy by being honest and genuine, using modern everyday language rather than corporation speak. Confident Happy to help Knowledgeable Happy Conversational Relateable Honest Genuine Fair Approachable & Helpful Friendly & Bubbly Trustworthy Voice Tones
  • 34. Writing Guidelines Satisfied to Pleased When customers are satisfied to pleased, they’re more likely to return to Holiday Hypermarket when booking their next holiday. Make sure we’re bubbly, fun and memorable: One exclamation mark per screen! This shows we’re enthusiastic but not too shouty. Describe benefits, not functions: “We’re updating our website to make it easier to find the best holiday deals!” rather than, “We’re making some changes to the website.” Be playful but don’t take it too far. Sometimes, jokes don’t translate well through the screen and can be misinterpreted or people might miss the point entirely. Use emojis to help express ourselves but don’t overuse them
  • 35. Writing Guidelines Neutral Customers with a neutral outlook may not return to Holiday Hypermarket so it’s important that we’re positive, courteous and helpful to give them a good communication experience: Using words like ‘you’re’ instead of ‘you are’ makes us sound warm and relateable and shows the customer that they’re talking to a real person and not a robot. Talk as if you’re talking to a friend (to an extent.) Be friendly and polite and don’t use words you wouldn’t normally use to keep it simple. Be straight talking and honest, giving the customer the most important and useful info first so they don’t have to go digging - this makes us look helpful and trustworthy too!
  • 36. Writing Guidelines Confused to Angry This is where we have to be considerate of the customer, put ourselves in their shoes and understand their point of view. It’s also useful to try and deflect the anger and calm the customer down by reassuring that we will help. Choose short words that are easy to digest. Short words feel calm and reassuring. Make sure to use simple sentences too. Reading comprehension goes down when people are angry or anxious. Be honest and direct. Use phrases like, “We made a mistake” as opposed to “A mistake was made” Be apologetic but don’t overdo it. At this point, the customer just wants the problem sorting as soon as possible.