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                      Learning Center
                    Children's Health
                    Learn about children's health
                                                     Children grow and change so quickly. Our Growth and Development topics can tell you what to
                                                     expect at each stage of childhood. And our health topics can help you care for them when they're

                                                     You can find information you need to keep your child healthy and thriving in topics such as:

                                                         Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years.

                                                         Healthy Eating for Children.

                                                         Healthy Habits for Kids.

                              Asthma in Children.


                              Depression in Children and Teens.

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Health Topics
                       Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger
                       ADHD and Hyperactivity
                       ADHD M edicines: Suicide Warning for Strattera
                       ADHD M yths and Facts
                       ADHD: Other Conditions With Similar Symptoms
                       ADHD: Social Skills Training
                       ADHD: Tests for Other Disorders
                       Adolescent Sensory and M otor Development
                       Alcohol Effects on a Fetus
                       Allergic Rhinitis M edicines and Children
                       Allergy Kit
                       Anger, Hostility, and Violent Behaviour
                       Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel (AJGP)
                       Asperger's Syndrome
                       Asthma Action Plan
                       Asthma in Children
                       Asthma in Children: Knowing How Bad an Attack Is
                       Asthma: Educating Yourself and Your Child
                       Asthma: Overuse of Quick-Relief M edicines
                       Asthma: Pollen as a Trigger
                       Asthma's Impact on Your Child's Life
                       Atopic Dermatitis
                       Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
                       Autism and Vaccines
                       Autism: Behavioural Training and M anagement
                       Avoiding M ercury in Fish
                       Avoiding Temper Tantrums
                       Back Pain in Children and Teenagers

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Barking Coughs in Children
                       Basic Dental Care
                       Behaviour Rating Scales for ADHD
                       Behaviour Therapy for ADHD
                       Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens
                       Bipolar Disorder in Children: Other Health Problems That M ay Occur
                       Bipolar Disorder in Children: School Issues
                       Biting as a Behavior Problem
                       Bladder Exercises for Bedwetting
                       Bone Remodeling for M alocclusion
                       Brace (Orthotic) Treatment for Scoliosis
                       Breath-Holding Spells
                       Breath-Holding Spells: Helping Your Child Avoid Injury
                       Breath-Holding Spells: Keeping a Record
                       Brushing a Child's Teeth
                       Brushing and Flossing a Child's Teeth
                       Bullying: Building a Child's Self-Esteem
                       Bullying: How to Help Your Child Who Bullies
                       Bullying: Signs a Child Is Bullied
                       Celiac Disease
                       Cerebral Palsy
                       Cerebral Palsy: Bathing and Grooming Tips
                       Cerebral Palsy: Controversial Treatments
                       Cerebral Palsy: Help for Speech Problems
                       Cerebral Palsy: Safety Tips
                       Chickenpox (Varicella)
                       Chickenpox: Preventing Skin Infections
                       Child Abuse and Neglect
                       Child Abuse: Emotional Abuse by Parents
                       Child Abuse: Signs of Neglect
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Child Car Seats
                       Child Care Providers: Licensing Standards
                       Child Care Providers: Safe Child-Staff Ratio and Group Size
                       Child Care: Interviewing Care Providers
                       Child Care: Qualifications for Providers
                       Child Care: When to Keep Your Child at Home
                       Child Safety: Air Pollution
                       Child Safety: Bicycles and Tricycles
                       Child Safety: Guns and Firearms
                       Child Safety: Preventing Child Abduction
                       Child Safety: Streets and Cars
                       Children and M alaria: Reducing the Risk
                       Children's Camps
                       Children's Growth Chart
                       Choking Rescue Procedure (Heimlich M anoeuvre)
                       Choosing Child Care
                       Classification of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
                       Classification of Hydrocephalus
                       Classification of Juvenile Arthritis
                       Cleaning Your Young Son's Natural (Uncircumcised) Penis
                       Cleaning Your Young Son's Natural Penis
                       Cleft Lip
                       Cleft Palate
                       Cleft Palate Treatment After Surgery
                       Club Foot
                       Cochlear Implants and M eningitis
                       Communicating Effectively With a Child Care Provider
                       Comparing Symptoms of Normal M oodiness With Depression in Children
                       Complications From Klinefelter Syndrome
                       Complications of Ear Infections
                       Conditions Related to Dyslexia
                       Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression in Children and Teens
                       Congenital Heart Defects
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Congenital Hydrocephalus
                       Connection Between Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
                       Constipation, Age 11 and Younger
                       Corporal Punishment
                       Cough Symptoms in Children
                       Coughs, Age 11 and Younger
                       Crib Safety
                       Crying: Tired or Overstimulated
                       Cystic Fibrosis
                       Daytime Accidental Wetting (Diurnal Enuresis)
                       Dealing With Childhood Fears
                       Dealing With Emergencies
                       Dehydration: Drinking Enough Fluids
                       Dental Checkups for Children and Adults
                       Dental Sealants
                       Depression in Children and Teens
                       Diabetes in Children: Care Plan for School or Day Care
                       Diabetes in Children: Food Issues at School
                       Diabetes in Children: Snack Ideas for Preschoolers
                       Diabetes: Urine Test for Sugar
                       Diabetes: When to Test Your Child's Blood Sugar
                       Diarrhea, Age 11 and Younger
                       Differences Between ADHD and Bipolar Disorder in Children
                       Disc Battery in the Nose
                       Disposable Underpants for Bed-Wetting
                       Doctors Who Treat Cleft Lip and Palate
                       Domestic Abuse
                       Domestic Violence
                       Domestic Violence: Checklist of Things to Take When You Leave
                       Domestic Violence: Getting a Protective Order
                       Down Syndrome
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Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Dress Independently
                       Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently
                       Dry-Bed Training for Bed-Wetting
                       Ear Infections
                       Ear Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and Younger
                       Early Disease Detection
                       Early Treatment for M alocclusion
                       Effective Parenting and Disciplining Children
                       Egocentric and M agical Thinking
                       Emotional and Social Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years
                       Emotional Development, Ages 2 to 5 Years
                       Epinephrine for Croup
                       Establishing Limits With Your School-Age Child
                       Evaluating Your Child's Hearing
                       Extracting Teeth for M alocclusion Treatment
                       Failure to Thrive
                       Family M eetings
                       Family Therapy for Depression in Children
                       Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility
                       Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Signs That Your Child Needs to Be Evaluated
                       Fever Seizures
                       Fever, Age 11 and Younger
                       Fifth Disease
                       Flouride During Childhood
                       Food Allergies
                       Gastroesophageal Reflux in Babies and Children
                       Getting Children to Brush Their Teeth
                       Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D
                       Glucocorticoids for Croup
                       Goniotomy for Glaucoma
                       Grief: Helping Children Understand
                       Group Child Care Centre Policies
                       Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years
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Growth and Development, Ages 2 to 5 Years
                       Growth and Development, Ages 6 to 10 Years
                       Hand-Foot-and-M outh Disease
                       Head Injuries in Children: Problems to Watch For
                       Head Injury, Age 4 and Older
                       Headaches in Children
                       Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years
                       Health Canada and FDA Advisories for Antidepressants
                       Healthy Activity Habits for Children
                       Healthy Attitudes Toward Food and Exercise
                       Healthy Eating for Children
                       Healthy Eating in Children: Factors That Influence Food Choices
                       Healthy Eating in Children: Problems Caused by Poor Nutrition
                       Healthy Habits for Kids
                       Heat Rash
                       Heat Waves
                       Heat-Related Illnesses
                       Heatstroke Prevention: Acclimating to the Heat
                       Heatstroke Prevention: What to Wear
                       Help for Anger Problems
                       Help Your School-Age Child Develop Social Skills
                       Helping Children During Immunizations
                       Helping the Overweight Child
                       Helping Your School-Age Child Learn About the Body
                       Hip Injuries, Age 11 and Younger
                       Hip Problems, Age 11 and Younger
                       Hirschsprung's Disease
                       HIV Symptoms in Children
                       How ADHD Affects Your Child
                       How Adolescent Thinking Develops
                       How Asthma Develops in Children
                       Hypothyroidism in Infants, Children, and Teens
                       Immunization Safety
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                       Immunizations: Questions Parents Ask
                       Importance of Immunizations
                       Improving Your Child's Fitness
                       Inguinal Hernia: Surgery in Children
                       Interactive Tool: What Is Your Child's BM I?
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Adult Treatments That M ay Be Used in Children
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Balancing Rest and Activity
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Deciding About Total Joint Replacement
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Features of DM ARD and SSARD Drugs
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Growth Problems
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Inflammatory Eye Disease
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Range-of-M otion Exercises
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: School Partners
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Serial Casting
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Stretching and Strengthening Exercises
                       Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Treatment With Heat, Cold, or Water
                       Kawasaki Disease
                       Kawasaki Disease: Criteria to Diagnose
                       Ketogenic diet for epilepsy
                       Klinefelter Syndrome
                       Lead Poisoning
                       Lead Poisoning in Children: Questions Before Screening
                       Lice: Cleaning Lice From Combs, Clothing, and Other Items
                       Lice: Removing Nits From Hair
                       Little Leaguer's Elbow (M edial Apophysitis)
                       Low Blood Sugar: Emergency Care for a Child
                       M alocclusion and Orthodontics
                       M easles (Rubeola)
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M edical Causes of Bed-Wetting
                       M edical Checkups for Adolescents
                       M enarche
                       M ilestones for 4-Year-Olds
                       M ilestones for 5-Year-Olds
                       M itral Valve Prolapse: Children Who Play Sports
                       M oisture Alarms for Bed-Wetting
                       M olluscum Contagiosum
                       M otivational Therapy for Bed-Wetting
                       M outh Breathing and M alocclusion
                       M outh Guards for Sports
                       M umps
                       M unchausen Syndrome by Proxy
                       Nail Problems and Injuries
                       Nausea and Vomiting, Age 11 and Younger
                       Nausea and Vomiting, Age 12 and Older
                       Nephrotic Syndrome
                       Non-Verbal Learning Disorder
                       Nurturing Your Child to Improve Learning and Attention
                       Object Stuck in a Child's Airway
                       Orchiopexy for Undescended Testicle
                       Overweight Child: Evaluating Nutrition and Activity Patterns
                       Overweight Children: M edical Evaluation
                       Peanut Allergy
                       Pediatric Preparation for M edical Tests
                       Pervasive Developmental Disorders
                       Physical Abuse
                       Physical Abuse: Common Injuries in Children
                       Physical Activity for Children and Teens
                       Physical Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years
                       Playground Safety
                       Preschoolers: Building a Sense of Security
                       Preschoolers: Building Self-Control
                       Preschoolers: Building Social Skills
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Preschoolers: Encouraging Independence
                       Preschoolers: Helping Your Child Explore
                       Preventing Breath-Holding Spells in Children
                       Preventing Choking
                       Preventing Poisoning in Young Children
                       Protecting Your Child From Drowning Hazards
                       Protecting Your Skin From the Sun
                       Public Areas and Exposure to Infections
                       Questions About Inguinal Hernia Surgery
                       Questions Your Doctor M ay Ask Before Prescribing M edicine for Depression in Children and Teens
                       Quick Tips: Giving Over-the-Counter M edicines to Children
                       Quick Tips: Helping Your Child Stay Safe and Healthy
                       Radial Head Subluxation
                       Radiation Exposure: Risks and Health Effects
                       Rash, Age 11 and Younger
                       Recognizing and Developing Your Children's Special Talents
                       Recurrent Abdominal Pain (RAP)
                       Recurrent Ear Infections and Persistent Effusion
                       Reducing Biting in Children Ages 15 to 36 M onths
                       Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger
                       Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection
                       Reye Syndrome
                       RSV: Risk of Complications
                       Safety Around Irrigation Canals
                       Screening for Hearing Problems
                       Self-Awakening for Bed-Wetting
                       Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape)
                       Sexual Abuse: Knowing About Sex at Too Young an Age
                       Sexual Abuse: Signs in Children
                       Shaken Baby Syndrome
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Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
                       Sore Throat
                       Speech and Language Development
                       Speech and Language Development: Red Flags
                       Speech and Language M ilestones, Ages 3 to 5 Years
                       Speech Problems: Normal Disfluency
                       Speech Problems: Stuttering and Normal Disfluency
                       Spina Bifida
                       Sponge Bath for a Child's Fever
                       Stress in Children and Teens
                       Stuttering: Risk Factors
                       Stuttering: Speech-Language Pathologist
                       Sucking and M alocclusion
                       Symptoms of Depression in Children
                       Talking With Your Child About Sex
                       Tay-Sachs Disease
                       Teething: Common Concerns
                       Temper Tantrums
                       Thumb-Sucking Vs. Pacifier Use
                       Tips for Parents of Children With Epilepsy
                       Toilet Training
                       Toilet Training: Knowing When Your Child Is Ready
                       Tooth Development in Children
                       Tourette's Disorder
                       Trabeculotomy for Glaucoma
                       Treating Tuberculosis in Children
                       Treatment for M alocclusion
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Tuberculosis in Infants and Children
                       Tubes for Ear Infections
                       Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Caring for Your Child
                       Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Emotional Issues
                       Type 1 Diabetes in Children: M aking M ealtime Happier
                       Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Safe Exercise
                       Type 1 Diabetes: Children Living With the Disease
                       Type 1 Diabetes: Your Child's Role in Care
                       Type 2 Diabetes in Children
                       Type 2 Diabetes: Screening for Children
                       Types of M alocclusion
                       Types of Strabismus
                       Umbilical Hernia in Children
                       Unproven Treatments for Autism
                       Urinary Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and Younger
                       Urinary Tract Infections in Children
                       Using Vaporizers and Humidifiers
                       Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)
                       Violent Behaviour
                       Warning Signs of Suicide in Children and Teens
                       Warts and Plantar Warts
                       Ways to Comfort a Baby in the Hospital
                       Well-Child Visits
                       When to Treat M alocclusion
                       Your Child and the Dentist

                        Medical Tests
                       Body Temperature
                       Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
                       Galactosemia Test
                       Luteinizing Hormone
                       Stool Analysis

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Sweat Test
                       Tay-Sachs Test
                       Urine Test

                       Antibiotics for M iddle Ear Infection
                       Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Children
                       Antihistamines for Itching From Chickenpox
                       Antihypertensives for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
                       Antimalarials for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Antipsychotics for Child and Teen Bipolar Disorder
                       Antiviral M edicines for Chickenpox
                       Atomoxetine (Strattera) for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
                       Biologics for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Chelating Agents for Lead Poisoning
                       Corticosteroids for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Corticosteroids for Nephrotic Syndrome
                       Desmopressin for Bedwetting
                       Hormone Therapy for Undescended Testicle
                       Lindane for Lice
                       M ethotrexate for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       M ood Stabilizers for Child and Teen Bipolar Disorder
                       Oxybutynin for Daytime Wetting and Bedwetting
                       Permethrin for Lice
                       Pyrethrins and Piperonyl Butoxide for Lice
                       Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) for Depression in Children and Teens
                       Stimulants for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
                       Sulfasalazine for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
                       Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) for Bedwetting

                        Make a Wise Decision
                       ADHD: Should M y Child Take M edicine for ADHD?
                       Bedwetting: Should I Do Something About M y Child's Bedwetting?

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Bedwetting: Should M y Child See a Doctor?
                       Depression: Should M y Child Take M edicine to Treat Depression?
                       Ear Infection: Should I Give M y Child Antibiotics?
                       Ear Problems: Should M y Child Be Treated for Fluid Buildup in the M iddle Ear?
                       HPV: Should M y Daughter Get the Vaccine?
                       Scoliosis: Should I (or my child) have surgery?
                       Tonsillitis: Should M y Child Have a Tonsillectomy?
                       Umbilical hernia: Should my child have surgery?

                        Take Action
                       ADHD: Helping Your Child Get the M ost out of School
                       ADHD: Helping Your Child Get Things Done
                       Allergies in Children: Giving an Epinephrine Shot to a Child
                       Amblyopia: Wearing an eyepatch
                       Asthma in Children: Helping a Child Use a M etered-Dose Inhaler and M ask Spacer
                       Asthma: Taking Charge of Your Asthma
                       Asthma: Using an Asthma Action Plan
                       Bipolar Disorder in Children: Helping Your Child Prevent M anic Episodes
                       Chickenpox: Controlling the Itch
                       Croup: M anaging a Croup Attack
                       Cystic Fibrosis: Helping Your Child Cough Up M ucus
                       Diabetes in Children: Checking Blood Sugar in a Child
                       Diabetes in children: Counting carbs
                       Diabetes in Children: Dealing With Low Blood Sugar
                       Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child
                       Diabetes in Children: Preparing a Care Plan for School
                       Diabetes in Children: Preventing High Blood Sugar
                       Diabetes in Children: Preventing Low Blood Sugar
                       Fitness: Teaching Your Child to Stay Active
                       Grief: Helping children with grief
                       Growth and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem
                       Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits
                       Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well
                       Stress M anagement: Helping Your Child With Stress
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Thumb-Sucking: Helping Your Child Stop

                    Last Revised: April 26, 2012
                    Author: Healthwise Staff
                    Medical Review : Adam Husney, MD, MD - Family Medicine

                                           PRINT                                              HELP

                                                                             This infor mation does not r eplace the advice of a doctor . Healthwise,
                                                                             Incor por ated disclaims any war r anty or liability for your use of this
                                                                             infor mation.

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Healthmedicinet children's health

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  • 12. Tuberculosis in Infants and Children Tubes for Ear Infections Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Caring for Your Child Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Emotional Issues Type 1 Diabetes in Children: M aking M ealtime Happier Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Safe Exercise Type 1 Diabetes: Children Living With the Disease Type 1 Diabetes: Your Child's Role in Care Type 2 Diabetes in Children Type 2 Diabetes: Screening for Children Types of M alocclusion Types of Strabismus Umbilical Hernia in Children Unproven Treatments for Autism Urinary Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and Younger Urinary Tract Infections in Children Using Vaporizers and Humidifiers Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) Violent Behaviour Warning Signs of Suicide in Children and Teens Warts and Plantar Warts Ways to Comfort a Baby in the Hospital Well-Child Visits When to Treat M alocclusion Your Child and the Dentist Medical Tests Body Temperature Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Galactosemia Test Lead Luteinizing Hormone Stool Analysis open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 13. Sweat Test Tay-Sachs Test Urine Test Medications Antibiotics for M iddle Ear Infection Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Children Antihistamines for Itching From Chickenpox Antihypertensives for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Antimalarials for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Antipsychotics for Child and Teen Bipolar Disorder Antiviral M edicines for Chickenpox Atomoxetine (Strattera) for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Biologics for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Chelating Agents for Lead Poisoning Corticosteroids for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Corticosteroids for Nephrotic Syndrome Desmopressin for Bedwetting Hormone Therapy for Undescended Testicle Lindane for Lice M ethotrexate for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis M ood Stabilizers for Child and Teen Bipolar Disorder Oxybutynin for Daytime Wetting and Bedwetting Permethrin for Lice Pyrethrins and Piperonyl Butoxide for Lice Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) for Depression in Children and Teens Stimulants for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sulfasalazine for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) for Bedwetting Make a Wise Decision ADHD: Should M y Child Take M edicine for ADHD? Bedwetting: Should I Do Something About M y Child's Bedwetting? open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 14. Bedwetting: Should M y Child See a Doctor? Depression: Should M y Child Take M edicine to Treat Depression? Ear Infection: Should I Give M y Child Antibiotics? Ear Problems: Should M y Child Be Treated for Fluid Buildup in the M iddle Ear? HPV: Should M y Daughter Get the Vaccine? Scoliosis: Should I (or my child) have surgery? Tonsillitis: Should M y Child Have a Tonsillectomy? Umbilical hernia: Should my child have surgery? Take Action ADHD: Helping Your Child Get the M ost out of School ADHD: Helping Your Child Get Things Done Allergies in Children: Giving an Epinephrine Shot to a Child Amblyopia: Wearing an eyepatch Asthma in Children: Helping a Child Use a M etered-Dose Inhaler and M ask Spacer Asthma: Taking Charge of Your Asthma Asthma: Using an Asthma Action Plan Bipolar Disorder in Children: Helping Your Child Prevent M anic Episodes Chickenpox: Controlling the Itch Croup: M anaging a Croup Attack Cystic Fibrosis: Helping Your Child Cough Up M ucus Diabetes in Children: Checking Blood Sugar in a Child Diabetes in children: Counting carbs Diabetes in Children: Dealing With Low Blood Sugar Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Diabetes in Children: Preparing a Care Plan for School Diabetes in Children: Preventing High Blood Sugar Diabetes in Children: Preventing Low Blood Sugar Fitness: Teaching Your Child to Stay Active Grief: Helping children with grief Growth and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Stress M anagement: Helping Your Child With Stress open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 15. Thumb-Sucking: Helping Your Child Stop Last Revised: April 26, 2012 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review : Adam Husney, MD, MD - Family Medicine PRINT HELP This infor mation does not r eplace the advice of a doctor . Healthwise, Incor por ated disclaims any war r anty or liability for your use of this infor mation. open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API