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               Thoughts and experiences of educators related to quality and change

  Using Deming’s Principles to Create the Next Generation
  of Healthcare Leaders
  Kyle Bird, Anjali Kundu, and Graciela de Lujan Perez
         “The growing demand for healthcare services is not    equipping students to solve complex problems
     always met by providers; quality and operations manage-   when they enter the workforce. The healthcare
     ment techniques are needed to reduce waste from the       system faces a hostile environment where con-
     healthcare system and streamline processes to bolster     stant changes in policy mandate a steep learning
     supply”.1 In 2008, the PricewaterhouseCoopers’            curve and a life-long learning commitment from
     Health Research Institute noted that of the $2.2          the next generation of leaders. Traditional opera-
     trillion spent on national healthcare, $1.2 trillion      tions management courses and teaching material
     was attributed to wasteful spending.2 The onus to         that could not be applied immediately to health-
     cut the associated costs is being shifted to the next     care systems produced sub-optimally prepared
     generation of healthcare administrators, the ones         graduates.
     who will lead teams to identify and reduce waste             The University addressed these concerns by
     in the incoming healthcare system.                        establishing a new healthcare operations and
         This article describes a successful partnership       quality management (HO&QM) course with a
     in the spring of 2009 between the master’s level          goal to produce patient-centered leaders while
     health administration class at the University of          teaching the most up-to-date process-improve-
     Pittsburgh and the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh            ment techniques. This emerging field integrates
     Healthcare System (VAPHS). This partnership               operations research and quality principles within
     played a key role in the city’s bid to acquire one        the healthcare system to ensure efficient delivery
     of four new veterans engineering resource cen-            of services. The program was designed to con-
     ters built across the nation. The project utilized        sider significant healthcare-sector issues and teach
     Deming’s 14 Points,3 which are available as a             future leaders new skills to cope with them, mod-
     framework in the online supplement to this article        eling the new operational role of the healthcare
     at                                  leader (see Table 1).
                                                                  Furthermore, the Department of Health Policy
     Addressing Concerns                                       Management at the University also decided to put
        Pittsburgh is a national and global leader             theory into practice by establishing a pilot immer-
     in healthcare excellence, a city where approxi-           sion program and finding a hospital partner.
     mately 25 percent of the labor force works in the         Ultimately, the Office of Systems Redesign (OSR)
     healthcare sector.4 Clinical and administrative           of the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare
     healthcare alumni from local universities are             System (VAPHS), which is comprised of three
     scattered throughout the world in myriad roles            urban facilities and five community-based out-
     and responsibilities: small outpatient clinics,           patient clinics, signed on to participate. The OSR
     large academically-affiliated hospitals, long-term        was created in June 2008 to improve patient care
     care facilities, private and group practices, health      delivery systems and business processes to provide
     insurance, and government agencies. These early           exceptional veteran-centered healthcare. The pilot
     careerists have provided their alma maters with           project offered an opportunity for a mutually
     a unified concern: the need to enhance graduate           beneficial partnership between VAPHS and the
     curriculum in the healthcare administration field         University’s MHA program.
     to include process improvement.
        University-level faculty recognized the need to        New Curriculum
     address process improvement while continuing                A series of small changes were put in place to
     to deliver a comprehensive graduate education,            improve the HO&QM course, as follows:

Table 1: Program Design Considerations

      Issues                                                   Primary New Skills
       • Rising healthcare costs                               • Aligning clinicians with organizational strategy
       • Crowded emergency department and other                • Modeling data for executive decision support
         healthcare facilities                                   tools and problem solving
       • Pay-for-performance                                   • Analyzing processes and performing root-cause
       • Increasingly strict payer reimbursement                 analyses
       • Changes in Medicare and Medicaid policies             • Diminishing unassignable service variability
       • A recessed economy                                      and incidence of bottlenecks
       • Competition                                           • Improving patient throughput
       • The challenge of managing/coordinating                • Streamlining processes through resource
         increasing and future changes while facing one          allocation optimization and waste elimination
         of the most demanding set of stakeholders, the
         chronically and acutely ill

     • The traditional operations management syllabus              team cooperation, allowing each group to
       was replaced with a project-process approach.               work through the lean process, apply project
       The course was revised to include principles                management methods, and test classroom
       and techniques associated with strategic align-             theory before applying their newly acquired
       ment, kaizen events, lean, Six Sigma, simulation,           knowledge at VAPHS.
       scheduling, inventory, and facility management.
       The syllabus was built around patient needs
                                                                Immersion Program
                                                                   When meeting with VAPHS OSR personnel to
       and stressed critical thinking and quality service
                                                                plan the program, University faculty agreed that
       delivery at VAPHS.
                                                                the critical component would be involving the
     • An agreement was reached with the students
                                                                students in ongoing projects and facilitating inter-
       who participated in the immersion project,
                                                                action with clinical and administrative staff and
       shifting the focus of the class from grades to
                                                                veterans. This was ultimately the most beneficial
       discussions and optimizing their experiential
                                                                aspect of the program to the students’ success.
       learning. For the students this was a consid-
                                                                   The educational model was based on expe-
       erable change from the traditional teaching
                                                                riential and problem-based learning. Students
                                                                analyzed their projects and developed alternative
     • During the first five weeks of the course, stu-          processes for improvement, receiving feedback
       dents followed the learning process in class             almost exclusively from the OSR staff.
       through lectures, current case studies with                 The OSR provided students with brief descrip-
       presentations of successful operations applica-          tions, status information, and goals for each available
       tions, customized assignments, and structured            project. University faculty pre-approved those goals,
       processes to lead and complete small kaizen              which were designed to complement the curriculum
       projects. Discussions related to managing road-          and associated learning objectives. Students divided
       blocks, such as healthcare’s strong political            into small groups and selected projects aligned
       groups, were underscored as a common opera-              with their learning objectives and potential career
       tions issue in class.                                    paths. OSR project facilitators established flexible
     • Finally, students integrated their learnings             meeting times to accommodate and coordinate
       in a simulation of a nurses’ station that used           project plans with student schedules, and these
       LEGOS®, stopwatches, whiteboards, and mea-               facilitators also served as mentors.
       suring tapes to demonstrate the value of lean               Key performance indicators included the fol-
       process development. This activity fortified             lowing metrics:

16   The Journal   for   QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion   July 2010
• Perform a 5S process.
• Create a high order value-stream map.                       On the Road to Baldrige in
• Produce a detailed flow map of a specific segment.                  Education
• Generate recommendations for improvement.                 The Keller Independent School District
    Students not only applied techniques learned         (KISD) in Texas has adopted the Baldrige
in the classroom but also discussed the topics           framework to guide its systems and improve-
they encountered at VAPHS in their subsequent            ment efforts. KISD provides progress updates
classes. Students were expected to work with             in each issue. Check the October 2009 issue for
stakeholders without contradicting or imposing           the information that launched this multi-part
their newfound knowledge on VAPHS person-                series, and go to
nel. When differences occurred between what              to see the archived updates and videos, as
students learned in the classroom and what they          well as to view a webinar that addresses the
experienced in their projects, they were instructed      following areas:
to ask questions to determine the root cause of           • Keller     ISD    superintendent      James
the problem. To minimize discord, students were             Veitenheimer details the district’s reor-
encouraged to focus on learning the process and             ganization plan, which includes a direct
developing positive relationships with the stake-           alignment of administrators to the strategic
holders before recommending modification and                priorities and goals reflected in the 2011-
improvements.                                               2015 KISD strategic plan. Veitenheimer
    Students initiated action plans more quickly            lays out the functional organizational
than the professional VAPHS staff assigned to the           alignment around the district’s eight
teams. After four weeks at VAPHS, the instructor            key functions. It is an intentional pro-
asked students to critique the work they were per-          cess to align the district’s most valuable
forming by considering five tenuous situations they         resources—its people—to its most essen-
had faced. Students completed a force-field analy-          tial areas of need.
sis for each situation to evaluate and mitigate any       • Keller ISD’s teacher trainer Leah Beard
negative consequences from unexpected project               then outlines the district’s deployment
roadblocks, instilling continuous improvement               timeline, reviewing the first year’s goal in
thought processes. Finally, students presented              which a pilot group learned the funda-
their recommendations and achievements to                   mentals of continuous improvement and
VAPHS executive leadership.                                 implemented quality tools in the class-
Conclusion                                                  room. In addition, Beard details the goals
    The immersion program was a great suc-                  for years two through five. She explains
cess, mutually benefiting University students               how the pilot group will develop support
and VAPHS. Students gained the opportunity to               skills to train campus staff during the sec-
test their knowledge and acquire unparalleled               ond year of the plan. Finally, Beard shares
hands-on experience in a nationally recognized              examples of the quality tools currently
healthcare organization; VAPHS was able to par-             used in the classrooms.
ticipate in the development, recruitment, and
deployment of experts in healthcare operations
improvement. Additionally, students received           summer residencies as leaders of newly formed
professional letters of recommendation from the        groups, rather than apprentices. Students esca-
VAPHS project leaders who attended the final           lated their careers because this collaborative effort
presentations at the University to show their          provided them with exposure to the changing
appreciation.                                          environment in healthcare administration.
    Although common in teaching hospitals, the            As a direct result of this partnership, the
“from class to the bench” concept is still new for     University and VAPHS were awarded one of the
training healthcare administrators. This program       four newly commissioned Veterans Engineering
made it possible for MHA students to start their       Resource Centers (VERC) in June 2009. The

Veterans Health Administration strongly believes
     that through education, such as provided in this
     program, its hospital system will reach and better
     serve a broader population of veterans with the
     same scarce resources. The work of all nine MHA
     students shed light on the high-quality progress                                                                Kyle Bird
     that is possible when graduate students and
                                                                       Kyle Bird is a quality improvement specialist at the University
     healthcare institutions collaborate.
                                                                       of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s NCI-designated Hillman
        Currently, four out of the nine MHA candidates
                                                                       Cancer Center. He holds an MHA from the University of
     are working with the Pittsburgh VERC to address
                                                                       Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health, Health Policy
     local and national priority projects and continue
                                                                       and Management Department. Bird has research interests
     developing their skills. The remaining five stu-
                                                                       in healthcare quality, health systems simulation, and lean
     dents are working with other local hospitals and
                                                                       processes. He can be contacted at
     also are applying the same approach they used at

        Acknowledgment: The faculty and MHA candi-
     dates express their gratitude to VAPHS personnel
     who participated in this pilot: Robert Monte, Dr.
     Jeffrey Peters, Jason Leuice, Rachel Crofutt, Julie                                                Anjali L. Kundu
     Warren, Danielle Terrel, Tina Howell, Amy Jones,
     Bill Shaughnessy, Vicky Phillips, Jana Budde,                     Anjali L. Kundu received her MHA degree from the University
     Laura Perdices, and Kim Toland.                                   of Pittsburgh in 2010. She currently works at the physician
                                                                       services division of the University of Pittsburgh Medical
     References                                                        Center (UPMC). Kundu’s interests involve integrating
     1. ASQ, No Boundaries, ASQ Future of Quality Study,               strategic planning, operations, and service quality tools
     2008, p. 6.                                                       in everyday tasks to improve the healthcare processes.
     2. PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute,              Her e-mail address is
     The Price of Excess, Identifying Waste in Healthcare
     Spending, 2008.
     3. W.E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 1986.
     4. Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, http://www.allegheny
                                                                                            Graciela de Lujan Perez
                                                                       Graciela de Lujan Perez is adjunct faculty of operations
     More Online
     	   To	learn	more	about	how	“Deming’s	14	Points”	were	used	as	
                                                                       and quality management for the Graduate School of Public
         a	framework	for	this	program	and	to	review	descriptions	of	   Health, University of Pittsburgh. She is a Senior member
         the	projects,	go	to                     of ASQ and is ASQ certified as both a Manager of Quality/
                                                                       Organizational Excellence and as a Quality Engineer.
                                                                       During her 20-year career, Perez has applied statistical
                                                                       and operations research models in engineering, education,
                                                                       business, genetics, and medicine and has presented and
                                                                       published her findings in U.S. and EU front-line journals.
                                                                       She is a senior consultant in healthcare quality delivery
                                                                       systems and has served as judge for the ASQ International
                                                                       Team Excellence Award since 2008. For more information,
                                                                       contact her at

18   The Journal   for   QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion   July 2010
online-only content

             Thoughts and experiences of educators related to quality and change

  Improving Students’ Learning Experiences
        As described in the article, “Educators World:    Results: Reduced processing time for capital
    Creating the Next Generation of Healthcare            goods orders for purchases between $3,000 and
    Leaders,” the master’s level health administra-       $25,000.
    tion (MHA) class at the University of Pittsburgh      Comments: “This pioneering immersion program
    was restructured to improve the relevance of its      between the University of Pittsburgh and VAPHS
    curriculum. At the same time, the program incor-      has provided us with the unique opportunity
    porated a pilot immersion program with the            to familiarize ourselves with the application of
    Office of Systems Redesign (OSR) of the Veterans      techniques we are learning in class. While our
    Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS).         coursework at the GSPH is essential to our careers
    The project utilized “Deming’s 14 Points” as          in healthcare administration, learning experiences
    a framework for enhancing students’ learning          such as these differentiate our skill set from those
    experiences and better preparing them for careers     in similar programs. We now feel prepared to
    in healthcare management. It also helped the city     identify real-life problems and suggest solutions
    of Pittsburgh, PA, secure one of the four, newly      grounded in quantitative management theories
    commissioned Veterans Engineering Resource            used in various industries. Our group experience
    Centers (VERC) in June 2009.                          at the VAPHS has not only allowed each of us an
        Table 1 describes the approaches incorporated     exceptional opportunity to apply quantitative and
    into the program aligned with Deming’s points.        qualitative management skills from conception to
    By using these points as a framework for the          completion, but it has further enabled us to take
    design, the pilot program achieved great suc-         operations theory out of the ivory tower to the
    cess in its first year of operation. Not only did     patient’s bedside.”
    students’ practical understanding of the field
    increase significantly, but also their leadership     Project: Medical Trainee Processing
    competencies were honed through hands-on              MHA Candidates Project Team: Sara Demmler
    experience. Furthermore, VAPHS benefitted by          and Neha Singla
    improving its processes, and the city of Pittsburgh   VAPHS Department: Education
    also acquired new jobs when it was selected as a
                                                          Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Flowchart,
    site for the VERC.
                                                          value-stream map, analysis of process constraints,
    Project Summaries                                     5S analysis, and brainstorming.
       The four projects managed by the MIHA stu-         Results: Streamlined processes and initiated formal
    dents are described below along with comments         data collection for process cycle time data.
    from students regarding their experiences.            Comments: “During our time at VAPHS we used
                                                          a number of tools toward improving the com-
    Project: Process for Acquisitions and Contract up
                                                          puter access request process for trainees. A most
    to $25,000
                                                          significant portion of our project was using the
    MHA Candidates Project Team: Anjali Kundu and         flow map, the value-stream map, and applying
    Kyle Bird                                             concepts of the Theory of the Constraints. We
    VAPHS Department: Acquisition and Contracts           understood the real life constraints when we
    Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Flowchart, fish-   recognized that many policies and mandatory
    bone diagram, value-stream map, student’s t-test,     process requirements could not be eliminated.
    supplier-input-process-output-customer (SIPOC)        We also undertook the employment of 5S meth-
    diagram, and force-field analysis.                    odology to create a more efficient workspace

Table 1: Deming’s 14 Points Applied to Program Design

     Point                                                    Program Design Approach
     1: Create constancy of purpose                           Established a long-term goal of better equipping students to
                                                              address the complex problems facing the healthcare sector
                                                              and implement a process for continuously improving the pilot
     2: Adopt the new philosophy                              Developed a new healthcare operations and quality management
                                                              curriculum that integrates operations research and quality
                                                              principles within the healthcare system to ensure efficient
                                                              delivery of services.
     3: Cease inspection, require evidence                    Provided simultaneous instruction and practical experience on
                                                              tools and techniques for analyzing and improving processes.
     4: Improve the quality of supplies                       Worked with a local hospital, a local supplier of healthcare
                                                              services, to expose students to the real-world conditions they
                                                              would encounter after graduation.
     5: Continuously improve production                       Engaged students in projects that changed performance in high-
                                                              priority hospital operational processes.
     6: Train and educate all employees                       Combined the new classroom curriculum with the pilot immersion
                                                              program to create a comprehensive learning experience for
     7: Supervisors must help people                          Had instructors and hospital personnel mentor students’ projects
                                                              together, guiding, rather than directing, activities and decisions.
     8: Drive out fear                                        Created an open forum for discussion among students, instructors,
                                                              and facilitators that focused on translating project experiences
                                                              into career strategies and that eliminated judgmental evaluations.
     9: Eliminate boundaries                                  Involved students in real-life projects at the hospital that included
                                                              clinical and administrative staff and veterans and worked with
                                                              students to use force-field analysis to evaluate and resolve
     10: Eliminate use of slogans                             Demonstrated application of quality improvement principles
                                                              through real-life structured projects, rather than depending on
                                                              conceptual lectures.
     11: Eliminate numerical standards                        Eliminated traditional grading, shifting to discussions and
                                                              experiential learning.
     12: Let people be proud of their work                    Provided opportunities for students to share learnings and
                                                              experiences, recognizing progress and accomplishments.
     13: Encourage self improvement                           Fostered life-long learning as a means of keeping abreast of and
                                                              being qualified to respond to constantly changing healthcare
                                                              policy mandates.
     14: Commit to ever improve quality                       Debriefed student experiences in a way that built a long-term
                                                              commitment to quality improvement in the healthcare system.
     From W.E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 1986.

2   The Journal   for   QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion   July 2010
for nursing educators. By using 5S concepts, we     transition of moving behavioral health into the
helped eliminate waste, improve workflow, and       customer support center.”
reduce process unevenness. Through the imple-       Note: This project won the “Best in Content” prize
mentation across service lines it will enable       at the VAPHS OSR showcase on March 31, 2009.
employees to operate more efficiently in their
own work environment.”                              Project: Document Tracking (a paperless solution)
                                                    MHA Candidates Project Team: Kelly Butler and
Project: Customer Support Center/Developing         Christina Kratz
Metrics for Improvement
                                                    VAPHS Department: Education
MHA Candidates Project Team: Rachel Goffman,
                                                    Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Value-stream
Angela Karloski, and Kate Wilson
                                                    map, flowchart, analysis of process constraints,
VAPHS Department: Behavioral Health                 and queuing models.
Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Scorecards,      Results: Shortened request waiting time by devel-
flowchart, value-stream map, action plan, and       oping a paperless system.
prioritization matrix.
                                                    Comments: “Our group was charged with the task
Results: Determined key performance indica-         of improving the document tracking procedures
tors (KPI): no-show rate (percent), number of       for the education department of VAPHS. While
days from contact to appointment schedule, and      we took all of the tools and procedures learned in
amount of triage time.                              class and applied them to a real-world situation,
Comments: “We had the task of working with the      one of the tools that deemed itself most effective in
behavioral health department at the VAPHS, try-     exposing the real issues surrounding the tracking of
ing to streamline the patient scheduling process    training requests by the education department was
before implementing a new customer support          the value-stream map (VSM). The VSM indicated
center. One of the most rewarding parts of our      that out of the total process, value-added ratio
assigned project was the application of the tools   was almost 0 percent; the process was extremely
we learned throughout our class and witnessing      inefficient due to extended approval queues and
the impact they had on our assigned project.        very few value-added steps. The VSM aided our
Our favorite tool was the performance score-        emergency department (ED) that will diminish
card, where we developed quantifiable metrics       waiting times for both the ED and the employees
to measure the current process. These metrics       requesting training permission and funding. We
allowed our group to determine appropriate          are confident that the new comprehensive paper-
standards to continuously measure the impact of     less form will eliminate employee confusion and
our improvement recommendations. The project        frustration as well as condense the tasks required
allowed us to clearly define roles of the stake-    in monitoring the approval process.”
holders in the process and help differentiate the   Note: This project was selected to have its findings
avenues of entry and exit into the system. We       and recommendations presented at the VAPHS
hope that our recommendations will aid in the       OSR Showcase.


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Using Deming’s principles to create the next generation of healthcare leaders

  • 1. educator’s WORLD Thoughts and experiences of educators related to quality and change Using Deming’s Principles to Create the Next Generation of Healthcare Leaders Kyle Bird, Anjali Kundu, and Graciela de Lujan Perez “The growing demand for healthcare services is not equipping students to solve complex problems always met by providers; quality and operations manage- when they enter the workforce. The healthcare ment techniques are needed to reduce waste from the system faces a hostile environment where con- healthcare system and streamline processes to bolster stant changes in policy mandate a steep learning supply”.1 In 2008, the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ curve and a life-long learning commitment from Health Research Institute noted that of the $2.2 the next generation of leaders. Traditional opera- trillion spent on national healthcare, $1.2 trillion tions management courses and teaching material was attributed to wasteful spending.2 The onus to that could not be applied immediately to health- cut the associated costs is being shifted to the next care systems produced sub-optimally prepared generation of healthcare administrators, the ones graduates. who will lead teams to identify and reduce waste The University addressed these concerns by in the incoming healthcare system. establishing a new healthcare operations and This article describes a successful partnership quality management (HO&QM) course with a in the spring of 2009 between the master’s level goal to produce patient-centered leaders while health administration class at the University of teaching the most up-to-date process-improve- Pittsburgh and the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh ment techniques. This emerging field integrates Healthcare System (VAPHS). This partnership operations research and quality principles within played a key role in the city’s bid to acquire one the healthcare system to ensure efficient delivery of four new veterans engineering resource cen- of services. The program was designed to con- ters built across the nation. The project utilized sider significant healthcare-sector issues and teach Deming’s 14 Points,3 which are available as a future leaders new skills to cope with them, mod- framework in the online supplement to this article eling the new operational role of the healthcare at leader (see Table 1). Furthermore, the Department of Health Policy Addressing Concerns Management at the University also decided to put Pittsburgh is a national and global leader theory into practice by establishing a pilot immer- in healthcare excellence, a city where approxi- sion program and finding a hospital partner. mately 25 percent of the labor force works in the Ultimately, the Office of Systems Redesign (OSR) healthcare sector.4 Clinical and administrative of the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare healthcare alumni from local universities are System (VAPHS), which is comprised of three scattered throughout the world in myriad roles urban facilities and five community-based out- and responsibilities: small outpatient clinics, patient clinics, signed on to participate. The OSR large academically-affiliated hospitals, long-term was created in June 2008 to improve patient care care facilities, private and group practices, health delivery systems and business processes to provide insurance, and government agencies. These early exceptional veteran-centered healthcare. The pilot careerists have provided their alma maters with project offered an opportunity for a mutually a unified concern: the need to enhance graduate beneficial partnership between VAPHS and the curriculum in the healthcare administration field University’s MHA program. to include process improvement. University-level faculty recognized the need to New Curriculum address process improvement while continuing A series of small changes were put in place to to deliver a comprehensive graduate education, improve the HO&QM course, as follows: 15
  • 2. Table 1: Program Design Considerations Issues Primary New Skills • Rising healthcare costs • Aligning clinicians with organizational strategy • Crowded emergency department and other • Modeling data for executive decision support healthcare facilities tools and problem solving • Pay-for-performance • Analyzing processes and performing root-cause • Increasingly strict payer reimbursement analyses • Changes in Medicare and Medicaid policies • Diminishing unassignable service variability • A recessed economy and incidence of bottlenecks • Competition • Improving patient throughput • The challenge of managing/coordinating • Streamlining processes through resource increasing and future changes while facing one allocation optimization and waste elimination of the most demanding set of stakeholders, the chronically and acutely ill • The traditional operations management syllabus team cooperation, allowing each group to was replaced with a project-process approach. work through the lean process, apply project The course was revised to include principles management methods, and test classroom and techniques associated with strategic align- theory before applying their newly acquired ment, kaizen events, lean, Six Sigma, simulation, knowledge at VAPHS. scheduling, inventory, and facility management. The syllabus was built around patient needs Immersion Program When meeting with VAPHS OSR personnel to and stressed critical thinking and quality service plan the program, University faculty agreed that delivery at VAPHS. the critical component would be involving the • An agreement was reached with the students students in ongoing projects and facilitating inter- who participated in the immersion project, action with clinical and administrative staff and shifting the focus of the class from grades to veterans. This was ultimately the most beneficial discussions and optimizing their experiential aspect of the program to the students’ success. learning. For the students this was a consid- The educational model was based on expe- erable change from the traditional teaching riential and problem-based learning. Students paradigm. analyzed their projects and developed alternative • During the first five weeks of the course, stu- processes for improvement, receiving feedback dents followed the learning process in class almost exclusively from the OSR staff. through lectures, current case studies with The OSR provided students with brief descrip- presentations of successful operations applica- tions, status information, and goals for each available tions, customized assignments, and structured project. University faculty pre-approved those goals, processes to lead and complete small kaizen which were designed to complement the curriculum projects. Discussions related to managing road- and associated learning objectives. Students divided blocks, such as healthcare’s strong political into small groups and selected projects aligned groups, were underscored as a common opera- with their learning objectives and potential career tions issue in class. paths. OSR project facilitators established flexible • Finally, students integrated their learnings meeting times to accommodate and coordinate in a simulation of a nurses’ station that used project plans with student schedules, and these LEGOS®, stopwatches, whiteboards, and mea- facilitators also served as mentors. suring tapes to demonstrate the value of lean Key performance indicators included the fol- process development. This activity fortified lowing metrics: 16 The Journal for QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion July 2010
  • 3. • Perform a 5S process. • Create a high order value-stream map. On the Road to Baldrige in • Produce a detailed flow map of a specific segment. Education • Generate recommendations for improvement. The Keller Independent School District Students not only applied techniques learned (KISD) in Texas has adopted the Baldrige in the classroom but also discussed the topics framework to guide its systems and improve- they encountered at VAPHS in their subsequent ment efforts. KISD provides progress updates classes. Students were expected to work with in each issue. Check the October 2009 issue for stakeholders without contradicting or imposing the information that launched this multi-part their newfound knowledge on VAPHS person- series, and go to nel. When differences occurred between what to see the archived updates and videos, as students learned in the classroom and what they well as to view a webinar that addresses the experienced in their projects, they were instructed following areas: to ask questions to determine the root cause of • Keller ISD superintendent James the problem. To minimize discord, students were Veitenheimer details the district’s reor- encouraged to focus on learning the process and ganization plan, which includes a direct developing positive relationships with the stake- alignment of administrators to the strategic holders before recommending modification and priorities and goals reflected in the 2011- improvements. 2015 KISD strategic plan. Veitenheimer Students initiated action plans more quickly lays out the functional organizational than the professional VAPHS staff assigned to the alignment around the district’s eight teams. After four weeks at VAPHS, the instructor key functions. It is an intentional pro- asked students to critique the work they were per- cess to align the district’s most valuable forming by considering five tenuous situations they resources—its people—to its most essen- had faced. Students completed a force-field analy- tial areas of need. sis for each situation to evaluate and mitigate any • Keller ISD’s teacher trainer Leah Beard negative consequences from unexpected project then outlines the district’s deployment roadblocks, instilling continuous improvement timeline, reviewing the first year’s goal in thought processes. Finally, students presented which a pilot group learned the funda- their recommendations and achievements to mentals of continuous improvement and VAPHS executive leadership. implemented quality tools in the class- Conclusion room. In addition, Beard details the goals The immersion program was a great suc- for years two through five. She explains cess, mutually benefiting University students how the pilot group will develop support and VAPHS. Students gained the opportunity to skills to train campus staff during the sec- test their knowledge and acquire unparalleled ond year of the plan. Finally, Beard shares hands-on experience in a nationally recognized examples of the quality tools currently healthcare organization; VAPHS was able to par- used in the classrooms. ticipate in the development, recruitment, and deployment of experts in healthcare operations improvement. Additionally, students received summer residencies as leaders of newly formed professional letters of recommendation from the groups, rather than apprentices. Students esca- VAPHS project leaders who attended the final lated their careers because this collaborative effort presentations at the University to show their provided them with exposure to the changing appreciation. environment in healthcare administration. Although common in teaching hospitals, the As a direct result of this partnership, the “from class to the bench” concept is still new for University and VAPHS were awarded one of the training healthcare administrators. This program four newly commissioned Veterans Engineering made it possible for MHA students to start their Resource Centers (VERC) in June 2009. The 17
  • 4. Veterans Health Administration strongly believes that through education, such as provided in this program, its hospital system will reach and better serve a broader population of veterans with the same scarce resources. The work of all nine MHA students shed light on the high-quality progress Kyle Bird that is possible when graduate students and Kyle Bird is a quality improvement specialist at the University healthcare institutions collaborate. of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s NCI-designated Hillman Currently, four out of the nine MHA candidates Cancer Center. He holds an MHA from the University of are working with the Pittsburgh VERC to address Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health, Health Policy local and national priority projects and continue and Management Department. Bird has research interests developing their skills. The remaining five stu- in healthcare quality, health systems simulation, and lean dents are working with other local hospitals and processes. He can be contacted at also are applying the same approach they used at VAPHS. Acknowledgment: The faculty and MHA candi- dates express their gratitude to VAPHS personnel who participated in this pilot: Robert Monte, Dr. Jeffrey Peters, Jason Leuice, Rachel Crofutt, Julie Anjali L. Kundu Warren, Danielle Terrel, Tina Howell, Amy Jones, Bill Shaughnessy, Vicky Phillips, Jana Budde, Anjali L. Kundu received her MHA degree from the University Laura Perdices, and Kim Toland. of Pittsburgh in 2010. She currently works at the physician services division of the University of Pittsburgh Medical References Center (UPMC). Kundu’s interests involve integrating 1. ASQ, No Boundaries, ASQ Future of Quality Study, strategic planning, operations, and service quality tools 2008, p. 6. in everyday tasks to improve the healthcare processes. 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute, Her e-mail address is The Price of Excess, Identifying Waste in Healthcare Spending, 2008. 3. W.E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 1986. 4. Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, http://www.allegheny Graciela de Lujan Perez Graciela de Lujan Perez is adjunct faculty of operations More Online To learn more about how “Deming’s 14 Points” were used as and quality management for the Graduate School of Public a framework for this program and to review descriptions of Health, University of Pittsburgh. She is a Senior member the projects, go to of ASQ and is ASQ certified as both a Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence and as a Quality Engineer. During her 20-year career, Perez has applied statistical and operations research models in engineering, education, business, genetics, and medicine and has presented and published her findings in U.S. and EU front-line journals. She is a senior consultant in healthcare quality delivery systems and has served as judge for the ASQ International Team Excellence Award since 2008. For more information, contact her at 18 The Journal for QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion July 2010
  • 5. online-only content educator’s WORLD Thoughts and experiences of educators related to quality and change Improving Students’ Learning Experiences As described in the article, “Educators World: Results: Reduced processing time for capital Creating the Next Generation of Healthcare goods orders for purchases between $3,000 and Leaders,” the master’s level health administra- $25,000. tion (MHA) class at the University of Pittsburgh Comments: “This pioneering immersion program was restructured to improve the relevance of its between the University of Pittsburgh and VAPHS curriculum. At the same time, the program incor- has provided us with the unique opportunity porated a pilot immersion program with the to familiarize ourselves with the application of Office of Systems Redesign (OSR) of the Veterans techniques we are learning in class. While our Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS). coursework at the GSPH is essential to our careers The project utilized “Deming’s 14 Points” as in healthcare administration, learning experiences a framework for enhancing students’ learning such as these differentiate our skill set from those experiences and better preparing them for careers in similar programs. We now feel prepared to in healthcare management. It also helped the city identify real-life problems and suggest solutions of Pittsburgh, PA, secure one of the four, newly grounded in quantitative management theories commissioned Veterans Engineering Resource used in various industries. Our group experience Centers (VERC) in June 2009. at the VAPHS has not only allowed each of us an Table 1 describes the approaches incorporated exceptional opportunity to apply quantitative and into the program aligned with Deming’s points. qualitative management skills from conception to By using these points as a framework for the completion, but it has further enabled us to take design, the pilot program achieved great suc- operations theory out of the ivory tower to the cess in its first year of operation. Not only did patient’s bedside.” students’ practical understanding of the field increase significantly, but also their leadership Project: Medical Trainee Processing competencies were honed through hands-on MHA Candidates Project Team: Sara Demmler experience. Furthermore, VAPHS benefitted by and Neha Singla improving its processes, and the city of Pittsburgh VAPHS Department: Education also acquired new jobs when it was selected as a Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Flowchart, site for the VERC. value-stream map, analysis of process constraints, Project Summaries 5S analysis, and brainstorming. The four projects managed by the MIHA stu- Results: Streamlined processes and initiated formal dents are described below along with comments data collection for process cycle time data. from students regarding their experiences. Comments: “During our time at VAPHS we used a number of tools toward improving the com- Project: Process for Acquisitions and Contract up puter access request process for trainees. A most to $25,000 significant portion of our project was using the MHA Candidates Project Team: Anjali Kundu and flow map, the value-stream map, and applying Kyle Bird concepts of the Theory of the Constraints. We VAPHS Department: Acquisition and Contracts understood the real life constraints when we Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Flowchart, fish- recognized that many policies and mandatory bone diagram, value-stream map, student’s t-test, process requirements could not be eliminated. supplier-input-process-output-customer (SIPOC) We also undertook the employment of 5S meth- diagram, and force-field analysis. odology to create a more efficient workspace 1
  • 6. Table 1: Deming’s 14 Points Applied to Program Design Point Program Design Approach 1: Create constancy of purpose Established a long-term goal of better equipping students to address the complex problems facing the healthcare sector and implement a process for continuously improving the pilot program. 2: Adopt the new philosophy Developed a new healthcare operations and quality management curriculum that integrates operations research and quality principles within the healthcare system to ensure efficient delivery of services. 3: Cease inspection, require evidence Provided simultaneous instruction and practical experience on tools and techniques for analyzing and improving processes. 4: Improve the quality of supplies Worked with a local hospital, a local supplier of healthcare services, to expose students to the real-world conditions they would encounter after graduation. 5: Continuously improve production Engaged students in projects that changed performance in high- priority hospital operational processes. 6: Train and educate all employees Combined the new classroom curriculum with the pilot immersion program to create a comprehensive learning experience for students. 7: Supervisors must help people Had instructors and hospital personnel mentor students’ projects together, guiding, rather than directing, activities and decisions. 8: Drive out fear Created an open forum for discussion among students, instructors, and facilitators that focused on translating project experiences into career strategies and that eliminated judgmental evaluations. 9: Eliminate boundaries Involved students in real-life projects at the hospital that included clinical and administrative staff and veterans and worked with students to use force-field analysis to evaluate and resolve roadblocks. 10: Eliminate use of slogans Demonstrated application of quality improvement principles through real-life structured projects, rather than depending on conceptual lectures. 11: Eliminate numerical standards Eliminated traditional grading, shifting to discussions and experiential learning. 12: Let people be proud of their work Provided opportunities for students to share learnings and experiences, recognizing progress and accomplishments. 13: Encourage self improvement Fostered life-long learning as a means of keeping abreast of and being qualified to respond to constantly changing healthcare policy mandates. 14: Commit to ever improve quality Debriefed student experiences in a way that built a long-term commitment to quality improvement in the healthcare system. From W.E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 1986. 2 The Journal for QualiTy & ParTiciPaTion July 2010
  • 7. for nursing educators. By using 5S concepts, we transition of moving behavioral health into the helped eliminate waste, improve workflow, and customer support center.” reduce process unevenness. Through the imple- Note: This project won the “Best in Content” prize mentation across service lines it will enable at the VAPHS OSR showcase on March 31, 2009. employees to operate more efficiently in their own work environment.” Project: Document Tracking (a paperless solution) MHA Candidates Project Team: Kelly Butler and Project: Customer Support Center/Developing Christina Kratz Metrics for Improvement VAPHS Department: Education MHA Candidates Project Team: Rachel Goffman, Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Value-stream Angela Karloski, and Kate Wilson map, flowchart, analysis of process constraints, VAPHS Department: Behavioral Health and queuing models. Primary Tools and Techniques Used: Scorecards, Results: Shortened request waiting time by devel- flowchart, value-stream map, action plan, and oping a paperless system. prioritization matrix. Comments: “Our group was charged with the task Results: Determined key performance indica- of improving the document tracking procedures tors (KPI): no-show rate (percent), number of for the education department of VAPHS. While days from contact to appointment schedule, and we took all of the tools and procedures learned in amount of triage time. class and applied them to a real-world situation, Comments: “We had the task of working with the one of the tools that deemed itself most effective in behavioral health department at the VAPHS, try- exposing the real issues surrounding the tracking of ing to streamline the patient scheduling process training requests by the education department was before implementing a new customer support the value-stream map (VSM). The VSM indicated center. One of the most rewarding parts of our that out of the total process, value-added ratio assigned project was the application of the tools was almost 0 percent; the process was extremely we learned throughout our class and witnessing inefficient due to extended approval queues and the impact they had on our assigned project. very few value-added steps. The VSM aided our Our favorite tool was the performance score- emergency department (ED) that will diminish card, where we developed quantifiable metrics waiting times for both the ED and the employees to measure the current process. These metrics requesting training permission and funding. We allowed our group to determine appropriate are confident that the new comprehensive paper- standards to continuously measure the impact of less form will eliminate employee confusion and our improvement recommendations. The project frustration as well as condense the tasks required allowed us to clearly define roles of the stake- in monitoring the approval process.” holders in the process and help differentiate the Note: This project was selected to have its findings avenues of entry and exit into the system. We and recommendations presented at the VAPHS hope that our recommendations will aid in the OSR Showcase. 3