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International Dental Journal 2013; 63: 26–29
                                                                                                            doi: 10.1111/idj.12000

Health of dentists in United Arab Emirates
Raghad Hashim* and Khalid Al-Ali
Ajman University of Science and Technology, Ajman, UAE.

Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence and nature of some health and lifestyle problems
among dentists in United Arab Emirates (UAE). Method: A cross-sectional study with a one-stage complex sampling
technique using a self-reported questionnaire distributed to all 844 dentists, working in three cities (Abu Dhabi, Dubai
and Sharjah) in UAE. Results: Seven hundred and thirty-three (87%) dentists, aged 22–70 years, responded. More than
half (n = 442, 61%) of dentists do not exercise regularly. Around one-seventh of the dentists are smokers. One hundred
and eighteen dentists (16%) reported having some known systemic problem. The most common systemic health prob-
lems were cardiovascular diseases (n = 56, 8%). Conclusion: The present study indicates that the prevalence of exercise
among dentists in UAE is relatively low and some systemic health problems, especially cardiovascular diseases, are pres-
ent among dentists practicing in UAE. Cigarette consumption is relatively high in this population of dentist. Further
continuing education and investigation of the appropriate intervention to improve rates of exercise and reduce the level
of smoking among dentists in UAE is needed, and this may help reduce the level of systemic disease.

Key words: Health, exercise, smoking, dentists, UAE

Dentistry can be a stimulating and rewarding occupa-           This study was designed to investigate the prevalence
tion but is also physically and mentally demanding1.           and nature of some health and lifestyle problems of
It has been suggested that dentists lack awareness and         dentists in UAE, including occupational issues that
knowledge about managing their stress2–4. The most             relate to exercise, cigarette smoking and systemic dis-
common stressors reported include time-related pres-           eases.
sure, heavy workloads, financial concerns, anxious
patients, staff problems, poor working conditions,
medical emergencies in the surgery and the routine
nature of the job2,5. Failure to adapt to or contend           The present study was approved by the ethics commit-
with the working environment can predispose to ill-            tee of Ajman University of Science and Technology
ness6. The most frequent causes of premature retire-           (AUST), the General Authority for Health Services for
ment among dentists are musculoskeletal disorders              the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Department of Health and
(29.5%), cardiovascular disease (21.1%) and neurotic           Medical Services of government of Dubai, and Minis-
symptoms (16.5%), as reported by Burke et al.7;                try of Health in UAE. This research was conducted in
therefore, practicing dentists should be aware of these        full accordance with the World Medical Association
illnesses and take steps to avoid them, especially mus-        Declaration of Helsinki and written consents were
culoskeletal problems and cardiovascular disease7.             obtained from all participants in this study.
Despite anecdotal evidence of these conditions, little            The questionnaire used in this study consists of 21
has been published on systemic problems specifically            closed-ended questions that provided information on
in relation to dentists.                                       individual characteristics such as age, gender, marital
   Self-awareness and the benefits of regular exercise          status, number of years since graduation and number
are important needs. Various studies have recorded             of hours worked per week. Furthermore, information
self-perceived health and health-related behaviours of         on a range of health issues of dentists was sought,
dentists in various countries but little is known about        including exercise, cigarette smoking and systemic
the health of dentists in United Arab Emirates (UAE).          diseases. A total of 844 dentists (general dental

26                                                                                           © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
Health problems

practitioners and specialists) working in three cities         dentists in the public sector than in the private sector
(Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah) in both private and             (P < 0.05; data not presented).
public sectors in UAE were selected for inclusion in             As shown in Table 3 more than one-fifth of the
this study. Participants had to have at least 1 year of        male dentists are smokers, and there were significant
work experience in the current position to be included         differences between regular smoking and gender
in the study.                                                  (P < 0.05). There was a clear association between
   The clinics were selected from the membership reg-          having systemic disease and regular smoking
ister of Ministry of Health for emirates of Abu Dhabi,         (P < 0.01; data not presented).
Dubai and Sharjah. This includes dental clinics, medi-           The prevalence of reported systemic problems have
cal centres, polyclinics and hospitals. The purpose of         been summarized in Table 4. One hundred and eigh-
the questionnaire and how the questions should be              teen dentists (16%) reported having some known sys-
answered was explained and, whenever necessary, fur-           temic problem at some time since graduation. The
ther information was provided to the participant. The          most commonly reported systemic illnesses included
questionnaires were distributed by the researchers             cardiovascular diseases (n = 56, 8%), gastrointestinal
between July 2005 and February 2006. All the data              conditions (n = 38, 5%), neurological symptoms
entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data were          (n = 14, 2%) and respiratory problems (n = 9, 1%),
then transferred into SPSS windows version 11.0 (SPSS          with the remainder reporting a variety of different
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for analysis. The chi-square           conditions. There were significant difference in the
test was used were appropriate and the level of statis-
tical significance was set at P < 0.05. Univariate and          Table 2 Number (percentage) of dentists reported to
bivariate analysis were used when appropriate.                 be exercising regularly and reported reasons for not
                                                               exercising classified by sex
RESULTS                                                                                      Male          Female        Total
                                                                                             n (%)         n (%)         n (%)
This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of,
and some factors associated with, health problems              Exercise regularly
                                                                 Yes*                       205 (46)       80 (28)     285 (39)
among dentists in UAR. Questionnaires were com-                  No                         236 (54)      206 (72)     442 (61)
pleted by 733 dentists from Abu Dhabi, Dubai and                 Total                      441 (100)     286 (100)    727 (100)
Sharjah from both public and private sectors with a            Reasons for not exercising
                                                                 Not a sports person**       24   (5)      30   (10)    54   (7)
total response rate of 87%. Missing data were                    No time**                  167   (38)    147   (51)   314   (43)
excluded from the analysis. Of the 733 dentists, 445             Too tired**                 61   (14)     78   (27)   139   (19)
(61%) were male and 288 (39%) were female, with                  Others                      26   (6)      24   (8)     50   (7)
an age range of 22–70 years (mean Æ SD                         *P < 0.05.
38.1 Æ 10.3). Background data on age, number of                **P < 0.01.
years since graduation (or in clinical practice) and
working hours per week are summarized in Table 1.              Table 3 Number (percentage) of dentists reporting
Male dentist were found to work for longer hours               smoking on a weekly basis by sex
than female dentists.
  More than one-third of the dentists (39%) reported           Smoking on a weekly basis          Male      Female       Total
                                                                                                  n (%)     n (%)        n (%)
exercising on a regular basis (Table 2). Male dentists
were significantly more likely to report exercising on          Non-smoker                     351 (79)     277 (98)     628 (86)
a regular basis (P < 0.05). A variety of reasons for           Smoker*                         92 (21)       7 (3)       99 (14)
not excising regularly were given (Table 2), with the          *P < 0.05.
most common reason being lack of time (43%). Not
exercising on regular basis was more common among
                                                               Table 4 Prevalence of reported systemic problems by
Table 1 Age, number of years since graduation and                                             Male         Female        Total
working hours by sex                                                                          n (%)        n (%)         n (%)

                           Male (n = 445)   Female (n = 288)   With systemic problem          74 (17)      44 (15)      118 (16)
                           (Mean Æ SD)        (Mean Æ SD)      Type of systemic problems
                                                                Cardiovascular*               42   (9)     14   (5)      56   (8)
Age (years)                  40.8 Æ 9.2       36.4 Æ 7.5        Gastrointestinal              22   (5)     16   (6)      38   (5)
Number of years              16.7 Æ 9.2       13.5 Æ 8.1        Symptoms of neurosis           8   (2)      6   (2)      14   (2)
 since graduation                                               Respiratory problems           4   (1)      5   (2)       9   (1)
Working hours                30.5 Æ 15.5      26.6 Æ 14.5       Others                        22   (5)     15   (5)      37   (5)
 per week (hours)
                                                               *P < 0.05.

© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation                                                                                              27
Hashim and Al-Ali

prevalence    of   cardiovascular   disease   and   sex    prevalence of dentists who reported smoking is of par-
(P < 0.05).                                                ticular concern; therefore, continuing education in the
                                                           avoidance of smoking would be beneficial. Further
                                                           studies are needed to identify the causes of this high
                                                           rate of smoking and to identify the appropriate inter-
This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of,     ventions that would reduce its prevalence among den-
and some factors associated with health problems in        tists in UAE.
dentists in UAE by means of a self-administered ques-         In general, it would be expected that the prevalence
tionnaire. To our knowledge, this is the first study to     of disease among dentists would be lower compared
report on health problems among dentists working in        with averages from other groups within the popula-
UAE. Although the response rate for this study was         tion because dentists belong to a higher socioeco-
good, one of the major limitations of this type of         nomic grouping12,13, and higher socioeconomic status
research is that people may not accurately report what     affords better dietary habits, better living conditions
they actually do.                                          and the ability to transform health information into
   In most studies the dentists are reported to be rel-    action14. In this respect, the prevalence of illnesses
atively inactive and very few took any form of             such as cardiovascular disease, tumours and respira-
physical exercise although they acknowledged the           tory disease is higher within the general population
benefits of physical exercise4. The prevalence of           than in the dental profession15. The present study
exercise in this population of dentists was relatively     shows that around one-sixth of the dentists (16.1%)
low, particularly given the relatively high rates of       have systemic diseases, and these were mainly cardio-
musculoskeletal problems seen in this population8.         vascular problems. This percentage is lower than that
The present investigation showed that only 39% of          reported in a study conducted by Leggat et al.9 in
dentists reported exercising on a regular basis. Simi-     Thailand where they found that 27.8% of dentists
lar findings were reported in Thailand9. It has been        had a systemic diseases.
noted that poor general physical fitness has been              It was noted that the prevalence of systemic prob-
associated with musculoskeletal symptoms. This             lems among dentists in the public sector were higher
finding is in line with the study of Leggat et al.9.        than among dentists in the private sector. This is
Conversely, a study conducted in Poland10 reported         could be caused by the different position of public
no significant relationship between the practice of         sector dentists in the in the workplace hierarchy, with
physical activity and the number of musculoskeletal        possibly more stress over work activities compared
disorders.                                                 with private practitioners, or it might be attributed to
   A significant association was found between lack of      the fact that dentists in the private sector exercise
regular exercise and the gender of the participant:        more regularly. Although a cross-sectional study can-
being a female dentist was significantly associated         not show causality, the results imply that physical
with not exercising regularly. The main reason             exercise is a buffer against systemic problems. This
reported for this was lack of time, which could be         finding is supported by a study conducted in Fin-
attributed to home and family responsibilities. How-       land16. Lehto et al.16 suggested that poor general
ever, those who reported not exercising regularly          physical fitness may be partly responsible for these
because of time limitation were working more than          problems and there is certainly scope for further
35 hours per week. This indicates that those dentists      decreasing the prevalence and severity of these prob-
could adjust their working time in order to exercise       lems by performing regular specific exercises17,18.
regularly and improve their physical fitness.               Therefore, measures should be investigated to improve
   In addition, it was noted that dentists working in      participation rates in exercise amongst this group of
the public sector exercised much less regularly than       dentists. In addition, male dentists reported having
dentists in the private sector. This might be attributed   more systemic problems compared to their female col-
to the working times for the dentists. Dentists work-      leagues. Notably, the prevalence of systemic diseases
ing in the public sector in UAE have a fixed working        was higher among smokers and smoking is a well-
time for 8 hours continuously, while dentists in the       known hazard to health.
private sector work on average two 4-hours shifts             Consideration of occupational and individual risk
(4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening);       factors, prevalence, symptoms and consequences of
therefore, they have more a flexible working time           these disorders, and implementing the recommended
healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise.                 health and safety measures can enable a long and
   It is surprising that almost 14% of dentists smoke      healthy career. It is therefore essential to provide
in UAE, as this rate of smoking appears to be much         background information for dentists regarding the
higher than that reported in other populations of den-     magnitude of the problem, particular risk factors and
tists1,11, specifically male dentists. This high            recommendations for prevention 19.
28                                                                                      © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
Health problems

CONCLUSION                                                              6. Gonzalez YM. Occupational diseases in dentistry. N Y State
                                                                           Dent J 1998 64: 26–28.
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problems, especially cardiovascular diseases, are pres-                    assessment of reasons for premature retirement. Br Dent J 1997
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was cited as the most common reason for dentists not                    8. Al-Ali K, Hashim R. Occupational health problems of dentists
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exercising, especially among female dentists. Cigarette
                                                                        9. Leggat PA, Chowanadisai S, Kedjarune U et al. Health of den-
consumption was relatively high in this population of                      tists in southern Thailand. Int Dent J 2001 51: 348–352.
dentists. Further continuing educational and investiga-                10. Szymanska J. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system among
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                                                                       13. Scully C, Cawson RA, Griffiths M. Mortality and some aspects
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© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation                                                                                                      29

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Health of dentists in united arab emirates idj12000

  • 1. International Dental Journal 2013; 63: 26–29 ORIGINAL ARTICLE doi: 10.1111/idj.12000 Health of dentists in United Arab Emirates Raghad Hashim* and Khalid Al-Ali Ajman University of Science and Technology, Ajman, UAE. Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence and nature of some health and lifestyle problems among dentists in United Arab Emirates (UAE). Method: A cross-sectional study with a one-stage complex sampling technique using a self-reported questionnaire distributed to all 844 dentists, working in three cities (Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah) in UAE. Results: Seven hundred and thirty-three (87%) dentists, aged 22–70 years, responded. More than half (n = 442, 61%) of dentists do not exercise regularly. Around one-seventh of the dentists are smokers. One hundred and eighteen dentists (16%) reported having some known systemic problem. The most common systemic health prob- lems were cardiovascular diseases (n = 56, 8%). Conclusion: The present study indicates that the prevalence of exercise among dentists in UAE is relatively low and some systemic health problems, especially cardiovascular diseases, are pres- ent among dentists practicing in UAE. Cigarette consumption is relatively high in this population of dentist. Further continuing education and investigation of the appropriate intervention to improve rates of exercise and reduce the level of smoking among dentists in UAE is needed, and this may help reduce the level of systemic disease. Key words: Health, exercise, smoking, dentists, UAE Dentistry can be a stimulating and rewarding occupa- This study was designed to investigate the prevalence tion but is also physically and mentally demanding1. and nature of some health and lifestyle problems of It has been suggested that dentists lack awareness and dentists in UAE, including occupational issues that knowledge about managing their stress2–4. The most relate to exercise, cigarette smoking and systemic dis- common stressors reported include time-related pres- eases. sure, heavy workloads, financial concerns, anxious patients, staff problems, poor working conditions, METHODS medical emergencies in the surgery and the routine nature of the job2,5. Failure to adapt to or contend The present study was approved by the ethics commit- with the working environment can predispose to ill- tee of Ajman University of Science and Technology ness6. The most frequent causes of premature retire- (AUST), the General Authority for Health Services for ment among dentists are musculoskeletal disorders the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Department of Health and (29.5%), cardiovascular disease (21.1%) and neurotic Medical Services of government of Dubai, and Minis- symptoms (16.5%), as reported by Burke et al.7; try of Health in UAE. This research was conducted in therefore, practicing dentists should be aware of these full accordance with the World Medical Association illnesses and take steps to avoid them, especially mus- Declaration of Helsinki and written consents were culoskeletal problems and cardiovascular disease7. obtained from all participants in this study. Despite anecdotal evidence of these conditions, little The questionnaire used in this study consists of 21 has been published on systemic problems specifically closed-ended questions that provided information on in relation to dentists. individual characteristics such as age, gender, marital Self-awareness and the benefits of regular exercise status, number of years since graduation and number are important needs. Various studies have recorded of hours worked per week. Furthermore, information self-perceived health and health-related behaviours of on a range of health issues of dentists was sought, dentists in various countries but little is known about including exercise, cigarette smoking and systemic the health of dentists in United Arab Emirates (UAE). diseases. A total of 844 dentists (general dental 26 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
  • 2. Health problems practitioners and specialists) working in three cities dentists in the public sector than in the private sector (Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah) in both private and (P < 0.05; data not presented). public sectors in UAE were selected for inclusion in As shown in Table 3 more than one-fifth of the this study. Participants had to have at least 1 year of male dentists are smokers, and there were significant work experience in the current position to be included differences between regular smoking and gender in the study. (P < 0.05). There was a clear association between The clinics were selected from the membership reg- having systemic disease and regular smoking ister of Ministry of Health for emirates of Abu Dhabi, (P < 0.01; data not presented). Dubai and Sharjah. This includes dental clinics, medi- The prevalence of reported systemic problems have cal centres, polyclinics and hospitals. The purpose of been summarized in Table 4. One hundred and eigh- the questionnaire and how the questions should be teen dentists (16%) reported having some known sys- answered was explained and, whenever necessary, fur- temic problem at some time since graduation. The ther information was provided to the participant. The most commonly reported systemic illnesses included questionnaires were distributed by the researchers cardiovascular diseases (n = 56, 8%), gastrointestinal between July 2005 and February 2006. All the data conditions (n = 38, 5%), neurological symptoms entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data were (n = 14, 2%) and respiratory problems (n = 9, 1%), then transferred into SPSS windows version 11.0 (SPSS with the remainder reporting a variety of different Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for analysis. The chi-square conditions. There were significant difference in the test was used were appropriate and the level of statis- tical significance was set at P < 0.05. Univariate and Table 2 Number (percentage) of dentists reported to bivariate analysis were used when appropriate. be exercising regularly and reported reasons for not exercising classified by sex RESULTS Male Female Total n (%) n (%) n (%) This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of, and some factors associated with, health problems Exercise regularly Yes* 205 (46) 80 (28) 285 (39) among dentists in UAR. Questionnaires were com- No 236 (54) 206 (72) 442 (61) pleted by 733 dentists from Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Total 441 (100) 286 (100) 727 (100) Sharjah from both public and private sectors with a Reasons for not exercising Not a sports person** 24 (5) 30 (10) 54 (7) total response rate of 87%. Missing data were No time** 167 (38) 147 (51) 314 (43) excluded from the analysis. Of the 733 dentists, 445 Too tired** 61 (14) 78 (27) 139 (19) (61%) were male and 288 (39%) were female, with Others 26 (6) 24 (8) 50 (7) an age range of 22–70 years (mean Æ SD *P < 0.05. 38.1 Æ 10.3). Background data on age, number of **P < 0.01. years since graduation (or in clinical practice) and working hours per week are summarized in Table 1. Table 3 Number (percentage) of dentists reporting Male dentist were found to work for longer hours smoking on a weekly basis by sex than female dentists. More than one-third of the dentists (39%) reported Smoking on a weekly basis Male Female Total n (%) n (%) n (%) exercising on a regular basis (Table 2). Male dentists were significantly more likely to report exercising on Non-smoker 351 (79) 277 (98) 628 (86) a regular basis (P < 0.05). A variety of reasons for Smoker* 92 (21) 7 (3) 99 (14) not excising regularly were given (Table 2), with the *P < 0.05. most common reason being lack of time (43%). Not exercising on regular basis was more common among Table 4 Prevalence of reported systemic problems by sex Table 1 Age, number of years since graduation and Male Female Total working hours by sex n (%) n (%) n (%) Male (n = 445) Female (n = 288) With systemic problem 74 (17) 44 (15) 118 (16) (Mean Æ SD) (Mean Æ SD) Type of systemic problems Cardiovascular* 42 (9) 14 (5) 56 (8) Age (years) 40.8 Æ 9.2 36.4 Æ 7.5 Gastrointestinal 22 (5) 16 (6) 38 (5) Number of years 16.7 Æ 9.2 13.5 Æ 8.1 Symptoms of neurosis 8 (2) 6 (2) 14 (2) since graduation Respiratory problems 4 (1) 5 (2) 9 (1) Working hours 30.5 Æ 15.5 26.6 Æ 14.5 Others 22 (5) 15 (5) 37 (5) per week (hours) *P < 0.05. © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 27
  • 3. Hashim and Al-Ali prevalence of cardiovascular disease and sex prevalence of dentists who reported smoking is of par- (P < 0.05). ticular concern; therefore, continuing education in the avoidance of smoking would be beneficial. Further studies are needed to identify the causes of this high DISCUSSION rate of smoking and to identify the appropriate inter- This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of, ventions that would reduce its prevalence among den- and some factors associated with health problems in tists in UAE. dentists in UAE by means of a self-administered ques- In general, it would be expected that the prevalence tionnaire. To our knowledge, this is the first study to of disease among dentists would be lower compared report on health problems among dentists working in with averages from other groups within the popula- UAE. Although the response rate for this study was tion because dentists belong to a higher socioeco- good, one of the major limitations of this type of nomic grouping12,13, and higher socioeconomic status research is that people may not accurately report what affords better dietary habits, better living conditions they actually do. and the ability to transform health information into In most studies the dentists are reported to be rel- action14. In this respect, the prevalence of illnesses atively inactive and very few took any form of such as cardiovascular disease, tumours and respira- physical exercise although they acknowledged the tory disease is higher within the general population benefits of physical exercise4. The prevalence of than in the dental profession15. The present study exercise in this population of dentists was relatively shows that around one-sixth of the dentists (16.1%) low, particularly given the relatively high rates of have systemic diseases, and these were mainly cardio- musculoskeletal problems seen in this population8. vascular problems. This percentage is lower than that The present investigation showed that only 39% of reported in a study conducted by Leggat et al.9 in dentists reported exercising on a regular basis. Simi- Thailand where they found that 27.8% of dentists lar findings were reported in Thailand9. It has been had a systemic diseases. noted that poor general physical fitness has been It was noted that the prevalence of systemic prob- associated with musculoskeletal symptoms. This lems among dentists in the public sector were higher finding is in line with the study of Leggat et al.9. than among dentists in the private sector. This is Conversely, a study conducted in Poland10 reported could be caused by the different position of public no significant relationship between the practice of sector dentists in the in the workplace hierarchy, with physical activity and the number of musculoskeletal possibly more stress over work activities compared disorders. with private practitioners, or it might be attributed to A significant association was found between lack of the fact that dentists in the private sector exercise regular exercise and the gender of the participant: more regularly. Although a cross-sectional study can- being a female dentist was significantly associated not show causality, the results imply that physical with not exercising regularly. The main reason exercise is a buffer against systemic problems. This reported for this was lack of time, which could be finding is supported by a study conducted in Fin- attributed to home and family responsibilities. How- land16. Lehto et al.16 suggested that poor general ever, those who reported not exercising regularly physical fitness may be partly responsible for these because of time limitation were working more than problems and there is certainly scope for further 35 hours per week. This indicates that those dentists decreasing the prevalence and severity of these prob- could adjust their working time in order to exercise lems by performing regular specific exercises17,18. regularly and improve their physical fitness. Therefore, measures should be investigated to improve In addition, it was noted that dentists working in participation rates in exercise amongst this group of the public sector exercised much less regularly than dentists. In addition, male dentists reported having dentists in the private sector. This might be attributed more systemic problems compared to their female col- to the working times for the dentists. Dentists work- leagues. Notably, the prevalence of systemic diseases ing in the public sector in UAE have a fixed working was higher among smokers and smoking is a well- time for 8 hours continuously, while dentists in the known hazard to health. private sector work on average two 4-hours shifts Consideration of occupational and individual risk (4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening); factors, prevalence, symptoms and consequences of therefore, they have more a flexible working time these disorders, and implementing the recommended healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise. health and safety measures can enable a long and It is surprising that almost 14% of dentists smoke healthy career. It is therefore essential to provide in UAE, as this rate of smoking appears to be much background information for dentists regarding the higher than that reported in other populations of den- magnitude of the problem, particular risk factors and tists1,11, specifically male dentists. This high recommendations for prevention 19. 28 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
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