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Do not
House full of games and
W E ’ R E
J O Y F U L ,
W E ’ R E
The yang energy of the summer is irretrievably gone.
After the fiery active period, Metal comes and passes
Jina's passive energy. They tell us that we are about to
begin to process the results of our efforts so far. Yes,
there is a period of harvesting and processing of the
fruits of our work so that we can endure as much as
possible. Are you afraid you do not know how to do it?
You do not have to worry about it at all. In August,
Monkey is in rule and it knows all the advice. So it's
enough to leave it behind and follow it. It will show
you the best way. You should be able to use the
monkey again in all important areas of life. With the
Monkey it can be fun, but it can also ruin your mood
very quickly (sometimes unexpectedly). So make sure
the Monkey has fun and do not "push" it into any
problems. In August, everything should be playful,
entertaining and clever. As you also know, Monkey
likes to show off and loves the audience's applause.
You will appreciate others’ appreciation in August a
little more than in previous months. So try to make a
good impression. Boast your clever ideas,
achievements and achievements. Do everything so
you can enjoy your (not just 5) few minutes of glory. It
will be a very strong motivation for you to work and
Good Luck and HAPPINESS
Jirka & Dagmar
•Thanks to the clever Monkey, you can prepare
yourself well for the rest of the year.
•Business and the monkey energy understand
each other. You can make money off of it.
•In August, do not be bored. Everything should
be playful and lightweight. Even relationships.
•If you have a working family, use the Monkey's
cleverness to make the best of your family.
•In August, it's not about how to increase
everything, but how to get the most out of the
•Set up rules and systems to suit your needs.
•If you need something new in life, then make
sure that it does not make your life more difficult.
•The monkey likes to play. Make it a good place
to do it at home.
•Your August goals must be light and seamless.
•The coming energy of autumn will want to make
sure you have everything.
•The period of cold is approaching. Your body
needs to be strengthened to defend itself.
•Learn effective techniques to help you achieve
your goals.
English version by Jirka Černák JR
ONKEYWe're starting to think again
- how best to use for our
f you wanted to enjoy a nice holiday vibe, then
you should have used the energy of July. It was a
sensational energy that allowed us to enjoy everything
and enjoy a nice summer experience. August brings a
rather significant change. Feelings are slowly
transferred to thinking and calculating. That is why you
should use this month, in particular, to calculate
correctly what and how to make the most of it. The
monkey is smart and can deal with everything very
quickly. If you have something to decide, something to
solve, do it in August. Count, look for the best solution
and concentrate on the outcome. It will go easy and
fast. The right solution comes almost itself. You will
not have to put so much effort and energy into it. Let
the smart Monkey lead the way. Do not complicate
anything. Just think of what you have to deal with and
see that the Monkey will give you the answer and the
solution right now. There is nothing to think about. Just
do it and do it as soon as possible. The Monkey likes
doing just what she likes now. Do not worry about
something complicated. It hates problems. So do not
wait until what you want to solve turns into something
that will frustrate you. You would tend to run away
from it, postpone it and make a big deal out of it. Do
not be afraid to delegate the solution to someone else.
The monkey has good ideas, but it rather leaves the
realization to others. So think about who can help you
with the situation. August is the perfect month to
prepare a good ground for everything to be settled in
September. Take a list of everything that needs to be
resolved quickly and let the Monkey guide you. Do
everything with ease and fun. The monkey hates when
it feels it needs to do something. On the contrary, it
likes playing very much. Take some time to be
entertained, play and enjoy your free time. If you are
planning a holiday, then enjoy it and have as much fun
as possible. If you spend August working, try to
present your work so that you get recognition. The
monkey likes praise and likes to be popular. So
definitely don’t hide anywhere and let the others
admire your success. Use August to plan the second
half of the year. We call the summer "cucumber
season", but it will end with the arrival of September.
Suddenly you will find that you have a lot of work,
tasks and decision-making. The better you think with
the help of the Monkey, the easier it will be in
September and the next months.
August is the first month where you should
seriously begin to think about how to get the best work
results this year. Focus on the result. Make the most of your
current situation. Do a so-called SWOT analysis (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). With this, you can
quickly identify what you can use this year to maximize
your efforts and vice versa, which can threaten or weaken
you. Then focus on the strengths and let the Monkey figure
out how to maximize your success and profits as much as
Write your ideas immediately. Pay close attention to having
the right "executor" for each task. You do not have to do it
yourself. Conversely, the more you delegate, the better for
you. Set everything to run like butter. Make sure you make
the most of your year-long effort. Think about what you have
done so far and how to make more use of it. Try to get the
most out of it. The Monkey knows exactly how to do it. Do
not forget that the Monkey will be followed in September by
the Cock. This is a practitioner who needs a clear assignment
that can be brought to perfection. The Monkey must prepare
the land for him, give him a clear assignment. Consider this
assignment right now in August. The clearer this will be, the
easier it will be to make it work in September. August is
about thinking and so engage your intellect. Do not forget
that Monkeys can handle everything. So don’t be afraid to
think about those occasions that may not even have occurred
to you. It is also important that you realize that the energy of
the Monkey is here for all, including the people around you.
So be on your guard. It may happen that someone will want
to use you for their benefit. You must avoid this.
Cleverness is the basic energy
of August. Use it.
lightness and
These are the
energies that
you should use
as much as
possible in
August. Your
can not only
improve, but
In July, you should have used the most of your relationship for romantic
experiences. August will be different. The monkey likes to play. That's why
you should focus on entertainment, play and relaxed atmosphere in
August. Your relationship will definitely grow while having fun with your
partner. In this month, plan as much fun as possible with your partner. Have
fun with friends, go to interesting places where you can enjoy various
activities and engage in different games. Definitely do not stay alone and
at home. Ideal will be a company that likes you both. Your relationship will
be strengthened if others notice that you like that you like being together
and that you are doing well in your relationship.Show everyone how happy
you are with your partner. Show off what's going on in your relationship. If
you are happy with your home, invite your friends over. Organize a nice
reunion at your house. Show your friends your home and tell them how you
got it with your partner. In August, you should participate in as much various
social events as possible. Join them with your partner. Never alone. What
you have to show is your loving relationship. The focus of attention is not on
you, but your relationship, your love, and how happy you are.
Beware of jealous people in your neighborhood. Don’t spoil your mood with
their unpleasant and bitter comments. On the contrary, take it as a clear
proof that you are doing well in your relationship. That's why they are
jealous too. This year is the year of the Fire (ruling Fire Cock). Therefore, it is
important that your relationship is accompanied by true love, amorousness
and passion. Don’t be afraid to show it to others. Don’t be shy and don’t
hide. Your relationship must be as bright as possible.
If you have a problem with your partner to deal with, just do it in August.
Clarify your situation. Clearly define what you are doing and what is
lagging behind a bit. The monkey can advise you how to deal with the
situation. Take advantage of her intelligent and reasoning side. Engage
your intellect together. Everything you can reasonably clarify, explain and
agree on common goals. Define them clearly and simply. The monkey then
finds a quick solution. Don’t wait for anything. Just act. The monkey does
not like delays. If it appears to be lengthy, complicated, it tends rather not
to deal with it. So if you get the idea of a solution, that means you have to
deal with it now. You will see how easily you can solve the situation. Before
you realize, everything will be the way you planned.
There is nothing
stronger than when
the whole family
keeps together. The
family has great
power, strength, and
the potential of
wealth and
prosperity. If you
are lucky and your
family is
functioning on these
principles, then in
August, it’s the best
time for you to
determine what and
how to continue
within your family.
You have been
behind for more
than half a year.
You have a pretty
idea of how you are
doing this year in
your family and how
everything is
evolving. So the
profits and
achievements can
already be in sight.
Therefore, it is
important to clearly
identify how to
insure your profits
and how to use them
throughout the
family. Assemble
your whole family
and organize
something like a family
meeting. Talk about how
things work for everyone.
Who needs help. Clarify
what your priorities are
and what is most important
for the family at this time.
Determine where the greatest potential is and what to take
advantage of. Then devise a plan and assign responsibilities,
tasks, and write down everything. It is important that you
keep clear in your next process and that no one in the family
feels like he doesn’t know what to do. Try to make the family
align as a whole. It will be so much stronger and you can
achieve your goals much faster. It is important that everyone
is clear about what, when, and how they should do and what
they have to contribute. The monkey brings the first metal
energy and they want order and rules. Although the Monkey
is not so metal yet, it is still necessary to take metal energy
into account in August. Its power will take effect in
September, when the Cock will take over the government,
who also rules the whole year. The cock will have great
power in September and you have to make the most of it.
You have to set everything up for your family to work well
and you could use the Cock's hard work to get you to the best
final result. But you have to settle for everything now, under
the domination of the Monkey. It has to come up with ideas
what to do and how to do it. The cock can handle it without
any problems. And because Monkey likes entertainment, it's
important to plan your family meeting as a little celebration.
The meeting should be pleasant, relaxed, and there should be
a good mood. If there are conflicts among some members,
then it’s important to not invite them to the family meeting.
Either they leave their disputes "at home", or it's better to not
invite them. Disputes and conflicts could spoil the whole
meeting. Children are also family members. The new school
year is slowly approaching. Don’t wait until September.
Already in August, think about what kind of activities your
children should do in the new school year. Which clubs or
courses to sign up for? What kind of day regime they should
have, etc. If you have future schoolchildren at home then it's
time to start preparing for change. Children need a sense of
security, support and tradition. Slowly, start getting used to
the new life that is waiting with the advent of the school. Do
it so that they enjoy the change, but also feel safe and secure.
This upbringing can only be provided by a family. The more
family members you engage in this preparation, the better for
the kids.
Energies are weakening slowly but
surely and everything starts to head
inwards from the outside. You
should, therefore, stop trying to
expand your field of activity. Instead
of that, you should concentrate on
taking the most out of what you’ve
accomplished so far. The energies
of expansion are now gone. The
energies of concentration and of
securing the already accomplished
goals are coming. If you will try to
gain something more, then you can
lose a part of what you own, or you
can even lose everything.
Now comes the time, when you must
slowly but surely start concentrating
on maximizing your profits. You
should make a thorough analysis of
the things you’ve gained and
accomplished this year. In August
you should have a good overview of
your situation. Do not lie to yourself.
Be realistic instead of being
optimistic. You should consider the
worst situation possible rather than
thinking of good results. Your goal
now is to prepare for protection of
your profits, your harvests and of
your results. It is important for you to
successfully hide the things you’ve
accomplished and prepare these
things to work to your benefit in the
new season, which comes at the
beginning of the upcoming year.
The wisdom of the Monkey, which is
ruling in August, will help you realize
how to secure your possessions,
possibly it will even advise you on
how to increase your profits. If you
use its energy, you will clearly see
what to do with your possessions
and your finances for your profit to
be at its zenith. It is advisable for
you to consult with the experts in the
field, in which you want to maximize
your profits. You should have the
correct financial and juridical
documents. If it is necessary to
undertake audits, analyses or
inspections, then prepare so that
everything goes smoothly. August is
time when there is no longer place
for heroism. It is the time for
experience and cleverness. Look for
ways to secure good results for this
year. Do not expand your
possessions in August, but start
defending and securing them. Now
comes the time, when it is necessary
to create reserves, supplies and
plans in order to protect your future
If you are a businessperson, then
concentrate on inspecting your
business’s budget. Make sure that
your expected profits are realistic
and also be aware that your
expenditures should not exceed your
profits. Starting August, you should
also slowly start preparing the
budget for the upcoming year. Start
your work with the energy of the
Monkey. It will give you many smart
ideas on how to propose a budget
for next year.
The falling energy of
coming autumn
requires you to start
creating rules and
systems to make your
work easier.
The energy around us is starting to weaken and we
are slowly starting to lose their support. In order to avoid
unnecessary exhaustion in our activities, we should create a
certain regime or system to help us handle everything
easily. The domination of the Monkey is starting to
strengthen the energies of the Metal that belong to
autumn. The metal serves for reinforcement and protection.
It is also energy of leadership. That is why order and rules
help us to bring everything to the best result. If we have
the correct rules, just follow them and they can guide us to
the goal without having to get exhausted. It's a kind of a
map, or a GPS, if you will, which always leads you to the
target. In August, you must remember your yearlong goal.
What did you want to achieve this year? What was your
main goal for this year? You are now halfway to this goal.
You've already done something, got something, gathered
something. And now is the time for you to correctly set up
how to deal with it in order to get to the finale. The
Monkey brings the energy of intelligence. The Monkey
knows every situation. It knows very well what to do to
make it work for you best. It is therefore very important
that you start working on the preparation of the plan and
rules that you will follow until the end of this year. It must
be the rules that will lead you to this year's goal. Do not
forget the rules of the rules:
1. Must be established
2. It must be announced
3. Must be respected
You must set the first two points of these rules in August
with the help of the Monkey. It will help you figure out and
fix the rules. You will be clear about what to do and how
to do it. You must then declare these rules. Everyone needs
to know what rules to follow now. It is very important for
you to do well in the next month - September. The Cock
will rule this, and he must have a clear definition of what
to do and how to do it. He needs to get the most precise
assignment so you can use his strengths. The set rules will
then play a significant role in the energy we call "helpful
friends". They will be your friends to help you reach your
The legality of the future is clear: everything new is
a concern, and therefore everything new must bring
joy. During the reign of the Monkey, it is double.
Your main goal in August is to PREVENT CREATING THINGS FOR YOU TO
STRESS ABOUT. If you want to start something new or purchase something
new, make sure that it will give the most happiness possible and create the
least amount of stress possible. The monkey does not like stress and
nurturing. It does not like problems. When it must nurture someone, then it
only nurtures itself. That is something you should also focus on. Make sure
that your future will be pleasant for you. You have to feel good, everything new
should bring happiness to you. We know, that Monkey is primarily about
playfulness and joy. That is why you should concentrate on things that
entertain you, the things that you are in the mood for. Definitely do not start
something, that will make you annoyed, something that will give you excess
stress and will make your life more complicated. The monkey has the
tendency to run away from these stressful things. By dealing with these things,
you can create a problem, that is definitely not one you want to deal with. It is
important for you to decide wisely. Everything new must work to your benefit.
Everything new must suit your current position and must strengthen you
primarily. You need to set a future that is totally accomplishable for you. The
Monkey wants to play, it wants to be entertained. You have to subordinate
everything new to this. That includes totally everything: activities, people and
things. Do not let anyone or anything potentially stressful for you into your life.
You should contrariwise set everything in a way that will help you, in a way
that will make your life easier so that you have a chance to enjoy it as much as
If you want to create something, then do it in a way that will make you proud of
yourself. The Monkey likes to be recognized. That is why you should show
your results to your colleagues, bosses, friends and family. For example, if you
are setting up a new apartment, invite your friends and colleagues to a
welcome party. If you are, for example, creating a new project, show it to your
bosses. Do everything in a way for your work to be recognized; for you to be
rewarded. That will definitely give you the energy for your future endeavours.
Do not
House full of
games and
he monkey likes to play.
You have to create a
very playful
environment. You should adapt your interior to
games and entertainment. You should relax
everything. Energies cannot be blocked
anywhere. Everything should be variable and
easily changeable. Each game requires a
different environment, a different space. Your
interior must allow it. The Goat wanted
romance in July, the Monkey wants to play
now. It must have where, with whom and for
whom. Your interior should therefore be as
flexible as possible. Make use of your space
for various social entertainment or family
games. Then change the interior as needed.
The space needs to be changed with respect to
how much space is needed. If you invite friends
or a larger family, you need to be flexible in
enlarging your sitting space. Don’t be afraid
to "bury" your stable interior. Freely move
tables, chairs, etc. Always adapt your home
and apartment to your needs. If a fun party is
about to take place, you have to turn your
apartment into an environment where
everyone can enjoy themselves and move. To
organize a great family reunion, you have to
set everything up so that the whole family
feels comfortable. The energy of games
includes freedom, loyalty and flexibility.
Space now needs to adapt to you and your
activities. On the contrary, you must not force
anyone to adapt to your space. If you want to
maximize the energy of the Monkey, then the
space must serve its current moods. Change
your interior and atmosphere according to
your specific needs. Even though the Monkey
brings the first energies of Metal, they are still
young and very strongly influenced by the
previous fiery energies. So don’t worry about
changing your habits and be flexible. Always
set your interior to be appreciated by those
who use it. Their praise that they felt good at
yours, it will be the source of your energy.
Personal Profile
Typology and personality character•
Strenghts and Weaknesses•
Natural Talent and Potential•
Relationship Correlates• – Partnership
Life Coaching
Life Balance Tuning•
Tuning of currently important area of life (fixing problems, using opportunities etc.)• – career, relationship,
family, wealth, values and rules, future, home, vision and goals
Home/Office/Shop interior solution and desing based on Feng Shui
I Ching (Yi Jing) Reading
Contact us at or +420 602 556 359
The goal of this month is to play and
enjouy the successes and our life.
Show everyone that you’re doing fine.
If you set your target for August, then it must be a goal
that will make you entertained and that will also show
others that you are really great.
August is definitely not the time
for big and difficult challenges.
Your dreams and visions should
rotate around good mood,
games and enjoying your life.
Your goals should not be
complicated nor tiring in anyway.
The Monkey wants to play, it
wants to enjoy and wants to
evoke attention in others. It
wants to show off a little. So fulfil
its wish and use this situation to
your advantage. In August set a
goal that will entertain you. It
should not be something big,
however, it also can’t be
something tiny and forgettable.
It is important for you to be able
to brag about achieving your
goal. It will be necessary to show
it off. The more recognition you
will get, the better you will
consequently feel. You can brag
about your already
accomplished goal, you can set
up a new aim for August.
Choose wisely, however.
Recognition and valuation will be
vitally important to you. If you
won’t get recognition for
accomplishing your goal, it will
make you feel uncomfortable.
You could even lose your
enthusiasm because of this and
that would be a pity. It should be
contrariwise. Recognition should
be a force that will move you
forward into September, the
month when the Rooster is
ruling. The Rooster will then help
you move further because of
your determination.
Your goal should be interlinked
with a social event. It is necessary
for you to be able to show off in
front of others, whether it be
your friends, colleagues or your
supervisors. The biggest source
of your further inspiration will
then be if your smartness and
wit will be recognized. Your goal
should not be that simple. It
must require intellect and agility,
which in return must be
recognized by others. That is
why you should think of your
goal for August in keeping with
the Monkey.
The harvest season and other harvest festivities are a
rich harvest celebration. You should also support
your wealth as much as possible.
Here, we have one beautiful saying: “…..when winter asks what you did in
summer time“ Winter does not bring us any crop, so we have to live from
what we managed to grow in the summer. If we take good care of our crops,
we will do well even in the winter. If not, we will suffer in the winter. And it is
precisely the August season that we try to make the harvest as large as
possible, the richest and a guarantee of long-term prosperity. We can
support this energy just as we set our diet in August.
This should be based on a rich harvest. In August, we are ripening a great
deal of vegetables, but also certain fruits. And vegetables and fruits should be
the main element of our August diet.
The dining room is especially hard about vegetables. Peppers, tomatoes,
cucumbers, pumpkins and other types of vegetables are ripe. These fruits of
summer should not only be on our plate, but you should also decorate your
interior with them. Especially in the kitchen and dining room you should have
different bowls and baskets with picked vegetables. You can enrich them with
fruit baskets. Your interior has to shine through the richness of your crop.
Monkey brings the first metal energy in August. These are mainly used to
protect, store and store. This is a very good time for making various jams,
spreads, etc. Your pantry should be filled with jars full of goodies. It is the
promotion of the energy of wealth and prosperity. And most importantly, it is
the energy of security that you are ready for the future. The more jars you
have, the stronger the energy of prosperity you create.
Even if you are enjoying the summer holidays and holidays,
the autumn is already knocking on the door. The Energy of
Fire slowly begins to alternate the cold Metal. It also reminds
us of one Czech saying: Holy Anna, cold from the morning.
Yes, there is already a period of cold. Especially in the
morning and in the evening, you will feel how cold Metal
will try to get under the skin. Therefore, it is high time that
you prepare for the cold days the best you can. And what else
do you get when you're not immune. All nature will slowly
but surely begin to close up, so that the cold does not come
up to its feet. And man is no exception. Immunity has the
task of protecting you from unfavorable external influences.
It's a sort of "armor" (Metal) to prevent cold, but also other
unfavorable and harmful influences. Fortunately, the end of
the summer is associated with a crop harvest that brings you
a wide range of minerals and vitamins. The biggest sources
are good vegetables and fruits. In addition to classic vegetable
dishes, take advantage of other forms of processing. Recently,
so-called "smoothies" are very popular. It's a mix of fruit or
vegetables. You create a very delicious and tasty healthy
drink. Mainly children love them. You can also season it with
various indredients. In the case of vegetable smoothies, it is
recommended to give a few drops of olive oil. It should
improve the acquisition of all healthy ingredients from
vegetables. One smoothie a day and your immunity will
protect you from the inappropriate incoming season.
Use our summer offer and order your audio Astrotype. All
you have to do, is to send us your date and hour of birth to or by phone – +420 602 556 359 and then just
sit back and enjoy listening to your natural talent, potential,
typology and character.
The whole audio playback lasts aprox. one hour, which you can spend at home or another relaxing place.
Price for the MP3 analysis of the personal Astrotype is 60 EUR
• Typology
• Character
• Profile
• Natural talent
• Life potential
• Your strenghs
GOALSThe second half of the year will require a tremendous amount of concentration in order for you to fulfill your goals for
the year. The upcoming Metal energy will help you with that. This energy makes you more concentrated, it also makes
you more aware of your goals, it stimulates your attention to details and it exercises your power of will. In case you set
your goals for this year correctly and you work hard to fulfill them, then with the beginning of August you should
concentrate your energy as much as possible in order for you to fulfill these goals. It is important for you to realize what
your goals are – you have to have a clear vision of your aims and targets. You have to realize what your goals are to
the tiniest details. You should also concentrate on your emotions and feelings interlinked with your goals. Metal
provides toughness and decisiveness. That is why you should, once again, define your goals clearly and accurately.
Maximize your concentration. Do not let anything interrupt you. Nothing must divert your attention to a different path.
From now on, everything must head towards the goal and towards the goal only. For that, use the very powerful and
effective “metal” method: mantras. What is a mantra? A mantra is a clear definition of the goals you want to achieve.
Mantras consist of present tenses and are written in a way as if the goals were already fulfilled and at this point you
only enjoy the fact that you’ve achieved your goals. A mantra should be clear, simple and accurate. It strengthens the
energy of the spirit of purpose. The stronger this spirit is, the firmer the “awareness” of achieving your goal is (no
second thoughts whatsoever) and also the stronger your will is overall. Mantras are words. Words are the reification of
spirit, thus they are its building blocks (even in the Bible it is written “In the beginning (of creation) was the Word.”) You
should convert the feelings you have when you fulfill a goal to words. By using this method you strengthen the
realization of your target. For example, if your goal for this year is a purchase of a new apartment, your mantra can
sound this way: “I enjoy the beautiful energies of my apartment, I relish in the view of charming nature and I feel totally
happy.” Mantra must be repeated a few times in a row. If you are working with spiritual energy, then you should include
your mantra to your ritual of meditation or to your prayers. In this case you can repeat your mantra up to 66 times in a
row. If you are not that experienced spiritually, then you should repeat your mantra at least 9 times. You should repeat
your mantra at least twice a day: right after you wake up in the morning and also directly before you fall asleep in the
evening. You should, however, also repeat the mantra anytime during daytime, when there is a chance to do so. If
there is little time, then repeat the mantra three times (number three defines and confirms our existence).
•Words form reality. That means that they strengthen the energy of your dream realization. A mantra will lead you to
your aim and will also pull your goal towards your life. The upcoming season of metal (August, September and
October) is almost perfect for this exercise.
SPIRIThe power of spiritual energy has been known to man for several thousand years.
Already since the time of the ancient Taoists (up to 10,000 years back) we know
that we live in a dual world where there is energy and matter. We know that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change its forms (the
material world). Energy in its pure form (ie, if we think of any form, shape, etc.)
is exactly what we call spiritual energy. It's energy feeling. We can not make it,
write, draw or sing (it is already the form of expression of this energy). We can
only feel it. If you live in a balance between energy and matter, that is, between
spiritual and material life (or between your inner feelings and material security),
then life is all right, life is pleasant, beautiful, filled and happy.
The development of civilization also brings about the emergence of a religion
that has "appropriated" spiritual energy. Unfortunately, most religions have been
abused to power and strengthen their influence in society. However, this
approach has nothing to do with working with spiritual energy. Therefore, you
should know that the place where spiritual energy is the most powerful
manifestation and the best way to experience (and process) it is nature. Nature
is a manifestation of how spiritual energy works. They are not temples, churches
or other religious buildings. You are just another expression of power. Nature
will best show you how spiritual energy works, as it manifests itself in the most
beautiful forms. Just take a moment to sit in the wild and concentrate your
attention, for example, on a beautiful flower of the plant. Immerse yourself in his
beauty, "inject" into it and experience something called nirvana - a wonderful
feeling of healing that is a feeling of Heaven, paradise, etc. Nature is the only
real and natural "temple" of spiritual energy. It is realized spiritual energy in
many different forms.
All great spiritual leaders and teachers refused temples and churches. They
considered them only as a manifestation of power. Nature does not do this. It
does not have to show its power by artificial creations. Its power is natural. It
shows the richness, variety and diversity of spiritual energy. Nature is the only
real great fortune to draw energy from for our lives. Man is a part of nature, so
every person has the potential of its wealth. Everyone can be as rich as any
other creation of nature. No tree is born to not bear fruit. It is born in order to
have as many fruits as possible. And you have the same potential. Learn from
nature, strengthen your spirit in nature and leave nature to be your true teacher
and spiritual counselor.
1 Tuesday Dog 9-6-1 On the first day of August, it will
clearly warn you that summer and
relaxed energy is slowly coming to an
end. Start slowly becoming
accustomed to order. The dog will
really require it. So today, realize
what you want and how to do that. It
will help you create a precise plan.
In order to relieve the dog's
strenuous energy, use the food to
a pleasant and friendly
atmosphere. Even the dog feels
good among those he likes.
Today you can invite your friends
and enjoy their presence with
good food.
2 Wednesday Pheasant 8-7-2 Today, energy will be relatively weak
and heavy. Do not go into anything
difficult or demanding. It could drain
your energy. Today, take care of
activities that do not require too much
Even the food should be rather
earthy today and it should make
you eat. Today, you just have to
feel strong and feel a solid ground
beneath your feet. Synthetic food
will allow you to.
3 Thursday Rooster 7-8-3 On Tuesday, active and working
energy will dominate. So take a taste
of what needs to be done. You can
engage in activities that require a
sense of detail. The motivation of
today's day will be mainly praise and
Detail will also play an important
role in the meal. It should not only
be delicious but also look
beautiful. If you cook today, try to
boast your work.
4 Friday Raven 6-9-4 This day is ideal for discovering
mistakes, checks, strict audits, and so
forth. If you want to be sure
everything is revealed, that everything
is as it should be and that an
adjustment is made, then use it today.
Beware that everything may look
worse at first glance than it really is.
Do not even experiment with food
today. New things and efforts for
originality may not be valued by
anyone today. So try to prepare
the food exactly according to the
recipe and hold your thumbs to
get it right. If anyone is going to
cook for you today, try to avoid
5 Saturday Monkey 5-1-5 There will be a sense cleverness on
Saturday. So, if you need to solve
something, think fast, do it today.
Avoid deception and fraud. The
monkey feels lies and deceit for a
thousand hunts. Everything will turn
against you.
Today's food must be mainly
about you. Do not eat anything
that you do not like and what you
do not feel like eating.
6 Sunday Primate 4-2-6 Even today, cleverness, but mainly
focused on the real needs of others.
Try to meet others and advise them
on what to do and how to do it. Be
empathic and sensitive.
On Sundays it's time to enjoy
regular banquets. It is better if
you prepare more varied meals.
Wealth should be mainly in
different tastes, but also in the
colors and styles of the kitchen.
7 Monday Tapír 3-3-7 On Monday everything should be as it
should be. So, if you do not know
something about what to do and what
to do, leave it to the tapir. He will do it
the way it is best in the situation. Do
not really wonder if you could do it
better. Today it would be a waste of
Today is a good day for home-
made family food. So prepare the
food that the whole family likes.
8 Tuesday Goat 2-4-8 Today, dedicate yourself to your
partner and take all the energy to
strengthen your relationship.
Ideal for a romantic dinner with a
partner. Do not plan anything else
9 Wednesday Muntjak 1-5-9 Today, think about your path to the
goal. Make sure you did not leave of
it. Today is not a good day for
complicated activities.
Today's food needs to be simple
and it should mainly be liked by
you. Just eat what you want.
10 Thursday Horse 9-6-1 On Thursday, do a great deal. Put in
your heart, passion and emotion.
Transfer your enthusiasm to others.
Good day for presentations, sales
and advertising. Today you must
Take the shine into the food. It's
an ideal day for big gestures,
great celebrations, parties and
dinners for a big company. Show
yourself today in the best light
and enjoy a great feast.
11 Friday Deer 8-7-2 Today is a good day for presenting
and spreading your fame, news or
information to help you break through
the market or in your company. But
beware, today you should be holding
on to the ground and use facts and
be realistic.
On Friday, food should be a
symbol of stability and security.
So eat food that you know will not
disappoint and everyone will be
12 Saturday Snake 7-8-3 On Saturday, you can devote yourself
to your inner thoughts. You can think
of your future, new approaches, etc.
Explore new practices. Do not
interfere with anyone.
Today, beware. Today's food
should be perfect in every detail:
taste, appearance, environment
and society.
13 Sunday Maggot 6-9-4 If today is not a beautiful sunny day,
you better not even put your head
from under the duvet. It will be better
to spend all day in bed and do
nothing to solve. If it's nice, enjoy the
sunshine. Do not cry any more.
Keep the rules today. Cook
everything as the recipe advises
and do not try to improve it at all.
It could end in disaster.
14 Monday Hornless
5-1-5 On Monday, you should realistically
evaluate your life situation and the
activities you are dealing with.
Evaluate everything realistically and
objectively. Stay true and do not rely
on others' feelings or ideas.
On Monday, just eat what you just
taste right now. Do not waste
your food dramatically.
15 Tuesday Dragon 4-2-6 Today, powerful and expansive
energies dominate. Think about a
possible expansion to expand your
activities. Make sure your visions are
big enough and do not be afraid to let
them go.
The richness and variety of
today's energy must also be
reflected in your food. Do not
worry about eating today. Be
generous and have a good dose
of good food.
16 Wednesday Badger 3-3-7 On Wednesday, make sure your
plans and vision have sufficient
backgrounds. If not, start building this
site. Do not let go of anything unless
you have a protected back. Rather,
do not think of anything revolutionary,
but build on something that already
exists and what works.
Today, treat yourself to some
good traditional food. Ideally
according to an old family recipe.
It is a good day for a family
meeting around the dining table.
17 Thursday Hare 2-4-8 Today it is good to be friends with
each other rather than a rival. Avoid
conflicts and resolve conflicts rather
diplomatically or through your friends.
Do not be afraid of anything. Make
sure everything works well at home.
You can also use friendly energy
to help strengthen your
relationship with good food. If you
have a dispute with your partner,
resolve it nicely.
18 Friday Fox 1-5-9 Beware of too smart solutions or
ideas. Do not try to overlook
someone. You better focus on
yourself and your activities, and use
the cleverness to move a little further.
Today's food needs to be simple.
Do not try anything complicated
or to amaze anyone with food.
Just give what you like and treat
yourself to others.
19 Saturday Tiger 9-6-1 On Saturday, you can boldly embark
on your current plans. Let them in
with passion and joy. Do not think too
much and do what you like. It is
important to have a feeling of joy at
On Saturday, enjoy the meals for
good entertainment. You can
experiment differently. You
should eat in a company and not
be at the table yourself. Good
mood is the most important thing.
20 Sunday Leopard 8-7-2 Today, be prepared to adapt to any
changes. Be flexible and do not get
caught up by any change. Be active
and perceive change as an
Sunday food should be hearty
and sour. Ideal are today's sweet
tastes. A sweet dessert shouldn’t
be left out.
21 Monday Condor 7-8-3 Today look at everything with greater
insight. You can also think about your
long-term plans. It is a good day to
contemplate and think about new
ways of dealing with the current
situation, talk about the future,
You can relieve the energy of
today with an interesting meal.
Try something new, a new recipe
or a new restaurant. Food should
be interesting.
22 Tuesday Buffalo 6-9-4 On Tuesday, beware of possible
conflicts. If someone is standing in
your way today, you may have the
tendency to break through even the
violence. Rather, follow the rules and
resolve everything on the basis of the
systems or agreements.
Even though they have relatively
strong individual energies, it
would be good to enrich them
with friendly energies. You can
use this to have a good meal with
your friends.
23 Wednesday Bat 5-1-5 Today, deal with everything with with
lightness and insight. If something
does not work out according to plan,
turn your hand over. Why worry or
experience stress. Today everything
is light and therefore nothing to worry
Today's food should be just about
you. Do not worry about what and
how it tastes for others. It is
important that you enjoy yourself.
24 Thursday Rat 4-2-6 On Thursday, take care of everything.
You could handle a lot today. It is
also a good day to process
information, analysis, or various
surveys. Do not rely on only one
Today's food needs to be varied.
It would be good to have a
chance to taste from different
25 Friday Swallow 3-3-7 Friday is suitable for advice and
consultations. If you do not know
something, talk to someone more
experienced. Do not look for the
original solution yourself. Rather, you
learn from something that's already
working, or have some advice from
someone who has already solved a
similar situation.
Have some good traditional food
on Friday. Again, there is a day
when the family should meet at
the dinner table and have a good
family meal.
26 Saturday Swine 2-4-8 On Saturday, enjoy your well-being
and abundance. You have to feel that
you are doing well and that there is
nothing in your life. It's also a good
day to take care of someone, help
someone, or get involved in charity.
On Saturday, enjoy something
good with your partner. Make a
good lunch or dinner. There is
nothing to be missed with food
and it must be enough. The
feeling of abundance is very
27 Sunday Porcupine 1-5-9 On Saturday, make sure that
everything in your life is all right.
Focus mainly on your background,
privacy and family fireplace. Today
you can also think about your plans
and activities. Sunday will be better to
spend at home..
Sunday meal should be simple
and should not disturb the overall
Sunday welfare.
28 Monday Wolf 9-6-1 On Monday, be careful that
everything is as it is. Many things
today may look different than they
really are. That's why you can verify
everything and rely on the facts.
Today it is advisable to use food
for a pleasant meeting with
friends. The food should serve
mainly to a good atmosphere.
29 Tuesday Dog 8-7-2 Today it is of course important that
you observe the rules and behave
according to the order and order.
Otherwise, an unpleasant conflict
may occur.
On Tuesday, enjoy something
earthy and filling. Have a meal
that will not disappoint you.
30 Wednesday Pheasant 7-8-3 Wednesday is not suitable for
demanding activities. Do not let go of
anything complicated. You better
make sure everything works the way
it is.
Today give yourself something
new, unusual or exotic. Eating
might make it harder for you to
get enough energy. You do not
have to be critical to eat.
31 Thursday Rooster 6-9-4 Beware of overworking. Do not take
more than you can. Today you should
also be proud of the results of your
Today, food could serve as a nice
meeting with friends. Go to a nice
restaurant or go for a party with
friends. Good mood will be

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HAPPYWEEK AUGUST 227 2017.08.01.

  • 2. The yang energy of the summer is irretrievably gone. After the fiery active period, Metal comes and passes Jina's passive energy. They tell us that we are about to begin to process the results of our efforts so far. Yes, there is a period of harvesting and processing of the fruits of our work so that we can endure as much as possible. Are you afraid you do not know how to do it? You do not have to worry about it at all. In August, Monkey is in rule and it knows all the advice. So it's enough to leave it behind and follow it. It will show you the best way. You should be able to use the monkey again in all important areas of life. With the Monkey it can be fun, but it can also ruin your mood very quickly (sometimes unexpectedly). So make sure the Monkey has fun and do not "push" it into any problems. In August, everything should be playful, entertaining and clever. As you also know, Monkey likes to show off and loves the audience's applause. You will appreciate others’ appreciation in August a little more than in previous months. So try to make a good impression. Boast your clever ideas, achievements and achievements. Do everything so you can enjoy your (not just 5) few minutes of glory. It will be a very strong motivation for you to work and work. Good Luck and HAPPINESS Jirka & Dagmar CONTENTS AUGUST – THE CLEVER MONKEY •Thanks to the clever Monkey, you can prepare yourself well for the rest of the year. HOW TO EARN IN BUSINESS •Business and the monkey energy understand each other. You can make money off of it. PLAYFUL LOVE •In August, do not be bored. Everything should be playful and lightweight. Even relationships. FAMILY ADVICE •If you have a working family, use the Monkey's cleverness to make the best of your family. TIME OF EXPANSION IS COMING TO AN END •In August, it's not about how to increase everything, but how to get the most out of the current. MAKE YOUR OWN RULES •Set up rules and systems to suit your needs. DON’T COMPLICATE ANYTHING •If you need something new in life, then make sure that it does not make your life more difficult. HOUSE FULL OF FUN AND GAMES •The monkey likes to play. Make it a good place to do it at home. WE’RE JOUYFUL AND PLAYFUL •Your August goals must be light and seamless. WEALTH OF THE CROP •The coming energy of autumn will want to make sure you have everything. TIME FOR VITAMIN BOMBS •The period of cold is approaching. Your body needs to be strengthened to defend itself. STRENGTHEN THE ENERGY OF YOUR GOALS •Learn effective techniques to help you achieve your goals. English version by Jirka Černák JR
  • 3. AUGUST ONKEYWe're starting to think again - how best to use for our benefit. f you wanted to enjoy a nice holiday vibe, then you should have used the energy of July. It was a sensational energy that allowed us to enjoy everything and enjoy a nice summer experience. August brings a rather significant change. Feelings are slowly transferred to thinking and calculating. That is why you should use this month, in particular, to calculate correctly what and how to make the most of it. The monkey is smart and can deal with everything very quickly. If you have something to decide, something to solve, do it in August. Count, look for the best solution and concentrate on the outcome. It will go easy and fast. The right solution comes almost itself. You will not have to put so much effort and energy into it. Let the smart Monkey lead the way. Do not complicate anything. Just think of what you have to deal with and see that the Monkey will give you the answer and the solution right now. There is nothing to think about. Just do it and do it as soon as possible. The Monkey likes doing just what she likes now. Do not worry about something complicated. It hates problems. So do not wait until what you want to solve turns into something that will frustrate you. You would tend to run away from it, postpone it and make a big deal out of it. Do not be afraid to delegate the solution to someone else. The monkey has good ideas, but it rather leaves the realization to others. So think about who can help you with the situation. August is the perfect month to prepare a good ground for everything to be settled in September. Take a list of everything that needs to be resolved quickly and let the Monkey guide you. Do everything with ease and fun. The monkey hates when it feels it needs to do something. On the contrary, it likes playing very much. Take some time to be entertained, play and enjoy your free time. If you are planning a holiday, then enjoy it and have as much fun as possible. If you spend August working, try to present your work so that you get recognition. The monkey likes praise and likes to be popular. So definitely don’t hide anywhere and let the others admire your success. Use August to plan the second half of the year. We call the summer "cucumber season", but it will end with the arrival of September. Suddenly you will find that you have a lot of work, tasks and decision-making. The better you think with the help of the Monkey, the easier it will be in September and the next months. I
  • 4. HOW TO EARN FROM IT August is the first month where you should seriously begin to think about how to get the best work results this year. Focus on the result. Make the most of your current situation. Do a so-called SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). With this, you can quickly identify what you can use this year to maximize your efforts and vice versa, which can threaten or weaken you. Then focus on the strengths and let the Monkey figure out how to maximize your success and profits as much as possible. Write your ideas immediately. Pay close attention to having the right "executor" for each task. You do not have to do it yourself. Conversely, the more you delegate, the better for you. Set everything to run like butter. Make sure you make the most of your year-long effort. Think about what you have done so far and how to make more use of it. Try to get the most out of it. The Monkey knows exactly how to do it. Do not forget that the Monkey will be followed in September by the Cock. This is a practitioner who needs a clear assignment that can be brought to perfection. The Monkey must prepare the land for him, give him a clear assignment. Consider this assignment right now in August. The clearer this will be, the easier it will be to make it work in September. August is about thinking and so engage your intellect. Do not forget that Monkeys can handle everything. So don’t be afraid to think about those occasions that may not even have occurred to you. It is also important that you realize that the energy of the Monkey is here for all, including the people around you. So be on your guard. It may happen that someone will want to use you for their benefit. You must avoid this. Cleverness is the basic energy of August. Use it. BUSINESS
  • 5. RELATIONSHIPS Playfulness, lightness and cleverness. These are the energies that you should use as much as possible in August. Your relationship can not only improve, but also consolidate. In July, you should have used the most of your relationship for romantic experiences. August will be different. The monkey likes to play. That's why you should focus on entertainment, play and relaxed atmosphere in August. Your relationship will definitely grow while having fun with your partner. In this month, plan as much fun as possible with your partner. Have fun with friends, go to interesting places where you can enjoy various activities and engage in different games. Definitely do not stay alone and at home. Ideal will be a company that likes you both. Your relationship will be strengthened if others notice that you like that you like being together and that you are doing well in your relationship.Show everyone how happy you are with your partner. Show off what's going on in your relationship. If you are happy with your home, invite your friends over. Organize a nice reunion at your house. Show your friends your home and tell them how you got it with your partner. In August, you should participate in as much various social events as possible. Join them with your partner. Never alone. What you have to show is your loving relationship. The focus of attention is not on you, but your relationship, your love, and how happy you are. Beware of jealous people in your neighborhood. Don’t spoil your mood with their unpleasant and bitter comments. On the contrary, take it as a clear proof that you are doing well in your relationship. That's why they are jealous too. This year is the year of the Fire (ruling Fire Cock). Therefore, it is important that your relationship is accompanied by true love, amorousness and passion. Don’t be afraid to show it to others. Don’t be shy and don’t hide. Your relationship must be as bright as possible. If you have a problem with your partner to deal with, just do it in August. Clarify your situation. Clearly define what you are doing and what is lagging behind a bit. The monkey can advise you how to deal with the situation. Take advantage of her intelligent and reasoning side. Engage your intellect together. Everything you can reasonably clarify, explain and agree on common goals. Define them clearly and simply. The monkey then finds a quick solution. Don’t wait for anything. Just act. The monkey does not like delays. If it appears to be lengthy, complicated, it tends rather not to deal with it. So if you get the idea of a solution, that means you have to deal with it now. You will see how easily you can solve the situation. Before you realize, everything will be the way you planned.
  • 6. amily advice There is nothing stronger than when the whole family keeps together. The family has great power, strength, and the potential of wealth and prosperity. If you are lucky and your family is functioning on these principles, then in August, it’s the best time for you to determine what and how to continue within your family. You have been behind for more than half a year. You have a pretty clear idea of how you are doing this year in your family and how everything is evolving. So the profits and achievements can already be in sight. Therefore, it is important to clearly identify how to insure your profits and how to use them throughout the family. Assemble your whole family and organize something like a family meeting. Talk about how things work for everyone. Who needs help. Clarify what your priorities are and what is most important for the family at this time. F A M I L Y Determine where the greatest potential is and what to take advantage of. Then devise a plan and assign responsibilities, tasks, and write down everything. It is important that you keep clear in your next process and that no one in the family feels like he doesn’t know what to do. Try to make the family align as a whole. It will be so much stronger and you can achieve your goals much faster. It is important that everyone is clear about what, when, and how they should do and what they have to contribute. The monkey brings the first metal energy and they want order and rules. Although the Monkey is not so metal yet, it is still necessary to take metal energy into account in August. Its power will take effect in September, when the Cock will take over the government, who also rules the whole year. The cock will have great power in September and you have to make the most of it. You have to set everything up for your family to work well and you could use the Cock's hard work to get you to the best final result. But you have to settle for everything now, under the domination of the Monkey. It has to come up with ideas what to do and how to do it. The cock can handle it without any problems. And because Monkey likes entertainment, it's important to plan your family meeting as a little celebration. The meeting should be pleasant, relaxed, and there should be a good mood. If there are conflicts among some members, then it’s important to not invite them to the family meeting. Either they leave their disputes "at home", or it's better to not invite them. Disputes and conflicts could spoil the whole meeting. Children are also family members. The new school year is slowly approaching. Don’t wait until September. Already in August, think about what kind of activities your children should do in the new school year. Which clubs or courses to sign up for? What kind of day regime they should have, etc. If you have future schoolchildren at home then it's time to start preparing for change. Children need a sense of security, support and tradition. Slowly, start getting used to the new life that is waiting with the advent of the school. Do it so that they enjoy the change, but also feel safe and secure. This upbringing can only be provided by a family. The more family members you engage in this preparation, the better for the kids.
  • 7. WEALTH TIME OF EXPANSION IS COMING TO AN END Energies are weakening slowly but surely and everything starts to head inwards from the outside. You should, therefore, stop trying to expand your field of activity. Instead of that, you should concentrate on taking the most out of what you’ve accomplished so far. The energies of expansion are now gone. The energies of concentration and of securing the already accomplished goals are coming. If you will try to gain something more, then you can lose a part of what you own, or you can even lose everything. Now comes the time, when you must slowly but surely start concentrating on maximizing your profits. You should make a thorough analysis of the things you’ve gained and accomplished this year. In August you should have a good overview of your situation. Do not lie to yourself. Be realistic instead of being optimistic. You should consider the worst situation possible rather than thinking of good results. Your goal now is to prepare for protection of your profits, your harvests and of your results. It is important for you to successfully hide the things you’ve accomplished and prepare these things to work to your benefit in the new season, which comes at the beginning of the upcoming year. The wisdom of the Monkey, which is ruling in August, will help you realize how to secure your possessions, possibly it will even advise you on how to increase your profits. If you use its energy, you will clearly see what to do with your possessions and your finances for your profit to be at its zenith. It is advisable for you to consult with the experts in the field, in which you want to maximize your profits. You should have the correct financial and juridical documents. If it is necessary to undertake audits, analyses or inspections, then prepare so that everything goes smoothly. August is time when there is no longer place for heroism. It is the time for experience and cleverness. Look for ways to secure good results for this year. Do not expand your possessions in August, but start defending and securing them. Now comes the time, when it is necessary to create reserves, supplies and plans in order to protect your future profits. If you are a businessperson, then concentrate on inspecting your business’s budget. Make sure that your expected profits are realistic and also be aware that your expenditures should not exceed your profits. Starting August, you should also slowly start preparing the budget for the upcoming year. Start your work with the energy of the Monkey. It will give you many smart ideas on how to propose a budget for next year.
  • 8. SUPPORT START MAKING YOUR OWN RULES The falling energy of coming autumn requires you to start creating rules and systems to make your work easier. The energy around us is starting to weaken and we are slowly starting to lose their support. In order to avoid unnecessary exhaustion in our activities, we should create a certain regime or system to help us handle everything easily. The domination of the Monkey is starting to strengthen the energies of the Metal that belong to autumn. The metal serves for reinforcement and protection. It is also energy of leadership. That is why order and rules help us to bring everything to the best result. If we have the correct rules, just follow them and they can guide us to the goal without having to get exhausted. It's a kind of a map, or a GPS, if you will, which always leads you to the target. In August, you must remember your yearlong goal. What did you want to achieve this year? What was your main goal for this year? You are now halfway to this goal. You've already done something, got something, gathered something. And now is the time for you to correctly set up how to deal with it in order to get to the finale. The Monkey brings the energy of intelligence. The Monkey knows every situation. It knows very well what to do to make it work for you best. It is therefore very important that you start working on the preparation of the plan and rules that you will follow until the end of this year. It must be the rules that will lead you to this year's goal. Do not forget the rules of the rules: 1. Must be established 2. It must be announced 3. Must be respected You must set the first two points of these rules in August with the help of the Monkey. It will help you figure out and fix the rules. You will be clear about what to do and how to do it. You must then declare these rules. Everyone needs to know what rules to follow now. It is very important for you to do well in the next month - September. The Cock will rule this, and he must have a clear definition of what to do and how to do it. He needs to get the most precise assignment so you can use his strengths. The set rules will then play a significant role in the energy we call "helpful friends". They will be your friends to help you reach your goal.
  • 9. The legality of the future is clear: everything new is a concern, and therefore everything new must bring joy. During the reign of the Monkey, it is double. FUTURE Your main goal in August is to PREVENT CREATING THINGS FOR YOU TO STRESS ABOUT. If you want to start something new or purchase something new, make sure that it will give the most happiness possible and create the least amount of stress possible. The monkey does not like stress and nurturing. It does not like problems. When it must nurture someone, then it only nurtures itself. That is something you should also focus on. Make sure that your future will be pleasant for you. You have to feel good, everything new should bring happiness to you. We know, that Monkey is primarily about playfulness and joy. That is why you should concentrate on things that entertain you, the things that you are in the mood for. Definitely do not start something, that will make you annoyed, something that will give you excess stress and will make your life more complicated. The monkey has the tendency to run away from these stressful things. By dealing with these things, you can create a problem, that is definitely not one you want to deal with. It is important for you to decide wisely. Everything new must work to your benefit. Everything new must suit your current position and must strengthen you primarily. You need to set a future that is totally accomplishable for you. The Monkey wants to play, it wants to be entertained. You have to subordinate everything new to this. That includes totally everything: activities, people and things. Do not let anyone or anything potentially stressful for you into your life. You should contrariwise set everything in a way that will help you, in a way that will make your life easier so that you have a chance to enjoy it as much as possible. If you want to create something, then do it in a way that will make you proud of yourself. The Monkey likes to be recognized. That is why you should show your results to your colleagues, bosses, friends and family. For example, if you are setting up a new apartment, invite your friends and colleagues to a welcome party. If you are, for example, creating a new project, show it to your bosses. Do everything in a way for your work to be recognized; for you to be rewarded. That will definitely give you the energy for your future endeavours. Do not Complicate anything
  • 10. House full of games and FUN he monkey likes to play. You have to create a very playful environment. You should adapt your interior to games and entertainment. You should relax everything. Energies cannot be blocked anywhere. Everything should be variable and easily changeable. Each game requires a different environment, a different space. Your interior must allow it. The Goat wanted romance in July, the Monkey wants to play now. It must have where, with whom and for whom. Your interior should therefore be as flexible as possible. Make use of your space for various social entertainment or family games. Then change the interior as needed. The space needs to be changed with respect to how much space is needed. If you invite friends or a larger family, you need to be flexible in enlarging your sitting space. Don’t be afraid to "bury" your stable interior. Freely move tables, chairs, etc. Always adapt your home and apartment to your needs. If a fun party is about to take place, you have to turn your apartment into an environment where everyone can enjoy themselves and move. To organize a great family reunion, you have to set everything up so that the whole family feels comfortable. The energy of games includes freedom, loyalty and flexibility. Space now needs to adapt to you and your activities. On the contrary, you must not force anyone to adapt to your space. If you want to maximize the energy of the Monkey, then the space must serve its current moods. Change your interior and atmosphere according to your specific needs. Even though the Monkey brings the first energies of Metal, they are still young and very strongly influenced by the previous fiery energies. So don’t worry about changing your habits and be flexible. Always set your interior to be appreciated by those who use it. Their praise that they felt good at yours, it will be the source of your energy. INTERIOR T
  • 11. Personal Profile Typology and personality character• Profiling• Strenghts and Weaknesses• Natural Talent and Potential• Relationship Correlates• – Partnership analysis Life Coaching Life Balance Tuning• Tuning of currently important area of life (fixing problems, using opportunities etc.)• – career, relationship, family, wealth, values and rules, future, home, vision and goals Home/Office/Shop interior solution and desing based on Feng Shui I Ching (Yi Jing) Reading Contact us at or +420 602 556 359 COACHING & CONSULTING
  • 12. WE’RE JOYFULL WE’RE PLAYFUL The goal of this month is to play and enjouy the successes and our life. Show everyone that you’re doing fine. If you set your target for August, then it must be a goal that will make you entertained and that will also show others that you are really great. August is definitely not the time for big and difficult challenges. Your dreams and visions should rotate around good mood, games and enjoying your life. Your goals should not be complicated nor tiring in anyway. The Monkey wants to play, it wants to enjoy and wants to evoke attention in others. It wants to show off a little. So fulfil its wish and use this situation to your advantage. In August set a goal that will entertain you. It should not be something big, however, it also can’t be something tiny and forgettable. It is important for you to be able to brag about achieving your goal. It will be necessary to show it off. The more recognition you will get, the better you will consequently feel. You can brag about your already accomplished goal, you can set up a new aim for August. Choose wisely, however. Recognition and valuation will be vitally important to you. If you won’t get recognition for accomplishing your goal, it will make you feel uncomfortable. You could even lose your enthusiasm because of this and that would be a pity. It should be contrariwise. Recognition should be a force that will move you forward into September, the month when the Rooster is ruling. The Rooster will then help you move further because of your determination. Your goal should be interlinked with a social event. It is necessary for you to be able to show off in front of others, whether it be your friends, colleagues or your supervisors. The biggest source of your further inspiration will then be if your smartness and wit will be recognized. Your goal should not be that simple. It must require intellect and agility, which in return must be recognized by others. That is why you should think of your goal for August in keeping with the Monkey. VISION
  • 13. WEALTH OF CROP THE BEGINNING OF AUTUMN HAS TO HAVE A SENSE OF WEALTH AND PROSPERITY. The harvest season and other harvest festivities are a rich harvest celebration. You should also support your wealth as much as possible. Here, we have one beautiful saying: “…..when winter asks what you did in summer time“ Winter does not bring us any crop, so we have to live from what we managed to grow in the summer. If we take good care of our crops, we will do well even in the winter. If not, we will suffer in the winter. And it is precisely the August season that we try to make the harvest as large as possible, the richest and a guarantee of long-term prosperity. We can support this energy just as we set our diet in August. This should be based on a rich harvest. In August, we are ripening a great deal of vegetables, but also certain fruits. And vegetables and fruits should be the main element of our August diet. The dining room is especially hard about vegetables. Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and other types of vegetables are ripe. These fruits of summer should not only be on our plate, but you should also decorate your interior with them. Especially in the kitchen and dining room you should have different bowls and baskets with picked vegetables. You can enrich them with fruit baskets. Your interior has to shine through the richness of your crop. Monkey brings the first metal energy in August. These are mainly used to protect, store and store. This is a very good time for making various jams, spreads, etc. Your pantry should be filled with jars full of goodies. It is the promotion of the energy of wealth and prosperity. And most importantly, it is the energy of security that you are ready for the future. The more jars you have, the stronger the energy of prosperity you create.
  • 14. TIME FOR VITAMIN BOMBS Even if you are enjoying the summer holidays and holidays, the autumn is already knocking on the door. The Energy of Fire slowly begins to alternate the cold Metal. It also reminds us of one Czech saying: Holy Anna, cold from the morning. Yes, there is already a period of cold. Especially in the morning and in the evening, you will feel how cold Metal will try to get under the skin. Therefore, it is high time that you prepare for the cold days the best you can. And what else do you get when you're not immune. All nature will slowly but surely begin to close up, so that the cold does not come up to its feet. And man is no exception. Immunity has the task of protecting you from unfavorable external influences. It's a sort of "armor" (Metal) to prevent cold, but also other unfavorable and harmful influences. Fortunately, the end of the summer is associated with a crop harvest that brings you a wide range of minerals and vitamins. The biggest sources are good vegetables and fruits. In addition to classic vegetable dishes, take advantage of other forms of processing. Recently, so-called "smoothies" are very popular. It's a mix of fruit or vegetables. You create a very delicious and tasty healthy drink. Mainly children love them. You can also season it with various indredients. In the case of vegetable smoothies, it is recommended to give a few drops of olive oil. It should improve the acquisition of all healthy ingredients from vegetables. One smoothie a day and your immunity will protect you from the inappropriate incoming season.
  • 15. TELLING OF ASTROTYPE ON MP3 KNOW YOUR TRUE SELF AND YOUR NATURAL TALENT Use our summer offer and order your audio Astrotype. All you have to do, is to send us your date and hour of birth to or by phone – +420 602 556 359 and then just sit back and enjoy listening to your natural talent, potential, typology and character. The whole audio playback lasts aprox. one hour, which you can spend at home or another relaxing place. Price for the MP3 analysis of the personal Astrotype is 60 EUR EVERYTHING YOU WILL GET TO KNOW: • Typology • Character • Profile • Natural talent • Life potential • Your strenghs
  • 16. STRENGTHEN THE ENERGY OF YOUR GOALSThe second half of the year will require a tremendous amount of concentration in order for you to fulfill your goals for the year. The upcoming Metal energy will help you with that. This energy makes you more concentrated, it also makes you more aware of your goals, it stimulates your attention to details and it exercises your power of will. In case you set your goals for this year correctly and you work hard to fulfill them, then with the beginning of August you should concentrate your energy as much as possible in order for you to fulfill these goals. It is important for you to realize what your goals are – you have to have a clear vision of your aims and targets. You have to realize what your goals are to the tiniest details. You should also concentrate on your emotions and feelings interlinked with your goals. Metal provides toughness and decisiveness. That is why you should, once again, define your goals clearly and accurately. Maximize your concentration. Do not let anything interrupt you. Nothing must divert your attention to a different path. From now on, everything must head towards the goal and towards the goal only. For that, use the very powerful and effective “metal” method: mantras. What is a mantra? A mantra is a clear definition of the goals you want to achieve. Mantras consist of present tenses and are written in a way as if the goals were already fulfilled and at this point you only enjoy the fact that you’ve achieved your goals. A mantra should be clear, simple and accurate. It strengthens the energy of the spirit of purpose. The stronger this spirit is, the firmer the “awareness” of achieving your goal is (no second thoughts whatsoever) and also the stronger your will is overall. Mantras are words. Words are the reification of spirit, thus they are its building blocks (even in the Bible it is written “In the beginning (of creation) was the Word.”) You should convert the feelings you have when you fulfill a goal to words. By using this method you strengthen the realization of your target. For example, if your goal for this year is a purchase of a new apartment, your mantra can sound this way: “I enjoy the beautiful energies of my apartment, I relish in the view of charming nature and I feel totally happy.” Mantra must be repeated a few times in a row. If you are working with spiritual energy, then you should include your mantra to your ritual of meditation or to your prayers. In this case you can repeat your mantra up to 66 times in a row. If you are not that experienced spiritually, then you should repeat your mantra at least 9 times. You should repeat your mantra at least twice a day: right after you wake up in the morning and also directly before you fall asleep in the evening. You should, however, also repeat the mantra anytime during daytime, when there is a chance to do so. If there is little time, then repeat the mantra three times (number three defines and confirms our existence). •Words form reality. That means that they strengthen the energy of your dream realization. A mantra will lead you to your aim and will also pull your goal towards your life. The upcoming season of metal (August, September and October) is almost perfect for this exercise.
  • 17. HAVE A STRONG SPIRIThe power of spiritual energy has been known to man for several thousand years. Already since the time of the ancient Taoists (up to 10,000 years back) we know that we live in a dual world where there is energy and matter. We know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change its forms (the material world). Energy in its pure form (ie, if we think of any form, shape, etc.) is exactly what we call spiritual energy. It's energy feeling. We can not make it, write, draw or sing (it is already the form of expression of this energy). We can only feel it. If you live in a balance between energy and matter, that is, between spiritual and material life (or between your inner feelings and material security), then life is all right, life is pleasant, beautiful, filled and happy. The development of civilization also brings about the emergence of a religion that has "appropriated" spiritual energy. Unfortunately, most religions have been abused to power and strengthen their influence in society. However, this approach has nothing to do with working with spiritual energy. Therefore, you should know that the place where spiritual energy is the most powerful manifestation and the best way to experience (and process) it is nature. Nature is a manifestation of how spiritual energy works. They are not temples, churches or other religious buildings. You are just another expression of power. Nature will best show you how spiritual energy works, as it manifests itself in the most beautiful forms. Just take a moment to sit in the wild and concentrate your attention, for example, on a beautiful flower of the plant. Immerse yourself in his beauty, "inject" into it and experience something called nirvana - a wonderful feeling of healing that is a feeling of Heaven, paradise, etc. Nature is the only real and natural "temple" of spiritual energy. It is realized spiritual energy in many different forms. All great spiritual leaders and teachers refused temples and churches. They considered them only as a manifestation of power. Nature does not do this. It does not have to show its power by artificial creations. Its power is natural. It shows the richness, variety and diversity of spiritual energy. Nature is the only real great fortune to draw energy from for our lives. Man is a part of nature, so every person has the potential of its wealth. Everyone can be as rich as any other creation of nature. No tree is born to not bear fruit. It is born in order to have as many fruits as possible. And you have the same potential. Learn from nature, strengthen your spirit in nature and leave nature to be your true teacher and spiritual counselor. .
  • 18. FORECAST OF ENERGIES - AUGUST 1 Tuesday Dog 9-6-1 On the first day of August, it will clearly warn you that summer and relaxed energy is slowly coming to an end. Start slowly becoming accustomed to order. The dog will really require it. So today, realize what you want and how to do that. It will help you create a precise plan. In order to relieve the dog's strenuous energy, use the food to a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Even the dog feels good among those he likes. Today you can invite your friends and enjoy their presence with good food. 2 Wednesday Pheasant 8-7-2 Today, energy will be relatively weak and heavy. Do not go into anything difficult or demanding. It could drain your energy. Today, take care of activities that do not require too much invention. Even the food should be rather earthy today and it should make you eat. Today, you just have to feel strong and feel a solid ground beneath your feet. Synthetic food will allow you to. 3 Thursday Rooster 7-8-3 On Tuesday, active and working energy will dominate. So take a taste of what needs to be done. You can engage in activities that require a sense of detail. The motivation of today's day will be mainly praise and recognition. Detail will also play an important role in the meal. It should not only be delicious but also look beautiful. If you cook today, try to boast your work. 4 Friday Raven 6-9-4 This day is ideal for discovering mistakes, checks, strict audits, and so forth. If you want to be sure everything is revealed, that everything is as it should be and that an adjustment is made, then use it today. Beware that everything may look worse at first glance than it really is. Do not even experiment with food today. New things and efforts for originality may not be valued by anyone today. So try to prepare the food exactly according to the recipe and hold your thumbs to get it right. If anyone is going to cook for you today, try to avoid criticism. 5 Saturday Monkey 5-1-5 There will be a sense cleverness on Saturday. So, if you need to solve something, think fast, do it today. Avoid deception and fraud. The monkey feels lies and deceit for a thousand hunts. Everything will turn against you. Today's food must be mainly about you. Do not eat anything that you do not like and what you do not feel like eating. 6 Sunday Primate 4-2-6 Even today, cleverness, but mainly focused on the real needs of others. Try to meet others and advise them on what to do and how to do it. Be empathic and sensitive. On Sundays it's time to enjoy regular banquets. It is better if you prepare more varied meals. Wealth should be mainly in different tastes, but also in the colors and styles of the kitchen.
  • 19. FORECAST OF ENERGIES - AUGUST 7 Monday Tapír 3-3-7 On Monday everything should be as it should be. So, if you do not know something about what to do and what to do, leave it to the tapir. He will do it the way it is best in the situation. Do not really wonder if you could do it better. Today it would be a waste of energy. Today is a good day for home- made family food. So prepare the food that the whole family likes. 8 Tuesday Goat 2-4-8 Today, dedicate yourself to your partner and take all the energy to strengthen your relationship. Ideal for a romantic dinner with a partner. Do not plan anything else today. 9 Wednesday Muntjak 1-5-9 Today, think about your path to the goal. Make sure you did not leave of it. Today is not a good day for complicated activities. Today's food needs to be simple and it should mainly be liked by you. Just eat what you want. 10 Thursday Horse 9-6-1 On Thursday, do a great deal. Put in your heart, passion and emotion. Transfer your enthusiasm to others. Good day for presentations, sales and advertising. Today you must shine. Take the shine into the food. It's an ideal day for big gestures, great celebrations, parties and dinners for a big company. Show yourself today in the best light and enjoy a great feast. 11 Friday Deer 8-7-2 Today is a good day for presenting and spreading your fame, news or information to help you break through the market or in your company. But beware, today you should be holding on to the ground and use facts and be realistic. On Friday, food should be a symbol of stability and security. So eat food that you know will not disappoint and everyone will be happy. 12 Saturday Snake 7-8-3 On Saturday, you can devote yourself to your inner thoughts. You can think of your future, new approaches, etc. Explore new practices. Do not interfere with anyone. Today, beware. Today's food should be perfect in every detail: taste, appearance, environment and society. 13 Sunday Maggot 6-9-4 If today is not a beautiful sunny day, you better not even put your head from under the duvet. It will be better to spend all day in bed and do nothing to solve. If it's nice, enjoy the sunshine. Do not cry any more. Keep the rules today. Cook everything as the recipe advises and do not try to improve it at all. It could end in disaster.
  • 20. FORECAST OF ENERGIES - AUGUST 14 Monday Hornless dragon 5-1-5 On Monday, you should realistically evaluate your life situation and the activities you are dealing with. Evaluate everything realistically and objectively. Stay true and do not rely on others' feelings or ideas. On Monday, just eat what you just taste right now. Do not waste your food dramatically. 15 Tuesday Dragon 4-2-6 Today, powerful and expansive energies dominate. Think about a possible expansion to expand your activities. Make sure your visions are big enough and do not be afraid to let them go. The richness and variety of today's energy must also be reflected in your food. Do not worry about eating today. Be generous and have a good dose of good food. 16 Wednesday Badger 3-3-7 On Wednesday, make sure your plans and vision have sufficient backgrounds. If not, start building this site. Do not let go of anything unless you have a protected back. Rather, do not think of anything revolutionary, but build on something that already exists and what works. Today, treat yourself to some good traditional food. Ideally according to an old family recipe. It is a good day for a family meeting around the dining table. 17 Thursday Hare 2-4-8 Today it is good to be friends with each other rather than a rival. Avoid conflicts and resolve conflicts rather diplomatically or through your friends. Do not be afraid of anything. Make sure everything works well at home. You can also use friendly energy to help strengthen your relationship with good food. If you have a dispute with your partner, resolve it nicely. 18 Friday Fox 1-5-9 Beware of too smart solutions or ideas. Do not try to overlook someone. You better focus on yourself and your activities, and use the cleverness to move a little further. Today's food needs to be simple. Do not try anything complicated or to amaze anyone with food. Just give what you like and treat yourself to others. 19 Saturday Tiger 9-6-1 On Saturday, you can boldly embark on your current plans. Let them in with passion and joy. Do not think too much and do what you like. It is important to have a feeling of joy at that. On Saturday, enjoy the meals for good entertainment. You can experiment differently. You should eat in a company and not be at the table yourself. Good mood is the most important thing. 20 Sunday Leopard 8-7-2 Today, be prepared to adapt to any changes. Be flexible and do not get caught up by any change. Be active and perceive change as an opportunity. Sunday food should be hearty and sour. Ideal are today's sweet tastes. A sweet dessert shouldn’t be left out.
  • 21. FORECAST OF ENERGIES - AUGUST 21 Monday Condor 7-8-3 Today look at everything with greater insight. You can also think about your long-term plans. It is a good day to contemplate and think about new ways of dealing with the current situation, talk about the future, You can relieve the energy of today with an interesting meal. Try something new, a new recipe or a new restaurant. Food should be interesting. 22 Tuesday Buffalo 6-9-4 On Tuesday, beware of possible conflicts. If someone is standing in your way today, you may have the tendency to break through even the violence. Rather, follow the rules and resolve everything on the basis of the systems or agreements. Even though they have relatively strong individual energies, it would be good to enrich them with friendly energies. You can use this to have a good meal with your friends. 23 Wednesday Bat 5-1-5 Today, deal with everything with with lightness and insight. If something does not work out according to plan, turn your hand over. Why worry or experience stress. Today everything is light and therefore nothing to worry about. Today's food should be just about you. Do not worry about what and how it tastes for others. It is important that you enjoy yourself. 24 Thursday Rat 4-2-6 On Thursday, take care of everything. You could handle a lot today. It is also a good day to process information, analysis, or various surveys. Do not rely on only one resource. Today's food needs to be varied. It would be good to have a chance to taste from different meals. 25 Friday Swallow 3-3-7 Friday is suitable for advice and consultations. If you do not know something, talk to someone more experienced. Do not look for the original solution yourself. Rather, you learn from something that's already working, or have some advice from someone who has already solved a similar situation. Have some good traditional food on Friday. Again, there is a day when the family should meet at the dinner table and have a good family meal. 26 Saturday Swine 2-4-8 On Saturday, enjoy your well-being and abundance. You have to feel that you are doing well and that there is nothing in your life. It's also a good day to take care of someone, help someone, or get involved in charity. On Saturday, enjoy something good with your partner. Make a good lunch or dinner. There is nothing to be missed with food and it must be enough. The feeling of abundance is very important. 27 Sunday Porcupine 1-5-9 On Saturday, make sure that everything in your life is all right. Focus mainly on your background, privacy and family fireplace. Today you can also think about your plans and activities. Sunday will be better to spend at home.. Sunday meal should be simple and should not disturb the overall Sunday welfare.
  • 22. FORECAST OF ENERGIES - AUGUST 28 Monday Wolf 9-6-1 On Monday, be careful that everything is as it is. Many things today may look different than they really are. That's why you can verify everything and rely on the facts. Today it is advisable to use food for a pleasant meeting with friends. The food should serve mainly to a good atmosphere. 29 Tuesday Dog 8-7-2 Today it is of course important that you observe the rules and behave according to the order and order. Otherwise, an unpleasant conflict may occur. On Tuesday, enjoy something earthy and filling. Have a meal that will not disappoint you. 30 Wednesday Pheasant 7-8-3 Wednesday is not suitable for demanding activities. Do not let go of anything complicated. You better make sure everything works the way it is. Today give yourself something new, unusual or exotic. Eating might make it harder for you to get enough energy. You do not have to be critical to eat. 31 Thursday Rooster 6-9-4 Beware of overworking. Do not take more than you can. Today you should also be proud of the results of your work. Today, food could serve as a nice meeting with friends. Go to a nice restaurant or go for a party with friends. Good mood will be important.