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This essay is prepared with an aim to investigate into the difficulties arises while dealing 
with alcoholic patients in primary care in Europe. In this context, the researcher will evaluate the 
issues concerned with doctors in tackling the psychological character of alcoholic patients. 
Moreover, the discussion will provide how doctors motivate such patient to recover from their 
lethal conditions. In spite of declining in the wine-producing nations, Europe remains the 
province on the globe with largest production as well as consumption of alcoholic beverages 
along with commensurately more levels of harm related to alcohol. In the survey of North 
America it was found that over 4.5% of women and 23% of men are involved in the alcohol use 
or dependence throughout their lifetime. The country is about the middle of the worldwide 
league of intoxicating consumption. Thus, in all European Union’s member states the alcoholic 
harms are considered as a major public health problem. The use of alcohol and its harm are 
increasing sharply in the some recently independent regions of Eastern Europe (Taylor and 
Oberman, 2006). 
There can be both social and health problems related to alcohol. Some dangers linked 
with alcohol obtain from long-term heavy consumption and some from acute intoxication. There 
are lots of psychological, social and medical issues connected with alcohol dependence. All 
kinds of issues subsist in unstable degrees of relentlessness. Overall, 9% of total diseases are due 
to alcohol products in the WHO European Region as well as 40-60% of deaths from 
unintentional and intentional injury is attributable to alcohol. Potentially doctors are not just 
providers of care for patients concerned with alcoholic problems; rather they are also regarded as 
“gatekeepers” into the services of treatment and usually the leaders of involved multidisciplinary 
teams (Baum, 2007). Moreover, doctors worked as advocates for alcoholic issues treatment and 
prevention within the health services. Alcohol invades on a series of medical specialists, such as 
emergency and accident, general surgery, general medicine, dermatology, cardiology, obstetrics, 
neurology, gynaecology, geriatrics, paediatrics, biochemistry, hematology, toxicology, 
psychiatry, pathology, etc. About 42 millions of adults in the European Union are dependence 
through some period of their lives and experience alcohol abuse. If the hypothesis will make that 
every drinker negatively affect only one other person then 94 millions of Europeans will 
experience severe problems from either another’s or their own drinking (Thompson, 2007). 
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In clinical settings, individuals with alcohol related problems appear in huge number. 
Problem drinkers make consultation with family doctors just about twice as regular as matched 
controls, particularly due to acute injuries and psychological problems. The children as well as 
partners of problem drinkers are also excessively important clients of social or health services. 
Globally, in primary care settings about 10-20% of patients are seen with alcohol issues. Further, 
there is also more existence of alcohol dilemmas in secondary health care. In several European 
countries, high prevalence rates of alcoholic patients are reported and thus, doctors are well 
positioned to find out alcoholic addicted patients. Not only frequent family members and 
children of problem drinkers consult with a doctor, however, they also expect doctors to ask 
them for their alcohol consumption (Pratten, 2009). 
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In a seminal study of society agents, together with doctors, three factors are identified by 
the researchers that are influencing their emotional and intellectual attentiveness to work with 
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problem drinkers. This attentiveness was referred as Therapeutic Commitment as well as its 
absence or presence was determined through: role adequacy, role support and role legitimacy. 
Role legitimacy is the belief that patients received their right to ask questions regarding drinking 
when necessary. Role adequacy is the belief that agents possessed enough knowledge to perform 
the supporting role while working with problem drinkers. Role support is the confidence that 
they can attain expert assistance and advice when required (Hewitt, 2012). 
Low therapeutic commitment was described by an exact avoidance pattern of problem 
drinkers. It can take the form of refusing their survival in the caseload or of failing to identify 
patients with problems of alcohol, at least until the issues had arrived at such an advanced stage 
as to be undeniable and unmistakable. Several other avoidance tactics comprised getting rid of 
drinkers, for instance through referring them to another agency, in relation to their drinking 
dilemmas as irreversible and blaming drinkers for missing the motivation to change their 
behaviour. The leading aspect of this negative response was a marked hopeless and therapeutic 
pessimism, which is the belief that there was little point in trying to recognize individual with 
alcohol issues, due to the reason they did not actually want and would not benefit from the 
support or assistance provided (Griffiths, 2006). 
On the contrary agents with more of degree of therapeutic commitment did not keep 
away from handling problem drinkers or they even don't fail to identify the symptoms and signs 
of alcohol issues. They did not consider problem drinkers as ominous to their self-esteem or 
professional competence. They were organized to ask germane questions and believed to their 
intervention was valuable that advantageous change was possible. Those individual’s with more 
degree of therapeutic dedication shared a range of characteristics, such as they had role support 
available to them and they were proficient in working with drinkers (Jethwa, 2009). In addition 
to this, these doctors had attained training in counselling, in which the more hours they received 
the training, the less nervousness in relation to their role legitimacy and role adequacy. 
Moreover, such professionals have clinical knowledge of alcohol and alcohol problems. The key 
parts of their clinical knowledge are the alcohol effects on the individual drinker, for instance, 
how to identify symptoms of acute withdrawal, the social or physical outcomes of excessive 
drinking and patterns of behavioural characteristic of more tolerance (Panagaria, Varma, 
Nijhawan and Rai, 2010). 
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These aspects are interconnected. Specifically, one of the most essential results of this 
study was that in those with only narrow experience of working with drinkers problems, the 
ownership of even quite considerable alcohol knowledge and alcohol issues did not lessen 
anxieties regarding their role adequacy 
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In some nations, during years of clinical training, the total time devoted to alcohol 
problems study amounts to a few hours. The type as well as the amount of education given tends 
to vary from one medical institution to another, on the basis of interests and commitments of 
individual teachers. Presently, only some nations have been taken appropriate steps to integrate 
education with regards to alcohol issues into the main curriculum. In general, though, it remains 
optional and without the actual requirement to attain approved standards. Thus, across the 
European Union, it is still feasible for individuals to qualify as well as practice as health 
professionals without having attained or being required to demonstrate an adequate competence 
level in relation to substance abuse (Hinshelwood, 2012). 
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In view of earlier neglect, alcohol problems and substance misuse should now be taken as 
priority in clinical education and be provided a higher profile in the basic curriculum at every 
level, such as postgraduate, undergraduate and continuing medical education. There is a need to 
embrace corresponding, multi-disciplinary approaches that address lifelong learning. In order to 
advance this agenda, options are presently available in several European nations by two 
interconnected developments. The first one is health reforms, i.e. various countries are increasing 
the orientation of primary care along with their health system's input (Lowe, 2001). It is 
generally associated with an enhanced importance of health promotion, early detection of alcohol 
problems and encouraging activities related to the prevention. Such activities often consist of 
multi-disciplinary team-working. The second is a medical education reform, which means that 
undergraduate curricula in several nations are becoming more community oriented as well as 
comprise higher primary care together with common practice input. Continuing medical 
education and postgraduate are identifying the significance of practice-based education, multi-disciplinary 
learning and lifelong learning (Ormrod, 2009). 
There is an obvious case for incorporating alcohol in a wider syllabus in relation with 
substance abuse, especially as alcohol issues are often connected with illegal drug abuse or 
prescribed drugs and tobacco, particularly in younger patients. On the alcohol dilemmas, 
education is facilitated by the development of and assistance for academic units of Addiction 
Behaviour, specifically those with a Chair of Habit. These have been made known to be coupled 
with the most wide-ranging services of alcohol treatment, the most training opportunities of 
postgraduates and average or above average medical school training (Goroll and Mulley, 2012). 
On the other hand, while courses and approaches concerned with the substance misuse and 
addictions in general have much to suggest them, it is suggested that in nations, such as Italy it 
might be imprudent to combine issues of alcohol entirely into a substance misuse framework. It 
is due to alcohol being seen as an integral element of the diet and thus alcohol consumption 
having a particular cultural meaning, which is very distinct from that connecting to other types of 
substance misuse. There is abundant evidence that although comparatively it is simple to design 
educational programs to enhance knowledge and inspire or change attitudes, it is more critical to 
affect real behaviour. Therefore, it is significant for evaluation to be an inherent feature of 
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training and education programs (Health Care Needs Assessment: The Epidemiologically Based 
Needs Assessment Reviews, 2004). 
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The last is the capability to interpret accurately laboratory tests and the knowledge to 
choose a perfect management plan along with the direction or management of the patient’s 
detoxification at home (Robinson, Gould and Strosahi, 2011). 
It is suggested that required competencies also comprise counselling skills. The proposal 
of WHO also acknowledges but provides inappropriate weight to the family factors of alcohol 
dilemmas. In the settings of primary care, it might well be the child or partner of the problem 
drinkers who is the patient. Furthermore, children and partner could be severely harmed by the 
problem drinkers and require support in their own right. The “Audit” questionnaire has been 
created as a cross national test instrument for the early diagnosing of the harmful drinking that 
also identifies alcohol dependence with a more degree of accuracy. Audit is constant with ICD- 
10 disorders definitions because of psychoactive substance misuse. One more factor that needs 
specific concentration is the capability of doctor’s to tailor his/her approach to the patient’s 
willingness to act in response. The renowned “cycle of change” model gives a basis for deciding 
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the suitability of specific intervention on the basis of patient’s stage in the process of recovery 
(Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care, 2004). 
Individuals who are not taking into consideration change in their behaviour of the 
problem are defined as pre-contemplators. On the stage of contemplation, people begin to 
acknowledge that they an issue and to consider the costs and feasibility of changing their 
behaviour. As they grow, they shift on to the stage of determination, where the decision is made 
to take change as well as action. Once individuals begin to alter the issue behaviour, they enter 
on the stage of action that generally continues for three to six months. After effectively 
negotiating the stage of action, they shift to sustain or maintenance change. If such efforts fall 
short, a relapse takes place and the individual begins to the other cycle. There is excellent 
evidence that numerous heavy drinkers benefit from a simple recommendation from their health 
specialist with regards to their behaviour of drinking. In the hospital and primacy care setting 
brief intervention has been shown to be effective in lessening harmful drinking, specifically in 
men (Ries and et. al. 2009). 
However, some patients, especially those showing some level of dependence and not yet 
having reached at the stage where they identified that their drinking is problematical or that there 
is a great need to alter, might be more resistant to advice. Such patients are at the stage of “pre-contemplative”. 
At this level, the primary task is to elicit their attitudes and views as well as to 
give information related to the risks connected with their present consumption level. For these 
patients and even for others, an essential task is to stress self-responsibility and to make it clear 
that the responsibility lies with them to make the essential changes and decisions (Trends in 
Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Research, 2006). This kind of motivational interviewing 
approach might well need special concentration in programs of training, as it represents a 
compulsory departure from a traditional concept of the role of doctors. However, this conversion 
from curer to the counsellor is justified by the evidence on the intervention's effectiveness with 
regards to the addictive behaviours. The significant mechanism of the motivational interviewing 
approach have been well summarized with the acronym FRAMES. The acronym stands for 
feedback for the impairment and personal harm risk, stress individual responsibility for making 
changes, advice to stop drinking or cut down as suitable, provide a menu of altering tactics for 
changing patterns of drinking, empathetic interviewing style and self efficacy, i.e. leaving the 
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patient increased in feeling capable to cope with the objectives, which they have agreed (Florida 
Wrongful Death Case: Hit-And-Run, 2010). 
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Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 
Florida Wrongful Death Case: Hit-And-Run. 2010. [Online]. Available through: 
[Accessed on 29 April 2013]. 
Freeman, D., 2013. Alcohol Abuse Health Center. [Online]. Available through: 
heavy-drinking>. [Accessed on 29 April 2013]. 
Meighan, S. S., 2013. Why primary care physicians avoid treating alcoholics. [Online]. 
Available through: <>. 
[Accessed on 29 April 2013]. 
Smith, M., Robinson, L. and Segal, J., 2012. Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse. [Online]. Available 
m>. [Accessed on 29 April 2013]. 
Baum, M., 2007. D. D. A. D.: (Don't Drink and Drive Or This Could Be You). AuthorHouse. 
Goroll, A. H. and Mulley, A. G., 2012. Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and 
Management of the Adult Patient. 6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 
Health Care Needs Assessment: The Epidemiologically Based Needs Assessment Reviews. 2004. 
2nd ed. Radcliffe Publishing. 
Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care. 2004. Oxford University Press. 
Ries, R. K. and et. al. 2009. Principles of addiction medicine. 4th ed. Lippincott Williams & 
Robinson, P. J., Robinson, P. and Reiter, J. T., 2007. Behavioral consultation and primary care. 
Robinson, P., Gould, D. and Strosahi, K., 2011. Real Behavior Change in Primary Care: 
Improving Patient Outcomes and Increasing Job Satisfaction. New Harbinger 
Taylor, L. and Oberman, S., 2006. Drunk Driving Defense. 6th ed. Aspen Publishers Online. 
The guide to mental health for nurses in primary care. 2002. Radcliffe Publishing. 
Thompson, T., 2007. Drunk Driving At Issue Series, At issue: Crime. Greenhaven Pr.
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Handling Alcoholic Patients Essay Sample

  • 2. This essay is prepared with an aim to investigate into the difficulties arises while dealing with alcoholic patients in primary care in Europe. In this context, the researcher will evaluate the issues concerned with doctors in tackling the psychological character of alcoholic patients. Moreover, the discussion will provide how doctors motivate such patient to recover from their lethal conditions. In spite of declining in the wine-producing nations, Europe remains the province on the globe with largest production as well as consumption of alcoholic beverages along with commensurately more levels of harm related to alcohol. In the survey of North America it was found that over 4.5% of women and 23% of men are involved in the alcohol use or dependence throughout their lifetime. The country is about the middle of the worldwide league of intoxicating consumption. Thus, in all European Union’s member states the alcoholic harms are considered as a major public health problem. The use of alcohol and its harm are increasing sharply in the some recently independent regions of Eastern Europe (Taylor and Oberman, 2006). There can be both social and health problems related to alcohol. Some dangers linked with alcohol obtain from long-term heavy consumption and some from acute intoxication. There are lots of psychological, social and medical issues connected with alcohol dependence. All kinds of issues subsist in unstable degrees of relentlessness. Overall, 9% of total diseases are due to alcohol products in the WHO European Region as well as 40-60% of deaths from unintentional and intentional injury is attributable to alcohol. Potentially doctors are not just providers of care for patients concerned with alcoholic problems; rather they are also regarded as “gatekeepers” into the services of treatment and usually the leaders of involved multidisciplinary teams (Baum, 2007). Moreover, doctors worked as advocates for alcoholic issues treatment and prevention within the health services. Alcohol invades on a series of medical specialists, such as emergency and accident, general surgery, general medicine, dermatology, cardiology, obstetrics, neurology, gynaecology, geriatrics, paediatrics, biochemistry, hematology, toxicology, psychiatry, pathology, etc. About 42 millions of adults in the European Union are dependence through some period of their lives and experience alcohol abuse. If the hypothesis will make that every drinker negatively affect only one other person then 94 millions of Europeans will experience severe problems from either another’s or their own drinking (Thompson, 2007). Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 3. In clinical settings, individuals with alcohol related problems appear in huge number. Problem drinkers make consultation with family doctors just about twice as regular as matched controls, particularly due to acute injuries and psychological problems. The children as well as partners of problem drinkers are also excessively important clients of social or health services. Globally, in primary care settings about 10-20% of patients are seen with alcohol issues. Further, there is also more existence of alcohol dilemmas in secondary health care. In several European countries, high prevalence rates of alcoholic patients are reported and thus, doctors are well positioned to find out alcoholic addicted patients. Not only frequent family members and children of problem drinkers consult with a doctor, however, they also expect doctors to ask them for their alcohol consumption (Pratten, 2009). This is Sample Essay, for complete Essay kindly contact at In a seminal study of society agents, together with doctors, three factors are identified by the researchers that are influencing their emotional and intellectual attentiveness to work with Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 4. problem drinkers. This attentiveness was referred as Therapeutic Commitment as well as its absence or presence was determined through: role adequacy, role support and role legitimacy. Role legitimacy is the belief that patients received their right to ask questions regarding drinking when necessary. Role adequacy is the belief that agents possessed enough knowledge to perform the supporting role while working with problem drinkers. Role support is the confidence that they can attain expert assistance and advice when required (Hewitt, 2012). Low therapeutic commitment was described by an exact avoidance pattern of problem drinkers. It can take the form of refusing their survival in the caseload or of failing to identify patients with problems of alcohol, at least until the issues had arrived at such an advanced stage as to be undeniable and unmistakable. Several other avoidance tactics comprised getting rid of drinkers, for instance through referring them to another agency, in relation to their drinking dilemmas as irreversible and blaming drinkers for missing the motivation to change their behaviour. The leading aspect of this negative response was a marked hopeless and therapeutic pessimism, which is the belief that there was little point in trying to recognize individual with alcohol issues, due to the reason they did not actually want and would not benefit from the support or assistance provided (Griffiths, 2006). On the contrary agents with more of degree of therapeutic commitment did not keep away from handling problem drinkers or they even don't fail to identify the symptoms and signs of alcohol issues. They did not consider problem drinkers as ominous to their self-esteem or professional competence. They were organized to ask germane questions and believed to their intervention was valuable that advantageous change was possible. Those individual’s with more degree of therapeutic dedication shared a range of characteristics, such as they had role support available to them and they were proficient in working with drinkers (Jethwa, 2009). In addition to this, these doctors had attained training in counselling, in which the more hours they received the training, the less nervousness in relation to their role legitimacy and role adequacy. Moreover, such professionals have clinical knowledge of alcohol and alcohol problems. The key parts of their clinical knowledge are the alcohol effects on the individual drinker, for instance, how to identify symptoms of acute withdrawal, the social or physical outcomes of excessive drinking and patterns of behavioural characteristic of more tolerance (Panagaria, Varma, Nijhawan and Rai, 2010). Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 5. These aspects are interconnected. Specifically, one of the most essential results of this study was that in those with only narrow experience of working with drinkers problems, the ownership of even quite considerable alcohol knowledge and alcohol issues did not lessen anxieties regarding their role adequacy This is Sample Essay, for complete Essay kindly contact at In some nations, during years of clinical training, the total time devoted to alcohol problems study amounts to a few hours. The type as well as the amount of education given tends to vary from one medical institution to another, on the basis of interests and commitments of individual teachers. Presently, only some nations have been taken appropriate steps to integrate education with regards to alcohol issues into the main curriculum. In general, though, it remains optional and without the actual requirement to attain approved standards. Thus, across the European Union, it is still feasible for individuals to qualify as well as practice as health professionals without having attained or being required to demonstrate an adequate competence level in relation to substance abuse (Hinshelwood, 2012). Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 6. In view of earlier neglect, alcohol problems and substance misuse should now be taken as priority in clinical education and be provided a higher profile in the basic curriculum at every level, such as postgraduate, undergraduate and continuing medical education. There is a need to embrace corresponding, multi-disciplinary approaches that address lifelong learning. In order to advance this agenda, options are presently available in several European nations by two interconnected developments. The first one is health reforms, i.e. various countries are increasing the orientation of primary care along with their health system's input (Lowe, 2001). It is generally associated with an enhanced importance of health promotion, early detection of alcohol problems and encouraging activities related to the prevention. Such activities often consist of multi-disciplinary team-working. The second is a medical education reform, which means that undergraduate curricula in several nations are becoming more community oriented as well as comprise higher primary care together with common practice input. Continuing medical education and postgraduate are identifying the significance of practice-based education, multi-disciplinary learning and lifelong learning (Ormrod, 2009). There is an obvious case for incorporating alcohol in a wider syllabus in relation with substance abuse, especially as alcohol issues are often connected with illegal drug abuse or prescribed drugs and tobacco, particularly in younger patients. On the alcohol dilemmas, education is facilitated by the development of and assistance for academic units of Addiction Behaviour, specifically those with a Chair of Habit. These have been made known to be coupled with the most wide-ranging services of alcohol treatment, the most training opportunities of postgraduates and average or above average medical school training (Goroll and Mulley, 2012). On the other hand, while courses and approaches concerned with the substance misuse and addictions in general have much to suggest them, it is suggested that in nations, such as Italy it might be imprudent to combine issues of alcohol entirely into a substance misuse framework. It is due to alcohol being seen as an integral element of the diet and thus alcohol consumption having a particular cultural meaning, which is very distinct from that connecting to other types of substance misuse. There is abundant evidence that although comparatively it is simple to design educational programs to enhance knowledge and inspire or change attitudes, it is more critical to affect real behaviour. Therefore, it is significant for evaluation to be an inherent feature of Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 7. training and education programs (Health Care Needs Assessment: The Epidemiologically Based Needs Assessment Reviews, 2004). This is Sample Essay, for complete Essay kindly contact at The last is the capability to interpret accurately laboratory tests and the knowledge to choose a perfect management plan along with the direction or management of the patient’s detoxification at home (Robinson, Gould and Strosahi, 2011). It is suggested that required competencies also comprise counselling skills. The proposal of WHO also acknowledges but provides inappropriate weight to the family factors of alcohol dilemmas. In the settings of primary care, it might well be the child or partner of the problem drinkers who is the patient. Furthermore, children and partner could be severely harmed by the problem drinkers and require support in their own right. The “Audit” questionnaire has been created as a cross national test instrument for the early diagnosing of the harmful drinking that also identifies alcohol dependence with a more degree of accuracy. Audit is constant with ICD- 10 disorders definitions because of psychoactive substance misuse. One more factor that needs specific concentration is the capability of doctor’s to tailor his/her approach to the patient’s willingness to act in response. The renowned “cycle of change” model gives a basis for deciding Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 8. the suitability of specific intervention on the basis of patient’s stage in the process of recovery (Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care, 2004). Individuals who are not taking into consideration change in their behaviour of the problem are defined as pre-contemplators. On the stage of contemplation, people begin to acknowledge that they an issue and to consider the costs and feasibility of changing their behaviour. As they grow, they shift on to the stage of determination, where the decision is made to take change as well as action. Once individuals begin to alter the issue behaviour, they enter on the stage of action that generally continues for three to six months. After effectively negotiating the stage of action, they shift to sustain or maintenance change. If such efforts fall short, a relapse takes place and the individual begins to the other cycle. There is excellent evidence that numerous heavy drinkers benefit from a simple recommendation from their health specialist with regards to their behaviour of drinking. In the hospital and primacy care setting brief intervention has been shown to be effective in lessening harmful drinking, specifically in men (Ries and et. al. 2009). However, some patients, especially those showing some level of dependence and not yet having reached at the stage where they identified that their drinking is problematical or that there is a great need to alter, might be more resistant to advice. Such patients are at the stage of “pre-contemplative”. At this level, the primary task is to elicit their attitudes and views as well as to give information related to the risks connected with their present consumption level. For these patients and even for others, an essential task is to stress self-responsibility and to make it clear that the responsibility lies with them to make the essential changes and decisions (Trends in Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Research, 2006). This kind of motivational interviewing approach might well need special concentration in programs of training, as it represents a compulsory departure from a traditional concept of the role of doctors. However, this conversion from curer to the counsellor is justified by the evidence on the intervention's effectiveness with regards to the addictive behaviours. The significant mechanism of the motivational interviewing approach have been well summarized with the acronym FRAMES. The acronym stands for feedback for the impairment and personal harm risk, stress individual responsibility for making changes, advice to stop drinking or cut down as suitable, provide a menu of altering tactics for changing patterns of drinking, empathetic interviewing style and self efficacy, i.e. leaving the Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
  • 9. patient increased in feeling capable to cope with the objectives, which they have agreed (Florida Wrongful Death Case: Hit-And-Run, 2010). This is Sample Essay, for complete Essay kindly contact at Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website:
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  • 11. This is Sample Essay, for complete Essay kindly contact at Email :, Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website: