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Hacking Portugal
BSidesLisbon Keynote, 

Dinis Cruz, 11 Nov 2016
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• Even more ‘interesting’ ideas :)
Hacking Portugal
• Hacking Portugal and making it a global player in Software
• As technology and software becomes more and more
important to Portuguese society it is time to take it seriously
and really become a player in that world.
• Application Security can act as an enabler, due to its focus on
how code/apps actually work, and its enormous drive on
secure-coding, testing, dev-ops and quality.
• This presentation will provide a number of paths for making
Portugal a place where programming, TDD, Open Source,
learning how to code, hacking and DevOps are first class
Portuguese Network to be
hostile to insecure code
Allergic to insecure code
• Make Portugal’s internet a hostile place to create,
publish, and host insecure applications and IoT
• Portugal has sovereignty over it’s network, it can pass
laws to protect it
• Supported by an collaborative commons
• Strong enforcement, regulation and market pressure
Attack vulnerable code
• I want vulnerable apps and appliances that are plugged
into the PT national network to be hacked within seconds
• Hacked by good guys who are trying to help, by fixing
or by disabling
• Mandate from government to authorise hacking to
vulnerable devices (computers, routes, IoT) and fix
• This mandate is ‘given’ to us by the manufacturers, once
they push apps/code with vulnerabilities
• initiative supported by insurance (for the cases when
something goes wrong and a device is ‘bricked’)
Next generation of internet users
• We can’t allow them to:
• fear the internet
• allow fear to govern their actions
• have an first experience the internet in a negative way, for
• a hacked doll,
• light bulb,
• website,
• email account,
• car
• or door (asking for ransomware to be paid)
Hacking created the Internet
• It is important to state that hackers are the good guys.
• ‘Hack’ is to solve problems, to find innovative solutions in
a creative way.
• The press abuses the term ‘hacker’.
• Instead, they should qualify the word by saying ‘Malicious
Hackers’ or ‘Cyber Attacks’ or ‘Cyber Criminals’.
• The internet and just about most of the technology we
use today was dreamed and created by hackers.
Hacker’s values
• The Software, InfoSec and Hacking community has a
strong ethical foundation, based on the following
• sharing
• respect
• friendship
• trust
• non-discrimination
• humanity and companionship
Inspire next generation
• We want to inspire the next generation with these values.
• it is very important to have frames of reference for
things that work
• we need to provide an alternative narrative to the
current mainstream narrative of ‘lies’, ‘non-experts-
welcome’ and ‘infotainment’.
Creating your future
• the ‘hackers’ that will grow-up creating distributed bots
to attack insecure apps/code/appliance in the PT
network (as part of the PT Hacking Service)
• are the same ones who will create a ‘distributed peer-to-
peer drone network, to combat fires in Portugal’
Be different
• Just because 99.9% of the world doesn’t do something,
that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it
• most things you value today (and do) were once illegal
and considered immoral
Attacking Portugal
Dataleaks .pt
• Total number of emails present in dataleaks: 

• Number of companies in dataleaks: 

• Average number of leaks per company:
• Number of dataleaks analysed: 


• thx to: 

Tiago Henriques (@Balgan) and 

Ana barbosa (@anabarbosaBE)
These guys
scanned the
Attack vectors

• Web Servers

• Remote Management

• SSL Certificates and

• Big Data Technologies

• Samba

VNC (remote desktop control)
Clear text protocols
What about Web Applications and DDoS?
• Not covered by that report
• But since they are even harder to protect, they will be in
an event worse state
• Latest DDoS are bringing down major companies (800
Gb per sec of traffic, 145k IoT devices attacking)
Attackers ROI (return on investment)
• What can they do with $100K investment
• buy zero-days
• buy compromised machines inside .pt networks
• buy botnets to be used to attack .pt companies

• How much money 

is it worth?
• What is the ROI for the 

• Who would survive?
Cost of to buy an zero day
The financial market’s hack
• I would argue that Portugal has already been a victim of
certain kinds of financial manipulation.
• If you look at what happened during the financial crisis, a
substantial part of it was artificially created by the
• The markets pushed the Portuguese economy hard and
made a lot of money by betting that Portugal was not
going to default, but would continue to struggle in the
financial markets.
Thank your attackers
• “If the attacker tells you about the attack, they are your
• The real attackers (namely criminals and nation states)
will not tell you since it is against their own interests.
• Once you know about it, you will find a way to protect it
and fix the vulnerability exploited.
• The positive side effects of any public attack (data
dumps, site defacing, DDoS) are bigger budgets, board-
level attention and demands for security, an increase in
AppSec staff hires, and more collaboration between
‘companies on the defence side of things’.
How Secure is Portugal?
• How secure and safe are Portuguese companies and
• Portugal today is a very digital country, and most Portuguese
companies are software companies.
• If you look at how they operate, all of them use software and
controlled by software
• The question is, how secure are they?
• How well can they sustain an attack?
• How well can they detect and react to a possible attack on their
digital infrastructure?
• What is the probability of an attack happening in the short term?
• How safe are they?
Are we safe?
• Yes!
• Are we secure?
• No!
• Portugal’s Government, Companies and citizens current ‘secure
state’ (i.e likelihood of attack is low), depends on:
• A low number of attackers
• A low level of skills of existing attackers
• Unsophisticated business model of existing attackers

• Bottom line:
• we are not attacked due to how secure we are
• we are not attacked due to the lack of attackers
The Emperor has no clothes
• To be clear, Portuguese government agencies and companies are NOT
secure, and have many high-risk vulnerabilities and exploitable assets.
• It is very important that we accept this fact so that we can find the
necessary political, economic, educational, and social solutions
• There are no silver bullets or easy solutions, and anyone who says so is a
snake-oil merchant.
• The ideas in this presentation are about making Portugal a player, rather
than being played, and giving Portugal a chance to defend itself, and
improve Portuguese society.
• The worst aspect of our status is that we are not prepared for what is
coming next, in terms of AppSec.
• Our response to terrorist incidents in the past shows how badly we
respond as a society to security incidents for which we are not prepared.
Think I’m wrong?
• If you don’t believe that Portugal is insecure, then prove me wrong
in your answers to the following questions:
• Where is the evidence of Security and AppSec practices?
• How big is the Cyber/App Security market in Portugal?
• How many threat models are created per week?
• How many lines of code are reviewed for security per week (aka
‘security eyeballs’)? (Bear in mind that secure code reviews are
very different from normal code reviews).
• The current Portuguese security model is based on ‘Security
Fairies magic pixie dust’.
• However, the good news is that we have lots of great InfoSec and
AppSec talent in Portugal.
Don’t worry, you’re safe
• Although these are contradictory concepts, my thesis is
that Portugal is both highly insecure, and, for the
moment, quite safe.
• Portugal is safe is because there are not enough
attackers targeting the current insecurities of the system.
• This will probably remain the case for the next couple of
• The problem is what happens after that, when the
criminals improve their business models and start to
focus on Portuguese assets.
Sane defence model
• “Our defense model should not be based on having no
vulnerabilities, no insecure code, no malicious
developers, no compromised APIs/dependencies, no
zero-days issues”
• “Our defense model should be based on the attacker
making mistakes, and being ready to detect and mitigate
their actions”
• Stuxnet was caught via a mistake that caused a crash in
an obscure Anti-Virus product (see ‘Countdown to Zero
Day’ book)
Where is the AppSec industry
• The AppSec industry in Portugal is comparatively small. There
are very few Portuguese companies with public AppSec teams.
• The market for security companies is small, and while there are
a couple of interesting pen testing companies, you don’t see a
lot of activity in that space.
• The creation of an AppSec infrastructure is a direct
consequence of being attacked.
• After an attack, companies create AppSec teams and hire
security experts. If anything, Portugal exports its security
• I know a lot of great Portuguese AppSec and InfoSec
specialists in the UK.
Be proactive
• The reality is the Portuguese AppSec industry isn’t very
• The question is, does Portugal want to be like the rest of
Europe and get caught in the crossfire?
• Or does it want to be proactive, and create an industry
which could become very powerful, very effective, and
very profitable for Portugal,
• that could also help to secure Europe and help the
Portuguese Hacking Service
Hacking Service
• In the past Portugal had a Military Service called ‘Servico Militar
• We should update this service to the 21st Century and make it a
Hacking Service for 15 to 21 year olds, with the following mission
• hack everything that is plugged-in into PT’s network
• hack companies with public bug-bounties
• code-review Open Source code developed in PT
• code-review code marked as ‘strategic interest for Portugal’ (i.e.
widely used by PT companies and mission critical for them)
• contribute to Open Source projects with patches and fixes
• help SMEs with their digital security and DevOps
• It is probably fair to say that Portuguese cyber and code
defences are as good as Portugal’s current military status
• The problem is that the cyber attackers who will hit
Portugal are as sophisticated as the best physical military
attackers (and armies)
• Imagine the PT army against the UK, France or Russia
(never mind the US or China)
• note how even the best companies and security
agencies in the world are not able to detect and
mitigate most attacks
• recent DDoS attacks and zero-days exploits
Why do we have F16s
• Military budget is €2.1 Billion
• Why does Portugal needs an offensive air force?
• I understand the need to have a civil air-force (to combat fires or
for border patrol)
• But offensive? (with F16s?)
• What is the ‘war scenario’ where that makes sense?
• Btw, the way you fight an airborne battle in the 21st century is by
hacking into the offensive planes/drones via their communication
• see Ghost Fleet Book
• What about using 10% of the military budget to fund the ideas the
ideas in this presentation?
Hit by the cross fire
• “Do we want to do something about it, or be hit by the
• Note that as attackers get more sophisticated they will
gravitate to countries/companies with weaker defences
(since they take longer with ramp up)
• Massive cyber/app security skills shortage today
Portugal Hackathon Leage
• Organize Hackathons in Portugal
• Just like we do for Football
• Bring ‘PT Hacking’ teams to DefCon
• sponsored by PT Government and PT Companies
• See these teams as source of pride
• best way to learn is to be asked to solve a problem from
all sorts of angles (and technologies)
Great source of talent
• teach convicted criminals how to hack
• good use of their ‘skills’
• give them a career
• show them a way to make money legally
• teach them ethics and the value of collaborating
• most criminals are there due to bad choices or
unfortunate events (and deserve a chance at a better
Even more talent
• Retired people are another great source of talent, and
they have time
• we lose a lot by not using their expertise (and by not
learning from them)
• In the past, the old ones, where the wise ones 

(remember that you too will be old soon)
• They are engineers, doctors, programmers, teachers,
accountants, architects, parents, etc.
• People grow old, not because of age, but because they
stop being mentally and physically active
Working together
• In technology/hacking world, is it ok to have teams made
• 16 year olds
• graduates
• retired people
• convicted criminals
• a dog
• a professional
• if they are capable, can work together, respect each
other and deliver on their tasks, it will work
Hack like football
Why is Portugal so good at Football
• Everybody can play football
• Because our kids play it all the time
• They love it when they play, so they are in the ‘zone’
• most optimal place to learn
• Supported by school’s activities
• Good social rewards and locally community support
• Great support system (to find, select and nurture talent)
• Good financial rewards for a large number of players (not
just the top)
Let’s do the same for hacking
• Everybody can hack (from the kids, to the unemployed, to the
convicted criminals, to the retired)
• Our kids should be hacking all the time
• They will love it when they hack, so they are in the ‘zone’
• most optimal place to learn
• Support those activities on school
• ‘Caputure the (school) flag’ should be an source of pride
• Provide good social rewards (vs treating them as criminals)
• Create support network to find, select and nurture talent
• There will be good financial rewards for a large number of
hackers (there is a massive skills shortage in our industry)
Portuguese Innovations
Past innovations
• Portugal has a great history of

• Carrack (Nau) - the Oceanic Carrack
(a new and different model, and
largest carrack)

• Galleon (the Oceanic Galleon)

• Square-rigged caravel (Round
caravel). …

• The Nonius.

• The Mariner’s astrolabe.

• The Passarola, the first known airship.

• The Pyreliophorus.

• Tempura.
• great success story of what
happens when bold decisions
are made. 

• Portugal went from a very high
rate of consumption and
overdose, to one of the lowest
(in 14 years)
Leader in 

Cyber and Application Security
Best in world
• Just as in football, where Portugal is one of the best teams
in the world
• Portugal is currently 8th in the Fifa world ranking (and we
deserve to be there)
• Portugal needs to be one of the best in the world in
Coding and Cyber/Application Security.
Portugal as a Leader in AppSec
• Portugal could be a leader in AppSec.
• Portugal has a rich history of providing leading innovators
and ground-breaking researchers in navigation, in
maritime research, and exploration.
• In the same way that Portugal navigated and lead the
seas, Portugal could now an lead in coding.
• Portuguese researchers are highly innovative.
• Let’s follow our great history of leading important change
and discovery.
“Code Made in Portugal” brand
• Code written in Portugal will make a massive difference
• Key to create supply chains of quality and talent
• Good software development teams (from developers to management)
are one of the most important assets of a company and country.
• They are the ones who add value.
• They create reality, and ultimately they control your lives.
• “Made in Portugal” is the key for PT economy (and Europe’s
• key objective is to encourage and foment the Portuguese software
industry (which will have massive multiplier in other industries)
• The age of sustainability is upon us, let’s put Portugal in the middle of
Secure coding
• Security Champions

• Security Champion Mug

• Secure Code Review

• Secure Coding Standards

• AppSec tools automatically executed
on CI Pipeline

• Two release pipelines 

(with and without security checkpoint)

• Threat Models per: 

App, Feature and Layer
For the developers in the room
• If you are developing code today, and you are not thinking in terms of:
• CI automation (multiple deploys per day)
• everything is code (including CI scripts, firewall rules, app’s authentication
• 100% code coverage with real-time code coverage visualisation
• graphs for data representation, analysis and visualisation
• containers (aka Docker)
• version control for data storage (aka Git)
• AI and machine learning
• cloud (aka AWS, Azure, GCloud, Rackspace)
• serverless code (aka AWS lambda)
• liquid code, message queues, self-defending applications, big data, etc…

…. you are already writing legacy (code), because these are the future
Real time unit test execution and CC
• If you code in Javascript and are not using WallabyJS
• You are living in the dark ages
• You will NOT be able to code in TDD
Public Health Analogy
Red or blue pill?
• We need to choose whether the paradigm for cyber
security is one based on
• the military (offensive, top-down)
• or on public health (defensive, distributed)
• There is a reason why the army is not supposed to be
involved in civil activities such as crowd control or
disaster support
• the military is designed to defend us from our enemies
• police and other civil forces should focus on protecting
the individual
Public health problem
• Cyber Security is a public health problem
• We should be training cyber/AppSec specialists using
similar techniques to the ones we use to train doctors,
nurses, etc
• We have an epidemic at hand at the moment
• We need to gain immunity
• The decisions that we make in the next couple of years
will determine how well prepared we will be to deal with
wider outbreaks, and how quickly we can learn
Defend privacy
• The right to privacy is a human right.
• All should be innocent until proven guilty.
• The US and the NSA redefined the notion of surveillance
to be ‘looking at data’, rather than ‘capturing data’.
• Large tech companies’ business models are often based
on their users having no, or reduced privacy
• Governments are actively making the internet less secure
in order to continue to easily access user’s data
• privacy is essential for human dignity
• cryptography is a public service and capability. It is crucial to
protect user data
• crypto also has an excellent tradition of not relying on security
by obscurity, and expecting the attacker to have all code and
encrypted data (the only private data are the encryption keys)
• Strong Crypto should be seen as a good thing, specially if it
enables the end-user to control their data.
• We need a healthy level of civil disobedience in society, or
new ideas will not get the space to flourish and gain wider
acceptance by society.
The Need for Disclosure
• We need disclosure of what is going on with technology in
• Companies today, even Open Source ones, don’t have to offer full
• The market doesn’t work, doesn't reward good, ethical players.
• To change this system, we need to use the power of disclosure to
make Government and companies play fairly and correctly.
• The government could use its purchasing power to define the
rules of engagement,
• and if the EU doesn’t like it, then Portugal should sue the EU :)
• It’s time we pushed some of our rules and ideas onto the table.
Whistleblowers have an important role
• Whistleblowers are important because they can make the
markets more efficient.
• Whistleblowers are not needed when public actions, and
statements, match (the real) private actions.
• Of course, there will still be secrets, but in smaller
numbers, and they will be very well protected (as they are
• “When everything is a secret, nothing is a secret”.
Protected by law
• we need strong technological legislation that will prevent
companies from playing the game of ‘Security by
obscurity’, and will protect whistleblowers
• Rule of thumb should be that “if law is broken or crimes
are committed to disclose the materials, it is ok if the
benefits from disclosure are worth it”
• It is important that companies and individuals know that
they will not get away with it.
Limited privacy for state and companies
• We want the opposite of privacy for companies, instead we
want maximum visibility and transparency from them.
• People/individuals should have maximum privacy
• Companies and public bodies should have maximum
transparency and openness, which is better for all involved,
and will allow for much fairer competition and better profits
• Many companies will not like any shift toward increased
transparency, just as they didn’t like when annual reports
where mandated in the last century.
• Technology can be used in a positive way to enable this
Learn from music industry
• For an example of how technology can be used in a
perverse and negative way, look at what happened with
the music industry,
• where they viewed their customers (using new digital
and sharing technologies) as criminals,
• pushed draconian laws designed to protect their own
• rather than innovating and learning to succeed in the
new technological world
• a decade was lost, at a massive cost to artists and
Open Source
Openness is key
• For most of the ideas defended here to work, and not back-
fire even if they create strong command-and-control systems/
environments, we need a very high degree of transparency
and openness.
• This is exactly what the Open Source and Creative Commons
worlds provide.
• OWASP is a good example of an organisation that has a very
strong open model, from what is created, to its governance
and fiscal transparency.
• Git is also a key part of this, since Git enables effective
collaboration, allowing others to contribute, even if they are
direct competitors in other products/services
FOSS values
• FOSS (Free and Open Source) programs are a good model to
use, as they allow users to share and collaborate programs.
• They empower users, and could potentially create thousands
of PT based FOSS companies.
• The positive values of Open Sourcing are as follows:
• access to code
• no lock in
• no discrimination
• liquid collaboration
• Of course, using Open Source code doesn’t mean that it will
be perfect.
Open Source is expensive
• We need companies to sell Open Source code
• The take-up of Open Source will help us to remove the
‘proprietary lock’ of closed software, which creates
perverse incentives and does not allow the peripheral
countries (or players) to have a strong role in the quality
and security of that code.
• Open Source software is not Free
• Any code has a cost and a side effect. Using Open
source code doesn’t mean that you don’t pay for it, it
just means that you pay in other ways than a direct
financial transaction.
Market of lemons
• The current economic model is not working for secure
code and secure software development.
• In many cases, it doesn’t make business sense to spend
the time and effort creating secure code, because the
customer cannot measure it (just like pollution in the 50s)
Open source lingua franca
• Remove ‘closed and proprietary’ agendas, they allow the
best teams and ideas to win, and they reward good
• Closeness and lack of sharing are more valuable to the
attacker than the defender.
• We have tons of evidence that the more we know about
security issues and risk, the better we can protect and
• Principal reason why it is so important that Open Source and
Creative Commons are the lingua franca between all players.
• How we communicate (together with tests and TDD)
• All code written (and paid) for Government agencies to be
released under an Open Source license
• All Government created documents to be released under
Creative Commons
• Portuguese companies to publish their code under Open Source
license, and technical documentation under Creative Commons
• Pay for Open Source software (in license and per usage)
• The financial model for this needs careful consideration.
• The key is that the makers of Open Source code that is used,
should have a revenue stream equivalent to that use, so that
they can spend more time with that software, and even hire
more devs to work on it
Open the source of Portuguese code
• Government and private companies to create venture
capital funds to buy existing software companies and
Open Source their code
• Those companies should use part of that money to
transform their business model into one based on the
Open Source stack
• they wrote it, so have a massive competitive advantage
• but local companies would also be able to provide
those services
• ROI of investment on PT economy would be much bigger
then amount invested
Collaborative commons
• great vision for the future and how it could work
• model of organisation where citizens and entities
collaborate for common goals
• “…Commons is a third model that breaks with the
binomial market-state notion, formed by the only two
organisations models able to meet the needs of the
population. Although it is not new, new technologies have
greatly promoted its expansion and its
scalability” (Procumuns)
• Massively empowered by the move towards a Zero
Marginal Cost society
Government’s role
• The Government has a big role to play in this
transformation, not as a ‘Command and Control’ entity,
but as a benign influence to level the playing field.
• A major problem at the moment is that many world
governments view technology as a way to exert more
control over their citizens.
Code is law
• Software is made of Code
• Code is Law and is becoming more and more important.
• Code controls Portugal, and so software controls
• The problem is, Portugal controls very little of the
software it uses
• It is time for Portugal to take control of the software.
• This should be a strategic objective of both Portuguese
companies and the Portuguese government.
Who controls the world
• The world is dominated by entities and companies who:
• control finance
• control technology
• control networks (made of technology)
• control intellectual property
• Unfortunately for Portugal, it’s strength does not lie in these
• Portugal must challenge the rules of the game
• aligned with its strategy and sovereign interests
• Moving to Open Source values and activities, and embracing
secure coding/hacking will change how this game is played.
Governments can make the difference
• Governments exist to serve their citizens, and as a citizen
with ideas for my Government, I have a duty to share
• we (as tech community) should be requesting that the
Government adopts ideas like this, especially when the
benefits are not for a small group of companies, but for a
large section of the tech and IT user population
Iterate Exponentially
• All ideas presented should NOT be implemented as a Big Policy or a Big
• Anyone who sells a big, expensive solution, that only major companies can
implement, is selling a scam.
• Small changes, and marginal gains, are the right way to implement DevOps
and government policies:
1.Start small
3.Learn from deployment
4.Make changes (enhance, fix or refactor)
5.Go to step 2, and repeat
• These are the solutions for SMEs, individuals, and small teams who work on
the ground, understand reality, and are accountable to their local communities.
Ministry of Code
• Everything is code (including all DevOps scripts and even things like
Firewall rules)
• Managed at high level within Government
• Create Code For Portugal initiative using a collaborative commons
model (similar to the USA’s @codeforamerica)
• Manage the PHS (Portuguese Hacking Service)
• Commitment to only buy, commission and use applications/websites that:
• have released their code under Open Source licenses
• have released all their info and schemas under non-restrictive Creative
Commons licenses
• Manage wide bug-bounty and hacking championships
Clear Software Act
• Clear Software Act, like the ‘Clean Air Act’, but focused on code
quality and security, would go some way to changing the game and
how it’s played.
• Large numbers of our community are resistant to any kind of
regulation, and there are many companies that profit from this
• As Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand
something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”.
• The problem however is not regulation and standards, but bad
regulation and standards.
• Good regulation, in areas like health and environment, has made
major improvements, and we need to do the same for software and
Software Testing Institute
• We need to measure and visualize the side effects of code,
and we need to measure the ‘pollution’ created by insecure
code and apps.
• We need a focus on Quality and Services, where we want to
encourage innovation and make it easy and cheap to create
(secure) code in Portugal.
• Portugal could adopt, and use testing as a way to leapfrog
more advanced nations.
• A Software Testing Institute would allow us to measure and
capture this information. The work of such an institute should
focus on testing code and apps and creating labels for them.
ASAE for code
Autoridade de Segurança
Alimentar e Económica

Authority for Economic and

Food Security
When regulation loses the plot
• We need to learn from what worked and what didn’t work
with ASAE
• There was a severe lack of common sense and
everything that is bad with ‘security regulation’
• An ASAE for code mustn’t kill innovation and become a
• It needs to empower and reward good behaviour, and
have a common-sense approach to its operations.
• As cyber security gets worse, if we don’t have good,
positive alternatives, an ASAE is exactly what we will get.
This is not a good prospect.
Portugal wide bug bounty
• A Portuguese Software Testing Institute could also include bug-
bounties as a core activity.
• Today, there are bug bounties everywhere, and they are a sign
of good InfoAppSec.
• Even the Pentagon has a bug-bounty program
• Is there any public bug-bounties for a Portuguese company?
• These must be a core activity of both business and government
• Receiving appropriate investment and publicity.
• Crowdsourcing the solution
• Lead the creation of standards and metrics for the Insurance
• The insurance industry is key to making this work. It will
push for good metrics to measure secure coding and
secure deployments (i.e. how code/apps/software are
used in the real world).
• It will provide a way to compare companies and
technologies, and this will make the market more efficient.
• Many companies will decide to insure insecure code, and
teams that create insecure code/apps.
• That is ok, as long as that information is disclosed.
• The insurance companies will increase the premiums to
pay via higher fines and financial losses.
Code Nationalisation
• Nationalising code is a nuclear option for cases where
companies refuse to share their code. It is essential to move to
a world where good regulation will allow every line of code that
is running and touches our data to be
• public
• peer-reviewable by independent parties
• compilable by independent parties
• signed
• This not only includes websites and ‘traditional software’, but
also operating systems, device drivers, IoT devices, network
devices, microchips, etc.: in short, anything that can access or
manipulate data.
• I’m a strong European and I believe in Europe
• But Europe needs to change and refocus on country sustainability
• Portugal should not have to ‘beg’ the EU for funds to support these ideas.
• EU, and other global organisations and companies, should choose to
invest in Portugal because they want to benefit from the perfect storm of
talent, energy, regulation, focus and activities that will exist here.
• They should invest and participate here because it is in their best interests,
and it is where they will get the best return on investment.
• This kind of collaboration and investment is what the EU should be all
• a Collaborative Commons
• a global village
• shared care and respect for each other (and their contributions)
European Union
New currencies for southern Europe
• A good solution for the Euro Problem (for weaker
economies like Portugal) is to create alternative currencies
• We know how to do this now (with blockchain
• Multiple Fintech companies exploring all sorts of
business models and workflows
• These currencies should be 100% compatible with Euro
(so that they work side-by-side)
• Created by next generation of Portuguese Hackers
• Hacking a currency is quite a nice challenge
Why Portugal
Easier in small country
• It is easy on a smaller country, with less agendas and big
lobby groups
• we already have the power to make these changes
• this is an issue of sovergenty and independence
• at this very moment we are three degrees of separation
from people who can make this happen
Raise the bar of the discussion
• We live in an era where ideas are not debated, experts
are ignored, science is not respected, and lies are
• this is very dangerous for us, our kids and Portugal
• I want to discuss and act on ideas (not on events or
• we need a better, more informed, more
knowledgeable, more empowered media, to keep the
system accountable
Portugal has…
• Strong sense of ethics and community
• Good engineering and math education
• Good ability to ‘solve problems’ (and make it work)
• Learned the hard way what it feels like to be the junior
player (financial markets’ speculation on PT’s economy
helped to create the situation that lead to the EU bailouts)
• we have hit rock-bottom with multiple financial crises
and several a European bailouts
• only way is up
Big questions
• we are currently faced with big questions and changes on
privacy, liberty, humanity, freedom, work, which are all centered
on technology (and secure code), and these questions need to
be discussed, understood and addressed
• there are no perfect solutions
• we need to achieve a workable compromise and make sure
we take the best course of action
• I don’t claim that all my ideas are good, that they will work or
are even all realistic, especially in the current political and
economic ecosystem
• but I know that big changes occur when we head in the right
direction and can experiment, adapt, refactor and improve
What is Portugal the best at
• for PT it says “Portugal - rate -	graduating high school”
• we can do better than that
• we should be world leaders in: software, craftsmanship,
cyber security, secure coding, devops, food 97
Our turn to fight for what we believe
• Our parents fought against fascism, against racism, for
pensions, for human rights, for women rights, for rock &
roll, etc…
• it is our turn to realign society and shift the balance of
• this is about removing control from central
organisations (governments, big companies) and give
them to individuals and collaborative commons
• currently the power is in the hands of who controls the
• It’s time to change that
Protect the internet
• The internet is one of the biggest gifts given to humanity
• The first generation made it open and free (in both cost
and freedom)
• Internet’s success is a testament to those decisions
and their values
• Now the time has come for our generation to continue on
their footsteps and keep it that way (for the next
Portugal needs to export engineers
• Every one that leaves Portugal
• brings Portugal with them (in their hearts)
• becomes an ambassador for Portugal
• becomes a client of Portuguese products (assuming they
are easy to buy from abroad)
• has a connection with Portuguese companies (to bring
jobs back to Portugal)
• is an asset for Portugal
• is someone that will learn new skills, and eventually return
with those skills and references (net gain for Portugal)
What is the future of Portugal
• to be a garden for Europe, a holiday destination
• to be a small pawn in the global forces that control the


• To work together with CPLP (Community of the
Portuguese Speaking Countries) in an united partnership
• To be a powerhouse that inspires and leads the world in
technology and secure coding
Sail the code
• Lets use code to create a generation with strong work
ethic and values
• Lets create a new reality for Portugal

• The same way that Portuguese navigators once looked
at the unknown sea and conquered it

• Our new digital navigators must do the same with code.
Any questions?
• @diniscruz

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Hacking Portugal v1.1

  • 1. Hacking Portugal BSidesLisbon Keynote, 
 Dinis Cruz, 11 Nov 2016
  • 2. Extended version • Available on: • Please contribute at • All content released under 
 Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) • Even more ‘interesting’ ideas :)
  • 3. Hacking Portugal • Hacking Portugal and making it a global player in Software development • As technology and software becomes more and more important to Portuguese society it is time to take it seriously and really become a player in that world. • Application Security can act as an enabler, due to its focus on how code/apps actually work, and its enormous drive on secure-coding, testing, dev-ops and quality. • This presentation will provide a number of paths for making Portugal a place where programming, TDD, Open Source, learning how to code, hacking and DevOps are first class citizens. 3
  • 4. Portuguese Network to be hostile to insecure code
  • 5. Allergic to insecure code • Make Portugal’s internet a hostile place to create, publish, and host insecure applications and IoT appliances • Portugal has sovereignty over it’s network, it can pass laws to protect it • Supported by an collaborative commons • Strong enforcement, regulation and market pressure 5
  • 6. Attack vulnerable code • I want vulnerable apps and appliances that are plugged into the PT national network to be hacked within seconds • Hacked by good guys who are trying to help, by fixing or by disabling • Mandate from government to authorise hacking to vulnerable devices (computers, routes, IoT) and fix them • This mandate is ‘given’ to us by the manufacturers, once they push apps/code with vulnerabilities • initiative supported by insurance (for the cases when something goes wrong and a device is ‘bricked’) 6
  • 7. Next generation of internet users • We can’t allow them to: • fear the internet • allow fear to govern their actions • have an first experience the internet in a negative way, for example • a hacked doll, • light bulb, • website, • email account, • car • or door (asking for ransomware to be paid) 7
  • 9. Hacking created the Internet • It is important to state that hackers are the good guys. • ‘Hack’ is to solve problems, to find innovative solutions in a creative way. • The press abuses the term ‘hacker’. • Instead, they should qualify the word by saying ‘Malicious Hackers’ or ‘Cyber Attacks’ or ‘Cyber Criminals’. • The internet and just about most of the technology we use today was dreamed and created by hackers. 9
  • 10. Hacker’s values • The Software, InfoSec and Hacking community has a strong ethical foundation, based on the following qualities: • sharing • respect • friendship • trust • non-discrimination • humanity and companionship 10
  • 11. Inspire next generation • We want to inspire the next generation with these values. • it is very important to have frames of reference for things that work • we need to provide an alternative narrative to the current mainstream narrative of ‘lies’, ‘non-experts- welcome’ and ‘infotainment’. 11
  • 12. Creating your future • the ‘hackers’ that will grow-up creating distributed bots to attack insecure apps/code/appliance in the PT network (as part of the PT Hacking Service) • are the same ones who will create a ‘distributed peer-to- peer drone network, to combat fires in Portugal’ 12
  • 13. Be different • Just because 99.9% of the world doesn’t do something, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it • most things you value today (and do) were once illegal and considered immoral 13
  • 15. Dataleaks .pt • Total number of emails present in dataleaks: 
 1,556,490 • Number of companies in dataleaks: 
 26,192 • Average number of leaks per company: 24.0 • Number of dataleaks analysed: 
 • thx to: 
 Tiago Henriques (@Balgan) and 
 Ana barbosa (@anabarbosaBE) 15
  • 17. Attack vectors • VNC and SCADA • Web Servers • Remote Management Systems • SSL Certificates and Heartbleed • Big Data Technologies • Samba • FTP
  • 18. VNC (remote desktop control) 18
  • 21. What about Web Applications and DDoS? • Not covered by that report • But since they are even harder to protect, they will be in an event worse state • Latest DDoS are bringing down major companies (800 Gb per sec of traffic, 145k IoT devices attacking) 21
  • 22. Attackers ROI (return on investment) • What can they do with $100K investment • buy zero-days • buy compromised machines inside .pt networks • buy botnets to be used to attack .pt companies
 • How much money 
 is it worth? • What is the ROI for the 
 attacker? • Who would survive? 22 Cost of to buy an zero day
  • 23. The financial market’s hack • I would argue that Portugal has already been a victim of certain kinds of financial manipulation. • If you look at what happened during the financial crisis, a substantial part of it was artificially created by the markets. • The markets pushed the Portuguese economy hard and made a lot of money by betting that Portugal was not going to default, but would continue to struggle in the financial markets. 23
  • 24. Thank your attackers • “If the attacker tells you about the attack, they are your friends” • The real attackers (namely criminals and nation states) will not tell you since it is against their own interests. • Once you know about it, you will find a way to protect it and fix the vulnerability exploited. • The positive side effects of any public attack (data dumps, site defacing, DDoS) are bigger budgets, board- level attention and demands for security, an increase in AppSec staff hires, and more collaboration between ‘companies on the defence side of things’. 24
  • 25. How Secure is Portugal? • How secure and safe are Portuguese companies and infrastructures? • Portugal today is a very digital country, and most Portuguese companies are software companies. • If you look at how they operate, all of them use software and controlled by software • The question is, how secure are they? • How well can they sustain an attack? • How well can they detect and react to a possible attack on their digital infrastructure? • What is the probability of an attack happening in the short term? • How safe are they? 25
  • 26. Are we safe? • Yes! • Are we secure? • No! • Portugal’s Government, Companies and citizens current ‘secure state’ (i.e likelihood of attack is low), depends on: • A low number of attackers • A low level of skills of existing attackers • Unsophisticated business model of existing attackers
 • Bottom line: • we are not attacked due to how secure we are • we are not attacked due to the lack of attackers 26
  • 27. The Emperor has no clothes • To be clear, Portuguese government agencies and companies are NOT secure, and have many high-risk vulnerabilities and exploitable assets. • It is very important that we accept this fact so that we can find the necessary political, economic, educational, and social solutions • There are no silver bullets or easy solutions, and anyone who says so is a snake-oil merchant. • The ideas in this presentation are about making Portugal a player, rather than being played, and giving Portugal a chance to defend itself, and improve Portuguese society. • The worst aspect of our status is that we are not prepared for what is coming next, in terms of AppSec. • Our response to terrorist incidents in the past shows how badly we respond as a society to security incidents for which we are not prepared. 27
  • 28. Think I’m wrong? • If you don’t believe that Portugal is insecure, then prove me wrong in your answers to the following questions: • Where is the evidence of Security and AppSec practices? • How big is the Cyber/App Security market in Portugal? • How many threat models are created per week? • How many lines of code are reviewed for security per week (aka ‘security eyeballs’)? (Bear in mind that secure code reviews are very different from normal code reviews). • The current Portuguese security model is based on ‘Security Fairies magic pixie dust’. • However, the good news is that we have lots of great InfoSec and AppSec talent in Portugal. 28
  • 29. Don’t worry, you’re safe • Although these are contradictory concepts, my thesis is that Portugal is both highly insecure, and, for the moment, quite safe. • Portugal is safe is because there are not enough attackers targeting the current insecurities of the system. • This will probably remain the case for the next couple of years. • The problem is what happens after that, when the criminals improve their business models and start to focus on Portuguese assets. 29
  • 30. Sane defence model • “Our defense model should not be based on having no vulnerabilities, no insecure code, no malicious developers, no compromised APIs/dependencies, no zero-days issues” • “Our defense model should be based on the attacker making mistakes, and being ready to detect and mitigate their actions” • Stuxnet was caught via a mistake that caused a crash in an obscure Anti-Virus product (see ‘Countdown to Zero Day’ book) 30
  • 31. Where is the AppSec industry • The AppSec industry in Portugal is comparatively small. There are very few Portuguese companies with public AppSec teams. • The market for security companies is small, and while there are a couple of interesting pen testing companies, you don’t see a lot of activity in that space. • The creation of an AppSec infrastructure is a direct consequence of being attacked. • After an attack, companies create AppSec teams and hire security experts. If anything, Portugal exports its security experts. • I know a lot of great Portuguese AppSec and InfoSec specialists in the UK. 31
  • 32. Be proactive • The reality is the Portuguese AppSec industry isn’t very mature. • The question is, does Portugal want to be like the rest of Europe and get caught in the crossfire? • Or does it want to be proactive, and create an industry which could become very powerful, very effective, and very profitable for Portugal, • that could also help to secure Europe and help the world? 32
  • 34. Hacking Service • In the past Portugal had a Military Service called ‘Servico Militar Obrigatorio’. • We should update this service to the 21st Century and make it a Hacking Service for 15 to 21 year olds, with the following mission objectives: • hack everything that is plugged-in into PT’s network • hack companies with public bug-bounties • code-review Open Source code developed in PT • code-review code marked as ‘strategic interest for Portugal’ (i.e. widely used by PT companies and mission critical for them) • contribute to Open Source projects with patches and fixes • help SMEs with their digital security and DevOps 34
  • 35. Military • It is probably fair to say that Portuguese cyber and code defences are as good as Portugal’s current military status • The problem is that the cyber attackers who will hit Portugal are as sophisticated as the best physical military attackers (and armies) • Imagine the PT army against the UK, France or Russia (never mind the US or China) • note how even the best companies and security agencies in the world are not able to detect and mitigate most attacks • recent DDoS attacks and zero-days exploits 35
  • 36. Why do we have F16s • Military budget is €2.1 Billion • Why does Portugal needs an offensive air force? • I understand the need to have a civil air-force (to combat fires or for border patrol) • But offensive? (with F16s?) • What is the ‘war scenario’ where that makes sense? • Btw, the way you fight an airborne battle in the 21st century is by hacking into the offensive planes/drones via their communication channels • see Ghost Fleet Book • What about using 10% of the military budget to fund the ideas the ideas in this presentation? 36
  • 37. Hit by the cross fire • “Do we want to do something about it, or be hit by the cross-fire?” • Note that as attackers get more sophisticated they will gravitate to countries/companies with weaker defences (since they take longer with ramp up) • Massive cyber/app security skills shortage today 37
  • 38. Portugal Hackathon Leage • Organize Hackathons in Portugal • Just like we do for Football • Bring ‘PT Hacking’ teams to DefCon • sponsored by PT Government and PT Companies • See these teams as source of pride • best way to learn is to be asked to solve a problem from all sorts of angles (and technologies) 38
  • 39. Great source of talent • teach convicted criminals how to hack • good use of their ‘skills’ • give them a career • show them a way to make money legally • teach them ethics and the value of collaborating • most criminals are there due to bad choices or unfortunate events (and deserve a chance at a better life) 39
  • 40. Even more talent • Retired people are another great source of talent, and they have time • we lose a lot by not using their expertise (and by not learning from them) • In the past, the old ones, where the wise ones 
 (remember that you too will be old soon) • They are engineers, doctors, programmers, teachers, accountants, architects, parents, etc. • People grow old, not because of age, but because they stop being mentally and physically active 40
  • 41. Working together • In technology/hacking world, is it ok to have teams made of: • 16 year olds • graduates • retired people • convicted criminals • a dog • a professional • if they are capable, can work together, respect each other and deliver on their tasks, it will work 41
  • 43. Why is Portugal so good at Football • Everybody can play football • Because our kids play it all the time • They love it when they play, so they are in the ‘zone’ • most optimal place to learn • Supported by school’s activities • Good social rewards and locally community support • Great support system (to find, select and nurture talent) • Good financial rewards for a large number of players (not just the top) 43
  • 44. Let’s do the same for hacking • Everybody can hack (from the kids, to the unemployed, to the convicted criminals, to the retired) • Our kids should be hacking all the time • They will love it when they hack, so they are in the ‘zone’ • most optimal place to learn • Support those activities on school • ‘Caputure the (school) flag’ should be an source of pride • Provide good social rewards (vs treating them as criminals) • Create support network to find, select and nurture talent • There will be good financial rewards for a large number of hackers (there is a massive skills shortage in our industry) 44
  • 46. Past innovations • Portugal has a great history of inventions: • Carrack (Nau) - the Oceanic Carrack (a new and different model, and largest carrack) • Galleon (the Oceanic Galleon) • Square-rigged caravel (Round caravel). … • The Nonius. • The Mariner’s astrolabe. • The Passarola, the first known airship. • The Pyreliophorus. • Tempura.
  • 47. Drugs Decriminalisation • great success story of what happens when bold decisions are made. • Portugal went from a very high rate of consumption and overdose, to one of the lowest (in 14 years)
  • 48. Leader in 
 Cyber and Application Security
  • 49. Best in world • Just as in football, where Portugal is one of the best teams in the world • Portugal is currently 8th in the Fifa world ranking (and we deserve to be there) • Portugal needs to be one of the best in the world in Coding and Cyber/Application Security. 49
  • 50. Portugal as a Leader in AppSec • Portugal could be a leader in AppSec. • Portugal has a rich history of providing leading innovators and ground-breaking researchers in navigation, in maritime research, and exploration. • In the same way that Portugal navigated and lead the seas, Portugal could now an lead in coding. • Portuguese researchers are highly innovative. • Let’s follow our great history of leading important change and discovery. 50
  • 51. “Code Made in Portugal” brand • Code written in Portugal will make a massive difference • Key to create supply chains of quality and talent • Good software development teams (from developers to management) are one of the most important assets of a company and country. • They are the ones who add value. • They create reality, and ultimately they control your lives. • “Made in Portugal” is the key for PT economy (and Europe’s sustainability) • key objective is to encourage and foment the Portuguese software industry (which will have massive multiplier in other industries) • The age of sustainability is upon us, let’s put Portugal in the middle of it 51
  • 52. Secure coding activities • Security Champions • Security Champion Mug • Secure Code Review • Secure Coding Standards • AppSec tools automatically executed on CI Pipeline • Two release pipelines 
 (with and without security checkpoint) • Threat Models per: 
 App, Feature and Layer
  • 53. For the developers in the room • If you are developing code today, and you are not thinking in terms of: • CI automation (multiple deploys per day) • everything is code (including CI scripts, firewall rules, app’s authentication models) • 100% code coverage with real-time code coverage visualisation • graphs for data representation, analysis and visualisation • containers (aka Docker) • version control for data storage (aka Git) • AI and machine learning • cloud (aka AWS, Azure, GCloud, Rackspace) • serverless code (aka AWS lambda) • liquid code, message queues, self-defending applications, big data, etc…
 …. you are already writing legacy (code), because these are the future 53
  • 54. Real time unit test execution and CC • If you code in Javascript and are not using WallabyJS • You are living in the dark ages • You will NOT be able to code in TDD 54
  • 56. Red or blue pill? • We need to choose whether the paradigm for cyber security is one based on • the military (offensive, top-down) • or on public health (defensive, distributed) • There is a reason why the army is not supposed to be involved in civil activities such as crowd control or disaster support • the military is designed to defend us from our enemies • police and other civil forces should focus on protecting the individual 56
  • 57. Public health problem • Cyber Security is a public health problem • We should be training cyber/AppSec specialists using similar techniques to the ones we use to train doctors, nurses, etc • We have an epidemic at hand at the moment • We need to gain immunity • The decisions that we make in the next couple of years will determine how well prepared we will be to deal with wider outbreaks, and how quickly we can learn 57
  • 59. Defend privacy • The right to privacy is a human right. • All should be innocent until proven guilty. • The US and the NSA redefined the notion of surveillance to be ‘looking at data’, rather than ‘capturing data’. • Large tech companies’ business models are often based on their users having no, or reduced privacy • Governments are actively making the internet less secure in order to continue to easily access user’s data 59
  • 60. Crypto • privacy is essential for human dignity • cryptography is a public service and capability. It is crucial to protect user data • crypto also has an excellent tradition of not relying on security by obscurity, and expecting the attacker to have all code and encrypted data (the only private data are the encryption keys) • Strong Crypto should be seen as a good thing, specially if it enables the end-user to control their data. • We need a healthy level of civil disobedience in society, or new ideas will not get the space to flourish and gain wider acceptance by society. 60
  • 62. The Need for Disclosure • We need disclosure of what is going on with technology in companies. • Companies today, even Open Source ones, don’t have to offer full disclosure. • The market doesn’t work, doesn't reward good, ethical players. • To change this system, we need to use the power of disclosure to make Government and companies play fairly and correctly. • The government could use its purchasing power to define the rules of engagement, • and if the EU doesn’t like it, then Portugal should sue the EU :) • It’s time we pushed some of our rules and ideas onto the table. 62
  • 63. Whistleblowers have an important role • Whistleblowers are important because they can make the markets more efficient. • Whistleblowers are not needed when public actions, and statements, match (the real) private actions. • Of course, there will still be secrets, but in smaller numbers, and they will be very well protected (as they are today). • “When everything is a secret, nothing is a secret”. 63
  • 64. Protected by law • we need strong technological legislation that will prevent companies from playing the game of ‘Security by obscurity’, and will protect whistleblowers • Rule of thumb should be that “if law is broken or crimes are committed to disclose the materials, it is ok if the benefits from disclosure are worth it” • It is important that companies and individuals know that they will not get away with it. 64
  • 65. Limited privacy for state and companies • We want the opposite of privacy for companies, instead we want maximum visibility and transparency from them. • People/individuals should have maximum privacy • Companies and public bodies should have maximum transparency and openness, which is better for all involved, and will allow for much fairer competition and better profits • Many companies will not like any shift toward increased transparency, just as they didn’t like when annual reports where mandated in the last century. • Technology can be used in a positive way to enable this openness. 65
  • 66. Learn from music industry • For an example of how technology can be used in a perverse and negative way, look at what happened with the music industry, • where they viewed their customers (using new digital and sharing technologies) as criminals, • pushed draconian laws designed to protect their own interests • rather than innovating and learning to succeed in the new technological world • a decade was lost, at a massive cost to artists and public 66
  • 68. Openness is key • For most of the ideas defended here to work, and not back- fire even if they create strong command-and-control systems/ environments, we need a very high degree of transparency and openness. • This is exactly what the Open Source and Creative Commons worlds provide. • OWASP is a good example of an organisation that has a very strong open model, from what is created, to its governance and fiscal transparency. • Git is also a key part of this, since Git enables effective collaboration, allowing others to contribute, even if they are direct competitors in other products/services 68
  • 69. FOSS values • FOSS (Free and Open Source) programs are a good model to use, as they allow users to share and collaborate programs. • They empower users, and could potentially create thousands of PT based FOSS companies. • The positive values of Open Sourcing are as follows: • access to code • no lock in • no discrimination • liquid collaboration • Of course, using Open Source code doesn’t mean that it will be perfect. 69
  • 70. Open Source is expensive • We need companies to sell Open Source code • The take-up of Open Source will help us to remove the ‘proprietary lock’ of closed software, which creates perverse incentives and does not allow the peripheral countries (or players) to have a strong role in the quality and security of that code. • Open Source software is not Free • Any code has a cost and a side effect. Using Open source code doesn’t mean that you don’t pay for it, it just means that you pay in other ways than a direct financial transaction. 70
  • 71. Market of lemons • The current economic model is not working for secure code and secure software development. • In many cases, it doesn’t make business sense to spend the time and effort creating secure code, because the customer cannot measure it (just like pollution in the 50s) 71
  • 72. Open source lingua franca • Remove ‘closed and proprietary’ agendas, they allow the best teams and ideas to win, and they reward good behaviour • Closeness and lack of sharing are more valuable to the attacker than the defender. • We have tons of evidence that the more we know about security issues and risk, the better we can protect and mitigate. • Principal reason why it is so important that Open Source and Creative Commons are the lingua franca between all players. • How we communicate (together with tests and TDD) 72
  • 73. • All code written (and paid) for Government agencies to be released under an Open Source license • All Government created documents to be released under Creative Commons • Portuguese companies to publish their code under Open Source license, and technical documentation under Creative Commons • Pay for Open Source software (in license and per usage) • The financial model for this needs careful consideration. • The key is that the makers of Open Source code that is used, should have a revenue stream equivalent to that use, so that they can spend more time with that software, and even hire more devs to work on it 73
  • 74. Open the source of Portuguese code • Government and private companies to create venture capital funds to buy existing software companies and Open Source their code • Those companies should use part of that money to transform their business model into one based on the Open Source stack • they wrote it, so have a massive competitive advantage • but local companies would also be able to provide those services • ROI of investment on PT economy would be much bigger then amount invested 74
  • 76. Collaborative commons • great vision for the future and how it could work • model of organisation where citizens and entities collaborate for common goals • “…Commons is a third model that breaks with the binomial market-state notion, formed by the only two organisations models able to meet the needs of the population. Although it is not new, new technologies have greatly promoted its expansion and its scalability” (Procumuns) • Massively empowered by the move towards a Zero Marginal Cost society 76
  • 77. Government’s role • The Government has a big role to play in this transformation, not as a ‘Command and Control’ entity, but as a benign influence to level the playing field. • A major problem at the moment is that many world governments view technology as a way to exert more control over their citizens. 77
  • 78. Code is law • Software is made of Code • Code is Law and is becoming more and more important. • Code controls Portugal, and so software controls Portugal. • The problem is, Portugal controls very little of the software it uses • It is time for Portugal to take control of the software. • This should be a strategic objective of both Portuguese companies and the Portuguese government. 78
  • 79. Who controls the world • The world is dominated by entities and companies who: • control finance • control technology • control networks (made of technology) • control intellectual property • Unfortunately for Portugal, it’s strength does not lie in these areas, • Portugal must challenge the rules of the game • aligned with its strategy and sovereign interests • Moving to Open Source values and activities, and embracing secure coding/hacking will change how this game is played. 79
  • 80. Governments can make the difference • Governments exist to serve their citizens, and as a citizen with ideas for my Government, I have a duty to share them • we (as tech community) should be requesting that the Government adopts ideas like this, especially when the benefits are not for a small group of companies, but for a large section of the tech and IT user population 80
  • 81. Iterate Exponentially • All ideas presented should NOT be implemented as a Big Policy or a Big Vision! • Anyone who sells a big, expensive solution, that only major companies can implement, is selling a scam. • Small changes, and marginal gains, are the right way to implement DevOps and government policies: 1.Start small 2.Deploy 3.Learn from deployment 4.Make changes (enhance, fix or refactor) 5.Go to step 2, and repeat • These are the solutions for SMEs, individuals, and small teams who work on the ground, understand reality, and are accountable to their local communities. 81
  • 82. Ministry of Code • Everything is code (including all DevOps scripts and even things like Firewall rules) • Managed at high level within Government • PT CTO and CISO • Create Code For Portugal initiative using a collaborative commons model (similar to the USA’s @codeforamerica) • Manage the PHS (Portuguese Hacking Service) • Commitment to only buy, commission and use applications/websites that: • have released their code under Open Source licenses • have released all their info and schemas under non-restrictive Creative Commons licenses • Manage wide bug-bounty and hacking championships 82
  • 83. Clear Software Act • Clear Software Act, like the ‘Clean Air Act’, but focused on code quality and security, would go some way to changing the game and how it’s played. • Large numbers of our community are resistant to any kind of regulation, and there are many companies that profit from this resistance. • As Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”. • The problem however is not regulation and standards, but bad regulation and standards. • Good regulation, in areas like health and environment, has made major improvements, and we need to do the same for software and code. 83
  • 84. Software Testing Institute • We need to measure and visualize the side effects of code, and we need to measure the ‘pollution’ created by insecure code and apps. • We need a focus on Quality and Services, where we want to encourage innovation and make it easy and cheap to create (secure) code in Portugal. • Portugal could adopt, and use testing as a way to leapfrog more advanced nations. • A Software Testing Institute would allow us to measure and capture this information. The work of such an institute should focus on testing code and apps and creating labels for them. 84
  • 85. ASAE for code Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica
 Authority for Economic and
 Food Security
  • 86. When regulation loses the plot • We need to learn from what worked and what didn’t work with ASAE • There was a severe lack of common sense and everything that is bad with ‘security regulation’ • An ASAE for code mustn’t kill innovation and become a ‘TAX’. • It needs to empower and reward good behaviour, and have a common-sense approach to its operations. • As cyber security gets worse, if we don’t have good, positive alternatives, an ASAE is exactly what we will get. This is not a good prospect. 86
  • 87. Portugal wide bug bounty • A Portuguese Software Testing Institute could also include bug- bounties as a core activity. • Today, there are bug bounties everywhere, and they are a sign of good InfoAppSec. • Even the Pentagon has a bug-bounty program • Is there any public bug-bounties for a Portuguese company? • These must be a core activity of both business and government • Receiving appropriate investment and publicity. • Crowdsourcing the solution • Lead the creation of standards and metrics for the Insurance companies/industry. 87
  • 88. Insurance • The insurance industry is key to making this work. It will push for good metrics to measure secure coding and secure deployments (i.e. how code/apps/software are used in the real world). • It will provide a way to compare companies and technologies, and this will make the market more efficient. • Many companies will decide to insure insecure code, and teams that create insecure code/apps. • That is ok, as long as that information is disclosed. • The insurance companies will increase the premiums to pay via higher fines and financial losses. 88
  • 89. Code Nationalisation • Nationalising code is a nuclear option for cases where companies refuse to share their code. It is essential to move to a world where good regulation will allow every line of code that is running and touches our data to be • public • peer-reviewable by independent parties • compilable by independent parties • signed • This not only includes websites and ‘traditional software’, but also operating systems, device drivers, IoT devices, network devices, microchips, etc.: in short, anything that can access or manipulate data. 89
  • 90. 90 • I’m a strong European and I believe in Europe • But Europe needs to change and refocus on country sustainability • Portugal should not have to ‘beg’ the EU for funds to support these ideas. • EU, and other global organisations and companies, should choose to invest in Portugal because they want to benefit from the perfect storm of talent, energy, regulation, focus and activities that will exist here. • They should invest and participate here because it is in their best interests, and it is where they will get the best return on investment. • This kind of collaboration and investment is what the EU should be all about: • a Collaborative Commons • a global village • shared care and respect for each other (and their contributions) European Union
  • 91. New currencies for southern Europe • A good solution for the Euro Problem (for weaker economies like Portugal) is to create alternative currencies • We know how to do this now (with blockchain technology) • Multiple Fintech companies exploring all sorts of business models and workflows • These currencies should be 100% compatible with Euro (so that they work side-by-side) • Created by next generation of Portuguese Hackers • Hacking a currency is quite a nice challenge 91
  • 93. Easier in small country • It is easy on a smaller country, with less agendas and big lobby groups • we already have the power to make these changes • this is an issue of sovergenty and independence • at this very moment we are three degrees of separation from people who can make this happen 93
  • 94. Raise the bar of the discussion • We live in an era where ideas are not debated, experts are ignored, science is not respected, and lies are accepted • this is very dangerous for us, our kids and Portugal • I want to discuss and act on ideas (not on events or people) • we need a better, more informed, more knowledgeable, more empowered media, to keep the system accountable 94
  • 95. Portugal has… • Strong sense of ethics and community • Good engineering and math education • Good ability to ‘solve problems’ (and make it work) • Learned the hard way what it feels like to be the junior player (financial markets’ speculation on PT’s economy helped to create the situation that lead to the EU bailouts) • we have hit rock-bottom with multiple financial crises and several a European bailouts • only way is up 95
  • 96. Big questions • we are currently faced with big questions and changes on privacy, liberty, humanity, freedom, work, which are all centered on technology (and secure code), and these questions need to be discussed, understood and addressed • there are no perfect solutions • we need to achieve a workable compromise and make sure we take the best course of action • I don’t claim that all my ideas are good, that they will work or are even all realistic, especially in the current political and economic ecosystem • but I know that big changes occur when we head in the right direction and can experiment, adapt, refactor and improve 96
  • 97. What is Portugal the best at • for PT it says “Portugal - rate - graduating high school” • we can do better than that • we should be world leaders in: software, craftsmanship, cyber security, secure coding, devops, food 97
  • 98. Our turn to fight for what we believe • Our parents fought against fascism, against racism, for pensions, for human rights, for women rights, for rock & roll, etc… • it is our turn to realign society and shift the balance of power • this is about removing control from central organisations (governments, big companies) and give them to individuals and collaborative commons • currently the power is in the hands of who controls the networks • It’s time to change that 98
  • 99. Protect the internet • The internet is one of the biggest gifts given to humanity • The first generation made it open and free (in both cost and freedom) • Internet’s success is a testament to those decisions and their values • Now the time has come for our generation to continue on their footsteps and keep it that way (for the next generation) 99
  • 100. Portugal needs to export engineers • Every one that leaves Portugal • brings Portugal with them (in their hearts) • becomes an ambassador for Portugal • becomes a client of Portuguese products (assuming they are easy to buy from abroad) • has a connection with Portuguese companies (to bring jobs back to Portugal) • is an asset for Portugal • is someone that will learn new skills, and eventually return with those skills and references (net gain for Portugal) 100
  • 101. What is the future of Portugal • to be a garden for Europe, a holiday destination • to be a small pawn in the global forces that control the world
 • To work together with CPLP (Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries) in an united partnership • To be a powerhouse that inspires and leads the world in technology and secure coding 101
  • 102. Sail the code • Lets use code to create a generation with strong work ethic and values • Lets create a new reality for Portugal
 • The same way that Portuguese navigators once looked at the unknown sea and conquered it
 • Our new digital navigators must do the same with code. 102
  • 103. Any questions? • @diniscruz • • • • 103