mainframe cyber security rui feio rui miguel feio cyber crime hacking information security risk cyber criminal organisations cyber criminal organizations hackers data privacy security internet of things racf penetration test z/os iot data breach cyber war audit data broker online privacy gdpr general data protection regulation data protection privacy data mobile internet hacking-as-a-service dark web security audit vulnerability scanning security controls acf2 tss organized crime technology byod bring your own device outsourcing compliance carbanak pebkac privacy policy personal data terms and conditions brexit social engineering big data network security security breach endpoint security network endpoint security endpoint security management general resources users saf dataset mvs segments groups dataset profiles jes2 racf class commands ciber seguranca ciber crime phishing virus ddos spoofing malware hacktivists ransomware dos xss new world order nation states top secret risks system process performance esm risk management information technology ibm unix system services uss data classification role-based access control rbac
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