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Gun Control Negative Essay
"Where government fears the people, there is liberty. Where the people fear the government, there is tyranny"(Barnhill). The founding fathers wrote the
second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, with the intent to give citizens the right to fight back against a tyrannical federal government.
Historically, the decision to enforce gun control has been split between the two major political parties. The Republican party believes in less
government interference, meaning they oppose gun control laws and supports concealed carry weapons.On the other hand, the Democratic party favors
gun control and opposes concealed carry weapons. The National Rifle Association and The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence are groups that
represent either side of gun control. Some restrictions already put in place include waiting periods, regulation of secondary market sales, mandatory
child–safety locks, concealment laws, bans on large–capacity magazines, and controversial bans on assault weapons(Lee and Stingl). However, some
believe that further gun control will combat gun violence and protect citizens. Others believe that further gun control will negatively impact citizens
and does little to combat gun violence, making it a controversial topic in American society. To conclude, furthering gun control will give too much
power to the government and do little to combat gun violence in America, negatively affecting the constitutional rights of law–abiding citizens who
own firearms or are
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Pro Gun Control Essay
Persuasive Pro Gun Control Essay
Gun control is a vital necessity to the welfare of our nation. Many people out there are supporting the "anti– gun control cause" with the excuse of
"self–defense". I believe that not everyone will handle a gun for self–defense. The possession of a gun is a sign of power. One of the bigger ambitions
that one has is to have power and the easier it is to obtain a gun; the faster a criminal will gain power over an innocent person. When one is in
possession of a gun, that person has complete control of their actions and may act upon the weapon however the person may please even if they know
that their action will cause harm to defense–less people. There are many deaths caused by guns out there that more content...
Teens are not "strong" enough. I always tell my sister that if she is not strong enough to control herself, she will never be strong enough to control
others and will resort to the easiest ways to "eliminate" that person. She will do whatever is easier to get that stone out of her way rather than talking
things over and controlling the situation.
Not so long ago my neighbor's daughter was killed by her ex. I am positive that this could have been stopped. I do not know how the man obtained
the gun, but I am sure it was through an illegal way. He is not a policeman, he worked at a supermarket. He does not live in a violent area. He lived
in Bergenfield with his girlfriend. The man did go buy a gun a day before because he knew that he wanted to kill his girlfriend. The saddest part is
that he killed the girl because she wanted to break up with him. This is what we want for our country? For people to kill their former boyfriends
/girlfriends because that person ended the relationship. This tragedy could have not been stopped by the girl having a gun with her. In fact, she might
have had to face years of prison for murder and carrying a gun without a license. Sure, gun control will not eliminate violence or completely prevent
criminals from obtaining guns. Criminals have their ways to go around the law but by having gun control the murders and assaults with gun will
lessen. I know that everyone has rights but the 2nd amendment is misinterpreted.
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Gun Control: A Sociological Analysis
Everyone in the world has a theory about why something happens or how it happens, but in sociology there are many different types of theories
that often contradict each other. Theory is defined as "a statement of how and why specific facts are related" (Macionis, 2013). Most theories
explain why people act in certain ways and explains why a person in a group may act different than someone that is alone. When building
sociological theories most sociologist ask their selves two different questions: "What issues should we study?" and "How should we connect the
facts?" (Macionis, 2013). By answering these questions the sociologist is led to a road map, or a theoretical approach. Theoretical approach is
described as "a basic image of society more content...
When considering the structural–functional approach the society as a whole has to consider the pros and cons of strict vs. loose gun laws. The
United States currently has loose gun laws meaning that anyone with a clean background can purchase a gun to protect their self and their property.
Without any regulation on how many guns you are allowed to own there are many speculations that there are many guns just laying around which can
lead to more accidents within the household. However, if we were to establish stricter gun laws people would be less likely to hurt themselves or
others, but it would increase the black market on guns. A black market is where goods that are supposed to be regulated are sold freely amongst the
community which tends to put weapons into the hands of criminals. Moving on to the social–conflict theory, the laxity concerning gun laws in the
United State is leading to an increase in the countries suicide rate. With most law–abiding citizens allowed to purchase as many guns as they please
there is a surplus just laying around which makes it easier for mentally unstable people to get ahold of them. Finally the symbolic–interaction theory is
probably the biggest influence on the gun control issue since most Americans link patriotism to having ownership over guns. It also expresses
individuality and
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Essay On Gun Control Pros And Cons
The United States of America has the largest gun culture throughout the entire world. This culture is so exposed to guns because of its history.
Weapons have been a necessity through multiple wars on the home front. This right to own guns is the second amendment in the constitution.
Unfortunately, there are two ways to look at this amendment. People that support and do not support can interpret the amendment in a way that goes
with their belief. There are also many pros and cons to gun control. The website is a nonprofit organization that proves information to people
on controversial issues. They supply readers with the pros and cons of each issue hoping to give people a chance to understand situations and,
ultimately, decide what
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Gun Violence Research Papers
Gun: Controlling and Associating it with Violence
In modern America today, the issue on gun violence and gun control is becoming a major issue in today's society. Many Americans agree owning a
gun is their automatic right due to the second Amendment. There are also politicians who are in favor of background checks when purchasing a gun
from commercial industries and internet sales. The topic on banning assault weapons has many politicians arguing amongst themselves as well. We
should continue to fight for gun control and reduce violence without Americans losing their right to the second amendment. How will banning assault
weapons increase gun control and improve gun violence in America? Many believe with the ban of assault weapons, more content...
The issue with gun violence and gun control can come to a conclusion with everyone winning on all sides of the Argument. The victims to gun
violence must have someone represent their voice to the tragic events that has happen to their lives. The limitations to magazines sizes may not sound
effective, but it a start and it is better than nothing. There are also common grounds both sides can meet together on and help improve the situation as
well. It may be a difficult issue in America as of now, but it is still not an impossible issue
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Gun Control Thesis Statement Essay
Thesis Statement: Gun control decreases crime. If gun control is regulated, then we will have less crime. Access to firearms makes killing easy,
efficient, and impersonal, which increases the lethality of crime. Josh Sugarmann, the Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center has once said,
"We recoil in horror and search for explanations, but we never face up to the obvious preventive measure: a ban on the handy killing machines that
make crimes so easy."Allowing untrained people to carry guns puts others at risk and it can result in self–inflicting injuries both by suicide and
unintentional incidents. Gun violence in America kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year. Guns can be misused and abused, which
is why more content...
For example, during a year when over 5,000 teens and children died from gun wounds in the USA, in Great Britain, where gun ownership is very
restricted, 19 teens and children died from gun wounds. * U.S. suicide rates overall were 30 percent lower than other countries, but the U.S. firearm
suicide rate was 5.8 times higher. * It was found that "criminal gun use is far more common than self–defense gun use." Studies show that the number
of respondents claiming to be victims of gun violence outnumbered those claiming to have used a gun in self–defense by more than 4 to 1. * Guns kept
in the home were 22 times more likely to be used in unintentional shootings, murder or assault, and suicide attempts than in an act of self–defense. * In
Japan and England many police on patrol do not carry firearms because in those countries, gun control has decreased the number of guns used by
criminals. * The U.S. doesn't even require a background check every time a gun is sold and allows the sale of assault clips holding more than 10
bullets. This makes it easy for dangerous people to get their hands on lethal firepower. Works Cited * "Taming the Gun Monster: Is It Constitutional?"
Los Angeles Times 1 Nov. 1993. Print. * Page, Clarence. "Children are at Risk From Handgun Violence." Gun Control: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed.
Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997.
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The Controversial Issue Of Gun Control
The controversial issue of gun control is one of the most debatable topics among politicians and civilians alike. This is because of the complexity of
gun control and the long history that is related to the subject. Gun control is typically an effort, by the government, to create legislation that regulates
the sale and use of firearms within the country. There are various arguments that surround this topic which includegun–related violence, accidents,
self–defense, murders, suicide, constitutional rights, and so on. James Q. Wilson, a professor who has taught at Pepperdine University, Harvard
University, and the University of California, Los Angeles, and a published author of several books, take a negative stance on the subject of gun control.
Wilson contributed to the gun control debate in the last few years with his written op–ed article. According to Wilson, there is no possible method to
eradicate the hundreds and millions of guns that exist within the country, restrictive gun laws will not significantly affect the United States' murder
rate, and that guns play an important role in self–defense in everyday lives. Contrary to what Wilson believes, strict gun control is necessary and
should be enforced to ensure public safety because gun laws have the power to produce a positive outcome in the long run, reduce gun–related
violence, and reduce the numerous risks that gun ownership open. There are many people, including Professor Wilson, who claim that there are already
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Compare And Contrast Essay On Gun Control Laws
A very popular controversy in our country, especially around election day, is gun control. Both presidential candidates have a different view of the
policy for gun control. Hilary Clinton believes that most of the violence that is happening in America would be tamed if there were tighter gun laws.
Donald Trump believes the exact opposite; that guns are not the cause of violence, people are. All over social media people are complaining/praising
about the new iPhone update which replaces a gun with a squirt gun. This angers people who own guns because Apple is showing their support to take
their second amendment away. What most people who agree with the Gun Control Laws do not realize is that according to the FBI, Knives are used in
nearly five
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Argumentative Essay On Gun Control
Gun control in the United States is a very controversial topic in today's political society, leaving the nation divided into two sides with two strongly
opinionated beliefs. This all started with the increase in the amount of mass shootings and an overall increase in gun violence. The two sides consist of
the liberal point of view and the conservative point of view. The liberals believe that the availability of firearms to the people in the country is a major
issue, and that the U.S. government is at fault for the mass shootings due to the lenient regulations on guns. In retaliation, the conservatives argue that
having a gun is a God given right, that the Second Amendment of The Constitution. Although the availability of guns is seen to more content...
has a sin tax on harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol, so why are there none on gun regulation? Putting a tax on the price of guns could
potentially decrease the overall percentage of purchase of guns. In the U.S. simple regulated background checks are required by licensed firearm
dealers, yet there is no mandatory check when exchanging a weapon privately, while in other countries such as Canada background checks are
mandatory across all firearm exchanges and focus on the buyer's mental health and addiction history. The United States could learn how to keep citizens
safer by examining other areas' regulations. "California has America's strictest gun laws. This means that prospective gun owners must hold a Firearms
Safety Certificate, submit to a waiting period like in Canada, buy weapons only through licensed dealers, and possess only a 'California legal' gun that
complies with restrictions on what can and cannot be sold inside the state." (
/how–american–gun–deaths–and–gun–laws–compare–canadas). Compared to Canada's gun laws these are seen as fairly lenient. According to the
CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, California is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to gun violence per capita, evidence shows
that (as of 2014) California's death rate is 7.4 per 100,000 people, compared to a much smaller state with lenient gun
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The Negative Consequences Of Gun Control
In this research, the perception of the Second Amendment is discussed bearing in consideration of some consequences of the misuse of firearms by
individuals who are not military. This essay develops one of the disturbing targets, which it is the amount of weapons that civilians are allowed without
any limitation, and how backgrounds check are handled. And because of no restriction, how an object that was created to defense became the originator
of sadness and division in the humanity. Also, the influence of the National Rifle Association for the business is discussed and the revenue that comes
from gun industry. The proposal that democrat candidate Hilary Clinton made on the issue, expressing her intention of limiting the regulations of
selling guns.
Weapons in the wrong hands protected by The Second Amendment
Humanity has evolved since its creation and self–defense has evolved too. Hundreds of years ago man had to defend his life to the multiple threats
that existed and still exist today; therefore, weapons were created to strengthen their defense. One of the disputed points is if the average citizen should
own a weapon for personal use, because of the extensive number of deaths in our communities caused by our neighbor. In the United States the
constitution gives the right to citizens more content...
(Milligan). In this case, as many cases, this gun finished in the wrong hands. It is understandable that people want to guard their family against
criminals, but there are other methods of protection, like calling the police or installing a security system. Even though many people do not trust on the
protection that these methods in a threatening situation, they are less risky and for that they were
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Essay about Kids and Gun Control
In the cartoon it shows a little boy knocking on the door of the National Rifle Association, the man at the door hands the little boy two–twenty three
caliber guns, as he smiles. The man has wrapped the guns in what is supposed to be the 2nd amendment. This paper will focus on gun control and
kids. I would hope that nobody would just hand a child a firearm. I know growing up; it was common for the boys to go hunting with the men. The
boys were never alone with the hunting rifles, and were taught to respect firearms. The kids knew that these guns were not toys and nothing to be
played with. This was a long time ago, before all the school shootings that have come about in the last few years. My Dad now keeps all the guns
under more content...
Laws have been put into place to help insure that guns are only sold to the people that are able to pass back ground checks. "With the 1994 Brady
Handgun Violence and Prevention Act, Congress imposed a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases to allow law enforcement officers time to
perform criminal background checks of potential buyers" (Front Line). This does not mean that guns do not fall into the hands of children and
adults who are not lawfully registered to own them. There are guns shows that are held in almost any U.S. town at any given time, most of the
dealers follow protocol but some do not. Pawn shops also buy and sell guns on a daily basis; most of these guys are just out to make a quick sell. They
have no idea if the gun that they are buying was just used in a crime or not. Then there are the stories of kids who found their parents guns in the desk
drawer or under the bed, that accidently shoot their friend or themselves. This happens all too often and can tear families apart. "The guns children
use to shoot other children all start out in the hands of adults. The Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1998 shuts down the sources of guns
for kids by placing increased responsibility on parents and gun dealers. Parents whose children gain access to improperly stored guns in the home will
risk facing criminal penalties" (Koch). This is a great law to have on the books. This will help ensure that someone is held
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Gun Violence And Gun Control
The United States is home to approximately 5% of the world's population and 31% of all mass shootings. Through these mass shootings and various
other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun–related deaths primarily originate from murder and children
accidentally shooting themselves. Although those in favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second
amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions must be made
for each one. Gun–related murders can be decreased through the use of universal background checks. Additionally, accidental shootings can be
minimized through more content...
Additionally, the number of police killed on duty by guns is cut in half. Along with this, these states typically see an overall decrease in their
gun–related murder statistics. For example, TIME magazine claims that Rhode Island saw a 10.6% decrease in their gun–related murder rate after
implementing universal background checks. Therefore, there are numerous statistics proving that universal background checks are successful at
decreasing gun violence. Universal background checks are essential for making sure no one who purchases a gun has a record of violent tendencies
that would lead them to use this weapon in a malicious way. A 2007 report by the International Association of Chiefs of Police claimed that without
universal background checks, guns are very easily acquired by those who would typically be prohibited, such as criminals. When these prohibited
people acquire firearms, the IACP concluded that the guns are often used for gun violence. A 2013 survey confirmed this by questioning inmates who
had committed crimes involving guns in the 13 states with the weakest gun control restrictions. This survey found that 86.6% of the inmates did not
undergo a background check when purchasing the gun used in their crime. Additionally, 96.1% of that 86.6% would not
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Gun Control
In light of the recent shooting that took place at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the issue about gun control is a hot topic. According
to recent statistics, gun ownership helps and harms people. 270 million American citizens own firearms, and people use guns over eighty times more
frequently to protect lives rather than killing others senselessly; however, 32,000 gun–related deaths occur every year in the United States alone (Spies
par. 2, "A Factual Look at Guns in America"). Many people in the country have positive and negative views on the subject of gun control. When they
come together and find a common ground on this issue, guns might not be such a controversial issue. Though many positive and negative views exist,
laws and regulations with slight restrictions that appease both sides of gun control can ease the tension over this issue and possibly solve it. One of
the main positive effects of gun control is that it reduces gun–related crimes and deaths. The American government tries to keep terrorists from
obtaining guns, but sometimes this prevention is not possible because the terrorists have no criminal backgrounds. If the country places bans on
specific types of automatic weapons that cause major damage, then terroristic tragedies are less likely to occur and citizens are safer (Lunger 69). Many
citizens, especially conservatives, believe that the second amendment means that they have the right to carry any type of gun under any conditions.
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Gun Control Pros And Cons Essay
Gun Control: Worse For Us Than We Know
Almost everyone living in this country should have witnessed such debates. Some people might not have listened to a formal debate, but an informal
gun control debate is being carried on by many groups and individuals. It is very unlikely that someone has not listened to one. Recall the occasions
when you were traveling or waiting somewhere hearing the neighbors discussing gun control pros and cons. These conversations are also gun control
debates in the wider sense of the term. After all, a debate does not have to be a formal one. The question where the gun control debate is heading to
come from the fact that there have been innumerable rounds of this debate, but no conclusion seems to have more content...
The statement "Crime rates will skyrocket if guns are banned because the criminals will do anything to get guns" (Pros&Cons) is very true in this
sense. The gun crime statistics from these countries reveal that after these laws have come into force, there has been a steep increase not only in the
number of murders but also in the number of suicides. So, how do the pro –gun control groups react to these reports? Unfortunately, they have not been
impressed by these facts. Their attitude to gun crime statistics has always been lukewarm. Since the facts are not on their side, they employ other means.
The NRA (National rifles Association), for example, has made no secret of its decision to not accept any compromise on the issue of gun control. It
has been threatening legislators that it will work for their defeat in the primaries, if they do not toe the line of the NRA. The threat seems to be
working, with some legislators making attempts to change the rules in such a way that organizations like the CDC will not be able to study gun violence
. One remarkable thing about the gun control debate is that though this debate has been carried on for the past few decades ever since gun control
became a serious issue after President Kennedy was gunned down by an assassin, it has been able to sustain the interest of the people. People have
listened to many gun control pros and cons but somehow, people engaging in
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Gun Safety Essay
Gun Safety
Some people like to shoot guns for hunting, some like to shoot them for recreation. Whatever the reason, when using guns, there are steps you need to
take to be safe, whether shooting or storing them. The first basic rule is to never assume your gun is not loaded. No matter what, always check to make
sure there is no ammunition in the gun. Another big rule is to remember that the safety (which is to prevent the gun from firing) of the gun is a
mechanical device and can fail. Always point the gun in a safe direction (which is away from people, etc.). Horseplay should be avoided at all times
when handling a gun. For storage, always make sure the gun is unloaded and locked in a location that is inaccessible to more content...
***For added protection, there are different types of storage and/or locks for guns also. The first is a lockbox. It is a small metal case that is used
for handguns. An advantage of this case is that there is quick access if the lock is pushbutton. A disadvantage is that it costs more than a trigger or
cable lock. The average price is anywhere from $40 to $200+. Second, a gun vault or safe comes in a variety of sizes to fit all types of guns. Some
advantages are that it is difficult to steal, allows for numerous guns of different sizes, there is storage for other items and valuables, and they are
usually fire safe. Some disadvantages are that it costs more than cable locks or lock boxes and they are also heavy and difficult to move. The price
range is anywhere from $100 to $2000. The cable lock is a cable that is inserted into the chamber and locked (like a bike lock) to prevent a shell
from being fired. Advantages are that the long cables are able to thread through several guns and they are inexpensive. Disadvantages are that the
cable is thin and can be easily cut. Price ranges from free to $20+. Next the trigger lock is a two piece rigid cylinder that fits behind the trigger so it
cannot move. A combination opens this lock. Advantages are that it is inexpensive, they are widely available, and there is quick access to the gun.
Some disadvantages are that they may break easily and may not prevent theft because the locks can be removed later. Some models can be
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Essay on Gun Control in Canada
Gun Control in Canada
Gun Control is an important issue to Canadians. Canada has both provincial and federal legislation that restricts the sale, purchase, and use of
different kinds of firearms. The United States, on the other hand, do not have federal or state bills restricting the possession or use of firearms, only
local laws exist there. A firearm consists of any barreled weapon from which a shot, bullet or other missile can be fired and that is capable of causing
serious bodily harm or death.
Society's concerns about protection from violent crimes involving firearms have encouraged Canadian Parliament to pass tougher gun control legislation
. The Federal Government responded by passing Bill C–68 that created the Firearms Act, more content...
In 1892 was the first government step in licensing firearms. A basic permit for pistols was introduced in the Criminal Code. In 1913 it became a
criminal offence to sell or distribute firearms to anyone under 16 years old. Government finally recognized that children should not have possession of
a firearm. Until 1934 firearm registration was rarely an enforced offence. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police kept records of those purchasing
firearms. Handguns had to be re–registered every five years starting in 1939.
It also became an offence to alter the serial numbers on guns as records were kept and gun transactions were being monitored. 1951 was the next step in
gun control legislation having automatic fire guns added to the list of firearms that were to be registered. A list to categorize firearms as 'restricted
weapons' and 'prohibited weapons' was created in 1968 ("History of Firearms", 2000). By this time police were become allowed to search and seize
firearms with a judge issued warrant or if they had reasonable grounds that the safety of the public was at stake. On August 5, 1977 Bill C–51 was
given royal assent. This bill imposed stricter penalties for those convicted of an indictable offence where a firearm had been used. Bill C–51 also
created the requirement of a Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) to properly screen those purchasing guns and to keep records of firearms
purchased. A FAC had to be renewed
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A Short Summary On Gun Control
Revised version
The issue of gun control has come up lately as a hot topic on what the nation should do. Many people are asking whether guns truly are the useful tool
that large amounts of us have been stating they are, or are they just murdering machines. In my opinion, guns are our assistants in a period of
emergency when help is too far away, or not able to come. Instead of putting more limits on guns, we should keep up the ability to secure ourselves
and our fellow Americans. As we investigategun control, you may begin to try to question why we would even consider using such useless means. The
possibility that restricting the capacity of the magazine or controlling the kind of gun you can buy or not buy is the issue or completing something more content...
The publics opinion means more than we know to criminals. Criminals are always looking for attention, if they can grab you and cause you to be
interested by their actions then they have achieved one of there biggest goals. A criminal thinking about the idea of shooting down multiple civilians
might then take a step back and wonder if they really should risk their life in an attempt to end the life of others. The ability to carry a firearm is not only
great protection for you, but is also good protection for those who are not carrying firearms around you. The second Amendment is about the right to
bear arms, the right we have as American citizens to carry a firearm as protection. Though guns have been used incorrectly in past and recent events,
these situations cannot stop us Americans to have are legal rights. There are multiple scenarios where having a firearm on you will can defuse the
situation before the police or anyone else can help out. Showing the criminals that you can fight back makes them rethink the next time they just want
to go point guns at people.
As gun control is such a popular topic that can lead to arguments of whether it should be legalized or not, the idea that we would not be able to
defend ourselves, should the need arise, is a horrific nightmare and almost a terrible reality. Legalizing gun control wont stop shootings and won't fix
America. It will just leave us helpless and give the honorable citizens of America a major disadvantage to the criminals that need to be stopped. In
conclusion we should keep guns legal and keep America
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
Gun control and the safety of the United States is crucial to our society as many incidents keep reoccurring. There are many issues with Guns as they
are the third leading cause of death in children here in America. Many altercations between people of whether guns should be banned or not is always
talked about when this concern is brought up. I feel that a proper education system of teaching children awareness of guns can potentially help many
Americans save countless of lives. Guns do not have to be confiscated, but more redirected into the safer side, by setting stones into prevention of the
violence in America.
Generally speaking, the gun debate of control has been a massive issue throughout the ages because of the many more content...
Then additionally, there are not set guidelines as of education for the people and also children to know what to do if they find a weapon and if they
are in a situation of an active shooter. If a state were to train children on the basics of gun safety and if active shooter were to happen what they can do
to survive the situation. In essence, attempting to figure what can diminish and prevent fatal shootings all through the states is a challenging
achievement. Efforts like applying armed guards in public places, metal detectors at schools, and fire arm licenses with extensive background check
has done some bit in decreasing gun violence. All of these policies that are mentioned are debated back and forth between citizens that it violates our
rights or that guns should be banned in general. An advocate for trying a tougher policy was Barack Obama in his term, he tried to make stricter
background check, but he was outvoted because people felt violated of their rights. There is many debates that keep reoccurring and not much of a
common ground found to prevent fatalities. Ultimately, this comes down to which solution can fit best between the two groups of those that want guns
and those that don't. A solution that can be in favor of both sides is introducing guns into our children education at school. Not an education use
obviously, but on how dangerous it is and what mechanisms to identify when they
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Guns Control Gun Control
In addition, with previous facts, statistics, opinions, etc. it cannot be denied that guns keep people that have them safe. Bad things happen, and bad
people are out there using guns incorrectly, but if someone had to choose between having a gun to defend themselves in a situation that called for it and
not having one...well, one would presume the choice to have a gun would have been chosen. Why? Because that person knows that if they had a gun
they would have a better chance at survival. From the article "Guns Protect People" criminologist Gary Kleck reports that people who own guns are
reported using their guns 2.5 million times per year to fight off an attack. He reported that once every 13 seconds someone was using their gun to
keep themselves safe (Harris Para. 6). It only makes sense that one thing that would deter a criminal is that someone they are trying to hurt will have a
gun. Even the notion that someone has a gun could ward of someone unwanted, because no one really wants to take the chance of someone shooting
them in defense. Knowing that is sometimes what helps people get to sleep at night. Clair Schwan, the editor of the Libertarian Logic Web site, states
that "Prohibition of concealed carry is a prohibition of choice, and a prohibition of self–defense. Both of those prohibitions are wrong." (Para. 4).
Something put so simply but has such a deep meaning to the fight that is currently going on today. Guns keep people safe and taking away those guns is
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Gun Control Negative Essay

  • 1. Gun Control Negative Essay "Where government fears the people, there is liberty. Where the people fear the government, there is tyranny"(Barnhill). The founding fathers wrote the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, with the intent to give citizens the right to fight back against a tyrannical federal government. Historically, the decision to enforce gun control has been split between the two major political parties. The Republican party believes in less government interference, meaning they oppose gun control laws and supports concealed carry weapons.On the other hand, the Democratic party favors gun control and opposes concealed carry weapons. The National Rifle Association and The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence are groups that represent either side of gun control. Some restrictions already put in place include waiting periods, regulation of secondary market sales, mandatory child–safety locks, concealment laws, bans on large–capacity magazines, and controversial bans on assault weapons(Lee and Stingl). However, some believe that further gun control will combat gun violence and protect citizens. Others believe that further gun control will negatively impact citizens and does little to combat gun violence, making it a controversial topic in American society. To conclude, furthering gun control will give too much power to the government and do little to combat gun violence in America, negatively affecting the constitutional rights of law–abiding citizens who own firearms or are Get more content on
  • 2. Pro Gun Control Essay Persuasive Pro Gun Control Essay Gun control is a vital necessity to the welfare of our nation. Many people out there are supporting the "anti– gun control cause" with the excuse of "self–defense". I believe that not everyone will handle a gun for self–defense. The possession of a gun is a sign of power. One of the bigger ambitions that one has is to have power and the easier it is to obtain a gun; the faster a criminal will gain power over an innocent person. When one is in possession of a gun, that person has complete control of their actions and may act upon the weapon however the person may please even if they know that their action will cause harm to defense–less people. There are many deaths caused by guns out there that more content... Teens are not "strong" enough. I always tell my sister that if she is not strong enough to control herself, she will never be strong enough to control others and will resort to the easiest ways to "eliminate" that person. She will do whatever is easier to get that stone out of her way rather than talking things over and controlling the situation. Not so long ago my neighbor's daughter was killed by her ex. I am positive that this could have been stopped. I do not know how the man obtained the gun, but I am sure it was through an illegal way. He is not a policeman, he worked at a supermarket. He does not live in a violent area. He lived in Bergenfield with his girlfriend. The man did go buy a gun a day before because he knew that he wanted to kill his girlfriend. The saddest part is that he killed the girl because she wanted to break up with him. This is what we want for our country? For people to kill their former boyfriends /girlfriends because that person ended the relationship. This tragedy could have not been stopped by the girl having a gun with her. In fact, she might have had to face years of prison for murder and carrying a gun without a license. Sure, gun control will not eliminate violence or completely prevent criminals from obtaining guns. Criminals have their ways to go around the law but by having gun control the murders and assaults with gun will lessen. I know that everyone has rights but the 2nd amendment is misinterpreted. Get more content on
  • 3. Gun Control: A Sociological Analysis Everyone in the world has a theory about why something happens or how it happens, but in sociology there are many different types of theories that often contradict each other. Theory is defined as "a statement of how and why specific facts are related" (Macionis, 2013). Most theories explain why people act in certain ways and explains why a person in a group may act different than someone that is alone. When building sociological theories most sociologist ask their selves two different questions: "What issues should we study?" and "How should we connect the facts?" (Macionis, 2013). By answering these questions the sociologist is led to a road map, or a theoretical approach. Theoretical approach is described as "a basic image of society more content... When considering the structural–functional approach the society as a whole has to consider the pros and cons of strict vs. loose gun laws. The United States currently has loose gun laws meaning that anyone with a clean background can purchase a gun to protect their self and their property. Without any regulation on how many guns you are allowed to own there are many speculations that there are many guns just laying around which can lead to more accidents within the household. However, if we were to establish stricter gun laws people would be less likely to hurt themselves or others, but it would increase the black market on guns. A black market is where goods that are supposed to be regulated are sold freely amongst the community which tends to put weapons into the hands of criminals. Moving on to the social–conflict theory, the laxity concerning gun laws in the United State is leading to an increase in the countries suicide rate. With most law–abiding citizens allowed to purchase as many guns as they please there is a surplus just laying around which makes it easier for mentally unstable people to get ahold of them. Finally the symbolic–interaction theory is probably the biggest influence on the gun control issue since most Americans link patriotism to having ownership over guns. It also expresses individuality and Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Gun Control Pros And Cons The United States of America has the largest gun culture throughout the entire world. This culture is so exposed to guns because of its history. Weapons have been a necessity through multiple wars on the home front. This right to own guns is the second amendment in the constitution. Unfortunately, there are two ways to look at this amendment. People that support and do not support can interpret the amendment in a way that goes with their belief. There are also many pros and cons to gun control. The website is a nonprofit organization that proves information to people on controversial issues. They supply readers with the pros and cons of each issue hoping to give people a chance to understand situations and, ultimately, decide what Get more content on
  • 5. Gun Violence Research Papers Gun: Controlling and Associating it with Violence In modern America today, the issue on gun violence and gun control is becoming a major issue in today's society. Many Americans agree owning a gun is their automatic right due to the second Amendment. There are also politicians who are in favor of background checks when purchasing a gun from commercial industries and internet sales. The topic on banning assault weapons has many politicians arguing amongst themselves as well. We should continue to fight for gun control and reduce violence without Americans losing their right to the second amendment. How will banning assault weapons increase gun control and improve gun violence in America? Many believe with the ban of assault weapons, more content... The issue with gun violence and gun control can come to a conclusion with everyone winning on all sides of the Argument. The victims to gun violence must have someone represent their voice to the tragic events that has happen to their lives. The limitations to magazines sizes may not sound effective, but it a start and it is better than nothing. There are also common grounds both sides can meet together on and help improve the situation as well. It may be a difficult issue in America as of now, but it is still not an impossible issue Get more content on
  • 6. Gun Control Thesis Statement Essay Thesis Statement: Gun control decreases crime. If gun control is regulated, then we will have less crime. Access to firearms makes killing easy, efficient, and impersonal, which increases the lethality of crime. Josh Sugarmann, the Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center has once said, "We recoil in horror and search for explanations, but we never face up to the obvious preventive measure: a ban on the handy killing machines that make crimes so easy."Allowing untrained people to carry guns puts others at risk and it can result in self–inflicting injuries both by suicide and unintentional incidents. Gun violence in America kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year. Guns can be misused and abused, which is why more content... For example, during a year when over 5,000 teens and children died from gun wounds in the USA, in Great Britain, where gun ownership is very restricted, 19 teens and children died from gun wounds. * U.S. suicide rates overall were 30 percent lower than other countries, but the U.S. firearm suicide rate was 5.8 times higher. * It was found that "criminal gun use is far more common than self–defense gun use." Studies show that the number of respondents claiming to be victims of gun violence outnumbered those claiming to have used a gun in self–defense by more than 4 to 1. * Guns kept in the home were 22 times more likely to be used in unintentional shootings, murder or assault, and suicide attempts than in an act of self–defense. * In Japan and England many police on patrol do not carry firearms because in those countries, gun control has decreased the number of guns used by criminals. * The U.S. doesn't even require a background check every time a gun is sold and allows the sale of assault clips holding more than 10 bullets. This makes it easy for dangerous people to get their hands on lethal firepower. Works Cited * "Taming the Gun Monster: Is It Constitutional?" Los Angeles Times 1 Nov. 1993. Print. * Page, Clarence. "Children are at Risk From Handgun Violence." Gun Control: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Get more content on
  • 7. The Controversial Issue Of Gun Control The controversial issue of gun control is one of the most debatable topics among politicians and civilians alike. This is because of the complexity of gun control and the long history that is related to the subject. Gun control is typically an effort, by the government, to create legislation that regulates the sale and use of firearms within the country. There are various arguments that surround this topic which includegun–related violence, accidents, self–defense, murders, suicide, constitutional rights, and so on. James Q. Wilson, a professor who has taught at Pepperdine University, Harvard University, and the University of California, Los Angeles, and a published author of several books, take a negative stance on the subject of gun control. Wilson contributed to the gun control debate in the last few years with his written op–ed article. According to Wilson, there is no possible method to eradicate the hundreds and millions of guns that exist within the country, restrictive gun laws will not significantly affect the United States' murder rate, and that guns play an important role in self–defense in everyday lives. Contrary to what Wilson believes, strict gun control is necessary and should be enforced to ensure public safety because gun laws have the power to produce a positive outcome in the long run, reduce gun–related violence, and reduce the numerous risks that gun ownership open. There are many people, including Professor Wilson, who claim that there are already Get more content on
  • 8. Compare And Contrast Essay On Gun Control Laws A very popular controversy in our country, especially around election day, is gun control. Both presidential candidates have a different view of the policy for gun control. Hilary Clinton believes that most of the violence that is happening in America would be tamed if there were tighter gun laws. Donald Trump believes the exact opposite; that guns are not the cause of violence, people are. All over social media people are complaining/praising about the new iPhone update which replaces a gun with a squirt gun. This angers people who own guns because Apple is showing their support to take their second amendment away. What most people who agree with the Gun Control Laws do not realize is that according to the FBI, Knives are used in nearly five Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Gun Control Gun control in the United States is a very controversial topic in today's political society, leaving the nation divided into two sides with two strongly opinionated beliefs. This all started with the increase in the amount of mass shootings and an overall increase in gun violence. The two sides consist of the liberal point of view and the conservative point of view. The liberals believe that the availability of firearms to the people in the country is a major issue, and that the U.S. government is at fault for the mass shootings due to the lenient regulations on guns. In retaliation, the conservatives argue that having a gun is a God given right, that the Second Amendment of The Constitution. Although the availability of guns is seen to more content... has a sin tax on harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol, so why are there none on gun regulation? Putting a tax on the price of guns could potentially decrease the overall percentage of purchase of guns. In the U.S. simple regulated background checks are required by licensed firearm dealers, yet there is no mandatory check when exchanging a weapon privately, while in other countries such as Canada background checks are mandatory across all firearm exchanges and focus on the buyer's mental health and addiction history. The United States could learn how to keep citizens safer by examining other areas' regulations. "California has America's strictest gun laws. This means that prospective gun owners must hold a Firearms Safety Certificate, submit to a waiting period like in Canada, buy weapons only through licensed dealers, and possess only a 'California legal' gun that complies with restrictions on what can and cannot be sold inside the state." ( /how–american–gun–deaths–and–gun–laws–compare–canadas). Compared to Canada's gun laws these are seen as fairly lenient. According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, California is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to gun violence per capita, evidence shows that (as of 2014) California's death rate is 7.4 per 100,000 people, compared to a much smaller state with lenient gun Get more content on
  • 10. The Negative Consequences Of Gun Control In this research, the perception of the Second Amendment is discussed bearing in consideration of some consequences of the misuse of firearms by individuals who are not military. This essay develops one of the disturbing targets, which it is the amount of weapons that civilians are allowed without any limitation, and how backgrounds check are handled. And because of no restriction, how an object that was created to defense became the originator of sadness and division in the humanity. Also, the influence of the National Rifle Association for the business is discussed and the revenue that comes from gun industry. The proposal that democrat candidate Hilary Clinton made on the issue, expressing her intention of limiting the regulations of selling guns. Weapons in the wrong hands protected by The Second Amendment Humanity has evolved since its creation and self–defense has evolved too. Hundreds of years ago man had to defend his life to the multiple threats that existed and still exist today; therefore, weapons were created to strengthen their defense. One of the disputed points is if the average citizen should own a weapon for personal use, because of the extensive number of deaths in our communities caused by our neighbor. In the United States the constitution gives the right to citizens more content... (Milligan). In this case, as many cases, this gun finished in the wrong hands. It is understandable that people want to guard their family against criminals, but there are other methods of protection, like calling the police or installing a security system. Even though many people do not trust on the protection that these methods in a threatening situation, they are less risky and for that they were Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Kids and Gun Control In the cartoon it shows a little boy knocking on the door of the National Rifle Association, the man at the door hands the little boy two–twenty three caliber guns, as he smiles. The man has wrapped the guns in what is supposed to be the 2nd amendment. This paper will focus on gun control and kids. I would hope that nobody would just hand a child a firearm. I know growing up; it was common for the boys to go hunting with the men. The boys were never alone with the hunting rifles, and were taught to respect firearms. The kids knew that these guns were not toys and nothing to be played with. This was a long time ago, before all the school shootings that have come about in the last few years. My Dad now keeps all the guns under more content... Laws have been put into place to help insure that guns are only sold to the people that are able to pass back ground checks. "With the 1994 Brady Handgun Violence and Prevention Act, Congress imposed a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases to allow law enforcement officers time to perform criminal background checks of potential buyers" (Front Line). This does not mean that guns do not fall into the hands of children and adults who are not lawfully registered to own them. There are guns shows that are held in almost any U.S. town at any given time, most of the dealers follow protocol but some do not. Pawn shops also buy and sell guns on a daily basis; most of these guys are just out to make a quick sell. They have no idea if the gun that they are buying was just used in a crime or not. Then there are the stories of kids who found their parents guns in the desk drawer or under the bed, that accidently shoot their friend or themselves. This happens all too often and can tear families apart. "The guns children use to shoot other children all start out in the hands of adults. The Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1998 shuts down the sources of guns for kids by placing increased responsibility on parents and gun dealers. Parents whose children gain access to improperly stored guns in the home will risk facing criminal penalties" (Koch). This is a great law to have on the books. This will help ensure that someone is held Get more content on
  • 12. Gun Violence And Gun Control The United States is home to approximately 5% of the world's population and 31% of all mass shootings. Through these mass shootings and various other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun–related deaths primarily originate from murder and children accidentally shooting themselves. Although those in favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions must be made for each one. Gun–related murders can be decreased through the use of universal background checks. Additionally, accidental shootings can be minimized through more content... Additionally, the number of police killed on duty by guns is cut in half. Along with this, these states typically see an overall decrease in their gun–related murder statistics. For example, TIME magazine claims that Rhode Island saw a 10.6% decrease in their gun–related murder rate after implementing universal background checks. Therefore, there are numerous statistics proving that universal background checks are successful at decreasing gun violence. Universal background checks are essential for making sure no one who purchases a gun has a record of violent tendencies that would lead them to use this weapon in a malicious way. A 2007 report by the International Association of Chiefs of Police claimed that without universal background checks, guns are very easily acquired by those who would typically be prohibited, such as criminals. When these prohibited people acquire firearms, the IACP concluded that the guns are often used for gun violence. A 2013 survey confirmed this by questioning inmates who had committed crimes involving guns in the 13 states with the weakest gun control restrictions. This survey found that 86.6% of the inmates did not undergo a background check when purchasing the gun used in their crime. Additionally, 96.1% of that 86.6% would not Get more content on
  • 13. Positive And Negative Effects Of Gun Control In light of the recent shooting that took place at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the issue about gun control is a hot topic. According to recent statistics, gun ownership helps and harms people. 270 million American citizens own firearms, and people use guns over eighty times more frequently to protect lives rather than killing others senselessly; however, 32,000 gun–related deaths occur every year in the United States alone (Spies par. 2, "A Factual Look at Guns in America"). Many people in the country have positive and negative views on the subject of gun control. When they come together and find a common ground on this issue, guns might not be such a controversial issue. Though many positive and negative views exist, laws and regulations with slight restrictions that appease both sides of gun control can ease the tension over this issue and possibly solve it. One of the main positive effects of gun control is that it reduces gun–related crimes and deaths. The American government tries to keep terrorists from obtaining guns, but sometimes this prevention is not possible because the terrorists have no criminal backgrounds. If the country places bans on specific types of automatic weapons that cause major damage, then terroristic tragedies are less likely to occur and citizens are safer (Lunger 69). Many citizens, especially conservatives, believe that the second amendment means that they have the right to carry any type of gun under any conditions. Get more content on
  • 14. Gun Control Pros And Cons Essay Gun Control: Worse For Us Than We Know Almost everyone living in this country should have witnessed such debates. Some people might not have listened to a formal debate, but an informal gun control debate is being carried on by many groups and individuals. It is very unlikely that someone has not listened to one. Recall the occasions when you were traveling or waiting somewhere hearing the neighbors discussing gun control pros and cons. These conversations are also gun control debates in the wider sense of the term. After all, a debate does not have to be a formal one. The question where the gun control debate is heading to come from the fact that there have been innumerable rounds of this debate, but no conclusion seems to have more content... The statement "Crime rates will skyrocket if guns are banned because the criminals will do anything to get guns" (Pros&Cons) is very true in this sense. The gun crime statistics from these countries reveal that after these laws have come into force, there has been a steep increase not only in the number of murders but also in the number of suicides. So, how do the pro –gun control groups react to these reports? Unfortunately, they have not been impressed by these facts. Their attitude to gun crime statistics has always been lukewarm. Since the facts are not on their side, they employ other means. The NRA (National rifles Association), for example, has made no secret of its decision to not accept any compromise on the issue of gun control. It has been threatening legislators that it will work for their defeat in the primaries, if they do not toe the line of the NRA. The threat seems to be working, with some legislators making attempts to change the rules in such a way that organizations like the CDC will not be able to study gun violence . One remarkable thing about the gun control debate is that though this debate has been carried on for the past few decades ever since gun control became a serious issue after President Kennedy was gunned down by an assassin, it has been able to sustain the interest of the people. People have listened to many gun control pros and cons but somehow, people engaging in Get more content on
  • 15. Gun Safety Essay Gun Safety Some people like to shoot guns for hunting, some like to shoot them for recreation. Whatever the reason, when using guns, there are steps you need to take to be safe, whether shooting or storing them. The first basic rule is to never assume your gun is not loaded. No matter what, always check to make sure there is no ammunition in the gun. Another big rule is to remember that the safety (which is to prevent the gun from firing) of the gun is a mechanical device and can fail. Always point the gun in a safe direction (which is away from people, etc.). Horseplay should be avoided at all times when handling a gun. For storage, always make sure the gun is unloaded and locked in a location that is inaccessible to more content... ***For added protection, there are different types of storage and/or locks for guns also. The first is a lockbox. It is a small metal case that is used for handguns. An advantage of this case is that there is quick access if the lock is pushbutton. A disadvantage is that it costs more than a trigger or cable lock. The average price is anywhere from $40 to $200+. Second, a gun vault or safe comes in a variety of sizes to fit all types of guns. Some advantages are that it is difficult to steal, allows for numerous guns of different sizes, there is storage for other items and valuables, and they are usually fire safe. Some disadvantages are that it costs more than cable locks or lock boxes and they are also heavy and difficult to move. The price range is anywhere from $100 to $2000. The cable lock is a cable that is inserted into the chamber and locked (like a bike lock) to prevent a shell from being fired. Advantages are that the long cables are able to thread through several guns and they are inexpensive. Disadvantages are that the cable is thin and can be easily cut. Price ranges from free to $20+. Next the trigger lock is a two piece rigid cylinder that fits behind the trigger so it cannot move. A combination opens this lock. Advantages are that it is inexpensive, they are widely available, and there is quick access to the gun. Some disadvantages are that they may break easily and may not prevent theft because the locks can be removed later. Some models can be Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Gun Control in Canada Gun Control in Canada Gun Control is an important issue to Canadians. Canada has both provincial and federal legislation that restricts the sale, purchase, and use of different kinds of firearms. The United States, on the other hand, do not have federal or state bills restricting the possession or use of firearms, only local laws exist there. A firearm consists of any barreled weapon from which a shot, bullet or other missile can be fired and that is capable of causing serious bodily harm or death. Society's concerns about protection from violent crimes involving firearms have encouraged Canadian Parliament to pass tougher gun control legislation . The Federal Government responded by passing Bill C–68 that created the Firearms Act, more content... In 1892 was the first government step in licensing firearms. A basic permit for pistols was introduced in the Criminal Code. In 1913 it became a criminal offence to sell or distribute firearms to anyone under 16 years old. Government finally recognized that children should not have possession of a firearm. Until 1934 firearm registration was rarely an enforced offence. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police kept records of those purchasing firearms. Handguns had to be re–registered every five years starting in 1939. It also became an offence to alter the serial numbers on guns as records were kept and gun transactions were being monitored. 1951 was the next step in gun control legislation having automatic fire guns added to the list of firearms that were to be registered. A list to categorize firearms as 'restricted weapons' and 'prohibited weapons' was created in 1968 ("History of Firearms", 2000). By this time police were become allowed to search and seize firearms with a judge issued warrant or if they had reasonable grounds that the safety of the public was at stake. On August 5, 1977 Bill C–51 was given royal assent. This bill imposed stricter penalties for those convicted of an indictable offence where a firearm had been used. Bill C–51 also created the requirement of a Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) to properly screen those purchasing guns and to keep records of firearms purchased. A FAC had to be renewed Get more content on
  • 17. A Short Summary On Gun Control Revised version The issue of gun control has come up lately as a hot topic on what the nation should do. Many people are asking whether guns truly are the useful tool that large amounts of us have been stating they are, or are they just murdering machines. In my opinion, guns are our assistants in a period of emergency when help is too far away, or not able to come. Instead of putting more limits on guns, we should keep up the ability to secure ourselves and our fellow Americans. As we investigategun control, you may begin to try to question why we would even consider using such useless means. The possibility that restricting the capacity of the magazine or controlling the kind of gun you can buy or not buy is the issue or completing something more content... The publics opinion means more than we know to criminals. Criminals are always looking for attention, if they can grab you and cause you to be interested by their actions then they have achieved one of there biggest goals. A criminal thinking about the idea of shooting down multiple civilians might then take a step back and wonder if they really should risk their life in an attempt to end the life of others. The ability to carry a firearm is not only great protection for you, but is also good protection for those who are not carrying firearms around you. The second Amendment is about the right to bear arms, the right we have as American citizens to carry a firearm as protection. Though guns have been used incorrectly in past and recent events, these situations cannot stop us Americans to have are legal rights. There are multiple scenarios where having a firearm on you will can defuse the situation before the police or anyone else can help out. Showing the criminals that you can fight back makes them rethink the next time they just want to go point guns at people. As gun control is such a popular topic that can lead to arguments of whether it should be legalized or not, the idea that we would not be able to defend ourselves, should the need arise, is a horrific nightmare and almost a terrible reality. Legalizing gun control wont stop shootings and won't fix America. It will just leave us helpless and give the honorable citizens of America a major disadvantage to the criminals that need to be stopped. In conclusion we should keep guns legal and keep America Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Gun control and the safety of the United States is crucial to our society as many incidents keep reoccurring. There are many issues with Guns as they are the third leading cause of death in children here in America. Many altercations between people of whether guns should be banned or not is always talked about when this concern is brought up. I feel that a proper education system of teaching children awareness of guns can potentially help many Americans save countless of lives. Guns do not have to be confiscated, but more redirected into the safer side, by setting stones into prevention of the violence in America. Generally speaking, the gun debate of control has been a massive issue throughout the ages because of the many more content... Then additionally, there are not set guidelines as of education for the people and also children to know what to do if they find a weapon and if they are in a situation of an active shooter. If a state were to train children on the basics of gun safety and if active shooter were to happen what they can do to survive the situation. In essence, attempting to figure what can diminish and prevent fatal shootings all through the states is a challenging achievement. Efforts like applying armed guards in public places, metal detectors at schools, and fire arm licenses with extensive background check has done some bit in decreasing gun violence. All of these policies that are mentioned are debated back and forth between citizens that it violates our rights or that guns should be banned in general. An advocate for trying a tougher policy was Barack Obama in his term, he tried to make stricter background check, but he was outvoted because people felt violated of their rights. There is many debates that keep reoccurring and not much of a common ground found to prevent fatalities. Ultimately, this comes down to which solution can fit best between the two groups of those that want guns and those that don't. A solution that can be in favor of both sides is introducing guns into our children education at school. Not an education use obviously, but on how dangerous it is and what mechanisms to identify when they Get more content on
  • 19. Guns Control Gun Control In addition, with previous facts, statistics, opinions, etc. it cannot be denied that guns keep people that have them safe. Bad things happen, and bad people are out there using guns incorrectly, but if someone had to choose between having a gun to defend themselves in a situation that called for it and not having one...well, one would presume the choice to have a gun would have been chosen. Why? Because that person knows that if they had a gun they would have a better chance at survival. From the article "Guns Protect People" criminologist Gary Kleck reports that people who own guns are reported using their guns 2.5 million times per year to fight off an attack. He reported that once every 13 seconds someone was using their gun to keep themselves safe (Harris Para. 6). It only makes sense that one thing that would deter a criminal is that someone they are trying to hurt will have a gun. Even the notion that someone has a gun could ward of someone unwanted, because no one really wants to take the chance of someone shooting them in defense. Knowing that is sometimes what helps people get to sleep at night. Clair Schwan, the editor of the Libertarian Logic Web site, states that "Prohibition of concealed carry is a prohibition of choice, and a prohibition of self–defense. Both of those prohibitions are wrong." (Para. 4). Something put so simply but has such a deep meaning to the fight that is currently going on today. Guns keep people safe and taking away those guns is Get more content on