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By David Williams
One of the biggest names in our industry is Greg
Stewart. Million-dollar earning distributor, corporate
leader and company founder and builder.
A few years ago John Milton Fogg interviewed him
for his Conversations with the Master series of leaders
of networking and it was one of the most listened to
CD’s of its day. Since that time I’d always wanted to
meet him, and was very happy when my friend Craig
Peloquin introduced us just after the new year.
It’s not often you can meet a living legend and pick
his brain. I felt privileged, and I think you will too as
you read my interview with him ‘and learn a few new
lessons – proving an old dog can teach us some new
tricks about today’s market.
First I wanted to know what attracted Greg to network
marketing in the irst place? Besides the money, what
motivated him? Now, pay attention to his answer,
because it may surprise you – perhaps you’re not
‘selling’ the most important reason go-getters are
attracted to our business.
“I was introduced to MLM many years ago. I saw the
concept of leverage. That’s what got in my blood.
“I went to anAmway presentation right out of college,
they were just talking about redirecting your buying
habits and I thought I’m not going to make much
money doing that. Trying to get people to buy their
soap from Amway instead of Safeway.”
The Right of Empowerment
“I just didn’t get it because they didn’t take the time to
show me that everyone has a right of empowerment
to show an opportunity to others just like the man on
the stage years ago that caught my attention because
he showed me leverage.
“He was on the stage and said this: ‘I’ve got 10,000
people in my down line, I’m making $40,000 a month.’
people’. But he went on to say he only sponsored 20
and of those 20, most of them didn’t do anything. But
6 of them did and they went on to sponsor others who
sponsored others. He said ‘I stand before you now
and I’m making money whether I roll out of bed or
roll over. Somewhere across the nation, somebody is
sharing the product or the opportunity or making a
sale and I’m getting a piece of that.’
I asked Greg how that impacted him: “That’s what
got in my blood and I thought wow. Man if I can do
half that well – perhaps only sponsor 10, maybe I
could build a big team like that and make $20,000 a
month, that would make me happy.”
But some things have changed for the worse…
While Greg still loves the leverage, he told me that
due to the Internet, and social media, it is not as easy
today as it was when he irst got into the business –
because there is so much information at our ingertips,
there is the challenge of ‘saturation awareness.’
“What I don’t like about social media and the net
is this: in the pre-Internet days a company could be
around for years and no one had heard of them which
made prospecting easier.
“However, with the advent of ‘social media’,
information can spread so rapidly that folks have heard
of your company – in a poor way by poorly trained
distributors who ruin it for these who treat this industry
with the respect and professionalism it deserves.
“This is very important - I don’t like competition – but
I especially hate it when its from people in your own
of using a ire hose of information on to their timeline.
“For example, if I join Nerium right now which is
only a few years old - I don’t think I can call anybody
on my list that hasn’t been approached already.
“That’s what’s refreshing to me about Glissandra.
heard of it. I love it! Thanks to their VP of marketing,
Craig Peloquin, these folks are trained right.
How to leverage Social Media if its so bad?
I totally agreed with Greg, so I asked him point blank
how folks should use their social media without
sabotaging themselves by saturating the net about
their opportunity?
“Great question David – and its simple - you just
don’t pitch everybody on your timeline. Instead you
just send a private message.
“Your prospects don’t know what you’re doing
because its not pasted all over your FB page. The
people that put it all over their timeline and expose
themselves are shooting themselves in the foot.
As soon as you contact someone via FB they have
already pre-judged your business - because they’ve
already seen whatever you’ve been posting daily or
in come cases – hourly! On your timeline”
Smart companies don’t want to go viral.
Aperfect example is ‘pre-launch’– where a company,
not yet in business, goes out of their way to lose its
edge by being ‘all over the internet’ like a cheap suit.
Says Greg: “Pre-launch. It just throws me for a loop.
I see this stuff all the time. These days’ you even
hear ‘we’re in Pre-Pre-Launch. What does that really
mean? It’s the company saying ‘hey send us your
money so we can inish putting the deal together.’
“As people who have been in and out of pre-launches,
watching companies promising what they never
delivered, or never delivered on time, or launched a
product with bunch of glitches that didn’t work and
by the time they are open for business – well we have
seen these stories play out, and it never ends well.
“They are all over the net, and are only promoting
‘timing’ – not their product which should be our irst
concern if we have any integrity.
“The other issues with pre-launch large companies
is that you create pent up demand. For months,
distributors are getting a bunch of free sign ups and
then when it comes to conversion time, the conversion
is maybe 3%, 4% if you’re lucky. Anybody will sign
up for free, but then how do you hold people for 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, months in a pre-launch opportunity
not making any money? Sure timing is important, but
reality is more important!”
In other words, everyone knows about the pre-launch
company solely based on the ‘deal’ – i.e. ‘get in
now, free, who really cares about the products, or the
market, or the compensation plan, because you can
get in free’.
So, if the viral nature of the Internet, and pre-launches
are bad, what’s good? I wanted to know what Greg
was doing now.
“To me, Glissandra was inding the impossible.
What’s the impossible?”
Well I got an ear full. In a good way. I learned that
Greg had just signed up with Glissandra, an anti-aging
and itness supplement company. Now Glissandra is
about 24 years old, hardly in pre-launch. I asked Greg
if he wasn’t going too far the other way?
“To me, Glissandra was inding the impossible.
What’s the impossible? A seasoned company that
no one knows about. They’ve been marketing their
products just through direct sales, and not only that,
they are partnered with a major university.
How Mixing Sex and Vitality with Leverage
will make you Rich
Greg Stewart
DWQ 2016
This is my personal story and gsFitness is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Having
said that, I have suffered from migraine headaches and
have Crohn’s disease. When I started taking gsFitness,
within 3 days, my migraine was gone. Before I began
taking gsFitness, I had migraines every day. Now, I only
get them once or twice a month, and they are less severe.
The fatigue and bloating that I usually experienced
daily, symptoms of Crohn’s, have diminished and
nearly disappeared. I am deinitely feeling much better.
Rachel Silverstein, Dallas TX,
Licensed Esthetician and Business Owner
they use a firehose of information onto their timeline.
in some cases
tapes of its day. Since that time I'd always wanted to
Great question David and it's simple; you just
Why Glissandra?
“Most companies, have nothing except some
testimonials about their products. They just can’t
afford blind studies, peer reviewed studies. Those are
expensive. They’re time consuming. That’s not the
case with Glissandra. Not only do they have lots of
testimonials, and great before and after pictures, but
they have real science behind them.
But is Science and a product that works enough?
What about the Market?
Greg did his research before joining.
“I wanted to know about this market. Sure it makes
sense, ‘anti-aging’ - no one is against it - but is it a
‘no-brainer home-run’?
“I read a research article about health clubs (what
we used to call gyms). They are now being designed
almost like nightclubs using elements of online dating.
They’re designed for men or women to meet each
other, and they’re carefully built that way. These days’
they put the women’s locker room irst, so the men
have to walk past by it. Not only that, the women’s
exercise classes are behind plate glass windows with
the teacher in the front so the men can walk by and see
their butts. Now they are adding restaurants, lounges,
Jacuzzis, pools and hotels - all in one.
“Near where I live is the Renaissance Sport Club in
Walnut Creek. You will ind exotic cars are parked
out front. It’s got a hotel. It’s all right there.
“Its all about the ‘birds and the bees’ – especially for
those new in the market after a divorce.
“That’s why I chose Glissandra.
“Look, Glissandra has basically two product lines
– a serum that makes your wrinkles disappear, and
GSFITNESS does wonderful things for inside the
body - but the marketer in me was focusing on sex
and vanity because people will do anything to ind
and keep a partner. It’s deep within our genetic core.
“You know, we spend the irst half of our life trying
to look older so we appear mature, the second half of
our life trying to look younger – both tied to inding
or keeping a mate.
“Consider the ‘selie’ crazy. Everyone is busy taking
a photo of themselves to post on their Facebook page.
This narcissism is a rampant trend in our society –
and rampant trends mean money to smart marketers.
We’re trying to hang on to our youth and stamina – and
that’s where gsFitness is so great – for both sexes.
“You see, I don’t speak about ‘anti-aging’ I speak
about sex and vanity. People can relate to that. I
don’t use the term skincare and I don’t use the term
longevity. I think they’re overused.
“What’s your product line? Will if you are not trained,
people will say, ‘oh its skincare and anti-aging’. To
me that’s not exciting.
“When people ask me I say ‘We’ve got 2 major
products that address the needs of our society right
now, sex and vanity.’ With that I get their attention. I
communicate using words and ideas that get and keep
people’s attention.
“Now don’t get me wrong. It’s great that Glissandra
really has a true anti-aging supplement thoroughly
backed by repeated scientiic studies. And I love what
it’s done for me. It’s done wonderful things for my
body, parts that I had not felt for a while – and it seems
to do everything that we need done as we grow older.
“But I don’t go into the science. I just tell them there’s
real science behind it. If they want to read about it,
they’ll get bored so I don’t let them read it. I learned
that years ago. Let people learn the science organically
as they notice changes in their bodies, their energy
levels, and in the mirror in front of them. Then they
can go to PubMed (US Government Medical Science
Knowledge Depository) and look up the science
behind Schissandra. There’s got to be over 200 long,
boringly written scientiic studies, with footnotes
longer than Highway 66. Who’s going to read that?
This is my personal story. I have had a pacemaker for
almost twenty years. Every time I went to the doctor
he would tell me that my pacemaker is working 99%
of the time. About a month ago, I had my pacemaker
checked, the lady who was checking it told me that
my heart is beating on its own 44% of the time now.
The doctor is very interested to know what I have
been doing. The only change I have made in my diet is
gsFitness! Thanks Glissandra. gsFitness is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Betty Williams, Broken Arrow, OK, Retired
“If they need more proof about the marketing of sex
and vitality and the need to be ‘youthful’ I tell them
to just walk into a department store, where is it that
they have the most expensive real estate in that store?
Simple: its where the cosmetics or skincare lines are.
take notice when they walk past that mirror. They cannot
walk past that mirror without looking at themselves.
“I mentioned narcissism. It is truly running rampant
in our society, it’s growing. We all know it’s been
increasing and growing and for a host of reasons.
That’s what Glissandra’s products address. People
want to be the center of attention – but they want to
look their best. They want to stay young and hang-on
to their youth. They want to feel good, and look better.
Heck, my mind still thinks it’s 30, but the mirror tells
me something else. This is what I tell people – and
they can relate.
What about you?
You don’t have to be a 25-year legend like Greg
Stewart to igure out that Glissandra makes total
sense. Clearly there are a lot of great reasons for
follow Greg’s lead and join Glissandra.
1) Solid 25-year-old irm – but ‘No one’s every
heard of it’ – is so much easier to call a
prospect and not hear, ‘Oh that company, I’ve
seen it all over the Internet. People want a
company with a future that no one’s heard of.’
Glissandra such a company.
2) Products that it a major trend – sex and
vitality. As people age they want to feel and
look young. Glissandra: making you look
great and felling fantastic.
Don’t wait. Pick up the phone now and call the person
who shared this magazine story with you. You’re
going to thank me.
leader for over 25 years, and has built downlines
all over the word. In the last few years he has
‘given back’by creating a series of books that have
become Networking Best-Sellers. His latest book,
Network Marketing Perfect Niche: Baby Boomers:
How to Recruit Boomers into your MLM Business
can be found You can reach him at
Page 7
DWQ 2016
When I was irst introduced to Glissandra, I was just
starting chemotherapy for a rare and aggressive Stage 4
breast cancer that had traveled to my lungs. My pH levels
were around 5 and my energy levels were depleted. I
started taking gsFitness and using the Serum. During the
next 5 months of chemo, I couldn’t believe my energy
levels, especially after a treatment. I didn’t feel sick and
my friends and family told me I didn’t look sick. At a
recent visit with my oncologist, he couldn’t believe
how healthy I was after such a short period of time.
My bloodwork is back to normal. My pH is 7.2. I am
in remission. I feel great, I look great, and I nearly have
all my hair back. I was actually growing hair during my
chemo treatments. This statement has not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration. gsFitness is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Diana Kerekes, South Amboy, NJ,
Radio Talk Show Host
I was so shocked when I used the skincare line; my skin
felt so soft after the irst application, It was so amazing.
I have a thyroid condition, which dries out my skin, and
that is pretty impossible to make my skin soft. Glissandra
is the only skincare product that not only helped the
dryness but it helped bring out the radiance of my skin.
And not only that, with gsFitness, it helped improve my
thyroid function. My doctor was able to lower my thyroid
medicine. This is my personal story and gsFitness is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Sherrie Church, Orlando FL,
Licensed Esthetician and Skincare Specialist
These days
GSFitness does wonderful things for inside the
I don't give it to them.
16 ever
feeling fantastic.

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  • 1. Page 6 By David Williams One of the biggest names in our industry is Greg Stewart. Million-dollar earning distributor, corporate leader and company founder and builder. A few years ago John Milton Fogg interviewed him for his Conversations with the Master series of leaders of networking and it was one of the most listened to CD’s of its day. Since that time I’d always wanted to meet him, and was very happy when my friend Craig Peloquin introduced us just after the new year. It’s not often you can meet a living legend and pick his brain. I felt privileged, and I think you will too as you read my interview with him ‘and learn a few new lessons – proving an old dog can teach us some new tricks about today’s market. First I wanted to know what attracted Greg to network marketing in the irst place? Besides the money, what motivated him? Now, pay attention to his answer, because it may surprise you – perhaps you’re not ‘selling’ the most important reason go-getters are attracted to our business. “I was introduced to MLM many years ago. I saw the concept of leverage. That’s what got in my blood. “I went to anAmway presentation right out of college, they were just talking about redirecting your buying habits and I thought I’m not going to make much money doing that. Trying to get people to buy their soap from Amway instead of Safeway.” The Right of Empowerment “I just didn’t get it because they didn’t take the time to show me that everyone has a right of empowerment to show an opportunity to others just like the man on the stage years ago that caught my attention because he showed me leverage. “He was on the stage and said this: ‘I’ve got 10,000 people in my down line, I’m making $40,000 a month.’ “RightawayIsaid‘Ican’tdothat;Idon’tknow10,000 people’. But he went on to say he only sponsored 20 and of those 20, most of them didn’t do anything. But 6 of them did and they went on to sponsor others who sponsored others. He said ‘I stand before you now and I’m making money whether I roll out of bed or roll over. Somewhere across the nation, somebody is sharing the product or the opportunity or making a sale and I’m getting a piece of that.’ I asked Greg how that impacted him: “That’s what got in my blood and I thought wow. Man if I can do half that well – perhaps only sponsor 10, maybe I could build a big team like that and make $20,000 a month, that would make me happy.” But some things have changed for the worse… While Greg still loves the leverage, he told me that due to the Internet, and social media, it is not as easy today as it was when he irst got into the business – because there is so much information at our ingertips, there is the challenge of ‘saturation awareness.’ “What I don’t like about social media and the net is this: in the pre-Internet days a company could be around for years and no one had heard of them which made prospecting easier. “However, with the advent of ‘social media’, information can spread so rapidly that folks have heard of your company – in a poor way by poorly trained distributors who ruin it for these who treat this industry with the respect and professionalism it deserves. “This is very important - I don’t like competition – but I especially hate it when its from people in your own companywhojustaretoolazytobuildrelationshipsinstead of using a ire hose of information on to their timeline. “For example, if I join Nerium right now which is only a few years old - I don’t think I can call anybody on my list that hasn’t been approached already. “That’s what’s refreshing to me about Glissandra. EverybodyIspokewithregardingGlissandra,hasnever heard of it. I love it! Thanks to their VP of marketing, Craig Peloquin, these folks are trained right. How to leverage Social Media if its so bad? I totally agreed with Greg, so I asked him point blank how folks should use their social media without sabotaging themselves by saturating the net about their opportunity? “Great question David – and its simple - you just don’t pitch everybody on your timeline. Instead you just send a private message. “Your prospects don’t know what you’re doing because its not pasted all over your FB page. The people that put it all over their timeline and expose themselves are shooting themselves in the foot. As soon as you contact someone via FB they have already pre-judged your business - because they’ve already seen whatever you’ve been posting daily or in come cases – hourly! On your timeline” Smart companies don’t want to go viral. Aperfect example is ‘pre-launch’– where a company, not yet in business, goes out of their way to lose its edge by being ‘all over the internet’ like a cheap suit. Says Greg: “Pre-launch. It just throws me for a loop. I see this stuff all the time. These days’ you even hear ‘we’re in Pre-Pre-Launch. What does that really mean? It’s the company saying ‘hey send us your money so we can inish putting the deal together.’ “As people who have been in and out of pre-launches, watching companies promising what they never delivered, or never delivered on time, or launched a product with bunch of glitches that didn’t work and by the time they are open for business – well we have seen these stories play out, and it never ends well. “They are all over the net, and are only promoting ‘timing’ – not their product which should be our irst concern if we have any integrity. “The other issues with pre-launch large companies is that you create pent up demand. For months, distributors are getting a bunch of free sign ups and then when it comes to conversion time, the conversion is maybe 3%, 4% if you’re lucky. Anybody will sign up for free, but then how do you hold people for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, months in a pre-launch opportunity not making any money? Sure timing is important, but reality is more important!” In other words, everyone knows about the pre-launch company solely based on the ‘deal’ – i.e. ‘get in now, free, who really cares about the products, or the market, or the compensation plan, because you can get in free’. So, if the viral nature of the Internet, and pre-launches are bad, what’s good? I wanted to know what Greg was doing now. “To me, Glissandra was inding the impossible. What’s the impossible?” Well I got an ear full. In a good way. I learned that Greg had just signed up with Glissandra, an anti-aging and itness supplement company. Now Glissandra is about 24 years old, hardly in pre-launch. I asked Greg if he wasn’t going too far the other way? “To me, Glissandra was inding the impossible. What’s the impossible? A seasoned company that no one knows about. They’ve been marketing their products just through direct sales, and not only that, they are partnered with a major university. How Mixing Sex and Vitality with Leverage will make you Rich Greg Stewart DWQ 2016 This is my personal story and gsFitness is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Having said that, I have suffered from migraine headaches and have Crohn’s disease. When I started taking gsFitness, within 3 days, my migraine was gone. Before I began taking gsFitness, I had migraines every day. Now, I only get them once or twice a month, and they are less severe. The fatigue and bloating that I usually experienced daily, symptoms of Crohn’s, have diminished and nearly disappeared. I am deinitely feeling much better. Rachel Silverstein, Dallas TX, Licensed Esthetician and Business Owner , , ,, ,, they use a firehose of information onto their timeline. ,, ,, in some cases , ,, ,, . , 16 it's tapes of its day. Since that time I'd always wanted to Great question David and it's simple; you just
  • 2. Why Glissandra? “Most companies, have nothing except some testimonials about their products. They just can’t afford blind studies, peer reviewed studies. Those are expensive. They’re time consuming. That’s not the case with Glissandra. Not only do they have lots of testimonials, and great before and after pictures, but they have real science behind them. But is Science and a product that works enough? What about the Market? Greg did his research before joining. “I wanted to know about this market. Sure it makes sense, ‘anti-aging’ - no one is against it - but is it a ‘no-brainer home-run’? “I read a research article about health clubs (what we used to call gyms). They are now being designed almost like nightclubs using elements of online dating. They’re designed for men or women to meet each other, and they’re carefully built that way. These days’ they put the women’s locker room irst, so the men have to walk past by it. Not only that, the women’s exercise classes are behind plate glass windows with the teacher in the front so the men can walk by and see their butts. Now they are adding restaurants, lounges, Jacuzzis, pools and hotels - all in one. “Near where I live is the Renaissance Sport Club in Walnut Creek. You will ind exotic cars are parked out front. It’s got a hotel. It’s all right there. “Its all about the ‘birds and the bees’ – especially for those new in the market after a divorce. “That’s why I chose Glissandra. “Look, Glissandra has basically two product lines – a serum that makes your wrinkles disappear, and GSFITNESS does wonderful things for inside the body - but the marketer in me was focusing on sex and vanity because people will do anything to ind and keep a partner. It’s deep within our genetic core. “You know, we spend the irst half of our life trying to look older so we appear mature, the second half of our life trying to look younger – both tied to inding or keeping a mate. “Consider the ‘selie’ crazy. Everyone is busy taking a photo of themselves to post on their Facebook page. This narcissism is a rampant trend in our society – and rampant trends mean money to smart marketers. “Todaybothmenandwomanaredyingtolookyounger. We’re trying to hang on to our youth and stamina – and that’s where gsFitness is so great – for both sexes. “You see, I don’t speak about ‘anti-aging’ I speak about sex and vanity. People can relate to that. I don’t use the term skincare and I don’t use the term longevity. I think they’re overused. “What’s your product line? Will if you are not trained, people will say, ‘oh its skincare and anti-aging’. To me that’s not exciting. “When people ask me I say ‘We’ve got 2 major products that address the needs of our society right now, sex and vanity.’ With that I get their attention. I communicate using words and ideas that get and keep people’s attention. “Now don’t get me wrong. It’s great that Glissandra really has a true anti-aging supplement thoroughly backed by repeated scientiic studies. And I love what it’s done for me. It’s done wonderful things for my body, parts that I had not felt for a while – and it seems to do everything that we need done as we grow older. “But I don’t go into the science. I just tell them there’s real science behind it. If they want to read about it, they’ll get bored so I don’t let them read it. I learned that years ago. Let people learn the science organically as they notice changes in their bodies, their energy levels, and in the mirror in front of them. Then they can go to PubMed (US Government Medical Science Knowledge Depository) and look up the science behind Schissandra. There’s got to be over 200 long, boringly written scientiic studies, with footnotes longer than Highway 66. Who’s going to read that? This is my personal story. I have had a pacemaker for almost twenty years. Every time I went to the doctor he would tell me that my pacemaker is working 99% of the time. About a month ago, I had my pacemaker checked, the lady who was checking it told me that my heart is beating on its own 44% of the time now. The doctor is very interested to know what I have been doing. The only change I have made in my diet is gsFitness! Thanks Glissandra. gsFitness is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Betty Williams, Broken Arrow, OK, Retired “If they need more proof about the marketing of sex and vitality and the need to be ‘youthful’ I tell them to just walk into a department store, where is it that they have the most expensive real estate in that store? Simple: its where the cosmetics or skincare lines are. “Trythis.Anytimeyou’rearoundpeopleandmirrors,just take notice when they walk past that mirror. They cannot walk past that mirror without looking at themselves. “I mentioned narcissism. It is truly running rampant in our society, it’s growing. We all know it’s been increasing and growing and for a host of reasons. That’s what Glissandra’s products address. People want to be the center of attention – but they want to look their best. They want to stay young and hang-on to their youth. They want to feel good, and look better. Heck, my mind still thinks it’s 30, but the mirror tells me something else. This is what I tell people – and they can relate. What about you? You don’t have to be a 25-year legend like Greg Stewart to igure out that Glissandra makes total sense. Clearly there are a lot of great reasons for follow Greg’s lead and join Glissandra. 1) Solid 25-year-old irm – but ‘No one’s every heard of it’ – is so much easier to call a prospect and not hear, ‘Oh that company, I’ve seen it all over the Internet. People want a company with a future that no one’s heard of.’ Glissandra such a company. 2) Products that it a major trend – sex and vitality. As people age they want to feel and look young. Glissandra: making you look great and felling fantastic. Don’t wait. Pick up the phone now and call the person who shared this magazine story with you. You’re going to thank me. AboutDavidWilliams.Davidhasbeenanindustry leader for over 25 years, and has built downlines all over the word. In the last few years he has ‘given back’by creating a series of books that have become Networking Best-Sellers. His latest book, Network Marketing Perfect Niche: Baby Boomers: How to Recruit Boomers into your MLM Business can be found You can reach him at Page 7 DWQ 2016 When I was irst introduced to Glissandra, I was just starting chemotherapy for a rare and aggressive Stage 4 breast cancer that had traveled to my lungs. My pH levels were around 5 and my energy levels were depleted. I started taking gsFitness and using the Serum. During the next 5 months of chemo, I couldn’t believe my energy levels, especially after a treatment. I didn’t feel sick and my friends and family told me I didn’t look sick. At a recent visit with my oncologist, he couldn’t believe how healthy I was after such a short period of time. My bloodwork is back to normal. My pH is 7.2. I am in remission. I feel great, I look great, and I nearly have all my hair back. I was actually growing hair during my chemo treatments. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. gsFitness is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Diana Kerekes, South Amboy, NJ, Radio Talk Show Host I was so shocked when I used the skincare line; my skin felt so soft after the irst application, It was so amazing. I have a thyroid condition, which dries out my skin, and that is pretty impossible to make my skin soft. Glissandra is the only skincare product that not only helped the dryness but it helped bring out the radiance of my skin. And not only that, with gsFitness, it helped improve my thyroid function. My doctor was able to lower my thyroid medicine. This is my personal story and gsFitness is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Sherrie Church, Orlando FL, Licensed Esthetician and Skincare Specialist ,, These days ,, ,, ,, GSFitness does wonderful things for inside the ,, ,, craze. Well ,, , ,, I don't give it to them. Schisandrin. , ,, ,, ,, 16 ever feeling fantastic. m