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	 Commuting to Work
	 Meetings / Conferences
	 Car Usage
	 Hot Conditions
	 Cold Conditions
	 Paper Consumption
	 Materials Usage
	 Stock and Production Sites
Being greener is not only achievable in a few simple steps, but it can also lead to better
health, increased productivity and heightened profits.
Many businesses, organizations, public bodies and individuals want to play their part in
making the world a cleaner and more sustainable place. They also want to find ways to
reduce costs, maximize output, improve their public image, increase their CSR activities,
respond to stakeholder pressure and drive value creation. But all too often they don’t know
how to take the first steps.
To help achieve these parallel goals, EuCham - European Chamber is spearheading
the GREENWILL Initiative. GREENWILL offers all interested parties a simple, concise
and completely voluntary set of guidelines to help make anyone’s operations more
environmentally friendly. It’s never been easier to start.
All any organization needs to do to join the GREENWILLInitiative is register for GREENWILL
and make that pledge public. These Guidelines will help interested parties shape their
approach towards commuting, transport use, electricity, water, heating & cooling, waste,
recycling and hazardous materials.
Those registering for GREENWILL receive an annual Green Policy for free from
GREENWILL. They are then encouraged to post their commitment to GREENWILL on
their websites and to hang their Green Policy at their physical place of operation (business,
school, office, etc). They will be asked to share the commitment pledge with their colleagues
and, if possible, their customers and partners. And most importantly, they will be asked to
begin adopting whatever guidelines they can. Any and all steps will help make the world a
greener and friendlier place!
Starting tips
• Put the Green Policy on the wall.
• Publish the Green Policy and the GREENWILL logo
on your website and social media.
• Empower someone (the Green Officer)
to manage the implementation of the guidelines.
• Support the creation of a voluntary groups,
i.e. a “Green Team”, to help the Green Officer.
Sample Green Policy
Reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles on the road can significantly reduce traffic congestion and
emission levels. Increasing the use of carpooling, public transportation and biking are simple ways to achieve this.
Why take action?
Cars carrying only one occupant
use fuel and roads less efficiently
than shared cars or public
transport, and increase traffic
congestion. Commuting by car is
a major factor contributing to air
Facts & figures
If public transportation were used
instead of cars, dependence on
oil would significantly decrease as
would carbon dioxide emissions.
The bike is an ideal means of
transport for short distances and
many urban spaces have recently
become far more bike-friendly.
In the long term...
Increasing the use of hybrid and
electric cars, or cars that are
more fuel efficient, will pay good
environmental dividends.
• Encourage employees and colleagues to commute by foot or bicycle as the best
and healthiest way of getting to work. A 30-minute walk every day is beneficial for
one’s overall physical and mental health.
• Support foot and bike commuting by providing the following at the workplace:
- adequate space to house or lock bikes (ideally, this space should be closer and
more accessible than the car parking lot; the idea is to favor bicycles over cars)
- safe lockers for clothing
- shower facilities
• Use public transportation to and from work. Some of the benefits of using public
transportation over cars include:
- it reduces the cost of commuting
- convenience: provides time for reading or relaxing
- makes employees more efficient, if they get any work done while commuting
- reduces environmental impact
• Motivate employees / colleagues to use environmentally-friendly transportation
choices such as public transport and carpooling to get to work. Also, consider Park &
Ride options, which are often the fastest way to work.
• Consider working at home if company rules permit. Telecommuting is a wonderful
way to reduce the need for transport.
• Organize events in locations that can be easily reached by public transportation.
• Provide information about public transportation, and / or arrange shuttle buses to
transport attendees to and from the event venue.
• Use teleconference and videoconference technologies to reduce the amount of
travel needed, and to save money.
Transportation can significantly impact the environment. Using deliveries or sharing one vehicle with more people
significantly reduces the size of the ecological footprint.
Why take action?
According to the World Health
Organization, two million people
die in developing countries each
year as a result of air pollution.
One third of children are affected
by allergies stemming from
environmental factors.
Facts & figures
Transport contributes to overall
air pollution and about 15% of all
greenhouse gas emissions.
In the long term...
Hybrid and electric cars, cars
powered by hydrogen and electric
scooters offer the prospect of far
cleaner air.
• If you use a courier for local deliveries employ a company that uses bicycle couriers.
• Favor transport companies with a green policy and an environmental program.
• Favor local producers / local suppliers whenever possible.
• Drive sensibly and observe speed limits. Speeding and aggressive driving rapidly
decreases fuel efficiency and costs extra money (not to mention the risks they entail).
• Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine whenever the car is not in motion. Idling
wastes fuel and produces unnecessary pollution.
• Remove excess weight in the vehicle
(e.g. extraneous items in the trunk or back seat).
• Use cruise control. It helps maintain a constant speed and reduces petrol usage.
• Maintain the car properly and undertake regular emissions tests.
• Keep tires properly inflated to increase fuel efficiency and improve safety.
• Choose more energy efficient vehicles such as hybrid or electric models.
• Avoid driving in rush hour whenever possible.
• Consider telecommuting programs. It can cut fuel costs dramatically and save your
vehicle from wear and tear.
Improved energy efficiency in buildings, factories, homes and businesses could reduce the world’s energy needs
by one third and help control global emissions of greenhouse gases. Reducing energy usage decreases emissions
and lowers energy costs.
Why take action?
Lighting consumes up to 35% of
electricity in commercial buildings, and
it is the primary source of heat release.
Facts & figures
The energy saved when recycling
one glass bottle is enough to light a
traditional light bulb for four hours.
Buildings account for about 40%
of energy use and 21% of carbon
emissions. Choosing to generate
local, renewable power that is clean
and eco-friendly cuts pollution and
can reduce operational costs.
In the long term...
Be your own electricity provider.
Doing so can offer you a competitive
advantage by protecting the
organization from rising energy costs.
There are several types of renewable-
power systems your organization might
- Solar panels and solar shingles to
generate electricity
- Solar thermal heaters for warming
- Wind turbines and micro hydropower
system for producing electricity.
• Turn off lights when nobody is using them.
• Practice “daylight harvesting” - make use of natural light and cut down the
number of lamps in areas with sufficient natural light.
• Install motion sensors to turn off lights automatically in public areas with low
activity e.g. corridors, toilets, staircases, etc.
• Promote efficiency by putting “save energy” / “switch off” stickers next to
switches and electrical devices.
• Use energy efficient bulbs. Replace incandescent lamps with fluorescent or
LED lights.
• Phase out fat tubes (T10 or T8 fluorescent lamps) and begin using thin tubes
(T5 fluorescent lamps) and electronic ballasts.
Note: Importantly, bulbs should be switched only when your current bulbs no longer work.
Unnecessary changes of operational equipment may lead to unnecessary waste. The
production of new equipment consumes resources as well.
Select office equipment with energy efficiency labels and specify the requirement
of energy efficiency labels (EU example) in your procurement policy.
“A” is the most efficient energy rating, “G” the least.
Refrigerators now go up to A+++.
• Switch off all devices after office hours or usage time (suggestion: arrange for
the last person out to make sure this is done) or make use of timers for switching
off machines. Do not leave machines on “Standby” or “Sleep” mode after office
A good water management plan establishes water conservation goals and opportunities. Knowledge of current
water consumption and its costs is essential for making the most appropriate water management decisions.
Why take action?
Fresh water is becoming
increasingly scarce in many parts
of the world, resulting in shortages
of drinking water, water to grow
food and to power industry.
Facts & figures
By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be
living in countries or regions with
absolute water scarcity and 2/3
of the world’s population could
be living under water stressed
In the long term...
Repair water pipes to minimize
water losses in transport.
Consider rainwater harvesting
strategies to collect, store and
use rainwater for non-potable
purposes such as irrigating lawns,
shrubs, washing vehicles and
flushing toilets.
• Install faucet aerators that spread the water stream into smaller droplets, thus
helping to save water and reduce splashing.
• Attach auto taps to existing faucets which turns the manual taps into an infrared no-
touch sensor faucet.
• Install an instant water heater near your taps so you do not have to run the water
while it heats up.
• Upgrade older toilets with water efficient models.
• Wash vehicles when needed rather than on a set schedule. Use commercial car
washers that recycle water.
• Check sprinkler systems frequently and adjust sprinklers so that only the lawn is
watered and not the building, sidewalk or street.
• Irrigation: implement the “drip” method to increase water-use efficiency by minimizing
evaporation losses.
The energy performance of a building depends on many different factors, including insulation, windows, tight air
ducts, air sealing, high efficiency furnaces and water heaters, and programmable thermostats.
Why take action?
Indoor pollution is one of the most
important environmental health
problems facing many businesses
and people. Improved air quality
can result in higher productivity
and fewer lost workdays.
Facts & figures
Lowering the room temperature
by 1ºC reduces energy output by
5% on average..
In the long term...
A cool roof reflects the sun’s
energy, helps keep temperatures
low and reduces cooling energy
A rooftop garden not only helps
to insulate but can also create
a valuable wildlife habitat and
maybe even some green space
for people to enjoy.
Solar water heating systems and
photovoltaic (PV) systems reduce
energy costs and rely on a more
sustainable source: the sun.
• Aim to reduce climate control energy usage by targeting a modest temperature (i.e.
• Lower blinds or draw curtains to reduce excess heat from direct sunlight, provided
the benefit is not offset by increasing the need for artificial light.
• If the system permits, turn off AC units in areas not being used, such as meeting
rooms, hallways, staircases, etc.
• To improve efficiency of AC units, regularly clean the dust filters and fan coils.
• Dress lightly to minimize the need for high-powered AC. Allow less formal dress on
hot days (e.g. no ties, jackets).
• Use time-controllable air-conditioning.
• Aim to reduce climate control energy usage by targeting a modest temperature (i.e.
• The ideal relative humidity range is 40-70%. Set relative humidity at the point in the
range which requires the least energy.
• Install thermometers at strategic locations to ensure that staff is aware of the room
• Avoid heating unused areas (e.g. storage rooms and corridors).
• Do not station furniture in front of radiators.
• Use heating controls such as a programmer or a thermostatic radiator valve to
maintain an ideal temperature.
The environmental impact of paper production and use include:
- the destruction of forests and their biodiversity
- pollution from chemical bleaching and other paper production processes
- the release of greenhouse gasses while harvesting forests, during production and from waste in landfills
Why take action?
Forests absorb carbon dioxide
and produce oxygen. They store
around 300 billion tons of carbon
- roughly 40 times the annual
greenhouse gas emissions from
the fossil fuels.
Facts & figures
Smaller fonts = bigger forests.
Decreasing your font size by
one number can lead to an
approximately 18% reduction in
paper consumption when printed.
Doing so can save some 20 billion
sheets of paper per year.
Sixteen million hectares of forest
is chopped down every year, of
which five million hectares are
used for paper. Much of that paper
is used for printing.
In the long term...
Assess the amount of waste that
is generated and what part of
your operations procedures is the
majority of this waste.
• Think about whether you really need a hard copy of a document. Whenever possible
use digital versions.
• If you use paper, use the highest recycled content the manufacturer or supplier
recommends for your machines.
• Adjust the margins and font size of documents to minimize paper usage.
• Encourage good office practices including double-sided printing and collecting
reusable paper for recycling.
• Promote the use of stamps or a digital version of business cards to avoid printing
them on paper.
• If there is more than one company in the office block, you can try to organize the
transportation of waste paper together.
• Reduce or ban the use of paper cups, paper plates and plastic cutlery. Use refillable
containers and reusable cutlery, dishes, cups, etc. instead.
• Recycle or refill toner and ink cartridges.
• Use ink and toner save settings.
• Install a press for plastic bottles and aluminum cans to reduce the waste size.
• Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible.
• Use refillable pens and reusable stationery, such as envelopes, folders, packaging
material, boxes and plastic foam.
Recyclables can be sent to reprocessors to be turned into new products. Using recycled materials to manufacture
new items could be cheaper than using raw materials which means less energy used. Recycling helps to preserve
natural resources and to protect the environment for future generations.
Why take action?
More than 70% of waste produced
by organizations can be recycled
to reduce the amount of waste
going to landfills.
Facts & figures
In America, recycling and
composting prevented 85.1
million tons of material from
being disposed of 2010, up
from 15 million tons in 1980.
This prevented the release of
approximately 186 million metric
tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent
to taking 36 million cars off the
road for a year.
In the long term...
Carry out a waste assessment for
your organization by determining
the types of waste being produced
and the possibility to increase
• Educate staff on what materials can be recycled. Deploy easy-to-read signs to help
people use and adhere to recycling plans.
• Provide adequate recycling bins next to the general waste containers. These should
include bins for:
- printing paper, newspapers, magazines and cardboard (remove plastic cover first)
- glass
- plastic packaging
- metal
- electronic & computer materials
- batteries
• If your offices or facilities do not have such disposal containers, contact your local
waste management company and request them.
• Check if there are recycling companies willing to purchase the selected waste.
• Reuse incoming packaging (boxes, filling material) for your own deliveries.
• Periodically review whether production waste can be sold to other business.
Hazardous materials and waste pose substantial threats to public health and the environment. They exhibit one
or more of the following hazardous traits:
- ignitability
- reactivity
- corrosivity
- toxicity
Why take action?
Hazardous materials can impact
one’s health. Many solvents affect
the central nervous system and
are skin and eye irritants.
Facts & figures
Outdated medications, paint,
motor oil, antifreeze, auto
batteries, lawn care products,
pest control products, drain
cleaners, pool care products
such as chlorine and acids,
and household cleaners are
considered hazardous materials.
In the long term...
Establish and document an
efficient procedure for proper
procurement, storage, handling
and use of hazardous materials to
prevent environmental damage or
harm living organisms.
• Establish and maintain a list of chemicals used and/or stored on organization
premises, including their names, their purpose and their areas of use.
• Hazardous chemicals should be systematically substituted by less hazardous or,
ideally, non-hazardous alternatives.
• Create a restricted material list to inform suppliers and organizations about the units
of chemicals that are banned, restricted or could be of potential concern.
• Hazardous and non hazardous waste should be stored separately in predefined
• Establish and maintain a list of hazardous and nonhazardous waste. The list should
include information regarding the amount of waste and its classification, which should
be updated at least once per year.
• Hazardous waste should be kept in a specific storage facility. The storage facility
should be designed and maintained to prevent any health risks and to avoid emissions
into the air, water or ground.
• Keep emergency containers at the ready in case chemicals leak.
• Ensure adequate ventilation in storage facilities to prevent the risk of sickness or
• Provide appropriate rain, snow and sunlight protection for chemical containers
stored outdoors.
• All chemical containers should be appropriately labeled in both international and
local language, including risk symbols.
• Purchase goods and services from companies that implement environmental policies.
• Weatherproof your workplace to save energy.
• Set up an environmental bulletin board to post notices about local environmental meetings,
environmental news and green tips.
• Lobby your company to set up a committee to monitor its environmental performance.
• Make a sign for inside the front door that says “last one out turns off the lights”.
(also on printers, coffee machines, etc.)
• Keep plants and flowers in office because they increase the amount of oxygen.
Office environment
• Use a laptop instead of a desktop, if practical. It consumes about 50% less electricity.
• Enable the power management function on your computer (the screensaver does not save energy).
• Use paper clips, staples, string or non-toxic glue instead of adhesive tape when possible.
• Use stick-type glues or basic white glue. Avoid glues and cements that emit the smell of solvents
(e.g. rubber cement and hobby glue).
• Replace the inkjet printer with a laser printer which is more cost-effective in longer term when much
printing is needed.
• Use one large power strip for your computer, modem, scanner, printer, monitor and speakers. Switch
it off when equipment is not in use. This is a practical way to cut 5-10% of energy use.
Personal tips
• Use your own ceramic/reusable mug and glass at work.
• Bring your lunch in a reusable container.
• Help to educate your coworkers about the environment.
• Encourage your company pension plan (and relatives, co-workers)
not to invest in companies that harm the environment.

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  • 2. 2 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION COMMUTING Commuting to Work Meetings / Conferences TRANSPORTATION Deliveries Car Usage ELECTRICITY Lighting Other WATER HEATING AND COOLING Hot Conditions Cold Conditions PAPER & MATERIALS WASTE OPTIMIZATION Paper Consumption Materials Usage RECYCLING Stock and Production Sites HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUICK TIPS
  • 3. 3 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 INTRODUCTION Being greener is not only achievable in a few simple steps, but it can also lead to better health, increased productivity and heightened profits. Many businesses, organizations, public bodies and individuals want to play their part in making the world a cleaner and more sustainable place. They also want to find ways to reduce costs, maximize output, improve their public image, increase their CSR activities, respond to stakeholder pressure and drive value creation. But all too often they don’t know how to take the first steps. To help achieve these parallel goals, EuCham - European Chamber is spearheading the GREENWILL Initiative. GREENWILL offers all interested parties a simple, concise and completely voluntary set of guidelines to help make anyone’s operations more environmentally friendly. It’s never been easier to start. All any organization needs to do to join the GREENWILLInitiative is register for GREENWILL and make that pledge public. These Guidelines will help interested parties shape their approach towards commuting, transport use, electricity, water, heating & cooling, waste, recycling and hazardous materials. Those registering for GREENWILL receive an annual Green Policy for free from GREENWILL. They are then encouraged to post their commitment to GREENWILL on their websites and to hang their Green Policy at their physical place of operation (business, school, office, etc). They will be asked to share the commitment pledge with their colleagues and, if possible, their customers and partners. And most importantly, they will be asked to begin adopting whatever guidelines they can. Any and all steps will help make the world a greener and friendlier place! Starting tips • Put the Green Policy on the wall. • Publish the Green Policy and the GREENWILL logo on your website and social media. • Empower someone (the Green Officer) to manage the implementation of the guidelines. • Support the creation of a voluntary groups, i.e. a “Green Team”, to help the Green Officer. Sample Green Policy
  • 4. 4 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 COMMUTING Reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles on the road can significantly reduce traffic congestion and emission levels. Increasing the use of carpooling, public transportation and biking are simple ways to achieve this. Why take action? Cars carrying only one occupant use fuel and roads less efficiently than shared cars or public transport, and increase traffic congestion. Commuting by car is a major factor contributing to air pollution. Facts & figures If public transportation were used instead of cars, dependence on oil would significantly decrease as would carbon dioxide emissions. The bike is an ideal means of transport for short distances and many urban spaces have recently become far more bike-friendly. In the long term... Increasing the use of hybrid and electric cars, or cars that are more fuel efficient, will pay good environmental dividends. COMMUTING TO WORK • Encourage employees and colleagues to commute by foot or bicycle as the best and healthiest way of getting to work. A 30-minute walk every day is beneficial for one’s overall physical and mental health. • Support foot and bike commuting by providing the following at the workplace: - adequate space to house or lock bikes (ideally, this space should be closer and more accessible than the car parking lot; the idea is to favor bicycles over cars) - safe lockers for clothing - shower facilities • Use public transportation to and from work. Some of the benefits of using public transportation over cars include: - it reduces the cost of commuting - convenience: provides time for reading or relaxing - makes employees more efficient, if they get any work done while commuting - reduces environmental impact • Motivate employees / colleagues to use environmentally-friendly transportation choices such as public transport and carpooling to get to work. Also, consider Park & Ride options, which are often the fastest way to work. • Consider working at home if company rules permit. Telecommuting is a wonderful way to reduce the need for transport. MEETINGS / CONFERENCES • Organize events in locations that can be easily reached by public transportation. • Provide information about public transportation, and / or arrange shuttle buses to transport attendees to and from the event venue. • Use teleconference and videoconference technologies to reduce the amount of travel needed, and to save money.
  • 5. 5 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 TRANSPORTATION Transportation can significantly impact the environment. Using deliveries or sharing one vehicle with more people significantly reduces the size of the ecological footprint. Why take action? According to the World Health Organization, two million people die in developing countries each year as a result of air pollution. One third of children are affected by allergies stemming from environmental factors. Facts & figures Transport contributes to overall air pollution and about 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions. In the long term... Hybrid and electric cars, cars powered by hydrogen and electric scooters offer the prospect of far cleaner air. DELIVERIES • If you use a courier for local deliveries employ a company that uses bicycle couriers. • Favor transport companies with a green policy and an environmental program. • Favor local producers / local suppliers whenever possible. CAR USAGE • Drive sensibly and observe speed limits. Speeding and aggressive driving rapidly decreases fuel efficiency and costs extra money (not to mention the risks they entail). • Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine whenever the car is not in motion. Idling wastes fuel and produces unnecessary pollution. • Remove excess weight in the vehicle (e.g. extraneous items in the trunk or back seat). • Use cruise control. It helps maintain a constant speed and reduces petrol usage. • Maintain the car properly and undertake regular emissions tests. • Keep tires properly inflated to increase fuel efficiency and improve safety. • Choose more energy efficient vehicles such as hybrid or electric models. • Avoid driving in rush hour whenever possible. • Consider telecommuting programs. It can cut fuel costs dramatically and save your vehicle from wear and tear.
  • 6. 6 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 ELECTRICITY Improved energy efficiency in buildings, factories, homes and businesses could reduce the world’s energy needs by one third and help control global emissions of greenhouse gases. Reducing energy usage decreases emissions and lowers energy costs. Why take action? Lighting consumes up to 35% of electricity in commercial buildings, and it is the primary source of heat release. Facts & figures The energy saved when recycling one glass bottle is enough to light a traditional light bulb for four hours. Buildings account for about 40% of energy use and 21% of carbon emissions. Choosing to generate local, renewable power that is clean and eco-friendly cuts pollution and can reduce operational costs. In the long term... Be your own electricity provider. Doing so can offer you a competitive advantage by protecting the organization from rising energy costs. There are several types of renewable- power systems your organization might consider: - Solar panels and solar shingles to generate electricity - Solar thermal heaters for warming water - Wind turbines and micro hydropower system for producing electricity. LIGHTING • Turn off lights when nobody is using them. • Practice “daylight harvesting” - make use of natural light and cut down the number of lamps in areas with sufficient natural light. • Install motion sensors to turn off lights automatically in public areas with low activity e.g. corridors, toilets, staircases, etc. • Promote efficiency by putting “save energy” / “switch off” stickers next to switches and electrical devices. • Use energy efficient bulbs. Replace incandescent lamps with fluorescent or LED lights. • Phase out fat tubes (T10 or T8 fluorescent lamps) and begin using thin tubes (T5 fluorescent lamps) and electronic ballasts. Note: Importantly, bulbs should be switched only when your current bulbs no longer work. Unnecessary changes of operational equipment may lead to unnecessary waste. The production of new equipment consumes resources as well. OTHER Select office equipment with energy efficiency labels and specify the requirement of energy efficiency labels (EU example) in your procurement policy. “A” is the most efficient energy rating, “G” the least. Refrigerators now go up to A+++. • Switch off all devices after office hours or usage time (suggestion: arrange for the last person out to make sure this is done) or make use of timers for switching off machines. Do not leave machines on “Standby” or “Sleep” mode after office hours.
  • 7. 7 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 WATER A good water management plan establishes water conservation goals and opportunities. Knowledge of current water consumption and its costs is essential for making the most appropriate water management decisions. Why take action? Fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world, resulting in shortages of drinking water, water to grow food and to power industry. Facts & figures By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and 2/3 of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions. In the long term... Repair water pipes to minimize water losses in transport. Consider rainwater harvesting strategies to collect, store and use rainwater for non-potable purposes such as irrigating lawns, shrubs, washing vehicles and flushing toilets. • Install faucet aerators that spread the water stream into smaller droplets, thus helping to save water and reduce splashing. • Attach auto taps to existing faucets which turns the manual taps into an infrared no- touch sensor faucet. • Install an instant water heater near your taps so you do not have to run the water while it heats up. • Upgrade older toilets with water efficient models. • Wash vehicles when needed rather than on a set schedule. Use commercial car washers that recycle water. • Check sprinkler systems frequently and adjust sprinklers so that only the lawn is watered and not the building, sidewalk or street. • Irrigation: implement the “drip” method to increase water-use efficiency by minimizing evaporation losses.
  • 8. 8 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 HEATING AND COOLING The energy performance of a building depends on many different factors, including insulation, windows, tight air ducts, air sealing, high efficiency furnaces and water heaters, and programmable thermostats. Why take action? Indoor pollution is one of the most important environmental health problems facing many businesses and people. Improved air quality can result in higher productivity and fewer lost workdays. Facts & figures Lowering the room temperature by 1ºC reduces energy output by 5% on average.. In the long term... A cool roof reflects the sun’s energy, helps keep temperatures low and reduces cooling energy needs. A rooftop garden not only helps to insulate but can also create a valuable wildlife habitat and maybe even some green space for people to enjoy. Solar water heating systems and photovoltaic (PV) systems reduce energy costs and rely on a more sustainable source: the sun. HOT CONDITIONS • Aim to reduce climate control energy usage by targeting a modest temperature (i.e. 22-26°C). • Lower blinds or draw curtains to reduce excess heat from direct sunlight, provided the benefit is not offset by increasing the need for artificial light. • If the system permits, turn off AC units in areas not being used, such as meeting rooms, hallways, staircases, etc. • To improve efficiency of AC units, regularly clean the dust filters and fan coils. • Dress lightly to minimize the need for high-powered AC. Allow less formal dress on hot days (e.g. no ties, jackets). • Use time-controllable air-conditioning. COLD CONDITIONS • Aim to reduce climate control energy usage by targeting a modest temperature (i.e. 18-22°C). • The ideal relative humidity range is 40-70%. Set relative humidity at the point in the range which requires the least energy. • Install thermometers at strategic locations to ensure that staff is aware of the room temperature. • Avoid heating unused areas (e.g. storage rooms and corridors). • Do not station furniture in front of radiators. • Use heating controls such as a programmer or a thermostatic radiator valve to maintain an ideal temperature.
  • 9. 9 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 PAPER & MATERIALS WASTE OPTIMIZATION The environmental impact of paper production and use include: - the destruction of forests and their biodiversity - pollution from chemical bleaching and other paper production processes - the release of greenhouse gasses while harvesting forests, during production and from waste in landfills Why take action? Forests absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. They store around 300 billion tons of carbon - roughly 40 times the annual greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuels. Facts & figures Smaller fonts = bigger forests. Decreasing your font size by one number can lead to an approximately 18% reduction in paper consumption when printed. Doing so can save some 20 billion sheets of paper per year. Sixteen million hectares of forest is chopped down every year, of which five million hectares are used for paper. Much of that paper is used for printing. In the long term... Assess the amount of waste that is generated and what part of your operations procedures is the majority of this waste. PAPER CONSUMPTION • Think about whether you really need a hard copy of a document. Whenever possible use digital versions. • If you use paper, use the highest recycled content the manufacturer or supplier recommends for your machines. • Adjust the margins and font size of documents to minimize paper usage. • Encourage good office practices including double-sided printing and collecting reusable paper for recycling. • Promote the use of stamps or a digital version of business cards to avoid printing them on paper. • If there is more than one company in the office block, you can try to organize the transportation of waste paper together. • Reduce or ban the use of paper cups, paper plates and plastic cutlery. Use refillable containers and reusable cutlery, dishes, cups, etc. instead. MATERIALS USAGE • Recycle or refill toner and ink cartridges. • Use ink and toner save settings. • Install a press for plastic bottles and aluminum cans to reduce the waste size. • Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible. • Use refillable pens and reusable stationery, such as envelopes, folders, packaging material, boxes and plastic foam.
  • 10. 10 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 RECYCLING Recyclables can be sent to reprocessors to be turned into new products. Using recycled materials to manufacture new items could be cheaper than using raw materials which means less energy used. Recycling helps to preserve natural resources and to protect the environment for future generations. Why take action? More than 70% of waste produced by organizations can be recycled to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. Facts & figures In America, recycling and composting prevented 85.1 million tons of material from being disposed of 2010, up from 15 million tons in 1980. This prevented the release of approximately 186 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to taking 36 million cars off the road for a year. In the long term... Carry out a waste assessment for your organization by determining the types of waste being produced and the possibility to increase recycling. • Educate staff on what materials can be recycled. Deploy easy-to-read signs to help people use and adhere to recycling plans. • Provide adequate recycling bins next to the general waste containers. These should include bins for: - printing paper, newspapers, magazines and cardboard (remove plastic cover first) - glass - plastic packaging - metal - electronic & computer materials - batteries • If your offices or facilities do not have such disposal containers, contact your local waste management company and request them. • Check if there are recycling companies willing to purchase the selected waste. STOCK AND PRODUCTION SITES • Reuse incoming packaging (boxes, filling material) for your own deliveries. • Periodically review whether production waste can be sold to other business.
  • 11. 11 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Hazardous materials and waste pose substantial threats to public health and the environment. They exhibit one or more of the following hazardous traits: - ignitability - reactivity - corrosivity - toxicity Why take action? Hazardous materials can impact one’s health. Many solvents affect the central nervous system and are skin and eye irritants. Facts & figures Outdated medications, paint, motor oil, antifreeze, auto batteries, lawn care products, pest control products, drain cleaners, pool care products such as chlorine and acids, and household cleaners are considered hazardous materials. In the long term... Establish and document an efficient procedure for proper procurement, storage, handling and use of hazardous materials to prevent environmental damage or harm living organisms. • Establish and maintain a list of chemicals used and/or stored on organization premises, including their names, their purpose and their areas of use. • Hazardous chemicals should be systematically substituted by less hazardous or, ideally, non-hazardous alternatives. • Create a restricted material list to inform suppliers and organizations about the units of chemicals that are banned, restricted or could be of potential concern. • Hazardous and non hazardous waste should be stored separately in predefined areas. • Establish and maintain a list of hazardous and nonhazardous waste. The list should include information regarding the amount of waste and its classification, which should be updated at least once per year. • Hazardous waste should be kept in a specific storage facility. The storage facility should be designed and maintained to prevent any health risks and to avoid emissions into the air, water or ground. • Keep emergency containers at the ready in case chemicals leak. • Ensure adequate ventilation in storage facilities to prevent the risk of sickness or explosion. • Provide appropriate rain, snow and sunlight protection for chemical containers stored outdoors. • All chemical containers should be appropriately labeled in both international and local language, including risk symbols.
  • 12. 12 GREENWILL™•GreenGuidelines2014v.1.1404 QUICK TIPS General • Purchase goods and services from companies that implement environmental policies. • Weatherproof your workplace to save energy. • Set up an environmental bulletin board to post notices about local environmental meetings, environmental news and green tips. • Lobby your company to set up a committee to monitor its environmental performance. • Make a sign for inside the front door that says “last one out turns off the lights”. (also on printers, coffee machines, etc.) • Keep plants and flowers in office because they increase the amount of oxygen. Office environment • Use a laptop instead of a desktop, if practical. It consumes about 50% less electricity. • Enable the power management function on your computer (the screensaver does not save energy). • Use paper clips, staples, string or non-toxic glue instead of adhesive tape when possible. • Use stick-type glues or basic white glue. Avoid glues and cements that emit the smell of solvents (e.g. rubber cement and hobby glue). • Replace the inkjet printer with a laser printer which is more cost-effective in longer term when much printing is needed. • Use one large power strip for your computer, modem, scanner, printer, monitor and speakers. Switch it off when equipment is not in use. This is a practical way to cut 5-10% of energy use. Personal tips • Use your own ceramic/reusable mug and glass at work. • Bring your lunch in a reusable container. • Help to educate your coworkers about the environment. • Encourage your company pension plan (and relatives, co-workers) not to invest in companies that harm the environment.