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Impact on Coverage and Capacity of Reduced
    Transmit Power in Cellular Networks

                           Marceau Coupechoux∗
         TELECOM ParisTech (INFRES/RMS) and CNRS LTCI

 Joint work with Jean-Marc K´lif (Orange Labs) and Fr´d´ric Marache
                            e                        e e
                           (Orange Labs)

       Green Telecom and IT Workshop, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

                                  4 April 2012

M. Coupechoux (TPT)            Limiting Power Transmission             4 April 2012   1 / 20

   Interference Model
   Outage Probabilities
   Interference Factor Analysis
   Noise and Power Analysis

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)     Limiting Power Transmission   4 April 2012   2 / 20
Interference Model

Interference Model: SINR

                         Figure: Interference model.

   SINR is a central parameter for performance evaluation:

                         ∗                      Su
                        γu =                                     .
                               α(Iint,u    − Su ) + Iext,u + Nth

  M. Coupechoux (TPT)           Limiting Power Transmission          4 April 2012   3 / 20
Interference Model

Interference Model: Output Power

   Other-cell interference factor: fu = Iext,u /Iint,u

                                                   j=b   Pj gj,u
                                      fu =
                                                   Pb gb,u

   Transmitted power for mobile u: Pb,u = Su /gb,u
                        Pb,u =         ∗
                                         (αPb + fu Pb + Nth /gb,u ).
                                 1 + αγu

   Total BS output power:
                                       Pcch +         u 1+αγu gb,u
                             Pb =                     γu
                                                       ∗             .
                                      1−          u 1+αγu∗ (α + fu )

  M. Coupechoux (TPT)              Limiting Power Transmission           4 April 2012   4 / 20
Outage Probabilities

Outage Probabilities: Generic Expression

   For n MS with a single service:
                          (n)                            1−ϕ
                         Pout = Pr                Tu >       − nα ,

   where ϕ = Pcch /Pmax , β = γ ∗ /(1 + αγ ∗ ) and

                                         Tu = fu + hu .

   Two terms appear:
          The OCIF: fu and
          A noise factor: hu =     Pmax gb,u .

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)            Limiting Power Transmission         4 April 2012   5 / 20
Outage Probabilities

Outage Probabilities: Without Shadowing

   The outage probability is now (Gaussian approx.):
                               (n)                β    − nµT − nα
                              Pout = Q                 √            .


                         µT    = µf0 + µh0
                          2       2     2
                         σT    = σf0 + σh0 + 2E[f0 h0 ] − 2µf0 µh0

   Means and standard deviations are taken over the uniform distribution
   of MS on the cell area.

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)               Limiting Power Transmission        4 April 2012   6 / 20
Outage Probabilities

Outage Probabilities: With Shadowing

   The outage probability is now:
                               (n)               β    − nMT − nα
                              Pout = Q                 √           ,


                         MT    = Mf + Mh ,
                         ST             2
                               = Sf2 + Sh + 2E[fu hu ] − 2Mf Mh ,

   Means and standard deviations are taken both over the shadowing
   variations and mobile location.

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)               Limiting Power Transmission       4 April 2012   7 / 20
Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis: Fluid Model
   Interfering BS are approximated by a continuum of BS.
   Each elementary surface zdzdθ at distance z from u contains
   ρBS zdzdθ BS and contributes with ρBS zdzdθPb Kz −η to the

                                 Rnw                       Continuum of
                                                           base stations



                         Figure: Cellular network approximation.

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                 Limiting Power Transmission         4 April 2012   8 / 20
Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis: Fluid Model

 Discrete sum is approximated by
 an integral:                                                                            First BS ring

                                                                            Cell boundary                     Network boundary

                 2π      Rnw −ru
 Iext,u =                          ρBS Pb Kz −η zdzdθ                             ru         2Rc - ru

             0        2Rc −ru                                              BS b   MS u
                                                                                                   Rnw - ru
 If network size is large:
          2πρBS ru
   f0 =            (2Rc − ru )2−η .                        Figure: Integration limits for interference
           η−2                                             computation.

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                     Limiting Power Transmission                             4 April 2012     9 / 20
Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis: Fluid Model

Figure: Interference factor vs. distance to the BS; comparison of the fluid model
with simulations on an hexagonal network with η = 2.7, 3, 3.5, and 4.

    M. Coupechoux (TPT)           Limiting Power Transmission    4 April 2012   10 / 20
Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis: Without Shadowing

   OCIF is obtained from the fluid model:
                                            2πρBS r η
                                  f0 =                (2Rc − r )2−η .
   We integrate over the cell area:
                     24−η πρBS Rc
                                2             Re
        µf 0 =                                             2 F1 (η     − 2, η + 2, η + 3, Re /2Rc ).
                        η2 − 4                Rc

   where 2 F1 (a, b, c, z) is the hypergeometric function, whose integral
   form is given by:
                                                Γ(c)                       t b−1 (1 − t)c−b−1
                    2 F1 (a, b, c, z)   =                                                     dt,
                                            Γ(b)Γ(c − b)           0            (1 − tz)a

   The same for σf0 (can be expressed in closed-form using 2 F1 ).

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                  Limiting Power Transmission                           4 April 2012   11 / 20
Interference Analysis

Interference Analysis: With Shadowing

   At a distance ru , fu can be approx. by a log-normal RV with
   Fenton-Wilkinson → mf and σf .
   We then integrate RV fu over the cell area:
                             Re                                    Re
                                                                                             2 s 2 /2   2r
          Mf     =                E[fu |r ]pr (r )dr =                  f0 (r )J(r , σ)e a      f
                                                                                                           dr ,
                         0                                     0                                        Re
                             Re                                         Re
                                                                                                        2s2   2r
     E fu2       =                E fu2 |r pr (r )dr =                       (f0 (r )J(r , σ))2 e 2a      f
                                                                                                                 dr .
                         0                                         0                                          Re

                                 2 2                         2 2                       −1
   where J(ru , σ) =          e a σ /2       L(ru    , η)(e a σ     − 1) + 1                and
                   f0 (ru ,2η)
   L(ru , η) =     f0 (ru ,η)2

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                    Limiting Power Transmission                           4 April 2012      12 / 20
Noise and Power Analysis

Noise and Power Analysis: Without Shadowing

   This is a simple case since: hu = h0 =                             −η
                                                               Pmax Kru
   Mean and standard deviation over MS locations:
                                                2Nth Re
                              µh0      =
                                              Pmax K (η + 2)
                                               2η                          2
                                              Re            Nth
                              σh0      =                                       .
                                              η+1          Pmax K

   E[f0 h0 ] involves an hypergeometric function but can be computed
                              2Nth πρBS
           E[f0 h0 ] =                                         r 2η (2Rc − r )2−η pr (r )dr .
                             Pmax K (η − 2)           0

  M. Coupechoux (TPT)               Limiting Power Transmission                    4 April 2012   13 / 20
Noise and Power Analysis

Noise and Power Analysis: With Shadowing

   Thermal noise factor is now: hu = h0 /Ab = h0 10−ξb /10 .
                                                               2 σ 2 /2
   And so: Mh = µh0 E 10−ξb /10 = µh0 e a                                 (the same for Sh ).
   fu hu (both terms are not ind.) can be approx. at a given distance r
   by a log-normal RV using Fenton-Wilkinson.
   We then integrate over the cell area:
          E[fu hu ] =                  E[fu hu |r ]pr (r )dr
                                                    2 2           Re
                            4πρBS Nth e 3a σ /2
                        =           2
                                                                       r 2η+1 (2Rc − r )2−η dr .
                            Pmax KRe (η − 2)                  0

   Again, this can be expressed in closed-form using 2 F1 .

  M. Coupechoux (TPT)                  Limiting Power Transmission                    4 April 2012   14 / 20

Applications: Scenarios

   Common parameters: CDMA network, γ ∗ = −19 dB, W = 5 MHz,
   α = 0.6, ϕ = 0.2, N0 = −174 dBm/Hz.
   Urban and rural scenarios:

                         Table: Propagation parameters
                  K (2 GHz)   K (920 MHz)               σ (dB)    t     η         Rc
      Urban       4.95 10−4    6.24 10−3                   6     0.5   3.41      1 Km
      Rural          0.88         4.51                     4     0.5   3.41      5 Km

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)         Limiting Power Transmission              4 April 2012   15 / 20

Applications: Capacity
                                                Urban (R =1Km)                                                  Rural (R =5Km)
                                                         c                                                               c
                           7                                                              0.45

                                                                                                                                                    We set Pout = 5%

                           5                                                                                                                        For a given Pmax ,
MS density ρ MS [MS/Km ]


                                                                                                                                                    nMS is the max nb.

                                                                                                                                                    of MS such that
                           3                                                               0.2
                                                                                                                                                    Pout < Pout
                           2                                                                                                                                     2
                                                                                                                                                    ρMS = nMS /πRe

                                                                        f=920 MHz                                                 f=920 MHz
                                                                        f=2000 MHz                                                f=2000 MHz
                           0                                                                0
                               0   5      10   15   20       25   30   35   40       45          0       10         20       30    40          50
                                       Maximum output power Pmax [dBm]                                 Maximum output power Pmax [dBm]

                                   Effect of Freq. ↑: K ↓, fu is unchanged, hu ↑
                                   Effect of Rural deployment: Rc ↑ so more power is needed per MS
                                   but K ↑ and σ ↓. Cell range increase has a dominant influence.

                                   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                                               Limiting Power Transmission                         4 April 2012   16 / 20

Applications: Coverage
                                                                    Urban (R =1Km)                                       Rural (R =5Km)
                                                                           c                                                       c
                                               1.1                                               5.5
   Pout = 1 or 5%
   ρMS is fixed for
   rural and urban
                                                                                                           920 MHz

                         Coverage range [Km]
   Cov. range Re is                                                                               4

   variable                                    0.7
                                                              920 MHz
                                                                               2 GHz
                                                                                                                                       2 GHz


   For given Pmax , we                         0.6

   look for Re such                            0.5

   that Pout < Pout                                                                              2.5
                                               0.4                                                                                f=920 MHz, target outage = 5%
                                                                                                                                  f=2000 MHz, target outage = 5%
                                                                                                                                  f=920 MHz, target outage = 1%
                                                                                                                                  f=2000 MHz, target outage = 1%
                                                     0    5      10       15     20    25   30         0             5       10                15         20
                                                         Maximum output power Pmax [dBm]                        Maximum output power Pmax [dBm]

   When Pmax ↓, Re ↓ because less MS can be served and average power
   per MS should decrease.
   A small degradation of QoS allows an important power reduction in
   M. Coupechoux (TPT)                               Limiting Power Transmission                                         4 April 2012                17 / 20

Applications: Should we neglect noise ?
                      0.1                                               0.1
                                                                                                                                   Pout = 5%
                                                                                       f=920 MHz
                                                                                       f=2000 MHz
                                                                                       Noise neglected

                     0.09                                              0.09
                                                                                                                                   Pmax = 43 dBm
                                                                                                                                   nMS is fixed such
                     0.08                                              0.08
                                                                                                                                   that Pout = Pout
Outage probability

                                                                                                                                   when noise is
                     0.07                                              0.07
                     0.06                                              0.06                                                        We then compute
                                                                                                                                   Pout while
                     0.05                                              0.05
                                                                                                                                   considering noise.
                        0.5      1        1.5           2    2.5   3          1    2      3      4       5   6   7   8    9   10
                                 Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km]                          Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km]

                              Noise neglected ⇒ Pout doesn’t depend on K , frequency, Rc
                              (homothetic networks).
                              Noise cannot be neglected for Rc > 1 Km in urban and Rc > 7 Km in
                              rural at 2 GHz (if we accept 0.5% error).
                              M. Coupechoux (TPT)                                 Limiting Power Transmission                           4 April 2012   18 / 20

Applications: Power Density and Densification
   Pout = 5%                                                                                 Urban

   MS density                                      0.45
                                                           f=2000 MHz
                                                           f=920 MHz

   constant                                         0.4

   Full coverage is                                0.35

                           Power density [W/Km ]
   assumed                                          0.3

   For a given Rc ,                                0.25

   Pmax is such that

   Pout < Pout


   Power density is                                0.05
   Pmax /πRe                                         0
                                                     0.5   0.55     0.6   0.65        0.7      0.75     0.8       0.85       0.9   0.95   1
                                                                                 Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km]

   At 2 GHz, 11% more BS means half power density.
   Deploying small and femto cells are good means of reducing
   electromagnetic pollution provided that transmission power is
   M. Coupechoux (TPT)     Limiting Power Transmission                                                                   4 April 2012     19 / 20


   This work analyzes interference, noise and outpout power in cellular
   networks and their impact on outage.
   Fluid model provides a simple formula for the OCIF.
   Integrations are done both over shadowing variations and MS
   Slight QoS degradation implies much lower output powers (rural).
   Slight increase of BS nbr implies much lower power densities (2GHz).

   M. Coupechoux (TPT)     Limiting Power Transmission     4 April 2012   20 / 20

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Green Telecom & IT Workshop: Marceau greentouch

  • 1. Impact on Coverage and Capacity of Reduced Transmit Power in Cellular Networks Marceau Coupechoux∗ TELECOM ParisTech (INFRES/RMS) and CNRS LTCI ∗ Joint work with Jean-Marc K´lif (Orange Labs) and Fr´d´ric Marache e e e (Orange Labs) Green Telecom and IT Workshop, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 4 April 2012 M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 1 / 20
  • 2. Outlines Interference Model Outage Probabilities Interference Factor Analysis Noise and Power Analysis Applications Conclusion M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 2 / 20
  • 3. Interference Model Interference Model: SINR Figure: Interference model. SINR is a central parameter for performance evaluation: ∗ Su γu = . α(Iint,u − Su ) + Iext,u + Nth M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 3 / 20
  • 4. Interference Model Interference Model: Output Power Other-cell interference factor: fu = Iext,u /Iint,u j=b Pj gj,u fu = Pb gb,u Transmitted power for mobile u: Pb,u = Su /gb,u ∗ γu Pb,u = ∗ (αPb + fu Pb + Nth /gb,u ). 1 + αγu Total BS output power: γu∗ Nth Pcch + u 1+αγu gb,u ∗ Pb = γu ∗ . 1− u 1+αγu∗ (α + fu ) M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 4 / 20
  • 5. Outage Probabilities Outage Probabilities: Generic Expression For n MS with a single service: n−1 (n) 1−ϕ Pout = Pr Tu > − nα , β u=0 where ϕ = Pcch /Pmax , β = γ ∗ /(1 + αγ ∗ ) and Tu = fu + hu . Two terms appear: The OCIF: fu and Nth A noise factor: hu = Pmax gb,u . M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 5 / 20
  • 6. Outage Probabilities Outage Probabilities: Without Shadowing The outage probability is now (Gaussian approx.): 1−ϕ (n) β − nµT − nα Pout = Q √ . nσT where: µT = µf0 + µh0 2 2 2 σT = σf0 + σh0 + 2E[f0 h0 ] − 2µf0 µh0 Means and standard deviations are taken over the uniform distribution of MS on the cell area. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 6 / 20
  • 7. Outage Probabilities Outage Probabilities: With Shadowing The outage probability is now: 1−ϕ (n) β − nMT − nα Pout = Q √ , nST where: MT = Mf + Mh , 2 ST 2 = Sf2 + Sh + 2E[fu hu ] − 2Mf Mh , Means and standard deviations are taken both over the shadowing variations and mobile location. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 7 / 20
  • 8. Interference Analysis Interference Analysis: Fluid Model Interfering BS are approximated by a continuum of BS. Each elementary surface zdzdθ at distance z from u contains ρBS zdzdθ BS and contributes with ρBS zdzdθPb Kz −η to the interference. Rnw Continuum of base stations Rc 2Rc Figure: Cellular network approximation. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 8 / 20
  • 9. Interference Analysis Interference Analysis: Fluid Model Discrete sum is approximated by an integral: First BS ring Cell boundary Network boundary 2π Rnw −ru Iext,u = ρBS Pb Kz −η zdzdθ ru 2Rc - ru 0 2Rc −ru BS b MS u Rnw - ru (1) If network size is large: η 2πρBS ru f0 = (2Rc − ru )2−η . Figure: Integration limits for interference η−2 computation. (2) M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 9 / 20
  • 10. Interference Analysis Interference Analysis: Fluid Model Figure: Interference factor vs. distance to the BS; comparison of the fluid model with simulations on an hexagonal network with η = 2.7, 3, 3.5, and 4. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 10 / 20
  • 11. Interference Analysis Interference Analysis: Without Shadowing OCIF is obtained from the fluid model: 2πρBS r η f0 = (2Rc − r )2−η . η−2 We integrate over the cell area: η 24−η πρBS Rc 2 Re µf 0 = 2 F1 (η − 2, η + 2, η + 3, Re /2Rc ). η2 − 4 Rc where 2 F1 (a, b, c, z) is the hypergeometric function, whose integral form is given by: 1 Γ(c) t b−1 (1 − t)c−b−1 Z 2 F1 (a, b, c, z) = dt, Γ(b)Γ(c − b) 0 (1 − tz)a The same for σf0 (can be expressed in closed-form using 2 F1 ). M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 11 / 20
  • 12. Interference Analysis Interference Analysis: With Shadowing At a distance ru , fu can be approx. by a log-normal RV with Fenton-Wilkinson → mf and σf . We then integrate RV fu over the cell area: Re Re 2 s 2 /2 2r Mf = E[fu |r ]pr (r )dr = f0 (r )J(r , σ)e a f 2 dr , 0 0 Re Re Re 2s2 2r E fu2 = E fu2 |r pr (r )dr = (f0 (r )J(r , σ))2 e 2a f 2 dr . 0 0 Re 2 2 2 2 −1 2 where J(ru , σ) = e a σ /2 L(ru , η)(e a σ − 1) + 1 and f0 (ru ,2η) L(ru , η) = f0 (ru ,η)2 M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 12 / 20
  • 13. Noise and Power Analysis Noise and Power Analysis: Without Shadowing Nth This is a simple case since: hu = h0 = −η Pmax Kru Mean and standard deviation over MS locations: η 2Nth Re µh0 = Pmax K (η + 2) 2η 2 Re Nth σh0 = . η+1 Pmax K E[f0 h0 ] involves an hypergeometric function but can be computed with: Re 2Nth πρBS E[f0 h0 ] = r 2η (2Rc − r )2−η pr (r )dr . Pmax K (η − 2) 0 M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 13 / 20
  • 14. Noise and Power Analysis Noise and Power Analysis: With Shadowing Thermal noise factor is now: hu = h0 /Ab = h0 10−ξb /10 . 2 σ 2 /2 And so: Mh = µh0 E 10−ξb /10 = µh0 e a (the same for Sh ). fu hu (both terms are not ind.) can be approx. at a given distance r by a log-normal RV using Fenton-Wilkinson. We then integrate over the cell area: Re E[fu hu ] = E[fu hu |r ]pr (r )dr 0 2 2 Re 4πρBS Nth e 3a σ /2 = 2 r 2η+1 (2Rc − r )2−η dr . Pmax KRe (η − 2) 0 Again, this can be expressed in closed-form using 2 F1 . M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 14 / 20
  • 15. Applications Applications: Scenarios Common parameters: CDMA network, γ ∗ = −19 dB, W = 5 MHz, α = 0.6, ϕ = 0.2, N0 = −174 dBm/Hz. Urban and rural scenarios: Table: Propagation parameters K (2 GHz) K (920 MHz) σ (dB) t η Rc Urban 4.95 10−4 6.24 10−3 6 0.5 3.41 1 Km Rural 0.88 4.51 4 0.5 3.41 5 Km M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 15 / 20
  • 16. Applications Applications: Capacity Urban (R =1Km) Rural (R =5Km) c c 7 0.45 6 0.4 ∗ We set Pout = 5% 0.35 5 For a given Pmax , MS density ρ MS [MS/Km ] 2 0.3 4 nMS is the max nb. 0.25 of MS such that 3 0.2 ∗ Pout < Pout 0.15 2 2 ρMS = nMS /πRe 0.1 1 0.05 f=920 MHz f=920 MHz f=2000 MHz f=2000 MHz 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 Maximum output power Pmax [dBm] Maximum output power Pmax [dBm] Effect of Freq. ↑: K ↓, fu is unchanged, hu ↑ Effect of Rural deployment: Rc ↑ so more power is needed per MS but K ↑ and σ ↓. Cell range increase has a dominant influence. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 16 / 20
  • 17. Applications Applications: Coverage Urban (R =1Km) Rural (R =5Km) c c 1.1 5.5 ∗ Pout = 1 or 5% 1 5 ρMS is fixed for rural and urban 0.9 4.5 920 MHz Coverage range [Km] 0.8 Cov. range Re is 4 variable 0.7 920 MHz 2 GHz 2 GHz 3.5 For given Pmax , we 0.6 3 look for Re such 0.5 ∗ that Pout < Pout 2.5 0.4 f=920 MHz, target outage = 5% f=2000 MHz, target outage = 5% f=920 MHz, target outage = 1% f=2000 MHz, target outage = 1% 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 Maximum output power Pmax [dBm] Maximum output power Pmax [dBm] When Pmax ↓, Re ↓ because less MS can be served and average power per MS should decrease. A small degradation of QoS allows an important power reduction in rural M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 17 / 20
  • 18. Applications Applications: Should we neglect noise ? Urban 0.1 0.1 Rural ∗ Pout = 5% f=920 MHz f=2000 MHz Noise neglected 0.09 0.09 Pmax = 43 dBm nMS is fixed such 0.08 0.08 ∗ that Pout = Pout Outage probability when noise is 0.07 0.07 neglected. 0.06 0.06 We then compute Pout while 0.05 0.05 considering noise. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km] Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km] Noise neglected ⇒ Pout doesn’t depend on K , frequency, Rc (homothetic networks). Noise cannot be neglected for Rc > 1 Km in urban and Rc > 7 Km in rural at 2 GHz (if we accept 0.5% error). M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 18 / 20
  • 19. Applications Applications: Power Density and Densification ∗ Pout = 5% Urban 0.5 MS density 0.45 f=2000 MHz f=920 MHz constant 0.4 Full coverage is 0.35 Power density [W/Km ] 2 assumed 0.3 For a given Rc , 0.25 Pmax is such that 0.2 ∗ Pout < Pout 0.15 0.1 Power density is 0.05 2 Pmax /πRe 0 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Half inter−BS distance Rc [Km] At 2 GHz, 11% more BS means half power density. Deploying small and femto cells are good means of reducing electromagnetic pollution provided that transmission power is optimized. M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 19 / 20
  • 20. Conclusion Conclusion This work analyzes interference, noise and outpout power in cellular networks and their impact on outage. Fluid model provides a simple formula for the OCIF. Integrations are done both over shadowing variations and MS locations. Slight QoS degradation implies much lower output powers (rural). Slight increase of BS nbr implies much lower power densities (2GHz). M. Coupechoux (TPT) Limiting Power Transmission 4 April 2012 20 / 20