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Greek Empire Preservation
The Establishment and Preservation of the Greek Empire
The ancient Greeks were some of the most advanced people in the ancient world. They created
technologies and ideas that made the modern world possible. The Greek administrative innovations
and new technology established and preserved the Greek Empire. Because of their technologically
advanced weaponry and how they used it, the Greek Empire expanded all across the Mediterranean.
The Greek military were the first to used specialized weaponry for different units, and did this to
high effect. The hoplites, or infantry, carried huge shields that covered their whole body from their
ankles to their chins, wore bronze armor and helmets, and carried long spears of lengths up to
twenty feet ... Show more content on ...
They created algebra, geometry, and philosophy, in addition to founding physics. Archimedes used
physics and geometry to create a number of tools that helped people do more work with less effort,
including the pulley and the lever. He also developed the concept of density, so people could tell if
they had been cheated by a goldsmith, silversmith, et cetera. If the Greeks had not invented these
modern sciences, they may very well never have been created. The consequences of this would be
huge, as without pulleys and levers almost no machines could run, or any complicated buildings be
built. The important subjects of the modern sciences would not be taught to people around the world
today, and there would be a lot less people with the knowledge to make the world the better place it
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Greek Pottery Changes
No other culture has had such an important influence on western art as that which flourished in
Ancient Greece. (Herwig, 1988) Kate O'Halloran agrees that "a lot of what we know about everyday
life in Ancient Greece comes from Greek Pottery". (O'Halloran, 1988) Greek Pottery, particularly in
terms of decoration, evolved over the centuries and was categorized into four broad groups;
however these styles did not pass abruptly from one to another and in some cases ran side by side
for decades. (Cartwright, 2013) These changes in pottery over time were impacted by the political ,
economic, social changes and cultural developments of ancient Greece.
Ancient Greek pottery is one of the most common primary sources from Ancient Greece. The
durable ... Show more content on ...
Solon (born c 630 BCE– died c 560 BCE) was an Athenian statesman and noted poet who was
responsible for many social and political reforms, some of which impacted Greek pottery directly.
(Cadoux, 2015) Solon realised that the country was for the most part poor and unproductive, so
Solon encouraged many of the landless to turn to learning a craft. (Bradley, 1988) Solon promised
Athenian citizenship to foreign craftsmen who settled with their families permanently in Attica.
(Bradley, 1988) Master potters from Corinth and Aegina moved to Athens which resulted in the
rapid growth of the Athenian pottery industry. (Bradley,
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Greek Values In The Odyssey
Ryan Hartman
Ms. Dixon
Freshman English 6
3 March 2015 The Cunning Way
Greek values, originating in Ancient Greece, were widely celebrated by the Greeks. These values
were commonly used and recognized in century–old myths. In some myths, heroes would often use
values while performing heroic actions. These values still alive today in many different ways and
are present in American culture. They appear in pop culture, everyday life, warfare and the business
world. Although the value's meaning might have shifted from when they originated, they are still
true to their original meanings. Mythological values used by the Ancient Greeks have lived on and
are still present in American culture today. Precisely, Guile is seen and used in the business ... Show
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In a popular TV drama series, Breaking Bad, the main character Walter White uses guile to his
advantage when an extremely powerful drug lord threatens to kill him and his family. The drug
lord's name is Gustavo Fring. Gustavo is in charge of a successful fast food chain that serves as a
front for his meth business. He also makes weekly visits to his old boss, Hector Salamanca. Because
Walt knows this, he goes to Hector Salamanca and they devise a plan. Because of their mutual
hatred toward Gustavo Fring, they devise a plan to kill him. He plants a bomb underneath Hector's
wheelchair and detonates it when Gustavo enters the room. After this, Walt and his family are safe
and no longer worry about their lives on a day–to–day basis. Since Walt tricks Gustavo into walking
into his own death trap, he uses guile effectively in Breaking Bad. Another TV drama, Dexter,
implements guile as well. Dexter Morgan, the main character, is a serial killer who works with the
Miami Police. A sergeant that works with Dexter, Sgt. Doakes, is suspicious and thinks something is
wrong with him. For this reason, Sgt. Doakes follows Dexter around to gather information on him.
Dexter knows this and sets up a trap to incriminate Sgt. Doakes. He tricks Sgt. Doakes into
assaulting him in front of their coworkers. After seeing this confrontation, the coworkers side with
Dexter. Everybody thinks that Sgt. Doakes is out of
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Greek Sculptors
Introduction Stone has always been a reliable resource for mankind. We create shelters, build
monuments, sculpt feelings, and even brush our teeth with stone. From 800 to 300 BCE Greek
sculpture took early inspiration from Egyptian and Near Eastern monumental art, and over centuries
evolved into a uniquely Greek vision of the art form. Although there are many sculptors, sculptures,
and eras of time that have had an influential impact on stone carving and cutting, I believe the time
period of Greek sculpture is when everything in the art world of stone was put into perspective,
literally. Greek artists would reach a peak of artistic excellence which captured the human form in a
way never before seen and which would be much copied. Greek sculptors ... Show more content on ...
The former could be Zeus or Poseidon and is a transitional piece between Archaic and Classical art
as the figure is extremely life–like, but the proportions are not exact (e.g. the limbs are extended).
However, as John Boardman, describes, 'It manages to be both vigorously threatening and static in
its perfect balance'."Greek art and architecture," in John Boardman, J. Griffin, and O. Murray, eds.
Greece and the Hellenistic World (Oxford History of the Classical World, vol. I), 1988, illus. p. 284.
Then there are the Riace warriors who have finely sculpted hair and beards. More Classical in style,
they are perfectly proportioned and their poise is rendered in such a way as to suggest that they may
well step off of the plinth at any
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Classic Greek Philosophy
The downfall of Greece's Mycenaean period was thought to have begun from internal civil turmoils
that led to an unstable government. The weakened government left the country vulnerable to foreign
mariners who took advantage, invaded, and destroyed much of the country.
2. Describe Classic Greek Philosophy.
Classic Greek Philosophy is largely based on the ideologies of Socrates and those who supported
and added on to his ideas, such as Plato and Aristotle. Rather than believing that the world was
created by one or many gods, Socrates and other Greeks relied on observable evidence, scientific
reasoning, and realistic thoughts to explain the natural processes of the world.
3. What was the social organization of the Hellenistic Kingdoms?
During the Hellenistic period, Greek culture was widespread across the Mediterranean. After the
death of Alexander the Great, the Hellenistic empire broke up into kingdoms and were ruled by
kings. The Hellenistic kingdoms retained much of the Greek's philosophy, science, literature, and
art. The kingdoms administered cosmopolitan societies, interacted frequently with people from
Greece to India, and integrated the economies and societies of far away regions by facilitating trade.
1. Identify and Explain the differences between Classical Greek Philosophy and Hellenistic
Philosophy? (1/3)
Hellenistic philosophers believed that a single god ruled the entire universe, whereas Greek
philosophers believed that gods did not attribute to the
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Greek Conformity Report
The Greek Society
Conformity, on a daily basis we conform to the social norms set forth before us by our friends,
family and past experiences. Group cohesiveness (the desire to which one has to be in and is
attracted to the group) greatly increases conformity. Enter Greek life.
We have all seen them, parading down the halls, across campus, and in the Student Union. Strutting
around with their number one symbols of pride across their backs or chests, on a sleeve, a pin or hat,
GREEKS. Going Greek is a social decision as one enters college. You either are or are not a Greek,
which creates a rather noticeable IngroupOutgroup situation, ... Show more content on ...
The conformity within the organization creates a similarity, a bond between the members.
It is funny, but sometimes as a Greek myself, I can hear myself, stereotyping people on the way they
act, dress, look, etc., as to what Organization?s ideals I could see them most easily conforming to.
Then as the ?good Greek? that I am I introduce these people to prospective Organizations where I
think they would fit in, not really giving them a second thought as to where they think they should
go. This is how some are influenced to ?conform? and join an organization.
Independents see Greeks as the ultimate conformers, people who all share one brain, a mob
mentality of party–ers, and Frat boys, ?sorostitutes? and procrastinators. ?Just another brick in the
wall? as Pink Floyd would say it. Most independents do not have a high opinion of Greeks, based on
stories, rumors, movies, and the ?Animal House? images. Their particular view of the so–called ?In–
group? it not usually one that they long to be apart of. They do not see Greeks as the ?Ingroup? they
view their own particular ?cliques? as the ?Ingroup? they want to be a part of. Independents chose
not to conform to the standards set forth by ?founders? they have never met and never
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Ancient Greek Beliefs
The ancient Greeks are famous for several things. In 776 BCE they invented the first Olympics
games. (52) Hellenic polytheists, or commonly known as Greek Mythology, was very poplar
religion that helped shaped their foundation of the Greeks. From that foundation, the famous
Alexander the Great had resin and concerned most of the middle east. However, nothing is more
noticeable then their art. From their sculptures to their paintings, the feature that stand out to me as
the most Greek, is their art. Since the fourth century art has been an important part of the Greeks
culture. The only way we know of this is because of the "art we found in and round hillside burial
chambers" in the Cyclades Islands. (41) There were no written records of the ... Show more content
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Between the years 1900 to 1375 BCE the Minoans, a Greek culture form Crete, had painted
frescoes. Frescoes are like wall murals and they decorate the palaces Knossos. (42) One of the most
preserved Frescoes, is the Bull Leaping. It depicts two women and a man toying with a chagrin bull.
One woman is holding the bull's horns while the man leaps over the bull, and the other woman is
standing cheering him on. The bull was a symbolically associated with male virility and strength, so
this leaping of the bull was a perhaps part of a rite of passage. (43) This was a very important part of
their culture and the bull in the painting was very realistic. Another example of realism painting that
the Greeks did was their hydria paintings. A Hydria is a water jug used to carry and sore water.
Greek painters, such as Priam Painter, would paint scenes of the daily lives of the people on these
hydrias. (57) On Priam Painters hydria, he painted a scene of women getting water at the fountain
house. He wanted the painting to look as real as possible, so he used white pigment in his slip to
make the women white. "The compositions strong vertical and horizontal framework, with its Doric
columns, is softened by the rounded contours of the women's bodies and the vases they carry." (57)
Another realism painter is Euphronius who did not paint on hydrias, but painted Kraters, which hold
wine instead. Euphronius most known painting is the
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The Development And Development Of The Greek And Greek Empire
The Roman Republic and Empire was one of the largest civilisations in the world. A significant
question posed is how and why did the Roman Republic and Empire develop in the ways they did
and interact with the Persian and Greek/Hellenic Empires? At the height of the Roman Empire it
spanned across western Europe, and encompassed the entire Mediterranean. Lasting and developing
through thousands of years, the Romans encountered and interacted with the Persian and
Greek/Hellenic Empires. This included trading, co–existing, and going to war with one another.
Although, originally the Roman Republic and Empire was first founded by the Etruscan people.
Established in 753 BCE by a Etruscan colony on the River Tiber in Italy, the city was controlled by
Etruscan Kings until 509 BCE. Whence the people rose up against the monarchy to establish the
Roman Republic, and fought for control of central Italy for the next 30 years. (Dr David Lundberg,
2017, pp.6–7) Thus the Roman Republic became a contending force in Western Europe, and across
the Mediterranean for the next 450 years. (J.M.Roberts & Odd Arne Westad, 2013, p.218) Instead of
a king, two consuls and an assembly of elected magistrates were installed to rule the Roman
Republic. Before a new set of consuls, and new magistrates were elected by the citizens each year.
Additionally, legislative and consultative bodies were elected as Tribunes of the people, who
managed the affairs of the government and managed conflicts that arose
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Greek Comparison: The Greek God In Greek Mythology
The Olympian god
In the Greek mythology there where 12 Olympian gods. These gods played large part in the Trojan
war. Though there are always 12 Olympians in the mythology there are many variations of who.
These are the main ones.
Zeus the god of lightning, and the sky. King of the gods, son of Cronus and rhea, husband of Hera,
father of Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, Ares, Hephaestus Hermes,
Persephone, Dionysus,. His symbols are thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.
Hera the wife of Zeus and queen of the gods, daughter of Cronus and rhea, mother of ares and
Hephaestus, her symbols are the peacock, lion, and cow.
Poseidon the god of the sea horses and earthquakes. Son of Cronus ... Show more content on ...
The Trojan war was triggered by the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. Peleus and Thetis forgot to
invited the goddess of discord to their marriage and she tossed a golden apple in the wedding. The
apple was engraved with the words to the fairest. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all claimed the apple.
Zeus, not wanting to judge, said that that Paris would be the judge. Immediately they began to bribe
him. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth and wisdom, and Aphrodite promised
him the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris picked Aphrodite and she said that Helen would
be his wife. Paris then traveled to Sparta to capture Helen. when Menelaus left Sparta to go to a
funeral, Paris abducted Helen and stole most of Menelaus' money. When they got back to Troy
Helen and Paris were married. Menelaus came back and found his wife gone. Menelaus called
Helen's old suitors because the they had made an oath to Helen's husband to defend her honor. Most
of the suitors did not want to go to war. Achilles had to go because the seer Calchas had said that
Troy would not be captured unless Achilles was their. The Greek fleet then gathered in Aulis.
unfortunately Agamemnon killed one of Diana's sacred stags so she calmed the seas to prevent them
from leaving. The seer Calchas said that the daughter of Agamemnon, must be sacrificed. They
killed her and the Greek ships sailed to Troy. In The first nine years of the war The Greeks won
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Ancient Greek Pottery
In the early days of the post–Aegean civilization, Ancient Greek pottery was often decorated with
various geometries, so this period was called the "geometric–style period". At that time, the pottery
often has multiple pens painted parallel lines, wavy lines and concentric circles of various patterns,
with the passage of time and gradually added to the animals and birds and characters images.
Ancient Greek pottery, these decorative patterns primitive and simple, pottery, soil and glaze, etc.
have a high level, truly reflects the era of people's aesthetic concepts and social productivity levels.
From the time of Homer in 8th century BC to the Persian War of the 5th century BC. Between the
hundreds of years known as the ancient times, this period
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Greek Vase Analysis
The Greek vase shows an importance of Mediterranean art. Also, the Greek vase is the one way to
show an importance of ancient Greek culture. The Greek vase has a variety of shapes, meanings, and
has a variety of functions. The Mixing Vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus, made by Kleophrades
painter in 480 B.C., it shows the diversity of ancient Greek vase in the shape, function, scenes,
materials, and techniques. During the ancient Greek, a Greek vases are used for carrying wine, oil,
water, etc. Also, Greek vases are formed with many different types of shape. However, the most
common shape of the vase is a krater. The function of a Krater is to mix wine with water. Also, it is
used to cool wine. Mixing vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus is formed into a volute krater. A
volute krater has a curled handles on each side of the vase. The function of curled handles is to lift
the vase from the ground. Mixing vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus is used for mixing wine and
cooling wine, but it also shows the beauty of Greek vases. The Mixing Vessel with Herakles and
Alkyoneus shows scenes of Herakles, a Greek hero, is preparing ... Show more content on ...
However, it is not his real name. The name comes from the cup, located in Paris now, has the
signature of Kleophrades. Kleophrades painter worked in Athens during 505 to 475 B.C. He was
vase painter and he was disciple of Euthymides. His vases may symbolize the period of unification
after the generation of innovators. He often used old techniques of making vases. Also, he more
preferred to decorate large vases like his teacher, Euthymides. He also paint scenes drawn by
innovators with new scenes from Trojan War. For the technique, he often use red figure technique,
like Mixing Vessel with Herakle and Alkyoneus. However, he sometimes used black figure
technique, too. But his black figure technique was used for Panathenaic
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The Greek Model
The male structure in Greek model has essentially changed after over time. The extents, portrayal of
movement, and origination of the figure in space significantly contrast from period to period. The
craftsmanship's improvement work after some time demonstrates that the models went from being
delineated as hardened and clumsily situated to perfectly adjusted. The periods in which the male
figure changed all through incorporate; the Bygone period, the Early and High Traditional periods,
the Late Established period, and the Greek period.
The start of practical portrayals of people in Greek workmanship started in the Bygone period (700–
480 BC). Dynamic stone workers in this period were affected by the Egyptians. However the way
that the Greek ... Show more content on ...
This is a standout amongst the most acclaimed excellent Greek statues from this period. The
Traditional age likewise saw the first run through human life structures was regarded deserving of
being depicted in a statue and forever deified in stone and bronze. Depicting individuals in a static
and solid position had now been supplanted with the more present day 'preview' three–dimensional
developments, so that individuals could respect the human body for its stylish qualities. It was the
first occasion when that people could be seen as practically God–Like, which implied that the
human body turned into the subject of study surprisingly. In old Greece, a long scholarly
development had come to its intelligent decision amid the traditional period when 'man as a living
life form on this planet procured the significance it merited and divine beings got to be human
through marble and bronze'. With the ascent of vote based system and rationality it changed the
substance of craftsmanship truly. From the Traditional period all the Greek statues from this time
period demonstrated an absence of expression, though, the portrayal of "brutes" demonstrate a
sensational outward appearance. This was on account of the Greeks trusted that concealment of the
feelings was a respectable normal for every single edified me, while people in general showcase of
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Greek Human Figure
Seven and fifth century BC, Greece contained some of the most prepossessing and enchanting forms
of art ever made. The most common where statues, vases, temples and marble friezes. Greeks took
inspiration from ancient egyptian art, as that can be clearly see in all there artwork. Unlike the
Egyptians however, the Greeks looked for new ways to represent the human figure. They would take
into account different angles as to how an object can be seen, by simply following the rules of the
egyptians and using their own freedom and imagination, and with this, the greeks achieved
harmony, beauty, and simplicity within their work.
A prime example would be the Charioteer of Delphi. This is one of the best known ancient greek
statues that best exemplifies
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Greek History Essay
Greek History
The Ancient Greek civilization was located on the same land Greece is now, Ionian Islands, Asia
Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and
the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the opportunity to develop
their high level of commerce and their rich culture. The mountains, which surrounded Greece, gave
them the advantage of being well protected.
From earlier times, the Geeks lived in independent settlements, and they were isolated from one
another. Later, these settlements grew into bigger cities and/or formed city–states. The Greek
civilization has made great contributions in many areas to western society. Greek Scientists have ...
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Later the Greek fled into the sea on boats and planned a trap for the evil army. They managed a
surprise attack by ramming the Persian ships thus creating the end of the war. Athens had led the
city states to victory, but Greece still suffered the enormous lose the Spartans had.
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, was born in July 356B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. He was one
of the greatest military geniuses in known history, he had every battle planned out to the most
crucial detail and left nothing to chance. His father, Philip II of Macedon, was a brilliant ruler and
strategist. As his mother, Olympias, princess of Epirus, was pregnant they could foresee that the
child would have the heart of a line and the will of and eagle. Even as a Young boy Alexander was
fearless and strong, both physically as also mentally. At the age of 12, he tamed a horse that none
other could ride.
Alexander's teacher Leonidas taught him the way of the Spartans so he turned into a militaristic
As his father Philip was killed, Alexander had removed all those near him that could be a threat to
his throne. This is when Alexander's quest started, he ran over Pelion, Illyria, and then Thebes.
Spring 334 Alexander crossed the Dardanelles with an army of 30,000 men into Asia. He then left
his fathers closest friend in charge of Europe with around 13,000 men. To meet Alexander's great
army, the Persians had a force
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Greek Culture Influence
Greek Culture and Influence
The Ancient Greek Empire was an empire of great power and success. From the beginning of
democracy to the amazing architecture of the Parthenon, the Greeks had many achievements that
marked their place in history, as their technologies were very advanced for their time. Even today,
Ancient Greek culture and technological advancements continue to influence our lives in aspects of
government, philosophy, architecture, geometry, mythology, and sports.
Although democracy can be traced back to Ancient China and Mesopotamia, the modern form that
we follow today originated in Athens, Greece ("Democracy"). Democracy comes from the Greek
word 'demokratia', which means people power. At the time, when Athens was ruled under a
tyrannical dictatorship, a learned man named Cleisthenes spread the idea of people sharing power
with the rulers, across Athens. The idea ... Show more content on ...
This also introduced a way of giving a voice to people of all statuses. For instance, the Greeks
developed a voting system in which black and white pebbles were collected in a container. Black
would mean 'no' and white would mean 'yes'. The pebbles would then be counted and the majority
vote would determine the action taken. The advantages of democracy are that the people have the
power to elect their rulers and representatives, who can then make wise decisions on their behalf.
This promotes political stability and the evolution of societies. Today, more than 120 countries
around the world have adopted democracy as their form of government.
Philosophy is a subject of great wisdom and the most prominent Greek philosophers were Socrates,
his student Plato,
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Greek Intellectual Values
Throughout the time period of 600 BCE to 600 CE, many societies learned to develop innovative
ways of living and flourishing. Many of the views on society and the way they believed a society
should be run overall, impacted the way civilizations are run today. Some of the civilizations that
helped to develop this were Greece, Rome, the Maya, and Alexander the Great's Empire. This age
helped develop different political, cultural and intellectual values. Many of these developments
began in Athens, but other city–states also played an important role. One of the political values
Greek civilizations developed is the use of philosophy in the form of humanism. In addition, there
cultural values consisted of try to portray themselves to the gods to seem worthy. Lastly, the Greek's
impacted us through many intellectual values one being, there form of architecture and there way of
art in that specific civilization. But overall Greeks helped to develop forms of literature, philosophy,
art, and the understanding of the world around them.
While these events in Greece occurred a war broke out between Greece and Persia known as the
Persian War. The war occurred in 5th century BCE and had a long lasting effect on Greece. In 599
BCE the Persians conquered a group of people that inhabited Asia Minor called Ionian Greeks.
When the Ionian Greeks found Persian rule to be unjust they requested help from mainland Greeks.
Although when Athens sent ships to help in the defeat of Persia, they were
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Greek Influence On Society
As a child I have always been fascinated with the history and influence of Greece. When I first
learned about the Olympics and how it derived from ancient Greek times, I couldn't believe that
these types of sports were still being played in today's society. When the move 300 first came out in
2006, it just motivated me to learn more and more about the conflict during those times. Even
during my eighth–grade western civics class when we discussed the structure of the United States
government and democracy of Greece, it finally clicked that the Greek culture has had a huge
impact in today's modern culture. First of all, the Greek influence is not just limited to politics but
also in Art, philosophy, mathematics, and even modern science.
Greek ... Show more content on ...
Even though the United States is considered by a vast majority as a Democratic type of government,
the system is based on the Greek influence of Democracy but is a Republic country. The influence
of ancient Greece plays a key role on how our government in the United States formed and works.
Much like ancient Greece, today's United States government is also divided into different branches;
the executive, legislative and the judicial. Ancient Greek movement structure was divided into
"Ekklesia, which was similar to the legislative, or law–making branch, the Boule, which resembled
the executive, or law–enforcing branch, and the Dikasteria, a rough equivalent of the judicial
branch" (Harmon). But one of the main differences between what we know as the Legislative branch
and the Ekklesia, is that within the Legislative branch the Congressional Legislative is made up of
elected senators and representatives from every state. Unlike the Ekklesia, which "during the 40
annual meetings of the Ekklesia, any of the roughly 40,000 male citizens of Athens was allowed to
appear and participate" (Harmon). This also limited females to not be citizens in Greece, only males
unlike in today where both females and males can participate in
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The Religious Convictions Of The Greeks
During prehistoric times, the Greeks had outright and unquestionable admiration for their divine
beings. They showed their reverence by putting set up numerous ceremonies and festivals to
worship the divine beings that they adored to guarantee concordance with them. Specifically, the
center will be on the religious convictions of the Greeks, including request to God and present, and
also on celebrations and human expressions, for example, the old Olympic recreations and theater.
These parts of their society made a critical commitment to their personal satisfaction and the
subjects will be analyzed in connection to the twelve Olympian divine beings, and their partners.
The old Greeks practiced a religion that was essentially, a building ... Show more content on ...
The Olympian religion is very complex meaning that each god had its purpose to them and they
were loyal to each god by trying to satisfy them in their own way.
The Greek divine beings were depicted as people, which implied that they were not great. That is,
the divine beings committed errors, felt torment, and experienced outrage and had their tempers. The
religion was custom based and had no standard ministries, no progressive framework, and no
blessed/holy content or good code. Numerous researchers accept that the religion and society
comprised of stories told and made due through oral convention, which are the myths that we know
today. In the myths that have made due through the ages, the Greeks utilized the divine beings as a
way to defend anything that they couldn 't comprehend or deductively clarify. For instance, when
thunder and lightning tumbled from the sky joined by downpour, it was accepted that Zeus, the
divine force of the sky, was in charge of it.
Furthermore, it was possibly a sign that he was angered with the people for something wrong they
did. In that admiration, the Greeks accepted that Zeus and his Olympian divine beings were of the
best criticalness. Every God had their own sanctuary, and inside these sanctuaries the ministers or
priestesses verified that the tenets of offering were being watched. They
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Greek Life Advantages
Greek life, a community of organizations that are known for controlling the social scene on many
campuses across America. It is an institution within the institution of education, one that has been a
part of university life since 1776. They are known for their as–seen–on–tv parties, the stereotyped
members, and the exclusivity that is offered by the social organizations. Freshmen go through the
rigorous recruitment process, one that leaves many feeling defeated in and rundown, in order to be
able to join the organization of their choice. However, is this exclusivity harming the ability to
develop proper social skills and grow healthy relationships of those freshmen who decide to not go
through the recruitment process or those who cannot afford ... Show more content on ...
It is no secret that one of the benefits of being a part of a "brotherhood" is the networking
opportunities. "Being involved in an organization such as Greek life gives you the opportunity to
take on a leadership position. These positions definitely boost your resume and overall experience as
a person. Being involved is also a great way to get an internship or job interview, as alumni are
always willing to help those who wear the letters. There is no guarantee you'll get it, but being a part
of something bigger, especially something with thousands of alumni is certainly a plus. These
alumni are oftentimes eager to help individuals such as the younger versions of themselves and are
proud to still be a part of their organization."(Broderick) Many of the members of Greek life have
affluent parents, or those who are higher–ups in society were at one point a part of a Greek
organization. In fact, 83% of the Fortune 500 executives were once a part of Greek life. These
connections allow members of Greek life to have more success in finding a job after graduation, and
this is also why graduation rates are 20% higher in Greeks than non–Greeks.(Glass) This to me
indicates that not Greeks may be unfairly judged for their usefulness in
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Greek Fire
The creation of Greek fire is attributed to a Greek architect Kallinikos of Heliopolisa a Greek–
speaking Jewish refugee who had fled, from the Arab conquered Syria in the 7th century. Greek fire
was not the first incendiary weapon used before the 7th century but posed the unique feature of
being able to burn on top of and in water. The ability to burn on top of water naturally made Greek
fire a primarily maritime only weapon, due to the specially fitted ships required. The weapon was
first used to detour the fleet of Arab commander Yazid in 673, but was not the decisive element in
the repel, rather a tool to keep the Arab fleet at bay. In 718 the Arabs attacked the port of
Constantinople again with similar results as fire rained down and engulfed ... Show more content on ...
Stories of divine origins circulated a fear of divine punishment if one was to sell the secret of how
the weapon operated. Leo the Wise issued a law forbidding anyone to tell the enemies of the
Byzantine Empire the secret of Greek fire or its machinery and laid out a suitable punishment.
Porphyrogenitus detailed this punishment and taught his son how to deal with foreign rulers if they
demanded information about Greek fire, which he considered a divine secret from God. According
to Anna Comnena, the daughter of Emperor Alexius the 1st,a composition of pine and resin being
projected by tubes of reed to project the flammable liquid, but by the time Anna Comnena attempted
to understand the composition of the liquid, the secret had been long lost along with the Byzantine
empire. Although the secret was guarded by the threat of death, the Bulgars were able to gain
control of thirty–six siphons, and a large amount of Greek fire in 814, but were unable to understand
the technical requirements needed to use the weapon rendering it useless. This shows that the
composition and the components of the weapon were not the only secrets involved with the weapon,
that went far beyond the for formula of the liquid. Manuscripts from the Vatican depict two men on
a small boat using flared tubing to deliver clouds of fire in front of oncoming enemies. The caption
of the image described the weapon also being physically thrown called the Four terra cotta, which
were small ceramic grenades which acted similarly to a modern day Molotov cocktail. While the
method of deployment is understood to involve spigots, the means in which pressure was used to
propel the mixture is uncertain. The secrecy involved in the methods of use and composition lead to
the ultimate naval weapon
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The Greek Gods: The Ancient Greek Religion
Books, movies, poems, plays, and stories have all been made about the Greek Gods. These things
weren't made just for entertainment, this was the ancient Greece religion. There were twelve of these
Gods and Goddesses and they were all in charge of something. The people of Greece probably came
up with this religion because of it being so long ago, they didn't have the knowledge that we have
now, they came up with this to explain the things that they couldn't explain. For example storms,
they believed that every time that there was a storm that it meant that Zeus, God of the skies, was
upset or angry. Tsunamis, was when they believed Poseidon, the God of the seas, was angry.
However, all Gods and Goddesses were not all tied to nature. They even ... Show more content on ...
Artemis was really close to her twin brother Apollo. One myth about Artemis and Apollo is when
they were being born. As the myth goes, Artemis was born one day before Apollo and when he was
being born she helped her mom have him, this automatically made her the Goddess of labour
("Artemis" Mythology Of Ancient Greece). She was also a very private Goddess. Even though there
aren't very many myths about her, she would punish anybody who talked to her, spied on her, or
even looked at her, especially if it was a man. She asked Zeus to never fall in love and she never did.
She just didn't trust men ("Artemis" Greek Mythology). She spent lots of time with the nymphs.
They would splash in the streams, go hunting, and pretty much do everything together. Artemis
didn't really trust anybody but the nymphs and her family. She would normally act out of anger
because she was really hot–headed if you made her mad you would most likely die or be punished
really bad("Artemis" Greek Gods and Goddesses). In my opinion, Artemis is one of the most
interesting out of the twelve Greek Gods and
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Greek Idealism In Greek Culture
Imagine a perfect world where everyone in the nation spoke the same language, shared a common
worldview and was culturally united. This would be the Ideal world that the Greeks strove for and
succeeded in. Greek idealism is not how the world really is, but rather, a perfect ideal world, which
was the answer to their success. The ideas of the Greeks were created from their mind as opposed to
external reality composed of other outside forces. Throughout the paper, I will highlight specific
examples of idealism in the Greek culture, by focusing on their philosophy, art and literature. The
awakening of philosophical thought in Greece started in 600 B.C. (Messner 10–2–17). The mind
and the spirit were viewed as the two most powerful factors of someone. With the mind and the
spirit, the possibilities were endless. With these assets, they were able to portray their love of
wisdom. Philosophy is the ponder of the everyday life and what is happening in the world (Messner
10–2–17). The idealists of the philosophical world reasoned that "the physical world is illusory and
that behind it lies a realm accessible only by contemplation" (Humanities, 67). A specific example of
philosophy, is Plato's take on the Western ideal philosophy. In his philosophy he emphasizes the
importance of values and ideas, over matter (Humanities, 69). In Plato's eye, education and
knowledge are very important (Messner, 10–6–17). This is important because it helps us understand
for ourselves the real world
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Greek And Greek Mythology
Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not
require a semicolon.) Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus
on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually deals with
divinities, in contrast folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural
elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast; folktales generally focus on ordinary
people, even if they have supernatural elements. Flag this Question Question 2 1 pts Select the
sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a
semicolon.) The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman
mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus, Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle
East, Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from
Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman
mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle
East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from
Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman
mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle
East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role; and Norse mythology from
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Greek Figurative Sculpture
Shaquetta Marshall Greek Figurative Sculpture Why was change so important during the different
periods of Ancient Greek art? That's a question that can easily be answered through research on
Greek art but actually understanding the flow of change within the different periods allows people to
grasp the enticing change of the artworks. The idea of change simply gives artists a way to express
themselves, not only for attracting the eye to unique wonders in the world that occurred, but to also
give a sense of idealism. Artistic figures in Ancient Greek art were made by artists that created the
figures based off of the ideal human form and how they believe artwork should be made within that
period.The artwork was not made to be understood literally, ... Show more content on ...
Yet the kouroi, which is a style made during the archaic period, reveal further realism, obviously
depicting that the human structure was more important than the overall events that took place during
this period of ancient greek art. The kouros, plural for kouroi, was the depiction of young men,
going from the basic to those that were almost exact demonstrations. These stylistic depictions were
used to indicate feelings and emotions using figurative gestures. For example, Apollo, a god in
Ancient Greek art, compatible with many sculptures of the perpetual youth known as the kouroi, is
rendered across the Archaic period showing the deified male physique, constructed on orders of
segments and symbolizing the ability of somatic allure. The artists that created the sculpture of
Apollo really put emphasis on the figurative gesture of the torso and arms, revealing a sentimental
posture of what he stands for as an idealistic god. Although Apollo expressed the advancement of
the likeness of human composition throughout the archaic stage, the young male kouros were not
soldiers, they were emblematics of the worshiper that were contributing a more indefinite and
inaudible assistance to a god.The idea the artist had was to not only show off the ideal male form,
but to also allow for a sculpture that in a way represented no other than a "mere mortal", for those
who saw the figure as an enticing change to the span of time, where beauty and figurative emotion
of the perfect male configuration meant alot to people during the archaic period of ancient greek
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Ancient Greek Dichotomy
The ancient Greeks followed a set of values, collectively thought of as paideia, that shaped both
their society and their legacy. However, this led to a dichotomy of whether the best preservation and
propagation of Greek society and paideia originated with improving and being true to the self or in
being consistent with the civic state. While these differing ideas could come into conflict, often both
worked simultaneously to achieve the same end. In Greek society, athletics represented a way of
expressing one's own personal arête, as well as maintaining the strength of society. The Olympics
was the embodiment of the value placed on athletics and the glory they bring to the individual along
with the polis. Men were able to compete for their ... Show more content on ...
Sacrifice of the physical body in warfare was rewarded by bestowing great honor to the individual,
as stated by Pericles in his funeral oration, "His merit as a citizen more than outweighed his
demerits as an individual" (Reader 43). Despite any past actions, ceding one's life for the good of the
polis reflected such arête that it negated previous dishonorable behavior. Stoic thought on civic duty,
however, postulated that through reason and self–reflection all men could arrive at an understanding
of universal truth, and therefore through improving the mind of the individual, one is improving
society. The Apology however reflects an instance where this idea comes into conflict with civil
society. Socrates calls himself, "a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God" (Read 49), a statement
stipulating his views on how self–reflection is a benefit rather than a hindrance to the state, though
these views would have him executed. He further states, "If you think that by killing men you can
prevent someone from censuring your civil lives you are mistaken" (Reader 49), arguing that civic
duty entails and requires critique of the state. Cicero does not contend this outright, but does express
his view that people are born into positions in life, and even if it is not suited to your nature one
must perform it with honor and propriety. He asserts
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The Greek And Greek Influence Of The Roman Empire
Another empire would soon take many influences from the Greeks. In Rome, an empire was
beginning to rise. Roman civilization had its roots in Hellenistic culture because they idolized them.
They borrowed and enhanced upon the Greek intellectual accomplishments. As the empire expanded
this would become increasingly important. As the Romans continued to expand their empire and
influence, they were also spreading the culture of those who influenced them–the Greeks. The
Roman Empire at their peak had a vast control over much of the Mediterranean and into Europe–
controlling much of Britain, Spain, France, the North African coast, much of Asia minor. Within
these regions they had vast numbers provinces where they would allow rule the local ... Show more
content on ...
These effects reached from China, India, the Middle East, and some portions of Africa. As different
regions adopted new aspects of life, they further implement that into their culture. Then the as the
culture grows, it grows with the influences adopted form that of the Romans–who borrowed it form
the Greeks. Similarly, with the Romans and Macedonians their conquest and implementation of their
culture was the main source of the spread of Hellenistic culture. However the combination of
controlling more regions and being more involved with global trade, the Romans were able to
further expand Greek influence than those before them. Soon the Roman Empire began to decline
and an even more impactful implementation of Greek culture began to arise in a region to the east.
As the Roman Empire fell and small Kingdoms began to arise throughout Europe, in a different
region of the world, an intellectual revolution began and flourished. During a period between the
eighth and ninth centuries, the Islamic world of the Middle East Experienced its "Golden Age". This
was a period of advancements in the sciences, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. The main
source contributed to these advancements is from the Greeks. However this Golden Age may have
been delayed for many years if not for a man named Mamun. Mamun was a Caliph who would
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Corinthian Vs Greek
For most of its early history Greece was a confederation of city–states. Which included Sparta,
Corinth, Athens, Megara, and Argos. The Spartans, were recognized as one of the most fierce
warrior states in known history. The Corinthians, were problem solvers and had the best innovations
of ancient Greece states. Athenians, were the most schooled and cultured of the city–states the
birthplace of philosophy considered the leader of the city–states. Megarians, were the best known
for there ship–building and sailors out of all the states. Then there was the Argonians, were the
economically sound and were excellent traders. Then Philip the Second of Macedonia, in 359 B.C.
Conquered and quelled the Greek City–States, and united them under one banner
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Greek And Roman Ideas
Greek and Roman Ideals
When considering the ancient Greek and Roman ideals you can see the distinct similarities in their
art, government, monotheism, and architecture. The Romans duplicated many of the Greek styles
and modified them to suit their lifestyles. Greece and Rome influences can be seen in art today with
the use of concepts, techniques, and styles that were founded by the Greek classical ideal. These
include techniques for carving sculptures and the construction of massive metropolitan structures.
The use of the city–state was invented by the Greeks and followed by the Romans.
The Romans were admirers of the Greek artistic style and this shows in their art and what has been
left from the ancient Roman era for us to view. ... Show more content on ...
The Greeks are responsible for the creation of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns, but the
Roman's expanded on this and modified the capitals. Greek influence can be seen in the creation of
Pantheon. The Pantheon combines the styles of Greek and Roman architectural styles with its
combination of post and lintel and dome and arch. Inside the Pantheon are sculptures like the
Parthenon, and is the most well preserved buildings from ancient Rome. The Pont du Guard in
France remains the largest aqueduct in the world and after over 2000 years it still stands. The
Colosseum is in ruins, but it still stands today.
Greek democracy and the Roman republic are similar in that they both give power to the people and
elect officials by letting the people vote. The Greek city–states were united by force through the
invasions of the Macedonians and then by the Romans. The Romans then carried on the city–state
format and were themselves invaded later by the Germanic tribes. Although the Greeks and Romans
were defeated their political ideal remains and is still in use by some democracies in the West.
The monotheism of the Greek belief system was the format for the Roman belief system. Their gods
were celebrated and revered by festivals and games being held in their honor. The Greek influence
can be seen in the Roman culture with their gods. Roman gods are essentially borrowed from the
Greek gods, but they
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Greek Gods And Their Influence On Greek Religion And Culture
Leuzinger 1
The Greek Gods
Throughout history it is easy to see that religion has a big deal to do with culture, but what if
religion played such a big part in our society that we were constantly afraid of being zapped by
lightning, or losing the entire sun? From the beginning of written history gods have dictated the
ideas of peoples and cultures, shaping the majority of our world as we know it today. Such effects
can be seen even in our federal law system in America. For example the Ten Commandments had a
lot to do with the writing of the constitution. The Greeks were no exception to this. If anything the
gods influenced the Greeks more than most cultures. The Greeks entire civilization was centered
around the gods they worshipped. Part of the reason for the Greeks fascination with "supernatural
beings" was because of the powers they believed they possessed. This power possessed by the gods
made the Greeks fear them greatly. This fear then turned into worship and devotion that shaped their
entire culture. ... Show more content on ...
Each one of these gods had their own realm of control, for example one god was in control of love,
another the underworld, and some, controlled the elements. Most prominent of all the gods was
Zeus. Not only was he the god of lightning, Zeus was also the ruler of the gods. He ruled from
mount Olympus, keeping all the other gods in check along with regulating the humans below.
Because of his power and prestige, Zeus was the most worshiped god. Along side of him were many
other gods who received worship mainly depending on the humans need. If a fisherman wanted a
particularly successful fishing trip, he would make a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the
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Dionysus Greek Pottery
Pottery was a huge part of the ancient Greeks lives. The pots were very highly decorated usually
with scenes depicting Greek gods as a way of worship to them. This paper will explore two
examples of Greek pottery and explain their uses and what is seen on them and why. The first vessel
is a red figure bell krater, from around 380 BC, attributed to artist known as the Erbach painter.
Typically red figure style deals with scenes of everyday life rather than myth, this pot differs from
this as it does contain myth but rather than depicting the action from a mythological tale, it portrays
a general scene of the Greek god, of wine drama and fertility, Dionysus. In this scene Dionysus is
seen as a young man lounging on a blanket holding a thyros ... Show more content on ...
440 BC. Like the other, it is a red figure bell krater featuring Dionysus. In this depiction of Dionysus
he is again seen holding a thyros but unlike the previous vessel instead of the presence of vines we
see him holding a wine cup (kylix), which is a very common attribute of the god. To the right we see
a satyr playing the flute. The satyr could be one of the Titiyroi classes of satyr as he shares many of
the main characteristics of them, such as the flute and his tail. To the left of Dionysus stands a
woman holding a wine jug (oinchoe). It is hard to tell who this woman is, as there are many
possibilities. She could be a maenad for the reason that maenads show up in a lot of artwork with
Dionysus. However this would not be a normal showing of a maenad. Maenads are usually seen
holding a thyros, wearing a wreath of ivy, holding a musical instrument or wearing some kind of
animal print. This woman could be Ariadne, the wife of Dionysus. In Greek artwork, Ariadne is
often seen with Dionysus. Both pots share a similar artistic style and depict Dionysus in a very
comparable way. The slight differences that you do see between them could be because of the time
difference between each work. Nevertheless both vessels depict Dionysus in the usual way. Both
pots lack a mythical story behind it and seem to be a general scene. While the first pot looks like a
worship to Dionysus, the second pot looks like a general depiction of Dionysus and the
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The Greek Orthodox Church : The Influence Of The Greek...
During the Ottoman occupation of Greece there were many aspects of life that changed due to the
new ruling power, but one aspect that strived to be unchangeable was the Greek Orthodox Church.
With an occupation that spanned nearly 500 years and encompassed periods of great industrial and
agricultural growth, it is clear Greece must have gone through changes. The Greek Orthodox Church
was extremely resistant to change during the Ottoman rule due to its people's belief that Greek
identity lay within their faith, and conservation of their faith in the form of the Greek Orthodox
Church was of the utmost importance. The Greek Orthodox Church was resistant to change under
Ottoman rule despite its privileges due to the want to preserve Greek heritage, the peripheral support
of Russia, and the hope to someday be free from Ottoman rule. Though the Greek Orthodox Church
proclaimed to protect its followers, it was full of corruption and their favor was easily swayed by
Mohammad II due to their hatred of the Catholics. Under Ottoman rule, the Greek Orthodox Church
acquired power as an autonomous millet. Islamic sacred law prescribed religious toleration, meaning
that the Greek Orthodox Church was given a privileged position within the empire. Instead of
imposing mass conversion to the Greek population, the new Muslim rulers showed tolerance and
even respect for the conquered populations. This respect was very much linked to the belief that
Christians are fellow "people of the
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Impact Of Greek Culture
Greek culture, in my opinion, contributed the most to the development of other future civilizations
culture. They paved the way to what is known about Greek and their culture as of today. With the
idea of their Religion, Art, Worship of many Gods, and ancient Greek music being the focal point of
it all. Which happens to be a great deal of the reason I chose Greek culture as my answer. Majority
of the time when you discuss Greece you bring up their past or how Greece came about and the
impact past Greek culture made on their people. This is what led me to believe their past culture in
relation to the contribution, development, and the impact it had on other civilizations would be the
perfect answer due to my acquisition that it had a much ... Show more content on ...
The Greeks music was probably the most culturally influential aspect out of all the things the Greeks
practiced. Their music also tied in other aspects of their culture which they loved to display in their
songs, and through their art. A great example of this is THE METER OF THE ILIAD AND THE
ODYSSEY which is a song based on the clash between two Gods Odysseus and Achilleus this piece
is only a stepping stone into what Greek music developed into as future civilizations came about.
Although this was early music Greek songs like this one are the ones that paved the way and made a
huge development as to what we know as Greek music, and made a great deal of impact on how
they display their music as of now throughout their culture.
When you view Greece as of today you would see a great deal of beautiful art, statues, vase
paintings and so on... A lot of these items are pieces of the past but are still being displayed
throughout other civilizations. While reading the text you will learn the Greeks art played a huge
role in their culture including many stages of art such as Geometric Art, Orientalizing Art, Archaic
Art, and Vase painting. These stages of art were the building blocks of art throughout other
civilizations some are still practiced and some are just treasures of the past to show how Greek
culture came about.
To conclude the impact Greece made on other civilizations were through their art forms,
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Ajax Vs Greek
Compare of Achilles and Ajax Playing a Board Game
Ancient Greek vase painting is rich in content, it mostly about myths and heroic legends, to
reflecting Greece lives very broadly, such as war, hunting, manufacturing, home, entertainment,
sports and so on. The styles of painting vase are very dramatic, humane with rich hospitality feeling
to represented the beauty and elegance, in order to shows the Greeks confident and optimistic spirit.
I found interested on painter Exekias and Leagros Group' amphora with the same theme of Achilles
and Ajax playing a board game. Exekias who was called the greatest black– figure artist, his black–
figure technique is proficiency particularly on curving heroes. Moreover, he painted a scene of
Achilles and ... Show more content on ...
As for the Achilles and Ajax playing a board game by painter Leagros Group, it is also a black
figure neck– amphora created about ca 510 B.C. from Athens, Greece. the height is 30.4 centimeters
and rather than a wine jar, it was used as a storage jar. (Attic Black–Figure Neck Amphora) In term
of the shape of amphora, it is one of the oldest and most common form, which has round black
handles and an echinus foot, the shape is like an upside– down shallow bowl, the mouth is more
wide open, it has a cylindrical handle, and the area between the neck and the shoulder of amphora, it
has a deeper radian angler. basically, the whole amphora was painted in orange– yellow color,
excluded the mouth and handles, which are painted in black. Indeed, it is an evolution of Exekias'
contribution, each of these shape has its own pattern of moderate and exquisite change over time.
According to the Understanding Greek Vases, the aesthetic of Greek vase painting is more
fundamental than interplay and the balance between the contrasting dark and light areas on a vase,
between the black painted areas and orange– red of the unpainted part. (The Understanding Greek
Vases) In fact, for this amphora painted by Leagros Group, the balance of the dark and light area
was set by the black concentrated in the picture, and the picture dominates the vase, which seems
like the whole image was enlarge by the image and takes up the most space on the amphora, because
it was painted with double –leaved ivy on the neck, and it's also painted double lotus and palmette
pattern on the lower part of body, but it's larger than first picture, therefore the pattern is perfectly fit
to the neck of the amphora. Whereas, this amphora painted more double lotus and palmette chain in
between the lower border and main image, also in the interface of the neck and shoulder, it has a
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The Greek Creation Of Greek Mythology
People from early civilizations created myths which they followed in their everyday lives. These
myths carried three details to explain how the world was created. Those three details were mystical,
cosmological, and sociological. Mystical is the supernatural or fantastical events in life.
Cosmological is the creation and nature of the universe. Sociological is about society and human
behavior. The Greek's created a myth to explain how they think the universe was created. These
myths were sacred in the Greek culture and it helped people figure out how everything was made.
The Greek myth was called "Greek Creation".
Greeks learned how to behave by reading myths and looking at how the people treated gods. It
showed how in Greek there were many human races created because of ... Show more content on ...
If you put out bad you will be punished and if you are good the gods will supply you with what you
need to live on earth. This myth helped the people of Greek learn how they are supposed to behave.
It showed them the diffence between right and wrong. This sociological piece of evidence helped
create a new way of life for them.
The "Greek Creation" myth helped Greeks realize why aspects of their environment were created. It
showed them why their environment was created and who helped to create it. In the
"Greek Creation" it's says, "Uranus feared these powerful creations and hid them deep in earth.
When a hero died he was given a special place in the underworld called the blessed isles where it is
always light and beautiful." In modern day we would refer to this has heaven and hell. It shows were
all bad things go and were all good things go. This refers to the cosmological parts of the universe. It
shows where your actions will take you. If you weren't a good person you would suffer and go to the
underworld in your past life. If you were good and honored the world you were sent to the blessed
isles. This relates to the modern day concept of heaven and
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Greek Informative Speech
Hi everybody, My name is Mary and I am going to be your docent for the day. Today we are going
to be learning about two different kinds of ancient artwork. I am going to be showing you examples
from ancient Egyptian art and ancient Greek art. First off we are going to learn about ancient Greek
art. The Greeks mastered the idea of sculpture, in earlier times the sculptures looked fake but by the
classical period they started looking more natural with realistic–looking faces. The Greeks also liked
to make pottery out of stone and clay, they usually would have mythological or religious scenes on
them and grew more realistic over time. The first ancient Greek art that we will be learning about
today is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. It was created around 220–185 BC made from parian
and rhodian marble. On April 15, 1863 workers were excavating and uncovered parts of a statue.
They then sent it to the Louvre, where it is currently on display.You can't tell from the picture, but
can you believe that this statue is over 18 feet tall!! It has been suggested that she was once holding
something in her right hand, such as a trumpet, wreath, or a fillet. The base of the sculpture is made
up of 23 blocks of marble. The next piece of art that we will be learning about is the Laocoon and
his Sons. This sculpture was made in the ... Show more content on ...
Its is made of stucco–coated limestone. The bust is 3300 years old and was found by excavators on
December 6,1912. Next is a piece of art called Pallete of King Namer. The back of the palette has a
scene showing the king about to strike down a foe, whose hair he is grabbing. The king is wearing a
white crown which is associated with upper Egypt. The victim is shown naked kneeling in front of
him, arms close to his body indicating he was bound. In the background in the scene there is a
falcon, which is a symbol of the
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Greek Critique
Critique of the Greeks
Every year, thousands of new college freshmen join on–campus groups, in search of their "home
away from home." Some students chose jobs, while others join Newman groups and sports clubs. A
popular choice for an on–campus "home" is the Greek community. College sororities and fraternities
are often the subjects of hot debates: what can students gain by going Greek? Do they really do
more, than just hold socials? Asel, Seifert and Pascerella wrote an article to answer these questions.
While Asel, Seifert, and Pascarella wrote a high–quality article about Greek Life that provides an
ample amount of evidence to support their opinions and a logical flow of ideas, the article falls short
by having a bias favoring these ... Show more content on ...
Because the article was written in response to a study about Greek life, one would think that the
article would have next to no bias. This was not the case. The authors hinted their favor for Greek
life by describing how "fraternity/sorority members may be natural partners for serving in leadership
roles," (Asel, Seifert, Pascarella 6). In addition, it was also mentioned that following college, those
involved in Greek life had stronger personal/interpersonal skills, skills that are exceptionally useful
in today's work place (Asel, Seifert, Pascarella 7). While the authors never directly come out and
offer their supports for fraternities and sororities, they show their bias towards these organizations
with their word choices. Words like "natural–born leaders" and "leadership roles," and highlighting
the strong social skills gained from Greek life is what makes the reader feel like a bias is present in
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The Oligarchy Of Greek Democracy
It is the Greek culture which shaped the modern society. The importance that the Greeks placed
upon their citizens in terms of government, helped shape the Greek culture. The Greeks change in
politics from an Oligarchy to democracy. With the reliance on the average Greek citizen
strengthened the Greek democracy. From the shift in power from the hoi polloi to average Greek
citizen caused a shift in Greek culture. The responsibility placed on the citizens that resulted in the
progression of Greek politics, drama, sculpture, and philosophy. With the rise of the Ekklesia
represented the high regard for the common Greek citizen. The Ekklesia consisted of at least six
thousand male citizens. Each male citizen was pressed to take action and contribute
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Greek Vs Tektura
Throughout history there has been a great confusion about the architectural styles of the Greek and
Roman civilization since they are mistakenly believed to be the same style and therefore in some
occasions it is given less importance. In this essay I will try to clarify the difference between Greek
and Roman Tektura by covering the themes of history with material orders and to give some
examples of different decisions of each culture. Archaic period: in the first stage has several phases
begins at the beginning of the first millennium and closes in the first third of the century D'defined
architecture As buildings executed according to an aesthetic design Conciente disappeared from
Greece since the end of the mythic period. When in urban life
... Get more on ...
Genocide In Greek Genocide
One of the most gruesome genocides to happen during the 20th century is the Greek Genocide, often
referred to as the Pontian or Ottoman Greek Genocide. This genocide consisted of mass killings and
exterminations of the Ottoman Greeks by the Turkish rule from 1914–1923. The main dispute was
difference in religion and beliefs, Christians versus Islam. What most people do not know is that the
Ottoman Greek Genocide is responsible for the almost complete destruction of the Christian
Orthodox culture, including monuments and history. Many Greeks suffered from forced
deportations, death marches, forced conversion of religion, executions, labor battalions, hunger, and
the overall cruelty of the Turkish government during this time period. The ones responsible for these
acts was the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Young Turk reformists who seized
control of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Greeks of all ages and genders were persecuted because of
their culture and minority in Turkey, so that the CUP and the Young Turks could achieved perfect
"Turkification" of the empire. The events of the Pontian Greek Genocide happened in the
westernmost part of Asia called Asia Minor or Anatolia, which is the Greek word for 'east'. The
Greeks first settled in Asia Minor around the 11th century (BC). From the 4th century (AD), Asia
Minor's main religious practice has been Christianity in which it has played an important role in the
development of Christianity. For a long period of time,
... Get more on ...

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Greek Empire Preservation

  • 1. Greek Empire Preservation The Establishment and Preservation of the Greek Empire The ancient Greeks were some of the most advanced people in the ancient world. They created technologies and ideas that made the modern world possible. The Greek administrative innovations and new technology established and preserved the Greek Empire. Because of their technologically advanced weaponry and how they used it, the Greek Empire expanded all across the Mediterranean. The Greek military were the first to used specialized weaponry for different units, and did this to high effect. The hoplites, or infantry, carried huge shields that covered their whole body from their ankles to their chins, wore bronze armor and helmets, and carried long spears of lengths up to twenty feet ... Show more content on ... They created algebra, geometry, and philosophy, in addition to founding physics. Archimedes used physics and geometry to create a number of tools that helped people do more work with less effort, including the pulley and the lever. He also developed the concept of density, so people could tell if they had been cheated by a goldsmith, silversmith, et cetera. If the Greeks had not invented these modern sciences, they may very well never have been created. The consequences of this would be huge, as without pulleys and levers almost no machines could run, or any complicated buildings be built. The important subjects of the modern sciences would not be taught to people around the world today, and there would be a lot less people with the knowledge to make the world the better place it is ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Greek Pottery Changes No other culture has had such an important influence on western art as that which flourished in Ancient Greece. (Herwig, 1988) Kate O'Halloran agrees that "a lot of what we know about everyday life in Ancient Greece comes from Greek Pottery". (O'Halloran, 1988) Greek Pottery, particularly in terms of decoration, evolved over the centuries and was categorized into four broad groups; however these styles did not pass abruptly from one to another and in some cases ran side by side for decades. (Cartwright, 2013) These changes in pottery over time were impacted by the political , economic, social changes and cultural developments of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek pottery is one of the most common primary sources from Ancient Greece. The durable ... Show more content on ... Solon (born c 630 BCE– died c 560 BCE) was an Athenian statesman and noted poet who was responsible for many social and political reforms, some of which impacted Greek pottery directly. (Cadoux, 2015) Solon realised that the country was for the most part poor and unproductive, so Solon encouraged many of the landless to turn to learning a craft. (Bradley, 1988) Solon promised Athenian citizenship to foreign craftsmen who settled with their families permanently in Attica. (Bradley, 1988) Master potters from Corinth and Aegina moved to Athens which resulted in the rapid growth of the Athenian pottery industry. (Bradley, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Greek Values In The Odyssey Ryan Hartman Ms. Dixon Freshman English 6 3 March 2015 The Cunning Way Greek values, originating in Ancient Greece, were widely celebrated by the Greeks. These values were commonly used and recognized in century–old myths. In some myths, heroes would often use values while performing heroic actions. These values still alive today in many different ways and are present in American culture. They appear in pop culture, everyday life, warfare and the business world. Although the value's meaning might have shifted from when they originated, they are still true to their original meanings. Mythological values used by the Ancient Greeks have lived on and are still present in American culture today. Precisely, Guile is seen and used in the business ... Show more content on ... In a popular TV drama series, Breaking Bad, the main character Walter White uses guile to his advantage when an extremely powerful drug lord threatens to kill him and his family. The drug lord's name is Gustavo Fring. Gustavo is in charge of a successful fast food chain that serves as a front for his meth business. He also makes weekly visits to his old boss, Hector Salamanca. Because Walt knows this, he goes to Hector Salamanca and they devise a plan. Because of their mutual hatred toward Gustavo Fring, they devise a plan to kill him. He plants a bomb underneath Hector's wheelchair and detonates it when Gustavo enters the room. After this, Walt and his family are safe and no longer worry about their lives on a day–to–day basis. Since Walt tricks Gustavo into walking into his own death trap, he uses guile effectively in Breaking Bad. Another TV drama, Dexter, implements guile as well. Dexter Morgan, the main character, is a serial killer who works with the Miami Police. A sergeant that works with Dexter, Sgt. Doakes, is suspicious and thinks something is wrong with him. For this reason, Sgt. Doakes follows Dexter around to gather information on him. Dexter knows this and sets up a trap to incriminate Sgt. Doakes. He tricks Sgt. Doakes into assaulting him in front of their coworkers. After seeing this confrontation, the coworkers side with Dexter. Everybody thinks that Sgt. Doakes is out of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Greek Sculptors Introduction Stone has always been a reliable resource for mankind. We create shelters, build monuments, sculpt feelings, and even brush our teeth with stone. From 800 to 300 BCE Greek sculpture took early inspiration from Egyptian and Near Eastern monumental art, and over centuries evolved into a uniquely Greek vision of the art form. Although there are many sculptors, sculptures, and eras of time that have had an influential impact on stone carving and cutting, I believe the time period of Greek sculpture is when everything in the art world of stone was put into perspective, literally. Greek artists would reach a peak of artistic excellence which captured the human form in a way never before seen and which would be much copied. Greek sculptors ... Show more content on ... The former could be Zeus or Poseidon and is a transitional piece between Archaic and Classical art as the figure is extremely life–like, but the proportions are not exact (e.g. the limbs are extended). However, as John Boardman, describes, 'It manages to be both vigorously threatening and static in its perfect balance'."Greek art and architecture," in John Boardman, J. Griffin, and O. Murray, eds. Greece and the Hellenistic World (Oxford History of the Classical World, vol. I), 1988, illus. p. 284. Then there are the Riace warriors who have finely sculpted hair and beards. More Classical in style, they are perfectly proportioned and their poise is rendered in such a way as to suggest that they may well step off of the plinth at any ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Classic Greek Philosophy The downfall of Greece's Mycenaean period was thought to have begun from internal civil turmoils that led to an unstable government. The weakened government left the country vulnerable to foreign mariners who took advantage, invaded, and destroyed much of the country. 2. Describe Classic Greek Philosophy. Classic Greek Philosophy is largely based on the ideologies of Socrates and those who supported and added on to his ideas, such as Plato and Aristotle. Rather than believing that the world was created by one or many gods, Socrates and other Greeks relied on observable evidence, scientific reasoning, and realistic thoughts to explain the natural processes of the world. 3. What was the social organization of the Hellenistic Kingdoms? During the Hellenistic period, Greek culture was widespread across the Mediterranean. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Hellenistic empire broke up into kingdoms and were ruled by kings. The Hellenistic kingdoms retained much of the Greek's philosophy, science, literature, and art. The kingdoms administered cosmopolitan societies, interacted frequently with people from Greece to India, and integrated the economies and societies of far away regions by facilitating trade. 1. Identify and Explain the differences between Classical Greek Philosophy and Hellenistic Philosophy? (1/3) Hellenistic philosophers believed that a single god ruled the entire universe, whereas Greek philosophers believed that gods did not attribute to the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Greek Conformity Report Conformity: The Greek Society Conformity, on a daily basis we conform to the social norms set forth before us by our friends, family and past experiences. Group cohesiveness (the desire to which one has to be in and is attracted to the group) greatly increases conformity. Enter Greek life. We have all seen them, parading down the halls, across campus, and in the Student Union. Strutting around with their number one symbols of pride across their backs or chests, on a sleeve, a pin or hat, GREEKS. Going Greek is a social decision as one enters college. You either are or are not a Greek, which creates a rather noticeable IngroupOutgroup situation, ... Show more content on ... The conformity within the organization creates a similarity, a bond between the members. It is funny, but sometimes as a Greek myself, I can hear myself, stereotyping people on the way they act, dress, look, etc., as to what Organization?s ideals I could see them most easily conforming to. Then as the ?good Greek? that I am I introduce these people to prospective Organizations where I think they would fit in, not really giving them a second thought as to where they think they should go. This is how some are influenced to ?conform? and join an organization. Independents see Greeks as the ultimate conformers, people who all share one brain, a mob mentality of party–ers, and Frat boys, ?sorostitutes? and procrastinators. ?Just another brick in the wall? as Pink Floyd would say it. Most independents do not have a high opinion of Greeks, based on stories, rumors, movies, and the ?Animal House? images. Their particular view of the so–called ?In– group? it not usually one that they long to be apart of. They do not see Greeks as the ?Ingroup? they view their own particular ?cliques? as the ?Ingroup? they want to be a part of. Independents chose not to conform to the standards set forth by ?founders? they have never met and never ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Ancient Greek Beliefs The ancient Greeks are famous for several things. In 776 BCE they invented the first Olympics games. (52) Hellenic polytheists, or commonly known as Greek Mythology, was very poplar religion that helped shaped their foundation of the Greeks. From that foundation, the famous Alexander the Great had resin and concerned most of the middle east. However, nothing is more noticeable then their art. From their sculptures to their paintings, the feature that stand out to me as the most Greek, is their art. Since the fourth century art has been an important part of the Greeks culture. The only way we know of this is because of the "art we found in and round hillside burial chambers" in the Cyclades Islands. (41) There were no written records of the ... Show more content on ... Between the years 1900 to 1375 BCE the Minoans, a Greek culture form Crete, had painted frescoes. Frescoes are like wall murals and they decorate the palaces Knossos. (42) One of the most preserved Frescoes, is the Bull Leaping. It depicts two women and a man toying with a chagrin bull. One woman is holding the bull's horns while the man leaps over the bull, and the other woman is standing cheering him on. The bull was a symbolically associated with male virility and strength, so this leaping of the bull was a perhaps part of a rite of passage. (43) This was a very important part of their culture and the bull in the painting was very realistic. Another example of realism painting that the Greeks did was their hydria paintings. A Hydria is a water jug used to carry and sore water. Greek painters, such as Priam Painter, would paint scenes of the daily lives of the people on these hydrias. (57) On Priam Painters hydria, he painted a scene of women getting water at the fountain house. He wanted the painting to look as real as possible, so he used white pigment in his slip to make the women white. "The compositions strong vertical and horizontal framework, with its Doric columns, is softened by the rounded contours of the women's bodies and the vases they carry." (57) Another realism painter is Euphronius who did not paint on hydrias, but painted Kraters, which hold wine instead. Euphronius most known painting is the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Development And Development Of The Greek And Greek Empire The Roman Republic and Empire was one of the largest civilisations in the world. A significant question posed is how and why did the Roman Republic and Empire develop in the ways they did and interact with the Persian and Greek/Hellenic Empires? At the height of the Roman Empire it spanned across western Europe, and encompassed the entire Mediterranean. Lasting and developing through thousands of years, the Romans encountered and interacted with the Persian and Greek/Hellenic Empires. This included trading, co–existing, and going to war with one another. Although, originally the Roman Republic and Empire was first founded by the Etruscan people. Established in 753 BCE by a Etruscan colony on the River Tiber in Italy, the city was controlled by Etruscan Kings until 509 BCE. Whence the people rose up against the monarchy to establish the Roman Republic, and fought for control of central Italy for the next 30 years. (Dr David Lundberg, 2017, pp.6–7) Thus the Roman Republic became a contending force in Western Europe, and across the Mediterranean for the next 450 years. (J.M.Roberts & Odd Arne Westad, 2013, p.218) Instead of a king, two consuls and an assembly of elected magistrates were installed to rule the Roman Republic. Before a new set of consuls, and new magistrates were elected by the citizens each year. Additionally, legislative and consultative bodies were elected as Tribunes of the people, who managed the affairs of the government and managed conflicts that arose ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Greek Comparison: The Greek God In Greek Mythology GREEK RELIGION THE MYTHOLOGY The Olympian god In the Greek mythology there where 12 Olympian gods. These gods played large part in the Trojan war. Though there are always 12 Olympians in the mythology there are many variations of who. These are the main ones. Zeus the god of lightning, and the sky. King of the gods, son of Cronus and rhea, husband of Hera, father of Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, Ares, Hephaestus Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus,. His symbols are thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. Hera the wife of Zeus and queen of the gods, daughter of Cronus and rhea, mother of ares and Hephaestus, her symbols are the peacock, lion, and cow. Poseidon the god of the sea horses and earthquakes. Son of Cronus ... Show more content on ... The Trojan war was triggered by the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. Peleus and Thetis forgot to invited the goddess of discord to their marriage and she tossed a golden apple in the wedding. The apple was engraved with the words to the fairest. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all claimed the apple. Zeus, not wanting to judge, said that that Paris would be the judge. Immediately they began to bribe him. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth and wisdom, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris picked Aphrodite and she said that Helen would be his wife. Paris then traveled to Sparta to capture Helen. when Menelaus left Sparta to go to a funeral, Paris abducted Helen and stole most of Menelaus' money. When they got back to Troy Helen and Paris were married. Menelaus came back and found his wife gone. Menelaus called Helen's old suitors because the they had made an oath to Helen's husband to defend her honor. Most of the suitors did not want to go to war. Achilles had to go because the seer Calchas had said that Troy would not be captured unless Achilles was their. The Greek fleet then gathered in Aulis. unfortunately Agamemnon killed one of Diana's sacred stags so she calmed the seas to prevent them from leaving. The seer Calchas said that the daughter of Agamemnon, must be sacrificed. They killed her and the Greek ships sailed to Troy. In The first nine years of the war The Greeks won ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Ancient Greek Pottery In the early days of the post–Aegean civilization, Ancient Greek pottery was often decorated with various geometries, so this period was called the "geometric–style period". At that time, the pottery often has multiple pens painted parallel lines, wavy lines and concentric circles of various patterns, with the passage of time and gradually added to the animals and birds and characters images. Ancient Greek pottery, these decorative patterns primitive and simple, pottery, soil and glaze, etc. have a high level, truly reflects the era of people's aesthetic concepts and social productivity levels. From the time of Homer in 8th century BC to the Persian War of the 5th century BC. Between the hundreds of years known as the ancient times, this period ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Greek Vase Analysis The Greek vase shows an importance of Mediterranean art. Also, the Greek vase is the one way to show an importance of ancient Greek culture. The Greek vase has a variety of shapes, meanings, and has a variety of functions. The Mixing Vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus, made by Kleophrades painter in 480 B.C., it shows the diversity of ancient Greek vase in the shape, function, scenes, materials, and techniques. During the ancient Greek, a Greek vases are used for carrying wine, oil, water, etc. Also, Greek vases are formed with many different types of shape. However, the most common shape of the vase is a krater. The function of a Krater is to mix wine with water. Also, it is used to cool wine. Mixing vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus is formed into a volute krater. A volute krater has a curled handles on each side of the vase. The function of curled handles is to lift the vase from the ground. Mixing vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus is used for mixing wine and cooling wine, but it also shows the beauty of Greek vases. The Mixing Vessel with Herakles and Alkyoneus shows scenes of Herakles, a Greek hero, is preparing ... Show more content on ... However, it is not his real name. The name comes from the cup, located in Paris now, has the signature of Kleophrades. Kleophrades painter worked in Athens during 505 to 475 B.C. He was vase painter and he was disciple of Euthymides. His vases may symbolize the period of unification after the generation of innovators. He often used old techniques of making vases. Also, he more preferred to decorate large vases like his teacher, Euthymides. He also paint scenes drawn by innovators with new scenes from Trojan War. For the technique, he often use red figure technique, like Mixing Vessel with Herakle and Alkyoneus. However, he sometimes used black figure technique, too. But his black figure technique was used for Panathenaic ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Greek Model The male structure in Greek model has essentially changed after over time. The extents, portrayal of movement, and origination of the figure in space significantly contrast from period to period. The craftsmanship's improvement work after some time demonstrates that the models went from being delineated as hardened and clumsily situated to perfectly adjusted. The periods in which the male figure changed all through incorporate; the Bygone period, the Early and High Traditional periods, the Late Established period, and the Greek period. The start of practical portrayals of people in Greek workmanship started in the Bygone period (700– 480 BC). Dynamic stone workers in this period were affected by the Egyptians. However the way that the Greek ... Show more content on ... This is a standout amongst the most acclaimed excellent Greek statues from this period. The Traditional age likewise saw the first run through human life structures was regarded deserving of being depicted in a statue and forever deified in stone and bronze. Depicting individuals in a static and solid position had now been supplanted with the more present day 'preview' three–dimensional developments, so that individuals could respect the human body for its stylish qualities. It was the first occasion when that people could be seen as practically God–Like, which implied that the human body turned into the subject of study surprisingly. In old Greece, a long scholarly development had come to its intelligent decision amid the traditional period when 'man as a living life form on this planet procured the significance it merited and divine beings got to be human through marble and bronze'. With the ascent of vote based system and rationality it changed the substance of craftsmanship truly. From the Traditional period all the Greek statues from this time period demonstrated an absence of expression, though, the portrayal of "brutes" demonstrate a sensational outward appearance. This was on account of the Greeks trusted that concealment of the feelings was a respectable normal for every single edified me, while people in general showcase of human ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Greek Human Figure Seven and fifth century BC, Greece contained some of the most prepossessing and enchanting forms of art ever made. The most common where statues, vases, temples and marble friezes. Greeks took inspiration from ancient egyptian art, as that can be clearly see in all there artwork. Unlike the Egyptians however, the Greeks looked for new ways to represent the human figure. They would take into account different angles as to how an object can be seen, by simply following the rules of the egyptians and using their own freedom and imagination, and with this, the greeks achieved harmony, beauty, and simplicity within their work. A prime example would be the Charioteer of Delphi. This is one of the best known ancient greek statues that best exemplifies ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Greek History Essay Greek History The Ancient Greek civilization was located on the same land Greece is now, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the opportunity to develop their high level of commerce and their rich culture. The mountains, which surrounded Greece, gave them the advantage of being well protected. From earlier times, the Geeks lived in independent settlements, and they were isolated from one another. Later, these settlements grew into bigger cities and/or formed city–states. The Greek civilization has made great contributions in many areas to western society. Greek Scientists have ... Show more content on ... Later the Greek fled into the sea on boats and planned a trap for the evil army. They managed a surprise attack by ramming the Persian ships thus creating the end of the war. Athens had led the city states to victory, but Greece still suffered the enormous lose the Spartans had. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, was born in July 356B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. He was one of the greatest military geniuses in known history, he had every battle planned out to the most crucial detail and left nothing to chance. His father, Philip II of Macedon, was a brilliant ruler and strategist. As his mother, Olympias, princess of Epirus, was pregnant they could foresee that the child would have the heart of a line and the will of and eagle. Even as a Young boy Alexander was fearless and strong, both physically as also mentally. At the age of 12, he tamed a horse that none other could ride. Alexander's teacher Leonidas taught him the way of the Spartans so he turned into a militaristic machine. As his father Philip was killed, Alexander had removed all those near him that could be a threat to his throne. This is when Alexander's quest started, he ran over Pelion, Illyria, and then Thebes. Spring 334 Alexander crossed the Dardanelles with an army of 30,000 men into Asia. He then left his fathers closest friend in charge of Europe with around 13,000 men. To meet Alexander's great army, the Persians had a force ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Greek Culture Influence Greek Culture and Influence The Ancient Greek Empire was an empire of great power and success. From the beginning of democracy to the amazing architecture of the Parthenon, the Greeks had many achievements that marked their place in history, as their technologies were very advanced for their time. Even today, Ancient Greek culture and technological advancements continue to influence our lives in aspects of government, philosophy, architecture, geometry, mythology, and sports. Although democracy can be traced back to Ancient China and Mesopotamia, the modern form that we follow today originated in Athens, Greece ("Democracy"). Democracy comes from the Greek word 'demokratia', which means people power. At the time, when Athens was ruled under a tyrannical dictatorship, a learned man named Cleisthenes spread the idea of people sharing power with the rulers, across Athens. The idea ... Show more content on ... This also introduced a way of giving a voice to people of all statuses. For instance, the Greeks developed a voting system in which black and white pebbles were collected in a container. Black would mean 'no' and white would mean 'yes'. The pebbles would then be counted and the majority vote would determine the action taken. The advantages of democracy are that the people have the power to elect their rulers and representatives, who can then make wise decisions on their behalf. This promotes political stability and the evolution of societies. Today, more than 120 countries around the world have adopted democracy as their form of government. Philosophy is a subject of great wisdom and the most prominent Greek philosophers were Socrates, his student Plato, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Greek Intellectual Values Throughout the time period of 600 BCE to 600 CE, many societies learned to develop innovative ways of living and flourishing. Many of the views on society and the way they believed a society should be run overall, impacted the way civilizations are run today. Some of the civilizations that helped to develop this were Greece, Rome, the Maya, and Alexander the Great's Empire. This age helped develop different political, cultural and intellectual values. Many of these developments began in Athens, but other city–states also played an important role. One of the political values Greek civilizations developed is the use of philosophy in the form of humanism. In addition, there cultural values consisted of try to portray themselves to the gods to seem worthy. Lastly, the Greek's impacted us through many intellectual values one being, there form of architecture and there way of art in that specific civilization. But overall Greeks helped to develop forms of literature, philosophy, art, and the understanding of the world around them. While these events in Greece occurred a war broke out between Greece and Persia known as the Persian War. The war occurred in 5th century BCE and had a long lasting effect on Greece. In 599 BCE the Persians conquered a group of people that inhabited Asia Minor called Ionian Greeks. When the Ionian Greeks found Persian rule to be unjust they requested help from mainland Greeks. Although when Athens sent ships to help in the defeat of Persia, they were ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Greek Influence On Society As a child I have always been fascinated with the history and influence of Greece. When I first learned about the Olympics and how it derived from ancient Greek times, I couldn't believe that these types of sports were still being played in today's society. When the move 300 first came out in 2006, it just motivated me to learn more and more about the conflict during those times. Even during my eighth–grade western civics class when we discussed the structure of the United States government and democracy of Greece, it finally clicked that the Greek culture has had a huge impact in today's modern culture. First of all, the Greek influence is not just limited to politics but also in Art, philosophy, mathematics, and even modern science. Greek ... Show more content on ... Even though the United States is considered by a vast majority as a Democratic type of government, the system is based on the Greek influence of Democracy but is a Republic country. The influence of ancient Greece plays a key role on how our government in the United States formed and works. Much like ancient Greece, today's United States government is also divided into different branches; the executive, legislative and the judicial. Ancient Greek movement structure was divided into "Ekklesia, which was similar to the legislative, or law–making branch, the Boule, which resembled the executive, or law–enforcing branch, and the Dikasteria, a rough equivalent of the judicial branch" (Harmon). But one of the main differences between what we know as the Legislative branch and the Ekklesia, is that within the Legislative branch the Congressional Legislative is made up of elected senators and representatives from every state. Unlike the Ekklesia, which "during the 40 annual meetings of the Ekklesia, any of the roughly 40,000 male citizens of Athens was allowed to appear and participate" (Harmon). This also limited females to not be citizens in Greece, only males unlike in today where both females and males can participate in ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Religious Convictions Of The Greeks During prehistoric times, the Greeks had outright and unquestionable admiration for their divine beings. They showed their reverence by putting set up numerous ceremonies and festivals to worship the divine beings that they adored to guarantee concordance with them. Specifically, the center will be on the religious convictions of the Greeks, including request to God and present, and also on celebrations and human expressions, for example, the old Olympic recreations and theater. These parts of their society made a critical commitment to their personal satisfaction and the subjects will be analyzed in connection to the twelve Olympian divine beings, and their partners. The old Greeks practiced a religion that was essentially, a building ... Show more content on ... The Olympian religion is very complex meaning that each god had its purpose to them and they were loyal to each god by trying to satisfy them in their own way. The Greek divine beings were depicted as people, which implied that they were not great. That is, the divine beings committed errors, felt torment, and experienced outrage and had their tempers. The religion was custom based and had no standard ministries, no progressive framework, and no blessed/holy content or good code. Numerous researchers accept that the religion and society comprised of stories told and made due through oral convention, which are the myths that we know today. In the myths that have made due through the ages, the Greeks utilized the divine beings as a way to defend anything that they couldn 't comprehend or deductively clarify. For instance, when thunder and lightning tumbled from the sky joined by downpour, it was accepted that Zeus, the divine force of the sky, was in charge of it. Furthermore, it was possibly a sign that he was angered with the people for something wrong they did. In that admiration, the Greeks accepted that Zeus and his Olympian divine beings were of the best criticalness. Every God had their own sanctuary, and inside these sanctuaries the ministers or priestesses verified that the tenets of offering were being watched. They ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Greek Life Advantages Greek life, a community of organizations that are known for controlling the social scene on many campuses across America. It is an institution within the institution of education, one that has been a part of university life since 1776. They are known for their as–seen–on–tv parties, the stereotyped members, and the exclusivity that is offered by the social organizations. Freshmen go through the rigorous recruitment process, one that leaves many feeling defeated in and rundown, in order to be able to join the organization of their choice. However, is this exclusivity harming the ability to develop proper social skills and grow healthy relationships of those freshmen who decide to not go through the recruitment process or those who cannot afford ... Show more content on ... It is no secret that one of the benefits of being a part of a "brotherhood" is the networking opportunities. "Being involved in an organization such as Greek life gives you the opportunity to take on a leadership position. These positions definitely boost your resume and overall experience as a person. Being involved is also a great way to get an internship or job interview, as alumni are always willing to help those who wear the letters. There is no guarantee you'll get it, but being a part of something bigger, especially something with thousands of alumni is certainly a plus. These alumni are oftentimes eager to help individuals such as the younger versions of themselves and are proud to still be a part of their organization."(Broderick) Many of the members of Greek life have affluent parents, or those who are higher–ups in society were at one point a part of a Greek organization. In fact, 83% of the Fortune 500 executives were once a part of Greek life. These connections allow members of Greek life to have more success in finding a job after graduation, and this is also why graduation rates are 20% higher in Greeks than non–Greeks.(Glass) This to me indicates that not Greeks may be unfairly judged for their usefulness in ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Greek Fire The creation of Greek fire is attributed to a Greek architect Kallinikos of Heliopolisa a Greek– speaking Jewish refugee who had fled, from the Arab conquered Syria in the 7th century. Greek fire was not the first incendiary weapon used before the 7th century but posed the unique feature of being able to burn on top of and in water. The ability to burn on top of water naturally made Greek fire a primarily maritime only weapon, due to the specially fitted ships required. The weapon was first used to detour the fleet of Arab commander Yazid in 673, but was not the decisive element in the repel, rather a tool to keep the Arab fleet at bay. In 718 the Arabs attacked the port of Constantinople again with similar results as fire rained down and engulfed ... Show more content on ... Stories of divine origins circulated a fear of divine punishment if one was to sell the secret of how the weapon operated. Leo the Wise issued a law forbidding anyone to tell the enemies of the Byzantine Empire the secret of Greek fire or its machinery and laid out a suitable punishment. Porphyrogenitus detailed this punishment and taught his son how to deal with foreign rulers if they demanded information about Greek fire, which he considered a divine secret from God. According to Anna Comnena, the daughter of Emperor Alexius the 1st,a composition of pine and resin being projected by tubes of reed to project the flammable liquid, but by the time Anna Comnena attempted to understand the composition of the liquid, the secret had been long lost along with the Byzantine empire. Although the secret was guarded by the threat of death, the Bulgars were able to gain control of thirty–six siphons, and a large amount of Greek fire in 814, but were unable to understand the technical requirements needed to use the weapon rendering it useless. This shows that the composition and the components of the weapon were not the only secrets involved with the weapon, that went far beyond the for formula of the liquid. Manuscripts from the Vatican depict two men on a small boat using flared tubing to deliver clouds of fire in front of oncoming enemies. The caption of the image described the weapon also being physically thrown called the Four terra cotta, which were small ceramic grenades which acted similarly to a modern day Molotov cocktail. While the method of deployment is understood to involve spigots, the means in which pressure was used to propel the mixture is uncertain. The secrecy involved in the methods of use and composition lead to the ultimate naval weapon ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Greek Gods: The Ancient Greek Religion Books, movies, poems, plays, and stories have all been made about the Greek Gods. These things weren't made just for entertainment, this was the ancient Greece religion. There were twelve of these Gods and Goddesses and they were all in charge of something. The people of Greece probably came up with this religion because of it being so long ago, they didn't have the knowledge that we have now, they came up with this to explain the things that they couldn't explain. For example storms, they believed that every time that there was a storm that it meant that Zeus, God of the skies, was upset or angry. Tsunamis, was when they believed Poseidon, the God of the seas, was angry. However, all Gods and Goddesses were not all tied to nature. They even ... Show more content on ... Artemis was really close to her twin brother Apollo. One myth about Artemis and Apollo is when they were being born. As the myth goes, Artemis was born one day before Apollo and when he was being born she helped her mom have him, this automatically made her the Goddess of labour ("Artemis" Mythology Of Ancient Greece). She was also a very private Goddess. Even though there aren't very many myths about her, she would punish anybody who talked to her, spied on her, or even looked at her, especially if it was a man. She asked Zeus to never fall in love and she never did. She just didn't trust men ("Artemis" Greek Mythology). She spent lots of time with the nymphs. They would splash in the streams, go hunting, and pretty much do everything together. Artemis didn't really trust anybody but the nymphs and her family. She would normally act out of anger because she was really hot–headed if you made her mad you would most likely die or be punished really bad("Artemis" Greek Gods and Goddesses). In my opinion, Artemis is one of the most interesting out of the twelve Greek Gods and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Greek Idealism In Greek Culture Imagine a perfect world where everyone in the nation spoke the same language, shared a common worldview and was culturally united. This would be the Ideal world that the Greeks strove for and succeeded in. Greek idealism is not how the world really is, but rather, a perfect ideal world, which was the answer to their success. The ideas of the Greeks were created from their mind as opposed to external reality composed of other outside forces. Throughout the paper, I will highlight specific examples of idealism in the Greek culture, by focusing on their philosophy, art and literature. The awakening of philosophical thought in Greece started in 600 B.C. (Messner 10–2–17). The mind and the spirit were viewed as the two most powerful factors of someone. With the mind and the spirit, the possibilities were endless. With these assets, they were able to portray their love of wisdom. Philosophy is the ponder of the everyday life and what is happening in the world (Messner 10–2–17). The idealists of the philosophical world reasoned that "the physical world is illusory and that behind it lies a realm accessible only by contemplation" (Humanities, 67). A specific example of philosophy, is Plato's take on the Western ideal philosophy. In his philosophy he emphasizes the importance of values and ideas, over matter (Humanities, 69). In Plato's eye, education and knowledge are very important (Messner, 10–6–17). This is important because it helps us understand for ourselves the real world ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Greek And Greek Mythology Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.) Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast; folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Flag this Question Question 2 1 pts Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.) The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus, Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East, Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role; and Norse mythology from ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Greek Figurative Sculpture Shaquetta Marshall Greek Figurative Sculpture Why was change so important during the different periods of Ancient Greek art? That's a question that can easily be answered through research on Greek art but actually understanding the flow of change within the different periods allows people to grasp the enticing change of the artworks. The idea of change simply gives artists a way to express themselves, not only for attracting the eye to unique wonders in the world that occurred, but to also give a sense of idealism. Artistic figures in Ancient Greek art were made by artists that created the figures based off of the ideal human form and how they believe artwork should be made within that period.The artwork was not made to be understood literally, ... Show more content on ... Yet the kouroi, which is a style made during the archaic period, reveal further realism, obviously depicting that the human structure was more important than the overall events that took place during this period of ancient greek art. The kouros, plural for kouroi, was the depiction of young men, going from the basic to those that were almost exact demonstrations. These stylistic depictions were used to indicate feelings and emotions using figurative gestures. For example, Apollo, a god in Ancient Greek art, compatible with many sculptures of the perpetual youth known as the kouroi, is rendered across the Archaic period showing the deified male physique, constructed on orders of segments and symbolizing the ability of somatic allure. The artists that created the sculpture of Apollo really put emphasis on the figurative gesture of the torso and arms, revealing a sentimental posture of what he stands for as an idealistic god. Although Apollo expressed the advancement of the likeness of human composition throughout the archaic stage, the young male kouros were not soldiers, they were emblematics of the worshiper that were contributing a more indefinite and inaudible assistance to a god.The idea the artist had was to not only show off the ideal male form, but to also allow for a sculpture that in a way represented no other than a "mere mortal", for those who saw the figure as an enticing change to the span of time, where beauty and figurative emotion of the perfect male configuration meant alot to people during the archaic period of ancient greek ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Ancient Greek Dichotomy The ancient Greeks followed a set of values, collectively thought of as paideia, that shaped both their society and their legacy. However, this led to a dichotomy of whether the best preservation and propagation of Greek society and paideia originated with improving and being true to the self or in being consistent with the civic state. While these differing ideas could come into conflict, often both worked simultaneously to achieve the same end. In Greek society, athletics represented a way of expressing one's own personal arête, as well as maintaining the strength of society. The Olympics was the embodiment of the value placed on athletics and the glory they bring to the individual along with the polis. Men were able to compete for their ... Show more content on ... Sacrifice of the physical body in warfare was rewarded by bestowing great honor to the individual, as stated by Pericles in his funeral oration, "His merit as a citizen more than outweighed his demerits as an individual" (Reader 43). Despite any past actions, ceding one's life for the good of the polis reflected such arête that it negated previous dishonorable behavior. Stoic thought on civic duty, however, postulated that through reason and self–reflection all men could arrive at an understanding of universal truth, and therefore through improving the mind of the individual, one is improving society. The Apology however reflects an instance where this idea comes into conflict with civil society. Socrates calls himself, "a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God" (Read 49), a statement stipulating his views on how self–reflection is a benefit rather than a hindrance to the state, though these views would have him executed. He further states, "If you think that by killing men you can prevent someone from censuring your civil lives you are mistaken" (Reader 49), arguing that civic duty entails and requires critique of the state. Cicero does not contend this outright, but does express his view that people are born into positions in life, and even if it is not suited to your nature one must perform it with honor and propriety. He asserts ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Greek And Greek Influence Of The Roman Empire Another empire would soon take many influences from the Greeks. In Rome, an empire was beginning to rise. Roman civilization had its roots in Hellenistic culture because they idolized them. They borrowed and enhanced upon the Greek intellectual accomplishments. As the empire expanded this would become increasingly important. As the Romans continued to expand their empire and influence, they were also spreading the culture of those who influenced them–the Greeks. The Roman Empire at their peak had a vast control over much of the Mediterranean and into Europe– controlling much of Britain, Spain, France, the North African coast, much of Asia minor. Within these regions they had vast numbers provinces where they would allow rule the local ... Show more content on ... These effects reached from China, India, the Middle East, and some portions of Africa. As different regions adopted new aspects of life, they further implement that into their culture. Then the as the culture grows, it grows with the influences adopted form that of the Romans–who borrowed it form the Greeks. Similarly, with the Romans and Macedonians their conquest and implementation of their culture was the main source of the spread of Hellenistic culture. However the combination of controlling more regions and being more involved with global trade, the Romans were able to further expand Greek influence than those before them. Soon the Roman Empire began to decline and an even more impactful implementation of Greek culture began to arise in a region to the east. As the Roman Empire fell and small Kingdoms began to arise throughout Europe, in a different region of the world, an intellectual revolution began and flourished. During a period between the eighth and ninth centuries, the Islamic world of the Middle East Experienced its "Golden Age". This was a period of advancements in the sciences, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. The main source contributed to these advancements is from the Greeks. However this Golden Age may have been delayed for many years if not for a man named Mamun. Mamun was a Caliph who would ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Corinthian Vs Greek For most of its early history Greece was a confederation of city–states. Which included Sparta, Corinth, Athens, Megara, and Argos. The Spartans, were recognized as one of the most fierce warrior states in known history. The Corinthians, were problem solvers and had the best innovations of ancient Greece states. Athenians, were the most schooled and cultured of the city–states the birthplace of philosophy considered the leader of the city–states. Megarians, were the best known for there ship–building and sailors out of all the states. Then there was the Argonians, were the economically sound and were excellent traders. Then Philip the Second of Macedonia, in 359 B.C. Conquered and quelled the Greek City–States, and united them under one banner ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Greek And Roman Ideas Greek and Roman Ideals When considering the ancient Greek and Roman ideals you can see the distinct similarities in their art, government, monotheism, and architecture. The Romans duplicated many of the Greek styles and modified them to suit their lifestyles. Greece and Rome influences can be seen in art today with the use of concepts, techniques, and styles that were founded by the Greek classical ideal. These include techniques for carving sculptures and the construction of massive metropolitan structures. The use of the city–state was invented by the Greeks and followed by the Romans. The Romans were admirers of the Greek artistic style and this shows in their art and what has been left from the ancient Roman era for us to view. ... Show more content on ... The Greeks are responsible for the creation of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns, but the Roman's expanded on this and modified the capitals. Greek influence can be seen in the creation of Pantheon. The Pantheon combines the styles of Greek and Roman architectural styles with its combination of post and lintel and dome and arch. Inside the Pantheon are sculptures like the Parthenon, and is the most well preserved buildings from ancient Rome. The Pont du Guard in France remains the largest aqueduct in the world and after over 2000 years it still stands. The Colosseum is in ruins, but it still stands today. Greek democracy and the Roman republic are similar in that they both give power to the people and elect officials by letting the people vote. The Greek city–states were united by force through the invasions of the Macedonians and then by the Romans. The Romans then carried on the city–state format and were themselves invaded later by the Germanic tribes. Although the Greeks and Romans were defeated their political ideal remains and is still in use by some democracies in the West. The monotheism of the Greek belief system was the format for the Roman belief system. Their gods were celebrated and revered by festivals and games being held in their honor. The Greek influence can be seen in the Roman culture with their gods. Roman gods are essentially borrowed from the Greek gods, but they ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Greek Gods And Their Influence On Greek Religion And Culture Leuzinger 1 The Greek Gods Throughout history it is easy to see that religion has a big deal to do with culture, but what if religion played such a big part in our society that we were constantly afraid of being zapped by lightning, or losing the entire sun? From the beginning of written history gods have dictated the ideas of peoples and cultures, shaping the majority of our world as we know it today. Such effects can be seen even in our federal law system in America. For example the Ten Commandments had a lot to do with the writing of the constitution. The Greeks were no exception to this. If anything the gods influenced the Greeks more than most cultures. The Greeks entire civilization was centered around the gods they worshipped. Part of the reason for the Greeks fascination with "supernatural beings" was because of the powers they believed they possessed. This power possessed by the gods made the Greeks fear them greatly. This fear then turned into worship and devotion that shaped their entire culture. ... Show more content on ... Each one of these gods had their own realm of control, for example one god was in control of love, another the underworld, and some, controlled the elements. Most prominent of all the gods was Zeus. Not only was he the god of lightning, Zeus was also the ruler of the gods. He ruled from mount Olympus, keeping all the other gods in check along with regulating the humans below. Because of his power and prestige, Zeus was the most worshiped god. Along side of him were many other gods who received worship mainly depending on the humans need. If a fisherman wanted a particularly successful fishing trip, he would make a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Dionysus Greek Pottery Pottery was a huge part of the ancient Greeks lives. The pots were very highly decorated usually with scenes depicting Greek gods as a way of worship to them. This paper will explore two examples of Greek pottery and explain their uses and what is seen on them and why. The first vessel is a red figure bell krater, from around 380 BC, attributed to artist known as the Erbach painter. Typically red figure style deals with scenes of everyday life rather than myth, this pot differs from this as it does contain myth but rather than depicting the action from a mythological tale, it portrays a general scene of the Greek god, of wine drama and fertility, Dionysus. In this scene Dionysus is seen as a young man lounging on a blanket holding a thyros ... Show more content on ... 440 BC. Like the other, it is a red figure bell krater featuring Dionysus. In this depiction of Dionysus he is again seen holding a thyros but unlike the previous vessel instead of the presence of vines we see him holding a wine cup (kylix), which is a very common attribute of the god. To the right we see a satyr playing the flute. The satyr could be one of the Titiyroi classes of satyr as he shares many of the main characteristics of them, such as the flute and his tail. To the left of Dionysus stands a woman holding a wine jug (oinchoe). It is hard to tell who this woman is, as there are many possibilities. She could be a maenad for the reason that maenads show up in a lot of artwork with Dionysus. However this would not be a normal showing of a maenad. Maenads are usually seen holding a thyros, wearing a wreath of ivy, holding a musical instrument or wearing some kind of animal print. This woman could be Ariadne, the wife of Dionysus. In Greek artwork, Ariadne is often seen with Dionysus. Both pots share a similar artistic style and depict Dionysus in a very comparable way. The slight differences that you do see between them could be because of the time difference between each work. Nevertheless both vessels depict Dionysus in the usual way. Both pots lack a mythical story behind it and seem to be a general scene. While the first pot looks like a worship to Dionysus, the second pot looks like a general depiction of Dionysus and the people/creatures ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Greek Orthodox Church : The Influence Of The Greek... During the Ottoman occupation of Greece there were many aspects of life that changed due to the new ruling power, but one aspect that strived to be unchangeable was the Greek Orthodox Church. With an occupation that spanned nearly 500 years and encompassed periods of great industrial and agricultural growth, it is clear Greece must have gone through changes. The Greek Orthodox Church was extremely resistant to change during the Ottoman rule due to its people's belief that Greek identity lay within their faith, and conservation of their faith in the form of the Greek Orthodox Church was of the utmost importance. The Greek Orthodox Church was resistant to change under Ottoman rule despite its privileges due to the want to preserve Greek heritage, the peripheral support of Russia, and the hope to someday be free from Ottoman rule. Though the Greek Orthodox Church proclaimed to protect its followers, it was full of corruption and their favor was easily swayed by Mohammad II due to their hatred of the Catholics. Under Ottoman rule, the Greek Orthodox Church acquired power as an autonomous millet. Islamic sacred law prescribed religious toleration, meaning that the Greek Orthodox Church was given a privileged position within the empire. Instead of imposing mass conversion to the Greek population, the new Muslim rulers showed tolerance and even respect for the conquered populations. This respect was very much linked to the belief that Christians are fellow "people of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Impact Of Greek Culture Greek culture, in my opinion, contributed the most to the development of other future civilizations culture. They paved the way to what is known about Greek and their culture as of today. With the idea of their Religion, Art, Worship of many Gods, and ancient Greek music being the focal point of it all. Which happens to be a great deal of the reason I chose Greek culture as my answer. Majority of the time when you discuss Greece you bring up their past or how Greece came about and the impact past Greek culture made on their people. This is what led me to believe their past culture in relation to the contribution, development, and the impact it had on other civilizations would be the perfect answer due to my acquisition that it had a much ... Show more content on ... The Greeks music was probably the most culturally influential aspect out of all the things the Greeks practiced. Their music also tied in other aspects of their culture which they loved to display in their songs, and through their art. A great example of this is THE METER OF THE ILIAD AND THE ODYSSEY which is a song based on the clash between two Gods Odysseus and Achilleus this piece is only a stepping stone into what Greek music developed into as future civilizations came about. Although this was early music Greek songs like this one are the ones that paved the way and made a huge development as to what we know as Greek music, and made a great deal of impact on how they display their music as of now throughout their culture. When you view Greece as of today you would see a great deal of beautiful art, statues, vase paintings and so on... A lot of these items are pieces of the past but are still being displayed throughout other civilizations. While reading the text you will learn the Greeks art played a huge role in their culture including many stages of art such as Geometric Art, Orientalizing Art, Archaic Art, and Vase painting. These stages of art were the building blocks of art throughout other civilizations some are still practiced and some are just treasures of the past to show how Greek culture came about. To conclude the impact Greece made on other civilizations were through their art forms, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Ajax Vs Greek Compare of Achilles and Ajax Playing a Board Game Ancient Greek vase painting is rich in content, it mostly about myths and heroic legends, to reflecting Greece lives very broadly, such as war, hunting, manufacturing, home, entertainment, sports and so on. The styles of painting vase are very dramatic, humane with rich hospitality feeling to represented the beauty and elegance, in order to shows the Greeks confident and optimistic spirit. I found interested on painter Exekias and Leagros Group' amphora with the same theme of Achilles and Ajax playing a board game. Exekias who was called the greatest black– figure artist, his black– figure technique is proficiency particularly on curving heroes. Moreover, he painted a scene of Achilles and ... Show more content on ... As for the Achilles and Ajax playing a board game by painter Leagros Group, it is also a black figure neck– amphora created about ca 510 B.C. from Athens, Greece. the height is 30.4 centimeters and rather than a wine jar, it was used as a storage jar. (Attic Black–Figure Neck Amphora) In term of the shape of amphora, it is one of the oldest and most common form, which has round black handles and an echinus foot, the shape is like an upside– down shallow bowl, the mouth is more wide open, it has a cylindrical handle, and the area between the neck and the shoulder of amphora, it has a deeper radian angler. basically, the whole amphora was painted in orange– yellow color, excluded the mouth and handles, which are painted in black. Indeed, it is an evolution of Exekias' contribution, each of these shape has its own pattern of moderate and exquisite change over time. According to the Understanding Greek Vases, the aesthetic of Greek vase painting is more fundamental than interplay and the balance between the contrasting dark and light areas on a vase, between the black painted areas and orange– red of the unpainted part. (The Understanding Greek Vases) In fact, for this amphora painted by Leagros Group, the balance of the dark and light area was set by the black concentrated in the picture, and the picture dominates the vase, which seems like the whole image was enlarge by the image and takes up the most space on the amphora, because it was painted with double –leaved ivy on the neck, and it's also painted double lotus and palmette pattern on the lower part of body, but it's larger than first picture, therefore the pattern is perfectly fit to the neck of the amphora. Whereas, this amphora painted more double lotus and palmette chain in between the lower border and main image, also in the interface of the neck and shoulder, it has a ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Greek Creation Of Greek Mythology People from early civilizations created myths which they followed in their everyday lives. These myths carried three details to explain how the world was created. Those three details were mystical, cosmological, and sociological. Mystical is the supernatural or fantastical events in life. Cosmological is the creation and nature of the universe. Sociological is about society and human behavior. The Greek's created a myth to explain how they think the universe was created. These myths were sacred in the Greek culture and it helped people figure out how everything was made. The Greek myth was called "Greek Creation". Greeks learned how to behave by reading myths and looking at how the people treated gods. It showed how in Greek there were many human races created because of ... Show more content on ... If you put out bad you will be punished and if you are good the gods will supply you with what you need to live on earth. This myth helped the people of Greek learn how they are supposed to behave. It showed them the diffence between right and wrong. This sociological piece of evidence helped create a new way of life for them. The "Greek Creation" myth helped Greeks realize why aspects of their environment were created. It showed them why their environment was created and who helped to create it. In the "Greek Creation" it's says, "Uranus feared these powerful creations and hid them deep in earth. When a hero died he was given a special place in the underworld called the blessed isles where it is always light and beautiful." In modern day we would refer to this has heaven and hell. It shows were all bad things go and were all good things go. This refers to the cosmological parts of the universe. It shows where your actions will take you. If you weren't a good person you would suffer and go to the underworld in your past life. If you were good and honored the world you were sent to the blessed isles. This relates to the modern day concept of heaven and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Greek Informative Speech Hi everybody, My name is Mary and I am going to be your docent for the day. Today we are going to be learning about two different kinds of ancient artwork. I am going to be showing you examples from ancient Egyptian art and ancient Greek art. First off we are going to learn about ancient Greek art. The Greeks mastered the idea of sculpture, in earlier times the sculptures looked fake but by the classical period they started looking more natural with realistic–looking faces. The Greeks also liked to make pottery out of stone and clay, they usually would have mythological or religious scenes on them and grew more realistic over time. The first ancient Greek art that we will be learning about today is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. It was created around 220–185 BC made from parian and rhodian marble. On April 15, 1863 workers were excavating and uncovered parts of a statue. They then sent it to the Louvre, where it is currently on display.You can't tell from the picture, but can you believe that this statue is over 18 feet tall!! It has been suggested that she was once holding something in her right hand, such as a trumpet, wreath, or a fillet. The base of the sculpture is made up of 23 blocks of marble. The next piece of art that we will be learning about is the Laocoon and his Sons. This sculpture was made in the ... Show more content on ... Its is made of stucco–coated limestone. The bust is 3300 years old and was found by excavators on December 6,1912. Next is a piece of art called Pallete of King Namer. The back of the palette has a scene showing the king about to strike down a foe, whose hair he is grabbing. The king is wearing a white crown which is associated with upper Egypt. The victim is shown naked kneeling in front of him, arms close to his body indicating he was bound. In the background in the scene there is a falcon, which is a symbol of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Greek Critique Critique of the Greeks Every year, thousands of new college freshmen join on–campus groups, in search of their "home away from home." Some students chose jobs, while others join Newman groups and sports clubs. A popular choice for an on–campus "home" is the Greek community. College sororities and fraternities are often the subjects of hot debates: what can students gain by going Greek? Do they really do more, than just hold socials? Asel, Seifert and Pascerella wrote an article to answer these questions. While Asel, Seifert, and Pascarella wrote a high–quality article about Greek Life that provides an ample amount of evidence to support their opinions and a logical flow of ideas, the article falls short by having a bias favoring these ... Show more content on ... Because the article was written in response to a study about Greek life, one would think that the article would have next to no bias. This was not the case. The authors hinted their favor for Greek life by describing how "fraternity/sorority members may be natural partners for serving in leadership roles," (Asel, Seifert, Pascarella 6). In addition, it was also mentioned that following college, those involved in Greek life had stronger personal/interpersonal skills, skills that are exceptionally useful in today's work place (Asel, Seifert, Pascarella 7). While the authors never directly come out and offer their supports for fraternities and sororities, they show their bias towards these organizations with their word choices. Words like "natural–born leaders" and "leadership roles," and highlighting the strong social skills gained from Greek life is what makes the reader feel like a bias is present in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Oligarchy Of Greek Democracy It is the Greek culture which shaped the modern society. The importance that the Greeks placed upon their citizens in terms of government, helped shape the Greek culture. The Greeks change in politics from an Oligarchy to democracy. With the reliance on the average Greek citizen strengthened the Greek democracy. From the shift in power from the hoi polloi to average Greek citizen caused a shift in Greek culture. The responsibility placed on the citizens that resulted in the progression of Greek politics, drama, sculpture, and philosophy. With the rise of the Ekklesia represented the high regard for the common Greek citizen. The Ekklesia consisted of at least six thousand male citizens. Each male citizen was pressed to take action and contribute ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Greek Vs Tektura Throughout history there has been a great confusion about the architectural styles of the Greek and Roman civilization since they are mistakenly believed to be the same style and therefore in some occasions it is given less importance. In this essay I will try to clarify the difference between Greek and Roman Tektura by covering the themes of history with material orders and to give some examples of different decisions of each culture. Archaic period: in the first stage has several phases begins at the beginning of the first millennium and closes in the first third of the century D'defined architecture As buildings executed according to an aesthetic design Conciente disappeared from Greece since the end of the mythic period. When in urban life ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Genocide In Greek Genocide One of the most gruesome genocides to happen during the 20th century is the Greek Genocide, often referred to as the Pontian or Ottoman Greek Genocide. This genocide consisted of mass killings and exterminations of the Ottoman Greeks by the Turkish rule from 1914–1923. The main dispute was difference in religion and beliefs, Christians versus Islam. What most people do not know is that the Ottoman Greek Genocide is responsible for the almost complete destruction of the Christian Orthodox culture, including monuments and history. Many Greeks suffered from forced deportations, death marches, forced conversion of religion, executions, labor battalions, hunger, and the overall cruelty of the Turkish government during this time period. The ones responsible for these acts was the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Young Turk reformists who seized control of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Greeks of all ages and genders were persecuted because of their culture and minority in Turkey, so that the CUP and the Young Turks could achieved perfect "Turkification" of the empire. The events of the Pontian Greek Genocide happened in the westernmost part of Asia called Asia Minor or Anatolia, which is the Greek word for 'east'. The Greeks first settled in Asia Minor around the 11th century (BC). From the 4th century (AD), Asia Minor's main religious practice has been Christianity in which it has played an important role in the development of Christianity. For a long period of time, ... Get more on ...