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hiring intentions
our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
2 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
welcome to
our Q1 update                                                                         Tara Ricks

Whilst the prolonged period of uncertainty              As a specialist recruitment agency with over 30
and upheaval isn’t quite over, the UK financial         years experience, we understand the difficulty
services industry appears to be returning to a          our clients face when searching for the right
sentiment of cautious optimism. A view shared           candidate. Our wealth of experience, dexterity
widely amongst the individuals we surveyed,             and market knowledge opens the door to a
this positivity can be attributed to a number of        pool of the finest talent, including ‘hibernating
converging factors. Improved macroeconomic              candidates’ who are not actively seeking a new
indicators, better-than-expected company                role. Our expertise can meet your recruitment
results, stronger demand, and a recovering              needs or complement your direct resourcing
stock market all contribute to the prevailing           initiatives.
buoyant mood. Once-terrifying words like
‘Grexit’ and ‘fiscal cliff’ have been put to bed        Time will tell if 2013 will be seen as a year of
– for now. Even the appointment of Mark                 convalescence but the confidence expressed
Carney, the first ever non-British governor at          by our clients demonstrates a resilience shown
the Bank of England, appears to have lifted             across the industry. We welcome the results
spirits.                                                of this survey and are committed to delivering
                                                        unsurpassed recruitment solutions.
One of the outcomes of this optimism is an
anticipated increase in permanent recruitment           With best wishes for a successful and
activity in 2013. Our evidence suggests that            prosperous year ahead,
many companies are expecting to hire more
staff whether it is to meet demand or to
comply with new regulations. In the main our
clients foresee two main obstacles to securing
talent over the year: budget constraints
and headcount approval, and the limited
availability of suitable talent. While an uplift in     Tara Ricks
business confidence may help with the former,           Managing Director
it is our expertise that will assist with the latter.   Randstad Financial & Professional

   Key findings from our survey

   •	    71% believe 2013 will be a better year for their company than 2012
   •	    Anticipated increase in permanent hiring
   •	    The key challenge this year will be to source quality candidates

   * Survey of 208 respondents from asset management, investment banking,
   asset servicing and insurance in London and Scotland conducted in December 2012.

                                                             hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector   3
is there an improved outlook in 2013?
                          Key findings overview
                          •	     70.9% believe that 2013 will be better than 2012



                          Our view

                          It is reassuring that almost 71% of                   were compelled to implement during the
                          respondents believe that 2013 will be a               turmoil of recent years. We believe that an
                          better year for their business than 2012.             increase in recruitment activity is linked with
                          Although this is a broad statement we feel            stronger business performance; aggregated
                          this figure underlines a returning sentiment          hiring intentions are a bellwether for a wider
                          of cautious optimism to the sector. External          recovery. By examining the expectations of
                          factors such as improved macroeconomic                hiring managers for the year ahead we identify
                          conditions and a recovering stock market are          the factors behind this optimism and the
                          playing a role. Companies are also reaping            challenges anticipated on the road ahead.
                          the rewards of internal efficiencies they

                               Client comments from the survey:

                               “Same as 2012 – tough – but with growth”

                               “The economy is looking up”

                               “I’m confident this year will be better”

4 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
increased headcount in 2012
Key findings overview
•	    55% noted an increased headcount over 2012, less than 16% said their
      headcount decreased
•	    Offshoring of some banking functions accounts for some of these increases

     Increased by more than 25%
     Increased by between 10% - 24%                                                 10.7%
     Increased by 1% - 9%
     No change                                                                                15.4%
     Decreased by between 1% - 9%
     Decreased by between 10% - 24%                            29.1%

     Decreased by more than 25%                                                       28.9%

Our view

Increased headcount in 2012 presents an              demand is bubbling away for many of our
interesting picture. In the wake of company          clients. There is an expectation that many
restructuring and shifting strategies, internal      contract roles will become permanent during
mobility has become more prevalent. So while         2013, subject to overall performance and
headcount of a particular division may have          company-wide recruitment strategies.
increased this isn’t necessarily indicative of the
company as a whole. Expansion of offshore            Encouragingly an optimistic foundation has
teams was also mentioned here by many                been laid for the year ahead in the UK, even
respondents so while this may contribute to          if an air of caution remains. Companies have
overall company profitability, it shouldn’t be       been evolving and innovating to succeed in
mistaken for a recovery in the UK financial          a competitive market. We will continue to
services sector. The picture isn’t entirely bleak:   monitor headcount trends amongst our clients
real growth driven by a rise in customer             as a litmus test of wider industry performance.

     Client comments from the survey:

     “Things will be busier due to increasing client demand”

     “Businesses are innovating and are introducing new revenue streams which adds to the
     confidence we are feeling”

                                                          hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector   5
expectations for the year ahead -
                         will headcounts continue to grow
                         in 2013?
                         Key findings overview
                         •	     57.7% of respondents feel headcount in their business will grow in 2013
                         •	     Of those anticipating growth, almost a quarter expect it will be significant in scale
                         •	     24.9% believe there will be no change; 17.4% expect a decrease


                               Increase significantly
                               Increase slightly
                               No change
                               Decrease slightly                                        24.9%
                               Decrease significantly

                          Our view
                         We believe that improved market conditions             competitive market requires companies to be
                         encourage a confidence to recruit new                  ever more precise and agile when recruiting.
                         staff. The 57% of respondents expecting                Until stronger confidence returns to the
                         an increase in headcount, compared to just             sector, top talent is likely to remain dormant
                         17% foreseeing a decline, can be seen as a             or seek career advancement through internal
                         barometer of the optimism filtering through            promotion. This presents a challenge to hiring
                         the sector. When adding new headcount                  managers as rival firms vie for the limited
                         or replacing outgoing staff, the highly                number of available, high-calibre candidates.

                              Client comments from the survey:

                              “We need fresh blood to take us where we want to go; this hasn’t been possible in the last few years”

                              “Mid-year requirements in regulatory reporting, risk and clearing may increase headcount”

6 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
permanent or contractor mix –
will there be a change in 2013?
Key findings overview
•	    35.6% believe permanent recruitment will be higher in 2013
•	    55.2% are unsure or see no change ahead
•	    9.2% foresee an increase in use of contractors

                                                         Increase in ratio of permanent
                               35.6%                     recruitment compared to 2012
        55.2%                                            Increase in ratio of contractor
                                                         recruitment compared to 2012
                                                         No change


Our view
While the majority expecting to maintain             improving remains subject to debate but
the status quo alludes to a continuing air of        a significant number of our respondents
caution, the ratio in favour of permanent            feel that when talent is recruited, it will be
recruitment over contract placements suggests        on a permanent basis. This longer term
an optimistic sentiment. In 2012, some               commitment to headcount indicates that
headcounts increased with contract and               client demand is expected to stabilise and even
temporary roles. A growing number, business          grow over the year. We are encouraged that
performance-permitting, are expected to              only 9% of respondents felt there will be an
become permanent positions during 2013.              increase in contractor reliance, often required
Whether the macroeconomic landscape is               for short-term demands and project work.

     Client comments from the survey:

     “The team’s strong growth was made up of a mix of contract and permanent roles. With market
     uncertainty (in recent years) contract resource was relied on. With more confidence, these roles will
     turn into permanent positions.”

                                                          hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector   7
challenges to recruiting
                          Key findings overview
                          •	     38.9% struggled to find the ‘right’ candidate
                          •	     41.2% of respondents found headcount approvals and budgetary constraints
                                 to be the key challenge when recruiting
                          •	     7.5% felt that lengthy recruitment processes hindered their hiring activity
                          •	     4.8% faced changing business needs during the recruitment process

                                                                                                  4.8%       3.8%

                                Unreasonable expectations from candidates
                                Lengthy recruitment process
                                Headcount approvals and budget
                                Strong competition for candidates                          38.9%
                                The ‘right’ candidate not available                                                 41.2%
                                Changing business needs

                          Our view                                                                3.8%

                          Two key themes dominated our respondents                Professionals are still showing a reluctance
                          views on the challenges faced when                      to seek new opportunities, choosing instead
                          recruiting new staff: budgetary constraints             to stay in their current positions or move
                          and headcount approval, and finding the                 internally. This ‘hibernation’ from the job
                          ‘right’ candidate.                                      market has been attributed to the enduring
                                                                                  difficulties in the economy. A widely held view
                          These factors are often out of a hiring                 of many professionals is that moving to a new
                          manager’s control but trying to align them is           company no longer guarantees increased
                          crucial and increasingly difficult in the current       earning potential, or other non-monetary
                          climate. The elusive ‘right’ candidate may be           benefits. Should the optimism expressed in
                          found but by the time approval is granted, the          our findings come to fruition, companies will
                          candidate may have already accepted an offer            be able to offer more competitive packages
                          from a competitor.                                      and professionals will become more receptive
                                                                                  to them.

                               Client comments from the survey:

                               “Training on the product is always provided, so the skill set is less important. It’s the attitude
                               and soft skills of people joining our team that we look for. You can’t teach team fit.”

8 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
will resignations be a factor
in the first half of 2013?
Key findings overview
•	    70.3% felt resignations will not be a factor in the first six months of 2013

         70.3%                                           No

Our view
Even in a bullish climate, professionals in the      Natural attrition is unavoidable, but strategic
financial services industry tend to defer their      changes or restructuring can greatly impact
search while their company approaches the            the shape and size of teams. Market
end of bonus and incentive cycles. In a bearish      intelligence suggests that merger and
climate internal mobility is a safer route for       acquisition activity is likely to escalate in 2013.
career progression until more confidence             Where this triggers a wholesale change of
returns. In the unique circumstances faced           company culture, a degree of consequential
by the financial services sector, feedback           staff turnover is inevitable.
received shows that fresh talent from outside
the business is essential to innovate and
implement new strategies.

     Client comments from the survey:

     “There will be natural attrition, but we need to replace these people with fresh blood to take our business

     “There will be some internal mobility – there always is. Compensation will always make people move; they
     think they’re missing out. The likelihood is they aren’t”

     “When people leave, we need fresh thinking and fresh enthusiasm for the challenge ahead”

                                                          hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector   9
the impact of regulation on
                           financial services businesses in 2013
                           Key findings overview
                           •	     19.8% believe that regulation will affect their business in 2013
                           •	     36.4% believe it won’t have any impact at all
                           •	     43.8% are maintaining a ‘wait and see’ approach



                           Our view
                           Almost 20% of respondents believe that                 higher rates of attrition. A sentiment expressed
                           ongoing regulatory changes will further impact         by a significant number of respondents was
                           their business in 2013. Whether the changes            a lack of visibility as to the eventual impact
                           will create more work or just a new way of             of ongoing regulatory change in their
                           working will influence the hiring patterns             business. Many felt they should have a better
                           of those firms directly affected. If workloads         understanding at this stage than they actually
                           increase, current teams will either need to            do and this is largely why over 43% are still in
                           absorb the impact or be expanded. If the               wait and see mode.
                           workload is too much some fear it will lead to

                                Client comments from the survey:

                                “Regulation is increasing, but its impact will take time to settle”

                                “I’m not as directly affected due to my client base. But I am constantly monitoring the situation”

                                “Increased regulatory demands on the finance industry will increase workloads”

10 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
building the perfect team is a
critical factor for success in 2013
With 57% of our respondents indicating their        If you want to find the best person ‘in the
headcount will increase to some extent in           market’ and not just the best person ‘on the
2013, the results of our survey demonstrate a       market’ then the only way to do this is through
shared optimism about an improving climate          the extensive network of an experienced
in financial services, despite wider talk of a      market specialist. For a hiring manager, there is
‘triple dip’.                                       no substitute for a trusted recruiter. Someone
                                                    that knows and understands your business
However it seems there are still some               and represents your brand in the marketplace,
significant barriers for hiring managers            providing you access to their relationships with
attempting to build the perfect team. As            the best suited candidates for your role. These
budget constraints and headcount approval           are relationships that have been forged over
ease with improving confidence, the age old         years and reveal a deeper understanding of
problem remains: finding the ‘right’ person         a candidate, rather than simply matching an
who not only has the required skill set but fits    online CV to your job specifications.
with the team and the company culture.
                                                    The financial services sector continues to
Given the seeming ease of direct hire               evolve in 2013 and the best recruiters must
nowadays with the proliferation of in-house         evolve with it. At Randstad Financial &
recruiters using tools such as LinkedIn, it is      Professional we continue to build on our
interesting that 38.9% of our respondents           thirty year heritage as Joslin Rowe and strive
still felt they couldn’t find the ‘right’ person.   to provide the best service for our clients. Our
We believe that this clearly highlights the         survey tells us that the approach of listening
importance of working with a trusted                to our clients’ needs and building personal
external recruiter.                                 relationships with the best candidates remains
                                                    the best way to build the perfect team.

We wish you all the best for a successful 2013. If you want to find out more about
working with Randstad Financial & Professional then don’t hesitate to contact us

London                                              Scotland

Tom Forrest                                         Margaret Dyer
T: +44 (0) 207 786 6466                             T: +44 (0) 141 202 2812
E:                       E

Michele Bloomfield
T: +44 (0) 207 786 6452

                                                         hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector   11
Randstad Financial & Professional

                         85 London Wall
                             EC2M 7AD

                 T: +44 (0) 207 786 6900

                     45 Charlotte Square
                               EH2 4HQ

                  T: +44 (0) 131 225 8188

                 175 West George Street
                       Turnberry House
                                G2 2LB

                  T: +44 (0) 141 202 2812

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Hiring Intentions for UK Financial Services Sector Q1 2013

  • 1. hiring intentions our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 2. 2 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 3. welcome to our Q1 update Tara Ricks Whilst the prolonged period of uncertainty As a specialist recruitment agency with over 30 and upheaval isn’t quite over, the UK financial years experience, we understand the difficulty services industry appears to be returning to a our clients face when searching for the right sentiment of cautious optimism. A view shared candidate. Our wealth of experience, dexterity widely amongst the individuals we surveyed, and market knowledge opens the door to a this positivity can be attributed to a number of pool of the finest talent, including ‘hibernating converging factors. Improved macroeconomic candidates’ who are not actively seeking a new indicators, better-than-expected company role. Our expertise can meet your recruitment results, stronger demand, and a recovering needs or complement your direct resourcing stock market all contribute to the prevailing initiatives. buoyant mood. Once-terrifying words like ‘Grexit’ and ‘fiscal cliff’ have been put to bed Time will tell if 2013 will be seen as a year of – for now. Even the appointment of Mark convalescence but the confidence expressed Carney, the first ever non-British governor at by our clients demonstrates a resilience shown the Bank of England, appears to have lifted across the industry. We welcome the results spirits. of this survey and are committed to delivering unsurpassed recruitment solutions. One of the outcomes of this optimism is an anticipated increase in permanent recruitment With best wishes for a successful and activity in 2013. Our evidence suggests that prosperous year ahead, many companies are expecting to hire more staff whether it is to meet demand or to comply with new regulations. In the main our clients foresee two main obstacles to securing talent over the year: budget constraints and headcount approval, and the limited availability of suitable talent. While an uplift in Tara Ricks business confidence may help with the former, Managing Director it is our expertise that will assist with the latter. Randstad Financial & Professional Key findings from our survey • 71% believe 2013 will be a better year for their company than 2012 • Anticipated increase in permanent hiring • The key challenge this year will be to source quality candidates * Survey of 208 respondents from asset management, investment banking, asset servicing and insurance in London and Scotland conducted in December 2012. hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector 3
  • 4. is there an improved outlook in 2013? Key findings overview • 70.9% believe that 2013 will be better than 2012 Yes 29.1% No 70.9% Our view It is reassuring that almost 71% of were compelled to implement during the respondents believe that 2013 will be a turmoil of recent years. We believe that an better year for their business than 2012. increase in recruitment activity is linked with Although this is a broad statement we feel stronger business performance; aggregated this figure underlines a returning sentiment hiring intentions are a bellwether for a wider of cautious optimism to the sector. External recovery. By examining the expectations of factors such as improved macroeconomic hiring managers for the year ahead we identify conditions and a recovering stock market are the factors behind this optimism and the playing a role. Companies are also reaping challenges anticipated on the road ahead. the rewards of internal efficiencies they Client comments from the survey: “Same as 2012 – tough – but with growth” “The economy is looking up” “I’m confident this year will be better” 4 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 5. increased headcount in 2012 Key findings overview • 55% noted an increased headcount over 2012, less than 16% said their headcount decreased • Offshoring of some banking functions accounts for some of these increases 1.9% Increased by more than 25% 5.8% Increased by between 10% - 24% 10.7% 8.2% Increased by 1% - 9% No change 15.4% Decreased by between 1% - 9% Decreased by between 10% - 24% 29.1% Decreased by more than 25% 28.9% Our view Increased headcount in 2012 presents an demand is bubbling away for many of our interesting picture. In the wake of company clients. There is an expectation that many restructuring and shifting strategies, internal contract roles will become permanent during mobility has become more prevalent. So while 2013, subject to overall performance and headcount of a particular division may have company-wide recruitment strategies. increased this isn’t necessarily indicative of the company as a whole. Expansion of offshore Encouragingly an optimistic foundation has teams was also mentioned here by many been laid for the year ahead in the UK, even respondents so while this may contribute to if an air of caution remains. Companies have overall company profitability, it shouldn’t be been evolving and innovating to succeed in mistaken for a recovery in the UK financial a competitive market. We will continue to services sector. The picture isn’t entirely bleak: monitor headcount trends amongst our clients real growth driven by a rise in customer as a litmus test of wider industry performance. Client comments from the survey: “Things will be busier due to increasing client demand” “Businesses are innovating and are introducing new revenue streams which adds to the confidence we are feeling” hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector 5
  • 6. expectations for the year ahead - will headcounts continue to grow in 2013? Key findings overview • 57.7% of respondents feel headcount in their business will grow in 2013 • Of those anticipating growth, almost a quarter expect it will be significant in scale • 24.9% believe there will be no change; 17.4% expect a decrease 3.3% 13.7% 14.1% Increase significantly Increase slightly No change Decrease slightly 24.9% 44% Decrease significantly Our view We believe that improved market conditions competitive market requires companies to be encourage a confidence to recruit new ever more precise and agile when recruiting. staff. The 57% of respondents expecting Until stronger confidence returns to the an increase in headcount, compared to just sector, top talent is likely to remain dormant 17% foreseeing a decline, can be seen as a or seek career advancement through internal barometer of the optimism filtering through promotion. This presents a challenge to hiring the sector. When adding new headcount managers as rival firms vie for the limited or replacing outgoing staff, the highly number of available, high-calibre candidates. Client comments from the survey: “We need fresh blood to take us where we want to go; this hasn’t been possible in the last few years” “Mid-year requirements in regulatory reporting, risk and clearing may increase headcount” 6 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 7. permanent or contractor mix – will there be a change in 2013? Key findings overview • 35.6% believe permanent recruitment will be higher in 2013 • 55.2% are unsure or see no change ahead • 9.2% foresee an increase in use of contractors Increase in ratio of permanent 35.6% recruitment compared to 2012 55.2% Increase in ratio of contractor recruitment compared to 2012 No change 9.2% Our view While the majority expecting to maintain improving remains subject to debate but the status quo alludes to a continuing air of a significant number of our respondents caution, the ratio in favour of permanent feel that when talent is recruited, it will be recruitment over contract placements suggests on a permanent basis. This longer term an optimistic sentiment. In 2012, some commitment to headcount indicates that headcounts increased with contract and client demand is expected to stabilise and even temporary roles. A growing number, business grow over the year. We are encouraged that performance-permitting, are expected to only 9% of respondents felt there will be an become permanent positions during 2013. increase in contractor reliance, often required Whether the macroeconomic landscape is for short-term demands and project work. Client comments from the survey: “The team’s strong growth was made up of a mix of contract and permanent roles. With market uncertainty (in recent years) contract resource was relied on. With more confidence, these roles will turn into permanent positions.” hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector 7
  • 8. challenges to recruiting Key findings overview • 38.9% struggled to find the ‘right’ candidate • 41.2% of respondents found headcount approvals and budgetary constraints to be the key challenge when recruiting • 7.5% felt that lengthy recruitment processes hindered their hiring activity • 4.8% faced changing business needs during the recruitment process 4.8% 3.8% 7.5% Unreasonable expectations from candidates Lengthy recruitment process Headcount approvals and budget Strong competition for candidates 38.9% The ‘right’ candidate not available 41.2% Changing business needs Our view 3.8% Two key themes dominated our respondents Professionals are still showing a reluctance views on the challenges faced when to seek new opportunities, choosing instead recruiting new staff: budgetary constraints to stay in their current positions or move and headcount approval, and finding the internally. This ‘hibernation’ from the job ‘right’ candidate. market has been attributed to the enduring difficulties in the economy. A widely held view These factors are often out of a hiring of many professionals is that moving to a new manager’s control but trying to align them is company no longer guarantees increased crucial and increasingly difficult in the current earning potential, or other non-monetary climate. The elusive ‘right’ candidate may be benefits. Should the optimism expressed in found but by the time approval is granted, the our findings come to fruition, companies will candidate may have already accepted an offer be able to offer more competitive packages from a competitor. and professionals will become more receptive to them. Client comments from the survey: “Training on the product is always provided, so the skill set is less important. It’s the attitude and soft skills of people joining our team that we look for. You can’t teach team fit.” 8 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 9. will resignations be a factor in the first half of 2013? Key findings overview • 70.3% felt resignations will not be a factor in the first six months of 2013 29.7% Yes 70.3% No Our view Even in a bullish climate, professionals in the Natural attrition is unavoidable, but strategic financial services industry tend to defer their changes or restructuring can greatly impact search while their company approaches the the shape and size of teams. Market end of bonus and incentive cycles. In a bearish intelligence suggests that merger and climate internal mobility is a safer route for acquisition activity is likely to escalate in 2013. career progression until more confidence Where this triggers a wholesale change of returns. In the unique circumstances faced company culture, a degree of consequential by the financial services sector, feedback staff turnover is inevitable. received shows that fresh talent from outside the business is essential to innovate and implement new strategies. Client comments from the survey: “There will be natural attrition, but we need to replace these people with fresh blood to take our business forward” “There will be some internal mobility – there always is. Compensation will always make people move; they think they’re missing out. The likelihood is they aren’t” “When people leave, we need fresh thinking and fresh enthusiasm for the challenge ahead” hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector 9
  • 10. the impact of regulation on financial services businesses in 2013 Key findings overview • 19.8% believe that regulation will affect their business in 2013 • 36.4% believe it won’t have any impact at all • 43.8% are maintaining a ‘wait and see’ approach 19.8% Yes 43.8% No Unsure 36.4% Our view Almost 20% of respondents believe that higher rates of attrition. A sentiment expressed ongoing regulatory changes will further impact by a significant number of respondents was their business in 2013. Whether the changes a lack of visibility as to the eventual impact will create more work or just a new way of of ongoing regulatory change in their working will influence the hiring patterns business. Many felt they should have a better of those firms directly affected. If workloads understanding at this stage than they actually increase, current teams will either need to do and this is largely why over 43% are still in absorb the impact or be expanded. If the wait and see mode. workload is too much some fear it will lead to Client comments from the survey: “Regulation is increasing, but its impact will take time to settle” “I’m not as directly affected due to my client base. But I am constantly monitoring the situation” “Increased regulatory demands on the finance industry will increase workloads” 10 hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector
  • 11. building the perfect team is a critical factor for success in 2013 With 57% of our respondents indicating their If you want to find the best person ‘in the headcount will increase to some extent in market’ and not just the best person ‘on the 2013, the results of our survey demonstrate a market’ then the only way to do this is through shared optimism about an improving climate the extensive network of an experienced in financial services, despite wider talk of a market specialist. For a hiring manager, there is ‘triple dip’. no substitute for a trusted recruiter. Someone that knows and understands your business However it seems there are still some and represents your brand in the marketplace, significant barriers for hiring managers providing you access to their relationships with attempting to build the perfect team. As the best suited candidates for your role. These budget constraints and headcount approval are relationships that have been forged over ease with improving confidence, the age old years and reveal a deeper understanding of problem remains: finding the ‘right’ person a candidate, rather than simply matching an who not only has the required skill set but fits online CV to your job specifications. with the team and the company culture. The financial services sector continues to Given the seeming ease of direct hire evolve in 2013 and the best recruiters must nowadays with the proliferation of in-house evolve with it. At Randstad Financial & recruiters using tools such as LinkedIn, it is Professional we continue to build on our interesting that 38.9% of our respondents thirty year heritage as Joslin Rowe and strive still felt they couldn’t find the ‘right’ person. to provide the best service for our clients. Our We believe that this clearly highlights the survey tells us that the approach of listening importance of working with a trusted to our clients’ needs and building personal external recruiter. relationships with the best candidates remains the best way to build the perfect team. We wish you all the best for a successful 2013. If you want to find out more about working with Randstad Financial & Professional then don’t hesitate to contact us London Scotland Tom Forrest Margaret Dyer T: +44 (0) 207 786 6466 T: +44 (0) 141 202 2812 E: E Michele Bloomfield T: +44 (0) 207 786 6452 E: hiring intentions – our Q1 2013 update for the UK financial services sector 11
  • 12. Randstad Financial & Professional London 85 London Wall London EC2M 7AD T: +44 (0) 207 786 6900 E: Edinburgh 45 Charlotte Square Edinburgh EH2 4HQ T: +44 (0) 131 225 8188 E: Glasgow 175 West George Street Turnberry House Glasgow G2 2LB T: +44 (0) 141 202 2812 E: