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Connectionist Approaches to Understanding
Aphasic Perseveration
Stephen J. Gotts, Ph.D.,1,3,4 and David C. Plaut, Ph.D.1^3


                                     Aphasic patients make a variety of speech errors, including perse-
                           verations, in tasks that involve a linguistic component. What do persever-
                           ative and other errors imply about the nature of the neurologically damaged
                           and intact language systems? Here we discuss the insights into the
                           mechanisms of aphasic perseveration afforded by connectionist models. As
                           a base for discussion, we review the Plaut and Shallice model of optic aphasic
                           errors in object naming, which relies primarily on short-term learning
                           mechanisms to produce perseverations. We then point out limitations of
                           the model in addressing more recent data collected on aphasic perseveration
                           and explain how incorporating information about the interaction of neuro-
                           modulatory systems and learning in the brain may help to overcome these

                           KEYWORDS: Aphasia, connectionist, neuromodulation, perseveration,

Learning Outcomes: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) identify the mechanistic
principles of connectionist models that lead to recurrent perseverations; (2) characterize how these principles
differ from those that produce other types of errors, such as ‘‘visual’’ and ‘‘semantic’’; and (3) describe limitations
of the current principles and how they might be modified to incorporate neuroscientific findings on neuromodula-
tion and learning.

     A  fter stroke or brain injury, aphasic pa-             tion—the inappropriate repetition or continua-
tients commonly exhibit a range of errors in                 tion of a previous utterance or response when a
spontaneous speech and in tasks requiring a                  different response is expected.1 Aphasic perse-
verbal response. One of the most intriguing                  verations often differ in character from those
error types for language researchers is persevera-           elicited by patients with other types of deficits,

Perseveration in Neurogenic Communication Disorders; Editors in Chief, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., and Nan
Bernstein Ratner, Ed.D.; Guest Editors, Hugh W. Buckingham, Ph.D., and Sarah S. Christman, Ph.D. Seminars in Speech
and Language, volume 25, number 4, 2004. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Stephen J. Gotts, Ph.D.,
Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH/NIH, Bldg. 49, Suite 1B-80, Bethesda, MD 20892. E-mail:
 Department of Psychology and 2Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
 Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 4Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH/NIH,
Bethesda, Maryland. Copyright # 2004 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 0734-0478,p;2004,25,04,323,334,ftx,en;ssl00214x.

      such as frontal-lobe executive dysfunction, in       following neurological damage and behavioral
      that they can occur after several correct inter-     changes during the course of normal develop-
      vening utterances or responses, leading them to      ment.15,28–33
      be labeled recurrent as opposed to stuck-in-set           The model most relevant for the current
      or continuous.2,3 Although recurrent persevera-      discussion is one proposed by Plaut and Shal-
      tions in aphasia may occur after intervening         lice34 to account for the large number of recur-
      responses, empirical studies have shown that         rent perseverations and semantic errors made by
      they are most common after little or no delay        optic aphasic patients in visual object naming.
      and attenuate gradually in likelihood over sub-      The model was trained to identify visual objects
      sequent trials.4,5 Recurrent perseverations can      by mapping information about an object’s visual
      be on whole words, partial words, or even on         appearance to its corresponding semantic in-
      parts of drawings,3,6 and they can be influenced      formation. Learning in the model included
      by several stimulus factors, including word          short-term correlational weights that were
      length,7 lexical frequency,5,8 relationship to       strengthened each time an object was pro-
      the target stimulus,3,9,10 stimulus repetition,5     cessed; these weights tended to bias activity in
      and presentation rate.8 However, not all of          the model toward recently identified objects,
      these factors necessarily affect all patients in     producing perseverations under damage to the
      all behavioral circumstances, and which factors      model’s connections. The bulk of this article
      influence performance for any given patient           will be a review of the details of this model and
      may depend on the particular locus of impair-        a discussion of its implications for our under-
      ment in the cognitive system, as well as on the      standing of aphasic perseveration. Some limita-
      particular tasks employed.4,5,10–12                  tions of the model in explaining patient
           These observations raise a couple of funda-     variability and in addressing more recent
      mental questions: What does the occurrence of        experimental findings on aphasic persevera-
      perseverations in aphasia tell us about the          tion5,35 are then briefly discussed. We conclude
      nature of language processing in the brain?          by suggesting modifications to the model that
      Are the mechanisms that underlie persevera-          might address these limitations, taken from our
      tions necessarily tied to language in some way       understanding of how neuromodulatory
      or are they common to other cognitive do-            systems in the brain interact with learning
      mains? This article examines what insights           processes.
      connectionist modeling can provide into these
      deeper questions.
           Connectionist models are composed of            MODEL OF NAMING ERRORS
      relatively simple, neuron-like processing units      IN OPTIC APHASIA
      that engage in parallel interactions through         Before discussing the details of the Plaut and
      weighted connections. Units can be organized         Shallice model,34 we must first consider briefly
      into groups that represent different types of        the neuropsychological pattern of the optic
      information to be associated, such as acoustic,      aphasia that motivated it. Optic aphasic pa-
      phonological, or semantic, within the domain         tients characteristically have difficulty naming
      of language. Connectionist models of cognitive       objects presented visually but are able to name
      processes have effectively addressed empirical       from other sensory modalities, such as from
      results from a wide variety of different cognitive   verbal description or touch. Unlike patients
      domains, including visual perception and atten-      with visual agnosia, they show relatively pre-
      tion,13,14 reading and language,15–17 semantic       served comprehension from vision in that they
      processing,18–21 learning and memory,22–24           are able to appropriately mime object use for
      working memory and cognitive control,25,26           items they are unable to name.9,36 It is also
      and routine sequential action.27 One of the          difficult to attribute this spared comprehension
      strengths of these models has been their ability     entirely to object ‘‘affordances’’ (actions biased
      to address not only behavioral results from          by the object shape) or preserved high-level
      neurologically intact adults but also basic          visuostructural information37 (although see
      behavioral impairments and patterns of errors        Hillis and Caramazza38 and Riddoch and

Humphreys39). Patients with optic aphasia pro-          horizontal and vertical influences in impaired
duce predominantly semantic and perseverative           naming, a pattern that emerges in the model
errors in picture naming, along with a smaller          from its basic learning mechanisms and how
number of pure visual and other errors. This is a       these mechanisms interact with properties of
very different pattern from that of patients with       visual and semantic representations.34 Because
visual associative agnosia, who tend to produce         patients with optic aphasia do not appear to
visual errors in naming.40                              have language impairments other than their
      In their study of optic aphasic patient JF,       impaired visual naming, the model focused on
Lhermitte and Beauvois9 conducted one of the            the visual recognition component of the nam-
most thorough characterizations of recurrent            ing task. The model touches on issues of
perseveration in naming. These authors drew             language processing, mainly in its inclusion of
a distinction between horizontal and vertical           semantic or comprehension processes.
influences in naming errors, referring to an
error’s relationship to the current stimulus—
be it semantic, visual, or unrelated—and its            Model Architecture
relationship to a previous stimulus or response,        The architecture of the model that simulates
respectively. More than 50% of JF’s errors in           the recognition of visual objects is shown in
naming pictures were perseverations (i.e.,              Figure 1. The overall organization of the model
showing a vertical influence), with most of              consists of several different groups of units:
them also showing semantic or combined visual           44 visual, 40 intermediate, 86 semantic, and
and semantic horizontal influences. Those of             40 cleanup units. These groups were sparsely
JF’s errors that showed only a horizontal influ-         connected to each other, with the visual units
ence also tended to be semantic or combined             connecting forward to the intermediate units
visual and semantic errors with fewer pure              and the intermediate units connecting forward
visual errors. It should be noted here that the         to the semantic units. The semantic units con-
terms horizontal and vertical should not be             nect both forward to and backward from the
confused with notions such as ‘‘paradigmatic’’          cleanup units, allowing feedback or recurrent
or ‘‘syntagmatic,’’ semantic relations that have        interactions.
been discussed by other researchers (and refer to            Through training, the model learns to
similarity versus contiguity relations, respec-         generate the appropriate pattern of semantic
tively, among stimuli).                                 activity across the semantic units when input
      The Plaut and Shallice model was pro-             representing a visual object is presented to the
posed to address this particular pattern of             visual units. Thus, prior to any damage, the

Figure 1 Architecture of the Plaut and Shallice34 connectionist model.

      model is set up to reflect the visual comprehen-      Short-Term and Long-Term Learning
      sion processes of non–brain-damaged, normal          Learning is a critical feature of this and most
      participants. The intermediate units serve to        other connectionist models. Rather than di-
      transform each visual input into an initial          rectly stipulating the values of weights on con-
      pattern of activity across the semantic units        nections between groups of units, the model
      that then interact bidirectionally with the          learns on its own the appropriate weights that
      cleanup units to arrive at the final correct          ultimately allow it to map (to connect and
      semantic pattern corresponding to the meaning        relate) visual input to semantic output. Learn-
      of the visual object and the model’s response.       ing in the model between each pair of con-
      Artificial visual and semantic representations        nected units j ! i has two basic components:
      were generated for 40 common indoor objects          (1) standard long-term weights, wij, that are
      from the categories of kitchen objects (e.g.,        modified slowly over the course of training
      cup), office objects (e.g., pen), furniture (e.g.,    through supervised error-correcting learning
      chair), and tools (e.g., saw). Each visual pattern   and back propagation,43,44 and (2) short-term
      was distributed across 44 individual features        weights, cij, that are modified through unsuper-
      that were intended to represent high-level vis-      vised correlational learning and that decay pas-
      ual information critical for object recognition.     sively toward zero with the processing of each
      These patterns corresponded roughly to visual        subsequent stimulus. The long-term and short-
      structural descriptions,41,42 enhanced by infor-     term weights wij and cij jointly influence the
      mation about color, texture, size, and additional    input to unit i at time t (denoted as xi(t)) from
      general visual characteristics. Semantic patterns    all units j that are connected to it through a
      were distributed across 86 semantic features,        simple weighted sum:
      28 of which represented information about an                    ðtÞ
                                                                            X ðtÀ1Þ            ½nŠ
      object’s visual semantics (e.g., abstract versions             xi ¼        j sj ðwij þ 
cij Þ;      ð1Þ
      of the visual input features, including color,
      texture, size, shape, and other general visual       where sj is the activity state of sending unit j at
      characteristics), 2 representing the object’s        time t–1 that ranges continuously from 0 up to
      consistency (hard, soft), 8 representing the         1, 
 is a parameter that determines how
      material from which it is made (metal, wood,         strongly the short-term weight contributes to
      cloth, and so on), 10 representing where it is       the total connection weight (set here to a small
      found (home, office, kitchen, bedroom, and so         value of 0.1), and cij[n] refers to the current value
      on), 9 representing its general function             of the short-term weight that is recalculated at
      (cooking, eating, leisure, aesthetic, and so on),    the end of processing each stimulus n. Learning
      22 representing its specific function (chopping/      of the long-term weights wij proceeds in the
      cutting, measuring, container, and so on),           following manner. Weights are initially set to
      and 7 representing its general action (use           small, random values at the beginning of train-
      with one arm, use with two arms, and so on).         ing. A visual input pattern is presented to the
      To better appreciate the numerical calculations,     visual units, and unit activities in subsequent
      understand that each visual and semantic             groups of units are updated iteratively (changed
      feature took an ‘‘on’’ or ‘‘off’’ value of 1 or 0    progressively) as a function of their summed
      for each object (see Appendix B of Plaut and         inputs xj(t), allowing activity to spread along the
      Shallice34 for a complete feature listing).          weighted connections first to the intermediate
      Although these representations were clearly          units and then to semantic and cleanup units
      not exhaustive of all of the information people      (see Appendix A of Plaut and Shallice34 for
      know about such objects, they were detailed          more details). The semantic activity pattern
      enough to capture basic visual and semantic          actually produced by the input pattern at each
      similarity relations among objects such that         time update is then compared with the desired
      similar objects tended to share more of the          or ‘‘teacher’’ semantic pattern (discussed in the
      same on and off values compared with                 previous section), and the resulting error signals
      unrelated objects and were thus related by           are then used to make small adjustments to all
      similar numerical values.                            of the long-term weights in the network to

reduce the error. In other words, the semantic          through weight cij, biasing it to be inactive
patterns that were chosen by the researchers            again. We will see in the next sections that
help to guide or constrain learning of the              this bias toward prior activity states by the
appropriate long-term weights in the model.             short-term weights is the critical factor that
Gradually, after many presentations of each             leads to recurrent perseverations under damage
training pattern, the model generates semantic          to the model’s connections (damage analogous
unit activities to within 0.1 of the correct values     to the notion of ‘‘deafferentation’’ (Cohen and
at each unit for the all of the 40 objects.             Dehaene4).
     In contrast to the learning of the long-term
weights, the learning of the short-term weights
cij depends on the recent correlations of unit          Simulating Brain Damage and
activities: There is no supervision of what is          Error Responses
actually produced compared with some target             As in other connectionist models of neuropsy-
activity pattern. In this sense, the learning in        chological impairments,29,31,32 brain damage in
the short-term weights is automatic and un-             the model was simulated by removing a fraction
supervised. If si and sj are the activity states of     of the connections between groups of units after
units i and j at the end of processing stimulus n,      the training phase (for example, removing 30%
then the learning of short-term weight cij occurs       of the connections between intermediate and
in the following way:                                   semantic units). The model’s recognition per-
            ½nþ1Š                        ½nŠ
                                                        formance under damage was tested in two-item
           cij      ¼ si0 sj0 þ ð1 À Þcij ;    ð2Þ    sequences of prime-target pairs by presenting
                                                        each of the objects as prime and fully crossing
where s0 ¼ 2s – 1, which realigns unit                  the primes with each object as target (for a total
activities between –1 and þ 1 from 0 and 1 to           of 40 Â 40 ¼ 1600 prime-target pairs). Further-
allow agreeing unit activities of 1 ¼ 1 or 0 ¼ 0        more, the presentation of each object as prime
to cause positive weight changes and disagree-          was redone for multiple samplings of damage
ing unit activities of 0 6¼ 1 to cause negative         to the model at each set of connections (visual
weight changes (intermediate activities of 0.5          ! intermediate, intermediate ! semantics, se-
cause no change).  is a parameter that deter-          mantics ! cleanup, cleanup ! semantics) and
mines how much the unit states for the current          over a range of damage severities (from 5 to
stimulus n contribute to the new short-term             70% of connections at each location). The
weight relative to the weight’s existing value          short-term weights were set to zero prior to
cij[n]. The value of  used in the simulations was      the presentation of each prime in the prime-
0.5, implying that the weight changes due to a          target pair, they were updated at the end of the
particular stimulus would decay rapidly toward          prime presentation, and they were held fixed
0 over two to three subsequent stimuli. This            during the presentation of the target. The
weight-change rule implements a simple form             model was taken to have made a recognition
of correlation (si0 sj0 ) that tends to reinforce the   response to the prime or target stimulus (be it
current pattern of unit activity, ‘‘biasing’’ the       correct or an error) if the resulting semantic
network’s current processing toward prior acti-         unit states were sufficiently close to one of the
vation states when the same units are activated         trained semantic patterns, defined by a correla-
again by the current stimulus. For example, if          tion or distance measurement across the seman-
units i and j were both activated by the previous       tic units. Otherwise, the model was taken to
stimulus and the current stimulus reactivates           have produced an omission. If the model made
one of the two units, the positive short-term           an overt response, the response was considered
weight cij will cause positive input to be sent to      correct if the generated semantic pattern was
the other unit (see equation 1), increasing its         closest to the correct trained pattern, and it
likelihood of being active; similarly, if unit i was    was considered an error if the generated pattern
active during the previous stimulus but unit j          was closest to a different trained pattern than
was inactive, reactivation of unit i by the current     the correct one. Each error response to a target
stimulus will provide negative input to unit j          stimulus could then be classified with respect to

      its horizontal relationship to the target (e.g.,      Why Does the Model Make Semantic
      visual, semantic, combined visual and semantic,       and Perseverative Errors?
      or unrelated), and its vertical relationship could    It appears then that, similarly to optic aphasic
      be classified with respect to the prime response       patients, many of the errors that the model
      (e.g., identical ¼ perseveration, semantically        makes in visual object identification following
      related to the prime but not identical ¼ co-          damage are semantic errors on the current
      ordinate, or unrelated to the prime). It is im-       stimulus or perseverations on the previous sti-
      portant to reiterate that horizontal and vertical     mulus, or both. What are the mechanisms in
      here are in the terminology of Lhermitte and          the model that lead to this particular error
      Beauvois.9 The terms essentially designate the        pattern? A critical concept in understanding
      temporal relationship between an error and a          the functioning of this and other connectionist
      stimulus, with horizontal referring to an error’s     models with recurrent feedback connections is
      relationship to the correct response to the           the notion of an attractor. When a visual pattern
      current stimulus and vertical referring to its        is presented to the visual units, activity in the
      relationship to the response to a prior stimulus      semantic units changes over time. The initial
      (here, actually the immediately preceding prime       pattern of semantic activity generated by the
      stimulus). They are different from and should         feed-forward pathway from the visual and in-
      not be confused with notions of ‘‘paradigmatic’’      termediate units may be very different from the
      and ‘‘syntagmatic’’ semantic errors that have         final pattern. The semantic units interact with
      been used in some previous analyses of semantic       the cleanup units to ‘‘clean up’’ the initially
      errors.                                               noisy or inaccurate semantic pattern. The final
           Of the explicit error responses made by the      semantic states that result from the interactions
      model across all of the different damage loca-        with the cleanup units can be referred to as
      tions and severities, more than 90% shared a          attractors, because the model will tend to be
      semantic or combined visual and semantic hor-         pulled into these states when the initial seman-
      izontal relationship to the stimulus (e.g., re-       tic states get close to them. The tendency to
      sponding ‘‘spoon’’ to the stimulus fork) whereas      clean up noisy initial patterns into a known
      less than 8% were pure visual errors (e.g.,           response is why the model tends to produce
      responding ‘‘awl,’’ a pointed tool for making         actual complete responses under damage rather
      holes in wood or leather, to the stimulus fork).      than response blends or the semantic equivalent
      Errors with a perseverative vertical relationship     of neologisms. The range of initial semantic
      to the prime response accounted for approxi-          activities that will tend toward a final attractor
      mately 29% of all errors, most of which also          semantic state are often referred to as the basin
      shared a semantic or visual and semantic rela-        of attraction for that state. An idealized graphi-
      tionship to the target (e.g., responding ‘‘spoon’’    cal depiction of this process is shown in
      to the target stimulus fork when the prime            Figure 2 for three stimuli: chair, spoon, and
      response was spoon). An additional 15% of             fork. This diagram depicts a geometric inter-
      the errors did not share an exact perseverative       pretation of the settling process, in which any
      vertical relationship with the prime response         given pattern of activity over a group of units
      but were instead semantically related to              corresponds to a particular point in a high-
      the prime (e.g., responding ‘‘fork’’ to the target    dimensional ‘‘state’’ space. Thus, visual and
      stimulus desk when the prime response was             semantic patterns would correspond to points
      spoon). This left slightly more than 50% of           in spaces that have 44 and 86 dimensions,
      errors sharing no vertical relationship to the        respectively (although Fig. 2 depicts only two
      prime response at all, with most of these errors      dimensions for each). In each domain, the
      sharing a semantic or visual and semantic             points for similar (overlapping) patterns share
      horizontal relationship to the target (e.g.,          many coordinate values and hence are close to
      responding ‘‘chair’’ to the target stimulus desk      each other. For instance, stimuli such as spoon
      when the prime response was spoon) (see Bayles        and fork are both visually and semantically
      et al,45 for a similar error typology in persevera-   similar to each other but dissimilar to chair.
      tion in Alzheimer’s disease—EDS).                     Notice that the points in vision and in

Figure 2 Geometric interpretation of the Plaut and Shallice34 model settling into semantic attractors. Similar
visual patterns (spoon and fork) tend to arrive at similar initial points in semantic space that are then progressively
‘‘cleaned up’’ through interactions between semantic and cleanup units to their final semantic states. Solid ovals
in the semantic space define the basins of attraction for each object, and the dashed oval for spoon indicates the
expansion of the normal basin due to the short-term correlational weights (see text for details).

semantics that correspond to spoon and fork are              long-term weights that are strong enough to
closer to each another than they are to chair.               push the model out of its previous attractor
The arrows in the figure from vision to seman-                state and into the attractor basin for the
tics show the initial activity points in semantic            new stimulus, overcoming the influence of the
space generated by the feed-forward pathway                  short-term weights, which act like noise when
from the visual and intermediate units. The                  stimuli randomly follow one or another during
semantic activity then moves along the jagged                training. Indeed, the influence of the short-
arrows because of the interactions with cleanup              term weights can be thought of as widening or
units to the final attractor state (shown by a                deepening the basin of attraction temporarily
dark, filled point) that correspond to the exact              for recent stimuli, shown in Figure 2 by the
meaning of each visual object. The solid ovals               dashed oval for spoon. For these particular visual
represent the basins of attraction for each                  and semantic patterns, the learning pressures
stimulus.                                                    are different than they would be if this model
     The long-term learning mechanisms of the                were trained to recognize visual words, as was
model are responsible for the development of                 the connectionist attractor network studied by
these arrows and attractor basins. Through                   Hinton and Shallice.29 The reason is that
learning, the model has to form the basins in                visually similar objects tend to be semantically
such a way that it can correctly move from any               similar too, such as spoon and fork, whereas the
point to any other with the initial push from the            relationship between visual and semantic simi-
feed-forward pathway and the use of its seman-               larity is relatively arbitrary and unsystematic for
tic-cleanup interactions, despite a bias to re-              visual words and their meanings.34 This means
main in the previous activity state, due partially           that visual patterns representing similar visual
to the model’s attractor dynamics and partially              objects do not need to be separated into very
to the influence of the short-term correlational              different initial semantic patterns by the feed-
weights in reinforcing the last activity pattern.            forward pathway; they can be relayed with less
Correct performance requires the learning of                 transformation. Similar visual objects will tend

      to project to similar initial points in semantic       state. This makes it difficult to leave the pre-
      space, as shown in Figure 2 for spoon and fork,        vious attractor state, particularly when the cur-
      and their respective attractor basins will tend to     rent stimulus is semantically or visually and
      be close to one another compared with unre-            semantically related to the prime. If the prime
      lated objects. In the event that two particular        stimulus was spoon and the current target is fork,
      objects are visually similar but semantically very     the basin of attraction for fork may now overlap
      different, learning in the feed-forward pathway        partially with the enlarged basin for spoon
      will tend to separate the visual activity patterns     because of the short-term weights (shown in
      relatively early on in the pathway by developing       Fig. 2 by the dashed oval), leading the model to
      strong weights from the visual units that are          return to the attractor for spoon again. As in the
      distinctive for the two objects (i.e., units that      case of purely horizontal errors, perseverations
      have different activity states), because this small    will also tend to share a horizontal semantic
      number of units will have to override all of the       relationship with the current target because of
      shared visual feature information that is nor-         the proximity of attractor basins for semantic
      mally useful at determining the semantics of the       associates. Phrased more directly in terms of
      objects.                                               unit activity, when the current stimulus shares
           When connections in the feed-forward              many of the same active semantic units with the
      pathway are removed to simulate brain damage,          previous stimulus (as in the case of semantic
      errors predominantly share a semantic or visual        associates), the short-term correlational
      and semantic horizontal relationship to the            weights from these shared features start to
      target stimulus because the attractor basins for       reactivate units from the previous stimulus
      objects that are both visually and semantically        that should be off for the current stimulus and
      similar are close together. The effect of damage       start to turn units off that should be on (see
      is to distort by some amount the initial pattern       equation 2 earlier), leading the additional inter-
      of semantic activity for an object, potentially        actions between semantic and cleanup units to
      allowing it to fall in a nearby attractor basin that   return the model to the previous semantic state.
      will be cleaned up to the exact meaning of a           A second reason that the model may produce
      semantically similar or a visually and semanti-        perseverations on the immediately preceding
      cally similar object. Thus, the model will tend        response is simply that it is less able to push
      to produce semantic or combined visual and             out of its previous attractor state with weakened
      semantic errors. It will be much less likely to        input resulting from damage to the feed-for-
      produce semantically unrelated or pure visual          ward pathway. However, if this were the only
      errors because these attractor basins are much         reason that the model perseverated, then it
      further away from the correct basin than are           would be unable to produce truly recurrent
      ones corresponding to semantic associates.             perseverations, those occurring after interven-
      When connections between semantics and                 ing trials and responses. Although the model
      cleanup units are damaged, the model produces          was only assessed in two trial sequences of
      fewer explicit errors overall and more omis-           prime and target stimuli, the slowly decaying
      sions, because these are the connections that          property of the short-term weight values (see
      implement the attractor dynamics and allow the         equation 2) across subsequent stimuli would
      model to arrive at exact object meanings.              permit it to show perseverations after a small
      The explicit errors that the model does produce        number of intervening stimuli, with persevera-
      under these circumstances similarly tend to be         tions becoming less likely with each intervening
      semantic or combined visual and semantic               stimulus (matching empirical characteristics of
      errors.                                                recurrent perseveration4,5).
           Damage leads the model to produce per-
      severations on the response to the prime sti-
      mulus for a couple of reasons. The first and            IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS
      main one is that the short-term correlational          OF THE CURRENT MODEL
      weights effectively lead to a wider and deeper         Although the Plaut and Shallice model34 is a
      basin of attraction for the previous attractor         model of visual recognition and only touches

directly on issues of language processing            explain more recent empirical findings on apha-
through its inclusion of semantic processing,        sic perseveration,5,35 such as the demonstration
it can account for many of the documented            that perseverative responses following interven-
characteristics of aphasic perseveration. Its de-    ing stimuli can be unrelated to their target
caying short-term correlational weights will         stimuli, instead reflecting the earlier sequential
allow it to produce recurrent perseverations         and temporal proximity of the same stimulus
following a small number of intervening stimuli      and response (i.e., if the response ‘‘fork’’ was
with fewer perseverations across longer de-          given the trial before or after the stimulus chair
lays.4,5 It can also produce perseverations that     on a previous occasion, the stimulus chair might
share a horizontal relationship with the current     later elicit the response ‘‘fork’’ again). The
target stimulus such as semantic ones,3,10 and       model is not able to form associations between
its tendency to produce perseverations will be       sequentially presented stimuli or responses be-
influenced by factors in training or testing,         cause the short-term correlational weights are
such as stimulus repetition and lexical fre-         updated only at the end of stimulus processing,
quency.5,15,35 These abilities to address char-      after any hint of the prior semantic state has
acteristics of aphasic perseveration imply that      been pushed out by the processing of the
similar mechanisms of learning, distributed          current stimulus. It should be noted that these
representations, and attractor dynamics may          same limitations also apply to existing priming
underlie normal language processing. In other        theories of perseveration, which explain perse-
words, recurrent perseverations in aphasia may       verations as a failure of the current stimulus to
not reflect domain-specific language processes         override intact facilitatory mechanisms that
but instead reflect domain-general learning           lead to behavioral priming effects in normal
mechanisms that apply in both vision and             subjects.4,10 Indeed, the Plaut and Shallice
language alike. This is consistent with the          model34 is really a particular form of priming
general connectionist approach to understand-        theory for which learning by the short-term and
ing cognition46 that has attempted to show how       long-term weights will lead to the same stimulus
a small set of domain-general computational          being identified more rapidly and accurately
principles can account for the richness of em-       after stimulus repetition. So it appears that,
pirical data from a variety of different cognitive   although connectionist models have the poten-
domains, including visual perception, attention,     tial to provide deep insight into the mechanisms
reading, language, memory, semantic memory,          of aphasic perseveration, they may also have
and working memory.                                  something to learn from their shortcomings in
     However, the Plaut and Shallice model34         accounting for the entire range of characteristics.
in its current form has a couple of major                  Gotts and colleagues5 outlined a remedy to
limitations that might undermine these conclu-       both of these limitations in appealing to the
sions. The first is that it fails to explain why      possible neurophysiological and neurochemical
some patients perseverate more than others. All      bases of recurrent perseveration (see also
locations of damage in the model produce a           McNamara and Albert48 —EDS.). Several
similarly high proportion of perseverations,         researchers have suggested previously that
roughly 30 to 40% of all explicit error responses.   recurrent perseverations result from neuromo-
Although some patients exhibit rates of perse-       dulatory deficits and low levels of acetylcho-
veration this high, such as the optic aphasic        line.49,50 Studies of the functional role of
patient JF9 or the aphasic patients EB5 and          acetylcholine in the brain suggest that it serves
CJ,35 most patients with language impairments        to modulate the dynamics of cortical processing
perseverate much less markedly. For example,         and learning, making cells more sensitive to
tasks like picture naming elicit average perse-      bottom-up sensory signals by suppressing
veration rates well under 5% of total errors         feedback or ‘‘recurrent’’ signals (see Haselmo51
across patients from different aphasic cate-         for a review). Under a cholinergic deficit, per-
gories.47 It is unlikely that this patient varia-    severations will be produced because cells are
bility is explained solely by severity of            less sensitive to bottom-up sensory signals,
impairment. The second is that it is unable to       making it harder for processing of the current

      stimulus to override persistent neural activity      relationship between connectionist models and
      that is enhanced by stronger recurrent feedback.     real neural processes. A recent model by Gotts
      Based on this view, the reason that some             and Plaut55 serves as a reasonable starting point.
      patients might perseverate more than others is       This model used a basic relationship between
      that their brain damage may have affected            connectionist models and biophysical models of
      subcortical cholinergic fibers that provide the       neural firing rate activity to suggest ways in
      brain with acetylcholine. Other patients might       which connectionist models can be made to
      produce perseverative errors at a much lower         incorporate neurophysiological and neuromo-
      rate because of a relative sparing of their neu-     dulatory mechanisms. Each group of units in
      romodulatory afferents. It is interesting to note    the Plaut and Shallice model34 would represent
      on this point that the patients mentioned earlier    neural activity in anatomically distinct cortical
      who perseverated at high rates (such as JF and       regions that are functionally specialized for
      EB) had white matter damage that could have          processing different types of information (e.g.,
      affected their cholinergic pathways (see Selden      the semantic units might represent neural ac-
      et al52 for a review of the anatomy of choliner-     tivity in anterior, inferior temporal lobes that
      gic pathways). It is also possible to explain        encodes semantic knowledge). The suppressive
      temporal or sequential effects of stimulus pre-      effect of acetylcholine then might correspond to
      sentation on perseverations through abnormal         a process that shuts down or suppresses inter-
      learning that might occur under a neuromodu-         actions between the semantic and cleanup units
      latory deficit. When feedback signals are strong      that implement the model’s attractor dynamics.
      at lower levels of acetylcholine, neural activity    Under a deficit of acetylcholine, attractor dy-
      will effectively behave like the attractor dy-       namics between the semantic and cleanup units
      namics exhibited by the Plaut and Shallice           would be much stronger, occasionally dominat-
      model.34 As each new stimulus is presented, it       ing the visual input from the feed-forward
      will have to drive neural activity out of the        pathway. To account for the sequential effects
      previous state and into the correct new one. If      of stimulus presentation on perseveration,
      the neural representations of two stimuli are        short-term weights would have to be modified,
      coactive simultaneously as the new stimulus          not just at the end of stimulus processing but
      drives the old one out, rapid correlational learn-   throughout processing. This would allow the
      ing among the active cells throughout this           short-term weights to behave more like real
      transition might allow the formation of inap-        activity-dependent neural plasticity mechan-
      propriate associations between sequentially pre-     isms (see Nelson et al56 for a recent review)
      sented stimuli (as in the fork and chair example     and would permit units activated by the current
      in the previous paragraph). When one of the          stimulus to form associations with units that
      stimuli is presented again later, it might reacti-   were activated by the previous one, allowing
      vate the representation of the other stimulus,       perseverations to show sequential or temporal
      producing a perseveration. This is not to say        contingencies.
      that sequential or temporal contiguity effects            Importantly, the incorporation of neural
      in learning are entirely abnormal. Indeed,           principles such as neuromodulation and how
      the automatic learning of temporal contiguity        it interacts with learning would not undermine
      is reflected in normal associative priming            the model’s basic explanation of recurrent per-
      effects53,54 (e.g., identifying butter can prime     severation. These errors would still result from
      knife) and is undoubtedly critical for normal        mechanisms of learning, distributed represen-
      language and sequence learning. Nevertheless,        tations, and attractor dynamics. Instead, it
      neuromodulatory deficits might explain the            would raise new questions about the impact of
      marked and intrusive presence of such effects        neuromodulatory mechanisms in language pro-
      in some patients.                                    cessing. How do these mechanisms shape the
           What modifications would be needed to            learning of representations in language and
      the Plaut and Shallice model34 to implement          other domains? As we explore further the work-
      these properties of neuromodulation? First, it       ings of connectionist models and bring them
      would be necessary to specify more about the         more into alignment with our understanding of

neural processes, they may provide useful reve-                   J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 1998;24:
lations into these questions, too.                                1011–1036
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Buckingham and Christman, for their careful                       Patterson K. Understanding normal and impaired
reviewing of the manuscript and for providing                     word reading: computational principles in quasi-
many insightful and useful comments, which                        regular domains. Psychol Rev 1996;103:56–115
greatly enhanced the quality of the article.                16.   Rohde DLT, Plaut DC. Language acquisition in
Preparation of this article was supported by                      the absence of explicit negative evidence: how im-
                                                                  portant is starting small? Cognition 1999;72:67–
MH64445 from the National Institutes of
Health (USA).                                               17.   Dell GS, Schwartz MF, Martin N, Saffran EM,
                                                                  Gagnon DA. Lexical access in aphasic and nona-
                                                                  phasic speakers. Psychol Rev 1997;104:801–838
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Gotts plaut04semsplang.persev

  • 1. Connectionist Approaches to Understanding Aphasic Perseveration Stephen J. Gotts, Ph.D.,1,3,4 and David C. Plaut, Ph.D.1^3 ABSTRACT Aphasic patients make a variety of speech errors, including perse- verations, in tasks that involve a linguistic component. What do persever- ative and other errors imply about the nature of the neurologically damaged and intact language systems? Here we discuss the insights into the mechanisms of aphasic perseveration afforded by connectionist models. As a base for discussion, we review the Plaut and Shallice model of optic aphasic errors in object naming, which relies primarily on short-term learning mechanisms to produce perseverations. We then point out limitations of the model in addressing more recent data collected on aphasic perseveration and explain how incorporating information about the interaction of neuro- modulatory systems and learning in the brain may help to overcome these limitations. KEYWORDS: Aphasia, connectionist, neuromodulation, perseveration, priming Learning Outcomes: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) identify the mechanistic principles of connectionist models that lead to recurrent perseverations; (2) characterize how these principles differ from those that produce other types of errors, such as ‘‘visual’’ and ‘‘semantic’’; and (3) describe limitations of the current principles and how they might be modified to incorporate neuroscientific findings on neuromodula- tion and learning. A fter stroke or brain injury, aphasic pa- tion—the inappropriate repetition or continua- tients commonly exhibit a range of errors in tion of a previous utterance or response when a spontaneous speech and in tasks requiring a different response is expected.1 Aphasic perse- verbal response. One of the most intriguing verations often differ in character from those error types for language researchers is persevera- elicited by patients with other types of deficits, Perseveration in Neurogenic Communication Disorders; Editors in Chief, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., and Nan Bernstein Ratner, Ed.D.; Guest Editors, Hugh W. Buckingham, Ph.D., and Sarah S. Christman, Ph.D. Seminars in Speech and Language, volume 25, number 4, 2004. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Stephen J. Gotts, Ph.D., Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH/NIH, Bldg. 49, Suite 1B-80, Bethesda, MD 20892. E-mail: 1 Department of Psychology and 2Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 3 Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 4Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH/NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. Copyright # 2004 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 0734-0478,p;2004,25,04,323,334,ftx,en;ssl00214x. 323
  • 2. 324 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE/VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 2004 such as frontal-lobe executive dysfunction, in following neurological damage and behavioral that they can occur after several correct inter- changes during the course of normal develop- vening utterances or responses, leading them to ment.15,28–33 be labeled recurrent as opposed to stuck-in-set The model most relevant for the current or continuous.2,3 Although recurrent persevera- discussion is one proposed by Plaut and Shal- tions in aphasia may occur after intervening lice34 to account for the large number of recur- responses, empirical studies have shown that rent perseverations and semantic errors made by they are most common after little or no delay optic aphasic patients in visual object naming. and attenuate gradually in likelihood over sub- The model was trained to identify visual objects sequent trials.4,5 Recurrent perseverations can by mapping information about an object’s visual be on whole words, partial words, or even on appearance to its corresponding semantic in- parts of drawings,3,6 and they can be influenced formation. Learning in the model included by several stimulus factors, including word short-term correlational weights that were length,7 lexical frequency,5,8 relationship to strengthened each time an object was pro- the target stimulus,3,9,10 stimulus repetition,5 cessed; these weights tended to bias activity in and presentation rate.8 However, not all of the model toward recently identified objects, these factors necessarily affect all patients in producing perseverations under damage to the all behavioral circumstances, and which factors model’s connections. The bulk of this article influence performance for any given patient will be a review of the details of this model and may depend on the particular locus of impair- a discussion of its implications for our under- ment in the cognitive system, as well as on the standing of aphasic perseveration. Some limita- particular tasks employed.4,5,10–12 tions of the model in explaining patient These observations raise a couple of funda- variability and in addressing more recent mental questions: What does the occurrence of experimental findings on aphasic persevera- perseverations in aphasia tell us about the tion5,35 are then briefly discussed. We conclude nature of language processing in the brain? by suggesting modifications to the model that Are the mechanisms that underlie persevera- might address these limitations, taken from our tions necessarily tied to language in some way understanding of how neuromodulatory or are they common to other cognitive do- systems in the brain interact with learning mains? This article examines what insights processes. connectionist modeling can provide into these deeper questions. Connectionist models are composed of MODEL OF NAMING ERRORS relatively simple, neuron-like processing units IN OPTIC APHASIA that engage in parallel interactions through Before discussing the details of the Plaut and weighted connections. Units can be organized Shallice model,34 we must first consider briefly into groups that represent different types of the neuropsychological pattern of the optic information to be associated, such as acoustic, aphasia that motivated it. Optic aphasic pa- phonological, or semantic, within the domain tients characteristically have difficulty naming of language. Connectionist models of cognitive objects presented visually but are able to name processes have effectively addressed empirical from other sensory modalities, such as from results from a wide variety of different cognitive verbal description or touch. Unlike patients domains, including visual perception and atten- with visual agnosia, they show relatively pre- tion,13,14 reading and language,15–17 semantic served comprehension from vision in that they processing,18–21 learning and memory,22–24 are able to appropriately mime object use for working memory and cognitive control,25,26 items they are unable to name.9,36 It is also and routine sequential action.27 One of the difficult to attribute this spared comprehension strengths of these models has been their ability entirely to object ‘‘affordances’’ (actions biased to address not only behavioral results from by the object shape) or preserved high-level neurologically intact adults but also basic visuostructural information37 (although see behavioral impairments and patterns of errors Hillis and Caramazza38 and Riddoch and
  • 3. CONNECTIONIST APPROACHES/GOTTS, PLAUT 325 Humphreys39). Patients with optic aphasia pro- horizontal and vertical influences in impaired duce predominantly semantic and perseverative naming, a pattern that emerges in the model errors in picture naming, along with a smaller from its basic learning mechanisms and how number of pure visual and other errors. This is a these mechanisms interact with properties of very different pattern from that of patients with visual and semantic representations.34 Because visual associative agnosia, who tend to produce patients with optic aphasia do not appear to visual errors in naming.40 have language impairments other than their In their study of optic aphasic patient JF, impaired visual naming, the model focused on Lhermitte and Beauvois9 conducted one of the the visual recognition component of the nam- most thorough characterizations of recurrent ing task. The model touches on issues of perseveration in naming. These authors drew language processing, mainly in its inclusion of a distinction between horizontal and vertical semantic or comprehension processes. influences in naming errors, referring to an error’s relationship to the current stimulus— be it semantic, visual, or unrelated—and its Model Architecture relationship to a previous stimulus or response, The architecture of the model that simulates respectively. More than 50% of JF’s errors in the recognition of visual objects is shown in naming pictures were perseverations (i.e., Figure 1. The overall organization of the model showing a vertical influence), with most of consists of several different groups of units: them also showing semantic or combined visual 44 visual, 40 intermediate, 86 semantic, and and semantic horizontal influences. Those of 40 cleanup units. These groups were sparsely JF’s errors that showed only a horizontal influ- connected to each other, with the visual units ence also tended to be semantic or combined connecting forward to the intermediate units visual and semantic errors with fewer pure and the intermediate units connecting forward visual errors. It should be noted here that the to the semantic units. The semantic units con- terms horizontal and vertical should not be nect both forward to and backward from the confused with notions such as ‘‘paradigmatic’’ cleanup units, allowing feedback or recurrent or ‘‘syntagmatic,’’ semantic relations that have interactions. been discussed by other researchers (and refer to Through training, the model learns to similarity versus contiguity relations, respec- generate the appropriate pattern of semantic tively, among stimuli). activity across the semantic units when input The Plaut and Shallice model was pro- representing a visual object is presented to the posed to address this particular pattern of visual units. Thus, prior to any damage, the Figure 1 Architecture of the Plaut and Shallice34 connectionist model.
  • 4. 326 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE/VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 2004 model is set up to reflect the visual comprehen- Short-Term and Long-Term Learning sion processes of non–brain-damaged, normal Learning is a critical feature of this and most participants. The intermediate units serve to other connectionist models. Rather than di- transform each visual input into an initial rectly stipulating the values of weights on con- pattern of activity across the semantic units nections between groups of units, the model that then interact bidirectionally with the learns on its own the appropriate weights that cleanup units to arrive at the final correct ultimately allow it to map (to connect and semantic pattern corresponding to the meaning relate) visual input to semantic output. Learn- of the visual object and the model’s response. ing in the model between each pair of con- Artificial visual and semantic representations nected units j ! i has two basic components: were generated for 40 common indoor objects (1) standard long-term weights, wij, that are from the categories of kitchen objects (e.g., modified slowly over the course of training cup), office objects (e.g., pen), furniture (e.g., through supervised error-correcting learning chair), and tools (e.g., saw). Each visual pattern and back propagation,43,44 and (2) short-term was distributed across 44 individual features weights, cij, that are modified through unsuper- that were intended to represent high-level vis- vised correlational learning and that decay pas- ual information critical for object recognition. sively toward zero with the processing of each These patterns corresponded roughly to visual subsequent stimulus. The long-term and short- structural descriptions,41,42 enhanced by infor- term weights wij and cij jointly influence the mation about color, texture, size, and additional input to unit i at time t (denoted as xi(t)) from general visual characteristics. Semantic patterns all units j that are connected to it through a were distributed across 86 semantic features, simple weighted sum: 28 of which represented information about an ðtÞ X ðtÀ1Þ ½nŠ object’s visual semantics (e.g., abstract versions xi ¼ j sj ðwij þ cij Þ; ð1Þ of the visual input features, including color, texture, size, shape, and other general visual where sj is the activity state of sending unit j at characteristics), 2 representing the object’s time t–1 that ranges continuously from 0 up to consistency (hard, soft), 8 representing the 1, is a parameter that determines how material from which it is made (metal, wood, strongly the short-term weight contributes to cloth, and so on), 10 representing where it is the total connection weight (set here to a small found (home, office, kitchen, bedroom, and so value of 0.1), and cij[n] refers to the current value on), 9 representing its general function of the short-term weight that is recalculated at (cooking, eating, leisure, aesthetic, and so on), the end of processing each stimulus n. Learning 22 representing its specific function (chopping/ of the long-term weights wij proceeds in the cutting, measuring, container, and so on), following manner. Weights are initially set to and 7 representing its general action (use small, random values at the beginning of train- with one arm, use with two arms, and so on). ing. A visual input pattern is presented to the To better appreciate the numerical calculations, visual units, and unit activities in subsequent understand that each visual and semantic groups of units are updated iteratively (changed feature took an ‘‘on’’ or ‘‘off’’ value of 1 or 0 progressively) as a function of their summed for each object (see Appendix B of Plaut and inputs xj(t), allowing activity to spread along the Shallice34 for a complete feature listing). weighted connections first to the intermediate Although these representations were clearly units and then to semantic and cleanup units not exhaustive of all of the information people (see Appendix A of Plaut and Shallice34 for know about such objects, they were detailed more details). The semantic activity pattern enough to capture basic visual and semantic actually produced by the input pattern at each similarity relations among objects such that time update is then compared with the desired similar objects tended to share more of the or ‘‘teacher’’ semantic pattern (discussed in the same on and off values compared with previous section), and the resulting error signals unrelated objects and were thus related by are then used to make small adjustments to all similar numerical values. of the long-term weights in the network to
  • 5. CONNECTIONIST APPROACHES/GOTTS, PLAUT 327 reduce the error. In other words, the semantic through weight cij, biasing it to be inactive patterns that were chosen by the researchers again. We will see in the next sections that help to guide or constrain learning of the this bias toward prior activity states by the appropriate long-term weights in the model. short-term weights is the critical factor that Gradually, after many presentations of each leads to recurrent perseverations under damage training pattern, the model generates semantic to the model’s connections (damage analogous unit activities to within 0.1 of the correct values to the notion of ‘‘deafferentation’’ (Cohen and at each unit for the all of the 40 objects. Dehaene4). In contrast to the learning of the long-term weights, the learning of the short-term weights cij depends on the recent correlations of unit Simulating Brain Damage and activities: There is no supervision of what is Error Responses actually produced compared with some target As in other connectionist models of neuropsy- activity pattern. In this sense, the learning in chological impairments,29,31,32 brain damage in the short-term weights is automatic and un- the model was simulated by removing a fraction supervised. If si and sj are the activity states of of the connections between groups of units after units i and j at the end of processing stimulus n, the training phase (for example, removing 30% then the learning of short-term weight cij occurs of the connections between intermediate and in the following way: semantic units). The model’s recognition per- ½nþ1Š ½nŠ formance under damage was tested in two-item cij ¼ si0 sj0 þ ð1 À Þcij ; ð2Þ sequences of prime-target pairs by presenting each of the objects as prime and fully crossing where s0 ¼ 2s – 1, which realigns unit the primes with each object as target (for a total activities between –1 and þ 1 from 0 and 1 to of 40 Â 40 ¼ 1600 prime-target pairs). Further- allow agreeing unit activities of 1 ¼ 1 or 0 ¼ 0 more, the presentation of each object as prime to cause positive weight changes and disagree- was redone for multiple samplings of damage ing unit activities of 0 6¼ 1 to cause negative to the model at each set of connections (visual weight changes (intermediate activities of 0.5 ! intermediate, intermediate ! semantics, se- cause no change). is a parameter that deter- mantics ! cleanup, cleanup ! semantics) and mines how much the unit states for the current over a range of damage severities (from 5 to stimulus n contribute to the new short-term 70% of connections at each location). The weight relative to the weight’s existing value short-term weights were set to zero prior to cij[n]. The value of used in the simulations was the presentation of each prime in the prime- 0.5, implying that the weight changes due to a target pair, they were updated at the end of the particular stimulus would decay rapidly toward prime presentation, and they were held fixed 0 over two to three subsequent stimuli. This during the presentation of the target. The weight-change rule implements a simple form model was taken to have made a recognition of correlation (si0 sj0 ) that tends to reinforce the response to the prime or target stimulus (be it current pattern of unit activity, ‘‘biasing’’ the correct or an error) if the resulting semantic network’s current processing toward prior acti- unit states were sufficiently close to one of the vation states when the same units are activated trained semantic patterns, defined by a correla- again by the current stimulus. For example, if tion or distance measurement across the seman- units i and j were both activated by the previous tic units. Otherwise, the model was taken to stimulus and the current stimulus reactivates have produced an omission. If the model made one of the two units, the positive short-term an overt response, the response was considered weight cij will cause positive input to be sent to correct if the generated semantic pattern was the other unit (see equation 1), increasing its closest to the correct trained pattern, and it likelihood of being active; similarly, if unit i was was considered an error if the generated pattern active during the previous stimulus but unit j was closest to a different trained pattern than was inactive, reactivation of unit i by the current the correct one. Each error response to a target stimulus will provide negative input to unit j stimulus could then be classified with respect to
  • 6. 328 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE/VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 2004 its horizontal relationship to the target (e.g., Why Does the Model Make Semantic visual, semantic, combined visual and semantic, and Perseverative Errors? or unrelated), and its vertical relationship could It appears then that, similarly to optic aphasic be classified with respect to the prime response patients, many of the errors that the model (e.g., identical ¼ perseveration, semantically makes in visual object identification following related to the prime but not identical ¼ co- damage are semantic errors on the current ordinate, or unrelated to the prime). It is im- stimulus or perseverations on the previous sti- portant to reiterate that horizontal and vertical mulus, or both. What are the mechanisms in here are in the terminology of Lhermitte and the model that lead to this particular error Beauvois.9 The terms essentially designate the pattern? A critical concept in understanding temporal relationship between an error and a the functioning of this and other connectionist stimulus, with horizontal referring to an error’s models with recurrent feedback connections is relationship to the correct response to the the notion of an attractor. When a visual pattern current stimulus and vertical referring to its is presented to the visual units, activity in the relationship to the response to a prior stimulus semantic units changes over time. The initial (here, actually the immediately preceding prime pattern of semantic activity generated by the stimulus). They are different from and should feed-forward pathway from the visual and in- not be confused with notions of ‘‘paradigmatic’’ termediate units may be very different from the and ‘‘syntagmatic’’ semantic errors that have final pattern. The semantic units interact with been used in some previous analyses of semantic the cleanup units to ‘‘clean up’’ the initially errors. noisy or inaccurate semantic pattern. The final Of the explicit error responses made by the semantic states that result from the interactions model across all of the different damage loca- with the cleanup units can be referred to as tions and severities, more than 90% shared a attractors, because the model will tend to be semantic or combined visual and semantic hor- pulled into these states when the initial seman- izontal relationship to the stimulus (e.g., re- tic states get close to them. The tendency to sponding ‘‘spoon’’ to the stimulus fork) whereas clean up noisy initial patterns into a known less than 8% were pure visual errors (e.g., response is why the model tends to produce responding ‘‘awl,’’ a pointed tool for making actual complete responses under damage rather holes in wood or leather, to the stimulus fork). than response blends or the semantic equivalent Errors with a perseverative vertical relationship of neologisms. The range of initial semantic to the prime response accounted for approxi- activities that will tend toward a final attractor mately 29% of all errors, most of which also semantic state are often referred to as the basin shared a semantic or visual and semantic rela- of attraction for that state. An idealized graphi- tionship to the target (e.g., responding ‘‘spoon’’ cal depiction of this process is shown in to the target stimulus fork when the prime Figure 2 for three stimuli: chair, spoon, and response was spoon). An additional 15% of fork. This diagram depicts a geometric inter- the errors did not share an exact perseverative pretation of the settling process, in which any vertical relationship with the prime response given pattern of activity over a group of units but were instead semantically related to corresponds to a particular point in a high- the prime (e.g., responding ‘‘fork’’ to the target dimensional ‘‘state’’ space. Thus, visual and stimulus desk when the prime response was semantic patterns would correspond to points spoon). This left slightly more than 50% of in spaces that have 44 and 86 dimensions, errors sharing no vertical relationship to the respectively (although Fig. 2 depicts only two prime response at all, with most of these errors dimensions for each). In each domain, the sharing a semantic or visual and semantic points for similar (overlapping) patterns share horizontal relationship to the target (e.g., many coordinate values and hence are close to responding ‘‘chair’’ to the target stimulus desk each other. For instance, stimuli such as spoon when the prime response was spoon) (see Bayles and fork are both visually and semantically et al,45 for a similar error typology in persevera- similar to each other but dissimilar to chair. tion in Alzheimer’s disease—EDS). Notice that the points in vision and in
  • 7. CONNECTIONIST APPROACHES/GOTTS, PLAUT 329 Figure 2 Geometric interpretation of the Plaut and Shallice34 model settling into semantic attractors. Similar visual patterns (spoon and fork) tend to arrive at similar initial points in semantic space that are then progressively ‘‘cleaned up’’ through interactions between semantic and cleanup units to their final semantic states. Solid ovals in the semantic space define the basins of attraction for each object, and the dashed oval for spoon indicates the expansion of the normal basin due to the short-term correlational weights (see text for details). semantics that correspond to spoon and fork are long-term weights that are strong enough to closer to each another than they are to chair. push the model out of its previous attractor The arrows in the figure from vision to seman- state and into the attractor basin for the tics show the initial activity points in semantic new stimulus, overcoming the influence of the space generated by the feed-forward pathway short-term weights, which act like noise when from the visual and intermediate units. The stimuli randomly follow one or another during semantic activity then moves along the jagged training. Indeed, the influence of the short- arrows because of the interactions with cleanup term weights can be thought of as widening or units to the final attractor state (shown by a deepening the basin of attraction temporarily dark, filled point) that correspond to the exact for recent stimuli, shown in Figure 2 by the meaning of each visual object. The solid ovals dashed oval for spoon. For these particular visual represent the basins of attraction for each and semantic patterns, the learning pressures stimulus. are different than they would be if this model The long-term learning mechanisms of the were trained to recognize visual words, as was model are responsible for the development of the connectionist attractor network studied by these arrows and attractor basins. Through Hinton and Shallice.29 The reason is that learning, the model has to form the basins in visually similar objects tend to be semantically such a way that it can correctly move from any similar too, such as spoon and fork, whereas the point to any other with the initial push from the relationship between visual and semantic simi- feed-forward pathway and the use of its seman- larity is relatively arbitrary and unsystematic for tic-cleanup interactions, despite a bias to re- visual words and their meanings.34 This means main in the previous activity state, due partially that visual patterns representing similar visual to the model’s attractor dynamics and partially objects do not need to be separated into very to the influence of the short-term correlational different initial semantic patterns by the feed- weights in reinforcing the last activity pattern. forward pathway; they can be relayed with less Correct performance requires the learning of transformation. Similar visual objects will tend
  • 8. 330 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE/VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 2004 to project to similar initial points in semantic state. This makes it difficult to leave the pre- space, as shown in Figure 2 for spoon and fork, vious attractor state, particularly when the cur- and their respective attractor basins will tend to rent stimulus is semantically or visually and be close to one another compared with unre- semantically related to the prime. If the prime lated objects. In the event that two particular stimulus was spoon and the current target is fork, objects are visually similar but semantically very the basin of attraction for fork may now overlap different, learning in the feed-forward pathway partially with the enlarged basin for spoon will tend to separate the visual activity patterns because of the short-term weights (shown in relatively early on in the pathway by developing Fig. 2 by the dashed oval), leading the model to strong weights from the visual units that are return to the attractor for spoon again. As in the distinctive for the two objects (i.e., units that case of purely horizontal errors, perseverations have different activity states), because this small will also tend to share a horizontal semantic number of units will have to override all of the relationship with the current target because of shared visual feature information that is nor- the proximity of attractor basins for semantic mally useful at determining the semantics of the associates. Phrased more directly in terms of objects. unit activity, when the current stimulus shares When connections in the feed-forward many of the same active semantic units with the pathway are removed to simulate brain damage, previous stimulus (as in the case of semantic errors predominantly share a semantic or visual associates), the short-term correlational and semantic horizontal relationship to the weights from these shared features start to target stimulus because the attractor basins for reactivate units from the previous stimulus objects that are both visually and semantically that should be off for the current stimulus and similar are close together. The effect of damage start to turn units off that should be on (see is to distort by some amount the initial pattern equation 2 earlier), leading the additional inter- of semantic activity for an object, potentially actions between semantic and cleanup units to allowing it to fall in a nearby attractor basin that return the model to the previous semantic state. will be cleaned up to the exact meaning of a A second reason that the model may produce semantically similar or a visually and semanti- perseverations on the immediately preceding cally similar object. Thus, the model will tend response is simply that it is less able to push to produce semantic or combined visual and out of its previous attractor state with weakened semantic errors. It will be much less likely to input resulting from damage to the feed-for- produce semantically unrelated or pure visual ward pathway. However, if this were the only errors because these attractor basins are much reason that the model perseverated, then it further away from the correct basin than are would be unable to produce truly recurrent ones corresponding to semantic associates. perseverations, those occurring after interven- When connections between semantics and ing trials and responses. Although the model cleanup units are damaged, the model produces was only assessed in two trial sequences of fewer explicit errors overall and more omis- prime and target stimuli, the slowly decaying sions, because these are the connections that property of the short-term weight values (see implement the attractor dynamics and allow the equation 2) across subsequent stimuli would model to arrive at exact object meanings. permit it to show perseverations after a small The explicit errors that the model does produce number of intervening stimuli, with persevera- under these circumstances similarly tend to be tions becoming less likely with each intervening semantic or combined visual and semantic stimulus (matching empirical characteristics of errors. recurrent perseveration4,5). Damage leads the model to produce per- severations on the response to the prime sti- mulus for a couple of reasons. The first and IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS main one is that the short-term correlational OF THE CURRENT MODEL weights effectively lead to a wider and deeper Although the Plaut and Shallice model34 is a basin of attraction for the previous attractor model of visual recognition and only touches
  • 9. CONNECTIONIST APPROACHES/GOTTS, PLAUT 331 directly on issues of language processing explain more recent empirical findings on apha- through its inclusion of semantic processing, sic perseveration,5,35 such as the demonstration it can account for many of the documented that perseverative responses following interven- characteristics of aphasic perseveration. Its de- ing stimuli can be unrelated to their target caying short-term correlational weights will stimuli, instead reflecting the earlier sequential allow it to produce recurrent perseverations and temporal proximity of the same stimulus following a small number of intervening stimuli and response (i.e., if the response ‘‘fork’’ was with fewer perseverations across longer de- given the trial before or after the stimulus chair lays.4,5 It can also produce perseverations that on a previous occasion, the stimulus chair might share a horizontal relationship with the current later elicit the response ‘‘fork’’ again). The target stimulus such as semantic ones,3,10 and model is not able to form associations between its tendency to produce perseverations will be sequentially presented stimuli or responses be- influenced by factors in training or testing, cause the short-term correlational weights are such as stimulus repetition and lexical fre- updated only at the end of stimulus processing, quency.5,15,35 These abilities to address char- after any hint of the prior semantic state has acteristics of aphasic perseveration imply that been pushed out by the processing of the similar mechanisms of learning, distributed current stimulus. It should be noted that these representations, and attractor dynamics may same limitations also apply to existing priming underlie normal language processing. In other theories of perseveration, which explain perse- words, recurrent perseverations in aphasia may verations as a failure of the current stimulus to not reflect domain-specific language processes override intact facilitatory mechanisms that but instead reflect domain-general learning lead to behavioral priming effects in normal mechanisms that apply in both vision and subjects.4,10 Indeed, the Plaut and Shallice language alike. This is consistent with the model34 is really a particular form of priming general connectionist approach to understand- theory for which learning by the short-term and ing cognition46 that has attempted to show how long-term weights will lead to the same stimulus a small set of domain-general computational being identified more rapidly and accurately principles can account for the richness of em- after stimulus repetition. So it appears that, pirical data from a variety of different cognitive although connectionist models have the poten- domains, including visual perception, attention, tial to provide deep insight into the mechanisms reading, language, memory, semantic memory, of aphasic perseveration, they may also have and working memory. something to learn from their shortcomings in However, the Plaut and Shallice model34 accounting for the entire range of characteristics. in its current form has a couple of major Gotts and colleagues5 outlined a remedy to limitations that might undermine these conclu- both of these limitations in appealing to the sions. The first is that it fails to explain why possible neurophysiological and neurochemical some patients perseverate more than others. All bases of recurrent perseveration (see also locations of damage in the model produce a McNamara and Albert48 —EDS.). Several similarly high proportion of perseverations, researchers have suggested previously that roughly 30 to 40% of all explicit error responses. recurrent perseverations result from neuromo- Although some patients exhibit rates of perse- dulatory deficits and low levels of acetylcho- veration this high, such as the optic aphasic line.49,50 Studies of the functional role of patient JF9 or the aphasic patients EB5 and acetylcholine in the brain suggest that it serves CJ,35 most patients with language impairments to modulate the dynamics of cortical processing perseverate much less markedly. For example, and learning, making cells more sensitive to tasks like picture naming elicit average perse- bottom-up sensory signals by suppressing veration rates well under 5% of total errors feedback or ‘‘recurrent’’ signals (see Haselmo51 across patients from different aphasic cate- for a review). Under a cholinergic deficit, per- gories.47 It is unlikely that this patient varia- severations will be produced because cells are bility is explained solely by severity of less sensitive to bottom-up sensory signals, impairment. The second is that it is unable to making it harder for processing of the current
  • 10. 332 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE/VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 2004 stimulus to override persistent neural activity relationship between connectionist models and that is enhanced by stronger recurrent feedback. real neural processes. A recent model by Gotts Based on this view, the reason that some and Plaut55 serves as a reasonable starting point. patients might perseverate more than others is This model used a basic relationship between that their brain damage may have affected connectionist models and biophysical models of subcortical cholinergic fibers that provide the neural firing rate activity to suggest ways in brain with acetylcholine. Other patients might which connectionist models can be made to produce perseverative errors at a much lower incorporate neurophysiological and neuromo- rate because of a relative sparing of their neu- dulatory mechanisms. Each group of units in romodulatory afferents. It is interesting to note the Plaut and Shallice model34 would represent on this point that the patients mentioned earlier neural activity in anatomically distinct cortical who perseverated at high rates (such as JF and regions that are functionally specialized for EB) had white matter damage that could have processing different types of information (e.g., affected their cholinergic pathways (see Selden the semantic units might represent neural ac- et al52 for a review of the anatomy of choliner- tivity in anterior, inferior temporal lobes that gic pathways). It is also possible to explain encodes semantic knowledge). The suppressive temporal or sequential effects of stimulus pre- effect of acetylcholine then might correspond to sentation on perseverations through abnormal a process that shuts down or suppresses inter- learning that might occur under a neuromodu- actions between the semantic and cleanup units latory deficit. When feedback signals are strong that implement the model’s attractor dynamics. at lower levels of acetylcholine, neural activity Under a deficit of acetylcholine, attractor dy- will effectively behave like the attractor dy- namics between the semantic and cleanup units namics exhibited by the Plaut and Shallice would be much stronger, occasionally dominat- model.34 As each new stimulus is presented, it ing the visual input from the feed-forward will have to drive neural activity out of the pathway. To account for the sequential effects previous state and into the correct new one. If of stimulus presentation on perseveration, the neural representations of two stimuli are short-term weights would have to be modified, coactive simultaneously as the new stimulus not just at the end of stimulus processing but drives the old one out, rapid correlational learn- throughout processing. This would allow the ing among the active cells throughout this short-term weights to behave more like real transition might allow the formation of inap- activity-dependent neural plasticity mechan- propriate associations between sequentially pre- isms (see Nelson et al56 for a recent review) sented stimuli (as in the fork and chair example and would permit units activated by the current in the previous paragraph). When one of the stimulus to form associations with units that stimuli is presented again later, it might reacti- were activated by the previous one, allowing vate the representation of the other stimulus, perseverations to show sequential or temporal producing a perseveration. This is not to say contingencies. that sequential or temporal contiguity effects Importantly, the incorporation of neural in learning are entirely abnormal. Indeed, principles such as neuromodulation and how the automatic learning of temporal contiguity it interacts with learning would not undermine is reflected in normal associative priming the model’s basic explanation of recurrent per- effects53,54 (e.g., identifying butter can prime severation. These errors would still result from knife) and is undoubtedly critical for normal mechanisms of learning, distributed represen- language and sequence learning. Nevertheless, tations, and attractor dynamics. Instead, it neuromodulatory deficits might explain the would raise new questions about the impact of marked and intrusive presence of such effects neuromodulatory mechanisms in language pro- in some patients. cessing. How do these mechanisms shape the What modifications would be needed to learning of representations in language and the Plaut and Shallice model34 to implement other domains? As we explore further the work- these properties of neuromodulation? First, it ings of connectionist models and bring them would be necessary to specify more about the more into alignment with our understanding of
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