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Google Sniper
By George Brown
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Not being much of a storyteller, I’ll keep this short.
Hi, my name’s George Brown and I’m a sniper.
We’ll get to what that means (and the original introduction along with it) in a second...
But first, I want to acknowledge that I’m no longer the only Sniper out there.
In fact, thanks to the original Google Sniper, there’s thousands of Snipers now. Many
have quit their job thanks to nothing but this guide, many more are on the way, and
many are earning $10,000+ a month, some much more. Doing nothing but what I’m
about to show you.
And I’m not going to lie, I’m a very proud young man because of that ☺
Google Sniper is my baby, and it’s a joy to be back here again teaching you both the
original system and the changes I’ve made, inside this - the ‘master’ manual.
So I just want to say thank you to all of the original snipers, who bought my “1.0”
course and changed their lives with it. And also hopefully bring some encouragement
to any new snipers joining our ranks...
Because Google Sniping works.
The guide and the videos you’ve got access to right now, alone, has the ability to
change your life. Just like all those stories of successful snipers before you.
It’s proven now; it’s not just me making money... Everyone is doing it.
And if you’re new, you’re in for a real treat.
You’ve got an even better chance than them, because in today’s World, and with my
(and other Sniper’s) research it’s now way easier and more profitable than ever.
And that’s saying something about what’s known unofficially as “the easiest, laziest
and most profitable way to make money on the net today”.
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So, I hope you enjoy what follows, and please give it your all. Because there’s magic
in these pages...And maybe, just maybe, reading this will be a turning point for you.
Okay. So what on earth is a “sniper” anyway?
Well, I’m not in the armed forces or anything. No, I’m a Google Sniper.
I ‘zoom in’ on a niche within a niche, target a very specific subject and build a tiny 2-
3 hour ‘website’ dedicated to it. I target these markets and optimize my ‘sniper’
websites with such precision, that Google is almost forced into giving me a high
ranking… Meaning lots and lots of people will visit it. Free of charge.
I don’t try to create large 200 page so-called authority websites which take months of
work to setup like everybody else (although I do have a couple), instead I create
smaller individual sites. Sometimes they are even multiple sites within the same
niche/market. It’s a unique approach.
A key point I also want to remind you (for those of you brand new) is that our Sniper
‘websites’ are NOT built in the traditional way. And because of that- You do not need
any technical knowledge at this point, you won’t be doing any ‘coding’ or anything
like that- And each site or campaign, is only going to take you a few hours to setup.
So, relax. I don’t want any of these technical terms right now to seem complicated,
and if they do, then don’t worry, keep reading and they soon won’t.
Right. Let’s move on.
So, we’re building tiny, easy to setup little ‘Sniper’ sites that buck all the trends…
Why do we build them in such a way?
First of all, because it works, very well in fact.
And secondly, for the advanced among you, it means you won’t have to do any of
the usual tedious work that’s associated with creating SEO (Search engine
optimization) based sites. That’s right. You don’t need to do any link building or
endless content updating here.
It’s a kind of set and forget approach... You build the Sniper website once, and get a
continuous flow of traffic to your site from Google (and how we turn that into the
money that comes along with it, I’ll explain later) for months, and even years to come
in return.
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Pretty sweet, right?
It’s possible because we’ve built an entire site around a single idea or keyword.
Essentially, we’re shoving so much of the same keyword or subject matter down
Google’s throat, and we’ve “shoved” it down there in such a strategic way, that they
are almost forced into giving us a high ranking on page one - No matter how many
backlinks we have.
And most importantly, I’ve found that building five smaller sites is a hell of a lot
quicker and a better use of time (more profitable) than building a single traditional
But here’s what’s going to sound a little weird about the whole process...
You might expect that you’d have to build hundreds of these tiny sites to make a
good income online, but that’s simply not the case.
These sites don’t make pennies. We’ll leave the other niche marketers to fight over
the low volume “garbage” keywords.
We’re building high traffic, high revenue sites here. In fact, I’d say my success rate of
making a ‘successful site’ (one that pulls in at least $300 a month) is about 85%.
Because not only does Google sniping work – it works consistently.
Truthfully, I’ve made what many would consider a lot of money online almost
exclusively from repeating this exact process... and I don’t have that many websites.
An Overview of the course
" Part One: Finding a profitable opportunity (A market to get into and your
specific product).
" Part Two: Creating the foundations of our site – Getting a domain and
installing wordpress/plugins.
" Part Three: How to write your sites content so that you get the maximum
conversion rate you possibly can out of your site (preselling)
" Part Four: How to optimize your site for complete domination of the search
engine rankings.
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" Part Five: Everything you need to do with your affiliate links. Where to put
them, how to cloak them and even what to say in them to get the most clicks.
" Part Six: Finally, we’re going to put all our knowledge into practice. Here’s the
step by step blueprint for creating your site, start to finish.
" Part Seven: How to gain some quick backlinks and get your site indexed fast.
" Part Eight: How to turn this one site into a 6 figure business.
How I recommend you use this course...
I recommend that you take an afternoon out, and go through all the material the first
time, videos ‘n all, just getting to getting to know the system.
And then the second time, follow along as I do each step, actually creating your own
site in the process – Referring back to the process maps if needed.
And don’t forget to use this manual as a reference! I’ve hyperlinked all the chapter
headings to make it nice and easy for you to navigate to any areas you just want to
read over again quickly in the future.
A personal note on Google Sniper...
I’ve tried a lot of other stuff, I’ve bought a lot of internet marketing books and yeah,
they did help me. But I wasn’t really making any real money with the complicated
‘Guru’ systems... In an age of pay per click, automated blogs, complicated blackhat
tactics and social media marketing, many would consider my methods too simple.
But I thought ‘it’ (the system you see today), would still work and despite what a lot of
people said, it did – like crazy.
Now sure, this system’s not perfect and just like every other method, it has got it
flaws. Namely, the Google ‘sandbox’ which means that sometimes Google doesn’t
allow your site to rank highly in the search results until it’s a couple of months old –
Don’t worry about it though. The sandbox is just a temporary setback anyway, one
that’s shared by every SEO money making system. And it’s beyond our control
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I just wanted to be upfront in this course and leave nothing out. So, if something
might pose a potential problem, I’ll be telling you about it, rather than leaving you to
discover it one day and wonder what the heck’s going on!
Anyway, I found that the courses that helped me the most were the specific ones.
You know, the type which take you by the hand and show you step by step exactly
how the owner had a lot of success.
So, that’s what I want to show you here. And yes, I really do use these methods, still.
In fact, I’ll be building yet another of my Google Sniper sites in a couple of days after
writing this - I’ve found one heck of an opportunity in a certain Forex sub niche which
shall remain nameless.
Now, one last thing before we begin...
A Warning...
A lot of what I do and how I do it in this system... ‘bucks the trend’. And a lot of it just
doesn’t make any logical sense. Period.
But I’m lazy, and like to cut corners where I can. This is quite a unique system
and you may disagree with some of my teachings, so feel free to alter any bits you
don’t like (but make sure to email me if they work!).
Finally, I just want to say a big thank you for purchasing this course.
I’ve put a lot of thought into it, hoping to create a product which really delivered on all
its promises. I hope you find the information that follows valuable. And all I can say is
that Sniping has worked pretty damn well for me, and as long as you actually put it
into action, I know that it will for you too.
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IMPORTANT: I want to say that if at ANY point, the terms in the manual overwhelm
you, please go to the members area and watch video 1, which will give you a clear
overview of how the ‘Sniper’ system works (how we make money etc).
Also – Within the members area, at the bottom of the training pages, is a link to the
‘glossary’ which will any technical terms (for example, ‘keyword’ or ‘SEO’) – Which
are both terms used in this chapter.. And there is also some small tutorials there too
which will help you if you are a complete beginner ☺
So don’t forget, in the members area, you’ve got the videos to help, and the glossary
if you don’t understand a specific word.
Okay then, let’s get snipin’.
First of all, we will be building our site around, almost exclusively, what’s called a
keyword. And not lots of keywords, but a single keyword. We build Sniper sites like
this because it gives our site a very narrow, but razor sharp focus.
A keyword is simply the ‘phrase’ someone types into Google when they are looking
for something. I.e. When you type in ‘what’s the best diet’ or ‘hotel in Manhattan’ or
‘football’ into Google’s search box. Or ‘Samsung HDTV’ as you can see below:
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Now, why ONE keyword, for the whole Sniper site? Remember, we want to do the
least amount of Search engine optimization (SEO – AKA work to get us a high
ranking in Google) possible and the way to do that is to be specific, VERY specific.
Choosing a keyword to “snipe” is arguably the most important part of the whole
“Google Sniper” process... Choose the wrong keyword, and right off the bat you’ve
limited your profitability or worse yet, set yourself up to make no money at all.
Now, it doesn’t matter what market or niche the keyword is in because with a couple
of hour’s research you can write about just about anything. I’ve got an acne site for
example, despite (fortunately) never suffering from acne myself.
No, what DOES matter is that it’s a good keyword.
Good isn’t a very descriptive word, I know... I could’ve said profitable, but any
keyword can be profitable. We want one that brings HIGH profits (not pennies)
through a high volume of targeted ‘ready to buy’ visitors.
What attributes are we looking for in our main keyword?
• A niche you can monetize (make sure there’s products related to the
• A keyword you can monetize.
• Anything that get’s over 3,000 searches per month according to Google’s
keyword tool.
• A level of competition we can compete with.
Now, let’s look at each of these factors in more detail, because it’s absolutely crucial
that you can tell the difference between a keyword that meets one of our four
attributes, and one that doesn’t...
There’s no point spending all that time creating a website about something you can’t
make money from. You need to be able to monetize your niche so make sure it’s got
products to promote and desperate buyers.
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I’m talking desperate here. And I don’t mean it in a negative way, think of it like this:
Not people who are looking to just solve a problem, people who are willing to PAY
for the solution.
A great way to see how profitable a niche could be is to do a search for the term on
Google and check to see if there’s any (and how many) Adwords ads for the term.
Adwords affiliates will only display their ads for any length of time if their making
them money after all – Since they pay for every click.
Also, check to see how many products you could promote (if any) there are for that
particular niche. If there’s just one or two, then perhaps it’s got a big target audience,
but they just aren’t desperate enough to actually spend money.
Bear in mind that some niches will sell better than others. E.g. out of all the niches I
would say that “making money online”, whatever the method, is the one people are
most prepared to pay for.
Side Note: When considering if a niche is profitable remember to use your common
sense. Seriously, so many marketers just look at the numbers or they’re following a
system so strictly that even if they object to it personally they’ll still go ahead. I
recommend that you don’t. If your common sense tells you that a niche won’t be
profitable, don’t go ahead with it – even if it’s meets the other criteria. This is your
business and always follow what you believe is best, remembering of course to take
the advice of others at the same time. But don’t follow courses to the letter, not even
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We’ve looked at it from a ‘market or niche level’ which would be things like: affiliate
marketing, approaching women, make money with Forex, stock trading robots e.t.c.
Notice I said stuff like approaching women instead of men’s dating advice- Not too
general but not too specific either.
Now we need look at it from the keyword level, which is more specific to our site.
This is one of my little nuggets of gold (if you can call it that) and is something that
many marketers who aren’t experienced with Adwords and something called
negative keywords forget about. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means.
Okay. Just because you’re getting free traffic through this system it doesn’t mean
that you shouldn’t scrutinize how profitable that keyword actually is.
Here’s an example of a keyword phrase that applies to almost any market that’s got
all the elements of the equation except buyers... fecant.
“product name torrent” or “product name rapidshare”. For example, for one of my
recent snipes I targeted the Clickbank product “Commision blueprint”. And when
deciding what phrase to target I came across (as you always do) the torrent variation
of the keyword, so “commission blueprint torrent”.
And guess what?
It had a ton of traffic.
It had close to no competition.
And it was in a very profitable niche – the buyer was obviously interested in that
But... The visitors wouldn’t have been buyers. Why? Because they were looking for a
torrent (a free download). Now, you’re right in thinking that sure, SOME people after
finding that there is no free download (in this case there wasn’t a torrent available)
would then go on to purchase it. They might’ve just thought they could see if they
could get it for free first.
But use your common sense... think. The chances are that if they’re that type of
internet user: regular downloader (since they’re familiar with torrent sites), social
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bookmarking sites frequenter etc. They probably wouldn’t buy it anyway. They were
probably (and this is a sweeping generalization here), looking for a freebie.
The individual keyword you’re targeting should not be a browsing keyword like
‘cameras’, instead, it should be more closely linked to buying or a specific problem. If
you were doing this for stuff other than Clickbank products for example, you could
make a site about a specific model of camera that had an affiliate program.
Or another example, a keyword like “how to lose weight fast” would be a good one to
use because the searcher clearly has a problem that they want to solve. And it’s a
problem they’ll pay to solve too (since weight loss is massive billion dollar market).
Also, remember that you’re very unlikely to be able to rank for a broader keyword like
“cameras” or “weight loss” anyway, you’d have way too many competitors, so stick to
quite specific terms.
Here are the three keyword rules:
1. It must be related to buying or targeting a market thats needs (problems) are
closely related to what the product offers.
2. Long tail, usually. Why? Because the shorter keywords probably won’t be
buying keywords and more importantly you won’t be able to rank for them.
Broad keyword terms are the realm of the authority sites. So usually go for
keywords with 3 or more words in. Not just 1 or 2 words.
3. And the final rule:
Now, it’s important to note that this is the personal figure I came up with and it is by
no means set in stone.
Only you can decide what’s an acceptable number of searches. It’s simple really:
More traffic = more money. And obviously more searches will mean more visitors,
which means more potential customers, and therefore more money.
The rule of over 3,000 or at least over 2,000 searches per month is just because
quite simply, I don’t see it as worth my time to pursue any keywords with less
searches than that. I don’t want to fight over pennies, and you don’t need to either.
We want to create sites that make over $300 a month here.
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However, if you are just creating your first site, and you’re prepared to maybe only
make $200 a month from a sniper site, then by all means go for a keyword that gets
1,000 searches a month. 200 bucks a month is still a lot of money.
Now these are sweeping generalizations I’ve just made, how profitable a site is will
depend on many other factors and not exclusively the search volume. But you get
the idea.
I will say this though...
I’d rather spend an extra hour researching keywords to find one that gets double the
traffic and therefore double the sales over the entire sites life, than settle for a really
low volume keyword that limits the sites profitability right off the bat.
This is a huge point:
Don’t be lazy with your keyword research.
Keep looking until you find something GOOD, don’t settle for second best (a low
volume keyword, or one with high competition).
Side note: Most sniper sites you build will bring in income for at least one year by the
way, so taking that extra time to find a winner is WELL WORTH IT.
Now, as a minimum I’d go for at least 2,000 searches per month on your main term.
Let the other marketers fight over pennies. I’ve found that anywhere around 3k
though really is a sweet spot though between competition and amount of traffic.
Although sometimes you will find an absolute nugget. I’m talking like 30,000
searches per month and next to no REAL competition (Authority sites or other sniper
sites). And yeah it does happen (although not often enough!)...
Man I love those days...
Anyway, another reason for the rather large 3,000 searches/month requirement is
the massive inaccuracy of the Google Keyword tool.
Sometimes it under estimates the traffic (shows less searches than there really is)
but usually (70% of the time) it over estimates (e.g. Google says 5k searches and
really there’s 3,000 per month). This is a huge problem, I don’t know why Google’s
figures are so far off, I mean it’s their company conducting the searches right?
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Apparently it’s because it includes it’s search partners as well or something. If you
want to read more on that, here’s an interesting article I found on it:
So it ain’t perfect but it’s the best tool we got. Which is why I go for keywords that get
over 3,000 searches per month. Just to be on the safe side.
Important: The only exception might be a product name, in which case I’d for it
regardless of the keyword tools estimates if I thought it was popular. Because if a
product’s got demand, then you can bet people are searching for it.
How do you know if people are searching for a product? A high gravity on Clickbank
for example would usually dictate that there’s bound to be a lot of people searching
for it. Or even a high alexa ranking on the merchants website would do – Anything
under 700,000 would usually mean it’s getting a lot of visitors.
Finally, I just want to demonstrate how much you can actually make from 3,000
searches per month. So here’s a simple formula:
Let’s say you’re ranked #1 for the term and get a conservative 50% of the traffic to
your site. Although, you’ll probably get more once you optimize your page title (more
about this later on). And let’s say you have a 1% conversion rate which is the bog
standard, in reality highly focused sniper sites achieve closer to 3%. Finally, you’re
promoting a product that pays $30 commission, once again, conservative in an
industry where everyone seems to now offer commission on back end sales too.
So, 1,500 visitors means 15 customers which means 15x30 = $450 in sales, every
single month from a site that’s going to take just hours to set up! It really is so
realistic to make a lot of money. But anyway, moving on...
Now don’t get TOO hung up on levels of competition. I’m serious. Providing you
follow my methods, it’s a lot easier to rank for terms than you think.
Sure, sometimes you won’t rank (the main cause of a failed sniper site) but the vast
majority of the time you’ll crush the competition with a one day old website and no
backlinks! I’ve actually had a lot of angry emails from guys claiming I’m using black
hat (weird tricks) tactics because they can’t understand how the heck I do it.
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So what’s an acceptable level of competition? Well, that depends on the keyword.
And because of that, this is an area that many guides leave out, since it’s something
you’ll only really learn from personal experience...
But I wanted to come up with an exact system that you can use so that you’re not at
too much of a disadvantage over the more experienced guys.
But remember that there’s no substitute for real experience and you may get it
wrong the first couple of times.
Anyway, here are my ‘golden’ competition guidelines:
First of all, let’s talk about number of competing pages. Now this is probably the most
inaccurate way of doing things. I recommend that you follow my other guidelines as
well, which involve researching the top results in detail, since that’s who you’re
competing with – Not the thousands of guys on pages 2 – 50.
But anyway, it does help to give you an initial ‘feel’ for a keyword. Now, this will vary
from keyword to keyword but as a rule look for no more than 30,000 competing
websites when you put your keyword in phrase marks. So, if you’re keyword was
lose weight really fast you would type into Google “lose weight really fast” and see
how many pages it identified as a result. (The section where it says displaying 1-10
results out of #number, where #number is the number of competing pages).
I prefer however, to analyze all the top ranking websites in a bit more detail and try to
gauge if I’ll be able to outrank them. So here are some tips on that:
Forum topics - If there’s forum topics high up on page one (I don’t care how many
views and replies they have) it’s usually a pretty good sign. Not just because you will
outrank them but it shows a general lack of competition for the keyword.
Other snipers. Yes, there are a few of them around and even though we’re often
spread out you can run into keywords where there’s another sniper competing for it.
A great example of this is Clickbank product names. Check out a product name on
Google, for example a product I’m currently #1 for “DJK Google Shadow”:
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Notice the number of marketers heavily targeting the phrase ‘DJK Google Shadow’. I
think that pretty much every result on the page has sniper domain names like ‘djk-’.
The 5th
guy even has:
As his domain name which is just ridiculous. The marketer’s repeated the keyword
almost three times in the domain name alone! While optimizing your domain name is
important, don’t take it that far people!
So, what do you do when there are other snipers anyway? Because particularly
if you target product names, you will deal with some.
A quick reminder of what a Google sniper is: It isn’t someone who just has the
keyword as their page title (every smart SEO marketer will do that). No, it’s someone
who has basically devoted their whole website to that exact keyword. A telltale sign
of a sniper is if you find the keyword in their domain name.
And how do you deal with them? Simple: There’s room for more than one –
Remember that there are TEN positions on Google’s front page. And if one or two
guys are ranking very well (top 5 results) then it’s almost good news, it means that
sniper tactics definitely work here, so you’ll easily be able to rank too.
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Even if there’s a whole load of snipers (like so many that they’re completely
dominating the first page) I’ll often still give it a shot. Since my on page optimization
page methods are VERY effective and often I’ll to outrank them anyway.
Authority Sites. Aah... the tricky one.
Firstly, an authority site is a website related to the overall niche (weight loss for
example) that has many pages, often over 100, all targeting different keywords. They
usually have a high page rank and often a short, catchy but related domain name.
Not a crappy SEO one with a whole load of hyphens. They will usually appear for a
variety of different search phrases and there will only be a few in a niche (depending
on the size of the niche of course).
Now, it’s important to distinguish between the real authority sites and wannabe
authority sites. How do you find that out? Page rank is a pretty good indicator and a
PR of 2 or lower is the indication of a wannabe. But I recommend that as beginner
you use this fantastic free tool: SEMRush to gauge how big a site is. It will tell you
which keywords any website is ranking for, so if you see a whole bunch of what look
like high traffic keywords at number one then it’s probably real authority site and it
will be difficult to outrank. Use the free online tool here:
Note: There are some sites that you will almost never outrank, websites such as
Wikipedia. If you see a Wikipedia article on the first page, as well as many websites
with a page rank of four or higher, then it’s probably too competitive for us to
If it’s a wannabe then judging if you can outrank it or not will be tricky. I’ll say that the
real authority sites are rare but these wannabe ones are quite frequent.
You’ll need to look at their website as a whole and the page in question. See how
focused that page is on the particularly term by analyzing the keyword density and
title and description tags. Then use the information to determine whether it’s ranking
by chance and simply that Google’s put that page on page one of the results
because it couldn’t find a more relevant website.
A quick indicator of this is whether or not the title tag contains the keyword in
question. If it doesn’t then the page is probably not ranking for that keyword
specifically and it’s a good sign that you’ll probably be able to outrank it.
Unfortunately, this is an area that will come with experience, and I still get it wrong
today. But keep in mind that with authority sites, there’s more than one spot on
Google. There are ten in fact.
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So, if there’s one real authority site but a whole bunch of crap on the rest of the
page, then don’t worry about it. The only thing you should be concerned about is if
there are like five authority sites on the first page, which is pretty rare for the ‘long
tail’ keywords that we are targeting anyway.
So, as a closing comment on competition: Take all of these guidelines into account
and look out for less than 30,000 competing pages, authority sites (both kinds) and
other snipers.
If there’s snipers and pages like forum topics on the first page of Google’s results
then it’s a good sign. But if you’re seeing Wikipedia articles and numerous authority
sites with a high page rank then stay clear and find another keyword.
But remember, that even if there is SOME competition it doesn’t mean there’s not
enough room for you to compete. Because you don’t have to be number one.
So far, we’ve gone through, in detail, what attributes you’re looking for when picking
an opportunity. It’s a combination of a worthwhile amount of traffic, a market full of
hungry buyers, a keyword related to buying, and an acceptable level of competition.
So, how do you actually find these keywords?
Well, first of all we need to decide on a general area to look in. Basically... we need
somewhere to start our search. Makes sense right?
Therefore, we need what’s called a root keyword.
A root keyword is usually one or two words which are commonly associated with a
market. They are the first words you would type in, if you knew nothing about the
market in question. An example of a root keyword could be “affiliate marketing” or
“lose weight”.
Now, truthfully, more experienced marketers will already have a pretty good
knowledge of what markets sell and which don’t, so they can afford to just type
random root keywords into the keyword tool and skip this section.
So if you are in that category, note that this section isn’t for you. This section is for
the guys reading this who have literally no idea where to start.
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So here’s how to quickly brainstorm topics and come up with a place to start your
There are two approaches I use. First there’s:
The market led way
This is looking for a keyword within a specific market. The easiest place to start if
you’re new to this is by writing about something you’re interested in. I mean, why
not? At this stage you’re just as likely to find a worthwhile opportunity in a market
you’re interested in as you are in one you’ve got no experience with.
So, if you like Golf then use Golf as your root keyword for the next section of this
Now, it’s always easier to write about stuff you’re genuinely interested in because...
One, you’re passionate about it and it will come out through the ‘personality’ of your
site (more on that later)
And two, because you’ll already presumably know a lot about the subject saving you
research time.
And if you’d prefer to write about another topic, then there are literally thousands of
ways to come up with ideas. There’s no wrong way to do it, so use whatever method
you want. You could try browsing some forums, reading the newspaper or any other
methods you can think of.
My personal favourite is to go on yahoo answers ( and
just browse through the various questions that people are asking. You can get a lot
of ideas that way.
You can also use Yahoo answers spot possible gaps in the market. This is actually
another little gold nugget of mine...
If lots of people are asking similar questions on Yahoo then it’s likely that they’ve
conducted a search on Google and not found any quality results, which has driven
them to yahoo answers to find the answer to their problem. You could capitalize by
building a simple sniper site based around that keyword, and promoting a related
product while answering their question. Then, people with that problem in the future
won’t need to go to Yahoo answers since they’ll find your site first.
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Whatever niche you decide on though, remember that you’ll need to monetize it, so
make sure it’s got products to promote and desperate buyers too.
Because of this factor, I tend to use the product led way. For example, I’d love
nothing more than to create a sniper site on surfing, as it’s a big hobby of
mine, but there’s no (or not enough) money in it.w
The product led way
This is the method that I recommend because as I said earlier, you can write about
almost anything (and become an expert too with enough free research).
The most important thing is that you make money doing it.
So, it’s better to make sure you can make money from the niche first.
Therefore, I tend to look for a product or group of products, that look like they would
sell and THEN try to think of root keywords that describe what they’re about.
How do I find these products? It’s all in video one, so make you watch that.
Remember that this is a “multimedia course”, and some things are just much easier
to “get” when I show you how to do it on video, rather than just explaining it in words.
So before we continue...
Watch Video One Now by Clicking Here
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For Detailed Instructions on How to Choose What Niche To
Go into and a Winning Product
And for those who’d rather watch it later...
Here’s some quick guidelines anyway (I’m not going to go into it in detail) for
choosing a product on Clickbank. Although, I do recommend that you watch the
Now, while I don’t advise sticking solely to Clickbank, it is the best place to start. So
when looking for a product on the Clickbank marketplace keep the following in mind:
• How much it pays: Go for one which pays more per sale if its gravity is also
high. (Don’t be afraid to promote the higher ticket i.e. higher priced products-
You’ll earn more money!)
• High gravity: Usually will convert better = more money for you.
• The higher the gravity the harder it will be to find low competition keywords
because they’ll be more competition in the niche. This is also true even if the
product has low gravity, but it is in a very popular niche such as weight loss.
• Try to find products where you earn commission on the backend sale too (a
second sale that’s usually presented to the customer straight after purchasing
the first item). It all adds up... Who doesn’t want to earn more money out of
the same customer by then getting commission on a SECOND product too?
But make sure to watch the video where I discuss all of these points in a lot more
Ok, so by now you’ve (hopefully) decided on a product or niche to target, and come
up with a general search term like “golf”. Now I’m going to show you the process I
use to find the actual keywords.
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So, after I’ve decided on a root keyword what I do is try to write down just 5
keywords (not the product name at this stage) that are closely related to it. If I’d
found a product that was about how to talk to women for example, off the top of my
head I’d write down:
• How to talk to women
• Pick up lines
• Talking to women
• Conversation women
• Pick up girls
That took about 20 seconds and you really don’t need to be scientific about it. It just
gives you a better starting point than typing in a single root keyword. Now, enter
each one into the Google keyword planner and at the bottom of the page select
‘download all keywords to .csv (for Microsoft excel)’.
Link to keyword planner -
Be aware that it’s unlikely any of the keywords on this page will be your sniper
keyword, particularly if it’s a ‘mainstream’ market like make money online, dating,
weight loss etc. Why? Because thousands of marketers will have seen that exact
same page and would have no doubt capitalized on any opportunities.
So, my secret is digging a little deeper...
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Open up the excel document where all of the keywords you found are, and sort them
by ‘average search volume’ so that those with the highest volume are at the top.
Now, sift through the all of the keywords that get over 3,000 per month (if you’re
using my rule) and basically type each one into the keyword tool, to find longer tail
variations of that keyword.
When I say sift in the spreadsheet, skip the keywords which aren’t specific to your
product (keyword tool will give some unrelated results). So in the above example, I
wouldn’t dig deeper into the term “women talking” because someone searching for
that’s probably not going to be interested in a guide about seducing women.
Now, when you dig deeper by typing in each keyword with 3,000+ searches from the
spreadsheet into the keyword tool, you’re then going to go through each of the
keywords that the tool comes up with to hopefully find a winner (a keyword that fulfils
the criteria I gave you earlier on in the chapter).
The only step left at this stage should be to identify the level of competition. Which is
simple enough, just type the keywords from the keyword tool into Google and see
what comes up using the guidelines I gave you earlier. With practice, you’ll be able
to get an overall picture of whether you can compete or not in less than a minute.
Save time by using your common sense...
Don’t bother typing in the obvious keywords (like the ones with 40,000 searches a
month), look for the more obscure ones, ones that are still related to buying/a
problem, but competition won’t be as high.
So, that’s how I find my keywords. You may have your own way. Mine may seem like
a long winded process but it’s really not. If you sit down for 30 minutes, an hour at
the most, and really blaze through these keywords looking for one that meets all the
strict criteria, you will usually find one if not several.
Obviously, there are some circumstances where you just won’t find one no matter
how hard you look, and there’s some where you’ll find several in the space of ten
minutes – That’s a situation where I’d make multiple sniper sites within the same
Still a bit lost? No problem, this is an area that will make much more sense once you
watch video two.
So go ahead,
P a g e 	
Watch Video Two Now by Clicking Here
And Watch Over My Shoulder as I Show you How to Look
For Keywords and Even Uncover Some in Real Time
Now, to finish off this chapter, I want to talk about a way of creating these Google
sniper websites that completely cuts out all this keyword research. That’s right, I’ve
taught you all this great stuff and now I’m going to show you a method where you
can pretty much forget about this entire chapter... Smart huh?
Let’s talk about one of my favourite things: Cashing in on a product name. ‘Cause
man, there ain’t nothin’ sweeter...
• High conversions from laser targeted visitors who are very eager to buy
• No keyword research necessary (since you already know the keywords)
• And if you find a gem then competition can often be surprisingly low too.
What do I mean that you already know the keywords? Well, obviously people are
going to be searching for the product name and the related keywords which in my
experience are, for any product:
• Domain name – (googlesniper or for example)
• Product name
• Product name review
• Product name scam
• Product name bonus (if it’s an internet marketing product)
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The visitors are also much more likely to convert because they’re either looking for
the merchant’s website (which they’ll easily be able to access through your highly
visible affiliate links) or a final review before they purchase – Something your site will
also offer with a quality review.
And finally, competition is rarely that high. Excluding Clickbank products where
competition can be fierce. (although you’ll probably still rank above 99% of
But if you want to create sites around a product name then you need to start thinking
beyond Clickbank... because there’s massive demand for thousands of products
which aren’t even on Clickbank (physical and info products) that you can cash in on
through a variety of networks or independent programs.
There are some disadvantages to building sites around specific products though:
Ranking can sometimes be tough, since it’s often saturated with snipers with the
same idea as you.
Some merchants don’t allow it. It’s their opinion that if a user is searching for their
product name that they don’t need affiliates to ‘close’ the sale anymore.
But most crucially: Your site lives and dies with the product. Your website will be
directly dependant on the efforts of other affiliates to create demand for it. And for
short lived products (many) you’ll only see a return on your efforts for a few months
rather than years with the traditional Google sniper sites.
This last point could also be seen as a benefit though, since other affiliates are doing
all the work for you by getting “the word out” about the product, and you’re just
stepping in at the last minute to get credit for the sale...
Making a site exclusively about a product name is good way to make some quick,
almost guaranteed cash, but don’t only do this. Most of my sites are targeting
‘normal’ keywords using the strategies mentioned earlier in this chapter.
Still, I HIGHLY recommend you give this a shot and it’s certainly proved a very
profitable strategy for me in the past.
Tip: If you’re not sure where to start and want to make your first few bucks online
quickly. Then read the rest of this guide, find a product name, and create a sniper
site about it. It really is the EASIEST way to make money... EVER.
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So, that’s it! In this chapter we’ve looked at a hell of a lot stuff. You should now
know exactly what your site is going to be about and what keyword you’re going to
target. Now we need to build the website...
Phew! So by now you should have found a suitable keyword to snipe and a product
to promote. It is now that we create the website itself. This is a pretty simple chapter
and all you need to do is follow along step by step – We will cover some basics here,
so bear with me if you’re a more experienced marketer.
The first step to building a website is of course to register a domain name. So, that’s
what we’re going to cover here.
The purpose of your domain name
For this system the purpose of your domain name is basically to help your search
engine rankings. If on the other hand you were creating an authority or E-commerce
site you might choose something memorable, even catchy. Partly because you’d
want to target tens, maybe hundreds of keywords and so a general domain name
would be better. And partly because it would be more important for visitors to
remember it.
This isn’t so with sniping. While we will try to keep in mind human visitors, they are
definitely NOT the priority. The priority is pleasing the search engines and having a
keyword rich domain name will help your rankings greatly.
Some search engine optimization experts believe that the domain name has very
little impact. But I couldn’t disagree more, having an optimized domain name is damn
near ESSENTIAL if you want to rank for competitive terms without building backlinks.
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How to structure your domain name
So we’ve established that having an optimized domain name is very important to the
overall website. So, how should I structure it? Well, it’s very simple. Just have the
keyword as the domain name, with nothing else. If you can get .com then obviously
get that, if not get .net or .org.
A note on .org or .net: I’ve had great experience with .org domain names on Google
but bear in the mind that Yahoo doesn’t like them. But who uses Yahoo anyway? I
don’t buy that famous statistic that only 60% of searches are conducted through
Google. I suspect it’s closer to 90%... But anyway... I tend to go for .org over .net
because it just sounds better. .org’s are after all meant for non profit, pure helpful
information websites. Stay away from any other extensions such as .info (which is
often associated with hackers and spyware).
What if you can’t get ‘just the keyword’?
What I usually do is add either review or info to the end of the domain name. Review
will sometimes be taken but it’s rare that info isn’t available. These are just two but
there are literally hundreds of words you could add to the end or beginning
depending on your niche and your ‘presell story’ - more on that later!
Personally, I don’t like hyphens, supposedly hyphenated domains work well because
the search engines treat each word as a separate one but I’ve never had any luck.
And when was the last time you saw a hyphenated domain in the organic results?
Ok, so now you’ve got a domain name all we need to do is create the website.
Note: I’m presuming you have a hosting account already, but if you don’t then may I
recommend you check out Bluehost – it’s the company I use, I think it’s like 7 bucks
a month and you can host an unlimited number of websites on that same account.
I’ve had a few issues with regards to installing some programs but overall they’ve
been a fantastic company to work with.
To build our sniper site we will be using a free tool called wordpress.
I don’t know why, but search engines LOVE Wordpress, especially Google.
The difference between a traditionally built website (one built with Xsite pro,
Dreamweaver etc, maybe even notepad if you’re old fashioned!) and wordpress is
absolutely phenomenal.
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Seriously, the first time a friend of mine convinced me to use Wordpress I was
gobsmacked. I mean, my sniping was already pretty effective... but with Wordpress it
became like taking candy for a baby... a big 500 pound baby called Google.
So, why will we be using Wordpress to build our Google Sniper sites?
• It ranks a lot better in the search engines than if you use any other website
creation tool.
• It’s free. Yep. Completely free, which saves you several hundred bucks right
off the bat.
• Anyone can use it; you don’t need to know much about coding (I still can’t, to
this day, design even a simple website using code alone)
• It’s so much quicker to build a good looking professional site. Oh sure, for
pure speed nothing beats Xsite pro for quick site. But if you want to make it
visually appealing (important) then you’d need to design headers in
Photoshop etc. Whereas with Wordpress, all you need do is upload a new
‘Theme’ – Of which there are THOUSANDS available to suit all types of site.
A note to the more experienced guys who are set in their ways: Look, I swore by own
site creation tools too (Xsite pro for me) but just like I did, you’re going to have to
wake up and smell the bacon!
Wordpress is the future. Sure, the first few weeks were a pain and it hasn’t quite got
as many options as the traditional creation suites. But, the search engines love it and
the fact is that if you’re NOT using wordpress then you’re at a serious disadvantage.
Anyway, we’ve established what platform our sniper sites will be built with. What
Note: Read through this chapter first. Then watch video four to see exactly how to do
install a wordpress blog and themes/plugins...
Wordpress works a little differently to most website creation tools. Rather than install
a program on your pc, you install it on your web server and to access it you have to
enter a username and password. This is actually one of my gripes with wordpress,
because it means you can’t edit your site unless you’re connected to the internet.
The plus side is, of course, that you can access and edit your sites from any
computer in the world.
The reason wordpress works this way is because it’s actually a blogging platform.
Even though most people use it to create normal websites, it was originally created
for blogging.
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So, here’s how to install it. Note that I’m going to presume that you’re hosting has
CPanel because most hosts do nowadays. But if it doesn’t for some reason then you
can follow the setup instructions on the wordpress website here.
Step #1
Log into your hosting account and on the main CPanel window scroll down to the
software/services section and click on Wordpress icon.
Step #2
Then click on Install on the right hand side and you’ll be presented with this screen –
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Step #3
You’ll then be presented with this screen:
Select Your Domain for your Google Sniper site and click “Check Domain”.
Step #4
You will then be presented with this screen:
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- Where would you like Wordpress installed: There will be a drop down list
of your domain names, select the one you want. For this example, my domain
would be
- Install in directory: Leave it blank to install it on your home page. If you put
in blog, you would only see your site if you typed in
- Choose an admin name and password (can be whatever you want)
- Site name: Here is where you’ll put your keyword, possibly followed by
‘review’ if you’re creating the entire site about one product.
- Description: Write a brief description of the site. Include the main keyword.
So if the keyword was ‘how to get a six pack fast’ this might be my
description: How to get a six pack fast – How I did it. If the theme of my site
was my story of how I got a six pack.
Now, that description will be displayed at the top of the blog and is not the
description that will come up on search engines.
For our individual post descriptions (the one that Google users WILL see) we might
instead have something like:
“Discover how to get a six pack fast – Includes the story of how one skinny weakling
got ripped abs in just four weeks plus tips on how you can get a 6 pack fast too.”
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Notice I’m selling the visitor on the website while optimizing it at the same time with
related keywords like ‘ripped abs’ (called LSI keywords). But more on this later.
In order to log into your wordpress blog go to: and
you’ll be prompted to enter the username and password you chose. It’s all very user
friendly and relatively self explanatory.
If you want to learn the basics before we move on then I recommend you look it up
on Google. There’s plenty of useful free information out there. And I’m not going to
waste peoples time by going into the basics of wordpress here. Instead, I’ll show you
everything you need to know as we go along.
Now, there are two things you need to do to your sniper site before we even start to
write anything and they are: Download and configure the 2 essential plugins, and
choose a ‘theme’ for your site. We won’t go into the latter here, because it fits in
much better in the next chapter: Creating your killer presell story and writing the
So, let’s focus on the plugins for now. There are HUNDREDS of free plugins
available to enhance your wordpress site but I never really use any but these two.
Feel free to browse the selection available at your leisure, but personally, I can never
be bothered.
The 2 plugins you NEED are:
All in one SEO pack – Helps to optimize your blog for search engines
Google XML Sitemaps – Creates a sitemap for Google which helps SEO once again.
Don’t worry about what each of them do or how to configure them at this point of in
time because we’ll get onto that later. For now you just need to install them on your
blog. And what follows is a step by step guide on how to do it.
I say themes as well because it follows the same process. You won’t have a theme
yet but just come back and view this section when you want to install one.
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Step 1:
Click the ‘Add New’ option under the Plugins section.
Step 2:
Type in the 2 main plugins you require. First let’s search for the All in One Seo
Pack, once typed in hit the Search plugin button.
Step 3:
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Locate the correct plugin, in this case we select the All in One SEO pack and hit the
install Now link as show above.
Step 4:
Wordpress will then ask you if you are sure you want to install this plugin, hit the ok
or yes button.
Step 5:
You simply hit the activate plugin link to finish off installing and activating your plugin.
Now repeat the steps for the ‘Google XML Sitemaps’ plugin.
Alternatively you can also install your plugins via FTP.
Step #1:
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Download the plugins from the site and unzip them.
All in one SEO pack – Helps to optimize your blog for search engines . Download it
Google XML Sitemaps – Creates a sitemap for Google which helps SEO once again.
Download it here:
Step #2:
Go to your CPanel account and select unlimited FTP. Or use whatever FTP program
you use normally.
Step 3:
This step is for guys who haven’t used FTP before. Unlimited FTP is a File Transfer
Protocol program (don’t worry about the jargon) that basically allows you to upload
and download files from your computer to your web server and thus, your website.
What you’ll see when you open unlimited FTP is a screen similar to this:
On the left you’ve got your computer and you can browse through all of your files
and the on the right you’ve got your web server. You don’t need to worry about any
files except public_html. So click that as shown in the diagram
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Step #4:
If this is your first and only website on the hosting account what you’ll see now will
look something like this:
Click on wp-content.
Step #5:
You will now see this on your screen.
Notice how on the left hand side I’ve browsed to where I unzipped the plugin/theme.
And on the right we will now select plugins, but if you wanted to install a theme
(which we will do later) you’d need to click on the themes folder to install inside.
Step #6:
Once inside the plugins folder you should see this:
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Now all you need to do is click upload and voila: The plugin will be uploaded to your
wordpress blog. Now that you’ve done it for the all in one SEO pack, browse to
where you unzipped the sitemap plugin on the left hand side and click upload again.
When we install a theme you will do exactly the same process but in the themes
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This is all a lot easier to understand in video format, so...
Watch Video Three Now by Clicking Here
And Watch me Create a Wordpress Blog From Scratch and
Install a Theme and Both Plugins.
Okay then. You should now have your blog installed.
In the next chapter we’re going to talk about how to presell your visitors to maximise
your profits.
Welcome to what will be a long but absolutely essential chapter. While chapter two
was very practical in nature: do this do that. Chapter three is going to be quite
theoretical, although I’ll try to make it as practical as I can by giving you examples
along the way.
Skip this chapter at your peril because creating good content and preselling your
visitors properly will mean the difference between $50 a month from a sniper site and
$300 a month. Many marketers ask how I make so much money from some sites
which have so few visitors, well, this is how.
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Preselling is an art. It is the art of not only getting your visitors to perform a certain
action (click your affiliate link) but also to have a certain frame of mind when they do
so. You want them interested, so ready to buy that they almost only need to skim the
merchants sales page to be convinced.
Why is knowing how to presell important? Well, think about this: The ONLY thing
separating a buying customer (one who clicks your affiliate link and buys) from a
browsing one is YOUR CONTENT. Your words, your websites feel, your graphics
and maybe even your video. If your content is good you might turn 1% of visitors to
your site into a buying customer and if it’s bad you might get 1 customer out of every
500 visitors.
Seriously, that’s not even an extreme example. I’ve seen guys get a lot worse than a
0.2 conversion rate and I’ve seen guys get a lot better than 1%.
The point is that your preselling is very important and will have immense effect on
how much money you make with Google Sniper or any online money making
Now, I could write a whole book on preselling, (and I probably will in the future - so
lookout for it!) but what I’ve done is try to condense all of that knowledge into a single
chapter. So what follows is absolute gold.
But first...
Without tooting my own horn, I wanted to do a quick section about why you should
listen to me when it comes to preselling. Because I think it’s important that you have
faith in the techniques you’re going to learn. I mean, I know that I’d be much more
likely to implement techniques if there was proof that they’d worked in the past.
Now, I know you probably believe me anyway, but it’s nice to have a bit of proof
once in a while anyway, to really reinforce what I’m talking about.
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These statistics represent the month of January 09 and show my three best
converting Clickbank sites at the time.
For those who aren’t familiar with Clickbank’s analytics page, the 4.5000 represents
that for every 4.5 people who clicked my affiliate link, one bought the product. Pretty
amazing when you think that the average conversion rate on the net is about 1/100.
So, as you can see, while I do have my shortcomings, when it comes to preselling I
really know my stuff.
Note that a 20% conversion rate is rare (Only three of my sites achieve that – you
can see two of them in the screenshot) but I wanted to show you what is possible if
you master preselling.
And the good news is that preselling’s not hard. If you follow the guidelines set in this
chapter then you’ll be well on your way to achieving conversion rates like that too.
IMPORTANT: Changes in 2.0 to the preselling technique.
The next few paragraphs are just notes I’ve added in for 2.0. Okay, so in the original
guide I taught people what was frankly, a bit of a “gung ho” way of doing it...
Sure, it converted great, everyone made lots of money (and don’t worry you still will).
But the methods and writing techniques needed some editing in order to be in line
with the new FTC (Federal Trade Commision) laws which came out shortly after I
initially wrote Google Sniper.
Make no mistake, today, these changes are a very important addition to Sniping.
And it took me a long time to figure this new method of selling stuff out...
Because in order to be 100% within the FTC’s guidelines or pretty close (I’m not your
lawyer here and this is not legal advice) conversions took a big hit!
Frankly, it was very hard to get it back to those high converting numbers. And I was
just about to give up, when one day this method hit me.
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So, I’m proud to announce that the new way of selling things on your sniper site is
not only going to make you just as much money (sometimes its converted even
better), but your empire is also going to be a lot safer.
But hold on, why’d I go to all this trouble anyway? Who are the FTC and why should
you care?
The FTC or Federal Trade Commission is a US Government organisation that goes
around essentially preventing false advertising and shutting down some of the bad
businesses. This is, of course, a positive thing for the people of the World.
I’m sure you’ve heard of all those internet “get rich quick” scams, well I’m talking
about those guys... pyramid schemes and that kind of thing...
NOT what we’re doing. Affiliate marketing using Google Sniper is nothing like that,
and especially now, I believe we can truly add value to people’s lives.
But you should be aware of the FTC anyway, and their powers to shut websites
down and businesses.
HOWEVER- I also want to stress that this does not happen often, I mean, like lunar
eclipse often and statistically, you’d have next to nothing to worry about anyway as
they’re much busier bringing down 8 figure a year business than little old you and I.
This just really proofs up the whole process that little bit more ☺ So here we go,
here’s how to create a high converting, 100% proof, money sucking, value adding
Sniper super site!
The first step is to picture your average visitor. Ask questions like...
Who are they? How old is the average searcher likely to be? How experienced is
that audience with the internet? (this will affect the style of our site)
Why are they searching for the keyword? Usually they have a problem and they
want to find a solution. You need to identify what that problem is and all the
negatives surrounding that problem. Using weight loss as an example: The main
problem is that they’re overweight and the negatives that stem from that might be:
Social humiliation, not having a lot of confidence, not attracting the opposite sex
And finally... Ignore this one at your peril...
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What do they want? Is the visitor looking for a review? General information? A guide
to solve their problem?
Ignore this last point and your visitors will hit the back button faster than you can say
WAAIIT. Seriously, you can use all the sales tactics in the world but if you don’t give
the searcher what they’re looking for then your conversion rates will be dismal. If
when looking at your visitor statistics, 80% or more are leaving in the first 10
seconds then that’s your problem: They are looking for one thing and your website
provides another. Internet users are impatient and if they don’t find what they’re
looking for they will exit your site without hesitation.
Remember that you need to provide quality content (answer their query) AND presell
them at the same time.
I recommend that you find a piece of paper and quickly jot down answers to all of the
questions above. It will help you to understand your visitors better and therefore
increase your conversions.
All of these points are summed up in what is one of my favourite internet marketing
phrases: “You need to enter the conversation that the searcher is having in his/her
head”. You need to enter the searchers mind, give them what they want, confirm
their fears and present it all in a way they’re familiar with (and not sceptical of).
So, as promised, here’s a practical example to back all of this theory up:
The user types in to Google “XYZweightlossproduct Review”.
What’s going on in their mind? They’re very interested in the product but they want to
find a high quality review before they purchase. Notice that I said HIGH QUALITY
because give them the same crappy, biased review they’ve probably already read
and they won’t buy. They’ll look somewhere else until they find a real review and end
up clicking their affiliate link in the process.
Also note that this user doesn’t want a long story telling them about how you
overcame your weight loss problem because they already want the product.
Finally, they are probably a woman, over 30 and probably not THAT internet savvy
so an unprofessional looking website will get a better response. Since they will be
sceptical of a graphical, marketing type website and associate it with the BS
infomercials on TV.
So, here’s what I’d give that searcher:
A simple, OK looking blog, nothing too flashy and certainly not a professional
website. I’d position myself as an expert E-course reviewer... Someone who buys
Clickbank products in lots of different niches and reviews them, which when you
have multiple sites is what you are anyway.
P a g e 	
Then, I would immediately present them with an ‘in depth’ and seemingly unbiased
review of the best quality product you found on the market. (I recommend attaining
review copy’s from the creators, more on this in the video) In the review I’d get down
to the ‘brass tacks’ of how many pounds other successful students actually lost (look
for testimonials on the sales page of the product). I’d give some negative comments
and finish by saying how it’s basically the best product I saw and that I saw A LOT.
Those are the basics of our website. Now let’s look at it in more detail.
Angle of attack? Yeah, I know... what was I thinking when I came up with the names
for these sub chapters? It’s a flying term anyway, and I figured it described this
section well enough while raising your curiosity about it at the same time.
In this section we’re going to consider ‘what does the user want’ and therefore what
the best ‘angle of attack’ is to take if we want to successfully capture that visitors
attention and presell them on the product. So, in the weight loss product review
example the best approach was to write a quality review because it’s what the
searcher wanted.
Now, there are basically three styles of website you can create that I’ve had success
with time and time again. They are review websites, story websites and a quick how
to followed by a story websites.
Review website
These are not the traditional “here’s reviews of five products and here’s the one we
liked best”. No, since our sniper websites would probably be targeting a single
product name it wouldn’t make sense to give the user more choices when they’ve
already decided on one product in particular (because they’re searching for it). Trust
me on this one, giving the users choice when they they’re not asking for it = lower
So basically, our review type websites will have a single, honest review right at the
top of the site in plain view of the visitor. We won’t sell these reviews in any way,
nothing fancy, no flashy “5/5 Stars” graphics, we’ll just get straight down to the
content in a way that compels the user to read on.
But here’s where we come to a fork in the road. You need to decide if the user would
prefer a long, comprehensive review (If they’ve typed product name review then I’d
P a g e 	
always do this one) or if they just want a concise, completely unbiased one which
just presents the facts.
Comprehensive reviews are much more... wordy.
You’ll try to involve the emotions of the reader and establish a relationship which
leads to them trusting your final verdict. By the way, for your final conclusion when
using this style, you’ll want to switch from review to almost selling the prospect.
I might start off a comprehensive review like this:
Hey, George here, (establish personal relationship)
And you’re reading my uncensored review of what I really thought about product
name. (Everyone loves unofficial, uncut kind of stuff).
Note that this a review though, if you’re looking for product name’s website then click
here. (First affiliate link, you’ll get many sales from here)
Why am I writing this? Well, when I was thinking about buying product name, there
weren’t many real reviews around so I thought I’d write one quickly to help any of
you who are in the same position I was. (The reason why I’m writing it eliminates
early scepticism and to appear as the ‘reluctant hero’, people love reluctant heroes)
But be warned, I’ll be going into both the good and the bad points, so if that’s
something you might not want to hear, then you may as well leave now. (Engage the
visitor by challenging them)
Use a similar opening to that, and right off the bat you’ll have sparked interest and
engaged the reader, given them what they wanted (or clues that you’re about too)
and created trust by giving clues that you’re on their side (and also by giving them a
legitimate reason to your motives for writing it).
Yeah, it’s a very effective opening, use it wisely!
But back to the point (got a little sidetracked there), you need to decide what kind of
review your visitor is interested in.
If you’re building a sniper site for a physical product then I highly recommend you
don’t do a comprehensive review and instead just present the facts with a link to
where they can buy the product (your affiliate link of course).
E.G. My now famous example (thanks for laughing snipers!): If someone’s looking
for a shovel, they don’t need to be convinced they need one. Or sold on the benefits
of using this new age technology of err... “shovelling”.
P a g e 	
Another circumstance is when a lengthy review simply isn’t needed. An example of
this is reverse phone detective type programs on Clickbank. These are websites
where you pay and in return get to reverse look up a phone number. Why isn’t a
lengthy review appropriate here?
Because the user probably isn’t doubting whether it works or not, after all, they can
see the search box where you enter the phone number on their screen. They just
want a quick “here’s the facts, the personal info it provides from entering a phone
number is accurate” and then a link to where they can use the service.
If on the other hand you’re promoting a Clickbank E-book type product, then deciding
what kind of review page to do can be a little more tricky.
You need to analyze your answers to the three questions we talked about earlier
(who, why and what) and decide what your visitor wants.
Here are some key points I consider when I’m deciding on what type of review to
How literate is the average visitor?
The fact is that not all audiences like to read long reviews. Some markets will be
accustomed to it but many will not, they may just want to hear the facts and get the
product. Not read a wordy 500 word review.
How internet ‘savvy’ is the average visitor?
Savvy users, such as other marketers for example, will be more interested in an in
depth review.
The price of the product you’re preselling.
The more expensive it is, the more likely they’ll want to read a full review of it.
These are three factors to consider, but there’s no science to this and you’ll just have
to judge it yourself. Remember that internet marketing is all about testing and if the
sniper site is getting a lot of traffic but low conversions, then you can go back and
spend more time developing the review later.
Story Website
P a g e 	
This is my personal favourite and is the style I use most often.
Very important note: You can only create this story if niches you’ve actually got
experience with yourself, DO NOT make up a fake story.
I’ll repeat that, do not make up a story.
For example, I would never do a story on pregnancy since obviously I’m not a
woman. I have however, experimented (like most silly young men I guess) with
muscle building. Albeit limited experience since I soon realised I was ok with the way
I was ☺
The solution here, if you don’t have experience with the niche is to either create a
review like I taught you above OR write a story based on your experiences with the
guides. I.E. “I started reading around and think this one would work best”, but of
course never state you actually used the product if you didn’t.
Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense, read on now, and it will, just bear this small
adjustments in mind.
Anyway, if you’re not building the site around a product name and instead a more
general keyword like “best way to build muscle”, then you can enter the conversation
in the searchers mind by saying:
“Hey! I used to want to know that too, stay clear of this because it didn’t work, this
didn’t work either but finally, I did find a way to build muscle: affiliate product.”
These sites are VERY effective in some markets and your conversion rate will be
through the roof. Here’s how to structure your story:
Intro – Get the reader interested.
Hey George here,
If you’re looking for the best way to build muscle, then I’m glad you’ve found this
website and I strongly suggest you keep reading...
Because this my uncensored muscle building story. The ups, the downs, what stuff
didn’t work and finally the one thing that did help me achieve my personal goal
of building muscle. – That will do for an intro. Short and sweet.
Your beginning – Use the negatives surrounding the main problem of the searcher to
create a story that the visitor identifies with. So here it might be: I wanted more
female attention, I wanted to look cooler at the beach e.t.c and then say I was sick
and tired of it and wanted to do something about it. – This is the point where most of
your visitors will be when they arrive at your site.
The middle – I tried this, I tried that and finally tried something else. All these failed
me. In this example you could talk about: Extreme diets didn’t work and made me
P a g e 	
even skinnier, going to the Gym sucked, I wasn’t getting anywhere and finally protein
drinks didn’t work either.
The end – Eventually you stumbled across a solution (affiliate product), I couldn’t
believe how well it worked etc. But include one thing you didn’t like about the product
here - it makes it a bit more believable. And to close, say I hope you found this
information useful etc you can click here to check it out.
Really, the only secrets to using a story are making it interesting, sounding like
you’ve been in the visitors shoes and keeping it concise.
• Keep it interesting by using short, powerful sentences now and again and
giving clues to the fact that you did find a solution in the end but not revealing
what it is until the end of the story.
• Create trust by saying how you used to be just like the visitor and that you
know what they’re going through.
• And finally keep it concise, while make sure you do tell a detailed story. Don’t
make it TOO long or visitors will skip parts and click straight on the affiliate
links without being presold first (BAD). Keep your story between 400 and 600
Quick How to and Then a Story
This method has proven effective in markets where you can give a quick tip related
to their problem, and if the keyword is asking “how to do” something. A How to
answers their query and simultaneously serves to get them interested and increases
their trust in you – Since you seem to know what you’re talking about.
An example of this is if a searcher typed in “how to talk to women”. You could
provide a short 250 word tip article about what ‘pick up lines’ to use and then at the
end say but what do you do AFTER you’ve opened the conversation?... Because
obviously there’s more to talking to women than a pick up line.
Then immediately below you launch into your story for which you would use the
same format as the one mentioned above.
The reality is that I use the story style most often, followed by the how to and then a
story if I think that the searcher might be an impatient one – And therefore won’t
want to read a story before finding an answer to their query. I will only use the review
style when I create a sniper site around a product name.
P a g e 	
Moving on, there is one factor that should be included in your site, no matter which
angle of attack you choose... personality.
Being unique is important. Especially on the internet where 95% of sites offer the
same re-hashed information. Therefore, it is important that your website be seen as
one of a kind, that this exact review or story isn’t available ANYWHERE else –
Therefore it’s valuable. We do this by giving our site a... personal touch.
A personal feel will mean that your visitors trust you more and that you empathise
with their situation. Now, the first thing you need to do is create your websites
Creating your character
Your ‘character’ is simple.
Your character, across all of your sniper sites, is going to be you.
Now, if you’re worried about privacy you can use a pen name, but the idea is that
visitors feel like you’re a real person.
And who are you?
If you’ve actually used the product then you’re going to try and represent the average
visitor to your site AFTER they found a solution to the problem. Essentially, you’ll be
identical in every way except for one small difference: That you’ll no longer have that
So, using the previous exercises talked about in ‘the basics’, you should have a
pretty good idea of who you’re average visitor will be, what their fears and problems
are and what they want.
If you have not used the product, which is 90% of cases, it’s simple too.
You’re still going to be yourself, the only difference is you’re going to project yourself
as an authority reviewer who understands the visitors problems.
The concept behind this is so simple, and it’s this...
P a g e 	
When you want a review of the latest movie, you go to the perceived experts’ right?
You trust their opinion more than the average Joe at the local coffee shop.
Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to be tapping into. And it’s very powerful.
The trick, and the amazing thing here, is that notice I said “perceived” expert...
Because I mean really, who says the movie critics know any more than the average
Joe? Really? After all, it’s up to opinion whether the movie’s good or not.
All that matters is how you are perceived, even if you don’t really consider yourself
an editor of the NY times healthy lifestyle column just yet.
So you are going to project yourself on your sniper sites as an “authority” on the
subject of review books, within that particular niche and others... It’s a simple
concept but a very powerful one, and the method I use on most of sites nowadays.
Top tip: Don’t be afraid to use the same name, either pen or real, across all of your
sites, you’ll get a lot of extra business credibility when a particularly curious visitor
decides he doesn’t believe you and types your name into Google only to discover it’s
true, you do have lots of other review Sniper sites!
Finding a suitable picture
A photo of you is a must.
It instantly creates trust by putting a face to the writing. It brings your content alive
and serves to create a stronger bond with the visitor. And most importantly, it
increases conversions.
I’ll put a picture along with a Who am I? Subheading in the right hand side column of
the website. Along with a brief description of who the creator of the site is.
Make sure it’s a picture of your face, as you don’t have lots of room to work with.
Don’t go for professionally done photos. Nothing says I’m trying to sell you
something like a perfectly crafted portrait shot. Go for one that doesn’t look staged. It
can be hard to find normal pictures that still make you look professional so you may
need to do a little digging around on Facebook (always fun anyway). At the end of
this chapter in the video I’ll show you some examples of what kind of photo you want
to avoid... Prepare to smile ☺
Create an About me page
These pages get visited a lot more often than you think.
I’d say that around one in five visitors will visit your about me page. But the good
news is that by using Google analytics (website tracking software) I’ve found that
P a g e 	
very few visitors actually exit my site from the about me page. Which means that
they are then returning to the main page after the about me page.
Why is this important? Because it shows that the ‘about me’ page helps to build your
credibility with more curious visitors, while at the same time not distracting them from
your real content, because most will return to it afterwards.
Now, you’re about me page doesn’t have to be long. Just a short and concise article
explaining who you are and why you made the site. If you’ve created a review site,
then it’s important to note your accomplishments (include the fact you have several
review websites) because the visitor will be wondering why should I trust this guy?
What makes him an authority on the subject?
Be likeable
When you’re writing your content try to sound like a friend. Particularly if you’re
creating a story because flawless copywriting would raise some eyebrows anyway –
A 20 year old body builder wouldn’t be expected to write like a Harvard graduate.
People liking you is a big key to success online.
If people like you then they’re more likely to A. Pay attention, B. Trust your opinion
and C. Ultimately buy whatever you’re selling. So, make your about me page
interesting, use metaphors in your writing, and talk to them like a friend.
This is also ties into that if you want the high conversion rates (and who doesn’t want
more money?) then you need to stop selling.
That is the merchants job. All you need to do is give an honest review or story, tell
them how great you thought it was and provide a link. Do not at any point directly say
things like: “Imagine in just 5 days from now, you could have lost 10 pounds just like
I did”. You don’t need to say that because if you just say “I lost 10 pounds in 5 days”
then the visitor will come to their own conclusion that...
“Hey, she was no different than me, maybe I could lose 10 pounds in 5 days too.”
This is called soft selling, it’s where you elude towards the benefits but let the visitor
come to their own conclusion at the same time - Instead of shoving the selling points
down their throat so to speak. And in my opinion, is the best way to not only presell
products online (like we’re doing here) but the best way to sell stuff full stop.
(Read this section but note that at the end of this chapter there is also a video where
I’ll show you some great themes). So, by now you know what angle you’re going to
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  • 1. P a g e  |  1   ©2014    Google  Sniper   Google Sniper By George Brown THE MASTER MANUAL
  • 2. P a g e  |  2       ©2014    Google  Sniper     LEGAL  .............................................................................................................................................  4   THE  INTRO...  ...................................................................................................................................  5   CHAPTER  ONE:  FINDING  A  PROFITABLE  OPPORTUNITY  (MARKET  &  KEYWORDS)  ............................  9   A  NICHE  YOU  CAN  MONETIZE  ...............................................................................................................  11   A  KEYWORD  YOU  CAN  MONETIZE  ........................................................................................................  13   OVER  3,000  SEARCHES  PER  MONTH  ......................................................................................................  14   NOT  HIGHLY  COMPETITIVE  KEYWORDS  ...................................................................................................  16   FINDING  THESE  KEYWORDS  –  THE  2  DIFFERENT  APPROACHES  ....................................................................  20   HOW  TO  FIND  THE  KEYWORDS  TO  SNIPE  –  STEP  BY  STEP  ............................................................................  24   CASHING  IN  ON  PRODUCT  NAMES  –  A  UNIQUE  APPROACH  .........................................................................  26   CHAPTER  TWO:  BUILDING  THE  FOUNDATIONS  –  THE  FIRST  STEPS  OF  SNIPER  SITE  CREATION  .......  28   DOMAIN  NAME  SECRETS  .....................................................................................................................  28   WORDPRESS,  A  GIFT  FROM  THE  GOD’S?  .................................................................................................  29   INSTALLING  WORDPRESS  ....................................................................................................................  30   PLUGINS  .........................................................................................................................................  34   HOW  TO  INSTALL  YOUR  WORDPRESS  PLUGINS  &  THEMES  ...........................................................................  34   CHAPTER  THREE:  SECRETS  OF  A  20%  CONVERSION  RATE  -­‐  CREATING  A  KILLER  PRESELL  STORY  AND   WRITING  THE  CONTENT  ................................................................................................................  40   THE  CONCEPT  OF  PRESELLING  ..............................................................................................................  41   WHY  YOU  SHOULD  LISTEN  TO  ME  ..........................................................................................................  41   THE  BASICS  .....................................................................................................................................  43   DECIDING  ON  YOUR  ANGLE  OF  ATTACK  ...................................................................................................  45   CASHING  IN  ON  PERSONALITY  ..............................................................................................................  50   CHOOSING  A  THEME  ..........................................................................................................................  52   SOME  PROVEN  THEME/STORY  COMBINATIONS  FOR  POPULAR  NICHES  ...........................................................  54   CHAPTER  FOUR:  SETTING  UP  YOUR  SITE  FOR  GOOGLE  DOMINATION  ...........................................  58   OVERALL  SNIPER  SITE  STRUCTURE  .........................................................................................................  58   HUMANS  VS.  THE  SEARCH  ENGINES:  STRIKING  A  BALANCE  ..........................................................................  61   KEYWORD  VARIANCES  AND  LSI  ............................................................................................................  62   OPTIMIZING  YOUR  SITE  ......................................................................................................................  67   CONFIGURING  THE  PLUGINS  ................................................................................................................  69   CHAPTER  FIVE:  AFFILIATE  LINKS  &  MAXIMISING  CONVERSIONS  ....................................................  73  
  • 3. P a g e  |  3       ©2014    Google  Sniper     AFFILIATE  LINK  PLACEMENT  AND  OPTIMIZING  THE  ANCHOR  TEXT  ..................................................................  73   THE  IMPORTANCE  OF  CLOAKING  &  HOW  TO  DO  IT  ....................................................................................  77   CHAPTER  SIX:  CREATING  YOUR  SNIPER  SITE  –  STEP  BY  STEP  ..........................................................  83   HOW  TO  CREATE  POSTS  ......................................................................................................................  83   CREATING  YOUR  GOOGLE  SNIPER  SITE  –  A  COMPLETE  WALKTHROUGH  ........................................................  86   PART    ONE  –  NO  PREREQUISITE  (THIS  IS  THE  FIRST  PART  OF  CREATING  YOUR  SITE)  ................................................  87   PART  TWO:  CREATING  THE  FIRST  PART  OF  THE  CONTENT  –  PREREQUISITE  IS  HAVING  THE  SITE  SET  UP  (PART  ONE)  ......  88   PART  THREE:  GETTING  YOUR  SNIPER  SITE  RANKED  &  OFF  PAGE  OPTIMIZATION.  PERQUISITES  ARE  PARTS  ONE  AND  TWO   -­‐  YOUR  SITE  MUST  BE  READY.  ......................................................................................................................  89   PART  4:  PUTTING  THE  ICING  ON  THE  CAKE:  FINAL  POST,  ARTICLE  AND  AFFILIATE  LINKS.  THE  PREREQUISITE  IS  THAT  YOUR   SITE  IS  INDEXED  BY  GOOGLE.  .......................................................................................................................  90   CHAPTER  SEVEN:  GETTING  RANKED  AND  GAINING  AUTHORITY  IN  RECORD  TIME  .........................  92   PINGING  .........................................................................................................................................  92   INTEGRATING  WITH  YOUTUBE  ..............................................................................................................  93   MAKING  YOUR  YOUTUBE  VIDEO  ...........................................................................................................  94   BOOKMARKING  YOUR  SITE  ..................................................................................................................  98   THE  GOOGLE  SANDBOX  ....................................................................................................................  100   CHAPTER  EIGHT:  SCALING  YOUR  SNIPER  SITE  INTO  A  $10,000  A  MONTH  BUSINESS  ....................  102   THE  BIGGEST  SECRET  OF  SUPER  AFFILIATES  ...........................................................................................  102   STICK  AT  IT  ....................................................................................................................................  104   SCALING  GOOGLE  SNIPER  .................................................................................................................  105   $10,000  A  MONTH  IS  EASY  ...............................................................................................................  106   FINAL  WORD  ..................................................................................................................................  107  
  • 4. P a g e  |  4       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Legal   By reading this E-book you have agreed to the following terms and conditions. Under no circumstances should this E-book be sold, copied or reproduced in any way. If you got this E-book for free then please email me, I would very much appreciate it. “Google Sniper” and all of its contents are protected by copyright law. Copyright information contained in this product may not be reproduced, distributed or copied publicly in any way, including Internet, e-mail, newsgroups, or reprinting. Any violator will be subject to the maximum fine and penalty imposed by law. Purchasers of this product are granted a license to use the information contained herein for their own personal use only. Any violators will be pursued and punished to the fullest extent of the law. All earnings described in this product and shown on our website are accurate to the best of our knowledge, and should not be considered “typical”. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your background, dedication, desire and motivation. We make no guarantees regarding the level of success you may experience. Any testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. You may also experience unknown or unforeseeable risks which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The author and publisher of Google Sniper and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing Google Sniper. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of Google Sniper. The information contained in Google Sniper is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in Google Sniper you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The material contained in this book in STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. There are NO Resell rights for Google Sniper. There are NO Private label rights for Google Sniper. You may NOT distribute this report in away way (paid or free). Distribute Google Sniper illegally and you WILL be subject to the maximum fine/penalty imposed by law.
  • 5. P a g e  |  5       ©2014    Google  Sniper     The  Intro...   Not being much of a storyteller, I’ll keep this short. Hi, my name’s George Brown and I’m a sniper. We’ll get to what that means (and the original introduction along with it) in a second... But first, I want to acknowledge that I’m no longer the only Sniper out there. In fact, thanks to the original Google Sniper, there’s thousands of Snipers now. Many have quit their job thanks to nothing but this guide, many more are on the way, and many are earning $10,000+ a month, some much more. Doing nothing but what I’m about to show you. And I’m not going to lie, I’m a very proud young man because of that ☺ Google Sniper is my baby, and it’s a joy to be back here again teaching you both the original system and the changes I’ve made, inside this - the ‘master’ manual. So I just want to say thank you to all of the original snipers, who bought my “1.0” course and changed their lives with it. And also hopefully bring some encouragement to any new snipers joining our ranks... Because Google Sniping works. The guide and the videos you’ve got access to right now, alone, has the ability to change your life. Just like all those stories of successful snipers before you. It’s proven now; it’s not just me making money... Everyone is doing it. And if you’re new, you’re in for a real treat. You’ve got an even better chance than them, because in today’s World, and with my (and other Sniper’s) research it’s now way easier and more profitable than ever. And that’s saying something about what’s known unofficially as “the easiest, laziest and most profitable way to make money on the net today”.
  • 6. P a g e  |  6       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So, I hope you enjoy what follows, and please give it your all. Because there’s magic in these pages...And maybe, just maybe, reading this will be a turning point for you. Okay. So what on earth is a “sniper” anyway? Well, I’m not in the armed forces or anything. No, I’m a Google Sniper. I ‘zoom in’ on a niche within a niche, target a very specific subject and build a tiny 2- 3 hour ‘website’ dedicated to it. I target these markets and optimize my ‘sniper’ websites with such precision, that Google is almost forced into giving me a high ranking… Meaning lots and lots of people will visit it. Free of charge. I don’t try to create large 200 page so-called authority websites which take months of work to setup like everybody else (although I do have a couple), instead I create smaller individual sites. Sometimes they are even multiple sites within the same niche/market. It’s a unique approach. A key point I also want to remind you (for those of you brand new) is that our Sniper ‘websites’ are NOT built in the traditional way. And because of that- You do not need any technical knowledge at this point, you won’t be doing any ‘coding’ or anything like that- And each site or campaign, is only going to take you a few hours to setup. So, relax. I don’t want any of these technical terms right now to seem complicated, and if they do, then don’t worry, keep reading and they soon won’t. Right. Let’s move on. So, we’re building tiny, easy to setup little ‘Sniper’ sites that buck all the trends… Why do we build them in such a way? First of all, because it works, very well in fact. And secondly, for the advanced among you, it means you won’t have to do any of the usual tedious work that’s associated with creating SEO (Search engine optimization) based sites. That’s right. You don’t need to do any link building or endless content updating here. It’s a kind of set and forget approach... You build the Sniper website once, and get a continuous flow of traffic to your site from Google (and how we turn that into the money that comes along with it, I’ll explain later) for months, and even years to come in return.
  • 7. P a g e  |  7       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Pretty sweet, right? It’s possible because we’ve built an entire site around a single idea or keyword. Essentially, we’re shoving so much of the same keyword or subject matter down Google’s throat, and we’ve “shoved” it down there in such a strategic way, that they are almost forced into giving us a high ranking on page one - No matter how many backlinks we have. And most importantly, I’ve found that building five smaller sites is a hell of a lot quicker and a better use of time (more profitable) than building a single traditional site. But here’s what’s going to sound a little weird about the whole process... You might expect that you’d have to build hundreds of these tiny sites to make a good income online, but that’s simply not the case. These sites don’t make pennies. We’ll leave the other niche marketers to fight over the low volume “garbage” keywords. We’re building high traffic, high revenue sites here. In fact, I’d say my success rate of making a ‘successful site’ (one that pulls in at least $300 a month) is about 85%. Because not only does Google sniping work – it works consistently. Truthfully, I’ve made what many would consider a lot of money online almost exclusively from repeating this exact process... and I don’t have that many websites. An Overview of the course " Part One: Finding a profitable opportunity (A market to get into and your specific product). " Part Two: Creating the foundations of our site – Getting a domain and installing wordpress/plugins. " Part Three: How to write your sites content so that you get the maximum conversion rate you possibly can out of your site (preselling) " Part Four: How to optimize your site for complete domination of the search engine rankings.
  • 8. P a g e  |  8       ©2014    Google  Sniper     " Part Five: Everything you need to do with your affiliate links. Where to put them, how to cloak them and even what to say in them to get the most clicks. " Part Six: Finally, we’re going to put all our knowledge into practice. Here’s the step by step blueprint for creating your site, start to finish. " Part Seven: How to gain some quick backlinks and get your site indexed fast. " Part Eight: How to turn this one site into a 6 figure business. How I recommend you use this course... I recommend that you take an afternoon out, and go through all the material the first time, videos ‘n all, just getting to getting to know the system. And then the second time, follow along as I do each step, actually creating your own site in the process – Referring back to the process maps if needed. And don’t forget to use this manual as a reference! I’ve hyperlinked all the chapter headings to make it nice and easy for you to navigate to any areas you just want to read over again quickly in the future. A personal note on Google Sniper... I’ve tried a lot of other stuff, I’ve bought a lot of internet marketing books and yeah, they did help me. But I wasn’t really making any real money with the complicated ‘Guru’ systems... In an age of pay per click, automated blogs, complicated blackhat tactics and social media marketing, many would consider my methods too simple. But I thought ‘it’ (the system you see today), would still work and despite what a lot of people said, it did – like crazy. Now sure, this system’s not perfect and just like every other method, it has got it flaws. Namely, the Google ‘sandbox’ which means that sometimes Google doesn’t allow your site to rank highly in the search results until it’s a couple of months old – Don’t worry about it though. The sandbox is just a temporary setback anyway, one that’s shared by every SEO money making system. And it’s beyond our control anyway.
  • 9. P a g e  |  9       ©2014    Google  Sniper     I just wanted to be upfront in this course and leave nothing out. So, if something might pose a potential problem, I’ll be telling you about it, rather than leaving you to discover it one day and wonder what the heck’s going on! Anyway, I found that the courses that helped me the most were the specific ones. You know, the type which take you by the hand and show you step by step exactly how the owner had a lot of success. So, that’s what I want to show you here. And yes, I really do use these methods, still. In fact, I’ll be building yet another of my Google Sniper sites in a couple of days after writing this - I’ve found one heck of an opportunity in a certain Forex sub niche which shall remain nameless. Now, one last thing before we begin... A Warning... A lot of what I do and how I do it in this system... ‘bucks the trend’. And a lot of it just doesn’t make any logical sense. Period. But I’m lazy, and like to cut corners where I can. This is quite a unique system and you may disagree with some of my teachings, so feel free to alter any bits you don’t like (but make sure to email me if they work!). Finally, I just want to say a big thank you for purchasing this course. I’ve put a lot of thought into it, hoping to create a product which really delivered on all its promises. I hope you find the information that follows valuable. And all I can say is that Sniping has worked pretty damn well for me, and as long as you actually put it into action, I know that it will for you too.  
  • 10. P a g e  |  10       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Chapter  One:  Finding  a  Profitable  Opportunity   (Market  &  Keywords)   IMPORTANT: I want to say that if at ANY point, the terms in the manual overwhelm you, please go to the members area and watch video 1, which will give you a clear overview of how the ‘Sniper’ system works (how we make money etc). Also – Within the members area, at the bottom of the training pages, is a link to the ‘glossary’ which will any technical terms (for example, ‘keyword’ or ‘SEO’) – Which are both terms used in this chapter.. And there is also some small tutorials there too which will help you if you are a complete beginner ☺ So don’t forget, in the members area, you’ve got the videos to help, and the glossary if you don’t understand a specific word. Okay then, let’s get snipin’. First of all, we will be building our site around, almost exclusively, what’s called a keyword. And not lots of keywords, but a single keyword. We build Sniper sites like this because it gives our site a very narrow, but razor sharp focus. A keyword is simply the ‘phrase’ someone types into Google when they are looking for something. I.e. When you type in ‘what’s the best diet’ or ‘hotel in Manhattan’ or ‘football’ into Google’s search box. Or ‘Samsung HDTV’ as you can see below:
  • 11. P a g e  |  11       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Now, why ONE keyword, for the whole Sniper site? Remember, we want to do the least amount of Search engine optimization (SEO – AKA work to get us a high ranking in Google) possible and the way to do that is to be specific, VERY specific. Choosing a keyword to “snipe” is arguably the most important part of the whole “Google Sniper” process... Choose the wrong keyword, and right off the bat you’ve limited your profitability or worse yet, set yourself up to make no money at all. Now, it doesn’t matter what market or niche the keyword is in because with a couple of hour’s research you can write about just about anything. I’ve got an acne site for example, despite (fortunately) never suffering from acne myself. No, what DOES matter is that it’s a good keyword. Good isn’t a very descriptive word, I know... I could’ve said profitable, but any keyword can be profitable. We want one that brings HIGH profits (not pennies) through a high volume of targeted ‘ready to buy’ visitors. What attributes are we looking for in our main keyword? • A niche you can monetize (make sure there’s products related to the keyword). • A keyword you can monetize. • Anything that get’s over 3,000 searches per month according to Google’s keyword tool. • A level of competition we can compete with. Now, let’s look at each of these factors in more detail, because it’s absolutely crucial that you can tell the difference between a keyword that meets one of our four attributes, and one that doesn’t... A  niche  you  can  monetize   There’s no point spending all that time creating a website about something you can’t make money from. You need to be able to monetize your niche so make sure it’s got products to promote and desperate buyers.
  • 12. P a g e  |  12       ©2014    Google  Sniper     I’m talking desperate here. And I don’t mean it in a negative way, think of it like this: Not people who are looking to just solve a problem, people who are willing to PAY for the solution. A great way to see how profitable a niche could be is to do a search for the term on Google and check to see if there’s any (and how many) Adwords ads for the term. Adwords affiliates will only display their ads for any length of time if their making them money after all – Since they pay for every click. Also, check to see how many products you could promote (if any) there are for that particular niche. If there’s just one or two, then perhaps it’s got a big target audience, but they just aren’t desperate enough to actually spend money. Bear in mind that some niches will sell better than others. E.g. out of all the niches I would say that “making money online”, whatever the method, is the one people are most prepared to pay for. Side Note: When considering if a niche is profitable remember to use your common sense. Seriously, so many marketers just look at the numbers or they’re following a system so strictly that even if they object to it personally they’ll still go ahead. I recommend that you don’t. If your common sense tells you that a niche won’t be profitable, don’t go ahead with it – even if it’s meets the other criteria. This is your business and always follow what you believe is best, remembering of course to take the advice of others at the same time. But don’t follow courses to the letter, not even mine!      
  • 13. P a g e  |  13       ©2014    Google  Sniper     A  Keyword  You  Can  Monetize     We’ve looked at it from a ‘market or niche level’ which would be things like: affiliate marketing, approaching women, make money with Forex, stock trading robots e.t.c. Notice I said stuff like approaching women instead of men’s dating advice- Not too general but not too specific either. Now we need look at it from the keyword level, which is more specific to our site. This is one of my little nuggets of gold (if you can call it that) and is something that many marketers who aren’t experienced with Adwords and something called negative keywords forget about. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means. Okay. Just because you’re getting free traffic through this system it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t scrutinize how profitable that keyword actually is. Here’s an example of a keyword phrase that applies to almost any market that’s got all the elements of the equation except buyers... fecant. “product name torrent” or “product name rapidshare”. For example, for one of my recent snipes I targeted the Clickbank product “Commision blueprint”. And when deciding what phrase to target I came across (as you always do) the torrent variation of the keyword, so “commission blueprint torrent”. And guess what? It had a ton of traffic. It had close to no competition. And it was in a very profitable niche – the buyer was obviously interested in that product. But... The visitors wouldn’t have been buyers. Why? Because they were looking for a torrent (a free download). Now, you’re right in thinking that sure, SOME people after finding that there is no free download (in this case there wasn’t a torrent available) would then go on to purchase it. They might’ve just thought they could see if they could get it for free first. But use your common sense... think. The chances are that if they’re that type of internet user: regular downloader (since they’re familiar with torrent sites), social
  • 14. P a g e  |  14       ©2014    Google  Sniper     bookmarking sites frequenter etc. They probably wouldn’t buy it anyway. They were probably (and this is a sweeping generalization here), looking for a freebie. The individual keyword you’re targeting should not be a browsing keyword like ‘cameras’, instead, it should be more closely linked to buying or a specific problem. If you were doing this for stuff other than Clickbank products for example, you could make a site about a specific model of camera that had an affiliate program. Or another example, a keyword like “how to lose weight fast” would be a good one to use because the searcher clearly has a problem that they want to solve. And it’s a problem they’ll pay to solve too (since weight loss is massive billion dollar market). Also, remember that you’re very unlikely to be able to rank for a broader keyword like “cameras” or “weight loss” anyway, you’d have way too many competitors, so stick to quite specific terms. Here are the three keyword rules: 1. It must be related to buying or targeting a market thats needs (problems) are closely related to what the product offers. 2. Long tail, usually. Why? Because the shorter keywords probably won’t be buying keywords and more importantly you won’t be able to rank for them. Broad keyword terms are the realm of the authority sites. So usually go for keywords with 3 or more words in. Not just 1 or 2 words. 3. And the final rule: Over  3,000  searches  per  month     Now, it’s important to note that this is the personal figure I came up with and it is by no means set in stone. Only you can decide what’s an acceptable number of searches. It’s simple really: More traffic = more money. And obviously more searches will mean more visitors, which means more potential customers, and therefore more money. The rule of over 3,000 or at least over 2,000 searches per month is just because quite simply, I don’t see it as worth my time to pursue any keywords with less searches than that. I don’t want to fight over pennies, and you don’t need to either. We want to create sites that make over $300 a month here.
  • 15. P a g e  |  15       ©2014    Google  Sniper     However, if you are just creating your first site, and you’re prepared to maybe only make $200 a month from a sniper site, then by all means go for a keyword that gets 1,000 searches a month. 200 bucks a month is still a lot of money. Now these are sweeping generalizations I’ve just made, how profitable a site is will depend on many other factors and not exclusively the search volume. But you get the idea. I will say this though... I’d rather spend an extra hour researching keywords to find one that gets double the traffic and therefore double the sales over the entire sites life, than settle for a really low volume keyword that limits the sites profitability right off the bat. This is a huge point: Don’t be lazy with your keyword research. Keep looking until you find something GOOD, don’t settle for second best (a low volume keyword, or one with high competition). Side note: Most sniper sites you build will bring in income for at least one year by the way, so taking that extra time to find a winner is WELL WORTH IT. Now, as a minimum I’d go for at least 2,000 searches per month on your main term. Let the other marketers fight over pennies. I’ve found that anywhere around 3k though really is a sweet spot though between competition and amount of traffic. Although sometimes you will find an absolute nugget. I’m talking like 30,000 searches per month and next to no REAL competition (Authority sites or other sniper sites). And yeah it does happen (although not often enough!)... Man I love those days... Anyway, another reason for the rather large 3,000 searches/month requirement is the massive inaccuracy of the Google Keyword tool. Sometimes it under estimates the traffic (shows less searches than there really is) but usually (70% of the time) it over estimates (e.g. Google says 5k searches and really there’s 3,000 per month). This is a huge problem, I don’t know why Google’s figures are so far off, I mean it’s their company conducting the searches right?
  • 16. P a g e  |  16       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Apparently it’s because it includes it’s search partners as well or something. If you want to read more on that, here’s an interesting article I found on it: So it ain’t perfect but it’s the best tool we got. Which is why I go for keywords that get over 3,000 searches per month. Just to be on the safe side. Important: The only exception might be a product name, in which case I’d for it regardless of the keyword tools estimates if I thought it was popular. Because if a product’s got demand, then you can bet people are searching for it. How do you know if people are searching for a product? A high gravity on Clickbank for example would usually dictate that there’s bound to be a lot of people searching for it. Or even a high alexa ranking on the merchants website would do – Anything under 700,000 would usually mean it’s getting a lot of visitors. Finally, I just want to demonstrate how much you can actually make from 3,000 searches per month. So here’s a simple formula: Let’s say you’re ranked #1 for the term and get a conservative 50% of the traffic to your site. Although, you’ll probably get more once you optimize your page title (more about this later on). And let’s say you have a 1% conversion rate which is the bog standard, in reality highly focused sniper sites achieve closer to 3%. Finally, you’re promoting a product that pays $30 commission, once again, conservative in an industry where everyone seems to now offer commission on back end sales too. So, 1,500 visitors means 15 customers which means 15x30 = $450 in sales, every single month from a site that’s going to take just hours to set up! It really is so realistic to make a lot of money. But anyway, moving on... Not  highly  competitive  keywords     Now don’t get TOO hung up on levels of competition. I’m serious. Providing you follow my methods, it’s a lot easier to rank for terms than you think. Sure, sometimes you won’t rank (the main cause of a failed sniper site) but the vast majority of the time you’ll crush the competition with a one day old website and no backlinks! I’ve actually had a lot of angry emails from guys claiming I’m using black hat (weird tricks) tactics because they can’t understand how the heck I do it.
  • 17. P a g e  |  17       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So what’s an acceptable level of competition? Well, that depends on the keyword. And because of that, this is an area that many guides leave out, since it’s something you’ll only really learn from personal experience... But I wanted to come up with an exact system that you can use so that you’re not at too much of a disadvantage over the more experienced guys. But remember that there’s no substitute for real experience and you may get it wrong the first couple of times. Anyway, here are my ‘golden’ competition guidelines: First of all, let’s talk about number of competing pages. Now this is probably the most inaccurate way of doing things. I recommend that you follow my other guidelines as well, which involve researching the top results in detail, since that’s who you’re competing with – Not the thousands of guys on pages 2 – 50. But anyway, it does help to give you an initial ‘feel’ for a keyword. Now, this will vary from keyword to keyword but as a rule look for no more than 30,000 competing websites when you put your keyword in phrase marks. So, if you’re keyword was lose weight really fast you would type into Google “lose weight really fast” and see how many pages it identified as a result. (The section where it says displaying 1-10 results out of #number, where #number is the number of competing pages). I prefer however, to analyze all the top ranking websites in a bit more detail and try to gauge if I’ll be able to outrank them. So here are some tips on that: Forum topics - If there’s forum topics high up on page one (I don’t care how many views and replies they have) it’s usually a pretty good sign. Not just because you will outrank them but it shows a general lack of competition for the keyword. Other snipers. Yes, there are a few of them around and even though we’re often spread out you can run into keywords where there’s another sniper competing for it. A great example of this is Clickbank product names. Check out a product name on Google, for example a product I’m currently #1 for “DJK Google Shadow”:
  • 18. P a g e  |  18       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Notice the number of marketers heavily targeting the phrase ‘DJK Google Shadow’. I think that pretty much every result on the page has sniper domain names like ‘djk-’. The 5th guy even has: As his domain name which is just ridiculous. The marketer’s repeated the keyword almost three times in the domain name alone! While optimizing your domain name is important, don’t take it that far people! So, what do you do when there are other snipers anyway? Because particularly if you target product names, you will deal with some. A quick reminder of what a Google sniper is: It isn’t someone who just has the keyword as their page title (every smart SEO marketer will do that). No, it’s someone who has basically devoted their whole website to that exact keyword. A telltale sign of a sniper is if you find the keyword in their domain name. And how do you deal with them? Simple: There’s room for more than one – Remember that there are TEN positions on Google’s front page. And if one or two guys are ranking very well (top 5 results) then it’s almost good news, it means that sniper tactics definitely work here, so you’ll easily be able to rank too.
  • 19. P a g e  |  19       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Even if there’s a whole load of snipers (like so many that they’re completely dominating the first page) I’ll often still give it a shot. Since my on page optimization page methods are VERY effective and often I’ll to outrank them anyway. Authority Sites. Aah... the tricky one. Firstly, an authority site is a website related to the overall niche (weight loss for example) that has many pages, often over 100, all targeting different keywords. They usually have a high page rank and often a short, catchy but related domain name. Not a crappy SEO one with a whole load of hyphens. They will usually appear for a variety of different search phrases and there will only be a few in a niche (depending on the size of the niche of course). Now, it’s important to distinguish between the real authority sites and wannabe authority sites. How do you find that out? Page rank is a pretty good indicator and a PR of 2 or lower is the indication of a wannabe. But I recommend that as beginner you use this fantastic free tool: SEMRush to gauge how big a site is. It will tell you which keywords any website is ranking for, so if you see a whole bunch of what look like high traffic keywords at number one then it’s probably real authority site and it will be difficult to outrank. Use the free online tool here: Note: There are some sites that you will almost never outrank, websites such as Wikipedia. If you see a Wikipedia article on the first page, as well as many websites with a page rank of four or higher, then it’s probably too competitive for us to compete. If it’s a wannabe then judging if you can outrank it or not will be tricky. I’ll say that the real authority sites are rare but these wannabe ones are quite frequent. You’ll need to look at their website as a whole and the page in question. See how focused that page is on the particularly term by analyzing the keyword density and title and description tags. Then use the information to determine whether it’s ranking by chance and simply that Google’s put that page on page one of the results because it couldn’t find a more relevant website. A quick indicator of this is whether or not the title tag contains the keyword in question. If it doesn’t then the page is probably not ranking for that keyword specifically and it’s a good sign that you’ll probably be able to outrank it. Unfortunately, this is an area that will come with experience, and I still get it wrong today. But keep in mind that with authority sites, there’s more than one spot on Google. There are ten in fact.
  • 20. P a g e  |  20       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So, if there’s one real authority site but a whole bunch of crap on the rest of the page, then don’t worry about it. The only thing you should be concerned about is if there are like five authority sites on the first page, which is pretty rare for the ‘long tail’ keywords that we are targeting anyway. So, as a closing comment on competition: Take all of these guidelines into account and look out for less than 30,000 competing pages, authority sites (both kinds) and other snipers. If there’s snipers and pages like forum topics on the first page of Google’s results then it’s a good sign. But if you’re seeing Wikipedia articles and numerous authority sites with a high page rank then stay clear and find another keyword. But remember, that even if there is SOME competition it doesn’t mean there’s not enough room for you to compete. Because you don’t have to be number one. Finding  a  Root  Keyword  –  The  2  Different  Approaches   So far, we’ve gone through, in detail, what attributes you’re looking for when picking an opportunity. It’s a combination of a worthwhile amount of traffic, a market full of hungry buyers, a keyword related to buying, and an acceptable level of competition. So, how do you actually find these keywords? Well, first of all we need to decide on a general area to look in. Basically... we need somewhere to start our search. Makes sense right? Therefore, we need what’s called a root keyword. A root keyword is usually one or two words which are commonly associated with a market. They are the first words you would type in, if you knew nothing about the market in question. An example of a root keyword could be “affiliate marketing” or “lose weight”. Now, truthfully, more experienced marketers will already have a pretty good knowledge of what markets sell and which don’t, so they can afford to just type random root keywords into the keyword tool and skip this section. So if you are in that category, note that this section isn’t for you. This section is for the guys reading this who have literally no idea where to start.
  • 21. P a g e  |  21       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So here’s how to quickly brainstorm topics and come up with a place to start your search. There are two approaches I use. First there’s: The market led way This is looking for a keyword within a specific market. The easiest place to start if you’re new to this is by writing about something you’re interested in. I mean, why not? At this stage you’re just as likely to find a worthwhile opportunity in a market you’re interested in as you are in one you’ve got no experience with. So, if you like Golf then use Golf as your root keyword for the next section of this chapter. Now, it’s always easier to write about stuff you’re genuinely interested in because... One, you’re passionate about it and it will come out through the ‘personality’ of your site (more on that later) And two, because you’ll already presumably know a lot about the subject saving you research time. And if you’d prefer to write about another topic, then there are literally thousands of ways to come up with ideas. There’s no wrong way to do it, so use whatever method you want. You could try browsing some forums, reading the newspaper or any other methods you can think of. My personal favourite is to go on yahoo answers ( and just browse through the various questions that people are asking. You can get a lot of ideas that way. You can also use Yahoo answers spot possible gaps in the market. This is actually another little gold nugget of mine... If lots of people are asking similar questions on Yahoo then it’s likely that they’ve conducted a search on Google and not found any quality results, which has driven them to yahoo answers to find the answer to their problem. You could capitalize by building a simple sniper site based around that keyword, and promoting a related product while answering their question. Then, people with that problem in the future won’t need to go to Yahoo answers since they’ll find your site first.
  • 22. P a g e  |  22       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Whatever niche you decide on though, remember that you’ll need to monetize it, so make sure it’s got products to promote and desperate buyers too. Because of this factor, I tend to use the product led way. For example, I’d love nothing more than to create a sniper site on surfing, as it’s a big hobby of mine, but there’s no (or not enough) money in it.w The product led way This is the method that I recommend because as I said earlier, you can write about almost anything (and become an expert too with enough free research). The most important thing is that you make money doing it. So, it’s better to make sure you can make money from the niche first. Therefore, I tend to look for a product or group of products, that look like they would sell and THEN try to think of root keywords that describe what they’re about. How do I find these products? It’s all in video one, so make you watch that. Remember that this is a “multimedia course”, and some things are just much easier to “get” when I show you how to do it on video, rather than just explaining it in words. So before we continue... Watch Video One Now by Clicking Here
  • 23. P a g e  |  23       ©2014    Google  Sniper     For Detailed Instructions on How to Choose What Niche To Go into and a Winning Product And for those who’d rather watch it later... Here’s some quick guidelines anyway (I’m not going to go into it in detail) for choosing a product on Clickbank. Although, I do recommend that you watch the video. Now, while I don’t advise sticking solely to Clickbank, it is the best place to start. So when looking for a product on the Clickbank marketplace keep the following in mind: • How much it pays: Go for one which pays more per sale if its gravity is also high. (Don’t be afraid to promote the higher ticket i.e. higher priced products- You’ll earn more money!) • High gravity: Usually will convert better = more money for you. • The higher the gravity the harder it will be to find low competition keywords because they’ll be more competition in the niche. This is also true even if the product has low gravity, but it is in a very popular niche such as weight loss. • Try to find products where you earn commission on the backend sale too (a second sale that’s usually presented to the customer straight after purchasing the first item). It all adds up... Who doesn’t want to earn more money out of the same customer by then getting commission on a SECOND product too? But make sure to watch the video where I discuss all of these points in a lot more detail. Ok, so by now you’ve (hopefully) decided on a product or niche to target, and come up with a general search term like “golf”. Now I’m going to show you the process I use to find the actual keywords.    
  • 24. P a g e  |  24       ©2014    Google  Sniper     How  to  find  the  keywords  to  snipe  –  Step  by  Step   So, after I’ve decided on a root keyword what I do is try to write down just 5 keywords (not the product name at this stage) that are closely related to it. If I’d found a product that was about how to talk to women for example, off the top of my head I’d write down: • How to talk to women • Pick up lines • Talking to women • Conversation women • Pick up girls That took about 20 seconds and you really don’t need to be scientific about it. It just gives you a better starting point than typing in a single root keyword. Now, enter each one into the Google keyword planner and at the bottom of the page select ‘download all keywords to .csv (for Microsoft excel)’. Link to keyword planner - Be aware that it’s unlikely any of the keywords on this page will be your sniper keyword, particularly if it’s a ‘mainstream’ market like make money online, dating, weight loss etc. Why? Because thousands of marketers will have seen that exact same page and would have no doubt capitalized on any opportunities. So, my secret is digging a little deeper...
  • 25. P a g e  |  25       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Open up the excel document where all of the keywords you found are, and sort them by ‘average search volume’ so that those with the highest volume are at the top. Now, sift through the all of the keywords that get over 3,000 per month (if you’re using my rule) and basically type each one into the keyword tool, to find longer tail variations of that keyword. When I say sift in the spreadsheet, skip the keywords which aren’t specific to your product (keyword tool will give some unrelated results). So in the above example, I wouldn’t dig deeper into the term “women talking” because someone searching for that’s probably not going to be interested in a guide about seducing women. Now, when you dig deeper by typing in each keyword with 3,000+ searches from the spreadsheet into the keyword tool, you’re then going to go through each of the keywords that the tool comes up with to hopefully find a winner (a keyword that fulfils the criteria I gave you earlier on in the chapter). The only step left at this stage should be to identify the level of competition. Which is simple enough, just type the keywords from the keyword tool into Google and see what comes up using the guidelines I gave you earlier. With practice, you’ll be able to get an overall picture of whether you can compete or not in less than a minute. Save time by using your common sense... Don’t bother typing in the obvious keywords (like the ones with 40,000 searches a month), look for the more obscure ones, ones that are still related to buying/a problem, but competition won’t be as high. So, that’s how I find my keywords. You may have your own way. Mine may seem like a long winded process but it’s really not. If you sit down for 30 minutes, an hour at the most, and really blaze through these keywords looking for one that meets all the strict criteria, you will usually find one if not several. Obviously, there are some circumstances where you just won’t find one no matter how hard you look, and there’s some where you’ll find several in the space of ten minutes – That’s a situation where I’d make multiple sniper sites within the same niche. Still a bit lost? No problem, this is an area that will make much more sense once you watch video two. So go ahead,
  • 26. P a g e  |  26       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Watch Video Two Now by Clicking Here And Watch Over My Shoulder as I Show you How to Look For Keywords and Even Uncover Some in Real Time Cashing  in  on  product  names  –  A  unique  approach     Now, to finish off this chapter, I want to talk about a way of creating these Google sniper websites that completely cuts out all this keyword research. That’s right, I’ve taught you all this great stuff and now I’m going to show you a method where you can pretty much forget about this entire chapter... Smart huh? Let’s talk about one of my favourite things: Cashing in on a product name. ‘Cause man, there ain’t nothin’ sweeter... • High conversions from laser targeted visitors who are very eager to buy • No keyword research necessary (since you already know the keywords) • And if you find a gem then competition can often be surprisingly low too. What do I mean that you already know the keywords? Well, obviously people are going to be searching for the product name and the related keywords which in my experience are, for any product: • Domain name – (googlesniper or for example) • Product name • Product name review • Product name scam • Product name bonus (if it’s an internet marketing product)
  • 27. P a g e  |  27       ©2014    Google  Sniper     The visitors are also much more likely to convert because they’re either looking for the merchant’s website (which they’ll easily be able to access through your highly visible affiliate links) or a final review before they purchase – Something your site will also offer with a quality review. And finally, competition is rarely that high. Excluding Clickbank products where competition can be fierce. (although you’ll probably still rank above 99% of marketers). But if you want to create sites around a product name then you need to start thinking beyond Clickbank... because there’s massive demand for thousands of products which aren’t even on Clickbank (physical and info products) that you can cash in on through a variety of networks or independent programs. There are some disadvantages to building sites around specific products though: Ranking can sometimes be tough, since it’s often saturated with snipers with the same idea as you. Some merchants don’t allow it. It’s their opinion that if a user is searching for their product name that they don’t need affiliates to ‘close’ the sale anymore. But most crucially: Your site lives and dies with the product. Your website will be directly dependant on the efforts of other affiliates to create demand for it. And for short lived products (many) you’ll only see a return on your efforts for a few months rather than years with the traditional Google sniper sites. This last point could also be seen as a benefit though, since other affiliates are doing all the work for you by getting “the word out” about the product, and you’re just stepping in at the last minute to get credit for the sale... Making a site exclusively about a product name is good way to make some quick, almost guaranteed cash, but don’t only do this. Most of my sites are targeting ‘normal’ keywords using the strategies mentioned earlier in this chapter. Still, I HIGHLY recommend you give this a shot and it’s certainly proved a very profitable strategy for me in the past. Tip: If you’re not sure where to start and want to make your first few bucks online quickly. Then read the rest of this guide, find a product name, and create a sniper site about it. It really is the EASIEST way to make money... EVER.
  • 28. P a g e  |  28       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So, that’s it! In this chapter we’ve looked at a hell of a lot stuff. You should now know exactly what your site is going to be about and what keyword you’re going to target. Now we need to build the website... Chapter  Two:  Building  the  Foundations  –  The   First  Steps  of  Sniper  Site  Creation   Phew! So by now you should have found a suitable keyword to snipe and a product to promote. It is now that we create the website itself. This is a pretty simple chapter and all you need to do is follow along step by step – We will cover some basics here, so bear with me if you’re a more experienced marketer. Domain  name  secrets     The first step to building a website is of course to register a domain name. So, that’s what we’re going to cover here. The purpose of your domain name For this system the purpose of your domain name is basically to help your search engine rankings. If on the other hand you were creating an authority or E-commerce site you might choose something memorable, even catchy. Partly because you’d want to target tens, maybe hundreds of keywords and so a general domain name would be better. And partly because it would be more important for visitors to remember it. This isn’t so with sniping. While we will try to keep in mind human visitors, they are definitely NOT the priority. The priority is pleasing the search engines and having a keyword rich domain name will help your rankings greatly. Some search engine optimization experts believe that the domain name has very little impact. But I couldn’t disagree more, having an optimized domain name is damn near ESSENTIAL if you want to rank for competitive terms without building backlinks.
  • 29. P a g e  |  29       ©2014    Google  Sniper     How to structure your domain name So we’ve established that having an optimized domain name is very important to the overall website. So, how should I structure it? Well, it’s very simple. Just have the keyword as the domain name, with nothing else. If you can get .com then obviously get that, if not get .net or .org. A note on .org or .net: I’ve had great experience with .org domain names on Google but bear in the mind that Yahoo doesn’t like them. But who uses Yahoo anyway? I don’t buy that famous statistic that only 60% of searches are conducted through Google. I suspect it’s closer to 90%... But anyway... I tend to go for .org over .net because it just sounds better. .org’s are after all meant for non profit, pure helpful information websites. Stay away from any other extensions such as .info (which is often associated with hackers and spyware). What if you can’t get ‘just the keyword’? What I usually do is add either review or info to the end of the domain name. Review will sometimes be taken but it’s rare that info isn’t available. These are just two but there are literally hundreds of words you could add to the end or beginning depending on your niche and your ‘presell story’ - more on that later! Personally, I don’t like hyphens, supposedly hyphenated domains work well because the search engines treat each word as a separate one but I’ve never had any luck. And when was the last time you saw a hyphenated domain in the organic results? Ok, so now you’ve got a domain name all we need to do is create the website. Note: I’m presuming you have a hosting account already, but if you don’t then may I recommend you check out Bluehost – it’s the company I use, I think it’s like 7 bucks a month and you can host an unlimited number of websites on that same account. I’ve had a few issues with regards to installing some programs but overall they’ve been a fantastic company to work with.   Wordpress,  a  gift  from  the  God’s?     To build our sniper site we will be using a free tool called wordpress. I don’t know why, but search engines LOVE Wordpress, especially Google. The difference between a traditionally built website (one built with Xsite pro, Dreamweaver etc, maybe even notepad if you’re old fashioned!) and wordpress is absolutely phenomenal.
  • 30. P a g e  |  30       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Seriously, the first time a friend of mine convinced me to use Wordpress I was gobsmacked. I mean, my sniping was already pretty effective... but with Wordpress it became like taking candy for a baby... a big 500 pound baby called Google. So, why will we be using Wordpress to build our Google Sniper sites? • It ranks a lot better in the search engines than if you use any other website creation tool. • It’s free. Yep. Completely free, which saves you several hundred bucks right off the bat. • Anyone can use it; you don’t need to know much about coding (I still can’t, to this day, design even a simple website using code alone) • It’s so much quicker to build a good looking professional site. Oh sure, for pure speed nothing beats Xsite pro for quick site. But if you want to make it visually appealing (important) then you’d need to design headers in Photoshop etc. Whereas with Wordpress, all you need do is upload a new ‘Theme’ – Of which there are THOUSANDS available to suit all types of site. A note to the more experienced guys who are set in their ways: Look, I swore by own site creation tools too (Xsite pro for me) but just like I did, you’re going to have to wake up and smell the bacon! Wordpress is the future. Sure, the first few weeks were a pain and it hasn’t quite got as many options as the traditional creation suites. But, the search engines love it and the fact is that if you’re NOT using wordpress then you’re at a serious disadvantage. Anyway, we’ve established what platform our sniper sites will be built with. What next? Installing  Wordpress     Note: Read through this chapter first. Then watch video four to see exactly how to do install a wordpress blog and themes/plugins... Wordpress works a little differently to most website creation tools. Rather than install a program on your pc, you install it on your web server and to access it you have to enter a username and password. This is actually one of my gripes with wordpress, because it means you can’t edit your site unless you’re connected to the internet. The plus side is, of course, that you can access and edit your sites from any computer in the world. The reason wordpress works this way is because it’s actually a blogging platform. Even though most people use it to create normal websites, it was originally created for blogging.
  • 31. P a g e  |  31       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So, here’s how to install it. Note that I’m going to presume that you’re hosting has CPanel because most hosts do nowadays. But if it doesn’t for some reason then you can follow the setup instructions on the wordpress website here. Step #1 Log into your hosting account and on the main CPanel window scroll down to the software/services section and click on Wordpress icon. Step #2 Then click on Install on the right hand side and you’ll be presented with this screen –
  • 32. P a g e  |  32       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Step #3 You’ll then be presented with this screen: Select Your Domain for your Google Sniper site and click “Check Domain”. Step #4 You will then be presented with this screen:
  • 33. P a g e  |  33       ©2014    Google  Sniper     - Where would you like Wordpress installed: There will be a drop down list of your domain names, select the one you want. For this example, my domain would be - Install in directory: Leave it blank to install it on your home page. If you put in blog, you would only see your site if you typed in - Choose an admin name and password (can be whatever you want) - Site name: Here is where you’ll put your keyword, possibly followed by ‘review’ if you’re creating the entire site about one product. - Description: Write a brief description of the site. Include the main keyword. So if the keyword was ‘how to get a six pack fast’ this might be my description: How to get a six pack fast – How I did it. If the theme of my site was my story of how I got a six pack. Now, that description will be displayed at the top of the blog and is not the description that will come up on search engines. For our individual post descriptions (the one that Google users WILL see) we might instead have something like: “Discover how to get a six pack fast – Includes the story of how one skinny weakling got ripped abs in just four weeks plus tips on how you can get a 6 pack fast too.”
  • 34. P a g e  |  34       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Notice I’m selling the visitor on the website while optimizing it at the same time with related keywords like ‘ripped abs’ (called LSI keywords). But more on this later. Plugins     In order to log into your wordpress blog go to: and you’ll be prompted to enter the username and password you chose. It’s all very user friendly and relatively self explanatory. If you want to learn the basics before we move on then I recommend you look it up on Google. There’s plenty of useful free information out there. And I’m not going to waste peoples time by going into the basics of wordpress here. Instead, I’ll show you everything you need to know as we go along. Now, there are two things you need to do to your sniper site before we even start to write anything and they are: Download and configure the 2 essential plugins, and choose a ‘theme’ for your site. We won’t go into the latter here, because it fits in much better in the next chapter: Creating your killer presell story and writing the content. So, let’s focus on the plugins for now. There are HUNDREDS of free plugins available to enhance your wordpress site but I never really use any but these two. Feel free to browse the selection available at your leisure, but personally, I can never be bothered. The 2 plugins you NEED are: All in one SEO pack – Helps to optimize your blog for search engines Google XML Sitemaps – Creates a sitemap for Google which helps SEO once again. Don’t worry about what each of them do or how to configure them at this point of in time because we’ll get onto that later. For now you just need to install them on your blog. And what follows is a step by step guide on how to do it. How  to  install  your  wordpress  plugins  &  themes   I say themes as well because it follows the same process. You won’t have a theme yet but just come back and view this section when you want to install one.
  • 35. P a g e  |  35       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Step 1: Click the ‘Add New’ option under the Plugins section. Step 2: Type in the 2 main plugins you require. First let’s search for the All in One Seo Pack, once typed in hit the Search plugin button. Step 3:
  • 36. P a g e  |  36       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Locate the correct plugin, in this case we select the All in One SEO pack and hit the install Now link as show above. Step 4: Wordpress will then ask you if you are sure you want to install this plugin, hit the ok or yes button. Step 5: You simply hit the activate plugin link to finish off installing and activating your plugin. Now repeat the steps for the ‘Google XML Sitemaps’ plugin. Alternatively you can also install your plugins via FTP. Step #1:
  • 37. P a g e  |  37       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Download the plugins from the site and unzip them. All in one SEO pack – Helps to optimize your blog for search engines . Download it here: Google XML Sitemaps – Creates a sitemap for Google which helps SEO once again. Download it here: Step #2: Go to your CPanel account and select unlimited FTP. Or use whatever FTP program you use normally. Step 3: This step is for guys who haven’t used FTP before. Unlimited FTP is a File Transfer Protocol program (don’t worry about the jargon) that basically allows you to upload and download files from your computer to your web server and thus, your website. What you’ll see when you open unlimited FTP is a screen similar to this: On the left you’ve got your computer and you can browse through all of your files and the on the right you’ve got your web server. You don’t need to worry about any files except public_html. So click that as shown in the diagram
  • 38. P a g e  |  38       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Step #4: If this is your first and only website on the hosting account what you’ll see now will look something like this: Click on wp-content. Step #5: You will now see this on your screen. Notice how on the left hand side I’ve browsed to where I unzipped the plugin/theme. And on the right we will now select plugins, but if you wanted to install a theme (which we will do later) you’d need to click on the themes folder to install inside. Step #6: Once inside the plugins folder you should see this:
  • 39. P a g e  |  39       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Now all you need to do is click upload and voila: The plugin will be uploaded to your wordpress blog. Now that you’ve done it for the all in one SEO pack, browse to where you unzipped the sitemap plugin on the left hand side and click upload again. When we install a theme you will do exactly the same process but in the themes folder.
  • 40. P a g e  |  40       ©2014    Google  Sniper     This is all a lot easier to understand in video format, so... Watch Video Three Now by Clicking Here And Watch me Create a Wordpress Blog From Scratch and Install a Theme and Both Plugins. Okay then. You should now have your blog installed. In the next chapter we’re going to talk about how to presell your visitors to maximise your profits. Chapter  Three:  Secrets  of  a  20%  Conversion  Rate   -­‐  Creating  a  Killer  Presell  Story  and  Writing  the   Content   Welcome to what will be a long but absolutely essential chapter. While chapter two was very practical in nature: do this do that. Chapter three is going to be quite theoretical, although I’ll try to make it as practical as I can by giving you examples along the way. Skip this chapter at your peril because creating good content and preselling your visitors properly will mean the difference between $50 a month from a sniper site and $300 a month. Many marketers ask how I make so much money from some sites which have so few visitors, well, this is how.
  • 41. P a g e  |  41       ©2014    Google  Sniper       The  Concept  of  Preselling     Preselling is an art. It is the art of not only getting your visitors to perform a certain action (click your affiliate link) but also to have a certain frame of mind when they do so. You want them interested, so ready to buy that they almost only need to skim the merchants sales page to be convinced. Why is knowing how to presell important? Well, think about this: The ONLY thing separating a buying customer (one who clicks your affiliate link and buys) from a browsing one is YOUR CONTENT. Your words, your websites feel, your graphics and maybe even your video. If your content is good you might turn 1% of visitors to your site into a buying customer and if it’s bad you might get 1 customer out of every 500 visitors. Seriously, that’s not even an extreme example. I’ve seen guys get a lot worse than a 0.2 conversion rate and I’ve seen guys get a lot better than 1%. The point is that your preselling is very important and will have immense effect on how much money you make with Google Sniper or any online money making system. Now, I could write a whole book on preselling, (and I probably will in the future - so lookout for it!) but what I’ve done is try to condense all of that knowledge into a single chapter. So what follows is absolute gold. But first... Why  you  should  listen  to  me       Without tooting my own horn, I wanted to do a quick section about why you should listen to me when it comes to preselling. Because I think it’s important that you have faith in the techniques you’re going to learn. I mean, I know that I’d be much more likely to implement techniques if there was proof that they’d worked in the past. Now, I know you probably believe me anyway, but it’s nice to have a bit of proof once in a while anyway, to really reinforce what I’m talking about.
  • 42. P a g e  |  42       ©2014    Google  Sniper     These statistics represent the month of January 09 and show my three best converting Clickbank sites at the time. For those who aren’t familiar with Clickbank’s analytics page, the 4.5000 represents that for every 4.5 people who clicked my affiliate link, one bought the product. Pretty amazing when you think that the average conversion rate on the net is about 1/100. So, as you can see, while I do have my shortcomings, when it comes to preselling I really know my stuff. Note that a 20% conversion rate is rare (Only three of my sites achieve that – you can see two of them in the screenshot) but I wanted to show you what is possible if you master preselling. And the good news is that preselling’s not hard. If you follow the guidelines set in this chapter then you’ll be well on your way to achieving conversion rates like that too. IMPORTANT: Changes in 2.0 to the preselling technique. The next few paragraphs are just notes I’ve added in for 2.0. Okay, so in the original guide I taught people what was frankly, a bit of a “gung ho” way of doing it... Sure, it converted great, everyone made lots of money (and don’t worry you still will). But the methods and writing techniques needed some editing in order to be in line with the new FTC (Federal Trade Commision) laws which came out shortly after I initially wrote Google Sniper. Make no mistake, today, these changes are a very important addition to Sniping. And it took me a long time to figure this new method of selling stuff out... Because in order to be 100% within the FTC’s guidelines or pretty close (I’m not your lawyer here and this is not legal advice) conversions took a big hit! Frankly, it was very hard to get it back to those high converting numbers. And I was just about to give up, when one day this method hit me.
  • 43. P a g e  |  43       ©2014    Google  Sniper     So, I’m proud to announce that the new way of selling things on your sniper site is not only going to make you just as much money (sometimes its converted even better), but your empire is also going to be a lot safer. But hold on, why’d I go to all this trouble anyway? Who are the FTC and why should you care? The FTC or Federal Trade Commission is a US Government organisation that goes around essentially preventing false advertising and shutting down some of the bad businesses. This is, of course, a positive thing for the people of the World. I’m sure you’ve heard of all those internet “get rich quick” scams, well I’m talking about those guys... pyramid schemes and that kind of thing... NOT what we’re doing. Affiliate marketing using Google Sniper is nothing like that, and especially now, I believe we can truly add value to people’s lives. But you should be aware of the FTC anyway, and their powers to shut websites down and businesses. HOWEVER- I also want to stress that this does not happen often, I mean, like lunar eclipse often and statistically, you’d have next to nothing to worry about anyway as they’re much busier bringing down 8 figure a year business than little old you and I. This just really proofs up the whole process that little bit more ☺ So here we go, here’s how to create a high converting, 100% proof, money sucking, value adding Sniper super site! The  Basics     The first step is to picture your average visitor. Ask questions like... Who are they? How old is the average searcher likely to be? How experienced is that audience with the internet? (this will affect the style of our site) Why are they searching for the keyword? Usually they have a problem and they want to find a solution. You need to identify what that problem is and all the negatives surrounding that problem. Using weight loss as an example: The main problem is that they’re overweight and the negatives that stem from that might be: Social humiliation, not having a lot of confidence, not attracting the opposite sex e.t.c. And finally... Ignore this one at your peril...
  • 44. P a g e  |  44       ©2014    Google  Sniper     What do they want? Is the visitor looking for a review? General information? A guide to solve their problem? Ignore this last point and your visitors will hit the back button faster than you can say WAAIIT. Seriously, you can use all the sales tactics in the world but if you don’t give the searcher what they’re looking for then your conversion rates will be dismal. If when looking at your visitor statistics, 80% or more are leaving in the first 10 seconds then that’s your problem: They are looking for one thing and your website provides another. Internet users are impatient and if they don’t find what they’re looking for they will exit your site without hesitation. Remember that you need to provide quality content (answer their query) AND presell them at the same time. I recommend that you find a piece of paper and quickly jot down answers to all of the questions above. It will help you to understand your visitors better and therefore increase your conversions. All of these points are summed up in what is one of my favourite internet marketing phrases: “You need to enter the conversation that the searcher is having in his/her head”. You need to enter the searchers mind, give them what they want, confirm their fears and present it all in a way they’re familiar with (and not sceptical of). So, as promised, here’s a practical example to back all of this theory up: The user types in to Google “XYZweightlossproduct Review”. What’s going on in their mind? They’re very interested in the product but they want to find a high quality review before they purchase. Notice that I said HIGH QUALITY because give them the same crappy, biased review they’ve probably already read and they won’t buy. They’ll look somewhere else until they find a real review and end up clicking their affiliate link in the process. Also note that this user doesn’t want a long story telling them about how you overcame your weight loss problem because they already want the product. Finally, they are probably a woman, over 30 and probably not THAT internet savvy so an unprofessional looking website will get a better response. Since they will be sceptical of a graphical, marketing type website and associate it with the BS infomercials on TV. So, here’s what I’d give that searcher: A simple, OK looking blog, nothing too flashy and certainly not a professional website. I’d position myself as an expert E-course reviewer... Someone who buys Clickbank products in lots of different niches and reviews them, which when you have multiple sites is what you are anyway.
  • 45. P a g e  |  45       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Then, I would immediately present them with an ‘in depth’ and seemingly unbiased review of the best quality product you found on the market. (I recommend attaining review copy’s from the creators, more on this in the video) In the review I’d get down to the ‘brass tacks’ of how many pounds other successful students actually lost (look for testimonials on the sales page of the product). I’d give some negative comments and finish by saying how it’s basically the best product I saw and that I saw A LOT. Those are the basics of our website. Now let’s look at it in more detail. Deciding  on  your  angle  of  attack     Angle of attack? Yeah, I know... what was I thinking when I came up with the names for these sub chapters? It’s a flying term anyway, and I figured it described this section well enough while raising your curiosity about it at the same time. In this section we’re going to consider ‘what does the user want’ and therefore what the best ‘angle of attack’ is to take if we want to successfully capture that visitors attention and presell them on the product. So, in the weight loss product review example the best approach was to write a quality review because it’s what the searcher wanted. Now, there are basically three styles of website you can create that I’ve had success with time and time again. They are review websites, story websites and a quick how to followed by a story websites. Review website These are not the traditional “here’s reviews of five products and here’s the one we liked best”. No, since our sniper websites would probably be targeting a single product name it wouldn’t make sense to give the user more choices when they’ve already decided on one product in particular (because they’re searching for it). Trust me on this one, giving the users choice when they they’re not asking for it = lower conversions. So basically, our review type websites will have a single, honest review right at the top of the site in plain view of the visitor. We won’t sell these reviews in any way, nothing fancy, no flashy “5/5 Stars” graphics, we’ll just get straight down to the content in a way that compels the user to read on. But here’s where we come to a fork in the road. You need to decide if the user would prefer a long, comprehensive review (If they’ve typed product name review then I’d
  • 46. P a g e  |  46       ©2014    Google  Sniper     always do this one) or if they just want a concise, completely unbiased one which just presents the facts. Comprehensive reviews are much more... wordy. You’ll try to involve the emotions of the reader and establish a relationship which leads to them trusting your final verdict. By the way, for your final conclusion when using this style, you’ll want to switch from review to almost selling the prospect. I might start off a comprehensive review like this: Hey, George here, (establish personal relationship) And you’re reading my uncensored review of what I really thought about product name. (Everyone loves unofficial, uncut kind of stuff). Note that this a review though, if you’re looking for product name’s website then click here. (First affiliate link, you’ll get many sales from here) Why am I writing this? Well, when I was thinking about buying product name, there weren’t many real reviews around so I thought I’d write one quickly to help any of you who are in the same position I was. (The reason why I’m writing it eliminates early scepticism and to appear as the ‘reluctant hero’, people love reluctant heroes) But be warned, I’ll be going into both the good and the bad points, so if that’s something you might not want to hear, then you may as well leave now. (Engage the visitor by challenging them) Use a similar opening to that, and right off the bat you’ll have sparked interest and engaged the reader, given them what they wanted (or clues that you’re about too) and created trust by giving clues that you’re on their side (and also by giving them a legitimate reason to your motives for writing it). Yeah, it’s a very effective opening, use it wisely! But back to the point (got a little sidetracked there), you need to decide what kind of review your visitor is interested in. If you’re building a sniper site for a physical product then I highly recommend you don’t do a comprehensive review and instead just present the facts with a link to where they can buy the product (your affiliate link of course). E.G. My now famous example (thanks for laughing snipers!): If someone’s looking for a shovel, they don’t need to be convinced they need one. Or sold on the benefits of using this new age technology of err... “shovelling”.
  • 47. P a g e  |  47       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Another circumstance is when a lengthy review simply isn’t needed. An example of this is reverse phone detective type programs on Clickbank. These are websites where you pay and in return get to reverse look up a phone number. Why isn’t a lengthy review appropriate here? Because the user probably isn’t doubting whether it works or not, after all, they can see the search box where you enter the phone number on their screen. They just want a quick “here’s the facts, the personal info it provides from entering a phone number is accurate” and then a link to where they can use the service. If on the other hand you’re promoting a Clickbank E-book type product, then deciding what kind of review page to do can be a little more tricky. You need to analyze your answers to the three questions we talked about earlier (who, why and what) and decide what your visitor wants. Here are some key points I consider when I’m deciding on what type of review to write: How literate is the average visitor? The fact is that not all audiences like to read long reviews. Some markets will be accustomed to it but many will not, they may just want to hear the facts and get the product. Not read a wordy 500 word review. How internet ‘savvy’ is the average visitor? Savvy users, such as other marketers for example, will be more interested in an in depth review. The price of the product you’re preselling. The more expensive it is, the more likely they’ll want to read a full review of it. These are three factors to consider, but there’s no science to this and you’ll just have to judge it yourself. Remember that internet marketing is all about testing and if the sniper site is getting a lot of traffic but low conversions, then you can go back and spend more time developing the review later. Story Website
  • 48. P a g e  |  48       ©2014    Google  Sniper     This is my personal favourite and is the style I use most often. Very important note: You can only create this story if niches you’ve actually got experience with yourself, DO NOT make up a fake story. I’ll repeat that, do not make up a story. For example, I would never do a story on pregnancy since obviously I’m not a woman. I have however, experimented (like most silly young men I guess) with muscle building. Albeit limited experience since I soon realised I was ok with the way I was ☺ The solution here, if you don’t have experience with the niche is to either create a review like I taught you above OR write a story based on your experiences with the guides. I.E. “I started reading around and think this one would work best”, but of course never state you actually used the product if you didn’t. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense, read on now, and it will, just bear this small adjustments in mind. Anyway, if you’re not building the site around a product name and instead a more general keyword like “best way to build muscle”, then you can enter the conversation in the searchers mind by saying: “Hey! I used to want to know that too, stay clear of this because it didn’t work, this didn’t work either but finally, I did find a way to build muscle: affiliate product.” These sites are VERY effective in some markets and your conversion rate will be through the roof. Here’s how to structure your story: Intro – Get the reader interested. Hey George here, If you’re looking for the best way to build muscle, then I’m glad you’ve found this website and I strongly suggest you keep reading... Because this my uncensored muscle building story. The ups, the downs, what stuff didn’t work and finally the one thing that did help me achieve my personal goal of building muscle. – That will do for an intro. Short and sweet. Your beginning – Use the negatives surrounding the main problem of the searcher to create a story that the visitor identifies with. So here it might be: I wanted more female attention, I wanted to look cooler at the beach e.t.c and then say I was sick and tired of it and wanted to do something about it. – This is the point where most of your visitors will be when they arrive at your site. The middle – I tried this, I tried that and finally tried something else. All these failed me. In this example you could talk about: Extreme diets didn’t work and made me
  • 49. P a g e  |  49       ©2014    Google  Sniper     even skinnier, going to the Gym sucked, I wasn’t getting anywhere and finally protein drinks didn’t work either. The end – Eventually you stumbled across a solution (affiliate product), I couldn’t believe how well it worked etc. But include one thing you didn’t like about the product here - it makes it a bit more believable. And to close, say I hope you found this information useful etc you can click here to check it out. Really, the only secrets to using a story are making it interesting, sounding like you’ve been in the visitors shoes and keeping it concise. • Keep it interesting by using short, powerful sentences now and again and giving clues to the fact that you did find a solution in the end but not revealing what it is until the end of the story. • Create trust by saying how you used to be just like the visitor and that you know what they’re going through. • And finally keep it concise, while make sure you do tell a detailed story. Don’t make it TOO long or visitors will skip parts and click straight on the affiliate links without being presold first (BAD). Keep your story between 400 and 600 words. Quick How to and Then a Story This method has proven effective in markets where you can give a quick tip related to their problem, and if the keyword is asking “how to do” something. A How to answers their query and simultaneously serves to get them interested and increases their trust in you – Since you seem to know what you’re talking about. An example of this is if a searcher typed in “how to talk to women”. You could provide a short 250 word tip article about what ‘pick up lines’ to use and then at the end say but what do you do AFTER you’ve opened the conversation?... Because obviously there’s more to talking to women than a pick up line. Then immediately below you launch into your story for which you would use the same format as the one mentioned above. Conclusion The reality is that I use the story style most often, followed by the how to and then a story if I think that the searcher might be an impatient one – And therefore won’t want to read a story before finding an answer to their query. I will only use the review style when I create a sniper site around a product name.
  • 50. P a g e  |  50       ©2014    Google  Sniper     Moving on, there is one factor that should be included in your site, no matter which angle of attack you choose... personality. Cashing  in  on  personality   Being unique is important. Especially on the internet where 95% of sites offer the same re-hashed information. Therefore, it is important that your website be seen as one of a kind, that this exact review or story isn’t available ANYWHERE else – Therefore it’s valuable. We do this by giving our site a... personal touch. A personal feel will mean that your visitors trust you more and that you empathise with their situation. Now, the first thing you need to do is create your websites character. Creating your character Your ‘character’ is simple. Your character, across all of your sniper sites, is going to be you. Now, if you’re worried about privacy you can use a pen name, but the idea is that visitors feel like you’re a real person. And who are you? If you’ve actually used the product then you’re going to try and represent the average visitor to your site AFTER they found a solution to the problem. Essentially, you’ll be identical in every way except for one small difference: That you’ll no longer have that problem. So, using the previous exercises talked about in ‘the basics’, you should have a pretty good idea of who you’re average visitor will be, what their fears and problems are and what they want. If you have not used the product, which is 90% of cases, it’s simple too. You’re still going to be yourself, the only difference is you’re going to project yourself as an authority reviewer who understands the visitors problems. The concept behind this is so simple, and it’s this...
  • 51. P a g e  |  51       ©2014    Google  Sniper     When you want a review of the latest movie, you go to the perceived experts’ right? You trust their opinion more than the average Joe at the local coffee shop. Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to be tapping into. And it’s very powerful. The trick, and the amazing thing here, is that notice I said “perceived” expert... Because I mean really, who says the movie critics know any more than the average Joe? Really? After all, it’s up to opinion whether the movie’s good or not. All that matters is how you are perceived, even if you don’t really consider yourself an editor of the NY times healthy lifestyle column just yet. So you are going to project yourself on your sniper sites as an “authority” on the subject of review books, within that particular niche and others... It’s a simple concept but a very powerful one, and the method I use on most of sites nowadays. Top tip: Don’t be afraid to use the same name, either pen or real, across all of your sites, you’ll get a lot of extra business credibility when a particularly curious visitor decides he doesn’t believe you and types your name into Google only to discover it’s true, you do have lots of other review Sniper sites! Finding a suitable picture A photo of you is a must. It instantly creates trust by putting a face to the writing. It brings your content alive and serves to create a stronger bond with the visitor. And most importantly, it increases conversions. I’ll put a picture along with a Who am I? Subheading in the right hand side column of the website. Along with a brief description of who the creator of the site is. Make sure it’s a picture of your face, as you don’t have lots of room to work with. Don’t go for professionally done photos. Nothing says I’m trying to sell you something like a perfectly crafted portrait shot. Go for one that doesn’t look staged. It can be hard to find normal pictures that still make you look professional so you may need to do a little digging around on Facebook (always fun anyway). At the end of this chapter in the video I’ll show you some examples of what kind of photo you want to avoid... Prepare to smile ☺ Create an About me page These pages get visited a lot more often than you think. I’d say that around one in five visitors will visit your about me page. But the good news is that by using Google analytics (website tracking software) I’ve found that
  • 52. P a g e  |  52       ©2014    Google  Sniper     very few visitors actually exit my site from the about me page. Which means that they are then returning to the main page after the about me page. Why is this important? Because it shows that the ‘about me’ page helps to build your credibility with more curious visitors, while at the same time not distracting them from your real content, because most will return to it afterwards. Now, you’re about me page doesn’t have to be long. Just a short and concise article explaining who you are and why you made the site. If you’ve created a review site, then it’s important to note your accomplishments (include the fact you have several review websites) because the visitor will be wondering why should I trust this guy? What makes him an authority on the subject? Be likeable When you’re writing your content try to sound like a friend. Particularly if you’re creating a story because flawless copywriting would raise some eyebrows anyway – A 20 year old body builder wouldn’t be expected to write like a Harvard graduate. People liking you is a big key to success online. If people like you then they’re more likely to A. Pay attention, B. Trust your opinion and C. Ultimately buy whatever you’re selling. So, make your about me page interesting, use metaphors in your writing, and talk to them like a friend. This is also ties into that if you want the high conversion rates (and who doesn’t want more money?) then you need to stop selling. That is the merchants job. All you need to do is give an honest review or story, tell them how great you thought it was and provide a link. Do not at any point directly say things like: “Imagine in just 5 days from now, you could have lost 10 pounds just like I did”. You don’t need to say that because if you just say “I lost 10 pounds in 5 days” then the visitor will come to their own conclusion that... “Hey, she was no different than me, maybe I could lose 10 pounds in 5 days too.” This is called soft selling, it’s where you elude towards the benefits but let the visitor come to their own conclusion at the same time - Instead of shoving the selling points down their throat so to speak. And in my opinion, is the best way to not only presell products online (like we’re doing here) but the best way to sell stuff full stop. Choosing  a  theme   (Read this section but note that at the end of this chapter there is also a video where I’ll show you some great themes). So, by now you know what angle you’re going to