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The CB Passive Income
"Here's Your Opportunity To CLONE My Entire Proven Internet Business System Today!"
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In a Hurry? Read The Script of The Video Below:
Hi, my name is Patric Chan, the best-selling author of WakeUp Millionaire and many other multiple
During this video, I’m going to share with you how you can generate income from the internet. I
know, it’s quite a big claim to make… but you’ll see how easily it can be done at the end of this
video because I’ve done it.
Here's The Story…
You see, I’ve been using a proven way of making money online in the “internet
marketing niche” and I’m really pleased to announce that it has been highly
profitable. Not only that, it’s also currently generating auto-pilot income for me.
Here’s exactly what I did, and that you can copy down to a tee:
I’ve developed a powerful marketing software to make money from the internet and
created many courses.
But instead of selling them to customers, the software and training course are given away
for free via a “secret web page” that I’ve created (not available from any of my official
When they requested for my product and became my new subscribers, I’ll continue to send
them valuable training for free.
But found in each of the emails sent, there will be a promotion of an affiliate program where
I’ll be able to make affiliate commission. And some times, I’ll send them product
recommendations to buy too.
The products promoted are from, mainly because nowadays, Clickbank only
approves legitimate products into their affiliate program marketplace. This way, I know I’m
promoting only GOOD PRODUCTS and adding value to my subscribers. Secondly, the
typical commission percentage for a Clickbank product is around 50%!
And also, I’ve been invited to ClickBank’s HQ in Boise to meet with their top management
This “simple to follow” model has been very profitable for me but the truth is, it’s
unlikely that a newbie can pull this off successfully. Even an intermediate internet
marketer would struggle.
Why? Well…
• It’s not easy to create a top notch web page that can convert subscribers very
well. Also, putting the effort to continue testing it for improvement is tough.
• It’s not easy to come up with an attractive but free offer that can entice the
visitor to subscribe. Our “secret web page” can convert subscribers at almost a
50% conversion rate!
• Newbies do not have any proven credibility in the internet marketing niche,
therefore, it’s very hard to “command” any attention from visitors and
• Unless the Newbie is in the market long enough, he or she wouldn’t know what
products or affiliate programs to promote... or how to promote them
• Most newbies don’t have the technical software and know-how to get started –
domain name, hosting, an auto-responder for emailing and so on. Not to
mention, all of these can be quite overwhelming to understand.
• Many simply do not have the time to create new courses to give to their
subscribers. Without ongoing content, you’ll lose the subscribers quickly.
• They would also need to be true masters of email marketing because the fact is,
the money is really made by SENDING CAREFULLY CRAFTED EMAILS.
• Despite what the Gurus have been pitching before, it’s not entirely true that
there is zero cost to start a solid internet business. There are costs
involved… especially with hiring designers, writers, etc! On top of that,
hosting and autoresponders are monthly cost.
• When a newbie gets started, he or she needs a coach for guidance and advice
• But the most complex matter of all is structuring a SYSTEM that can be highly
profitable going forward.
But, what if the Newbies can leverage on and use my entire system WITHOUT
paying any loyalty or licensing fee?
And, I'll even train them for FREE!
“In A Nutshell, CLONE My Entire Business System So That It Can
Generate Affiliate Commissions For You... On Autopilot.”
But before I continue any further, let me share with you a little bit about myself so
that you know that I’m real. The fact is, there is a lot of “noise” out there,
sometimes, you don’t even know who’s real and who isn’t.
Firstly, I don’t hide behind a computer screen. This is me.
I’ve also spoken to audiences in 12 countries as an internet marketing authority
and have authored several books.
One of my physical books is Clicking Cash, which is co-authored by Robert G.
Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of Multiple Streams of Income,
Nothing Down, One Minute Millionaire, Cracking The Millionaire Code, Cash In A
Flash and many more big hits.
Here’s a testimonial from Bill Bartmann, the Billionaire Coach who became the
25th wealthiest person in America…
My testimonials range from ordinary people right up to millionaires – the only
reason why I’m telling this to you today is because my strategies work, period.
Newbies use them to quit their jobs, whilst experienced marketers use them to
make bigger 6 and 7 figure incomes.
More importantly, I’ve been in your shoes before, struggling to make money online
when I first started… way back to 2003 to be precise. It took me almost a year to crack
the code!
During the following year, I was featured on Google New, about me making
$21,560.26 from home. Google News was still in its Beta phase then! Well, that was
MORE than 10 years ago… today, I’ve made much more than that.
But, that’s enough about me – because this video is not about me at all, it’s really about
What if …
You could license my entire internet business system without paying any loyalty or
license fee?
And I’ll even train YOU for free?
And I’ll WORK FOR YOU, for FREE too?
Let me introduce you to…
The CB Passive Income
License Program 4.0 For
A truly revolutionary internet business-in-a-box program that can generate a
sustainable passive income for you!
Imagine if…
• You didn’t need to write or produce any content
• You didn’t need to create any courses to be given away
• You didn’t need to create any products to sell
• You didn’t need to write any sales letters
• You didn’t need to pay for hosting or an auto-responder
• You didn’t need to send emails at all
• You didn’t need to provide any customer service or follow up
• You didn’t need to research for what products or affiliate programs to
• You didn’t even need to learn internet marketing!
Heck, with this program, you don’t need to do anything except for one simple task!
When you choose to use the CB Passive Income license, you will get an exact clone of my proven,
successful business with the potential to generate a passive income through it… and we’ll handle
absolutely *everything* for you.
So Here's How It Works:
I’ve invested in and created a very unique software system that allows you to make
money from using my valuable content and promotions.
Basically, the software generates a unique link(only available for you to use) where
it’ll send them to a “secret web page” to get my highly valuable software and course for
And here’s the most exciting part –after they’ve subscribed, EACH TIME an email is
sent to them from the system, it’ll have your affiliate link to the product that’s
being promoted so that you can earn affiliate commission from it!
So technically, in essence, every single email that is sent out from CB Passive Income’s
system will have the potential to make money for you!
And you don’t need to do any work at all, because I AM WORKING FOR YOU, for
It’s like having me create content for you, do all of the marketing for you and continue to
think of ways how you can make even MORE money.
I’ll continue to monetize the subscribers for you. And the good news is, you’ve already
read my credibility – I’ve been in this business for a decade now and have thousands of
customers all around the world.
In short…
You simple give away my software or courses. You'll then get subscribers and our
systems automatically take over and it's all hands free income and support for you after
Keep in mind that this is true internet business that you can own, all that you need
to do is to focus on one simple task:
Although this is a true push button system, I want to make it clearer to you:
• This is NOT Multi-Level Marketing at all. You will not be asked to email your
friends, family and colleagues to promote new stuff to them. You will NOT be asked to
recruit “other down lines” too or have any kind of complicated down line system. This
is a business where you’ll earn commission on every single product bought by your
customers, it is as simple as that. The difference is, I’ll do all of the work for you.
• This is NOT an Internet Marketing “magic button”. This isn’t some software you
install and merely click 3 buttons to make money. This is a fully-functioning, real
internet business that can generate a sustainable passive income for you. The reason
why it becomes “push button” easy for you is because we’re doing all of the work FOR
YOU, mainly so that you can just focus on the one simple task. You’re leveraging on
my marketing system.
• This is NOT Affiliate Marketing in action. With affiliate marketing, you are paid
once and once only for the product that you promote and have sold. After the first sale,
the customer belongs directly to the business owner. Your license with us is drastically
different, and is MUCH MORE profitable. The subscribers you bring in belong to
you. You will make money off anything and everything that they purchase from when
we email to them – as long as they stay subscribed.
As mentioned, this is not a push button magic. Although 90% of the heavy lifting has already
been done for you, you'll still need to promote your own ready-to-go webpage (good news is,
we'll teach you too).
If you expect to do absolutely nothing, this is NOT for you. It won't work. DO NOT sign up for my
Introducing Version 4.0 For 2017!
The CB Passive Income License Program was launched back in August
2013 and has helped hundreds of marketers and newbies to make money
online on auto-pilot.
In 2014, we’ve upgraded the product to version 2.0 so that you’ll be able to get
more leads from your promotion and also to generate passive income.
After that, we’ve released version 3.0. With version 3.0, you’ll now have
MULTIPLE “secret pages” to promote.
Why is this important to increase your profit?
Because it’ll create multiple streams of income for you. For instance, instead of
promoting the software offer, you can also promote our social media offer. This
will be focused for those who wants to learn on how to make money online
from Facebook.
But the most important upgrade would probably be the AI Optin Detector.
In a layman explanation, here’s what it does:
If the website visitor has already subscribed, our software will be able to detect
that and offer a product promotion instead of asking them to subscribe again
for free. You’ll then earn commission for any sales made. And the best part is,
all of these are automated.
This instantly INCREASE your profit because every single visitor to your
“secret webpage” will have the possibility of becoming your subscriber OR
customer for you to make money online.
Enter Version 4.0
We're going mobile in 4.0.
There are over 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide and according to StatCounter, 37%
of website visits in 2015 were generated by mobile web browsers. On top of that, mobile ad
spend is higher than for desktop ads.
Introducing the Facebook Click-To-Optin Feature.
Not only your done-for-you webpages are mobile-friendly to convert for you, your mobile
traffic visitors will be able to subcribe without even typing their email addresses! They'll
automatically optin through their Facebook email address when they click the "optin
What does this also means? It means, you're going to be able to buy traffic at a much lower
cost because mobile traffic is cheap. But they are as targeted as desktop traffic when you
have a "mobile-adapted" offer to promote.
This also means you'll be getting more subscribers and making more sales because 30% of
your traffic will not get "wasted" anymore.
In Summary:
You are simply investing in a business system where your only job is to
giveaway valuable internet marketing products
and you will collect a lifetime of commission on whatever they buy!
"What Are The Products I’m Getting In The System?”
Technically, these are the components you’ll be getting:
• The access to my software to create your clone of my profitable list-building
“secret webpages”. You’ll just need to enter some information and click “create” –
it’ll take you less than a minute to get started and be in business!
• The entire back-end software system to track your commissions and leads
generated. This handles everything for you.
• My internet marketing courses that include Facebook marketing, Youtube
marketing and many others. These powerful training will show you how to
promote your CB Passive Income internet business.
The CB Passive Income License Program 4.0 will give you…
1. Your Own Clone “Secret Web Page”
2. Valuable Products To Giveaway
3. A Continual Income Stream
4. A LIFETIME Commission
5. A Solid Internet Business
6. Access To My Promotion Training Courses
With version 4.0, we have added more video training to teach you about
online promotions and how to get free traffic!
Go through the training and you could even get started within 24 hours
from now.
Before we go on further, I just want to make sure if this fits you well – this amazing
system is ideal for you only if…
• You’re a newbie who’s looking for a real legitimate home business to make a part-time
income wholly on auto-pilot once you've build your list
• You’re already an experienced marketer and know some internet marketing basics.
Right now, you want to use the system to ADD ANOTHER INCOME STREAM to
your current business to generate MORE passive income for you
• You’re an internet marketer who wants to leverage on my system because you’ve
heard about my credibility that brings results to the table
By now, you might be thinking what the investment cost is like.
Needless to say, this is not a cheap system to be involved with.
In terms of the web page design, copywriting and the back-end system, it would have easily
cost you $3,500 to get it done alone. But that’s still relatively okay because it’s a one-time
But hiring a writer, researcher, technical guys and an email marketer too? Well, that would
probably cost you $5,000 – a MONTH. A heavy fixed cost.
How about having me to in charge think of the unique marketing strategies and doing work,
on a retainer basis?
Right now, I charge up to $1,500 per hour for consultation.
And if you were to get me involved to overlook or consult throughout a project, I’ll take
royalties between 10% to 20% of net profits.
All in all, you should at least be prepared to spend about $25,000 to have a system like
this in place.
Obviously, if you could get a system like this for just $1,497, you would have gotten
yourself an awesome deal. Fact is, I’ve seen a program like this being offered for $1,997
Today, your investment is not $1,497. Not $997. Or even $497.
Your investment is just a one-time $97
Why Am I Doing This?
Making it extremely affordable and willing to share my system?
It may sound corny to you, but I sincerely want to help you. I know the pain and
frustration of failing time and time again – why wouldn’t I… when I first started in
2003, it took me exactly 8 months to make my first measly sale.
Throughout those “long” 8 months, not only was I energetically drained, my financial
situation was drained too and I couldn’t even express the emotions I had to go through
during that dark time.
And seriously, I don’t really “lose” anything of my own by helping you and giving back
to the internet marketing community on the whole.
But at the same time, I do have a self-serving reason too – I hope that after I’ve trained
you, you’ll also be able to create a similar system like this in the future so that I can use
it as well!
Imagine if I have just 10 additional students who can create a new passive income
system for me to use too – I’ve just added another 10 new income streams, without
doing any work at all.
Now, imagine when it gets exponential in size and I have 100 successful students, can
you now start to see how I’m building “partners” for my own future benefit?
My 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee
I personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort
to learn, follow the instructions and effectively use the
CB Passive Income License Program, you can be making
money from the internet very shortly. Maybe in just a
few days from now you would have recouped your
But if you are not 100% satisfied with it for whatever
reason, let me know within the next 60 days and I’ll issue
you an immediate, hassle-free 100% refund.
I’m taking all of the risks to make sure that you can be
wildly successful. It’s really as simple as that.
Seriously, put the CB Passive Income system to work for you… it’s the ultimate way to
start making ClickBank affiliate commissions and money online.
If you are really ready to start a real internet business and start making serious money while you
sleep, the best decision you can make is to get your license purchased right now.
The truth is, because of the internet wealth that I get to enjoy, I am able do a lot of neat things.
I get to spend time enjoying my hobbies…. This is me, “swimming” with a turtle in one of the most
beautiful diving spots in the world.
one time investment option:
97 one time
Billed one time only, access for lifetime with no set up fee.
Instant Access
copy & paste

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Make money online easy way

  • 1. The CB Passive Income "Here's Your Opportunity To CLONE My Entire Proven Internet Business System Today!" you can see the video: In a Hurry? Read The Script of The Video Below: Hi, my name is Patric Chan, the best-selling author of WakeUp Millionaire and many other multiple books. During this video, I’m going to share with you how you can generate income from the internet. I know, it’s quite a big claim to make… but you’ll see how easily it can be done at the end of this video because I’ve done it. Here's The Story… You see, I’ve been using a proven way of making money online in the “internet marketing niche” and I’m really pleased to announce that it has been highly profitable. Not only that, it’s also currently generating auto-pilot income for me. Here’s exactly what I did, and that you can copy down to a tee: I’ve developed a powerful marketing software to make money from the internet and created many courses. But instead of selling them to customers, the software and training course are given away for free via a “secret web page” that I’ve created (not available from any of my official websites). Now... When they requested for my product and became my new subscribers, I’ll continue to send them valuable training for free. But found in each of the emails sent, there will be a promotion of an affiliate program where I’ll be able to make affiliate commission. And some times, I’ll send them product recommendations to buy too. The products promoted are from, mainly because nowadays, Clickbank only approves legitimate products into their affiliate program marketplace. This way, I know I’m promoting only GOOD PRODUCTS and adding value to my subscribers. Secondly, the typical commission percentage for a Clickbank product is around 50%!
  • 2. And also, I’ve been invited to ClickBank’s HQ in Boise to meet with their top management executive… This “simple to follow” model has been very profitable for me but the truth is, it’s unlikely that a newbie can pull this off successfully. Even an intermediate internet marketer would struggle. Why? Well… • It’s not easy to create a top notch web page that can convert subscribers very well. Also, putting the effort to continue testing it for improvement is tough. • It’s not easy to come up with an attractive but free offer that can entice the visitor to subscribe. Our “secret web page” can convert subscribers at almost a 50% conversion rate! • Newbies do not have any proven credibility in the internet marketing niche, therefore, it’s very hard to “command” any attention from visitors and subscribers • Unless the Newbie is in the market long enough, he or she wouldn’t know what products or affiliate programs to promote... or how to promote them effectively! • Most newbies don’t have the technical software and know-how to get started – domain name, hosting, an auto-responder for emailing and so on. Not to mention, all of these can be quite overwhelming to understand. • Many simply do not have the time to create new courses to give to their subscribers. Without ongoing content, you’ll lose the subscribers quickly.
  • 3. • They would also need to be true masters of email marketing because the fact is, the money is really made by SENDING CAREFULLY CRAFTED EMAILS. • Despite what the Gurus have been pitching before, it’s not entirely true that there is zero cost to start a solid internet business. There are costs involved… especially with hiring designers, writers, etc! On top of that, hosting and autoresponders are monthly cost. • When a newbie gets started, he or she needs a coach for guidance and advice • But the most complex matter of all is structuring a SYSTEM that can be highly profitable going forward. But, what if the Newbies can leverage on and use my entire system WITHOUT paying any loyalty or licensing fee? And, I'll even train them for FREE! “In A Nutshell, CLONE My Entire Business System So That It Can Generate Affiliate Commissions For You... On Autopilot.” But before I continue any further, let me share with you a little bit about myself so that you know that I’m real. The fact is, there is a lot of “noise” out there, sometimes, you don’t even know who’s real and who isn’t. Firstly, I don’t hide behind a computer screen. This is me.
  • 4. I’ve also spoken to audiences in 12 countries as an internet marketing authority and have authored several books. One of my physical books is Clicking Cash, which is co-authored by Robert G. Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down, One Minute Millionaire, Cracking The Millionaire Code, Cash In A Flash and many more big hits.
  • 5. Here’s a testimonial from Bill Bartmann, the Billionaire Coach who became the 25th wealthiest person in America… My testimonials range from ordinary people right up to millionaires – the only reason why I’m telling this to you today is because my strategies work, period. Newbies use them to quit their jobs, whilst experienced marketers use them to make bigger 6 and 7 figure incomes. More importantly, I’ve been in your shoes before, struggling to make money online when I first started… way back to 2003 to be precise. It took me almost a year to crack the code! During the following year, I was featured on Google New, about me making $21,560.26 from home. Google News was still in its Beta phase then! Well, that was MORE than 10 years ago… today, I’ve made much more than that.
  • 6. But, that’s enough about me – because this video is not about me at all, it’s really about you. What if … You could license my entire internet business system without paying any loyalty or license fee? And I’ll even train YOU for free? And I’ll WORK FOR YOU, for FREE too? Let me introduce you to… The CB Passive Income License Program 4.0 For 2017 A truly revolutionary internet business-in-a-box program that can generate a sustainable passive income for you!
  • 7. Imagine if… • You didn’t need to write or produce any content • You didn’t need to create any courses to be given away • You didn’t need to create any products to sell • You didn’t need to write any sales letters • You didn’t need to pay for hosting or an auto-responder • You didn’t need to send emails at all • You didn’t need to provide any customer service or follow up
  • 8. • You didn’t need to research for what products or affiliate programs to promote • You didn’t even need to learn internet marketing! Heck, with this program, you don’t need to do anything except for one simple task! When you choose to use the CB Passive Income license, you will get an exact clone of my proven, successful business with the potential to generate a passive income through it… and we’ll handle absolutely *everything* for you.
  • 9. So Here's How It Works: I’ve invested in and created a very unique software system that allows you to make money from using my valuable content and promotions. Basically, the software generates a unique link(only available for you to use) where it’ll send them to a “secret web page” to get my highly valuable software and course for free. And here’s the most exciting part –after they’ve subscribed, EACH TIME an email is sent to them from the system, it’ll have your affiliate link to the product that’s being promoted so that you can earn affiliate commission from it! So technically, in essence, every single email that is sent out from CB Passive Income’s system will have the potential to make money for you! And you don’t need to do any work at all, because I AM WORKING FOR YOU, for free. It’s like having me create content for you, do all of the marketing for you and continue to think of ways how you can make even MORE money. I’ll continue to monetize the subscribers for you. And the good news is, you’ve already read my credibility – I’ve been in this business for a decade now and have thousands of customers all around the world. In short… You simple give away my software or courses. You'll then get subscribers and our systems automatically take over and it's all hands free income and support for you after that. Keep in mind that this is true internet business that you can own, all that you need to do is to focus on one simple task: GIVE AWAY MY PREPARED PRODUCTS FOR FREE! HUNDREDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE MADE MONEY WITH THE SYSTEM…
  • 10.
  • 11. Although this is a true push button system, I want to make it clearer to you: • This is NOT Multi-Level Marketing at all. You will not be asked to email your friends, family and colleagues to promote new stuff to them. You will NOT be asked to recruit “other down lines” too or have any kind of complicated down line system. This is a business where you’ll earn commission on every single product bought by your customers, it is as simple as that. The difference is, I’ll do all of the work for you. • This is NOT an Internet Marketing “magic button”. This isn’t some software you install and merely click 3 buttons to make money. This is a fully-functioning, real internet business that can generate a sustainable passive income for you. The reason why it becomes “push button” easy for you is because we’re doing all of the work FOR YOU, mainly so that you can just focus on the one simple task. You’re leveraging on my marketing system. • This is NOT Affiliate Marketing in action. With affiliate marketing, you are paid once and once only for the product that you promote and have sold. After the first sale, the customer belongs directly to the business owner. Your license with us is drastically different, and is MUCH MORE profitable. The subscribers you bring in belong to you. You will make money off anything and everything that they purchase from when we email to them – as long as they stay subscribed. As mentioned, this is not a push button magic. Although 90% of the heavy lifting has already been done for you, you'll still need to promote your own ready-to-go webpage (good news is, we'll teach you too). If you expect to do absolutely nothing, this is NOT for you. It won't work. DO NOT sign up for my program. Introducing Version 4.0 For 2017! The CB Passive Income License Program was launched back in August 2013 and has helped hundreds of marketers and newbies to make money online on auto-pilot. In 2014, we’ve upgraded the product to version 2.0 so that you’ll be able to get more leads from your promotion and also to generate passive income. After that, we’ve released version 3.0. With version 3.0, you’ll now have MULTIPLE “secret pages” to promote. Why is this important to increase your profit?
  • 12. Because it’ll create multiple streams of income for you. For instance, instead of promoting the software offer, you can also promote our social media offer. This will be focused for those who wants to learn on how to make money online from Facebook. But the most important upgrade would probably be the AI Optin Detector. In a layman explanation, here’s what it does: If the website visitor has already subscribed, our software will be able to detect that and offer a product promotion instead of asking them to subscribe again for free. You’ll then earn commission for any sales made. And the best part is, all of these are automated. This instantly INCREASE your profit because every single visitor to your “secret webpage” will have the possibility of becoming your subscriber OR customer for you to make money online. Enter Version 4.0 We're going mobile in 4.0. There are over 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide and according to StatCounter, 37% of website visits in 2015 were generated by mobile web browsers. On top of that, mobile ad spend is higher than for desktop ads. Introducing the Facebook Click-To-Optin Feature. Not only your done-for-you webpages are mobile-friendly to convert for you, your mobile traffic visitors will be able to subcribe without even typing their email addresses! They'll automatically optin through their Facebook email address when they click the "optin button". What does this also means? It means, you're going to be able to buy traffic at a much lower cost because mobile traffic is cheap. But they are as targeted as desktop traffic when you have a "mobile-adapted" offer to promote. This also means you'll be getting more subscribers and making more sales because 30% of your traffic will not get "wasted" anymore. In Summary:
  • 13. You are simply investing in a business system where your only job is to giveaway valuable internet marketing products and you will collect a lifetime of commission on whatever they buy! "What Are The Products I’m Getting In The System?” Technically, these are the components you’ll be getting: • The access to my software to create your clone of my profitable list-building “secret webpages”. You’ll just need to enter some information and click “create” – it’ll take you less than a minute to get started and be in business! • The entire back-end software system to track your commissions and leads generated. This handles everything for you. • My internet marketing courses that include Facebook marketing, Youtube marketing and many others. These powerful training will show you how to promote your CB Passive Income internet business. The CB Passive Income License Program 4.0 will give you… 1. Your Own Clone “Secret Web Page” 2. Valuable Products To Giveaway 3. A Continual Income Stream 4. A LIFETIME Commission 5. A Solid Internet Business 6. Access To My Promotion Training Courses With version 4.0, we have added more video training to teach you about online promotions and how to get free traffic! Go through the training and you could even get started within 24 hours from now. Before we go on further, I just want to make sure if this fits you well – this amazing system is ideal for you only if…
  • 14. • You’re a newbie who’s looking for a real legitimate home business to make a part-time income wholly on auto-pilot once you've build your list • You’re already an experienced marketer and know some internet marketing basics. Right now, you want to use the system to ADD ANOTHER INCOME STREAM to your current business to generate MORE passive income for you • You’re an internet marketer who wants to leverage on my system because you’ve heard about my credibility that brings results to the table By now, you might be thinking what the investment cost is like. Needless to say, this is not a cheap system to be involved with. In terms of the web page design, copywriting and the back-end system, it would have easily cost you $3,500 to get it done alone. But that’s still relatively okay because it’s a one-time investment… But hiring a writer, researcher, technical guys and an email marketer too? Well, that would probably cost you $5,000 – a MONTH. A heavy fixed cost. How about having me to in charge think of the unique marketing strategies and doing work, on a retainer basis? Right now, I charge up to $1,500 per hour for consultation. And if you were to get me involved to overlook or consult throughout a project, I’ll take royalties between 10% to 20% of net profits. All in all, you should at least be prepared to spend about $25,000 to have a system like this in place. Obviously, if you could get a system like this for just $1,497, you would have gotten yourself an awesome deal. Fact is, I’ve seen a program like this being offered for $1,997 before. Today, your investment is not $1,497. Not $997. Or even $497. Your investment is just a one-time $97
  • 15. Why Am I Doing This? Making it extremely affordable and willing to share my system? It may sound corny to you, but I sincerely want to help you. I know the pain and frustration of failing time and time again – why wouldn’t I… when I first started in 2003, it took me exactly 8 months to make my first measly sale. Throughout those “long” 8 months, not only was I energetically drained, my financial situation was drained too and I couldn’t even express the emotions I had to go through during that dark time. And seriously, I don’t really “lose” anything of my own by helping you and giving back to the internet marketing community on the whole. But at the same time, I do have a self-serving reason too – I hope that after I’ve trained you, you’ll also be able to create a similar system like this in the future so that I can use it as well! Imagine if I have just 10 additional students who can create a new passive income system for me to use too – I’ve just added another 10 new income streams, without doing any work at all. Now, imagine when it gets exponential in size and I have 100 successful students, can you now start to see how I’m building “partners” for my own future benefit? My 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee I personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort to learn, follow the instructions and effectively use the CB Passive Income License Program, you can be making money from the internet very shortly. Maybe in just a few days from now you would have recouped your investment. But if you are not 100% satisfied with it for whatever reason, let me know within the next 60 days and I’ll issue you an immediate, hassle-free 100% refund. I’m taking all of the risks to make sure that you can be wildly successful. It’s really as simple as that.
  • 16. Seriously, put the CB Passive Income system to work for you… it’s the ultimate way to start making ClickBank affiliate commissions and money online. If you are really ready to start a real internet business and start making serious money while you sleep, the best decision you can make is to get your license purchased right now. The truth is, because of the internet wealth that I get to enjoy, I am able do a lot of neat things. I get to spend time enjoying my hobbies…. This is me, “swimming” with a turtle in one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world. one time investment option: $ 97 one time Billed one time only, access for lifetime with no set up fee. Instant Access or copy & paste