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                                               June 2010

                                  Hope Lutheran Church
                               Angels of Hope Preschool

                     700 S. Superior St. De Pere, WI 54115 ~ (920) 336-9843
                On the web: ~ e-mail:
           Matthew Christians, pastor                                Gail Thiel, preschool director
       office: 336-9843, home: 336-9582                                     office 336-9843
            emergency cell: 615-5136                          e-mail:

     Our Vision at Hope: that we would be a growing, vibrant, praying, caring
     congregation– boldly reaching out with Jesus Christ in word and deed.

A Word from your Pastor—
       May the fullness of the Word Made Flesh, Jesus Christ our Lord, dwell in you richly!

 G      race, mercy, and peace from God the
           Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
                                                          while serving in the military. First enacted to
                                                          honor Union soldiers of the Civil War,
        At the time of the Revolutionary War,             Memorial Day was expanded after World War I
there's a story about a certain Lutheran pastor           to include all the fallen men and women of the
named John Peter Muhlenberg. One day, after               Armed Forces. It's a day for all Americans to
leading the Divine Service of God's Word and              reflect upon and give thanks for those heroic
Sacrament... and after the final benediction was          men and women who responded to the call to
proclaimed.... he declared "There is a time to            serve their nation, even to serve by making the
preach and a time to fight, and now the time to           ultimate sacrifice for their country, for freedom.
fight has come!" In dramatic fashion, he then                    We too —all Christians— are called to
threw off his clerical robe and stood before the          serve. Jesus tells us, "You are the light of the
congregation in the uniform of a colonel in the           world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither
Continental Army.                                         do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
       I can't verify the authenticity of this story,     Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light
but I do know that this weekend our nation                to everyone in the house. In the same way, let
celebrates Memorial Day, a day set aside to               your light shine before men, that they may see
commemorate U.S. men and women who died                   your good deeds and praise your Father in
heaven" (Matthew 5:13–16). What this means is
that all of us have a call from God to put our
                                                       The Catechism Corner
faith into practice. In glad response to the Word      The Second Article
and Sacraments of God, we are called to be                And [I believe] in Jesus
God's light, showing others the love of God            Christ, His only Son, our
which is in Christ Jesus. We ask ourselves, "Am        Lord, who was conceived by
I letting my light shine in the circle of influence    the Holy Spirit, born of the
in which the Lord has placed me? Am I                  Virgin Mary, suffered under
                                                       Pontius Plate, was crucified,
conscious of opportunities to be a good listener,
                                                       died and was buried. He
someone who cares, and sharer of an invitation         descended into hell. The
to be known by Christ?                                 third day He rose again
       It's not always easy. There is resistance.      from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits
That's how wars are, too... and keep in mind that      at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.
                                                       From thence He will come to judge the living and
Satan is waging war against Christ's Church!
                                                       the dead.
There may be resistance, but there is also great                         What does this mean?
joy and celebration. As Jesus says, "There is                  I believe that Jesus Christ, true God,
rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God         begotten of the Father from eternity, and also
over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10).             true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord.
                                                       Who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned
        My point is that, as Christians we respond     person, purchased and won me from all sins, from
gladly to the forgiveness Christ won for us on         death, and from the power of the devil; not with
the cross. As Jesus gave us His whole life, we         gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood
too give back our whole lives to Christ. We need       and with His innocent suffering and death, that I
to get past the thinking that it's good enough to      may be His own and live under Him in His
give so much money to the Church or to go so           kingdom and serve Him in everlasting
many times to worship. It's all about our calling      righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just
to bring the freedom only Jesus can give to a          as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all
                                                       eternity. This is most certainly true.
world trapped in sin. It's all about having Jesus
                                                                   (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
impact everything we think, say and do. It's all
about responding to Jesus' call, as individuals
and as a congregation... responding gladly when        Life Quote
Jesus calls by saying "Here am I. Send me!
Send me!" and then going, equipped by the                "When I think of freedom . . . I
Spirit for battle (see Ephesians 6:10-17), and           often think of Martin Luther.
                                                         In his famous treatise, The
rejoicing in our Lord Jesus's victory! To Christ
                                                         Freedom of the Christian,
be the Glory. Amen.
                                                         Luther wrote, 'A Christian man
        Yours, humbly, in Jesus' name,                   is the most free lord of all, and
        Pastor Matt                                      subject to none, a Christian
                                                         man is the most dutiful
                                                         servant of all, and subject to every one.'
    "Hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so
                                                           — Dennis Di Mauro, President
    that [you] may be able to give instruction in
                                                             Northern Virginia LFL
    sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who
                                                                   (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
    contradict it."                   (Titus 1:9)
Patristic Quote of the Month                                 New Lutheran Quote of the
  "We learn that just as the                                 Month
  Father is made visible in
                                                              "Lutheran theology differs
  the Son, so also the Son is
                                                              from Reformed theology in
  recognized in the Spirit...
                                                              that it lays great emphasis on
  Light cannot be separated
                                                              the fact that the evangelical
  from what it makes visible,
                                                              church is none other than
  and it is impossible for you to recognize
                                                              the medieval Catholic Church purged of
  Christ, the Image of the invisible God, unless
                                                              certain heresies and abuses. The Lutheran
  the Spirit enlightens you. Once you see the
                                                              theologian acknowledges that he belongs to
  Image, you cannot ignore the light; you see
                                                              the same visible church to which Thomas
  the Light and Image simultaneously. It is
                                                              Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine
  fitting that when we see Christ, the
                                                              and Tertullian, Athanasius and Ireneaus once
  Brightness of God's glory, it is always through
                                                              belonged. The orthodox evangelical church is
  the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
                                                              the legitimate continuation of the medieval
 — St. Basil the Great (AXD 330–379)                          Catholic Church, not the church of the
    Bishop of Caesarea Mazaca                                 Council of Trent and the [First] Vatican
           (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)    Council which renounced evangelical truth
                                                              when it rejected the Reformation. For the
                                                              orthodox evangelical church is really identical
Old Lutheran Quote of the                                     with the orthodox Catholic Church of all
Month                                                         times. And just as the very nature of the
                                                              Reformed Church emphasizes its strong
  "The devil is a scoundrel                                   opposition to the medieval church, so the
  who furtively sneaks up                                     very nature of the Lutheran Church requires
  behind us to see if he can                                  it to go to the farthest possible limit in its
  somehow divert us from                                      insistence on its solidarity and identity with
  prayer. So we must prepare                                  the Catholic Church. It was no mere
  ourselves to oppose him and allow nothing to                ecclesiastico-political diplomacy which
  deter us."                                                  dictated the emphatic assertion in the
      — Martin Luther (AXD 1483–1546)                         Augsburg Confession that the teachings of
        Lutheran theologian & professor                       the Evangelicals were identical with those of
           (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)    the orthodox Catholic Church of all ages, and
                                                              no more was it romanticism or false
                                                              conservatism which made our church anxious
                                                              to retain as much of the old canonical law as
                                                              possible, and to cling tenaciously to the old
                                                              forms of worship.
                                                              — Hermann Sasse (AXD 1895–1976)
                                                                German Confessional Lutheran Author
                                                                       (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
and Sacrament, tilted slightly toward
Adult Bible Study                                                       Sacrament: thus the Sacrament has pride of
  The Bible Study on Worship" continues                                 place over the sermon.
  throughout the month of June:
                                                                        After the benediction, Lutheran piety goes
• Sunday after church: 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.                                into the home. Lutheran piety, while standing
            (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)             or kneeling, makes the sign of the cross,
                                                                        morning and evening, and recites the Creed
                                                                        and the Lord's Prayer. Lutheran piety goes to
                                                                        confession and says, Dear pastor please hear
Every Sunday Sermon Prep                                                my confession and pronounce forgiveness in
                                                                        order to fulfill God's will... Lutheran piety
Preparation                                                             thanks God for clothing and shoes, house and
  To help you prepare for                                               home, eyes, ears, and all my members.
  worship, here are the weekly                                          Lutheran piety teaches his children to say,
  readings for Divine Services                                          “We should fear, love, and trust in God above
  in June:                                                              all things.” Lutheran piety expects crosses.
                                                                        Luther piety expects that it will daily sin much
  June 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Kings 17:17–24
                                                                        and need forgiveness.
                                               Galatians 1:11–24
                                                    Luke 7:11–17        Lutheran piety is, as you can see, molded and
                                                                        formed by two things: the liturgy as
  June 13. . . . . . . . 2 Samuel 11:26–12:10, 13–14
                                                                        described in [the Apology to the Augsburg
                           Galatians 2:15–21; 3:10–14
                                        Luke 7:36–8:3                   Confession] XXIV.1 and the Small Catechism.
                                                                        These tell us the how of the Faith. Through
  June 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaiah 65:1–9      these the Lutheran Faith is lived. The
                                             Galatians 3:23–4:7         Catechism is not a doctrinal treatise, a merely
                                                     Luke 8:26–39       cerebral book: it is an instruction manual for
  June 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Kings 19:9b–21         personal piety. It gives words and actions.
                                          Galatians 5:1, 13–25          Just as Anglican piety is formed by the 39
                                                   Luke 8:26–39         Articles and the Book of Common Prayer and
                                                                        Roman piety by the canon of the Mass and
              (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
                                                                        the rosary, Lutheran piety is shaped by the
                                                                        liturgy and the Catechism. The words of the
Lutheran Piety                                                          liturgy and the Catechism constantly rattle
                                                                        around a head shaped by Lutheran piety.
Interesting, thought-provoking words from                               They are the lens through which daily life is
LCMS pastor Heath Curtis:                                               filtered.
                                                                     (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
  Lutheran piety begins at the Divine Service.
  The Mass is celebrated among us as the thing                       Source:

  of most importance (Augsburg Confession
  XXIV). Lutheran piety is reverent... Lutheran
  piety considers one day more holy than
  another, unto the Lord, and thus offers the
  Sacrament on every Lord's Day and the other
  high feasts... Lutheran piety is one of Word
Stewardship                                       be bigger than themselves. Being God's
                                                  redeemed stewards is one of the best ways
"June—what a crazy month!" June used to be
                                                  for bringing the real meaning and purpose to
the most popular month for weddings, so           our lives. It helps us to identify who and
much so, that "June brides" became a part         whose we are. We are God's redeemed
of our vocabulary. Now there may be               stewards who have been chosen and
months when more weddings take place but          equipped to manage all of life and life's
June is still a hectic, busy month. Not only      resources for God's purposes. Can anything
are there weddings, but there are also            be better than that??? Not for people who
graduations, vacations, plans for vacations       appreciate the great sacrifice that Jesus
and other summer activities. So much              made too set us free from our sinful and
happens that it can get overwhelming and          selfish condition and help us to be the
take the joy out of such a special month.         children of God in thoughts, words and
                      The same thing can be
                      true of our lives as        St. Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
                      God's stewards. When        wrote these words to Titus and us: "For the
                      we start thinking           grace of God that brings salvation has
                      about stewardship as        appeared to all men. It teaches us to say
                      the managing of all of      'no' to ungodliness and worldly passions,
                      live and life's resources   and to live self-controlled, upright and
                      for God's purposes we       godly lives in this present age, while we
                      can also get                wait for the blessed hope—the glorious
                      overwhelmed.                appearing of our great God and Savior,
                      Stewardship is not just     Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to
                      about time, talents         redeem us from all wickedness and to purify
and treasure – the well-known three T's –         for Himself a people that are His very own,
but also about our stewardship of sharing         eager to do what is good."
the good news of Jesus, the building and
maintaining of relationships, the care of our     How wonderful it is that by God's grace we
bodies, the care of God's creation and so         are called, gathered and enlightened to live
much more. The challenge of being a good          a way that gives due glory to God and
steward of all that God has entrusted to us       blessings to our fellow stewards! As God's
can be so big that we might be tempted to         children we are in this together so we can
simply give up! But to do so would rob us of      encourage others and, in turn, be
some of life's greatest joys!                     encouraged by others!

Stewardship is not meant to be an                 "God's redeemed stewards, in cooperation
overwhelming thing but rather the best way        with and encouragement from fellow
to live in this world. People seek purpose        redeemed stewards, freely and joyfully
and meaning in their lives. They want to          manage all of life and life's resources for
make a difference! They want their lives to       God's purposes!" What a blessed life that is!
Financial Figures                                                            Spring Cleaning:
                                                                             Helen, Staci, Joe and
April 2010 Total: $12,807.45                                                 Jean, Gerry, Richard,
         20/20: $550                                                         Dave and Julie, Roger
                                                                             and Millie, Ron and
2010 average per week: $3,258.48                                             Cheryl, Howard and
      Budget per week: $3,765                                                Leona, Steve, Sharon,
            Difference: ($506.52)                    Dolores, David and Mary, Pastor Matt, Bob,
                                                     Paul, Elvera, Betty, Rhonda and Shirley (sorry
20/20 Total for 2010: $3,759.03                      if I forgot anyone).

                                                     Retaining Wall Repair: Howard, Steve, Joe
                                                     and David.
Those Who Serve in June
                                                     Thank you to anyone else who has served.
New signup sheets are available for ushers, altar
aides, greeters, readers and acolytes.

Sunday Coffee – a new signup sheet is available.     Hope Church Picnic
If you want to bring snacks, you will also need to
set up drinks (coffee, lemonade, etc.) Coffee will
not be set up for you during the summer                                      Divine Service will be
months. Lemonade may be a nice alternative.                                  held at Voyager Park
                                                                             that morning. The
Thank You To Those Who                                                       Men's Club will be
                                                     grilling and everyone else is invited to bring
Served in May                                        a dish to pass. Bingo games with fabulous
                                                     prizes will follow.
                      Ushers: Bruce and
                      Brenda, Darryll, Dan and
                      Jane, Dave and Bonny,
                      David and Mary, Paul           Bible Study
                      and Nancy, Bill and
                      Troy.                                                  The Sunday and
                                                                             Wednesday evening
                                                                             classes will be
Altar Aides: Carol, Elvera, Louann, Renee
                                                                             discontinued at this
and Jody.
                                                                             time. If you cannot
                                                                             attend the Sunday
Coffee: Senior Hopefuls, Helen, Sharon and           morning session (which will continue after
Nancy.                                               Sunday service), please speak with Pastor Matt
                                                     to set up another time.
Readers: Denzel Kiley
March Meeting Update – Back in mid-March I,
Every Member Visitation                                as chairman, called a special congregational
                                                       meeting to inform the congregation of some
Pastor Matt is continuing to make every
                                                       concerns many Hope leaders had with our
member household visits. He will call to arrange
                                                       pastoral leadership. The feelings of those who
a time to visit within the next few months.
                                                       spoke at the meeting said we should try to work
                                                       out the issues. I appointed a group of nine
                                                       people for this purpose. The group met a few
Words From The Chairman                                times, including with various congregation
                                                       members to determine what the issues are. In
Since I wrote the May article, we've had the           mid-April the group met with Pastor Matt and
church cleanup day (last Saturday in April) with       President Joel Hoelter, our district president.
many people. I believe Judy has a list of those        The group, Pastor Matt and President Hoelter
who participated in cleaning the church inside         are meeting again in early June.
and out.
                                                       I've heard of some people leaving Hope due to
We had several members show up to help                 these issues. Things will get better. Maybe you
remove the cement block retaining wall behind          are one of these people or someone who is
the church, dig out some dirt, put the blocks          thinking of leaving. I pray that you will think and
back, add gravel and grass. Thank Howard,              pray hard. Hope needs every one of you. Visiting
Steve, Joe, Jean, Katie and Jenn (liquids and          another church gives you a chance to see
sandwiches).                                           different worship styles and activities. These
                                                       experiences can be useful at Hope. We are not a
June is almost here. Hope's Sunday service             church that demands everything be done
times are making their usual summer change             exactly one way and one way only; we are a
from two services (8:00 & 10:30) to one service        vibrant church that wants to reach out to the
starting the last Sunday in May and running            community with the news of Jesus Christ.
through the first Sunday in September. As you
travel on vacation, don't forget that God is with      Along this same line, during late April, Pastor
you. If you go to and click on            Matt attended a retreat for pastors in Colorado.
"Locate a      " near the top right corner of the      The descriptions of the programs covered sound
                                 home page you         interesting. Pastor Matt will be attending the
                                 will find LCMS        second session in mid-June along with Dennis
                                 churches in the       (the program requests a church leader to attend
                                 area. Mary and I      the second session). Information about their
                                 use this whenever     program can be found at
                                 we are on the
                                 road in a new city.   David, Chairman
                                 Also, whenever
                                 someone comes
to visit during the summer, bring them to Hope.
Let's pack Hope so full we'll have to go back to
two services even in the summer.
The reconciliation group has met several times
  EDUCATION MINISTRY will be combining                with the next meeting scheduled for June.
  the regular meeting for June and July to
  just one and it will be Tuesday, July 13.           The elders will be preparing a list of substitute
                                                      organists and pianists in case of emergencies.
  EVANGELISM MINISTRY needs a few good
  people and a new chairman. Please contact           Next meeting – Monday, June 14 at 7 pm.
  Paul if you would like to be a part of the
  ministry group that coordinates new                 Other information discussed at the council
  member breakfasts, maintains the Website            meeting is covered in other articles in this
  and who knows what other new activities             newsletter.
  are in the planning stages!


Church Council Mini-Minutes                                          Search the Web and earn 1 cent
                                                                     for each search. Designate Hope
                                                                     Lutheran Church De Pere as the
Meeting was held on Monday, May 10, 2010 at
                                                                     cause you support. Click on
7 pm.
                                                                     GOODSHOP for your online
                                                                     shopping. Proceeds benefit
Pastor Matt reported on the Doxology
                                                                     Angels of Hope Preschool.
conference he attended; the second session is
                                                                     Participating stores are listed on
from June 18-20. A lay person, Dennis, is also
                                                      the Website and you can still use other coupon
attending which is an expectation of the
conference. Cost of the conference is covered
by a grant; the only cost to the congregation is
                                                              FUNDS RAISED IN 2010: $27.66
for travel.

Pastor's Report – Confirmation of Tony, Jakob,
Denzel and Ethan.                                     Festival Brat Stand
New Elder Assignments – Bill is the new head                                The youth will serve brats
elder. Ben will be the contact for the welfare                              and hamburgers at the
ministry. Scott will be the stewardship elder. Bill                         Festival Store Brat Stand in
will be the youth elder contact.                                            West De Pere on Friday,
                                                                            June 25. Come enjoy some
Troy is the new trustee and will complete the                               summer grilling!
term vacated by Ben (Ben will completed the
elder term vacated by Bruce).

Twelve 4 year olds and fourteen 3 year olds are
registered for the next school term of Angels of
Hope Preschool. A teacher evaluation has been
completed and parent evaluations are being
Packer Games Are Coming                              Lynn, Angelle, Bonny, Rhonda, Brenda,
                                                     Nancy, Amanda, Ellie, Jen, Bette, Schelly,
LEVY – Online Alcohol Training – Non-profit          Scott, Beth, Pastor Matt, Kim, Alic and our
groups – instruction sheets are on the bulletin      Beginnings coordinator, Michelle and our
board. This training must be completed before        substitute teachers, Elaine, Mary, Sandy,
working any Packer games. It's basically the         Lynn and Laura.
same as last year but, of course, a bit different.
Remember to e-mail Judy so we can have a
record of who has completed the training.
                                                     Angels of Hope Preschool
                                                     We are celebrating 5 years of Angels of Hope
VBS – High Seas Expedition                           Preschool!

August 1-5 from 6:00 to 8:30...explore the           On Sunday, June 6 we will be celebrating the 5th
mighty love of God as we set sail with Jesus!        anniversary of Angels of Hope Preschool. We
Come join us on our adventure, the love of           will share a short power point presentation at
Jesus and the gift of God's Word. Swashbuckling      the end of the church service that will highlight
bible adventures! Incredible music! Games and        this special ministry. Following the service we
new friends – REGISTRATION IS NOW.                   will share cake and coffee in the narthex. We
                                                     will also have an open house in the preschool.
Do you know a child age 3 years old to 5th           Please come and join us for this special event.
grade? Register them now as it is important for      God has truly blessed this ministry. We are
planning. See the display in the narthex as well     excited to share all that He has done.
as the list in the newsletter for more
information.                                         We currently have 1 opening for the 3 year old
                                                     class and 6 openings for the 4 year old class for
All hands on deck! VBS volunteers, we will be        the 2010-2011 school year. Please share
having our first training meeting on June 15th at    information with anyone you know that may be
6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. If you are unable    interested in being a part of our program.
to attend please let Kim know.                       During the summer months Gail Thiel can be
                                                     reached at
Want to help with VBS but can't make the
times? See the boat display on the office            In His Service,
window or check out the list in the bulletin for     Gail Thiel and Kim Thompson
items that you can donate. "Needed by dates"
are also included for snack items.

                                                     Youth News
Thank You To Sunday School                           Laser Tag: Sunday, May 16 was an awesome
Teachers                                    shooting and active! Thank
                                                     you to our chaperones, Beth, Kim, Scott and
                                                     Beth. It is already on the redo list for youth!
Our sincerest thanks and God's blessings to our
2009-2010 Sunday School teachers: Farran,
Timber Rattler Game: You         the attached letters for complete detail of
                    are invited to join us on        events. Quick sign up is needed.
                    Friday, June 11 for a night of
                    baseball with the Timber         Upcoming Events: On July 11 come check out
                    Rattlers. Sign up on the         Lifefest as we travel to the 9:30 am outdoor
                    youth bulletin board before      worship service. There is free admission to the
                    May 30. The night will           Sunday event.
include fireworks after the game; kids eat free      L.Y.G. Group departs July 16 for New Orleans.
to include a coupon for a free hot dog and soda,     The National Lutheran Youth Gathering
player poster give away and kids 12 and under        commences on July 17. Keep the youth and the
can run the bases after the game.                    chaperones in your prayers.

                         L.Y.G. (Lutheran Youth      Thanks – Beth
                         Gathering) Group: Our
                         next Bible study is June
                         14th. Since school is out
                         we will meet during the
                                                     Bulgaria Mission
day at 1:30 pm at the Thompson's. This is our
                                                     The following items are requested: Quilts,
second Bible study in the series for "We
                                                     blankets and towels; new or gently used
Believe" the spiritual preparation for the 2010
                                                     sweatshirts and coats for men, women and
National Lutheran Youth Gathering. Please also
                                                     children in all sizes; new or gently used socks
have your parents complete the medical form
                                                     and shoes for children up to age 12; new or
that was handed out and turn it into Beth or
                                                     gently used yarn for knitting, nativity sets and
                                                     decorative crosses.
Attention 5th through 8th graders – Summer
                                                     Please bring donations to the coatroom. A
Stretch Opportunity: This is an opportunity for
                                                     shipment will be made to Bulgaria in August.
four days of service and fellowship on four
                                                     See the poster on the bulletin board for more
summer days this summer with some of our
fellow Lutheran churches in the area. We have
been invited to participate June 23, June 30,
                                                     Helping Hands for Bulgaria is headquartered at
July 28 and August 4. If we have youth sign up
                                                     Christ Lutheran Church, 308 Wet Linden St.,
we are required to have adult chaperones to
                                                     Abbotsfort, WI 54405. Linda, daughter of Myron
assist. Beth and Kim are available for the dates
                                                     and Gerry, is co-founder of this mission.
of June 30, July 28 and August 4 so Hope youth
are eligible to sign up for these dates. Youth can
express an interest in the date of June 23,
however we would need an adult to be willing         NEW Lutheran High
to help chaperone and drive on June 23 in order
to open this date up to Hope Youth. Please see       Lutheran Schools Night with the Bullfrogs –
the attached letter of information and sing up       Tuesday, June 8, 7:05 pm: Let's take over their
sheet. Sign up for youth and adult chaperones        stadium! There is also the possibility of a
must be turned into the Hope Lutheran office         tailgate event before the game. $10 package
on the youth desk by Sunday, June 6th.               ($25 value) includes: Admission ticket, Bullfrogs
Remember, if you have money in your youth            hat, hot dog and soda voucher. Order tickets
accounts you are eligible to use this. Please see
online at See flyer by
the NEW Lutheran High School board in
                                                      Save This Stuff
fellowship hall.
                                                      <   General Mills Boxtops for Education and
                                                          Kemps and Morning Glory milkcaps
                       Blazer Gold Open & Luau
                                                          which go to Trinity Lutheran School. They
                       2010 – Friday, June 11th:
                                                          are worth $0.05 each.
                       NEWLHS is having their
                                                      <   Egg cartons go to Paul's Pantry. We are
                       golf open and luau at The
                                                          still looking for a volunteer to take the
                       Woods Golf Course (530
                                                          cartons during the summer months.
                       Erie Rd. GB). Registration
                                                          Contact the church office if you can do
is from 10:30 to 11:30 am; $50,000 Shootout
from 11:00 to 11:30 am; Shotgun start 12:15
                                                      <   Campbell Soup labels go to Bethesda
pm: Reception, pig roast and silent auction 5:30
                                                          Home. Only the UPC code with the little
pm. For more information and registration, go
                                                          point square next to it are needed. They
to or call the school
                                                          recently sent a thank you for out labels.
office at 469-6810.
                                                      <   Plastic and paper bags may be
                                                          contributed directly to Christian
Host Families Needed for the 2010-2011 School
                                                          Outreach or to Bethesda Thrift Shop.
Year: Consider opening your hearts and homes
                                                      <   Empty pill bottles (must be from
to someone from another country while you
                                                          prescriptions, not over the counter
broaden your awareness of the world around
you and help support NEWLHS at the same
                                                      <   Food items for St. Anne's food pantry.
time. There is a girl from China who speaks very
                                                      <   Used postage stamps – leave ½ inch
good English, looking for a host family. If you
                                                          around the stamp. There is a 3 drawer
are interested please e-mail
                                                          container in the coatroom for these.
                                                      <   Computer ink cartridges. Eligible brands
                                                          are now HP, Dell, Lexmark, Brother,
                     NEWLHS Campus Work
                                                          Epson, Samsung, Kodak, Sharp or Canon
                     Days: On June 14 &15 from
                                                          ink or toner cartridges. The highlighted
                     8:00 am to 7:00 pm, anyone
                                                          brands were not accepted in the program
                     interested in helping to clean
                                                          before, but are now. The recycling
                     up the high school campus is
                                                          rebates are used to offset office expenses
                     welcome to come and do so.
                                                          (paper/ink/envelopes, etc) in the church
                     We'll be taking on several
                                                          office. Put these in the middle drawer in
                     major projects as well as
                                                          the coatroom.
undertaking general cleaning and maintenance
                                                      <   Portals of Prayer. Please recycle your old
during those two days. If you're interested,
                                                          issues or pass on to others. The groups
please call the school office to sign-up for a time
                                                          for whom we had previously collected
to work. If you can't make it but would still like
                                                          old copies no longer use them.
to help, please call the office to see if any
cleaning supplies are needed. Roll up your
sleeves and help us beautify and organize our
campus! Your help would be greatly
Publication Information
                    Bulletin information is
                    due by Wednesdays at
                    8:00 pm. Information for
                    the July newsletter will
                    be due on Monday, June
                    21. Please put
                    information in the church
                    secretary's mailbox.
                    Please sign any notes in
                    case of questions.

Please remember to check your mailbox in the
 coatroom each time you are at church. Your
          name is above your box.

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June 2010: The Anchor Line

  • 1. THE ANCHOR LINE June 2010 Hope Lutheran Church and Angels of Hope Preschool 700 S. Superior St. De Pere, WI 54115 ~ (920) 336-9843 On the web: ~ e-mail: Matthew Christians, pastor Gail Thiel, preschool director office: 336-9843, home: 336-9582 office 336-9843 emergency cell: 615-5136 e-mail: e-mail: Our Vision at Hope: that we would be a growing, vibrant, praying, caring congregation– boldly reaching out with Jesus Christ in word and deed. A Word from your Pastor— May the fullness of the Word Made Flesh, Jesus Christ our Lord, dwell in you richly! G race, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. while serving in the military. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the Civil War, At the time of the Revolutionary War, Memorial Day was expanded after World War I there's a story about a certain Lutheran pastor to include all the fallen men and women of the named John Peter Muhlenberg. One day, after Armed Forces. It's a day for all Americans to leading the Divine Service of God's Word and reflect upon and give thanks for those heroic Sacrament... and after the final benediction was men and women who responded to the call to proclaimed.... he declared "There is a time to serve their nation, even to serve by making the preach and a time to fight, and now the time to ultimate sacrifice for their country, for freedom. fight has come!" In dramatic fashion, he then We too —all Christians— are called to threw off his clerical robe and stood before the serve. Jesus tells us, "You are the light of the congregation in the uniform of a colonel in the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither Continental Army. do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. I can't verify the authenticity of this story, Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light but I do know that this weekend our nation to everyone in the house. In the same way, let celebrates Memorial Day, a day set aside to your light shine before men, that they may see commemorate U.S. men and women who died your good deeds and praise your Father in
  • 2. heaven" (Matthew 5:13–16). What this means is that all of us have a call from God to put our The Catechism Corner faith into practice. In glad response to the Word The Second Article and Sacraments of God, we are called to be And [I believe] in Jesus God's light, showing others the love of God Christ, His only Son, our which is in Christ Jesus. We ask ourselves, "Am Lord, who was conceived by I letting my light shine in the circle of influence the Holy Spirit, born of the in which the Lord has placed me? Am I Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Plate, was crucified, conscious of opportunities to be a good listener, died and was buried. He someone who cares, and sharer of an invitation descended into hell. The to be known by Christ? third day He rose again It's not always easy. There is resistance. from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits That's how wars are, too... and keep in mind that at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and Satan is waging war against Christ's Church! the dead. There may be resistance, but there is also great What does this mean? joy and celebration. As Jesus says, "There is I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God begotten of the Father from eternity, and also over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10). true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord. Who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned My point is that, as Christians we respond person, purchased and won me from all sins, from gladly to the forgiveness Christ won for us on death, and from the power of the devil; not with the cross. As Jesus gave us His whole life, we gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood too give back our whole lives to Christ. We need and with His innocent suffering and death, that I to get past the thinking that it's good enough to may be His own and live under Him in His give so much money to the Church or to go so kingdom and serve Him in everlasting many times to worship. It's all about our calling righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just to bring the freedom only Jesus can give to a as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true. world trapped in sin. It's all about having Jesus (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) impact everything we think, say and do. It's all about responding to Jesus' call, as individuals and as a congregation... responding gladly when Life Quote Jesus calls by saying "Here am I. Send me! Send me!" and then going, equipped by the "When I think of freedom . . . I Spirit for battle (see Ephesians 6:10-17), and often think of Martin Luther. In his famous treatise, The rejoicing in our Lord Jesus's victory! To Christ Freedom of the Christian, be the Glory. Amen. Luther wrote, 'A Christian man Yours, humbly, in Jesus' name, is the most free lord of all, and Pastor Matt subject to none, a Christian man is the most dutiful . servant of all, and subject to every one.' "Hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so — Dennis Di Mauro, President that [you] may be able to give instruction in Northern Virginia LFL sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) contradict it." (Titus 1:9)
  • 3. Patristic Quote of the Month New Lutheran Quote of the "We learn that just as the Month Father is made visible in "Lutheran theology differs the Son, so also the Son is from Reformed theology in recognized in the Spirit... that it lays great emphasis on Light cannot be separated the fact that the evangelical from what it makes visible, church is none other than and it is impossible for you to recognize the medieval Catholic Church purged of Christ, the Image of the invisible God, unless certain heresies and abuses. The Lutheran the Spirit enlightens you. Once you see the theologian acknowledges that he belongs to Image, you cannot ignore the light; you see the same visible church to which Thomas the Light and Image simultaneously. It is Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine fitting that when we see Christ, the and Tertullian, Athanasius and Ireneaus once Brightness of God's glory, it is always through belonged. The orthodox evangelical church is the illumination of the Holy Spirit. the legitimate continuation of the medieval — St. Basil the Great (AXD 330–379) Catholic Church, not the church of the Bishop of Caesarea Mazaca Council of Trent and the [First] Vatican (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) Council which renounced evangelical truth when it rejected the Reformation. For the orthodox evangelical church is really identical Old Lutheran Quote of the with the orthodox Catholic Church of all Month times. And just as the very nature of the Reformed Church emphasizes its strong "The devil is a scoundrel opposition to the medieval church, so the who furtively sneaks up very nature of the Lutheran Church requires behind us to see if he can it to go to the farthest possible limit in its somehow divert us from insistence on its solidarity and identity with prayer. So we must prepare the Catholic Church. It was no mere ourselves to oppose him and allow nothing to ecclesiastico-political diplomacy which deter us." dictated the emphatic assertion in the — Martin Luther (AXD 1483–1546) Augsburg Confession that the teachings of Lutheran theologian & professor the Evangelicals were identical with those of (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) the orthodox Catholic Church of all ages, and no more was it romanticism or false conservatism which made our church anxious to retain as much of the old canonical law as possible, and to cling tenaciously to the old forms of worship. — Hermann Sasse (AXD 1895–1976) German Confessional Lutheran Author (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)
  • 4. and Sacrament, tilted slightly toward Adult Bible Study Sacrament: thus the Sacrament has pride of The Bible Study on Worship" continues place over the sermon. throughout the month of June: After the benediction, Lutheran piety goes • Sunday after church: 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. into the home. Lutheran piety, while standing (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) or kneeling, makes the sign of the cross, morning and evening, and recites the Creed and the Lord's Prayer. Lutheran piety goes to confession and says, Dear pastor please hear Every Sunday Sermon Prep my confession and pronounce forgiveness in order to fulfill God's will... Lutheran piety Preparation thanks God for clothing and shoes, house and To help you prepare for home, eyes, ears, and all my members. worship, here are the weekly Lutheran piety teaches his children to say, readings for Divine Services “We should fear, love, and trust in God above in June: all things.” Lutheran piety expects crosses. Luther piety expects that it will daily sin much June 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Kings 17:17–24 and need forgiveness. Galatians 1:11–24 Luke 7:11–17 Lutheran piety is, as you can see, molded and formed by two things: the liturgy as June 13. . . . . . . . 2 Samuel 11:26–12:10, 13–14 described in [the Apology to the Augsburg Galatians 2:15–21; 3:10–14 Luke 7:36–8:3 Confession] XXIV.1 and the Small Catechism. These tell us the how of the Faith. Through June 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaiah 65:1–9 these the Lutheran Faith is lived. The Galatians 3:23–4:7 Catechism is not a doctrinal treatise, a merely Luke 8:26–39 cerebral book: it is an instruction manual for June 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Kings 19:9b–21 personal piety. It gives words and actions. Galatians 5:1, 13–25 Just as Anglican piety is formed by the 39 Luke 8:26–39 Articles and the Book of Common Prayer and Roman piety by the canon of the Mass and (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) the rosary, Lutheran piety is shaped by the liturgy and the Catechism. The words of the Lutheran Piety liturgy and the Catechism constantly rattle around a head shaped by Lutheran piety. Interesting, thought-provoking words from They are the lens through which daily life is LCMS pastor Heath Curtis: filtered. (submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt) Lutheran piety begins at the Divine Service. The Mass is celebrated among us as the thing Source: of most importance (Augsburg Confession XXIV). Lutheran piety is reverent... Lutheran piety considers one day more holy than another, unto the Lord, and thus offers the Sacrament on every Lord's Day and the other high feasts... Lutheran piety is one of Word
  • 5. Stewardship be bigger than themselves. Being God's redeemed stewards is one of the best ways "June—what a crazy month!" June used to be for bringing the real meaning and purpose to the most popular month for weddings, so our lives. It helps us to identify who and much so, that "June brides" became a part whose we are. We are God's redeemed of our vocabulary. Now there may be stewards who have been chosen and months when more weddings take place but equipped to manage all of life and life's June is still a hectic, busy month. Not only resources for God's purposes. Can anything are there weddings, but there are also be better than that??? Not for people who graduations, vacations, plans for vacations appreciate the great sacrifice that Jesus and other summer activities. So much made too set us free from our sinful and happens that it can get overwhelming and selfish condition and help us to be the take the joy out of such a special month. children of God in thoughts, words and actions. The same thing can be true of our lives as St. Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God's stewards. When wrote these words to Titus and us: "For the we start thinking grace of God that brings salvation has about stewardship as appeared to all men. It teaches us to say the managing of all of 'no' to ungodliness and worldly passions, live and life's resources and to live self-controlled, upright and for God's purposes we godly lives in this present age, while we can also get wait for the blessed hope—the glorious overwhelmed. appearing of our great God and Savior, Stewardship is not just Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to about time, talents redeem us from all wickedness and to purify and treasure – the well-known three T's – for Himself a people that are His very own, but also about our stewardship of sharing eager to do what is good." the good news of Jesus, the building and maintaining of relationships, the care of our How wonderful it is that by God's grace we bodies, the care of God's creation and so are called, gathered and enlightened to live much more. The challenge of being a good a way that gives due glory to God and steward of all that God has entrusted to us blessings to our fellow stewards! As God's can be so big that we might be tempted to children we are in this together so we can simply give up! But to do so would rob us of encourage others and, in turn, be some of life's greatest joys! encouraged by others! Stewardship is not meant to be an "God's redeemed stewards, in cooperation overwhelming thing but rather the best way with and encouragement from fellow to live in this world. People seek purpose redeemed stewards, freely and joyfully and meaning in their lives. They want to manage all of life and life's resources for make a difference! They want their lives to God's purposes!" What a blessed life that is!
  • 6. Financial Figures Spring Cleaning: Helen, Staci, Joe and April 2010 Total: $12,807.45 Jean, Gerry, Richard, 20/20: $550 Dave and Julie, Roger and Millie, Ron and 2010 average per week: $3,258.48 Cheryl, Howard and Budget per week: $3,765 Leona, Steve, Sharon, Difference: ($506.52) Dolores, David and Mary, Pastor Matt, Bob, Paul, Elvera, Betty, Rhonda and Shirley (sorry 20/20 Total for 2010: $3,759.03 if I forgot anyone). Retaining Wall Repair: Howard, Steve, Joe and David. Those Who Serve in June Thank you to anyone else who has served. New signup sheets are available for ushers, altar aides, greeters, readers and acolytes. Sunday Coffee – a new signup sheet is available. Hope Church Picnic If you want to bring snacks, you will also need to set up drinks (coffee, lemonade, etc.) Coffee will not be set up for you during the summer Divine Service will be months. Lemonade may be a nice alternative. held at Voyager Park that morning. The Thank You To Those Who Men's Club will be grilling and everyone else is invited to bring Served in May a dish to pass. Bingo games with fabulous prizes will follow. Ushers: Bruce and Brenda, Darryll, Dan and Jane, Dave and Bonny, David and Mary, Paul Bible Study and Nancy, Bill and Troy. The Sunday and Wednesday evening classes will be Altar Aides: Carol, Elvera, Louann, Renee discontinued at this and Jody. time. If you cannot attend the Sunday Coffee: Senior Hopefuls, Helen, Sharon and morning session (which will continue after Nancy. Sunday service), please speak with Pastor Matt to set up another time. Readers: Denzel Kiley
  • 7. March Meeting Update – Back in mid-March I, Every Member Visitation as chairman, called a special congregational meeting to inform the congregation of some Pastor Matt is continuing to make every concerns many Hope leaders had with our member household visits. He will call to arrange pastoral leadership. The feelings of those who a time to visit within the next few months. spoke at the meeting said we should try to work out the issues. I appointed a group of nine people for this purpose. The group met a few Words From The Chairman times, including with various congregation members to determine what the issues are. In Since I wrote the May article, we've had the mid-April the group met with Pastor Matt and church cleanup day (last Saturday in April) with President Joel Hoelter, our district president. many people. I believe Judy has a list of those The group, Pastor Matt and President Hoelter who participated in cleaning the church inside are meeting again in early June. and out. I've heard of some people leaving Hope due to We had several members show up to help these issues. Things will get better. Maybe you remove the cement block retaining wall behind are one of these people or someone who is the church, dig out some dirt, put the blocks thinking of leaving. I pray that you will think and back, add gravel and grass. Thank Howard, pray hard. Hope needs every one of you. Visiting Steve, Joe, Jean, Katie and Jenn (liquids and another church gives you a chance to see sandwiches). different worship styles and activities. These experiences can be useful at Hope. We are not a June is almost here. Hope's Sunday service church that demands everything be done times are making their usual summer change exactly one way and one way only; we are a from two services (8:00 & 10:30) to one service vibrant church that wants to reach out to the starting the last Sunday in May and running community with the news of Jesus Christ. through the first Sunday in September. As you travel on vacation, don't forget that God is with Along this same line, during late April, Pastor you. If you go to and click on Matt attended a retreat for pastors in Colorado. "Locate a " near the top right corner of the The descriptions of the programs covered sound home page you interesting. Pastor Matt will be attending the will find LCMS second session in mid-June along with Dennis churches in the (the program requests a church leader to attend area. Mary and I the second session). Information about their use this whenever program can be found at we are on the road in a new city. David, Chairman Also, whenever someone comes to visit during the summer, bring them to Hope. Let's pack Hope so full we'll have to go back to two services even in the summer.
  • 8. The reconciliation group has met several times EDUCATION MINISTRY will be combining with the next meeting scheduled for June. the regular meeting for June and July to just one and it will be Tuesday, July 13. The elders will be preparing a list of substitute organists and pianists in case of emergencies. EVANGELISM MINISTRY needs a few good people and a new chairman. Please contact Next meeting – Monday, June 14 at 7 pm. Paul if you would like to be a part of the ministry group that coordinates new Other information discussed at the council member breakfasts, maintains the Website meeting is covered in other articles in this and who knows what other new activities newsletter. are in the planning stages! Church Council Mini-Minutes Search the Web and earn 1 cent for each search. Designate Hope Lutheran Church De Pere as the Meeting was held on Monday, May 10, 2010 at cause you support. Click on 7 pm. GOODSHOP for your online shopping. Proceeds benefit Pastor Matt reported on the Doxology Angels of Hope Preschool. conference he attended; the second session is Participating stores are listed on from June 18-20. A lay person, Dennis, is also the Website and you can still use other coupon attending which is an expectation of the codes. conference. Cost of the conference is covered by a grant; the only cost to the congregation is FUNDS RAISED IN 2010: $27.66 for travel. Pastor's Report – Confirmation of Tony, Jakob, Denzel and Ethan. Festival Brat Stand New Elder Assignments – Bill is the new head The youth will serve brats elder. Ben will be the contact for the welfare and hamburgers at the ministry. Scott will be the stewardship elder. Bill Festival Store Brat Stand in will be the youth elder contact. West De Pere on Friday, June 25. Come enjoy some Troy is the new trustee and will complete the summer grilling! term vacated by Ben (Ben will completed the elder term vacated by Bruce). Twelve 4 year olds and fourteen 3 year olds are registered for the next school term of Angels of Hope Preschool. A teacher evaluation has been completed and parent evaluations are being gathered.
  • 9. Packer Games Are Coming Lynn, Angelle, Bonny, Rhonda, Brenda, Nancy, Amanda, Ellie, Jen, Bette, Schelly, LEVY – Online Alcohol Training – Non-profit Scott, Beth, Pastor Matt, Kim, Alic and our groups – instruction sheets are on the bulletin Beginnings coordinator, Michelle and our board. This training must be completed before substitute teachers, Elaine, Mary, Sandy, working any Packer games. It's basically the Lynn and Laura. same as last year but, of course, a bit different. Remember to e-mail Judy so we can have a record of who has completed the training. Thanks. Angels of Hope Preschool We are celebrating 5 years of Angels of Hope VBS – High Seas Expedition Preschool! August 1-5 from 6:00 to 8:30...explore the On Sunday, June 6 we will be celebrating the 5th mighty love of God as we set sail with Jesus! anniversary of Angels of Hope Preschool. We Come join us on our adventure, the love of will share a short power point presentation at Jesus and the gift of God's Word. Swashbuckling the end of the church service that will highlight bible adventures! Incredible music! Games and this special ministry. Following the service we new friends – REGISTRATION IS NOW. will share cake and coffee in the narthex. We will also have an open house in the preschool. Do you know a child age 3 years old to 5th Please come and join us for this special event. grade? Register them now as it is important for God has truly blessed this ministry. We are planning. See the display in the narthex as well excited to share all that He has done. as the list in the newsletter for more information. We currently have 1 opening for the 3 year old class and 6 openings for the 4 year old class for All hands on deck! VBS volunteers, we will be the 2010-2011 school year. Please share having our first training meeting on June 15th at information with anyone you know that may be 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. If you are unable interested in being a part of our program. to attend please let Kim know. During the summer months Gail Thiel can be reached at Want to help with VBS but can't make the times? See the boat display on the office In His Service, window or check out the list in the bulletin for Gail Thiel and Kim Thompson items that you can donate. "Needed by dates" are also included for snack items. Youth News Thank You To Sunday School Laser Tag: Sunday, May 16 was an awesome Teachers shooting and active! Thank you to our chaperones, Beth, Kim, Scott and Beth. It is already on the redo list for youth! Our sincerest thanks and God's blessings to our 2009-2010 Sunday School teachers: Farran,
  • 10. Timber Rattler Game: You the attached letters for complete detail of are invited to join us on events. Quick sign up is needed. Friday, June 11 for a night of baseball with the Timber Upcoming Events: On July 11 come check out Rattlers. Sign up on the Lifefest as we travel to the 9:30 am outdoor youth bulletin board before worship service. There is free admission to the May 30. The night will Sunday event. include fireworks after the game; kids eat free L.Y.G. Group departs July 16 for New Orleans. to include a coupon for a free hot dog and soda, The National Lutheran Youth Gathering player poster give away and kids 12 and under commences on July 17. Keep the youth and the can run the bases after the game. chaperones in your prayers. L.Y.G. (Lutheran Youth Thanks – Beth Gathering) Group: Our next Bible study is June 14th. Since school is out we will meet during the Bulgaria Mission day at 1:30 pm at the Thompson's. This is our The following items are requested: Quilts, second Bible study in the series for "We blankets and towels; new or gently used Believe" the spiritual preparation for the 2010 sweatshirts and coats for men, women and National Lutheran Youth Gathering. Please also children in all sizes; new or gently used socks have your parents complete the medical form and shoes for children up to age 12; new or that was handed out and turn it into Beth or gently used yarn for knitting, nativity sets and Kim. decorative crosses. Attention 5th through 8th graders – Summer Please bring donations to the coatroom. A Stretch Opportunity: This is an opportunity for shipment will be made to Bulgaria in August. four days of service and fellowship on four See the poster on the bulletin board for more summer days this summer with some of our information. fellow Lutheran churches in the area. We have been invited to participate June 23, June 30, Helping Hands for Bulgaria is headquartered at July 28 and August 4. If we have youth sign up Christ Lutheran Church, 308 Wet Linden St., we are required to have adult chaperones to Abbotsfort, WI 54405. Linda, daughter of Myron assist. Beth and Kim are available for the dates and Gerry, is co-founder of this mission. of June 30, July 28 and August 4 so Hope youth are eligible to sign up for these dates. Youth can express an interest in the date of June 23, however we would need an adult to be willing NEW Lutheran High to help chaperone and drive on June 23 in order to open this date up to Hope Youth. Please see Lutheran Schools Night with the Bullfrogs – the attached letter of information and sing up Tuesday, June 8, 7:05 pm: Let's take over their sheet. Sign up for youth and adult chaperones stadium! There is also the possibility of a must be turned into the Hope Lutheran office tailgate event before the game. $10 package on the youth desk by Sunday, June 6th. ($25 value) includes: Admission ticket, Bullfrogs Remember, if you have money in your youth hat, hot dog and soda voucher. Order tickets accounts you are eligible to use this. Please see
  • 11. online at See flyer by the NEW Lutheran High School board in Save This Stuff fellowship hall. < General Mills Boxtops for Education and Kemps and Morning Glory milkcaps Blazer Gold Open & Luau which go to Trinity Lutheran School. They 2010 – Friday, June 11th: are worth $0.05 each. NEWLHS is having their < Egg cartons go to Paul's Pantry. We are golf open and luau at The still looking for a volunteer to take the Woods Golf Course (530 cartons during the summer months. Erie Rd. GB). Registration Contact the church office if you can do is from 10:30 to 11:30 am; $50,000 Shootout this. from 11:00 to 11:30 am; Shotgun start 12:15 < Campbell Soup labels go to Bethesda pm: Reception, pig roast and silent auction 5:30 Home. Only the UPC code with the little pm. For more information and registration, go point square next to it are needed. They to or call the school recently sent a thank you for out labels. office at 469-6810. < Plastic and paper bags may be contributed directly to Christian Host Families Needed for the 2010-2011 School Outreach or to Bethesda Thrift Shop. Year: Consider opening your hearts and homes < Empty pill bottles (must be from to someone from another country while you prescriptions, not over the counter broaden your awareness of the world around medications). you and help support NEWLHS at the same < Food items for St. Anne's food pantry. time. There is a girl from China who speaks very < Used postage stamps – leave ½ inch good English, looking for a host family. If you around the stamp. There is a 3 drawer are interested please e-mail container in the coatroom for these. < Computer ink cartridges. Eligible brands are now HP, Dell, Lexmark, Brother, NEWLHS Campus Work Epson, Samsung, Kodak, Sharp or Canon Days: On June 14 &15 from ink or toner cartridges. The highlighted 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, anyone brands were not accepted in the program interested in helping to clean before, but are now. The recycling up the high school campus is rebates are used to offset office expenses welcome to come and do so. (paper/ink/envelopes, etc) in the church We'll be taking on several office. Put these in the middle drawer in major projects as well as the coatroom. undertaking general cleaning and maintenance < Portals of Prayer. Please recycle your old during those two days. If you're interested, issues or pass on to others. The groups please call the school office to sign-up for a time for whom we had previously collected to work. If you can't make it but would still like old copies no longer use them. to help, please call the office to see if any cleaning supplies are needed. Roll up your sleeves and help us beautify and organize our campus! Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  • 12. Publication Information Bulletin information is due by Wednesdays at 8:00 pm. Information for the July newsletter will be due on Monday, June 21. Please put information in the church secretary's mailbox. Please sign any notes in case of questions. Thanks. Please remember to check your mailbox in the coatroom each time you are at church. Your name is above your box.