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2 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 1
DevNet - Introduction
The idea of this brief article arose through the
supervision of market changes in the Network
Engineering space.The ‘old guard’ of our Network
recruitment function, during our weekly industry
briefs, made the suggestion that over the past year
or so they have noticed the ever nearing collision of
once two very different worlds.
A Network Engineer of times past used to remember
a primarily physical vocation.A time of being able to
touch the green teal hardware without a wink of
concern of cloud principles or its ‘irrelevant’
consequences. From our side, we are starting to see
modern Engineers that envelope API’s, python
programming, containerisation, and DevOps culture
into their Network process.
The following sections will explore the mentality
change needed, the effects on the industry, and the
potential future of ‘DevNet’, directly caused through
the digitisation of enterprise.
DevNet – Mentality Change
Throughout time, more specifically the hyper
acceleration of the technologic age, traditional jobs die
and futurism ascends.‘Adapt or Perish, now as ever,
is nature’s inexorable imperative’. Okay, this might be
over the top, but let’s examine some of the minor
changes that have come to fruition.
A good example would be from the app economy.
Customer expectations demand that their products
are more agile. Organisations are now moving at
full-speed to deliver content to their audience,
considering that software is more agile than hardware,
it means that modern programming tools are becoming
a real must have.
– Susie Wee, CTO, Cisco.
A regular Network Engineer may be more averse to
building numerous data centres and fighting on the
frontline in the battle for consistent network
availability. These days, from our very own experience,
our clients are looking for people who have picked up
new concepts (such as automation).The role has
shifted dramatically over the past 20 years and
evidently has become increasingly more complex.
There must be digital transformation considerations.
Which brings with it the aforementioned automation,
considerable containerisation, and the prevailing
popularity of python programming.
“The introduction of network controllers. Networks
are switching from being micromanaged to being
operated as a whole by an orchestrator. Controllers
are intelligent devices that are aware of the whole
network and can cause dynamic changes are
occurring without the need of human intervention.
You can now find controllers in the Data Center such
as ACI, in the Enterprise with APIC EM and in the
WAN with IWAN.”
“Not so long ago, networks admins were CLI
masters in configuring one device at the time. Human
interaction and therefore human error was always a
constant. However, the immense demand of resources
and the scalability that is happening now days is not
compatible with this approach. Networks require less
human interaction and more capacity to self determine
what to do under certain scenarios.This is only
possible through scripting and programmability.
DevNet Whitepaper Article	 1
IoT Market Report	 6
Bigdata Report	 10
With the ever changing and evolving landscape of technology and the constant impact that it has on our clients
and their businesses, the Glocomms Team, in collaboration with some of our clients, have produced 3 articles
which have been centered around what's happening in the market at the moment.
The purpose of these articles are to highlight and put forward an overview to our readers, not only from
Glocomms’ observations but also from a number of our clients. The articles have been written in conjunction
with senior professional figures in the market who have given their viewpoint and advice and also provided insights
into the topics discussed.
This report will be produced on a quarterly basis; if would like contribute to our next report or discuss what you
have read in this one, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the team whose details are listed at the end
of this document.
Duncan Kennedy
Director | Glocomms
2 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 3
DevNet – The Future
With Cisco (sorry) investing such a strong interest in
the movement, it illuminates the question of when the
rest of the world will catch up. Organisations have
been quick to surf the cultural wave of ‘DevOps’ and
increasingly focus on software innovation.This itself
suggests that businesses will be quick to act on the
‘DevNet’ movement as they have a clear understanding
of how applications and infrastructure can benefit
each other.
Whilst companies scramble to adapt to the lobby, it
itself has to reflect its constantly evolving market and
remain updated in line with new technologies to ensure
relevance and efficiency. So what next? DevNetOps?
“With the bar now so low on digital disruption – how
long do you think your traditional enterprise will
Rather than have a Technology recruiter speculate
off the future of ‘DevNet’ - we will let people in
the industry have their say and welcome you to
reach out to argue or agree with this paper.
“Networks will be able to function autonomous with
AI. Networks will learn to know what to do under a
number of scenarios, self-heal, optimize and deliver
services. Microservices, containerization, hybrid clouds
all powered by an AI controller will allow companies
to deliver the huge demand of daily traffic.”
-VirgilioVargas Cartin, formely Cisco, now Orange
Business Systems
“I do not know exactly what impact this will have in the
future, all I know is that the technology is developing,
and if you compare a network engineer position only
two years ago and now, it’s not the same anymore.
This is mainly due to the higher demand and
expectations from customers, in terms of bandwidth
needs, technologies that exist now such as SD-WAN,
Automation, Network security are more and more in
I think as a network engineer this will have more
impact within every NOC environment so companies
like ours will need more resources and more training
on new tools/technologies.”
Network Engineer Tier 2, Masergy
Now, applications can be engineered to even tell the
network what are they requirements and how to
handle their traffic.”
- Virgilio Vargas Cartin, formely Cisco, now
Orange Business Systems
Arguably, the shift to Software-Defined Networks
(SDN) was the catalyst to usher in a whole new way
of running networks—and that’s through software.
Some may rebuke this and suggest, albeit correctly,
that Network Engineers have been using software for
decades. Every half decent router jockey had a laptop
filled with scripts and templates that could be cut and
pasted into the command line interface. However, this
ad-hoc model is highly error prone and not scalable,
which is why human error still accounts for much of
the downtime with respect to networks. Not for long?
DevNet – Industry Effects
DISCLAIMER: An obvious organisation to reference
going forward is Cisco. Cisco already have heaps of
information on the concept, as well as free online
training courses. Since they more or less curated the
term ‘DevNet’, you will hear a lot about them in the
next half of this article.
Cisco, previously, had predominantly focused on helping
customers become more proficient with their software
development.The CTDP (CiscoTechnology Developer
Program), which was targeted at the developer
community but not necessarily at the Networking
fraternity, would be one pertinent example of this.
A few years ago, however, complying with the crucial
requisite of forward-thinking, Cisco combined two of
their main markets with DevNet. Unlike previous
iterations of developer environments, DevNet targeted
the software developer, with symbiotic applications for
Network Engineers.
- Rick Tywoniak, Senior Director, Cisco DevNet.
For the less adventurous or comfortable Ciscoites this
concept can be daunting. Many, have never had to
make an API call or script with modern programming
languages, but Cisco have made this accessible.
Removing the veil and increasing the approachability
of Development and Operational software is the
key to the DevNet’s long term adoption.Yes, not
everybody wants to be a Software Developer, but
there’s no reason why software can’t make an Engineer’s
role easier to modern trends and new demands.
Through the DevNet ecosystem, Cisco hopes to
foster a cultural shift toward integrated processes by
providing tools and resources that enable more
community supported work.
CISCO. CISCO. CISCO. CISCO! Let’s move on.
4 Glocomms Market Report 2018
ENTERPRISE WILL SURVIVE?”It seems in theTechnology world, there’s always
something new and exciting, invariably failing to live up
to the hype which surrounds them. A few, however,
have stuck around, refusing to lie down, and even
positively disrupting long standing and rigid industries -
these technologies, the Internet ofThings and Artificial
IoT and AI are very much the hot technologies right
now, with many companies and developers all trying
to get in on the action.This article will look to examine
their actual impact – is the hype justified?
In terms of examining IoT, this article will focus on
supply chain – Many companies are now starting to
adopt new technologies but of course it is not a level
playing field. Companies adopt change at different
speeds, but what benefit has IoT brought to an
industry which seems the perfect fit for such a
connective technology?
The second half of this article will examine another
key technology buzzword – Artificial Intelligence- and
look at the current state and predictions over the
next 5 years. Much has been made of AI, but just how
far away are we from it being used in everyday life?
IoT in Supply Chain
Internet of Things is one of the transformational
trends that will shape the future of businesses in the
21st century. Businesses today are evolving into a
networked economy, with millions of companies
connecting their supplier, customer and partners to
seamlessly engage in commerce and leveraging
technologies that can connect 100’s of millions of
people and things together.
One area in particular that IoT will have an impact on
is the supply chain industry. Before the 1960’s vir tually
most business operations and record keeping were
done manually.The introduction of data and
technology in the 1960’s & 70’s to the supply chain
industry increased work productivity, businesses profit
margins significantly, and also paved the way for the
creation of a variety of innovations.The first form of
technology invented was made to enhance logistics
planning, storage in warehouses and the optimization
of inventory and truck routing.
We are now in the 21st century, there has been a
great amount of tech that has trended and has come
and gone but, ever since the technology of IoT has
been introduced it appears it is here to stay. Supply
chain businesses have found multiple ways to put it to
good use. An IoT enabled supply chain can be used to
boost efficiencies, save costs and increase asset
velocity through enhanced transparency, visibility, and
Here are 3 benefits that IoT has had on supply chain
Digitalised supply chain allows the monitoring of
goods in real time that will help save cost
Traceability on the production floor via smart
sensors enables businesses to measure activity in
manufacturing to capture data to improve work
Infusing cognitive intelligence into the supply
chain helps ensure product reliability
IoT Market Report
Glocomms Market Report 2018 5
6 Glocomms Market Report 2018
But the key question is, how far advanced are we?
According to a recent study, 70% of manufacturing
and retail companies have already begun to transform
their supply chain practices.1
However, one potential
limitation of using IoT within supply chain, and making
everything connected, is that all members of an
individual supply chain will have to be connected.With
companies adopting new technologies at a different
speed, this means we are still a number of years away
from saying IoT is fully integrated within supply chain.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be described as an area
of computer science that emphasizes the creation of
intelligent machines that work and react like humans.
Philosopher Dr. Gray Scott (1999) was once quoted
on AI saying “There is no reason and no way that a
human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence
machine by 2035”.With the rapid emergence of AI
in the 21st century, there is due to be a lot of
organisations worldwide who will utilise its effectiveness.
But what will it be useful for?This part of the article
will outline the future of AI and how it can help
organisations gain a lot more company revenue whilst
cutting down company costs.
AI is something that not a lot of companies have
introduced internally yet as with most newly
emerging concepts, it has its pros and cons and many
will see it as a ‘risk’.The truth is, in the current
saturation of the technology market at the moment, it
is probably a risk worth taking and here’s why.
3 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence:																			
1. Faster decision making – In a world and industry
where the pace of business strategy and decision
making has accelerated and shows no sign of
slowing down, the ability to speed up the decision-
making process is crucial internally.
2. Eliminating the ‘human error’ – Everybody knows,
‘humans make mistakes’.The key purpose of AI is
to eliminate or at least minimise the prospect
of that quote being heard internally. Of course, it is
important they are programmed properly but
when it is, the benefits are clear to see.
3. Increase in productivity – In every company across
the world, there are always certain tasks that are
almost impossible to complete or are just plain
boring. That’s when AI comes into play. The
concept of eliminating the boring tasks is
something beneficial to all within a company and
allows them to focus on the more important, yet
exciting, responsibilities.
2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E
From the positive impact IoT has had on many supply
chain companies, it is fair to say that many more
businesses will decide to make IoT the foundation of
their supply chain management moving forward.
Estimated spending on connected logistic solutions
Glocomms Market Report 2018 7
8 Glocomms Market Report 2018
Indeed, Zalando, the BerlinTech Giant have put so
much faith behind AI that they recently announced
plans to replace 250 members of their marketing team
which will be completely restructured and driven by
algorithms. Indeed, Rubin Ritter, the co-head of
Zalando, has stated “We assume that marketing will
have to be more data-based in the future. For this we
need a higher proportion of developers and data
However, the key question still remains,
realistically, just how “ready” are these technologies?
In an article published in February of this year,
Matthew Hutson stated that AI in-fact faces a crisis of
replication, and is plagued much like the fields of
Psychology in which researchers struggle to replicate
key results, either leaving out key data from their papers
or just unable to produce the same results again.3
In essence, whilst AI has made huge leaps and bounds
over the past few years, we are still some way off it
being used in everyday life. Earlier this month, a story
emerged from California, starring our favourite, and
perhaps only, burger flipping robot, affectionately named
Flippy. Such was the intrigue of a burger flipping robot,
and the queues’ stretching out the door, Caliburger had
to replace Flippy with traditional, human hands, as it
just could not keep up with the workload.4
Whilst AI
will undoubtedly have an impact in years to come, at
this stage it is just not ready to have such an impact.
This short report will hopefully put into layman’s
terms two of the hottest topics right now within
Technology.Whilst both AI and IoT have made
significant strides to make our lives easier, both are
some years away from being truly effective. IoT simply
because there are so many moving parts, not
everyone within the chain is as advanced as each
other, making it logistically impossible.AI simply, just
isn’t there yet.Whilst things have certainly moved on
over the past 5 years, we are still some way away
from being able to use it in our daily lives.
Glocomms Market Report 2018 9
10 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 11
- Peter Sondergaard, SeniorVice President, Gartner.
What are the technologies used
within the Big Data Market?
Add the role of bid data to businesses which is larger
than ever and growing. We would not be the first to
say this as the internet is full of TedEx talks and
discussions on television about it.
The sector is growing and the demand for competent
and skilled data scientists is on the rise. Since the
beginning of 2018, in Germany there has been a 17%
increase in jobs advertised and a 36% increase since
July of last year. The number of data roles advertised
in Switzerland increased by 28% since last July. The UK
also experienced a 24% increase in roles advertised
on job boards since the beginning of the year. These
results indicate that the industry is healthy and growing
The market is focusing more and more on data driven
decision making. A trend is arising in the kind of
positions that are opening at companies that are trying
to stay competitive.
We looked at job roles that were increasingly being
asked for by companies and what their most desired
technologies were for these positions.
In general the searches for roles in big data have taken
off since Q4 of 2011 and have only recently been taken
over by searches for machine learning experts. The
trend for searches for data scientists has been increasing,
however not as much as specific machine learning roles.
Business intelligence roles seem to be on the decline as
more complex algorithms are proving to be more
useful to making decisions and visualising data.
The market is highly competitive as the average starting
salaries have been rising with the demand for these key
positions. For this we provide our findings on what is
best to learn to be able to stay competitive in the field
that you would like to work in.
The most popular tools in percentage for each role in
Big Data.
Data Scientist
n	 Python 60%+
n	 Java 20%
n	 R 60%
n	 Scala 10%
n	 Matlab 10%
n	 C/ C++ /C# 10%
n	 SQL 40%
n	 Hadoop 30%
n	 Apache Spark 30%
n	 Apache Hive 10%
n	 NoSQL 5%+
n	 Tensorflow 5%
n	 Scikit –learn 5%
n	 SAS 25%
n	 Tableau 15%
n	 SPSS 20%
n	 SAP 2%+
Market Report #bigdata
Machine Learning Expert
n	 Python 60%+
n	 Java 40%
n	 R 20%
n	 Scala 10%
n	 Matlab 10%
n	 C/ C++ /C# 40%	
n	 SQL 15%
n	 Hadoop 20%
n	 Apache Spark 20%
n	 Apache Hive 5%
n	 NoSQL 5%
n	 Tensorflow 20%+
n	 Scikit –learn 5%+
n	 Caffe 5%+
n	 Theano 5%+
n	 Torch 5%
n	 Tableau 10%
n	 SQL 60%
n	 Hadoop 60%+
n	 Apache Spark 60%
n	 Apache Hive 30%
n	 NoSQL 30%
n	 Python 60%+
n	 Java 50%
n	 R 20%
n	 Scala 30%
n	 Matlab 2%
n	 C/ C++ /C# 10%
Data Analyst
n	 Python 15%+
n	 R 15%
n	 SQL 50%
n	 SAS 15%
n	 Tableau 15%
n	 SPSS 5%
n	 SAP 5%
The most coveted roles are Scala Data Scientist.
5 questions to Romain Thibault, Big Data Manager
at Scout24
The role of big data within the
E-commerce sector
Glocomms: “How important is the data for the
e-commerce companies?”
Romain Thibault: “Data is everything when it comes to
e-commerce, data is powerful and changed the world of
today and tomorrow.We never imagined buying a car
via a website 20 years ago, now it’s something
absolutely normal.”
Glocomms: “How big data can help the business grow?”
Romain Thibault: “Using the data correctly, and
analysing it contribute to the growth of a company in
many ways.We must mention the real time, you have
indeed the opportunity to be aware of the new car/or
house available in the market only straight away. Buying
a house or a car is a big step in life, the data in real time
provides the right services for people looking to go
through this.”
Glocomms: “What is a data-driven business?”
Romain Thibault:“A data driven business is one that
drives its decisions through analysing data.”
Glocomms: “I must mention the GDPR coming up this
year in May, how will it change the way you work?”
Romain Thibault: “The German law is very strong so I
wouldn’t say that it will be a revolution, it will only
reinforce the law that has been there for years already.
Opposite to Germany, the UK for example will have to
go through a lot of changes to be in-line with the new
Size of the German big data market from 2015 to
2020 (in million euros)
2015* 2016* 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020*
12 Glocomms Market Report 2018
By Dominique Ronde, Big Data Architect (SAP
If you take a closer view to the process of the “digital
transformation”, you will realize that this term does not
reflect the real impact in this current situation of
Therefore, it is important to be aware of the concept
and principals Charles Robert Darwin figured out at the
beginning of the 19th century, because over 150 years
later, we got the “digital Darwinism”.
In the early days of the 20th century, HenryT. Ford told
us “Any customer can have a car painted any color that
he wants so long as it is black”.Well, good for him that
his customers had the chance to get an affordable car
on the market.
Today, we have more choice and some goods are
subject to regular substitution. Take a brief view of the
electrical power market, for example. From a costumer
point of view it makes no big difference who the
provider is. A mobile phone does not charge faster with
the electricity of a certain company overanotherand with
most providers offering sustainable energy, it pretty
much makes no difference who your provider is. But,
overallthere are around 3000 of those providers in the
market in Europe and each one of them is trying to
gain more market share. In Germany, for example, one
provider offered a free mobile or playstation additional
to a contract. Being the cheapest or giving valuable
things away is not the best solution if they want to stay
in the market. Also, each new customer is a high
administrative effort and costs a lot of money in
advertising. So the best idea is to keep existing
customers and offer a service that ensures they do not
walk away.
In this situation, digital technologies are a key factor
for success of the overall corporate strategy and
influence the success of a business model directly.
Digital transformation is becoming more and more
important to survive the coming years in all markets
where suppliers are more or less replaceable.
And there are many use cases to archive those goals.
A supplier for electricity, as a continued example,
could offer a smart pricing system. If they have a
surplus of electricity during the day, they can offer a
better price for it in the evening. Also, a smart home
equipped with a smart dish washer, washing machine
or dryer, would result in better planning for the
suppliers and for the customers as well.
Let us see how car manufacturers that are already
using the movement data from their fleet vehicles to
obtain more precise information about traffic density
selling this data aggregated for a more precise and
dynamic route guidance back to their customers.They
are currently working on solutions to provide the
information of a free parking spot to the next driver.
If you want to go for dinner downtown, it is worth
the money.
However, the whole process of transformation is also
a major burden for all departments through technical,
economic and organisational changes. It is not only a
matter of saying “let's do something with data” - it's a
disruptive change to a whole company and is not
done with some nice power point slides. It will
require a lot of thinking, training and convincing . Just
try it.
Placements within Glocomms
>Big data Team (5 consultants. Head of: Jen Habib)
2017 overview
Quarter Number of placements Positions Industries
Q1 6 Engineers, Data scientists E-commerce
Q2 10 Engineers, architects, Data
Q3 10 Data Product owners, data
scientists, data engineers
Insurance, e-commerce, internet
Q4 15 Data Architects, data scientists E-commerce, Internet and
2017 result 41 placements Q1 Q1
Duncan Kennedy – Director
Ciaran Hickey – Software
Tom McDonnell – DevOps
Jen Habib – Big Data

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Glocomms market report april 2018

  • 2. 2 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 1 DevNet - Introduction The idea of this brief article arose through the supervision of market changes in the Network Engineering space.The ‘old guard’ of our Network recruitment function, during our weekly industry briefs, made the suggestion that over the past year or so they have noticed the ever nearing collision of once two very different worlds. A Network Engineer of times past used to remember a primarily physical vocation.A time of being able to touch the green teal hardware without a wink of concern of cloud principles or its ‘irrelevant’ consequences. From our side, we are starting to see modern Engineers that envelope API’s, python programming, containerisation, and DevOps culture into their Network process. The following sections will explore the mentality change needed, the effects on the industry, and the potential future of ‘DevNet’, directly caused through the digitisation of enterprise. DevNet – Mentality Change Throughout time, more specifically the hyper acceleration of the technologic age, traditional jobs die and futurism ascends.‘Adapt or Perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative’. Okay, this might be over the top, but let’s examine some of the minor changes that have come to fruition. A good example would be from the app economy. Customer expectations demand that their products are more agile. Organisations are now moving at full-speed to deliver content to their audience, considering that software is more agile than hardware, it means that modern programming tools are becoming a real must have. “111 BILLION LINES OF NEW CODE WERE WRITTEN IN 2017 – CYBER SECURITY VENTURES” – Susie Wee, CTO, Cisco. A regular Network Engineer may be more averse to building numerous data centres and fighting on the frontline in the battle for consistent network availability. These days, from our very own experience, our clients are looking for people who have picked up new concepts (such as automation).The role has shifted dramatically over the past 20 years and evidently has become increasingly more complex. There must be digital transformation considerations. Which brings with it the aforementioned automation, considerable containerisation, and the prevailing popularity of python programming. “The introduction of network controllers. Networks are switching from being micromanaged to being operated as a whole by an orchestrator. Controllers are intelligent devices that are aware of the whole network and can cause dynamic changes are occurring without the need of human intervention. You can now find controllers in the Data Center such as ACI, in the Enterprise with APIC EM and in the WAN with IWAN.” “Not so long ago, networks admins were CLI masters in configuring one device at the time. Human interaction and therefore human error was always a constant. However, the immense demand of resources and the scalability that is happening now days is not compatible with this approach. Networks require less human interaction and more capacity to self determine what to do under certain scenarios.This is only possible through scripting and programmability. DEVNET – WHITE PAPER ARTICLECONTENTS DevNet Whitepaper Article 1 IoT Market Report 6 Bigdata Report 10 With the ever changing and evolving landscape of technology and the constant impact that it has on our clients and their businesses, the Glocomms Team, in collaboration with some of our clients, have produced 3 articles which have been centered around what's happening in the market at the moment. The purpose of these articles are to highlight and put forward an overview to our readers, not only from Glocomms’ observations but also from a number of our clients. The articles have been written in conjunction with senior professional figures in the market who have given their viewpoint and advice and also provided insights into the topics discussed. This report will be produced on a quarterly basis; if would like contribute to our next report or discuss what you have read in this one, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the team whose details are listed at the end of this document. Duncan Kennedy Director | Glocomms
  • 3. 2 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 3 DevNet – The Future With Cisco (sorry) investing such a strong interest in the movement, it illuminates the question of when the rest of the world will catch up. Organisations have been quick to surf the cultural wave of ‘DevOps’ and increasingly focus on software innovation.This itself suggests that businesses will be quick to act on the ‘DevNet’ movement as they have a clear understanding of how applications and infrastructure can benefit each other. Whilst companies scramble to adapt to the lobby, it itself has to reflect its constantly evolving market and remain updated in line with new technologies to ensure relevance and efficiency. So what next? DevNetOps? DevNetSecOps? “With the bar now so low on digital disruption – how long do you think your traditional enterprise will survive?” Rather than have a Technology recruiter speculate off the future of ‘DevNet’ - we will let people in the industry have their say and welcome you to reach out to argue or agree with this paper. “Networks will be able to function autonomous with AI. Networks will learn to know what to do under a number of scenarios, self-heal, optimize and deliver services. Microservices, containerization, hybrid clouds all powered by an AI controller will allow companies to deliver the huge demand of daily traffic.” -VirgilioVargas Cartin, formely Cisco, now Orange Business Systems “I do not know exactly what impact this will have in the future, all I know is that the technology is developing, and if you compare a network engineer position only two years ago and now, it’s not the same anymore. This is mainly due to the higher demand and expectations from customers, in terms of bandwidth needs, technologies that exist now such as SD-WAN, Automation, Network security are more and more in demand. I think as a network engineer this will have more impact within every NOC environment so companies like ours will need more resources and more training on new tools/technologies.” Network Engineer Tier 2, Masergy Now, applications can be engineered to even tell the network what are they requirements and how to handle their traffic.” - Virgilio Vargas Cartin, formely Cisco, now Orange Business Systems Arguably, the shift to Software-Defined Networks (SDN) was the catalyst to usher in a whole new way of running networks—and that’s through software. Some may rebuke this and suggest, albeit correctly, that Network Engineers have been using software for decades. Every half decent router jockey had a laptop filled with scripts and templates that could be cut and pasted into the command line interface. However, this ad-hoc model is highly error prone and not scalable, which is why human error still accounts for much of the downtime with respect to networks. Not for long? DevNet – Industry Effects DISCLAIMER: An obvious organisation to reference going forward is Cisco. Cisco already have heaps of information on the concept, as well as free online training courses. Since they more or less curated the term ‘DevNet’, you will hear a lot about them in the next half of this article. Cisco, previously, had predominantly focused on helping customers become more proficient with their software development.The CTDP (CiscoTechnology Developer Program), which was targeted at the developer community but not necessarily at the Networking fraternity, would be one pertinent example of this. A few years ago, however, complying with the crucial requisite of forward-thinking, Cisco combined two of their main markets with DevNet. Unlike previous iterations of developer environments, DevNet targeted the software developer, with symbiotic applications for Network Engineers. “ONE OF DEVNET’S MAJOR GOALS IS FOSTERING THE DEVOPS MODEL BY BRINGING THE TRADITIONAL CCIE NETWORKING COMMUNITY TOGETHER WITH SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS.” - Rick Tywoniak, Senior Director, Cisco DevNet. For the less adventurous or comfortable Ciscoites this concept can be daunting. Many, have never had to make an API call or script with modern programming languages, but Cisco have made this accessible. Removing the veil and increasing the approachability of Development and Operational software is the key to the DevNet’s long term adoption.Yes, not everybody wants to be a Software Developer, but there’s no reason why software can’t make an Engineer’s role easier to modern trends and new demands. Through the DevNet ecosystem, Cisco hopes to foster a cultural shift toward integrated processes by providing tools and resources that enable more community supported work. CISCO. CISCO. CISCO. CISCO! Let’s move on.
  • 4. 4 Glocomms Market Report 2018 “WITH THE BAR NOW SO LOW ON DIGITAL DISRUPTION – HOW LONG DOYOU THINKYOUR TRADITIONAL ENTERPRISE WILL SURVIVE?”It seems in theTechnology world, there’s always something new and exciting, invariably failing to live up to the hype which surrounds them. A few, however, have stuck around, refusing to lie down, and even positively disrupting long standing and rigid industries - these technologies, the Internet ofThings and Artificial Intelligence. IoT and AI are very much the hot technologies right now, with many companies and developers all trying to get in on the action.This article will look to examine their actual impact – is the hype justified? In terms of examining IoT, this article will focus on supply chain – Many companies are now starting to adopt new technologies but of course it is not a level playing field. Companies adopt change at different speeds, but what benefit has IoT brought to an industry which seems the perfect fit for such a connective technology? The second half of this article will examine another key technology buzzword – Artificial Intelligence- and look at the current state and predictions over the next 5 years. Much has been made of AI, but just how far away are we from it being used in everyday life? IoT in Supply Chain Internet of Things is one of the transformational trends that will shape the future of businesses in the 21st century. Businesses today are evolving into a networked economy, with millions of companies connecting their supplier, customer and partners to seamlessly engage in commerce and leveraging technologies that can connect 100’s of millions of people and things together. One area in particular that IoT will have an impact on is the supply chain industry. Before the 1960’s vir tually most business operations and record keeping were done manually.The introduction of data and technology in the 1960’s & 70’s to the supply chain industry increased work productivity, businesses profit margins significantly, and also paved the way for the creation of a variety of innovations.The first form of technology invented was made to enhance logistics planning, storage in warehouses and the optimization of inventory and truck routing. We are now in the 21st century, there has been a great amount of tech that has trended and has come and gone but, ever since the technology of IoT has been introduced it appears it is here to stay. Supply chain businesses have found multiple ways to put it to good use. An IoT enabled supply chain can be used to boost efficiencies, save costs and increase asset velocity through enhanced transparency, visibility, and insights. Here are 3 benefits that IoT has had on supply chain businesses; n n n Digitalised supply chain allows the monitoring of goods in real time that will help save cost Traceability on the production floor via smart sensors enables businesses to measure activity in manufacturing to capture data to improve work productivity Infusing cognitive intelligence into the supply chain helps ensure product reliability IoT Market Report Glocomms Market Report 2018 5
  • 5. 6 Glocomms Market Report 2018 But the key question is, how far advanced are we? According to a recent study, 70% of manufacturing and retail companies have already begun to transform their supply chain practices.1 However, one potential limitation of using IoT within supply chain, and making everything connected, is that all members of an individual supply chain will have to be connected.With companies adopting new technologies at a different speed, this means we are still a number of years away from saying IoT is fully integrated within supply chain. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be described as an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Philosopher Dr. Gray Scott (1999) was once quoted on AI saying “There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035”.With the rapid emergence of AI in the 21st century, there is due to be a lot of organisations worldwide who will utilise its effectiveness. But what will it be useful for?This part of the article will outline the future of AI and how it can help organisations gain a lot more company revenue whilst cutting down company costs. AI is something that not a lot of companies have introduced internally yet as with most newly emerging concepts, it has its pros and cons and many will see it as a ‘risk’.The truth is, in the current saturation of the technology market at the moment, it is probably a risk worth taking and here’s why. 3 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence: 1. Faster decision making – In a world and industry where the pace of business strategy and decision making has accelerated and shows no sign of slowing down, the ability to speed up the decision- making process is crucial internally. 2. Eliminating the ‘human error’ – Everybody knows, ‘humans make mistakes’.The key purpose of AI is to eliminate or at least minimise the prospect of that quote being heard internally. Of course, it is important they are programmed properly but when it is, the benefits are clear to see. 3. Increase in productivity – In every company across the world, there are always certain tasks that are almost impossible to complete or are just plain boring. That’s when AI comes into play. The concept of eliminating the boring tasks is something beneficial to all within a company and allows them to focus on the more important, yet exciting, responsibilities. 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E $5 $7 $9 $12 $15 $20 USD(Billions) From the positive impact IoT has had on many supply chain companies, it is fair to say that many more businesses will decide to make IoT the foundation of their supply chain management moving forward. Estimated spending on connected logistic solutions Global 1 Glocomms Market Report 2018 7
  • 6. 8 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Indeed, Zalando, the BerlinTech Giant have put so much faith behind AI that they recently announced plans to replace 250 members of their marketing team which will be completely restructured and driven by algorithms. Indeed, Rubin Ritter, the co-head of Zalando, has stated “We assume that marketing will have to be more data-based in the future. For this we need a higher proportion of developers and data analysts”.2 However, the key question still remains, realistically, just how “ready” are these technologies? In an article published in February of this year, Matthew Hutson stated that AI in-fact faces a crisis of replication, and is plagued much like the fields of Psychology in which researchers struggle to replicate key results, either leaving out key data from their papers or just unable to produce the same results again.3 In essence, whilst AI has made huge leaps and bounds over the past few years, we are still some way off it being used in everyday life. Earlier this month, a story emerged from California, starring our favourite, and perhaps only, burger flipping robot, affectionately named Flippy. Such was the intrigue of a burger flipping robot, and the queues’ stretching out the door, Caliburger had to replace Flippy with traditional, human hands, as it just could not keep up with the workload.4 Whilst AI will undoubtedly have an impact in years to come, at this stage it is just not ready to have such an impact. Findings This short report will hopefully put into layman’s terms two of the hottest topics right now within Technology.Whilst both AI and IoT have made significant strides to make our lives easier, both are some years away from being truly effective. IoT simply because there are so many moving parts, not everyone within the chain is as advanced as each other, making it logistically impossible.AI simply, just isn’t there yet.Whilst things have certainly moved on over the past 5 years, we are still some way away from being able to use it in our daily lives. 2 3 4 HOWEVER,THE KEY QUESTION STILL REMAINS, REALISTICALLY, JUST HOW “READY” ARE THESE TECHNOLOGIES? Glocomms Market Report 2018 9
  • 7. 10 Glocomms Market Report 2018 Glocomms Market Report 2018 11 “INFORMATION IS THE OIL OF THE 21ST CENTURY, AND ANALYTICS IS THE COMBUSTION ENGINE.” - Peter Sondergaard, SeniorVice President, Gartner. What are the technologies used within the Big Data Market? Add the role of bid data to businesses which is larger than ever and growing. We would not be the first to say this as the internet is full of TedEx talks and discussions on television about it. The sector is growing and the demand for competent and skilled data scientists is on the rise. Since the beginning of 2018, in Germany there has been a 17% increase in jobs advertised and a 36% increase since July of last year. The number of data roles advertised in Switzerland increased by 28% since last July. The UK also experienced a 24% increase in roles advertised on job boards since the beginning of the year. These results indicate that the industry is healthy and growing rapidly. The market is focusing more and more on data driven decision making. A trend is arising in the kind of positions that are opening at companies that are trying to stay competitive. We looked at job roles that were increasingly being asked for by companies and what their most desired technologies were for these positions. In general the searches for roles in big data have taken off since Q4 of 2011 and have only recently been taken over by searches for machine learning experts. The trend for searches for data scientists has been increasing, however not as much as specific machine learning roles. Business intelligence roles seem to be on the decline as more complex algorithms are proving to be more useful to making decisions and visualising data. The market is highly competitive as the average starting salaries have been rising with the demand for these key positions. For this we provide our findings on what is best to learn to be able to stay competitive in the field that you would like to work in. The most popular tools in percentage for each role in Big Data. Data Scientist n Python 60%+ n Java 20% n R 60% n Scala 10% n Matlab 10% n C/ C++ /C# 10% n SQL 40% n Hadoop 30% n Apache Spark 30% n Apache Hive 10% n NoSQL 5%+ n Tensorflow 5% n Scikit –learn 5% n SAS 25% n Tableau 15% n SPSS 20% n SAP 2%+ Market Report #bigdata Machine Learning Expert n Python 60%+ n Java 40% n R 20% n Scala 10% n Matlab 10% n C/ C++ /C# 40% n SQL 15% n Hadoop 20% n Apache Spark 20% n Apache Hive 5% n NoSQL 5% n Tensorflow 20%+ n Scikit –learn 5%+ n Caffe 5%+ n Theano 5%+ n Torch 5% n Tableau 10% n SQL 60% n Hadoop 60%+ n Apache Spark 60% n Apache Hive 30% n NoSQL 30% n Python 60%+ n Java 50% n R 20% n Scala 30% n Matlab 2% n C/ C++ /C# 10% Data Analyst n Python 15%+ n R 15% n SQL 50% n SAS 15% n Tableau 15% n SPSS 5% n SAP 5% The most coveted roles are Scala Data Scientist. #Interviews 5 questions to Romain Thibault, Big Data Manager at Scout24 The role of big data within the E-commerce sector Glocomms: “How important is the data for the e-commerce companies?” Romain Thibault: “Data is everything when it comes to e-commerce, data is powerful and changed the world of today and tomorrow.We never imagined buying a car via a website 20 years ago, now it’s something absolutely normal.” Glocomms: “How big data can help the business grow?” Romain Thibault: “Using the data correctly, and analysing it contribute to the growth of a company in many ways.We must mention the real time, you have indeed the opportunity to be aware of the new car/or house available in the market only straight away. Buying a house or a car is a big step in life, the data in real time provides the right services for people looking to go through this.” Glocomms: “What is a data-driven business?” Romain Thibault:“A data driven business is one that drives its decisions through analysing data.” Glocomms: “I must mention the GDPR coming up this year in May, how will it change the way you work?” Romain Thibault: “The German law is very strong so I wouldn’t say that it will be a revolution, it will only reinforce the law that has been there for years already. Opposite to Germany, the UK for example will have to go through a lot of changes to be in-line with the new regulation.” Size of the German big data market from 2015 to 2020 (in million euros) 2015* 2016* 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020* 1.399 1.815 2.257 2.704 3.209 3.745 Marketsizeinmillioneuros
  • 8. 12 Glocomms Market Report 2018 #articles By Dominique Ronde, Big Data Architect (SAP Germany) If you take a closer view to the process of the “digital transformation”, you will realize that this term does not reflect the real impact in this current situation of change. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the concept and principals Charles Robert Darwin figured out at the beginning of the 19th century, because over 150 years later, we got the “digital Darwinism”. In the early days of the 20th century, HenryT. Ford told us “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black”.Well, good for him that his customers had the chance to get an affordable car on the market. Today, we have more choice and some goods are subject to regular substitution. Take a brief view of the electrical power market, for example. From a costumer point of view it makes no big difference who the provider is. A mobile phone does not charge faster with the electricity of a certain company overanotherand with most providers offering sustainable energy, it pretty much makes no difference who your provider is. But, overallthere are around 3000 of those providers in the market in Europe and each one of them is trying to gain more market share. In Germany, for example, one provider offered a free mobile or playstation additional to a contract. Being the cheapest or giving valuable things away is not the best solution if they want to stay in the market. Also, each new customer is a high administrative effort and costs a lot of money in advertising. So the best idea is to keep existing customers and offer a service that ensures they do not walk away. In this situation, digital technologies are a key factor for success of the overall corporate strategy and influence the success of a business model directly. Digital transformation is becoming more and more important to survive the coming years in all markets where suppliers are more or less replaceable. And there are many use cases to archive those goals. A supplier for electricity, as a continued example, could offer a smart pricing system. If they have a surplus of electricity during the day, they can offer a better price for it in the evening. Also, a smart home equipped with a smart dish washer, washing machine or dryer, would result in better planning for the suppliers and for the customers as well. Let us see how car manufacturers that are already using the movement data from their fleet vehicles to obtain more precise information about traffic density selling this data aggregated for a more precise and dynamic route guidance back to their customers.They are currently working on solutions to provide the information of a free parking spot to the next driver. If you want to go for dinner downtown, it is worth the money. However, the whole process of transformation is also a major burden for all departments through technical, economic and organisational changes. It is not only a matter of saying “let's do something with data” - it's a disruptive change to a whole company and is not done with some nice power point slides. It will require a lot of thinking, training and convincing . Just try it. #glocommsresults Placements within Glocomms >Big data Team (5 consultants. Head of: Jen Habib) 2017 overview Quarter Number of placements Positions Industries Q1 6 Engineers, Data scientists E-commerce Q2 10 Engineers, architects, Data Scientists Internet Q3 10 Data Product owners, data scientists, data engineers Insurance, e-commerce, internet Q4 15 Data Architects, data scientists E-commerce, Internet and Insurance 2017 result 41 placements Q1 Q1
  • 9. Duncan Kennedy – Director Ciaran Hickey – Software Tom McDonnell – DevOps Jen Habib – Big Data A PHAIDON INTERNATIONAL BRAND