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RecRuitment   business      contingent    Human        caReeR tRansition   executive
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outsouRcing   outsouRcing   outsouRcing   consulting   effectiveness

     Think ouTside.

  global RPo
  RePoRT 2010


global                                                  03                                               15
RPo RePoRT                                              Preface                                          internal recruitment functions

2010                                                    04                                               17
contents                                                executive summary                                The decision to outsource

                                                        06                                               22
                                                        a profile of respondents                         estimating the real cost of recruitment

                                                        08                                               24
                                                        The recruiting challenge                         about sponsors

                                                        global hiring intentions

graphs   06
              (g1) Multinational roles
              (g2) Number of employees
                                                        13   (g13) Current use of
                                                             recruitment firm services
                                                                                                    16   (g20) Technology/functionality
                                                                                                         used to source candidates
                                                                                                                                            19   (g27) Areas of the hiring process
                                                                                                                                                 outsourced, by region
         08   (g3) Hiring challenges, by region         13   (g14) % of vacancies filled by third   17   (g21) Outsourcing part or all of   20   (g28) Hiring process
         08   (g4) Hiring challenges, by no. of staff        party providers, by region                  the HR function, by region              outsourced, by industry
         09   (g5) Reasons for difficulties hiring      14   (g15) % of vacancies filled by third   17   (g22) Outsourcing part or all of   20   (g29) Plans to outsource, by industry
         09   (g6) Reasons for difficulties                  party providers, by no. of staff            the HR function, by no. of staff   21   (g30) Provider selection criteria
              hiring, by region                         15   (g16) How recruitment                  17   (g23) HR functions currently       21   (g31) Outsourced hiring
         10   (g7) Conditions slowing hiring                 functions are utilised                      outsourced, by region                   program expectations
         11   (g8) Plan to hire 100+                    15   (g17) Number of internal               18   (g24) Hiring process               21   (g32) Primary reasons why
         11   (g9) Plan to hire                              recruitment staff, by no. of staff          outsourced, by region                   firms don’t outsource
         12   (g10) Plan to hire, by region             16   (g18) % of recruitment                 18   (g25) Hiring process               22   (g33) Average cost per hire (Euros)
         12   (g11) Anticipated hires, by region             team solely recruiting                      outsourced, by no. of staff
         13   (g12) Plans to hire permanent             16   (g19) % of recruitment team solely     18   (g26) Areas of the hiring
              employees, by industry                         recruiting, by no. of staff                 process outsourced

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 3

01 preface                   Candy lewandoswki, Vice President, global Practice lead – RPo, kellyoCg
                             Richard J. Crespin, global executive director, hRoa
                                                                                                                                                    01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                    02 executive
                                                                                                                                                    03 a profile of
                             ➔        Welcome to the Global         of senior hiring managers from small,   the HROA, and it explores in               respondents
                             RPO Report 2010, prepared by           medium and large organizations          detail, not only the state of labour    04 The recruiting
                             Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting       across North America, Europe,           markets and recruitment challenges
                                                                                                                                                    05 global hiring
                             Group (KellyOCG) and the Human         Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and      in the immediate period ahead,             intentions

                             Resources Outsourcing Association      the Asia Pacific Region.                but also the latest developments        06 internal
                                                                                                            in the area of recruitment process
                             (HROA). It provides an ongoing                                                                                            functions
                                                                    Even after a year when employment       outsourcing (RPO).
                             record of the development of the                                                                                       07 The decision
                                                                    markets have been shaken like never                                                to outsource
                             recruitment process outsourcing        before, it is a significant finding     Its insights will be of great value     08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                       the real cost
                             space, as well as trends in            of this years’ survey that great        to senior executives and HR                of recruitment
                             recruitment and HR as reported by      talent – the very core of a company     professionals as they prepare their     09 about
                             organizations across the globe.        – remains such a difficult to find      talent acquisition strategies for the
                                                                    resource across the globe.              year ahead.
                             At a time of profound upheaval
                             in the world economy, the report       This is the third annual report         ■ ■ ■

                             presents a glimpse into the thinking   conducted by KellyOCG and

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 4

02 executive                 ➔        When the Global RPO
                             Report was launched in 2007 amid a
                                                                         difficulties. In Asia Pacific, there
                                                                         has been a significant improvement
                                                                                                                  The share of firms outsourcing all
                                                                                                                  or part of their HR function stands
                                                                                                                                                          01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                          02 executive

   summary                   thriving global economy and a skills        over the past year, but still
                                                                         50 percent report difficulties. In
                                                                                                                  at 46 percent, up slightly from the
                                                                                                                  previous year. Recruitment remains
                                                                                                                                                          03 a profile of
                             shortage, there were real challenges                                                                                            respondents
                                                                         the Americas, the position has           the biggest area of outsourcing,
                             being experienced by hiring                                                                                                  04 The recruiting
                                                                                                                  and the largest organisations are far      challenge
                             managers – 70 percent reported              actually deteriorated.
                                                                                                                  more likely to outsource.               05 global hiring
                             difficulties in recruiting staff. In last                                                                                       intentions
                                                                         The top recruiting challenge is a
                             year’s report, coinciding with global                                                                                        06 internal
                                                                                                                  Familiarity with recruitment process       recruitment
                                                                         shortage of skilled staff, cited by
                             economic turmoil, the situation was                                                  outsourcing (RPO) continues to rise        functions
                                                                         58 percent of respondents. Europe is
                             different – only 54 percent reported                                                 steadily. Knowledge remains higher      07 The decision
                                                                         the worst affected, while Asia Pacific                                              to outsource
                             recruitment difficulties.                                                            in EMEA and in the Americas, and
                                                                         is impacted by what is described as                                              08 estimating
                                                                                                                  among larger employers.                    the real cost
                                                                         uncompetitive salaries. The quality                                                 of recruitment
                             This latest report, prepared at a time
                                                                         of candidates is the biggest factor      More than a quarter of firms are        09 about
                             when national economies are at a                                                                                                sponsors
                                                                         slowing the hiring process.              outsourcing their recruitment
                             fragile turning point, reflects the
                                                                                                                  process, with spectacular growth
                             uncertainty that pervades businesses        Two thirds of organisations plan         in the Asia Pacific region.
                             large and small. There are signs of         to use recruiting firms in their
                             stability but still no marked upswing,      hiring efforts.                          The biggest expectation from an
                             and a sense of unease about the                                                      RPO partner is improved hiring
                             skill shortages that prevail in spite of    The top job categories to be filled      times, followed by lower cost,

                             massive job losses.                         are business operations support,         and integration of multiple
                                                                         and mid-level executives.                sourcing channels.
                             More than half of the hiring
                                                                         Some 60 percent of HR units are          The average cost-per-hire is
                             managers surveyed say they are still
                                                                                                                  reported between 1,801 Euros
                             experiencing difficulties in recruiting     operating with five or less staff.
                                                                                                                  and 2,500 Euros (US$2,501
                             staff, a number that is virtually           More than a third spend less than
                                                                                                                  and US$3,500).
                                                                         10 percent of their time on
                             unchanged from last year.
                                                                         recruitment, and only 20 percent
                                                                                                                  ■ ■ ■

                             The greatest challenge is in EMEA           devote at least 75 percent of time
                             where 65 percent are experiencing           to recruitment.

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 5

 MoRe Than half of
 The hiRing ManageRs
 suRVeyed say They aRe sTill
 exPeRienCing diffiCulTies
 in ReCRuiTing sTaff, a
 nuMbeR ThaT is ViRTually
 unChanged fRoM lasT yeaR.

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 6



03 a profile of              ➔       The survey was carried
                             out by KellyOCG and the Human
                                                                    A higher percentage of respondents
                                                                    from EMEA0(40 percent) have
                                                                                                                   For the most part respondents
                                                                                                                   have responsibility for recruiting
                                                                                                                                                               01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                               02 executive

                                                                                         10                  20             30           40              50
                             Resources Outsourcing Association      multinational roles than their                 within their own regions, with
                                                                                                                                                               03 a profile of
                             (HROA) between November 2009                                                          only 20 percent of respondents                 respondents
                                                                    counterparts in the Americas (27
                             and February 2010, and obtained                                                       overall saying they have global             04 The recruiting
                                                                    percent) or Asia Pacific (18 percent).                                                        challenge
                             the views of 536 respondents,                                                         recruiting responsibilities. American
                                                                    Most respondents (61 percent) are                                                          05 global hiring
                             comprising mainly senior HR                                                           respondents are the most likely to             intentions
                             managers from small, medium and        responsible for one country, and               have global recruiting responsibility       06 internal
                             large organisations, with workforces   28 percent are responsible for 2 to            (24 percent), followed by EMEA                 functions
                             ranging from fewer than 1,000          10 countries, while 11 percent are             respondents (21 percent) and then           07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                                  to outsource
                             employees to more than 50,000.         responsible for 11 or more countries.          Asia Pacific respondents (11 percent).
                                                                                                                                                               08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                                  the real cost
                             Respondents came from a broad                                                                                                        of recruitment

                             range of industry sectors across                                                                                                  09 about
                             the Americas (39 percent), Europe,       1      Multinational role
                             Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
                             (39 percent), and Asia Pacific                                                                                             50%
                             (22 percent).                                                                                             40%

                             Slightly more than a quarter of
                             respondents are operating in more      AMERICAS
                             than one country. As a result, the
                                                                                 0          10%              20%           30%           40%             50%
                             responses reflect the situation in a                    2009
                             total of 85 countries.                                  2010

global RPo RePoRt 2010 | 7

              More than half of respondents work          The results represent views from         01 Preface
              in large organisations with more than       a broad spectrum of industries,          02 executive
              1,000 employees while 45 percent            including professional services, IT&T,
                                                                                                   03 a profile of
              represent organisations with fewer          manufacturing, banking & finance,           respondents
              than 1,000 employees.                       health, retail/wholesale, education,     04 the recruiting
                                                          government, bureau/outsourcer,
               A further 21 percent work in                                                        05 global hiring
                                                          utilities, construction, insurance,         intentions
              organisations with more than                transport, FMCG/consumer products,       06 Internal
              10,000 employees.                                                                       recruitment
                                                          and hospitality.                            functions
                                                                                                   07 the decision
                                                          ■ ■ ■                                       to outsource
                                                                                                   08 estimating
                                                                                                      the real cost
                                                                                                      of recruitment
                                                                                                   09 about
                 2     Number of employees                                                            sponsors


                                                                   Less than 1,000
                                                                   1,000 – 10,000
                                                    45%            10,000 – 50,000
                                                                   More than 50,000


global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 8

04 the recruiting            ➔        In spite of the prevailing
                             economic weakness, and the loss
                                                                              More than 50,000
                                                                                 hiring challenges, by region
                                                                                 10,000 –50,000
                                                                                                                                                                   01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                                   02 executive

   challenge                 of millions of jobs globally, just over
                             half of respondents (55 percent) say
                                                                                  1,000 – 10,000
                                                                                                                                                                   03 a profile of
                                                                                 Less than 1,000                                                                      respondents
                             they are experiencing difficulties                                       0          10      20         30           40           50        60
                                                                                                                                                                   04 The recruiting
                                                                                 APAC                                                                                 challenge
                             in recruiting staff, a number that’s                                                           50%
                                                                                                                                                                   05 global hiring
                             virtually unchanged over the                    AMERICAS
                                                                                                                      43%                                             intentions
                             previous year.                                                                                                                        06 internal
                                                                                           0              20%         40%                60%            80%           recruitment
                             The greatest challenge in finding                                 2009
                                                                                               2010                                                                07 The decision
                             talent is in Europe where 65 percent                                                                                                     to outsource

                             are experiencing difficulties. In Asia                                                                                                08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                                      the real cost
                             Pacific, there has been a significant       4       hiring challenges, by number of staff                                                of recruitment

                             improvement over the past year, but                                                                                                   09 about
                             still 50 percent report difficulties.     More than 50,000                                                 47%
                             In the Americas, the position has
                                                                        10,000 – 50,000                                                           58%
                             actually deteriorated with 46 percent
                                                                         1,000 – 10,000                                                          57%
                             finding recruiting difficult.
                                                                         Less than 1,000                                                        55%

                             The largest companies are                                     0                    20%               40%                   60%
                             experiencing the least difficulty in
                             recruiting – that is the only segment
                             where less than half are facing
                             challenges in recruitment.

Current recruitment processes

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 9
                                    Salary Uncompetitive

                                     Salary of skilled sta
                                                                0         10         20          30           40         50        60
                                                                                                                        Current recruitment processes
              With unemployment at historically                 percent) blame the shortage of                The talent shortage is most acute                   Pacific face a similar problem.                 01 Preface
              high levels in many countries,                    skilled talent for their recruiting           in EMEA with 63 percent of                          However those in Asia Pacific also              02 executive
                                                                                                                                    Salary Uncompetitive                                                             summary
              labor should be plentiful. Yet the                problems, well ahead of other                 respondents indicating it is their                  have a wage cost issue with a hefty
                                                                                                                                     Salary of skilled sta                                                        03 a profile of
              overwhelming reason cited for the                 factors such as uncompetitive                 primary hiring issue. More than                     40 percent blaming uncompetitive                   respondents 70
                                                                                                                                                                  0      10         20         30         40     50     60
              recruiting difficulties is a shortage             salaries (25 percent) and location            half of those in Americas and Asia                  salaries for hiring troubles.                   04 The recruiting
              of skilled staff. More than half (58              (24 percent).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  05 global hiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  06 internal
                 5      Reasons for difficulties hiring                                                            6    Reasons for difficulties hiring, by region                                                   functions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to outsource
              Current recruitment processes            14%                                                                                             12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  08 estimating
                                                                                                              Current recruitment processes           11%                                                            the real cost
                                    Location                        24%                                                                                   17%                                                        of recruitment

                      Salary Uncompetitive                          25%                                                                                           25%                                             09 about
                                                                                                                                    Location                     23%                                                 sponsors
                       Salary of skilled staff                                                    58%                                                           22%

                                                 0                  20%             40%                 60%                                                       25%
                                                                                                                       Salary Uncompetitive                                   40%

                                                                                                                       Salary of skilled staff                                        51%

                                                                                                                                                 0      10%      20%    30%     40%      50%        60%    70%

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 10

04            There is another perspective to the
                            TechE ect
              talent shortage that emerges when
                                                                    cited by slightly more than half of all
                                                                    respondents. All other factors rank
                                                                                                              01 Preface
                                                                                                              02 executive
                          Poor Process                                                                           summary
              firms are asked Quality
                               the question: What                   significantly lower including time-
                                                                                                              03 a profile of
              is the condition most likely to slow                  to-hire (36 percent), hiring manager         respondents

              the hiring process? The pervasive                     satisfaction (29 percent) and cost-to-    04 The recruiting
                                Hiring                              hire (28 percent).
              factor that emerges across all                                                                  05 global hiring
              regions is the quality of candidates,                 ■   ■   ■
                               Quality                                                                        06 internal
                                       0       10                 20            30     40     50       60        functions
                                                                                                              07 The decision
                 7      Conditions slowing hiring                                                                to outsource
                                                                                                              08 estimating
                                                                                                                 the real cost
                                                                                                                 of recruitment
                Technology effectiveness         7%
                                                                                                              09 about
                         Poor processes               12%                                                        sponsors

                     Quality of recruiters                  17%

                Performance monitoring                        21%

                             Cost to hire                               28%

              Hiring manager satisfaction                               29%

                             Time to hire                                        36%

                          Quality of hires                                                    54%

                                             0                    20%                  40%             60%

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 11

05 global hiring              ➔        A spark of optimism
                              emerges in the latest data on global
                                                                             9        Plan to hire
                                                                                                                                                                      01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                                      02 executive

   intentions                 hiring intentions. While it is clear that
                              there is still some way to go before
                                                                                                                                                                      03 a profile of
                                                                           Graduate                                                          84%                         respondents
                              there is a return to pre-recession                                 Temp                                     79%                         04 The recruiting
                              hiring levels, it certainly appears that                                                                        86%
                                                                          Temporary                                                           87%                     05 global hiring
                              the worst is over. The latest figures                              Perm                                           91%                      intentions
                              show hiring intentions flat but stable.                                                                                                 06 internal
                                                                                                        0         10     20          30            40    96%   50        recruitment
                                                                          Permanent                                                                      96%             functions
                              In the previous 2008 survey, at the                                                                                       95%
                                                                                                                                                                      07 The decision
                              height of the global financial crisis,                  0              20%           40%        60%             80%              100%      to outsource

                              just 36 percent of respondents                              2010                                                                        08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                                         the real cost
                              anticipated hiring more than 100                                                                                                           of recruitment
                              permanent employees, down from                                                                                                          09 about
                              43 percent in 2007.
                                                                            8         Plan to hire 100+
                              The latest data for 2009 shows the
                              outlook marginally better, with 37                                     12%
                                                                           Graduate                   13%
                              percent intending to hire 100 or
                              more permanent employees. It’s a
                              similar picture for both temporary          Temporary                           20%
                              and graduate hires, suggesting that
                              the market is still cautious, but at                                                                    37%
                                                                          Permanent                                                 36%
                              least not deteriorating.                                                                                        43%

                                                                                      0              10%           20%        30%             40%              50%
                              Firms plan to hire more permanent
                              positions than temporary or                                 2009
                              graduate staff, and a significant
                              number (over 80% in all cases)
                              intend to hire at least some
                              permanent, temporary, and
                              graduate staff.

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 12

05               10       Plan to hire, by region
                                                                                                                 Arguably the most optimistic
                                                                                                                 outlook is for North American
                                                                                                                                                          The industry sectors that will be
                                                                                                                                                          most active in hiring over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                                                                 02 executive
                                                                                                                 where nearly half of all respondents     coming year are Health, Bureau/
                  EMEA 4%                                    65%                              31%                                                                                                03 a profile of
                                                                                                                 (49 percent) say they plan to hire       Outsourcer, Banking & Finance,            respondents
                   APAC       10%                                  67%                           24%             more than 100 employees in 2010,         Retail & Wholesale, IT&T, and          04 The recruiting
             AMERICAS 1%                            50%                                49%                       compared with just 31 percent in         Government. In each of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                 05 global hiring
                          0               20%                    40%       60%             80%           100%    EMEA and 24 percent in Asia Pacific.     sectors, more than half of all            intentions
                                                                                                                                                          respondents plan to hire 50 or more    06 internal
                              None                                                                                                                                                                  recruitment
                              1 to 100
                                                                                                                 As in last year’s survey, planned        permanent employees.                      functions
                              More than 100                                                                      hires in 2010 are more likely to be                                             07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                          The weakest hiring plans are in           to outsource
                                                                                                                 replacing existing positions than
                 11       anticipated hires, by region                                                                                                    Manufacturing, Education and           08 estimating
                                                                                                                 filling new roles, unlike the pre-                                                 the real cost
                                                                                                                 recession situation where more           Utilities.                                of recruitment

                                                        15%                                                                                                                                      09 about
                                                                                                                 respondents anticipated expanding                                                  sponsors
                                      Trades          12%                                                                                                 The vast majority of organisations
                                                       13%                                                       their staff.
                                                                                                                                                          (66 percent) plan to use recruiting
                                                                                                                 The top job categories that              firms in their hiring efforts. Those
                                       Other                17%
                                                             19%                                                                                          in EMEA are more likely to use
                                                                                                                 organisations plan to fill in 2010 are
                                                                  24%                                                                                     recruiters than their counterparts
                                                                                                                 business operations support, and
                               Contact centre              17%
                                                                                                                                                          in the Americas or the Asia Pacific
                                                                   26%                                           mid-level executives. While these
                                                                                                                                                          region. Larger organisations
                                                                                 49%                             have been the top categories across
            Senior executive or professional                               41%                                                                            are more likely to use recruiting
                                                                                                                 all years of research, they are slowly
                                                                                                                                                          companies than their smaller
                                                                                                                 declining. Senior executive hiring
                                                                                     58%                                                                  counterparts; just over half of
                               Administrative                                       57%                          has experienced the biggest fall,
                                                                                  53%                                                                     the smallest firms use recruiting
                                                                                                                 down from a high of 49 percent in
                                                                                                   77%           2008 to 38 percent in 2010.
          Mid-level executive or professional                                                    74%

                Business operations support                                                        74%

                                                0          10%     20%   30%     40%    50%       60%      70%

0            20        40            60             80          100
global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 13
                        Prof Services
              companies, compared with almost         quarter for applicant and recruitment
                                                                                                        13       Current use of recruitment firm services
                                                                                                                                                                                                              01 Preface

              90 percent of the largest employers.    performance tracking.                                                                                                                                   02 executive
                    Retail/Wholesale                  Respondents in Asia Pacific and                                  On-boarding       9%                                                                   03 a profile of
                            Bank & Fin
              Of those organisations that use
                                                      Americas are more likely than                           Vendor management          11%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              04 The recruiting
              recruiting firms, nearly all make
                                                      their counterparts in EMEA to                      Applicant and recruitment
              use of sourcing, screening and
                                                      make use of recruiting firms for
                                                                                                             performance tracking                                                                             05 global hiring
                                        0          20 reference 40            60           80                    100
              testing services; half use them for                                                              Reference checking
                                                                                                                            APAC                                 52%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              06 internal
                  reference checking and another                                                        Sourcing, screening, testing
                                                                                                                                                                                               93%               recruitment
                                                                                                                                     00           20% 20    40%         4060%            80%
                                                                                                                                                                                         60          100%80         100
                                                                                                                                                                                                              07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to outsource
                                                                                                                                                                                                              08 estimating
                                                                                                        14       % of vacancies filled by third party providers, by region                                       the real cost
                    12          Plans to hire permanent employees, by industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                                                              09 about
             Manufacturing              21%                        79%                                   EMEA            22%                      37%                        26%              11% 5%

                 Education              21%                        79%                                    APAC                    40%                        35%                   10%        10% 5%

                    Utilities             25%                         75%                             AMERICAS                       49%                               32%               8%     10% 1%

       Professional Services                    46%                         54%                                  0                20%              40%            60%              80%               100%

               Government                             56%                        44%                                 Less than 10%            51% to 75%
                                                                                                                     10% to 25%               76% to 100%
                       IT&T                           57%                         43%                                26% to 50%

           Retail/Wholesale                            59%                        41%

         Banking & Finance                             62%                         38%

        Bureau/Outsourcer                                    81%                         19%

                     Health                                  83%                         17%

                                0               20%          40%    60%            80%         100%

                                    >50 employees
                                    <50 employees

0                 20         40               60          80            100
                                                                                                                                                                                              10 to 50

                                                                                                                                                                                               1 to 10
global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                         0            20

              Some 70 percent of respondents            needs, with 55 percent of these                                                                                                            01 Preface
                                                                                                  15      % of vacancies filled by third party providers, by number of staff
              use recruitment firms to fill a quarter   firms using outside recruitment for                                                                                                        02 executive
              or less of their vacancies. Those         between 10 and 25 percent of their
                                                                                               More than 50,000            22%                         55%                     23%                 03 a profile of
              in EMEA use them to fill a higher         total recruitment. Smaller firms are                                                                                                          respondents
                                                                                                10,000 to 50,000               35%               19%               35%               10%
              proportion of vacancies than their        more diverse in their requirements                                                                                                         04 The recruiting
                                                                                                 1,000 to 10,000                 39%                     33%         13%       10%    6%
              counterparts in APAC and Americas.        and will utilize outside providers
                                                                                                                                                                                                   05 global hiring
                                                        across a wider spectrum, ranging         Less than 1,000                 39%                     31%        11%        19%                    intentions
              The largest firms (with more than                                                                                                                                                    06 internal
                                                        from less than 10 percent, up to 100                       0              20%       40%              60%         80%           100%
              50,000 employees) consistently
                                                        percent of their workforce needs.                              Less than 10%    51% to 75%                                                    functions
              use outside firms for a smaller                                                                          10% to 25%       76% to 100%                                                07 The decision
                                                                                                                       26% to 50%                                                                     to outsource
              percentage of their total recruitment     ■   ■   ■

                                                                                                                                                                                                   08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the real cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                                                   09 about

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 15

06 internal                                                   ➔       There is a mixed picture
                                                              that emerges when it comes to
                                                                                                        or outsourced recruitment functions.
                                                                                                        Asia Pacific organisations are
                                                                                                                                                        with five or less staff. The size of
                                                                                                                                                        internal recruitment staff correlates
                                                                                                                                                                                                       01 Preface
                                                                                                                                                                                                       02 executive

   recruitment                                                the prevailing model adopted by
                                                              organisations in managing their
                                                                                                        more likely to have centralised                 closely to overall organisational
                                                                                                                                                        size: 84 percent of the smallest
                                                                                                                                                                                                       03 a profile of
                                                                                                        functions, and EMEA leans toward                                                                  respondents
                                                              HR needs. For approximately               a hybrid model.                                 respondents employ 1– 5 internal               04 The recruiting
                                                              90 percent of firms, there is roughly                                                     recruiters; 77 percent of the
                                            Centralised                                                                                                                                                05 global hiring
                                                              an even split between a centralised       It is not surprising that the smallest          largest firms employ more than                    intentions
                                                              and a de-centralised recruitment          organisations are the ones                      20 internal recruiters.                        06 internal
                                                          0             10            20          30            40                 50                                                                     recruitment
                                                              function. Just 5 percent adopt a          most likely to have centralised                                                                   functions
                                                              hybrid model, and the remaining           recruitment, while the largest are              Not only are internal HR teams
                                                                                                                                                                                                       07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                        relatively lean, they are generally not           to outsource
                                                              4 percent are outsourced.                 more likely to outsource.
                                                                                                                                                        spending a large amount of time                08 estimating
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the real cost
                                                              American organisations are more           Staff numbers attached to
                                                                                                              10 to 50
                                                                                                                                                        on recruiting duties. More than a                 of recruitment

                                                              likely than their counterparts in         recruitment departments are fairly              third (37 percent) spend less than 10          09 about
                                                                                                                1 to 10                                                                                   sponsors
                                                              other regions to have de-centralised      modest, with 60 percent operating               percent of their time on recruitment.
                                                                                                                            0              20          40          60             80            100

                 16      how recruitment functions are utilised                                            17        number of internal recruitment staff, by number of staff

                                                                                                        More than 50,000 4% 7%           11%                       77%
                 Outsourced         4%
                                                                                                        10,000 to 50,000                   42%                    37%                  14%     7%
                      Hybrid        5%
                                                                                                         1,000 to 10,000                         56%                 16%       9%        19%
                  Centralised                                                        43%
                                                                                                         Less than 1,000                                 84%                            8% 4% 4%
               De-centralised                                                               48%
                                                                                                                            0              20%         40%         60%            80%           100%
                                0        10%         20%               30%           40%          50%
                                                                                                                                1 to 5
                                                                                                                                6 to 10
                                                                                                                                11 to 20
                                                                                                                                More than 20

global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 16

                     76 to100
                     51 to 75
              In all, 70 percent of respondents                               specialise – focusing HR/recruiting                  Respondents employ a variety of                   Organisations in all regions and of
                                                                                                                                                                Automated                                                              01 Preface
                  26 to 50
              spend less than 50 percent of their                             staff on recruitment duties. The                     technologies to source and track                  all sizes follow the general pattern              02 executive
                                                                                                                                                                 Electronic                                                               summary
              time on recruitment. There are only                                                                                  candidates, most often online                     outlined above, although the
                                                                              relatively scant resources directly                                                CV Search
                     10 to 25                                                                                                      applications and assessment (73
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       03 a profile of
              20 percent of organizations where at                                                                                                                                   largest firms are significantly more                 respondents
                                                                              allocated to recruitment tasks in                                     CV management
                Less than 10
              least 75 percent of time is devoted                                                                                  percent) and applicant tracking (66               likely to be using applicant tracking             04 The recruiting
                                                                              many firms raises the question as                                                  Applicant                                                                challenge
                                                                                                                                   percent) programs, both of which
              to recruitment.              5      10          15         20       25         30        35      40                                                                    (91 percent) than are their smaller
                                                                              to whether this, in part, explains                                          Online
                                                                                                                                   are used much more frequently than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       05 global hiring
                                                                                                                                                                         counterparts (58 percent).                                       intentions
                                                                              the reported problems being                                                        0    10     20     30      40      50                  60        70      80
              Generally, the larger the                                                                                            the next most common process, CV                                                                    06 internal
              organization, the more likely it is to                          encountered in the hiring process.                   management (40 percent).]                         ■ ■ ■                                                functions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       07 The decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to outsource
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       08 estimating
                18       % of recruitment team solely recruiting                                                                     20      Technology/functionality used to source candidates                                           the real cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       09 about
                76% to 100%                                                                                                           Job order tracking          4%                                                                      sponsors
                                                                                                                                    Automated reporting             15%
                 51% to 75%                       9%
                   10 to 50
                                                                                                                                    Electronic scheduling            15%
                 26% to 50%                                          18%
                      1 to 10
                                                                                                                                     CV search capability                      27%
                 10% to 25%                                   15%

               Less than 10% 0                    20                     40                60                80     37%     100         CV management                                  40%

                                0                       10%                      20%                     30%                40%       Applicant tracking                                                   66%
                                                                                                                                     Online applications
                                                                                                                                         and assessment                                                          73%

                                                                                                                                                            0                 20%            40%          60%               80%
                19       % of recruitment team solely recruiting, by number of staff

             More than 50,000               29%                7%              24%                9%           31%

              10,000 to 50,000                  33%                             33%                    14%          21%

               1,000 to 10,000              23%                    22%               17%           12%              26%

               Less than 1,000                           50%                           10%         18%         9%     13%

                                    0              20%                   40%               60%               80%            100%

                                        Less than 10%          51% to 75%
                                        10% to 25%             76% to 100%
                                        26% to 50%

Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
Global RPO Report 2010
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Global RPO Report 2010

  • 1. RecRuitment business contingent Human caReeR tRansition executive pRocess pRocess woRkfoRce ResouRces & oRganisational seaRcH outsouRcing outsouRcing outsouRcing consulting effectiveness Think ouTside. global RPo RePoRT 2010  
  • 2. global 03 15 RPo RePoRT Preface internal recruitment functions 2010 04 17 contents executive summary The decision to outsource 06 22 a profile of respondents estimating the real cost of recruitment 08 24 The recruiting challenge about sponsors 11 global hiring intentions graphs 06 07 (g1) Multinational roles (g2) Number of employees 13 (g13) Current use of recruitment firm services 16 (g20) Technology/functionality used to source candidates 19 (g27) Areas of the hiring process outsourced, by region 08 (g3) Hiring challenges, by region 13 (g14) % of vacancies filled by third 17 (g21) Outsourcing part or all of 20 (g28) Hiring process 08 (g4) Hiring challenges, by no. of staff party providers, by region the HR function, by region outsourced, by industry 09 (g5) Reasons for difficulties hiring 14 (g15) % of vacancies filled by third 17 (g22) Outsourcing part or all of 20 (g29) Plans to outsource, by industry 09 (g6) Reasons for difficulties party providers, by no. of staff the HR function, by no. of staff 21 (g30) Provider selection criteria hiring, by region 15 (g16) How recruitment 17 (g23) HR functions currently 21 (g31) Outsourced hiring 10 (g7) Conditions slowing hiring functions are utilised outsourced, by region program expectations 11 (g8) Plan to hire 100+ 15 (g17) Number of internal 18 (g24) Hiring process 21 (g32) Primary reasons why 11 (g9) Plan to hire recruitment staff, by no. of staff outsourced, by region firms don’t outsource 12 (g10) Plan to hire, by region 16 (g18) % of recruitment 18 (g25) Hiring process 22 (g33) Average cost per hire (Euros) 12 (g11) Anticipated hires, by region team solely recruiting outsourced, by no. of staff 13 (g12) Plans to hire permanent 16 (g19) % of recruitment team solely 18 (g26) Areas of the hiring employees, by industry recruiting, by no. of staff process outsourced 
  • 3. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 3 01 preface Candy lewandoswki, Vice President, global Practice lead – RPo, kellyoCg Richard J. Crespin, global executive director, hRoa 01 Preface 02 executive summary 03 a profile of ➔ Welcome to the Global of senior hiring managers from small, the HROA, and it explores in respondents RPO Report 2010, prepared by medium and large organizations detail, not only the state of labour 04 The recruiting challenge Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting across North America, Europe, markets and recruitment challenges 05 global hiring Group (KellyOCG) and the Human Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and in the immediate period ahead, intentions Resources Outsourcing Association the Asia Pacific Region. but also the latest developments 06 internal recruitment in the area of recruitment process (HROA). It provides an ongoing functions Even after a year when employment outsourcing (RPO). record of the development of the 07 The decision markets have been shaken like never to outsource recruitment process outsourcing before, it is a significant finding Its insights will be of great value 08 estimating the real cost space, as well as trends in of this years’ survey that great to senior executives and HR of recruitment recruitment and HR as reported by talent – the very core of a company professionals as they prepare their 09 about sponsors organizations across the globe. – remains such a difficult to find talent acquisition strategies for the resource across the globe. year ahead. At a time of profound upheaval in the world economy, the report This is the third annual report ■ ■ ■ presents a glimpse into the thinking conducted by KellyOCG and 
  • 4. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 4 02 executive ➔ When the Global RPO Report was launched in 2007 amid a difficulties. In Asia Pacific, there has been a significant improvement The share of firms outsourcing all or part of their HR function stands 01 Preface 02 executive summary thriving global economy and a skills over the past year, but still 50 percent report difficulties. In at 46 percent, up slightly from the previous year. Recruitment remains summary 03 a profile of shortage, there were real challenges respondents the Americas, the position has the biggest area of outsourcing, being experienced by hiring 04 The recruiting and the largest organisations are far challenge managers – 70 percent reported actually deteriorated. more likely to outsource. 05 global hiring difficulties in recruiting staff. In last intentions The top recruiting challenge is a year’s report, coinciding with global 06 internal Familiarity with recruitment process recruitment shortage of skilled staff, cited by economic turmoil, the situation was outsourcing (RPO) continues to rise functions 58 percent of respondents. Europe is different – only 54 percent reported steadily. Knowledge remains higher 07 The decision the worst affected, while Asia Pacific to outsource recruitment difficulties. in EMEA and in the Americas, and is impacted by what is described as 08 estimating among larger employers. the real cost uncompetitive salaries. The quality of recruitment This latest report, prepared at a time of candidates is the biggest factor More than a quarter of firms are 09 about when national economies are at a sponsors slowing the hiring process. outsourcing their recruitment fragile turning point, reflects the process, with spectacular growth uncertainty that pervades businesses Two thirds of organisations plan in the Asia Pacific region. large and small. There are signs of to use recruiting firms in their stability but still no marked upswing, hiring efforts. The biggest expectation from an and a sense of unease about the RPO partner is improved hiring skill shortages that prevail in spite of The top job categories to be filled times, followed by lower cost, massive job losses. are business operations support, and integration of multiple and mid-level executives. sourcing channels. More than half of the hiring Some 60 percent of HR units are The average cost-per-hire is managers surveyed say they are still reported between 1,801 Euros experiencing difficulties in recruiting operating with five or less staff. and 2,500 Euros (US$2,501 staff, a number that is virtually More than a third spend less than and US$3,500). 10 percent of their time on unchanged from last year. recruitment, and only 20 percent ■ ■ ■ The greatest challenge is in EMEA devote at least 75 percent of time where 65 percent are experiencing to recruitment. 
  • 5. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 5 MoRe Than half of The hiRing ManageRs suRVeyed say They aRe sTill exPeRienCing diffiCulTies in ReCRuiTing sTaff, a nuMbeR ThaT is ViRTually unChanged fRoM lasT yeaR. 
  • 6. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 6 EMEA APAC 03 a profile of ➔ The survey was carried out by KellyOCG and the Human A higher percentage of respondents AMERICAS from EMEA0(40 percent) have For the most part respondents have responsibility for recruiting 01 Preface 02 executive respondents 10 20 30 40 50 summary Resources Outsourcing Association multinational roles than their within their own regions, with 03 a profile of (HROA) between November 2009 only 20 percent of respondents respondents counterparts in the Americas (27 and February 2010, and obtained overall saying they have global 04 The recruiting percent) or Asia Pacific (18 percent). challenge the views of 536 respondents, recruiting responsibilities. American Most respondents (61 percent) are 05 global hiring comprising mainly senior HR respondents are the most likely to intentions managers from small, medium and responsible for one country, and have global recruiting responsibility 06 internal recruitment large organisations, with workforces 28 percent are responsible for 2 to (24 percent), followed by EMEA functions ranging from fewer than 1,000 10 countries, while 11 percent are respondents (21 percent) and then 07 The decision to outsource employees to more than 50,000. responsible for 11 or more countries. Asia Pacific respondents (11 percent). 08 estimating the real cost Respondents came from a broad of recruitment range of industry sectors across 09 about sponsors the Americas (39 percent), Europe, 1 Multinational role Middle East and Africa (EMEA) (39 percent), and Asia Pacific 50% EMEA (22 percent). 40% 20% APAC 18% Slightly more than a quarter of 29% respondents are operating in more AMERICAS 27% than one country. As a result, the 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% responses reflect the situation in a 2009 total of 85 countries. 2010 
  • 7. global RPo RePoRt 2010 | 7 More than half of respondents work The results represent views from 01 Preface in large organisations with more than a broad spectrum of industries, 02 executive summary 1,000 employees while 45 percent including professional services, IT&T, 03 a profile of represent organisations with fewer manufacturing, banking & finance, respondents than 1,000 employees. health, retail/wholesale, education, 04 the recruiting challenge government, bureau/outsourcer, A further 21 percent work in 05 global hiring utilities, construction, insurance, intentions organisations with more than transport, FMCG/consumer products, 06 Internal 10,000 employees. recruitment and hospitality. functions 07 the decision ■ ■ ■ to outsource 08 estimating the real cost of recruitment 09 about 2 Number of employees sponsors 13% 12% 8% 8% Less than 1,000 46% 1,000 – 10,000 45% 10,000 – 50,000 More than 50,000 34% 34% 
  • 8. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 8 04 the recruiting ➔ In spite of the prevailing economic weakness, and the loss 3 More than 50,000 hiring challenges, by region 10,000 –50,000 01 Preface 02 executive challenge of millions of jobs globally, just over half of respondents (55 percent) say 1,000 – 10,000 67% summary 03 a profile of EMEA Less than 1,000 respondents 65% they are experiencing difficulties 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 04 The recruiting 60% APAC challenge in recruiting staff, a number that’s 50% 05 global hiring virtually unchanged over the AMERICAS 43% intentions 46% previous year. 06 internal 0 20% 40% 60% 80% recruitment functions The greatest challenge in finding 2009 2010 07 The decision talent is in Europe where 65 percent to outsource are experiencing difficulties. In Asia 08 estimating the real cost Pacific, there has been a significant 4 hiring challenges, by number of staff of recruitment improvement over the past year, but 09 about sponsors still 50 percent report difficulties. More than 50,000 47% In the Americas, the position has 10,000 – 50,000 58% actually deteriorated with 46 percent 1,000 – 10,000 57% finding recruiting difficult. Less than 1,000 55% The largest companies are 0 20% 40% 60% experiencing the least difficulty in recruiting – that is the only segment where less than half are facing challenges in recruitment. 
  • 9. Current recruitment processes Location global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 9 Salary Uncompetitive Salary of skilled sta 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Current recruitment processes With unemployment at historically percent) blame the shortage of The talent shortage is most acute Pacific face a similar problem. 01 Preface Location high levels in many countries, skilled talent for their recruiting in EMEA with 63 percent of However those in Asia Pacific also 02 executive Salary Uncompetitive summary labor should be plentiful. Yet the problems, well ahead of other respondents indicating it is their have a wage cost issue with a hefty Salary of skilled sta 03 a profile of overwhelming reason cited for the factors such as uncompetitive primary hiring issue. More than 40 percent blaming uncompetitive respondents 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 recruiting difficulties is a shortage salaries (25 percent) and location half of those in Americas and Asia salaries for hiring troubles. 04 The recruiting challenge of skilled staff. More than half (58 (24 percent). 05 global hiring intentions 06 internal recruitment 5 Reasons for difficulties hiring 6 Reasons for difficulties hiring, by region functions 07 The decision to outsource Current recruitment processes 14% 12% 08 estimating Current recruitment processes 11% the real cost Location 24% 17% of recruitment Salary Uncompetitive 25% 25% 09 about Location 23% sponsors Salary of skilled staff 58% 22% 0 20% 40% 60% 25% Salary Uncompetitive 40% 14% 63% Salary of skilled staff 51% 56% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% EMEA APAC AMERICAS 
  • 10. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 10 04 There is another perspective to the TechE ect talent shortage that emerges when cited by slightly more than half of all respondents. All other factors rank 01 Preface 02 executive Poor Process summary firms are asked Quality the question: What significantly lower including time- 03 a profile of Performance is the condition most likely to slow to-hire (36 percent), hiring manager respondents Cost the hiring process? The pervasive satisfaction (29 percent) and cost-to- 04 The recruiting challenge Hiring hire (28 percent). factor that emerges across all 05 global hiring Time regions is the quality of candidates, ■ ■ ■ intentions Quality 06 internal recruitment 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 functions 07 The decision 7 Conditions slowing hiring to outsource 08 estimating the real cost of recruitment Technology effectiveness 7% 09 about Poor processes 12% sponsors Quality of recruiters 17% Performance monitoring 21% Cost to hire 28% Hiring manager satisfaction 29% Time to hire 36% Quality of hires 54% 0 20% 40% 60% 
  • 11. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 11 05 global hiring ➔ A spark of optimism emerges in the latest data on global 9 Plan to hire 01 Preface 02 executive intentions hiring intentions. While it is clear that there is still some way to go before Graduate 82% summary 03 a profile of Graduate 84% respondents there is a return to pre-recession Temp 79% 04 The recruiting challenge hiring levels, it certainly appears that 86% Temporary 87% 05 global hiring the worst is over. The latest figures Perm 91% intentions show hiring intentions flat but stable. 06 internal 0 10 20 30 40 96% 50 recruitment Permanent 96% functions In the previous 2008 survey, at the 95% 07 The decision height of the global financial crisis, 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% to outsource just 36 percent of respondents 2010 08 estimating the real cost 2009 anticipated hiring more than 100 of recruitment 2008 permanent employees, down from 09 about sponsors 43 percent in 2007. 8 Plan to hire 100+ The latest data for 2009 shows the outlook marginally better, with 37 12% Graduate 13% percent intending to hire 100 or 18% more permanent employees. It’s a 20% similar picture for both temporary Temporary 20% 33% and graduate hires, suggesting that the market is still cautious, but at 37% Permanent 36% least not deteriorating. 43% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Firms plan to hire more permanent 2010 positions than temporary or 2009 2008 graduate staff, and a significant number (over 80% in all cases) intend to hire at least some permanent, temporary, and graduate staff. 
  • 12. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 12 05 10 Plan to hire, by region Arguably the most optimistic outlook is for North American The industry sectors that will be most active in hiring over the 01 Preface 02 executive summary where nearly half of all respondents coming year are Health, Bureau/ EMEA 4% 65% 31% 03 a profile of (49 percent) say they plan to hire Outsourcer, Banking & Finance, respondents APAC 10% 67% 24% more than 100 employees in 2010, Retail & Wholesale, IT&T, and 04 The recruiting challenge AMERICAS 1% 50% 49% compared with just 31 percent in Government. In each of these 05 global hiring 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% EMEA and 24 percent in Asia Pacific. sectors, more than half of all intentions respondents plan to hire 50 or more 06 internal None recruitment 1 to 100 As in last year’s survey, planned permanent employees. functions More than 100 hires in 2010 are more likely to be 07 The decision The weakest hiring plans are in to outsource replacing existing positions than 11 anticipated hires, by region Manufacturing, Education and 08 estimating filling new roles, unlike the pre- the real cost recession situation where more Utilities. of recruitment 15% 09 about respondents anticipated expanding sponsors Trades 12% The vast majority of organisations 13% their staff. (66 percent) plan to use recruiting 14% The top job categories that firms in their hiring efforts. Those Other 17% 19% in EMEA are more likely to use organisations plan to fill in 2010 are 24% recruiters than their counterparts business operations support, and Contact centre 17% in the Americas or the Asia Pacific 26% mid-level executives. While these region. Larger organisations 49% have been the top categories across Senior executive or professional 41% are more likely to use recruiting all years of research, they are slowly 38% companies than their smaller declining. Senior executive hiring 58% counterparts; just over half of Administrative 57% has experienced the biggest fall, 53% the smallest firms use recruiting down from a high of 49 percent in 77% 2008 to 38 percent in 2010. Mid-level executive or professional 74% 70% 78% Business operations support 74% 71% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 2008 2009 2010 
  • 13. 0 20 40 60 80 100 manufacturing global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 13 Education Utilities Prof Services Gvot companies, compared with almost quarter for applicant and recruitment 13 Current use of recruitment firm services 01 Preface IT&T 90 percent of the largest employers. performance tracking. 02 executive summary Retail/Wholesale Respondents in Asia Pacific and On-boarding 9% 03 a profile of Bank & Fin Of those organisations that use Americas are more likely than Vendor management 11% respondents 04 The recruiting Bur/Out recruiting firms, nearly all make their counterparts in EMEA to Applicant and recruitment EMEA challenge 27% Health use of sourcing, screening and make use of recruiting firms for performance tracking 05 global hiring intentions 0 20 reference 40 60 80 100 testing services; half use them for Reference checking APAC 52% checking 06 internal reference checking and another Sourcing, screening, testing AMERICAS 93% recruitment functions 00 20% 20 40% 4060% 80% 60 100%80 100 07 The decision to outsource 08 estimating 14 % of vacancies filled by third party providers, by region the real cost 12 Plans to hire permanent employees, by industry of recruitment 09 about sponsors Manufacturing 21% 79% EMEA 22% 37% 26% 11% 5% Education 21% 79% APAC 40% 35% 10% 10% 5% Utilities 25% 75% AMERICAS 49% 32% 8% 10% 1% Professional Services 46% 54% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Government 56% 44% Less than 10% 51% to 75% 10% to 25% 76% to 100% IT&T 57% 43% 26% to 50% Retail/Wholesale 59% 41% Banking & Finance 62% 38% Bureau/Outsourcer 81% 19% Health 83% 17% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% >50 employees <50 employees 
  • 14. 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 to 50 1 to 10 global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 14 Less 0 20 Some 70 percent of respondents needs, with 55 percent of these 01 Preface 15 % of vacancies filled by third party providers, by number of staff use recruitment firms to fill a quarter firms using outside recruitment for 02 executive summary or less of their vacancies. Those between 10 and 25 percent of their More than 50,000 22% 55% 23% 03 a profile of in EMEA use them to fill a higher total recruitment. Smaller firms are respondents 10,000 to 50,000 35% 19% 35% 10% proportion of vacancies than their more diverse in their requirements 04 The recruiting challenge 1,000 to 10,000 39% 33% 13% 10% 6% counterparts in APAC and Americas. and will utilize outside providers 05 global hiring across a wider spectrum, ranging Less than 1,000 39% 31% 11% 19% intentions The largest firms (with more than 06 internal from less than 10 percent, up to 100 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% recruitment 50,000 employees) consistently percent of their workforce needs. Less than 10% 51% to 75% functions use outside firms for a smaller 10% to 25% 76% to 100% 07 The decision 26% to 50% to outsource percentage of their total recruitment ■ ■ ■ 08 estimating the real cost of recruitment 09 about sponsors 
  • 15. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 15 06 internal ➔ There is a mixed picture that emerges when it comes to or outsourced recruitment functions. Asia Pacific organisations are with five or less staff. The size of internal recruitment staff correlates 01 Preface 02 executive recruitment the prevailing model adopted by organisations in managing their more likely to have centralised closely to overall organisational size: 84 percent of the smallest summary 03 a profile of functions, and EMEA leans toward respondents functions Outsourced HR needs. For approximately a hybrid model. respondents employ 1– 5 internal 04 The recruiting Hybrid challenge 90 percent of firms, there is roughly recruiters; 77 percent of the Centralised 05 global hiring an even split between a centralised It is not surprising that the smallest largest firms employ more than intentions De-centralised and a de-centralised recruitment organisations are the ones 20 internal recruiters. 06 internal 0 10 20 30 40 50 recruitment function. Just 5 percent adopt a most likely to have centralised functions hybrid model, and the remaining recruitment, while the largest are Not only are internal HR teams 07 The decision relatively lean, they are generally not to outsource 4 percent are outsourced. more likely to outsource. spending a large amount of time 08 estimating More the real cost American organisations are more Staff numbers attached to 10 to 50 on recruiting duties. More than a of recruitment likely than their counterparts in recruitment departments are fairly third (37 percent) spend less than 10 09 about 1 to 10 sponsors other regions to have de-centralised modest, with 60 percent operating percent of their time on recruitment. Less 0 20 40 60 80 100 16 how recruitment functions are utilised 17 number of internal recruitment staff, by number of staff More than 50,000 4% 7% 11% 77% Outsourced 4% 10,000 to 50,000 42% 37% 14% 7% Hybrid 5% 1,000 to 10,000 56% 16% 9% 19% Centralised 43% Less than 1,000 84% 8% 4% 4% De-centralised 48% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 20 More than 20 
  • 16. global RPo RePoRT 2010 | 16 76 to100 JOb 51 to 75 In all, 70 percent of respondents specialise – focusing HR/recruiting Respondents employ a variety of Organisations in all regions and of Automated 01 Preface 26 to 50 spend less than 50 percent of their staff on recruitment duties. The technologies to source and track all sizes follow the general pattern 02 executive Electronic summary time on recruitment. There are only candidates, most often online outlined above, although the relatively scant resources directly CV Search 10 to 25 applications and assessment (73 03 a profile of 20 percent of organizations where at largest firms are significantly more respondents allocated to recruitment tasks in CV management Less than 10 least 75 percent of time is devoted percent) and applicant tracking (66 likely to be using applicant tracking 04 The recruiting many firms raises the question as Applicant challenge percent) programs, both of which 0 to recruitment. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (91 percent) than are their smaller to whether this, in part, explains Online are used much more frequently than 05 global hiring counterparts (58 percent). intentions the reported problems being 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Generally, the larger the the next most common process, CV 06 internal recruitment organization, the more likely it is to encountered in the hiring process. management (40 percent).] ■ ■ ■ functions 07 The decision to outsource 08 estimating 18 % of recruitment team solely recruiting 20 Technology/functionality used to source candidates the real cost of recruitment 09 about 76% to 100% Job order tracking 4% sponsors 20% More Automated reporting 15% 51% to 75% 9% 10 to 50 Electronic scheduling 15% 26% to 50% 18% 1 to 10 CV search capability 27% 10% to 25% 15% Less Less than 10% 0 20 40 60 80 37% 100 CV management 40% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% Applicant tracking 66% Online applications and assessment 73% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 19 % of recruitment team solely recruiting, by number of staff More than 50,000 29% 7% 24% 9% 31% 10,000 to 50,000 33% 33% 14% 21% 1,000 to 10,000 23% 22% 17% 12% 26% Less than 1,000 50% 10% 18% 9% 13% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Less than 10% 51% to 75% 10% to 25% 76% to 100% 26% to 50% 