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With Gartner’s Industry Insight
Global IoT Cloud Navigation
By August Lin May 25th , 2016
Today, there are much more IoT Startups not doing hardware.
They are doing Cloud Platform managing all the“ things ” or devices,
and provide better insights through the data they generate.
Alink ( )
Could anyone tell me what’s the difference between them?
What’s the difference of their service and business model?
Is there any classification or category rules we can follow?
IOT Cloud
for What ??An
Yes. It did.
You may not trust me.
But you can rely on …
IoT Security
IoT Analytics
IoT Device (Thing) Management
Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
IoT Processors
IoT Operating Systems
Event Stream Processing
IoT Platforms
IoT Standards and Ecosystems
In all the 10 items, 5 of them are about Software & Cloud Computing…
Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must
be analyzed in real time.
Systems creating tens of thousands of events per second are common,
and millions of events per second can occur in some telecom and
telemetry situations.
To address such requirements, distributed stream computing platforms
(DSCPs) have emerged. They typically use parallel architectures to
process very high-rate data streams to perform tasks such as real-time
analytics and pattern identification
(Cloud computing and software)
(Hardware technology)
Here I’m trying to make a vender review and
navigation base on the above categories. IOT Cloud
Developer Service︰
Coding Library, Code Deployment, Code Update
Coding Library, Code Deployment, Code Update.
Product RD
Trial Run Market Development
Smart Things : How far between H/W and S/W ?
It may take 6-18 months on the
RD (開發期往往耗時6-18個月)
and time is money you know…
智能產品 : 從硬件到軟件應用之間究竟有多遙遠?
* Snapshot image from video
Trisala Chandaria
 2012年於美國 NewYork 成立。
 面向IoT開發者的編程資源庫,其平台相當於爲開發者提供了一個雲端圖書館,擁有超過2000個的代碼
 當客戶的 App希望能將資料同步到 Dropbox,或支持用 PayPal支付時,Temboo上都有相應的工具包。
 號稱一個 Arduino用戶從登入到在 Temboo 完成第一個編程,只需 8分鐘。
 支持 7 種編程語言。
 某個線上服務商的API發生變動,Temboo 也會相應在後台調整代碼——這給開發者解决了他們最頭疼
的 API 頻繁更新問題。
 2013年5月與Arduino聯合開發了一款支持 Wi-Fi 的Arduino Yun微控制器,開啓其對硬件領域的進軍。
其他配合的硬件商還有 Samsung ARTIK、Texas Instruments 等。
 收費方式:客戶可每月免費從Temboo提取1000次以內的編碼;如果支付299美元,則可以提取25萬次。
– A Developer Library for IoT (面向IoT開發者的編程資源庫)
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
瓦斯漏氣偵測 土壤品質監測 智能垃圾桶
氣溫監測 遠程控制 工業生產線監測
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
貨運管理 智能消防 商業能源管理
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
1. 說明影片
2. 獲得程序碼的步驟導引
3. 硬體(開發板) 設置說明
4. 列出所需周邊硬體清單
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
Temboo User Interface
Run/Stop button
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
Support Languages
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
* Snapshot image from Temboo website
* Snapshot image from website
 成立於英國,後遷至西雅圖,員工25人,倫敦、雅典設有辦事處。
 Resin.io是一個前端開發工具。硬件商或開發者可以用它來實現代碼的部署、
 以其客戶如3D打印機公司 NVBOTS爲例,通過與Resin.io合作,NVBOTS的
 Resin.io主要依託嵌入式設備和雲計算工具來協助企業快速推出物聯網應用,
 Resin.io是加入微軟 Azure 認證的物聯網公司之一。
 2015年4月完成了300萬美元的A輪融資,共融資了550萬美元。 Company Profile︰
* Snapshot image from website Features︰
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website 入門指南︰以 Raspberry Pi 1 / ZERO 和 Node.js 為例
Creating an Application
Import SSH key From GitHub
Adding your First Device
* Snapshot image from website
Setting Up Your Device
Deploying Code
* Snapshot image from website
So what happens after you write “git push resin
master” into your command line?
* Snapshot image from website 支援的硬件模塊︰
 Lexumo 公司CEO Brad Gaynor說,公司認識到開發人員使用開源庫快速構建和發布軟件,但缺乏
追踪更新能力。這些更新包括安全更新或是關於第三方 API 接口的修改。
 Lexumo 是坐落在麻州劍橋的雲服務公司,旨在幫助嵌入式系統或企業軟件持續地檢查開源代碼,
 企業也可以提交他們的代碼到 Lexumo 服務,檢查其産品是否有任何已知的安全漏洞。
 2016年1月, Lexumo 剛宣布了一個489萬美元的種子輪融資。
Lexumo 視覺化的介面︰
* Snapshot image from Lexumo website
* Snapshot image from Lexumo website
Device Management & Diagnostic
Long-lived nontrivial "things" will require management and monitoring.
This includes :
 Device monitoring,
 Firmware and software updates,
 Diagnostics,
 Crash analysis and reporting,
 Physical management,
 Security management.
The IoT also brings new problems of scale to the management task. Tools must
be capable of managing and monitoring thousands and perhaps even millions
of devices.
‘s Definition for “IoT Device (Thing)
Product RD
Trial Run Market Development
Device Management, Diagnostic
S/W Firmware Update, Security
IoT Connected Product Management Platform
Xively為LogMeIn Inc公司轄下部門,
師Usman Haque 創立了物聯網數據
個人和開發者的免費Pachube Basic
產品研發階段 產品上市階段
* Snapshot image from Xively website
* Snapshot image from Xively website
Zonoff CEO Mike Harris
Company Profile︰
Image from Jeff Wojtaszek Photography :
The Z1 software suite is a complete IoT technology solution,
including embedded hub/gateway software, cloud software
and services, user experience design and deployment
* Snapshot image from Zonoff website
Zonoff Accelerator Labs™ : Providing H/W Development Help
We curate the best device and hardware ecosystem so our partners enter the market quickly with a
broad, thoroughly tested set of devices that matter most to consumers.
* Snapshot image from Zonoff website
Cloud 2 Cloud communication or integration
* Snapshot image from Ayla website
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
(1) (2)
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Use the Zatar device API to harness the
power of standards (CoAP, LWM2M) so
your devices can continue to
communicate even when there is
decreased energy or limited bandwith.
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Zatar is the first ARMmbed standards-based IoT cloud service that helps accelerate the
development of IoT products and applications.
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Zatar 在垂直市場的應用︰
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
 Atmel SAMG55 MCU board
 Atmel OLED1 expansion board
 WINC1500 Xplained Pro Wi-Fi module
 USB power/interface cable
 mbed OS 3.0
 Integrated support for Zatar firmware
 Plug & Play Out Of the Box Experience
 C++ Source code available on Github
 Atmel Visual Studio IDE
Zatar IoT Starter Kit 開發入門套件 :
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Zatar Device Portal – 裝置管理入口:
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Add a device to Zatar介面設計 –
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Visualize your device
Devices produce data but the
Zatar Experience visualizes it in
a way that helps you
understand what your devices
are saying.
Take that visualization and use
it to understand how your
assets are being used and
identify potential
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Info & Activity
Get quick access to your device
properties and view its activity
in the device avatar page.
See how your device is being
used and monitor its basic
See the manufacturer and
monitor device connectivity.
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Device Profile
Profiles are groups of settings
that belong to a device.
Devices have many settings
and if you have a lot of devices,
you might need to apply the
same settings to all of them at
Maybe all of your devices
require specific settings for use
during your busy hours but
different settings for the slower
times of day. Create a profile
and then deploy it to one or
many devices at once. Then
remove it just as easily.
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
Commands & Settings
Adjust device settings from
within the device avatar page
and send commands to your
Control your devices from
within their avatar pages.
* Snapshot image from Zatar website
and More…
Fast Application Development
With Things Management
Product RD
Trial Run Market Development
Device ManagementApplication Development Tool+
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Cumulocity 是領先的物聯網(IoT)軟體和解決方案供應商。
公司的前身是全球行動寬頻專業公司諾基亞西門子網路(Nokia Siemens Networks)的一部分,這使
Cumulocity 設立了新的產業標準,並屢次榮獲創新獎。其開放的、以應用為中心、可免費試用的產
Company Profile / 公司簡介
Listen to what they say ? (業界如何評價 Cumulocity ?)
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Cumulocity Starter Guide /入門指南︰
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Feature /功能大要︰
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Cumulocity Interface /管理介面︰
Cumulocity Interface /管理介面︰
Cumulocity Interface /管理介面︰
Cumulocity Interface /管理介面︰
Cumulocity Certified Devices︰(共 47 種Soc/Gateway…)
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Cumulocity Certified Devices︰(共 47 種Soc/Gateway…)
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Industry Use Case︰
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Industry Use Case︰
* Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
Comprehensive Service?
IoT platforms bundle many of the infrastructure components of an IoT system
into a single product. The services provided by such platforms fall into three
main categories:
(1) low-level device control and operations such as communications, device
monitoring and management, security, and firmware updates;
(2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management;
(3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic, application
programming, visualization, analytics and adapters to connect to enterprise
‘s Definition for “IoT Platform”
※ Like the IoT Device Mgmt,
IoT Security mentioned
※ Emphasis on Application Development (like Cumulocity)
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website Customer Use Cases (客戶分布市場)
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
* Snapshot image from website
GreenWave 由多名思科前員工創立于2009年,包括當時擔任
思科消費業務副總裁兼總經理的Greg Memo。
2011年, GreenWave 與Leedarson Lighting簽署了合作關係,
2012年, GreenWave 與NXP Semiconductors合作開發了一種
GreenWave Reality還與大型公共事業公司合作爲客戶提供能
Greenwave Company Profile / 公司源始
Historical Roadmap / 發展軌跡
Home2Cloud 雲平台
AXON IoT 雲平台
* Snapshot image from Greenwave website
Greenwave Systems提出了「移動物聯網」(Mobile IOT)的概念。
AXON Platform可爲企業提供物聯網導向的服務,電信運營商可以用AXON來管理數以億計的設備,並直接為客
Greenwave重要的運營商客戶包含 Verizon 公司,他們曾幫助該公司開發 FiOS Quantum Gateway。
Greenwave Systems CEO Martin Manniche表示︰「以往M2M的服務需要同時運行兩個獨立平台,一個是處理
數據訂閱的移動平台,另一個是執行例如追踪、監控或家居自動化之類具體應用的應用平台。而隨著 AXON擴展
The idea of Mobile IoT (移動物聯網)
Axon : The IoT Platform
* Snapshot image from Greenwave website
Reference Applications
Home Monitoring
Connected Lighting
Energy Management
* Snapshot image from Greenwave website
IoT Development is hard. We fixed that.
* Snapshot image from Jilia website
What is Jilia?
 Jilia is a cloud-based platform and API framework that empowers developers to imagine, build,
and expand the Internet of Things with a single, simple API framework.
 It's the easiest way to get started exploring and developing the Internet of Things.
 It's also the perfect platform to build new IoT products, and Jilia has the scalability to support
millions of users and devices.
 Jilia makes developers' jobs easier and speeds up product development.
 With the Jilia IoT Dev Kit, projects require fewer developers, less experience, and less overhead.
 Jilia can shorten your project time by as much as 80%! Projects that normally take 18 months
to develop can utilize Jilia to finish the project in as little as 3 months.
 Jilia's flexibility also makes it easy to integrate into existing products, apps, and services.
* Snapshot image from Jilia website
Jilia Pi
* Snapshot image from Jilia website
Jasper 展位上的連網單車(Connected Bike) :
(Jasper Booth, 2016 MWC)
2016.2.3. Cisco 宣布以14億美金收購 IoT 平台Jasper Technologies
Jasper Control Center Feature (主要功能)︰
* Snapshot image from Cisco website
Jasper Control Center Interface (管理介面)︰
Jasper industry coverage (客戶涵蓋產業面)︰
* Snapshot image from Cisco website
Jasper Customers : 重要客戶 涵蓋全球主要電信商
Telco Customers :
* Snapshot image from Cisco website
IoT enables yield improvements,
water savings and operational
efficiency for farmers
IoT revolutionizes how SMART
Watering Systems communicates
and collects data from the field
Semios helps growers find a
safer alternative to harmful
pesticides with IoT-enabled
precision farming
Topcon embraces IoT to bring
the power of communications,
efficiency and productivity to
Jasper Customers – Agriculture (農業領域的重要客戶)︰
* Snapshot image from Cisco website
Topcon : 大規模「精密農業」解決方案的提供者
* Snapshot image from Topcon website
GNSS Base Station
GNSS Base Station
Global Navigation Satellite System (全球衛星定位系統)
* Snapshot image from Topcon website
CropSpec™ crop canopy sensors (作物冠層感測器)
– Offer just-in-time crop health management
CropSpec™ 邊走邊測型植物氮含量傳感器︰
• 根據作物的需要確定施肥
• 建立處方圖或一次性完成施肥處理
• 全天候工作
• 裝在車頂,遠離破壞
• 業內最大的傳感器掃描幅面
• 與拓普康 X30控制器完全兼容
Image from Iwasaki Website :
Image from Iwasaki Website :
Spray Boom Height Control (超音波噴藥懸臂高度控制)
– Automatically maintain a preset height of the entire boom above the crop.
* Snapshot image from Topcon datasheet
The company’s IoT-enabled equipment and sensors capture a variety of data–from weather and soil conditions to pump and tank levels –to help
agricultural customers manage their assets and drive better results. Observant also offers a line of self-installed kits, which are especially popular
with small family farms.
The company credits Jasper with the success and rapid adoption of the kits and the resulting cost savings for the growers. Control Center and the
API integration allow Observant to automate and streamline product on-boarding and support. As Observant grows and expands its geographical
reach and customer base, the company continues to rely on Jasper to scale their solutions and service offerings.
Observant 提供農場主人一個整合式的雲端「農場資訊管理平台」(Farm Information
Management Platform)
* Snapshot image from Observant website
Observant C3 Major Spec :
Solar enclosure :
It includes an integrated 14 W solar panel, GPS and 3G/GSM antenna.
Sensor connectivity :
• 4 x Dual purpose inputs
• 2 x RS485 sensor ports
• 1 x RS232/SDI-12 sensor port
Wireless Communications Options :
• Long range 5 W UHF via BNC connector
• Short range 1 W 900 MHz via SMA connector
• 3G/GSM cell radio via SMA connector and SIM card
System Features :
• Data logging and remote synchronization of internal & sensor parameters
• In-built GPS via SMA antenna connection (logged data is geo-coded)
• Remotely upgradable firmware
• Extensive internal diagnostics and reporting
• Device driver software architecture for expansion of sensor support
* Snapshot image from Observant website
Cloud2Cloud Alliance and Integration is on the way …
Jasper’s Integration with Microsoft Azure IoT Suite :
微軟於2015年3月發布 Azure IoT Suite 「物聯網建置套件」,同年10月產品正式
上市。該服務整合了Azure 當中所有關於裝置與設備的管理、監控和資料分析功能,
企業透過 Microsoft Azure 可將所有IoT設備和感測器連接起來,同時記錄、整合、
Microsoft Azure IoT Suite :
* Snapshot image from Microsoft website
 提供「 IoT Hub雲平台」,它是一個可擴展的多租戶雲端平台(Multi-Tenant Cloud Platform)和 IoT PaaS服務。
 除可支援Windows裝置外,還支援包括Linux、iOS、Android,以及即時作業系統(RTOS)在內的裝置。
 感測器蒐集的數據,可直接或是經由 F ield Gateway及Cloud Protocol Gateway,將資料傳遞至IoT Hub上。
 強大擴充能力,最多可同時與數以百萬計的裝置相連。
 提供包括 IoT 裝置登錄表(Device Registry)、資料儲存(Data Storage),安全機制等服務。
 提供SDK供開發人員運用在各種IoT應用的開發。
 IoT預配置方案(Preconfigured Solution) ︰除設備遠端監控外,陸續將加入預測性維護保養和資產管理等更多應用。
 選購式套件 : 企業亦可自行依其IoT設備規模或功能需求,選購所需要的物聯網套件,例如,機器學習、大數據分析工
 推出Azure物聯網套件的同時,微軟還發布一項新的「Azure IoT認證專案」(Azure Certified for IoT Program),提
 目前包括Intel、Freescale、德州儀器、Raspberry Pi、BeagleBone、Minnowboard、,以及Seeed等多家
廠商都已加入微軟的這項 Azure IoT 認證計畫。
Microsoft Azure IoT Suite :
Azure IoT : The Connectivity
* Snapshot image from Microsoft website
Azure IoT Suite Customers in Taiwan (台灣客戶代表 – HEX瑞德感知,Clinks宏雲電)
「HEX致力於提供民眾更安全、更智慧的逃生資訊及設備。透過微軟 Azure 物聯網的雲端運
「Clinks 採用微軟 Azure IoT 架構,不僅簡化了伺服器端的程式碼開發,並應用微軟 Azure
 2016年5月4日,Microsoft 宣佈收購義大利物聯網平台商 Solair。具體財務細節未披露。
 Solair 公司成立於 2011 年,一直以來也都基於 Azure雲計算平台提供服務。
 微軟官方表示,收購後,Solair 的物聯網平台將會整合進 Azure IoT Suite,用於加強微軟的物聯網和企業雲服務。
 Solair 目前的用戶涵蓋製造業、餐飲加工、零售業和交通業,比如意式濃縮咖啡機生產商Rancilio Group、智慧工廠
領域的AIWA System Solution、食品加工機生產商 Minerva Omega Group等。
微軟本月初宣布收購 Solair,以強化 Azure IoT Suite
* Snapshot image from Solair website
Solair ‘s Industry Coverage :
* Snapshot image from Solair website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
IBM Watson IoT : 軟硬整合示意
* Snapshot image from IBM website
即 IBM Watson IoT
IBM Watson IoT : 軟硬整合示意
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website * Snapshot image from IBM website
DataSkill 總裁 Nigel Hook 說道︰『SiverHook
Powerboats 使用 Bluemix 的 IoT Foundation
『海洋可能是一個殘酷的環境,DataSkill 及
SilverHook Powerboats 選擇這個平台,證明
IBM 解決方案可以在以 140 mph 的速度航行於
– SilverHook Powerboats 公司生產世界上最快的單人動力艇
即 IBM Watson IoT
* Snapshot image from IBM website
– Sogeti 應用 IBM Bluemix 及其IoT Cloud於智慧建築管理
IBM 與 Sogeti High Tech 合作建置一個智慧建
築解決方案。該方案利用 Smart Engine 閘道來
感應器。Smart Engine 能夠瞭解每一個通訊協
當每個閘道產生數據及事件時,會透過 MQTT
通訊協定傳送 JSON,以便將這些數據及事件轉
遞到 IBM 的IoT Cloud。
Bluemix 應用程式將根據可依房間個別配置的流
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
認知商業 認知圖語調分析 權衡分析
* Snapshot image from IBM website
(Weather Application for the smart APIs)
Text to Speech
Speech to Text
Natural Language Classifier
Relationship Extraction
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
* Snapshot image from IBM website
IBM Watson IoT : 生態系夥伴 * Snapshot image from IBM website
IBM Watson IoT : 生態系夥伴 * Snapshot image from IBM website
連接到 Developer Centers 獲取資源與解說
* Snapshot image from IBM website
IBM Watson IoT 整合夥伴 (with other platform or solution)
Data Analytics, BI
Product RD
Trial Run
Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence
Market Development
Real-Time, Visual Edge Analytics for the IoT
* Snapshot image from Predixion website
* Snapshot image from Predixion website
2009年於美國加州Santa Clara成立。
Glassbeam 強調對 IOT世界大量被忽略的「Machine Log Data」的深度挖掘。
通過側重Edge端的運算架構,提供企業客戶「Machine Data Analytics」服務。系統強調 Any Device
(Any Machine)、Any Data、Any Cloud的開放性。
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
Glassbeam 分析工具 – 顧客分析
Custom Analytics is a professional services offering that helps create powerful custom Apps to provide
insights on parsed machine data.
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
Glassbeam 分析工具 – 標準分析
Standard Analytics is a suite of productivity apps for support that reduces troubleshooting time and
helps create best practices templates to reduce MTTR. (Mean Time To Recovery – 平均修復時間)
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
Glassbeam、ThingWorx 強強聯手
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
Glassbeam、ThingWorx 強強聯手
* Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
Composer + Codeless Mashup Builder Dynamic Collaboration
* Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
Provisioning and Asset Management Alert Management Workflow Builder
* Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
歷史數據 + 機器學習
* Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
模型驗證 優化
* Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
PTC’s Subsidiary focused on Industry Automation – Kepware
2016年5月發佈 5.20版 KEPServerEX® 軟件。新版軟件的主要升級為建築自動化、製造業以及油氣等多個垂直行業的客戶提供
LNS Research 總裁兼首席分
析員Matthew Littlefield表示:
像 Kepware IoT Gateway
(KEPServerEX® )這樣的軟
* Snapshot image from Kepware website
Kepware Customer Reference
* Snapshot image from Kepware website
Kepware Customer Reference
* Snapshot image from Kepware website
2013年行動貝果開始研發 物聯網平台「Meeti」,幫助家電品牌商升級成智慧家電,在產品裡安裝軟體,方
* Snapshot image from Mobagel website
MoBagel Machine Learning Concept
* Snapshot image from Mobagel website
MoBagel Meeti Platform Interface︰
* Snapshot image from Mobagel website
MoBagel Meeti Platform Interface︰
* Snapshot image from Mobagel website
1. Business opportunities start very earlier in Product RD phase :
IoT 雲平台的生意機會不是從客戶將產品賣到市場才開始,而是從產品研發階段就開始了。
2. Developers is the king. They make decision about the cloud adoption.
智能產品製造商(客戶)選擇用哪一個 IoT Cloud,很大程度取決於「開發人員」 (Developer)的建
議和判斷,不是取決於業務人員。(所以相信你已經看到,所有 IoT Cloud都在朝討好開發者的方
3. You can’t sell Software or Cloud without hardware.
料的整體。到目前為止,幾乎每一家 IoT 雲平台都整合了豐富的硬件資源。
4. Cloud 2 Cloud Alliance and Co-operation become normal.
IoT 雲對雲之間的互補整合與結盟已經成為常態。
Smart Device
Field Engineer Customer Service/Sales
As a Customer Platform Developer
Build Your Own SaaS/PaaS
Better Roadmap :
Phase I : Phase I I:
(Devices Owner)
August Lin
E-mail :
WeChat ID: cableandwireless
Skype : animaxproduction

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Global IoT Cloud Services Survey-Aug-20160527

  • 1. With Gartner’s Industry Insight Global IoT Cloud Navigation By August Lin May 25th , 2016
  • 2. Today, there are much more IoT Startups not doing hardware.
  • 3. They are doing Cloud Platform managing all the“ things ” or devices, and provide better insights through the data they generate.
  • 6. Could anyone tell me what’s the difference between them? What’s the difference of their service and business model? Is there any classification or category rules we can follow? IOT Cloud However, for What ??An
  • 7. Yes. It did. You may not trust me. But you can rely on …
  • 8.
  • 9. IoT Security IoT Analytics IoT Device (Thing) Management Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks IoT Processors IoT Operating Systems Event Stream Processing IoT Platforms IoT Standards and Ecosystems In all the 10 items, 5 of them are about Software & Cloud Computing… Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be analyzed in real time. Systems creating tens of thousands of events per second are common, and millions of events per second can occur in some telecom and telemetry situations. To address such requirements, distributed stream computing platforms (DSCPs) have emerged. They typically use parallel architectures to process very high-rate data streams to perform tasks such as real-time analytics and pattern identification 雲計算與軟件技術 (Cloud computing and software) 硬件技術 (Hardware technology)
  • 10. Here I’m trying to make a vender review and navigation base on the above categories. IOT Cloud
  • 11. IOT SECURITY Developer Service︰ Coding Library, Code Deployment, Code Update
  • 12. Coding Library, Code Deployment, Code Update. Product RD Phase Trial Run Market Development Phase
  • 13. Smart Things : How far between H/W and S/W ? It may take 6-18 months on the RD (開發期往往耗時6-18個月) and time is money you know… 智能產品 : 從硬件到軟件應用之間究竟有多遙遠? * Snapshot image from video
  • 15.  2012年於美國 NewYork 成立。  面向IoT開發者的編程資源庫,其平台相當於爲開發者提供了一個雲端圖書館,擁有超過2000個的代碼 庫和代碼編排。  當客戶的 App希望能將資料同步到 Dropbox,或支持用 PayPal支付時,Temboo上都有相應的工具包。  號稱一個 Arduino用戶從登入到在 Temboo 完成第一個編程,只需 8分鐘。  支持 7 種編程語言。  某個線上服務商的API發生變動,Temboo 也會相應在後台調整代碼——這給開發者解决了他們最頭疼 的 API 頻繁更新問題。  2013年5月與Arduino聯合開發了一款支持 Wi-Fi 的Arduino Yun微控制器,開啓其對硬件領域的進軍。 其他配合的硬件商還有 Samsung ARTIK、Texas Instruments 等。  收費方式:客戶可每月免費從Temboo提取1000次以內的編碼;如果支付299美元,則可以提取25萬次。 – A Developer Library for IoT (面向IoT開發者的編程資源庫)
  • 17. 瓦斯漏氣偵測 土壤品質監測 智能垃圾桶 氣溫監測 遠程控制 工業生產線監測 * Snapshot image from Temboo website
  • 19. 1. 說明影片 2. 獲得程序碼的步驟導引 3. 硬體(開發板) 設置說明 4. 列出所需周邊硬體清單 * Snapshot image from Temboo website
  • 22. Run/Stop button * Snapshot image from Temboo website
  • 23. Support Languages * Snapshot image from Temboo website
  • 25. * Snapshot image from website
  • 26.  成立於英國,後遷至西雅圖,員工25人,倫敦、雅典設有辦事處。  Resin.io是一個前端開發工具。硬件商或開發者可以用它來實現代碼的部署、 更新和遠程維護。  以其客戶如3D打印機公司 NVBOTS爲例,通過與Resin.io合作,NVBOTS的 客戶將不再需要手動更新或下載他們的3D打印機驅動程序。  Resin.io主要依託嵌入式設備和雲計算工具來協助企業快速推出物聯網應用, 讓客戶降低運營成本、系統開發成本和開發時間。  Resin.io是加入微軟 Azure 認證的物聯網公司之一。  2015年4月完成了300萬美元的A輪融資,共融資了550萬美元。 Company Profile︰
  • 27. * Snapshot image from website
  • 28. Features︰ * Snapshot image from website
  • 29. * Snapshot image from website
  • 30. 自動程式編譯 * Snapshot image from website
  • 32. 入門指南︰以 Raspberry Pi 1 / ZERO 和 Node.js 為例 Creating an Application Import SSH key From GitHub Adding your First Device * Snapshot image from website
  • 33. Setting Up Your Device Deploying Code * Snapshot image from website
  • 34. So what happens after you write “git push resin master” into your command line? 代碼佈署流程︰ * Snapshot image from website
  • 36.  Lexumo 公司CEO Brad Gaynor說,公司認識到開發人員使用開源庫快速構建和發布軟件,但缺乏 追踪更新能力。這些更新包括安全更新或是關於第三方 API 接口的修改。  Lexumo 是坐落在麻州劍橋的雲服務公司,旨在幫助嵌入式系統或企業軟件持續地檢查開源代碼, 以確保它有最新的安全更新。  企業也可以提交他們的代碼到 Lexumo 服務,檢查其産品是否有任何已知的安全漏洞。  2016年1月, Lexumo 剛宣布了一個489萬美元的種子輪融資。 開源社區發現安全漏洞,爲新版本修改了新代碼, 然而企業產品中的開源代碼却往往沒有更新…。
  • 37. Lexumo 視覺化的介面︰ * Snapshot image from Lexumo website
  • 38. 安全漏洞 * Snapshot image from Lexumo website
  • 39. Device Management & Diagnostic IOT DEVICE (THING) MANAGEMENT
  • 40. Long-lived nontrivial "things" will require management and monitoring. This includes :  Device monitoring,  Firmware and software updates,  Diagnostics,  Crash analysis and reporting,  Physical management,  Security management. The IoT also brings new problems of scale to the management task. Tools must be capable of managing and monitoring thousands and perhaps even millions of devices. ‘s Definition for “IoT Device (Thing) Management”︰
  • 41. Product RD Phase Trial Run Market Development Phase Device Management, Diagnostic S/W Firmware Update, Security
  • 42. IoT Connected Product Management Platform 2011年7月,Pachube被LogMeIn公司以1500萬美金收購。次年5月 更名為Cosm,2013年5月改名為Xively,並開始完全面向商業客戶 運營,成為一個開放的PaaS雲平台。 Xively為LogMeIn Inc公司轄下部門, 總部位於美國麻州波士頓。 Xively的起源甚早,2007年英國建築 師Usman Haque 創立了物聯網數據 服務開源項目Pachube,提供了面向 個人和開發者的免費Pachube Basic 數據服務方案。 很多Maker工具書都會提到Pachube
  • 44. * Snapshot image from Xively website
  • 45. 、 爲 Zonoff CEO Mike Harris Company Profile︰ Image from Jeff Wojtaszek Photography :
  • 46. The Z1 software suite is a complete IoT technology solution, including embedded hub/gateway software, cloud software and services, user experience design and deployment * Snapshot image from Zonoff website
  • 47. Zonoff Accelerator Labs™ : Providing H/W Development Help We curate the best device and hardware ecosystem so our partners enter the market quickly with a broad, thoroughly tested set of devices that matter most to consumers. * Snapshot image from Zonoff website
  • 48. Ayla支援更多的Soc模組廠(x6)/雲平台(x8)/硬件銷售渠道(x6) Cloud 2 Cloud communication or integration * Snapshot image from Ayla website
  • 49. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 50. Connect (1) (2) * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 51. Control Use the Zatar device API to harness the power of standards (CoAP, LWM2M) so your devices can continue to communicate even when there is decreased energy or limited bandwith. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 53. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 54. Zatar is the first ARMmbed standards-based IoT cloud service that helps accelerate the development of IoT products and applications. 首家支援ARMmbed作業系統的雲平台 * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 55. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 57.  Atmel SAMG55 MCU board  Atmel OLED1 expansion board  WINC1500 Xplained Pro Wi-Fi module  USB power/interface cable  mbed OS 3.0  Integrated support for Zatar firmware  Plug & Play Out Of the Box Experience  C++ Source code available on Github  Atmel Visual Studio IDE Zatar IoT Starter Kit 開發入門套件 : * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 58. Zatar Device Portal – 裝置管理入口: * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 59. Add a device to Zatar介面設計 – * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 60. Visualize your device Devices produce data but the Zatar Experience visualizes it in a way that helps you understand what your devices are saying. Take that visualization and use it to understand how your assets are being used and identify potential improvements. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 61. Info & Activity Get quick access to your device properties and view its activity in the device avatar page. See how your device is being used and monitor its basic information. See the manufacturer and monitor device connectivity. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 62. Device Profile Profiles are groups of settings that belong to a device. Devices have many settings and if you have a lot of devices, you might need to apply the same settings to all of them at once. Maybe all of your devices require specific settings for use during your busy hours but different settings for the slower times of day. Create a profile and then deploy it to one or many devices at once. Then remove it just as easily. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 63. Commands & Settings Adjust device settings from within the device avatar page and send commands to your device. Control your devices from within their avatar pages. * Snapshot image from Zatar website
  • 64. IOT APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT and More… Fast Application Development With Things Management
  • 65. Product RD Phase Trial Run Market Development Phase Device ManagementApplication Development Tool+
  • 66. * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 67. Cumulocity 是領先的物聯網(IoT)軟體和解決方案供應商。 公司的前身是全球行動寬頻專業公司諾基亞西門子網路(Nokia Siemens Networks)的一部分,這使 其獲得了以一種可靠、可迅速擴展的靈活方式來管理數百萬台設備的經驗。 Cumulocity的「軟體即服務」(SaaS)產品從根本上降低了複雜性,使每個人都承擔得起物聯網技術。 Cumulocity 設立了新的產業標準,並屢次榮獲創新獎。其開放的、以應用為中心、可免費試用的產 品包括全面的開發者環境、雲端驅動入門套件、物聯網專用設備管理、即時「巨量資料」分析,以 及在關鍵垂直市場的應用,包括零售、工業網路和即時追蹤等方案。 Cumulocity是一家國際性的物聯網雲平台解决方案供應商。 Cumulocity將軟件方案作爲一種基礎服務,爲用戶提供以應用爲中心的免費試用産品及相關的綜合 開發環境。Cumulocity同時提供物聯網設備管理和零售業,自動化,工業物聯網以及實時追踪應用。 Company Profile / 公司簡介
  • 68. Listen to what they say ? (業界如何評價 Cumulocity ?) * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 69. Cumulocity Starter Guide /入門指南︰ * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 70. Feature /功能大要︰ * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 71. * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 72. * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 78. Cumulocity Certified Devices︰(共 47 種Soc/Gateway…) * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 79. Cumulocity Certified Devices︰(共 47 種Soc/Gateway…) * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 80. Industry Use Case︰ * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 81. Industry Use Case︰ (自動販賣機) * Snapshot image from Cumulocity website
  • 83. IoT platforms bundle many of the infrastructure components of an IoT system into a single product. The services provided by such platforms fall into three main categories: (1) low-level device control and operations such as communications, device monitoring and management, security, and firmware updates; (2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management; (3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic, application programming, visualization, analytics and adapters to connect to enterprise systems. ‘s Definition for “IoT Platform” ※ Like the IoT Device Mgmt, IoT Security mentioned above. ※ Emphasis on Application Development (like Cumulocity)
  • 84. * Snapshot image from website
  • 85. * Snapshot image from website
  • 86. * Snapshot image from website
  • 87. * Snapshot image from website
  • 88. * Snapshot image from website
  • 89. Customer Use Cases (客戶分布市場) * Snapshot image from website
  • 90. * Snapshot image from website
  • 91. * Snapshot image from website
  • 92. GreenWave 由多名思科前員工創立于2009年,包括當時擔任 思科消費業務副總裁兼總經理的Greg Memo。 GreenWave在公司初創階段是從能源管理起家。 2011年, GreenWave 與Leedarson Lighting簽署了合作關係, 開發了一系列瑩光燈泡和LED燈泡。 2012年, GreenWave 與NXP Semiconductors合作開發了一種 芯片組和智能照明平台,專供節能燈泡和固態光源使用。 這些燈泡可以與GreenWave的能源管理平台相連,幫助用戶通 過互聯網和APP控制電燈亮度。 GreenWave能源管理平台與智能電錶相連,搜集家庭的用電量 和煤氣使用量,因此還可以控制消費電子設備、家用電器、電 動車充電器以及溫控系統。 GreenWave Reality還與大型公共事業公司合作爲客戶提供能 源管理服務。該公司的“智能家庭”能源監控軟件已經被數十 萬家庭采用,可以與智能電錶和其他硬件整合. Greenwave Company Profile / 公司源始
  • 93. Historical Roadmap / 發展軌跡 智能照明技術+EMS平台 (2009-2012) Home2Cloud 雲平台 (2013-2014) AXON IoT 雲平台 (2015-2016) * Snapshot image from Greenwave website
  • 94. Greenwave Systems提出了「移動物聯網」(Mobile IOT)的概念。 AXON Platform可爲企業提供物聯網導向的服務,電信運營商可以用AXON來管理數以億計的設備,並直接為客 户提供物聯網服務。 Greenwave重要的運營商客戶包含 Verizon 公司,他們曾幫助該公司開發 FiOS Quantum Gateway。 Greenwave Systems CEO Martin Manniche表示︰「以往M2M的服務需要同時運行兩個獨立平台,一個是處理 數據訂閱的移動平台,另一個是執行例如追踪、監控或家居自動化之類具體應用的應用平台。而隨著 AXON擴展 至了移動物聯網,這兩個平台如今可以被整合成一個解决方案。」 AXON平台除了對(靜態)物聯網設備追踪與控制功能外,附加的功能還包括GPS定位,對人、動物與移動車輛的 追踪、安全監控、健康數據監控、智能城市中污染管理以及停車場與交通監控等。 The idea of Mobile IoT (移動物聯網)
  • 95. Axon : The IoT Platform * Snapshot image from Greenwave website
  • 96. Reference Applications Home Monitoring Connected Lighting Energy Management * Snapshot image from Greenwave website
  • 97. IoT Development is hard. We fixed that. * Snapshot image from Jilia website
  • 98. What is Jilia?  Jilia is a cloud-based platform and API framework that empowers developers to imagine, build, and expand the Internet of Things with a single, simple API framework.  It's the easiest way to get started exploring and developing the Internet of Things.  It's also the perfect platform to build new IoT products, and Jilia has the scalability to support millions of users and devices.  Jilia makes developers' jobs easier and speeds up product development.  With the Jilia IoT Dev Kit, projects require fewer developers, less experience, and less overhead.  Jilia can shorten your project time by as much as 80%! Projects that normally take 18 months to develop can utilize Jilia to finish the project in as little as 3 months.  Jilia's flexibility also makes it easy to integrate into existing products, apps, and services. * Snapshot image from Jilia website
  • 99. Jilia Pi * Snapshot image from Jilia website
  • 100. Jasper 展位上的連網單車(Connected Bike) : 定價1,000美元, 支援GPS、音樂播放、FM廣播、打電話, 獲取天氣、新聞等資訊內容。 (Jasper Booth, 2016 MWC) 2016.2.3. Cisco 宣布以14億美金收購 IoT 平台Jasper Technologies
  • 101. Jasper Control Center Feature (主要功能)︰ * Snapshot image from Cisco website
  • 102. Jasper Control Center Interface (管理介面)︰
  • 103.
  • 104. Jasper industry coverage (客戶涵蓋產業面)︰ * Snapshot image from Cisco website
  • 105. Jasper Customers : 重要客戶 涵蓋全球主要電信商 Telco Customers : * Snapshot image from Cisco website
  • 106. IoT enables yield improvements, water savings and operational efficiency for farmers IoT revolutionizes how SMART Watering Systems communicates and collects data from the field Semios helps growers find a safer alternative to harmful pesticides with IoT-enabled precision farming Topcon embraces IoT to bring the power of communications, efficiency and productivity to farmers Jasper Customers – Agriculture (農業領域的重要客戶)︰ * Snapshot image from Cisco website
  • 108. GNSS Base Station GNSS Base Station 全球衛星定位系統(GNSS)主機 Global Navigation Satellite System (全球衛星定位系統) 車載資訊顯示終端︰路線管理 * Snapshot image from Topcon website
  • 109. CropSpec™ crop canopy sensors (作物冠層感測器) – Offer just-in-time crop health management
  • 110. CropSpec™ 邊走邊測型植物氮含量傳感器︰ 位置—安裝在拖拉機駕駛艙頂部 功能—通過掃描農作物獲取氮含量成分、記錄並生 成處方圖、控制生産作業的級別。能根據農 作物的需求對症下藥,减少施肥成本。 • 根據作物的需要確定施肥 • 建立處方圖或一次性完成施肥處理 • 全天候工作 • 裝在車頂,遠離破壞 • 業內最大的傳感器掃描幅面 • 與拓普康 X30控制器完全兼容 Image from Iwasaki Website :
  • 111. Image from Iwasaki Website :
  • 112. Spray Boom Height Control (超音波噴藥懸臂高度控制) – Automatically maintain a preset height of the entire boom above the crop. * Snapshot image from Topcon datasheet
  • 113. The company’s IoT-enabled equipment and sensors capture a variety of data–from weather and soil conditions to pump and tank levels –to help agricultural customers manage their assets and drive better results. Observant also offers a line of self-installed kits, which are especially popular with small family farms. The company credits Jasper with the success and rapid adoption of the kits and the resulting cost savings for the growers. Control Center and the API integration allow Observant to automate and streamline product on-boarding and support. As Observant grows and expands its geographical reach and customer base, the company continues to rely on Jasper to scale their solutions and service offerings. Observant 提供農場主人一個整合式的雲端「農場資訊管理平台」(Farm Information Management Platform) * Snapshot image from Observant website
  • 114. Observant C3 Major Spec : Solar enclosure : It includes an integrated 14 W solar panel, GPS and 3G/GSM antenna. Sensor connectivity : • 4 x Dual purpose inputs • 2 x RS485 sensor ports • 1 x RS232/SDI-12 sensor port Wireless Communications Options : • Long range 5 W UHF via BNC connector • Short range 1 W 900 MHz via SMA connector • 3G/GSM cell radio via SMA connector and SIM card System Features : • Data logging and remote synchronization of internal & sensor parameters • In-built GPS via SMA antenna connection (logged data is geo-coded) • Remotely upgradable firmware • Extensive internal diagnostics and reporting • Device driver software architecture for expansion of sensor support * Snapshot image from Observant website
  • 115. Cloud2Cloud Alliance and Integration is on the way … Jasper’s Integration with Microsoft Azure IoT Suite :
  • 116. 微軟於2015年3月發布 Azure IoT Suite 「物聯網建置套件」,同年10月產品正式 上市。該服務整合了Azure 當中所有關於裝置與設備的管理、監控和資料分析功能, 成為一個專為物聯網推出的整合性解決方案。 企業透過 Microsoft Azure 可將所有IoT設備和感測器連接起來,同時記錄、整合、 編排、管理、分析它們所產生的大量資料。 Microsoft Azure IoT Suite : * Snapshot image from Microsoft website
  • 117.  提供「 IoT Hub雲平台」,它是一個可擴展的多租戶雲端平台(Multi-Tenant Cloud Platform)和 IoT PaaS服務。  除可支援Windows裝置外,還支援包括Linux、iOS、Android,以及即時作業系統(RTOS)在內的裝置。  感測器蒐集的數據,可直接或是經由 F ield Gateway及Cloud Protocol Gateway,將資料傳遞至IoT Hub上。  強大擴充能力,最多可同時與數以百萬計的裝置相連。  提供包括 IoT 裝置登錄表(Device Registry)、資料儲存(Data Storage),安全機制等服務。  提供SDK供開發人員運用在各種IoT應用的開發。  IoT預配置方案(Preconfigured Solution) ︰除設備遠端監控外,陸續將加入預測性維護保養和資產管理等更多應用。  選購式套件 : 企業亦可自行依其IoT設備規模或功能需求,選購所需要的物聯網套件,例如,機器學習、大數據分析工 具,商業分析(BI)軟體工具,或即時串流資料分析、資料視覺化(Infographic)等工具,以協助企業創造更多加值應用。  推出Azure物聯網套件的同時,微軟還發布一項新的「Azure IoT認證專案」(Azure Certified for IoT Program),提 供軟、硬體廠商加入認證計畫。  目前包括Intel、Freescale、德州儀器、Raspberry Pi、BeagleBone、Minnowboard、,以及Seeed等多家 廠商都已加入微軟的這項 Azure IoT 認證計畫。 Microsoft Azure IoT Suite :
  • 118. Azure IoT : The Connectivity * Snapshot image from Microsoft website
  • 119. Azure IoT Suite Customers in Taiwan (台灣客戶代表 – HEX瑞德感知,Clinks宏雲電) 德感知共同創辦人林筱玫: 「HEX致力於提供民眾更安全、更智慧的逃生資訊及設備。透過微軟 Azure 物聯網的雲端運 算與大數據分析,...執行『火災成長演算法』預測火場危險區域,算出最佳逃生路徑,提供民 眾最安全準確的疏散導引。」 宏雲電(SCTek)行銷副總周翰森: 「Clinks 採用微軟 Azure IoT 架構,不僅簡化了伺服器端的程式碼開發,並應用微軟 Azure 雲端運算與預測能力,自動分析使用者的生活習慣與行為模式。」
  • 120.  2016年5月4日,Microsoft 宣佈收購義大利物聯網平台商 Solair。具體財務細節未披露。  Solair 公司成立於 2011 年,一直以來也都基於 Azure雲計算平台提供服務。  微軟官方表示,收購後,Solair 的物聯網平台將會整合進 Azure IoT Suite,用於加強微軟的物聯網和企業雲服務。  Solair 目前的用戶涵蓋製造業、餐飲加工、零售業和交通業,比如意式濃縮咖啡機生產商Rancilio Group、智慧工廠 領域的AIWA System Solution、食品加工機生產商 Minerva Omega Group等。 微軟本月初宣布收購 Solair,以強化 Azure IoT Suite
  • 121. * Snapshot image from Solair website
  • 122. Solair ‘s Industry Coverage : * Snapshot image from Solair website
  • 123. * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 124. IBM Watson IoT : 軟硬整合示意 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 125. 即 IBM Watson IoT IBM Watson IoT : 軟硬整合示意 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 126. * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 127. * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 128. * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 129. * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 130. * Snapshot image from IBM website * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 131. ︰ DataSkill 總裁 Nigel Hook 說道︰『SiverHook Powerboats 使用 Bluemix 的 IoT Foundation 服務,作為其即時動力船遠程資訊服務平台的基 礎,容許它在海洋高速行駛的賽艇上即時執行複 雜的診斷分析。』 『海洋可能是一個殘酷的環境,DataSkill 及 SilverHook Powerboats 選擇這個平台,證明 IBM 解決方案可以在以 140 mph 的速度航行於 海洋賽道時聰明地預測效能及可靠性。』 – SilverHook Powerboats 公司生產世界上最快的單人動力艇 即 IBM Watson IoT * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 132. ︰ – Sogeti 應用 IBM Bluemix 及其IoT Cloud於智慧建築管理 IBM 與 Sogeti High Tech 合作建置一個智慧建 築解決方案。該方案利用 Smart Engine 閘道來 監控不同的房間及樓層。每個閘道都連接了各種 感應器。Smart Engine 能夠瞭解每一個通訊協 定及資料格式。 當每個閘道產生數據及事件時,會透過 MQTT 通訊協定傳送 JSON,以便將這些數據及事件轉 遞到 IBM 的IoT Cloud。 Bluemix 應用程式將根據可依房間個別配置的流 程處理送入訊息。某些資料只會擷取並儲存在歷 程中。某些資料將供即時使用者介面使用。某些 資料則可能觸發警示。 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 135. (Weather Application for the smart APIs) Text to Speech Speech to Text Natural Language Classifier Relationship Extraction * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 140. IBM Watson IoT : 生態系夥伴 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 141. IBM Watson IoT : 生態系夥伴 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 142. 連接到 Developer Centers 獲取資源與解說 * Snapshot image from IBM website
  • 143. IBM Watson IoT 整合夥伴 (with other platform or solution)
  • 145. Product RD Phase Trial Run Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence Market Development Phase
  • 146. Real-Time, Visual Edge Analytics for the IoT * Snapshot image from Predixion website
  • 147. * Snapshot image from Predixion website
  • 148. 2009年於美國加州Santa Clara成立。 2013年獲得330萬美元D輪融資,隔年4月又獲200萬美元融資。 Glassbeam 強調對 IOT世界大量被忽略的「Machine Log Data」的深度挖掘。 通過側重Edge端的運算架構,提供企業客戶「Machine Data Analytics」服務。系統強調 Any Device (Any Machine)、Any Data、Any Cloud的開放性。 * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 149. * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 150. * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 151. Glassbeam 分析工具 – 顧客分析 Custom Analytics is a professional services offering that helps create powerful custom Apps to provide insights on parsed machine data. * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 152. Glassbeam 分析工具 – 標準分析 Standard Analytics is a suite of productivity apps for support that reduces troubleshooting time and helps create best practices templates to reduce MTTR. (Mean Time To Recovery – 平均修復時間) * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 153. Glassbeam、ThingWorx 強強聯手 * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 154. Glassbeam、ThingWorx 強強聯手 * Snapshot image from Glassbeam website
  • 155. Composer + Codeless Mashup Builder Dynamic Collaboration * Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
  • 156. Provisioning and Asset Management Alert Management Workflow Builder * Snapshot image from ThingWorx website
  • 159. PTC’s Subsidiary focused on Industry Automation – Kepware 2016年5月發佈 5.20版 KEPServerEX® 軟件。新版軟件的主要升級為建築自動化、製造業以及油氣等多個垂直行業的客戶提供 更多設備支持與物聯網連接功能。 LNS Research 總裁兼首席分 析員Matthew Littlefield表示: 「我們的最新研究顯示,超 過60%的工業企業目前正在 著手開展工業4.0和智能製造 等數碼轉型計劃。支持這些 轉型的技術為工業物聯網平 台,涵蓋了連網、雲計算、 大數據分析和應用開發等。 像 Kepware IoT Gateway (KEPServerEX® )這樣的軟 件使企業能夠以具有成本效 益的方式超越傳統控制級別 的同時,盡可能最高效地使 用信息。」 * Snapshot image from Kepware website
  • 160. Kepware Customer Reference * Snapshot image from Kepware website
  • 161. Kepware Customer Reference * Snapshot image from Kepware website
  • 163. MoBagel Machine Learning Concept * Snapshot image from Mobagel website
  • 164. MoBagel Meeti Platform Interface︰ * Snapshot image from Mobagel website
  • 165. MoBagel Meeti Platform Interface︰ * Snapshot image from Mobagel website
  • 166. SUMMARY : 1. Business opportunities start very earlier in Product RD phase : IoT 雲平台的生意機會不是從客戶將產品賣到市場才開始,而是從產品研發階段就開始了。 2. Developers is the king. They make decision about the cloud adoption. 智能產品製造商(客戶)選擇用哪一個 IoT Cloud,很大程度取決於「開發人員」 (Developer)的建 議和判斷,不是取決於業務人員。(所以相信你已經看到,所有 IoT Cloud都在朝討好開發者的方 向努力。) 3. You can’t sell Software or Cloud without hardware. 想要賣出咖啡或杯茶,你必須要能兼賣三明治和糕點。對客戶而言,早餐是一個包含三明治和飲 料的整體。到目前為止,幾乎每一家 IoT 雲平台都整合了豐富的硬件資源。 4. Cloud 2 Cloud Alliance and Co-operation become normal. IoT 雲對雲之間的互補整合與結盟已經成為常態。
  • 167. SELF - EXPERIENCE ADVICE TO VENDERS WHO WOULD LIKE TO ENTER THIS MARKET Smart Device Developer Field Engineer Customer Service/Sales As a Customer Platform Developer Build Your Own SaaS/PaaS Better Roadmap : Phase I : Phase I I: (Devices Owner)
  • 168. T H A N K Y O U August Lin E-mail : WeChat ID: cableandwireless Skype : animaxproduction