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Getting started with
Aaron Gustafson
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āš Slides:
āš Work files:
āš Final Demo:
What exactly is a
Progressive Web App?
What exactly is a
What exactly is a
Progressive Web App?
“Progressive Web App”
is a marketing term
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web App
Art Project
Progressive Web App
Art Project
Progressive Web Site
Who’s behind PWAs?
What’s a PWA, technically?
What’s a PWA, technically?
What’s a PWA, technically?
Should I believe
the hype?
2x increase in daily
active users
Core experience
with 90% less code
97% increase in
click-outs to
hotel offers
West Elm:
15% increase in
time on site
9% increase in
revenue per visit
PWAs start with a great web
experience and then enhance
that experience for performance,
resilience, installation,
and engagement
PWAs start with a great web
experience and then enhance
that experience for performance,
resilience, installation,
and engagement
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive
happening or developing
gradually or in stages;
proceeding step by step
Enhance the experience
What’s a PWA, technically?
Let’s talk about HTTPS
HTTPS is simple (& free) now
āš Many hosts include it
āš GitHub
āš Netlify
āš AWS
āš etc.
āš LetsEnrcypt & Certbot for everything else
What’s a PWA, technically?
Let’s talk about the Manifest
Manifest files are JSON files
"property_a": "value",
"property_b": ["value_1", "value_2"],
"property_c": {
"nested_property": "nested_value"
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"dir": "auto", // default
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Minimum Viable Manifest
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Reference in the head
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
Reference in the head
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
Reference in the head
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
Let‘s make a manifest!
āš Open a new text document in your site
and name it manifest.json
āš Create a basic JSON object inside, including the
following Manifest members:
1. lang,
2. name,
3. short_name, and
4. description.
Yours should look like this
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Let’s prep for installâ€Ļ
"lang": "en-US",
"name": "Aaron Gustafson",
"short_name": "AaronG",
"description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson."
Where do we begin?
"start_url": "/"
Where does this apply?
"start_url": "/",
"scope": "/" // defaults to the start_url value
What should it look like?
"start_url": "/",
"display": "minimal-ui"
Display Modes
"display": "browser" "display": "standalone" "display": "minimal-ui""display": "fullscreen"
Need to lock orientation?
"start_url": "/",
"display": "minimal-ui",
"orientation": "any"
Orientation options
āš “any “– no preference
āš “natural” – the default orientation of the device
āš “portrait”
āš “portrait-primary”
āš “portrait-secondary”
āš “landscape”
āš “landscape-primary”
āš “landscape-secondary”
A little colorâ€Ļ
"start_url": "/",
"display": "minimal-ui",
"orientation": "any",
"theme_color": "#27831B"
A little colorâ€Ļ
"start_url": "/",
"display": "minimal-ui",
"orientation": "any",
"theme_color": "#27831B",
"background_color": "#fffcf4"
Adding icons
"icons": [
{ "src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600" },
{ "src": "/i/notification-icon.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "256x256" },
{ "src": "/favicon.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "16x16" }
Adding icons
"icons": [
{ "src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600" },
{ "src": "/i/notification-icon.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "256x256" },
{ "src": "/favicon.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "16x16" }
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600",
"purpose": "badge"
Anatomy of an ImageResource
"src": "/i/og-logo.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "800x600",
"purpose": "maskable"
Let‘s improve our manifest!
āš Add the following Manifest members:
1. start_url,
2. display,
3. theme_color,
4. background_color, and
5. icons
Suggested sizes: 48x48, 72x72, 96x96, 144x144,
192x192, and 512x512
Enhance the experience
Enhance the experience
How’d it go?
Any questions?
Let’s take a break.
What’s a PWA, technically?
Let’s talk about Service Worker
Registering a Service Worker
if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" );
Registering a Service Worker
if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" );
Registering a Service Worker
if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" );
Registering a Service Worker
if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" );
Registering a Service Worker
if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" )
.then(function( registration ){
console.log( "Success!", registration.scope );
.catch(function( error ){
console.error( "Failure!" , error );
Enhance the experience
The Service Worker Lifecycle
Install Activation Ready
Listening for these events
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
console.log( "installing" );
Listening for these events
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
console.log( "installing" );
Listening for these events
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
console.log( "installing" );
Listening for these events
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
console.log( "installing" );
Let‘s make a Service Worker!
āš Create a new file for your service worker
āš Register the Service Worker
navigator.serviceWorker.register( path )
āš Log to the console from the following events:
āš install
āš activate
Yours should look similar
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
console.log( "installing" );
self.addEventListener( "activate", function( event ){
console.log( "activating" );
The Service Worker Lifecycle
Install Activation Ready
Preloading assets
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Preloading assets
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Preloading assets
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Preloading assets
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Preloading assets
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Let’s refactor
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Let’s refactor
const VERSION = "v1";
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Let‘s preload assets
āš Leverage the install event to pre-load some assets
āš Load your page in a browser and see that the assets
are loaded
āš Bump your version number and reload the page
āš What happened?
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
We need to clean up
const VERSION = "v1";
// install event
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
Let‘s clean up
āš Leverage the activate event to clear stale caches
āš Load your page in a browser
āš What happened?
Use the new SW immediately
const VERSION = "v1";
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
Take over any active clients
self.addEventListener( "activate", event => {
// clean up stale caches
.then( keys => {
return Promise.all(
keys.filter( key => {
return ! key.startsWith( VERSION );
.map( key => {
return caches.delete( key );
Look what happens
āš Add skipWaiting() to your install event
āš Look at the DevTools and observe how the state of
the Service Worker changes with and without this
line of code.
āš What happened?
āš Open your site in two tabs and add clients.claim() to
your activate event
āš Look at the DevTools in each.
āš What happened?
Let’s get
some lunch
Back to Service Worker
How requests are made
Along comes Service Worker
Along comes Service Worker
Along comes Service Worker
Intercepting requests
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
console.log( "fetching" );
Let‘s try it out
āš Add a fetch event handler
āš Load your page in a browser
āš What happened?
āš Instead of a string, log event.request.url
āš Load your page in a browser
āš What do you see?
We can issue our own fetch
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
fetch( event.request )
We can issue our own fetch
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
fetch( event.request )
What if the
request fails?
What if the request fails?
const VERSION = "v1",
OFFLINE_PAGE = "offline.html";
What if the request fails?
self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){
event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
What if the request fails?
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
.catch(error => {
console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." );
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
What if the request fails?
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
.catch(error => {
console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." );
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
What if the request fails?
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
.catch(error => {
console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." );
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
What if the request fails?
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
.catch(error => {
console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." );
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Let‘s try it out
āš Add an offline.html page
āš Pre-cache it during install
āš Remember to rev VERSION
āš Add a fetch handler for navigations, providing the
offline page as a fallback
āš Turn off the network (once you know the SW is
running) and see what happens
Caching strategies
āš Network → cache → offline
āš Cache → network → offline
āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline
āš etc.
Network, then cache
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( event.request )
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
let request = event.request,
url = request.url;
// all the rest of the code
Network, then cache
if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( event.request )
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Caching strategies
✓ Network → cache → offline
āš Cache → network → offline
āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline
āš etc.
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, reponse );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, reponse );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, reponse );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, reponse );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, reponse );
return response.clone();
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Anyone see
an opportunity
for refactoring?
We cached a fetch twice
return fetch( request ).then( response => {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
Let’s make it a function
function cacheResponse( response ) {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( request, response );
return response.clone();
Let’s make it a function
function cacheResponse( response, event ) {
event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => {
return cache.put( event.request, response );
return response.clone();
And we can use it like this
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
Network, then cache
if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) {
fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
.catch(error => {
return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE );
Cache first, then network
if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) {
caches.match( request )
.then( cached_result => {
if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; }
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
.catch( new Response( "", {
status: 408,
statusText: "The server appears to be offline."
Caching strategies
✓ Network → cache → offline
✓ Cache → network → offline
āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline
āš etc.
Who will win?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
var networkDone = false;
var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
networkDone = true;
caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) {
if ( ! response) throw Error('No data');
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
if (!networkDone) updatePage(json);
.catch(function() { return networkRequest; })
.catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); })
Who will win?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
var networkDone = false;
var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
networkDone = true;
caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) {
if ( ! response) throw Error('No data');
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
if (!networkDone) updatePage(json);
.catch(function() { return networkRequest; })
.catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); })
Who will win?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
var networkDone = false;
var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
networkDone = true;
caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) {
if ( ! response) throw Error('No data');
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
if (!networkDone) updatePage(json);
.catch(function() { return networkRequest; })
.catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); })
Who will win?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
var networkDone = false;
var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
networkDone = true;
caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) {
if ( ! response) throw Error('No data');
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
if (!networkDone) updatePage(json);
.catch(function() { return networkRequest; })
.catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); })
Let‘s discuss
āš In what scenarios would these different caching
strategies be most appropriate?
āš Are there other strategies you’d like to discuss?
āš Do you want to add these caching strategies to
your site now?
Let’s take
another break
Could we save data?
Look at the connection
var slow_connection = false,
save_data = false;
function testConnection() {
// only test every minute
if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; }
if ( 'connection' in navigator ) {
slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 );
save_data = navigator.connection.saveData;
last_tested =;
Look at the connection
var slow_connection = false,
save_data = false;
function testConnection() {
// only test every minute
if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; }
if ( 'connection' in navigator ) {
slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 );
save_data = navigator.connection.saveData;
last_tested =;
Look at the connection
var slow_connection = false,
save_data = false;
function testConnection() {
// only test every minute
if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; }
if ( 'connection' in navigator ) {
slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 );
save_data = navigator.connection.saveData;
last_tested =;
Look at the connection
var slow_connection = false,
save_data = false;
function testConnection() {
// only test every minute
if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; }
if ( 'connection' in navigator ) {
slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 );
save_data = navigator.connection.saveData;
last_tested =;
Look at the connection
self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){
let request = event.request,
url = request.url;
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Use that information
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
Dynamic images? Yes please!
const VERSION = "v2",
OFFLINE_PAGE = "offline.html",
SVG_OFFLINE = '<svg â€Ļ></svg>',
SVG_SLOW = '<svg â€Ļ></svg>';
Dynamic images? Yes please!
function newImageResponse( svg ) {
return new Response( svg, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml' }
An SVG for your troubles
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
// Respond with an “offline” image
} else {
// Respond with a “saving data” image
An SVG for your troubles
else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) {
caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => {
// cached first
if ( cached_result ) {
return cached_result;
// fallback to network
if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) {
return fetch( request )
.then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
// fail
() => newImageResponse( SVG_OFFLINE )
} else {
return newImageResponse( SVG_SLOW );
Let‘s discuss
āš What other ways we could use Service Workers to
improve the user experience?
Moar enhancements!
Bonus content!
āš Share Target
āš Shortcuts (coming soon)
PWAs start with a great web
experience and then enhance
that experience for performance,
resilience, installation,
and engagement
PWAs start with a great web
experience and then enhance
that experience for performance,
resilience, installation,
and engagement
Congrats, you made a PWA!
Thank you!

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Getting Started with Progressive Web Apps [Beyond Tellerrand 2019]

  • 1. Getting started with Aaron Gustafson @AaronGustafson
  • 2. @AaronGustafson Follow along āš Slides: āš Work files: āš Final Demo:
  • 5. What exactly is a Progressive Web App?
  • 6. “Progressive Web App” is a marketing term Progressive Web App
  • 13. @AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest
  • 14. @AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker
  • 17. Starbucks: 2x increase in daily active users
  • 18. Tinder: Core experience with 90% less code
  • 19. Trivago: 97% increase in click-outs to hotel offers
  • 20. West Elm: 15% increase in time on site 9% increase in revenue per visit
  • 21.
  • 22. PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement
  • 23. PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement
  • 28. @AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker
  • 30. @AaronGustafson HTTPS is simple (& free) now āš Many hosts include it āš GitHub āš Netlify āš AWS āš etc. āš LetsEnrcypt & Certbot for everything else
  • 31. @AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker
  • 33. @AaronGustafson Manifest files are JSON files { "property_a": "value", "property_b": ["value_1", "value_2"], "property_c": { "nested_property": "nested_value" } }
  • 34. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 35. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 36. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 37. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "dir": "auto", // default "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 38. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 39. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 40. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 41. @AaronGustafson Minimum Viable Manifest { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 42. @AaronGustafson Reference in the head <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  • 43. @AaronGustafson Reference in the head <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  • 44. @AaronGustafson Reference in the head <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  • 45. @AaronGustafson Let‘s make a manifest! āš Open a new text document in your site and name it manifest.json āš Create a basic JSON object inside, including the following Manifest members: 1. lang, 2. name, 3. short_name, and 4. description.
  • 46. @AaronGustafson Yours should look like this { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 47. @AaronGustafson Let’s prep for installâ€Ļ { "lang": "en-US", "name": "Aaron Gustafson", "short_name": "AaronG", "description": "The online home and work of Aaron Gustafson." }
  • 48. @AaronGustafson Where do we begin? { â€Ļ "start_url": "/" }
  • 49. @AaronGustafson Where does this apply? { â€Ļ "start_url": "/", "scope": "/" // defaults to the start_url value }
  • 50. @AaronGustafson What should it look like? { â€Ļ "start_url": "/", "display": "minimal-ui" }
  • 51. @AaronGustafson Display Modes "display": "browser" "display": "standalone" "display": "minimal-ui""display": "fullscreen"
  • 52. @AaronGustafson Need to lock orientation? { â€Ļ "start_url": "/", "display": "minimal-ui", "orientation": "any" }
  • 53. @AaronGustafson Orientation options āš “any “– no preference āš “natural” – the default orientation of the device āš “portrait” āš “portrait-primary” āš “portrait-secondary” āš “landscape” āš “landscape-primary” āš “landscape-secondary” Details:
  • 54. @AaronGustafson A little colorâ€Ļ { â€Ļ "start_url": "/", "display": "minimal-ui", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#27831B" }
  • 55. @AaronGustafson A little colorâ€Ļ { â€Ļ "start_url": "/", "display": "minimal-ui", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#27831B", "background_color": "#fffcf4" }
  • 56. @AaronGustafson Adding icons { â€Ļ "icons": [ { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }, { "src": "/i/notification-icon.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "256x256" }, { "src": "/favicon.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "16x16" } ] }
  • 57. @AaronGustafson Adding icons { â€Ļ "icons": [ { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }, { "src": "/i/notification-icon.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "256x256" }, { "src": "/favicon.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "16x16" } ] }
  • 58. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }
  • 59. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }
  • 60. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }
  • 61. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }
  • 62. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600" }
  • 63. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600", "purpose": "badge" }
  • 64. @AaronGustafson Anatomy of an ImageResource { "src": "/i/og-logo.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "800x600", "purpose": "maskable" }
  • 65. @AaronGustafson Let‘s improve our manifest! āš Add the following Manifest members: 1. start_url, 2. display, 3. theme_color, 4. background_color, and 5. icons Suggested sizes: 48x48, 72x72, 96x96, 144x144, 192x192, and 512x512
  • 68. How’d it go? Any questions?
  • 70. @AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker
  • 72. @AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" ); }
  • 73. @AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" ); }
  • 74. @AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" ); }
  • 75. @AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" ); }
  • 76. @AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( "serviceWorker" in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( "/serviceworker.min.js" ) .then(function( registration ){ console.log( "Success!", registration.scope ); }) .catch(function( error ){ console.error( "Failure!" , error ); }); }
  • 78. @AaronGustafson The Service Worker Lifecycle Browser Install Activation Ready
  • 79. @AaronGustafson Listening for these events self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ console.log( "installing" ); });
  • 80. @AaronGustafson Listening for these events self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ console.log( "installing" ); });
  • 81. @AaronGustafson Listening for these events self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ console.log( "installing" ); });
  • 82. @AaronGustafson Listening for these events self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ console.log( "installing" ); });
  • 83. @AaronGustafson Let‘s make a Service Worker! āš Create a new file for your service worker āš Register the Service Worker navigator.serviceWorker.register( path ) āš Log to the console from the following events: āš install āš activate
  • 84. @AaronGustafson Yours should look similar self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ console.log( "installing" ); }); self.addEventListener( "activate", function( event ){ console.log( "activating" ); });
  • 85. @AaronGustafson The Service Worker Lifecycle Browser Install Activation Ready
  • 86. @AaronGustafson Preloading assets self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 87. @AaronGustafson Preloading assets self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 88. @AaronGustafson Preloading assets self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 89. @AaronGustafson Preloading assets self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 90. @AaronGustafson Preloading assets self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 91. @AaronGustafson Let’s refactor self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 92. @AaronGustafson Let’s refactor const VERSION = "v1"; self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); });
  • 93. @AaronGustafson Let‘s preload assets āš Leverage the install event to pre-load some assets āš Load your page in a browser and see that the assets are loaded āš Bump your version number and reload the page āš What happened?
  • 94. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 95. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 96. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 97. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 98. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 99. @AaronGustafson We need to clean up const VERSION = "v1"; // install event self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); });
  • 100. @AaronGustafson Let‘s clean up āš Leverage the activate event to clear stale caches āš Load your page in a browser āš What happened?
  • 101. @AaronGustafson Use the new SW immediately const VERSION = "v1"; self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js" ]); }) ); self.skipWaiting(); });
  • 102. @AaronGustafson Take over any active clients self.addEventListener( "activate", event => { // clean up stale caches event.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all( keys.filter( key => { return ! key.startsWith( VERSION ); }) .map( key => { return caches.delete( key ); }) ); }) ); clients.claim(); });
  • 103. @AaronGustafson Look what happens āš Add skipWaiting() to your install event āš Look at the DevTools and observe how the state of the Service Worker changes with and without this line of code. āš What happened? āš Open your site in two tabs and add clients.claim() to your activate event āš Look at the DevTools in each. āš What happened?
  • 106. @AaronGustafson How requests are made Browser Internet
  • 107. @AaronGustafson Along comes Service Worker Browser Internet
  • 108. @AaronGustafson Along comes Service Worker Browser Internet Cache
  • 109. @AaronGustafson Along comes Service Worker Browser Internet Cache 👎đŸģ
  • 110. @AaronGustafson Intercepting requests self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ console.log( "fetching" ); });
  • 111. @AaronGustafson Let‘s try it out āš Add a fetch event handler āš Load your page in a browser āš What happened? āš Instead of a string, log event.request.url āš Load your page in a browser āš What do you see?
  • 112. @AaronGustafson We can issue our own fetch self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ event.respondWith( fetch( event.request ) ); });
  • 113. @AaronGustafson We can issue our own fetch self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ event.respondWith( fetch( event.request ) ); });
  • 115. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? const VERSION = "v1", OFFLINE_PAGE = "offline.html";
  • 116. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? self.addEventListener( "install", function( event ){ event.waitUntil("v1").then(function(cache) { return cache.addAll([ "/css/main.css", "/js/main.js", OFFLINE_PAGE ]); }) ); });
  • 117. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." ); return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); } });
  • 118. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." ); return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); } });
  • 119. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." ); return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); } });
  • 120. @AaronGustafson What if the request fails? self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { console.log( "Fetch failed; returning offline page." ); return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); } });
  • 121. @AaronGustafson Let‘s try it out āš Add an offline.html page āš Pre-cache it during install āš Remember to rev VERSION āš Add a fetch handler for navigations, providing the offline page as a fallback āš Turn off the network (once you know the SW is running) and see what happens
  • 122. @AaronGustafson Caching strategies āš Network → cache → offline āš Cache → network → offline āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline āš etc.
  • 123. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( event.request ) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 124. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ let request = event.request, url = request.url; // all the rest of the code }
  • 125. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( event.request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( event.request ) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 126. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 127. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 128. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 129. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 130. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }) ); }
  • 131. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache .catch(error => { return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); })
  • 132. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache .catch(error => { return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }); })
  • 133. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache .catch(error => { return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }); })
  • 134. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache .catch(error => { return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }); })
  • 135. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch(error => { return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }); }) ); }
  • 136. @AaronGustafson Caching strategies ✓ Network → cache → offline āš Cache → network → offline āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline āš etc.
  • 137. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, reponse ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 138. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, reponse ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 139. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, reponse ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 140. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, reponse ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 141. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 142. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, reponse ); }) ); return response.clone(); }) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 144. @AaronGustafson We cached a fetch twice return fetch( request ).then( response => { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); })
  • 145. @AaronGustafson Let’s make it a function function cacheResponse( response ) { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }
  • 146. @AaronGustafson Let’s make it a function function cacheResponse( response, event ) { event.waitUntil( VERSION ).then( cache => { return cache.put( event.request, response ); }) ); return response.clone(); }
  • 147. @AaronGustafson And we can use it like this return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) )
  • 148. @AaronGustafson Network, then cache if ( request.mode === "navigate" ) { event.respondWith( fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) .catch(error => { return caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return caches.match( OFFLINE_PAGE ); }); }) ); }
  • 149. @AaronGustafson Cache first, then network if ( /.css$/.test(url) || /.js$/.test(url) ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ) .then( cached_result => { if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) .catch( new Response( "", { status: 408, statusText: "The server appears to be offline." }) ); }) ); }
  • 150. @AaronGustafson Caching strategies ✓ Network → cache → offline ✓ Cache → network → offline āš Cache vs network race → cache → offline āš etc.
  • 151. @AaronGustafson Who will win? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { var networkDone = false; var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { networkDone = true; updatePage(json); }); caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) { if ( ! response) throw Error('No data'); return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { if (!networkDone) updatePage(json); }) .catch(function() { return networkRequest; }) .catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); }) .then(hideLoading); });
  • 152. @AaronGustafson Who will win? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { var networkDone = false; var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { networkDone = true; updatePage(json); }); caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) { if ( ! response) throw Error('No data'); return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { if (!networkDone) updatePage(json); }) .catch(function() { return networkRequest; }) .catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); }) .then(hideLoading); });
  • 153. @AaronGustafson Who will win? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { var networkDone = false; var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { networkDone = true; updatePage(json); }); caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) { if ( ! response) throw Error('No data'); return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { if (!networkDone) updatePage(json); }) .catch(function() { return networkRequest; }) .catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); }) .then(hideLoading); });
  • 154. @AaronGustafson Who will win? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { var networkDone = false; var networkRequest = fetch('weather.json').then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { networkDone = true; updatePage(json); }); caches.match('weather.json').then(function(response) { if ( ! response) throw Error('No data'); return response.json(); }) .then(function(json) { if (!networkDone) updatePage(json); }) .catch(function() { return networkRequest; }) .catch(function() { console.log('We have nothing.'); }) .then(hideLoading); });
  • 155. @AaronGustafson Let‘s discuss āš In what scenarios would these different caching strategies be most appropriate? āš Are there other strategies you’d like to discuss? āš Do you want to add these caching strategies to your site now?
  • 157. Could we save data?
  • 158. @AaronGustafson Look at the connection var slow_connection = false, save_data = false; function testConnection() { // only test every minute if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; } if ( 'connection' in navigator ) { slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 ); save_data = navigator.connection.saveData; last_tested =; } }
  • 159. @AaronGustafson Look at the connection var slow_connection = false, save_data = false; function testConnection() { // only test every minute if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; } if ( 'connection' in navigator ) { slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 ); save_data = navigator.connection.saveData; last_tested =; } }
  • 160. @AaronGustafson Look at the connection var slow_connection = false, save_data = false; function testConnection() { // only test every minute if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; } if ( 'connection' in navigator ) { slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 ); save_data = navigator.connection.saveData; last_tested =; } }
  • 161. @AaronGustafson Look at the connection var slow_connection = false, save_data = false; function testConnection() { // only test every minute if ( last_tested && < last_tested + ( 60 * 1000 ) ) { return; } if ( 'connection' in navigator ) { slow_connection = ( navigator.connection.downlink < 0.5 ); save_data = navigator.connection.saveData; last_tested =; } }
  • 162. @AaronGustafson Look at the connection self.addEventListener( "fetch", function( event ){ testConnection(); let request = event.request, url = request.url; â€Ļ });
  • 163. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 164. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 165. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 166. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 167. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 168. @AaronGustafson Use that information else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 169. @AaronGustafson Dynamic images? Yes please! const VERSION = "v2", OFFLINE_PAGE = "offline.html", SVG_OFFLINE = '<svg â€Ļ></svg>', SVG_SLOW = '<svg â€Ļ></svg>';
  • 170. @AaronGustafson Dynamic images? Yes please! function newImageResponse( svg ) { return new Response( svg, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml' } }); }
  • 171. @AaronGustafson An SVG for your troubles else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( // Respond with an “offline” image ); } else { // Respond with a “saving data” image } }) ); }
  • 172. @AaronGustafson An SVG for your troubles else if ( request.headers.get("Accept").includes("image") ) { event.respondWith( caches.match( request ).then( cached_result => { // cached first if ( cached_result ) { return cached_result; } // fallback to network if ( ! slow_connection && ! save_data ) { return fetch( request ) .then( response => cacheResponse( response, event ) ) // fail .catch( () => newImageResponse( SVG_OFFLINE ) ); } else { return newImageResponse( SVG_SLOW ); } }) ); }
  • 173. @AaronGustafson Let‘s discuss āš What other ways we could use Service Workers to improve the user experience?
  • 175. @AaronGustafson Bonus content! āš Share Target āš Shortcuts (coming soon)
  • 176. PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement
  • 177. PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement
  • 178. @AaronGustafson Congrats, you made a PWA! HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi there, my name is Aaron Gustafson Pronouns he/him/his WaSP Microsoft - Web Standards & a11y Thank you to Jeffrey & Eric for having me and to Toby, Marci, Mike and all of the staff that keep this conference running so smoothly.
  2. I’m sure many of you may be wondering: What exactly is a PWA? (apart from yet another acronym)
  3. PWA stands for Progressive Web App. And, believe me, you’re not alone in asking this question.
  4. Lots of very smart people are wrestling with it right now.
  5. When it comes down to itâ€Ļ
  6. I think one of the things about the term progressive web app that trips folks up is the “web app” bit. What is a web app anyway? Jeremy Keith likes to say “Like obscenity and brunch, web apps can be described but not defined.”
  7. What’s important to realize, however is that any web project can (and probably should be) a progressive web app.
  8. In fact, you might as well think of these as progressiveâ€Ļ
  9. Web sites.
  10. PWAs have a lot of support from the browser world and at this point, most of the major capabilities of PWAs—with some exceptions like Push on iOS—are available in all modern browsers.
  11. As someone who builds websites, “PWA” as a marketing term isn’t terribly helpful. So let’s look at a what it takes to turn your site into a PWA. It starts with making your site secure. Most of the APIs you will need access to are only available under SSL.
  12. Next, you’ll need to add a Web App Manifest to your site. This contains a lot of the ”meta” information about your site that can be useful should a user choose to install it.
  13. The final requirement for a MVPWA is a Service Worker. I am going to hold off on discussing Service Workers for a moment, but we’ll circle back to them momentarily.
  14. So there’s a lot of hype around PWAs. Should you believe it?
  15. Maybe? Probably. Here are a few tidbits you might find interesting.
  16. There are a ton of success stories out there.
  17. I higly recommend checking out PWA, from the folks at Cloud Four, for more.
  18. In truthâ€Ļ
  19. The key word here is enhance
  20. Combine enhance with the first word in PWA—progressive—and you arrive at the age old philosophy of
  21. Progressive enhancement, which is really at the core of progressive web apps
  22. So what does that actually look like? Let’s tuck into itâ€Ļ
  23. So we’ve got a normal site that can become a PWA.
  24. So back to our MVPWA. I mentioned that I would come back to Service Worker, so let’sâ€Ļ
  25. So back to our MVPWA. I mentioned that I would come back to Service Worker, so let’sâ€Ļ
  26. So back to our MVPWA. I mentioned that I would come back to Service Worker, so let’sâ€Ļ
  27. So back to our MVPWA. I mentioned that I would come back to Service Worker, so let’sâ€Ļ
  28. Everything is optional, butâ€Ļ
  29. First off, you can define the language. If you have a multi-lingual app, you might consider providing multiple manifests tailored to each as there is—as of yet—no way of managing translations within the manifest.
  30. If you want, you can define a writing direction like “ltr” for left to right or “rtl” for right to left, but you could alsoâ€Ļ
  31. Set it to optional, which is the default.
  32. In which case, you don’t really need it.
  33. Name is the preferred name for the app. Short name enables you to define a specific short option just in case the host operating system doesn’t support as many characters as you need for your app’s name. Better to not leave it to chance.
  34. Description says what the site or app does.
  35. We’ll come back this this more in a moment.
  36. The next step is to connect this file to your site via HTML, using the link tag
  37. The relationship of the linked document is ”manifest”
  38. And the href should point to your JSON file. It’s worth notingâ€Ļ
  39. 5-7 min
  40. This is the page that should open when your app is launched after install
  41. This is the page that should open when your app is launched after install
  42. There are a few modes available hereâ€Ļ
  43. This can be overridden via JS as well using the Screen Orientation API
  44. You can see the title bar is colored
  45. Here the background is applied to the splash screenâ€Ļ But what about this icon?
  46. Three different options
  47. The src is the location of your source file (can be relative to the manifest URL) Any image format is possible, though SVG is not well supported (yet)
  48. MIME declaration for the image to enable browser to select based on support
  49. Space-separated list of dimensions (width x height) supported by the image. ICO files can have multiple, otherwise it should be the natural dimensions.
  50. 5-7 min
  51. So we’ve got a normal site that can become a PWA.
  52. Or to break it down further
  53. 5-7 min
  54. 5-7 min
  55. So back to our MVPWA. I mentioned that I would come back to Service Worker, so let’sâ€Ļ
  56. Focus on that. A special kind of web worker (it runs in it’s own thread) Concerned with reducing network dependence Your own personal “man in the middle”
  57. In order to take advantage of this, you need to register a service worker in the browser.
  58. First test for the feature
  59. Then register the worker by pointing at the Service Worker JavaScript file you’ve created.
  60. The path is very important. If you want to run your service worker for the whole site, it must be in the root directory, NOT your javascript subdirectory. If it is in a subdirectory, it can only run against requests for assets in that subdirectory or deeper.
  61. The registration returns a Promise, so you can act on it.
  62. The great thing about this is that it’s an enhancement. The site will work fine without Service Worker as well, but it works better with it.
  63. A Service Worker has a lifecycle. There is a lot of nuance to it, but here’s the Cliff’s Notes versionâ€Ļ The Service Worker is registered with the browser. Then it goes through the install process. You can use this opportunity to pre-cache some assets if you like. Once installed, it’s activated. This is generally a good time to clean up any old caches. Then it’s ready to use, but it will not actually do anything until the next page is loaded. I’m going to quickly go through some examples of how Service Workers can operate, but it’s important to remember you are in total control of their behavior.
  64. 5-7 min
  65. Install is a great time to download key resources & add them to the cache
  66. 5-7 min
  67. Here I’m actually using ES6 syntax with the fat arrow function. ES6 is allowable in Service Worker because all Service Worker-supporting browsers also support the more modern JavaScript syntax
  68. 5-7 min
  69. Normally an installed ServiceWorker will wait until the next page load to activate. This skips the waiting.
  70. And this allows you to claim any open clients (windows, tabs, etc.) and apply the service worker to them.
  71. 5-7 min
  72. 5-7 min
  73. In a traditional networking scenarioâ€Ļ
  74. When a Service Worker is in play, it sits between the browser and the network.
  75. It also has programmatic access to a local cache. It can intercept network requests from the browser and respond with items in the cache without ever going out to the network. Say, for instance, requests for CSS and JavaScript files you pre-cached during install
  76. You could also set up rules to tell the SW to go to the cache first, but fall back to the network if a cached copy of the resource is not available. Then you can keep a copy for next time too. Caching is key to improved performance and good offline experiences, which are the hallmark of a PWA.
  77. 5-7 min
  78. But that’s not terribly interesting
  79. But that’s not terribly interesting
  80. Navigation only
  81. This you saw before.
  82. But now we catch errors and respond from the cache
  83. 5-7 min
  84. Different approaches for different needs
  85. We just looked at thisâ€Ļ what if we want to try the network and fall back to a cached version of the page?
  86. I’m going to make the code a little easier to read by extracting two useful pieces of data, the request and it’s URL
  87. So thisâ€Ļ
  88. Becomes this
  89. Then, before we can actually respond from the cache, we need to add HTML to the cache First, we insert a then() block, which gets the response object
  90. And cache it, using the request as a key
  91. And then we return the response
  92. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  93. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  94. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  95. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  96. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  97. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  98. Different approaches for different needs
  99. Technically, this is an elseâ€Ļif
  100. First we check for a cached result and we send it if we have it
  101. Questions?
  102. Questions?
  103. Questions?
  104. Questions?
  105. Questions?
  106. Now we can focus on the catch() block
  107. Questions?
  108. Different approaches for different needs
  109. Questions?
  110. Questions?
  111. Questions?
  112. Questions?
  113. Cache first with a server refresh in the background (for next time), falling back to the network, then offline
  114. New conditional for images
  115. Respond with cache match first
  116. If all is well
  117. Otherwise, we need a fallback
  118. Incidentally, we can use this same approach as a fallback for a fail state.
  119. Adding two new constants
  120. And a new function to generate an svg response
  121. This
  122. Becomes this, passing in the appropriate SVG
  123. Service workers even have their own levels of enhancement CLICK And more will come with time, like background sync.
  124. As I mentioned beforeâ€Ļ CLICK
  125. start with a great web experience
  126. Thank you so much for your time and attention!