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Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for more economically developed nations to take the lead.
Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a
need for more economically developed nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the more
economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not contribute as much as the More economically developed
nations, they are the ones that are affected the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough
resources more content...
This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and should have more responsibility; it is also about the
future of these developed nations. Even if the more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the effects of
climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from
climate change will have some amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the less economically
developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed nations can economically benefits
Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed
nations contributes more to climate change than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed nations are
facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed nations should take more responsibility so that the less
economically developed nations will not suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in climate
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Geography Of Geography Essay
Geography Paper–1
North–Eastern region of the United States has been serving as the backbone of US economy in many respects. Obviously, it is densely populated
region of the US due to the presence of megacities like New York, Philadelphia and the capital Washington DC. The size and number of airports in
this regions also reflects the movement of people and flow of business in this region. Here most of the major city areas lie in the Atlantic coastal
plain, whereas mountains and hills are also significantly affecting the the forest coverage as well as the climate of this area. More particularly, the
climate is regulated by the position of the general west to east flow of weather in the middle latitudes.
New Jersey is one of the densely populated city of the United States of America. It is divided into 3 geographic region; North Jersey, South Jersey and
Central Jersey. Jersey city and Newark are two well known cities of this state. Talking about the climate, summer is hot and humid, and winter is
snowy and cold. There are many shores in the bay of Atlantic ocean, where moment is highly increased during the summer. Likewise, the presence of
ocean has served in the increment of the number of production based industry in this state. Being a small state also, due to more content...
Therefore, Vineland is a formal region. But, Vineland is not a functional region since it is not the center of connection with various cities around and
their connection with this city is not compulsory. The people living in neighboring cities are diversified in their lives for their day to day connection
with other cities around them as well. The region of vineland is not sharply defined because it is not different than Beuna and Millville city in many
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Geography Essay
Introduction and Climate
The state of Hawaii is composed of 132 islands, reefs and shoals that extend for over 1500 miles across the central North Pacific Ocean from the
"Big Island" of Hawaii to midway and Kure Atolls. The eight main islands of Hawaiian Archipelago includeHawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai,
Molokai, Lanai, Nihau and Kahoolawe (listed in order of size) which extend for only 350 miles at the south–eastern end of the volcanic mountain chain.
Hawaii includes some of the earth's largest mountains, rising from oceanic depths of greater than 18,000 feet to a height above sea level of nearly
14,000 feet. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island are volcanic mountains with a total relief of 32,000 feet. The entire Island more
The West side of the Island has near desert–like conditions, while the summit of Waialeale is the wettest spot in the world, with an average rainfall of
almost 500 inches per year. Normally, the rugged, mountainous interior has much more rainfall than the coastal areas where most communities are
located. The Maritime Tropical air mass highly influences Kalalau Valley, Kauai. With its warm and humid weather that it brings in we see how the
Island of Kauai goes from stable to conditionally unstable. The convectional lifting of the air masses around the Island of Kauai shows how an air
mass passes a maritime source and it causes lifting in the air mass. If the conditions of the Island are unstable then the lifting is sustained and clouds
develop. This is why the temperatures and the rainfall vary with certain spots. For example, Average rainfall ranges from 35 inches at poipu Beach to
444 inches at the summit of Waialeale. The general circulation that influences Kalalau Valley is the Northeast trade winds. The subtropical high and the
southeast trade winds affect the valley as well. Mainly the northeast trade winds and the southeast trade winds influence the state of the Hawaiian
Islands. The Island of Kauai and Kalalaua Valley are located in the Tropical Rainforest region. The pattern of precipitation and temperature for Kauai
between January 1st and December 31st, was between 45 and 70 for temperature in Fahrenheit. The minimum temperature is about 50
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Geography : History And Geography
War is a timeless phenomenon that has shaped societies and cultures; war is greatly influenced by geography. History and geography are both
important when considering wars; history tells what events took place, but geography tells us the why, where, and how. One can study geography's
effects on war through geography's subtopics: physical, human, economic, and political geographies. For example, war strategies and methods are
geography based. Physical geography studies the terrain and landforms in the war–ridden area; these can be a disadvantage to individuals unknowing of
the area, and can be used to the advantage of the country being invaded. Human geography shows the relationship between the humans (soldiers and
civilians) and the land.
There is a great need for geographical knowledge, especially when considering war; if it was not important, The US Air Force Academy and West
Point would not study geography, and the government would not have a Department of Geography. Physical geography can affect war greatly–
regardless of the number of soldiers or the size of the weapons arsenal. From one point of view, a rough terrain and huge landmasses are detrimental;
if an army does not know how to decipher their way around them, they lose time and resources in a standstill. For the country on home terrain, this is a
huge advantage; living there gives them the advantage of knowing the land and how to maneuver with it. For this country, physical geography added a
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Geography’s Impact on Culture and Society Essays
Geography's Impact on Culture and Society When studying ancient civilizations and the beginning societies in the world, the geography has shaped its
story significantly. Depending on the location of the civilization society, whether or not water was nearby was crucial for its survival. With trade
networks, metals, foods, and languages were spread. Weapons were able to be formed from these metals which led to a stronger military. Mountain
ranges formed the boundaries of civilizations. Geography greatly impacted Asia, Africa and Europe.
Asia is "the world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres". Its land mass covers almost 9%
of the Earth's surface area, 30% of its more content...
Even though these urban city dwellers were more advanced technologically and socially, they were not prepared in a military aspect to defend against
the mounted hordes of the steppe. The lowlands did not have enough grassland to support a large herd of horsemen, so the nomadic people ended up
adapting to the culture of China, the Middle East, and India, which they conquered. 1
Mesopotamia was home to some of the earliest known civilizations. The name "Mesopotamia" comes from two Greek words meaning "the land
between two rivers", referring to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers brought a large amount of freshwater to the region and by getting
access to this water provided a new way of life: agriculture. Irrigation led to harvesting crops of barley, wheat, and peas. This then increased the food
supplies and was able to support a quickly growing population . Because the land between the rivers was fertile, this provided sufficient soil and crop
Because of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, travel was made easier by travelling by boat rather than on land. Trade routes became much more useful for
trading agriculture and communication and language. With trading in place, societies began to join together for the common goal of living life.
Importing and exporting goods was a common occurrence in
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Reflection Paper On Geography
Over the course of taking this geography class, I have learned so much more about countries and cultures, some being ones that I had never heard
before than I ever thought I would. It has been such an eye opening class to take part in and it has caused me to feel so many extremely different
emotions and pushed me to work even harder than I have ever done before in any other class. This class has definitely changed my view on the world
and has made the wanderlust that I already had to grow even more intense. Being able to travel has always been something I have wanted to do,
but now I want to travel to places I did not even know existed five months ago and it does not even feel like a want anymore it is more like a need
has ignited inside of me. The need to travel and see new places and people was magnified immensely by the things I learned over this very short
semester. The studying of this earth is how we have survived and how nations were able to thrive. So being able to study just a few of the features
that has shaped the world into what it is today was a great experience. The ability to study the physical features around them whether as a defense or
land border made prospering as a nation much easier. Geography is also such a great way for individuals to get know about the places where their
ancestors came from and to advance the knowledge we have about other peoples cultures, religions, and governmental systems. For these reasons, I
believe that everyone needs to be
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Importance Of Geography Essay
Justin Merry What is geography?......... And why do we study it? Geography is knowledge of not only where places are, but also why and how they
are there. And also predicting where places may be in the future. The word geography originated from the Greeks. It literally translates to "Earth
Description". Which makes sense because that's exactly what geography is. Geography is an all encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of
the Earth and it's human and natural complexities. Two terms often used in geography are human geography and physical geography. Human
geography deals with studying people and their cultures economics and interaction with nature. Physical geography deals with studying the processes
and patterns in more content...
The concept of "Place" helps geographers compare and contrast two different locations on Earth such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert. So the theme
"Place" basically tells what makes a certain location unique compared to other locations.
The third theme of geography is "Region". The theme "Region" is basically the opposite of the last theme "Place". Region has to deal with areas
that share common characteristics like spaces, schools, etc. The region can be identified using physical characteristics like climate and landforms. A
region can also have multiple "Places" with unifying characteristics like climate and landforms even though they are not exactly the same, but very
similar. Many regions have defined lines or boundaries such as a sea. There are human made regions also such as metropolitans like New York City
in the United States, Tokyo in Japan, Beijing in China, and Mumbai in India. There are also "Vernacular" Regions which are defined with imaginary
lines such as "The Middle–East" even though it is never mentioned on any maps of the Earth. So "Region" is areas with unifying characteristics.
The fourth theme of geography is "Movement". The Earth is full of movement. Which primarily is the movement of human beings, their goods and
resources, and their ideas. Movement deals with the population, immigration, and emigration of humans. Us humans
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5 Themes Of Geography Essay
5 Themes of Geography
5 Themes:
Location is where exactly something is on a map. Europe is located in western Eurasia and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean
Sea. Eurasia is an area of land that occupies from Portugal to China.
Place is a general area. A place can be described by the geographical markers around it and the "things" that make it unique. (A city could be built over
the same area that a previous city was built on)
Human– Environment Interaction is how humans are involved with the land around them and how their actions affect others. If farmers used up all the
minerals in one field, they would use a different field to let the depleted one recover.
Movement is the flow of people, goods, and ideas. During more content...
Serfs are bound to their lord's manor (not allowed to leave without permission) and paid many fines, but were guaranteed housing and food. (to some
2.Three features of a feudal society are
A clearly defined social status
Relationships based on trust
Respect for the social structure
3.Chivalry elevated women's social status because it went beyond respecting women, and extended to cherishing their unique traits as well. Whereas
before, they were really only limited to housework, and were not really looked at beyond that.
4.Peasants had to perform hard labor for all of their lives and pay fines to their lord and at the same time, their lord had to provide protection, housing,
and food (a field/ plot of land).
Section 3 Review:
Roman Catholic Church– The wealthier and more powerful Western branch of Christianity. The RomanCatholic Church was the powerhouse in
medieval Europe because many people were extremely religious. Europe was going through its "Age of Faith", so many feared a negative afterlife.
Benedictine Rule– Rules for how Benedictine monks/ nuns should live. It was written by a monk named Benedict in 530, Italy. Monks and nuns who
chose to live this lifestyle had to live pure and obedient lives of poverty and manual
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Geography Essay
01.01 Assignment
Historians apply geographic skills in order to learn about the past and solve historical problems. Complete the two parts of the following written
assignment to show your understanding of these skills. Part 1
Explore the interactive maps to answer the three questions in Part 1 of this assignment. If you need to review how to use a map's scale, please go to
the Locating Places section of the Map Tutorial and read through page 3. Please remember to submit your responses for Part 1 and Part 2 to your
instructor in the assessment area. 1. Using the scale on the interactive map, give the approximate distance in miles that the Pilgrims traveled in their
journey from Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts. more content...
Orlando is about 221.7 miles south of Hollywood. South Carolina is about 618.2 miles from Hollywood. Hollywood is a very hot and humid
place. There are no mountains and hills it's all flat land. It doesn't snow it is summer all year. However, we do have rainfall during the months of
April to July. There are many different ethnicities that live in Hollywood Florida. The city has a heavy Hispanic population. There are two large
ethnic groups that live in Hollywood which are Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. 2. Convince someone to move to a U.S. city of your choice, by
describing the location using terms from the lesson. Be sure to include the name of the city and state you are writing about and make your response at
least one paragraph in length. You would love to live in the Big Apple also known asNew York City. There are many people who live in city. New York
is a very well known city in the United States. New York is its own region. It is an airport hub, and has many tourists that come to the city every year.
New York is known for the towering Skyline. The two landmark dominant buildings that are in Manhattan are the Empire State, and Rockefeller
Center. New York's climate is subtropical. New York has four seasons! During the summer it is very hot and humid, in winter it is very cold and
snowy so you will have to take out your scarves, gloves, coats, and boots! In the fall it is cool but the leaves turn orange, green, and yellow it is very
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Reflective Essay About Geography
Every other year at my high school, there is a CIS geography course offered. In this course, there is one assignment that all the upperclassmen would
always complain about. As an underclassman, I had dreaded the year that I was going to be receiving this assignment due to having a tendency to save
my projects for last minute. I will never forget the map that taught me that procrastination makes the process of completing assignments more difficult,
especially on a project that is for a college class.
In the beginning of November 2016, my junior year, our college geography class received our quarter project: a map of the world. Our teacher
assigned our class a large number of physical features that our maps needed to include such as rivers, lakes, islands, mountain ranges, seas, oceans,
etc. The teacher required us to include all seven continents and a key that showed distinctions in the different physical features of the world. Our
maps needed to be to scale and show the least amount of distortion as possible. When we received our project, our geography teacher warned us, "This
project will be time–consuming. You will not want to wait until the week before to start your maps."
After communicating expectations with the class, a majority of my classmates began to work on their maps. I knew that my family was traveling to
Wisconsin Dells for Thanksgiving break, so I wanted to attempt to complete as much of the map as possible beforehand; this did not happen. I had
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Geography Of Russia Essay
Russia is a huge landmass and covers a vast amount of the earth's surface area. Being so large, Russia contains a huge variety of different
geographical features. There are several mountains, rivers, bodies of water, climate zones, and population centers in Russia. Most of the development
in Russia is located in its core area, east of the Ural Mountains. There are several countries around Russia that used to be parts of a larger union called
The Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, however, in 1991, the USSR broke apart into several other independent states. The new states that were
formed are: Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, more content...
Mountain ranges on the eastern border of Russia include Dzhugdzhur Khrebet, Khrebet Gydan, and Khrebet Gydan. All of the mountain ranges that
define the eastern and southern borders, as well as the Ural Mountains create an area in west Russia in which there is little vegetation and harsh weather.
Russia also has an abundance of rivers that mark the landscape of this gigantic realm. The Volga River is the largest of the Russian Rivers, and most
likely its most important. There are several population centers along the Volga as the Volga is their "lifeline" (Blij 141). The Volga is perhaps much
more important than the other rivers in the eastern half of Russia, such as the Lena, The Kolyma, and the Irtvsh, because of the bitterness of the climate
west of the Urals, once again, makes the population very sparse in that half of the realm. The Don is an important river in the southernmost part of
Russia is touched in many places by several large bodies of water. The Barents and White Seas in the far northwestern section of Russia are both
important bodies of water for Russia as far as trading goes. As large as Russia is, it is mostly landlocked, making the Barents Sea very important for
trading in large cities such as Arkangelsk. The Baltic Sea is another important body of water, as the large trading port of St. Petersburg is located on
the coast of The Baltic. On the eastern coast of Russia, all of the larger cities, such as Vlakivostok, are
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Ap Human Geography Essay
Human Geography – Abby Flint
D– is a process of interaction or integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations.
S– it has effects on the environment, on culture, and on economic development. It increases interaction between places affecting human physical
well–being around the world. An example for culture and economic globalization i would use is McDonald, it has restaurants all over the world.
Another example of a famous route is the silk road which globalized ancient Europe and Asia. 2. five themes of Geography– location– D– is where a
place is in the world. Location can be described as relative or absolute. Relative location is where a place is in comparison to another more
16. Relocation diffusion–
D– is the spread of information or and idea through physical human movement from place to place.
S– it shows how when people migrate they bring ideas and culture with them. For example this is why there can be four different languages being
spoken in one place.
17. stimulus diffusion–
D– is when one group receives a cultural element from another but gives it a new and unique form.
S– it shows how ideas are changed from place to place but the underlying concept can remain the same. An example is McDonald's opening in India,
since Hindus don't eat cow, and most of the population of India and Hindu. They change the meat to make them veggie burgers but they still have
18. expansion diffusion–
D– is the rapid, widespread diffusion of characteristics throughout a population.
S–it shows how a trend can start in one place and very quickly spread outwards in every direction. The trend spreads like a contagious flu.
19. latitude/longitude–
D– are angles that uniquely define points on a sphere.
S– together the angles make a coordinate that can pinpoint any geographic position on the surface of the Earth, or any other
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Human Geography Essay
Bright lights, colorful signs, and delicious smells, all are things that may be found in an ethnic neighborhood. An ethnic neighborhood is a
neighborhood, where the majority, if not all the population is of the same belief, and follows the same religion. One of the most well–known
neighborhoods in Chicago is Chinatown. Chinatown has many cultural traits that set it apart from neighboring areas; however there is always a
looming threat of internal and external threats to its culture. China town possess many cultural traditions and customs. One major cultural trait is the
color red. In Chinese culture, red signifies happiness, prosperity, and luck. Many buildings have a very generous use of red. Doorways, walls, and
even windows more content...
Although many of those stores had signs in Chinese, it doesn't change the effect the stores had on the neighborhoods. While external threats are a
looming danger, they are not the only threat. Internal threats also can compromise the established local structure.
There are many internal threats prevalent as well. As people live life in the U.S, or experience other culture, they may want to integrate the new
culture into their own. One such example is with kids. When kids go to school, they meet people of other cultures, and beliefs. Over time, they may
think that an aspect of their beliefs is better than their own. This can cause a recession in the local culture of an area. Another internal threat is that
of movement. As kids grow older they may get bored of their surroundings and decide to move out. When people move, buildings generally become
open for sale, and often for low prices. These vacancies are enticing to many people who are seeking a home. This can greatly disrupt a neighborhood,
as suddenly what was previously a Chinese neighborhood, is now half polish. One last example is with oriental Chinese food. Asian dishes are
generally spicy, with many herbs. People often change recipe to fit the American palette. Over time Chinese–American may come to enjoy the new
Americanized flavor more.
Chinatown has many cultural traits that set it apart from neighboring areas; however there is
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Geography lesson 1 Essay
Lesson One Homework
1. Discuss the problems that "geographic illiteracy" can present to a country such as the United States in the Twenty–First Century. Give examples of
the need for geographic knowledge in diverse areas such as international politics, domestic politics, economics, and popular culture.Geographic Illiteracy
by definition is not having geographic knowledge. For example, not being to point out where the United States is on the map or where the Pacific
Ocean is located. Geographic Illiteracy can cause many problems to a country such as the United States in the Twenty First century because it is crucial
for the upcoming generation to know what and where situations are arising in the world. As the undisputed more content...
Distance, accessibility and connectivity affect relative location. The absolute location of Tarrant County Community College is 32В° 50' N / 97В° 11'
W. The relative location of the college is 20 minutes from six flags.
3. Discuss mental geography from two personal perspectives: the mental map of your activity spaces and the map of your preferred place of
residence in the United States. The mental map of my preferred place of residence would be me envisioning the main gate then passing the pond
on my left and turning into my parking space. I would then go up the stairs to the hallway and go straight to my door up ahead. I would then
envision my entryway and living room with the kitchen to the left and my room up behind it. My mental map of my activity area would be of my
gym. I would envision the parking lot and see myself parking right in the front, walking up to the double doors and going though. I envision the sign
in area where I would scan my card and make my way to the locker rooms to the left. I would then go to my preferred workout area in the right region
behind the water fountains and soda machines. I would pass through all the machines and weights until I reach my desired area.
4. What is a functional region and how does it differ from a formal region? Discuss the functional region associated with a nearby metropolitan
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The Importance Of Geography In Education
Geography is a subject that gives teachers the chance to deliver knowledge to students in many different forms. To start term two, I will be introducing
my students to landscapes; in particular different types of landscapes, how they are formed, their emotional, economic and spiritual value, management
of landscapes and the location, frequency and effects of earthquakes (Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2012 p. 73). To ensure
the students meet learning objectives and get through the curriculum I will be using the four knowledge processes (Kalantzis, & Cope, 2017). The four
learning processes involves, experiencing, conceptualising, analysing and applying, which allows students to be exposed to different learning styles.
Through this the students are given a chance to process and understand what they are being taught in a variety of ways. As a teacher, it is important to
recognise that all students are individual and cater to the different needs of their students. Using the four knowledge processes through a particular
subject helps teachers, in the fact it allows them to reach all students. This is due the fact that many different learning styles are covered through the
eight processes. Although Geography seems as though it is majorly a fact–based subject, it is important to promote inquiry and abstract thinking;
meaning that students will be asked to look deeper into issues evolving around a certain subject. When considering how to use
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Geography as a Science Essay examples
Geography as a Science
Science, by definition, is:
'...the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment...' 1
Geography is divided into physical and human dimensions; in the past, physical geography had taken pre–eminence over the latter due to the need of
geographers to establish their discipline as an actual educational subject in colleges and universities. They therefore needed to impress upon the world
its yummy importance as a science 5, which held much weight at the time, but can geography still be based in the world of natural sciences or has it
shifted to that of a more social basis? As the subject in itself is more content...
All of these changes have understandably influenced how geography has been structured and the perceptions of geography within the world. This
radical change in thinking and the rapid increase of the human population since the industrial revolution has meant that geography has evolved more
towards the social aspects rather than the scientific. Good examples of this are historical geographies, developmental geographies and studies in
globalisation. All relate to social aspects of the world we live in, and this focus on human circles is now growing within the subject. Since its
generalised acceptance in the late 18th century 6 it has increased in influence within the subject. During the latter half of the 20th century, human
geography (and social interests within geography) began to challenge the position of physical geography within the subject. This could be vastly due
to the decline of the descriptive or regional geography, and the rise of spatial science in its place, which allowed sub–disciplines such as cultural,
economic, industrial and historical geographies to attract more attention. Geography might have previously been dominated by the natural sciences, but
now due to growing interests in
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A Career in Geograpy Essay
Much of my passion for Geography is derived from the fact that it depicts relevance to all aspects of society. It is dynamic in a sense that my perception
and understanding is constantly evolving with the growth in understanding and perception. What intrigues my further pursuit of geography is how
Geography unlike other subjects has direct links to both human and physical attributes. By further pursuing geography at a higher education level, I
wish to enrich my understanding of the wider significance of issues being faced and how it affects society on a local and global level. It is important to
identify and understand the interconnecting aspects of the world around us and apply such knowledge towards a more sustainable future. Geography more content...
Geographers are known to be outgoing and eccentric. Participating in various outbound activities such as AYP and Green fingers has given me a greater
understanding of the beauty and fragility of physical geography, while developing my various attributes including leadership, open–minded and a
calculated risk–taker. My participation in the Duke of Edinburgh award can be accredited to my pursuit of Geography, by traversing the natural
environment I was able to practice several geographical theories and witness the fragility of ecosystems. In Green Fingers, it was the initiative of
me and my fellow peers to teach the lower school about the importance of biodiversity protection and the fragility of different biomes. My passion
for environmental protection was evident during this period as I instructed at a personal level, this not only improve my general leadership skills as
well as my confidence In promoting ideas that might seem aggressive but beneficial. I believe by integrating the knowledge of subjects such as
Design Technology, Physics and Geography it is possible to greater understand the theories around us while being able through practical application to
tackle many pressing issues concering the 21st century society. Physics have given me a greater understanding for the physical processes that occur in
nature and how numbers can be used to describe processes and reactions , I feel that this can accredit my understanding of
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The Five Themes of Geography
The Five Themes of Geography are: Location – Absolute points on a map or grid or Relative to where something may be; Place – The physical and/or
human characteristics of a locations; Human/Environment Interactions – How humans have impacted the landscape or environment; Relationship
between places Movement – How humans interact on the earth (i.e. how they communicate over distance (short or long)) and Regions – a unit of space
that has commonalities defined by physical, human and environmental geography. The Explorers of the New World may have not known what the Five
Themes of Geography were but they quickly learned. Of the five themes the ones that they all took advantage of was the physical Location and Place
as they learned to more content...
John Smith learned to move his people to places with safer water during the summer months as the indigenous people would and bring them back
afterward. Human interactions with the environment in the early settlements were somewhat disastrous as the settlers believed that the climates of
Europe would parlay to the New World. This was most evidenced in the Jamestown settlement. Many settlers, unaware of the unhealthy James River
estuary during summer months, fell ill and/or died as a result of disease normally associated with drinking from a polluted water source. The settlers
believed in settled farming, basically clearing the land and farming (planting crops and raising animals). Along with the problem estuary of the James
this had a profound impact on the land they inhabited, some good and some bad. Animals such as the horse, sheep, cattle and pigs, to name a few,
were introduced to the new world which impacted the environment. Most were grazing animals, meaning that they would feed on the plant life (mostly
grasses and weeds). These animals would clear lands forcing herders to move to more fertile ground constantly. The good of this was that the animals
would introduce accidentally new plant life (grasses typically) that sometimes would kill, or even move,
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What Is Environmental Geography? Essay
Final Exam
1.What is environmental geography?
Essentially, environmental geography is the study of the distribution pattern of environments across the earth, how these environments change over
time and the reasons for this change, as well as how the activities of humans affect these changes and are affected by them ("A – EG SP16 – What is
Environmental Geography").
2.Briefly discuss the 5 "Human Drivers of Environmental Change"
The five "Human Drivers of Environmental Change" are demographic, sociopolitical, economic, technological, and cultural (Middleton 25).
Demographic drivers are classified by the population. This includes population size, the structure of a population, where people settle and migrate too,
as well as the amount of education in a population (Middleton 26). Sociopolitical drivers are centered around the organization of a society, such as a
city, as well as environmental governance. This is the influence that a society's organization has on the ways people interact with theenvironment
(Middleton 27). Economic drivers are comprised of the growth of economies through the use of local and global resources (Middleton 27).
Technological drivers are the developments of new technologies and new scientific discoveries (Middleton 28). Finally, cultural drivers are the
influences that a society's culture has on how people interact with the environment (Middleton 29). I believe that the most important drivers are
demographic drivers. The population of the earth
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  • 1. Geography Title: Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for more economically developed nations to take the lead. Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a need for more economically developed nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the more economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not contribute as much as the More economically developed nations, they are the ones that are affected the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough resources more content... This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and should have more responsibility; it is also about the future of these developed nations. Even if the more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the effects of climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from climate change will have some amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the less economically developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed nations can economically benefits Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed nations contributes more to climate change than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed nations are facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed nations should take more responsibility so that the less economically developed nations will not suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in climate Get more content on
  • 2. Geography Of Geography Essay Geography Paper–1 North–Eastern region of the United States has been serving as the backbone of US economy in many respects. Obviously, it is densely populated region of the US due to the presence of megacities like New York, Philadelphia and the capital Washington DC. The size and number of airports in this regions also reflects the movement of people and flow of business in this region. Here most of the major city areas lie in the Atlantic coastal plain, whereas mountains and hills are also significantly affecting the the forest coverage as well as the climate of this area. More particularly, the climate is regulated by the position of the general west to east flow of weather in the middle latitudes. New Jersey is one of the densely populated city of the United States of America. It is divided into 3 geographic region; North Jersey, South Jersey and Central Jersey. Jersey city and Newark are two well known cities of this state. Talking about the climate, summer is hot and humid, and winter is snowy and cold. There are many shores in the bay of Atlantic ocean, where moment is highly increased during the summer. Likewise, the presence of ocean has served in the increment of the number of production based industry in this state. Being a small state also, due to more content... Therefore, Vineland is a formal region. But, Vineland is not a functional region since it is not the center of connection with various cities around and their connection with this city is not compulsory. The people living in neighboring cities are diversified in their lives for their day to day connection with other cities around them as well. The region of vineland is not sharply defined because it is not different than Beuna and Millville city in many Get more content on
  • 3. Geography Essay Introduction and Climate The state of Hawaii is composed of 132 islands, reefs and shoals that extend for over 1500 miles across the central North Pacific Ocean from the "Big Island" of Hawaii to midway and Kure Atolls. The eight main islands of Hawaiian Archipelago includeHawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Nihau and Kahoolawe (listed in order of size) which extend for only 350 miles at the south–eastern end of the volcanic mountain chain. Hawaii includes some of the earth's largest mountains, rising from oceanic depths of greater than 18,000 feet to a height above sea level of nearly 14,000 feet. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island are volcanic mountains with a total relief of 32,000 feet. The entire Island more content... The West side of the Island has near desert–like conditions, while the summit of Waialeale is the wettest spot in the world, with an average rainfall of almost 500 inches per year. Normally, the rugged, mountainous interior has much more rainfall than the coastal areas where most communities are located. The Maritime Tropical air mass highly influences Kalalau Valley, Kauai. With its warm and humid weather that it brings in we see how the Island of Kauai goes from stable to conditionally unstable. The convectional lifting of the air masses around the Island of Kauai shows how an air mass passes a maritime source and it causes lifting in the air mass. If the conditions of the Island are unstable then the lifting is sustained and clouds develop. This is why the temperatures and the rainfall vary with certain spots. For example, Average rainfall ranges from 35 inches at poipu Beach to 444 inches at the summit of Waialeale. The general circulation that influences Kalalau Valley is the Northeast trade winds. The subtropical high and the southeast trade winds affect the valley as well. Mainly the northeast trade winds and the southeast trade winds influence the state of the Hawaiian Islands. The Island of Kauai and Kalalaua Valley are located in the Tropical Rainforest region. The pattern of precipitation and temperature for Kauai between January 1st and December 31st, was between 45 and 70 for temperature in Fahrenheit. The minimum temperature is about 50 Get more content on
  • 4. Geography : History And Geography War is a timeless phenomenon that has shaped societies and cultures; war is greatly influenced by geography. History and geography are both important when considering wars; history tells what events took place, but geography tells us the why, where, and how. One can study geography's effects on war through geography's subtopics: physical, human, economic, and political geographies. For example, war strategies and methods are geography based. Physical geography studies the terrain and landforms in the war–ridden area; these can be a disadvantage to individuals unknowing of the area, and can be used to the advantage of the country being invaded. Human geography shows the relationship between the humans (soldiers and civilians) and the land. There is a great need for geographical knowledge, especially when considering war; if it was not important, The US Air Force Academy and West Point would not study geography, and the government would not have a Department of Geography. Physical geography can affect war greatly– regardless of the number of soldiers or the size of the weapons arsenal. From one point of view, a rough terrain and huge landmasses are detrimental; if an army does not know how to decipher their way around them, they lose time and resources in a standstill. For the country on home terrain, this is a huge advantage; living there gives them the advantage of knowing the land and how to maneuver with it. For this country, physical geography added a natural Get more content on
  • 5. Geography’s Impact on Culture and Society Essays Geography's Impact on Culture and Society When studying ancient civilizations and the beginning societies in the world, the geography has shaped its story significantly. Depending on the location of the civilization society, whether or not water was nearby was crucial for its survival. With trade networks, metals, foods, and languages were spread. Weapons were able to be formed from these metals which led to a stronger military. Mountain ranges formed the boundaries of civilizations. Geography greatly impacted Asia, Africa and Europe. Asia Asia is "the world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres". Its land mass covers almost 9% of the Earth's surface area, 30% of its more content... Even though these urban city dwellers were more advanced technologically and socially, they were not prepared in a military aspect to defend against the mounted hordes of the steppe. The lowlands did not have enough grassland to support a large herd of horsemen, so the nomadic people ended up adapting to the culture of China, the Middle East, and India, which they conquered. 1 Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was home to some of the earliest known civilizations. The name "Mesopotamia" comes from two Greek words meaning "the land between two rivers", referring to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers brought a large amount of freshwater to the region and by getting access to this water provided a new way of life: agriculture. Irrigation led to harvesting crops of barley, wheat, and peas. This then increased the food supplies and was able to support a quickly growing population . Because the land between the rivers was fertile, this provided sufficient soil and crop growing. Because of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, travel was made easier by travelling by boat rather than on land. Trade routes became much more useful for trading agriculture and communication and language. With trading in place, societies began to join together for the common goal of living life. Importing and exporting goods was a common occurrence in Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection Paper On Geography Over the course of taking this geography class, I have learned so much more about countries and cultures, some being ones that I had never heard before than I ever thought I would. It has been such an eye opening class to take part in and it has caused me to feel so many extremely different emotions and pushed me to work even harder than I have ever done before in any other class. This class has definitely changed my view on the world and has made the wanderlust that I already had to grow even more intense. Being able to travel has always been something I have wanted to do, but now I want to travel to places I did not even know existed five months ago and it does not even feel like a want anymore it is more like a need has ignited inside of me. The need to travel and see new places and people was magnified immensely by the things I learned over this very short semester. The studying of this earth is how we have survived and how nations were able to thrive. So being able to study just a few of the features that has shaped the world into what it is today was a great experience. The ability to study the physical features around them whether as a defense or land border made prospering as a nation much easier. Geography is also such a great way for individuals to get know about the places where their ancestors came from and to advance the knowledge we have about other peoples cultures, religions, and governmental systems. For these reasons, I believe that everyone needs to be Get more content on
  • 7. Importance Of Geography Essay Justin Merry What is geography?......... And why do we study it? Geography is knowledge of not only where places are, but also why and how they are there. And also predicting where places may be in the future. The word geography originated from the Greeks. It literally translates to "Earth Description". Which makes sense because that's exactly what geography is. Geography is an all encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of the Earth and it's human and natural complexities. Two terms often used in geography are human geography and physical geography. Human geography deals with studying people and their cultures economics and interaction with nature. Physical geography deals with studying the processes and patterns in more content... The concept of "Place" helps geographers compare and contrast two different locations on Earth such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert. So the theme "Place" basically tells what makes a certain location unique compared to other locations. The third theme of geography is "Region". The theme "Region" is basically the opposite of the last theme "Place". Region has to deal with areas that share common characteristics like spaces, schools, etc. The region can be identified using physical characteristics like climate and landforms. A region can also have multiple "Places" with unifying characteristics like climate and landforms even though they are not exactly the same, but very similar. Many regions have defined lines or boundaries such as a sea. There are human made regions also such as metropolitans like New York City in the United States, Tokyo in Japan, Beijing in China, and Mumbai in India. There are also "Vernacular" Regions which are defined with imaginary lines such as "The Middle–East" even though it is never mentioned on any maps of the Earth. So "Region" is areas with unifying characteristics. The fourth theme of geography is "Movement". The Earth is full of movement. Which primarily is the movement of human beings, their goods and resources, and their ideas. Movement deals with the population, immigration, and emigration of humans. Us humans Get more content on
  • 8. 5 Themes Of Geography Essay 5 Themes of Geography 5 Themes: Location is where exactly something is on a map. Europe is located in western Eurasia and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Eurasia is an area of land that occupies from Portugal to China. Place is a general area. A place can be described by the geographical markers around it and the "things" that make it unique. (A city could be built over the same area that a previous city was built on) Human– Environment Interaction is how humans are involved with the land around them and how their actions affect others. If farmers used up all the minerals in one field, they would use a different field to let the depleted one recover. Movement is the flow of people, goods, and ideas. During more content... Serfs are bound to their lord's manor (not allowed to leave without permission) and paid many fines, but were guaranteed housing and food. (to some extent) 2.Three features of a feudal society are A clearly defined social status Relationships based on trust Respect for the social structure 3.Chivalry elevated women's social status because it went beyond respecting women, and extended to cherishing their unique traits as well. Whereas before, they were really only limited to housework, and were not really looked at beyond that. 4.Peasants had to perform hard labor for all of their lives and pay fines to their lord and at the same time, their lord had to provide protection, housing, and food (a field/ plot of land). Section 3 Review:
  • 9. Roman Catholic Church– The wealthier and more powerful Western branch of Christianity. The RomanCatholic Church was the powerhouse in medieval Europe because many people were extremely religious. Europe was going through its "Age of Faith", so many feared a negative afterlife. Benedictine Rule– Rules for how Benedictine monks/ nuns should live. It was written by a monk named Benedict in 530, Italy. Monks and nuns who chose to live this lifestyle had to live pure and obedient lives of poverty and manual Get more content on
  • 10. Geography Essay 01.01 Assignment Historians apply geographic skills in order to learn about the past and solve historical problems. Complete the two parts of the following written assignment to show your understanding of these skills. Part 1 Explore the interactive maps to answer the three questions in Part 1 of this assignment. If you need to review how to use a map's scale, please go to the Locating Places section of the Map Tutorial and read through page 3. Please remember to submit your responses for Part 1 and Part 2 to your instructor in the assessment area. 1. Using the scale on the interactive map, give the approximate distance in miles that the Pilgrims traveled in their journey from Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts. more content... Orlando is about 221.7 miles south of Hollywood. South Carolina is about 618.2 miles from Hollywood. Hollywood is a very hot and humid place. There are no mountains and hills it's all flat land. It doesn't snow it is summer all year. However, we do have rainfall during the months of April to July. There are many different ethnicities that live in Hollywood Florida. The city has a heavy Hispanic population. There are two large ethnic groups that live in Hollywood which are Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. 2. Convince someone to move to a U.S. city of your choice, by describing the location using terms from the lesson. Be sure to include the name of the city and state you are writing about and make your response at least one paragraph in length. You would love to live in the Big Apple also known asNew York City. There are many people who live in city. New York is a very well known city in the United States. New York is its own region. It is an airport hub, and has many tourists that come to the city every year. New York is known for the towering Skyline. The two landmark dominant buildings that are in Manhattan are the Empire State, and Rockefeller Center. New York's climate is subtropical. New York has four seasons! During the summer it is very hot and humid, in winter it is very cold and snowy so you will have to take out your scarves, gloves, coats, and boots! In the fall it is cool but the leaves turn orange, green, and yellow it is very Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Essay About Geography Every other year at my high school, there is a CIS geography course offered. In this course, there is one assignment that all the upperclassmen would always complain about. As an underclassman, I had dreaded the year that I was going to be receiving this assignment due to having a tendency to save my projects for last minute. I will never forget the map that taught me that procrastination makes the process of completing assignments more difficult, especially on a project that is for a college class. In the beginning of November 2016, my junior year, our college geography class received our quarter project: a map of the world. Our teacher assigned our class a large number of physical features that our maps needed to include such as rivers, lakes, islands, mountain ranges, seas, oceans, etc. The teacher required us to include all seven continents and a key that showed distinctions in the different physical features of the world. Our maps needed to be to scale and show the least amount of distortion as possible. When we received our project, our geography teacher warned us, "This project will be time–consuming. You will not want to wait until the week before to start your maps." After communicating expectations with the class, a majority of my classmates began to work on their maps. I knew that my family was traveling to Wisconsin Dells for Thanksgiving break, so I wanted to attempt to complete as much of the map as possible beforehand; this did not happen. I had finished Get more content on
  • 12. Geography Of Russia Essay Russia is a huge landmass and covers a vast amount of the earth's surface area. Being so large, Russia contains a huge variety of different geographical features. There are several mountains, rivers, bodies of water, climate zones, and population centers in Russia. Most of the development in Russia is located in its core area, east of the Ural Mountains. There are several countries around Russia that used to be parts of a larger union called The Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, however, in 1991, the USSR broke apart into several other independent states. The new states that were formed are: Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, more content... Mountain ranges on the eastern border of Russia include Dzhugdzhur Khrebet, Khrebet Gydan, and Khrebet Gydan. All of the mountain ranges that define the eastern and southern borders, as well as the Ural Mountains create an area in west Russia in which there is little vegetation and harsh weather. Russia also has an abundance of rivers that mark the landscape of this gigantic realm. The Volga River is the largest of the Russian Rivers, and most likely its most important. There are several population centers along the Volga as the Volga is their "lifeline" (Blij 141). The Volga is perhaps much more important than the other rivers in the eastern half of Russia, such as the Lena, The Kolyma, and the Irtvsh, because of the bitterness of the climate west of the Urals, once again, makes the population very sparse in that half of the realm. The Don is an important river in the southernmost part of Russia. Russia is touched in many places by several large bodies of water. The Barents and White Seas in the far northwestern section of Russia are both important bodies of water for Russia as far as trading goes. As large as Russia is, it is mostly landlocked, making the Barents Sea very important for trading in large cities such as Arkangelsk. The Baltic Sea is another important body of water, as the large trading port of St. Petersburg is located on the coast of The Baltic. On the eastern coast of Russia, all of the larger cities, such as Vlakivostok, are Get more content on
  • 13. Ap Human Geography Essay Human Geography – Abby Flint Vocabulary– 1.Globalization– D– is a process of interaction or integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. S– it has effects on the environment, on culture, and on economic development. It increases interaction between places affecting human physical well–being around the world. An example for culture and economic globalization i would use is McDonald, it has restaurants all over the world. Another example of a famous route is the silk road which globalized ancient Europe and Asia. 2. five themes of Geography– location– D– is where a place is in the world. Location can be described as relative or absolute. Relative location is where a place is in comparison to another more content... 16. Relocation diffusion– D– is the spread of information or and idea through physical human movement from place to place. S– it shows how when people migrate they bring ideas and culture with them. For example this is why there can be four different languages being spoken in one place. 17. stimulus diffusion– D– is when one group receives a cultural element from another but gives it a new and unique form. S– it shows how ideas are changed from place to place but the underlying concept can remain the same. An example is McDonald's opening in India, since Hindus don't eat cow, and most of the population of India and Hindu. They change the meat to make them veggie burgers but they still have burgers. 18. expansion diffusion– D– is the rapid, widespread diffusion of characteristics throughout a population. S–it shows how a trend can start in one place and very quickly spread outwards in every direction. The trend spreads like a contagious flu. 19. latitude/longitude– D– are angles that uniquely define points on a sphere. S– together the angles make a coordinate that can pinpoint any geographic position on the surface of the Earth, or any other
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  • 15. Human Geography Essay Bright lights, colorful signs, and delicious smells, all are things that may be found in an ethnic neighborhood. An ethnic neighborhood is a neighborhood, where the majority, if not all the population is of the same belief, and follows the same religion. One of the most well–known neighborhoods in Chicago is Chinatown. Chinatown has many cultural traits that set it apart from neighboring areas; however there is always a looming threat of internal and external threats to its culture. China town possess many cultural traditions and customs. One major cultural trait is the color red. In Chinese culture, red signifies happiness, prosperity, and luck. Many buildings have a very generous use of red. Doorways, walls, and even windows more content... Although many of those stores had signs in Chinese, it doesn't change the effect the stores had on the neighborhoods. While external threats are a looming danger, they are not the only threat. Internal threats also can compromise the established local structure. There are many internal threats prevalent as well. As people live life in the U.S, or experience other culture, they may want to integrate the new culture into their own. One such example is with kids. When kids go to school, they meet people of other cultures, and beliefs. Over time, they may think that an aspect of their beliefs is better than their own. This can cause a recession in the local culture of an area. Another internal threat is that of movement. As kids grow older they may get bored of their surroundings and decide to move out. When people move, buildings generally become open for sale, and often for low prices. These vacancies are enticing to many people who are seeking a home. This can greatly disrupt a neighborhood, as suddenly what was previously a Chinese neighborhood, is now half polish. One last example is with oriental Chinese food. Asian dishes are generally spicy, with many herbs. People often change recipe to fit the American palette. Over time Chinese–American may come to enjoy the new Americanized flavor more. Chinatown has many cultural traits that set it apart from neighboring areas; however there is Get more content on
  • 16. Geography lesson 1 Essay Lesson One Homework 1. Discuss the problems that "geographic illiteracy" can present to a country such as the United States in the Twenty–First Century. Give examples of the need for geographic knowledge in diverse areas such as international politics, domestic politics, economics, and popular culture.Geographic Illiteracy by definition is not having geographic knowledge. For example, not being to point out where the United States is on the map or where the Pacific Ocean is located. Geographic Illiteracy can cause many problems to a country such as the United States in the Twenty First century because it is crucial for the upcoming generation to know what and where situations are arising in the world. As the undisputed more content... Distance, accessibility and connectivity affect relative location. The absolute location of Tarrant County Community College is 32В° 50' N / 97В° 11' W. The relative location of the college is 20 minutes from six flags. 3. Discuss mental geography from two personal perspectives: the mental map of your activity spaces and the map of your preferred place of residence in the United States. The mental map of my preferred place of residence would be me envisioning the main gate then passing the pond on my left and turning into my parking space. I would then go up the stairs to the hallway and go straight to my door up ahead. I would then envision my entryway and living room with the kitchen to the left and my room up behind it. My mental map of my activity area would be of my gym. I would envision the parking lot and see myself parking right in the front, walking up to the double doors and going though. I envision the sign in area where I would scan my card and make my way to the locker rooms to the left. I would then go to my preferred workout area in the right region behind the water fountains and soda machines. I would pass through all the machines and weights until I reach my desired area. 4. What is a functional region and how does it differ from a formal region? Discuss the functional region associated with a nearby metropolitan Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance Of Geography In Education Geography is a subject that gives teachers the chance to deliver knowledge to students in many different forms. To start term two, I will be introducing my students to landscapes; in particular different types of landscapes, how they are formed, their emotional, economic and spiritual value, management of landscapes and the location, frequency and effects of earthquakes (Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2012 p. 73). To ensure the students meet learning objectives and get through the curriculum I will be using the four knowledge processes (Kalantzis, & Cope, 2017). The four learning processes involves, experiencing, conceptualising, analysing and applying, which allows students to be exposed to different learning styles. Through this the students are given a chance to process and understand what they are being taught in a variety of ways. As a teacher, it is important to recognise that all students are individual and cater to the different needs of their students. Using the four knowledge processes through a particular subject helps teachers, in the fact it allows them to reach all students. This is due the fact that many different learning styles are covered through the eight processes. Although Geography seems as though it is majorly a fact–based subject, it is important to promote inquiry and abstract thinking; meaning that students will be asked to look deeper into issues evolving around a certain subject. When considering how to use Get more content on
  • 18. Geography as a Science Essay examples Geography as a Science Science, by definition, is: '...the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment...' 1 Geography is divided into physical and human dimensions; in the past, physical geography had taken pre–eminence over the latter due to the need of geographers to establish their discipline as an actual educational subject in colleges and universities. They therefore needed to impress upon the world its yummy importance as a science 5, which held much weight at the time, but can geography still be based in the world of natural sciences or has it shifted to that of a more social basis? As the subject in itself is more content... All of these changes have understandably influenced how geography has been structured and the perceptions of geography within the world. This radical change in thinking and the rapid increase of the human population since the industrial revolution has meant that geography has evolved more towards the social aspects rather than the scientific. Good examples of this are historical geographies, developmental geographies and studies in globalisation. All relate to social aspects of the world we live in, and this focus on human circles is now growing within the subject. Since its generalised acceptance in the late 18th century 6 it has increased in influence within the subject. During the latter half of the 20th century, human geography (and social interests within geography) began to challenge the position of physical geography within the subject. This could be vastly due to the decline of the descriptive or regional geography, and the rise of spatial science in its place, which allowed sub–disciplines such as cultural, economic, industrial and historical geographies to attract more attention. Geography might have previously been dominated by the natural sciences, but now due to growing interests in Get more content on
  • 19. A Career in Geograpy Essay Much of my passion for Geography is derived from the fact that it depicts relevance to all aspects of society. It is dynamic in a sense that my perception and understanding is constantly evolving with the growth in understanding and perception. What intrigues my further pursuit of geography is how Geography unlike other subjects has direct links to both human and physical attributes. By further pursuing geography at a higher education level, I wish to enrich my understanding of the wider significance of issues being faced and how it affects society on a local and global level. It is important to identify and understand the interconnecting aspects of the world around us and apply such knowledge towards a more sustainable future. Geography more content... Geographers are known to be outgoing and eccentric. Participating in various outbound activities such as AYP and Green fingers has given me a greater understanding of the beauty and fragility of physical geography, while developing my various attributes including leadership, open–minded and a calculated risk–taker. My participation in the Duke of Edinburgh award can be accredited to my pursuit of Geography, by traversing the natural environment I was able to practice several geographical theories and witness the fragility of ecosystems. In Green Fingers, it was the initiative of me and my fellow peers to teach the lower school about the importance of biodiversity protection and the fragility of different biomes. My passion for environmental protection was evident during this period as I instructed at a personal level, this not only improve my general leadership skills as well as my confidence In promoting ideas that might seem aggressive but beneficial. I believe by integrating the knowledge of subjects such as Design Technology, Physics and Geography it is possible to greater understand the theories around us while being able through practical application to tackle many pressing issues concering the 21st century society. Physics have given me a greater understanding for the physical processes that occur in nature and how numbers can be used to describe processes and reactions , I feel that this can accredit my understanding of Get more content on
  • 20. The Five Themes of Geography The Five Themes of Geography are: Location – Absolute points on a map or grid or Relative to where something may be; Place – The physical and/or human characteristics of a locations; Human/Environment Interactions – How humans have impacted the landscape or environment; Relationship between places Movement – How humans interact on the earth (i.e. how they communicate over distance (short or long)) and Regions – a unit of space that has commonalities defined by physical, human and environmental geography. The Explorers of the New World may have not known what the Five Themes of Geography were but they quickly learned. Of the five themes the ones that they all took advantage of was the physical Location and Place as they learned to more content... John Smith learned to move his people to places with safer water during the summer months as the indigenous people would and bring them back afterward. Human interactions with the environment in the early settlements were somewhat disastrous as the settlers believed that the climates of Europe would parlay to the New World. This was most evidenced in the Jamestown settlement. Many settlers, unaware of the unhealthy James River estuary during summer months, fell ill and/or died as a result of disease normally associated with drinking from a polluted water source. The settlers believed in settled farming, basically clearing the land and farming (planting crops and raising animals). Along with the problem estuary of the James this had a profound impact on the land they inhabited, some good and some bad. Animals such as the horse, sheep, cattle and pigs, to name a few, were introduced to the new world which impacted the environment. Most were grazing animals, meaning that they would feed on the plant life (mostly grasses and weeds). These animals would clear lands forcing herders to move to more fertile ground constantly. The good of this was that the animals would introduce accidentally new plant life (grasses typically) that sometimes would kill, or even move, Get more content on
  • 21. What Is Environmental Geography? Essay Final Exam 1.What is environmental geography? Essentially, environmental geography is the study of the distribution pattern of environments across the earth, how these environments change over time and the reasons for this change, as well as how the activities of humans affect these changes and are affected by them ("A – EG SP16 – What is Environmental Geography"). 2.Briefly discuss the 5 "Human Drivers of Environmental Change" The five "Human Drivers of Environmental Change" are demographic, sociopolitical, economic, technological, and cultural (Middleton 25). Demographic drivers are classified by the population. This includes population size, the structure of a population, where people settle and migrate too, as well as the amount of education in a population (Middleton 26). Sociopolitical drivers are centered around the organization of a society, such as a city, as well as environmental governance. This is the influence that a society's organization has on the ways people interact with theenvironment (Middleton 27). Economic drivers are comprised of the growth of economies through the use of local and global resources (Middleton 27). Technological drivers are the developments of new technologies and new scientific discoveries (Middleton 28). Finally, cultural drivers are the influences that a society's culture has on how people interact with the environment (Middleton 29). I believe that the most important drivers are demographic drivers. The population of the earth Get more content on