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 monogenic
 multifactorial
Orthodontics and genetics
 Malocclusion is a manifestation of genetic
and environmental interaction on the
development of the orofacial region.
 Orthodontists are interested in genetics to
understand why a patient has a particular
 Determination of the actual level of genetic
contribution - significant effect on prognosis
& treatment planning.
 If malocclusion is a genetically controlled
phenomenon- only genetic counseling &
early intervention with appliances may be of
some help.
 So it is important to find out whether
malocclusion is under genetic or
environmental influences.
Genetics -
• The branch of biology which deals primarily
with the principles of heredity & variation &
secondarily with the role of environmental
factors as they interact with genes in the
development of an individual.
Heredity -
• It can be defined as that force of nature which
permits the transmission of characteristics of a
species from generation to generation .
 Gamete - a germ cell (sperm or ovum ) containing
haploid number of chromosomes .
 Chromosomes - thread like deep staining bodies
situated within nucleus
 Chromatin - it is the name given to the material of
which chromosomes are made
 Gene - is a part of DNA molecule which directs the
synthesis of specific polypeptide chain.
 Allele- alternative forms of a gene found at same
locus on homologous chromosomes.
 Autosome- is any chromosome other than the sex
 Genotype - genetic constitution of an individual
 Phenotype -it is the final product or all the
observable characteristics of an individual.
 Depends on genotype and environmental factors .
 Trait - any detectable phenotypic property or
 Linkage - two genes situated close together
on same chromosome are said to be linked.
 Heritability-proportion of the phenotypic
variance attributable to genotype.
 Genome- contains the entire genetic content
of chromosomes present within a cell or an
 Multifactorial inheritance- if the genetic
variation of a particular phenotypic trait is
dependent on the simultaneous segregation
of many genes & affected by environment.
Development of genetics
 Mendelism - Gregor Johann Mendel.
 He made his discoveries by analysis of results after
crossing varieties of Garden pea (Pisum sativum)
round or wrinkled seeds
tall or dwarf plant
yellow or white flowers
He crossed varieties differing only in one pair of these
In his monohybrid experiments he found the genotypic
ratio of 1 when he crossed pure varieties with
opposing traits.
r Rr Rr
r Rr Rr
R r
r Rr rr
Crossing the second generation in which he obtained
plants with only round seeds , he obtained genotypic
Ratio of 1:2:1
Dihybrid cross:
When he crossed the second generation of plant variable in two
characteristics he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1
SY Sy sY sy
Sy SSYy SSyy SsYy Ssyy
sY SsYY SsYy ssYY ssYy
sy SsYy Ssyy ssYy ssyy
Mendel’s laws:
 First law-a unit of genetic information is
transmissible unchanged from generation to
 Second law- alternate forms of the gene
must segregateduring gamete formation and
recombine independently in the offspring to
provide ratio of 1:2:1.
 Third law or Law of Independent assortment –
independent assortment occurs only when genes
affecting different characters are on different
chromosomes. In other words genes that are not
alleles are distributed to gametes independently to
each other.
 Law of Uniformity –when 2 homozygotes with
different alleles are crossed all of the off springs of
first generation are identical heterozygotes.
 Law of Seggration –each individual possess 2
factors which determine specific characteristic, a
parent transmits only 1 of these factors to any
particular off spring.It is purely a matter of chance
which of the 2 factors get transmitted.
Human chromosome
 These are thread like structures located in the cell
 Each species has a specific number of chromosomes
 Humans have 23 pairs or 46 .
 22 pairs are autosomes ,1 pair is sex chromosomes
 Chromosomes vary in shape depending on the
position of centromere
 Individual chromosomes differ not only in position of
centromere but also in their overall length(amount of
 Human chromosomes are divided into 7 groups
depending on size ,position of centromere, presence
or absence of satellites
 If the allele are identical it is called homozygous ,if
the alleles differ it is called heterozygous
Off center
If close to the end
At one terminal end
Sub metacentric
Acrocentric(in this
the short knob like
on the short arm is
called satellite
Group chromosome description
A 1-3 Largest ;1&3 mc,2sc
B 4-5 Large ;sc
C 6-12 &X Medium size;sc
D 13-15 Medium size;ac with satellites
E 16-18 Small ;16 mc,17&18 sc
F 19-20 Small;sc
G 21-22 &Y Small;ac
Modes of inheritance
 Population genetics deals with the study of mode of
inheritance of traits and distribution of genes in
 A trait is a particular aspect or characteristic of the
 A trait can be-
 Monogenic
 Polygenic/ multifactorial
 All human beings normally have 22 homologous
pairs of chromosomes called autosomes that are
numbered by size and other characteristics.
 Also , one pair of sex chromosomes may be
homologous (X, X) in females or only partly
homologous (X, Y) in males.
 Genes at the same locus on a pair of homologous
chromosomes are alleles.
 When both members of a pair of alleles are
identical, the individual is homozygous for
that locus.
 When the two alleles at a specific locus are
different, the individual is heterozygous for
that locus.
 Exception to this- gametes contain only
single representative of each pair of
 When 2 gametes join at fertilization- new
individual with paired genes, one from father
& other from mother is formed.
Monogenic Traits
 Traits that develop because of the influence
of a single gene locus are monogenic.
 Also called as mendelian traits.
 Eg-blood group/hemophilia
 Also called as-discrete or qualitative
(yes or no)
 If they are present, these traits still may be
variable and quantifiable in some cases.
Autosomal dominant traits and
 If having only one particular allele of the two alleles
on a homologous pair of autosomes (heterozygosity)
is sufficient to lead to the production of the trait, the
effect is autosomal dominant.
 If production of the trait does not occur with only one
particular allele of the two alleles on an autosome
but does occur when both alleles are the same
(homozygosity), then the effect is autosomal
 The trait (phenotype) is dominant or
recessive and not the gene itself.
 The nature of the traits is studied by
constructing family trees called pedigrees in
which males are denoted by squares and
females by circles, noting who in the family
has the trait and who does not.
 The study of multiple families will yield the following
criteria for autosomal dominant inheritance:
(1) The trait occurs in successive generations that is, it
shows vertical inheritance
(2) On the average, 50% of the offspring of each parent
who has the trait also will have the trait
(3) if an individual has the gene that results in the trait,
each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene
that leads to the expression of the trait
(4) males and females are equally likely to have the
(5) parents who do not have the trait have offspring
who do not have the trait.
 Exceptions to this will be seen in-
 Trait showing nonpenetrance in a particular
 A new mutation occurred in the sperm or egg that
formed the offspring.
 Germinal mosaicism occurred, in which case one of
the parents is mosaic in the germ cell line and the
sperm or eggs are of two types-one cell line with and
one cell line without the mutation.
 When a person with a given genotype fails
to demonstrate the trait characteristic for the
genotype, the trait is said to show
nonpenetrance in that individual .
 Incomplete penetrance in any group of
individuals who have the genotype.
Variable expressivity
 In each individual the trait is present or not
when discussing penetrance, if the trait is
present, it may vary in its severity or
 Thus not all individuals with the trait may
have it to the same extent and may express
varying degrees of effect or severity.
 For example, osteogenesis imperfecta involving type
I collagen
 abnormalities.
(1) multiple fractures
(2) blue sclera
(3) dentinogenesis imperfecta
(4) hearing loss.
 Variation occurs among the different clinical types of
osteogenesis imperfecta
Autosomal recessive traits
 If production of the trait does not occur with only one
particular allele of the two alleles on an autosome
but does occur when both alleles are the same
(homozygosity), then the effect is autosomal
 The concept of a gene carrier is used with autosomal
recessive traits.
 The carrier is heterozygous for a recessive gene that
has only subtle, if any, expression of that single
 Parents of a child with the autosomal
recessive trait are typically heterozygous
(carriers) and most often are diagnosed as
 In autosomal recessive traits, the following
three gene pairs are found:
 AA-homozygous, not showing the trait or
being a carrier for the trait.
 Aa-heterozygous, not showing the trait but
being a carrier of the trait
 aa-homozygous, showing the trait.
X-linked traits and Iyonization
 Most of the genes on the X and Y chromosomes are
not homologous and are unequally distributed to
males and females.
 Males are hemizygous for X-linked genes, meaning
that they have only half (or one each) of the X-linked
 Because females have two X chromosomes, they
may be homozygous or heterozygous for X-linked
genes, just as with autosomal genes.
 A normally functioning homologous allele is not
present on another chromosome, recessive genes
on the one male X chromosome express themselves
phenotypically as if they were dominant genes.
 However, X-linked recessive genes must be present
at the same (homologous) locus in females to
express themselves fully.
 Full expression of rare X-linked recessive
phenotypes is almost completely restricted to
males, and occasionally it is seen in females.
 Variable expression in females is because of
a process called LYONISATION.
 The lyonization process starts early in
development when each cell in the female
inactivates almost all of the genes on one of
her two X chromosomes.
 The homologous X chromosome in each
succeeding cell also will inactivate the same
X chromosomes of the pair.
Lyon hypothesis
 In the female all or most of one X chromosome is
genetically inactive and forms Barr body.
 Decision whether maternally derived Xm or
paternally derived Xp is inactive is made early in
embryonic life and is random for each cell.
 All cells subsequently have the same inactive X
chromosome-Xm or Xp.
 There are phenotypes that "run in families" but do not
adhere to patterns of mendelian inheritance.
 These are referred to as complex or common
 They have greater incidence compared with
monogenic phenotypes.
 These are the traits influenced by polygenic factors.
Multifactorial inheritance-
 Multifactorial inheritance- trait is determined
by the interaction of a number of genes at
different loci, each with a small but additive
effect, together with environmental factors.
 Many congenital malformations are inherited
as multifactorial traits & categorized as-
continuous or discontinuous.
 multifactorial =polygenic + environmental
 A change in phenotype depends on the result of the
genetic and environmental factors present at a given
 Thus compared with monogenic traits, polygenic
traits are more amenable to change following
environmental (treatment) modification.
 Examples of polygenic traits include height
and intelligence quotient, both of which are
continuous traits greatly influenced by
genetic factors.
 However, height and intelligence quotient
also can be affected greatly by
environmental factors, particularly if they are
Discontinuous multifactorial traits
 This describes the traits determined by
multiple gene loci which are present or
absent depending on the number or nature of
the genetic and/or environmental factors
 When present these traits can vary
 The accepted explanation of discontinuous
multifactorial variation rests on the
assumption that there is an underlying scale
of continuous variation of liability to develop
the condition resulting from a combination of
all the genetic and environmental influences
 The condition is present only when the
liability exceeds a critical threshold value,and
the greater the level of liability beyond the
threshold the more severe the disease
 Cleft lip and palate is a congenital
malformation inherited as a multifactorial
 In the mildest form the lip alone is unilaterally
cleft, whereas in the most severe form the lip
is bilaterally cleft and the palatal cleft is
 The parents of a cleft lip and palate patient
are often unaffected, and there may be no
family history of cleft lip and palate, but
producing an affected child the parents are
deemed to have some underactive genes for
cleft lip and palate formation.
 The parents must have sufficient normally
active genes to have normally formed lips
and palates. Only when the balance exceeds
certain threshold will the malformation
occur, and the further the threshold is
exceeded, the greater the extent of the
 Liability curve shifts to right for first degree
 More severe the malformation- liability curve
shifts to right.
 5% of first degree relatives are affected if the
clefting is bilateral ,whereas only 2% are
affected if unilateral and incomplete.
 Some multifactorial traits show an unequal sex ratio.
 Incidence is increased in the relatives of affected
 This indicates that for this malformation the female
threshold is higher than the male threshold.
Continuous multifactorial traits
 Many normal human characteristics are
determined as continuous multifactorial traits.
These traits by definition have a continuously
graded distribution.
 The majority of individuals are centered
around the mean. Such distribution is
characteristic of a continuous multifactorial
 For example - height.
- malocclusion
Not an abnormality or disease but a variation of
occlusion in a continuous multifactorial trait.
Etiologic heterogeneity
 Both continuous &discontinuous variation have a
multifactorial basis so that different patients are not
necessarily affected for same reason
 Cleft palate patients no single cause can be
identified ,it can be due to chromosomal disorder –
Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome, trisomy 13 (patau
syndrome),in monogenic disorders such as Vander
Woude syndrome ,it may also be associated with
cigarette smoking ,alcohol , drugs.
Twin studies
 Twin studies are useful in study of population
 To determine the role of genetic and
environmental factors.(nature vs nurture)
 Twins can be dizygotic or monozygotic
 Dizygotic /fraternal
twins –they develop
from two different
 Genetically alike like
any other siblings
 Can be of different
 Resemblance only like
• Monozygotic /identical
twins –they arise from a
single fertilized ovum
• Identical genetic
• Same sex
• Resemble each other
Various methods have been used to differentiate
 Hair&eye color
 Ear form
 Teeth morphology
 Phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity
 Blood groups
 Serum proteins (gamma globulins)
 Dermatoglyphics
Concordance & Discordance
 Twins are concordant if they both show a
discontinuous trait and discordant if only one
shows the trait.
 As twins usually share a similar family
environment it may be difficult to separate
the relative extent of environmental (nurture)
and genetic contributions (nature) to a
multifactorial trait
 Monozygotic twins have similar genotypes
 Dizygotic twins are like siblings.
 If a condition has no genetic component
concordance would be expected to be similar for
both types of twins.
 For a single-gene trait or a chromosomal disorder
the monozygotic concordance rate will be 100%,
whereas the dizygotic rate will be less than this and
equal to the rate in siblings.
 For discontinuous multifactorial traits with both
genetic and environmental contributions, the rate in
monozygotic twins, although less than 100%, will
exceed the rate in dizygotic twins.
 In cleft studies, the monozygotic twin concordance
rate for cleft lip and palate and cleft palate is 35 and
26 per cent, respectively. And for dizygotic twins 5
and 6 per cent, respectively. (Connor and Ferguson-
Smith. 1993).
 This reflects the heritability of the condition,higher
the monozygotic concordance more the genetic
Twin studies for occlusal & dentofacial
• Lundstorm (1948)-concluded that genetic factors
have greater influence on craniofacial structures.
• Lundstorm (1955)-genetic factors have greater
influence on sagittal apical base relationship
• Krause Wise&Frei (1959)-concluded that
morphology of craniofacial bones are under strong
genetic influence
• Krupanidhi &V.Surendra Shetty(1989)-assessed
amount of genetic &environmental influence on
dental measurements in twins
 Statistically insignificant intrapair difference in MZ
twins in 11 out of 13 parameters(PMBAW,PMD,basal
arch width,tooth material,arch perimeter,intercanine
width,overjet,overbite,curve of spee, III rugae position &midline)
 Intermolar width & palatal depth showed significant
 significant difference in DZ twins for 5 parameters -
premolar diameter, upper tooth material, intercanine width; lower
intermolar width, overbite and curve of spee
 may be due to different genetic
 Ferguson –Smith(1993) cleft study ,the
monozygotic twin concordance rate for CLP&
CP was 35 &26 % respectively dizygotic twins
5& 6 % respectively
A mutation is defined as an alteration or
change in genetic material .
Mutations are due to
 Mutagenic factors –radiation,chemicals etc.
 Spontaneous errors in DNA replication
 main groups of chemicals which,cause mutation are-
 Base analogues which mimic standard bases, but
pair improperly (e.g. 5-bromouracil)
 Alkylating agents which add alkyl groups to bases
and hamper correct pairing (e.g. nitrogen mustard or
ethyl methane sulphonate)
 Intercalating agents which intercalate with DNA and
distort its structure (e.g. deamination by
 Mutations can be coded or noncoded .
 Coded are the once that are transmitted.
 Mutations of the somatic cells cannot be
transmitted ,if it occurs in gamete cells it can
be transmitted.
 Mutations can be further divided into -
 length mutations & point mutations.
 In a point mutation a single nucleotide base
is replaced by a different nucleotide base.
 transition –purine to purine
pyrimidine to pyrimidine
 transversion – purine to pyrimidine or vice
 Synonyms –mutations does not alter the
polypeptide product of gene also called
 Non synonymous –mutations lead to
alterations in the encoded polypeptide
 Missense –a simple base pair substitution
can result in coding for a different amimoacid
and synthesis of altered protein.
 Nonsense –a substitution that leads to the
generation of out of stop codon which will
result in premature termination of translation
of polypeptide chain.
 Deletion is the loss of 1 or more nucleotides
 Insertion is the addition of 1 or more
 results in FRAME SHIFT mutation if these
are not in a multiple of 3
 The majority of mutations are likely to cause reduced
fitness ,a reduced ability of the resulting zygote to
contribute progeny to next generation ,in this way
harmful genes tend be eliminated from the
 A balance between the production of
disadvantageous alleles through mutation &their
elimination by selection results in the presence of
harmful alleles in the population at a low frequency
Chromosomal aberrations
 Alterations of the genetic material which
involves many genes & large amount of DNA
1. Numerical aberrations
2. Structural aberrations
1. Numerical aberrations
 Euploidy –triploidy,tetraploidy
 Aneuploidy –monosomies,trisomies
Structural aberrations
 Translocations –transfer of genetic material from one
chromosome to another
 Inversions –rearrangement within the same chromosome
segment is rotated 180 degrees
 Insertion –one segment is removed from normal position
&inserted in different position
 Deletion –a missing chromosomal segment
 Ring chromosome
 Isochromosome
Chromosome abnormality
 13 trisomy---Patau’s
Mental retardation
Cleft lip/palate
Micrognathia,small eyes
 18 trisomy--- Edward’s
Mental retardation
 XO ---Turners
Retarded growth
Spade like chest
Ovarian agenesis
 21 trisomy --Down’s
Mental retardation
Max hypoplasia
Flat nasal bridge
Delayed eruption
Growth retardation
 XXY--Klinefelter’s
Small testes
Decreased facial hair
 4p- Wolf-hirchhorn
Mental retardation
Abnormal facies
 5p- Cri –du-chat
Mental retardation
Characterstic cry
Role of neural crest cells
 To understand genetic mechanisms
involved in craniofacial morphogenesis at
the molecular level in the embryo assists –
 To know the role of genetics
1. The etiology of craniofacial abnormalities
2. Regulation of maxillary, mandibular, and tooth
 Facial development in the embryo is demarcated by
the appearance of the pre-chordal plate (the cranial
end of the embryo) on the fourteenth day of
 Facial mesenchyme arises from neural crest cells.
 These cells disrupt the ectodermal mesodermal
junction and migrate into the underlying tissue as
ectomesenchymal cells.
 During their migration they undergo a number of
interactions with the extra-cellular matrix, and with
adjacent epithelia to determine the ,nature and
patterning of the neural, skeletal and connective
tissue structures they will form.
 Among the derivatives of the cephalic neural crest
cells arc the maxilla, mandible, zygomatic, nasal
bones, and bones of the cranial vault.
 Neural crest cell migration and the factors that cause these
cells to localise in particular regions is not yet completely
 Their migration into the branchial arches occurs in a highly
regulated manner.
 This process is presumed to be under the control of genes
known as homeobox genes which endow
neural crest cells with a positional identity, which
mediates aspects of craniofacial morphogenesis and patterning.
The role of cell adhesion molecules
 cell adhesion molecules such as cadherins,
integrins, immunoglobulins, and proteoglycans are
glycoproteins on the external surface of the cell
membranes, and are thought to be important in
embryogenesis, particularly organ formation.
 In craniofacial development the precise positioning
of the neural crest cells in the branchial arches may
involve changes in expression of cell adhesion
 They are expressed and down regulated in neural
crest cells during their migratory
Homeobox genes
 Homeobox genes are genes which are highly
conserved through out evolution of diverse
organisms and are now known to play a role in
patterning the embryonic development .
 These can be regarded as master genes of head &
face controlling patterning, induction ,programmed
cell death &epithelial mesenchymal interaction
during development of the craniofacial complex .
Genes of particular interest in craniofacial
developmemt are:
 Hox group
 Msx 1&Msx 2(muscle segment)
 Dlx (distalless)
 Otx (orthodontical)
 Gsc (goosecoid)
 Shh (sonic hedgehog)
Proteins encoded by these homeobox genes are
transcription factors which control transcription of
RNA from the DNA template within cell nucleus.
 Transcription factors can switch genes on and off by
activating or repressing gene expression, and
therefore control other genes, producing a
coordinated cascade of molecular events which ,in
turn control patterning and morphogenesis.
At a cellular level this control is expressed through two
main groups of regulatory proteins
- growth factor family
-steroid/thyroid/retinoic acid
 These regulatory molecules in the mesenchyme
such as
 fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
 epidermal growth factor (EGF)
 transforming growth factor alpha (TGFa)
 transforming growth factor beta (TGFb)
 bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)
 are the vehicles through which homeobox gene
information is expressed in the co-ordination of cell
migration and subsequent cell interactions that
regulate growth.
 By this means different parts of the DNA are
activated in different cells regulating the different
proteins ,enzymes .etc
 These mechanisms hold a key to understand
disease, dysmorphology & are subject of intensive
research in craniofacial biology
Molecular genetics in oral and craniofacial
 Mutations in fibroblast growth factor- affect suture
 Apert, Crouzon and Pfeiffer syndromes
 Mutations in two transcription factors MSX2 and
 Boston type craniosynostosis and Saethre-
Chotzen syndrome
 mutation of core binding factor I gene:
Cleidocranial dysplasia
 mutation of long arm of chromosome 5
Treacher Collins syndrome
Molecular genetics in dental development
 Role in epithelial and mesenchymal
 Bone morphogenetic proteins-2,4 & 7
 FGF 1 & 8 via downstream factors MSX 1 and PAX 9
Control of tooth development
 Muscle specific homeobox genes Msx-l and Msx-2 are
involved in epithelial and mesenchymal interactions.
 Implicated in craniofacial development ie
initiation,developmental position and further development
of tooth buds
 Msx 1 & Pax 9 have been implicated in non syndromic
tooth agenesis
 EDAI and NEMO syndromes that include tooth agenesis.
Disorders of tooth development
 Amelogenesis imperfecta
 It is a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders
affecting enamel formation
 Hypoplastic, Hypocalcified, &Hypomaturation forms
have been described (Witkop 1988)
 It exhibits autosomal dominant,autosomal recessive
& X-linked inheritance
 In humans two amelogens ,AMGX & AMGY have
been cloned &mapped to X & Y chromosomes
 In 1997 MacDoughall et al mapped the ameloblastin
gene within critical region for autosomal dominant AI
at chromosome 4q21 .
 Mutations of several genes may be involved in the
etiology of various types of amelogenesis imperfecta.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
 It is autosomal dominant
 Occurs in about 1:8000 live birth
 Presents with brownish discoloration of teeth crowns
,susceptible to rapid attrition ,fragile roots &
obliterated pulp chamber
 One type of DI is coupled with osteogenesis
 Most patients with this type of DI have mutations &
deletions for amino acid substitutions in genes for
type 1 collagen
 Msx 1 is strongly expressed in dental mesenchyme
throughout the bud ,cap &bell stages of
 Vastardis et al (1996) demonstrated that a mutation
in Msx 1 caused familial tooth agenesis & genetic
linkage analysis of a family with autosomal dominant
agenesis of 2nd premolar & 3rd molar identified a
locus on chromosome 4p as the site of the Msx 1
 Genetic factors are believed to play a major role in
most of the cases of hypodontia with autosomal
dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked, and
multifactorial inheritance reported.
 A couple of genes (MSXl and PAX9) involved in
dentition patterning have been found to be involved
in some families with nonsyndromic autosomal
dominant hypodontia although there are many other
candidate genes, including KROX-26.
Peg shaped laterals
 This can be an autosomal dominant trait with
incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity as
evidenced by the phenotype sometimes "skipping"
generations and sometimes being a peg-shaped
lateral instead of agenesis and sometimes involving
one or the other or both sides.
 A polygenic mode of inheritance also has been
Ectodermal dysplasia
 Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a
heterogeneous disorder with clinically many distinct
 It is characterized by triad of –
 Hypodontia varies from few missing teeth to complete
 Kere et al identified the gene for X-linked EDA & it
was found to be expressed in keratinocytes, hair
follicles and sweat glands.
solitary median maxillary central
incisor syndrome
 The presence of a single primary and permanent
maxillary incisor which is in the midline and
symmetric with normal crown and root shape and
size, can be an isolated finding or can be part of the
solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome.
 This heterogeneous condition may include other
midline developmental abnormalities of the brain and
other structures that can be due to mutation in the
sonic hedgehog (SHH) gene, SIX3 gene.
Genetic influence on tooth number
,size,morphology,position,& eruption
 Msx 1 &Msx 2 are responsible for stability in dental
patterning .
 Clinical evidence suggests that congenital absence of
teeth &reduction in tooth size are associated
 A study of children with missing teeth found up to half
of their siblings or parents also had missing teeth .
Supernumerary teeth
 Brook (1974) reported that prevalence of
supernumerary teeth in British school children was
2.1%in permanent dentition with male:female ratio of
2:1 , in Hong Kong the prevalence was around 3 % &
male :female ratio 6.5:1 , most common
supernumerary tooth is the mesiodens ,these are
commonly present in siblings & parents of the
patients , it does not follow simple mendalian pattern
Abnormal tooth shape
 Alvesalo &Portin (1969) provided substantial
evidence supporting the view that missing
,malformed lateral incisors may be the result of
common gene defect ,all of these defects show
familial trends ,female preponderance,&association
with other dental anomalies ,such as other missing
teeth ,ectopic canines ,suggesting a polygenic
Ectopic maxillary canines
 Peck et al (1994) concluded that palatally ectopic
canines were an inherited trait ,being one of the
anomalies in a complex of genetically related dental
disturbances –supernumerary teeth ,missing teeth ,
transposition ,tooth size reduction,other ectopically
positioned teeth,it seems to be a polygenic trait.
 Candidate genes that are proposed possibly to
influence the occurrence of palatally displaced
canines and hypodontia in developmental fields
include MSXl and PAX9.
Submerged primary molars
 It occurs most commonly in mandibular arch ,there is
a high rate of concordance between the monozygotic
twins ,number of studies provide evidence for
genetically determined primary failure of eruption
Maxillary midline diastema
 Numerous etiologies have been proposed –toothsize
arch length discrepancy ,aberrant labial frenum
attachment ,parafunctional habits, tooth loss ,
periodontal disease, deep bite ,maxillary midline
pathology ,broadbent phenomenon ,Gardinger stated
that parents &offsprings appear to share dental
phenotype ,a few authors found heredity to play a
greater role in MMD
 Class II div 1 malocclusion –study done by Harris
(1975) show a higher correlation coefficient between
patient & his immediate family than data from random
pairings of unrelated siblings,thus supporting the
concept of polygenic inheritance
 Class II div 2 malocclusion –it is a distinct clinical
entity & is a more consistent collection of definable
morphometric features occurring simultaneously i.e.
a syndrome ,this often occurs in a combination with
some dental features like poorly developed cingulum
on upper incisors & characteristic crown root
angulation ,teeth thinner in labio lingual dimension,a
further feature is fowardly rotating mandibular
development ,which contributes to deep bite ,chin
prominence &reduced lower face height
 In study done on twins ,there was 100% concordance
for class II div 2 among monozygotic twins &90 %
dizygotic twins were discordant
 Studies point to probably autosomal dominant with
incomplete penetrance &variable expressivity
 Class III malocclusion-the most famous example of
a genetic trait in humans passing through several
generations is the pedigree of the so called –
Hapsburg jaw ,this was famous mandibular
prognathism demonstrated by several generations of
Hungarian/Austrian monarchy
 Strohmayer (1937) did a detail pedigree analysis &
found out that it was a autosomal dominant
trait,other studies found out it to be polygenic trait
 a variety of environmental factors are considered in
its etiology,enlarged tonsils,nasal
blockage,congenital anatomic
 Three types of asymmetry:
 Directional
 Antisymmetry
 Fluctuating asymmetry.
 Directional asymmetry occurs when development of
one side is different from that of the other during
normal development.
 The human lung having three lobes on the right side
and two lobes on the left side
 This may be predicted before development occurs, it
is under significant genetic influence.
 Antisymmetry occurs when one side is larger than
the other, but which side is larger is variable in
normal development and cannot be predicted before
 Antisymmetry is much less common than directional
 These two types of asymmetry are considered
developmentally normal.
 Like directional asymmetry, antisymmetry has a
significant genetic component that is not fully
 The third type of asymmetry, fluctuating, occurs
when a difference exists between right and left sides,
with which side is larger being random.
 This reflects the inability of the individual to develop
identical, bilaterally homologous structures.
 Fluctuating asymmetry has been observed in the
primary and permanent dentitions.
 The greater amount of fluctuating asymmetry for the
distance between cusps on each tooth than for the
overall crown size of primary second molars and
permanent first molars indicates that the occlusal
morphology of these teeth is influenced more by
environmental factors than the overall crown size.
 The degree and severity of external apical root
resorption associated with orthodontic treatment is
multifactorial, involving host and environmental
 Genetic variation accounts for 50% to 64% of the
variation in EARR of the maxillary incisors.
 Variation in the interleukin-lb gene (IL-l B) in
orthodontically treated individuals accounts for 15%
of the variation in EARR.
 Persons in the orthodontically treated sample who
were homozygous for IL-1B allele "1" were estimated
to be 5.6 times more likely to experience EARR of 2
mm or more than those who were heterozygous or
homozygous for allele "2“(Hartsfield and Everett AJO
Role of epigenetic factors
 Etiology of malocclusion
genetic environmental
 More important is to understand the interaction.
 The form & size of teeth is principally determined by
genetic factors , but growth and final morphology of
the dentofacial structures is also influenced by
environmental factors.
 The influence of genetics on dentofacial
morphology does not imply that genetic
information is solely located in bones ,but
also in neurological ,muscular &
neuromuscular fields which have influence
on skeleton.
 Mastication ,speech ,facial expression & swallowing
are examples of neuromuscular patterns .
 Although they are under conscious control ,there is
no basis to suggest that these patterns can be
changed permanently.
 Although the bones are also influenced by functional
matrix, the functional matrix comprises of
neuromuscular activity which is influenced by
genetics as well as environmental factors .
 This will have a direct bearing upon the extent to
which a particular malocclusion can be influenced by
therapeutic environmental intervention.
 Salzman (1972) highlighted the familial nature of
tongue thrusting,jaw posturing, & orofacial soft tissue
mannerism .
Human genome project
 Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome
Project is a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S.
Department of Energy and the National Institutes of
 Determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical
base pairs that make up human DNA.
 identify all the approximate 30,000 genes in human
 Locate genes to specific chromosomes.
 Identify near neighbours of genes.
 store this information in databases.
 Determination of gene defects.
 Various linkage analysis.
Project goals
The Oral &Craniofacial genome project seeks to set up
collaborative laboratory research projects on human
&mouse embryonic tissue
The objective is to build up DNA libraries with a view to
discover the genes for normal & abnormal oral &
craniofacial development .
 Contrary to the presumption that malocclusions of
"genetic cause" are less amenable to treatment than
those of an "environmental cause," a change in
environmental factors can affect a polygenic trait
with a high estimate of heritability.
 The effect depends on the response of the patient to
the change in environment (e.g., treatment).
 In the future, orthodontists ability to treat
patients better will depend on investigations
into how environmental factors affect gene
expression that influences malocclusion.
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Genetics and orthodontics /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy

  • 1. GENETICS AND ITS ROLE IN ORTHODONTICS INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 3. Orthodontics and genetics  Malocclusion is a manifestation of genetic and environmental interaction on the development of the orofacial region.  Orthodontists are interested in genetics to understand why a patient has a particular occlusion.
  • 4.  Determination of the actual level of genetic contribution - significant effect on prognosis & treatment planning.  If malocclusion is a genetically controlled phenomenon- only genetic counseling & early intervention with appliances may be of some help.
  • 5.  So it is important to find out whether malocclusion is under genetic or environmental influences.
  • 6. Terms Genetics - • The branch of biology which deals primarily with the principles of heredity & variation & secondarily with the role of environmental factors as they interact with genes in the development of an individual.
  • 7. Heredity - • It can be defined as that force of nature which permits the transmission of characteristics of a species from generation to generation .  Gamete - a germ cell (sperm or ovum ) containing haploid number of chromosomes .  Chromosomes - thread like deep staining bodies situated within nucleus
  • 8.  Chromatin - it is the name given to the material of which chromosomes are made  Gene - is a part of DNA molecule which directs the synthesis of specific polypeptide chain.  Allele- alternative forms of a gene found at same locus on homologous chromosomes.
  • 9.  Autosome- is any chromosome other than the sex chromosome.  Genotype - genetic constitution of an individual  Phenotype -it is the final product or all the observable characteristics of an individual.  Depends on genotype and environmental factors .
  • 10.  Trait - any detectable phenotypic property or character.  Linkage - two genes situated close together on same chromosome are said to be linked.
  • 11.  Heritability-proportion of the phenotypic variance attributable to genotype.  Genome- contains the entire genetic content of chromosomes present within a cell or an organism.
  • 12.  Multifactorial inheritance- if the genetic variation of a particular phenotypic trait is dependent on the simultaneous segregation of many genes & affected by environment.
  • 13. Development of genetics  Mendelism - Gregor Johann Mendel.  He made his discoveries by analysis of results after crossing varieties of Garden pea (Pisum sativum) round or wrinkled seeds tall or dwarf plant yellow or white flowers He crossed varieties differing only in one pair of these characteristics
  • 14. In his monohybrid experiments he found the genotypic ratio of 1 when he crossed pure varieties with opposing traits. R R r Rr Rr r Rr Rr
  • 15. R r R RR Rr r Rr rr Crossing the second generation in which he obtained plants with only round seeds , he obtained genotypic Ratio of 1:2:1
  • 16. Dihybrid cross: When he crossed the second generation of plant variable in two characteristics he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 SY Sy sY sy SY SSYY SSYy SsYY SsYy Sy SSYy SSyy SsYy Ssyy sY SsYY SsYy ssYY ssYy sy SsYy Ssyy ssYy ssyy
  • 17. Mendel’s laws:  First law-a unit of genetic information is transmissible unchanged from generation to generation.  Second law- alternate forms of the gene must segregateduring gamete formation and recombine independently in the offspring to provide ratio of 1:2:1.
  • 18.  Third law or Law of Independent assortment – independent assortment occurs only when genes affecting different characters are on different chromosomes. In other words genes that are not alleles are distributed to gametes independently to each other.
  • 19.  Law of Uniformity –when 2 homozygotes with different alleles are crossed all of the off springs of first generation are identical heterozygotes.  Law of Seggration –each individual possess 2 factors which determine specific characteristic, a parent transmits only 1 of these factors to any particular off spring.It is purely a matter of chance which of the 2 factors get transmitted.
  • 20. Human chromosome  These are thread like structures located in the cell nucleus.  Each species has a specific number of chromosomes  Humans have 23 pairs or 46 .  22 pairs are autosomes ,1 pair is sex chromosomes XX/XY  Chromosomes vary in shape depending on the position of centromere
  • 22.  Individual chromosomes differ not only in position of centromere but also in their overall length(amount of DNA )  Human chromosomes are divided into 7 groups depending on size ,position of centromere, presence or absence of satellites  If the allele are identical it is called homozygous ,if the alleles differ it is called heterozygous
  • 23. Centromere Middle Off center If close to the end At one terminal end tip Name Metacentric Sub metacentric Acrocentric(in this the short knob like on the short arm is called satellite Telocentric
  • 24. Group chromosome description A 1-3 Largest ;1&3 mc,2sc B 4-5 Large ;sc C 6-12 &X Medium size;sc D 13-15 Medium size;ac with satellites E 16-18 Small ;16 mc,17&18 sc F 19-20 Small;sc G 21-22 &Y Small;ac
  • 25. Modes of inheritance  Population genetics deals with the study of mode of inheritance of traits and distribution of genes in populations.  A trait is a particular aspect or characteristic of the phenotype.  A trait can be-  Monogenic  Polygenic/ multifactorial
  • 26.  All human beings normally have 22 homologous pairs of chromosomes called autosomes that are numbered by size and other characteristics.  Also , one pair of sex chromosomes may be homologous (X, X) in females or only partly homologous (X, Y) in males.  Genes at the same locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes are alleles.
  • 27.  When both members of a pair of alleles are identical, the individual is homozygous for that locus.  When the two alleles at a specific locus are different, the individual is heterozygous for that locus.
  • 28.  Exception to this- gametes contain only single representative of each pair of chromosomes.  When 2 gametes join at fertilization- new individual with paired genes, one from father & other from mother is formed.
  • 29. Monogenic Traits  Traits that develop because of the influence of a single gene locus are monogenic.  Also called as mendelian traits.  Eg-blood group/hemophilia  Also called as-discrete or qualitative (yes or no)  If they are present, these traits still may be variable and quantifiable in some cases.
  • 30. Autosomal dominant traits and penetrance  If having only one particular allele of the two alleles on a homologous pair of autosomes (heterozygosity) is sufficient to lead to the production of the trait, the effect is autosomal dominant.  If production of the trait does not occur with only one particular allele of the two alleles on an autosome but does occur when both alleles are the same (homozygosity), then the effect is autosomal recessive.
  • 31.  The trait (phenotype) is dominant or recessive and not the gene itself.  The nature of the traits is studied by constructing family trees called pedigrees in which males are denoted by squares and females by circles, noting who in the family has the trait and who does not.
  • 32.  The study of multiple families will yield the following criteria for autosomal dominant inheritance: (1) The trait occurs in successive generations that is, it shows vertical inheritance (2) On the average, 50% of the offspring of each parent who has the trait also will have the trait
  • 33. (3) if an individual has the gene that results in the trait, each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene that leads to the expression of the trait (4) males and females are equally likely to have the trait (5) parents who do not have the trait have offspring who do not have the trait.
  • 35.  Exceptions to this will be seen in-  Trait showing nonpenetrance in a particular offspring.  A new mutation occurred in the sperm or egg that formed the offspring.  Germinal mosaicism occurred, in which case one of the parents is mosaic in the germ cell line and the sperm or eggs are of two types-one cell line with and one cell line without the mutation.
  • 36. Penetrance  When a person with a given genotype fails to demonstrate the trait characteristic for the genotype, the trait is said to show nonpenetrance in that individual .  Incomplete penetrance in any group of individuals who have the genotype.
  • 37. Variable expressivity  In each individual the trait is present or not when discussing penetrance, if the trait is present, it may vary in its severity or expression.  Thus not all individuals with the trait may have it to the same extent and may express varying degrees of effect or severity.
  • 38.  For example, osteogenesis imperfecta involving type I collagen  abnormalities. (1) multiple fractures (2) blue sclera (3) dentinogenesis imperfecta (4) hearing loss.  Variation occurs among the different clinical types of osteogenesis imperfecta
  • 39. Autosomal recessive traits  If production of the trait does not occur with only one particular allele of the two alleles on an autosome but does occur when both alleles are the same (homozygosity), then the effect is autosomal recessive.  The concept of a gene carrier is used with autosomal recessive traits.  The carrier is heterozygous for a recessive gene that has only subtle, if any, expression of that single gene.
  • 40.  Parents of a child with the autosomal recessive trait are typically heterozygous (carriers) and most often are diagnosed as normal.
  • 41.  In autosomal recessive traits, the following three gene pairs are found:  AA-homozygous, not showing the trait or being a carrier for the trait.  Aa-heterozygous, not showing the trait but being a carrier of the trait  aa-homozygous, showing the trait.
  • 43. X-linked traits and Iyonization  Most of the genes on the X and Y chromosomes are not homologous and are unequally distributed to males and females.  Males are hemizygous for X-linked genes, meaning that they have only half (or one each) of the X-linked genes.  Because females have two X chromosomes, they may be homozygous or heterozygous for X-linked genes, just as with autosomal genes.
  • 44.  A normally functioning homologous allele is not present on another chromosome, recessive genes on the one male X chromosome express themselves phenotypically as if they were dominant genes.  However, X-linked recessive genes must be present at the same (homologous) locus in females to express themselves fully.
  • 46.  Full expression of rare X-linked recessive phenotypes is almost completely restricted to males, and occasionally it is seen in females.  Variable expression in females is because of a process called LYONISATION.
  • 47.  The lyonization process starts early in development when each cell in the female inactivates almost all of the genes on one of her two X chromosomes.  The homologous X chromosome in each succeeding cell also will inactivate the same X chromosomes of the pair.
  • 48. Lyon hypothesis  In the female all or most of one X chromosome is genetically inactive and forms Barr body.  Decision whether maternally derived Xm or paternally derived Xp is inactive is made early in embryonic life and is random for each cell.  All cells subsequently have the same inactive X chromosome-Xm or Xp.
  • 49.  There are phenotypes that "run in families" but do not adhere to patterns of mendelian inheritance.  These are referred to as complex or common diseases.  They have greater incidence compared with monogenic phenotypes.  These are the traits influenced by polygenic factors. Multifactorial inheritance-
  • 50.  Multifactorial inheritance- trait is determined by the interaction of a number of genes at different loci, each with a small but additive effect, together with environmental factors.  Many congenital malformations are inherited as multifactorial traits & categorized as- continuous or discontinuous.
  • 51.  multifactorial =polygenic + environmental  A change in phenotype depends on the result of the genetic and environmental factors present at a given time.  Thus compared with monogenic traits, polygenic traits are more amenable to change following environmental (treatment) modification.
  • 52.  Examples of polygenic traits include height and intelligence quotient, both of which are continuous traits greatly influenced by genetic factors.  However, height and intelligence quotient also can be affected greatly by environmental factors, particularly if they are deleterious.
  • 53. Discontinuous multifactorial traits  This describes the traits determined by multiple gene loci which are present or absent depending on the number or nature of the genetic and/or environmental factors acting.  When present these traits can vary continuously.
  • 54.  The accepted explanation of discontinuous multifactorial variation rests on the assumption that there is an underlying scale of continuous variation of liability to develop the condition resulting from a combination of all the genetic and environmental influences involved.
  • 55.  The condition is present only when the liability exceeds a critical threshold value,and the greater the level of liability beyond the threshold the more severe the disease
  • 56.  Cleft lip and palate is a congenital malformation inherited as a multifactorial trait.  In the mildest form the lip alone is unilaterally cleft, whereas in the most severe form the lip is bilaterally cleft and the palatal cleft is complete.
  • 57.  The parents of a cleft lip and palate patient are often unaffected, and there may be no family history of cleft lip and palate, but producing an affected child the parents are deemed to have some underactive genes for cleft lip and palate formation.
  • 58.  The parents must have sufficient normally active genes to have normally formed lips and palates. Only when the balance exceeds certain threshold will the malformation occur, and the further the threshold is exceeded, the greater the extent of the malformation
  • 60.  Liability curve shifts to right for first degree relatives.  More severe the malformation- liability curve shifts to right.  5% of first degree relatives are affected if the clefting is bilateral ,whereas only 2% are affected if unilateral and incomplete.
  • 61.  Some multifactorial traits show an unequal sex ratio.  Incidence is increased in the relatives of affected females.  This indicates that for this malformation the female threshold is higher than the male threshold.
  • 62. Continuous multifactorial traits  Many normal human characteristics are determined as continuous multifactorial traits. These traits by definition have a continuously graded distribution.  The majority of individuals are centered around the mean. Such distribution is characteristic of a continuous multifactorial trait.
  • 63.  For example - height. - malocclusion Not an abnormality or disease but a variation of occlusion in a continuous multifactorial trait.
  • 64. Etiologic heterogeneity  Both continuous &discontinuous variation have a multifactorial basis so that different patients are not necessarily affected for same reason  Cleft palate patients no single cause can be identified ,it can be due to chromosomal disorder – Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome, trisomy 13 (patau syndrome),in monogenic disorders such as Vander Woude syndrome ,it may also be associated with cigarette smoking ,alcohol , drugs.
  • 65. Twin studies  Twin studies are useful in study of population genetics.  To determine the role of genetic and environmental factors.(nature vs nurture)  Twins can be dizygotic or monozygotic
  • 66.  Dizygotic /fraternal twins –they develop from two different embryos  Genetically alike like any other siblings  Can be of different sex  Resemblance only like siblings • Monozygotic /identical twins –they arise from a single fertilized ovum • Identical genetic makeup • Same sex • Resemble each other
  • 67. Various methods have been used to differentiate  Hair&eye color  Ear form  Teeth morphology  Phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity  Blood groups  Serum proteins (gamma globulins)  Dermatoglyphics
  • 68. Concordance & Discordance  Twins are concordant if they both show a discontinuous trait and discordant if only one shows the trait.  As twins usually share a similar family environment it may be difficult to separate the relative extent of environmental (nurture) and genetic contributions (nature) to a multifactorial trait
  • 69.  Monozygotic twins have similar genotypes  Dizygotic twins are like siblings.  If a condition has no genetic component concordance would be expected to be similar for both types of twins.
  • 70.  For a single-gene trait or a chromosomal disorder the monozygotic concordance rate will be 100%, whereas the dizygotic rate will be less than this and equal to the rate in siblings.  For discontinuous multifactorial traits with both genetic and environmental contributions, the rate in monozygotic twins, although less than 100%, will exceed the rate in dizygotic twins.
  • 71.  In cleft studies, the monozygotic twin concordance rate for cleft lip and palate and cleft palate is 35 and 26 per cent, respectively. And for dizygotic twins 5 and 6 per cent, respectively. (Connor and Ferguson- Smith. 1993).  This reflects the heritability of the condition,higher the monozygotic concordance more the genetic contribution.
  • 72. Twin studies for occlusal & dentofacial structures • Lundstorm (1948)-concluded that genetic factors have greater influence on craniofacial structures. • Lundstorm (1955)-genetic factors have greater influence on sagittal apical base relationship • Krause Wise&Frei (1959)-concluded that morphology of craniofacial bones are under strong genetic influence
  • 73. • Krupanidhi &V.Surendra Shetty(1989)-assessed amount of genetic &environmental influence on dental measurements in twins  Statistically insignificant intrapair difference in MZ twins in 11 out of 13 parameters(PMBAW,PMD,basal arch width,tooth material,arch perimeter,intercanine width,overjet,overbite,curve of spee, III rugae position &midline)  Intermolar width & palatal depth showed significant difference.  significant difference in DZ twins for 5 parameters - premolar diameter, upper tooth material, intercanine width; lower intermolar width, overbite and curve of spee  may be due to different genetic
  • 74.  Ferguson –Smith(1993) cleft study ,the monozygotic twin concordance rate for CLP& CP was 35 &26 % respectively dizygotic twins 5& 6 % respectively
  • 75. Mutations A mutation is defined as an alteration or change in genetic material . Mutations are due to  Mutagenic factors –radiation,chemicals etc.  Spontaneous errors in DNA replication &repair.
  • 76.  main groups of chemicals which,cause mutation are-  Base analogues which mimic standard bases, but pair improperly (e.g. 5-bromouracil)  Alkylating agents which add alkyl groups to bases and hamper correct pairing (e.g. nitrogen mustard or ethyl methane sulphonate)  Intercalating agents which intercalate with DNA and distort its structure (e.g. deamination by hydroxylamine).
  • 77.  Mutations can be coded or noncoded .  Coded are the once that are transmitted.  Mutations of the somatic cells cannot be transmitted ,if it occurs in gamete cells it can be transmitted.  Mutations can be further divided into -  length mutations & point mutations.
  • 78.  In a point mutation a single nucleotide base is replaced by a different nucleotide base.  transition –purine to purine pyrimidine to pyrimidine  transversion – purine to pyrimidine or vice versa
  • 79.  Synonyms –mutations does not alter the polypeptide product of gene also called silent.  Non synonymous –mutations lead to alterations in the encoded polypeptide
  • 80.  Missense –a simple base pair substitution can result in coding for a different amimoacid and synthesis of altered protein.  Nonsense –a substitution that leads to the generation of out of stop codon which will result in premature termination of translation of polypeptide chain.
  • 81. Deletion/insertion  Deletion is the loss of 1 or more nucleotides  Insertion is the addition of 1 or more nucleotides  results in FRAME SHIFT mutation if these are not in a multiple of 3
  • 82.  The majority of mutations are likely to cause reduced fitness ,a reduced ability of the resulting zygote to contribute progeny to next generation ,in this way harmful genes tend be eliminated from the population  A balance between the production of disadvantageous alleles through mutation &their elimination by selection results in the presence of harmful alleles in the population at a low frequency
  • 83. Chromosomal aberrations  Alterations of the genetic material which involves many genes & large amount of DNA 1. Numerical aberrations 2. Structural aberrations
  • 84. 1. Numerical aberrations  Euploidy –triploidy,tetraploidy  Aneuploidy –monosomies,trisomies tetrasomies
  • 85. Structural aberrations  Translocations –transfer of genetic material from one chromosome to another  Inversions –rearrangement within the same chromosome segment is rotated 180 degrees  Insertion –one segment is removed from normal position &inserted in different position  Deletion –a missing chromosomal segment  Ring chromosome  Isochromosome
  • 87. Chromosome abnormality  13 trisomy---Patau’s Mental retardation Microcephaly Cleft lip/palate Micrognathia,small eyes  18 trisomy--- Edward’s Mental retardation Brachycephaly Micrognathia Hypodontia CLP
  • 88.  XO ---Turners Retarded growth Micrognathia Spade like chest Ovarian agenesis  21 trisomy --Down’s Brachycephaly Mental retardation Max hypoplasia Flat nasal bridge Delayed eruption Growth retardation macroglossia
  • 89.  XXY--Klinefelter’s Gynecomastia Small testes Decreased facial hair  4p- Wolf-hirchhorn Mental retardation Abnormal facies CLP  5p- Cri –du-chat Mental retardation Microcephaly Characterstic cry
  • 90. Role of neural crest cells  To understand genetic mechanisms involved in craniofacial morphogenesis at the molecular level in the embryo assists –  To know the role of genetics 1. The etiology of craniofacial abnormalities 2. Regulation of maxillary, mandibular, and tooth morphology.
  • 91.  Facial development in the embryo is demarcated by the appearance of the pre-chordal plate (the cranial end of the embryo) on the fourteenth day of development.  Facial mesenchyme arises from neural crest cells.  These cells disrupt the ectodermal mesodermal junction and migrate into the underlying tissue as ectomesenchymal cells.
  • 92.  During their migration they undergo a number of interactions with the extra-cellular matrix, and with adjacent epithelia to determine the ,nature and patterning of the neural, skeletal and connective tissue structures they will form.  Among the derivatives of the cephalic neural crest cells arc the maxilla, mandible, zygomatic, nasal bones, and bones of the cranial vault.
  • 93.  Neural crest cell migration and the factors that cause these cells to localise in particular regions is not yet completely understood.  Their migration into the branchial arches occurs in a highly regulated manner.  This process is presumed to be under the control of genes known as homeobox genes which endow neural crest cells with a positional identity, which mediates aspects of craniofacial morphogenesis and patterning.
  • 94. The role of cell adhesion molecules  cell adhesion molecules such as cadherins, integrins, immunoglobulins, and proteoglycans are glycoproteins on the external surface of the cell membranes, and are thought to be important in embryogenesis, particularly organ formation.  In craniofacial development the precise positioning of the neural crest cells in the branchial arches may involve changes in expression of cell adhesion molecules.  They are expressed and down regulated in neural crest cells during their migratory
  • 95. Homeobox genes  Homeobox genes are genes which are highly conserved through out evolution of diverse organisms and are now known to play a role in patterning the embryonic development .  These can be regarded as master genes of head & face controlling patterning, induction ,programmed cell death &epithelial mesenchymal interaction during development of the craniofacial complex .
  • 96. Genes of particular interest in craniofacial developmemt are:  Hox group  Msx 1&Msx 2(muscle segment)  Dlx (distalless)  Otx (orthodontical)  Gsc (goosecoid)  Shh (sonic hedgehog)
  • 97. Proteins encoded by these homeobox genes are transcription factors which control transcription of RNA from the DNA template within cell nucleus.  Transcription factors can switch genes on and off by activating or repressing gene expression, and therefore control other genes, producing a coordinated cascade of molecular events which ,in turn control patterning and morphogenesis.
  • 98. At a cellular level this control is expressed through two main groups of regulatory proteins - growth factor family -steroid/thyroid/retinoic acid superfamily
  • 99.  These regulatory molecules in the mesenchyme such as  fibroblast growth factor (FGF)  epidermal growth factor (EGF)  transforming growth factor alpha (TGFa)  transforming growth factor beta (TGFb)  bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)  are the vehicles through which homeobox gene information is expressed in the co-ordination of cell migration and subsequent cell interactions that regulate growth.
  • 100.  By this means different parts of the DNA are activated in different cells regulating the different proteins ,enzymes .etc  These mechanisms hold a key to understand disease, dysmorphology & are subject of intensive research in craniofacial biology
  • 101. Molecular genetics in oral and craniofacial dysmorphology  Mutations in fibroblast growth factor- affect suture development  Apert, Crouzon and Pfeiffer syndromes  Mutations in two transcription factors MSX2 and TWIST  Boston type craniosynostosis and Saethre- Chotzen syndrome
  • 102.  mutation of core binding factor I gene: Cleidocranial dysplasia  mutation of long arm of chromosome 5 Treacher Collins syndrome
  • 103. Molecular genetics in dental development  Role in epithelial and mesenchymal interaction  Bone morphogenetic proteins-2,4 & 7  FGF 1 & 8 via downstream factors MSX 1 and PAX 9
  • 104. Control of tooth development  Muscle specific homeobox genes Msx-l and Msx-2 are involved in epithelial and mesenchymal interactions.  Implicated in craniofacial development ie initiation,developmental position and further development of tooth buds  Msx 1 & Pax 9 have been implicated in non syndromic tooth agenesis  EDAI and NEMO syndromes that include tooth agenesis.
  • 105. Disorders of tooth development  Amelogenesis imperfecta  It is a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders affecting enamel formation  Hypoplastic, Hypocalcified, &Hypomaturation forms have been described (Witkop 1988)  It exhibits autosomal dominant,autosomal recessive & X-linked inheritance  In humans two amelogens ,AMGX & AMGY have been cloned &mapped to X & Y chromosomes
  • 106.  In 1997 MacDoughall et al mapped the ameloblastin gene within critical region for autosomal dominant AI at chromosome 4q21 .  Mutations of several genes may be involved in the etiology of various types of amelogenesis imperfecta.
  • 107. Dentinogenesis imperfecta  It is autosomal dominant  Occurs in about 1:8000 live birth  Presents with brownish discoloration of teeth crowns ,susceptible to rapid attrition ,fragile roots & obliterated pulp chamber  One type of DI is coupled with osteogenesis imperfecta  Most patients with this type of DI have mutations & deletions for amino acid substitutions in genes for type 1 collagen
  • 108. Hypodontia  Msx 1 is strongly expressed in dental mesenchyme throughout the bud ,cap &bell stages of odontogenesis  Vastardis et al (1996) demonstrated that a mutation in Msx 1 caused familial tooth agenesis & genetic linkage analysis of a family with autosomal dominant agenesis of 2nd premolar & 3rd molar identified a locus on chromosome 4p as the site of the Msx 1 gene
  • 109.  Genetic factors are believed to play a major role in most of the cases of hypodontia with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked, and multifactorial inheritance reported.  A couple of genes (MSXl and PAX9) involved in dentition patterning have been found to be involved in some families with nonsyndromic autosomal dominant hypodontia although there are many other candidate genes, including KROX-26.
  • 110. Peg shaped laterals  This can be an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity as evidenced by the phenotype sometimes "skipping" generations and sometimes being a peg-shaped lateral instead of agenesis and sometimes involving one or the other or both sides.  A polygenic mode of inheritance also has been proposed.
  • 111. Ectodermal dysplasia  Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a heterogeneous disorder with clinically many distinct types  It is characterized by triad of – hypotrichosis hypohydrosis hypodontia  Hypodontia varies from few missing teeth to complete anodontia  Kere et al identified the gene for X-linked EDA & it was found to be expressed in keratinocytes, hair follicles and sweat glands.
  • 112. solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome  The presence of a single primary and permanent maxillary incisor which is in the midline and symmetric with normal crown and root shape and size, can be an isolated finding or can be part of the solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome.  This heterogeneous condition may include other midline developmental abnormalities of the brain and other structures that can be due to mutation in the sonic hedgehog (SHH) gene, SIX3 gene.
  • 113. Genetic influence on tooth number ,size,morphology,position,& eruption  Msx 1 &Msx 2 are responsible for stability in dental patterning .  Clinical evidence suggests that congenital absence of teeth &reduction in tooth size are associated  A study of children with missing teeth found up to half of their siblings or parents also had missing teeth .
  • 114. Supernumerary teeth  Brook (1974) reported that prevalence of supernumerary teeth in British school children was 2.1%in permanent dentition with male:female ratio of 2:1 , in Hong Kong the prevalence was around 3 % & male :female ratio 6.5:1 , most common supernumerary tooth is the mesiodens ,these are commonly present in siblings & parents of the patients , it does not follow simple mendalian pattern
  • 115. Abnormal tooth shape  Alvesalo &Portin (1969) provided substantial evidence supporting the view that missing ,malformed lateral incisors may be the result of common gene defect ,all of these defects show familial trends ,female preponderance,&association with other dental anomalies ,such as other missing teeth ,ectopic canines ,suggesting a polygenic etiology
  • 116. Ectopic maxillary canines  Peck et al (1994) concluded that palatally ectopic canines were an inherited trait ,being one of the anomalies in a complex of genetically related dental disturbances –supernumerary teeth ,missing teeth , transposition ,tooth size reduction,other ectopically positioned teeth,it seems to be a polygenic trait.  Candidate genes that are proposed possibly to influence the occurrence of palatally displaced canines and hypodontia in developmental fields include MSXl and PAX9.
  • 117. Submerged primary molars  It occurs most commonly in mandibular arch ,there is a high rate of concordance between the monozygotic twins ,number of studies provide evidence for genetically determined primary failure of eruption
  • 118. Maxillary midline diastema  Numerous etiologies have been proposed –toothsize arch length discrepancy ,aberrant labial frenum attachment ,parafunctional habits, tooth loss , periodontal disease, deep bite ,maxillary midline pathology ,broadbent phenomenon ,Gardinger stated that parents &offsprings appear to share dental phenotype ,a few authors found heredity to play a greater role in MMD
  • 119.  Class II div 1 malocclusion –study done by Harris (1975) show a higher correlation coefficient between patient & his immediate family than data from random pairings of unrelated siblings,thus supporting the concept of polygenic inheritance
  • 120.  Class II div 2 malocclusion –it is a distinct clinical entity & is a more consistent collection of definable morphometric features occurring simultaneously i.e. a syndrome ,this often occurs in a combination with some dental features like poorly developed cingulum on upper incisors & characteristic crown root angulation ,teeth thinner in labio lingual dimension,a further feature is fowardly rotating mandibular development ,which contributes to deep bite ,chin prominence &reduced lower face height
  • 121.  In study done on twins ,there was 100% concordance for class II div 2 among monozygotic twins &90 % dizygotic twins were discordant  Studies point to probably autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance &variable expressivity
  • 122.  Class III malocclusion-the most famous example of a genetic trait in humans passing through several generations is the pedigree of the so called – Hapsburg jaw ,this was famous mandibular prognathism demonstrated by several generations of Hungarian/Austrian monarchy
  • 123.  Strohmayer (1937) did a detail pedigree analysis & found out that it was a autosomal dominant trait,other studies found out it to be polygenic trait  a variety of environmental factors are considered in its etiology,enlarged tonsils,nasal blockage,congenital anatomic defects,endocrine,posture,trauma/disease
  • 124. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC INFLUENCES ON BILATERAL SYMMETRY  Three types of asymmetry:  Directional  Antisymmetry  Fluctuating asymmetry.
  • 125.  Directional asymmetry occurs when development of one side is different from that of the other during normal development.  The human lung having three lobes on the right side and two lobes on the left side  This may be predicted before development occurs, it is under significant genetic influence.
  • 126.  Antisymmetry occurs when one side is larger than the other, but which side is larger is variable in normal development and cannot be predicted before development  Antisymmetry is much less common than directional asymmetry.  These two types of asymmetry are considered developmentally normal.  Like directional asymmetry, antisymmetry has a significant genetic component that is not fully understood.
  • 127.  The third type of asymmetry, fluctuating, occurs when a difference exists between right and left sides, with which side is larger being random.  This reflects the inability of the individual to develop identical, bilaterally homologous structures.
  • 128.  Fluctuating asymmetry has been observed in the primary and permanent dentitions.  The greater amount of fluctuating asymmetry for the distance between cusps on each tooth than for the overall crown size of primary second molars and permanent first molars indicates that the occlusal morphology of these teeth is influenced more by environmental factors than the overall crown size.
  • 129. GENETIC FACTORS AND EXTERNAL APICAL ROOT RESORPTION  The degree and severity of external apical root resorption associated with orthodontic treatment is multifactorial, involving host and environmental factors.  Genetic variation accounts for 50% to 64% of the variation in EARR of the maxillary incisors.
  • 130.  Variation in the interleukin-lb gene (IL-l B) in orthodontically treated individuals accounts for 15% of the variation in EARR.  Persons in the orthodontically treated sample who were homozygous for IL-1B allele "1" were estimated to be 5.6 times more likely to experience EARR of 2 mm or more than those who were heterozygous or homozygous for allele "2“(Hartsfield and Everett AJO 2003)
  • 131. Role of epigenetic factors  Etiology of malocclusion genetic environmental  More important is to understand the interaction.  The form & size of teeth is principally determined by genetic factors , but growth and final morphology of the dentofacial structures is also influenced by environmental factors.
  • 132.  The influence of genetics on dentofacial morphology does not imply that genetic information is solely located in bones ,but also in neurological ,muscular & neuromuscular fields which have influence on skeleton.
  • 133.  Mastication ,speech ,facial expression & swallowing are examples of neuromuscular patterns .  Although they are under conscious control ,there is no basis to suggest that these patterns can be changed permanently.
  • 134.  Although the bones are also influenced by functional matrix, the functional matrix comprises of neuromuscular activity which is influenced by genetics as well as environmental factors .  This will have a direct bearing upon the extent to which a particular malocclusion can be influenced by therapeutic environmental intervention.  Salzman (1972) highlighted the familial nature of tongue thrusting,jaw posturing, & orofacial soft tissue mannerism .
  • 135. Human genome project  Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project is a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health.
  • 136.  Determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA.  identify all the approximate 30,000 genes in human DNA.  Locate genes to specific chromosomes.  Identify near neighbours of genes.  store this information in databases.  Determination of gene defects.  Various linkage analysis. Project goals
  • 137. The Oral &Craniofacial genome project seeks to set up collaborative laboratory research projects on human &mouse embryonic tissue The objective is to build up DNA libraries with a view to discover the genes for normal & abnormal oral & craniofacial development .
  • 138. Conclusion  Contrary to the presumption that malocclusions of "genetic cause" are less amenable to treatment than those of an "environmental cause," a change in environmental factors can affect a polygenic trait with a high estimate of heritability.  The effect depends on the response of the patient to the change in environment (e.g., treatment).
  • 139.  In the future, orthodontists ability to treat patients better will depend on investigations into how environmental factors affect gene expression that influences malocclusion.
  • 140. We used to think that our fate is in stars Now we know that in large measure it is in our GENES. For more details please visit