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General Quiz Finals
● 4 Rounds, 2 miscellaneous and 2 themed.
● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-10 for pounce.
● We go clockwise and anti clockwise alternately throughout the
● Uncivilised pounce is no pounce.
● QM’s discretion is final.
Generally Using
● 6 questions.
● Pounce & Bounce round.
● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-10 for pounce.
● We go clockwise for this round.
X, a device, was used in prisons in the 1800’s for exerting hard labour
by the prisoners as a form of punishment.
The prisoners were forced to put their weight on X which had interior
steps, seemed never-ending, and were set into two cast iron wheels.
These in turn drove a shaft that could be used to mill corn or pump
In 1824, a prison guard wrote: “The monotonous steadiness, and not
the severity… constitutes its terror”.
Nowadays, X is used by the general public for a completely different
Started with the idea of preventing damage from mammals of
order Rodentia, this now has become a more compulsory artistic/
disciplinary thing. It is found in various ranges of red, blue,
purple, black,etc. An interpretation on the usage of red colour, is to
get it properly noticed and not go beyond it.
What is being talked about here?
Answer :
Though X-like garments were sported in ancient times, they didn't really pick up until the
debut of Caresse Crosby's X in the early 1900s.
In 1910, at age 19, Caresse Crosby was preparing to attend a débutante ball one evening.
She told her maid, "Bring me two of my pocket handkerchiefs and some pink ribbon ... And
bring the needle and thread and some pins." She fashioned this into a simple X. One day,
she received a request for one of her contraptions from a stranger, who offered a dollar for
her efforts. She knew then that this could become a viable business.
She wrote that her invention was "so efficient that it may be worn by persons engaged in
violent exercise like tennis."
She later sold the X patent to The Warner Brothers *** Company. Warner manufactured
the "Crosby" X for a while, but it was eventually discontinued. Warner went on to earn
more than US$15 million from the patent over the next thirty years.
Answer :
Backless Brassiere
X isn't purely an American icon. In Australia, the “splade” is a
popular X equivalent. This utensil reached the peak of its
popularity in 1950's and 60's.
As an in -between tool, the X is difficult to categorize. For example,
when Wall-E attempts to create order by categorizing plastic
cutlery left behind in an apocalyptic wasteland, he encounters a X.
It just doesn't compute. Does it go with ____ or ___?. The decision
nearly blows his circuits.
Answer :
Leo Gerstenzang was inspired by his wife, which led to the creation of X. He
marketed them under the name Baby Gays from 1923 to 1926, then the name was
changed to X Baby Gays, and eventually just X .
Wanting to promote the idea of it as a personal hygiene instrument, Leo had his
factory workers dip them in boric acid before being shipped out. Due to this they
were contaminated with microorganisms.Declaring them misbranded as sterile, the
government seized over 200 packages and the product was destroyed.
When police officers arrive at the scene of a crime and emotion or adrenaline
threatens to override their training, dispatchers or other officers will use the code
word X. It’s an acronym and it’s intended to remind them to maintain control of the
What is X?
Q Tips
The following is a paraphrased excerpt from a New Yorker article: Devotees
of the XY, a cultish ___ organizational system tagged in more than eight
million posts of Instagram, will tell you that there are two kinds of __ people:
Ones who possess multiple ____ and those who possess only one. The former
"lives in a kind of organizational purgatory. Her intentions are good, her
approach delinquent." The thirty-nine-year-old digital designer who
invented the XY, when working for media companies, worked for media
companies, built a website and shot a video explaining their method. The
result was a set of organizational instructions: Marie Kondo for the __.
What is XY? All blanks are the same.
Answer :
XY: Bullet Journals/ Bullet Journaling
______: Notebook/s
Miscellaneous Round 1
● 6 questions.
● Pounce & Bounce round.
● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-5 for pounce.
● We go anti clockwise for this round.
• X is a nickname given to an organization that on three occasions has posted a
set of puzzles to recruit codebreakers from the public. The stated intent was to
recruit "intelligent individuals" by presenting a series of puzzles which focused
heavily on data security, cryptography, steganography, internet anonymity, and
• The puzzle has been listed as one of the "top 5 eeriest, unsolved mysteries of
the internet", and much speculation exists as to its function.
• As the group X has gained notoriety and public attention, many have asserted
that the puzzles are an introduction to occult principles, and possibly even
recruitment for a cult.
Identify X.
Answer :
Cicada 3301
What is the significance of this image?
Monogram of all the alphabets in English.
With X’s adoption of the Y, it became tremendously fashionable across Europe.
Ladies wore ever larger and more decorated, complicated versions of it. X stayed at
the forefront of the trend though, incorporating model ships, feathers and figurines.
Many creations reached a height of 60cm, making travelling by carriage a logistical
The Y was first spotted in 1774, from then on it quickly became widespread amongst
noble and upper-class women. It was highly creative and artistic and women could
literally wear their moods through strategically placed decorations and ornaments.
Ships, animals and hundreds of other novelty items could be seen on Y.
From 1789, the Y became more of a political weapon for women in turning against
their former ruler.
Identify X and Y.
X: Marie Antoinette
Y: Pouf
In the battle of X and Y, X was alleged of behaving irresponsibly and indirectly
supporting the acts of vandalism by his followers, who painted a promotional graffiti
on a World War II memorial. Y was accused of unnecessaily bringing in nationalism
and making it India vs. The World. It was always considered biased against X.
However Y won eventually which was very obvious and but still X remains on top
Which battle is being talked about?
Answer :
Pewdiepie vs T Series
This term was coined and popularised by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a professor
and ex-Wall Street trader for something so rare and unpredictable that if it
occurred, it would have such an enormous impact, it could lead to the collapse of
an entire economy.
The name was derived from an ancient latin expression “rara avis in terris
nigroque simillima cygno" the meaning of which explains the entire concept
being talked about. As the name would suggest, it is based on an assumption
that ____ ____ did not exist and a single sighting of the same would disrupt any
system of thought and underlying logic. Similarly, the occurrence of such an
event is extremely rare and predicting them is close to impossible due to their
catastrophic nature.
What is being talked about here?
Answer :
The Black Swan Theory.
In 1860, Englishman Harvey Adams came up with an unusual invention, X. It came
as a solution to an issue where the males had to choose between masculinity and
X was an instant success. Sold widely throughout Britain, it became popular all
across Europe and then the United States. Mass production of X began, and the
inventor became so wealthy that he retired 15 years after the sensational invention. X
with different sizes were made, using various materials too.
Between 1920 and 1930, __________ progressively began to go out of fashion and
hence the production of X trickled down. Today though, these examples of Victorian
male elegance are coveted and collected by a growing number of enthusiasts.
Identify X.
Moustache Cups
Masculinity - Moustache
Health - they applied wax on
their moustache which
melted due to steam and
dripped into tea.
Miscellaneous Round 2
Before Europeans "discovered" X, the Incas took advantage of it for hundreds of
years. Seventeenth-century seacoast Peruvians used “no other ______ but X,”
which was available in such abundance that “from a distance the heaps of it look
like the snowy crests of a range of mountains.”
In the early 19th century, German botanist Alexander von Humboldt sent
samples of it to Europe where it was found to be 30 times more efficient than
Spain occupied the X-rich Chincha Islands in an attempt to extract reparations
from Peru over a small domestic incident in Lambayeque. Peru didn’t hesitate to
retaliate. A protracted naval war ensued that dragged in Chile, before the islands
and their precious X reserves were wrenched back from Spain in 1866.
Guano/ Bird Poop
A K — wave-like glob of toothpaste applied on a toothbrush — is at
the center of a trademark lawsuit filed by consumer product
company Colgate-Palmolive against rival GlaxoSmithKline.Glaxo
loves the word K so much that it even created K World, the home of
Milky, Lilly and Billy. To wit: “K World helps children (and parents)
understand more about healthy gums, strong teeth and fresh
breath, while having fun,” the company said on the web site.
Identify the word K.
The city of Iga is situated in central Japan, about 280 miles from Tokyo. In July 2018, National
Public Radio reported that Iga was struggling to expand its ____-based tourism strategy
because of a labour shortage. During the podcast, a journalist had said "Iga will build a second
____ museum but faces a labour shortage which also extends to ____. There's a ______
shortage, or to be accurate, a _____-performer shortage." It was also stated that a _____ could
make approximately $85,000 a year, though it was not mentioned that there were immediate
vacancies available.
This created an online frenzy and caused at least 115 aspirants from 23 countries to contact Iga
officials, enquiring about the situation. Although the NPR later said that a summary of its
podcast had been "incorrectly stated", and that its story may have been misunderstood, it
extolled the virtues of its "splendid tourist attractions including facilities about _____". The city
even has several costume rental shops and holds a yearly festival where tourists can experience
what many had aspired to do for a living in Iga.
What is this city’s claim to fame/ What was this situation?
Iga is considered the birthplace of
ninjas in Japan. The podcast was
misunderstood and people thought
Iga was hiring people to perform as
It is common in the region of the subtropics for winds to diverge and either flow toward
the poles (known as the prevailing westerlies) or toward the equator (known as the trade
winds). These diverging winds are the result of an area of high pressure, which is
characterized by calm winds, sunny skies, and little or no precipitation. This makes
sailing in this region a little difficult.
According to legend, the term XY comes from ships sailing to the New World that would
often become stalled for days or even weeks when they encountered areas of high
pressure and calm winds. Many of these ships carried horses to the Americas as part of
their cargo. Unable to sail and resupply due to lack of wind, crews often ran out of
drinking water. To conserve scarce water, sailors on these ships would sometimes throw
the horses they were transporting overboard.
Horse Latitudes
Talking about X with philosopher Slavoj Zizek at a School Of Life event in London, on 27
March 2017, the actor (who did X) reportedly admitted that he can’t recall him doing X
that went on to become an iconic meme. “I can’t actually remember what that scene was
or why I did it,” he said.
The actor wanted his villainous character to sound callous as opposed to viciously
mirthful. The following is the actor's statement on X:
“It wasn’t useful going into it as evil,” he said, jokingly adding, “I just thought, ‘I want to
destroy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (character’s rival), he is really annoying me and the world will
be a better place without him in it."
What's X?
Voldemort’s Laugh
Before European conquistadors arrived in South America, indigenous populations
revered X as a regional symbol, referring to it as the “axis mundi,” a tree where all the
world’s fruits and vegetables grow.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in his novel Y, described X, with the characters in the story
discovering extinct creatures were still living on the remote plateaus. In the Pixar film
Up, the “Paradise Falls” are also said to have been based on the dramatic waterfalls found
in the area.
X is also known for its high frequency of UFO sightings nearby and atop the plateaus.
Some tourists report experiencing altered states or intense feelings of reverie,
promiscuity, or bizarre dreams involving aliens, which some posit could be due to its
location in a high-energy zone.
Mount Roraima
Generally Colourful
The color _______ is an extra-spectral colour, meaning that it is not
a hue associated with monochromatic visible light (i.e. it is not
present in the colour spectrum of the rainbow). It took its name
from an aniline dye made and patented in 1859 by the French
chemist François-Emmanuel Verguin. It was renamed to celebrate
the Italian-French victory at the Battle of _______ fought between
the French and Austrians on June 4, 1859, near the Italian town of
_______ in Lombardy.
Answer :
2Bold and dynamic, it is used to signal danger while at the same time
create a sensation of excitement. Artists like Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir,
and Toulouse-Lautrec used the color to great extent. It is called arancia
in Italian. The colour has close associations with fertility and
abundance—Pomona, the goddess of fruitful abundance, was often
depicted in _______ robes. The color we know as _______ was referred to
in Old English as “geoluhread”. The colour has a political dimension—it
is the colour of Christian democratic political ideology .
With the hex triplet #16161d, Eigenlicht or commonly called
_________ is a certain colour caused due to action potentials sent
along the optic nerves. The term Eigenlicht dates back to the 19th
century. The term _________ was popularized by German
philosopher and physicist Gustav Theodor Fechner. Scientists say
that the perception of ___________ is both a biological and
psychological phenomena. This colour is individually seen but not
so oftenly talked about.
When do we see this colour?
The colour is Eigengrau which is seen when there is
sudden absence of light, i.e., we see this colour after
switching off the lights.
4X was first revealed to be somewhere between “pale turquoise and
medium aquamarine”. X was the sum of a spectrum with a peak in the
blue and red part of the optical spectrum. This was found after
calculating how the spectrum would appear to the human eye, which
isn't equally sensitive to all wavelengths of light. After it was announced,
researchers found that there was a bug in the software that mixed
colours, which led to a significant green shift due to erroneous white
point. X was actually found to be "a slight beige colour". Though X
initially appears to be useless, it was used by Glazebrook and Baldry, X's
creators, to rule out certain origin models of ___. Alternatives given to X
were Primordial Clam Chowder and Skyvory.
Cosmic Latte
● Volt, a variation of this colour, is used by Nike in several of
their athletic products, most notably their Air Max 90
Hyperfuse sneakers, which were introduced in 2011.
● The gemstone chrysolite is one of the few gemstones that occur
in a variation of this colour.
● In the bandana code of the gay leather subculture, wearing a
bandana of this colour means one is into the sexual fetish of
sitophilia, otherwise known as food fetishism.
Identify the colour.
X(5,5) is intermediate in tint between burnt umber and raw umber. Though it
had good transparency and was used for glazes, shadows, flesh tones and
shading, it had a tendency to crack, thus resulting in short-lived paintings.
It was made in the 16th and 17th centuries and was popular among the pre-
The popularity of X fell during the late 19th century when its composition
became more generally known to artists.
Upon discovering the origins of X, the Pre-Raphaelite artist Edward Burne-
Jones was reported to have ceremonially buried his tube of X in his garden.
Mummy Brown

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Quizzito—The Quiz Society of Gargi College
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Generally Asking-The General Quiz,FINALS (HighQ'20 at Gargi College)

  • 2. Instructions: ● 4 Rounds, 2 miscellaneous and 2 themed. ● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-10 for pounce. ● We go clockwise and anti clockwise alternately throughout the rounds. ● Uncivilised pounce is no pounce. ● QM’s discretion is final.
  • 4. Instructions ● 6 questions. ● Pounce & Bounce round. ● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-10 for pounce. ● We go clockwise for this round.
  • 5. 1 X, a device, was used in prisons in the 1800’s for exerting hard labour by the prisoners as a form of punishment. The prisoners were forced to put their weight on X which had interior steps, seemed never-ending, and were set into two cast iron wheels. These in turn drove a shaft that could be used to mill corn or pump water. In 1824, a prison guard wrote: “The monotonous steadiness, and not the severity… constitutes its terror”. Nowadays, X is used by the general public for a completely different purpose. ID X.
  • 6.
  • 8. 2 Started with the idea of preventing damage from mammals of order Rodentia, this now has become a more compulsory artistic/ disciplinary thing. It is found in various ranges of red, blue, purple, black,etc. An interpretation on the usage of red colour, is to get it properly noticed and not go beyond it. What is being talked about here?
  • 9.
  • 11. Though X-like garments were sported in ancient times, they didn't really pick up until the debut of Caresse Crosby's X in the early 1900s. In 1910, at age 19, Caresse Crosby was preparing to attend a débutante ball one evening. She told her maid, "Bring me two of my pocket handkerchiefs and some pink ribbon ... And bring the needle and thread and some pins." She fashioned this into a simple X. One day, she received a request for one of her contraptions from a stranger, who offered a dollar for her efforts. She knew then that this could become a viable business. She wrote that her invention was "so efficient that it may be worn by persons engaged in violent exercise like tennis." She later sold the X patent to The Warner Brothers *** Company. Warner manufactured the "Crosby" X for a while, but it was eventually discontinued. Warner went on to earn more than US$15 million from the patent over the next thirty years. ID X. 3
  • 12.
  • 14. 4 X isn't purely an American icon. In Australia, the “splade” is a popular X equivalent. This utensil reached the peak of its popularity in 1950's and 60's. As an in -between tool, the X is difficult to categorize. For example, when Wall-E attempts to create order by categorizing plastic cutlery left behind in an apocalyptic wasteland, he encounters a X. It just doesn't compute. Does it go with ____ or ___?. The decision nearly blows his circuits. ID X.
  • 15.
  • 17. 5 Leo Gerstenzang was inspired by his wife, which led to the creation of X. He marketed them under the name Baby Gays from 1923 to 1926, then the name was changed to X Baby Gays, and eventually just X . Wanting to promote the idea of it as a personal hygiene instrument, Leo had his factory workers dip them in boric acid before being shipped out. Due to this they were contaminated with microorganisms.Declaring them misbranded as sterile, the government seized over 200 packages and the product was destroyed. When police officers arrive at the scene of a crime and emotion or adrenaline threatens to override their training, dispatchers or other officers will use the code word X. It’s an acronym and it’s intended to remind them to maintain control of the situation. What is X?
  • 18.
  • 20. 6 The following is a paraphrased excerpt from a New Yorker article: Devotees of the XY, a cultish ___ organizational system tagged in more than eight million posts of Instagram, will tell you that there are two kinds of __ people: Ones who possess multiple ____ and those who possess only one. The former "lives in a kind of organizational purgatory. Her intentions are good, her approach delinquent." The thirty-nine-year-old digital designer who invented the XY, when working for media companies, worked for media companies, built a website and shot a video explaining their method. The result was a set of organizational instructions: Marie Kondo for the __. What is XY? All blanks are the same.
  • 21.
  • 22. Answer : XY: Bullet Journals/ Bullet Journaling ______: Notebook/s
  • 24. Instructions ● 6 questions. ● Pounce & Bounce round. ● +10/-0 for bounce, +10/-5 for pounce. ● We go anti clockwise for this round.
  • 25. 1 • X is a nickname given to an organization that on three occasions has posted a set of puzzles to recruit codebreakers from the public. The stated intent was to recruit "intelligent individuals" by presenting a series of puzzles which focused heavily on data security, cryptography, steganography, internet anonymity, and surveillance. • The puzzle has been listed as one of the "top 5 eeriest, unsolved mysteries of the internet", and much speculation exists as to its function. • As the group X has gained notoriety and public attention, many have asserted that the puzzles are an introduction to occult principles, and possibly even recruitment for a cult. Identify X.
  • 26.
  • 28. 2 What is the significance of this image?
  • 29.
  • 30. Answer: Monogram of all the alphabets in English.
  • 31. 3 With X’s adoption of the Y, it became tremendously fashionable across Europe. Ladies wore ever larger and more decorated, complicated versions of it. X stayed at the forefront of the trend though, incorporating model ships, feathers and figurines. Many creations reached a height of 60cm, making travelling by carriage a logistical nightmare. The Y was first spotted in 1774, from then on it quickly became widespread amongst noble and upper-class women. It was highly creative and artistic and women could literally wear their moods through strategically placed decorations and ornaments. Ships, animals and hundreds of other novelty items could be seen on Y. From 1789, the Y became more of a political weapon for women in turning against their former ruler. Identify X and Y.
  • 32.
  • 34. 4 In the battle of X and Y, X was alleged of behaving irresponsibly and indirectly supporting the acts of vandalism by his followers, who painted a promotional graffiti on a World War II memorial. Y was accused of unnecessaily bringing in nationalism and making it India vs. The World. It was always considered biased against X. However Y won eventually which was very obvious and but still X remains on top individually. Which battle is being talked about?
  • 35.
  • 37. 5 This term was coined and popularised by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a professor and ex-Wall Street trader for something so rare and unpredictable that if it occurred, it would have such an enormous impact, it could lead to the collapse of an entire economy. The name was derived from an ancient latin expression “rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno" the meaning of which explains the entire concept being talked about. As the name would suggest, it is based on an assumption that ____ ____ did not exist and a single sighting of the same would disrupt any system of thought and underlying logic. Similarly, the occurrence of such an event is extremely rare and predicting them is close to impossible due to their catastrophic nature. What is being talked about here?
  • 38.
  • 39. Answer : The Black Swan Theory.
  • 40. 6 In 1860, Englishman Harvey Adams came up with an unusual invention, X. It came as a solution to an issue where the males had to choose between masculinity and health. X was an instant success. Sold widely throughout Britain, it became popular all across Europe and then the United States. Mass production of X began, and the inventor became so wealthy that he retired 15 years after the sensational invention. X with different sizes were made, using various materials too. Between 1920 and 1930, __________ progressively began to go out of fashion and hence the production of X trickled down. Today though, these examples of Victorian male elegance are coveted and collected by a growing number of enthusiasts. Identify X.
  • 41.
  • 42. Answer: Moustache Cups Masculinity - Moustache Health - they applied wax on their moustache which melted due to steam and dripped into tea.
  • 44. 1 Before Europeans "discovered" X, the Incas took advantage of it for hundreds of years. Seventeenth-century seacoast Peruvians used “no other ______ but X,” which was available in such abundance that “from a distance the heaps of it look like the snowy crests of a range of mountains.” In the early 19th century, German botanist Alexander von Humboldt sent samples of it to Europe where it was found to be 30 times more efficient than ______. Spain occupied the X-rich Chincha Islands in an attempt to extract reparations from Peru over a small domestic incident in Lambayeque. Peru didn’t hesitate to retaliate. A protracted naval war ensued that dragged in Chile, before the islands and their precious X reserves were wrenched back from Spain in 1866. ID X.
  • 45.
  • 47. 2 A K — wave-like glob of toothpaste applied on a toothbrush — is at the center of a trademark lawsuit filed by consumer product company Colgate-Palmolive against rival GlaxoSmithKline.Glaxo loves the word K so much that it even created K World, the home of Milky, Lilly and Billy. To wit: “K World helps children (and parents) understand more about healthy gums, strong teeth and fresh breath, while having fun,” the company said on the web site. Identify the word K.
  • 48.
  • 50. 3 The city of Iga is situated in central Japan, about 280 miles from Tokyo. In July 2018, National Public Radio reported that Iga was struggling to expand its ____-based tourism strategy because of a labour shortage. During the podcast, a journalist had said "Iga will build a second ____ museum but faces a labour shortage which also extends to ____. There's a ______ shortage, or to be accurate, a _____-performer shortage." It was also stated that a _____ could make approximately $85,000 a year, though it was not mentioned that there were immediate vacancies available. This created an online frenzy and caused at least 115 aspirants from 23 countries to contact Iga officials, enquiring about the situation. Although the NPR later said that a summary of its podcast had been "incorrectly stated", and that its story may have been misunderstood, it extolled the virtues of its "splendid tourist attractions including facilities about _____". The city even has several costume rental shops and holds a yearly festival where tourists can experience what many had aspired to do for a living in Iga. What is this city’s claim to fame/ What was this situation?
  • 51.
  • 52. Answer: Iga is considered the birthplace of ninjas in Japan. The podcast was misunderstood and people thought Iga was hiring people to perform as ninjas.
  • 53. 4 It is common in the region of the subtropics for winds to diverge and either flow toward the poles (known as the prevailing westerlies) or toward the equator (known as the trade winds). These diverging winds are the result of an area of high pressure, which is characterized by calm winds, sunny skies, and little or no precipitation. This makes sailing in this region a little difficult. According to legend, the term XY comes from ships sailing to the New World that would often become stalled for days or even weeks when they encountered areas of high pressure and calm winds. Many of these ships carried horses to the Americas as part of their cargo. Unable to sail and resupply due to lack of wind, crews often ran out of drinking water. To conserve scarce water, sailors on these ships would sometimes throw the horses they were transporting overboard. ID XY.
  • 54.
  • 56. 5 Talking about X with philosopher Slavoj Zizek at a School Of Life event in London, on 27 March 2017, the actor (who did X) reportedly admitted that he can’t recall him doing X that went on to become an iconic meme. “I can’t actually remember what that scene was or why I did it,” he said. The actor wanted his villainous character to sound callous as opposed to viciously mirthful. The following is the actor's statement on X: “It wasn’t useful going into it as evil,” he said, jokingly adding, “I just thought, ‘I want to destroy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (character’s rival), he is really annoying me and the world will be a better place without him in it." What's X?
  • 57.
  • 59. 6 Before European conquistadors arrived in South America, indigenous populations revered X as a regional symbol, referring to it as the “axis mundi,” a tree where all the world’s fruits and vegetables grow. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in his novel Y, described X, with the characters in the story discovering extinct creatures were still living on the remote plateaus. In the Pixar film Up, the “Paradise Falls” are also said to have been based on the dramatic waterfalls found in the area. X is also known for its high frequency of UFO sightings nearby and atop the plateaus. Some tourists report experiencing altered states or intense feelings of reverie, promiscuity, or bizarre dreams involving aliens, which some posit could be due to its location in a high-energy zone. ID X.
  • 60.
  • 63. 1 The color _______ is an extra-spectral colour, meaning that it is not a hue associated with monochromatic visible light (i.e. it is not present in the colour spectrum of the rainbow). It took its name from an aniline dye made and patented in 1859 by the French chemist François-Emmanuel Verguin. It was renamed to celebrate the Italian-French victory at the Battle of _______ fought between the French and Austrians on June 4, 1859, near the Italian town of _______ in Lombardy. FITB.
  • 64.
  • 66. 2Bold and dynamic, it is used to signal danger while at the same time create a sensation of excitement. Artists like Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir, and Toulouse-Lautrec used the color to great extent. It is called arancia in Italian. The colour has close associations with fertility and abundance—Pomona, the goddess of fruitful abundance, was often depicted in _______ robes. The color we know as _______ was referred to in Old English as “geoluhread”. The colour has a political dimension—it is the colour of Christian democratic political ideology . FITB
  • 67.
  • 69. 3 With the hex triplet #16161d, Eigenlicht or commonly called _________ is a certain colour caused due to action potentials sent along the optic nerves. The term Eigenlicht dates back to the 19th century. The term _________ was popularized by German philosopher and physicist Gustav Theodor Fechner. Scientists say that the perception of ___________ is both a biological and psychological phenomena. This colour is individually seen but not so oftenly talked about. When do we see this colour?
  • 70.
  • 71. Answer: The colour is Eigengrau which is seen when there is sudden absence of light, i.e., we see this colour after switching off the lights.
  • 72. 4X was first revealed to be somewhere between “pale turquoise and medium aquamarine”. X was the sum of a spectrum with a peak in the blue and red part of the optical spectrum. This was found after calculating how the spectrum would appear to the human eye, which isn't equally sensitive to all wavelengths of light. After it was announced, researchers found that there was a bug in the software that mixed colours, which led to a significant green shift due to erroneous white point. X was actually found to be "a slight beige colour". Though X initially appears to be useless, it was used by Glazebrook and Baldry, X's creators, to rule out certain origin models of ___. Alternatives given to X were Primordial Clam Chowder and Skyvory. ID X
  • 73.
  • 75. 5 ● Volt, a variation of this colour, is used by Nike in several of their athletic products, most notably their Air Max 90 Hyperfuse sneakers, which were introduced in 2011. ● The gemstone chrysolite is one of the few gemstones that occur in a variation of this colour. ● In the bandana code of the gay leather subculture, wearing a bandana of this colour means one is into the sexual fetish of sitophilia, otherwise known as food fetishism. Identify the colour.
  • 76.
  • 78. 6 X(5,5) is intermediate in tint between burnt umber and raw umber. Though it had good transparency and was used for glazes, shadows, flesh tones and shading, it had a tendency to crack, thus resulting in short-lived paintings. It was made in the 16th and 17th centuries and was popular among the pre- Raphaelites. The popularity of X fell during the late 19th century when its composition became more generally known to artists. Upon discovering the origins of X, the Pre-Raphaelite artist Edward Burne- Jones was reported to have ceremonially buried his tube of X in his garden. ID X.
  • 79.