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01 Innovation Report_Retail 2020
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01 Innovation Report_Retail 2020
s retailers survey the landscape
they operate in and try to identify
the Next Big Thing that will shape
and drive their businesses in the second
half of this decade, at times the only
constant can seem like change itself.
From mobile commerce to social media,
augmented reality to smart television, new
technologies and their effect on consumer
dynamics are at once an opportunity to
open new routes to market and a daunting
challenge retailers need to adapt to.
The questions ‘What’s next?’ ‘Where
do I invest?’ and, ‘What’s best for my
business?’ have shaped many of the
debates Retail Week has hosted over
the last 12 months. This report will
help to answer those questions.
This isn’t a blueprint of how the retail
sector will look by 2020, but it is a guide
to the innovations and trends we and
our partner, GDR Creative Intelligence,
believe will shape that journey in the next
seven years. In three key themes – the
customer, the store and omnichannel – we
present cutting-edge case studies from
around the world to help you understand
where innovation is having a positive
impact on retail and redefining the
customer relationship.
As well as 50 case studies there are
actionable insights, enabling you to make
practical use of this research and help
determine where you can best add
value to your retail operations.
Change will continue to be the one aspect
of this vibrant industry that you can rely
on carrying through to 2020. We believe
this research will mean you are better
prepared than ever to meet that challenge.
Chris Brook-Carter is editor-in-chief
of Retail Week.
Retail Week LiveThe only certainty in retail's future is rapid change. This research will help you be
better prepared than ever for the challenges ahead, says Chris Brook-Carter
© GDR Creative Intelligence
The Customer
Ikea Moving the Store...................64
Crowd pleasers.............................66
Safeway Just For U.......................68
Facedeals...................................... 71
Tesco Share & Earn.......................72
Spaaza MyPrice............................74
C&A Fashion Like..........................76
Lagerhaus Blog-up Stores............78
Actionable Insights........................82
The Store
Introduction................................... 12
Colour with Asian Paints...............14
Creative energy.............................16
The Social Home Tour...................18
Desigual La Vida es Chula.............20
Bonobos Guideshops....................24
Harvey Nichols concept box.........28
Styled to Surprise..........................30
Daikanyama T-Site......................... 31
Aldo Shoe Paradise.......................32
Actionable Insights........................34
High Street to i-Street_6
Audi City........................................38
Very at V Festival...........................40
Emmas Enkel.................................42
Adidas Neo WindowShopping......44
Blippar for Stylist and New Look...48
Hellmann’s Recipe Receipt...........50
Continente Chef Online app.......... 51
Gojee & D’Agostino.......................52
Nike+ FuelStation..........................54
Fox Now apps...............................56
Yihaodian 1,000 Virtual Stores......58
Actionable Insights........................60
© GDR Creative Intelligence
© GDR Creative Intelligence
06 07
HighStreet to i-Street
here’s so much talk about the demise of the British
High Street yet very little celebrating the growth of
the i-Street. It’s true we’ve seen the closure of some
of our favourite stores in recent years, but we’ve
also witnessed the extraordinary success of some
great new online British brands. Net-A-Porter, my-wardrobe
and Asos, anyone?
These pioneer brands have been part of a ten-year disruption in
the retail landscape on a monumental scale. Such upheaval isn’t
uncommon, though. After all, the arrival of out-of-town shopping
malls hit the High Street long before e-commerce. As did the
spread of discount chains and hypermarkets. The difference is
this evolution hasn’t been gradual, it’s been brutally fast. The
speed at which the customer journey is changing is exciting and,
at times, utterly overwhelming – particularly in this economic
climate. No wonder we all want to know what the Next Big Thing
is to future-proof our businesses. If only it were that easy…
The British High Street has an excellent survival rate because
it embraces change, and it will come out winning this time, too.
Even with a huge shift in behaviour and countless new retail and
payment platforms – contactless NFC, M-sites, apps, Twitter,
Chirpify and Facebook, for example – human emotion is finite
and fixed. Shared experience, from delight to disappointment,
is the common ground that should inform commercial choices
rather than a fear of the unknown.
Simply put, technology should enhance life, be intuitive and
make shopping a frictionless experience. If it doesn’t have a
positive impact on the shopper’s emotions, think again about
adopting it. Looking at the return on experience as well as
the return on investment is key.
With that in mind, we can look at six areas where there are great
opportunities to be had for both customer and retailer through
the use of digital – and in particular mobile – technology. Each
is illustrated with examples of expertise from the UK, where
we have brilliant young minds developing new and exciting
ways to enhance and invigorate the retail landscape.
1 Ashop in my pocket
By 2016, 75% of the UK population will be using a smartphone.
With immediate access to the internet, customers can go
through all stages of shopping (finding inspiration, researching,
locating and purchasing) from anywhere. So not having a mobile
strategy isn’t an option, but neither is simply creating an m-site.
The profitable model will be found by looking at how m-shopping
interacts with your customer’s journey. Much of the focus so far
has been about the last step of that journey, the payment part
– how NFC mobile payment will speed up and encourage
purchase because customers can simply tap their phones to pay,
for instance. However, this is the last hurdle in the journey and
utilising mobile devices to get to this point is where the smart
thinkers are focusing their attention. But more of that later…
2 Adoption rates and customer behaviour
When a technological advancement does enhance the shopping
experience, customers adopt it quickly. Smartphones have taken
off 10 times faster than the 1980s PC revolution (Flurry Analytics),
twice as fast as the 1990s internet boom and three times faster
than the social networking revolution. Even the fastest-growing
social media site, Pinterest, which experienced 4,000% growth
in 2012, isn’t as fast as smartphone adoption. More devices are
shipped each day than children born. Smartphones can offer
the customer convenience, but there’s also the opportunity
to enhance their journey and respond to their behaviour.
The digital revolution has pushed retail into supersonic change and the buying journey
has never been more complex. But it's a force for good, says Carmel Allen, creating
unprecedented opportunities to make positive (and profitable) customer connections
It's not uncommon for retail
to undergo disruption on this
scale. But the High Street has
an excellent survival rate and
by embracing change it looks
set to come out winning. ➜
© GDR Creative Intelligence
08 09A good example of this is an app from Tesco. The designers
behind it, Jerome and Antony Ribot, worked with insight that
busy female online shoppers were starting an order by booking
a time slot, but not completing it in that session. They also
observed ‘data snacking’ – when we check our phone and
emails in 30-second, bite-size nuggets, perhaps waiting for
the bus home or by the school gate.
The app gives users the opportunity to use that data snack time
to add items to their shopping basket and browse recipes on the
go, then find them in their account back at home. Its success is
down to understanding the complex customer journey that might
take days from login to ‘order placed’.
3 TheSocial, Local, Mobile effect
It was internet technology investor John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers who first coined the phrase SoLoMo (social,
local and mobile) back in 2010 but its importance is only coming
to the fore now, especially for smaller businesses. As we’ve said,
smartphones facilitate all stages of the shopping journey. People
find inspiration and recommendations from their social media,
they can also research, find bargains and, in some cases, the
bargains are only available if a minimum number of people sign
up, which encourages them to share (Groupon, for example).
The key element for small businesses is that smartphones
are used to search. According to Mary-Lou Roberts (former
professor of marketing at the University of Massachusetts,
Boston), it’s the most overlooked issue surrounding mobiles.
‘Devices are the facilitators, search, particularly local search,
is the fundamental driver. Whether people are looking for
presents, finding their friends, or locating a place to have
lunch, search dominates, and a lot of it is local these days.’
What’s important here is that all the platforms (Facebook,
Groupon, Google and Foursquare, for example) offer affordable
marketing opportunities to small local businesses but they must
learn to take advantage of these opportunities and then,
continues Roberts, we’ll see ‘the emergence of small local
retailers as equal partners’. A good example in the UK is how
Shaftsbury Plc has created a ‘village’ of the 13 roads around
Carnaby Street, aimed at an urban, fashion-conscious customer. has information about restaurants, stores, events
and social media links, and an option to register for a privilege
shopping card. See also 9straatjesonline, on page 46.
4 Data-driven insights
Retail analytics has previously been focused on the supply chain,
merchandising, stockroom management and delivery, but the
use of mobiles now allows retailers to track the increasingly
circuitous customer journey, making it easier for them to monitor
triggers and touch points along that path to better understand
how customers are lost and gained as they meander.
One app in particular that seeks to tap into the customer journey
is Tapestry, created by Guided. Essentially a CRM device for the
retail sector, it allows customers to collate information about
real-world items such as clothes and shoes by scanning
barcodes or tapping NFC tags as they browse a store, catalogue
or ad. The chosen items are catalogued and can be accessed
at home or on the move.
By allowing customers to save items and learn more about them,
the app places focus on the potential for purchase rather than
immediate spend. Going further, items are automatically updated
with price reductions, which could mean a purchase weeks later.
It also allows users to share images or write and read reviews via
email or social media and for the brand to offer loyalty incentives.
For the customer, Tapestry makes their online-offline journey
seamless and frictionless, for the retailer it ties each product’s
digital data and identity – and its related media property – with
the physical store and the customer. This means if a customer
sees your product on a bus stop or in magazines or in-store,
say, then scans it, shares it, posts or reads a review, bookmarks
it on her mobile but buys it on her tablet at home, it’s all
For 97% of consumers, devices are the facilitators but
search, especially local search, is the fundamental driver.
The Android mobile
operating system is
rivalling Apple's iOS for
smartphone dominance.
The mobile website was
revamped in March and the
company has more than 250
million active mobile users.
The new Groupon Now
mobile app delivers deals
to consumers based on
their location.
Consumers ‘check in’ to
businesses on their phones.
Social Search organises
results by relevance to an
individual's social network,
while Latitude allows
users to share their
location with friends.
More than 2.5 million
websites are integrated with
Facebook via plug-ins such
as the Like button and the
ability to register using
Facebook Connect.
Deals are only activated
when a minimum number of
people sign up, encouraging
consumers to tell their
friends about offers.
Users can share their
location with their friends,
as well as recommendations
for what to do or eat at
certain places.
Google Places gives local
businesses a web presence
(97% of consumers search
for local businesses online).
Consumers can get local
deals by 'checking-in' to
a location.
Group-buying platforms
provide an alternative to
traditional forms of local
Businesses can use the
platform to offer perks to
users and build loyalty.
Google Facebook Groupon Foursquare
Leader essay
HighStreet to i-Street
Technology has to enhance, make
life easy, be intuitive and make shopping
a frictionless experience.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
10 11
tracked for you, giving great scope for analysis and learning
about behavioural patterns.
These are early days, says Sam Reid at Guided: ‘Tapestry
evolved from a government-funded research project we tested
in Selfridges last year and Diesel used it in their store in Westfield
at Christmas. But the more brands adopt it, the better the
data capture and the more useful and easy it is for customers.
It’s brands like Diesel that are adapting swiftly and experimenting
that will win.’
5 Return on experience
In the book Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending
(due to be published in May 2013), behavioural scientists
Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton explain how people can
use the cash in their pockets to change how they feel. The
crucial thing, says Norton, is not to focus on how much you
have, but on how you spend it. Their research illustrates how
small changes in spending behaviour can increase feelings
of satisfaction and wellbeing.
While we all know that shopping is an emotional experience,
this new research backs the validity of measuring the return on
experience as well as the return on investment. And there are
various ways in which digital can enhance customer experience,
not just with ease and convenience but with fun and games.
One simple example of this is the Snap Fashion app, developed
by Jenny Griffiths of Bristol University. It’s based on the premise
that women love magazine articles where a similar item of
clothing is shown from three stores at three different prices.
If a user sees an item of clothing they like (on a person, on a
website, in a catalogue or in-store, say), they ‘snap’ it and the
app uses image recognition to direct them to the item online
as well as suggest similar versions. Griffiths has won several
awards and Snap Fashion now has a database of over
100 major retailers including Topshop, Jigsaw, Uniqlo,
Warehouse, LK Bennett and Kurt Geiger, in addition to
e-tailers Net-A-Porter, Asos, my-wardrobe, stylebop and
farfetch, and department stores such as Harrods, Selfridges,
Liberty and House of Fraser.
6 Augmented retail
Augmented reality adds a new layer of information to a product,
animating it through image recognition. Both Heinz Ketchup
and Marmite have worked with UK augmented reality company
Blippar to create recipe books that appear when the product
is scanned, giving consumers ideas and inspiration. Holition,
another London-based augmented reality creative agency, has
worked with various luxury jewellery brands to connect real-
world retail with digital by allowing potential customers to try
on products virtually and experience fabulously expensive
pieces without the need for security guards or even a trip to
the store. Augmented retail can ‘help sales staff to better
communicate with customers, driving loyalty in-store through
added-value experience,’ says Lynne Murray, managing
director at Holition.
As well as unlocking additional information, augmented reality
can be used as footfall driver for specific areas. At Milton Keynes
shopping mall the Centre MK, customers were invited to
download the iBalloon app onto their iPhones. When they open
the app, it appears they are looking through a normal camera
feed but at certain locations they see an AR balloon. By tapping
on the balloons, discounts and offers are released. The first
launch of the iBalloon initiative was so successful it’s becoming
a regular promotional tactic at the mall. ●
Carmel Allen is editor-in-chief at GDR Creative Intelligence.
The crucial
thing is not to
focus on how
much you have,
but on how you
spend it,
return on
experience as
well as ROI.
Augmented retail helps staff
to better communicate with
customers, driving loyalty.
Leader essay
HighStreet to i-Street
© GDR Creative Intelligence
12 13
beyond four walls
ritain is a nation that loves to shop. Its inhabitants
are the biggest online shoppers in the developed
world, yet 85% of purchases in the UK are still
being made in bricks-and-mortar stores. It’s clear
people still love the real-world shopping experience
but brands and retailers need to reassess how the physical store
fits in with their more complex buying journeys.
Online shopping hasn’t brought about the end of
the high street, it has encouraged its evolution.
Smart brands are turning their physical stores into dynamic,
creative spaces that respond to new customer expectations
while celebrating what only the physical can do.
As consumers become more accustomed to sharing information
about their shopping habits and lifestyle patterns, there are new
opportunities for brands to offer personalised experiences
in-store. You could help customers see themselves as part of
your brand by building their social media profiles into the buying
process, as Brazilian real estate company Carvalho Hosken
did with its Social Home campaign, or you could offer
spaces in-store where they can customise products using
manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing.
Asian Paints is one of the largest paint manufacturers in India,
but with no physical POS, it couldn’t meet its customers. Its
solution is a non-transactional store which uses RFID tags to
allow visitors to interact with the brand, learn about colour
options and digitally record their preferences. The data collected
is used to create a bespoke catalogue, presented to them as
they leave. The result has been a 35% increase in sales for the
brand from surrounding retail stores. In other words, just because
the customer can’t buy products in-store, get to know them,
give them an experience, and they will buy later.
There are some things only the physical store can
offer – face-to-face service, interaction with
products and brand atmosphere – hence many
previously online-only stores are investing in real-world retail
spaces. Bonobos, the second-biggest online retailer of men’s
clothing in the US, is opening a series of high-street Guideshops
where men are fitted and assisted in choosing clothes. They
can’t buy items to take home there and then; the aim is to help
them shop online with greater confidence. The result? Men who
have used a Guideshop are buying three times as many items
online as they did before.
Guideshops are the antithesis of the flagship – they are simply
designed and are about investing in existing, individual
customer/brand relationships rather than wooing new ones with
expensive retail theatre. As well as reassuring customers about
quality, this new breed of service-focused store builds trust by
giving the brand a human face. Both Bonobos and Asian Paints
prove that, for the customer, ‘online’ and ‘offline’ are just
touchpoints on the buying journey. Handing over a card in-store
or clicking ‘buy’ depends on what’s convenient at that time.
New digital tools are enabling the physical store to improve
customer service online, too. When it launches later this year,
an app called Open4Sale will allow users to instant message
or video chat with sales associates in the physical store while
they browse the online store. It’s good old-fashioned
customer service provided in a technologically
advanced way.
By developing emotional rather than simply transactional
relationships, and combining this with the ease of digital, brands
can create empathetic stores that cater to different consumer
types and offer a more satisfying shopping experience. ●
Increase sales by building layers
into your selling platform via
social media.
Through an ideas exchange with
online, the high street is evolving.
Open a non-transactional, real-
world store to playfully build
awareness, or…
… Improve customer service. The
result in both cases? Sales go up.
Could store staff be better
engaged with customers? Tech
can free up their time.
Give your customers old-
fashioned service from the
comfort of their home.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
14 15
Location_A-3/8A, Inner Circle, Connaught Place,
New Delhi 110001, India
Date_September 2011
Design_Fitch –
Colour with
Asian Paints
he second store from Indian paint manufacturer Asian
Paints uses fun, interactive displays to engage customers
with the brand and teach them how to use the product.
The store doesn’t actually sell paint, yet Asian Paints has
noticed a 35% increase in overall sales.
At the entrance, a lighting display called the Colour Cloud
entices customers in. By stepping on coloured floor panels,
shoppers can change the colour of the ‘cloud’ and the entire
store façade. Each visitor is given a plastic Colour Card
embedded with RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology
and their name and contact details are saved. As they roam the
store, they can add content to the Colour Card by placing it on
the touchpoints beside each of the displays. Information such
as Today’s Top Look and Top Tips, relevant to the item the
customer is viewing, is displayed on screen, based on what
others customers have looked at previously. A personalised
magazine is printed at the end, using data from the RFID card.
Customers can also play Style Match, a game where Bollywood
star Saif Ali Khan suggests their perfect decor based on a series
of questions, or ask a Colour Consultant to demonstrate their
chosen colour in a virtual room setting on-screen. Asian Paints
also uses the information gathered from the RFID Colour Cards
to learn which displays and colours are the most popular to
inform future displays.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
16 17Geek Express
Geek Express is a new store in Beirut which aims to create
a technology hub in the city and inspire people to interact
in a DIY environment. The workshop hosts talks and
demonstrations on themes ranging from arts and crafts to
assembling electronic games and hack-a-thons. The space also
acts as a meeting room for start-ups. The interactive technology
available to customers includes MakerBot 3D printers,
SparkFun and Arduinos electronics, encouraging visitors to
build their own objects and circuits through easy-to-use kits.
In the 3D printing area, people can buy, select and print
3D and limited-edition objects such as vases, tables and
jewellery. The store also features a gallery where technology,
books and gadgets are showcased.
MakerBot 3D Photo Booth
US 3D printer manufacturer MakerBot opened a photo booth
in its New York City store allowing customers to print out a
model of their head. The firm worked with 3D imaging company
ShapeShot ( to build a booth that captures
the shape of the face and turns it into a file to be printed as
a 3D portrait. The scan costs $5 (£3.30) and customers have the
option to print out their face as a bust or as part of another item,
with costs varying. Visitors to the MakerBot store also have
the opportunity to experience and buy the MakerBot Desktop
3D Printer, which brings 3D printing into the home. MakerBot
also runs classes from the store, teaching adults and children
how to use the machines through introductory workshops.
Make Eyewear
Make Eyewear is an online glasses retailer that uses 3D printing
to allow customers to create their own bespoke eyewear. They
can choose from the brand’s collection of frames, specifying
size and colour, and whether they need prescription lenses
(which incur an extra cost). Those with webcams can virtually
try on their glasses before they order them. As well as buying
from the existing collection, customers also have the option
to go Freestyle and design their frames from scratch. They
start by sending a sketch or inspiration photo of the style
they want to Make Eyewear, then a designer will develop the
design, incorporating technical factors, until the customer is
satisfied. The frames are made in light, flexible, durable Nylon
and have spring hinges. The material is also waterproof, unlike
most 3D-printed items. The frames are delivered in two to
four weeks and cost from $119 (£78).
As part of a Valentine’s Day promotion, customers at the
FabCafe in Shibuya, Tokyo, can have their faces scanned to
create a 3D printed silicon mould which is then filled with
chocolate. Over the course of two sessions, customers have
their heads scanned and captured in a 3D scanner. A cast is
then produced on a 3D printer and chocolate is poured in. Once
that is complete, they have a collection of chocolate faces to
give to their loved ones and they can keep the cast for future
sculptures. The service costs 6,000 yen (£42). FabCafe offers
3D printing services year round. Customers can plug their
laptops in to a fabrication machine which is connected to a
projector that displays the files they’re working on to the rest
of the café. The café is operated by Loftwork (,
a local digital media production company.
The Vibe by Shapeways and SoundCloud
Social sound platform SoundCloud collaborated with
Shapeways, the leading 3D printing community and
marketplace, on The Vibe, an app which allows users to create
a bespoke iPhone case based on the soundwaves of their
favourite piece of audio. Users download the app, choose the
audio from their SoundCloud account (any piece of audio can
be used, it’s not limited to songs), move the cursor to select
the section of the audio they wish to depict, choose black or
white, click Buy and the waveform will make up the structure
of the iPhone case. The web app, which integrates with the
SoundCloud API, is the first on the market that makes turning
sound files into physical objects user friendly. The Vibe iPhone
case is priced at €22 (£19) excluding shipping.
Nokia Lumia phone case 3DK
Nokia has engaged the 3D printing community with the release
of printable design files to make and customise a Nokia Lumia
820 phone case. While the printing community has large
libraries of user-generated 3D files hosted on sites such as
Shapeways ( and Thingiverse (,
this is the strongest affirmation of the technology by a major
brand so far. The downloadable 3D-printing Development Kit
(3DK) contains 3D templates, case specs, recommended
materials and best practices. Nokia also launched a 3D printing
Wiki with material and software suggestions, as well as possible
projects that consumers could design into the CAD files, such
as built-in SIM card holders and bike mounts. In the future,
Nokia envisages selling a phone template in addition to
readymade models so that entrepreneurs could build phones
tailored to the needs of his or her community.
Creative energy
Niche interest to indie start-up, domestic use to big business… 3D printing is no gimmick.
Use it to build creative relationships with customers, gaining valuable insight as a result
© GDR Creative Intelligence
18 19
The Social
Home Tour
Location_Avenida dos Flamboyants 500, Rio de Janeiro
22776-070, Brazil
Date_April-July 2012
Design_Artplan –
o promote its new condominium complex in an affluent
district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian construction company
Carvalho Hosken created a tailor-made experience for
potential buyers – the Social Home Tour. When interested
parties signed up online to visit the show apartment, they could
register using Facebook Connect. If they opted in, this gave the
company access to their profile information prior to their visit.
When potential buyers entered, they were greeted by digital
picture frames with their own photographs, their favourite music
playing and screens showing their uploaded videos. In the home
office, a computer displayed the fastest route to their work
place. At the end of the visit, a phone call was made to the
apartment and visitors who answered it were offered a discount.
Afterwards, the experience could be shared on Facebook.
In one month, 28% of visits were converted into sales, which
is 300% up on the average conversion rate for this kind of
real estate venture in Brazil. The initial price for an apartment
is around R$1,155,000 (£383,275). The campaign wasn’t
promoted as it relied on the element of surprise. It ran for
three months, although not all visits were customised.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
20 21of the collection, who can provide customers with personal
advice about style. Using a tablet, they guide customers
through the online ordering process, with the option to pay
online or in-store.
Deliveries are free and guaranteed within 48 hours to all
countries currently covered by the e-commerce site. A 10%
discount is offered when customers spend €100 (£86) or more.
La Vida es Chula also holds fashion shows for customers.
ashion brand Desigual has ‘try-before-you-buy-online’
stores called La Vida es Chula (Life is Cool) in Barcelona
and Paris with no stock to purchase. Instead personal
stylists are on hand to help customers create outfits and make
decisions. They can then go on to buy items via in-store tablets.
The store in Barcelona presents the brand’s entire collection
of 1,200 items of clothing and accessories, with one of each
garment in every size for customers to try on. La Vida es Chula
staff are trained personal shoppers with an in-depth knowledge
Location_Carrer de Casp 33, 08010 Barcelona, Spain &
32, Avenue de l’Opéra, Paris 75002, France
Date_December 2011
Desigual La Vida
es Chula
© GDR Creative Intelligence
22 23
Open4Sale Location_Online (worldwide)
Date_Spring 2013
pen4Sale is a soon-to-be-launched platform that
connects online shoppers and in-store sales associates
to make e-commerce more personal. By downloading
the iOS, Android and desktop app, users at home or on the
move can connect directly with an in-store sales assistant
and get the help they need in real time through a video call.
Participating stores are searchable by category and by country.
Within each store’s area of the app, shoppers can learn about its
sales associates through profiles which display their photo, areas
of speciality, length of service and availability. If their line is green,
they are connected and ready to take the video call.
Customers can then ask them for help, exactly as they could
do if they were in-store. They might want a closer view of an item
or an outfit suggestion, for instance. In the meantime, sales
associates can see the shopper’s purchase history and tailor
their advice and customer service to meet their requirements.
To finalise the purchase, staff drag and drop desired items into
the app shopping basket, where customers can review them
in real time. Payment is charged to the credit card that was
used to pay for and download the Open4Sale app.
Retailers will sign up to Open4Sale by paying a yearly
subscription. Their existing e-commerce platform and stock is
integrated into the app. For every transaction made through the
platform, Open4Sale will retain a percentage of the purchase
price. The price of the app, subscription cost and commission
is yet to be announced.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
24 25
Date_March 2012
nline men’s fashion label Bonobos opened offline
bricks-and-mortar Guideshops to create a physical
space where customers can try clothes on before buying
online. Orders are taken via iPad then delivered to their homes.
The Guideshops are appointment only, with customers booking
a free 45-minute session by visiting
Each showroom has up to six Guides, who offer one-on-one
assistance, fit advice and styling tips, helping customers
choose clothing based on their lifestyle. Customer preferences
are stored in their online account, meaning when they return
or shop online, appropriate clothing in the correct size is
suggested. The aim is that Guides become a familiar customer
service touch point, as they provide their email and phone
number should the customer wish to use their services again.
Bonobos halved its advertising and marketing budget to raise
investment for the first three Guideshops. Results show
purchases at a Guideshop are nearly double the average order
value at Guideshop customers are also said to
be 77% quicker to place a second order.
There are six Guideshops in Boston, Chicago, New York City,
Palo Alto, San Francisco and Georgetown (Washington DC).
The brand, which launched in 2007, aims to take the total to
25 within five years.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
26 27
Hointer Location_400 NE 45th Street, Seattle, Washington, US
Date_November 2012
ulti-brand jeans store Hointer has an in-store app that
makes buying the perfect pair seamless and gives store
assistants access to a customer’s shopping history
instantly. Hointer was launched by Nadia Shouraboura, former
head of supply chain and fulfillment technologies at Amazon.
Using the app, customers can choose, try on and buy a pair of
jeans without speaking to staff if they don’t wish to. If they do
want help, the service they receive will be more tailored, as the
assistant will have information such as what they have tried on
or rejected previously.
They download the app on arrival (iOS and Android), input their
size, then browse the 150 styles of jeans on the shop floor.
When they find a pair they want to try on, they scan its tag (or tap
it if the tag is NFC enabled) and the automated retrieval system in
the storeroom collects and delivers the right size to a fitting room.
Any number of pairs can be scanned and they will be delivered in
under 30 seconds. A message alerts the customer that their
jeans are ready to try and the number of the fitting room.
Customers can request different sizes through the app or a
sales assistant’s help. Items are added to a virtual shopping
basket in the app, but removed when items are placed in the
returns area of the fitting room. Customers can pay for their
jeans by swiping their bankcard at the self check-out point in
each fitting room. The first Hointer opened in Seattle; further
stores are planned for Japan and Europe.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
28 29
Harvey Nichols
concept box
Location_Etihad Stadium, SportCity, Manchester M11 3FF, UK
Date_March 2012
Design_Preferred Spaces –
anchester City Football Club and high-end department
store chain Harvey Nichols collaborated to bring luxury
fashion to football fans. A new shopping experience at
the Etihad Stadium, the club’s home ground, has transformed
a 8.2sqm hospitality box into a Harvey Nichols concept box
selling clothing, jewellery, handbags and shoes from designers
including Christian Louboutin and Dolce & Gabbana.
On match days, guests have access to a personal shopper,
beauty treatments, private dining with food prepared by Harvey
Nichols chefs and can participate in wine or spirits tastings.
Catering for up to 10 people, the box is available for hire on
match days and non-match days. It can be tailored to meet
the needs of guests, such as a birthday or hen party. All guests
take home a complimentary gift bag, which includes Harvey
Nichols wine, soap gift sets and macaroons in team colours.
This is a permanent fixture at the stadium and Manchester
United plans to open further concept boxes in the near future.
The first of which will be a collaboration with EA Games.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
30 31
ulture Convenience Club, which owns Tsutaya, Japan’s
most successful book store and video rental chain, has
opened a multi-brand retail village in Tokyo selling vintage
books, music and films. While Tsutaya already has 1,400
branches catering to a young demographic, joining it in the retail
village is CCC’s latest venture – Daikanyama T-Site – targeting
those aged 50 and over.
The 1,200sqm village consists of three T-shaped buildings,
with Tsutaya occupying the main space, complemented by a
curated group of outlets including an electric bicycle shop,
a travel agent, a bar-restaurant and an event space.
All publications and films are available in physical or digital
versions and are RFID-tagged for stock tracking. Tablets
have replaced traditional menus at the restaurant and can
be used to read ebooks or to locate a physical copy on the
shelves. Customers can pay at a till or use the self-checkouts.
Mature employees choose products based on knowledge of
their customers’ tastes and departments are signposted in kanji
(Japanese characters) as well as the western alphabet to appeal
to the older generation. Although designed as a space for the
over 50s, it has also attracted a younger crowd.
Location_Sarugakucho 17-5, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date_December 2011
Design_Klein Dytham Architecture –
Daikanyama T-Site
Styled toSurprise Location_6075 Mavis Road, Unit 10, Mississauga,
Toronto L5R 4G6, Canada
Date_August 2011
Design_DDB Canada –
lus-size fashion retailer Penningtons used augmented
reality to create playful changing rooms. Motion-sensor
technology in the mirror detected when a customer was
in front of it, triggering video footage of dancing firemen in the
reflection, who appeared to offer her a rose or champagne.
The one-month initiative formed part of Penningtons’ Styled to
Surprise campaign, which aimed to give plus-size fashion a
sassier image. The mirror was unveiled during an in-store
promotional event for customers and bloggers – their reactions
were filmed and shown on the retailer’s website. It was also
available on YouTube, where it received over 51,000 views.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
32 33
AldoShoe Paradise
anadian shoe brand Aldo made its spring/summer 2012
catalogue into a fun game. Customers played Shoe
Paradise via a microsite to win discounts which would be
redeemed in-store and online. The campaign aimed to build
brand/customer interaction and increase dwell time.
To play the game, users chose a male or female character and
raced to collect as many shoes as possible in three minutes.
They could gain extra time to complete the challenge by sharing
the game on Facebook, Twitter or via email. When players had
collected all the shoes, they won a 15% discount coupon. In
addition, each player could enter a draw to win an All-You-Can
Grab Aldo shopping spree.
Location_Canada, US & UK
Date_May-July 2012
Design_VITRO – & Kokokaka –
Game_Dynamo – &
Shoe Paradise was also available as a mobile game that users
signed up for through Facebook then played in-store using
their smartphone. It was promoted via in-store signage in
participating stores in Canada, the US and UK.
To play the game, users visited on their
smartphones while in-store and entered a four-digit location
code displayed on a sign. They then had to identify three special
pairs of shoes on three game levels, as directed by the app, to
win an instant prize ranging from $5 to $500 to spend in-store.
They had to play the game at three different Aldo stores for a
chance to win free products and a shopping spree.
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Asian Paints
Web link_
TheSocial Home
Web link_
Web link_
Styled toSurprise
Web link_
Scan to view videos
●	 A new model, where sales aren’t the main focus. How
about incentivising staff not on sales but on relationships
●	 How can new devices help your in-store staff build
relationships with customers who could be at home or even
on the move?
●	 Social Local Mobile marketing allows promotions not
just on a weekly and daily basis, but in hourly slots. Are you
taking advantage of this?
PS Dept to contact staff and
stylists inside your favourite stores
to share and shop for you.
The Harrods app for an audio
tour of the famous department store
(and a much-needed map).
The Westfield London app,
which includes maps, discounts
and voice recording to note where
you’re parked.
Build-A-Bear Workshop at Westfield’s Annapolis shopping
mall in the US to see very smart, targeted interaction. The new
retail format will be rolling out across the UK this year.
McQ London on Dover Street, where 21st century thinking and
technology meet in a luxury retail environment.
Legostores, watch toddlers use augmented reality intuitively
as they hold the packaging in front of child-height screens to see
how the model will look when they’ve built it.
HWKN co-founder Matthias Hollwich on why
pop-ups are a place for brands to experiment in
new territory and break their own boundaries.
Web link_
SimonStacey of Household on marketing to
men, revealing three male shopper mind-sets and
retail approaches that work.
Web link_
Mind Map – an infographic on encouraging more
people into the physical store, by consumer
communications expert Paul Bay.
Web link_
© GDR Creative Intelligence
36 37
a frictionless journey
hen online shopping first took hold in the
late 90s, real world and digital were parallel
universes. No such separation exists now
and the notion of channels competing for
the customer’s attention is mostly limited
to the boardroom. Talk to a shopper and they’ll say they use
three or more channels from researching to close of sale. Online,
in-store, smartphone and print catalogues are equally valid
touchpoints on the journey to buying.
The retail journey might not be simple, but its complexity is
far from a hindrance to business. In fact, the omnichannel
revolution has created unparalleled opportunity to engage
with customers in a meaningful, long-lasting way. There
have never been more methods of talking to
customers before, during and after a purchase.
You can start a conversation, then keep it going.
A brand implementing this thinking effectively is Audi. Its new
Audi City showrooms are light years from the traditional model.
They’re on smart high streets, in the urban centre, and use digital
and RFID technology to let visitors interact with every possible
configuration of Audi virtually. Even if they are decades away
from buying a luxury car, when they do, there’s a greater chance
of it being an Audi if they’ve built a relationship with the brand.
Responsive, intuitive technologies have the
power to create emotional reactions.
Just as the brand/customer conversation can begin years before
an actual purchase, the omnichannel can also extend that
relationship into the future. As ever, it’s often the little,
unexpected details that create an impression. Hellmann’s
mayonnaise in Brazil developed software which recognised the
other items a shopper was buying as they were scanned at the
till. It brought them together in a recipe including mayonnaise
which was printed on the customer’s receipt – demonstrating
the brand’s interest in the customer’s life beyond the purchase.
The omnichannel revolution wouldn’t be happening in the same
way without the arrival of new platforms, the population’s eager
adoption of them and the resultant shift in their expectations.
Platforms such as Blippar are bringing content to life, adding a
new dimension to everything from shop windows to catalogues.
There’s no such thing as static content anymore,
customers expect animated, exciting experiences.
Omnichannel is also a chance to make your brand playful,
creating a more memorable customer experience. Augmented
reality technology and platforms such as Microsoft Kinect are
taking gaming from the sofa to the shopping mall. Picture a
world where entire virtual supermarkets can open at famous
locations or right outside competitor’s stores – that’s the retail
landscape we live in right now. Online Chinese store Yihaodian’s
fully shoppable Tiananmen Square branch exists only in the
hands of customers pointing their smartphones at the location.
Crucially, the customer’s emotional response
to shopping is as strong as ever, the only
fundamental change is the practical application
of it. Think about two-screen viewing at home – customers are
happy to watch TV while surfing the web on their tablet, so why
not make TV shows shoppable? Fox Broadcasting in the US has
partnered with American Express on Fox Now, a suite of apps
which lets viewers buy items they see on screen in real time.
Embrace omnichannel as a force for good and keep a close
eye on how people are actually using new technologies and
platforms, this will result in developing a fresh, successful and
meaningful relationship with your customer. ●
The 2013 shopper uses multiple
channels on their buying journey.
Once, offline and online retail
existed in parallel universes.
Emotional technology can build
meaningful bonds years ahead
of actual purchase.
The modern omnichannel
shopper expects interactive,
playful content.
Omnichannel has built a
new retail landscape, which
is shoppable via smartphone.
People still love shopping, it's just
how they do it that has changed
Audi city
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38 39
Location_75 Piccadilly, London, W1J 8HU, UK
Date_July 2012
Design_Razorfish –
Audi City
udi’s new retail format allows it to showcase every model
configuration in central urban locations for the first time.
But there aren’t hundreds of millions of cars in Audi City
near London’s Piccadilly Circus – potential customers use
digital touch tables to build their dream vehicle, which is then
transferred onto a giant screen called a Powerwall in 1:1 scale.
They control the image and navigation menu through gestures
and steps picked up by Kinect sensors, to turn the car through
360 degrees and drive it through virtual landscapes.
The concept builds direct customer experience into a stage of
vehicle purchase – initial research – now frequently carried out
online at home. There is increased opportunity for creating
relationships and dialogue with future customers, those perhaps
not in a position to buy an Audi right now but still interested in
the brand. Through Audi City, Audi can position itself alongside
fashion stores, creating the mood of a lifestyle destination.
The customer’s design is transferred onto a USB stick with RFID
function (radio frequency identification), so when they return
to Audi City or an Audi dealership, RFID readers will recognise
their configuration. As well as digital interfaces, Audi City has
swatches of fabrics, leathers and paints which have RFID codes
so the customer can upload variations to their model.
Specially recruited customer relationship managers will guide
customers through the process, from initial consultation
and test drives (Audi City operates in conjunction with existing
dealerships) to the after-sales process. This first Audi City will
be followed by more than 20 locations worldwide by 2015.
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Very at V Festival Location_Hylands Park, Essex, UK
Date_August 2012
Design_Cow PR –
nline department store Very went to Virgin Media’s
V Festival to extend its delivery services to festival goers.
During the two-day event, the retailer offered its free
Collect delivery service, so shoppers could buy any item online
from their mobile phones on the Friday of the event and have it
sent to the festival the following day. Deliveries and collections
were made at the on-site Very tent which had DJs playing.
Very also created Festival Favourites, a capsule collection of
50 festival-related items including staples such as tents and
rubber boots. The collection was available to order using a
bespoke mobile site during the festival weekend, and was
delivered within an hour. For those without a smartphone, there
were Very representatives on site taking orders using iPads.
In addition, festival goers who used the delivery service were
allowed to enter the Glam Pods in the Very tent, equipped with
hair straighteners, mirrors and beauty products.
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42 43
Emmas Enkel Location_Berliner Allee 56, Düsseldorf, 40212, Germany
Date_October 2011
Design_Emmas Enkel
mmas Enkel is an independent grocery store in Germany
which blends the values of a traditional shop with
technology to offer a convenient, multichannel experience
while building personal relationships with customers.
The store (the name translates as Emma’s Grandson) offers
several ways to buy groceries. Customers can drop off
handwritten shopping lists to the store, input them online
at home or via in-store iPads. In all cases, products are
handpicked by staff and customers are notified when items
are ready for collection or delivery.
The online store also offers pre-filled baskets based on themes,
with discounts if items are bought together. The range is not
vast, but it aims to cater for all budgets with a focus on quality.
After hours, customers can use the QR code shopping wall on
the store’s façade to fill a virtual shopping basket. They scan
QR codes beside items, which will be ready to collect in-store
the next day or delivered to an alternative address.
Separate from the aisles of the store is the Parlour – a seating
area styled on a traditional family home. Customers can relax on
comfortable chairs, chat with friends at the central table or keep
children entertained in the play corner. Coffee, drinks and cakes
can be bought in-store and guests can make use of free wi-fi.
As part of its launch, the store held a senior citizen afternoon,
when older people were introduced to its features. It also runs
activities at various times of day, appealing to different groups.
The brand will open a second store in March 2013.
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44 45
Adidas Neo
Location_Breite Gasse 46, 90402 Nuremberg
Herzogenaurach, Nuremberg, Germany
Date_September-October 2012
Design_TBWAHelsinki –
didas’ teen-focused brand Neo trialled a shoppable
window that connects to windowshoppers’ smartphones
without the need for an app. It allows customers to
drag items into a virtual shopping bag, which transfers to their
smartphone through simple hand gestures. They can also see
clothing in more detail and make digital mannequins move.
The shopper establishes a connection between the shopping
window and their smartphone by visiting a URL displayed on
the window to receive a one-time pin. The customer selects
a product by tapping the shop window and dragging the item
to the bag. A server communicates this to the shopper’s
smartphone that instantly shows the product on its display.
This gives the shopper the impression of dragging products
from the shopping window to their smartphone. Products
can then be bought directly from the phone. Only one user can
connect to the shoppable window at once. The window was
initially installed in one Neo store in Germany; a full roll-out
across the country is planned for 2013.
WindowShopping is a patent-pending tool by creative agency
TBWAHelsinki. Although exclusively available to adidas within
the sports sector, the agency is in talks with luxury, banking and
automotive brands about future iterations.
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46 47
9straatjesonline Location_Online and De 9 Straatjes, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Date_September 2012
Design_De 9 Straatjes
nown for its independent boutiques, Amsterdam’s
De 9 Straatjes shopping district has a group e-commerce
site and PayPal-partnered smartphone app. This ‘online
neighbourhood’ turns small brands into 24-hour shopping
destinations. Stores are not individually branded on the site,
unless shoppers search via their name, and orders are shipped
in 9straatjesonline packaging.
The 30 participating stores have QR code stickers in their
window displays, which shoppers with the 9straatjesonline
mobile app can scan to be directed to the area of the group
site for that specific store. From there, they can also browse
products from other stores, searching by name or product
category. When the customer has finished shopping, all the items
from the various stores are included in one online basket. The
customer’s transaction is then completed with one payment
to 9straatjesonline. Once the order is received, 9straatjesonline
visits each of the stores to create the customer’s order, which is
shipped (including worldwide) in one package. 9straatjesonline
takes commission from the retailers for the service.
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Blippar for Stylist
and New Look
Design_Blippar –
lippar is an augmented reality platform that allows extra
content to be layered over magazine pages, posters,
products, packaging and window displays. The extra
content can then be viewed via a dedicated app.
During the London 2012 Olympics, Blippar was used to create
an interactive issue for free weekly magazine Stylist. Readers
could use the Blippar app to scan 21 of the title’s 64 pages to
access content such as recipes, a live feed of the Olympic leader
board and fashion pages where they could share and virtually try
on outfits. The cover, below, was the most-scanned page. In
seven days, over 26,500 unique users (7% of the readership)
interacted with the magazine and 71% scanned more than one
page. A running shoe special, enabling readers to ‘click to buy’,
was particularly popular, accounting for 6% of all scans.
Fashion brand New Look used Blippar in the window displays
of 700 stores across Europe to promote a make-up range by
model Kelly Brook. A sticker in the window could be scanned
with the Blippar app to try different nail varnishes virtually. Users
placed their hand in front of their smartphone camera then used
augmented reality controls to scroll through the colour options,
which appeared on their nails. They could also watch a video
of Kelly talking about her new range and take a photo of
themselves posing beside a virtual image of her.
Blippar has also worked with FMCG brands including Cadbury
to create interactive packaging, with chocolate bars that can be
scanned to access games. In London, commuters can scan their
Oyster travel cards to view live travel updates and a Tube map.
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Hellmann’s Recipe
Location_Rua Carlos Weber, 502 – Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo,
05303-000, Brazil
Date_March-June 2012
Design_Ogilvy Brasil –
o inspire customers to use Hellmann’s mayonnaise in new
ways, the brand launched a campaign in Brazil telling
them how the groceries they had just purchased
in the supermarket could be combined with the product to
make a meal. The customer’s receipt was printed with the
ingredients and preparation instructions for the recipe.
The brand partnered with the City Lapa branch of the
supermarket chain St Marche to install specially designed
software at 100 till points. It recognised when the customer
had bought a jar of Hellmann’s and automatically checked the
other items of food in their shopping basket as they were
scanned to compile a recipe suggestion. The recipes were taken
from the Unilever-owned recipe website
During the first month of the three-month campaign, Hellmann’s
noticed a 44% increase in sales. The brand is aiming to expand
the campaign to other St Marche stores and hoping to roll it out
to the UK, US and Canada in 2013.
Chef Online app
Location_Online (Portugal)
Date_July 2011
Design_Havas –
ortuguese supermarket chain Continente has launched
a free, interactive app which gives its customers cooking
inspiration and step-by-step tutorials from hundreds
of video recipes by selected chefs. It also allows users to buy
missing ingredients from the brand’s e-commerce website
and to find their nearest store through GPS.
Content is searchable by ingredients, name of chef and ‘most
popular’. Users can pause, skip, go back and repeat every step
in a recipe. New features include an integrated timer, the ability to
email friends from within the app to invite them for dinner
and a notebook to add written and voice notes to each recipe.
Previously available only as an online platform, Chef Online has
been implemented and delivered as an iOS app as the brand
assumed users were consulting tablets or smartphones while
cooking. Immediately after the app launched, the brand’s
Facebook fans (currently 212,000) quadrupled. Chef Online was
also the most-searched free iPad app in its first week. It has
been downloaded 140,000 times so far.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
52 53
Gojee  D’Agostino Location_Online
Date_July 2011
anhattan-based grocer D’Agostino partnered with
visually led recipe recommendation site Gojee to offer
its customers a special service linked to its loyalty card.
After shopping, customers login to their Gojee account, where the
ingredients they have just bought have been automatically added.
They can then browse food and cocktail recipes based on their
most recent purchases. Nutritional information is also displayed.
To help its 500,000 members discover new food and drink ideas
from 10,000 recipes, Gojee chose 300 respected food and
cocktail bloggers from around the world. Members list the
ingredients they love, dislike, are allergic to and those they
already have to filter and tailor recipe suggestions. When the
member selects to see the full recipe, they are redirected to
the website or blog where Gojee’s independent recipe writing
partners originally posted their creations.
A free Gojee iPhone, iPad and Android app allows users to find
inspirational ideas when they’re on the go. Gojee has recently
expanded into fashion, jewellery and handbags.
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54 55
Nike+ FuelStation Location_Boxpark, 2-4 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch,
London E1 6GY, UK
Date_March 2012
Technology_Nike  AKQA –
he Nike+ FuelStation, a retail space with interactive digital
experiences to appeal to today’s connected athlete is
located in Boxpark, the pop-up mall in East London.
It targets users of all Nike+ digital devices, including the
Nike+ FuelBand, a digital wristband that tracks daily movements
to help motivate users to be more active.
A floor-to-ceiling motion-sensitive screen at the entrance reacts
as visitors walk past, LED lights change from red to green in
reference to the Nike+ FuelBand (where green light symbolises
movement). Elsewhere, motion-sensitive cameras create a
life-sized digital version of visitors, who can save and share the
resulting digital artwork via social networks. They can also plug
their Nike+ device into USB ports on touchscreens to download
their information which they can save to their profile online.
Store assistants are equipped with iPads to tell shoppers about
the technology used in Nike shoes. The iPad identifies a shoe
through image recognition triggering an augmented reality
animation showing how the Dynamic Support outsoles work.
Upstairs at Boxpark, Nike has opened its NikeiD Studio, where
customers can design their own footwear. The store is also the
first space outside the US to feature the Bowerman Wall, a large
interactive touchscreen named after the brand’s co-founder that
shows an audiovisual brand history. A second FuelStation
opened in south London in the summer of 2012.
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Fox Now apps Location_Online (US)
Date_November 2012
Design_Fox Broadcasting Company  Delivery Agent –
o make its TV shows more interactive and shoppable, Fox
Broadcasting has tapped into second-screen viewing
behaviour and T-commerce (television commerce) with a
suite of TV apps called Fox Now. The apps allow viewers to keep
up with the conversations around their favourite programmes
and interact with the live broadcast via tablet devices.
The apps connect with the user’s Facebook account to create a
personal feed based on their interests and those of their friends.
They can watch clips, share photos and videos, access exclusive
content and customise their experience based on their tastes
and location.
The iPad app for popular comedy programme New Girl also
allows viewers to shop in real time while watching episodes.
It synchronises with the TV through audio recognition technology,
giving viewers information in time with the story. When fashion or
homeware items available for purchase at
appear, the app alerts viewers with a pop-up message in the
lower part of the screen.
Fox has partnered with American Express to promote the feature.
American Express is offering cardholders who have synced their
card with their Facebook account a one-off $35 card credit to
spend on items seen in New Girl via
Fox will expand the T-commerce service to other programme
apps in 2013. American Express has other T-commerce
partnerships, including Zeebox (opposite) and NBC.
Location_Online (UK, US and Australia)
Date_October 2011
eebox is a second-screen app for smartphones or tablets
which analyses what the viewer is watching on TV to
display relevant content. The content includes social
media activity based around the programme, which shows are
popular as well as shoppable items, allowing brands to target
viewers who are inspired to shop by what they see on TV.
By signing into Zeebox through Facebook, the user can see what
their Zeebox-using friends are watching and also share what they
are watching using the Shout Out button. They can invite friends
to watch a programme by messaging them through Facebook
and chat via the in-app messaging system.
The dashboard displays the shows that are popular on TV at that
moment by monitoring the number of Zeebox ‘check-ins’ and
also the Twitter buzz the show is generating. By clicking through
to a show, the viewer can see its Twitter feed updating in real
time and can Tweet directly from the Zeebox platform. The
platform generates Zeetags related to each programme, which
are links to useful websites. A cookery show might have Zeetags
relating to the chefs and ingredients, for example.
Zeebox was founded by Anthony Rose, former CTO of BBC
iPlayer and Ernesto Schmitt, ex board director of EMI Music.
In 2012, BSkyB bought a stake in Zeebox and it has since
expanded to the US and most recently Australia. Zeebox taps
into Google’s recent study suggesting that 77% of viewers
interact with a second screen while watching TV.
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58 59
Yihaodian 1,000
Virtual Stores
Date_October 2012
Design_Ogilvy  Mather Shanghai –
opular Chinese e-commerce website Yihaodian has
brought its presence to real-world locations with
the launch of 1,000 augmented reality (AR) stores
across China. The retail spaces can only be visited virtually using
the Yihaodian Virtual Store app, an app which generates
the GPS location-tagged augmented reality stores.
The AR stores can be found in strategic locations such as
residential neighbourhoods, next to iconic landmarks (using AR
allowed the brand to open on Tiananmen Square, for example)
and in front of competitors’ brick-and-mortar supermarkets.
When customers point their smartphone at the location using the
app, a virtual shop pops up on their screens. They are then able
to ‘walk’ around the aisles and shop goods from the store for
home delivery. The AR stores are located in Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzou and Shenzen, and each offers discounts and coupons
to shoppers. Yihaodian is promoting its virtual stores online and
via an ad campaign, driving customers to download the app.
Results from the campaign include a 16% sales increase from
launch until end of year, 1.8m views of the promotional video,
and global media coverage.
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60 61
Audi City
Web link_
Adidas Neo
Web link_
Web link_
Hellmann's mayonnaise
Web link_
Web link_
Nike+ FuelStation
Web link_
●	 When and where are you starting conversations with
your existing and potential customers?
●	 How does your social mediastrategy feed into this
pre-purchase, mid-purchase and post-purchase dialogue?
●	 Are you interacting with the 77% of TV viewers who
use asecondscreen while watching TV?
Blippar. Blip a jar of Marmite,
a bottle of Heinz ketchup, or a
five-pound note.
Zeebox. Strictly will never be the
same again.
The Ikea app, then use it to
scan its latest catalogue for an
augmented reality surprise.
Audi City on Piccadilly to see a brilliant example of a brand
starting a conversation with customers, possibly years ahead
of purchase.
Nike+ FuelStation at Boxpark in Shoreditch, where
technology lets customers interact with products and staff
beyond the physical store.
With 90% of the world’s digital data having been
created in the last two years, Tangent Snowball’s
Simon McEvoy reveals how brands can own
Big Data.
Web link_
By 2014, mobile internet will overtake desktop
internet usage – smartphone psychology is
changing as a result, say the founders
of Ribot.
Web link_
Scan to view videos
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62 63
The Customer: a
connected influencer
Two-way conversation lets your
brand gain valuable insight…
There was a time when being
Liked was enough. But there's
more to 'social’ than thumbs up.
… Which feeds into smart,
targeted campaigns and builds
in lasting loyalty.
Invite customers into your brand
to create proud stakeholders.
Social media can help you reward
your loyal customers according to
their reach.
Customers say friends and
followers influence their buying –
so get to know their Klout.
ocial media is not a popularity contest. The days of
simply chasing Fans on Facebook are over – genuine,
meaningful engagement is the new social aim. By its
very nature the medium leaves no hiding place for
retailers, but think of the exposure as an opportunity
to broadcast positive feedback on a mass scale and build
long-lasting loyalty.
In social media, as in the real world, if it’s not two-way, it’s not
conversation. And tone is just as crucial. Swedish mall Arkaden
showed how, given a perfectly pitched offer, people will rush to
take part in activity. It invited them to direct a fashion campaign
photo shoot, the result was 8,800 visits to the microsite, a 629%
increase in Facebook Fans and a viral spread of 197k. That’s
impressive – the population of Gothenburg, where the mall is
based, is 500k. Arkaden got to know its most vocal customers
and could start positive conversations with them.
For customers, the benefit of this relationship
goes beyond discounts and freebies, to feeling
like an active brand stakeholder. Ikea has taken
customer collaboration one step further by inviting not just
individuals, but a whole community to be involved in a store
move in Norway. The success of this collaboration was
phenomenal and, while much of it was down to customer
affection for the brand, some must be attributed to potential
feel-good factor gained from a collaborative experience.
Brands can use the data generated by social media interactions
to offer targeted promotions and purchase suggestions that
customers will find relevant, not generic. Safeway Just For U
in the US offers personal pricing based on frequency of purchase
of particular items, linking online shopping behaviour to
discounts in the physical store. Spaaza MyPrice in South Africa,
meanwhile, gives customers an individual price on products
according to their brand loyalty and interaction. Customers won’t
be shy in promoting great retail relationships via social networks
– word of mouth has gone digital.
The UK was once known as a nation of shopkeepers and much
of that cottage industry has gone online. With 22 million Etsy
members worldwide, brands and start-up companies are tapping
into this desire to create, curate and sell. Affiliate schemes such
as Shopcade make real-life shopkeepers of anyone willing to put
in the time on Facebook to promote their store. An app called
Depop lets individuals take images of goods, upload them to
social media, sell and process payments all via their smartphone.
Retailers can’t ignore the power friends,
followers and influencers have – 81% of US
respondents said friends’ social media posts directly influenced
their purchase decisions (Forbes), with 44% of social media-
savvy women indicating their favourite blogger influences their
buying (Business2Community). Then there is the rise of services
such as Klout, which measures an individual’s influence based
on their ability to drive action on social networks. This adds
up to some powerful individuals talking to your
customer, so get to know them, too.
CA has brought this customer-to-customer recommendation
in-store with digital hangers that display the number of Likes
an item has online. Lagerhaus, a homeware store in Sweden,
created a widget that allows influential bloggers to create a
shoppable section in their blog using the brand’s products.
While social media used to be about generating numbers,
now brands can think of themselves more like individuals.
Have a voice and listen closely – get to know your customer
and gain valuable insight as a result. ●
© GDR Creative Intelligence
64 65
ased on the idea that neighbours and friends help you
move house, Ikea created a campaign to publicise the
relocation of its Bergen store which invited local people
to organise and take part in the opening day celebrations. The
result was that the entire event was managed by the community,
with 20% of Bergen’s population in attendance.
Ikea spent three weeks enlisting volunteers to carry out tasks at
the store opening via press, billboards, banner ads and social
media. People could sign up at a microsite to make a speech,
plant trees or host an in-store radio show, for example.
In the end, people volunteered for tasks Ikea hadn’t even
advertised, including skydiving and performing dance routines.
Norway’s best-selling hip-hop artist, Lars Vaular, asked to
perform a live gig at the opening, then a family volunteered to
pick him up from the airport. The event broke previous sales
records and is Ikea’s most successful store opening ever.
The Customer
Ikea Moving
the Store
Location_Åsane, Åsamyrane 250, 5131 Nyborg, Bergen,
Date_April 2012
Design_SMFB –
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Be a Harrods Buyer
Luxury department store Harrods asked its Facebook Fans to
become ‘honorary buyers’ by helping to select pieces from the
Burberry autumn/winter 2012 collection. The Burberry catwalk
show at London Fashion Week was live-streamed to the Harrods
Facebook page and images of the 47 outfits were uploaded the
following day. Harrods Fans then had 24 hours to vote for their
favourite looks by Liking them. The most popular items were
incorporated into the store’s buy for the season.
ModCloth Be The Buyer
US online women’s fashion retailer ModCloth set up its Be The
Buyer platform inviting customers to vote on potential garment
designs. Browsing through the designs for clothing, shoes and
accessories, users can select the Pick It or Skip It options to
vote for or reject each item – the most popular pieces are
manufactured and then sold online. The initiative encourages
customers to become part of the brand’s buying process and
provides a platform for emerging designers who might otherwise
be unable to produce their designs. Users can share favourite
designs via Facebook and Twitter, while feedback left on the
site is used by the creators to improve unpopular styles.
Oscar De La Renta The Board
Fashion label Oscar De La Renta launched The Board website,
which invited users to help source inspiration for its 2013 resort
collection. Fans could sign up to the pinboard-style website and
upload content that they felt could be useful for the brand’s
design team. There was no brief – users could add anything,
from photos and paintings to adverts, fabrics and videos.
The site displayed the content on a revolving board; it also
appeared on a screen in the Oscar De La Renta offices. Users
could share the material on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Oscar De La Renta is known for using social media to interact
with Fans and customers. Since 2010 the label has live-
streamed its catwalk shows online and, in 2011, the brand
used Facebook to sell exclusive products.
Domino's Think Oven
Domino’s has launched a Facebook app, Think Oven, where
customers can contribute their ideas on how the brand can
improve products and services in two categories. In The Idea
Box, consumers can submit a new menu item or insights on
store design, for instance. Current Project is for specific topics
chosen by Domino’s, where users can contribute thoughts.
The first topic invited suggestions for new staff uniforms. Each
Current Project runs for about one month and anyone can
contribute suggestions, although only US citizens are eligible to
win prizes for now. After the deadline, Domino’s will choose four
submissions that will be rewarded with $500 each. The project is
open to store owners and employees as well as customers. One
new product, Parmesan Bread Bites, was a store owner’s idea.
Think Oven is an ongoing initiative, with further projects planned
for the coming year.
Heineken Ideas Brewery
Heineken’s innovation platform Ideas Brewery invites people
around the world to share concepts on set challenges. It
launched in 2012 with a challenge for sustainable beer
packaging. The second challenge sought innovations to develop
draught beers globally. The latest challenge seeks insight
regarding the lives of today’s 60-70 year-olds. The jury, including
director Donald Petrie, will select three winners from ten finalists.
Participants will compete for a chance to win a share of $10,000
and to have their entries included in a 60-plus documentary film.
Winners will be announced at the end of March 2013. To mark its
140th anniversary in 2012, Heineken launched a global design
challenge inviting people around the world to connect through
Facebook to form design teams to collaborate on a limited-
edition bottle. The winning duo saw their design sold round the
world from December 2012.
Lego Cuusoo
Lego Cuusoo is an online platform by Lego that allows people to
submit product ideas. Users sign in, upload proposed concepts
and vote on the ideas they’d like to see produced by the brand.
Once a project has received 10,000 votes it’s evaluated by
Lego. If the idea is made, the creator earns 1% of the total net
sales. When voting, users are asked where they live, the price
they’d pay and why they’d like to see the idea made. The
platform allows the brand to harness opinion from huge
numbers of fans while gathering data on what resonates with
them. Lego Minecraft World is in production as a result of the
platform, after receiving over 10,000 votes in 48 hours. Future
plans include letting users add Cuusoo functions to their own
websites to generate more votes and perhaps sell products.
The Customer
Crowd pleasers
Do you want to know how a new product or service will sit with your customers? Some brands are
taking an old-fashioned route – asking them. After all, in a conversation everyone loves to be heard
© GDR Creative Intelligence
68 69
The Customer
Safeway Just For U Location_US
Date_July 2012
upermarket chain Safeway in the US has enhanced its Just
for U loyalty scheme to publicise flexible pricing based on
a shopper’s purchase history. As well as being able to buy
items with their personalised prices via Safeway’s e-commerce
site, tablet and smartphone apps, members can use these
channels to load their physical loyalty card with bespoke offers
and discount coupons before going to shop in-store.
Members receive 10-20% off items they buy regularly or are
likely to buy based on their spending patterns, with new offers
and promotions added on a weekly basis. If an item goes
on sale at less than a customer’s personal price, the system
will honour the lowest price. This flexible pricing structure is
designed to increase loyalty among upper-level spenders
and maintain performance in mid-range spenders. The Just For
U app is divided into three sections. The ‘coupon centre’, which
contains digital coupons (to reduce the amount of clip coupons
and promotional flyers sent out by the retailer), ‘personalised
deals’, unique savings and promotions for each customer and
‘your club savings’, a list of the customer’s frequently purchased
items next to their personal discount.
Since trialling in mid 2010, the scheme now has around 5 million
registrants, of 9 million unique households who shop with
Safeway each week. Incremental spend continues to exceed
the retailer’s original estimates by more than 50%.
derived from the affiliate fee. They can also earn points by
logging into Shopcade, recommending products through their
shop, inviting friends to join or by browsing products. The points
can be used to upgrade and customise their store.
The app features tabs for Top Trending Products; Trendsetters,
most popular Shopcades; Influencers, the stores run by
celebrities, and Deals, where offers are announced. Shopcade
will recommend products to users based on what they have
displayed within their stores, purchased themselves or Liked.
While Shopcade is available worldwide, the app is in English and
participating brands are UK- and US-based, although many do
worldwide delivery. Purchases can only be made among the
Shopcade community.
ecognising that social media users are heavily influenced
by Friends when shopping, Shopcade is a Facebook app
that allows users to create their own store within the
social network. They curate the products and promote them,
earning a cash reward for each sale made through their store.
Shop-owners can choose from more than 40 million products
from 20,000 participating brands, with items categorised into
sections such as fashion, apps and downloads, and health and
beauty. Their store can then be recommended to others, who
must join Shopcade before they can browse and buy.
Shoppers are directed to a brand’s website if they want to
purchase an item, with Shopcade used as an aggregator for
displaying the products. The shop-owner’s cash reward is
Date_November 2011
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70 71
The Customer
LoyalBlocks Location_US
Date_September 2012
Location_US (concept)
Design_Red Pepper –
oyalBlocks is a digital loyalty app for smartphones.
Retailers can reward customers for visiting the physical
store, with or without purchasing. They can push
promotions directly to mobile devices as the app runs constantly
in the background. The platform also reports detailed individual
customer behaviour data as well as group analytics.
LoyalBlocks uses GPS to determine the user’s location. When
they enter a store, it automatically ‘punches’ their digital loyalty
card for that brand. Customers receive one punch per store, per
visit – the app is time sensitive and recognises when the punch
card is full. Retailers can also send tailored promotional Tokens.
LoyalBlocks can be personalised with a retailer’s branding, or
messages and interactions. A Merchant Dashboard interface
acedeals is a new app concept being tested in the US
which can check people in on Facebook and send them
personalised offers using facial-recognition cameras.
Facedeals uses cameras installed at entry points in stores to
scan people’s faces as they walk in. If the customer is a user of
the app, they’ll be checked in and, based on their Like history,
receive a customised offer. Shoppers must first sign up to the
app. Facedeals will work with users to verify pictures of them
to get a better facial reading.
The technology is being tested in Nashville, Tennessee, but its
developers plan to expand to other cities worldwide in 2013.
allows chains and retail groups to manage a universal loyalty
club for their entire chain or group, tracking both individual and
aggregate analytics to optimise the impact of their efforts.
McDonald’s, for instance, has recently started using the platform
for its McDonald’s Loyalty Club.
Any Android device can be used as a base station for
LoyalBlocks. The app is free to download for both iPhone
and Android users, retailers pay a monthly fee for using the
platform. After launching as a pilot with 300 retailers in New York
in 2012, LoyalBlocks now operates in the US, UK, Canada and
Australia. It signed 1,000 new merchants worldwide in 2012,
and expects to reach 3,750-4,500 by the end of 2013.
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72 73
The Customer
Tesco Share  Earn Location_Online (UK)
Date_July 2012
ritish supermarket Tesco is trailing a Facebook app –
Share  Earn – which encourages its 967,000 Facebook
Fans to share any of the products for sale via its online
lifestyle store Tesco Direct in return for double points on the
brand’s loyalty card scheme, Clubcard.
Shoppers begin by downloading the Facebook Share  Earn
app, then connect their Clubcard account to it. When they’re
interested in a product within the Tesco Direct website, they click
on the Share  Earn button. This action adds a link to
that product on their Facebook wall, allowing them to share
the item with their Friends who can Like it. If that Like turns into
a purchase, made either by themselves or their Facebook
Friends by clicking on the link, both the sharer and the purchaser
receives double Clubcard points up to a maximum reward of
7,500 points per customer for the whole month.
Date_May 2012
Design_Garage Italy S.r.l
epop is an app which turns the iPhone user into a shop
curator, by allowing them to promote and sell items
interactively through their existing social networks. The
launch version was for individual users, but the app now offers
a Premium service to brands and stores.
After downloading the app, users link their Depop account
to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. When
they upload an image of an item they wish to sell, the app
automatically shares it with their contacts. Unlike eBay, users
can follow their favourite sellers’ profiles and receive updates
about their latest offers via their image-based Depop feed.
The app also displays information about size, price and condition
below each image, and items can be browsed by popularity,
location and price. Sellers and purchasers communicate through
an integrated instant messenger service so their transaction
becomes more personal, while price and delivery method can be
adapted in real time. Once an offer is received and accepted,
payments are completed via PayPal.
The app is free to download, with sellers paying 4% of the price
of their item to Depop, plus €0.35 (£0.20) for each transaction
completed. An Android version is currently in development.
The app launched under the name Garage.
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The Customer
SpaazaMyPrice Location_Worldwide
Design_Spaaza Technologies BV –
paaza MyPrice allows retailers to tailor in-store prices to
an individual customer depending on their social influence
and loyalty to the brand. It’s intended as an alternative to
plastic customer loyalty cards.
The retailer adds a MyPrice tag to labels in-store. It has the
regular price listed but invites the shopper to scan a QR code
to access a tailored price. If they haven’t used MyPrice before,
they can log in via Facebook (login with Twitter or Google will
follow). The retailer determines the MyPrice, which is based on
the shopper’s social influence, their preferences and Likes on
Facebook, or how loyal they are to the brand.
An algorithm works out the discount and the MyPrice is
displayed on the smartphone screen. Also displayed are
suggested actions the shopper can take to further reduce the
price – determined by the retailer, but could include Liking the
brand on Facebook or sharing the product and price with Friends.
Once the shopper is satisfied with the price, they show a
customer number or barcode to the retailer, who either uses
point-of-sale software integration or Spaaza’s mobile or website
apps to verify the price. MyPrice can operate as a standalone
app or be integrated into a retailer’s existing app. When
integrated, MyPrice can use the retailer’s existing barcode
system (shoppers can then scan these instead of QR codes).
The retailer can gain significant information from the customer
using MyPrice, including the scan-to-sale ratio, which can be
broken down by demographic information. In the future it will
be possible to automate pricing in real time. The retailer
pays a fee per redemption, plus set-up and licence costs.
Spaaza envisages its patent-pending service being used in
both everyday customer scenarios and during promotional
periods. The service can also be extended to print and online.
As well as personal pricing, Spaaza allows brands to offer
discounts based on factors such as age, birthdays, time of day,
local weather and stock levels. It can be connected to an existing
inventory system, allowing brands and retailers to integrate the
discount system. Spaaza is currently developing additional tools
that use this information to connect online and offline shopping
channels – enabling customers at home to assess stock levels
in different stores, for example.
Spaaza MyPrice is now being trialled by Quiksilver and DC
Shoes in South Africa. Quiksilver is trying the system in four
stores and has signed up to use the product for two years.
1. Scan
2. Regular price
3. My personal price
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76 77
The Customer
CAFashionLike Location_Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 2232, Jardim
Paulistano, São Paulo, 01489-900 Brazil
Date_April-May 2012
Design_DM9DDB Brazil –
ashion retailer CA used hangers in its São Paulo store
with built-in LED screens which displayed the number of
Facebook Likes the item had achieved. Merging online
and physical retail, the hangers tap into the fact that many
women seek their friends’ opinions when buying clothes.
CA had created a special collection for Mother’s Day in Brazil,
selecting 10 items to highlight on its Facebook page and giving
each a Like button. In-store, the 10 items were displayed as
a mini collection. A specially developed rack contained an
integrated web-connected computer that transferred Facebook
data to the hangers. The numbers of Likes for each piece was
updated in real time in-store, meaning customers could see
instantly which item was most popular with CA Fans, reassuring
them about their purchase. The CA Facebook page also gave
fashion tips and outfit suggestions combining the selected
pieces with other items from the Mother’s Day collection.
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The Customer
Date_May 2011
Design_Prime PR –
Date_September 2012
o build an online fan base for its new e-commerce site,
homeware brand Lagerhaus enlisted six bloggers
to create online stores within their blogs, promoting their
favourite products. When a reader clicked an item, they were
directed to the Lagerhaus e-commerce site. If they went on
to buy the item, the blogger received an affiliate payment.
Bloggers were given a template widget into which they could
drop items from the collection. Blogger-endorsed items were
highlighted in-store with Blogger Favourite stickers. After the
success of the launch, the project is ongoing and Lagerhaus has
been contacted by numerous bloggers wishing to start a shop.
oldsie is an app that turns Facebook into a point of
sale by allowing brands to sell products via comments.
It taps into an existing behaviour – uploading images to
Facebook – but gives it e-commerce capability. Customers
simply type Sold in the comments box to instigate a transaction.
To use Soldsie, brands must have a Facebook business page
and be able to accept US Dollars, it also recommends at least
500 Fans. To upload images, they open their Soldsie dashboard
via the Apps section and select New Collection. They click Add
Products to upload a picture of the item that they wish to sell and
add a brief description (price and inventory numbers) which
should include instructions to the customer on how to buy it.
Brands can manage and edit their product catalogue via the
Products tab in their dashboard.
The Lagerhaus Facebook page is now the second-biggest
interior design page in Sweden after Ikea. During the campaign,
Facebook Fans increased by 226%, page interactions by 360%.
When Lagerhaus’ full e-commerce site opened, Facebook Fans
invited 13,000 of their Friends to a Fan-only online store launch.
The average purchase sum from the online stores is 3.5 times
higher than in physical stores.
Customers type Sold in the comments box, along with the email
address where an invoice is to be sent or they can register their
information with Soldsie through the brand’s Facebook page.
Comments are aggregated in the brand’s dashboard, where they
monitor transaction statuses, which are processed via PayPal.
For brands handling between $700 and $80,000 in monthly
transactions, 3% of each sale goes to Soldsie. Businesses
handling less don’t have to pay a fee to Soldsie. All brands
are offered a free 14-day trial when they sign up.
Future plans include letting customers type Sold to have their
credit card billed immediately and expanding to other social
networks. The San Francisco-based start-up previously operated
under the name
© GDR Creative Intelligence
80 81
The Customer
Arkaden’s Fashion
Photography Project
Location_Online (Sweden)
Date_July-August 2012
Design_Shout –  Kokokaka –
wedish shopping mall Arkaden turned its customers into
brand stakeholders by allowing them to shoot a virtual
fashion campaign. Users then shared their shots
via a campaign microsite for the chance to have one used as
Arkaden’s official autumn/winter print advert. The Fashion
Photography Project aimed to increase Arkaden’s digital
presence by engaging customers and digital content creators,
while keeping partial control of content being shared online.
Users accessed a film of a model posing in three different outfits
on the microsite. They could shoot as many pictures as they
wanted from the film by clicking their mouse button as it played.
When they were satisfied, they could pick their favourite shot and
adjust the saturation, gamma and contrast. To have the chance
to see their image used as the mall’s print advert for its autumn/
winter campaign, be credited as a professional photographer
and win a camera, users had to enter their email address and
share the picture on the microsite. The winning image is seen
on the opposite page (top left).
The microsite had more than 8,800 unique visitors and the
average visit lasted for three minutes. It was promoted on
Facebook and in local newspapers. Over the campaign period,
Arkaden’s Facebook Fans increased by 629%.
© GDR Creative Intelligence
82 83
Ikea Moving theStore
Web link_
Web link_
CA Fashion Like
Web link_
Lagerhaus Blog-upStores
Web link_
●	 What is the reach, resonance and relevance of your social
media strategy? And, do you have an influencer
●	 Have you identified the customers who are your
natural brand ambassadors?
●	 Do you give customers targeted, appropriate
opportunities toshare the experiences they have with
your product?
●	 How can you track your customers’ journeys, before,
during and after purchase?
Chirp. Did you know that data can
be sent and shared through sound?
Could this platform make in-store
audio a new retail channel?
Spaaza MyPrice, as yet only
available in South Africa. This is
personal pricing based on a
customer’s influence.
Three social scoring sites to meet and evaluate top influencers., and
reveal who holds the social media power. and click on Be a Buyer – when customers
are the decision makers, the brand gains valuable insight. and to see how
customers are sharing their love and appreciation of cult items.
Jason A Metz looks at the business of influence
– how it was, where it’s at and where it’s heading.
Web link_
Tictrac founder Martin Blinder discusses
putting the quantified self into practice and its
benefits to consumers, brands and businesses.
Web link_
How do you sell to the generation of consumers
who have never shopped without social media?
Sheena Patel goes shopping with Millennials.
Web link_
The Customer:
Scan to view videos
GDR Creative Intelligence researches, analyses
andshowcases key retail trends to ensure your
marketing, customer experience and product
developmentstrategies are at their most powerful.
We show how relationships between consumers, brands and
retailers are evolving, and how that can deliver competitive
advantage for businesses.
Global Innovation Report A quarterly publication detailing
key retail trends and their implications for business. The Global
Innovation Report is part of the retainer programme presented to
clients by their personal GDR Creative Intelligence consultant.
Digital and multichannel excellence We tailor digital and
retail field excursions to relevant stores and creative agencies,
and include meetings with industry experts to help businesses
develop future-proofing strategies.
Thought-leadership We host ideation workshops specific to
a business’s needs, with the aim of stimulating innovative and
practical solutions in a dynamic and collaborative setting. We
offer follow-through consultation from concept to shop floor.
Consultancy projects We undertake primary research to
deliver unparalleled insider knowledge and visually rich case
studies, backed up with quantitative data, analytics and insight.
Agency referral We offer a business matchmaking service
based on our unrivalled knowledge of the world’s best creative
agencies. We compile shortlists and facilitate introductions.
GDR Retail Academy We provide next-steps training to
leverage strategic insight in practical, commercial ways.
For further information contact:
Kate Ancketill, CEO
The Innovation Report: Retail 2020 was produced in the London offices of GDR Creative Intelligence
Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London WC1E 7JN, United Kingdom, +44 (0) 20 7580 5589,
© GDR Creative Intelligence

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Gdr retail week - innovation report retail 2020

  • 2. This publication is printed by Boss Print ( using vegetable-based inks on fully sustainable paper. 01 Innovation Report_Retail 2020
  • 3. A s retailers survey the landscape they operate in and try to identify the Next Big Thing that will shape and drive their businesses in the second half of this decade, at times the only constant can seem like change itself. From mobile commerce to social media, augmented reality to smart television, new technologies and their effect on consumer dynamics are at once an opportunity to open new routes to market and a daunting challenge retailers need to adapt to. The questions ‘What’s next?’ ‘Where do I invest?’ and, ‘What’s best for my business?’ have shaped many of the debates Retail Week has hosted over the last 12 months. This report will help to answer those questions. This isn’t a blueprint of how the retail sector will look by 2020, but it is a guide to the innovations and trends we and our partner, GDR Creative Intelligence, believe will shape that journey in the next seven years. In three key themes – the customer, the store and omnichannel – we present cutting-edge case studies from around the world to help you understand where innovation is having a positive impact on retail and redefining the customer relationship. As well as 50 case studies there are actionable insights, enabling you to make practical use of this research and help determine where you can best add value to your retail operations. Change will continue to be the one aspect of this vibrant industry that you can rely on carrying through to 2020. We believe this research will mean you are better prepared than ever to meet that challenge. Chris Brook-Carter is editor-in-chief of Retail Week. Retail Week LiveThe only certainty in retail's future is rapid change. This research will help you be better prepared than ever for the challenges ahead, says Chris Brook-Carter Foreword 03 © GDR Creative Intelligence
  • 4. Contents The Customer Introduction...................................62 Ikea Moving the Store...................64 Crowd pleasers.............................66 Safeway Just For U.......................68 Shopcade......................................69 LoyalBlocks...................................70 Facedeals...................................... 71 Tesco Share & Earn.......................72 Depop............................................73 Spaaza MyPrice............................74 C&A Fashion Like..........................76 Lagerhaus Blog-up Stores............78 Soldsie...........................................79 Arkaden.........................................80 Actionable Insights........................82 The Store Introduction................................... 12 Colour with Asian Paints...............14 Creative energy.............................16 The Social Home Tour...................18 Desigual La Vida es Chula.............20 Open4Sale.....................................22 Bonobos Guideshops....................24 Hointer...........................................26 Harvey Nichols concept box.........28 Styled to Surprise..........................30 Daikanyama T-Site......................... 31 Aldo Shoe Paradise.......................32 Actionable Insights........................34 High Street to i-Street_6 Omnichannel Introduction...................................36 Audi City........................................38 Very at V Festival...........................40 Emmas Enkel.................................42 Adidas Neo WindowShopping......44 9straatjesonline.............................46 Blippar for Stylist and New Look...48 Hellmann’s Recipe Receipt...........50 Continente Chef Online app.......... 51 Gojee & D’Agostino.......................52 Nike+ FuelStation..........................54 Fox Now apps...............................56 Zeebox..........................................57 Yihaodian 1,000 Virtual Stores......58 Actionable Insights........................60 05 © GDR Creative Intelligence
  • 5. © GDR Creative Intelligence 06 07 HighStreet to i-Street T here’s so much talk about the demise of the British High Street yet very little celebrating the growth of the i-Street. It’s true we’ve seen the closure of some of our favourite stores in recent years, but we’ve also witnessed the extraordinary success of some great new online British brands. Net-A-Porter, my-wardrobe and Asos, anyone? These pioneer brands have been part of a ten-year disruption in the retail landscape on a monumental scale. Such upheaval isn’t uncommon, though. After all, the arrival of out-of-town shopping malls hit the High Street long before e-commerce. As did the spread of discount chains and hypermarkets. The difference is this evolution hasn’t been gradual, it’s been brutally fast. The speed at which the customer journey is changing is exciting and, at times, utterly overwhelming – particularly in this economic climate. No wonder we all want to know what the Next Big Thing is to future-proof our businesses. If only it were that easy… The British High Street has an excellent survival rate because it embraces change, and it will come out winning this time, too. Even with a huge shift in behaviour and countless new retail and payment platforms – contactless NFC, M-sites, apps, Twitter, Chirpify and Facebook, for example – human emotion is finite and fixed. Shared experience, from delight to disappointment, is the common ground that should inform commercial choices rather than a fear of the unknown. Simply put, technology should enhance life, be intuitive and make shopping a frictionless experience. If it doesn’t have a positive impact on the shopper’s emotions, think again about adopting it. Looking at the return on experience as well as the return on investment is key. With that in mind, we can look at six areas where there are great opportunities to be had for both customer and retailer through the use of digital – and in particular mobile – technology. Each is illustrated with examples of expertise from the UK, where we have brilliant young minds developing new and exciting ways to enhance and invigorate the retail landscape. 1 Ashop in my pocket By 2016, 75% of the UK population will be using a smartphone. With immediate access to the internet, customers can go through all stages of shopping (finding inspiration, researching, locating and purchasing) from anywhere. So not having a mobile strategy isn’t an option, but neither is simply creating an m-site. The profitable model will be found by looking at how m-shopping interacts with your customer’s journey. Much of the focus so far has been about the last step of that journey, the payment part – how NFC mobile payment will speed up and encourage purchase because customers can simply tap their phones to pay, for instance. However, this is the last hurdle in the journey and utilising mobile devices to get to this point is where the smart thinkers are focusing their attention. But more of that later… 2 Adoption rates and customer behaviour When a technological advancement does enhance the shopping experience, customers adopt it quickly. Smartphones have taken off 10 times faster than the 1980s PC revolution (Flurry Analytics), twice as fast as the 1990s internet boom and three times faster than the social networking revolution. Even the fastest-growing social media site, Pinterest, which experienced 4,000% growth in 2012, isn’t as fast as smartphone adoption. More devices are shipped each day than children born. Smartphones can offer the customer convenience, but there’s also the opportunity to enhance their journey and respond to their behaviour. The digital revolution has pushed retail into supersonic change and the buying journey has never been more complex. But it's a force for good, says Carmel Allen, creating unprecedented opportunities to make positive (and profitable) customer connections It's not uncommon for retail to undergo disruption on this scale. But the High Street has an excellent survival rate and by embracing change it looks set to come out winning. ➜
  • 6. © GDR Creative Intelligence 08 09A good example of this is an app from Tesco. The designers behind it, Jerome and Antony Ribot, worked with insight that busy female online shoppers were starting an order by booking a time slot, but not completing it in that session. They also observed ‘data snacking’ – when we check our phone and emails in 30-second, bite-size nuggets, perhaps waiting for the bus home or by the school gate. The app gives users the opportunity to use that data snack time to add items to their shopping basket and browse recipes on the go, then find them in their account back at home. Its success is down to understanding the complex customer journey that might take days from login to ‘order placed’. 3 TheSocial, Local, Mobile effect It was internet technology investor John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers who first coined the phrase SoLoMo (social, local and mobile) back in 2010 but its importance is only coming to the fore now, especially for smaller businesses. As we’ve said, smartphones facilitate all stages of the shopping journey. People find inspiration and recommendations from their social media, they can also research, find bargains and, in some cases, the bargains are only available if a minimum number of people sign up, which encourages them to share (Groupon, for example). The key element for small businesses is that smartphones are used to search. According to Mary-Lou Roberts (former professor of marketing at the University of Massachusetts, Boston), it’s the most overlooked issue surrounding mobiles. ‘Devices are the facilitators, search, particularly local search, is the fundamental driver. Whether people are looking for presents, finding their friends, or locating a place to have lunch, search dominates, and a lot of it is local these days.’ What’s important here is that all the platforms (Facebook, Groupon, Google and Foursquare, for example) offer affordable marketing opportunities to small local businesses but they must learn to take advantage of these opportunities and then, continues Roberts, we’ll see ‘the emergence of small local retailers as equal partners’. A good example in the UK is how Shaftsbury Plc has created a ‘village’ of the 13 roads around Carnaby Street, aimed at an urban, fashion-conscious customer. has information about restaurants, stores, events and social media links, and an option to register for a privilege shopping card. See also 9straatjesonline, on page 46. 4 Data-driven insights Retail analytics has previously been focused on the supply chain, merchandising, stockroom management and delivery, but the use of mobiles now allows retailers to track the increasingly circuitous customer journey, making it easier for them to monitor triggers and touch points along that path to better understand how customers are lost and gained as they meander. One app in particular that seeks to tap into the customer journey is Tapestry, created by Guided. Essentially a CRM device for the retail sector, it allows customers to collate information about real-world items such as clothes and shoes by scanning barcodes or tapping NFC tags as they browse a store, catalogue or ad. The chosen items are catalogued and can be accessed at home or on the move. By allowing customers to save items and learn more about them, the app places focus on the potential for purchase rather than immediate spend. Going further, items are automatically updated with price reductions, which could mean a purchase weeks later. It also allows users to share images or write and read reviews via email or social media and for the brand to offer loyalty incentives. For the customer, Tapestry makes their online-offline journey seamless and frictionless, for the retailer it ties each product’s digital data and identity – and its related media property – with the physical store and the customer. This means if a customer sees your product on a bus stop or in magazines or in-store, say, then scans it, shares it, posts or reads a review, bookmarks it on her mobile but buys it on her tablet at home, it’s all For 97% of consumers, devices are the facilitators but search, especially local search, is the fundamental driver. The Android mobile operating system is rivalling Apple's iOS for smartphone dominance. The mobile website was revamped in March and the company has more than 250 million active mobile users. The new Groupon Now mobile app delivers deals to consumers based on their location. Consumers ‘check in’ to businesses on their phones. Social Search organises results by relevance to an individual's social network, while Latitude allows users to share their location with friends. More than 2.5 million websites are integrated with Facebook via plug-ins such as the Like button and the ability to register using Facebook Connect. Deals are only activated when a minimum number of people sign up, encouraging consumers to tell their friends about offers. Users can share their location with their friends, as well as recommendations for what to do or eat at certain places. Google Places gives local businesses a web presence (97% of consumers search for local businesses online). Consumers can get local deals by 'checking-in' to a location. Group-buying platforms provide an alternative to traditional forms of local advertising. Businesses can use the platform to offer perks to users and build loyalty. Google Facebook Groupon Foursquare Mobile Social Local Commerce ➜ Leader essay HighStreet to i-Street Technology has to enhance, make life easy, be intuitive and make shopping a frictionless experience.
  • 7. © GDR Creative Intelligence 10 11 tracked for you, giving great scope for analysis and learning about behavioural patterns. These are early days, says Sam Reid at Guided: ‘Tapestry evolved from a government-funded research project we tested in Selfridges last year and Diesel used it in their store in Westfield at Christmas. But the more brands adopt it, the better the data capture and the more useful and easy it is for customers. It’s brands like Diesel that are adapting swiftly and experimenting that will win.’ 5 Return on experience In the book Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending (due to be published in May 2013), behavioural scientists Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton explain how people can use the cash in their pockets to change how they feel. The crucial thing, says Norton, is not to focus on how much you have, but on how you spend it. Their research illustrates how small changes in spending behaviour can increase feelings of satisfaction and wellbeing. While we all know that shopping is an emotional experience, this new research backs the validity of measuring the return on experience as well as the return on investment. And there are various ways in which digital can enhance customer experience, not just with ease and convenience but with fun and games. One simple example of this is the Snap Fashion app, developed by Jenny Griffiths of Bristol University. It’s based on the premise that women love magazine articles where a similar item of clothing is shown from three stores at three different prices. If a user sees an item of clothing they like (on a person, on a website, in a catalogue or in-store, say), they ‘snap’ it and the app uses image recognition to direct them to the item online as well as suggest similar versions. Griffiths has won several awards and Snap Fashion now has a database of over 100 major retailers including Topshop, Jigsaw, Uniqlo, Warehouse, LK Bennett and Kurt Geiger, in addition to e-tailers Net-A-Porter, Asos, my-wardrobe, stylebop and farfetch, and department stores such as Harrods, Selfridges, Liberty and House of Fraser. 6 Augmented retail Augmented reality adds a new layer of information to a product, animating it through image recognition. Both Heinz Ketchup and Marmite have worked with UK augmented reality company Blippar to create recipe books that appear when the product is scanned, giving consumers ideas and inspiration. Holition, another London-based augmented reality creative agency, has worked with various luxury jewellery brands to connect real- world retail with digital by allowing potential customers to try on products virtually and experience fabulously expensive pieces without the need for security guards or even a trip to the store. Augmented retail can ‘help sales staff to better communicate with customers, driving loyalty in-store through added-value experience,’ says Lynne Murray, managing director at Holition. As well as unlocking additional information, augmented reality can be used as footfall driver for specific areas. At Milton Keynes shopping mall the Centre MK, customers were invited to download the iBalloon app onto their iPhones. When they open the app, it appears they are looking through a normal camera feed but at certain locations they see an AR balloon. By tapping on the balloons, discounts and offers are released. The first launch of the iBalloon initiative was so successful it’s becoming a regular promotional tactic at the mall. ● Carmel Allen is editor-in-chief at GDR Creative Intelligence. The crucial thing is not to focus on how much you have, but on how you spend it, measuring return on experience as well as ROI. Augmented retail helps staff to better communicate with customers, driving loyalty. Leader essay HighStreet to i-Street
  • 8. © GDR Creative Intelligence 12 13 TheStore: beyond four walls B ritain is a nation that loves to shop. Its inhabitants are the biggest online shoppers in the developed world, yet 85% of purchases in the UK are still being made in bricks-and-mortar stores. It’s clear people still love the real-world shopping experience but brands and retailers need to reassess how the physical store fits in with their more complex buying journeys. Online shopping hasn’t brought about the end of the high street, it has encouraged its evolution. Smart brands are turning their physical stores into dynamic, creative spaces that respond to new customer expectations while celebrating what only the physical can do. As consumers become more accustomed to sharing information about their shopping habits and lifestyle patterns, there are new opportunities for brands to offer personalised experiences in-store. You could help customers see themselves as part of your brand by building their social media profiles into the buying process, as Brazilian real estate company Carvalho Hosken did with its Social Home campaign, or you could offer spaces in-store where they can customise products using manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing. Asian Paints is one of the largest paint manufacturers in India, but with no physical POS, it couldn’t meet its customers. Its solution is a non-transactional store which uses RFID tags to allow visitors to interact with the brand, learn about colour options and digitally record their preferences. The data collected is used to create a bespoke catalogue, presented to them as they leave. The result has been a 35% increase in sales for the brand from surrounding retail stores. In other words, just because the customer can’t buy products in-store, get to know them, give them an experience, and they will buy later. There are some things only the physical store can offer – face-to-face service, interaction with products and brand atmosphere – hence many previously online-only stores are investing in real-world retail spaces. Bonobos, the second-biggest online retailer of men’s clothing in the US, is opening a series of high-street Guideshops where men are fitted and assisted in choosing clothes. They can’t buy items to take home there and then; the aim is to help them shop online with greater confidence. The result? Men who have used a Guideshop are buying three times as many items online as they did before. Guideshops are the antithesis of the flagship – they are simply designed and are about investing in existing, individual customer/brand relationships rather than wooing new ones with expensive retail theatre. As well as reassuring customers about quality, this new breed of service-focused store builds trust by giving the brand a human face. Both Bonobos and Asian Paints prove that, for the customer, ‘online’ and ‘offline’ are just touchpoints on the buying journey. Handing over a card in-store or clicking ‘buy’ depends on what’s convenient at that time. New digital tools are enabling the physical store to improve customer service online, too. When it launches later this year, an app called Open4Sale will allow users to instant message or video chat with sales associates in the physical store while they browse the online store. It’s good old-fashioned customer service provided in a technologically advanced way. By developing emotional rather than simply transactional relationships, and combining this with the ease of digital, brands can create empathetic stores that cater to different consumer types and offer a more satisfying shopping experience. ● Increase sales by building layers into your selling platform via social media. Through an ideas exchange with online, the high street is evolving. Open a non-transactional, real- world store to playfully build awareness, or… … Improve customer service. The result in both cases? Sales go up. Could store staff be better engaged with customers? Tech can free up their time. Give your customers old- fashioned service from the comfort of their home.
  • 9. © GDR Creative Intelligence 14 15 Location_A-3/8A, Inner Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001, India Date_September 2011 Design_Fitch – TheStore Colour with Asian Paints T he second store from Indian paint manufacturer Asian Paints uses fun, interactive displays to engage customers with the brand and teach them how to use the product. The store doesn’t actually sell paint, yet Asian Paints has noticed a 35% increase in overall sales. At the entrance, a lighting display called the Colour Cloud entices customers in. By stepping on coloured floor panels, shoppers can change the colour of the ‘cloud’ and the entire store façade. Each visitor is given a plastic Colour Card embedded with RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology and their name and contact details are saved. As they roam the store, they can add content to the Colour Card by placing it on the touchpoints beside each of the displays. Information such as Today’s Top Look and Top Tips, relevant to the item the customer is viewing, is displayed on screen, based on what others customers have looked at previously. A personalised magazine is printed at the end, using data from the RFID card. Customers can also play Style Match, a game where Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan suggests their perfect decor based on a series of questions, or ask a Colour Consultant to demonstrate their chosen colour in a virtual room setting on-screen. Asian Paints also uses the information gathered from the RFID Colour Cards to learn which displays and colours are the most popular to inform future displays.
  • 10. © GDR Creative Intelligence 16 17Geek Express Geek Express is a new store in Beirut which aims to create a technology hub in the city and inspire people to interact in a DIY environment. The workshop hosts talks and demonstrations on themes ranging from arts and crafts to assembling electronic games and hack-a-thons. The space also acts as a meeting room for start-ups. The interactive technology available to customers includes MakerBot 3D printers, SparkFun and Arduinos electronics, encouraging visitors to build their own objects and circuits through easy-to-use kits. In the 3D printing area, people can buy, select and print 3D and limited-edition objects such as vases, tables and jewellery. The store also features a gallery where technology, books and gadgets are showcased. MakerBot 3D Photo Booth US 3D printer manufacturer MakerBot opened a photo booth in its New York City store allowing customers to print out a model of their head. The firm worked with 3D imaging company ShapeShot ( to build a booth that captures the shape of the face and turns it into a file to be printed as a 3D portrait. The scan costs $5 (£3.30) and customers have the option to print out their face as a bust or as part of another item, with costs varying. Visitors to the MakerBot store also have the opportunity to experience and buy the MakerBot Desktop 3D Printer, which brings 3D printing into the home. MakerBot also runs classes from the store, teaching adults and children how to use the machines through introductory workshops. Make Eyewear Make Eyewear is an online glasses retailer that uses 3D printing to allow customers to create their own bespoke eyewear. They can choose from the brand’s collection of frames, specifying size and colour, and whether they need prescription lenses (which incur an extra cost). Those with webcams can virtually try on their glasses before they order them. As well as buying from the existing collection, customers also have the option to go Freestyle and design their frames from scratch. They start by sending a sketch or inspiration photo of the style they want to Make Eyewear, then a designer will develop the design, incorporating technical factors, until the customer is satisfied. The frames are made in light, flexible, durable Nylon and have spring hinges. The material is also waterproof, unlike most 3D-printed items. The frames are delivered in two to four weeks and cost from $119 (£78). FabCafe As part of a Valentine’s Day promotion, customers at the FabCafe in Shibuya, Tokyo, can have their faces scanned to create a 3D printed silicon mould which is then filled with chocolate. Over the course of two sessions, customers have their heads scanned and captured in a 3D scanner. A cast is then produced on a 3D printer and chocolate is poured in. Once that is complete, they have a collection of chocolate faces to give to their loved ones and they can keep the cast for future sculptures. The service costs 6,000 yen (£42). FabCafe offers 3D printing services year round. Customers can plug their laptops in to a fabrication machine which is connected to a projector that displays the files they’re working on to the rest of the café. The café is operated by Loftwork (, a local digital media production company. The Vibe by Shapeways and SoundCloud Social sound platform SoundCloud collaborated with Shapeways, the leading 3D printing community and marketplace, on The Vibe, an app which allows users to create a bespoke iPhone case based on the soundwaves of their favourite piece of audio. Users download the app, choose the audio from their SoundCloud account (any piece of audio can be used, it’s not limited to songs), move the cursor to select the section of the audio they wish to depict, choose black or white, click Buy and the waveform will make up the structure of the iPhone case. The web app, which integrates with the SoundCloud API, is the first on the market that makes turning sound files into physical objects user friendly. The Vibe iPhone case is priced at €22 (£19) excluding shipping. Nokia Lumia phone case 3DK Nokia has engaged the 3D printing community with the release of printable design files to make and customise a Nokia Lumia 820 phone case. While the printing community has large libraries of user-generated 3D files hosted on sites such as Shapeways ( and Thingiverse (, this is the strongest affirmation of the technology by a major brand so far. The downloadable 3D-printing Development Kit (3DK) contains 3D templates, case specs, recommended materials and best practices. Nokia also launched a 3D printing Wiki with material and software suggestions, as well as possible projects that consumers could design into the CAD files, such as built-in SIM card holders and bike mounts. In the future, Nokia envisages selling a phone template in addition to readymade models so that entrepreneurs could build phones tailored to the needs of his or her community. TheStore Creative energy Niche interest to indie start-up, domestic use to big business… 3D printing is no gimmick. Use it to build creative relationships with customers, gaining valuable insight as a result
  • 11. © GDR Creative Intelligence 18 19 TheStore The Social Home Tour Location_Avenida dos Flamboyants 500, Rio de Janeiro 22776-070, Brazil Date_April-July 2012 Design_Artplan – T o promote its new condominium complex in an affluent district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian construction company Carvalho Hosken created a tailor-made experience for potential buyers – the Social Home Tour. When interested parties signed up online to visit the show apartment, they could register using Facebook Connect. If they opted in, this gave the company access to their profile information prior to their visit. When potential buyers entered, they were greeted by digital picture frames with their own photographs, their favourite music playing and screens showing their uploaded videos. In the home office, a computer displayed the fastest route to their work place. At the end of the visit, a phone call was made to the apartment and visitors who answered it were offered a discount. Afterwards, the experience could be shared on Facebook. In one month, 28% of visits were converted into sales, which is 300% up on the average conversion rate for this kind of real estate venture in Brazil. The initial price for an apartment is around R$1,155,000 (£383,275). The campaign wasn’t promoted as it relied on the element of surprise. It ran for three months, although not all visits were customised.
  • 12. © GDR Creative Intelligence 20 21of the collection, who can provide customers with personal advice about style. Using a tablet, they guide customers through the online ordering process, with the option to pay online or in-store. Deliveries are free and guaranteed within 48 hours to all countries currently covered by the e-commerce site. A 10% discount is offered when customers spend €100 (£86) or more. La Vida es Chula also holds fashion shows for customers. F ashion brand Desigual has ‘try-before-you-buy-online’ stores called La Vida es Chula (Life is Cool) in Barcelona and Paris with no stock to purchase. Instead personal stylists are on hand to help customers create outfits and make decisions. They can then go on to buy items via in-store tablets. The store in Barcelona presents the brand’s entire collection of 1,200 items of clothing and accessories, with one of each garment in every size for customers to try on. La Vida es Chula staff are trained personal shoppers with an in-depth knowledge Location_Carrer de Casp 33, 08010 Barcelona, Spain & 32, Avenue de l’Opéra, Paris 75002, France Date_December 2011 Design_Desigual TheStore Desigual La Vida es Chula
  • 13. © GDR Creative Intelligence 22 23 TheStore Open4Sale Location_Online (worldwide) Date_Spring 2013 Design_Open4Sale O pen4Sale is a soon-to-be-launched platform that connects online shoppers and in-store sales associates to make e-commerce more personal. By downloading the iOS, Android and desktop app, users at home or on the move can connect directly with an in-store sales assistant and get the help they need in real time through a video call. Participating stores are searchable by category and by country. Within each store’s area of the app, shoppers can learn about its sales associates through profiles which display their photo, areas of speciality, length of service and availability. If their line is green, they are connected and ready to take the video call. Customers can then ask them for help, exactly as they could do if they were in-store. They might want a closer view of an item or an outfit suggestion, for instance. In the meantime, sales associates can see the shopper’s purchase history and tailor their advice and customer service to meet their requirements. To finalise the purchase, staff drag and drop desired items into the app shopping basket, where customers can review them in real time. Payment is charged to the credit card that was used to pay for and download the Open4Sale app. Retailers will sign up to Open4Sale by paying a yearly subscription. Their existing e-commerce platform and stock is integrated into the app. For every transaction made through the platform, Open4Sale will retain a percentage of the purchase price. The price of the app, subscription cost and commission is yet to be announced.
  • 14. © GDR Creative Intelligence 24 25 TheStore Bonobos Guideshops Location_US Date_March 2012 Design_Bonobos O nline men’s fashion label Bonobos opened offline bricks-and-mortar Guideshops to create a physical space where customers can try clothes on before buying online. Orders are taken via iPad then delivered to their homes. The Guideshops are appointment only, with customers booking a free 45-minute session by visiting Each showroom has up to six Guides, who offer one-on-one assistance, fit advice and styling tips, helping customers choose clothing based on their lifestyle. Customer preferences are stored in their online account, meaning when they return or shop online, appropriate clothing in the correct size is suggested. The aim is that Guides become a familiar customer service touch point, as they provide their email and phone number should the customer wish to use their services again. Bonobos halved its advertising and marketing budget to raise investment for the first three Guideshops. Results show purchases at a Guideshop are nearly double the average order value at Guideshop customers are also said to be 77% quicker to place a second order. There are six Guideshops in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Palo Alto, San Francisco and Georgetown (Washington DC). The brand, which launched in 2007, aims to take the total to 25 within five years.
  • 15. © GDR Creative Intelligence 26 27 TheStore Hointer Location_400 NE 45th Street, Seattle, Washington, US Date_November 2012 Design_Hointer M ulti-brand jeans store Hointer has an in-store app that makes buying the perfect pair seamless and gives store assistants access to a customer’s shopping history instantly. Hointer was launched by Nadia Shouraboura, former head of supply chain and fulfillment technologies at Amazon. Using the app, customers can choose, try on and buy a pair of jeans without speaking to staff if they don’t wish to. If they do want help, the service they receive will be more tailored, as the assistant will have information such as what they have tried on or rejected previously. They download the app on arrival (iOS and Android), input their size, then browse the 150 styles of jeans on the shop floor. When they find a pair they want to try on, they scan its tag (or tap it if the tag is NFC enabled) and the automated retrieval system in the storeroom collects and delivers the right size to a fitting room. Any number of pairs can be scanned and they will be delivered in under 30 seconds. A message alerts the customer that their jeans are ready to try and the number of the fitting room. Customers can request different sizes through the app or a sales assistant’s help. Items are added to a virtual shopping basket in the app, but removed when items are placed in the returns area of the fitting room. Customers can pay for their jeans by swiping their bankcard at the self check-out point in each fitting room. The first Hointer opened in Seattle; further stores are planned for Japan and Europe.
  • 16. © GDR Creative Intelligence 28 29 TheStore Harvey Nichols concept box Location_Etihad Stadium, SportCity, Manchester M11 3FF, UK Date_March 2012 Design_Preferred Spaces – M anchester City Football Club and high-end department store chain Harvey Nichols collaborated to bring luxury fashion to football fans. A new shopping experience at the Etihad Stadium, the club’s home ground, has transformed a 8.2sqm hospitality box into a Harvey Nichols concept box selling clothing, jewellery, handbags and shoes from designers including Christian Louboutin and Dolce & Gabbana. On match days, guests have access to a personal shopper, beauty treatments, private dining with food prepared by Harvey Nichols chefs and can participate in wine or spirits tastings. Catering for up to 10 people, the box is available for hire on match days and non-match days. It can be tailored to meet the needs of guests, such as a birthday or hen party. All guests take home a complimentary gift bag, which includes Harvey Nichols wine, soap gift sets and macaroons in team colours. This is a permanent fixture at the stadium and Manchester United plans to open further concept boxes in the near future. The first of which will be a collaboration with EA Games.
  • 17. © GDR Creative Intelligence 30 31 C ulture Convenience Club, which owns Tsutaya, Japan’s most successful book store and video rental chain, has opened a multi-brand retail village in Tokyo selling vintage books, music and films. While Tsutaya already has 1,400 branches catering to a young demographic, joining it in the retail village is CCC’s latest venture – Daikanyama T-Site – targeting those aged 50 and over. The 1,200sqm village consists of three T-shaped buildings, with Tsutaya occupying the main space, complemented by a curated group of outlets including an electric bicycle shop, a travel agent, a bar-restaurant and an event space. All publications and films are available in physical or digital versions and are RFID-tagged for stock tracking. Tablets have replaced traditional menus at the restaurant and can be used to read ebooks or to locate a physical copy on the shelves. Customers can pay at a till or use the self-checkouts. Mature employees choose products based on knowledge of their customers’ tastes and departments are signposted in kanji (Japanese characters) as well as the western alphabet to appeal to the older generation. Although designed as a space for the over 50s, it has also attracted a younger crowd. Location_Sarugakucho 17-5, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Date_December 2011 Design_Klein Dytham Architecture – Daikanyama T-Site TheStore Styled toSurprise Location_6075 Mavis Road, Unit 10, Mississauga, Toronto L5R 4G6, Canada Date_August 2011 Design_DDB Canada – P lus-size fashion retailer Penningtons used augmented reality to create playful changing rooms. Motion-sensor technology in the mirror detected when a customer was in front of it, triggering video footage of dancing firemen in the reflection, who appeared to offer her a rose or champagne. The one-month initiative formed part of Penningtons’ Styled to Surprise campaign, which aimed to give plus-size fashion a sassier image. The mirror was unveiled during an in-store promotional event for customers and bloggers – their reactions were filmed and shown on the retailer’s website. It was also available on YouTube, where it received over 51,000 views. Photography:MichealHolmes
  • 18. © GDR Creative Intelligence 32 33 TheStore AldoShoe Paradise C anadian shoe brand Aldo made its spring/summer 2012 catalogue into a fun game. Customers played Shoe Paradise via a microsite to win discounts which would be redeemed in-store and online. The campaign aimed to build brand/customer interaction and increase dwell time. To play the game, users chose a male or female character and raced to collect as many shoes as possible in three minutes. They could gain extra time to complete the challenge by sharing the game on Facebook, Twitter or via email. When players had collected all the shoes, they won a 15% discount coupon. In addition, each player could enter a draw to win an All-You-Can Grab Aldo shopping spree. Location_Canada, US & UK Date_May-July 2012 Design_VITRO – & Kokokaka – Game_Dynamo – & Shoe Paradise was also available as a mobile game that users signed up for through Facebook then played in-store using their smartphone. It was promoted via in-store signage in participating stores in Canada, the US and UK. To play the game, users visited on their smartphones while in-store and entered a four-digit location code displayed on a sign. They then had to identify three special pairs of shoes on three game levels, as directed by the app, to win an instant prize ranging from $5 to $500 to spend in-store. They had to play the game at three different Aldo stores for a chance to win free products and a shopping spree.
  • 19. © GDR Creative Intelligence 34 35 TheStore: Actionableinsights Asian Paints Web link_ TheSocial Home Web link_ Open4Sale Web link_ Styled toSurprise Web link_ Scan to view videos Consider… ● A new model, where sales aren’t the main focus. How about incentivising staff not on sales but on relationships forged? ● How can new devices help your in-store staff build relationships with customers who could be at home or even on the move? ● Social Local Mobile marketing allows promotions not just on a weekly and daily basis, but in hourly slots. Are you taking advantage of this? Download… PS Dept to contact staff and stylists inside your favourite stores to share and shop for you. The Harrods app for an audio tour of the famous department store (and a much-needed map). The Westfield London app, which includes maps, discounts and voice recording to note where you’re parked. Visit… Build-A-Bear Workshop at Westfield’s Annapolis shopping mall in the US to see very smart, targeted interaction. The new retail format will be rolling out across the UK this year. McQ London on Dover Street, where 21st century thinking and technology meet in a luxury retail environment. Legostores, watch toddlers use augmented reality intuitively as they hold the packaging in front of child-height screens to see how the model will look when they’ve built it. Read… HWKN co-founder Matthias Hollwich on why pop-ups are a place for brands to experiment in new territory and break their own boundaries. Web link_ SimonStacey of Household on marketing to men, revealing three male shopper mind-sets and retail approaches that work. Web link_ Mind Map – an infographic on encouraging more people into the physical store, by consumer communications expert Paul Bay. Web link_
  • 20. © GDR Creative Intelligence 36 37 Omnichannel: a frictionless journey W hen online shopping first took hold in the late 90s, real world and digital were parallel universes. No such separation exists now and the notion of channels competing for the customer’s attention is mostly limited to the boardroom. Talk to a shopper and they’ll say they use three or more channels from researching to close of sale. Online, in-store, smartphone and print catalogues are equally valid touchpoints on the journey to buying. The retail journey might not be simple, but its complexity is far from a hindrance to business. In fact, the omnichannel revolution has created unparalleled opportunity to engage with customers in a meaningful, long-lasting way. There have never been more methods of talking to customers before, during and after a purchase. You can start a conversation, then keep it going. A brand implementing this thinking effectively is Audi. Its new Audi City showrooms are light years from the traditional model. They’re on smart high streets, in the urban centre, and use digital and RFID technology to let visitors interact with every possible configuration of Audi virtually. Even if they are decades away from buying a luxury car, when they do, there’s a greater chance of it being an Audi if they’ve built a relationship with the brand. Responsive, intuitive technologies have the power to create emotional reactions. Just as the brand/customer conversation can begin years before an actual purchase, the omnichannel can also extend that relationship into the future. As ever, it’s often the little, unexpected details that create an impression. Hellmann’s mayonnaise in Brazil developed software which recognised the other items a shopper was buying as they were scanned at the till. It brought them together in a recipe including mayonnaise which was printed on the customer’s receipt – demonstrating the brand’s interest in the customer’s life beyond the purchase. The omnichannel revolution wouldn’t be happening in the same way without the arrival of new platforms, the population’s eager adoption of them and the resultant shift in their expectations. Platforms such as Blippar are bringing content to life, adding a new dimension to everything from shop windows to catalogues. There’s no such thing as static content anymore, customers expect animated, exciting experiences. Omnichannel is also a chance to make your brand playful, creating a more memorable customer experience. Augmented reality technology and platforms such as Microsoft Kinect are taking gaming from the sofa to the shopping mall. Picture a world where entire virtual supermarkets can open at famous locations or right outside competitor’s stores – that’s the retail landscape we live in right now. Online Chinese store Yihaodian’s fully shoppable Tiananmen Square branch exists only in the hands of customers pointing their smartphones at the location. Crucially, the customer’s emotional response to shopping is as strong as ever, the only fundamental change is the practical application of it. Think about two-screen viewing at home – customers are happy to watch TV while surfing the web on their tablet, so why not make TV shows shoppable? Fox Broadcasting in the US has partnered with American Express on Fox Now, a suite of apps which lets viewers buy items they see on screen in real time. Embrace omnichannel as a force for good and keep a close eye on how people are actually using new technologies and platforms, this will result in developing a fresh, successful and meaningful relationship with your customer. ● The 2013 shopper uses multiple channels on their buying journey. Once, offline and online retail existed in parallel universes. Emotional technology can build meaningful bonds years ahead of actual purchase. The modern omnichannel shopper expects interactive, playful content. Omnichannel has built a new retail landscape, which is shoppable via smartphone. People still love shopping, it's just how they do it that has changed (forever). Audi city
  • 21. © GDR Creative Intelligence 38 39 Location_75 Piccadilly, London, W1J 8HU, UK Date_July 2012 Design_Razorfish – Omnichannel Audi City A udi’s new retail format allows it to showcase every model configuration in central urban locations for the first time. But there aren’t hundreds of millions of cars in Audi City near London’s Piccadilly Circus – potential customers use digital touch tables to build their dream vehicle, which is then transferred onto a giant screen called a Powerwall in 1:1 scale. They control the image and navigation menu through gestures and steps picked up by Kinect sensors, to turn the car through 360 degrees and drive it through virtual landscapes. The concept builds direct customer experience into a stage of vehicle purchase – initial research – now frequently carried out online at home. There is increased opportunity for creating relationships and dialogue with future customers, those perhaps not in a position to buy an Audi right now but still interested in the brand. Through Audi City, Audi can position itself alongside fashion stores, creating the mood of a lifestyle destination. The customer’s design is transferred onto a USB stick with RFID function (radio frequency identification), so when they return to Audi City or an Audi dealership, RFID readers will recognise their configuration. As well as digital interfaces, Audi City has swatches of fabrics, leathers and paints which have RFID codes so the customer can upload variations to their model. Specially recruited customer relationship managers will guide customers through the process, from initial consultation and test drives (Audi City operates in conjunction with existing dealerships) to the after-sales process. This first Audi City will be followed by more than 20 locations worldwide by 2015.
  • 22. © GDR Creative Intelligence 40 41 Omnichannel Very at V Festival Location_Hylands Park, Essex, UK Date_August 2012 Design_Cow PR – O nline department store Very went to Virgin Media’s V Festival to extend its delivery services to festival goers. During the two-day event, the retailer offered its free Collect delivery service, so shoppers could buy any item online from their mobile phones on the Friday of the event and have it sent to the festival the following day. Deliveries and collections were made at the on-site Very tent which had DJs playing. Very also created Festival Favourites, a capsule collection of 50 festival-related items including staples such as tents and rubber boots. The collection was available to order using a bespoke mobile site during the festival weekend, and was delivered within an hour. For those without a smartphone, there were Very representatives on site taking orders using iPads. In addition, festival goers who used the delivery service were allowed to enter the Glam Pods in the Very tent, equipped with hair straighteners, mirrors and beauty products.
  • 23. © GDR Creative Intelligence 42 43 Omnichannel Emmas Enkel Location_Berliner Allee 56, Düsseldorf, 40212, Germany Date_October 2011 Design_Emmas Enkel E mmas Enkel is an independent grocery store in Germany which blends the values of a traditional shop with technology to offer a convenient, multichannel experience while building personal relationships with customers. The store (the name translates as Emma’s Grandson) offers several ways to buy groceries. Customers can drop off handwritten shopping lists to the store, input them online at home or via in-store iPads. In all cases, products are handpicked by staff and customers are notified when items are ready for collection or delivery. The online store also offers pre-filled baskets based on themes, with discounts if items are bought together. The range is not vast, but it aims to cater for all budgets with a focus on quality. After hours, customers can use the QR code shopping wall on the store’s façade to fill a virtual shopping basket. They scan QR codes beside items, which will be ready to collect in-store the next day or delivered to an alternative address. Separate from the aisles of the store is the Parlour – a seating area styled on a traditional family home. Customers can relax on comfortable chairs, chat with friends at the central table or keep children entertained in the play corner. Coffee, drinks and cakes can be bought in-store and guests can make use of free wi-fi. As part of its launch, the store held a senior citizen afternoon, when older people were introduced to its features. It also runs activities at various times of day, appealing to different groups. The brand will open a second store in March 2013.
  • 24. © GDR Creative Intelligence 44 45 Omnichannel Adidas Neo WindowShopping Location_Breite Gasse 46, 90402 Nuremberg Herzogenaurach, Nuremberg, Germany Date_September-October 2012 Design_TBWAHelsinki – A didas’ teen-focused brand Neo trialled a shoppable window that connects to windowshoppers’ smartphones without the need for an app. It allows customers to drag items into a virtual shopping bag, which transfers to their smartphone through simple hand gestures. They can also see clothing in more detail and make digital mannequins move. The shopper establishes a connection between the shopping window and their smartphone by visiting a URL displayed on the window to receive a one-time pin. The customer selects a product by tapping the shop window and dragging the item to the bag. A server communicates this to the shopper’s smartphone that instantly shows the product on its display. This gives the shopper the impression of dragging products from the shopping window to their smartphone. Products can then be bought directly from the phone. Only one user can connect to the shoppable window at once. The window was initially installed in one Neo store in Germany; a full roll-out across the country is planned for 2013. WindowShopping is a patent-pending tool by creative agency TBWAHelsinki. Although exclusively available to adidas within the sports sector, the agency is in talks with luxury, banking and automotive brands about future iterations.
  • 25. © GDR Creative Intelligence 46 47 Omnichannel 9straatjesonline Location_Online and De 9 Straatjes, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Date_September 2012 Design_De 9 Straatjes K nown for its independent boutiques, Amsterdam’s De 9 Straatjes shopping district has a group e-commerce site and PayPal-partnered smartphone app. This ‘online neighbourhood’ turns small brands into 24-hour shopping destinations. Stores are not individually branded on the site, unless shoppers search via their name, and orders are shipped in 9straatjesonline packaging. The 30 participating stores have QR code stickers in their window displays, which shoppers with the 9straatjesonline mobile app can scan to be directed to the area of the group site for that specific store. From there, they can also browse products from other stores, searching by name or product category. When the customer has finished shopping, all the items from the various stores are included in one online basket. The customer’s transaction is then completed with one payment to 9straatjesonline. Once the order is received, 9straatjesonline visits each of the stores to create the customer’s order, which is shipped (including worldwide) in one package. 9straatjesonline takes commission from the retailers for the service.
  • 26. © GDR Creative Intelligence 48 49 Omnichannel Blippar for Stylist and New Look Location_UK Date_2012 Design_Blippar – B lippar is an augmented reality platform that allows extra content to be layered over magazine pages, posters, products, packaging and window displays. The extra content can then be viewed via a dedicated app. During the London 2012 Olympics, Blippar was used to create an interactive issue for free weekly magazine Stylist. Readers could use the Blippar app to scan 21 of the title’s 64 pages to access content such as recipes, a live feed of the Olympic leader board and fashion pages where they could share and virtually try on outfits. The cover, below, was the most-scanned page. In seven days, over 26,500 unique users (7% of the readership) interacted with the magazine and 71% scanned more than one page. A running shoe special, enabling readers to ‘click to buy’, was particularly popular, accounting for 6% of all scans. Fashion brand New Look used Blippar in the window displays of 700 stores across Europe to promote a make-up range by model Kelly Brook. A sticker in the window could be scanned with the Blippar app to try different nail varnishes virtually. Users placed their hand in front of their smartphone camera then used augmented reality controls to scroll through the colour options, which appeared on their nails. They could also watch a video of Kelly talking about her new range and take a photo of themselves posing beside a virtual image of her. Blippar has also worked with FMCG brands including Cadbury to create interactive packaging, with chocolate bars that can be scanned to access games. In London, commuters can scan their Oyster travel cards to view live travel updates and a Tube map.
  • 27. © GDR Creative Intelligence 50 51 Omnichannel Hellmann’s Recipe Receipt Location_Rua Carlos Weber, 502 – Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo, 05303-000, Brazil Date_March-June 2012 Design_Ogilvy Brasil – T o inspire customers to use Hellmann’s mayonnaise in new ways, the brand launched a campaign in Brazil telling them how the groceries they had just purchased in the supermarket could be combined with the product to make a meal. The customer’s receipt was printed with the ingredients and preparation instructions for the recipe. The brand partnered with the City Lapa branch of the supermarket chain St Marche to install specially designed software at 100 till points. It recognised when the customer had bought a jar of Hellmann’s and automatically checked the other items of food in their shopping basket as they were scanned to compile a recipe suggestion. The recipes were taken from the Unilever-owned recipe website During the first month of the three-month campaign, Hellmann’s noticed a 44% increase in sales. The brand is aiming to expand the campaign to other St Marche stores and hoping to roll it out to the UK, US and Canada in 2013. Continente Chef Online app Location_Online (Portugal) Date_July 2011 Design_Havas – P ortuguese supermarket chain Continente has launched a free, interactive app which gives its customers cooking inspiration and step-by-step tutorials from hundreds of video recipes by selected chefs. It also allows users to buy missing ingredients from the brand’s e-commerce website and to find their nearest store through GPS. Content is searchable by ingredients, name of chef and ‘most popular’. Users can pause, skip, go back and repeat every step in a recipe. New features include an integrated timer, the ability to email friends from within the app to invite them for dinner and a notebook to add written and voice notes to each recipe. Previously available only as an online platform, Chef Online has been implemented and delivered as an iOS app as the brand assumed users were consulting tablets or smartphones while cooking. Immediately after the app launched, the brand’s Facebook fans (currently 212,000) quadrupled. Chef Online was also the most-searched free iPad app in its first week. It has been downloaded 140,000 times so far.
  • 28. © GDR Creative Intelligence 52 53 Omnichannel Gojee D’Agostino Location_Online Date_July 2011 Design_Gojee M anhattan-based grocer D’Agostino partnered with visually led recipe recommendation site Gojee to offer its customers a special service linked to its loyalty card. After shopping, customers login to their Gojee account, where the ingredients they have just bought have been automatically added. They can then browse food and cocktail recipes based on their most recent purchases. Nutritional information is also displayed. To help its 500,000 members discover new food and drink ideas from 10,000 recipes, Gojee chose 300 respected food and cocktail bloggers from around the world. Members list the ingredients they love, dislike, are allergic to and those they already have to filter and tailor recipe suggestions. When the member selects to see the full recipe, they are redirected to the website or blog where Gojee’s independent recipe writing partners originally posted their creations. A free Gojee iPhone, iPad and Android app allows users to find inspirational ideas when they’re on the go. Gojee has recently expanded into fashion, jewellery and handbags.
  • 29. © GDR Creative Intelligence 54 55 Omnichannel Nike+ FuelStation Location_Boxpark, 2-4 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London E1 6GY, UK Date_March 2012 Design_Nike Technology_Nike AKQA – T he Nike+ FuelStation, a retail space with interactive digital experiences to appeal to today’s connected athlete is located in Boxpark, the pop-up mall in East London. It targets users of all Nike+ digital devices, including the Nike+ FuelBand, a digital wristband that tracks daily movements to help motivate users to be more active. A floor-to-ceiling motion-sensitive screen at the entrance reacts as visitors walk past, LED lights change from red to green in reference to the Nike+ FuelBand (where green light symbolises movement). Elsewhere, motion-sensitive cameras create a life-sized digital version of visitors, who can save and share the resulting digital artwork via social networks. They can also plug their Nike+ device into USB ports on touchscreens to download their information which they can save to their profile online. Store assistants are equipped with iPads to tell shoppers about the technology used in Nike shoes. The iPad identifies a shoe through image recognition triggering an augmented reality animation showing how the Dynamic Support outsoles work. Upstairs at Boxpark, Nike has opened its NikeiD Studio, where customers can design their own footwear. The store is also the first space outside the US to feature the Bowerman Wall, a large interactive touchscreen named after the brand’s co-founder that shows an audiovisual brand history. A second FuelStation opened in south London in the summer of 2012.
  • 30. © GDR Creative Intelligence 56 57 Omnichannel Fox Now apps Location_Online (US) Date_November 2012 Design_Fox Broadcasting Company Delivery Agent – T o make its TV shows more interactive and shoppable, Fox Broadcasting has tapped into second-screen viewing behaviour and T-commerce (television commerce) with a suite of TV apps called Fox Now. The apps allow viewers to keep up with the conversations around their favourite programmes and interact with the live broadcast via tablet devices. The apps connect with the user’s Facebook account to create a personal feed based on their interests and those of their friends. They can watch clips, share photos and videos, access exclusive content and customise their experience based on their tastes and location. The iPad app for popular comedy programme New Girl also allows viewers to shop in real time while watching episodes. It synchronises with the TV through audio recognition technology, giving viewers information in time with the story. When fashion or homeware items available for purchase at appear, the app alerts viewers with a pop-up message in the lower part of the screen. Fox has partnered with American Express to promote the feature. American Express is offering cardholders who have synced their card with their Facebook account a one-off $35 card credit to spend on items seen in New Girl via Fox will expand the T-commerce service to other programme apps in 2013. American Express has other T-commerce partnerships, including Zeebox (opposite) and NBC. Zeebox Location_Online (UK, US and Australia) Date_October 2011 Design_Zeebox Z eebox is a second-screen app for smartphones or tablets which analyses what the viewer is watching on TV to display relevant content. The content includes social media activity based around the programme, which shows are popular as well as shoppable items, allowing brands to target viewers who are inspired to shop by what they see on TV. By signing into Zeebox through Facebook, the user can see what their Zeebox-using friends are watching and also share what they are watching using the Shout Out button. They can invite friends to watch a programme by messaging them through Facebook and chat via the in-app messaging system. The dashboard displays the shows that are popular on TV at that moment by monitoring the number of Zeebox ‘check-ins’ and also the Twitter buzz the show is generating. By clicking through to a show, the viewer can see its Twitter feed updating in real time and can Tweet directly from the Zeebox platform. The platform generates Zeetags related to each programme, which are links to useful websites. A cookery show might have Zeetags relating to the chefs and ingredients, for example. Zeebox was founded by Anthony Rose, former CTO of BBC iPlayer and Ernesto Schmitt, ex board director of EMI Music. In 2012, BSkyB bought a stake in Zeebox and it has since expanded to the US and most recently Australia. Zeebox taps into Google’s recent study suggesting that 77% of viewers interact with a second screen while watching TV.
  • 31. © GDR Creative Intelligence 58 59 Omnichannel Yihaodian 1,000 Virtual Stores Location_China Date_October 2012 Design_Ogilvy Mather Shanghai – P opular Chinese e-commerce website Yihaodian has brought its presence to real-world locations with the launch of 1,000 augmented reality (AR) stores across China. The retail spaces can only be visited virtually using the Yihaodian Virtual Store app, an app which generates the GPS location-tagged augmented reality stores. The AR stores can be found in strategic locations such as residential neighbourhoods, next to iconic landmarks (using AR allowed the brand to open on Tiananmen Square, for example) and in front of competitors’ brick-and-mortar supermarkets. When customers point their smartphone at the location using the app, a virtual shop pops up on their screens. They are then able to ‘walk’ around the aisles and shop goods from the store for home delivery. The AR stores are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzou and Shenzen, and each offers discounts and coupons to shoppers. Yihaodian is promoting its virtual stores online and via an ad campaign, driving customers to download the app. Results from the campaign include a 16% sales increase from launch until end of year, 1.8m views of the promotional video, and global media coverage.
  • 32. © GDR Creative Intelligence 60 61 Omnichannel: Actionableinsights Audi City Web link_ Adidas Neo Web link_ 9straatjeslonline Web link_ Hellmann's mayonnaise Web link_ Zeebox Web link_ Nike+ FuelStation Web link_ Consider… ● When and where are you starting conversations with your existing and potential customers? ● How does your social mediastrategy feed into this pre-purchase, mid-purchase and post-purchase dialogue? ● Are you interacting with the 77% of TV viewers who use asecondscreen while watching TV? Download… Blippar. Blip a jar of Marmite, a bottle of Heinz ketchup, or a five-pound note. Zeebox. Strictly will never be the same again. The Ikea app, then use it to scan its latest catalogue for an augmented reality surprise. Visit… Audi City on Piccadilly to see a brilliant example of a brand starting a conversation with customers, possibly years ahead of purchase. Nike+ FuelStation at Boxpark in Shoreditch, where technology lets customers interact with products and staff beyond the physical store. Read… With 90% of the world’s digital data having been created in the last two years, Tangent Snowball’s Simon McEvoy reveals how brands can own Big Data. Web link_ By 2014, mobile internet will overtake desktop internet usage – smartphone psychology is changing as a result, say the founders of Ribot. Web link_ Scan to view videos
  • 33. © GDR Creative Intelligence 62 63 The Customer: a connected influencer Two-way conversation lets your brand gain valuable insight… There was a time when being Liked was enough. But there's more to 'social’ than thumbs up. … Which feeds into smart, targeted campaigns and builds in lasting loyalty. Invite customers into your brand to create proud stakeholders. Social media can help you reward your loyal customers according to their reach. Customers say friends and followers influence their buying – so get to know their Klout. S ocial media is not a popularity contest. The days of simply chasing Fans on Facebook are over – genuine, meaningful engagement is the new social aim. By its very nature the medium leaves no hiding place for retailers, but think of the exposure as an opportunity to broadcast positive feedback on a mass scale and build long-lasting loyalty. In social media, as in the real world, if it’s not two-way, it’s not conversation. And tone is just as crucial. Swedish mall Arkaden showed how, given a perfectly pitched offer, people will rush to take part in activity. It invited them to direct a fashion campaign photo shoot, the result was 8,800 visits to the microsite, a 629% increase in Facebook Fans and a viral spread of 197k. That’s impressive – the population of Gothenburg, where the mall is based, is 500k. Arkaden got to know its most vocal customers and could start positive conversations with them. For customers, the benefit of this relationship goes beyond discounts and freebies, to feeling like an active brand stakeholder. Ikea has taken customer collaboration one step further by inviting not just individuals, but a whole community to be involved in a store move in Norway. The success of this collaboration was phenomenal and, while much of it was down to customer affection for the brand, some must be attributed to potential feel-good factor gained from a collaborative experience. Brands can use the data generated by social media interactions to offer targeted promotions and purchase suggestions that customers will find relevant, not generic. Safeway Just For U in the US offers personal pricing based on frequency of purchase of particular items, linking online shopping behaviour to discounts in the physical store. Spaaza MyPrice in South Africa, meanwhile, gives customers an individual price on products according to their brand loyalty and interaction. Customers won’t be shy in promoting great retail relationships via social networks – word of mouth has gone digital. The UK was once known as a nation of shopkeepers and much of that cottage industry has gone online. With 22 million Etsy members worldwide, brands and start-up companies are tapping into this desire to create, curate and sell. Affiliate schemes such as Shopcade make real-life shopkeepers of anyone willing to put in the time on Facebook to promote their store. An app called Depop lets individuals take images of goods, upload them to social media, sell and process payments all via their smartphone. Retailers can’t ignore the power friends, followers and influencers have – 81% of US respondents said friends’ social media posts directly influenced their purchase decisions (Forbes), with 44% of social media- savvy women indicating their favourite blogger influences their buying (Business2Community). Then there is the rise of services such as Klout, which measures an individual’s influence based on their ability to drive action on social networks. This adds up to some powerful individuals talking to your customer, so get to know them, too. CA has brought this customer-to-customer recommendation in-store with digital hangers that display the number of Likes an item has online. Lagerhaus, a homeware store in Sweden, created a widget that allows influential bloggers to create a shoppable section in their blog using the brand’s products. While social media used to be about generating numbers, now brands can think of themselves more like individuals. Have a voice and listen closely – get to know your customer and gain valuable insight as a result. ●
  • 34. © GDR Creative Intelligence 64 65 B ased on the idea that neighbours and friends help you move house, Ikea created a campaign to publicise the relocation of its Bergen store which invited local people to organise and take part in the opening day celebrations. The result was that the entire event was managed by the community, with 20% of Bergen’s population in attendance. Ikea spent three weeks enlisting volunteers to carry out tasks at the store opening via press, billboards, banner ads and social media. People could sign up at a microsite to make a speech, plant trees or host an in-store radio show, for example. In the end, people volunteered for tasks Ikea hadn’t even advertised, including skydiving and performing dance routines. Norway’s best-selling hip-hop artist, Lars Vaular, asked to perform a live gig at the opening, then a family volunteered to pick him up from the airport. The event broke previous sales records and is Ikea’s most successful store opening ever. The Customer Ikea Moving the Store Location_Åsane, Åsamyrane 250, 5131 Nyborg, Bergen, Norway Date_April 2012 Design_SMFB –
  • 35. © GDR Creative Intelligence 66 67 Be a Harrods Buyer Luxury department store Harrods asked its Facebook Fans to become ‘honorary buyers’ by helping to select pieces from the Burberry autumn/winter 2012 collection. The Burberry catwalk show at London Fashion Week was live-streamed to the Harrods Facebook page and images of the 47 outfits were uploaded the following day. Harrods Fans then had 24 hours to vote for their favourite looks by Liking them. The most popular items were incorporated into the store’s buy for the season. ModCloth Be The Buyer US online women’s fashion retailer ModCloth set up its Be The Buyer platform inviting customers to vote on potential garment designs. Browsing through the designs for clothing, shoes and accessories, users can select the Pick It or Skip It options to vote for or reject each item – the most popular pieces are manufactured and then sold online. The initiative encourages customers to become part of the brand’s buying process and provides a platform for emerging designers who might otherwise be unable to produce their designs. Users can share favourite designs via Facebook and Twitter, while feedback left on the site is used by the creators to improve unpopular styles. Oscar De La Renta The Board Fashion label Oscar De La Renta launched The Board website, which invited users to help source inspiration for its 2013 resort collection. Fans could sign up to the pinboard-style website and upload content that they felt could be useful for the brand’s design team. There was no brief – users could add anything, from photos and paintings to adverts, fabrics and videos. The site displayed the content on a revolving board; it also appeared on a screen in the Oscar De La Renta offices. Users could share the material on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. Oscar De La Renta is known for using social media to interact with Fans and customers. Since 2010 the label has live- streamed its catwalk shows online and, in 2011, the brand used Facebook to sell exclusive products. Domino's Think Oven Domino’s has launched a Facebook app, Think Oven, where customers can contribute their ideas on how the brand can improve products and services in two categories. In The Idea Box, consumers can submit a new menu item or insights on store design, for instance. Current Project is for specific topics chosen by Domino’s, where users can contribute thoughts. The first topic invited suggestions for new staff uniforms. Each Current Project runs for about one month and anyone can contribute suggestions, although only US citizens are eligible to win prizes for now. After the deadline, Domino’s will choose four submissions that will be rewarded with $500 each. The project is open to store owners and employees as well as customers. One new product, Parmesan Bread Bites, was a store owner’s idea. Think Oven is an ongoing initiative, with further projects planned for the coming year. Heineken Ideas Brewery Heineken’s innovation platform Ideas Brewery invites people around the world to share concepts on set challenges. It launched in 2012 with a challenge for sustainable beer packaging. The second challenge sought innovations to develop draught beers globally. The latest challenge seeks insight regarding the lives of today’s 60-70 year-olds. The jury, including director Donald Petrie, will select three winners from ten finalists. Participants will compete for a chance to win a share of $10,000 and to have their entries included in a 60-plus documentary film. Winners will be announced at the end of March 2013. To mark its 140th anniversary in 2012, Heineken launched a global design challenge inviting people around the world to connect through Facebook to form design teams to collaborate on a limited- edition bottle. The winning duo saw their design sold round the world from December 2012. Lego Cuusoo Lego Cuusoo is an online platform by Lego that allows people to submit product ideas. Users sign in, upload proposed concepts and vote on the ideas they’d like to see produced by the brand. Once a project has received 10,000 votes it’s evaluated by Lego. If the idea is made, the creator earns 1% of the total net sales. When voting, users are asked where they live, the price they’d pay and why they’d like to see the idea made. The platform allows the brand to harness opinion from huge numbers of fans while gathering data on what resonates with them. Lego Minecraft World is in production as a result of the platform, after receiving over 10,000 votes in 48 hours. Future plans include letting users add Cuusoo functions to their own websites to generate more votes and perhaps sell products. The Customer Crowd pleasers Do you want to know how a new product or service will sit with your customers? Some brands are taking an old-fashioned route – asking them. After all, in a conversation everyone loves to be heard
  • 36. © GDR Creative Intelligence 68 69 The Customer Safeway Just For U Location_US Date_July 2012 Design_Safeway S upermarket chain Safeway in the US has enhanced its Just for U loyalty scheme to publicise flexible pricing based on a shopper’s purchase history. As well as being able to buy items with their personalised prices via Safeway’s e-commerce site, tablet and smartphone apps, members can use these channels to load their physical loyalty card with bespoke offers and discount coupons before going to shop in-store. Members receive 10-20% off items they buy regularly or are likely to buy based on their spending patterns, with new offers and promotions added on a weekly basis. If an item goes on sale at less than a customer’s personal price, the system will honour the lowest price. This flexible pricing structure is designed to increase loyalty among upper-level spenders and maintain performance in mid-range spenders. The Just For U app is divided into three sections. The ‘coupon centre’, which contains digital coupons (to reduce the amount of clip coupons and promotional flyers sent out by the retailer), ‘personalised deals’, unique savings and promotions for each customer and ‘your club savings’, a list of the customer’s frequently purchased items next to their personal discount. Since trialling in mid 2010, the scheme now has around 5 million registrants, of 9 million unique households who shop with Safeway each week. Incremental spend continues to exceed the retailer’s original estimates by more than 50%. derived from the affiliate fee. They can also earn points by logging into Shopcade, recommending products through their shop, inviting friends to join or by browsing products. The points can be used to upgrade and customise their store. The app features tabs for Top Trending Products; Trendsetters, most popular Shopcades; Influencers, the stores run by celebrities, and Deals, where offers are announced. Shopcade will recommend products to users based on what they have displayed within their stores, purchased themselves or Liked. While Shopcade is available worldwide, the app is in English and participating brands are UK- and US-based, although many do worldwide delivery. Purchases can only be made among the Shopcade community. R ecognising that social media users are heavily influenced by Friends when shopping, Shopcade is a Facebook app that allows users to create their own store within the social network. They curate the products and promote them, earning a cash reward for each sale made through their store. Shop-owners can choose from more than 40 million products from 20,000 participating brands, with items categorised into sections such as fashion, apps and downloads, and health and beauty. Their store can then be recommended to others, who must join Shopcade before they can browse and buy. Shoppers are directed to a brand’s website if they want to purchase an item, with Shopcade used as an aggregator for displaying the products. The shop-owner’s cash reward is Location_Online Date_November 2011 Design_Shopcade Shopcade
  • 37. © GDR Creative Intelligence 70 71 The Customer LoyalBlocks Location_US Date_September 2012 Design_LoyalBlocks Location_US (concept) Date_2013 Design_Red Pepper – L oyalBlocks is a digital loyalty app for smartphones. Retailers can reward customers for visiting the physical store, with or without purchasing. They can push promotions directly to mobile devices as the app runs constantly in the background. The platform also reports detailed individual customer behaviour data as well as group analytics. LoyalBlocks uses GPS to determine the user’s location. When they enter a store, it automatically ‘punches’ their digital loyalty card for that brand. Customers receive one punch per store, per visit – the app is time sensitive and recognises when the punch card is full. Retailers can also send tailored promotional Tokens. LoyalBlocks can be personalised with a retailer’s branding, or messages and interactions. A Merchant Dashboard interface F acedeals is a new app concept being tested in the US which can check people in on Facebook and send them personalised offers using facial-recognition cameras. Facedeals uses cameras installed at entry points in stores to scan people’s faces as they walk in. If the customer is a user of the app, they’ll be checked in and, based on their Like history, receive a customised offer. Shoppers must first sign up to the app. Facedeals will work with users to verify pictures of them to get a better facial reading. The technology is being tested in Nashville, Tennessee, but its developers plan to expand to other cities worldwide in 2013. allows chains and retail groups to manage a universal loyalty club for their entire chain or group, tracking both individual and aggregate analytics to optimise the impact of their efforts. McDonald’s, for instance, has recently started using the platform for its McDonald’s Loyalty Club. Any Android device can be used as a base station for LoyalBlocks. The app is free to download for both iPhone and Android users, retailers pay a monthly fee for using the platform. After launching as a pilot with 300 retailers in New York in 2012, LoyalBlocks now operates in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. It signed 1,000 new merchants worldwide in 2012, and expects to reach 3,750-4,500 by the end of 2013. Facedeals
  • 38. © GDR Creative Intelligence 72 73 The Customer Tesco Share Earn Location_Online (UK) Date_July 2012 Design_Tesco B ritish supermarket Tesco is trailing a Facebook app – Share Earn – which encourages its 967,000 Facebook Fans to share any of the products for sale via its online lifestyle store Tesco Direct in return for double points on the brand’s loyalty card scheme, Clubcard. Shoppers begin by downloading the Facebook Share Earn app, then connect their Clubcard account to it. When they’re interested in a product within the Tesco Direct website, they click on the Share Earn button. This action adds a link to that product on their Facebook wall, allowing them to share the item with their Friends who can Like it. If that Like turns into a purchase, made either by themselves or their Facebook Friends by clicking on the link, both the sharer and the purchaser receives double Clubcard points up to a maximum reward of 7,500 points per customer for the whole month. Depop Location_Online Date_May 2012 Design_Garage Italy S.r.l D epop is an app which turns the iPhone user into a shop curator, by allowing them to promote and sell items interactively through their existing social networks. The launch version was for individual users, but the app now offers a Premium service to brands and stores. After downloading the app, users link their Depop account to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. When they upload an image of an item they wish to sell, the app automatically shares it with their contacts. Unlike eBay, users can follow their favourite sellers’ profiles and receive updates about their latest offers via their image-based Depop feed. The app also displays information about size, price and condition below each image, and items can be browsed by popularity, location and price. Sellers and purchasers communicate through an integrated instant messenger service so their transaction becomes more personal, while price and delivery method can be adapted in real time. Once an offer is received and accepted, payments are completed via PayPal. The app is free to download, with sellers paying 4% of the price of their item to Depop, plus €0.35 (£0.20) for each transaction completed. An Android version is currently in development. The app launched under the name Garage.
  • 39. © GDR Creative Intelligence 74 75 The Customer SpaazaMyPrice Location_Worldwide Date_2012 Design_Spaaza Technologies BV – S paaza MyPrice allows retailers to tailor in-store prices to an individual customer depending on their social influence and loyalty to the brand. It’s intended as an alternative to plastic customer loyalty cards. The retailer adds a MyPrice tag to labels in-store. It has the regular price listed but invites the shopper to scan a QR code to access a tailored price. If they haven’t used MyPrice before, they can log in via Facebook (login with Twitter or Google will follow). The retailer determines the MyPrice, which is based on the shopper’s social influence, their preferences and Likes on Facebook, or how loyal they are to the brand. An algorithm works out the discount and the MyPrice is displayed on the smartphone screen. Also displayed are suggested actions the shopper can take to further reduce the price – determined by the retailer, but could include Liking the brand on Facebook or sharing the product and price with Friends. Once the shopper is satisfied with the price, they show a customer number or barcode to the retailer, who either uses point-of-sale software integration or Spaaza’s mobile or website apps to verify the price. MyPrice can operate as a standalone app or be integrated into a retailer’s existing app. When integrated, MyPrice can use the retailer’s existing barcode system (shoppers can then scan these instead of QR codes). The retailer can gain significant information from the customer using MyPrice, including the scan-to-sale ratio, which can be broken down by demographic information. In the future it will be possible to automate pricing in real time. The retailer pays a fee per redemption, plus set-up and licence costs. Spaaza envisages its patent-pending service being used in both everyday customer scenarios and during promotional periods. The service can also be extended to print and online. As well as personal pricing, Spaaza allows brands to offer discounts based on factors such as age, birthdays, time of day, local weather and stock levels. It can be connected to an existing inventory system, allowing brands and retailers to integrate the discount system. Spaaza is currently developing additional tools that use this information to connect online and offline shopping channels – enabling customers at home to assess stock levels in different stores, for example. Spaaza MyPrice is now being trialled by Quiksilver and DC Shoes in South Africa. Quiksilver is trying the system in four stores and has signed up to use the product for two years. 1. Scan 2. Regular price 3. My personal price
  • 40. © GDR Creative Intelligence 76 77 The Customer CAFashionLike Location_Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 2232, Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo, 01489-900 Brazil Date_April-May 2012 Design_DM9DDB Brazil – F ashion retailer CA used hangers in its São Paulo store with built-in LED screens which displayed the number of Facebook Likes the item had achieved. Merging online and physical retail, the hangers tap into the fact that many women seek their friends’ opinions when buying clothes. CA had created a special collection for Mother’s Day in Brazil, selecting 10 items to highlight on its Facebook page and giving each a Like button. In-store, the 10 items were displayed as a mini collection. A specially developed rack contained an integrated web-connected computer that transferred Facebook data to the hangers. The numbers of Likes for each piece was updated in real time in-store, meaning customers could see instantly which item was most popular with CA Fans, reassuring them about their purchase. The CA Facebook page also gave fashion tips and outfit suggestions combining the selected pieces with other items from the Mother’s Day collection.
  • 41. © GDR Creative Intelligence 78 79 The Customer Lagerhaus Blog-upStores Soldsie Location_Sweden Date_May 2011 Design_Prime PR – Location_Online Date_September 2012 Design_Soldsie T o build an online fan base for its new e-commerce site, homeware brand Lagerhaus enlisted six bloggers to create online stores within their blogs, promoting their favourite products. When a reader clicked an item, they were directed to the Lagerhaus e-commerce site. If they went on to buy the item, the blogger received an affiliate payment. Bloggers were given a template widget into which they could drop items from the collection. Blogger-endorsed items were highlighted in-store with Blogger Favourite stickers. After the success of the launch, the project is ongoing and Lagerhaus has been contacted by numerous bloggers wishing to start a shop. S oldsie is an app that turns Facebook into a point of sale by allowing brands to sell products via comments. It taps into an existing behaviour – uploading images to Facebook – but gives it e-commerce capability. Customers simply type Sold in the comments box to instigate a transaction. To use Soldsie, brands must have a Facebook business page and be able to accept US Dollars, it also recommends at least 500 Fans. To upload images, they open their Soldsie dashboard via the Apps section and select New Collection. They click Add Products to upload a picture of the item that they wish to sell and add a brief description (price and inventory numbers) which should include instructions to the customer on how to buy it. Brands can manage and edit their product catalogue via the Products tab in their dashboard. The Lagerhaus Facebook page is now the second-biggest interior design page in Sweden after Ikea. During the campaign, Facebook Fans increased by 226%, page interactions by 360%. When Lagerhaus’ full e-commerce site opened, Facebook Fans invited 13,000 of their Friends to a Fan-only online store launch. The average purchase sum from the online stores is 3.5 times higher than in physical stores. Customers type Sold in the comments box, along with the email address where an invoice is to be sent or they can register their information with Soldsie through the brand’s Facebook page. Comments are aggregated in the brand’s dashboard, where they monitor transaction statuses, which are processed via PayPal. For brands handling between $700 and $80,000 in monthly transactions, 3% of each sale goes to Soldsie. Businesses handling less don’t have to pay a fee to Soldsie. All brands are offered a free 14-day trial when they sign up. Future plans include letting customers type Sold to have their credit card billed immediately and expanding to other social networks. The San Francisco-based start-up previously operated under the name
  • 42. © GDR Creative Intelligence 80 81 The Customer Arkaden’s Fashion Photography Project Location_Online (Sweden) Date_July-August 2012 Design_Shout – Kokokaka – S wedish shopping mall Arkaden turned its customers into brand stakeholders by allowing them to shoot a virtual fashion campaign. Users then shared their shots via a campaign microsite for the chance to have one used as Arkaden’s official autumn/winter print advert. The Fashion Photography Project aimed to increase Arkaden’s digital presence by engaging customers and digital content creators, while keeping partial control of content being shared online. Users accessed a film of a model posing in three different outfits on the microsite. They could shoot as many pictures as they wanted from the film by clicking their mouse button as it played. When they were satisfied, they could pick their favourite shot and adjust the saturation, gamma and contrast. To have the chance to see their image used as the mall’s print advert for its autumn/ winter campaign, be credited as a professional photographer and win a camera, users had to enter their email address and share the picture on the microsite. The winning image is seen on the opposite page (top left). The microsite had more than 8,800 unique visitors and the average visit lasted for three minutes. It was promoted on Facebook and in local newspapers. Over the campaign period, Arkaden’s Facebook Fans increased by 629%.
  • 43. © GDR Creative Intelligence 82 83 Ikea Moving theStore Weblink_ Facedeals Web link_ Shopcade Web link_ CA Fashion Like Web link_ Arkaden Weblink_ Lagerhaus Blog-upStores Web link_ Consider… ● What is the reach, resonance and relevance of your social media strategy? And, do you have an influencer strategy? ● Have you identified the customers who are your natural brand ambassadors? ● Do you give customers targeted, appropriate opportunities toshare the experiences they have with your product? ● How can you track your customers’ journeys, before, during and after purchase? Download… Chirp. Did you know that data can be sent and shared through sound? Could this platform make in-store audio a new retail channel? Spaaza MyPrice, as yet only available in South Africa. This is personal pricing based on a customer’s influence. Visit… Three social scoring sites to meet and evaluate top influencers., and reveal who holds the social media power. and click on Be a Buyer – when customers are the decision makers, the brand gains valuable insight. and to see how customers are sharing their love and appreciation of cult items. Read… Jason A Metz looks at the business of influence – how it was, where it’s at and where it’s heading. Web link_ UnderTheInfluenceJasonAMetz Tictrac founder Martin Blinder discusses putting the quantified self into practice and its benefits to consumers, brands and businesses. Web link_ How do you sell to the generation of consumers who have never shopped without social media? Sheena Patel goes shopping with Millennials. Web link_ The Customer: Actionableinsights Scan to view videos
  • 44. GDR Creative Intelligence researches, analyses andshowcases key retail trends to ensure your marketing, customer experience and product developmentstrategies are at their most powerful. We show how relationships between consumers, brands and retailers are evolving, and how that can deliver competitive advantage for businesses. Global Innovation Report A quarterly publication detailing key retail trends and their implications for business. The Global Innovation Report is part of the retainer programme presented to clients by their personal GDR Creative Intelligence consultant. Digital and multichannel excellence We tailor digital and retail field excursions to relevant stores and creative agencies, and include meetings with industry experts to help businesses develop future-proofing strategies. Thought-leadership We host ideation workshops specific to a business’s needs, with the aim of stimulating innovative and practical solutions in a dynamic and collaborative setting. We offer follow-through consultation from concept to shop floor. Consultancy projects We undertake primary research to deliver unparalleled insider knowledge and visually rich case studies, backed up with quantitative data, analytics and insight. Agency referral We offer a business matchmaking service based on our unrivalled knowledge of the world’s best creative agencies. We compile shortlists and facilitate introductions. GDR Retail Academy We provide next-steps training to leverage strategic insight in practical, commercial ways. For further information contact: Kate Ancketill, CEO The Innovation Report: Retail 2020 was produced in the London offices of GDR Creative Intelligence Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London WC1E 7JN, United Kingdom, +44 (0) 20 7580 5589, © GDR Creative Intelligence 84