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FrontPage: Find your new seat.

     Homework: None              1
FrontPage: NNIGN

Not a FrontPage: How many F’s are in the
            above sentence?
            Homework: None                 2
FrontPage: What do you think was the best argument
  offered by the School District in the Safford case?

         The Last Word: No homework                 3
FrontPage: What do you think was the best argument
       offered by Redding’s lawyer yesterday?

               Homework: None                    4
FrontPage: NNIGN

Homework: Study for test - Friday   5
FrontPage: Grab a copy of the article and read it.

                                Famed groundhog prognosticator
                                Punxsutawney Phil has weighed in
                                with his yearly forecast from
                                central Pennsylvania: Six more
                                weeks of winter.
                                Here's Phil's forecast, as relayed at
                                the annual ceremony: "Many
                                shadows do I see: six more weeks
                                of winter it must be."
                                The pronouncement brought
                                groans from the thousands of
                                people gathered for the annual
                                event at Gobbler's Knob, the tiny
                                hill in Punxsutawney, which is
                                about 65 miles northeast of

     Homework: Study for test - tomorrow                       6
FrontPage: NNIGN
"Mitt is the guy you think you look like. Newt is the guy you actually look like.” –David Letterman

“A woman in Illinois is auctioning off a 2005 Chrysler that once belonged to President Obama.
You could tell it was Obama’s car because it gets off to a fast start and then stalls for the next
three years.” –Jimmy Fallon

“Not a great day for Mitt Romney. He put his foot in his mouth. He said in an interview, quote,
‘I'm not concerned about the very poor.’ Is anybody even trying to win this thing?” –Craig

“The government may be legally required to release a video of the Osama bin Laden killing. For
some reason it co-stars Katherine Heigl.” –Conan O’Brien

"President Obama has been working on a new plan to boost tourism in America by making it
easier for foreigners to get into the United States. We have that already. It's called Mexico." –Jay

"The government may be legally required to release the video of Osama bin Laden's killing.
President Obama said this would be unhelpful, inflammatory, and 'Could you please release it
two days before the election?'" –Conan O'Brien

                   Homework: OL 13.1 for Monday                                                7
FrontPage:   OL 13.1 on your desk.

    The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 1   8
FrontPage: OL
  13.1 on your
 desk. What is
    the “first
freedom” in the
  BoR? Why?

   The Last
  Chapter 13,
Section 2 Pt 2
 for Thursday9
FrontPage: NNIGN

            The Last Word:
Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 2 for Thursday   10
FrontPage: OL 13.1 on your desk. What is the
      “first freedom” in the BoR? Why?

              The Last Word:
   Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 2 for Thursday   11

 The Last Word:
   Chapter 13,
Section 3 Monday
FrontPage:   Do we have absolute freedom of speech? Explain.

  Homework: Read/OL 13.4 for Wednesday; World Affairs at
         PT Library on Wednesday night @7pm
FrontPage:     NNIGN

Homework: Read/OL 13.4 for Wednesday; World Affairs at
       PT Library on Wednesday night @7pm
FrontPage:   Why is the freedom of the press important in a

      Homework: 13.4 due Friday; test Tuesday
FrontPage: OL on your desk. In what situations might the
             freedom of the press need to be limited?

             "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

A monk requested "I have entered the monastery: please
give me some guidance"
Master Zhao Zhao replied " Have you eaten breakfast yet?"
"Then go wash your bowl"

                  The Last Word: Test Tuesday
FrontPage:   Prepare for Ch 13 Test

   Homework: No homework
FrontPage:    Turn in your FP sheet to the back box.

Homework: 4th amendment “research questions” for
FrontPage:          Have your research questions on your desk.

"Today Newt Gingrich said we should use covert operations to assassinate Iran's
nuclear scientists. Gingrich also said the key to covert operations is announcing them
on the campaign trail." –Conan O'Brien

"Tomorrow night is the 20th Republican debate, which explains that new campaign
slogan, ‘Vote Mitt Romney — or else we’ll keep doing this.’” –Jimmy Fallon

“Newt Gingrich called President Obama ‘the most dangerous president in U.S. history.’
But then he said ‘on the dance floor.’” –Conan O'Brien

“There are 8 million dead people who are still registered to vote. As a matter of
fact, they're the group that's most passionate about Mitt Romney.” –Conan O'Brien

“The band Megadeth has endorsed Rick Santorum. I think I'm going to wait and see
who Metallica likes.” –David Letterman

       Homework: Rights of the Accused “research questions” for
FrontPage:     NNIGN

Homework: Rights of the
   Accused “research
questions” for Wednesday
FrontPage:   NNIGN

Homework: 9th amendment research questions on Monday
FrontPage:   Do you support capital punishment? Why or why not?

  Homework: 9th Amendment Questions: Monday
FrontPage: Where are the following “rights” mentioned in
                    the Constitution?

  Privacy? Abortion? Physician-assisted suicide?
                  Gay marriage?

      Homework: 14th questions for Wednesday; test Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN

Homework: 14th questions due Wednesday; test Friday
FrontPage:   Have your FrontPage on your desk.

        Homework: Test Friday
FrontPage:     NNIGN
                   Rolling through the bay
                   is an abstract toothpick
                   sculpture of San
                   Francisco. It has about
                   100,000 of toothpicks.
                   The amazing part, is that
                   is has four ping pong ball
                   paths that roll through
                   different landmarks of
                   San Francisco. I have
                   spent about 3000 hours
                   on it over a period of 34
                   years and the only glue I
                   use is Elmer’s.

Homework: Test Friday
FrontPage:     Get ready for your exam

Homework: Turn clocks forward on Saturday night
FrontPage:    NNIGN

Homework: BoR Madness due next Monday
FrontPage:     NNIGN

Homework: Citizenship Research questions due Thursday
FrontPage:     NNIGN

Homework: Citizenship Research questions due Thursday
FrontPage:    Why is citizenship in a democracy important?

Snail Turned Into Living Battery, Should
          Have Taken Blue Pill
                                You know how those mad scientists at
                                DARPA are obsessed with generating power
                                from insects? A team from Clarkson
                                University, New York and Ben-Gurion
                                University, Israel has gone one better by
                                turning a Snail into a cybernetic power
                                generator. A pair of Buckypaper electrodes
                                were charged by the electro-chemical
                                reactions in the slow-moving invertebrates
                                "hemolymph," its equivalent to blood. Its
                                hoped the Snails will provide a sustainable
                                way to power listening devices for the
                                Department of Homeland Security, so if you
                                suddenly find your crawlspace full of
                                gastropods, be careful what you say.

 Homework: Immigration Research questions due Tuesday               31
FrontPage:           NNIGN

  The Agriculture Department says that starting next fall, schools can stop feeding students a
common ammonia-treated ground beef filler that critics have described as “pink slime.” Made
  by grinding together connective tissue and beef scraps normally destined for dog food and
  rendering, so-called “finely-textured lean beef trimmings” are then treated with ammonia
            hydroxide, a process that kills pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli.
       Homework: Immigration Research questions (+1)due Tuesday
FrontPage:    NNIGN

Homework: Immigration Research questions (+1) due Tuesday
FrontPage:   Research Qs on your desk. What image or picture comes to mind when
                       you think of “immigration”?

                     The Last Word: Quiz Thursday                         34
FrontPage:    NNIGN

Homework: Citizenship/Immigration quiz tomorrow
FrontPage:   Take a copy of the Research Questions up front.

  Homework: Electoral Process Research Questions Tuesday
FrontPage:   NNIGN – Turn in Matchup Analysis for Round 1

  Homework: Electoral Process Research Questions Tuesday
FrontPage:            Electoral Process questions on your desk.

A new species of wasp discovered on the Indonesian island Sulawesi is two-and-a-half inches
long, and has jaws so vast that its discoverer admits, 'I don't know how it can walk.'
Lynn Kimsey, professor of entomology at the University of California, Davis, says ‘Its jaws are so
large that they wrap up either side of the head when closed. When the jaws are open they are
actually longer than the male’s front legs.'
                 Homework: Election Campaign RQs due Thursday
FrontPage:   Turn in your Matchup Rd 2 to back box.

  Homework: Election Campaign RQs due Thursday
FrontPage:    NNIGN

Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Tuesday
FrontPage:          NNIGN
“Ron Paul said it’s still too early to count him out as the Republican nominee.
Seriously? That’s like Newt Gingrich saying it’s too early to count him out as an
Abercrombie model.” –Jimmy Fallon

“Newt Gingrich's campaign is charging people $50 to pose for a picture with Newt.
And for $100 you can get one without Newt.” –Conan O'Brien

“President Obama warned North Korea’s Kim Jong Un that ‘bad behavior will not be
rewarded.’ Then Kim asked, “So, how do you explain another season of 'Jersey
Shore'?” –Conan O’Brien

“The Supreme Court is deciding right now whether the government can mandate that
all Americans buy health insurance. Rick Santorum said, ‘There's no way I'm letting the
government make me go on a man date.’” –Conan O’Brien

“Yesterday on CNN, White House adviser David Plouffe referred to the Republican
presidential race as a ‘clown show.’ That’s as rough as it gets on CNN. Romney,
Santorum, Paul, and Gingrich all called the statement ridiculous and then piled into
one tiny car and drove off.” –Jimmy Fallon
               Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Tuesday
FrontPage:   Do you believe that campaign contributions affect the
              way legislators act/vote? Explain.

    Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due next Wednesday 42
FrontPage:     NNIGN

Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due next Wednesday 43
FrontPage: Turn in your webquest/voter registration; have research
       questions on your desk. Why don’t people vote?

                                                 Coffee Table

         Homework: Prez Election RQs due next Monday
FrontPage: NNIGN

Homework: Voter Turnout & Prop poster due tomorrow….Prez
             Election RQs due next Monday
FrontPage: Get one computer per partnership and log on to
                ptsdwebapps. Turn in poster to back box.

"After dropping out of the GOP race, Rick Santorum emailed his supporters to ask for help
paying off his campaign debt. So if you believe in his message of responsible spending and no
handouts, just give him a handout to cover all his irresponsible spending." –Jimmy Fallon

"Newt Gingrich's campaign paid $500 to get his name on the Utah primary ballot, and the check
bounced. You know, if Newt is spending money he doesn't have, maybe he really is qualified to
be president." –Jay Leno

"President Obama's popularity is starting to dwindle among well-known liberals like Matt
Damon and Gene Simmons. In fact, you know the number one liberal to turn against President
Obama? Mitt Romney." –Jay Leno

"Hot dogs and pizza don't go together. It's like Rush Limbaugh and skinny jeans — it just
shouldn't happen." –Craig Ferguson

"The FBI is reporting that American universities are being infiltrated by foreign spies. They say
everyone should be on the lookout for any student who's paying attention and taking notes." –
Conan O’Brien

                     Homework: Prez Election RQs due Monday
FrontPage: NNIGN

 Last Word: Test Friday   47
FrontPage: Why do we have the Electoral College?
Artist Craig Alan constructs portraits of pop-culture icons using people as pixels.

                          Last Word: Test Friday                                  48
FrontPage: NNIGN

Last Word: Test Monday   49
FrontPage: NNIGN
    Talking to Yourself Can Give You a Temporary Cognitive
   Talking to yourself has long been frowned upon as a sign of craziness, but a recent
  study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests talking
 to yourself might actually help you find lost or hidden objects more quickly than being
In two separate experiments, participants were tasked with finding objects. One group
     had to remain silent during their search and the other had to repeat the word to
 themselves. Both experiments found that people who talked to themselves found the
 objects quicker than those who didn't. The theory is that when you provide the verbal
    labels, you're changing your ongoing perceptual processing. For instance, if you're
looking for peanut butter and you repeat the words "peanut butter" over and over you
            temporarily turn your visual system into a "peanut butter detector.“

 The next time someone makes fun of you for talking to yourself when you're looking
  for your cell phone, shrug it off and keep on doing it because you'll probably find it

   Last Word: “Collaborize” Post due Fri; Test Mon.                                50


   Last Word:
   Test Mon.51
FrontPage: Why do people often organize into groups to
                     accomplish a goal?

Homework: Political Parties Research Questions due tomorrow
FrontPage: RQs on your desk. FP

Homework: Voting WebQuest due tomorrow; voting online also
FrontPage: Get a new FP sheet from the front. Turn in
      your Informed Voter WQ to the back box.
What attributes might we associate with these animals?

                     The Last Word:
         Political ID WebQuest due Monday
          Interest Group RQs due Tuesday           54
FrontPage: Turn in ID WebQuest. Place your initials where you ended up on the Political
Compass test. Do third parties have an impact on American elections? Explain.

                              The Last Word:
                  Political ID WebQuest due Monday
                   Interest Group RQs due Tuesday                                         55
FrontPage: NNIGN

Homework: RQs due tomorrow; test Friday
FrontPage: Sit with your groups and prepare your PPT
                        By the end of the day on Thursday -- barring a
   Man Works 2000       major catastrophe -- Howard Todd will have
                        worked 2,000 days straight. It's a goal he set
    Days Straight       for himself to show that if a poor kid from
                        Elliott can do it, his three grandchildren can
                        do anything they envision.
                        "I want them to see that I did this and say
                        they can do anything," said Todd, 48, of Mt.
                        Washington. "I'm trying to be an inspiration,
                        not only for them, but anyone."
                        For nearly 5 1/2 years — including on
                        Christmas, Easter, New Year's and other
                        holidays and weekends — Todd has toiled
                        behind the counters of his two Mt.
                        Washington businesses, DiFiore's Ice Cream
                        Delite and Grand Brew cafe.

               Homework: Test Monday
FrontPage: How is the practice of lobbying both good
            and bad for our democracy?
   17 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in May
   May 2: Scurvy Awareness Day
    The preferred disease of pirates has its own international holiday, and an entire
   website to boot!
   May 3: Hug Your Cat Day
   May 4: Star Wars Day
   May the fourth be with you.
   May 5: Cinco de Mayo
   May 9: National Lost Sock Memorial Day
   Today we honor the past, and we let go. It’s time to admit that one red argyle sock
   has gone to washing machine heaven, turn the partner it left behind into a rag or
   a sock puppet, and buy a new pair. It’s what it would have wanted.
   May 10: Clean Up Your Room Day
   May 14: National Dance Like a Chicken Day
   May 17: National Pack Rat Day
   May 29: End of Middle Ages Day
   May 30: My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It Day

                         Homework: Test Monday
FrontPage: NNIGN
"Well, as you know, President Obama was in Afghanistan earlier this week, as part of his big
'Did I Mention I killed bin Laden?' tour." –Jay Leno

"The Army is releasing Osama bin Laden documents including his final words. I think they
were, 'Who's knocking on my door at this hour?'" –Jay Leno

"President Obama has come up with a new campaign slogan — 'Forward' — that's the
slogan. And believe me, if unemployment doesn't improve by November, it'll be 'Forward
my mail.'" –Jay Leno

"Today Mitt Romney visited a firehouse here in New York City. Of course, he was
disappointed when he learned that the firehouse is not where you get to fire people." –
Jimmy Fallon

"The SEAL Team 6 broke into his compound and Osama bin Laden never knew what hit him.
It's like a Kardashian husband." –David Letterman

"The Secret Service announced that agents will now be assigned chaperones on certain
trips. What is that? I thought the Secret Service WAS the chaperone." –Jay Leno
            Homework: Federalism Questions due tomorrow
FrontPage: Fed Questions on your desk.

From the company who
brought you Bacon Soda
comes a drink that I can't
imagine anyone ever
ingesting unless they
were double-dog dared
A company called Lester's
Fixins is dead-set on
giving America meat-
flavored carbonated
beverages. First, they gave
us Bacon Soda, and
now..... Buffalo Wing

           Homework: State Government RQs due Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN

                                                        The Pitch
                                                        (tar) Drop
In 1927, UQ's Professor Thomas Parnell wanted to prove to his students that some
things that appear solid are in fact liquid. He heated up a sample of tar pitch - a solid
polymer that can shatter if you hit it hard enough - and poured it into the funnel you
see in the picture. He sealed it and left it for three years to set, then cut the end of the
funnel. Eight years later, the first drop fell through the funnel.
And here we are, 82 years later, waiting for the ninth drop to fall. Waiting to be the
first humans to ever lay eyes on it falling, in fact, because the pitch has a frustrating
tendency to shed its small load at exactly the time no one's watching.
              Homework: State Government RQs due Friday
FrontPage: Take a copy of the background reading. Which part of the
  case do you think will be the toughest for the justices to decide?

           Homework: Food for Troops due Friday (+2)
              State Government RQs due Friday
FrontPage: Take a copy of the reading.

Homework: Local RQs Wed; Test and class officer apps Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN
"President Obama came out in favor of gay marriage because his position has
evolved. Then today he flew to George Clooney's house. So things are evolving
a lot faster than we expected." –Conan O'Brien

"Mitt Romney has issued an apology for some of his high school pranks that
went a little too far. Probably the meanest prank was the time he bought his
high school and fired everyone in it." –Conan O'Brien

"President Obama's in town for a fundraiser. Forty grand a plate — because
nothing says 'man of the people' like demanding 40 grand for some rubbery
chicken." –Craig Ferguson

"The women know what this means. Now all the good ones will be married
AND gay." –Jay Leno

"Rick Santorum gave Mitt Romney his endorsement. So Mitt gets all of
Santorum's delegates and all of his sweater vests." –David Letterman
      Homework: Local RQs Wed; Test and class officer apps Friday
FrontPage: Have state/local RQs on your desk.
Thousands of visitors flock to Bikaner, India for the
desert festival awaiting the camel races. Owners with
sharp scissors transform their camels into breathing
works of art by shaving their coats to make room for
traditional Indian patterns.

                      Homework: State/Local test Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Best Gaming Setup Ever

            Homework: State/Local test TOMORROW
FrontPage: NNIGN
Using a technique similar to
pointillism, multimedia
artist/YouTube sensation Phil
Hansen transforms banana
skins into his
canvases, recreating some of
art history’s most famous works
with a push pin. As the fruit
naturally browns, his designs
magically appear.

                                           Homework: Think of an
                                            open-ended question
                                           related to gov you’d like
                                                to investigate…
FrontPage: NNIGN
"A Republican official says that Mitt Romney should pick 'an incredibly boring
white guy as running mate.' When he heard that, Joe Biden said, 'Thanks, I've
already got a gig.'" –Conan O'Brien

"President Obama released his financial disclosure statement today. It turns out he
is now worth over $10 million. So at least somebody is doing well in this
economy." –Jay Leno

"Barack Obama supports same-sex marriage. Mitt Romney doesn't even support
same-sex car pools." –David Letterman

"The new Newsweek has President Obama on the cover with a headline, “The First
Gay President.” Apparently, the new Newsweek editor is a 3rd grade bully." –
Conan O'Brien

"On Saturday Obama and Biden spent more than four hours playing golf together.
Joe Biden’s handicap is 20, while Obama’s handicap is Joe Biden." Jimmy Fallon
      Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Worst Fast Food Names

   Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
FrontPage: NNIGN

   Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
FrontPage: NNIGN
A team from MIT has decided to end slow-
pouring ketchup problems once and for all
with its LiquiGlide project. Instead of karate-
chopping the 57 logo on the bottle's neck, a
super-non-stick coating is sprayed on the
inside of its glass container. It's so good that
even highly viscous liquids like ketchup and
mayonnaise roll out of the bottle and onto
your dinner as if it was water. All the
chemicals used are already FDA approved,
meaning that it's already safe to be used in
food production. If adopted, it'd save around
one million tons of trapped sauce from
being wasted every year. Since we already
have finely-honed ketchup-fu skills, we're
hoping the LiquiGlide technique also finds
its way into peanut butter jars.

       Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
FrontPage: Get computers and get started.

Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
FrontPage: Get computers and get started.
"After losing billions of dollars, Mark Zuckerberg is being sued for hiding Facebook's
weak financial report. Apparently, he put it somewhere no one will ever look –
MySpace." –Jimmy Fallon

"This week Mitt Romney started giving speeches while standing in front of a giant U.S.
debt clock. When asked what it was like campaigning with a large electronic object,
the debt clock was like, 'Not bad.'" –Jimmy Fallon

"Mark Zuckerberg got married. Their reception was annoying, though. Right when
everyone got used to the seating arrangement, Zuckerberg changed the layout for no
reason." –Jimmy Fallon

"That Facebook guy, Mark Zuckerberg, got married over the weekend. His company
goes public, and he's now worth $100 billion. Then he gets married. He may not be as
smart as we thought. –David Letterman

"Al Gore has a new girlfriend. Apparently, it's getting pretty serious. He's already been
over to bore her parents." –Jay Leno

Last Word: Open-ended presentations due TOMORROW; class speeches
FrontPage: Make sure you have your textbook.

          Last Word: Study for Final Exam
FrontPage: NNIGN
           New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks
           New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas and
other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in the most ambitious
effort yet by the Bloomberg administration to combat rising obesity.

          The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary drinks
found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from energy drinks to pre-
sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid
ounces — about the size of a medium coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle —
would be prohibited under the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next

                                                                   Last Word: Study
                                                                    for Final Exam

FrontPage: NNIGN

Last Word: Study for Final Exam

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Introduction to Government
Introduction to GovernmentIntroduction to Government
Introduction to Government

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FrontPages Semester 2

  • 1. FrontPage: Find your new seat. Homework: None 1
  • 2. FrontPage: NNIGN Not a FrontPage: How many F’s are in the above sentence? Homework: None 2
  • 3. FrontPage: What do you think was the best argument offered by the School District in the Safford case? The Last Word: No homework 3
  • 4. FrontPage: What do you think was the best argument offered by Redding’s lawyer yesterday? Homework: None 4
  • 5. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: Study for test - Friday 5
  • 6. FrontPage: Grab a copy of the article and read it. Famed groundhog prognosticator Punxsutawney Phil has weighed in with his yearly forecast from central Pennsylvania: Six more weeks of winter. Here's Phil's forecast, as relayed at the annual ceremony: "Many shadows do I see: six more weeks of winter it must be." The pronouncement brought groans from the thousands of people gathered for the annual event at Gobbler's Knob, the tiny hill in Punxsutawney, which is about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Homework: Study for test - tomorrow 6
  • 7. FrontPage: NNIGN "Mitt is the guy you think you look like. Newt is the guy you actually look like.” –David Letterman “A woman in Illinois is auctioning off a 2005 Chrysler that once belonged to President Obama. You could tell it was Obama’s car because it gets off to a fast start and then stalls for the next three years.” –Jimmy Fallon “Not a great day for Mitt Romney. He put his foot in his mouth. He said in an interview, quote, ‘I'm not concerned about the very poor.’ Is anybody even trying to win this thing?” –Craig Ferguson “The government may be legally required to release a video of the Osama bin Laden killing. For some reason it co-stars Katherine Heigl.” –Conan O’Brien "President Obama has been working on a new plan to boost tourism in America by making it easier for foreigners to get into the United States. We have that already. It's called Mexico." –Jay Leno "The government may be legally required to release the video of Osama bin Laden's killing. President Obama said this would be unhelpful, inflammatory, and 'Could you please release it two days before the election?'" –Conan O'Brien Homework: OL 13.1 for Monday 7
  • 8. FrontPage: OL 13.1 on your desk. The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 1 8
  • 9. FrontPage: OL 13.1 on your desk. What is the “first freedom” in the BoR? Why? The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 2 for Thursday9
  • 10. FrontPage: NNIGN The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 2 for Thursday 10
  • 11. FrontPage: OL 13.1 on your desk. What is the “first freedom” in the BoR? Why? The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 2 Pt 2 for Thursday 11
  • 12. FrontPage: NNIGN The Last Word: Chapter 13, Section 3 Monday 12
  • 13. FrontPage: Do we have absolute freedom of speech? Explain. Homework: Read/OL 13.4 for Wednesday; World Affairs at 13 PT Library on Wednesday night @7pm
  • 14. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: Read/OL 13.4 for Wednesday; World Affairs at 14 PT Library on Wednesday night @7pm
  • 15. FrontPage: Why is the freedom of the press important in a democracy? 15 Homework: 13.4 due Friday; test Tuesday
  • 16. FrontPage: OL on your desk. In what situations might the freedom of the press need to be limited? "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" A monk requested "I have entered the monastery: please give me some guidance" Master Zhao Zhao replied " Have you eaten breakfast yet?" "Yes" "Then go wash your bowl" 16 The Last Word: Test Tuesday
  • 17. FrontPage: Prepare for Ch 13 Test Homework: No homework 17
  • 18. FrontPage: Turn in your FP sheet to the back box. Homework: 4th amendment “research questions” for 18 Monday
  • 19. FrontPage: Have your research questions on your desk. "Today Newt Gingrich said we should use covert operations to assassinate Iran's nuclear scientists. Gingrich also said the key to covert operations is announcing them on the campaign trail." –Conan O'Brien "Tomorrow night is the 20th Republican debate, which explains that new campaign slogan, ‘Vote Mitt Romney — or else we’ll keep doing this.’” –Jimmy Fallon “Newt Gingrich called President Obama ‘the most dangerous president in U.S. history.’ But then he said ‘on the dance floor.’” –Conan O'Brien “There are 8 million dead people who are still registered to vote. As a matter of fact, they're the group that's most passionate about Mitt Romney.” –Conan O'Brien “The band Megadeth has endorsed Rick Santorum. I think I'm going to wait and see who Metallica likes.” –David Letterman Homework: Rights of the Accused “research questions” for 19 Wednesday
  • 20. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: Rights of the Accused “research questions” for Wednesday 20
  • 21. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: 9th amendment research questions on Monday 21
  • 22. FrontPage: Do you support capital punishment? Why or why not? 22 Homework: 9th Amendment Questions: Monday
  • 23. FrontPage: Where are the following “rights” mentioned in the Constitution? Privacy? Abortion? Physician-assisted suicide? Gay marriage? 23 Homework: 14th questions for Wednesday; test Friday
  • 24. FrontPage: NNIGN 24 Homework: 14th questions due Wednesday; test Friday
  • 25. FrontPage: Have your FrontPage on your desk. 25 Homework: Test Friday
  • 26. FrontPage: NNIGN Rolling through the bay is an abstract toothpick sculpture of San Francisco. It has about 100,000 of toothpicks. The amazing part, is that is has four ping pong ball paths that roll through different landmarks of San Francisco. I have spent about 3000 hours on it over a period of 34 years and the only glue I use is Elmer’s. 26 Homework: Test Friday
  • 27. FrontPage: Get ready for your exam 27 Homework: Turn clocks forward on Saturday night
  • 28. FrontPage: NNIGN 28 Homework: BoR Madness due next Monday
  • 29. FrontPage: NNIGN 29 Homework: Citizenship Research questions due Thursday
  • 30. FrontPage: NNIGN 30 Homework: Citizenship Research questions due Thursday
  • 31. FrontPage: Why is citizenship in a democracy important? Snail Turned Into Living Battery, Should Have Taken Blue Pill You know how those mad scientists at DARPA are obsessed with generating power from insects? A team from Clarkson University, New York and Ben-Gurion University, Israel has gone one better by turning a Snail into a cybernetic power generator. A pair of Buckypaper electrodes were charged by the electro-chemical reactions in the slow-moving invertebrates "hemolymph," its equivalent to blood. Its hoped the Snails will provide a sustainable way to power listening devices for the Department of Homeland Security, so if you suddenly find your crawlspace full of gastropods, be careful what you say. Homework: Immigration Research questions due Tuesday 31
  • 32. FrontPage: NNIGN The Agriculture Department says that starting next fall, schools can stop feeding students a common ammonia-treated ground beef filler that critics have described as “pink slime.” Made by grinding together connective tissue and beef scraps normally destined for dog food and rendering, so-called “finely-textured lean beef trimmings” are then treated with ammonia hydroxide, a process that kills pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. 32 Homework: Immigration Research questions (+1)due Tuesday
  • 33. FrontPage: NNIGN 33 Homework: Immigration Research questions (+1) due Tuesday
  • 34. FrontPage: Research Qs on your desk. What image or picture comes to mind when you think of “immigration”? The Last Word: Quiz Thursday 34
  • 35. FrontPage: NNIGN 35 Homework: Citizenship/Immigration quiz tomorrow
  • 36. FrontPage: Take a copy of the Research Questions up front. 36 Homework: Electoral Process Research Questions Tuesday
  • 37. FrontPage: NNIGN – Turn in Matchup Analysis for Round 1 37 Homework: Electoral Process Research Questions Tuesday
  • 38. FrontPage: Electoral Process questions on your desk. A new species of wasp discovered on the Indonesian island Sulawesi is two-and-a-half inches long, and has jaws so vast that its discoverer admits, 'I don't know how it can walk.' Lynn Kimsey, professor of entomology at the University of California, Davis, says ‘Its jaws are so large that they wrap up either side of the head when closed. When the jaws are open they are actually longer than the male’s front legs.' 38 Homework: Election Campaign RQs due Thursday
  • 39. FrontPage: Turn in your Matchup Rd 2 to back box. 39 Homework: Election Campaign RQs due Thursday
  • 40. FrontPage: NNIGN 40 Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Tuesday
  • 41. FrontPage: NNIGN “Ron Paul said it’s still too early to count him out as the Republican nominee. Seriously? That’s like Newt Gingrich saying it’s too early to count him out as an Abercrombie model.” –Jimmy Fallon “Newt Gingrich's campaign is charging people $50 to pose for a picture with Newt. And for $100 you can get one without Newt.” –Conan O'Brien “President Obama warned North Korea’s Kim Jong Un that ‘bad behavior will not be rewarded.’ Then Kim asked, “So, how do you explain another season of 'Jersey Shore'?” –Conan O’Brien “The Supreme Court is deciding right now whether the government can mandate that all Americans buy health insurance. Rick Santorum said, ‘There's no way I'm letting the government make me go on a man date.’” –Conan O’Brien “Yesterday on CNN, White House adviser David Plouffe referred to the Republican presidential race as a ‘clown show.’ That’s as rough as it gets on CNN. Romney, Santorum, Paul, and Gingrich all called the statement ridiculous and then piled into one tiny car and drove off.” –Jimmy Fallon 41 Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Tuesday
  • 42. FrontPage: Do you believe that campaign contributions affect the way legislators act/vote? Explain. Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due next Wednesday 42
  • 43. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due next Wednesday 43
  • 44. FrontPage: Turn in your webquest/voter registration; have research questions on your desk. Why don’t people vote? Fully Functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table 44 Homework: Prez Election RQs due next Monday
  • 45. FrontPage: NNIGN Homework: Voter Turnout & Prop poster due tomorrow….Prez 45 Election RQs due next Monday
  • 46. FrontPage: Get one computer per partnership and log on to ptsdwebapps. Turn in poster to back box. "After dropping out of the GOP race, Rick Santorum emailed his supporters to ask for help paying off his campaign debt. So if you believe in his message of responsible spending and no handouts, just give him a handout to cover all his irresponsible spending." –Jimmy Fallon "Newt Gingrich's campaign paid $500 to get his name on the Utah primary ballot, and the check bounced. You know, if Newt is spending money he doesn't have, maybe he really is qualified to be president." –Jay Leno "President Obama's popularity is starting to dwindle among well-known liberals like Matt Damon and Gene Simmons. In fact, you know the number one liberal to turn against President Obama? Mitt Romney." –Jay Leno "Hot dogs and pizza don't go together. It's like Rush Limbaugh and skinny jeans — it just shouldn't happen." –Craig Ferguson "The FBI is reporting that American universities are being infiltrated by foreign spies. They say everyone should be on the lookout for any student who's paying attention and taking notes." – Conan O’Brien 46 Homework: Prez Election RQs due Monday
  • 47. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Test Friday 47
  • 48. FrontPage: Why do we have the Electoral College? Artist Craig Alan constructs portraits of pop-culture icons using people as pixels. Last Word: Test Friday 48
  • 49. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Test Monday 49
  • 50. FrontPage: NNIGN Talking to Yourself Can Give You a Temporary Cognitive Boost Talking to yourself has long been frowned upon as a sign of craziness, but a recent study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests talking to yourself might actually help you find lost or hidden objects more quickly than being silent. In two separate experiments, participants were tasked with finding objects. One group had to remain silent during their search and the other had to repeat the word to themselves. Both experiments found that people who talked to themselves found the objects quicker than those who didn't. The theory is that when you provide the verbal labels, you're changing your ongoing perceptual processing. For instance, if you're looking for peanut butter and you repeat the words "peanut butter" over and over you temporarily turn your visual system into a "peanut butter detector.“ The next time someone makes fun of you for talking to yourself when you're looking for your cell phone, shrug it off and keep on doing it because you'll probably find it faster. Last Word: “Collaborize” Post due Fri; Test Mon. 50
  • 51. FrontPage: NNIGN Campaign Celebrity Endorsements Last Word: Test Mon.51
  • 52. FrontPage: Why do people often organize into groups to accomplish a goal? 52 Homework: Political Parties Research Questions due tomorrow
  • 53. FrontPage: RQs on your desk. FP 53 Homework: Voting WebQuest due tomorrow; voting online also
  • 54. FrontPage: Get a new FP sheet from the front. Turn in your Informed Voter WQ to the back box. What attributes might we associate with these animals? The Last Word: Political ID WebQuest due Monday Interest Group RQs due Tuesday 54
  • 55. FrontPage: Turn in ID WebQuest. Place your initials where you ended up on the Political Compass test. Do third parties have an impact on American elections? Explain. The Last Word: Political ID WebQuest due Monday Interest Group RQs due Tuesday 55
  • 56. FrontPage: NNIGN 56 Homework: RQs due tomorrow; test Friday
  • 57. FrontPage: Sit with your groups and prepare your PPT presentation. By the end of the day on Thursday -- barring a Man Works 2000 major catastrophe -- Howard Todd will have worked 2,000 days straight. It's a goal he set Days Straight for himself to show that if a poor kid from Elliott can do it, his three grandchildren can do anything they envision. "I want them to see that I did this and say they can do anything," said Todd, 48, of Mt. Washington. "I'm trying to be an inspiration, not only for them, but anyone." For nearly 5 1/2 years — including on Christmas, Easter, New Year's and other holidays and weekends — Todd has toiled behind the counters of his two Mt. Washington businesses, DiFiore's Ice Cream Delite and Grand Brew cafe. 57 Homework: Test Monday
  • 58. FrontPage: How is the practice of lobbying both good and bad for our democracy? 17 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in May May 2: Scurvy Awareness Day The preferred disease of pirates has its own international holiday, and an entire website to boot! May 3: Hug Your Cat Day May 4: Star Wars Day May the fourth be with you. May 5: Cinco de Mayo May 9: National Lost Sock Memorial Day Today we honor the past, and we let go. It’s time to admit that one red argyle sock has gone to washing machine heaven, turn the partner it left behind into a rag or a sock puppet, and buy a new pair. It’s what it would have wanted. May 10: Clean Up Your Room Day May 14: National Dance Like a Chicken Day May 17: National Pack Rat Day May 29: End of Middle Ages Day May 30: My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It Day 58 Homework: Test Monday
  • 59. FrontPage: NNIGN "Well, as you know, President Obama was in Afghanistan earlier this week, as part of his big 'Did I Mention I killed bin Laden?' tour." –Jay Leno "The Army is releasing Osama bin Laden documents including his final words. I think they were, 'Who's knocking on my door at this hour?'" –Jay Leno "President Obama has come up with a new campaign slogan — 'Forward' — that's the slogan. And believe me, if unemployment doesn't improve by November, it'll be 'Forward my mail.'" –Jay Leno "Today Mitt Romney visited a firehouse here in New York City. Of course, he was disappointed when he learned that the firehouse is not where you get to fire people." – Jimmy Fallon "The SEAL Team 6 broke into his compound and Osama bin Laden never knew what hit him. It's like a Kardashian husband." –David Letterman "The Secret Service announced that agents will now be assigned chaperones on certain trips. What is that? I thought the Secret Service WAS the chaperone." –Jay Leno 59 Homework: Federalism Questions due tomorrow
  • 60. FrontPage: Fed Questions on your desk. From the company who brought you Bacon Soda comes a drink that I can't imagine anyone ever ingesting unless they were double-dog dared to. A company called Lester's Fixins is dead-set on giving America meat- flavored carbonated beverages. First, they gave us Bacon Soda, and now..... Buffalo Wing Soda: 60 Homework: State Government RQs due Friday
  • 61. FrontPage: NNIGN The Pitch (tar) Drop Experiment In 1927, UQ's Professor Thomas Parnell wanted to prove to his students that some things that appear solid are in fact liquid. He heated up a sample of tar pitch - a solid polymer that can shatter if you hit it hard enough - and poured it into the funnel you see in the picture. He sealed it and left it for three years to set, then cut the end of the funnel. Eight years later, the first drop fell through the funnel. And here we are, 82 years later, waiting for the ninth drop to fall. Waiting to be the first humans to ever lay eyes on it falling, in fact, because the pitch has a frustrating tendency to shed its small load at exactly the time no one's watching. 61 Homework: State Government RQs due Friday
  • 62. FrontPage: Take a copy of the background reading. Which part of the case do you think will be the toughest for the justices to decide? Homework: Food for Troops due Friday (+2) 62 State Government RQs due Friday
  • 63. FrontPage: Take a copy of the reading. 63 Homework: Local RQs Wed; Test and class officer apps Friday
  • 64. FrontPage: NNIGN "President Obama came out in favor of gay marriage because his position has evolved. Then today he flew to George Clooney's house. So things are evolving a lot faster than we expected." –Conan O'Brien "Mitt Romney has issued an apology for some of his high school pranks that went a little too far. Probably the meanest prank was the time he bought his high school and fired everyone in it." –Conan O'Brien "President Obama's in town for a fundraiser. Forty grand a plate — because nothing says 'man of the people' like demanding 40 grand for some rubbery chicken." –Craig Ferguson "The women know what this means. Now all the good ones will be married AND gay." –Jay Leno "Rick Santorum gave Mitt Romney his endorsement. So Mitt gets all of Santorum's delegates and all of his sweater vests." –David Letterman 64 Homework: Local RQs Wed; Test and class officer apps Friday
  • 65. FrontPage: Have state/local RQs on your desk. Thousands of visitors flock to Bikaner, India for the desert festival awaiting the camel races. Owners with sharp scissors transform their camels into breathing works of art by shaving their coats to make room for traditional Indian patterns. 65 Homework: State/Local test Friday
  • 66. FrontPage: NNIGN Best Gaming Setup Ever 66 Homework: State/Local test TOMORROW
  • 67. FrontPage: NNIGN Using a technique similar to pointillism, multimedia artist/YouTube sensation Phil Hansen transforms banana skins into his canvases, recreating some of art history’s most famous works with a push pin. As the fruit naturally browns, his designs magically appear. Homework: Think of an open-ended question related to gov you’d like to investigate… 67
  • 68. FrontPage: NNIGN "A Republican official says that Mitt Romney should pick 'an incredibly boring white guy as running mate.' When he heard that, Joe Biden said, 'Thanks, I've already got a gig.'" –Conan O'Brien "President Obama released his financial disclosure statement today. It turns out he is now worth over $10 million. So at least somebody is doing well in this economy." –Jay Leno "Barack Obama supports same-sex marriage. Mitt Romney doesn't even support same-sex car pools." –David Letterman "The new Newsweek has President Obama on the cover with a headline, “The First Gay President.” Apparently, the new Newsweek editor is a 3rd grade bully." – Conan O'Brien "On Saturday Obama and Biden spent more than four hours playing golf together. Joe Biden’s handicap is 20, while Obama’s handicap is Joe Biden." Jimmy Fallon 68 Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
  • 69. FrontPage: NNIGN Worst Fast Food Names 69 Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
  • 70. FrontPage: NNIGN 70 Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
  • 71. FrontPage: NNIGN A team from MIT has decided to end slow- pouring ketchup problems once and for all with its LiquiGlide project. Instead of karate- chopping the 57 logo on the bottle's neck, a super-non-stick coating is sprayed on the inside of its glass container. It's so good that even highly viscous liquids like ketchup and mayonnaise roll out of the bottle and onto your dinner as if it was water. All the chemicals used are already FDA approved, meaning that it's already safe to be used in food production. If adopted, it'd save around one million tons of trapped sauce from being wasted every year. Since we already have finely-honed ketchup-fu skills, we're hoping the LiquiGlide technique also finds its way into peanut butter jars. 71 Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
  • 72. FrontPage: Get computers and get started. 72 Homework: Open-ended presentations due next Wednesday
  • 73. FrontPage: Get computers and get started. "After losing billions of dollars, Mark Zuckerberg is being sued for hiding Facebook's weak financial report. Apparently, he put it somewhere no one will ever look – MySpace." –Jimmy Fallon "This week Mitt Romney started giving speeches while standing in front of a giant U.S. debt clock. When asked what it was like campaigning with a large electronic object, the debt clock was like, 'Not bad.'" –Jimmy Fallon "Mark Zuckerberg got married. Their reception was annoying, though. Right when everyone got used to the seating arrangement, Zuckerberg changed the layout for no reason." –Jimmy Fallon "That Facebook guy, Mark Zuckerberg, got married over the weekend. His company goes public, and he's now worth $100 billion. Then he gets married. He may not be as smart as we thought. –David Letterman "Al Gore has a new girlfriend. Apparently, it's getting pretty serious. He's already been over to bore her parents." –Jay Leno 73 Last Word: Open-ended presentations due TOMORROW; class speeches
  • 74. FrontPage: Make sure you have your textbook. 74 Last Word: Study for Final Exam
  • 75. FrontPage: NNIGN New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in the most ambitious effort yet by the Bloomberg administration to combat rising obesity. The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary drinks found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from energy drinks to pre- sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces — about the size of a medium coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle — would be prohibited under the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next March. Last Word: Study for Final Exam 75
  • 76. FrontPage: NNIGN 76 Last Word: Study for Final Exam