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FrontPage: See seating chart up front and find your seat.
Turn in Mindset to the back box on the red cart.
Last Word: No homework
FrontPage: Grab a handbook from the front; sign your
name on the sheet.
Last Word: Handbook homework due Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: Handbook homework due Friday
Photos of People Who Aren’t Afraid of the Hurricane
FrontPage: Have your handbook on your desk.
Last Word: OL 3.1 due Tuesday
FrontPage: Have your outline on your desk. See the
FrontPage question
on the next page.
Last Word: Read/OL
Chapter 3, Section 2 for
FrontPage: Get with a partner and grab one laptop out
of the cart; log in.
Last Word: OL 3.2 and 3.3 (stop at “Informal Changes”, pg. 78) due
Monday, in library tomorrow - BRING SMARTPHONE/DEVICE!
World’s Shortest Man and Woman
Meet for the First Time
Guinness World Records can today reveal
a sneak preview of the 57th edition of the
world's best-selling copyright book,
Guinness World Records 2013, with these
exclusive pictures of the world's Shortest
Man, Chandra Bahadur Dangi (54.6 cm),
and the world's Shortest Woman, Jyoti
Amge (62.8 cm), who met for the first time
for the production of the new book.
FrontPage: Ols on your desk. Which branch of
government is most powerful? Why?
OL 3.4 for Friday; Class Const due Friday
FrontPage: Do you think physical books will exist in 10
years? Why or why not?
Last Word: OL 3.4 due Thursday; Class Const Friday; Test Friday
FrontPage: OL on your desk.
Last Word: Class Const Friday; Test Friday /Monday
FrontPage: Turn in Constitution to back box.
Last Word: Essay Test Monday; OL 14.2 due Tuesday
The great New York City soda ban has finally happened. The sale of sodas and sugary
drinks larger than 16 ounces is now prohibited across all five boroughs.
Over the past few weeks, the Bloomberg Administration and the soda lobby have mounted a furious
campaign war over the legislation. In retaliation, Mountain Dew and the New York Art Department
teamed up to make a statement all over the city:
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: OL 14.2 for tomorrow
Greg Taylor from
Mandeville, Louisiana,
sent this photo to CNN
“Yesterday, I sent my
family to AL to avoid
Hurricane Isaac. After they
left, I went to feed the
family fish and I found the
enclosed scene where my
daughter , Ashley, had
given instruction on how
her stuffed animal friends
should behave during the
Homework: Immigration Research questions due Thurs/Quiz Mon
FrontPage: Why is citizenship in a democracy important?
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: Immigration questions due tomorrow
These beautiful, tiny oil paintings were
done by artist Jacqueline Lou Skaggs
on pennies she found discarded.
The Last Word: Quiz Monday
FrontPage: Research Qs on your desk. What image or picture comes to mind when
you think of “immigration”?
The Last Word: Quiz tomorrow
FrontPage: NNIGN
"Yes, President Romney will not take God off our coins. And that is so important
because right now, just like God, the value of our currency really has to be taken on
faith." –Stephen Colbert
"As part of the strategy for the upcoming presidential debates, the Obama campaign is
attempting to lower expectations. And believe, if there's one thing that President
Obama is good at lately, it's lowering expectations." –Jay Leno
"All over the world people are chanting, 'Death to America.' Except in China, where
they're chanting, 'Not until we get our money back.'" –Jay Leno
"Arnold Schwarzenegger has written a new book about his affair with his Hispanic
housekeeper, and the book is actually called 'Total Recall.' In response, she's written a
book about their affair called 'Alien vs. Predator.'" –Conan O'Brien
"President Obama is attending a fundraiser in New York hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce.
Michelle is hoping Beyonce will sing 'All the Single Ladies,' while Obama is worried
Biden will get up and sing 'Bootylicious'" –Jimmy Fallon
Homework: Development of Parties (#1-4) RQs due tomorrow
FrontPage: NNIGN; get ready for your quiz; Pds 6 and 7: Do
you support the message on the Statue of Liberty still today?
The Last Word: No homework
FrontPage: Have your RQs on your desk.
Hitachi has announced a new way of locking up ones and zeros in quartz glass for hundreds of
millions of years. The data can be etched with a laser in three layers on the crystals at a density
slightly higher than a CD, then read out with an optical microscope. The technology could come
to market in three years, according to the research . Hitachi said the media withstood two hours
of 3500 degree Fahrenheit temperatures in testing without data loss.
FrontPage: What attributes might we associate with
these animals?
The Last Word:
3rd Parties RQs due Monday
FrontPage: Have your 3rd parties RQs on your desk.
The Last Word: Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
FrontPage: Would you vote for a third party candidate?
Why or why not?
The Last Word:
Interest Group RQs due Wednesday;
Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
FrontPage: NNIGN
The Last Word:
Interest Group RQs due Wednesday;
Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
FrontPage: Turn in your ID WebQuest. If you would
like, mark where you ended up on the Compass test…
The Last Word: Affecting Public Policy RQs due tomorrow
The Last Word: No Homework
FrontPage: How is the practice of lobbying both good
and bad for our democracy?
October 1st: National Homemade Cookies Day
October 2nd: National Name Your Car Day
October 4th: National Taco Day
October 8th: Canadian Thanksgiving
Though it does not mark a specific gathering of two groups like the U.S.
version, Canadian Thanksgiving offers a great excuse to gobble down a turkey dinner in
the name of neighborly solidarity.
October 14th: national lowercase day
October 15th: Global Handwashing Day
October 18th: National No Beard Day
October 19th: Evaluate Your Life Day
October 24th: National Bologna Day
Bologna has roots in Bologna, Italy, derived from a sausage made there called
October 30th: Devil’s Night
17 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in October
FrontPage: Get your groups’ computer and retrieve your
PPT presentation. Prepare for the lobbying sessions.
The Last Word: Study for your test Wed/Thurs.
"Today was not only the first presidential debate, it was also President Obama's 20th wedding
anniversary. I think the president got a little confused. At one point, he told Michelle that she
was out of touch with the middle class and Romney that he looks as beautiful as the day they
first met." –Conan O'Brien
"President Obama is winning the election according to an informal poll conducted by 7-Eleven.
However, the findings are being hotly contested by analysts from The Cheesecake Factory." –
Conan O'Brien
"Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2012. Tonight was also one of the only nights of the
year when you might actually hear someone say, 'Honey, turn on C-SPAN.'" –Jimmy Kimmel
"The presidential debates were earlier tonight, and I think most of the nation's all thinking the
same thing – just one more day until Thursday Night Football." –Jay Leno
"Watching the debates is a lot like football, particularly the New York Jets. Tebow is like Romney
– almost surely disappointing if he gets in. And Obama's like Sanchez, already in there and
disappointing us right now." –Jay Leno
FrontPage: Sit with your interest group.
The Last Word: Study for your test Wed; WAC paper due Wed.
Jason Mecier, who is famous for making celebrity portraits out
of trash, pays tribute to Big Bird with a portrait made of
children’s breakfast cereal.
FrontPage: NNIGN – turn in WAC paper if you have it.
The Last Word: No homework; Election Campaign RQs due Monday
FrontPage: Have your Election Campaign RQs on your desk.
The Last Word: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday
"Here comes the vice-presidential debate. My favorite part of a debate is when a candidate will
tell a heartfelt anecdote about a struggling American who lives in a swing state." –David
"The good news for the White House is that unemployment has dropped to 7.8 percent, right
where it was when President Obama took office. So Obama has gone from 'Change you can
believe in' to 'Can you believe there's no change.'" –Jay Leno
"Mitt Romney is refusing to participate in the long-running special on Nickelodeon called 'Kids
Pick the President.' Romney said it's nothing personal; he just says that these kids are part of
that 47 percent who contribute nothing to the country and mooch off their parents and
grandparents." –Jay Leno
"A new survey found that atheists are the fastest-growing religious group in the U.S. And if you
find that hard to believe – well, you're probably one of them." –Jimmy Fallon
"Apparently after last week's debate, polls show Obama trailing Romney by one point. One
point — or as it's also known, 'the thing Obama failed to make during last week's debate.'" –
Jimmy Fallon
FrontPage: Do you believe that the way money is used in
baseball is fair? Should it be?
Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday
FrontPage: Turn in your FrontPage to the back box.
The Last Word: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday
The fungus then kills the ant, and fruiting bodies erupt from the ant's head and spread more
spores. Because of this, scientists thought that the forest floor must be festooned with spores
of these fungi, making it very dangerous for the ants. Not so, Hughes discovered. Combining
new data from Brazilian zombie-ant graveyards with from previous studies of Thai graveyards,
the scientists realized that an as yet unnamed fungus keeps the zombie-ant fungus in check.
"The vast majority [of zombie-ant spores] have been taken out of the game" by the other
fungus, Hughes said.
To hear David Hughes tell it, rain forest
floors are littered with corpses of fungus-
infected "zombie ants." This made the
entomologist wonder: How do the lucky
ants escape zombification? The answer,
his team found, is that the ants have an
unwitting ally: a fungus that "castrates"
the zombie-ant fungus. Ant zombification
begins when a fungus shoots spores onto
an insect. The parasitic fungus gradually
takes over the ant's brain and directs the
insect to a cool, moist location.
FrontPage: Sit with your group, get computers and log in.
The Last Word: Prez Election RQs due Monday
On Monday, John Gurdon won the Nobel Prize for physiology or
medicine. This is an excerpt from his 1949 high school report card.
Homework: Prez Election RQs due next Tuesday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Coffee Table
Homework: Propaganda Poster due Thursday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Chewbacca Bento
Carbonite Han Solo Cookies
FrontPage: Take a new FP. What is the most memorable
commercial you’ve ever seen?
The Last Word: Propaganda poster due tomorrow
FrontPage: Turn in poster to back box – Grab a computer
and log on.
The Last Word: No Homework
Worst “knock-off” action figures
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: Continue working on website
FrontPage: Why do we have the Electoral College?
Last Word: Continue working on website
Artist Craig Alan constructs portraits of pop-culture icons using people as pixels.
FrontPage: Get a computer and log on.
Last Word: Continue working on website
"Halloween is a day when we all get to fool people into thinking we're someone else. Or as Mitt
Romney calls it, campaigning." –Bill Maher
"Donald Trump has been fired from managing the upscale condominium in New York City known
as 'Trump Place.' The condominium board fired him. Finally a job loss Obama can be happy
about. " –Jay Leno
"According to the latest poll, 80 percent of the people polled are sick and tired of hearing about
the latest polls." –Jay Leno
"There's been some talk about making Election Day a national holiday so people have more time
to vote. I think people are so sick of this election. How about making the day AFTER Election Day
the holiday?" –Jay Leno
"While he was at a diner this week in Ohio, a man told Joe Biden that he's a good guy but a bad
vice president. Which gets even worse when you hear that was the only thing President Obama
said the entire lunch." –Jimmy Fallon
"Today Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president. This news surprised many elderly
Americans who thought they were the same person." –Craig Ferguson
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: Continue working on website
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: Continue working on website
FrontPage: Get computers and log on…
Last Word: Website/commericals/speeches due Fri.
"Today is the first day of November, which means the election will soon be over. And
then we can finally get started on the recount." –Jimmy Fallon
"A 108-year-old woman in South Carolina just voted for the first time. She voted for
Eisenhower — but still, good for her." –Jimmy Fallon
"The presidential race continues. Did you forget about that for a few days? Maybe the
only good thing about the hurricane is that we forgot about the presidential race." –
David Letterman
"Donald Trump, did you see him today? He was giving candy only to kids who could
show their birth certificate and their school records." –Jay Leno
"Economists say rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy will give the ailing construction
industry a huge boost. In fact, the storm has already created more jobs than President
Obama." –Jay Leno
"The stock market was closed for two days, yesterday and today. You know what that
means? Although our lives were in danger, at least for two days our money was safe."
–Jay Leno
FrontPage: Get a computer and log on.
The Last Word: Website due Friday; WORLD AFFAIRS @ PT Library TONIGHT!!!
FrontPage: Campaign managers grab a computer.
The Last Word: Debate Monday; Test Tuesday
November Off-Beat Holidays
2 Look for Circles Day
3 Sandwich Day
8 Cook Something Bold Day
11 Veteran's Day
12 Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
13 National Indian Pudding Day
15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day
16 Have a Party With Your Bear Day
19 Have a Bad Day Day
20 Absurdity Day
23 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving
28 Red Planet Day
29 Square Dance Day
30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day
FrontPage: Sit in groups and prepare for the debate
The Last Word: Test tomorrow, WAC paper due Wednesday
"I knew Obama was going to win. I knew this little secret. Use it next time there is an
election and see if it doesn't work out. The guy who wins the presidential election is
usually the guy who kills bin Laden." –David Letterman
"I went out to vote. I was in line for four hours. And then it turned out later that it was
a gas line." –David Letterman
"There is one silver lining about Mitt Romney losing the election. At least now he
doesn't have to move into a smaller house." –Jay Leno
"President Obama easily won his home state of Illinois. In fact, in Chicago Obama got
120 percent of the vote." –Jay Leno
"Four counties in Florida were still counting votes today. It's important that they get all
of the votes counted because the numbers could drastically affect the outcome of this
election in no way whatsoever." –Jimmy Kimmel
"Exit polls show that President Obama did well with women, beating Romney by 11
binders." –Jay Leno
FrontPage: Prepare for your exam
The Last Word: Read/OL 8.1 for tomorrow
Bonus: Which of these words means “rash, impulsive,
acting without thinking”?
Impetuous Empathetic Nonchalant
FrontPage: NNIGN
The Last Word: Read/OL 10.1 for Monday
FrontPage: OL on your desk.
The Last Word: Want ad due tomorrow
•"There's a petition for Texas to secede. It has 25,000 signatures. The signatures are
from every state but Texas." –Conan O'Brien
•"According to a study, there are three areas where humans now are getting dumber.
High school kids. Retirees. And another group of dumb people? Four-star generals." –
David Letterman
•"It turns out that Democrats are actually considering Mitt Romney's tax plan as a way
to avoid the fiscal cliff. Three weeks ago, Obama was like, 'Mitt Romney has terrible
ideas!' And now he's like, 'Hey, you gonna finish those ideas?'" –Jimmy Fallon
•"Another big storm could hit the Northeast by Wednesday, preventing millions from
visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. But there's also a downside." –Jimmy Fallon
•"I was surprised to learn Abraham Lincoln was not a vampire hunter." –Jay Leno
•"Florida has finally finished counting the votes. What is wrong with Florida? Why is it
so hard for the people down there to count votes? We're talking about a state where
half the population can play 10 bingo cards at the same time." –Jay Leno
Homework: OL 8.3 due Tuesday
FrontPage: Turn in Want-ad. What is the main goal/purpose of the
Peters Township School District? Could it do that with just 1 person?
Real animals that will give you nightmares
Homework: OL 8.4 due Friday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Homework: OL 8.4 due Friday; Test Monday
FrontPage: NNIGN
Homework: OL 9.1 due tomorrow
FrontPage: NNIGN
"President Obama has wrapped up his four-day, three-country trip to Asia. And
insiders say the last 96 hours were very productive. The president said he may have
found a country in Asia that can make Twinkies for us." –Jay Leno
"President Obama pardoned the White House turkey, and then the turkey forgave him
for the bad economy, so it worked nice." –Jay Leno
"Mitt Romney was photographed at a gas station in San Diego filling up his car, then he
was spotted later in the day at Disneyland. See, that's when you know you're rich –
when you can afford to fill up your car with gas and go to Disneyland on the same day."
–Jay Leno
"NASA says the Mars rover has made a major discovery. Scientists hope it found signs
of life there. Americans are just hoping it found some Twinkies." –Jimmy Fallon
''By the way, the ratings agency is Standard & Poor's. Who's going to listen to a
company whose name translates to Average & Below Average?'' —Jon Stewart on S&P
downgrading the U.S. credit rating (Jon Stewart turns 50 this week…)
Last Word: OL 9.2 due Thursday
FrontPage: OL on your desk. Is the US president the most
powerful leader in the world?
Last Word: OL 9.2 due Thursday
FrontPage: NNIGN
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is set to hit theaters on
December 14th. Some audience members at advance
screenings are reporting nausea, migraine headaches, and
general queasiness after watching it.
The film was shot at 48 frames per second, twice the normal
rate, to achieve an unprecedented feeling of reality. But that
can backfire.
This faster camera speed "requires the eye to sweep up and
down faster than usual in close-ups to absorb unparalleled
detail on a big screen," causing a significant amount of
cognitive and eye strain.
This technique "works for the big snowy mountains, but in
close-ups the picture strobes," said one moviegoer. "I left
loving the movie but feeling sick." Another audience member
was more blunt: "My eyes cannot take everything in, it's
dizzying," he said. "Now I have a migraine."
Last Word: OL 9.3 due Monday
FrontPage: OL on your desk. Consider how many people you
communicate with in a single day. Estimate that number. Which two
people do you treat most differently?
Scariest Xmas
Last Word: OL 9.3 due Monday, Test Wed.
FrontPage: NNIGN
This is what the inside of an Amazon warehouse looks like
Last Word: Test Wednesday
FrontPage: NNIGN
"Today in Washington, President Obama met with leaders of the American Indian
tribes and they honored the president by giving him his own Indian name: 'Running
Deficit.'" –Jay Leno
"The CEO of The Cheesecake Factory is now warning that Obamacare will be very
costly. Hey, The Cheesecake Factory is one of the reasons we need Obamacare in the
first place." –Jay Leno
"A record number of people are naming their babies after Apple products. It's the
perfect way to tell your newborn, 'We’re planning to replace you in 6 months.'" –
Conan O'Brien
"McDonald's just announced that it's bringing back the McRib later this month. Or, as
the Mayans put it, 'Hey, we tried to warn you.'" –Jimmy Fallon
"Barbara Walters has released part of her 'Most Fascinating People' list. This year
Hillary Clinton and Honey Boo Boo are both on it. That's right. The woman who may
soon be president – and Hillary Clinton." –Jimmy Fallon
Last Word: Test Wednesday
FrontPage: NNIGN
If you're uncertain of the science here, it's really straightforward. Bananas, like
many fruits, release ethylene gas naturally, which controls enzymatic browning and
ripening of not just itself, but other fruits nearby.
If you want your bananas to last as long as possible, the real key is to
separate them and then wrap each individual stem with plastic wrap.
Much of that off-gassing
takes place at the stem—or
the crown—of the banana.
By wrapping the crown of a
bunch, you slow down the
ripening process a bit.
Last Word: No homework
FrontPage: Prepare for your exam
9 volt
Last Word: No homework
FrontPage: Get with a partner, grab one computer, and log in.
Christopher Duffy's UP Coffee Table appears to be suspended in midair by
helium-filled balloons. But the structural support actually comes from steel
rods shaped like balloon strings. Duffy is making a total of twenty tables, priced
at £5,800 ($9345 USD) each.
Last Word: Presidential project due Wednesday
FrontPage: Get computers and continue working
What happens to a
hamburger when its
fundamental design is left
in the hands of malicious
graphic designers? Behold
Fat & Furious, a project by
French designers Thomas
and Quentin.
They've reimagined the
burger in ways that will
shock the mind and
Last Word: Presidential project due Thursday
FrontPage: NNIGN
"New Jersey Democrats say Republican Governor Chris Christie will be impossible to beat.
It's unclear if they're talking about the 2013 governor's race or Coney Island hot dog-eating
contest." –Conan O'Brien
"December 21, the end of the world, is a Friday. So it means dress is casual." –David
"A close friend of mine said his doctor gave him less than two weeks to live. But it turns out
his doctor's a Mayan. He says that to everybody." –Jay Leno
"According to a new poll, most Americans think Santa Claus is a Democrat – which is really
odd because when I think of a fat, old white man who hires unskilled labor, I think
Republican." -Conan O'Brien
"Al Qaeda's number two man has been killed by an American drone in Pakistan. In a related
story, today Al Qaeda's number three man announced he's stepping down to spend more
time with his family." –Jay Leno
"Mitt Romney, Snooki, and Steven Seagal were all spotted at the boxing match. The whole
crowd was made up of people we won't remember in three years." – Conan O'Brien
Last Word: Presidential project due Thursday
FrontPage: Grab computers (one per partnership)
Ear pulling is a traditional Inuit game in which competitors sit with their legs in front of their
bodies and intertwined, facing each other. Competitor's left and right ears, respectively, are
linked to their rival's via a two-foot-long loop of waxed string. From there, the game is more or
less self explanatory: the two competitors pull. The idea is to endure as much pain as possible.
The winner is the first man or woman to dislodge the string from the ear of their competition,
withstanding the pain a little longer.
FrontPage: Turn in your speech and works cited.
Last Word: OL 5.1 due January 4th
FrontPage: NNIGN – Welcome back
Last Word: OL 5.1 due Friday
"New Jersey Democrats say Republican Governor Chris Christie will be impossible to
beat. It's unclear if they're talking about the 2013 governor's race or Coney Island hot
dog-eating contest." –Conan O'Brien
"A company in California designed a flying drone that will drop burritos over your
house using a parachute — or as Chris Christie calls that, 'the best forecast ever!'" –
Jimmy Fallon
FrontPage: Take a copy of the capital/Capitol reading. What makes the
US capital different from most other world capitals?
Last Word: OL 5.1 due Friday
FrontPage: OL on your desk.
Last Word: OL 5.2/5.3 due next Thursday
You can see right through the whitespotted conger larva. This flat-shaped fish found in the
waters around Japan is about six inches long now. But when fully grown, it will lose its
transparency and be up to three feet long.
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: OL 5.2/5.3 due Wednesday
Are you ready to rock hard--at least as hard as a copper and nickel alloy? Dustin and
Stephanie can help. They cut and shape US coins into fully functional guitar picks.
They're available as common coins, such as quarters and Sacagawea dollars, or antique
coins, including buffalo nickels, wheat pennies and silver dollars.
FrontPage: Turn in your Gerrymandering wksht and map.
Last Word: OL 5.4 due Tuesday
FlightCar's business model would allow people who leave their cars at airport
parking lots to rent them out for a few days: Owners can post details of the
airport they will be departing from, how long their car will be available, details of
the vehicle and how much they want to charge for rental. Those flying into the
airport at the same time can then avoid more expensive rental companies by
borrowing a car that would otherwise have sat in the parking lot for the duration
of the owner’s break.
Do you think it would work?
Business Idea:
Rent Out Cars in
Long-Term Parking
at Airports
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: OL 5.4 due Tuesday; Test Thurs/Fri
"The White House announced that the theme for President Obama's inauguration will be
'Faith in America's Future.' Which is proof that no one in the White House has ever seen
'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.'" –Jimmy Fallon
"The Consumer Electronics Show is happening in Las Vegas and the most amazing gadgets
are being talked about. One of the gadgets this year is a fork that tells you when you're
eating too fast. In a related story today, Chris Christie was spotted yelling at his fork to mind
its own business." –Conan O'Brien
"Nothing reassures parents more than surrounding their kids with the kind of guys who
have a lot of weapons and nothing to do on weekdays." –Stephen Colbert on putting armed
guards in schools
"A political opponent is accusing Governor Chris Christie of praying for Hurricane Sandy. In
response, Christie said the only weather-related thing he's ever prayed for is a Dairy Queen
Blizzard." –Conan O'Brien
"To celebrate his birthday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent two pounds of candy to
every child in the country. Which explains why Honey Boo Boo has applied for dual
citizenship." –Jimmy Fallon
FrontPage: Have your OL on your desk. Take copy of the assignment
Last Word: OL 5.5 due Thursday; Bill Assignment due next Wednesday; Test
FrontPage: NNIGN
Last Word: OL 5.5 due Thursday; Test next Thursday/Friday
Conspiracy #1: The government is watching me and ruining my reputation.
The Truth: The FBI’s COINTELPRO did it for 15 years.
Conspiracy #2: The government is trying to control my mind.
The Truth: The government has invested millions in mind control technologies.
Conspiracy #3: The government is poisoning me.
The Truth: It poisoned alcohol supplies to curb drinking during prohibition.
Conspiracy #6: The government has exposed me to harmful radiation.
The Truth: If you’re over 50, it’s possible.
Conspiracy #7: The government is staging terrorist attacks on itself.
The Truth: Military officials once suggested staging phony terrorist attacks to justify
war with Cuba.
8 Government Conspiracy Theories (And How
They Could Be Right)
FrontPage: OL on your desk. Why is constituent service important to a
member of Congress?
Last Word: Test next Thursday and Friday
FrontPage: Grab a computer (per partnership) and log on.
Last Word: Test next Thursday and Friday

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  • 1. FrontPage: See seating chart up front and find your seat. Turn in Mindset to the back box on the red cart. Last Word: No homework
  • 2. FrontPage: Grab a handbook from the front; sign your name on the sheet. Last Word: Handbook homework due Friday
  • 3. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Handbook homework due Friday Photos of People Who Aren’t Afraid of the Hurricane
  • 4. FrontPage: Have your handbook on your desk. Last Word: OL 3.1 due Tuesday
  • 5. FrontPage: Have your outline on your desk. See the FrontPage question on the next page. Last Word: Read/OL Chapter 3, Section 2 for Thursday
  • 6. FrontPage: Get with a partner and grab one laptop out of the cart; log in. Last Word: OL 3.2 and 3.3 (stop at “Informal Changes”, pg. 78) due Monday, in library tomorrow - BRING SMARTPHONE/DEVICE! World’s Shortest Man and Woman Meet for the First Time Guinness World Records can today reveal a sneak preview of the 57th edition of the world's best-selling copyright book, Guinness World Records 2013, with these exclusive pictures of the world's Shortest Man, Chandra Bahadur Dangi (54.6 cm), and the world's Shortest Woman, Jyoti Amge (62.8 cm), who met for the first time for the production of the new book.
  • 7. FrontPage: Ols on your desk. Which branch of government is most powerful? Why? Assignment: OL 3.4 for Friday; Class Const due Friday
  • 8. FrontPage: Do you think physical books will exist in 10 years? Why or why not? Last Word: OL 3.4 due Thursday; Class Const Friday; Test Friday
  • 9. FrontPage: OL on your desk. Last Word: Class Const Friday; Test Friday /Monday
  • 10. FrontPage: Turn in Constitution to back box. Last Word: Essay Test Monday; OL 14.2 due Tuesday The great New York City soda ban has finally happened. The sale of sodas and sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces is now prohibited across all five boroughs. Over the past few weeks, the Bloomberg Administration and the soda lobby have mounted a furious campaign war over the legislation. In retaliation, Mountain Dew and the New York Art Department teamed up to make a statement all over the city:
  • 11. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: OL 14.2 for tomorrow Greg Taylor from Mandeville, Louisiana, sent this photo to CNN “Yesterday, I sent my family to AL to avoid Hurricane Isaac. After they left, I went to feed the family fish and I found the enclosed scene where my daughter , Ashley, had given instruction on how her stuffed animal friends should behave during the Hurricane.”
  • 12. Homework: Immigration Research questions due Thurs/Quiz Mon FrontPage: Why is citizenship in a democracy important?
  • 13. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Immigration questions due tomorrow These beautiful, tiny oil paintings were done by artist Jacqueline Lou Skaggs on pennies she found discarded.
  • 14. The Last Word: Quiz Monday FrontPage: Research Qs on your desk. What image or picture comes to mind when you think of “immigration”?
  • 15. The Last Word: Quiz tomorrow FrontPage: NNIGN "Yes, President Romney will not take God off our coins. And that is so important because right now, just like God, the value of our currency really has to be taken on faith." –Stephen Colbert "As part of the strategy for the upcoming presidential debates, the Obama campaign is attempting to lower expectations. And believe, if there's one thing that President Obama is good at lately, it's lowering expectations." –Jay Leno "All over the world people are chanting, 'Death to America.' Except in China, where they're chanting, 'Not until we get our money back.'" –Jay Leno "Arnold Schwarzenegger has written a new book about his affair with his Hispanic housekeeper, and the book is actually called 'Total Recall.' In response, she's written a book about their affair called 'Alien vs. Predator.'" –Conan O'Brien "President Obama is attending a fundraiser in New York hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce. Michelle is hoping Beyonce will sing 'All the Single Ladies,' while Obama is worried Biden will get up and sing 'Bootylicious'" –Jimmy Fallon
  • 16. Homework: Development of Parties (#1-4) RQs due tomorrow FrontPage: NNIGN; get ready for your quiz; Pds 6 and 7: Do you support the message on the Statue of Liberty still today?
  • 17. The Last Word: No homework FrontPage: Have your RQs on your desk. Hitachi has announced a new way of locking up ones and zeros in quartz glass for hundreds of millions of years. The data can be etched with a laser in three layers on the crystals at a density slightly higher than a CD, then read out with an optical microscope. The technology could come to market in three years, according to the research . Hitachi said the media withstood two hours of 3500 degree Fahrenheit temperatures in testing without data loss.
  • 18. FrontPage: What attributes might we associate with these animals? The Last Word: 3rd Parties RQs due Monday
  • 19. FrontPage: Have your 3rd parties RQs on your desk. The Last Word: Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
  • 20. FrontPage: Would you vote for a third party candidate? Why or why not? The Last Word: Interest Group RQs due Wednesday; Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
  • 21. FrontPage: NNIGN The Last Word: Interest Group RQs due Wednesday; Politcal ID WebQuest due Thursday
  • 22. FrontPage: Turn in your ID WebQuest. If you would like, mark where you ended up on the Compass test… The Last Word: Affecting Public Policy RQs due tomorrow
  • 23. The Last Word: No Homework FrontPage: How is the practice of lobbying both good and bad for our democracy? October 1st: National Homemade Cookies Day October 2nd: National Name Your Car Day October 4th: National Taco Day October 8th: Canadian Thanksgiving Though it does not mark a specific gathering of two groups like the U.S. version, Canadian Thanksgiving offers a great excuse to gobble down a turkey dinner in the name of neighborly solidarity. October 14th: national lowercase day October 15th: Global Handwashing Day October 18th: National No Beard Day October 19th: Evaluate Your Life Day October 24th: National Bologna Day Bologna has roots in Bologna, Italy, derived from a sausage made there called mortadella. October 30th: Devil’s Night 17 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in October
  • 24. FrontPage: Get your groups’ computer and retrieve your PPT presentation. Prepare for the lobbying sessions. The Last Word: Study for your test Wed/Thurs. "Today was not only the first presidential debate, it was also President Obama's 20th wedding anniversary. I think the president got a little confused. At one point, he told Michelle that she was out of touch with the middle class and Romney that he looks as beautiful as the day they first met." –Conan O'Brien "President Obama is winning the election according to an informal poll conducted by 7-Eleven. However, the findings are being hotly contested by analysts from The Cheesecake Factory." – Conan O'Brien "Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2012. Tonight was also one of the only nights of the year when you might actually hear someone say, 'Honey, turn on C-SPAN.'" –Jimmy Kimmel "The presidential debates were earlier tonight, and I think most of the nation's all thinking the same thing – just one more day until Thursday Night Football." –Jay Leno "Watching the debates is a lot like football, particularly the New York Jets. Tebow is like Romney – almost surely disappointing if he gets in. And Obama's like Sanchez, already in there and disappointing us right now." –Jay Leno
  • 25. FrontPage: Sit with your interest group. The Last Word: Study for your test Wed; WAC paper due Wed. Jason Mecier, who is famous for making celebrity portraits out of trash, pays tribute to Big Bird with a portrait made of children’s breakfast cereal.
  • 26. FrontPage: NNIGN – turn in WAC paper if you have it. The Last Word: No homework; Election Campaign RQs due Monday
  • 27. FrontPage: Have your Election Campaign RQs on your desk. The Last Word: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday "Here comes the vice-presidential debate. My favorite part of a debate is when a candidate will tell a heartfelt anecdote about a struggling American who lives in a swing state." –David Letterman "The good news for the White House is that unemployment has dropped to 7.8 percent, right where it was when President Obama took office. So Obama has gone from 'Change you can believe in' to 'Can you believe there's no change.'" –Jay Leno "Mitt Romney is refusing to participate in the long-running special on Nickelodeon called 'Kids Pick the President.' Romney said it's nothing personal; he just says that these kids are part of that 47 percent who contribute nothing to the country and mooch off their parents and grandparents." –Jay Leno "A new survey found that atheists are the fastest-growing religious group in the U.S. And if you find that hard to believe – well, you're probably one of them." –Jimmy Fallon "Apparently after last week's debate, polls show Obama trailing Romney by one point. One point — or as it's also known, 'the thing Obama failed to make during last week's debate.'" – Jimmy Fallon
  • 28. FrontPage: Do you believe that the way money is used in baseball is fair? Should it be? Homework: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday
  • 29. FrontPage: Turn in your FrontPage to the back box. The Last Word: Influences on Voters RQs due Thursday The fungus then kills the ant, and fruiting bodies erupt from the ant's head and spread more spores. Because of this, scientists thought that the forest floor must be festooned with spores of these fungi, making it very dangerous for the ants. Not so, Hughes discovered. Combining new data from Brazilian zombie-ant graveyards with from previous studies of Thai graveyards, the scientists realized that an as yet unnamed fungus keeps the zombie-ant fungus in check. "The vast majority [of zombie-ant spores] have been taken out of the game" by the other fungus, Hughes said. To hear David Hughes tell it, rain forest floors are littered with corpses of fungus- infected "zombie ants." This made the entomologist wonder: How do the lucky ants escape zombification? The answer, his team found, is that the ants have an unwitting ally: a fungus that "castrates" the zombie-ant fungus. Ant zombification begins when a fungus shoots spores onto an insect. The parasitic fungus gradually takes over the ant's brain and directs the insect to a cool, moist location.
  • 30. FrontPage: Sit with your group, get computers and log in. The Last Word: Prez Election RQs due Monday On Monday, John Gurdon won the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. This is an excerpt from his 1949 high school report card.
  • 31. Homework: Prez Election RQs due next Tuesday FrontPage: NNIGN Fully Functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table
  • 32. Homework: Propaganda Poster due Thursday FrontPage: NNIGN Chewbacca Bento Carbonite Han Solo Cookies
  • 33. FrontPage: Take a new FP. What is the most memorable commercial you’ve ever seen? The Last Word: Propaganda poster due tomorrow
  • 34. FrontPage: Turn in poster to back box – Grab a computer and log on. The Last Word: No Homework Worst “knock-off” action figures
  • 35. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Continue working on website
  • 36. FrontPage: Why do we have the Electoral College? Last Word: Continue working on website Artist Craig Alan constructs portraits of pop-culture icons using people as pixels.
  • 37. FrontPage: Get a computer and log on. Last Word: Continue working on website "Halloween is a day when we all get to fool people into thinking we're someone else. Or as Mitt Romney calls it, campaigning." –Bill Maher "Donald Trump has been fired from managing the upscale condominium in New York City known as 'Trump Place.' The condominium board fired him. Finally a job loss Obama can be happy about. " –Jay Leno "According to the latest poll, 80 percent of the people polled are sick and tired of hearing about the latest polls." –Jay Leno "There's been some talk about making Election Day a national holiday so people have more time to vote. I think people are so sick of this election. How about making the day AFTER Election Day the holiday?" –Jay Leno "While he was at a diner this week in Ohio, a man told Joe Biden that he's a good guy but a bad vice president. Which gets even worse when you hear that was the only thing President Obama said the entire lunch." –Jimmy Fallon "Today Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president. This news surprised many elderly Americans who thought they were the same person." –Craig Ferguson
  • 38. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Continue working on website
  • 39. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: Continue working on website
  • 40. FrontPage: Get computers and log on… Last Word: Website/commericals/speeches due Fri. "Today is the first day of November, which means the election will soon be over. And then we can finally get started on the recount." –Jimmy Fallon "A 108-year-old woman in South Carolina just voted for the first time. She voted for Eisenhower — but still, good for her." –Jimmy Fallon "The presidential race continues. Did you forget about that for a few days? Maybe the only good thing about the hurricane is that we forgot about the presidential race." – David Letterman "Donald Trump, did you see him today? He was giving candy only to kids who could show their birth certificate and their school records." –Jay Leno "Economists say rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy will give the ailing construction industry a huge boost. In fact, the storm has already created more jobs than President Obama." –Jay Leno "The stock market was closed for two days, yesterday and today. You know what that means? Although our lives were in danger, at least for two days our money was safe." –Jay Leno
  • 41. FrontPage: Get a computer and log on. The Last Word: Website due Friday; WORLD AFFAIRS @ PT Library TONIGHT!!!
  • 42. FrontPage: Campaign managers grab a computer. The Last Word: Debate Monday; Test Tuesday November Off-Beat Holidays 2 Look for Circles Day 3 Sandwich Day 8 Cook Something Bold Day 11 Veteran's Day 12 Chicken Soup for the Soul Day 13 National Indian Pudding Day 15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day 16 Have a Party With Your Bear Day 19 Have a Bad Day Day 20 Absurdity Day 23 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving 28 Red Planet Day 29 Square Dance Day 30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day
  • 43. FrontPage: Sit in groups and prepare for the debate The Last Word: Test tomorrow, WAC paper due Wednesday "I knew Obama was going to win. I knew this little secret. Use it next time there is an election and see if it doesn't work out. The guy who wins the presidential election is usually the guy who kills bin Laden." –David Letterman "I went out to vote. I was in line for four hours. And then it turned out later that it was a gas line." –David Letterman "There is one silver lining about Mitt Romney losing the election. At least now he doesn't have to move into a smaller house." –Jay Leno "President Obama easily won his home state of Illinois. In fact, in Chicago Obama got 120 percent of the vote." –Jay Leno "Four counties in Florida were still counting votes today. It's important that they get all of the votes counted because the numbers could drastically affect the outcome of this election in no way whatsoever." –Jimmy Kimmel "Exit polls show that President Obama did well with women, beating Romney by 11 binders." –Jay Leno
  • 44. FrontPage: Prepare for your exam The Last Word: Read/OL 8.1 for tomorrow Bonus: Which of these words means “rash, impulsive, acting without thinking”? Impetuous Empathetic Nonchalant Prosaic
  • 45. FrontPage: NNIGN The Last Word: Read/OL 10.1 for Monday World’s Coolest Grocery list
  • 46. FrontPage: OL on your desk. The Last Word: Want ad due tomorrow •"There's a petition for Texas to secede. It has 25,000 signatures. The signatures are from every state but Texas." –Conan O'Brien •"According to a study, there are three areas where humans now are getting dumber. High school kids. Retirees. And another group of dumb people? Four-star generals." – David Letterman •"It turns out that Democrats are actually considering Mitt Romney's tax plan as a way to avoid the fiscal cliff. Three weeks ago, Obama was like, 'Mitt Romney has terrible ideas!' And now he's like, 'Hey, you gonna finish those ideas?'" –Jimmy Fallon •"Another big storm could hit the Northeast by Wednesday, preventing millions from visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. But there's also a downside." –Jimmy Fallon •"I was surprised to learn Abraham Lincoln was not a vampire hunter." –Jay Leno •"Florida has finally finished counting the votes. What is wrong with Florida? Why is it so hard for the people down there to count votes? We're talking about a state where half the population can play 10 bingo cards at the same time." –Jay Leno
  • 47. Homework: OL 8.3 due Tuesday FrontPage: Turn in Want-ad. What is the main goal/purpose of the Peters Township School District? Could it do that with just 1 person? Real animals that will give you nightmares
  • 48. Homework: OL 8.4 due Friday FrontPage: NNIGN
  • 49. Homework: OL 8.4 due Friday; Test Monday FrontPage: NNIGN
  • 50. Homework: OL 9.1 due tomorrow FrontPage: NNIGN "President Obama has wrapped up his four-day, three-country trip to Asia. And insiders say the last 96 hours were very productive. The president said he may have found a country in Asia that can make Twinkies for us." –Jay Leno "President Obama pardoned the White House turkey, and then the turkey forgave him for the bad economy, so it worked nice." –Jay Leno "Mitt Romney was photographed at a gas station in San Diego filling up his car, then he was spotted later in the day at Disneyland. See, that's when you know you're rich – when you can afford to fill up your car with gas and go to Disneyland on the same day." –Jay Leno "NASA says the Mars rover has made a major discovery. Scientists hope it found signs of life there. Americans are just hoping it found some Twinkies." –Jimmy Fallon ''By the way, the ratings agency is Standard & Poor's. Who's going to listen to a company whose name translates to Average & Below Average?'' —Jon Stewart on S&P downgrading the U.S. credit rating (Jon Stewart turns 50 this week…)
  • 51. Last Word: OL 9.2 due Thursday FrontPage: OL on your desk. Is the US president the most powerful leader in the world?
  • 52. Last Word: OL 9.2 due Thursday FrontPage: NNIGN The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is set to hit theaters on December 14th. Some audience members at advance screenings are reporting nausea, migraine headaches, and general queasiness after watching it. The film was shot at 48 frames per second, twice the normal rate, to achieve an unprecedented feeling of reality. But that can backfire. This faster camera speed "requires the eye to sweep up and down faster than usual in close-ups to absorb unparalleled detail on a big screen," causing a significant amount of cognitive and eye strain. This technique "works for the big snowy mountains, but in close-ups the picture strobes," said one moviegoer. "I left loving the movie but feeling sick." Another audience member was more blunt: "My eyes cannot take everything in, it's dizzying," he said. "Now I have a migraine."
  • 53. Last Word: OL 9.3 due Monday FrontPage: OL on your desk. Consider how many people you communicate with in a single day. Estimate that number. Which two people do you treat most differently? Scariest Xmas decorations
  • 54. Last Word: OL 9.3 due Monday, Test Wed. FrontPage: NNIGN This is what the inside of an Amazon warehouse looks like
  • 55. Last Word: Test Wednesday FrontPage: NNIGN "Today in Washington, President Obama met with leaders of the American Indian tribes and they honored the president by giving him his own Indian name: 'Running Deficit.'" –Jay Leno "The CEO of The Cheesecake Factory is now warning that Obamacare will be very costly. Hey, The Cheesecake Factory is one of the reasons we need Obamacare in the first place." –Jay Leno "A record number of people are naming their babies after Apple products. It's the perfect way to tell your newborn, 'We’re planning to replace you in 6 months.'" – Conan O'Brien "McDonald's just announced that it's bringing back the McRib later this month. Or, as the Mayans put it, 'Hey, we tried to warn you.'" –Jimmy Fallon "Barbara Walters has released part of her 'Most Fascinating People' list. This year Hillary Clinton and Honey Boo Boo are both on it. That's right. The woman who may soon be president – and Hillary Clinton." –Jimmy Fallon
  • 56. Last Word: Test Wednesday FrontPage: NNIGN If you're uncertain of the science here, it's really straightforward. Bananas, like many fruits, release ethylene gas naturally, which controls enzymatic browning and ripening of not just itself, but other fruits nearby. If you want your bananas to last as long as possible, the real key is to separate them and then wrap each individual stem with plastic wrap. Much of that off-gassing takes place at the stem—or the crown—of the banana. By wrapping the crown of a bunch, you slow down the ripening process a bit.
  • 57. Last Word: No homework FrontPage: Prepare for your exam 9 volt Christmas tree
  • 58. Last Word: No homework FrontPage: Get with a partner, grab one computer, and log in. Christopher Duffy's UP Coffee Table appears to be suspended in midair by helium-filled balloons. But the structural support actually comes from steel rods shaped like balloon strings. Duffy is making a total of twenty tables, priced at £5,800 ($9345 USD) each.
  • 59. Last Word: Presidential project due Wednesday FrontPage: Get computers and continue working What happens to a hamburger when its fundamental design is left in the hands of malicious graphic designers? Behold Fat & Furious, a project by French designers Thomas and Quentin. They've reimagined the burger in ways that will shock the mind and stomach…
  • 60. Last Word: Presidential project due Thursday FrontPage: NNIGN "New Jersey Democrats say Republican Governor Chris Christie will be impossible to beat. It's unclear if they're talking about the 2013 governor's race or Coney Island hot dog-eating contest." –Conan O'Brien "December 21, the end of the world, is a Friday. So it means dress is casual." –David Letterman "A close friend of mine said his doctor gave him less than two weeks to live. But it turns out his doctor's a Mayan. He says that to everybody." –Jay Leno "According to a new poll, most Americans think Santa Claus is a Democrat – which is really odd because when I think of a fat, old white man who hires unskilled labor, I think Republican." -Conan O'Brien "Al Qaeda's number two man has been killed by an American drone in Pakistan. In a related story, today Al Qaeda's number three man announced he's stepping down to spend more time with his family." –Jay Leno "Mitt Romney, Snooki, and Steven Seagal were all spotted at the boxing match. The whole crowd was made up of people we won't remember in three years." – Conan O'Brien
  • 61. Last Word: Presidential project due Thursday FrontPage: Grab computers (one per partnership) Ear pulling is a traditional Inuit game in which competitors sit with their legs in front of their bodies and intertwined, facing each other. Competitor's left and right ears, respectively, are linked to their rival's via a two-foot-long loop of waxed string. From there, the game is more or less self explanatory: the two competitors pull. The idea is to endure as much pain as possible. The winner is the first man or woman to dislodge the string from the ear of their competition, withstanding the pain a little longer.
  • 62. FrontPage: Turn in your speech and works cited. Last Word: OL 5.1 due January 4th
  • 63. FrontPage: NNIGN – Welcome back Last Word: OL 5.1 due Friday "New Jersey Democrats say Republican Governor Chris Christie will be impossible to beat. It's unclear if they're talking about the 2013 governor's race or Coney Island hot dog-eating contest." –Conan O'Brien "A company in California designed a flying drone that will drop burritos over your house using a parachute — or as Chris Christie calls that, 'the best forecast ever!'" – Jimmy Fallon
  • 64. FrontPage: Take a copy of the capital/Capitol reading. What makes the US capital different from most other world capitals? Last Word: OL 5.1 due Friday
  • 65. FrontPage: OL on your desk. Last Word: OL 5.2/5.3 due next Thursday You can see right through the whitespotted conger larva. This flat-shaped fish found in the waters around Japan is about six inches long now. But when fully grown, it will lose its transparency and be up to three feet long.
  • 66. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: OL 5.2/5.3 due Wednesday Are you ready to rock hard--at least as hard as a copper and nickel alloy? Dustin and Stephanie can help. They cut and shape US coins into fully functional guitar picks. They're available as common coins, such as quarters and Sacagawea dollars, or antique coins, including buffalo nickels, wheat pennies and silver dollars.
  • 67. FrontPage: Turn in your Gerrymandering wksht and map. Last Word: OL 5.4 due Tuesday FlightCar's business model would allow people who leave their cars at airport parking lots to rent them out for a few days: Owners can post details of the airport they will be departing from, how long their car will be available, details of the vehicle and how much they want to charge for rental. Those flying into the airport at the same time can then avoid more expensive rental companies by borrowing a car that would otherwise have sat in the parking lot for the duration of the owner’s break. Do you think it would work? Business Idea: Rent Out Cars in Long-Term Parking at Airports
  • 68. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: OL 5.4 due Tuesday; Test Thurs/Fri "The White House announced that the theme for President Obama's inauguration will be 'Faith in America's Future.' Which is proof that no one in the White House has ever seen 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.'" –Jimmy Fallon "The Consumer Electronics Show is happening in Las Vegas and the most amazing gadgets are being talked about. One of the gadgets this year is a fork that tells you when you're eating too fast. In a related story today, Chris Christie was spotted yelling at his fork to mind its own business." –Conan O'Brien "Nothing reassures parents more than surrounding their kids with the kind of guys who have a lot of weapons and nothing to do on weekdays." –Stephen Colbert on putting armed guards in schools "A political opponent is accusing Governor Chris Christie of praying for Hurricane Sandy. In response, Christie said the only weather-related thing he's ever prayed for is a Dairy Queen Blizzard." –Conan O'Brien "To celebrate his birthday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent two pounds of candy to every child in the country. Which explains why Honey Boo Boo has applied for dual citizenship." –Jimmy Fallon
  • 69. FrontPage: Have your OL on your desk. Take copy of the assignment Last Word: OL 5.5 due Thursday; Bill Assignment due next Wednesday; Test Thursday/Friday
  • 70. FrontPage: NNIGN Last Word: OL 5.5 due Thursday; Test next Thursday/Friday Conspiracy #1: The government is watching me and ruining my reputation. The Truth: The FBI’s COINTELPRO did it for 15 years. Conspiracy #2: The government is trying to control my mind. The Truth: The government has invested millions in mind control technologies. Conspiracy #3: The government is poisoning me. The Truth: It poisoned alcohol supplies to curb drinking during prohibition. Conspiracy #6: The government has exposed me to harmful radiation. The Truth: If you’re over 50, it’s possible. Conspiracy #7: The government is staging terrorist attacks on itself. The Truth: Military officials once suggested staging phony terrorist attacks to justify war with Cuba. From 8 Government Conspiracy Theories (And How They Could Be Right)
  • 71. FrontPage: OL on your desk. Why is constituent service important to a member of Congress? Last Word: Test next Thursday and Friday
  • 72. FrontPage: Grab a computer (per partnership) and log on. Last Word: Test next Thursday and Friday SHARK SLEEPING BAG

Editor's Notes

  1. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  2. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  3. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  4. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  5. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  6. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  7. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  8. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  9. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  10. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.
  11. Press F5 or enter presentation mode to view the poll\r\nIn an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:\r\n you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone.