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A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of Frank Myers Auto Maxx

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  This Month                                     5 Great Reasons of Gratitude
                                                                              by Karen Fagan
  In History
                                         All of life is a gift. Every person, experience   3. Gratitude is about attracting all that we
                                         and moment is a gift. Did you know that           desire.
                                         gratitude is the very first step to receiving
                                         and actually experiencing what you desire?        All things come to those who are grateful. It's
1-   1959 - The television               Gratitude "seals the deal." When you are in       difficult to attract abundance and joy if you
                                         the state of gratitude you are genuinely and      are saying "no" and arguing with what IS and
series “The Twilight Zone”               enthusiastically grateful for that which you      criticizing yourself or others. When you al-
premiered.                               have and that which you positively expect to      low yourself to be fully present, you say YES
                                         receive.                                          and create a powerful shift. Attraction is
                                                                                           about "yes." Gratitude attracts more of that
12 -  1810 - The very first              Gratitude is a daily practice allowing your-      which you are grateful for and deeply desire.
Oktoberfest is held in Mu-               self to be present in the moment. For some, it    Being grateful for all that you have and that
                                         is a way of life. People who practice daily       which you desire even if you currently do not
nich, Bavaria, Germany.                  gratitude live happier and more abundant          possess that which you desire. Gratitude at-
                                         lives.                                            tracts exactly what you desire and allows you
24 -   1945 - The United Na-
                                         1. Gratitude is about being present.
                                                                                           to receive it quickly.

tions came into existence.                                                                 4. Be in love with Now.
                                         Gratitude is about waking up in this moment
29 -  1929 - The New York                and being here now - really being here - and
                                         noticing what's around you. Most people are
                                                                                           The special key to learning to accepting eve-
                                                                                           rything that you already have (good or not so
Stock Exchange crashed on                so busy thinking about whats not happening,       great) is to love the present moment - all of it
what came to be known as                 or how much more they have to do, that they       - and prefer nothing other than the present
                                         don't look around and notice what's happen-       moment. Truthfully, this is all we have.
“Black Tuesday”, starting                ing at the present moment. The only moment
the Great Depression.                    we have is right here and right now. Wake up      5. Gratitude doesn't need explanation
                                         to fully embrace the present moment.
                                                                                          Gratitude doesn't need to be explained be-
31 - 1926 - Magician                     2. Gratitude is about honoring your life.        cause it's magical. It's already inside of you.
Harry Houdini dies from                                                                   It's not something you need to go out and get.
                                         Do you ever compare your life with someone Rather, it's something you have instant ac-
complications of a ruptured              else's? Do you ever wish your life were better cess to by connecting to all that is within in
appendix.                                and more like another's? Sometimes we can you.
                                         lose ourselves in comparing and wondering
                                         how we "measure up" to some standard set Being grateful right now negates resistance.
                                         by someone else. Gratitude requires you to Gratitude allow you to understand you at a
                                         validate your own life because everything in deeper level so you have a deeper understand
                                         life is a precious gift. Gratitude allows you to about the path to come. Gratitude negates

                        4                keep the focus on your life. That which we resistance. Once you bring yourself to a place
                                         put our attention and focus on grows.            of gratitude, you will look at everything and
                                                                                          clearly see yourself.

“We Specialize In Helping Individuals & Families Find, Qualify For And Own The Vehicle Of Their
        Dreams With Little Or No Money Down Even With Less Than Perfect Credit.”
How To Setup An Envelope Budget                                                          Interesting Facts
                                     by Remy Roy                                                       You Never Knew
The envelope budget, sometimes called the        to. This is not an exact science, just do what
envelope method or system is the practice of     feels right.
managing household expenses through the
use of cash envelopes.                           It's better to keep it down to just a few cate-
                                                 gories, your budget will be far easier and less
Dubbed "Grandma's way to handle                  time consuming to manage than if you use a
money" by Dave Ramsey, this depression           lot of categories (ten or more).
era method of budgeting is still as effective
as ever.                                         Step 3: Label and fund the envelopes

Yes, the modern versions of the envelope
budget are readily available online in pro-
                                                 Now comes the fun part! Label your enve-
                                                 lopes and fill them with the cash amounts
                                                                                                      Did you know . . . Most
grams like Mvelopes but they cost money.         you calculated in step 1. How often you get          American car horns honk in
The focus of this post is on the traditional     paid will dictate how much to put into the
envelope method which is FREE!                   envelopes. For example, if you get paid bi-          the key of F.
                                                 weekly then you will be funding your enve-
How to set up an envelope budget                 lopes every two weeks. The cash in each
                                                 envelope will have to last until your next pay       Did you know . . . A Saudi
Step 1: Tally up actual spending from the
previous month
                                                 period.                                              Arabian woman can get a
                                                 Step 4: Work the envelope system                     divorce if her husband does-
Gather up all your credit card, bank state-
ments, invoices and receipts from the previ-     With your envelope budget now complete,              n’t give her coffee.
ous month. If you can get two or three           its time for the real test - putting it into prac-
months worth of information that is better       tice. You should not expect the perfect
but one month will do for now. From your         budget on the first pass or even the second          Did you know . . . The Ne-
statements, invoices and receipts take note of
everything you spent money on (i.e. variable
                                                 try. It will take a a lot of trial and error be-
                                                 fore you finally find the right mix and de-
                                                                                                      anderthal’s brain was bigger
expenses only) during that period then add       velop the perfect envelope budget.                   than yours.
them up into four or five broad categories.
                                                 Here is one last point to remember as you
For example, you might add up all the times      work the envelope system:                            Did you know . . . Donald
you bought gas for the month and put it into
a category called "Transportation". Any          Give it some time - As I mentioned previ-            Duck comics were banned
money spent on anything related to transpor-
tation goes into that category (this would
                                                 ously, the envelope budgeting system is not
                                                 perfect or exact but it will work if you give it
                                                                                                      from Finland because he
include things like gas, motor oil, tune ups     a chance. It may take you several tries before       doesn’t wear pants.
etc.) You might have another category for        you finally perfect your budget. the key is to
"Groceries", every time you spend money at       just keep tweaking and changing it until you
the grocery store it would be added to this      do get it right.
category and so on. This will be the basis of
your envelope budget categories.

* Do NOT include fixed payments or ex-
penses in this calculation. Expenses like your
mortgage, car payments, utility bills etc
should be left out of the budget.
                                                                                                       FAMOUS WORDS
Step 2: Draft and finalize your list of cate-
                                                                                                       “Life offers us tickets to
Your envelope categories can be as broad or
as narrow as you want, it’s up to you. If you
                                                                                                       places which we have not
want many categories you can use the broad
categories from step 1 and expand them until
                                                                                                        knowingly asked for.”
you're satisfied you have the right number of
categories for your envelopes; on the other                                                                   Maya Angelou
hand you might be happy sticking with four
or five broad categories for now, you can
always add more categories later if you need
Do you know of someone who is looking
for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to
                                                       SUDOKO Puzzle
upgrade their current vehicle?
                                                 Quick SUDOKU rules . . .
   Even if they have little money to put down
or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the
past… we can help them!                          To solve a SUDOKU puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear
   Send them our way. They’ll be glad you
did and so will you! Here’s why…when you
                                                     • Each of the nine vertical columns 
refer someone to Frank Myers Auto Maxx               • Each of the nine horizontal rows 
this month, when we finish the paperwork for         • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes 
their nicer, newer car - you’ll get the oppor-
tunity to walk away with prizes worth up to
                                                 Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or
$750!                                            box.

                         Tracy Myers: Is an
                         author and con-
                         sumer advocate. He
                         has spent his life
                         fighting the nega-
                         tive stigma that
                         plagues car dealers
                         around the world.
                         He does this by
                         fighting for the con-
                         sumer as a car
dealer that advises people and helps them
get the quality vehicle they want and de-
serve in an positive and safe environment.

Call Tracy Myers TODAY at 336-831-
0646 or visit him at Frank Myers Auto
Maxx located at 4200 North Patterson
Avenue in Winston Salem, NC 27105.

       THANK YOU!
“Bill provided great cus-
tomer service. He was
very helpful, prompt, and
genuine. I would definitely
recommend someone to Bill
here at Frank Myers Auto
Maxx!” - A. McWilliams

       Prize Winner                                         “Success and failure. We think of them as
                                                             opposites, but they’re really not. They’re
Search This Newsletter For The Answer
To The Kindle Touch Question and Sub-
                                                            companions—the hero and the sidekick.”
       mit Your Answer Online.                                        Lawrence Shames
W      hy am I giving away a Kindle Touch?
         Because everyone likes to win stuff. It’s
fun. And I want this newsletter to be fun for you. I
also want you to read it. Ahhh . . . now you’ll see
my selfish motivation.                                    Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car.
  In order to win the Kindle Touch you have to          FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers
answer the question below. In order to answer the       Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim!
question, you have to read this newsletter. I’ve hid-

den the answer somewhere in the contents of these             here are dastardly scams being pulled     making a vehicle purchase in the next few
four pages.                                                   on innocent car buyers every day.         months. This report explains the ten
  If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll      It’s really tough to tell where these shyster   most notorious and common car scams
like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every     lots are and whether or not you’re on one.      that go on at dealerships all over the coun-
month.                                                  Remember these people are very well             try. Some right here in our own town.
  Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or         trained and may be taking advantage of             This report will show you how to spot
know someone who is, you’ll remember this news-         you without you ever knowing it.                these scams and how to avoid being a vic-
letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to                                                       tim. This is insider information you
earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an-         You know this to be true because of the
                                                        stereotypes we all hear about how shady         won’t get from any other car dealer. In
swer the question and you could be the winner.
                                                        and unscrupulous car dealers and used car       fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the
There’s a new winner every month.
                                                        salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad     industry just for writing this. But I don’t
                                                        apples out there that spoil it for the bunch.   care. I’m here for you.

                                                          So what can you do about it? Arm                If you are in the market for a car you
                                                        yourself with the insider information           are entitled to this information. It is
                                                        you need to recognize a common car              available to you absolutely FREE with no
                Here’s The Question:
                                                        scam when you see it. This information          cost or obligation.
     Who can declare divorce over lack of coffee?
                                                        can save you big money, lots of time and           To request your free copy of this spe-
            Submit Your Answer And Win                  an enormous amount of pain, heartache           cial industry expose’ visit my report re-
        Go to                and frustration.
                                                                                                        quest web site at:
          CONTEST CODE : Frank Myers Auto                  I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe-
                                                        cially for people who are thinking about
        Submit Your Answer By: October 31, 2012

                              B    ecause I’m an automotive transportation
                                   and financing expert I can do things that
                            most other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping
                            individuals like you and families like yours for
                            years and you know I’ll do it for you.
                              So here’s my promise…If I can’t show you how
                            to drive home in a nicer, newer vehicle in the
                            month of October 2012 then I’ll give you a gas
                            voucher for $300!

 •     5 Great Reasons of Gratitude
 •     The Envelope Budget
 •     Interesting Facts
 •     Sudoko Puzzle

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Frank Myers Auto - Newsletter October 2012

  • 1. A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of Frank Myers Auto Maxx CALL: 336-767-3432 TWEET: @MyersAuto WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: This Month 5 Great Reasons of Gratitude by Karen Fagan In History All of life is a gift. Every person, experience 3. Gratitude is about attracting all that we and moment is a gift. Did you know that desire. gratitude is the very first step to receiving and actually experiencing what you desire? All things come to those who are grateful. It's 1- 1959 - The television Gratitude "seals the deal." When you are in difficult to attract abundance and joy if you the state of gratitude you are genuinely and are saying "no" and arguing with what IS and series “The Twilight Zone” enthusiastically grateful for that which you criticizing yourself or others. When you al- premiered. have and that which you positively expect to low yourself to be fully present, you say YES receive. and create a powerful shift. Attraction is about "yes." Gratitude attracts more of that 12 - 1810 - The very first Gratitude is a daily practice allowing your- which you are grateful for and deeply desire. Oktoberfest is held in Mu- self to be present in the moment. For some, it Being grateful for all that you have and that is a way of life. People who practice daily which you desire even if you currently do not nich, Bavaria, Germany. gratitude live happier and more abundant possess that which you desire. Gratitude at- lives. tracts exactly what you desire and allows you 24 - 1945 - The United Na- 1. Gratitude is about being present. to receive it quickly. tions came into existence. 4. Be in love with Now. Gratitude is about waking up in this moment 29 - 1929 - The New York and being here now - really being here - and noticing what's around you. Most people are The special key to learning to accepting eve- rything that you already have (good or not so Stock Exchange crashed on so busy thinking about whats not happening, great) is to love the present moment - all of it what came to be known as or how much more they have to do, that they - and prefer nothing other than the present don't look around and notice what's happen- moment. Truthfully, this is all we have. “Black Tuesday”, starting ing at the present moment. The only moment the Great Depression. we have is right here and right now. Wake up 5. Gratitude doesn't need explanation to fully embrace the present moment. Gratitude doesn't need to be explained be- 31 - 1926 - Magician 2. Gratitude is about honoring your life. cause it's magical. It's already inside of you. Harry Houdini dies from It's not something you need to go out and get. Do you ever compare your life with someone Rather, it's something you have instant ac- complications of a ruptured else's? Do you ever wish your life were better cess to by connecting to all that is within in appendix. and more like another's? Sometimes we can you. lose ourselves in comparing and wondering how we "measure up" to some standard set Being grateful right now negates resistance. by someone else. Gratitude requires you to Gratitude allow you to understand you at a validate your own life because everything in deeper level so you have a deeper understand life is a precious gift. Gratitude allows you to about the path to come. Gratitude negates 4 keep the focus on your life. That which we resistance. Once you bring yourself to a place put our attention and focus on grows. of gratitude, you will look at everything and clearly see yourself. “We Specialize In Helping Individuals & Families Find, Qualify For And Own The Vehicle Of Their Dreams With Little Or No Money Down Even With Less Than Perfect Credit.”
  • 2. How To Setup An Envelope Budget Interesting Facts by Remy Roy You Never Knew The envelope budget, sometimes called the to. This is not an exact science, just do what envelope method or system is the practice of feels right. managing household expenses through the use of cash envelopes. It's better to keep it down to just a few cate- gories, your budget will be far easier and less Dubbed "Grandma's way to handle time consuming to manage than if you use a money" by Dave Ramsey, this depression lot of categories (ten or more). era method of budgeting is still as effective as ever. Step 3: Label and fund the envelopes Yes, the modern versions of the envelope budget are readily available online in pro- Now comes the fun part! Label your enve- lopes and fill them with the cash amounts Did you know . . . Most grams like Mvelopes but they cost money. you calculated in step 1. How often you get American car horns honk in The focus of this post is on the traditional paid will dictate how much to put into the envelope method which is FREE! envelopes. For example, if you get paid bi- the key of F. weekly then you will be funding your enve- How to set up an envelope budget lopes every two weeks. The cash in each envelope will have to last until your next pay Did you know . . . A Saudi Step 1: Tally up actual spending from the previous month period. Arabian woman can get a Step 4: Work the envelope system divorce if her husband does- Gather up all your credit card, bank state- ments, invoices and receipts from the previ- With your envelope budget now complete, n’t give her coffee. ous month. If you can get two or three its time for the real test - putting it into prac- months worth of information that is better tice. You should not expect the perfect but one month will do for now. From your budget on the first pass or even the second Did you know . . . The Ne- statements, invoices and receipts take note of everything you spent money on (i.e. variable try. It will take a a lot of trial and error be- fore you finally find the right mix and de- anderthal’s brain was bigger expenses only) during that period then add velop the perfect envelope budget. than yours. them up into four or five broad categories. Here is one last point to remember as you For example, you might add up all the times work the envelope system: Did you know . . . Donald you bought gas for the month and put it into a category called "Transportation". Any Give it some time - As I mentioned previ- Duck comics were banned money spent on anything related to transpor- tation goes into that category (this would ously, the envelope budgeting system is not perfect or exact but it will work if you give it from Finland because he include things like gas, motor oil, tune ups a chance. It may take you several tries before doesn’t wear pants. etc.) You might have another category for you finally perfect your budget. the key is to "Groceries", every time you spend money at just keep tweaking and changing it until you the grocery store it would be added to this do get it right. category and so on. This will be the basis of your envelope budget categories. * Do NOT include fixed payments or ex- penses in this calculation. Expenses like your mortgage, car payments, utility bills etc should be left out of the budget. FAMOUS WORDS Step 2: Draft and finalize your list of cate- gories “Life offers us tickets to Your envelope categories can be as broad or as narrow as you want, it’s up to you. If you places which we have not want many categories you can use the broad categories from step 1 and expand them until knowingly asked for.” you're satisfied you have the right number of categories for your envelopes; on the other Maya Angelou hand you might be happy sticking with four or five broad categories for now, you can always add more categories later if you need
  • 3. Do you know of someone who is looking for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to SUDOKO Puzzle upgrade their current vehicle? Quick SUDOKU rules . . . Even if they have little money to put down or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the past… we can help them! To solve a SUDOKU puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: Send them our way. They’ll be glad you did and so will you! Here’s why…when you • Each of the nine vertical columns  refer someone to Frank Myers Auto Maxx • Each of the nine horizontal rows  this month, when we finish the paperwork for • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes  their nicer, newer car - you’ll get the oppor- tunity to walk away with prizes worth up to Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or $750! box. Tracy Myers: Is an author and con- sumer advocate. He has spent his life fighting the nega- tive stigma that plagues car dealers around the world. He does this by fighting for the con- sumer as a car dealer that advises people and helps them get the quality vehicle they want and de- serve in an positive and safe environment. Call Tracy Myers TODAY at 336-831- 0646 or visit him at Frank Myers Auto Maxx located at 4200 North Patterson Avenue in Winston Salem, NC 27105. THANK YOU! “Bill provided great cus- tomer service. He was very helpful, prompt, and genuine. I would definitely recommend someone to Bill here at Frank Myers Auto Maxx!” - A. McWilliams Prize Winner “Success and failure. We think of them as opposites, but they’re really not. They’re Search This Newsletter For The Answer To The Kindle Touch Question and Sub- companions—the hero and the sidekick.” mit Your Answer Online. Lawrence Shames
  • 4. W hy am I giving away a Kindle Touch? Because everyone likes to win stuff. It’s fun. And I want this newsletter to be fun for you. I also want you to read it. Ahhh . . . now you’ll see my selfish motivation. Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car. In order to win the Kindle Touch you have to FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers answer the question below. In order to answer the Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim! question, you have to read this newsletter. I’ve hid- T den the answer somewhere in the contents of these here are dastardly scams being pulled making a vehicle purchase in the next few four pages. on innocent car buyers every day. months. This report explains the ten If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll It’s really tough to tell where these shyster most notorious and common car scams like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every lots are and whether or not you’re on one. that go on at dealerships all over the coun- month. Remember these people are very well try. Some right here in our own town. Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or trained and may be taking advantage of This report will show you how to spot know someone who is, you’ll remember this news- you without you ever knowing it. these scams and how to avoid being a vic- letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to tim. This is insider information you earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an- You know this to be true because of the stereotypes we all hear about how shady won’t get from any other car dealer. In swer the question and you could be the winner. and unscrupulous car dealers and used car fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the There’s a new winner every month. salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad industry just for writing this. But I don’t apples out there that spoil it for the bunch. care. I’m here for you. So what can you do about it? Arm If you are in the market for a car you yourself with the insider information are entitled to this information. It is you need to recognize a common car available to you absolutely FREE with no Here’s The Question: scam when you see it. This information cost or obligation. Who can declare divorce over lack of coffee? can save you big money, lots of time and To request your free copy of this spe- Submit Your Answer And Win an enormous amount of pain, heartache cial industry expose’ visit my report re- Go to and frustration. quest web site at: CONTEST CODE : Frank Myers Auto I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe- cially for people who are thinking about Submit Your Answer By: October 31, 2012 B ecause I’m an automotive transportation and financing expert I can do things that most other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individuals like you and families like yours for years and you know I’ll do it for you. So here’s my promise…If I can’t show you how to drive home in a nicer, newer vehicle in the month of October 2012 then I’ll give you a gas voucher for $300! INSIDE THIS ISSUE • 5 Great Reasons of Gratitude • The Envelope Budget • Interesting Facts • Sudoko Puzzle