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A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of Frank Myers Auto Maxx

  Your Automotive Transportation & Financing Experts | 336-767-3432 |

                                   The History of Labor Day                       Labor Union adopted a Labor Day pro-
  This Month                                          Source:
                                                                                  posal and appointed a committee to plan
                                                                                  a demonstration and picnic.

  In History                                 What it Means
                                                                                           The First Labor Day
                                                                             The first Labor Day holiday was cele-
                                                                             brated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882,
                                 Labor Day, the first Monday in Septem- in New York City, in accordance with
                                 ber, is a creation of the labor movement the plans of the Central Labor Union.
1-   1975 - Jerry Lewis’
                                 and is dedicated to the social and eco-     The Central Labor Union held its second
10th Muscular Dystrophy          nomic achievements of American work- Labor Day holiday just a year later, on
telethon                         ers. It constitutes a yearly national trib- September 5, 1883.
                                 ute to the contributions workers have       In 1884 the first Monday in September
                                 made to the strength, prosperity, and
6-  1716 - First U.S. light-
                                 well-being of our country.
                                                                             was selected as the holiday, as originally
                                                                             proposed, and the Central Labor Union
house built (Boston)                       Founder of Labor Day              urged similar organizations in other cit-
                                                                             ies to follow the example of New York
                                 More than 100 years after the first Labor
14 - 1943 - Yankees clinch       Day observance, there is
                                                                                           and celebrate a
pennant #14                                                                                "workingmen's holiday" on
                                 still some doubt as to who
                                                                                           that date. The idea spread
                                 first proposed the holiday
                                                                                           with the growth of labor or-
20 -  1985 - Walt Disney         for workers.
                                                                                           ganizations, and in 1885 La-
World receives its 200-          Some records show that                                    bor Day was celebrated in
                                 Peter J. McGuire, general                                 many industrial centers of
millionth guest                  secretary of the Brother-                                 the country.
                                 hood of Carpenters and
                                                                                              Labor Day Legislation
23 - 1957 - “That’ll Be          Joiners and a cofounder of
                                 the American Federation of                                Through the years the nation
The Day” by Buddy Holly
                                 Labor, was first in suggesting a day to     gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day.
and Crickets reaches #1          honor those "who from rude nature have The first governmental recognition came
                                 delved and carved all the grandeur we       through municipal ordinances passed
30 - 1960 - Flintstones          behold."                                    during 1885 and 1886. From them de-
                                                                             veloped the movement to secure state
premieres, 1st prime time        But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day
                                                                             legislation. The first state bill was intro-
animation show                   history has not gone unchallenged.
                                                                             duced into the New York legislature, but
                                 Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a
                                                                             the first to become law was passed by
                                 machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded
                                                                             Oregon on February 21, 1887. During
                                 the holiday. Recent research seems to
                                                                             the year four more states — Colorado,
                                 support the contention that Matthew
                                                                             Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New
                                 Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344
                                                                             York — created the Labor Day holiday
                                 of the International Association of Ma-
                                                                             by legislative enactment. By the end of
                                 chinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the
                                                                             the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and
                                 holiday in 1882 while serving as secre-
                                                                             Pennsylvania had followed suit. By
                                 tary of the Central Labor Union in New
                                                                             1894, 23 other states had adopted the
                                 York. What is clear is that the Central                                  Continued on page 3

“We Specialize In Helping Individuals & Families Find, Qualify For And Own The Vehicle Of Their
        Dreams With Little Or No Money Down Even With Less Than Perfect Credit.”
3 Steps To Starting a                 push you just beyond where you
                                        are at right now physically. Then
                                                                                   Interesting Facts
 Successful Fall Exercise
                                        go for it! Don't wait until that excite-
                                        ment wears off. Do it! Live in the
                                                                                    You Never Knew
Source:     moment.
                                        With that in mind, here are 3 steps
Ah, the crisp cool breeze, the in-      to planning a treadmill exercise
vigorating feel of the outdoors as      program that gets results:
the leaves start to turn colors, the
sound of kids laughing on their way     1) Grab a journal or notebook and
to school.                              write down everything you want to
                                        achieve in vivid detail. How do you
Fall is the time for new beginnings.    want to look? How do you want to
New classes, new curriculum, new        feel? What would you like to fit
                                        into? etc. Reread this vivid descrip-
programs, new start. You've re-
                                        tion at least once a day. By keep-
                                                                                   Did you know….Eggplants
laxed over the summer and now
you're ready to reach higher, push      ing in mind the end result, you'll be      aren’t vegetables they really be-
further.                                highly motivated to push yourself          long to the fruit family.
You're pumped. You're excited
about starting a new season.            2) Start exercising and make notes
                                        on every workout session that you
You're ready to tackle new chal-
                                        do. How long did you go? What
                                                                                   Did you know…Long Island,
                                        was your perceived exertion? How           NY is shaped like a fish.
There's nothing like feeling the mo-    many miles did you cover?
mentum of new beginnings. If
you've been wanting to lose weight      3) Review your workout session
and get into amazing                             notes every week and              Did you know...Most NAS-
shape, why not use this                          then add something a little
                                                 bit more challenging to the
                                                                                   CAR Teams use nitrogen in
momentum to your advan-
tage?                                            next week's workout.              their tires instead of air.
                                                 For example, if your aver-
Momentum is one of the                           age exercise time last
most underrated factors in                       week was 20 minutes - up
achieving a better body.                         your average time to 30           Did you know...A recent study
                                                 minutes. If your perceived        at Harvard has shown that eat-
Momentum can give you                            exertion was 5 on a scale
what you need to start an                        of 1 to 10 then up it to 7.       ing chocolate can actually help
exercise program, stick with it and     Make these little adjustments every        you live longer.
reap major rewards.                     week and you will be progressing
                                        leaps and bounds towards your
As we all know, it's very easy to do    fitness goals!
something when we feel excited
about it. This is not a bad thing if    Plus the inspiration you get from           FAMOUS WORDS
you learn to use it.                    charting your progress will keep
                                        you going long after that initial mo-
This initial excitement does wear       mentum is fizzling out.
                                                                                   Martin Luther King, Jr.
off eventually, but by the time it                                                 said….
does, you could be so far ahead         By following these steps and using
already, that maintenance is easy.      the fall momentum to inspire you,          "All labor that uplifts humanity
Why not use this initial excitement     starting a treadmill exercise pro-
                                        gram becomes both exciting AND
                                                                                   has dignity and importance and
to kick-start your treadmill exercise
program?                                easy. Learn to use momentum to             should be undertaken with
                                        your advantage and you'll achieve
                                        more than you ever dreamed pos-
                                                                                   painstaking excellence.”
Plan a program that you can get
excited about, something that will      sible!
Continued from page 1
                                                                                                    Remembering 911
                                                                                                  Source: http://www.packrat-
                                                  holiday in honor of workers, and on
   Do you know of someone who is looking          June 28 of that year, Congress passed
for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to       an act making the first Monday in Sep-      Every single person in the
upgrade their current vehicle?                    tember of each year a legal holiday in                    world
                                                  the District of Columbia and the territo-
   Even if they have little money to put down                                               has been affected by Tuesday,
or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the                                                                 September 11, 2001.
past… I can help them! Send them my way.                    A Nationwide Holiday
                                                                                                  These events will live long
They’ll be glad you did and so will you!          The form that the observance and cele-        in our memory, both those who
Here’s why…                                       bration of Labor Day should take were             witnessed the unspeakable
  If you refer someone to me this month,          outlined in the first proposal of the
when we close the deal, you can get a BIG         holiday — a street parade to exhibit to
                                                                                                 horror, those who watched it
check up to $500! For more info, visit http://    the public "the strength and esprit de                and cried from afar.                             corps of the trade and labor organiza-         Our children's children will
                                                  tions" of the community, followed by a           hear of this day in future
                 Tracy Myers: Is an author        festival for the recreation and amuse-
                                                                                                           history classes.
                 and consumer advocate.           ment of the workers and their families.
                 He has spent his life fight-     This became the pattern for the celebra-               May we never forget
                 ing the negative stigma          tions of Labor Day. Speeches by                      May we keep this day,
                 that plagues car dealers         prominent men and women were intro-
                 around the world. He does
                                                                                                     The events and the tears
                                                  duced later, as more emphasis was              In our minds, our memory and
                 this by fighting for the
                                                  placed upon the economic and civic
                 consumer as a car dealer                                                                     our hearts
                 that advises people and          significance of the holiday. Still later,
helps them get the quality vehicle they want      by a resolution of the American Federa-         and take them with us as we
and deserve in an positive and safe environ-      tion of Labor convention of 1909, the                        carry on.
ment.                                             Sunday preceding Labor Day was
                                                  adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated
Tracy E. Myers, CMD                               to the spiritual and educational aspects
Auto Transportation & Financing Expert            of the labor movement.
Frank Myers Auto Maxx
4200 N. Patterson Avenue                          The character of the Labor Day cele-
Winston-Salem, NC 27105                           bration has undergone a change in re-
336-767-3432                                      cent years, especially in large industrial                     centers where mass displays and huge
                                                  parades have proved a problem. This
       THANK YOU!                                 change, however, is more a shift in em-
                                                  phasis and medium of expression. La-
“I have never been into a dealership that is so   bor Day addresses by leading union
friendly and pleasant. The folks at Frank         officials, industrialists, educators, cler-
Myers go out of their way to make you feel        ics and government officials are given
comfortable. I highly recommend this dealer-      wide coverage in newspapers, radio,
ship to anyone going through the stress of        and television.
buying a new (or used) vehicle.” - Deanna
Crnkovic                                          The vital force of labor added materi-
                                                  ally to the highest standard of living                    and the greatest production the world
                                                  has ever known and has brought us
                                                  closer to the realization of our tradi-
                                                  tional ideals of economic and political
       Prize Winner                               democracy. It is appropriate, therefore,
                                                  that the nation pay tribute on Labor
Search This Newsletter For The Answer             Day to the creator of so much of the
To The Sharper Image Portable Speaker             nation's strength, freedom, and leader-
      System Question and Then                    ship — the American worker.
     Submit Your Answer Online
W       hy am I giving away a Sharper Image Port-
          able Speaker System? Because everyone
likes to win stuff. It’s fun. And I want this newslet-
ter to be fun for you. I also want you to read it. you’ll see my selfish motivation.                Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car.
  In order to win the Speaker System you have to         FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers
answer the question below. In order to answer the        Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim!
question, you have to read this newsletter. I’ve hid-

den the answer somewhere in the contents of these               here are dastardly scams being pulled     making a vehicle purchase in the next few
four pages.                                                     on innocent car buyers every day.         months. This report explains the ten
  If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll        It’s really tough to tell where these shyster   most notorious and common car scams
like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every       lots are and whether or not you’re on one.      that go on at dealerships all over the coun-
month.                                                    Remember these people are very well             try. Some right here in our own town.
  Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or           trained and may be taking advantage of             This report will show you how to spot
know someone who is, you’ll remember this news-           you without you ever knowing it.                these scams and how to avoid being a vic-
letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to                                                         tim. This is insider information you
earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an-           You know this to be true because of the
                                                          stereotypes we all hear about how shady         won’t get from any other car dealer. In
swer the question and you could be the winner.
                                                          and unscrupulous car dealers and used car       fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the
There’s a new winner every month.
                                                          salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad     industry just for writing this. But I don’t
                                                          apples out there that spoil it for the bunch.   care. I’m here for you.

                                                            So what can you do about it? Arm                If you are in the market for a car you
                                                          yourself with the insider information           are entitled to this information. It is
                                                          you need to recognize a common car              available to you absolutely FREE with no
     Here’s The Question:
                                                          scam when you see it. This information          cost or obligation.
   What date was the first Labor Day holiday
                                                          can save you big money, lots of time and           To request your free copy of this spe-
                                                          an enormous amount of pain, heartache           cial industry expose’ visit my report re-
            Submit Your Answer And Win                    and frustration.
                                                                                                          quest web site at:
        Go to                     I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe-
       CONTEST CODE ( Frank Myers Auto
                      DEALERSHIP NAME)                    cially for people who are thinking about

      Submit Your Answer By: September 30th, 2010

                              B     ecause I’m an automotive transportation &
                                    financing expert, I can do things that most
                            other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individu-
                            als like you & families like yours for years & you
                            know I’ll do it for you. So here’s my promise…If
                            I can’t help you get the car of your dreams, I’ll
                            give you $1000!
                              Get Expert Automotive Financing Answers &
                                Solutions For Free. Call 336-767-3432

 •     The History of Labor Day
 •     Starting A Successful Exercise
 •     Interesting Facts
 •     Remembering 911
 •     Portable Speaker System Contest

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Frank Myers Auto Maxx - The Good Life Newsletter - September 2010 Edition

  • 1. A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of Frank Myers Auto Maxx Your Automotive Transportation & Financing Experts | 336-767-3432 | The History of Labor Day Labor Union adopted a Labor Day pro- This Month Source: posal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic. In History What it Means The First Labor Day The first Labor Day holiday was cele- brated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, Labor Day, the first Monday in Septem- in New York City, in accordance with ber, is a creation of the labor movement the plans of the Central Labor Union. 1- 1975 - Jerry Lewis’ and is dedicated to the social and eco- The Central Labor Union held its second 10th Muscular Dystrophy nomic achievements of American work- Labor Day holiday just a year later, on telethon ers. It constitutes a yearly national trib- September 5, 1883. ute to the contributions workers have In 1884 the first Monday in September made to the strength, prosperity, and 6- 1716 - First U.S. light- well-being of our country. was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union house built (Boston) Founder of Labor Day urged similar organizations in other cit- ies to follow the example of New York More than 100 years after the first Labor 14 - 1943 - Yankees clinch Day observance, there is and celebrate a pennant #14 "workingmen's holiday" on still some doubt as to who that date. The idea spread first proposed the holiday with the growth of labor or- 20 - 1985 - Walt Disney for workers. ganizations, and in 1885 La- World receives its 200- Some records show that bor Day was celebrated in Peter J. McGuire, general many industrial centers of millionth guest secretary of the Brother- the country. hood of Carpenters and Labor Day Legislation 23 - 1957 - “That’ll Be Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Through the years the nation The Day” by Buddy Holly Labor, was first in suggesting a day to gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day. and Crickets reaches #1 honor those "who from rude nature have The first governmental recognition came delved and carved all the grandeur we through municipal ordinances passed 30 - 1960 - Flintstones behold." during 1885 and 1886. From them de- veloped the movement to secure state premieres, 1st prime time But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day legislation. The first state bill was intro- animation show history has not gone unchallenged. duced into the New York legislature, but Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a the first to become law was passed by machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the holiday. Recent research seems to the year four more states — Colorado, support the contention that Matthew Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 York — created the Labor Day holiday of the International Association of Ma- by legislative enactment. By the end of chinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and holiday in 1882 while serving as secre- Pennsylvania had followed suit. By tary of the Central Labor Union in New 1894, 23 other states had adopted the York. What is clear is that the Central Continued on page 3 “We Specialize In Helping Individuals & Families Find, Qualify For And Own The Vehicle Of Their Dreams With Little Or No Money Down Even With Less Than Perfect Credit.”
  • 2. 3 Steps To Starting a push you just beyond where you are at right now physically. Then Interesting Facts Successful Fall Exercise Program go for it! Don't wait until that excite- ment wears off. Do it! Live in the You Never Knew Source: moment. exercise/335.php With that in mind, here are 3 steps Ah, the crisp cool breeze, the in- to planning a treadmill exercise vigorating feel of the outdoors as program that gets results: the leaves start to turn colors, the sound of kids laughing on their way 1) Grab a journal or notebook and to school. write down everything you want to achieve in vivid detail. How do you Fall is the time for new beginnings. want to look? How do you want to New classes, new curriculum, new feel? What would you like to fit into? etc. Reread this vivid descrip- programs, new start. You've re- tion at least once a day. By keep- Did you know….Eggplants laxed over the summer and now you're ready to reach higher, push ing in mind the end result, you'll be aren’t vegetables they really be- further. highly motivated to push yourself long to the fruit family. further. You're pumped. You're excited about starting a new season. 2) Start exercising and make notes on every workout session that you You're ready to tackle new chal- do. How long did you go? What Did you know…Long Island, lenges. was your perceived exertion? How NY is shaped like a fish. There's nothing like feeling the mo- many miles did you cover? mentum of new beginnings. If you've been wanting to lose weight 3) Review your workout session and get into amazing notes every week and Did you know...Most NAS- shape, why not use this then add something a little bit more challenging to the CAR Teams use nitrogen in momentum to your advan- tage? next week's workout. their tires instead of air. For example, if your aver- Momentum is one of the age exercise time last most underrated factors in week was 20 minutes - up achieving a better body. your average time to 30 Did you know...A recent study minutes. If your perceived at Harvard has shown that eat- Momentum can give you exertion was 5 on a scale what you need to start an of 1 to 10 then up it to 7. ing chocolate can actually help exercise program, stick with it and Make these little adjustments every you live longer. reap major rewards. week and you will be progressing leaps and bounds towards your As we all know, it's very easy to do fitness goals! something when we feel excited about it. This is not a bad thing if Plus the inspiration you get from FAMOUS WORDS you learn to use it. charting your progress will keep you going long after that initial mo- This initial excitement does wear mentum is fizzling out. Martin Luther King, Jr. off eventually, but by the time it said…. does, you could be so far ahead By following these steps and using already, that maintenance is easy. the fall momentum to inspire you, "All labor that uplifts humanity Why not use this initial excitement starting a treadmill exercise pro- gram becomes both exciting AND has dignity and importance and to kick-start your treadmill exercise program? easy. Learn to use momentum to should be undertaken with your advantage and you'll achieve more than you ever dreamed pos- painstaking excellence.” Plan a program that you can get excited about, something that will sible!
  • 3. Continued from page 1 Remembering 911 Source: http://www.packrat- holiday in honor of workers, and on Do you know of someone who is looking June 28 of that year, Congress passed for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to an act making the first Monday in Sep- Every single person in the upgrade their current vehicle? tember of each year a legal holiday in world the District of Columbia and the territo- Even if they have little money to put down has been affected by Tuesday, ries. or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the September 11, 2001. past… I can help them! Send them my way. A Nationwide Holiday These events will live long They’ll be glad you did and so will you! The form that the observance and cele- in our memory, both those who Here’s why… bration of Labor Day should take were witnessed the unspeakable If you refer someone to me this month, outlined in the first proposal of the when we close the deal, you can get a BIG holiday — a street parade to exhibit to horror, those who watched it check up to $500! For more info, visit http:// the public "the strength and esprit de and cried from afar. corps of the trade and labor organiza- Our children's children will tions" of the community, followed by a hear of this day in future Tracy Myers: Is an author festival for the recreation and amuse- history classes. and consumer advocate. ment of the workers and their families. He has spent his life fight- This became the pattern for the celebra- May we never forget ing the negative stigma tions of Labor Day. Speeches by May we keep this day, that plagues car dealers prominent men and women were intro- around the world. He does The events and the tears duced later, as more emphasis was In our minds, our memory and this by fighting for the placed upon the economic and civic consumer as a car dealer our hearts that advises people and significance of the holiday. Still later, helps them get the quality vehicle they want by a resolution of the American Federa- and take them with us as we and deserve in an positive and safe environ- tion of Labor convention of 1909, the carry on. ment. Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated Tracy E. Myers, CMD to the spiritual and educational aspects Auto Transportation & Financing Expert of the labor movement. Frank Myers Auto Maxx 4200 N. Patterson Avenue The character of the Labor Day cele- Winston-Salem, NC 27105 bration has undergone a change in re- 336-767-3432 cent years, especially in large industrial centers where mass displays and huge parades have proved a problem. This THANK YOU! change, however, is more a shift in em- phasis and medium of expression. La- “I have never been into a dealership that is so bor Day addresses by leading union friendly and pleasant. The folks at Frank officials, industrialists, educators, cler- Myers go out of their way to make you feel ics and government officials are given comfortable. I highly recommend this dealer- wide coverage in newspapers, radio, ship to anyone going through the stress of and television. buying a new (or used) vehicle.” - Deanna Crnkovic The vital force of labor added materi- ally to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our tradi- tional ideals of economic and political Prize Winner democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Search This Newsletter For The Answer Day to the creator of so much of the To The Sharper Image Portable Speaker nation's strength, freedom, and leader- System Question and Then ship — the American worker. Submit Your Answer Online
  • 4. W hy am I giving away a Sharper Image Port- able Speaker System? Because everyone likes to win stuff. It’s fun. And I want this newslet- ter to be fun for you. I also want you to read it. you’ll see my selfish motivation. Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car. In order to win the Speaker System you have to FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers answer the question below. In order to answer the Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim! question, you have to read this newsletter. I’ve hid- T den the answer somewhere in the contents of these here are dastardly scams being pulled making a vehicle purchase in the next few four pages. on innocent car buyers every day. months. This report explains the ten If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll It’s really tough to tell where these shyster most notorious and common car scams like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every lots are and whether or not you’re on one. that go on at dealerships all over the coun- month. Remember these people are very well try. Some right here in our own town. Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or trained and may be taking advantage of This report will show you how to spot know someone who is, you’ll remember this news- you without you ever knowing it. these scams and how to avoid being a vic- letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to tim. This is insider information you earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an- You know this to be true because of the stereotypes we all hear about how shady won’t get from any other car dealer. In swer the question and you could be the winner. and unscrupulous car dealers and used car fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the There’s a new winner every month. salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad industry just for writing this. But I don’t apples out there that spoil it for the bunch. care. I’m here for you. So what can you do about it? Arm If you are in the market for a car you yourself with the insider information are entitled to this information. It is you need to recognize a common car available to you absolutely FREE with no Here’s The Question: scam when you see it. This information cost or obligation. What date was the first Labor Day holiday celebrated? can save you big money, lots of time and To request your free copy of this spe- an enormous amount of pain, heartache cial industry expose’ visit my report re- Submit Your Answer And Win and frustration. quest web site at: Go to I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe- CONTEST CODE ( Frank Myers Auto DEALERSHIP NAME) cially for people who are thinking about Submit Your Answer By: September 30th, 2010 B ecause I’m an automotive transportation & financing expert, I can do things that most other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individu- als like you & families like yours for years & you know I’ll do it for you. So here’s my promise…If I can’t help you get the car of your dreams, I’ll give you $1000! Get Expert Automotive Financing Answers & Solutions For Free. Call 336-767-3432 INSIDE THIS ISSUE • The History of Labor Day • Starting A Successful Exercise Program • Interesting Facts • Remembering 911 • Portable Speaker System Contest