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                                  GENDER EQUALITY
                              A PREREQUISITE
                            FOR UGANDA

                          ♀         Making the FY 2012/13 national budget people-centred
                          ♀         Denying women land is denying women life-but what a
                          ♀         Social political corner: the rain drop

                          ♀         Women in Uganda’s villages influence local budgets and

  :koobecaF .gro.edowof.www :beW gro.edowof@edowof :liamE .dR awakaN adnitN ,esolC aybuV 51 tolP | adnagU alapmaK ,6717 XOB O.P ,SWEN-E EDOWOF
Making the FY 2012/13 national budget people-centred
                        budget                                                                                        Government’s target

                                                                                                    •   Government resources increased from9, 630bn FY
In June this year, the Minister for Finance,     Agriculture                                            2011/12 to Shs11, 157 billion FY2012/13.
Planning and Economic Development released       In FY 2011/12, the agricultural sector recorded
the national budget for the Financial Year       an annual growth of 3.0% which is attributed to    •   75% of budget will be financed from domestic
(FY) 2012/13 with the theme “Priorities for      the increased cash and food crop production            resources.
Renewed       Economic      Growth       and     following favourable rains in the first planting
Development.” In this edition, the highlights    season of the last year. To further support the    •   25% of the National Budget will be from Grants and
of this budget and the key recommendations       sector which employs over 80% of Ugandans,             Loans.
for government’s consideration are shared        this FY 2012/13, Agriculture is set to receive
with you.                                        5.2% of the national budget i.e. 585bn in the FY   •   Revenue collections for next financial year are
                                                 2012/13 an increase from 447bn for the FY              projected at Shs7, 251 billion.
This time the national budget was released at    2011/12, to support its priorities of ensuring
a time when inflation was high (18%), youth      food security, providing raw materials and         •   Total debt service including interest payments are
Unemployment was at 32.2%, the central bank      enhancing export revenue.                              projected to amount to Shs1, 101 billion in financial
lending rates was at 21% and commercial                                                                 year 2012/13.
banks lending rates were at an average of 26-    Government is credited for adopting the
27%, there was general decline in purchasing     commodity based approach to complement
power and a depreciating Uganda shilling.        Government’s Agricultural Zoning Strategy. The     of 12% and short grace period of 3-6 yet
                                                 approach will concentrate on eleven (11)           agriculture is long term investment.
Inflation and Interest Rates                     selected agriculture commodities and to
                                                 implement this successfully, government will       Key concerns
Inflation was majorly caused by increase of      focus on the provision of improved seed and        • The commodity based approach is a
food prices (50.4%). The Bank of Uganda          farm inputs and implements, supporting seed           welcome venture as it will give small scale
identified inflation as a key macroeconomic      industry and provision of improved breeding           farmers an opportunity to benefit from
problem and placed emphasis on keeping           stock for the selected commodities; and               government assistance. The major concern
inflation low, raising interest rates limiting   completing the ongoing rehabilitation of              however is that irrigation schemes have
aggregate spending which makes credit less       irrigation    schemes    and     embarking    on      appeared in the last three budget speeches
affordable to borrowers and brings about         establishing of new ones. It is anticipated that      but there has been limited action and
negative impact on growth and investment.        this approach will help Uganda produce                progress.
This implies that the cost of borrowing will     sufficient quantities that will support domestic
continue to be prohibitive especially for the    and regional trade, as well as agro                •   Under MAAIF, only 10% of civil works for the
small scale business enterprises largely owned   industrialization to add value and create non-         rehabilitation of Doho irrigation scheme
by the poor and women. In 2011/12, growth        farm jobs required for the youth. In addition          have been finalised, while 15% of works for
in industrial production slowed to 1.1% during   concentrating in a specific zone will allow the        Mobuku irrigation scheme had been
the year, and the hardest hit industrial sub-    efficient provision of relevant services such as       undertaken by end of half of the FY
sector was formal manufacturing sub sector,      extension services, roads, electricity and             2011/12.
where growth contracted by 4.4%.                 financial services.
                                                                                                    Trade and Private Sectors
Key recommendation                               Furthermore, Government maintained the             To simplify requirements, reduce discretionary
• Bank of Uganda should identify the real        Agricultural Credit Facility to finance post-      powers, and eliminate redundant procedures,
   social economic problems and address          harvest activity and the purchase of equipment.    Government will in FY 2012/13, eliminate
   them rather than the consequences.            However, the facility faces some key               about 27 licenses all of which were found to be
                                                 constraints in that although over 37.5 billion     either obsolete or redundant and establish an
•   If government is to effectively deal with    had been disbursed by Bank of Uganda to            electronic licenses registry that will serve as a
    inflation, an increased investment in        commercial banks, only 5.5 billion UGX (15%)       repository for all approved business licensing in
    agriculture and target food production       has been borrowed by the farmers in FY             Uganda. Government also plans to establish a
    rather that inflation targeting is highly    2011/12. Secondly, was the high interest rates     One Stop Centre to provide online registration
                                                                                                    services for the various licenses required to
                                                                                                    start a business. In addition, a Small and
                                                                                                    Medium Enterprise (SME) Business Guide has
                                                                                                    been developed to provide SMEs with
                                                                                                    information on available financial, business
                                                                                                    development services (BDSs), and business
                                                                                                    licensing information.

                                                                                                    Key recommendations
                                                                                                    • These proposals have been overdue and will
                                                                                                       contribute to reducing the cost of running
                                                                                                       business. It is however proposed that these
                                                                                                       services should be decentralized to allow
                                                                                                       local companies to benefit from the
                                                                                                       initiative. We also want government to
                                                                                                       include agricultural market information and
                                                                                                       prices in the business guide.

                                                                                                        Creating Employment Opportunities
                                                                                                    In this financial year, government intends to
                                                                                                    allocate an additional 3bn to the Youth Capital
                                                                                                    Venture Fund although in FY 2011/12.
                                                                                                    Additionally government is to establish the
                                                                                                    Graduate Venture Capital Fund with an
                                                                                                    allocation Shs. 16 billion to address the needs
A doctor examining a child in a local health center

                                                                                                         •   Limited resource allocation to the sector
                                                                                                             as shown in the figure below remains a
                                                                                                             challenge to service delivery. The sector
                                                                                                             has a long way to go in supporting primary
                                                                                                             growth across other development sectors
                                                                                                             as hoped in the Uganda’s National
                                                                                                             Development Plan.

                                                                                                            Education sector
                                                                                                         In its efforts to continue enhancing the quality
                                                                                                         and relevance of education at all levels, the
                                                                                                         education sector budget has increased to
                                                                                                         1.6bn. Government is commended for its
                                                                                                         pronouncement to improve the quality of
                                                                                                         education by: training inspectors of schools
                                                                                                         (2bn), monitoring UPE (1.1bn) monitoring USE

                                                                                                         Key recommendations
                                                                                                         • The completion rate for school going
                                                                                                           children is at a low of 25%, the classroom
                                                                                                           pupil ratio is at 85:1 against the
of graduates who have bankable project                Government should establish a maternal health        recommended national standard of 55:1.
proposals but lack the requisite funding.             fund to deal with maternal and infant                92% of P3 pupils tested could not correctly
                                                      mortality concerns.                                  read a P2 level English story, 78% of P3
The major concern is the current performance                                                               pupils could not solve numericals of P2
of the Youth Capital Venture fund, which is               Water and environment                            level, and according to the Budget
very low. Out of 25 billion UGX, only 8bn has      Government’s focus under this sector is to provide      Monitoring Report 2011, the ministry wastes
so far been accessed by only 3000 youth            water for production and CSBAG applauds                 25bn UGX a year in ghost schools, ghost
(youth constitute 65% of the Uganda                government efforts of increasing the water sector       pupils and ghost teachers. Civil society calls
Population).                                       budget from Shs. 271 billion in the last FY to Shs.     for the finalization of the probe into the
                                                   355 billion FY 2012/13 a factor that resulted from      misuse of universal primary and secondary
Key recommendations                                transferring the water for production budget from       education funds by the Judicial Commission
◦ Government should develop operational            Ministry of Agriculture to water and sector. To         of inquiry and implementation of its
   modalities and clear guidelines on how the      date the rural population has 65% access to clean       recommendations.
   youth should access the fund. And this          water and 72% have access to adequate sanitation,
   should not be left to the private sector.       however the rural sanitation coverage has wide        •   Government should increase allocations for
   Such ventures should be proposed based on       disparities with    some districts    like Amudat         school inspection to enable School
   clear policy frameworks.                        District (2.0%), Kotido District(11.5%), Moroto           Inspectors effectively inspect and monitor
◦ Government should broaden the job                District (6.6%), and Nakapiripirit (2%) recording         school progress. The sector is registering
   creation schemes and ventures to                coverage that is far below the national target.           high levels of absenteeism among the
   employment programs.                                                                                      teachers and pupils, conflicts in schools,
                                                   According to the Water and sanitation sector              teachers' under performance and low
    Health Sector                                  performance report 2011, Uganda’s target 50%              syllabus coverage hence poor performance
Despite increases over time, a decade after        hand washing by 2015 but the current coverage is          due to poor inspection.
the Abuja Health financing commitment, the         at 23%
average percentage share of government                                                                   •   Girl child education needs to be made a
allocation to health is still below 15%. In FY     Key Concerns                                              priority and the Gender in education policy
2011/12, the health sector was reported to                                                                   needs to implemented.
                                                   • Government’s proposal to reinstate VAT on
have achieved progress by increasing                 water at 18%, although estimated to generate
availability of basic medicines, achieving                                                                   Improving Government Effectiveness
                                                     Shs.21.7bn might hamper its efforts and reduce
immunization rates of children against major         access to clean and safe water. In most cases
killer diseases of 90% and reducing infant and                                                           This is an area that needs government’s
                                                     water points have been privatized and in a          adequate attention, there is too much
maternal mortality rates from 62.47/1000 to          situation where a 20-litre jerry can of water
54 per thousand persons and 352 per hundred                                                              wastage of government resources and service
                                                     was costing between Shs 150 and Shs 200, the        delivery continues to suffer. The cost of
thousand persons, respectively. The sector           user fees might double or go higher. It is feared
however is still faced with key challenges of                                                            running government business is increasing, in
                                                     with this increase, water prices will rise and      FY 2012/13, for example close to 2 trillion
low access to quality basic health care for all,     institutions   like   schools,    manufacturing
maternal and child mortality, the sector’s                                                               Uganda Shillings will be spent on running
                                                     industries might end up transferring the burden     government Accountability (590.76bn), Public
failure to deal with emerging diseases such as       to the final consumer by increasing commodity
the nodding disease and its poor staffing                                                                Administration (234.88bn), Public sector
                                                     prices and this might push the poor to use          management (1,020bn) and the Legislature
capacity currently at 50%                            unsafe and contaminated water.
Key recommendations
   The health budget has gone down from Shs
   804bn to Shs 752.5bn. This allocation
   (8.2%) is still below the NDP target of
   11.3% and with the NMS budget remaining
   constant, the challenges of drug stock out
   will be difficult to achieve. Government
   needs to significantly increase the
   percentage allocation to health if it’s to
   meet the Abuja target of 15%.
Improving service delivery
Improving service delivery is one of the key focus areas and as
such it has featured in the previous five budget themes.
The concern however is that although the national budget
allocations are highly focusing on social and productive sectors,                                                         Comparisons between the Public
most of the funds are concentrated at the centre with                                                                     Administration Budget with other
government ministries and agencies, rather than at front line                                                             sectors (FY 2012/13
service delivery points (which are mainly at local government
levels). In addition, service delivery has been affected by the
unprecedented district creation in Uganda a factor which has
allowed districts that are unviable to operate.

The other challenge is that Service delivery is greatly being
affected by the declining non
                         clining non-wage recurrent budget.
Unfortunately, the problem seems unlikely to be addressed in
the coming FY 2012/13, as government intends to maintain the
current level of allocations.

There are too many government agencies that are duplicating
services and this has rendered the ministries redundant and our
       es                          ministries
recommendation is the proper coordination of these
institutions. We also call for the review of multiplication of
new sub counties and districts.                                              Revenue Generation
                                                                             Domestic revenue for FY 2011/12 is expected to experience
      Supplementary budgets                                                  shortfalls due to slow economic growth and persistent inflation
The credibility of the budget has continued to be eroded by                  pressures. By the middle of FY 2011/12, revenue in real terms had
increasing supplementary budget appropriations, which reached                declined by 7% compared to the previous half of FY 2010/11.
a record high of 38% in FY 2011
                             2011/12. Although supplementary
spending is unavoidable, these appropriations continue to                    The tax to GDP ratio has stagnated between 12% 13% due to a tax
  Distribution of the Supplementary Schedule 1 FY 2011/12                    system that is not responsive to GDP growth. Reasons for the
                                 Local Governments
                                                                             stagnation of the revenue effort include the following; low
                                        1%                                   voluntary compliance, the large informal sector much of which is
                                                                             not taxed, and tax incentives to promote investment
                                 9%                                          Key recommendations
 Trade and         Education
  Industry           9%                                                      •   The increase in PAYE threshold is welcome if it’s to contribute to
    3%                                                                           resource redistribution and addresses the gap between the poor
                                                                                 and the rich. However the wealth redistribution should not be
        Justice Law &                                                            limited to only the employment sector. The same principle
                                                               Public            should be applied to other sectors such as trade and investment.
             14%                                            Administration
                                                                             •   The government is only recycling tax policies and imposing
                                                                64%              simultaneous taxes on the same taxable people There is need to
                                                                                                                         people. here
                                                                                 expand our tax base to include the informal sector which is
                                                                                 engaging in import and export business.

                                                                             •   Government should review and streamline tax exemption
                                                                                 policies and practices if it’s to increase revenue generation.

                                                                                 Tax compliance and administration
                                                                             The porous borders and very small business which have failed to
                                                                             register have failed URA in enforcing tax compliance. Smuggling
benefit public administration and security sectors depriving                 goods across the borders cause unequal competition among business
spending on social and productive sectors. It has also become a              and breeds corruption. The country is witnessing traces of
culture of the executive to use supplementary budgets as a tool              corruption in the tax system e.g. specifically under the Oil business.
to divert budget expenditure priorities.
Recommendation                                                               Government is commended for its budget proposals that aimed at
   • The legislature (Parliament) should amend the law on                    improving economic growth However in the implementation of this
                                                                                    ing           growth. owever
     supplementary budget to strengthen the oversight                        budget, government needs to avoid supplementary requests and
     function of parliament and remove the provision for                     maintain sector allocations as budgeted especially for discretionary
     retrospective approval of supplementary spending which
                   approval                                                  items or non priority sec
                                                                                                   sectors, not to disrupt budget implementation
                                                                                                                 o                implementation.
     should only be for critical and emergency cases suc as
                                                     such                    With regard to service delivery at the local government level, given
     epidemics, security and natural calamities.                             the budget constraints in the next FY 2012/13, government
                                                                             Ministries and Departments should provide the required backup to
  JLOS &Accountability                                                       local governments in respec ive sectors to ensure services are
Uganda is experiencing high levels of corruption and despite                 delivered to the population.
this trend there are minimum efforts in allocating resources to
fight corruption. The small budget line in the JLOS Sector is
                                                      Secto                  For effective budget implementation, government institutions and
dedicated to human rights observers yet JLOS institutions are                CSOs should actively get involved in monitoring of the budget to
among the top human rights violators in Uganda.
                   uman                                   It is              avoid wastage, laxity and corruption. It is further recommended
                                                                                                        corruption.                         ed
recommended that government should focus on strengthening                    that mainstreaming of gender and equity issues in sector budgets
the inspectorate system of government as a means of curbing                  should become a prerequisite for approval of institutional budgets
corruption in Uganda.                                                        in the next FY 2012/13 budget.
Winnie Byanyima: No ordinary woman

                                               Instead, she lived the very opposite of such type-    redress historic imbalances. In 1995, she
                                               cast roles; magnetised to politics by her father’s    became a founding member and first chair of
                                               example, studying engineering at university mainly    the Forum for Women in Democracy
                                               to defy society’s expectations of girls and           (FOWODE), which grew out of the caucus.
                                               excelling at it and winning a scholarship. She        FOWODE extended the caucus’ scope by
                                               refused the token seat and beat men in hotly-         promoting gender equality in all decision-
                                               contested Women member of Parliamentary               making through advocacy, training research
                                               elections, spearheading censure of the corrupt,       and publishing.
                                               actively contributing to a guerrilla war effort
                                               when she was aged 22, being vice chairman to a        After two terms as Mbarara Municipality’s
                                               group in opposition to the government she once        representative in Parliament, she voluntarily
                                               worked for and founding, and directing,               stepped down in 2004. Hers is an example
                                               organisations    devoted    to    bettering    the    very immediate as Uganda currently debates
                                               circumstances of women.                               the presidential term limits.

                                               Leading                 by                example     Ironically, she has expressed interest in
                                               The impact on Ugandan society and women in            standing for President, come 2016. If she
                                               particular is as wide-ranging as the various facets   does, she will be the third woman, after
                                               of her personality. Where her father was once         Miria Kalule Obote in 2006 and Betty Kamya
At a time when even colleagues in her          National Chairman of the Democratic Party, she        in 2011, to stand for president.
political party regarded the idea of a         ended up being the third Vice-Chair of the Reform
woman running for office as political          Agenda, before it evolved into the FDC. She aided     Popular opinion maintains she might be the
suicide, she did not only run but won          its transformation from an Elect Kizza Besigye        first one with a serious chance of succeeding
a parliamentary seat. It was only one          Task Force into a party formed on July 12, 2002,      where even her husband has yet to.
   of her daring acts that proved to           aimed at achieving political reforms for good
women and Ugandans at large that all           governance, sustainable national unity, democracy
 was possible, writes Brian Magoba.            and national development.
                                                                                                     Published by the Daily Monitor
                                               Her election in 1994 to the parliamentary seat for
Imagine a picture captioned with “Mrs.         Mbarara Municipality was one small step for her,
Winifred Besigye, aeronautical engineer        but one giant leap for Ugandan women. At the          Education:
for the Uganda Space Programme,                time, she was one of the few women who stood          Mt St Mary’s College, Namagunga. Has a degree
conducting orientation for entrants to the     for direct election when others were content with     in Aeronautical Engineering, the first female
Flight Engineers Training Workshop”.           the seats available to them on government’s           Ugandan to become an Aeronautical Engineer.
Feels strange on the tongue and mind if        affirmative action.
you are Ugandan, doesn’t it?                                                                         Profession Background: Aeronautical
                                               “The day I was first elected, women ran out on        engineer, politician and diplomat. Byanyima
It gives the impression that someone other     the streets, sat in the middle of the road, they      worked as a flight engineer for the now defunct
than Winnie Byanyima, Ugandan politician       climbed on top of the cars, ululating and even        Uganda Airlines. She has served as the Director
and women-rights activist, is the subject.     taking off their tops”, she recounted in a 2004       of the Gender Team in the Bureau for
Perhaps this is as it should be, because for   interview with the magazine Feminist Africa.          Development Policy at the United Nations
a long time, Byanyima has been                                                                       Development Programme (UNDP) since 2006.
phenomenal in proving that it is only          Partly, the euphoria was because she was on the
challenging, not impossible, for a woman       road to fulfilling her pledge to campaign for equal
to score successes while working with or                                                             Political Background: Byanyima is a
                                               value in government policies for women and            member of the FDC party, although she has
against patriarchal structures.                children. Partly, it was because she had dared        significantly reduced her participation in partisan
                                               Ngoma Ngime, an incumbent Constituent Assembly        Ugandan politics since she became a Ugandan
Besides      rather     than      behind       delegate, on President Museveni’s own home turf.
In hindsight, it seems like a deliberate                                                             diplomat in 2006.
branding strategy on her part for never                                                              Political jobs she has held over the years:
                                               But more than dare, she actually had beaten a
overtly using her husband’s name to get        sitting National Political Commissar who had the
ahead, since her 1999 marriage to retired                                                               •   She was a member of the Constituent
                                               resources of the NRM’s machinery at his disposal
Colonel Kizza Besigye, leader of the                                                                        Assembly that drafted the Ugandan 1995
                                               while her strongly feminist platform seemed like
opposition party Forum for Democratic                                                                       Constitution
                                               political suicide and won her no favours from her
Change (FDC). Her example proves that                                                                   •   She served two consecutive terms as a
                                               party, despite her longer track record and
women can be besides successful men,                                                                        Member of Parliament, representing
instead of behind them as the popular                                                                       Mbarara Municipality, from 1994 until
adage maintains.                                                                                            2004.
                                               Leveling the political ground for women
                                               In Parliament, she formed the Women’s Caucus,            •   Appointed Director of the Directorate of
She could have scripted her bucket list        which     was   instrumental  in creating   a                Women, Gender and Development at the
like most girls: understudy other women        constitutional basis for a Uganda where the                  headquarters of the African Union in
for the role of wife and mother; study         genders were equal. The women’s caucus helped                Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2004. She left
“soft” courses if the family was either        shape the writing of the 1995 Constitution in                this for appointment at UNDP.
willing or able to send her to school and      gender-sensitive language.
have many babies really quickly. She                                                       
could have settled for talking about and       It sponsored the inclusion of an explicit statement
leaving women’s issues at the village well,    of equality before the law, which invalidates all
never dabbling in politics beyond voting       other laws, cultures, traditions or customs that
passively, and generally being satisfied       undermine the dignity and well-being of women,
with whichever dream, life or her              and provides affirmative action for women to
husband, allowed her to chase.
Denying women land is denying women                                                                                   Caucusing for increased
                                                                                                                            effectiveness in
        Lif e-but what a shame!
                        “I got to learn that some of them at the age of 80,                                                 After the 2011 general elections, FOWODE
                        had never had a piece of land to call their own, yet                                                trained 320 councilors from 12 districts in
                        they had ideally produced food to feed hundreds”                                                    effective     legislative     engagement,
                                                                                                                            advocacy and gender.          The trained
                                                                                                                            councilors most of whom were new to
                                                                                                                            these positions were encouraged to form
                                                                                                                            caucuses in order to more effectively
                                                                                                                            advocate for their special interest groups
                                                                                                                            within their communities. To date the
                                                                                                                            women’s     caucuses     are   increasingly
                                                                                                                            becoming more effective in their advocacy
                                                                                                                            for gender equality and women’s rights.
                                                                                                                            For example, a Woman councilor, also a
                                                                                                                            Gulu caucus member moved a council
                                                                                                                            motion for a borehole construction which
                                                                                                                            was passed. In Patiko a councilor moved a
                                                                                                                            motion to construct a maternity ward with
                                                                                                                            toilets and bathrooms and, with support
                                                                                                                            from the PRDP program construction of
                                                                                                                            the maternity ward is under way.

                                                                                                                            The Kibuku caucus was able to monitor
                                                                                                                            health facilities in their district and
                                                                                                                            presented their findings of understaffing
    In 2011, I had the opportunity to visit                   Well, since human beings seem to thrive best                  and poor infrastructure to the sectoral
    different districts in Uganda to assess the               on laws, the issue of women’s land ownership                  committee for social services. The Kabale
    situation of women and their rights to land.              was clearly captured in Policy Statement                      caucus prioritized issues of women in
    From Pader to Apac, Gulu to Kyenjojo, Hoima               number 66 of the Draft National Land Policy                   detention, girl child education, early
    to Kabarole and Jinja, the message written on                                                                           marriage, and justice for child abusers and
    the women’s faces was simple and clear, “We               Statement number 66 of the Draft National
                                                                                                                            to mark the 2012 women’s day they
    are tired of being marginalized”.                         Land Policy, spelling out government’s
                                                                                                                            organized resources and provided items
                                                              commitment to ensure that inequalities
                                                                                                                            like soap and clothing to women in
    Almost wherever I travelled, I could see                  against women over land are stamped out.
    mostly women tilling the land. As I visited               However, Ugandans must recall that our
    different homes, I saw women arriving from                country is often said to be one of those with
                                                                                                                            The caucuses have contributed to giving
    the fields with food stuffs on their heads and            very rosy legislations but very little to show in
                                                                                                                            women a unified voice and FOWODE plans
    children on their backs. Little wonder it’s said          terms of implementation. Already the
                                                                                                                            to continue strengthening this structure in
    that over 80% of all the food consumed in                 National Land Policy still drags on and has not
                                                                                                                            order to increase women councilors’
    Uganda is produced by women. This                         been approved one year after the final draft,
                                                                                                                            effectiveness while in leadership.
    notwithstanding, as I discussed with the                  and this could already tell of what to expect
    women, I got to learn that some of them at                long after it has been passed. What Ugandans
    the age of 80, had never had a piece of land              need to do at this point in time, is to surpass
    to call their own, yet they had ideally                   the law and implore human conscience over
    produced food to feed hundreds across                     women’s right to own land-only this way shall
    generations and lineages.                                 we achieve natural justice.

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights                 Perhaps it’s also high time that every
    (UDHR) and other international and national               individual family assessed its status over
    human rights legislations including the Uganda            respect for women’s land rights before we can
    Constitution spell out clearly that all human             demand government for any action. These
    beings are equal in everything including                  women certainly are our wives, our mothers,
    property ownership. As such, denying women                our sisters or aunties-what have you done to
    a chance to own land on mere accord of being              ensure security of their right to land in your
    women, is inhuman and must not be allowed                 household? At least for me, my wife can rest
    to happen in the 21st Century. It’s a question            assured that whatever land we own shall be
    of simple logic that does not even necessarily            hers to own and utilize for the benefit of our
    need legislation for anyone to observe that               family unit.
    she who feeds the country deserves to own
                                                                              By: Tumusiime Kabwende Deo                     In August this year, 89.5 SPEAK FM a
    land as a key resource for production.
                                                                              Uganda Land Alliance
                                                                                                                             community radio based in Gulu will be
                                                                                                                             marking one year in operation. To mark
                                                                                           this great stride, FOWODE will officially
   Check out the fowode website                                                                                              launch the radio in Gulu district.

The fowode website is regularly updated to meet your information needs. There is everything including information about our programs, researches and
assessment reports on gender equality, upcoming events, news etc... Check back often as there is always new information posted.
Government urged to focus on a pro-poor and gender sensitive
                                                                                                        Pupils of Rubona Primary School in Kabale

                                                                                                                            FOWODE is the current chair of the Civil Society
                                                                                                                            Budget Advocacy Group (CS BAG) a coalition
                                                                                                                            formed in 2004 to bring together CSOs at
                                                                                                                            national and district levels to:

                                                                                                                                  Influence Government decisions on
                                                                                                                                 resource mobilization and utilization for
                                                                                                                                 equitable and sustainable development;

                                                                                                                                 Advocate for increased transparency and
                                                                                                                                 accountability in national priorities,
                                                                                                                                 financing and public spending at all levels;

                                                                                                                                 Promote transparency and accountability in
                                                                                                                                 the formulation and implementation of
                                                                                                                                 national policies, policy processes and

                                                                                                                                 Promote national, regional and
                                                                                                                                 international fiscal and monetary policies
                                                                                                                                 that are pro-poor, gender responsive and
                                                                                                                                 livelihoods oriented

The Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group            Demanding more funding for health,                Demanding for farmers’ bank
(CSBAG) which is a consortium of non
government organisations held a pre budget                                                           Civil society organizations asked government to
dialogue under the theme “Making the                                                                 open an agricultural bank to facilitate farmers,
national budget pro-poor, gender sensitive         A Consortium of civil society organizations       who are in need of financial services but cannot
and equitable” on April 19 2012.                   are pushing for government reforms in the         get them easily and at affordable terms.
                                                   health and education sectors to among
During the public dialogue in Kampala, Julius      others have the percentage of government          The CSOs made the demand during the pre-
Mukunda the Senior Programme Director for          allocation to the health sector increased to      budget dialogue held in Kampala in April
Forum for Women said public expenditure            meet the Abuja Declaration target of 15 per       2012. They said an agricultural bank will focus
should be skewed in the direction that would       cent.                                             on farmers’ credit needs, hedge against risks
meet the needs and interests of the poor. He                                                         such as crop failures and volatilities in the
urged government to focus on the most              Boosting education                                prices of agro-products.
priority sectors which benefit majority of the
public.    Mukunda     further   said    unless    Presenting their position paper before            Mr. Julius Mukunda, the Senior Programme
government puts in place strict measures, it       Parliament’s Social Services Committee            Director at Forum for Women in Democracy,
will continue spending lots of money but with      recently, the Civil Society Budget Advocacy       said most farmers fear to get loans because of
little output. He cited the many government        Group (CS BAG) led by Mr. Julius Mukunda of       the harsh treatment defaulters get, but also
expenditures on a number of government             Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)             the repayments period do not coincide with
institutions which have duplicate duties, yet a    recommended a 20 per cent budget allocation       the harvest season.
lot of money would be saved if some of these       to boost the quality of Universal Primary and
institutions were merged.                          Secondary Education. The group that               “A bank that understands the seasons, plight
                                                   advocates for pro-poor budget policies in the     and language of farmers, can be the only
CSBAG also advocated for the formation of          country, also called for the review of            solution,” Mr. Mukunda said. Many farmers
regional governments in place and cutting on       teachers’ salaries to Shs400, 000 from the        have fallen prey to loan sharks, who lend
the number of parliamentary representatives        current Shs270, 000.                              them money at high interest rates, which also
so as to cut on public expenditures.                                                                 frustrates most farmers who have no
                                                   Health sector                                     collateral recognized by commercial banks.
Kenneth Mugambe the Commissioner Budgets
in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and           Mr. Mukunda informed the parliamentary            Mr. Richard Mugisha, an advocacy officer at
Economic Development during the public             committee that, looking at the Budget             Participatory Ecological Land Use Management
dialogue said that government has achieved         Framework Paper, government allocated             (PELUM), said access to credit to farmers is
some success bringing services near to people.     Shs800 billion to the health sector last          one of the reasons the agricultural sector has
He says the key strategic issues that the          financial year but this figure had been           been dwindling for the past years.
government is working around include               reduced it to Shs761 billion next financial
maintaining      micro-economic       stability,   year. While the government has endeavored         Since 2000, the agricultural sector growth has
increasing agriculture productivity, improving     to set up health facilities across the country,   declined from 7.9 per cent to 0.9 per cent.
service delivery and managing government           a 2009/2010 report, the Uganda Local
contracts.                                         Government Councils Score Card, by
                                                   Advocates Coalition for Development and           Published in the Daily Monitor Newspaper and
                                                   Environment, shows that improvements are          the Independent magazine
Carol      Namagembe        the       FOWODE
                                                   only    in   infrastructure,    especially   in   CSBAG members:, FOWODE, Action AID, Uganda Debt Network, SEATINI,
Communications Officer mentioned that the
                                                   construction of health centers, but the major     PELUM Uganda, VEDCO, Uganda National Union of Women with Disabilities
purpose of the dialogue was to get views from      problems such as shortage of drugs,
                                                                                                     of Uganda , The Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa-
                                                                                                     Uganda Chapter, Development Research and Training, The Eastern and
the public and integrate them in the civil         understaffing,    shortage    of    equipment,    Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum , The Human Rights Network
society alternative budget proposal that will                                                        Uganda, The Centre for Women in Governance, Uganda Road Sector
                                                   absenteeism of health workers, and weak           Support Initiative, Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment,
be presented to Parliamentary committees           accountability mechanisms still exit.             Environmental Alert, The Uganda National NGO Forum, African Centre for
                                                                                                     Trade and Development, Uganda Women’s Network, Action for
when reviewing the budget framework paper.                                                           Development
                                                                                        Struggle to
                                                                                          Own &
                                                                                      Control property
Former MP Susan Nampijja suffered a tragic           most societies do not recognise that women        resources and undermines the potential of
experience      when   her   former   companion     can own property because they are considered       women’s hard work and their ability as
inflicted deep cuts to her head. Believing she      transient citizens. The patriarchal society in     entrepreneurs.
was dead, the estranged Geoffrey Mukisa             which we live has only worsened matters. The
attempted to commit suicide. All because he                                                            The World Development Report 2012, states
                                                    ineffective mechanisms for the enforcement
could not let Nampijja keep property she had                                                           that the lives of girls and women have
                                                    of women’s rights have also resulted in the
reportedly acquired when their relationship                                                            changed dramatically over the past quarter
                                                    denial of basic rights for millions of women in
blossomed.                                                                                             century, the report mentions areas that need
                                                    the country. Statistics show that 97 percent of
                                                                                                       to be worked on to ensure gender equality
                                                    women have access to land, but only 8
Nampijja is a daughter of Rubaga South MP                                                              and development.
                                                    percent of women own land and only 7
Ken Lukyamuzi. Together, they can petition
                                                    percent have property rights.                      The report points to the need for property
the powerful and when tragedy befell her, her
                                                                                                       rights    for    women   which   constrain   their
father   gave    an    impassioned    speech   in    “This year, Uganda will mark 50
Parliament. Many came to her defence.                                                                  bargaining power and the need to strengthen
                                                    years and property ownership for
                                                                                                       the laws that provide for the right to
Police was quick to act; a search was
                                                    women is one of the most stinging
                                                                                                       ownership of property.
immediately set for the culprit. Though
                                                    issues whose solution has no not
Mukisa was found unconscious, police stayed
                                                             yet been found”                           Ann Kampire the Coordinator women’s Land

guard at his room at Mulago Hospital lest he                                                           Rights at Uganda Land Alliance says women’s
                                                    Byamukama says at the family level girls and       property rights are limited by social norms
gained   strength      and   tried    to   escape
                                                    women are not given property because of the        and customs which make it hard for women to
prosecution. He died on his hospital bed.
                                                    belief that they will leave home and get           access property. She says the most affected
                                                    “This year, Uganda will mark
But what if Mukisa had tried to usurp               married in other families where they will have     group are those who are widowed, separated
                                                          50 years and property
property from an average Ugandan woman?             access to property but this is not true. Usually   or divorced and those who have born only
                                                    ownership for women is one
Isn’t it instructive that when Dorcus Inzikuru,     once these women are married off they are          female children often have little or no access
                                                      of the most stinging issues
she of the Olympic Gold Medal fame, caught          only allocated pieces of land for crop             to ownership of property.
                                                     whose solution has not yet
her husband with another woman in her prize         cultivation strictly.
                                                                 been found”.                          Namagembe says such factors which constrain
house in Arua, all she could do was to enlist
                                                    Carol Namagembe, the Communication officer         women make it hard for them to prosper in
the support of town youths to unroof the
                                                    of Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE),          their own right and it dents efforts put in
house? She must have felt she had no power
                                                    says while women own about 40 percent of           place to help women enjoy equal rights as
to drive the man out of her house. Yet if the
                                                    private businesses in Uganda, their role in        their male counterparts.
man had caught Inzikuru cheating in his home,
                                                    socio-economic development is still seen to be
the story would have been a different one.
                                                    peripheral. They still have unequal access to      In Mukono district only, a survey carried out
Fortunately for Nampijja, the sole ownership
                                                    and control of productive assets like land with    by International Justice Mission (IJM) between
of the disputed property is now in her hands.
                                                    only 20 percent of registered land owned by        2005 and 2007 reveals that out of 115 widows,
But not many are as fortunate as her.
                                                    women    according    to   the   2010   National   41   percent      have   experienced     property

Dora Byamukama, the East African Legislative        Development Plan yet they contribute 70-75         grabbing, and this percentage increases to 51

Assembly representative says although the           percent to the total agricultural production       percent     if   attempts/threats   of   property

1995 Uganda Constitution provides for equal         (Uganda Bureau of Statistics 2005). This           grabbing are included. Continues on pg.10

ownership of property for women and men             affects their ability to access other productive
Women in
local budgets
and policies
“Now that I am aware of my rights as a               and responsibility to attend the village budget          Along with health education and economic
citizen, I feel so empowered”, said Aber             meetings so as to determine what services are            empowerment, the Village Budget Clubs are
Evalyn a 51 year-old woman from Uum village          to come to us as citizens and especially as              bringing dignity and ownership for many
in the North of Uganda after participating in        women”.                                                  women. As Evalyn, who today serves as the
trainings held by the Forum for Women in                                                                      trainings Chairperson of several community
Democracy to increase women’s involvement            Evalyn now attends all the meetings and                  groups, explains, “Before the Forum for
in the decision-making processes at the              contributes to debates and discussions to                Women in Democracy’s trainings, I was a
community level.                                     solve                collective                issues.   ‘nobody’ in my community. I could not speak
                                                     Like Evalyn, many other women in the villages            in any community meetings or raise any
A grantee of UN Women’s Fund for Gender              of Uganda are now taking part in the                     pertinent questions that affected me and
Equality, the Forum for Women in Democracy           dialogues on local budgets.                              other women. The leadership role for me has
trained women in 16 communities in Uganda
                                                                                                              been possible because of the trainings that
to form Village Budget Clubs. These clubs are        In Kasaala Parish village, Luwero District,
                                                                                                              opened up my eyes and showed me that my
working to ensure that women are actively            Nakazi Edisa, a mother of four young children,
                                                                                                              views are required in the development of my
involved in budget allocation and decisions          also attended the Forum’s trainings. “For the
                                                                                                              community”, she concluded.
regarding gender-sensitive policy measures at        last two years, my children have not been
the local level. Aber Evalyn is one of the 320       receiving adequate de-worming tablets, nor               Along with the work at the village level,
people who benefited from a three-day                had they been immunized for measles, polio,              FOWODE      has     trained   legislators   and
training    session   designed     to    empower     etc. It was very difficult for me to take the            government officials in Uganda to ensure that
communities to demand accountability and             four children to Kasana Health Center over               gender-responsive     programming      is   also
the provision of better services from public         five kilometers away, and private clinics in my          effected at the national level.
authorities.                                         village are too expensive”, she explained.
                                                                                                              Submitted by FOWODE Gender Budget Program
According to the 2006 Uganda Demographic             Last year after the trainings, Edisa and the
                                                                                                              The VBC approach increases community activism,
and Health survey (UDHS), while 35 per cent          women of the Village Budget Club lobbied the
                                                                                                              checks corruption and brings leaders to account
of women make decisions regarding small              District Councilor to set up a health facility in        for their actions.
daily household expenses on their own at the         the village, along with petitioning the Chief
household level, a striking 85 per cent have to      Administrative       Officer      regarding     drugs                UPCOMING EVENT:
consult their husbands about any major               shortage at the Kasana health unit. The
                                                                                                                  THE UGANDA FEMINIST FORUM
household      choices.   “After   the    training   mobilization was successful and eventually
                                                     the local authorities decided to build a health                Theme: "Spreading our Wings"
sessions, women are now aware of how our
taxes on soap, cooking oil and many other            centre    in   the     village,    which      provides         Date: 1st – 4th August 2012
things, can eventually bring developmental           immunization and essential medicine for
                                                     children, free of cost.
                                                                                                                    Host Secretariat: FOWODE
activities to our communities”, said Aber
Evalyn “We also know now that it is our right

                                                                                THE RAIN DROP
The look on the faces that surround her       .‘she thinks of how a raindrop falling           Is it really worth it? Risking my life in the
pushes her feeling of triumph to the edge     aimlessly from the sky, landed on the roof       presence of loved ones... the thoughts go
of guilt. A tornado of thoughts engulf        above meandered along the corrugated roof        on.
her; what do they think of me? She            till it finds a small unguarded crack in the
                                                                                               Echoes from a dust filled, small black
ponders. These worried faces; do they         iron sheets, through which it descended on
                                                                                               television caged in a rusting metallic box
want me to stop? Is it worth it? Am I         the ceiling below. It is unbelievable! How,
                                                                                               just below the top corner of the hospital
being selfish, putting my friends and         what began as a single raindrop has stained
                                                                                               ward interrupts her thoughts.
family through this? The questions cannot     this ceiling above? It is inconceivable that a
stop, like an unending loop of a nagging      single drop of rain left untouched has caused    Breaking News!- IPC Women Riot against the
song they whirl on, through her head. She     this ceiling to moulder. It is a shame that no   Electoral Commission, She sees herself on
does not know where they are coming           one has done anything about this. It is only a   TV, being hurled, stumped and slapped, her
from   and      she   cannot   stop   these   matter of time before the whole ceiling          dress is torn as she is roughed-up tossed and
questions.                                    moulds and falls in. She thinks of the ceiling   battered. She sees a body in uniform
Her eyes sting with ripples of pain           and how it will soon render this hospital        spraying something in her face! She suddenly
comparable to none ever hosted in             inhabitable, how one tiny raindrop can cause     collapses, dragged and dumped on a police
nerves. In the inevitable instances when      such visible decay.                              truck. Seeing all this breaks her heart, she
she has to blink, her heart skips a beat as                                                    can barely hold it, an icy liquid rolls slowly
                                              She thinks of this nation and sees how it is
though to take a bow for the surge of                                                          from her eyes down to her bruised cheek,
                                              decaying, just like the ceiling. The dirty
pain that will follow. She can swear there                                                     she sees the same on the faces around her.
                                              smelly roads scattered with litter, silt and
are a thousand tiny sharp needles lodged                                                       She thinks of the raindrop, and how we
                                              sewage clogged gutters; the system
underneath her eyelids. She has to keep                                                        cannot let it in. She wipes her tears and
her eyes open for unnatural paces of                                                           waits to strike again, another day.
time. The look on her face can pass, with     here    is   failing    and

flying colours, any interview for being an    falling, the one tiny

Askari, yet here she lies in pain, a          raindrop found its way

mother, possibly poisoned, confined to a      in. The one drop of

hospital bed.                                 greed, finding its way
                                              through faint hearts,
May be I am an Askari, a Vote Askari? She     once   innocent        minds
contemplates. Her lips part to unfold a       falling to the drop of
babyish smile, probably a toast to the        temptation,       of   juicy
weird thoughts in her head. “How can I        fat      deals,        palm
smile with all these worried faces around     greasing and kickbacks,
me?” She seems to ponder as her smile         causing these patches,
vanishes almost unnoticed. She stares at      these potholes,
the brownish, ring-like stain patches on
                                              this damn electoral clique! She thinks of
the once white soft-board ceiling above,
                                                                                               By a member of the FOWODE Young Leaders Alumni
                                              herself having to wait in a line to vote when
her mind wanders and she is soon lost in                                                       Association (FYLAA)
                                              she knows her vote may be corrupted.
yet another whirl of thoughts...
Women; why put your property in a
                                                                                                 FOWODE BRIEFS
man’s name? Continued from pg.3
Scott Adams a Media Relations Fellow at IJM Uganda an
organization that helps widows retain their property says
some of the outstanding challenges to women’s and
widows’ land ownership include the myths about land law
and the belief by most women that they cannot own
property. The complicated land administration processes,
weak laws and the laxity exercised in handling property
grabbers make it hard for women to pursue their right to
own property. Most times these women keep silent as
their property is grabbed from them because they have no
forum to voice their views.

This year, Uganda will mark 50 years and property
ownership for women is one of the most stinging issues               Kabale District Technical staff, Hon. Katoto, Hon. Lucy Ajok and Hon. Ninsiima, members of the

whose solution has not yet been found.                               parliamentary Gender Responsive Budget (GRB) champions during a monitoring visit in Kabale district.

                                                                     The parliamentary GRB champions’ visits organized by Uganda Woman Parliamentary Association and
Byamukama says unless women are more enlightened
                                                                     FOWODE were conducted in Kabale, Lira and Busia districts to support efforts of increasing visibility on
about their rights, women will continue being denied this
                                                                     the importance of Gender Responsive Budgeting and also enhance the oversight function of Members of
right. She says women who are able to acquire property               Parliament in promoting gender equality in Uganda. In 2011, FOWODE together with the Office of the
on their own should move away from the habit of                      Speaker of Parliament of Uganda and UWOPA identified gender responsive budget champions in the 9th
registering that property in either their husband’s or               Parliament to champion the Gender equality campaign within the parliament.
male relative’s name because this only proves the myth
that property can only be owned by the men.

Patricia Munabi Babiiha the Executive Director of FOWODE
says the uneven, gender inequalities which continue to
hinder the advancement of women only prove that women
have to fight harder because they have not reached their
comfortable zone yet.

Legislators are proposing amendments to the Succession
Act to help women own property. The long awaited
Marriage and Divorce bill that recognizes joint ownership
of property is yet to be passed if affected into law it
would help many a number of women.

By Rukiya Mukama, The Independent Magazine
                                                                     Richard Sunday, FOWODE field officer in Luwero explaining the village budget club model during the
                                                                     2nd edition of the National CSO Fair, held in June 2012. The fair gathered over 5000 members of Civil
                                                                     Society1 under the theme “Act Together, Shape the Future, Civil Society in Uganda at 50,” in an effort to
                                                                     showcase the important role played and contribution that civil society organizations have made and
                                                                     continue to make towards development over the past fifty years and into the future.

The Young Leaders’ Camp was held for 30 young who underwent
fun   packed   training   on   alternative    and   transformative
leadership. The training focused on raising the young leader’s
consciousness of gender equality and social justice. It further
inculcated in the young leaders the values of equity and equality
                                                                     A district Councilor during a gender budget training in Kitgum in April 2012.
between men and women in Uganda in a bid to make them
                                                                     FOWODE in partnership with Diakonia launched an 18 months program in April 2012. The project titled
socially conscious and responsible leaders.
                                                                     “Strengthening Communities and Civil Society to Promote Democratic Governance and Social
                                                                     Accountability” is funded by the European Union through t Democratic Governance and A
                                                                                            ed                             h the                       d Accountability
                                                                     Programme Uganda (DGAP and is implemented in Kitgum, K
                                                                                         AP)                            , Kotido and Abim districts.
A Victor with Purpose
                                                             Mary Kemirembe, like many girls in              people’s lives by living positively and
                                                             Nyakishenyi village in Rukungiri district,      relating well with people in whose
                                                             dropped out of school at an early age,          midst I live. I feel more loved and
                                                             while her brothers continued. She was           useful to society now. Through the
                                                             married off immediately and by the age          trainings I attended, I have become
                                                             of 21 she already had four children. She        aware of my rights and deserve fair
                                                             was later diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and in        treatment from all. In fact, I now
                                                             2005 her husband succumbed to the               counsel others and encourage them to
                                                             disease leaving her with four children to       be happy and focused. I will continue
                                                             fend for. She inherited debts from her          engaging     in   income    generating
                                                             deceased husband and was compelled to           projects like piggery and making local
                                                             take refuge in another village because of       banana juice (Eshande / mubisi) from
                                                             the difficult terms for debt payment since      which I earn income.
                                                             her income status was already very low.
                                                             To fend for her family, she regularly           I am grateful that we now have a
                                                                                                             forum as women where we meet and
                                                             worked on people’s farms to earn a living.
                                                                                                             discuss factors for improving our
                                                          Whilst sharing her life story, Mary says “I        livelihoods.
                                                          used to feel so stigmatized by the reality
                                                                                                             Mary is one the women from Kabale
                                                          that my days are numbered because of my
                                                                                                             and Rukungiri districts who at the
                                                          HIV/AIDS status. When FOWODE began its
                                                                                                             beginning of this year were organized
                                                          trainings for the vulnerable women, I
                                                                                                             by FOWODE and equipped with skills in
                                                          realized that I needed to appreciate
                                                                                                             life    skills,    leadership     and
                                                          myself more and to work hard for a better
                                                                                                             entrepreneurship development. The
Lauriano (centre) making banana juice which she sells for future.
                                                                                                             women later formed groups through
                                                          I also appreciated the fact that as a              which they work to improve their
                                                          woman, I can also make a difference in             economic status and wellbeing.

                                                HELL LET LOOSE!!
                                                  So the question is, if these beings are quite      (
                                                  unique and amazingly special: Why then is         Hon. Godi Akbar, an ex MP for Arua
                                                  Domestic Violence on rampage? Why is it that      Municipality in Northern Uganda was in on
                                                  the things we love actually kill us? Globally,    charges of murdering his wife in 2008. He
                                                  one in three women and girls experience           reportedly shot her twice using his pistol. He
                                                  physical and / or sexual violence. 60% of         complained of having read a text message on
                                                  women in Uganda and 59% of married women          his wife’s phone from her lover. Can we know
                                                  have experienced physical violence since the      whence      this   uproar,    barbaric     and
                                                  age of fifteen mostly perpetuated by their        excommunicated act comes and whence we
                                                  husbands or partners according to an Isis-        are                                  heading?
                                                  WICCE Report on Domestic Violence in
                                                  Uganda.                                           Poverty, absence of any sound religious
                                                                                                    background resulting into continuous mistrust
                                                  Great men, women and several distinguished        with alcohol as the catalyst; are all
                                                  people, commonly referred to as ‘Humans’          contributors to life being so futile thus the
                                                  have one fear, do you know what that is? No, I    Hell          in         the           homes!
                                                  bet you don’t! The fear of the unknown! This
                                                  is the sole cause of all hell breaking loose in   How do YOU get rid of this craze of treating
                                                  homes today. No one seems to know what the        women             like             football?
                                                  future holds which can at times lead to
                                                  monotony of life resulting into mental            Well the easiest remedy I can render is for
                                                  retardation causing so many men to bit their      both men and women to be respectful to one
                                                  women.                                            another, for them to preserve private time for
                                                                                                    their family, learn to control and manage
‘‘Women have strengths that amaze me;             There are chilling stories in the media and       anger, to keep promises, to make fair
  They bear hardships and they carry              Uganda’s entertainment industry detailing         judgment, learn to work with emotional
                burdens,                          such incidents; for instance, the story; ‘Man     intelligence, be innovative enough to provide
 But, they hold happiness, love and joy.          Kills Wife over Love SMS’ which was in ‘New       for the family, pray to God always and
 They smile when they want to scream.’            Vision, Monday 15th December 2008’. Abdul         communicate         with      each       other.
                                                  Karim Ssengendo describes a man who               "There is no THEM, it is all US. It is just ‘US’ – we are
                                                                                                    the world." Michael Jackson
                                                  smashed the head of his wife causing her
                                                  death because he had allegedly read a love
                                                  SMS on her mobile                                 Story by Flavia Kalule
                                                                                                    Image by Racheal Tobias, former Intern FOWODE
             E library is powered by an
The FOWODE resource center is a ONE STOP CENTER, where you can access over 1000 information materials relevant to the FOWODE Thematic areas of Gender,
Governance, Democracy, and Human rights. You can also access internet, photocopying and printing services. Please visit the FOWODE website, or the
FOWODE resource center at our offices in Ntinda publications below and many more.

                                                                                    The policy brief on Health analyses the gender
                                                                                    dynamics within the health sector in Uganda. It
                                                                                   highlights key gender issues in the health sector,
                                                                                     attempts to address gender issues within the
                                                                                    health sectors, health care constraints and key
                                                                                        policy recommendations that need to be
                                                                                   addressed to enhance performance as a means
                                                                                    of contributing positively to promoting women’s



                                                                                    The Agriculture Sector policy brief presents an
                                                                                  analysis of gender issues in the agriculture sector
                                                                                   in Uganda; highlights the efforts so far taken by
                                                                                    the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and
                                                                                    Fisheries (MAAIF) in addressing these issues;
                                                                                      constraints that hinder engendering of the
                                                                                         agriculture sector and makes policy
                                                                                         recommendations for improvement.



                                                                                   This Policy Brief mainly focuses on primary and
                                                                                   secondary education as they are the foundation
                                                                                  for education. The gender issues being discussed
                                                                                    here are identified using comparable data from
                                                                                    the National Service delivery Survey2004, and
                                                                                     Uganda National House hold survey 2005 /06
                                                                                    and other available literature. The major issues
                                                                                     include access to primary education, dropout
                                                                                        rates in primary and secondary schools;
                                                                                  completion of primary education and performance
                                                                                          both at primary and secondary levels

        The FOWODE library has an online public access catalogue (OPAC) which is
       powered by web 2.0 technology. To view our e-library visit the following link:

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  • 1. F O R U M F O R WOMEN IN DEMOCRACY FOWODE Uganda@50 E-NEWS 5 E U S SI , 2 1 0 2 E N U J- LI R P A FINANCING GENDER EQUALITY A PREREQUISITE FOR UGANDA ♀ Making the FY 2012/13 national budget people-centred ♀ Denying women land is denying women life-but what a shame ♀ Social political corner: the rain drop ♀ Women in Uganda’s villages influence local budgets and policies :koobecaF .gro.edowof.www :beW gro.edowof@edowof :liamE .dR awakaN adnitN ,esolC aybuV 51 tolP | adnagU alapmaK ,6717 XOB O.P ,SWEN-E EDOWOF
  • 2. Making the FY 2012/13 national budget people-centred budget Government’s target • Government resources increased from9, 630bn FY In June this year, the Minister for Finance, Agriculture 2011/12 to Shs11, 157 billion FY2012/13. Planning and Economic Development released In FY 2011/12, the agricultural sector recorded the national budget for the Financial Year an annual growth of 3.0% which is attributed to • 75% of budget will be financed from domestic (FY) 2012/13 with the theme “Priorities for the increased cash and food crop production resources. Renewed Economic Growth and following favourable rains in the first planting Development.” In this edition, the highlights season of the last year. To further support the • 25% of the National Budget will be from Grants and of this budget and the key recommendations sector which employs over 80% of Ugandans, Loans. for government’s consideration are shared this FY 2012/13, Agriculture is set to receive with you. 5.2% of the national budget i.e. 585bn in the FY • Revenue collections for next financial year are 2012/13 an increase from 447bn for the FY projected at Shs7, 251 billion. This time the national budget was released at 2011/12, to support its priorities of ensuring a time when inflation was high (18%), youth food security, providing raw materials and • Total debt service including interest payments are Unemployment was at 32.2%, the central bank enhancing export revenue. projected to amount to Shs1, 101 billion in financial lending rates was at 21% and commercial year 2012/13. banks lending rates were at an average of 26- Government is credited for adopting the 27%, there was general decline in purchasing commodity based approach to complement power and a depreciating Uganda shilling. Government’s Agricultural Zoning Strategy. The of 12% and short grace period of 3-6 yet approach will concentrate on eleven (11) agriculture is long term investment. Inflation and Interest Rates selected agriculture commodities and to implement this successfully, government will Key concerns Inflation was majorly caused by increase of focus on the provision of improved seed and • The commodity based approach is a food prices (50.4%). The Bank of Uganda farm inputs and implements, supporting seed welcome venture as it will give small scale identified inflation as a key macroeconomic industry and provision of improved breeding farmers an opportunity to benefit from problem and placed emphasis on keeping stock for the selected commodities; and government assistance. The major concern inflation low, raising interest rates limiting completing the ongoing rehabilitation of however is that irrigation schemes have aggregate spending which makes credit less irrigation schemes and embarking on appeared in the last three budget speeches affordable to borrowers and brings about establishing of new ones. It is anticipated that but there has been limited action and negative impact on growth and investment. this approach will help Uganda produce progress. This implies that the cost of borrowing will sufficient quantities that will support domestic continue to be prohibitive especially for the and regional trade, as well as agro • Under MAAIF, only 10% of civil works for the small scale business enterprises largely owned industrialization to add value and create non- rehabilitation of Doho irrigation scheme by the poor and women. In 2011/12, growth farm jobs required for the youth. In addition have been finalised, while 15% of works for in industrial production slowed to 1.1% during concentrating in a specific zone will allow the Mobuku irrigation scheme had been the year, and the hardest hit industrial sub- efficient provision of relevant services such as undertaken by end of half of the FY sector was formal manufacturing sub sector, extension services, roads, electricity and 2011/12. where growth contracted by 4.4%. financial services. Trade and Private Sectors Key recommendation Furthermore, Government maintained the To simplify requirements, reduce discretionary • Bank of Uganda should identify the real Agricultural Credit Facility to finance post- powers, and eliminate redundant procedures, social economic problems and address harvest activity and the purchase of equipment. Government will in FY 2012/13, eliminate them rather than the consequences. However, the facility faces some key about 27 licenses all of which were found to be constraints in that although over 37.5 billion either obsolete or redundant and establish an • If government is to effectively deal with had been disbursed by Bank of Uganda to electronic licenses registry that will serve as a inflation, an increased investment in commercial banks, only 5.5 billion UGX (15%) repository for all approved business licensing in agriculture and target food production has been borrowed by the farmers in FY Uganda. Government also plans to establish a rather that inflation targeting is highly 2011/12. Secondly, was the high interest rates One Stop Centre to provide online registration services for the various licenses required to start a business. In addition, a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Business Guide has been developed to provide SMEs with information on available financial, business development services (BDSs), and business licensing information. Key recommendations • These proposals have been overdue and will contribute to reducing the cost of running business. It is however proposed that these services should be decentralized to allow local companies to benefit from the initiative. We also want government to include agricultural market information and prices in the business guide. Creating Employment Opportunities In this financial year, government intends to allocate an additional 3bn to the Youth Capital Venture Fund although in FY 2011/12. Additionally government is to establish the Graduate Venture Capital Fund with an allocation Shs. 16 billion to address the needs
  • 3. A doctor examining a child in a local health center • Limited resource allocation to the sector as shown in the figure below remains a challenge to service delivery. The sector has a long way to go in supporting primary growth across other development sectors as hoped in the Uganda’s National Development Plan. Education sector In its efforts to continue enhancing the quality and relevance of education at all levels, the education sector budget has increased to 1.6bn. Government is commended for its pronouncement to improve the quality of education by: training inspectors of schools (2bn), monitoring UPE (1.1bn) monitoring USE (1.3bn). Key recommendations • The completion rate for school going children is at a low of 25%, the classroom pupil ratio is at 85:1 against the of graduates who have bankable project Government should establish a maternal health recommended national standard of 55:1. proposals but lack the requisite funding. fund to deal with maternal and infant 92% of P3 pupils tested could not correctly mortality concerns. read a P2 level English story, 78% of P3 The major concern is the current performance pupils could not solve numericals of P2 of the Youth Capital Venture fund, which is Water and environment level, and according to the Budget very low. Out of 25 billion UGX, only 8bn has Government’s focus under this sector is to provide Monitoring Report 2011, the ministry wastes so far been accessed by only 3000 youth water for production and CSBAG applauds 25bn UGX a year in ghost schools, ghost (youth constitute 65% of the Uganda government efforts of increasing the water sector pupils and ghost teachers. Civil society calls Population). budget from Shs. 271 billion in the last FY to Shs. for the finalization of the probe into the 355 billion FY 2012/13 a factor that resulted from misuse of universal primary and secondary Key recommendations transferring the water for production budget from education funds by the Judicial Commission ◦ Government should develop operational Ministry of Agriculture to water and sector. To of inquiry and implementation of its modalities and clear guidelines on how the date the rural population has 65% access to clean recommendations. youth should access the fund. And this water and 72% have access to adequate sanitation, should not be left to the private sector. however the rural sanitation coverage has wide • Government should increase allocations for Such ventures should be proposed based on disparities with some districts like Amudat school inspection to enable School clear policy frameworks. District (2.0%), Kotido District(11.5%), Moroto Inspectors effectively inspect and monitor ◦ Government should broaden the job District (6.6%), and Nakapiripirit (2%) recording school progress. The sector is registering creation schemes and ventures to coverage that is far below the national target. high levels of absenteeism among the employment programs. teachers and pupils, conflicts in schools, According to the Water and sanitation sector teachers' under performance and low Health Sector performance report 2011, Uganda’s target 50% syllabus coverage hence poor performance Despite increases over time, a decade after hand washing by 2015 but the current coverage is due to poor inspection. the Abuja Health financing commitment, the at 23% average percentage share of government • Girl child education needs to be made a allocation to health is still below 15%. In FY Key Concerns priority and the Gender in education policy 2011/12, the health sector was reported to needs to implemented. • Government’s proposal to reinstate VAT on have achieved progress by increasing water at 18%, although estimated to generate availability of basic medicines, achieving Improving Government Effectiveness Shs.21.7bn might hamper its efforts and reduce immunization rates of children against major access to clean and safe water. In most cases killer diseases of 90% and reducing infant and This is an area that needs government’s water points have been privatized and in a adequate attention, there is too much maternal mortality rates from 62.47/1000 to situation where a 20-litre jerry can of water 54 per thousand persons and 352 per hundred wastage of government resources and service was costing between Shs 150 and Shs 200, the delivery continues to suffer. The cost of thousand persons, respectively. The sector user fees might double or go higher. It is feared however is still faced with key challenges of running government business is increasing, in with this increase, water prices will rise and FY 2012/13, for example close to 2 trillion low access to quality basic health care for all, institutions like schools, manufacturing maternal and child mortality, the sector’s Uganda Shillings will be spent on running industries might end up transferring the burden government Accountability (590.76bn), Public failure to deal with emerging diseases such as to the final consumer by increasing commodity the nodding disease and its poor staffing Administration (234.88bn), Public sector prices and this might push the poor to use management (1,020bn) and the Legislature capacity currently at 50% unsafe and contaminated water. Key recommendations The health budget has gone down from Shs 804bn to Shs 752.5bn. This allocation (8.2%) is still below the NDP target of 11.3% and with the NMS budget remaining constant, the challenges of drug stock out will be difficult to achieve. Government needs to significantly increase the percentage allocation to health if it’s to meet the Abuja target of 15%.
  • 4. Improving service delivery Improving service delivery is one of the key focus areas and as such it has featured in the previous five budget themes. The concern however is that although the national budget allocations are highly focusing on social and productive sectors, Comparisons between the Public most of the funds are concentrated at the centre with Administration Budget with other ation government ministries and agencies, rather than at front line sectors (FY 2012/13 service delivery points (which are mainly at local government ocal levels). In addition, service delivery has been affected by the ervice unprecedented district creation in Uganda a factor which has allowed districts that are unviable to operate. The other challenge is that Service delivery is greatly being affected by the declining non clining non-wage recurrent budget. rent Unfortunately, the problem seems unlikely to be addressed in the coming FY 2012/13, as government intends to maintain the current level of allocations. There are too many government agencies that are duplicating services and this has rendered the ministries redundant and our es ministries recommendation is the proper coordination of these institutions. We also call for the review of multiplication of s. new sub counties and districts. Revenue Generation Domestic revenue for FY 2011/12 is expected to experience Supplementary budgets shortfalls due to slow economic growth and persistent inflation The credibility of the budget has continued to be eroded by pressures. By the middle of FY 2011/12, revenue in real terms had f increasing supplementary budget appropriations, which reached declined by 7% compared to the previous half of FY 2010/11. a record high of 38% in FY 2011 2011/12. Although supplementary . spending is unavoidable, these appropriations continue to The tax to GDP ratio has stagnated between 12% 13% due to a tax 12%-13% Distribution of the Supplementary Schedule 1 FY 2011/12 system that is not responsive to GDP growth. Reasons for the Reasons Local Governments stagnation of the revenue effort include the following; low effort 1% voluntary compliance, the large informal sector much of which is not taxed, and tax incentives to promote investment Security 9% Key recommendations Trade and Education Industry 9% • The increase in PAYE threshold is welcome if it’s to contribute to ncrease 3% resource redistribution and addresses the gap between the poor and the rich. However the wealth redistribution should not be Justice Law & limited to only the employment sector. The same principle Public should be applied to other sectors such as trade and investment. investment. Order 14% Administration • The government is only recycling tax policies and imposing 64% simultaneous taxes on the same taxable people There is need to people. here expand our tax base to include the informal sector which is engaging in import and export business. • Government should review and streamline tax exemption review policies and practices if it’s to increase revenue generation. Tax compliance and administration The porous borders and very small business which have failed to register have failed URA in enforcing tax compliance. Smuggling Smuggling benefit public administration and security sectors depriving goods across the borders cause unequal competition among business spending on social and productive sectors. It has also become a and breeds corruption. The country is witnessing traces of culture of the executive to use supplementary budgets as a tool corruption in the tax system e.g. specifically under the Oil business. specifically to divert budget expenditure priorities. Conclusion Recommendation Government is commended for its budget proposals that aimed at overnment • The legislature (Parliament) should amend the law on improving economic growth However in the implementation of this ing growth. owever supplementary budget to strengthen the oversight budget, government needs to avoid supplementary requests and function of parliament and remove the provision for maintain sector allocations as budgeted especially for discretionary retrospective approval of supplementary spending which approval items or non priority sec sectors, not to disrupt budget implementation o implementation. should only be for critical and emergency cases suc as such With regard to service delivery at the local government level, given epidemics, security and natural calamities. the budget constraints in the next FY 2012/13, government get Ministries and Departments should provide the required backup to Departments JLOS &Accountability local governments in respec ive sectors to ensure services are respective Uganda is experiencing high levels of corruption and despite delivered to the population. this trend there are minimum efforts in allocating resources to fight corruption. The small budget line in the JLOS Sector is Secto For effective budget implementation, government institutions and government dedicated to human rights observers yet JLOS institutions are CSOs should actively get involved in monitoring of the budget to among the top human rights violators in Uganda. uman It is avoid wastage, laxity and corruption. It is further recommended corruption. ed recommended that government should focus on strengthening that mainstreaming of gender and equity issues in sector budgets the inspectorate system of government as a means of curbing should become a prerequisite for approval of institutional budgets corruption in Uganda. in the next FY 2012/13 budget. xt
  • 5. Winnie Byanyima: No ordinary woman Instead, she lived the very opposite of such type- redress historic imbalances. In 1995, she cast roles; magnetised to politics by her father’s became a founding member and first chair of example, studying engineering at university mainly the Forum for Women in Democracy to defy society’s expectations of girls and (FOWODE), which grew out of the caucus. excelling at it and winning a scholarship. She FOWODE extended the caucus’ scope by refused the token seat and beat men in hotly- promoting gender equality in all decision- contested Women member of Parliamentary making through advocacy, training research elections, spearheading censure of the corrupt, and publishing. actively contributing to a guerrilla war effort when she was aged 22, being vice chairman to a After two terms as Mbarara Municipality’s group in opposition to the government she once representative in Parliament, she voluntarily worked for and founding, and directing, stepped down in 2004. Hers is an example organisations devoted to bettering the very immediate as Uganda currently debates circumstances of women. the presidential term limits. Leading by example Ironically, she has expressed interest in The impact on Ugandan society and women in standing for President, come 2016. If she particular is as wide-ranging as the various facets does, she will be the third woman, after of her personality. Where her father was once Miria Kalule Obote in 2006 and Betty Kamya At a time when even colleagues in her National Chairman of the Democratic Party, she in 2011, to stand for president. political party regarded the idea of a ended up being the third Vice-Chair of the Reform woman running for office as political Agenda, before it evolved into the FDC. She aided Popular opinion maintains she might be the suicide, she did not only run but won its transformation from an Elect Kizza Besigye first one with a serious chance of succeeding a parliamentary seat. It was only one Task Force into a party formed on July 12, 2002, where even her husband has yet to. of her daring acts that proved to aimed at achieving political reforms for good women and Ugandans at large that all governance, sustainable national unity, democracy was possible, writes Brian Magoba. and national development. Published by the Daily Monitor Her election in 1994 to the parliamentary seat for Imagine a picture captioned with “Mrs. Mbarara Municipality was one small step for her, Winifred Besigye, aeronautical engineer but one giant leap for Ugandan women. At the Education: for the Uganda Space Programme, time, she was one of the few women who stood Mt St Mary’s College, Namagunga. Has a degree conducting orientation for entrants to the for direct election when others were content with in Aeronautical Engineering, the first female Flight Engineers Training Workshop”. the seats available to them on government’s Ugandan to become an Aeronautical Engineer. Feels strange on the tongue and mind if affirmative action. you are Ugandan, doesn’t it? Profession Background: Aeronautical “The day I was first elected, women ran out on engineer, politician and diplomat. Byanyima It gives the impression that someone other the streets, sat in the middle of the road, they worked as a flight engineer for the now defunct than Winnie Byanyima, Ugandan politician climbed on top of the cars, ululating and even Uganda Airlines. She has served as the Director and women-rights activist, is the subject. taking off their tops”, she recounted in a 2004 of the Gender Team in the Bureau for Perhaps this is as it should be, because for interview with the magazine Feminist Africa. Development Policy at the United Nations a long time, Byanyima has been Development Programme (UNDP) since 2006. phenomenal in proving that it is only Partly, the euphoria was because she was on the challenging, not impossible, for a woman road to fulfilling her pledge to campaign for equal to score successes while working with or Political Background: Byanyima is a value in government policies for women and member of the FDC party, although she has against patriarchal structures. children. Partly, it was because she had dared significantly reduced her participation in partisan Ngoma Ngime, an incumbent Constituent Assembly Ugandan politics since she became a Ugandan Besides rather than behind delegate, on President Museveni’s own home turf. In hindsight, it seems like a deliberate diplomat in 2006. branding strategy on her part for never Political jobs she has held over the years: But more than dare, she actually had beaten a overtly using her husband’s name to get sitting National Political Commissar who had the ahead, since her 1999 marriage to retired • She was a member of the Constituent resources of the NRM’s machinery at his disposal Colonel Kizza Besigye, leader of the Assembly that drafted the Ugandan 1995 while her strongly feminist platform seemed like opposition party Forum for Democratic Constitution political suicide and won her no favours from her Change (FDC). Her example proves that • She served two consecutive terms as a party, despite her longer track record and women can be besides successful men, Member of Parliament, representing achievements. instead of behind them as the popular Mbarara Municipality, from 1994 until adage maintains. 2004. Leveling the political ground for women In Parliament, she formed the Women’s Caucus, • Appointed Director of the Directorate of She could have scripted her bucket list which was instrumental in creating a Women, Gender and Development at the like most girls: understudy other women constitutional basis for a Uganda where the headquarters of the African Union in for the role of wife and mother; study genders were equal. The women’s caucus helped Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2004. She left “soft” courses if the family was either shape the writing of the 1995 Constitution in this for appointment at UNDP. willing or able to send her to school and gender-sensitive language. have many babies really quickly. She could have settled for talking about and It sponsored the inclusion of an explicit statement leaving women’s issues at the village well, of equality before the law, which invalidates all never dabbling in politics beyond voting other laws, cultures, traditions or customs that passively, and generally being satisfied undermine the dignity and well-being of women, with whichever dream, life or her and provides affirmative action for women to husband, allowed her to chase.
  • 6. Denying women land is denying women Caucusing for increased effectiveness in Lif e-but what a shame! advocacy “I got to learn that some of them at the age of 80, After the 2011 general elections, FOWODE had never had a piece of land to call their own, yet trained 320 councilors from 12 districts in they had ideally produced food to feed hundreds” effective legislative engagement, advocacy and gender. The trained councilors most of whom were new to these positions were encouraged to form caucuses in order to more effectively advocate for their special interest groups within their communities. To date the women’s caucuses are increasingly becoming more effective in their advocacy for gender equality and women’s rights. For example, a Woman councilor, also a Gulu caucus member moved a council motion for a borehole construction which was passed. In Patiko a councilor moved a motion to construct a maternity ward with toilets and bathrooms and, with support from the PRDP program construction of the maternity ward is under way. The Kibuku caucus was able to monitor health facilities in their district and presented their findings of understaffing In 2011, I had the opportunity to visit Well, since human beings seem to thrive best and poor infrastructure to the sectoral different districts in Uganda to assess the on laws, the issue of women’s land ownership committee for social services. The Kabale situation of women and their rights to land. was clearly captured in Policy Statement caucus prioritized issues of women in From Pader to Apac, Gulu to Kyenjojo, Hoima number 66 of the Draft National Land Policy detention, girl child education, early to Kabarole and Jinja, the message written on marriage, and justice for child abusers and the women’s faces was simple and clear, “We Statement number 66 of the Draft National to mark the 2012 women’s day they are tired of being marginalized”. Land Policy, spelling out government’s organized resources and provided items commitment to ensure that inequalities like soap and clothing to women in Almost wherever I travelled, I could see against women over land are stamped out. detention. mostly women tilling the land. As I visited However, Ugandans must recall that our different homes, I saw women arriving from country is often said to be one of those with The caucuses have contributed to giving the fields with food stuffs on their heads and very rosy legislations but very little to show in women a unified voice and FOWODE plans children on their backs. Little wonder it’s said terms of implementation. Already the to continue strengthening this structure in that over 80% of all the food consumed in National Land Policy still drags on and has not order to increase women councilors’ Uganda is produced by women. This been approved one year after the final draft, effectiveness while in leadership. notwithstanding, as I discussed with the and this could already tell of what to expect women, I got to learn that some of them at long after it has been passed. What Ugandans the age of 80, had never had a piece of land need to do at this point in time, is to surpass to call their own, yet they had ideally the law and implore human conscience over produced food to feed hundreds across women’s right to own land-only this way shall generations and lineages. we achieve natural justice. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Perhaps it’s also high time that every (UDHR) and other international and national individual family assessed its status over human rights legislations including the Uganda respect for women’s land rights before we can Constitution spell out clearly that all human demand government for any action. These beings are equal in everything including women certainly are our wives, our mothers, property ownership. As such, denying women our sisters or aunties-what have you done to a chance to own land on mere accord of being ensure security of their right to land in your women, is inhuman and must not be allowed household? At least for me, my wife can rest to happen in the 21st Century. It’s a question assured that whatever land we own shall be of simple logic that does not even necessarily hers to own and utilize for the benefit of our need legislation for anyone to observe that family unit. she who feeds the country deserves to own By: Tumusiime Kabwende Deo In August this year, 89.5 SPEAK FM a land as a key resource for production. Uganda Land Alliance community radio based in Gulu will be marking one year in operation. To mark this great stride, FOWODE will officially Check out the fowode website launch the radio in Gulu district. The fowode website is regularly updated to meet your information needs. There is everything including information about our programs, researches and assessment reports on gender equality, upcoming events, news etc... Check back often as there is always new information posted.
  • 7. Government urged to focus on a pro-poor and gender sensitive budget Pupils of Rubona Primary School in Kabale . FOWODE is the current chair of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CS BAG) a coalition formed in 2004 to bring together CSOs at national and district levels to: Influence Government decisions on resource mobilization and utilization for equitable and sustainable development; Advocate for increased transparency and accountability in national priorities, financing and public spending at all levels; Promote transparency and accountability in the formulation and implementation of national policies, policy processes and programmes; Promote national, regional and international fiscal and monetary policies that are pro-poor, gender responsive and livelihoods oriented The Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group Demanding more funding for health, Demanding for farmers’ bank (CSBAG) which is a consortium of non education. government organisations held a pre budget Civil society organizations asked government to dialogue under the theme “Making the open an agricultural bank to facilitate farmers, national budget pro-poor, gender sensitive A Consortium of civil society organizations who are in need of financial services but cannot and equitable” on April 19 2012. are pushing for government reforms in the get them easily and at affordable terms. health and education sectors to among During the public dialogue in Kampala, Julius others have the percentage of government The CSOs made the demand during the pre- Mukunda the Senior Programme Director for allocation to the health sector increased to budget dialogue held in Kampala in April Forum for Women said public expenditure meet the Abuja Declaration target of 15 per 2012. They said an agricultural bank will focus should be skewed in the direction that would cent. on farmers’ credit needs, hedge against risks meet the needs and interests of the poor. He such as crop failures and volatilities in the urged government to focus on the most Boosting education prices of agro-products. priority sectors which benefit majority of the public. Mukunda further said unless Presenting their position paper before Mr. Julius Mukunda, the Senior Programme government puts in place strict measures, it Parliament’s Social Services Committee Director at Forum for Women in Democracy, will continue spending lots of money but with recently, the Civil Society Budget Advocacy said most farmers fear to get loans because of little output. He cited the many government Group (CS BAG) led by Mr. Julius Mukunda of the harsh treatment defaulters get, but also expenditures on a number of government Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) the repayments period do not coincide with institutions which have duplicate duties, yet a recommended a 20 per cent budget allocation the harvest season. lot of money would be saved if some of these to boost the quality of Universal Primary and institutions were merged. Secondary Education. The group that “A bank that understands the seasons, plight advocates for pro-poor budget policies in the and language of farmers, can be the only CSBAG also advocated for the formation of country, also called for the review of solution,” Mr. Mukunda said. Many farmers regional governments in place and cutting on teachers’ salaries to Shs400, 000 from the have fallen prey to loan sharks, who lend the number of parliamentary representatives current Shs270, 000. them money at high interest rates, which also so as to cut on public expenditures. frustrates most farmers who have no Health sector collateral recognized by commercial banks. Kenneth Mugambe the Commissioner Budgets in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Mr. Mukunda informed the parliamentary Mr. Richard Mugisha, an advocacy officer at Economic Development during the public committee that, looking at the Budget Participatory Ecological Land Use Management dialogue said that government has achieved Framework Paper, government allocated (PELUM), said access to credit to farmers is some success bringing services near to people. Shs800 billion to the health sector last one of the reasons the agricultural sector has He says the key strategic issues that the financial year but this figure had been been dwindling for the past years. government is working around include reduced it to Shs761 billion next financial maintaining micro-economic stability, year. While the government has endeavored Since 2000, the agricultural sector growth has increasing agriculture productivity, improving to set up health facilities across the country, declined from 7.9 per cent to 0.9 per cent. service delivery and managing government a 2009/2010 report, the Uganda Local contracts. Government Councils Score Card, by Advocates Coalition for Development and Published in the Daily Monitor Newspaper and Environment, shows that improvements are the Independent magazine Carol Namagembe the FOWODE only in infrastructure, especially in CSBAG members:, FOWODE, Action AID, Uganda Debt Network, SEATINI, Communications Officer mentioned that the construction of health centers, but the major PELUM Uganda, VEDCO, Uganda National Union of Women with Disabilities purpose of the dialogue was to get views from problems such as shortage of drugs, of Uganda , The Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa- Uganda Chapter, Development Research and Training, The Eastern and the public and integrate them in the civil understaffing, shortage of equipment, Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum , The Human Rights Network society alternative budget proposal that will Uganda, The Centre for Women in Governance, Uganda Road Sector absenteeism of health workers, and weak Support Initiative, Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment, be presented to Parliamentary committees accountability mechanisms still exit. Environmental Alert, The Uganda National NGO Forum, African Centre for Trade and Development, Uganda Women’s Network, Action for when reviewing the budget framework paper. Development
  • 8. Women’s Struggle to Own & Control property Former MP Susan Nampijja suffered a tragic most societies do not recognise that women resources and undermines the potential of experience when her former companion can own property because they are considered women’s hard work and their ability as inflicted deep cuts to her head. Believing she transient citizens. The patriarchal society in entrepreneurs. was dead, the estranged Geoffrey Mukisa which we live has only worsened matters. The attempted to commit suicide. All because he The World Development Report 2012, states ineffective mechanisms for the enforcement could not let Nampijja keep property she had that the lives of girls and women have of women’s rights have also resulted in the reportedly acquired when their relationship changed dramatically over the past quarter denial of basic rights for millions of women in blossomed. century, the report mentions areas that need the country. Statistics show that 97 percent of to be worked on to ensure gender equality women have access to land, but only 8 Nampijja is a daughter of Rubaga South MP and development. percent of women own land and only 7 Ken Lukyamuzi. Together, they can petition percent have property rights. The report points to the need for property the powerful and when tragedy befell her, her rights for women which constrain their father gave an impassioned speech in “This year, Uganda will mark 50 Parliament. Many came to her defence. bargaining power and the need to strengthen years and property ownership for the laws that provide for the right to Police was quick to act; a search was women is one of the most stinging ownership of property. immediately set for the culprit. Though issues whose solution has no not Mukisa was found unconscious, police stayed yet been found” Ann Kampire the Coordinator women’s Land guard at his room at Mulago Hospital lest he Rights at Uganda Land Alliance says women’s Byamukama says at the family level girls and property rights are limited by social norms gained strength and tried to escape women are not given property because of the and customs which make it hard for women to prosecution. He died on his hospital bed. belief that they will leave home and get access property. She says the most affected “This year, Uganda will mark But what if Mukisa had tried to usurp married in other families where they will have group are those who are widowed, separated 50 years and property property from an average Ugandan woman? access to property but this is not true. Usually or divorced and those who have born only ownership for women is one Isn’t it instructive that when Dorcus Inzikuru, once these women are married off they are female children often have little or no access of the most stinging issues she of the Olympic Gold Medal fame, caught only allocated pieces of land for crop to ownership of property. whose solution has not yet her husband with another woman in her prize cultivation strictly. been found”. Namagembe says such factors which constrain house in Arua, all she could do was to enlist Carol Namagembe, the Communication officer women make it hard for them to prosper in the support of town youths to unroof the of Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), their own right and it dents efforts put in house? She must have felt she had no power says while women own about 40 percent of place to help women enjoy equal rights as to drive the man out of her house. Yet if the private businesses in Uganda, their role in their male counterparts. man had caught Inzikuru cheating in his home, socio-economic development is still seen to be the story would have been a different one. peripheral. They still have unequal access to In Mukono district only, a survey carried out Fortunately for Nampijja, the sole ownership and control of productive assets like land with by International Justice Mission (IJM) between of the disputed property is now in her hands. only 20 percent of registered land owned by 2005 and 2007 reveals that out of 115 widows, But not many are as fortunate as her. women according to the 2010 National 41 percent have experienced property Dora Byamukama, the East African Legislative Development Plan yet they contribute 70-75 grabbing, and this percentage increases to 51 Assembly representative says although the percent to the total agricultural production percent if attempts/threats of property 1995 Uganda Constitution provides for equal (Uganda Bureau of Statistics 2005). This grabbing are included. Continues on pg.10 ownership of property for women and men affects their ability to access other productive
  • 9. Women in Uganda’s villages INFLUENCE local budgets and policies “Now that I am aware of my rights as a and responsibility to attend the village budget Along with health education and economic citizen, I feel so empowered”, said Aber meetings so as to determine what services are empowerment, the Village Budget Clubs are Evalyn a 51 year-old woman from Uum village to come to us as citizens and especially as bringing dignity and ownership for many in the North of Uganda after participating in women”. women. As Evalyn, who today serves as the trainings held by the Forum for Women in trainings Chairperson of several community Democracy to increase women’s involvement Evalyn now attends all the meetings and groups, explains, “Before the Forum for in the decision-making processes at the contributes to debates and discussions to Women in Democracy’s trainings, I was a community level. solve collective issues. ‘nobody’ in my community. I could not speak Like Evalyn, many other women in the villages in any community meetings or raise any A grantee of UN Women’s Fund for Gender of Uganda are now taking part in the pertinent questions that affected me and Equality, the Forum for Women in Democracy dialogues on local budgets. other women. The leadership role for me has trained women in 16 communities in Uganda been possible because of the trainings that to form Village Budget Clubs. These clubs are In Kasaala Parish village, Luwero District, opened up my eyes and showed me that my working to ensure that women are actively Nakazi Edisa, a mother of four young children, views are required in the development of my involved in budget allocation and decisions also attended the Forum’s trainings. “For the community”, she concluded. regarding gender-sensitive policy measures at last two years, my children have not been the local level. Aber Evalyn is one of the 320 receiving adequate de-worming tablets, nor Along with the work at the village level, people who benefited from a three-day had they been immunized for measles, polio, FOWODE has trained legislators and training session designed to empower etc. It was very difficult for me to take the government officials in Uganda to ensure that communities to demand accountability and four children to Kasana Health Center over gender-responsive programming is also the provision of better services from public five kilometers away, and private clinics in my effected at the national level. authorities. village are too expensive”, she explained. Submitted by FOWODE Gender Budget Program According to the 2006 Uganda Demographic Last year after the trainings, Edisa and the The VBC approach increases community activism, and Health survey (UDHS), while 35 per cent women of the Village Budget Club lobbied the checks corruption and brings leaders to account of women make decisions regarding small District Councilor to set up a health facility in for their actions. daily household expenses on their own at the the village, along with petitioning the Chief household level, a striking 85 per cent have to Administrative Officer regarding drugs UPCOMING EVENT: consult their husbands about any major shortage at the Kasana health unit. The THE UGANDA FEMINIST FORUM household choices. “After the training mobilization was successful and eventually the local authorities decided to build a health Theme: "Spreading our Wings" sessions, women are now aware of how our taxes on soap, cooking oil and many other centre in the village, which provides Date: 1st – 4th August 2012 things, can eventually bring developmental immunization and essential medicine for children, free of cost. Host Secretariat: FOWODE activities to our communities”, said Aber Evalyn “We also know now that it is our right
  • 10. SOCIAL POLITICAL CORNER: THE RAIN DROP The look on the faces that surround her .‘she thinks of how a raindrop falling Is it really worth it? Risking my life in the pushes her feeling of triumph to the edge aimlessly from the sky, landed on the roof presence of loved ones... the thoughts go of guilt. A tornado of thoughts engulf above meandered along the corrugated roof on. her; what do they think of me? She till it finds a small unguarded crack in the Echoes from a dust filled, small black ponders. These worried faces; do they iron sheets, through which it descended on television caged in a rusting metallic box want me to stop? Is it worth it? Am I the ceiling below. It is unbelievable! How, just below the top corner of the hospital being selfish, putting my friends and what began as a single raindrop has stained ward interrupts her thoughts. family through this? The questions cannot this ceiling above? It is inconceivable that a stop, like an unending loop of a nagging single drop of rain left untouched has caused Breaking News!- IPC Women Riot against the song they whirl on, through her head. She this ceiling to moulder. It is a shame that no Electoral Commission, She sees herself on does not know where they are coming one has done anything about this. It is only a TV, being hurled, stumped and slapped, her from and she cannot stop these matter of time before the whole ceiling dress is torn as she is roughed-up tossed and questions. moulds and falls in. She thinks of the ceiling battered. She sees a body in uniform Her eyes sting with ripples of pain and how it will soon render this hospital spraying something in her face! She suddenly comparable to none ever hosted in inhabitable, how one tiny raindrop can cause collapses, dragged and dumped on a police nerves. In the inevitable instances when such visible decay. truck. Seeing all this breaks her heart, she she has to blink, her heart skips a beat as can barely hold it, an icy liquid rolls slowly She thinks of this nation and sees how it is though to take a bow for the surge of from her eyes down to her bruised cheek, decaying, just like the ceiling. The dirty pain that will follow. She can swear there she sees the same on the faces around her. smelly roads scattered with litter, silt and are a thousand tiny sharp needles lodged She thinks of the raindrop, and how we sewage clogged gutters; the system underneath her eyelids. She has to keep cannot let it in. She wipes her tears and her eyes open for unnatural paces of waits to strike again, another day. time. The look on her face can pass, with here is failing and flying colours, any interview for being an falling, the one tiny Askari, yet here she lies in pain, a raindrop found its way mother, possibly poisoned, confined to a in. The one drop of hospital bed. greed, finding its way through faint hearts, May be I am an Askari, a Vote Askari? She once innocent minds contemplates. Her lips part to unfold a falling to the drop of babyish smile, probably a toast to the temptation, of juicy weird thoughts in her head. “How can I fat deals, palm smile with all these worried faces around greasing and kickbacks, me?” She seems to ponder as her smile causing these patches, vanishes almost unnoticed. She stares at these potholes, the brownish, ring-like stain patches on this damn electoral clique! She thinks of the once white soft-board ceiling above, By a member of the FOWODE Young Leaders Alumni herself having to wait in a line to vote when her mind wanders and she is soon lost in Association (FYLAA) she knows her vote may be corrupted. yet another whirl of thoughts...
  • 11. Women; why put your property in a FOWODE BRIEFS man’s name? Continued from pg.3 Scott Adams a Media Relations Fellow at IJM Uganda an organization that helps widows retain their property says some of the outstanding challenges to women’s and widows’ land ownership include the myths about land law and the belief by most women that they cannot own property. The complicated land administration processes, weak laws and the laxity exercised in handling property grabbers make it hard for women to pursue their right to own property. Most times these women keep silent as their property is grabbed from them because they have no bed forum to voice their views. This year, Uganda will mark 50 years and property ownership for women is one of the most stinging issues Kabale District Technical staff, Hon. Katoto, Hon. Lucy Ajok and Hon. Ninsiima, members of the whose solution has not yet been found. parliamentary Gender Responsive Budget (GRB) champions during a monitoring visit in Kabale district. The parliamentary GRB champions’ visits organized by Uganda Woman Parliamentary Association and Byamukama says unless women are more enlightened FOWODE were conducted in Kabale, Lira and Busia districts to support efforts of increasing visibility on about their rights, women will continue being denied this the importance of Gender Responsive Budgeting and also enhance the oversight function of Members of right. She says women who are able to acquire property Parliament in promoting gender equality in Uganda. In 2011, FOWODE together with the Office of the Uganda. on their own should move away from the habit of Speaker of Parliament of Uganda and UWOPA identified gender responsive budget champions in the 9th registering that property in either their husband’s or Parliament to champion the Gender equality campaign within the parliament. male relative’s name because this only proves the myth only that property can only be owned by the men. Patricia Munabi Babiiha the Executive Director of FOWODE says the uneven, gender inequalities which continue to hinder the advancement of women only prove that women have to fight harder because they have not reached their comfortable zone yet. Legislators are proposing amendments to the Succession uccession Act to help women own property. The long awaited Marriage and Divorce bill that recognizes joint ownership of property is yet to be passed if affected into law it passed, would help many a number of women. By Rukiya Mukama, The Independent Magazine Richard Sunday, FOWODE field officer in Luwero explaining the village budget club model during the 2nd edition of the National CSO Fair, held in June 2012. The fair gathered over 5000 members of Civil Society1 under the theme “Act Together, Shape the Future, Civil Society in Uganda at 50,” in an effort to Civil showcase the important role played and contribution that civil society organizations have made and continue to make towards development over the past fifty years and into the future. The Young Leaders’ Camp was held for 30 young who underwent fun packed training on alternative and transformative leadership. The training focused on raising the young leader’s consciousness of gender equality and social justice. It further inculcated in the young leaders the values of equity and equality A district Councilor during a gender budget training in Kitgum in April 2012. between men and women in Uganda in a bid to make them FOWODE in partnership with Diakonia launched an 18 months program in April 2012. The project titled . socially conscious and responsible leaders. “Strengthening Communities and Civil Society to Promote Democratic Governance and Social Strengthening Accountability” is funded by the European Union through t Democratic Governance and A ed h the d Accountability Programme Uganda (DGAP and is implemented in Kitgum, K AP) , Kotido and Abim districts.
  • 12. A Victor with Purpose Mary Kemirembe, like many girls in people’s lives by living positively and Nyakishenyi village in Rukungiri district, relating well with people in whose dropped out of school at an early age, midst I live. I feel more loved and while her brothers continued. She was useful to society now. Through the married off immediately and by the age trainings I attended, I have become of 21 she already had four children. She aware of my rights and deserve fair was later diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and in treatment from all. In fact, I now 2005 her husband succumbed to the counsel others and encourage them to disease leaving her with four children to be happy and focused. I will continue fend for. She inherited debts from her engaging in income generating deceased husband and was compelled to projects like piggery and making local take refuge in another village because of banana juice (Eshande / mubisi) from the difficult terms for debt payment since which I earn income. her income status was already very low. To fend for her family, she regularly I am grateful that we now have a forum as women where we meet and worked on people’s farms to earn a living. discuss factors for improving our Whilst sharing her life story, Mary says “I livelihoods. used to feel so stigmatized by the reality Mary is one the women from Kabale that my days are numbered because of my and Rukungiri districts who at the HIV/AIDS status. When FOWODE began its beginning of this year were organized trainings for the vulnerable women, I by FOWODE and equipped with skills in realized that I needed to appreciate life skills, leadership and myself more and to work hard for a better entrepreneurship development. The Lauriano (centre) making banana juice which she sells for future. women later formed groups through income I also appreciated the fact that as a which they work to improve their woman, I can also make a difference in economic status and wellbeing. HELL LET LOOSE!! So the question is, if these beings are quite ( unique and amazingly special: Why then is Hon. Godi Akbar, an ex MP for Arua Domestic Violence on rampage? Why is it that Municipality in Northern Uganda was in on the things we love actually kill us? Globally, charges of murdering his wife in 2008. He one in three women and girls experience reportedly shot her twice using his pistol. He physical and / or sexual violence. 60% of complained of having read a text message on women in Uganda and 59% of married women his wife’s phone from her lover. Can we know have experienced physical violence since the whence this uproar, barbaric and age of fifteen mostly perpetuated by their excommunicated act comes and whence we husbands or partners according to an Isis- are heading? WICCE Report on Domestic Violence in Uganda. Poverty, absence of any sound religious background resulting into continuous mistrust Great men, women and several distinguished with alcohol as the catalyst; are all people, commonly referred to as ‘Humans’ contributors to life being so futile thus the have one fear, do you know what that is? No, I Hell in the homes! bet you don’t! The fear of the unknown! This is the sole cause of all hell breaking loose in How do YOU get rid of this craze of treating homes today. No one seems to know what the women like football? future holds which can at times lead to monotony of life resulting into mental Well the easiest remedy I can render is for retardation causing so many men to bit their both men and women to be respectful to one women. another, for them to preserve private time for their family, learn to control and manage ‘‘Women have strengths that amaze me; There are chilling stories in the media and anger, to keep promises, to make fair They bear hardships and they carry Uganda’s entertainment industry detailing judgment, learn to work with emotional burdens, such incidents; for instance, the story; ‘Man intelligence, be innovative enough to provide But, they hold happiness, love and joy. Kills Wife over Love SMS’ which was in ‘New for the family, pray to God always and They smile when they want to scream.’ Vision, Monday 15th December 2008’. Abdul communicate with each other. Karim Ssengendo describes a man who "There is no THEM, it is all US. It is just ‘US’ – we are the world." Michael Jackson smashed the head of his wife causing her death because he had allegedly read a love SMS on her mobile Story by Flavia Kalule Image by Racheal Tobias, former Intern FOWODE
  • 13. VISIT THE FOWODE RESOURCE CENTER E library is powered by an The FOWODE resource center is a ONE STOP CENTER, where you can access over 1000 information materials relevant to the FOWODE Thematic areas of Gender, ___________________ Governance, Democracy, and Human rights. You can also access internet, photocopying and printing services. Please visit the FOWODE website, or the FOWODE resource center at our offices in Ntinda publications below and many more. The policy brief on Health analyses the gender dynamics within the health sector in Uganda. It highlights key gender issues in the health sector, attempts to address gender issues within the health sectors, health care constraints and key policy recommendations that need to be addressed to enhance performance as a means of contributing positively to promoting women’s health. ___________________ ___________________ The Agriculture Sector policy brief presents an analysis of gender issues in the agriculture sector in Uganda; highlights the efforts so far taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) in addressing these issues; constraints that hinder engendering of the agriculture sector and makes policy recommendations for improvement. ___________________________ ____________________ This Policy Brief mainly focuses on primary and secondary education as they are the foundation for education. The gender issues being discussed here are identified using comparable data from the National Service delivery Survey2004, and Uganda National House hold survey 2005 /06 and other available literature. The major issues include access to primary education, dropout rates in primary and secondary schools; completion of primary education and performance both at primary and secondary levels The FOWODE library has an online public access catalogue (OPAC) which is powered by web 2.0 technology. To view our e-library visit the following link: