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                 FOWODE           E-NEWS
                                                                      JULY-SEPTEMBER 2012, ISSUE 5


                                                                           INSIDE THIS ISSUE

                                                                  G              Gender concerns in the oil bills

                                                                  F   7        Female MPs Seek Gender inclusion
                                                                               in district budgets

                                                                      8        Civil Society Position on the Public
                                                                               Finance Bill 2012

                       Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)
                           is a non-partisan national women’s

                    Vision: A just and fair society where women
                    and men equally participate in and benefit
                         from decision-making processes.

                    Mission: To promote gender equality in all
                        areas of decision-making through
                        advocacy, training, research, and
My Internship Experience at FOWODE
 In July 2012, FOWODE received interns from Purdue University who had
 come to acquire hands- on experience with FOWODE’s work of promoting
 gender equality in decision making. In their three weeks period each of
 the interns got a chance to experience the working environment in
 Uganda both at the national level and at the grassroots. In this article
 Trinity Overmyer shares her three weeks’ internship experiences and how
 it impacted on her.

 I relay my experience with FOWODE projects during a three-week
 internship in July 2012 and how they fit into the greater mission of
 this organization, as well as how these assignments and
 experiences relate to where FOWODE is moving in the future.

 During this period I attended a joint listening in of the 2012/13
 national budget speech that was organized by FOWODE for various
 civil society organizations. I found it interesting that so many NGOs            Trinity Overmyer, during a field trip in FOWODE’s districts of operation.
 gather to listen and discuss the upcoming year’s budget. They
                                                                            I have never been particularly interested in politics or the democratic process, but
 come together and share information, excitement and
                                                                            seeing the villagers come together to fight for themselves has inspired me to be
 disappointments over government pronouncements for the next
                                                                            more involved as well.
 financial year.
   “Many people in the U.S. think that if Uganda                            The community members seemed to be taking charge of the clubs and their
      needs help, they need food, clothes and                               mission themselves and I think this is what will keep this program going far into
    mosquito nets. If someone asked me now, I                               the future. They are pushing to get more training so they can train others. Their
   would say Uganda is striving to create more                              ideas about financially sustaining themselves are ingenious. The VBC program is
                                                                            innovative, and more than that, it is effectively furthering FOWODE’s mission of
 infrastructure, better education and healthcare                            promoting women’s participation in democratic processes and making
  for its citizens and better working government                            governments accountable.
The budget speech was really interesting and informative for me. It         My internship coincided with FOWODE’s Leadership building Camp. I was instantly
helped me learn and think so much about how Uganda does                     impressed with the professionalism of the young women as they gave speeches
development and where FOWODE fits into that scheme. Many people             and seemed to be genuinely working to learn the concepts presented for the day.
in the U.S. think that if Uganda needs help, they need food, clothes        My time at FOWODE was eye opening. Being able to learn about how they are
and mosquito nets. If someone asked me now, I would say Uganda is           engaging in women’s issues in Uganda also helped me to look at Uganda’s culture
striving to create more infrastructure, better education and                and traditions, not just from a feminist or American lens, but from a humanistic
healthcare for its citizens, and better working government officials.       one. I got to spend time with the staff that explained the culture to me and shed
By infrastructure, I mean roads, access to clean water, access to           light on some of the differences in Uganda that I did not previously understand.
loans, and systems to check and balance those in positions of power.        Although the programs are amazing, FOWODE’s staff is really the greatest asset.
That budget speech helped me think about things more deeply, such           They are dedicated to the women’s movement; it was apparent in the way they
as, “Yes, growing more tea for export will bring in more for the gross      talked about their projects and where they wanted to see the organization go in
national product, but people also need to keep growing food to feed         the future.
the population.” Or “Taxing alcohol does raise money for the
government, but how will that negatively impact rural farmers who           I got a feel for what it would be like to work for a non-profit organization full
grow the products that make the alcohol?” Not to mention that               time. In the end, I appreciated that there was a lot to learn in such a short and I
government was to raise the tax on cosmetics, which seems trivial,          am excited to continue following FOWODE’s work in Uganda.
until you realize that these taxes only impact women, who are
expected to wear makeup in the workplace.

Whereas in Uganda issues, such as better roads, seem to be
constantly on the budget, year after year without improvement,
America seems to flip flop continually about what projects are                                                                    Left: Lauren Coleman with VBC members
                                                                                                                                  in Gulu district
important. One day insurance companies are mandated to cover
birth control; the next Planned Parenthood is getting defunded
                                                                                                                                  Below: Racheal Tobias dancing with
entirely. Although we were included in many staff meetings, the big                                                               community members in Kabale district
budget meeting was the most insightful for me as an outsider in
Uganda. I got to see in detail how the government makes priorities.
It was also really great for Julius Mukunda, the FOWODE Senior
Program Director to come speak with us after the budget was
announced to explain things and answer questions.

My time in the field was the highlight of my internship;it was an
invaluable experience. I visited Kibaale district one of the districts
where FOWODE implements her programs. I was able to see a
different side of Uganda than the busy city of Kampala. I got to see
the road conditions for myself; only then could I really understand
what the grassroots Village Budget Clubs that FOWODE supports
were up against, and how their struggle with infrastructure issues
really affects their lives on a daily basis. Even after all of my
research, I only had a true picture of the clubs after I visited a group
of them and was able to watch the process unfold. I will say again
how impressive this program is, and how impassioned the
participants are. Not only do the VBCs bring real, measurable
changes to the community and government, but the members
become empowered and are changing their own lives as well.
                                                                                                                        FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                      2
Community group mediates on illegal healthcare payments

                                                                              i.e. immunization, antenatal care and family planning services. The
                                                                              other resolution was to refund money to all women who had paid for
 Village budget club members in Kisiita Sub County in Kibaale
                                                                              the immunization cards that day, even those who had earlier been
 stopped illegal payments made at Kisiita Health Center III for               denied the service were called back and their children were
 antenatal cards, child immunization cards and family planning                immunized.
                                                                              A formal report on this incident was subsequently presented to the
                                                                              Kibaale District Health Officer by the village budget club members
 In September 2012, Kisiita Village budget club members a grassroots
                                                                              urging his office to intervene. They made three follow up visits to
 community group mobilized by FOWODE to monitor service delivery for
                                                                              assess if changes were being implemented. On the first visit the
 improved gender accountability monitored Kisiita Health Centre III to
                                                                              women complained they were being neglected by health personnel,
 examine the quality of service delivery. Being an immunization day, the
                                                                              this necessitated the Village budget club members to approach the
 center was busy; however they met the health center personnel and also
                                                                              sub county chief asking him to talk to the health center personnel
 held discussions with patients to review their levels of satisfaction with
                                                                              about their conduct. By the third follow up visit there were more
 the services provided at this Health Center. During these interactions the
                                                                              than 90 clients who had brought their children for immunization, no
 club members learnt that women in this community always pay a fee to
                                                                              mother had paid any money and the personnel were working well.
 acquire child immunization cards, antenatal cards and family planning
                                                                              An official response is yet to be presented to the Village budget club
 services. In fact on this very day, many mothers had been turned away
                                                                              members from the District Health Officer but the change witnessed
 and their children had not been immunized because they did not have
                                                                              at the health center where women and children access free health
 Ugshs 1000 for an immunization card. This forced the members to
                                                                              services suggests that district and subcounty leadership took action
 immediately contact the Kibaale District Health Officer who affirmed that
                                                                              on the concerns of the community presented by village budget club
 such payments are the members then these are free
 With that assurance,unauthorized becausecontacted the in government
 charge of Kisiita Health Center to explain why they make
 women pay for free government services. In response, the in
                                                                              As told by TinnerAreeba, FOWODE Field Officer Kibaale District.
 charge stated that although this was a common practice at
 the heath center, it was never endorsed by authorities of the
 health center. He further noted that staff collected money
 from patients but never declared it to the authorities.

 In order to resolve this issue, the Village Budget Club
 membersquickly organized a meeting with the personnel at
 the health center and two resolutions were made in this
 meeting. One was that the health center immediately stops
 charging these illegal fees so that every woman and child
 visiting this health center receives free health services

  “Pregnant women were required to
pay Ugshs 500 for an antenatal card
 while those who brought children
were required to pay Ugshs 1000 for
     a child immunization card’
The VBC member below displaying the child health cards
                                                                                                       Mother’s registering with VBC members to claim
which the mothers had bought .
                                                                                                       the money paid for an immunisation card from
                                                                                                       the Health centre personell.

                                                                                                Women in Uganda when pregnant
                                                                                                are required to have an antenatal
                                                                                                card, which contains proof that a
                                                                                                physician has seen them
                                                                                                throughout their pregnancy.

                                                                                                            FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 3
The Gender Concerns in the Petroleum Sector management bills

                                                                                                                 The increasing public awareness
                                                                                                                 of the economic potential of the
                                                                                                                 discovery and exploration of oil
                                                                                                                 and gas in Uganda led to the
                                                                                                                 adoption of the National Oil and
                                                                                                                 Gas Policy in Uganda in 2008.
                                                                                                                 The Policy provides for passing of
                                                                                                                 appropriate laws to give effect to
                                                                                                                 Article 244 of the Constitution of
                                                                                                                 Uganda and to facilitate the
                                                                                                                 implementation of the Policy.

                                                                                                                     of the performance of the petroleum sector
                                Government tabled two bills before the 9th Parliament of Uganda in February 2012     indicating actions taken to deliver on various
                                namely the:                                                                          commitments of government to the

                                1. Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Bill of 2012 (Bill No.        achievement of gender equality and the
                                   1); and                                                                           empowerment of women in the area of
                                2. Petroleum (Refining, Gas processing and Conversion, Transportation and            education and training;
                                   Storage) Bill, 2012 (Bill No.2).
                                                                                                                     access      to
Forum for Women in Democracy commissioned a              Section 25 authorizes the Board to appoint
                                                                                                                     and      other
gender audit to ensure that the rights of women and      Committees to which it can forward any matter for
men are equally protected and ultimately all people      scrutiny and deliberation. The principle of equal
of Uganda are able to enjoy the benefits accruing        opportunity for men and women should be upheld
from the exploration, development and production of      under Section 31 which provides for the appointment
oil and gas in Uganda without subjection to any form     of staff and other officers of the Authority and
of discrimination. The audit highlights the key gender   Affirmative action measures should be undertaken            and decision making etc as required under
issues and gaps in the 2 bills and gives                 where necessary to ensure equality of opportunity for       the National Development Plan, Uganda’s
recommendations to improve the bills for the equal       employment within the Authority particularly at             Vision 2025, the Millennium Development
benefit of all.                                          decision making levels.                                     Goals (MDGs) and key human rights
                                                                                                                     instruments      signedat regional    and
Land ownership and Petroleum rights,                     Functions of the Authority                                  international level.
FOWODE recommends that Section 5 of Bill 1 should        One of the functions of the Authority articulated under
be aligned with Article 237 of the Constitution of       Section 11 (2) (i) is to ensure that licensees uphold       The National Oil Company
Uganda which states that “Land in Uganda belongs to      laws, regulations, rules and contract terms. This           There is no provision in The Bill No. 1 which
the citizens of Uganda and shall vest in them in         should be interpreted to include adherence to laws,         linkstheNational Oil Company to the
accordance with the land tenure systems provided         regulations and rules that enable the government of         Authority. For purposes of protecting the
for by law.” This means that government shall            Uganda to meet its commitments to gender equality           interests of the State and the shareholders –
exercise petroleum rights on the land on behalf of       and women’s empowerment through the operations of           majority of whom should be Ugandans – the
the citizens of Uganda for their full benefit.           the Petroleum Sector.                                       Authority should have powers to check and
Therefore, that part of the provision which refers to                                                                ensure that the operators of the company
“.... held on behalf of the Republic of Uganda”          In fulfilling its functions of protecting the health and    promote the principles of equality, equity,
should be replaced with “... held on behalf of the       safety of workers and the public, the Authority should      fair competition and non- discrimination
citizens of Uganda.”                                     take into account the differentiated impact of
                                                         petroleum activities on the health and safety of            Opening up of new areas for petroleum
Appointment of the Board of Directors for the            women and men and also children. Monitoring the             activities
Petroleum Authority                                      impact on different population groups and workers           When assessing the impact of petroleum
                                                         with special needs like pregnant women or                   activities in new potential areas for licensing
Bill No. 1 authorizes the Minister of Petroleum to       breastfeeding mothers would enable the Authority to         are undertaken. It is recommended that such
appoint the Board of Directorsand the members with       develop appropriate regulations as well as give             assessments should take into account gender
the approval of the Cabinet. In order to achieve this    directions to Licensees on such actions to take to          considerations and analyse the differentiated
goal and to have a more objective process of             secure the health and safety of such workers.               impact on men and women in the areas and
appointment for the members of the Board, it is                                                                      the implications the activities will have on
proposed that the Minister appoints the members          Powers of the Minister                                      their health, food security, and a whole
with the endorsement of Cabinet and approval of          The Minister has power under Section 14 of Bill             range of human rights.
Parliament. It’s also important that oversight role of   No.1to give directions to the Authority and such
the National Assembly in the Petroleum sector is         directionshave to be gazetted. To avoid abuse of            Given that Sections 48 of Bill No. 1 and
entrenched in the 2 bills to scrutinize key              power in the office of the Minister in charge of            Section 12 (2) (d) of Bill No. 2, give the
appointments in the sector.                              Petroleum and to secure the independence of the             public, interested parties and those who will
                                                         Authority in its operations as provided for in Section 15   be most affected a right to share their views
Although Section 18 (3) provides for at least two        of the Bill, a schedule should be included in the Bill to   in writing with the Minister. It is
women to be on the Board, it is recommended that         indicate specific areas where the Minister can give         recommended that information on the
the provision should be to have at least 3 competent     such directions. The specific areas in this case should     impact assessments should be provided in
female members since Uganda today is aiming at           include possible directions intended to promote equal       appropriate formats that make it accessible
realizing gender parity in all decision making           opportunities for men and women in the petroleum            to different categories of people and
structures and public bodies.                            sector.                                                     population groups. The law should obligate
                                                                                                                     the Minister to collect views of the people
It is further recommended that Section 18 (5)            Board Annual Report                                         and communities that are mentioned in the
which outlines the proven experience for the             Under Section 42, the Board of Directors is required to     impact assessment reports as the most
members of the Board should include experience in        present an annual report to the Minister who                vulnerable. This is to ensure that the
undertaking   gender   analysis,  planning   and         subsequently submits it to Parliament. It is                processes of collecting views are inclusive of
programming.                                             recommended to make it mandatory under Section              both men and women in the communities
                                                         42(2) for the Board Report to include a gender analysis     that will be most affected by the proposed
                                                                                                                     petroleum activities.

                                                                                                                       FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                             4
The Gender Concerns continued….
                                                                                                                   Gender issues and
                                                                                                                   gaps in the Petroleum
                                                                                                                   (Refining, Gas
                                                                                                                   Processing and
                                                                                                                   Transportation and
                                                                                                                   Storage) Bill (Bill
                                                                                                                   Submission of an application for a license
                                                                                                                   The regulations on the application for a
                                                                                                                   license under Section 9 of Bill No. 2 should
Citizen Participation and access to information        cadre of employment in the Petroleum sector who             place an obligation on the Minister and the
In order for citizens to participate effectivelyand    will most likely be women. The rights of workers in         Authority to take into account gender issues
make informed decisions, there is need for a           the sector should be protected from the onset and           right from the time of assessing the
mechanism to make information available and            licensees in breach of labour laws should be duly           applications for a license to operate in
accessible to different population groups so as to     directed to comply or face the consequences of the          midstream petroleum activities. This will
raise people’s awareness and consciousness about       law.                                                        give the government of Uganda an opportune
activities in the Petroleum Sector. There is also                                                                  moment to set standards to be met by all
need to take into account their different roles,       Oil and gas exploration, development and                    applicants in order to achieve specific gender
capacities, levels of education and exposure and       production plus the midstream activities is male            targets and commitments to ensure that the
their vulnerability to the impact of the petroleum     dominated. Thus it is imperative that government            application processes are gender responsive.
activities on their health, safety and livelihoods.    sets clear equity principles to address the need for
                                                       women and men to access employment in this                  In the Regulations that are to be developed
The displacement of persons/ communities/              sector. With the support of women to access higher          by the Minister under Bill No. 2 as provided
acquisition of Land                                    education at university level and scholarships for          for under Section 10 (1), the requirements to
Majority of women do not own land (titled land) but    those taking science based disciplines, there should        specify gender mainstreaming targets as part
have interests in the land they use for agricultural   be a deliberate effort to get more female students          of the plans of the applicants should be
production or for matrimonial purposes. These          in courses relevant to the petroleum sector in order        included.
interests have to be protected by law and where        to make them competitive. Technical training
compensation is to be made the interests of women      should target both men and women and this should            It is also important for the applicants to
have to be assessed and duly compensated. In case      be the standard policy in the Authority and also            indicate in more specific terms the benefits
of government acquisition of land on which the         directed by the Authority for all licensees.                that will accrue to women and men as a
owners have a matrimonial home, the man and                                                                        result of their operations in this sector. For
woman have to be fully informed and both of them       It is prudent that Oil companies bidding for                example they should indicate their Corporate
involved in the process leading to the compensation    contracts to sign a statement of commitment to              Social Responsibility Strategy and how it will
or resettlement. Women in most rural communities       gender equity and also incorporate commitment to            benefit different population groups in the
in Uganda have access to land through their spouses    gender and equality as criterion for equality               communities where their operations will be
or male family members. These realities should be      criterion for scoring bids on oil operations that are       based.
taken into account when compensation and               put to public tender. In addition, it would be
resettlement decisions are being made.                 worthwhile to integrate gender equity outcomes              As part of government’s obligation to fulfill
                                                       with key milestones in the overall human resource           the citizen’s right to information speculated
Female headed households must be recognized in         plan for the Authority and the licensees. This would        Under Section 12, it should be included in
their own right and their interests in land acquired   build into women’s benefit plans, quantifiable              the Regulations that the Minister and
by government for purposes of oil and gas              training and employment outcomes.                           Authority shall use community based
exploration, development and production or other                                                                   approaches to get information to the
midstream activities regulated under Bill No. 2 are    Childcare for women working in the sector                   different categories of affected people and
fully compensated without prejudice to their           All licensees should have employment policies that          communities and ensure that they are
status. Single women and men as well as widows         enable male and female employees to have a well-            involved in this process. This should be done
and widowers should be allocated land for              balanced life - work and social life balance. The           in addition to publishing the notice in the
resettlement in their own right. Government has to     right to maternity and paternity leave should be            official gazette and in a newspaper with wide
interpret carefully the provisions on compensation     protected and the minimum standards articulated             circulation. The Petroleum sector being quite
for land taken up for oil and gas exploration to       in the Employment Act of 2006 adhered to including          technical     the   obligation    placed     on
ensure that women and children in polygamous           the maximum hours of work. Most working places of           government, the Authority and Ministry
union are not disadvantaged.                           the Companies engaged in oil and gas exploitation           concerned is quite high to ensure that no
                                                       are far from other essential service centres.               person is disadvantaged due to use of gender
Labour issues                                          Therefore, child care facilities should be provided         blind approaches in implementing the
Bill No.1 makes provision for the establishment of     as a standard requirement for any licensee.                 provisions of the Oil and Gas Policy as well as
the Petroleum Authority in Uganda. The law should                                                                  the Petroleum Bills.
oblige the staff of the Authority to promote equal     Monitoring and Evaluation
opportunities for men and women in the sector.         The Authority should ensure that the mechanisms
Compliance with labour laws is critical to ensure      for monitoring and evaluation the petroleum sector
that the right to equal pay for men and women for      enables both women and men to participate by                    “It is Crucial that every bill
work of equal value is upheld by all key               taking into account their differences in roles,              tabled in Parliament is subjected
stakeholders in the sector. The Authority should       capacity to engage and the extent of the impact on                   to a Gender Audit”
have a strong Inspectorate to ensure that licensees    their lives and public interests. The Regulations
do not exploit workers especially those in the lower   developed under the two Bills should facilitate the
                                                       Authority to fulfill this obligation.
                                                                           The two bills have been in Uganda’s Natural Resources
                                                                               Parliamentary Committee which has also been
                                                                             receiving submissions from different stakeholders
                                                                                              including FOWODE

                                                                                                                     FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                  5

ABOVE: FOWODE board and staff as well as 89.5 SPEAK FM staff teamed up to
clean Gulu Town before the launch of the radio

BELOW:Patricia MunabiBabiiha, the FOWODE ED, addressing the audience in Gulu
during the launch of 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu

                                                                                ABOVE: FOWODE Staff hosted in the 89.5 SPEAK FM studios

                                                                                LEFT: Hon. Santa the Chief Walker leads the walk in Gulu Town

   ABOVE :FOWODE Board members, 89.5 SPEAK FM Staff with the Chief Guest
   Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga 89.5 at SPEAK FM Radio in Gulu

   RIGHT: 89.5 Speak FM Staff entertaining the crowd during the launch of the
   radio in Gulu

                                                                                                          FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                   6
NEWS IN SUMMARY                       Training in Gender responsive budgeting and
Launching 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu
                                                                         resource tracking for the Agriculture sector

                                                                          Julius Mukunda, FOWODE Senior Program Director during the CSBAG
Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, FOWODE Board members            Training.
during the launch of the 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu
                                                                          FOWODE on behalf of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG)
To mark its 1 year anniversary, 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu a radio             conducted capacity building trainings for CSBAG members from
                                                                          Kampala, Pallisa and Soroti districts in gender responsive budgeting and
station affiliated to Forum for Women in Democracy was officially
                                                                          budget tracking for the agriculture sector. Participants were taken
launched by Rt. Honorable Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, the Speaker of         through; the Local Government budget cycle, how to analyze gender
the Parliament of Uganda. The launch was preceded by cleaning of          issues in the agriculture sector, rights based approach to public service
Gulu town by FOWODE and 89.5 Speak FM and road drives around              delivery in relation to the agriculture sector, budget concepts as well
Gulu town.                                                                as the Public Expenditure Tracking [PETS] tools for agriculture.

 Moving gender equality to the forefront of                              Developing FOWODE’s new strategic Plan
 local development interventions in Africa
Key stakeholders from across Africa convened in Sierra Leone in
September 2012 for a consultative meeting on the joint program
initiative of Gender Equitable Local Development (GELD). The meeting
held under the theme “Fostering Gender Equitable Local Development
in Eradicating Poverty in West Africa” was an opportunity to mobilize
action for women’s empowerment through continued investment in
gender equitable planning, and renewed institutional commitments to
raising the gender equality agenda in decentralization systems in West
Africa. In this meeting, Patricia Munabi the Executive Director for
Forum for Women in Democracy shared the organization’s experiences
and evidence that developing women’s skills increases both their
participation in decision-making processes and access to resources
which further enhances gender equality and social justice.

The key outcome of this meeting was a common agenda through which
participating governments and organizations can use the Gender           FOWODE embarked on a process of developing a new strategic plan to
Equitable Local Development model to meet women’s priorities in local    guide her actions for the next strategic period 2012/17
development planning.

Women’s Conference during the Farm Power                                  Training of Women Councilors in Gender
Week                                                                      Based Violence

                                                                          FOWODE conducted trainings on Gender based violence in Lira, Nebbi,
                                                                          Pallisa, Kween, Kitgum, Gulu, Masaka, and Mbarara districts in July and
                                                                          August 2012. The training was empowering especially on the aspect of
                                                                          gender based violence. Several women councilors shared that
                                                                          engagement on this particular topic was indeed new to them as it opened
                                                                          their eyes to the reality of the challenges within their communities.

                                                                           The trainings triggered the councilors into action with the formation of
                                                                          women caucuses and action plans. It is hoped that the trainings will yield
Hon. Sarah Kataike and Hon. Jacqueline Amongin during the Farm            fruitful results with regard to the councilors’ ability to effectively
power Women’s Conference                                                  legislate in the councils and play a significant role in the control of
In partnership with other key stakeholders, FOWODE under the Food         gender based violence.
Rights Alliance, as part of its efforts to amplify the voice of
smallholder farmers, organized a dialogue which provided a platform
for women farmers to share and learn together with the policy
makers on the challenges they face in food production. As a key
outcome from this engagement, a women farmers’ statement of
action was produced and presented to policy makers during the
National farmers Forum by a woman farmer.
                                                                                                       FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                            7
Female MPs seek gender inclusion in district budgets

                                                                                                                                 IN SUMMARY:
                                                                                                                                 THE APPEAL: Women
                                                                                                                                 legislators have
                                                                                                                                 recommended an
                                                                                                                                 increase in the budget
                                                                                                                                 allocation by government
                                                                                                                                 to finance gender
                                                                                                                                 activities at the district
                                                                                                                                 level as a way of checking
                                                                                                                                 gender inequalities.

   MP Rosemary Nyakikongoro (R) consults fellow legislators, NamukwayaBugembe (C) and Evelyn Kabule (L) recently. Women legislators
   have asked government to allocate more resources to the districts to finance gender activities as a way of checking gender inequalities.

Women legislators under their umbrella association, the       “There is also need for capacity building for technical         Ms. Grace Namara, the area MP, said government
Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA), and           people because they must also be in a position to utilise       must create a special budget line to finance gender
the Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), have               the little resources that they have to plan for gender          activities to empower the women and improve on
appealed to government to allocate more resources to          activities,” Ms. Nyakikongoro added.                            their house hold incomes.
districts to finance women activities as a way of checking
gender inequalities.                                          Kyenjojo District Woman MP Flavia Rwabuhoro Kabahenda           Lyantonde Town clerk Martin Ssentongo admitted
                                                              said there must be inclusiveness and effective                  that gender activities were not being prioritised due
The legislators, during a tour of Lyantonde District,         participation of women in every development agenda.             to the limited budget.
supported by FOWODE in August 2012, to ascertain how
gender mainstreaming activities are being financed at the     FOWODE’s Program Officer for Gender Budgeting, Esther           “We have to maintain roads and collect garbage so
district and municipality, noted that since the districts     Nabwire said they are working hard to ensure that women,        by the time we think about gender, the money is
cannot generate enough revenue, government should             youth and children, who are the less privileged, get better     over,” Mr. Ssentongo said.
allocate more resources to ensure that gender activities      education and access health facilities.
are prioritised.
                                                                                                                              The outgoing RDC, Ms. Ida Bikorwenda, said
“Since most districts cannot raise enough locally             The municipality leadership noted that whereas budgets          women’s representation in leadership positions at
generated funds, government should send adequate              have been drawn to cater for women, youth and children,         the district has remained at a small percentage as
resources to fund activities for women, youth and             there is limited funding to implement their activities.         women were not being trained to be on an equal
children. The money being sent to districts is conditional                                                                    footing with men.
and the Ministry of Gender budget is also limited,” said Ms   “There is also need for capacity building for technical
Rosemary Nyakikongoro (Woman, Sheema), also UWOPA             people because they must also be in a position to utilise       “We are having a few women in leadership and
vice chairperson.                                             the little resources that they have to plan for gender          when it comes to budgeting, they do not have the
                                                                                                                              numbers to negotiate for a decent budget,” Ms.
                                                              activities,” Ms. Nyakikongoro added.
The legislators noted that due to inadequate funding, the                                                                     Bikorwenda said.
districts do not prioritise funding women, youth and
children activities.                                                                                                

  The Gender Concerns in the Petroleum Sector management bills cont…
 Under Section 13 (2) when the Minister requests for the      the licensee to comply without any further delay or else
 drawings and specifications of the main physical and         face the consequences provided in Bill No. 2.Health and       The above notwithstanding no female employee should
 technical features of the facility and a decommissioning     Safety                                                        be discriminated or dismissed due to her pregnancy
 plan these should include the health and safety features                                                                   status by a licensee unless on the doctor’s
 that respond to the needs of different categories of         No pregnant women should be employed under Section            recommendation to protect her life and that of the
 employees – men and women as well as those                   65 in operations of a license which endangers her health      unborn child.
 appropriate for persons with disabilities where              and the health of the unborn baby. This should be a
 applicable.                                                  standard employment requirement both under Bill No. 1         All other matters raised in relation to Bill No. 1 above
                                                              and Bill No. 2 and where she is exposed to any hazards        are applicable to Bill No. 2 in as far as they are
 Section 20 (3) should be made mandatory for the              the company shall be liable to meet all her health care       applicable to ensure that women’s empowerment and
 Minister to inform the licensee when there is non-           expenses. This condition should be clearly spelt out and      gender equality commitments are fully realized through
 compliance with or breach of the conditions of the           female employees should have the responsibility to            the petroleum activities undertaken in Uganda.
 License particularly when it affects the health and          inform the licensee immediately they confirm their
 safely of the employees or a particular group of             pregnancy status so that all necessary precautions are
 employees and the public interests. The Minister should      taken or redeployment is undertaken.
 also have the power to impose conditions on                                                                                     FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                             8
Civil Society Position on the Public Finance Bill 2012

Public Finance Bill 2012
                                                                                                                         accounting bodies submit their budget estimates of
                                                                                                                         revenue and expenditure to the Ministry of Finance on
                                                                                                                         behalf of the President, during the budget
was tabled in Parliament and is currently before the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs                                     preparation stage which is laid before Parliament by
committee.                                                                                                               the minister. Parliament is not given a chance to
                                                                                                                         scrutinize   and    make     recommendations      for
                                                                                                                         amendments on issues of allocative and operational
                                                                                                                         efficiency. This could leave room for leakages,
                                                                                                                         wastage and abuse.

                                                                                                                         Although operations of autonomous institutions are
                                                                                                                         monitored by the Auditor General, it’s more of a post
                                                                                                                         mortem rather than a preventive approach. Different
                                                                                                                         institutions have handled their funds in different ways
                                                                                                                         which is irregular. For example Makerere University
                                                                                                                         until about 3-4 years ago spent the money collected
                                                                                                                         without approval of Parliament. This is in breach of
                                                                                                                         the Constitution which stipulates that all money
                                                                                                                         collected by any government institution should not go
                                                                                                                         to the consolidated fund except with the approval of
                                                                                                                         Parliament to channel through specified fund.

                                                                                                                         Stakeholder participation

                                                                                                                         The 1995 Constitution empowers citizens to
 CSBAG Members attending a meeting to review the Finance Bill. The lead facilitator was from the International           participate in policy processes, therefore, Civil
 Budget Program. CSBAG has held a series of review meetings and consultations have on the Public Finance Bill 2012       Society Organisations (CSOs) have a right to
 with ministry of Finance and the Parliamentary Budget Office. From these engagements a position paper has been          participate in the development process including but
 developed                                                                                                               not limited to the budget processes. In light of these
In order to strengthen the public financial management     The regulations should therefore require the minister to      constitutional obligations for citizen participation; the
and regulating revenue management in the oil sector,       indicate how the CFR shall be harmonized with the NDP         Public Finance Bill 2012 should spell out specific
the Public Finance Bill 2012 was drafted and tabled in     or vision 2040 if passed.The timeframe within which the       roles,    responsibilities   and      time/spaces      for
Parliament. If enacted, the Bill 2012 will repeal the      CFR is to be presented to Parliament as per Section 6 (5)     participation by CSOs and other stakeholders in its
Public Finance and Accountability Act 2003 and the         is unrealistic.                                               implementation, review and overall management.
Budget Act 2001. While the proposed bill offers a great
benchmark for remarkable public financial management,      While the CFR is approved by Parliament, the bill             In as much as, CSOs welcome the proposal of the CFR
a number of concerns as highlighted below have arisen      proposes deviations from the set objectives to be             under Section 6(5) which states that the minister shall
that the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group deems         approved by cabinet as per Section 7(1) and a report on       within one month of the commencement of the first
critical.                                                  the deviations to be submitted to parliament later as per     session of parliament, using the appropriate means
                                                            Section 7(3). Not only are these serious contradictions      cause the Charter of Fiscal Responsibility as an
Addressing gender and equity issues                         but since the MPs are representatives of the people, it is   innovation      to    hold    government       politically
Although it is the duty of Parliament to ensure that all    only prudent that they approve the deviation from the        accountable, the one month timeframe within which
government activities address gender inequality, there is   set objectives that they themselves approved at the          the CFR has to be presented for approval is very short
no mechanism or system and structure in Parliament to       enactment of the CFR.                                        notice for any substantial input to be acquired from
make government accountable to gender equality. For                                                                      all categories of stakeholders. This period should be
Parliament to take its central role in promoting gender     Supplementary budgeting                                      increased to at least after four months of
equality we propose that before parliament debates the                                                                   commencement of the first session of parliament with
annual budget, a certificate of gender equity should be     The finance bill under article 21(4) states that a           clearly    stipulated    schedules    for    stakeholder
produced by the Equal opportunities Commission (EOC)        “supplementary expenditure shall be approved where           participation in developing priorities of the charter.
as a recommendation to Parliament demonstrating how         there is an unabsorbed, unavoidable and unforeseeable
adequately a particular MDA’s plans and budgets address     expenditure for which no amount has been                     Section 8(5) indicates that Parliament shall review
gender equity issues. This will inform parliament on        appropriated”. This is the first step in reducing the        and approve the Budget Framework Paper by 1 st
whether or not an MDA’s Plans and Budget should be          misuse of supplementary budgeting. However for the bill      February of the financial year preceding the financial
debated by Parliament.                                      toauthorize the Minister for Finance upon request by the     year to which the Budget Framework paper further
                                                            accountant      general   to    approve    supplementary     more Section 11: Annual Budget (1) states that The
Charter of Fiscal Responsibility (CFR)                      expenditures of up to 10% of the initial approved budget     Minister shall, in consultation with other stakeholders,
                                                            of the votes without a prior approval of Parliament will     prepare the annual budget of Government for a
The Charter of Fiscal Responsibility offers measurable      lead to abuse of public resources. We therefore              financial year. The bill does not stipulate spaces for
objectives against which the minister of finance and        recommend that no supplementary budget should be             engaging CSOs and other stakeholders in reviewing the
government can be held accountable. However, having         released without parliament approval. If not, we             Budget Framework Papers to provide feedback to
expended resources to enact the National Development        proposal that the minister’s approval remains at 3.5% of     each sector.
Plan which has not been effectively harmonized with the     the initial approval budget.
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), the CFR
which can be likened to the MTEF further threatens the      Resource allocation
relevance of the NDP.
                                                            Resource allocation should prioritize sectors that boost
                                                            growth and development. Currently heads of self-

Weak Elements of the current Public Finance Management that the Public                 Key Reforms in the Public Finance Bill 2012
Finance Bill 2012 seeks to address:
                                                                                               Execution of Charter of fiscal responsibility by the Minister to
        Credibility (Integrity and Predictability) of Budget                                   Parliament.
        Minimum linkages and significant overlaps in the PFM cycle from                        Ensure integrity and predictability of the budget by guaranteeing
        Planning, budgeting, execution, accountability to oversight                            resources to AOs as Appropriated.
        Non- Alignment of the Budget to the NDP                                                Establish Criteria for Supplementary budgets
        Non-Operational Contingencies Fund – Article 157
                                                                                               Operationalise the Contingencies Fund
        Absence of legal framework for Petroleum Revenue Management
        Fragmentation of PFM legislation administered by the Minister and
                                                                                               Ensure seamless linkages/no overlaps in the PFM cycle
                                                                                                                           FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER                                9

The FOWODE resource center is a ONE STOP CENTER, where you can access information on Gender, Governance, Democracy, and Human rights. You can
also access internet, photocopying and printing services while there. Please visit the FOWODE website, or the FOWODE resource center
at our offices in Ntinda to access the publications below and many more.

                                                 NEW PUBLICATIONS

                                                          Where is the money for family planning services
                                                                                in Uganda
                                                           is an issue brief containing key findings of a Public
                                                           Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) conducted by
                                                             FOWODE to establish funds allocated to Family
                                                          Planning (FP) services right from Uganda’s Ministry
                                                            of Finance Planning and Economic Development
                                                             (MFPED) through the Ministry of Health (MoH),
                                                           National Medical Stores (NMS) and Health Centers
                                                          (HCs) III and IV where family planning services are
                                                          accessed by women at the grassroots communities.
                                                                It also contains key recommendations to
                                                           government for improving the identified leakages

                                                                The Poor & the Budget is a Civil Society Budget
                                                              Advocacy Group (CSBAG) position paper based on an
                                                                 assessment of the National Budget Framework
                                                                       Paper for FY 2012/13-FY2016/17.

                                                                 It contains civil society recommendations and
                                                               proposals to ensure that views of the marginalized
                                                                 are incorporated in the National budget for FY

      The FOWODE library has an online public access catalogue (OPAC) which is
     powered by web 2.0 technology. To view our e-library visit the following link:

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Fowode e newsletter, july-sep 12

  • 1. F O R U M F O R WOMEN IN DEMOCRACY FOWODE E-NEWS JULY-SEPTEMBER 2012, ISSUE 5 FOWODE CONGRATULATES ALL UGANDANS ON THE 50TH INDEPENDENCE JUBILEE INSIDE THIS ISSUE 4 G Gender concerns in the oil bills F 7 Female MPs Seek Gender inclusion in district budgets 8 Civil Society Position on the Public Finance Bill 2012 Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) is a non-partisan national women’s organization. Vision: A just and fair society where women and men equally participate in and benefit from decision-making processes. Mission: To promote gender equality in all areas of decision-making through advocacy, training, research, and publications
  • 2. My Internship Experience at FOWODE In July 2012, FOWODE received interns from Purdue University who had come to acquire hands- on experience with FOWODE’s work of promoting gender equality in decision making. In their three weeks period each of the interns got a chance to experience the working environment in Uganda both at the national level and at the grassroots. In this article Trinity Overmyer shares her three weeks’ internship experiences and how it impacted on her. I relay my experience with FOWODE projects during a three-week internship in July 2012 and how they fit into the greater mission of this organization, as well as how these assignments and experiences relate to where FOWODE is moving in the future. During this period I attended a joint listening in of the 2012/13 national budget speech that was organized by FOWODE for various civil society organizations. I found it interesting that so many NGOs Trinity Overmyer, during a field trip in FOWODE’s districts of operation. gather to listen and discuss the upcoming year’s budget. They I have never been particularly interested in politics or the democratic process, but come together and share information, excitement and seeing the villagers come together to fight for themselves has inspired me to be disappointments over government pronouncements for the next more involved as well. financial year. “Many people in the U.S. think that if Uganda The community members seemed to be taking charge of the clubs and their needs help, they need food, clothes and mission themselves and I think this is what will keep this program going far into mosquito nets. If someone asked me now, I the future. They are pushing to get more training so they can train others. Their would say Uganda is striving to create more ideas about financially sustaining themselves are ingenious. The VBC program is innovative, and more than that, it is effectively furthering FOWODE’s mission of infrastructure, better education and healthcare promoting women’s participation in democratic processes and making for its citizens and better working government governments accountable. officials”. The budget speech was really interesting and informative for me. It My internship coincided with FOWODE’s Leadership building Camp. I was instantly helped me learn and think so much about how Uganda does impressed with the professionalism of the young women as they gave speeches development and where FOWODE fits into that scheme. Many people and seemed to be genuinely working to learn the concepts presented for the day. in the U.S. think that if Uganda needs help, they need food, clothes My time at FOWODE was eye opening. Being able to learn about how they are and mosquito nets. If someone asked me now, I would say Uganda is engaging in women’s issues in Uganda also helped me to look at Uganda’s culture striving to create more infrastructure, better education and and traditions, not just from a feminist or American lens, but from a humanistic healthcare for its citizens, and better working government officials. one. I got to spend time with the staff that explained the culture to me and shed By infrastructure, I mean roads, access to clean water, access to light on some of the differences in Uganda that I did not previously understand. loans, and systems to check and balance those in positions of power. Although the programs are amazing, FOWODE’s staff is really the greatest asset. That budget speech helped me think about things more deeply, such They are dedicated to the women’s movement; it was apparent in the way they as, “Yes, growing more tea for export will bring in more for the gross talked about their projects and where they wanted to see the organization go in national product, but people also need to keep growing food to feed the future. the population.” Or “Taxing alcohol does raise money for the government, but how will that negatively impact rural farmers who I got a feel for what it would be like to work for a non-profit organization full grow the products that make the alcohol?” Not to mention that time. In the end, I appreciated that there was a lot to learn in such a short and I government was to raise the tax on cosmetics, which seems trivial, am excited to continue following FOWODE’s work in Uganda. until you realize that these taxes only impact women, who are expected to wear makeup in the workplace. Whereas in Uganda issues, such as better roads, seem to be constantly on the budget, year after year without improvement, America seems to flip flop continually about what projects are Left: Lauren Coleman with VBC members in Gulu district important. One day insurance companies are mandated to cover birth control; the next Planned Parenthood is getting defunded Below: Racheal Tobias dancing with entirely. Although we were included in many staff meetings, the big community members in Kabale district budget meeting was the most insightful for me as an outsider in Uganda. I got to see in detail how the government makes priorities. It was also really great for Julius Mukunda, the FOWODE Senior Program Director to come speak with us after the budget was announced to explain things and answer questions. My time in the field was the highlight of my internship;it was an invaluable experience. I visited Kibaale district one of the districts where FOWODE implements her programs. I was able to see a different side of Uganda than the busy city of Kampala. I got to see the road conditions for myself; only then could I really understand what the grassroots Village Budget Clubs that FOWODE supports were up against, and how their struggle with infrastructure issues really affects their lives on a daily basis. Even after all of my research, I only had a true picture of the clubs after I visited a group of them and was able to watch the process unfold. I will say again how impressive this program is, and how impassioned the participants are. Not only do the VBCs bring real, measurable changes to the community and government, but the members become empowered and are changing their own lives as well. FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 2
  • 3. Community group mediates on illegal healthcare payments i.e. immunization, antenatal care and family planning services. The other resolution was to refund money to all women who had paid for Village budget club members in Kisiita Sub County in Kibaale the immunization cards that day, even those who had earlier been stopped illegal payments made at Kisiita Health Center III for denied the service were called back and their children were antenatal cards, child immunization cards and family planning immunized. services A formal report on this incident was subsequently presented to the Kibaale District Health Officer by the village budget club members In September 2012, Kisiita Village budget club members a grassroots urging his office to intervene. They made three follow up visits to community group mobilized by FOWODE to monitor service delivery for assess if changes were being implemented. On the first visit the improved gender accountability monitored Kisiita Health Centre III to women complained they were being neglected by health personnel, examine the quality of service delivery. Being an immunization day, the this necessitated the Village budget club members to approach the center was busy; however they met the health center personnel and also sub county chief asking him to talk to the health center personnel held discussions with patients to review their levels of satisfaction with about their conduct. By the third follow up visit there were more the services provided at this Health Center. During these interactions the than 90 clients who had brought their children for immunization, no club members learnt that women in this community always pay a fee to mother had paid any money and the personnel were working well. acquire child immunization cards, antenatal cards and family planning An official response is yet to be presented to the Village budget club services. In fact on this very day, many mothers had been turned away members from the District Health Officer but the change witnessed and their children had not been immunized because they did not have at the health center where women and children access free health Ugshs 1000 for an immunization card. This forced the members to services suggests that district and subcounty leadership took action immediately contact the Kibaale District Health Officer who affirmed that on the concerns of the community presented by village budget club such payments are the members then these are free With that assurance,unauthorized becausecontacted the in government members. charge of Kisiita Health Center to explain why they make services women pay for free government services. In response, the in As told by TinnerAreeba, FOWODE Field Officer Kibaale District. charge stated that although this was a common practice at the heath center, it was never endorsed by authorities of the health center. He further noted that staff collected money from patients but never declared it to the authorities. In order to resolve this issue, the Village Budget Club membersquickly organized a meeting with the personnel at the health center and two resolutions were made in this meeting. One was that the health center immediately stops charging these illegal fees so that every woman and child visiting this health center receives free health services “Pregnant women were required to pay Ugshs 500 for an antenatal card while those who brought children were required to pay Ugshs 1000 for a child immunization card’ The VBC member below displaying the child health cards Mother’s registering with VBC members to claim which the mothers had bought . the money paid for an immunisation card from the Health centre personell. FACT: Women in Uganda when pregnant are required to have an antenatal card, which contains proof that a physician has seen them throughout their pregnancy. FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 3
  • 4. The Gender Concerns in the Petroleum Sector management bills The increasing public awareness of the economic potential of the discovery and exploration of oil and gas in Uganda led to the adoption of the National Oil and Gas Policy in Uganda in 2008. The Policy provides for passing of appropriate laws to give effect to Article 244 of the Constitution of Uganda and to facilitate the implementation of the Policy. of the performance of the petroleum sector Government tabled two bills before the 9th Parliament of Uganda in February 2012 indicating actions taken to deliver on various namely the: commitments of government to the FACT: 1. Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Bill of 2012 (Bill No. achievement of gender equality and the 1); and empowerment of women in the area of 2. Petroleum (Refining, Gas processing and Conversion, Transportation and education and training; Storage) Bill, 2012 (Bill No.2). employment; access to information Forum for Women in Democracy commissioned a Section 25 authorizes the Board to appoint and other gender audit to ensure that the rights of women and Committees to which it can forward any matter for productive men are equally protected and ultimately all people scrutiny and deliberation. The principle of equal resources; of Uganda are able to enjoy the benefits accruing opportunity for men and women should be upheld leadership from the exploration, development and production of under Section 31 which provides for the appointment oil and gas in Uganda without subjection to any form of staff and other officers of the Authority and of discrimination. The audit highlights the key gender Affirmative action measures should be undertaken and decision making etc as required under issues and gaps in the 2 bills and gives where necessary to ensure equality of opportunity for the National Development Plan, Uganda’s recommendations to improve the bills for the equal employment within the Authority particularly at Vision 2025, the Millennium Development benefit of all. decision making levels. Goals (MDGs) and key human rights instruments signedat regional and Land ownership and Petroleum rights, Functions of the Authority international level. FOWODE recommends that Section 5 of Bill 1 should One of the functions of the Authority articulated under be aligned with Article 237 of the Constitution of Section 11 (2) (i) is to ensure that licensees uphold The National Oil Company Uganda which states that “Land in Uganda belongs to laws, regulations, rules and contract terms. This There is no provision in The Bill No. 1 which the citizens of Uganda and shall vest in them in should be interpreted to include adherence to laws, linkstheNational Oil Company to the accordance with the land tenure systems provided regulations and rules that enable the government of Authority. For purposes of protecting the for by law.” This means that government shall Uganda to meet its commitments to gender equality interests of the State and the shareholders – exercise petroleum rights on the land on behalf of and women’s empowerment through the operations of majority of whom should be Ugandans – the the citizens of Uganda for their full benefit. the Petroleum Sector. Authority should have powers to check and Therefore, that part of the provision which refers to ensure that the operators of the company “.... held on behalf of the Republic of Uganda” In fulfilling its functions of protecting the health and promote the principles of equality, equity, should be replaced with “... held on behalf of the safety of workers and the public, the Authority should fair competition and non- discrimination citizens of Uganda.” take into account the differentiated impact of petroleum activities on the health and safety of Opening up of new areas for petroleum Appointment of the Board of Directors for the women and men and also children. Monitoring the activities Petroleum Authority impact on different population groups and workers When assessing the impact of petroleum with special needs like pregnant women or activities in new potential areas for licensing Bill No. 1 authorizes the Minister of Petroleum to breastfeeding mothers would enable the Authority to are undertaken. It is recommended that such appoint the Board of Directorsand the members with develop appropriate regulations as well as give assessments should take into account gender the approval of the Cabinet. In order to achieve this directions to Licensees on such actions to take to considerations and analyse the differentiated goal and to have a more objective process of secure the health and safety of such workers. impact on men and women in the areas and appointment for the members of the Board, it is the implications the activities will have on proposed that the Minister appoints the members Powers of the Minister their health, food security, and a whole with the endorsement of Cabinet and approval of The Minister has power under Section 14 of Bill range of human rights. Parliament. It’s also important that oversight role of No.1to give directions to the Authority and such the National Assembly in the Petroleum sector is directionshave to be gazetted. To avoid abuse of Given that Sections 48 of Bill No. 1 and entrenched in the 2 bills to scrutinize key power in the office of the Minister in charge of Section 12 (2) (d) of Bill No. 2, give the appointments in the sector. Petroleum and to secure the independence of the public, interested parties and those who will Authority in its operations as provided for in Section 15 be most affected a right to share their views Although Section 18 (3) provides for at least two of the Bill, a schedule should be included in the Bill to in writing with the Minister. It is women to be on the Board, it is recommended that indicate specific areas where the Minister can give recommended that information on the the provision should be to have at least 3 competent such directions. The specific areas in this case should impact assessments should be provided in female members since Uganda today is aiming at include possible directions intended to promote equal appropriate formats that make it accessible realizing gender parity in all decision making opportunities for men and women in the petroleum to different categories of people and structures and public bodies. sector. population groups. The law should obligate the Minister to collect views of the people It is further recommended that Section 18 (5) Board Annual Report and communities that are mentioned in the which outlines the proven experience for the Under Section 42, the Board of Directors is required to impact assessment reports as the most members of the Board should include experience in present an annual report to the Minister who vulnerable. This is to ensure that the undertaking gender analysis, planning and subsequently submits it to Parliament. It is processes of collecting views are inclusive of programming. recommended to make it mandatory under Section both men and women in the communities 42(2) for the Board Report to include a gender analysis that will be most affected by the proposed petroleum activities. FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 4
  • 5. The Gender Concerns continued…. Gender issues and gaps in the Petroleum (Refining, Gas Processing and Conversion, Transportation and Storage) Bill (Bill No.2) Submission of an application for a license The regulations on the application for a license under Section 9 of Bill No. 2 should Citizen Participation and access to information cadre of employment in the Petroleum sector who place an obligation on the Minister and the In order for citizens to participate effectivelyand will most likely be women. The rights of workers in Authority to take into account gender issues make informed decisions, there is need for a the sector should be protected from the onset and right from the time of assessing the mechanism to make information available and licensees in breach of labour laws should be duly applications for a license to operate in accessible to different population groups so as to directed to comply or face the consequences of the midstream petroleum activities. This will raise people’s awareness and consciousness about law. give the government of Uganda an opportune activities in the Petroleum Sector. There is also moment to set standards to be met by all need to take into account their different roles, Oil and gas exploration, development and applicants in order to achieve specific gender capacities, levels of education and exposure and production plus the midstream activities is male targets and commitments to ensure that the their vulnerability to the impact of the petroleum dominated. Thus it is imperative that government application processes are gender responsive. activities on their health, safety and livelihoods. sets clear equity principles to address the need for women and men to access employment in this In the Regulations that are to be developed The displacement of persons/ communities/ sector. With the support of women to access higher by the Minister under Bill No. 2 as provided acquisition of Land education at university level and scholarships for for under Section 10 (1), the requirements to Majority of women do not own land (titled land) but those taking science based disciplines, there should specify gender mainstreaming targets as part have interests in the land they use for agricultural be a deliberate effort to get more female students of the plans of the applicants should be production or for matrimonial purposes. These in courses relevant to the petroleum sector in order included. interests have to be protected by law and where to make them competitive. Technical training compensation is to be made the interests of women should target both men and women and this should It is also important for the applicants to have to be assessed and duly compensated. In case be the standard policy in the Authority and also indicate in more specific terms the benefits of government acquisition of land on which the directed by the Authority for all licensees. that will accrue to women and men as a owners have a matrimonial home, the man and result of their operations in this sector. For woman have to be fully informed and both of them It is prudent that Oil companies bidding for example they should indicate their Corporate involved in the process leading to the compensation contracts to sign a statement of commitment to Social Responsibility Strategy and how it will or resettlement. Women in most rural communities gender equity and also incorporate commitment to benefit different population groups in the in Uganda have access to land through their spouses gender and equality as criterion for equality communities where their operations will be or male family members. These realities should be criterion for scoring bids on oil operations that are based. taken into account when compensation and put to public tender. In addition, it would be resettlement decisions are being made. worthwhile to integrate gender equity outcomes As part of government’s obligation to fulfill with key milestones in the overall human resource the citizen’s right to information speculated Female headed households must be recognized in plan for the Authority and the licensees. This would Under Section 12, it should be included in their own right and their interests in land acquired build into women’s benefit plans, quantifiable the Regulations that the Minister and by government for purposes of oil and gas training and employment outcomes. Authority shall use community based exploration, development and production or other approaches to get information to the midstream activities regulated under Bill No. 2 are Childcare for women working in the sector different categories of affected people and fully compensated without prejudice to their All licensees should have employment policies that communities and ensure that they are status. Single women and men as well as widows enable male and female employees to have a well- involved in this process. This should be done and widowers should be allocated land for balanced life - work and social life balance. The in addition to publishing the notice in the resettlement in their own right. Government has to right to maternity and paternity leave should be official gazette and in a newspaper with wide interpret carefully the provisions on compensation protected and the minimum standards articulated circulation. The Petroleum sector being quite for land taken up for oil and gas exploration to in the Employment Act of 2006 adhered to including technical the obligation placed on ensure that women and children in polygamous the maximum hours of work. Most working places of government, the Authority and Ministry union are not disadvantaged. the Companies engaged in oil and gas exploitation concerned is quite high to ensure that no are far from other essential service centres. person is disadvantaged due to use of gender Labour issues Therefore, child care facilities should be provided blind approaches in implementing the Bill No.1 makes provision for the establishment of as a standard requirement for any licensee. provisions of the Oil and Gas Policy as well as the Petroleum Authority in Uganda. The law should the Petroleum Bills. oblige the staff of the Authority to promote equal Monitoring and Evaluation opportunities for men and women in the sector. The Authority should ensure that the mechanisms Compliance with labour laws is critical to ensure for monitoring and evaluation the petroleum sector that the right to equal pay for men and women for enables both women and men to participate by “It is Crucial that every bill work of equal value is upheld by all key taking into account their differences in roles, tabled in Parliament is subjected stakeholders in the sector. The Authority should capacity to engage and the extent of the impact on to a Gender Audit” have a strong Inspectorate to ensure that licensees their lives and public interests. The Regulations do not exploit workers especially those in the lower developed under the two Bills should facilitate the Authority to fulfill this obligation. . The two bills have been in Uganda’s Natural Resources Parliamentary Committee which has also been receiving submissions from different stakeholders including FOWODE FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 5
  • 6. LAUNCH OF 89.5 SPEAK FM IN PICTURES ABOVE: FOWODE board and staff as well as 89.5 SPEAK FM staff teamed up to clean Gulu Town before the launch of the radio BELOW:Patricia MunabiBabiiha, the FOWODE ED, addressing the audience in Gulu during the launch of 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu ABOVE: FOWODE Staff hosted in the 89.5 SPEAK FM studios LEFT: Hon. Santa the Chief Walker leads the walk in Gulu Town ABOVE :FOWODE Board members, 89.5 SPEAK FM Staff with the Chief Guest Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga 89.5 at SPEAK FM Radio in Gulu RIGHT: 89.5 Speak FM Staff entertaining the crowd during the launch of the radio in Gulu FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 6
  • 7. NEWS IN SUMMARY Training in Gender responsive budgeting and Launching 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu resource tracking for the Agriculture sector Julius Mukunda, FOWODE Senior Program Director during the CSBAG Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, FOWODE Board members Training. during the launch of the 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu FOWODE on behalf of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) To mark its 1 year anniversary, 89.5 SPEAK FM in Gulu a radio conducted capacity building trainings for CSBAG members from Kampala, Pallisa and Soroti districts in gender responsive budgeting and station affiliated to Forum for Women in Democracy was officially budget tracking for the agriculture sector. Participants were taken launched by Rt. Honorable Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, the Speaker of through; the Local Government budget cycle, how to analyze gender the Parliament of Uganda. The launch was preceded by cleaning of issues in the agriculture sector, rights based approach to public service Gulu town by FOWODE and 89.5 Speak FM and road drives around delivery in relation to the agriculture sector, budget concepts as well Gulu town. as the Public Expenditure Tracking [PETS] tools for agriculture. Moving gender equality to the forefront of Developing FOWODE’s new strategic Plan local development interventions in Africa Key stakeholders from across Africa convened in Sierra Leone in September 2012 for a consultative meeting on the joint program initiative of Gender Equitable Local Development (GELD). The meeting held under the theme “Fostering Gender Equitable Local Development in Eradicating Poverty in West Africa” was an opportunity to mobilize action for women’s empowerment through continued investment in gender equitable planning, and renewed institutional commitments to raising the gender equality agenda in decentralization systems in West Africa. In this meeting, Patricia Munabi the Executive Director for Forum for Women in Democracy shared the organization’s experiences and evidence that developing women’s skills increases both their participation in decision-making processes and access to resources which further enhances gender equality and social justice. The key outcome of this meeting was a common agenda through which participating governments and organizations can use the Gender FOWODE embarked on a process of developing a new strategic plan to Equitable Local Development model to meet women’s priorities in local guide her actions for the next strategic period 2012/17 development planning. Women’s Conference during the Farm Power Training of Women Councilors in Gender Week Based Violence FOWODE conducted trainings on Gender based violence in Lira, Nebbi, Pallisa, Kween, Kitgum, Gulu, Masaka, and Mbarara districts in July and August 2012. The training was empowering especially on the aspect of gender based violence. Several women councilors shared that engagement on this particular topic was indeed new to them as it opened their eyes to the reality of the challenges within their communities. The trainings triggered the councilors into action with the formation of women caucuses and action plans. It is hoped that the trainings will yield Hon. Sarah Kataike and Hon. Jacqueline Amongin during the Farm fruitful results with regard to the councilors’ ability to effectively power Women’s Conference legislate in the councils and play a significant role in the control of In partnership with other key stakeholders, FOWODE under the Food gender based violence. Rights Alliance, as part of its efforts to amplify the voice of smallholder farmers, organized a dialogue which provided a platform for women farmers to share and learn together with the policy makers on the challenges they face in food production. As a key outcome from this engagement, a women farmers’ statement of action was produced and presented to policy makers during the National farmers Forum by a woman farmer. FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 7
  • 8. Female MPs seek gender inclusion in district budgets IN SUMMARY: THE APPEAL: Women legislators have recommended an increase in the budget allocation by government to finance gender activities at the district level as a way of checking gender inequalities. MP Rosemary Nyakikongoro (R) consults fellow legislators, NamukwayaBugembe (C) and Evelyn Kabule (L) recently. Women legislators have asked government to allocate more resources to the districts to finance gender activities as a way of checking gender inequalities. PHOTO BY GEOFFREY SSERUYANGE , Daily Monitor Women legislators under their umbrella association, the “There is also need for capacity building for technical Ms. Grace Namara, the area MP, said government Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA), and people because they must also be in a position to utilise must create a special budget line to finance gender the Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), have the little resources that they have to plan for gender activities to empower the women and improve on appealed to government to allocate more resources to activities,” Ms. Nyakikongoro added. their house hold incomes. districts to finance women activities as a way of checking gender inequalities. Kyenjojo District Woman MP Flavia Rwabuhoro Kabahenda Lyantonde Town clerk Martin Ssentongo admitted said there must be inclusiveness and effective that gender activities were not being prioritised due The legislators, during a tour of Lyantonde District, participation of women in every development agenda. to the limited budget. supported by FOWODE in August 2012, to ascertain how gender mainstreaming activities are being financed at the FOWODE’s Program Officer for Gender Budgeting, Esther “We have to maintain roads and collect garbage so district and municipality, noted that since the districts Nabwire said they are working hard to ensure that women, by the time we think about gender, the money is cannot generate enough revenue, government should youth and children, who are the less privileged, get better over,” Mr. Ssentongo said. allocate more resources to ensure that gender activities education and access health facilities. are prioritised. The outgoing RDC, Ms. Ida Bikorwenda, said “Since most districts cannot raise enough locally The municipality leadership noted that whereas budgets women’s representation in leadership positions at generated funds, government should send adequate have been drawn to cater for women, youth and children, the district has remained at a small percentage as resources to fund activities for women, youth and there is limited funding to implement their activities. women were not being trained to be on an equal children. The money being sent to districts is conditional footing with men. and the Ministry of Gender budget is also limited,” said Ms “There is also need for capacity building for technical Rosemary Nyakikongoro (Woman, Sheema), also UWOPA people because they must also be in a position to utilise “We are having a few women in leadership and vice chairperson. the little resources that they have to plan for gender when it comes to budgeting, they do not have the numbers to negotiate for a decent budget,” Ms. activities,” Ms. Nyakikongoro added. The legislators noted that due to inadequate funding, the Bikorwenda said. districts do not prioritise funding women, youth and children activities. The Gender Concerns in the Petroleum Sector management bills cont… Under Section 13 (2) when the Minister requests for the the licensee to comply without any further delay or else drawings and specifications of the main physical and face the consequences provided in Bill No. 2.Health and The above notwithstanding no female employee should technical features of the facility and a decommissioning Safety be discriminated or dismissed due to her pregnancy plan these should include the health and safety features status by a licensee unless on the doctor’s that respond to the needs of different categories of No pregnant women should be employed under Section recommendation to protect her life and that of the employees – men and women as well as those 65 in operations of a license which endangers her health unborn child. appropriate for persons with disabilities where and the health of the unborn baby. This should be a applicable. standard employment requirement both under Bill No. 1 All other matters raised in relation to Bill No. 1 above and Bill No. 2 and where she is exposed to any hazards are applicable to Bill No. 2 in as far as they are Section 20 (3) should be made mandatory for the the company shall be liable to meet all her health care applicable to ensure that women’s empowerment and Minister to inform the licensee when there is non- expenses. This condition should be clearly spelt out and gender equality commitments are fully realized through compliance with or breach of the conditions of the female employees should have the responsibility to the petroleum activities undertaken in Uganda. License particularly when it affects the health and inform the licensee immediately they confirm their safely of the employees or a particular group of pregnancy status so that all necessary precautions are employees and the public interests. The Minister should taken or redeployment is undertaken. also have the power to impose conditions on FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 8
  • 9. Civil Society Position on the Public Finance Bill 2012 Public Finance Bill 2012 accounting bodies submit their budget estimates of revenue and expenditure to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the President, during the budget was tabled in Parliament and is currently before the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs preparation stage which is laid before Parliament by committee. the minister. Parliament is not given a chance to scrutinize and make recommendations for amendments on issues of allocative and operational efficiency. This could leave room for leakages, wastage and abuse. Although operations of autonomous institutions are monitored by the Auditor General, it’s more of a post mortem rather than a preventive approach. Different institutions have handled their funds in different ways which is irregular. For example Makerere University until about 3-4 years ago spent the money collected without approval of Parliament. This is in breach of the Constitution which stipulates that all money collected by any government institution should not go to the consolidated fund except with the approval of Parliament to channel through specified fund. Stakeholder participation The 1995 Constitution empowers citizens to CSBAG Members attending a meeting to review the Finance Bill. The lead facilitator was from the International participate in policy processes, therefore, Civil Budget Program. CSBAG has held a series of review meetings and consultations have on the Public Finance Bill 2012 Society Organisations (CSOs) have a right to with ministry of Finance and the Parliamentary Budget Office. From these engagements a position paper has been participate in the development process including but developed not limited to the budget processes. In light of these In order to strengthen the public financial management The regulations should therefore require the minister to constitutional obligations for citizen participation; the and regulating revenue management in the oil sector, indicate how the CFR shall be harmonized with the NDP Public Finance Bill 2012 should spell out specific the Public Finance Bill 2012 was drafted and tabled in or vision 2040 if passed.The timeframe within which the roles, responsibilities and time/spaces for Parliament. If enacted, the Bill 2012 will repeal the CFR is to be presented to Parliament as per Section 6 (5) participation by CSOs and other stakeholders in its Public Finance and Accountability Act 2003 and the is unrealistic. implementation, review and overall management. Budget Act 2001. While the proposed bill offers a great benchmark for remarkable public financial management, While the CFR is approved by Parliament, the bill In as much as, CSOs welcome the proposal of the CFR a number of concerns as highlighted below have arisen proposes deviations from the set objectives to be under Section 6(5) which states that the minister shall that the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group deems approved by cabinet as per Section 7(1) and a report on within one month of the commencement of the first critical. the deviations to be submitted to parliament later as per session of parliament, using the appropriate means Section 7(3). Not only are these serious contradictions cause the Charter of Fiscal Responsibility as an Addressing gender and equity issues but since the MPs are representatives of the people, it is innovation to hold government politically Although it is the duty of Parliament to ensure that all only prudent that they approve the deviation from the accountable, the one month timeframe within which government activities address gender inequality, there is set objectives that they themselves approved at the the CFR has to be presented for approval is very short no mechanism or system and structure in Parliament to enactment of the CFR. notice for any substantial input to be acquired from make government accountable to gender equality. For all categories of stakeholders. This period should be Parliament to take its central role in promoting gender Supplementary budgeting increased to at least after four months of equality we propose that before parliament debates the commencement of the first session of parliament with annual budget, a certificate of gender equity should be The finance bill under article 21(4) states that a clearly stipulated schedules for stakeholder produced by the Equal opportunities Commission (EOC) “supplementary expenditure shall be approved where participation in developing priorities of the charter. as a recommendation to Parliament demonstrating how there is an unabsorbed, unavoidable and unforeseeable adequately a particular MDA’s plans and budgets address expenditure for which no amount has been Section 8(5) indicates that Parliament shall review gender equity issues. This will inform parliament on appropriated”. This is the first step in reducing the and approve the Budget Framework Paper by 1 st whether or not an MDA’s Plans and Budget should be misuse of supplementary budgeting. However for the bill February of the financial year preceding the financial debated by Parliament. toauthorize the Minister for Finance upon request by the year to which the Budget Framework paper further accountant general to approve supplementary more Section 11: Annual Budget (1) states that The Charter of Fiscal Responsibility (CFR) expenditures of up to 10% of the initial approved budget Minister shall, in consultation with other stakeholders, of the votes without a prior approval of Parliament will prepare the annual budget of Government for a The Charter of Fiscal Responsibility offers measurable lead to abuse of public resources. We therefore financial year. The bill does not stipulate spaces for objectives against which the minister of finance and recommend that no supplementary budget should be engaging CSOs and other stakeholders in reviewing the government can be held accountable. However, having released without parliament approval. If not, we Budget Framework Papers to provide feedback to expended resources to enact the National Development proposal that the minister’s approval remains at 3.5% of each sector. Plan which has not been effectively harmonized with the the initial approval budget. Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), the CFR which can be likened to the MTEF further threatens the Resource allocation relevance of the NDP. Resource allocation should prioritize sectors that boost growth and development. Currently heads of self- Weak Elements of the current Public Finance Management that the Public Key Reforms in the Public Finance Bill 2012 Finance Bill 2012 seeks to address: Execution of Charter of fiscal responsibility by the Minister to Credibility (Integrity and Predictability) of Budget Parliament. Minimum linkages and significant overlaps in the PFM cycle from Ensure integrity and predictability of the budget by guaranteeing Planning, budgeting, execution, accountability to oversight resources to AOs as Appropriated. Non- Alignment of the Budget to the NDP Establish Criteria for Supplementary budgets Non-Operational Contingencies Fund – Article 157 Operationalise the Contingencies Fund Absence of legal framework for Petroleum Revenue Management Fragmentation of PFM legislation administered by the Minister and Ensure seamless linkages/no overlaps in the PFM cycle FOWODE E-NEWSLETTER 9 Parliament.
  • 10. VISIT THE FOWODE RESOURCE CENTER The FOWODE resource center is a ONE STOP CENTER, where you can access information on Gender, Governance, Democracy, and Human rights. You can also access internet, photocopying and printing services while there. Please visit the FOWODE website, or the FOWODE resource center at our offices in Ntinda to access the publications below and many more. NEW PUBLICATIONS Where is the money for family planning services in Uganda is an issue brief containing key findings of a Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) conducted by FOWODE to establish funds allocated to Family Planning (FP) services right from Uganda’s Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MFPED) through the Ministry of Health (MoH), National Medical Stores (NMS) and Health Centers (HCs) III and IV where family planning services are accessed by women at the grassroots communities. It also contains key recommendations to government for improving the identified leakages The Poor & the Budget is a Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) position paper based on an assessment of the National Budget Framework Paper for FY 2012/13-FY2016/17. It contains civil society recommendations and proposals to ensure that views of the marginalized are incorporated in the National budget for FY 2012/13” The FOWODE library has an online public access catalogue (OPAC) which is powered by web 2.0 technology. To view our e-library visit the following link: