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            A Report by Daniel Evans
          Copyright 2012 | All Rights Reserved
FI   TS!!
                                                       R PRO


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Fiverr Cash Bomb is Copyright - Daniel Evans 2012.

                        Resale is strictly prohibited.
FI   TS!!
                                                         R PRO

                          FIVERR CASH BOMB
                            Exploding Fiverr Profits

It is no secret that Fiverr has been gaining more and more popularity
online as an easy way to get something done for $5 or to do something
for somebody else for $5. It is without a doubt one of the easiest ways
to instantly make $5 online with very little work, especially if you have
resources that others might not have access to or you can just be a little
bit creative.

At first thought, you might think you don’t have anything to offer that
someone would pay you $5 for, but that just means you aren’t thinking
hard enough. You know how they say everybody has at least one
special talent, well I don’t know if that is even really true, but the great
thing is you don’t NEED special talent. If you just get a little bit creative,
you will think of all kinds of things that people will pay you $5 for over
and over.

Also, as someone who is interested in internet marketing and building
a business, you already have a valuable skill set and knowledge that
people will pay $5 for over and over. Just figure out what you can
easily provide for others that is worth $5 to them. Easily provide being
the key words.

Still don’t think you have anything to offer? Well I am here to give you
some ideas you CAN do. If you say that you can’t, then you are just
doubting yourself or being lazy. Money doesn’t like laziness or doubts.
Take a look at these 10 ideas, choose one and just do it. Then do it
FI   TS!!
                                                      R PRO

again and again and again and pretty soon you’ll be making a lot more
than a fiverr. More like a hundrederr with very little work.

In all honesty, you should be able to do over half of these ideas or ideas
similar to these. Don’t just read these ideas and think you have to do
them exactly. Think about how you can tweak these ideas or come up
with similar ones. Get your creative juices flowing and maybe you’ll
think of 10 even better ideas of things you can provide on Fiverr. The
point is, use this list as more than just a list, use it as a starting point.

You could realistically make $50-$100 per day using Fiverr and imagine
if it just takes you 2 minutes to complete each job. That would be just
20 minutes per day to make $50. That is $1500 per month! There is
money to be made for those who take action and get a little bit

Alright, enough of me rambling on. You know you need to take action
to make money online, so lets get to the 10 ideas that will get you
FI   TS!!
                                                    R PRO

1) Submit website or blog to the top 20, 50, 70, etc... search engines
   and directories.

The key with this offer is to emphasize that you will be submitting to
only the top however many search engines and directories online.
Show the value that you will be providing by listing some of the best
ones and the benefits of submitting your site to the search engines
(faster crawling, backlinks, etc…)

The great thing about this job is that there are several free
submission services out there that you can use to do this job and it
only takes about a minute to do.

One of the best free online submissions out there that I have found

They submit your site to 70+ sites absolutely free.

Another good one that you can use is Add me which submits to 20 of
the top search engines and directories. It can be found at:

You may be able to find better or more free submission services or
maybe even some software that will do an even better job. The
more you can over deliver, the better, so take this offer, make it as
good as you can (but keep it simple to do) and you are sure to have a
ton of people buy up this offer.
FI   TS!!
                                                      R PRO

2) Offer to create a spun version of any article of 500 words or less

Internet Marketers use spun articles to be able to submit unique
versions of the same article to multiple places to build backlinks.
Most of us don’t really like the tedious task of created a spun version
however, so this is a service that you will find a lot of demand for.
This is not an easy task if you just do it manually, but it is something
that anybody can do.

If you don’t know what spinning an article is, it is when you place
multiple synonyms for words and phrases throughout the article and
each spun version of the article will pick one of the synonyms

A simple example would be “The {brown|white|yellow} {dog|cat}
{jumped|leapt|leaped} over the {house|moon|car}.”

Doing this for a 500 word article manually can be very time
consuming and in all honesty, probably would not be worth doing for
$5, but thanks to one of my favorite internet marketers around,
Jonathan Leger, creating a spun version of an article can be done in a
fraction of the time.

Jonathan Leger created “The Best Spinner” which just so happens to
be the best spinner out there and it will instantly spin an article that
requires little to no editing. Just yesterday I spun an article in about
2 minutes and every spun version I read was 70% unique and had no
grammatical errors or funny sounding sentences. Pretty incredible.
If you do any type of article marketing at all, this is a MUST have in
your arsenal. Unless you want to pay $5 for someone else to do it
for you on Fiverr.
FI   TS!!
                                                           R PRO

Try The Best Spinner for just $7:

So if you DO have The Best Spinner, this is a great gig you can do
very easily. You could even over-deliver and offer to spin 2 or even 3
articles for people and it still would be a pretty quick job to do.

If you don’t have The Best Spinner, I highly recommend you check it
out. You can even have it pay for itself within just a few days by
doing a few jobs on Fiverr.
FI   TS!!
                                                     R PRO

3) Offer a valuable top 10 list of some sort. (Top 10 best recipes you
   have ever tasted, Top 10 secrets to making money online, top 10
   ways get the girl of your dreams, top 10 ways to lose weight NOW.

  People love lists and if you offer them a valuable list that is
  related to what they are looking for, they will be willing to shell
  out a measley $5 for it. The key to this job is that you give it a
  juicy title and description or something with a unique angle.
  Instead of the top 10 ways to lose weight, title your job something
  like, “Learn the 10 things I did to lose 50 lbs WITHOUT exercising.”
  Nobody likes exercise, but they still want to lose weight, right?

  Also, the great thing about this job is once you do they upfront
  work of creating your top 10 list, you do not have any more work
  to do other than delivering the list. So for 30 minutes of work to
  create a top 10 list, you can profit for months!

  Not sure how to create a top 10 list? Just do some quick research.
  Say you are doing a top 10 best recipes you have ever had list,
  well just head to some of the top recipe sites and find the recipes
  that have the highest rated feedback. You can use the user
  comments from the recipes to be able to add some personal
  sounding comments about each recipe as well.

  If you are doing a top 10 list on something else, just search around
  for top 10 lists that already exist on blogs and in forums and
  create your own list from those.
FI   TS!!
                                                    R PRO

4) Offer advice on something that you are an expert in.

  Most of us have expertise in something other than internet
  marketing. Maybe you enjoy working on cars or maybe you are a
  really good test taker or really good at math. Chances are there
  are a few things that you are quite good at and have the ability to
  help other people with.

  Figure out a couple of these things and offer to give people advice
  on them. If you are really good at trouble shooting cars, offer to
  give advice as to what might be an easy fix to someone’s vehicle
  based on the problems that they tell you. If you are very good at
  picking up women, offer to help someone do better in the dating
  scene and give them proven advice that has worked for you. You
  can offer just about anything depending on what you are good at.

  One thing I would stay away from is offering legal advice. That is
  one that is always a little bit risky to give advice on, unless of
  course you are qualified to do so.

  Once you have posted your gig to offer advice, a good way to get
  some relevant eyes on your add would be to go into forums about
  the topic and post a little bit with the link to your gig in the
  signature. Or you can go to yahoo answers and comment on
  questions with links to your gig. This will help bring the right
  people that would benefit from your expertise to your posting.
FI   TS!!
                                                       R PRO

5) Write an original Haiku, poem or short story about any subject.

  This is probably one of the funnest gigs to do on Fiverr, because it
  is all about just having fun and being creative with it.

  If you are offering to write a haiku, all you have to write is 17
  syllables TOTAL. How much easier does it get. Forget writing a
  500 word article for $5, how about writing just 17 syllables.

  Or you can choose to write a short poem or short story about
  whatever subject the person wants. I know for me, this is just
  really fun and feels more like a break from working than doing
  actual work.

  If you don’t fancy yourself very creative, I would try going the
  Haiku route. If you don’t know what a haiku is, it is a 3 line poem
  that has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and 5 in
  the third line. So for an example, here is a haiku I just came up

  Take Action Right Now
  Don’t Just Sit There Post A Gig
  Now That You Know How

  Ok, maybe it isn’t the next great Shakespearian poem, but you get
  the drift.
FI   TS!!
                                                      R PRO

6) Review and offer feedback on powerpoint presentation or other

  People always like to have someone review their work and offer
  feedback, so if you can take a look at a presentation, e-book,
  website or whatever and offer good constructive feedback,
  people will likely take you up on it.

  In your post, highlight your experience with what a successful
  powerpoint presentation should look like or a money making
  website should look like. Position yourself as an expert so that
  people WANT you to look at their stuff.

  Once you look at and review their material, just offer 5 or 10 good
  pieces of feedback on how they could improve it. It does not have
  to be rocket science or some kind of big secret that you tell them,
  just give them solid advice that they can act on and they will be
FI   TS!!
                                                    R PRO

7) Offer to show people how to get free stuff online.

  There are a ton of things that you can get online for free and a lot
  of people do not even know about all of the opportunities.
  People can get all kinds of free samples, free pet food, makeup,
  software, magazine, T-shirts and more.

  Luckily, there is not a lot of hunting involved in finding these free
  offers, it is just a matter of knowing where to look. Two great
  places that you can find free offers are.

  Both of these places have a freebies area and thousands of
  members are constantly finding great things that you can get for
  free. So all you have to do is write a quick page or so explanation
  leading them to these sites and telling them where in the forum
  they can find the free offers section.

  In your actual Fiverr gig posting, be specific with the types of
  things people can get for free. Just see what kind of free offers
  are up currently at those sites and then you can list them. The
  more specific you can be, the better chance something will catch
  a person’s interest and they will purchase your gig just to find out
  about one of the things you list.
FI   TS!!
                                                     R PRO

8) Offer advice on how to properly monetize someones site.

  There are a lot of different ways to monetize a website and most
  people could be doing it better than they are. With this gig, if you
  have any experience with monetizing websites, you should have
  no problem offering advice.

  Even if you have very little experience, you could still do this gig.
  Just take a look at their sites and see if they are offering things
  that are relevant to their sites content. See if they are building a
  mailing list. See if their Adsense placement looks good. Offer
  them 2 or 3 ideas that they can use that should improve their

  This is another gig where it helps if you position yourself as an
  expert to give yourself the proper credibility. You may not
  consider yourself an expert, but if you know about the things that
  I just mentioned above, chances are that you are more
  knowledgeable than 99% of webmasters out there and if you ask
  me, that makes you an expert.

  If you have no idea what I am talking about, you may want to skip
  this idea however.
FI   TS!!
                                                       R PRO

9) Leave 10 comments on 10 relevant blogs with link back to their
   website and then ping those posts.

  If you have browsed fiverr much, you will see this type of offer has
  been offered quite a bit already. However, you can set yourself
  apart by explaining that you will be doing these links manually,
  only to high quality, relevant blogs and the comments will not be
  spammy or off-topic.

  Explain in your gig that the approval rate of your comments will
  be almost 100% and have almost immediate impact since you will
  be pinging each of the blog posts that you comment on.

  This is a very simple task that really requires no previous skill. Just
  make sure that the comments you leave are relevant to each blog
  post it is on and provides some value to the blog owner.
FI   TS!!
                                                         R PRO

10) Do something completely insane

    I don’t necessarily condone this one, but if you really just want to
    do something kind of crazy and get paid $5 for it, Fiverr has
    proven to be a great place for it. Often times you will see the
    featured gigs are some of the weirdest things you’ll see on the

    What is crazy and weird varies from person to person but here are
    a few original ideas that you could do that might get you featured
    and making a lot of sales with.

    -Offer to burn somebodies name into your grass and send a
    picture of it or video of you doing it.
    -Offer to video yourself dancing to any song with a shoe on your
    -If you do impressions, offer to say or read something in your
    -Offer to record a 30 second song on any topic
    -Offer to draw a 6-panel comic strip featuring them (I would use
    stick men cause I suck at art)
FI   TS!!
                                                           R PRO

11) BONUS Profit Clincher!!

 The very best method you can ever use to make the very most out of is the
 process of arbitrage.

 Arbitrage simply involves buying and selling for more.

 There are endless amounts of products and services which can be bought on fiverr and
 sold elsewhere for HUGE PROFITS and you can even establish solid businesses from doing

 I operate many businesses using this technique that are very profitable.

 It’s all well and good serving up gigs yourself on fiverr including all the aforementioned as
 these can be very good earners. However the very first thing you should ask yourself
 before looking at a gig and thinking to yourself “hey! I could sell the same on fiverr!”, is ..

 “Could I take advantage of this gig and sell it for more elsewhere!?

 This is the clincher and the ultimate way to make BIG money from!
FI   TS!!
                                                       R PRO

       I earn $2000+
               per month
            selling only 2 products per day!!


If you enjoyed this report and you’d like to discover a business model of
mine which alone (besides the rest of my fiverr tricks) earns me
$2000+pm, I encourage you to grab my Fiverr Blitz report which details
the exact steps I take from start to finish purchasing a fiverr gig and
selling it on for considerable profit using a very specific fiverr gig.

My report now features the all New Companion Guide which polishes
off the guide with a “hand holder” making it completely foolproof!

               Grab it here!

                         Daniel Evans

                                        PRO FITS!!

               err Arsenal!!
Equip   your fiv

             A Report by Daniel Evans
         Copyright 2012 | All Rights Reserved

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Fiverr cash bomb

  • 1. S !! P ROFIT G F IVERR E XP LODIN fiverr Arsenal!! Equip your A Report by Daniel Evans Copyright 2012 | All Rights Reserved
  • 2. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO Disclaimer You agree that by following this guide the author is not responsible for the success or failure. You also agree that the author(s) are not responsible for any consequences resulting from using the information herein. Fiverr Cash Bomb is Copyright - Daniel Evans 2012. Resale is strictly prohibited.
  • 3. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO FIVERR CASH BOMB Exploding Fiverr Profits It is no secret that Fiverr has been gaining more and more popularity online as an easy way to get something done for $5 or to do something for somebody else for $5. It is without a doubt one of the easiest ways to instantly make $5 online with very little work, especially if you have resources that others might not have access to or you can just be a little bit creative. At first thought, you might think you don’t have anything to offer that someone would pay you $5 for, but that just means you aren’t thinking hard enough. You know how they say everybody has at least one special talent, well I don’t know if that is even really true, but the great thing is you don’t NEED special talent. If you just get a little bit creative, you will think of all kinds of things that people will pay you $5 for over and over. Also, as someone who is interested in internet marketing and building a business, you already have a valuable skill set and knowledge that people will pay $5 for over and over. Just figure out what you can easily provide for others that is worth $5 to them. Easily provide being the key words. Still don’t think you have anything to offer? Well I am here to give you some ideas you CAN do. If you say that you can’t, then you are just doubting yourself or being lazy. Money doesn’t like laziness or doubts. Take a look at these 10 ideas, choose one and just do it. Then do it
  • 4. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO again and again and again and pretty soon you’ll be making a lot more than a fiverr. More like a hundrederr with very little work. In all honesty, you should be able to do over half of these ideas or ideas similar to these. Don’t just read these ideas and think you have to do them exactly. Think about how you can tweak these ideas or come up with similar ones. Get your creative juices flowing and maybe you’ll think of 10 even better ideas of things you can provide on Fiverr. The point is, use this list as more than just a list, use it as a starting point. You could realistically make $50-$100 per day using Fiverr and imagine if it just takes you 2 minutes to complete each job. That would be just 20 minutes per day to make $50. That is $1500 per month! There is money to be made for those who take action and get a little bit creative. Alright, enough of me rambling on. You know you need to take action to make money online, so lets get to the 10 ideas that will get you started.
  • 5. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 1) Submit website or blog to the top 20, 50, 70, etc... search engines and directories. The key with this offer is to emphasize that you will be submitting to only the top however many search engines and directories online. Show the value that you will be providing by listing some of the best ones and the benefits of submitting your site to the search engines (faster crawling, backlinks, etc…) The great thing about this job is that there are several free submission services out there that you can use to do this job and it only takes about a minute to do. One of the best free online submissions out there that I have found is They submit your site to 70+ sites absolutely free. Another good one that you can use is Add me which submits to 20 of the top search engines and directories. It can be found at: You may be able to find better or more free submission services or maybe even some software that will do an even better job. The more you can over deliver, the better, so take this offer, make it as good as you can (but keep it simple to do) and you are sure to have a ton of people buy up this offer.
  • 6. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 2) Offer to create a spun version of any article of 500 words or less Internet Marketers use spun articles to be able to submit unique versions of the same article to multiple places to build backlinks. Most of us don’t really like the tedious task of created a spun version however, so this is a service that you will find a lot of demand for. This is not an easy task if you just do it manually, but it is something that anybody can do. If you don’t know what spinning an article is, it is when you place multiple synonyms for words and phrases throughout the article and each spun version of the article will pick one of the synonyms randomly. A simple example would be “The {brown|white|yellow} {dog|cat} {jumped|leapt|leaped} over the {house|moon|car}.” Doing this for a 500 word article manually can be very time consuming and in all honesty, probably would not be worth doing for $5, but thanks to one of my favorite internet marketers around, Jonathan Leger, creating a spun version of an article can be done in a fraction of the time. Jonathan Leger created “The Best Spinner” which just so happens to be the best spinner out there and it will instantly spin an article that requires little to no editing. Just yesterday I spun an article in about 2 minutes and every spun version I read was 70% unique and had no grammatical errors or funny sounding sentences. Pretty incredible. If you do any type of article marketing at all, this is a MUST have in your arsenal. Unless you want to pay $5 for someone else to do it for you on Fiverr.
  • 7. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO Try The Best Spinner for just $7: So if you DO have The Best Spinner, this is a great gig you can do very easily. You could even over-deliver and offer to spin 2 or even 3 articles for people and it still would be a pretty quick job to do. If you don’t have The Best Spinner, I highly recommend you check it out. You can even have it pay for itself within just a few days by doing a few jobs on Fiverr.
  • 8. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 3) Offer a valuable top 10 list of some sort. (Top 10 best recipes you have ever tasted, Top 10 secrets to making money online, top 10 ways get the girl of your dreams, top 10 ways to lose weight NOW. People love lists and if you offer them a valuable list that is related to what they are looking for, they will be willing to shell out a measley $5 for it. The key to this job is that you give it a juicy title and description or something with a unique angle. Instead of the top 10 ways to lose weight, title your job something like, “Learn the 10 things I did to lose 50 lbs WITHOUT exercising.” Nobody likes exercise, but they still want to lose weight, right? Also, the great thing about this job is once you do they upfront work of creating your top 10 list, you do not have any more work to do other than delivering the list. So for 30 minutes of work to create a top 10 list, you can profit for months! Not sure how to create a top 10 list? Just do some quick research. Say you are doing a top 10 best recipes you have ever had list, well just head to some of the top recipe sites and find the recipes that have the highest rated feedback. You can use the user comments from the recipes to be able to add some personal sounding comments about each recipe as well. If you are doing a top 10 list on something else, just search around for top 10 lists that already exist on blogs and in forums and create your own list from those.
  • 9. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 4) Offer advice on something that you are an expert in. Most of us have expertise in something other than internet marketing. Maybe you enjoy working on cars or maybe you are a really good test taker or really good at math. Chances are there are a few things that you are quite good at and have the ability to help other people with. Figure out a couple of these things and offer to give people advice on them. If you are really good at trouble shooting cars, offer to give advice as to what might be an easy fix to someone’s vehicle based on the problems that they tell you. If you are very good at picking up women, offer to help someone do better in the dating scene and give them proven advice that has worked for you. You can offer just about anything depending on what you are good at. One thing I would stay away from is offering legal advice. That is one that is always a little bit risky to give advice on, unless of course you are qualified to do so. Once you have posted your gig to offer advice, a good way to get some relevant eyes on your add would be to go into forums about the topic and post a little bit with the link to your gig in the signature. Or you can go to yahoo answers and comment on questions with links to your gig. This will help bring the right people that would benefit from your expertise to your posting.
  • 10. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 5) Write an original Haiku, poem or short story about any subject. This is probably one of the funnest gigs to do on Fiverr, because it is all about just having fun and being creative with it. If you are offering to write a haiku, all you have to write is 17 syllables TOTAL. How much easier does it get. Forget writing a 500 word article for $5, how about writing just 17 syllables. Or you can choose to write a short poem or short story about whatever subject the person wants. I know for me, this is just really fun and feels more like a break from working than doing actual work. If you don’t fancy yourself very creative, I would try going the Haiku route. If you don’t know what a haiku is, it is a 3 line poem that has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and 5 in the third line. So for an example, here is a haiku I just came up with. Take Action Right Now Don’t Just Sit There Post A Gig Now That You Know How Ok, maybe it isn’t the next great Shakespearian poem, but you get the drift.
  • 11. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 6) Review and offer feedback on powerpoint presentation or other material. People always like to have someone review their work and offer feedback, so if you can take a look at a presentation, e-book, website or whatever and offer good constructive feedback, people will likely take you up on it. In your post, highlight your experience with what a successful powerpoint presentation should look like or a money making website should look like. Position yourself as an expert so that people WANT you to look at their stuff. Once you look at and review their material, just offer 5 or 10 good pieces of feedback on how they could improve it. It does not have to be rocket science or some kind of big secret that you tell them, just give them solid advice that they can act on and they will be happy.
  • 12. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 7) Offer to show people how to get free stuff online. There are a ton of things that you can get online for free and a lot of people do not even know about all of the opportunities. People can get all kinds of free samples, free pet food, makeup, software, magazine, T-shirts and more. Luckily, there is not a lot of hunting involved in finding these free offers, it is just a matter of knowing where to look. Two great places that you can find free offers are. Both of these places have a freebies area and thousands of members are constantly finding great things that you can get for free. So all you have to do is write a quick page or so explanation leading them to these sites and telling them where in the forum they can find the free offers section. In your actual Fiverr gig posting, be specific with the types of things people can get for free. Just see what kind of free offers are up currently at those sites and then you can list them. The more specific you can be, the better chance something will catch a person’s interest and they will purchase your gig just to find out about one of the things you list.
  • 13. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 8) Offer advice on how to properly monetize someones site. There are a lot of different ways to monetize a website and most people could be doing it better than they are. With this gig, if you have any experience with monetizing websites, you should have no problem offering advice. Even if you have very little experience, you could still do this gig. Just take a look at their sites and see if they are offering things that are relevant to their sites content. See if they are building a mailing list. See if their Adsense placement looks good. Offer them 2 or 3 ideas that they can use that should improve their profitability. This is another gig where it helps if you position yourself as an expert to give yourself the proper credibility. You may not consider yourself an expert, but if you know about the things that I just mentioned above, chances are that you are more knowledgeable than 99% of webmasters out there and if you ask me, that makes you an expert. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you may want to skip this idea however.
  • 14. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 9) Leave 10 comments on 10 relevant blogs with link back to their website and then ping those posts. If you have browsed fiverr much, you will see this type of offer has been offered quite a bit already. However, you can set yourself apart by explaining that you will be doing these links manually, only to high quality, relevant blogs and the comments will not be spammy or off-topic. Explain in your gig that the approval rate of your comments will be almost 100% and have almost immediate impact since you will be pinging each of the blog posts that you comment on. This is a very simple task that really requires no previous skill. Just make sure that the comments you leave are relevant to each blog post it is on and provides some value to the blog owner.
  • 15. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 10) Do something completely insane I don’t necessarily condone this one, but if you really just want to do something kind of crazy and get paid $5 for it, Fiverr has proven to be a great place for it. Often times you will see the featured gigs are some of the weirdest things you’ll see on the site. What is crazy and weird varies from person to person but here are a few original ideas that you could do that might get you featured and making a lot of sales with. -Offer to burn somebodies name into your grass and send a picture of it or video of you doing it. -Offer to video yourself dancing to any song with a shoe on your head -If you do impressions, offer to say or read something in your voice. -Offer to record a 30 second song on any topic -Offer to draw a 6-panel comic strip featuring them (I would use stick men cause I suck at art)
  • 16. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO 11) BONUS Profit Clincher!! The very best method you can ever use to make the very most out of is the process of arbitrage. Arbitrage simply involves buying and selling for more. There are endless amounts of products and services which can be bought on fiverr and sold elsewhere for HUGE PROFITS and you can even establish solid businesses from doing so. I operate many businesses using this technique that are very profitable. It’s all well and good serving up gigs yourself on fiverr including all the aforementioned as these can be very good earners. However the very first thing you should ask yourself before looking at a gig and thinking to yourself “hey! I could sell the same on fiverr!”, is .. “Could I take advantage of this gig and sell it for more elsewhere!? This is the clincher and the ultimate way to make BIG money from!
  • 17. FI TS!! R PRO FIVER DING EXPLO I earn $2000+ per month using! selling only 2 products per day!! NEW!! If you enjoyed this report and you’d like to discover a business model of mine which alone (besides the rest of my fiverr tricks) earns me $2000+pm, I encourage you to grab my Fiverr Blitz report which details the exact steps I take from start to finish purchasing a fiverr gig and selling it on for considerable profit using a very specific fiverr gig. My report now features the all New Companion Guide which polishes off the guide with a “hand holder” making it completely foolproof! Grab it here! Daniel Evans
  • 18. - PRO FITS!! R FIVER EXPL ODING err Arsenal!! Equip your fiv A Report by Daniel Evans Copyright 2012 | All Rights Reserved