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First part
Begin with a brief narrative description how the plan budget
will achieve profitability.
Part two
Gaining approval from the company leadership often depends on
the allocation of the marketing plan budget. Show that you
know how to spend it wisely.
B2C Objective: Become preferred brand and to increase
customer loyalty to our product lines amongst:
· Young Adults (business/career builders)
· Children
· Young Families
1) increasing market penetration to 80%
1. Increase the number of direct sales force and in-house sales
personnel who support the retail channels by 20%
2. Increase b2c advertising by 10% each
3. Lower the prices of cold medicine and make it affordable to
the target groups
2. 39M
3. N/A
2) increase usage of cold medicine to 3.0 bottles/period among
the preference groups
1. Offer volume discounts of 15-40% of the manufacturer’s
suggested retail price and promotional allowance of 10-20
2. Spend $20 million dollars on all round's advertising
campaign, mainly for commercials aired on network television.
3. Increase competitive advertising budgets
2. $20M
3. 39M
3) increase the demand for cold medicine
1. Reviewing and tracking competitors’
marketing mix decisions, performance, and resources
2. Understanding what benefits the customer is seeking, how
they learn about products, what their motivation for purchasing
is, where they buy the product, what they consider when
choosing a product, and the like
3. Determine the current and future size of the market in units
and dollars through market research
2. $100,000
B2B Objective: Claim a larger market share over specific
channels with shelving
· Supermarkets
· Pharmacies
1) increase gross margin of All round from $145.3 million, to
$172.3 million.
1. Reduce advertising and promotional expenses
2. Minimize sales force and administrative costs
3. Reduce the purchasing of marketing research
1. 24M
2. 5M
3. 10M
2) Outshine the competitors in the industry like supermarkets
and pharmacies
1. Understanding the dynamics of market competition
2. Discern competitors’ strategies
3. Changing the advertising decisions to increase the market
1. n/a
2. n/a
3. n/a
3) to maintain long-term profitability and market share in an
increasingly competitive and changing environment
1. Embrace skillful marketing which will be pivotal to the
long-term success of all-star brands.
2. Assign each member separate assignments, but all are
concerned with the performance of the Allround brand and any
new brands that might be forthcoming.
3. Make proper decisions in the areas of product choice,
distribution, promotion, and pricing.
2. N/a
- Christopher
· Our brand formulation covers a variety of fields with our
diverse use of ingredients, no other brand compares.
· Having the highest brand awareness, trials, frequency of
purchases, and conversion ratio plays to our advantage as the
top dog in the market.
· Through our brands recognition, effectiveness, and loyalty in
the market we are able to control the price of our products more
freely allowing us to out compete our rivals and maintain price
leadership (in controlling cost of medication without fear of
hurting our profits).
· Alcohol Based product denies some markets (children, young
· Our retention ratio is lower than desired – we need to establish
a stronger and more reliable following.
· Lack of direction in advertising at the moment – we have only
recognized our rivals we have not decided what we will do as a
company whether it be spread consumer awareness more, push
or pull strategy, etc.
· Unsure if we will stick with BMW or go to S&R or LLC for
our advertising agencies.
· We can possibly take the alcohol aspect out of our formula so
that it is more family friendly and people can take it during the
day without worrying about becoming drowsy.
· Changing our formula to a capsule brand over a liquid for easy
· Cold medication has seen the largest growth in market share at
6.6% so we should capitalize on pushing an intensive marketing
strategy to bring in the most profit. In other words, we do not
necessarily have to focus on other markets except cold
· Besthelp controls the second largest share in cold medication
(they use a 4 hour capsule strategy – more on the go friendly).
· B&B as a company covers multiple markets in allergy and
cold while Allstar Brand (us) only cover multi-symptom cold.
Our market is not necessarily narrow but it is not as specified or
broad as some of the other competitors.
· Ethik Incorporated may be one of the biggest threats
overlooked in terms of market shares because they have stakes
in three markets and may be looking to expand further into ours.
2) Place
All-round products have adapted both the direct and indirect
method of distribution. The indirect method includes whole
sellers, merchandisers and detailers. These ensure that the
products are sold even to smaller retailers and thus increasing
their market penetration. The retailers sell to doctors and
pharmacies and urge them to recommend their products.
The direct method includes independent and chain drug stores,
grocery and convenience stores and mass merchandisers. These
are mainly focused on the urban and suburban areas.
In these various outlets, the company has provided sales force
to ensure supply of the products and proper products placement
in the various stores. The competitors have a similar approach
to direct and indirect methods of distribution. The competitors’
products have more space allocated to them in the stores which
is attributed to the number of sales force and level of discounts
offered to the stores and the level of product turnover.
To counter this, All-star can in vary the resources allocated to
the various channels of distribution.
The company performs various promotional activities. It carries
out advertisements on television, consumer promotions, co-op
advertisements and promotional discounts.
In the consumer promotions, the company has adapted methods
such as free trials size package, coupons and point of sale
purchase. The promotional discounts are in addition to the price
cut to a channel. Co-op advertisements are an additional payout
for the store when it features the product in their advertisement.
On the television adverts, they portray information to create
awareness, remind the customers of the products and to specific
demographic segments. The advertisements and promotions
have been very effective as the All-round product is well known
by customers. This has boosted the sales as the company is well
known for high-quality products. The competitors, on the other
hand, have similar approaches to promotion but have a smaller
budget. This may be attributed to different budget allocation to
the various methods and using advertising agencies that charge
less. The reduction in promotional costs reflects well on the
All-star should use a cheaper advertising agency which offers
good quality adverts to reduce its costs as the company’s All-
round brand is already well established. In taking this approach,
it should also ensure that the product shelve space is increased
to allow for more exposure to the customers.
All-star products are very competitive in the market. This is
because their All-round brand is one drug but for many
solutions and it's very effective. This being said the other
companies have taken a differentiation strategy by separating
the products by the specific symptoms.
This has made it easy for consumers to pick a product specific
to their need. With All-round brand, the consumer takes a
general medicine for any symptoms they experience. This has
been seen as a concern for physicians due to over medication
.whereas for their competitors’ one can choose the specific
product for the particular symptom. The level of contents in the
medicines is also a concern. The All-round brand has got
alcohol which is viewed negatively as people focus on healthier
lifestyles. The other competitors have different levels of
medicine content in the varied product categories which the
consumers may consider to be much healthier. Another product
differentiation taken is the forms of medication. All-round
brand is in capsule form while its competitors have various
other forms i.e. spray, capsules and liquid form. The study
shows that customers prefer the capsule form of the over the
counter medication. Another factor is the duration before one
takes another dose. All-round brand has maintained it to 4hs
while the others have up to 12hrs. The 4hrs is more appealing to
customers as they may need to take the medicine during the day
as they work and may need a drug with fewer side effects. The
12hrs drugs have more side effects and may be best taken only
at night. All-star company can counter the competition by
removing the alcohol in the All-around product, and they can
also create new products for the specific symptoms they cure.
All-round product line has the second highest cost in the
market. The range of the over the counter products is about a
dollar which appears irrelevant to the consumers seeing that the
All-around product is still ahead. The competitors in the market
seem to have priced the cough remedies higher, this is the
cough care and the end products which cost as much as the All-
around product or higher. When it comes to the other symptoms
of allergies and nasal congestion, the consumers consider them
minor and thus assume they should spend less. The All-round
product can counter the competitors by the continuous emphasis
on its product as the best medication for coughs and the fact
that it will also cure other symptoms that may not be prevalent
but are associated with coughs.
The profit margin made by the retailers is also a factor in the
level of sales. The higher the discount on the volume of
products, the more the sales.
Our product which contains alcohol excludes some markets
such as young families and children indefinitely. Another issue
that may need to be addressed is that for many young couples or
many people in their career building stage of their lives are very
“go” oriented meaning that we have to be conscious about
having alcohol in our product (for when they consume it during
work). Another concern to think about would be the form our
product is in. Having the product in liquid form is easier for
children and elderly to swallow but one of those (children) are
excluded in our market. We should consider changing over to a
capsule form.
The buying behavior behind our product is partly based off
the analysis above – people will be more conscious to purchase
our brand if they are in specific categories (i.e. children). The
reason why they may be purchasing our products is due to its
immense popularity and history for being effective. The name
itself is strong enough to give the company a strong hold in the
market but we should be able to adjust in case change in
demand. There is a lot to consider when purchasing from our
brand but if the buyer is not considering children using our
product I believe it will be picked over the other brands that
address colds.
The price of our product is completely dictated by us, we
control the market and thus we control the price. As long as our
prices are not outrageously high the consumers naturally lean
toward the more well-known established brand which is us.
Picking a lesser known brand or off brand is considered in a
way, “not effective” or “cheap” so consumers will learn toward
our brand. Although the prices for our product is the highest in
the market (not by a large margin, but enough) we are in control
of the price control. We should readily adjust our prices with
consumer behavior, seasons, and the economy.
Allrounds primary target customers are young singles and the
types of promotions that Allround offers seem to be appealing
to this target segment. Our brand pulls our target segments in
specifically in the cold season, during this period our customers
automatically turn to our product when they need over the
counter medication mostly due to the high consumer awareness
of the brand. Allround has a high budget for advertising, higher
than its competitors, and it is during the cold season that
Allround incorporates television advertising to promote their
product and attract buyers.
Another promotion that Allround uses is a type of consumer
promotion that accounts for 8% of Allrounds promotion
allowance. It is the use of coupons, customers are rewarded for
choosing our product by saving money. This promotion is
especially attractive to the elderly and older individuals because
they are more likely to look through the retail stores coupon
book or store catalogs.
Young Individuals prefer our brand because they tend to be
more active and in need of just 4 hour medicines that are easily
consumed. Another way we appeal to this target segment is by
the use of social media, Allround has begun to promote their
product through social media sites which has shown to be an
effective medium to set a platform to gain insight of our
customer’s thoughts and reactions on the product.
Convenience store sales showed the strongest growth this period
with an increase of 40.1%.This could be the case for many
different reasons one of them being that our target segments
tend to be young singles, and families, and stopping at
convenience stores is much quicker for families to grab
Allround medicine, for example, after picking up kids from
school or for adults that want to make a quick stop on the way
home from work instead of waiting in the various check-out
lines at larger retail stores. Overall, retail stores remain to be
Allrounds most optimal channel for sales with 22.5% growth
this period.
Our other target segment, the elderly, tend to have more health
problems as they continue to age which means that they start to
make frequent visits to the doctor’s office. This allows for
doctors or pharmacists to bring the attention of those customers
to our product.
Allstar Brands’ Allround product is one of the best (OTC)
market. The products provided by Allstar Brand’s are
medications for cold and allergy. The company consists of three
divisions: Consumer Products, International, and
The Consumer Products Division handles a number of packaged
goods, such as laundry detergent, shampoo, and bar soap. For
instance, the Consumer Product Division is a department that’s
like the warehouse where the company keep their products.
Along with that the The Consumer Products Division also
responsible for storing the products in and make them ready for
any need.
The International Division distributes Allstar products on a
global basis and has a large presence in the European market.
Also it’s responsible of communication between the consumers
all over the world to provide them the best quality of shipping
and need.
The Pharmaceuticals Division is responsible for the marketing
and production of ethical and OTC medications. They provide
ethical drugs through pharmacies with a physician’s
prescription. Furthermore, whereas OTC remedies are widely
distributed without the need for a prescription.
Anita Flores
Student 2
Company Description – Company Legal Name & Form
The legal name of our cold medicine company is Allstar
Brands Corporation. Allstar Brands merged with a group of
smaller companies to form one of the largest leaders of
packaged goods in the world. Our brand specializes in over-the
counter cough medicines. Our medicine may come in a variety
of forms such as: liquid, capsule, or even spray. We provide a
variety of methods for taking our products in order to assure the
comfort of our customers. Due to our dedication to providing
excellent service and products the results have been the
dominance of Allround in the cold medicine market. Despite,
our brand taking some due to not meeting expectations along
with the pressure of other companies rising in popularity we
will look for new alternatives to holding our place as the most
popular brand of cold medicine on the market.
Student 3
The briefing supports to make an introduction to the
PharmaSim simulation. The briefing has several data and
concepts from All star’s management. Moreover, the data
respectively separated in different areas which are All round
brand product allocation and pricing. Also, the data comes from
market survey reports. In addition, it is the same as decision on
pricing and promotion. All-star’s management has data from
sales force and industry competition.
Marketing Team (Management)
These positions are subject to change as we will assess
performance and potential in order to better utilize our staff.
Yasser Alwafi will be in charge of sales force and pricing,
Anita Flores will oversee promotion and advertising, Mohamad
Alshuqayr will look over potential surveys/outside resources
and budget allocation, and Christopher Chan will also look over
pricing, and reports. As a whole team we will monitor and make
notes of the moves our rival companies make and act
accordingly as a team.
Company Mission Statement
Our mission statement is to provide the highest quality of
over the counter cough and cold medicine as possible. We seek
to improve our relations with our customers and continue to
build loyalty through consistency, efficiency, and with a high
level of customer service.
Student 5
Products Offered
The Company Allround Brand has three divisions that
manufacture and advertise different products. The Consumer
Products Division handles a number of packaged goods, such as
laundry detergent, shampoo, and bar soap. The International
Division distributes Allstar products on a global basis and has a
large presence in the European market. The Pharmaceuticals
Division is responsible for the marketing and production of
ethical and OTC medications.
Allstar Brand’s OTC medicine is Allround 4-hr Multi Symptom
Cold Liquid medicine, it relieves five basic symptoms: aches
and fever, nasal congestion, chest congestion, runny nose, and
cough. Allstar’s product primarily targets consumers with
colds, but allergies share many of the same symptoms and are
therefore often grouped with cold remedies. It contains an
analgesic, an antihistamine, a decongestant, a cough
suppressant, and alcohol. Most consumers use this product for
nighttime relief because of the strength of the medication and
because the alcohol and antihistamine help the patient rest.
Allround is viewed as one of the most effective brands on the
market at reducing multiple cold symptoms and based on its
profits it is the leading brand.
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  • 1. First part Begin with a brief narrative description how the plan budget will achieve profitability. Part two Gaining approval from the company leadership often depends on the allocation of the marketing plan budget. Show that you know how to spend it wisely. B2C Objective: Become preferred brand and to increase customer loyalty to our product lines amongst: · Young Adults (business/career builders) · Children · Young Families Goals: Tactics: Budget: Timetable: Responsibilities: 1) increasing market penetration to 80% 1. Increase the number of direct sales force and in-house sales personnel who support the retail channels by 20% 2. Increase b2c advertising by 10% each 3. Lower the prices of cold medicine and make it affordable to the target groups 1. $25M
  • 2. 2. 39M 3. N/A Christopher Anita Yasser 2) increase usage of cold medicine to 3.0 bottles/period among the preference groups 1. Offer volume discounts of 15-40% of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price and promotional allowance of 10-20 percent 2. Spend $20 million dollars on all round's advertising campaign, mainly for commercials aired on network television. 3. Increase competitive advertising budgets
  • 4. Anita 3) increase the demand for cold medicine 1. Reviewing and tracking competitors’ marketing mix decisions, performance, and resources 2. Understanding what benefits the customer is seeking, how they learn about products, what their motivation for purchasing is, where they buy the product, what they consider when choosing a product, and the like 3. Determine the current and future size of the market in units and dollars through market research n/a N/a
  • 6. Anita Christopher B2B Objective: Claim a larger market share over specific channels with shelving · Supermarkets · Pharmacies Goals: Tactics: Budget: Timetable: Responsibilities: 1) increase gross margin of All round from $145.3 million, to $172.3 million. 1. Reduce advertising and promotional expenses 2. Minimize sales force and administrative costs
  • 7. 3. Reduce the purchasing of marketing research 1. 24M 2. 5M 3. 10M 2) Outshine the competitors in the industry like supermarkets and pharmacies 1. Understanding the dynamics of market competition 2. Discern competitors’ strategies 3. Changing the advertising decisions to increase the market share. 1. n/a
  • 8. 2. n/a 3. n/a 3) to maintain long-term profitability and market share in an increasingly competitive and changing environment 1. Embrace skillful marketing which will be pivotal to the long-term success of all-star brands. 2. Assign each member separate assignments, but all are concerned with the performance of the Allround brand and any new brands that might be forthcoming. 3. Make proper decisions in the areas of product choice, distribution, promotion, and pricing. 1. $10M
  • 9. 2. N/a - Christopher Strengths · Our brand formulation covers a variety of fields with our diverse use of ingredients, no other brand compares. · Having the highest brand awareness, trials, frequency of purchases, and conversion ratio plays to our advantage as the top dog in the market. · Through our brands recognition, effectiveness, and loyalty in the market we are able to control the price of our products more freely allowing us to out compete our rivals and maintain price leadership (in controlling cost of medication without fear of hurting our profits).
  • 10. Weaknesses · Alcohol Based product denies some markets (children, young families). · Our retention ratio is lower than desired – we need to establish a stronger and more reliable following. · Lack of direction in advertising at the moment – we have only recognized our rivals we have not decided what we will do as a company whether it be spread consumer awareness more, push or pull strategy, etc. · Unsure if we will stick with BMW or go to S&R or LLC for our advertising agencies. Opportunities · We can possibly take the alcohol aspect out of our formula so that it is more family friendly and people can take it during the day without worrying about becoming drowsy. · Changing our formula to a capsule brand over a liquid for easy travel. · Cold medication has seen the largest growth in market share at 6.6% so we should capitalize on pushing an intensive marketing strategy to bring in the most profit. In other words, we do not necessarily have to focus on other markets except cold medication. Threats
  • 11. · Besthelp controls the second largest share in cold medication (they use a 4 hour capsule strategy – more on the go friendly). · B&B as a company covers multiple markets in allergy and cold while Allstar Brand (us) only cover multi-symptom cold. Our market is not necessarily narrow but it is not as specified or broad as some of the other competitors. · Ethik Incorporated may be one of the biggest threats overlooked in terms of market shares because they have stakes in three markets and may be looking to expand further into ours. 1) 2) Place All-round products have adapted both the direct and indirect method of distribution. The indirect method includes whole sellers, merchandisers and detailers. These ensure that the products are sold even to smaller retailers and thus increasing their market penetration. The retailers sell to doctors and pharmacies and urge them to recommend their products. The direct method includes independent and chain drug stores, grocery and convenience stores and mass merchandisers. These are mainly focused on the urban and suburban areas. In these various outlets, the company has provided sales force to ensure supply of the products and proper products placement in the various stores. The competitors have a similar approach to direct and indirect methods of distribution. The competitors’ products have more space allocated to them in the stores which is attributed to the number of sales force and level of discounts offered to the stores and the level of product turnover. To counter this, All-star can in vary the resources allocated to the various channels of distribution. Promotion The company performs various promotional activities. It carries
  • 12. out advertisements on television, consumer promotions, co-op advertisements and promotional discounts. In the consumer promotions, the company has adapted methods such as free trials size package, coupons and point of sale purchase. The promotional discounts are in addition to the price cut to a channel. Co-op advertisements are an additional payout for the store when it features the product in their advertisement. On the television adverts, they portray information to create awareness, remind the customers of the products and to specific demographic segments. The advertisements and promotions have been very effective as the All-round product is well known by customers. This has boosted the sales as the company is well known for high-quality products. The competitors, on the other hand, have similar approaches to promotion but have a smaller budget. This may be attributed to different budget allocation to the various methods and using advertising agencies that charge less. The reduction in promotional costs reflects well on the profits. All-star should use a cheaper advertising agency which offers good quality adverts to reduce its costs as the company’s All- round brand is already well established. In taking this approach, it should also ensure that the product shelve space is increased to allow for more exposure to the customers. Product All-star products are very competitive in the market. This is because their All-round brand is one drug but for many solutions and it's very effective. This being said the other companies have taken a differentiation strategy by separating the products by the specific symptoms. This has made it easy for consumers to pick a product specific to their need. With All-round brand, the consumer takes a general medicine for any symptoms they experience. This has been seen as a concern for physicians due to over medication .whereas for their competitors’ one can choose the specific product for the particular symptom. The level of contents in the
  • 13. medicines is also a concern. The All-round brand has got alcohol which is viewed negatively as people focus on healthier lifestyles. The other competitors have different levels of medicine content in the varied product categories which the consumers may consider to be much healthier. Another product differentiation taken is the forms of medication. All-round brand is in capsule form while its competitors have various other forms i.e. spray, capsules and liquid form. The study shows that customers prefer the capsule form of the over the counter medication. Another factor is the duration before one takes another dose. All-round brand has maintained it to 4hs while the others have up to 12hrs. The 4hrs is more appealing to customers as they may need to take the medicine during the day as they work and may need a drug with fewer side effects. The 12hrs drugs have more side effects and may be best taken only at night. All-star company can counter the competition by removing the alcohol in the All-around product, and they can also create new products for the specific symptoms they cure. Pricing All-round product line has the second highest cost in the market. The range of the over the counter products is about a dollar which appears irrelevant to the consumers seeing that the All-around product is still ahead. The competitors in the market seem to have priced the cough remedies higher, this is the cough care and the end products which cost as much as the All- around product or higher. When it comes to the other symptoms of allergies and nasal congestion, the consumers consider them minor and thus assume they should spend less. The All-round product can counter the competitors by the continuous emphasis on its product as the best medication for coughs and the fact that it will also cure other symptoms that may not be prevalent but are associated with coughs. The profit margin made by the retailers is also a factor in the level of sales. The higher the discount on the volume of products, the more the sales.
  • 14. 3) Product Our product which contains alcohol excludes some markets such as young families and children indefinitely. Another issue that may need to be addressed is that for many young couples or many people in their career building stage of their lives are very “go” oriented meaning that we have to be conscious about having alcohol in our product (for when they consume it during work). Another concern to think about would be the form our product is in. Having the product in liquid form is easier for children and elderly to swallow but one of those (children) are excluded in our market. We should consider changing over to a capsule form. The buying behavior behind our product is partly based off the analysis above – people will be more conscious to purchase our brand if they are in specific categories (i.e. children). The reason why they may be purchasing our products is due to its immense popularity and history for being effective. The name itself is strong enough to give the company a strong hold in the market but we should be able to adjust in case change in demand. There is a lot to consider when purchasing from our brand but if the buyer is not considering children using our product I believe it will be picked over the other brands that address colds. Price The price of our product is completely dictated by us, we control the market and thus we control the price. As long as our prices are not outrageously high the consumers naturally lean toward the more well-known established brand which is us. Picking a lesser known brand or off brand is considered in a way, “not effective” or “cheap” so consumers will learn toward our brand. Although the prices for our product is the highest in the market (not by a large margin, but enough) we are in control of the price control. We should readily adjust our prices with
  • 15. consumer behavior, seasons, and the economy. Promotion: Allrounds primary target customers are young singles and the types of promotions that Allround offers seem to be appealing to this target segment. Our brand pulls our target segments in specifically in the cold season, during this period our customers automatically turn to our product when they need over the counter medication mostly due to the high consumer awareness of the brand. Allround has a high budget for advertising, higher than its competitors, and it is during the cold season that Allround incorporates television advertising to promote their product and attract buyers. Another promotion that Allround uses is a type of consumer promotion that accounts for 8% of Allrounds promotion allowance. It is the use of coupons, customers are rewarded for choosing our product by saving money. This promotion is especially attractive to the elderly and older individuals because they are more likely to look through the retail stores coupon book or store catalogs. Young Individuals prefer our brand because they tend to be more active and in need of just 4 hour medicines that are easily consumed. Another way we appeal to this target segment is by the use of social media, Allround has begun to promote their product through social media sites which has shown to be an effective medium to set a platform to gain insight of our customer’s thoughts and reactions on the product. Place: Convenience store sales showed the strongest growth this period with an increase of 40.1%.This could be the case for many different reasons one of them being that our target segments tend to be young singles, and families, and stopping at convenience stores is much quicker for families to grab Allround medicine, for example, after picking up kids from school or for adults that want to make a quick stop on the way home from work instead of waiting in the various check-out lines at larger retail stores. Overall, retail stores remain to be
  • 16. Allrounds most optimal channel for sales with 22.5% growth this period. Our other target segment, the elderly, tend to have more health problems as they continue to age which means that they start to make frequent visits to the doctor’s office. This allows for doctors or pharmacists to bring the attention of those customers to our product. Student1 Allstar Brands’ Allround product is one of the best (OTC) market. The products provided by Allstar Brand’s are medications for cold and allergy. The company consists of three divisions: Consumer Products, International, and Pharmaceuticals. The Consumer Products Division handles a number of packaged goods, such as laundry detergent, shampoo, and bar soap. For instance, the Consumer Product Division is a department that’s like the warehouse where the company keep their products. Along with that the The Consumer Products Division also responsible for storing the products in and make them ready for any need. The International Division distributes Allstar products on a global basis and has a large presence in the European market. Also it’s responsible of communication between the consumers all over the world to provide them the best quality of shipping and need. The Pharmaceuticals Division is responsible for the marketing and production of ethical and OTC medications. They provide ethical drugs through pharmacies with a physician’s prescription. Furthermore, whereas OTC remedies are widely distributed without the need for a prescription. BLUE TEAM Anita Flores Student 2
  • 17. Company Description – Company Legal Name & Form The legal name of our cold medicine company is Allstar Brands Corporation. Allstar Brands merged with a group of smaller companies to form one of the largest leaders of packaged goods in the world. Our brand specializes in over-the counter cough medicines. Our medicine may come in a variety of forms such as: liquid, capsule, or even spray. We provide a variety of methods for taking our products in order to assure the comfort of our customers. Due to our dedication to providing excellent service and products the results have been the dominance of Allround in the cold medicine market. Despite, our brand taking some due to not meeting expectations along with the pressure of other companies rising in popularity we will look for new alternatives to holding our place as the most popular brand of cold medicine on the market. Student 3 The briefing supports to make an introduction to the PharmaSim simulation. The briefing has several data and concepts from All star’s management. Moreover, the data respectively separated in different areas which are All round brand product allocation and pricing. Also, the data comes from market survey reports. In addition, it is the same as decision on pricing and promotion. All-star’s management has data from sales force and industry competition. Student4 Marketing Team (Management) These positions are subject to change as we will assess performance and potential in order to better utilize our staff. Yasser Alwafi will be in charge of sales force and pricing, Anita Flores will oversee promotion and advertising, Mohamad Alshuqayr will look over potential surveys/outside resources and budget allocation, and Christopher Chan will also look over pricing, and reports. As a whole team we will monitor and make notes of the moves our rival companies make and act accordingly as a team.
  • 18. Company Mission Statement Our mission statement is to provide the highest quality of over the counter cough and cold medicine as possible. We seek to improve our relations with our customers and continue to build loyalty through consistency, efficiency, and with a high level of customer service. Student 5 Products Offered The Company Allround Brand has three divisions that manufacture and advertise different products. The Consumer Products Division handles a number of packaged goods, such as laundry detergent, shampoo, and bar soap. The International Division distributes Allstar products on a global basis and has a large presence in the European market. The Pharmaceuticals Division is responsible for the marketing and production of ethical and OTC medications. Allstar Brand’s OTC medicine is Allround 4-hr Multi Symptom Cold Liquid medicine, it relieves five basic symptoms: aches and fever, nasal congestion, chest congestion, runny nose, and cough. Allstar’s product primarily targets consumers with colds, but allergies share many of the same symptoms and are therefore often grouped with cold remedies. It contains an analgesic, an antihistamine, a decongestant, a cough suppressant, and alcohol. Most consumers use this product for nighttime relief because of the strength of the medication and because the alcohol and antihistamine help the patient rest. Allround is viewed as one of the most effective brands on the market at reducing multiple cold symptoms and based on its profits it is the leading brand.