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A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration
           Interim Critique

                March 19, 2003
A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration
                       Interim Critique


                A3 Process Overview
               Product Use Scenarios
                        Next Steps

Estimated Time: ~30 Minutes Presentation + 10 Minutes Discussion
34.2∫ | Our Process in A3

           Overview of Our Process in A3
             * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining
                        Problem Statement
             * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research
             * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study
             * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study

01 of 45
34.2∫ | Redefining Problem

           Overview of Our Process in A3
             * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining
                        Problem Statement
             * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research
             * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study
             * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study

02 of 45
34.2∫ | Redefining Problem

           Defining Our Focus
           Coming into A3, our focus area was still pretty undefined.
           We started by evaluating the pros and cons of our 3 larger themes. We
           decided that the idea of community, particularly sharing and communication
           within the organic farming and eating community was the most intriguing.

03 of 45
34.2∫ | Redefining Problem

           Initial User Research to Identify Problem Space
           We did some early user research that included observing and talking to
           the people in the East End Co-op. We also talked to people in the Strip
           about their grocery buying habits and tapped into our international
           department with questions about food buying overseas.

04 of 45
34.2∫ | Redefining Problem

           Findings of the Initial User Research
           Our initial pass at user research left us a little unclear about how we could
           specifically target the organic food community and what type of
           communication we would be fostering. So, with time ticking down, we
           took a 3 prong approach.
           * We went back out and talked to more users with more focused questions.
           * We did some communication models of what type of information could
           be exchanged between the co-op and the people who shop there.
           * We explored the setup and artifacts within the Co-op to get a sense of
           what types of forms might enhance and fit into that experience.

05 of 45
34.2∫ | Redefining Problem

           Redefinition Problem Statement
           How can we enhance the grocery shopping of a co-operative to allow
           for increased communication and sharing among the community of
           customers who shop for food, and between this community, the co-
           op that sell the food and the farmers & distributors who grow and ship
           the food?

06 of 45
34.2∫ | User Research

           Overview of Our Process in A3
             * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining
                        Problem Statement
             * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research
             * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study
             * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study

07 of 45
34.2∫ | User Research

           Defining User Group and User Research
           Since we had redefined our problem statement and user group, we
           formed a user research team. We defined co-op member / non-member
           users and co-op staff to interview.

08 of 45
34.2∫ | User Research

           Findings of User Research
           What we found in this pass was that people turn to organic food when
           they are experiencing a change often brought on their health conditions.
           These health conditions range from pregnancy to old age to a heart attack
           to the recommendation of a nutritionist or doctor.
           So these people turn to or are referred to places like the Co-op for help
           in understanding what these new dietary requirements mean and how
           they can be effectively integrated into their lives. The Co-op is considered
           a trusted place to find out about new health related eating styles.

09 of 45
34.2∫ | Product Functionality

           Overview of Our Process in A3
             * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining
                        Problem Statement
             * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research
             * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study
             * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study

10 of 45
34.2∫ | Product Functionality

           Product Features
           Generic Co-op Device (used by members & non-members in the co-
           op to customize the shopping experience)
           * allow selection of generic food and preferences / options (non-members)
           * allow input of identification key
           * display a shopping list
           * identify member containers (image, weight)
           * remember bulk food labels for checkout (?)
           * identify co-op specials and recommendations
           * allow for contacting co-op staff with a question
           * shopping list item indicator (?)

11 of 45
34.2∫ | Product Functionality

           Product Features
           Product Display (product specific displays throughout the co-op)
           * provide product description and uses
           * provide wellness information
           * provide organic/non-organic information
           * provide ripeness/spoilage information
           * provide farmer/manufacturer information
           * provide general preperation information
           * display member recommendations
           * input of comments & recommendations (?)
           * provide nutritional information
           * shoping list item indicator (?)

12 of 45
34.2∫ | Product Functionality

           Product Features
           Member Home Device (used in a members home to communicate and
           share information with the co-op)
           * needs to allow input of identification key
           * allow access to recipes
           * access product specific information including:
           * ripeness/spoilage
           * general preperation
           * wellness information
           * add items to a shopping list
           * add recipes to co-op database
           * submit product comments & recommendations
           * submit recipe comments & recommendations

13 of 45
34.2∫ | Product Functionality

           Product Features
           Identification Key (holds user preferences and data)
           * authenticate members at the co-op
           * record members shopping history
           * carry data between the co-op and home

14 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use

           Overview of Our Process in A3
             * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining
                        Problem Statement
             * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research
             * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study
             * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study

15 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use

           Initial Key Considerations in Product Form
           * People need to be able to use the device while carrying a basket, dealing
           with children, etc.
           * We wanted something that integrated into the shopping experience
           rather than be a PDA that the customer looks at for all their information.
           * There is a social / sharing component of the co-op that could be better
           integrated with the whole shopping experience.

16 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use

           Product Use Scenarios
           Scenario 1 ~ Jenny

17 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                              01 of 11

                           Jenny is 30 years old and she found out she
                           was pregnant a month ago. She is very excited
                           about the pregnancy but it is her first child and
                           she has be getting a lot of advice from her older
                           sister: add more a folic acid to her diet and avoid
                           all foods that are not organic. Her neighbor
                           recommended joining the co-op and buying
                           these items at a discount. After Jenny became
                           a member, she received a device to take home.
                           It could record her shopping list and she could
                           also customize it with her diet preferences and
                           her pregnancy.

18 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                        02 of 11

                           A couple of days later she was thinking
                           about her sisterís advice while taking a
                           multivitamin. She decides to look up some
                           new ways to get more folic acid into her
                           diet, since pills always upset her stomach.

19 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                            03 of 11

                           She walks over to the device on her refrigerator
                           and opens it. She looks up that spinach and
                           wheat germ are excellent sources of folic acid
                           so she adds them to her shopping list; she also
                           adds oatmeal cookies since she has a strong
                           craving for them.

20 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                     04 of 11

                           The next day she picks up her device and
                           hangs it around her neck to go grocery

21 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                         05 of 11

                           When she enters the store, she feels a little
                           overwhelmed by all of the choices so she
                           looks to see if someone could help her.

                           Unfortunately, all of the employees are
                           occupied but then she remembers that
                           her device will help guide her.

22 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                        06 of 11

                           Reaching down and opening it, a small
                           map appears with the layout of the store
                           and her location on it. She also sees her
                           shopping list with points lit up around the
                           store map representing the location of
                           items on her list.

23 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                      07 of 11

                           She walks over to the produce section and
                           holds it over the spinach.

24 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                      08 of 11

                           She notices that the screen changes to
                           show the information about the spinach,
                           telling her about the farmer who grew it.
                           She even has recommendations about
                           how to prepare it to maintain the peak
                           nutritional value.

25 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                     09 of 11

                           Looking at the wheat germ, she sees some
                           helpful ideas about adding it to yogurt.

26 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                       10 of 11

                           Looking at the oatmeal cookies, she learns
                           why they meet the standards for organic

27 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
                           Scenario 1                         11 of 11

                           On her way to the checkout, she walks
                           past the baby food aisle. Looking at a jar,
                           Jenny sees that, as a member, she could
                           buy it by the case at a substantial discount.
                           Something she decides to keep in mind
                           for later.

28 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use

           Product Use Scenarios
           Scenario 1 ~ Jenny and Edna

29 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2             01 of 14

 Jenny is back.
 Just like before she is pregnant
 and a new member of the co-op.

                                    Edna in is her 60s and has been
                                    a member of the co-op for many
                                    years. She will be teaching a
                                    Lamaze class this year and want
                                    to advertise it at the co-op. She
                                    was also planning to share some
                                    useful tips for dealing with

30 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2              02 of 14

 When Jennys sister was pregnant
 she started eating more spinach
 and wheat germ to get more folic
 acid. And she thinks Jenny should

                                     Talking to her daughter (who is
                                     pregnant again) she recalled her
                                     techniques for dealing with
                                     morning sickness.

31 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2              03 of 14

 Jenny adds these items to her
 shopping list and oatmeal cookies

                                     After she hung up the phone she
                                     adds these tips to her co-op
                                     device and the schedule for her

32 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2           04 of 14

 Goes to the co-op.

                                 Edna stops by the co-op for

33 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2              05 of 14

 Feeling a little overwhelmed, but
 her device will help guide her to
 the spinach.

                                     She sees her friend Sara and
                                     chats for a few minutes.

34 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2             06 of 14

 When she walks toward the back
 of the store, she feels a slight
 vibration from her device as she
 approaches spinach.

                                    They decide to eat lunch together.

35 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2              07 of 14

 Near by she sees a viewer attached
 to the shelves. She grabs it and
 pulls it in front the spinach.

                                      After lunch, Edna walks over to
                                      the social table in the cafe.

36 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2             08 of 14

 Same information as before about

                                    She takes her device from around
                                    her neck and places it on the
                                    table with the some of the empty
                                    icons. When the icons pulse once
                                    she knows that her heath tips
                                    and class schedule transferred.

37 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2             09 of 14

 ...and wheat germ...

                                   She moves these icons to the
                                   health tips and events sections
                                   on the table.

38 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2              10 of 14

 ...and oatmeal cookies...

                                    While she is here she decides to
                                    look for an interesting recipe for
                                    dinner, something vegetarian but

39 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2            11 of 14

 ...and baby food...

                                  After making her selection, a
                                  couple of recipe icons light up.
                                  She adds the recipes to her
                                  device to take home.

40 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2            12 of 14

 Jenny walks back to the cafÈ to
 check out their menu.

                                   Edna leaves the co-op to go pick
                                   up her daughter.

41 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2               13 of 14

 None of the food looks interesting
 to her so she decides to try out
 the social table. She selects heath
 tips for pregnancy and looks for a
 Lamaze class.

42 of 45
34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use
 Scenario 2               14 of 14

 The icons Edna left behind light
 up. Jenny copies this to her device
 and leaves the cafÈ to finish her

43 of 45
34.2∫ | Our Next Steps

           In the next phase of the project:
           1. We need to focus and reduce the type of information and amount of
           data we will be displaying for each individual product.
           2. We want to take these and some other product mock-ups and try them
           out in the Co-op to see how they would actually operate. In addition, figuring
           out how the shopping experience merges with the community experience
           for a more fulfilling trip to the grocery store will be important.
           3. We have decided to focus on co-op custmers who are going through
           these types of change of behavior and will be developing more detailed
           scenarios that will become the basis for our final presentation, building to

45 of 45
A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration
           Interim Critique


      Estimated Time: 10 Minutes
A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration
            Interim Critique

             Thank you!
We appreciate your comments.

             March 19, 2003

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First iteration

  • 1. Sharing Personal Media Project A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration Interim Critique March 19, 2003
  • 2. A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration Interim Critique Agenda A3 Process Overview Product Use Scenarios Next Steps Discussion Estimated Time: ~30 Minutes Presentation + 10 Minutes Discussion
  • 3. 34.2∫ | Our Process in A3 Overview of Our Process in A3 * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining Problem Statement * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study 01 of 45
  • 4. 34.2∫ | Redefining Problem Overview of Our Process in A3 * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining Problem Statement * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study 02 of 45
  • 5. 34.2∫ | Redefining Problem Defining Our Focus Coming into A3, our focus area was still pretty undefined. We started by evaluating the pros and cons of our 3 larger themes. We decided that the idea of community, particularly sharing and communication within the organic farming and eating community was the most intriguing. 03 of 45
  • 6. 34.2∫ | Redefining Problem Initial User Research to Identify Problem Space We did some early user research that included observing and talking to the people in the East End Co-op. We also talked to people in the Strip about their grocery buying habits and tapped into our international department with questions about food buying overseas. 04 of 45
  • 7. 34.2∫ | Redefining Problem Findings of the Initial User Research Our initial pass at user research left us a little unclear about how we could specifically target the organic food community and what type of communication we would be fostering. So, with time ticking down, we took a 3 prong approach. * We went back out and talked to more users with more focused questions. * We did some communication models of what type of information could be exchanged between the co-op and the people who shop there. * We explored the setup and artifacts within the Co-op to get a sense of what types of forms might enhance and fit into that experience. 05 of 45
  • 8. 34.2∫ | Redefining Problem Redefinition Problem Statement How can we enhance the grocery shopping of a co-operative to allow for increased communication and sharing among the community of customers who shop for food, and between this community, the co- op that sell the food and the farmers & distributors who grow and ship the food? 06 of 45
  • 9. 34.2∫ | User Research Overview of Our Process in A3 * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining Problem Statement * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study 07 of 45
  • 10. 34.2∫ | User Research Defining User Group and User Research Since we had redefined our problem statement and user group, we formed a user research team. We defined co-op member / non-member users and co-op staff to interview. 08 of 45
  • 11. 34.2∫ | User Research Findings of User Research What we found in this pass was that people turn to organic food when they are experiencing a change often brought on their health conditions. These health conditions range from pregnancy to old age to a heart attack to the recommendation of a nutritionist or doctor. So these people turn to or are referred to places like the Co-op for help in understanding what these new dietary requirements mean and how they can be effectively integrated into their lives. The Co-op is considered a trusted place to find out about new health related eating styles. 09 of 45
  • 12. 34.2∫ | Product Functionality Overview of Our Process in A3 * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining Problem Statement * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study 10 of 45
  • 13. 34.2∫ | Product Functionality Product Features Generic Co-op Device (used by members & non-members in the co- op to customize the shopping experience) * allow selection of generic food and preferences / options (non-members) * allow input of identification key * display a shopping list * identify member containers (image, weight) * remember bulk food labels for checkout (?) * identify co-op specials and recommendations * allow for contacting co-op staff with a question * shopping list item indicator (?) 11 of 45
  • 14. 34.2∫ | Product Functionality Product Features Product Display (product specific displays throughout the co-op) * provide product description and uses * provide wellness information * provide organic/non-organic information * provide ripeness/spoilage information * provide farmer/manufacturer information * provide general preperation information * display member recommendations * input of comments & recommendations (?) * provide nutritional information * shoping list item indicator (?) 12 of 45
  • 15. 34.2∫ | Product Functionality Product Features Member Home Device (used in a members home to communicate and share information with the co-op) * needs to allow input of identification key * allow access to recipes * access product specific information including: * ripeness/spoilage * general preperation * wellness information * add items to a shopping list * add recipes to co-op database * submit product comments & recommendations * submit recipe comments & recommendations 13 of 45
  • 16. 34.2∫ | Product Functionality Product Features Identification Key (holds user preferences and data) * authenticate members at the co-op * record members shopping history * carry data between the co-op and home 14 of 45
  • 17. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Overview of Our Process in A3 * Step 1 | Defining Project Focus & Redefining Problem Statement * Step 2 | Defining User Group & User Research * Step 3 | Product Feature / Functionality Study * Step 4 | Product Scenarios and Form Study 15 of 45
  • 18. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Initial Key Considerations in Product Form * People need to be able to use the device while carrying a basket, dealing with children, etc. * We wanted something that integrated into the shopping experience rather than be a PDA that the customer looks at for all their information. * There is a social / sharing component of the co-op that could be better integrated with the whole shopping experience. 16 of 45
  • 19. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Product Use Scenarios Scenario 1 ~ Jenny 17 of 45
  • 20. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 01 of 11 Jenny is 30 years old and she found out she was pregnant a month ago. She is very excited about the pregnancy but it is her first child and she has be getting a lot of advice from her older sister: add more a folic acid to her diet and avoid all foods that are not organic. Her neighbor recommended joining the co-op and buying these items at a discount. After Jenny became a member, she received a device to take home. It could record her shopping list and she could also customize it with her diet preferences and her pregnancy. 18 of 45
  • 21. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 02 of 11 A couple of days later she was thinking about her sisterís advice while taking a multivitamin. She decides to look up some new ways to get more folic acid into her diet, since pills always upset her stomach. 19 of 45
  • 22. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 03 of 11 She walks over to the device on her refrigerator and opens it. She looks up that spinach and wheat germ are excellent sources of folic acid so she adds them to her shopping list; she also adds oatmeal cookies since she has a strong craving for them. 20 of 45
  • 23. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 04 of 11 The next day she picks up her device and hangs it around her neck to go grocery shopping. 21 of 45
  • 24. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 05 of 11 When she enters the store, she feels a little overwhelmed by all of the choices so she looks to see if someone could help her. Unfortunately, all of the employees are occupied but then she remembers that her device will help guide her. 22 of 45
  • 25. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 06 of 11 Reaching down and opening it, a small map appears with the layout of the store and her location on it. She also sees her shopping list with points lit up around the store map representing the location of items on her list. 23 of 45
  • 26. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 07 of 11 She walks over to the produce section and holds it over the spinach. 24 of 45
  • 27. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 08 of 11 She notices that the screen changes to show the information about the spinach, telling her about the farmer who grew it. She even has recommendations about how to prepare it to maintain the peak nutritional value. 25 of 45
  • 28. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 09 of 11 Looking at the wheat germ, she sees some helpful ideas about adding it to yogurt. 26 of 45
  • 29. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 10 of 11 Looking at the oatmeal cookies, she learns why they meet the standards for organic foods. 27 of 45
  • 30. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 1 11 of 11 On her way to the checkout, she walks past the baby food aisle. Looking at a jar, Jenny sees that, as a member, she could buy it by the case at a substantial discount. Something she decides to keep in mind for later. 28 of 45
  • 31. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Product Use Scenarios Scenario 1 ~ Jenny and Edna 29 of 45
  • 32. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 01 of 14 Jenny is back. Just like before she is pregnant and a new member of the co-op. Edna in is her 60s and has been a member of the co-op for many years. She will be teaching a Lamaze class this year and want to advertise it at the co-op. She was also planning to share some useful tips for dealing with pregnancy. 30 of 45
  • 33. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 02 of 14 When Jennys sister was pregnant she started eating more spinach and wheat germ to get more folic acid. And she thinks Jenny should too. Talking to her daughter (who is pregnant again) she recalled her techniques for dealing with morning sickness. 31 of 45
  • 34. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 03 of 14 Jenny adds these items to her shopping list and oatmeal cookies too. After she hung up the phone she adds these tips to her co-op device and the schedule for her class. 32 of 45
  • 35. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 04 of 14 Goes to the co-op. Edna stops by the co-op for lunch. 33 of 45
  • 36. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 05 of 14 Feeling a little overwhelmed, but her device will help guide her to the spinach. She sees her friend Sara and chats for a few minutes. 34 of 45
  • 37. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 06 of 14 When she walks toward the back of the store, she feels a slight vibration from her device as she approaches spinach. They decide to eat lunch together. 35 of 45
  • 38. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 07 of 14 Near by she sees a viewer attached to the shelves. She grabs it and pulls it in front the spinach. After lunch, Edna walks over to the social table in the cafe. 36 of 45
  • 39. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 08 of 14 Same information as before about spinach... She takes her device from around her neck and places it on the table with the some of the empty icons. When the icons pulse once she knows that her heath tips and class schedule transferred. 37 of 45
  • 40. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 09 of 14 ...and wheat germ... She moves these icons to the health tips and events sections on the table. 38 of 45
  • 41. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 10 of 14 ...and oatmeal cookies... While she is here she decides to look for an interesting recipe for dinner, something vegetarian but spicy. 39 of 45
  • 42. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 11 of 14 ...and baby food... After making her selection, a couple of recipe icons light up. She adds the recipes to her device to take home. 40 of 45
  • 43. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 12 of 14 Jenny walks back to the cafÈ to check out their menu. Edna leaves the co-op to go pick up her daughter. 41 of 45
  • 44. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 13 of 14 None of the food looks interesting to her so she decides to try out the social table. She selects heath tips for pregnancy and looks for a Lamaze class. 42 of 45
  • 45. 34.2∫ | Scenarios of Use Scenario 2 14 of 14 The icons Edna left behind light up. Jenny copies this to her device and leaves the cafÈ to finish her shopping. 43 of 45
  • 46. 34.2∫ | Our Next Steps In the next phase of the project: 1. We need to focus and reduce the type of information and amount of data we will be displaying for each individual product. 2. We want to take these and some other product mock-ups and try them out in the Co-op to see how they would actually operate. In addition, figuring out how the shopping experience merges with the community experience for a more fulfilling trip to the grocery store will be important. 3. We have decided to focus on co-op custmers who are going through these types of change of behavior and will be developing more detailed scenarios that will become the basis for our final presentation, building to those. 45 of 45
  • 47. A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration Interim Critique Discussion Estimated Time: 10 Minutes
  • 48. A3 | Concept Selection and First Iteration Interim Critique Thank you! We appreciate your comments. March 19, 2003