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Day 1:	 Love
Day 2:	 Cultural Mandate
Day 3: 	 Image of God
Day 4: 	 Glorious
Day 5: 	Justification
Day 6: 	Perseverance
Day 7: 	 Scripture
Day 1 Love
To know God is to know love, and to continually experience this love is
to have renewed motivations, even for work. As we grasp the depth of
God’s love for us, we begin to see every part of our lives being sustained
and directed by that love. Over time this perspective affects every part of
our lives. And because we spend so much of our lives engaged in it, one of
our greatest needs is to have God’s love transform the way we work.
Day 1 Love
When we begin to experience God and his love, our whole being—heart, mind, soul
and strength—is engaged, and this experience cannot help but change the way we
approach work. It affects our motivations, our relationships and the very work that we do. We
see ourselves working for God out of gratitude for what he has done for us, and our diligence
at work reflects that gratitude.
As we consider the transformative power of God’s love, the question we must always ask
ourselves is this: “Have we come to know the true living God, or are we more occupied with
a projection of God informed by our own intellect, desires or experiences?” Only when we
encounter this loving God are we truly changed at the very core of our being.
Day 1 Love
God speaks into our lives, and his voice communicates a profound love that changes us in
ways both big and small. His love is not an abstract sentiment, but is specific. He didn’t love
humanity in some obscure way. No, he sent his Son to live as a Jewish man, die on a Roman
cross and rise again so that we could be saved and know him.
One of the most powerful expressions of God’s love in us is in the words we say to our
coworkers. Most of us have opportunities to give feedback. Yet, sometimes we shy away from
giving positive feedback, in fear of appearing weak or sappy, or we give it in such a way that
tears people down. When the love of God is at work in us to transform the way we see others
and the importance of our work, even seemingly insignificant feedback can create the kind of
change that brings life and health to an individual as well as an organization.
Day 1 Love
Day 2 Cultural Mandate
After God created humanity, he gave them a series of commands: be
fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion over
other living things. This call to cultivate the world and exercise dominion is
often called the cultural mandate. As God’s image bearers, our vocation is
to reflect his nature— as modeled for us in his work of creating— by bringing
increased order, structure, vibrancy and flourishing to this world that’s so full
of potential. God wants us to steward what he has lovingly given to us as a
gift, to responsibly harness nature’s power and innovate for his glory and
the good of all creation.
Day 2 Cultural Mandate
When we read that God rested on the seventh day, we shouldn’t take this to mean that
creation was entirely finished or no longer in need of development. Rather, he made
humans in his image to continue his work and bring creation to its God-given potential.
This mandate is not reserved for “elites”— politicians, pastors, entrepreneurs and so on.
No, we all—no matter our rank, ethnicity, age or vocation—are called to continue God’s work
in bringing order and vibrancy to our world. God has entrusted humans with the inordinate
privilege of continuing his work of creation “to be God’s helper in executing to the end the
blueprint for his masterpiece.”
Day 2 Cultural Mandate
This cultural mandate gives our work incredible significance, since it is meant to be an extension
of God’s work in creation. Still, many of us do not sense that the work we perform each day has a
significant meaning or purpose. Some of us even see work as torment and a curse, an obstacle
to what’s really important: whether it be friends, family, hobbies—you name it. But the Bible says
that work is good, and the cultural mandate reminds us that the work we participate in points to
something far greater than ourselves, even if we can’t see the bigger picture. Sure, work is tainted
now because of the fall, and we are incredibly limited. But as God’s image bearers, we work to
contribute to human flourishing and the development of the earth.
How does our work bring order and flourishing to your company or community? How does it
contribute to the common good, the well-being of others and the improvement of the world?
Day 2 Cultural Mandate
Day 3 Image of God
The Bible has a lot to say about humanity. It tells us we were made
male and female (Genesis 1:27), that we are “fearfully and wonderfully
made” (Psalm 139:14), are frail (see Psalm 103:14–16), that we are sinful (Psalm
143:2)—the list goes on. Perhaps the most profound thing it says about
humanity is that we all have been given the unfathomable honor of bearing
the image of God (imago dei). When we view another human being, we
see God reflected in them. Even after the fall, despite the sin that resides
in all people, humans continue to bear God’s image (see Genesis 9:6). And
Christ—the perfect image of God (see Colossians 1:15)—came to redeem us
so that we might reflect in greater fullness God’s glory.
Day 3 Image of God
As divine image bearers, we have a deep sense of purpose in this world: we are called to
reflect God’s character and continue his work. This also shapes how we view and treat
others. Each person—whether a stranger, neighbor or co-worker—must be given the dignity,
respect and love due them as God’s image bearer.
Humans not only reflect God but also represent him. Ancient rulers often erected images of
themselves in various parts of their realms, to represent their authority to their subordinates.
We were created in God’s image so we could represent him here on earth, much like an
ambassador represents a foreign country.
Day 3 Image of God
While we all were created to mirror God, not all of us represent God well. In fact, we all do it
imperfectly. This is an important distinction that helps us in two ways. First, it helps us understand
how we should view all people—as divine image bearers, loved by God. Second, it highlights the
challenge we have of representing God in the world.
When you think of your coworkers, do you see them as people created in the divine image—
worthy of dignity and worth that this reality brings with it? Or do you see them as merely a
pathway to your own personal gain, even sometimes treating them as sub- human? And how
does the truth of the gospel and the grace of God help you better represent God to those with
whom you interact each day?
Day 3 Image of God
Day 4 Glorious
Acentral theme in Scripture is the glory of God. Yet to many of us, God’s
glory seems like an abstract concept. What is it exactly? When people
conceive of God’s glory, they often think of ethereal or immaterial realities,
not physical things we experience in the world every day.
Isaiah, however, tells us that God’s glory can be seen in creation. As Isaiah is
in awe of God in heaven, the seraphim are in awe of God’s glory displayed
on earth: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his
glory,” they cry.
Day 4 Glorious
God didn’t want to be known only by himself. He wanted others to experience his
goodness. But since God chose to create us as physical beings, he also elected to
express physically to us his invisible qualities. Thus, God created a world in which we can see
his glory expressed in all the beautiful things he has made—trees, flowers, mountains, oceans,
animals, everything. God’s glory, therefore, is something that we experience tangibly through
our senses and is meant to leave us in awe of who he is. And when we behold God’s glory
and recognize him for who he is, we can’t help but worship him—just as Isaiah did.
But that’s not the whole picture. Just as God’s creative work reveals who he is, so our work
is a tangible expression of our identity. Because we have been created in God’s image, we
reflect who we are in the work we do. And ultimately our work is meant to reflect God’s glory
as we participate in his glorious work. He created us not only so that we would know him in all
his splendor, but also so that we would reflect his character to the world around us.
Day 4 Glorious
Most of us don’t naturally sense that our work is glorious. If we’re honest, we probably think our
ordinary jobs have little lasting value. But a rich understanding of how God’s glory is reflected in
creation tells us that even the most commonplace jobs have incredible value. Just as a common
flower, such as a lily, can reflect God’s beauty, so can a common job, such as a house painter
How does your work communicate who you are as God’s image bearer? How might your work
communicate God’s glory in the world?
Day 4 Glorious
Day 5 Justification
We live in a culture that thinks hard work gets us what we want or what
we think we deserve. This is especially true in the workplace. If we
work hard enough, we get a raise, bonus, or promotion. And if something
goes wrong, we can usually work hard enough to make amends. We live in
a meritocratic culture.
But God’s kingdom functions differently. He has given us something we
don’t deserve: right status before him.
Day 5 Justification
The doctrine of justification tells us that we are considered righteous before God, not by our
obedience to the law—for no one can fulfill the law’s requirements—but because of the perfect
work of Christ. He alone lived perfectly according to the law and fulfilled it. Because of Christ’s
work, God no longer sees us as sinful or guilty. He sees us as righteous and holy. Therefore,
we do not have to fear God’s wrath, because our sins are forgiven and the weight of our guilt
has been removed.
In his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, reformer John Calvin says that no sinner could ever
justify himself. Not only that, but wherever there is sin, there also “the wrath and vengeance of God
show themselves.” Conversely, a justified person is one “who is reckoned in the condition not of a
sinner, but of a righteous man; and for that reason, he stands firm before God’s judgment seat while
all sinners fall.” This happens when we trust not in ourselves and our own works—because we will
find nothing righteous within us— but in the righteousness of Christ through faith. That’s good news!
Day 5 Justification
As human beings, we are constantly trying to justify ourselves before others. Fearful of our
inadequacies and sins being exposed, we work tirelessly to prove ourselves. This leaves us
only exhausted and joyless. But when we begin to grasp the truth that in Christ we are wholly
accepted by God regardless of what we do, we experience a peace that allows us not to be
preoccupied with ourselves—our successes or failures. Further, we can have confidence as we
perform the work God has set before us, even with all of our human limitations. The doctrine of
justification brings an incredible freedom in our work, because if God, the ultimate judge, has
already deemed us righteous, then no one and nothing can steal our security or status in him.
Day 5 Justification
Day 6 Perseverance
Whether we are in a toxic work environment or perform a job that
seems boring and monotonous, many of us wonder at times how
long we’ll be able to last in our current job. Work is often toilsome and
frustrating, but we are called to persevere—to be faithful, working with all
our heart, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23).
Day 6 Perseverance
Although we are not always called to remain on our current path, there are times when God
calls us to persevere in work that we would rather not continue. God’s call for us to remain
faithful arises out of the larger work of renewal that he’s performing in every sector of our world.
Our willingness to persevere arises out of the knowledge that God wants to transform us and
our workplaces, and that he invites us to participate in his work. The doctrine of perseverance
highlights the grace and strength we have in Christ, so that we can be faithful in our calling.
Day 6 Perseverance
In today’s world, it can be tempting to float from one job to the next, especially when we begin to
encounter aspects of our work that seem demoralizing or dehumanizing. Yet, as Christians, our
calling is shaped by God and not just by our desires. God calls us to enter into the brokenness
around us so that we can participate in his renewal of all things. When we persevere, we
acknowledge the sufficiency of God’s grace to help us complete the tasks he has given us, which
is a daily reality. This steadfast grace helps us to see the value in remaining in our present work,
if indeed it is God’s desire for us to remain in that work.
Most often we see only in retrospect God’s wisdom in directing our paths. While it can be very
difficult to see this reason in the moment, we can be confident that God wants to use us to make
known his love and redemptive purposes to all those around us. And the joy that comes with this
knowledge helps us to endure when God wants us to endure.
Day 6 Perseverance
Day 7 Scripture
Many people—some without even knowing it—read the Bible as if it were
merely a manual for living a moral life. The Bible, however, is so much
more than just that. It tells us not only about who we are and what our condition
is, but also about who God is and what he has done in history to redeem us.
Paramount to understanding the Bible is seeing it as a story.
Day 7 Scripture
The Bible is God’s telling of history that begins with creation, leads to Christ and ends with
new creation. Even though he arrives before the ending, Christ is the climax of this narrative.
All of Scripture points to him. And unless we know who Christ is, we cannot understand Scripture,
because he is the key to the story, the leading character. This view of Scripture helps us to not
only understand the Bible, but also to understand how work plays a critical role in the great
drama of redemption.
Day 7 Scripture
Many people today read only a few small sections of the Bible at a time. While this approach
can be helpful, it doesn’t allow those who follow it to learn the larger narrative of the Bible.
One reason why people have a difficult time integrating their faith with their work is that they lack
a comprehensive understanding of the Biblical narrative. From Genesis through Revelation, God
reveals the big picture of his redemptive purpose in history and in our lives. The story that begins
in a garden waiting to be cultivated ends in a city filled with the treasures brought in by the nations.
These beginning and end points provide the context to help us understand the significance of our
work. God not only saves his people, but also the work his people were created to do.
Day 7 Scripture
When we understand that Scripture is a narrative and that God has been at work throughout all
of history to redeem this world, we don’t have to be cynical about our work, particularly in times
when brokenness feels so acute. Understanding the Biblical narrative reassures us with insights
that lead us to identify not only the broken elements but also those things that are still good and
in the process of being healed.
Day 7 Scripture
Day 7 Scripture

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Find Purpose and Passion in Your Daily Work - 7-day Reading Plan

  • 1.
  • 2. Day 1: Love Day 2: Cultural Mandate Day 3: Image of God Day 4: Glorious Day 5: Justification Day 6: Perseverance Day 7: Scripture
  • 4. To know God is to know love, and to continually experience this love is to have renewed motivations, even for work. As we grasp the depth of God’s love for us, we begin to see every part of our lives being sustained and directed by that love. Over time this perspective affects every part of our lives. And because we spend so much of our lives engaged in it, one of our greatest needs is to have God’s love transform the way we work. Day 1 Love
  • 5. When we begin to experience God and his love, our whole being—heart, mind, soul and strength—is engaged, and this experience cannot help but change the way we approach work. It affects our motivations, our relationships and the very work that we do. We see ourselves working for God out of gratitude for what he has done for us, and our diligence at work reflects that gratitude. As we consider the transformative power of God’s love, the question we must always ask ourselves is this: “Have we come to know the true living God, or are we more occupied with a projection of God informed by our own intellect, desires or experiences?” Only when we encounter this loving God are we truly changed at the very core of our being. Day 1 Love
  • 6. Connecting God speaks into our lives, and his voice communicates a profound love that changes us in ways both big and small. His love is not an abstract sentiment, but is specific. He didn’t love humanity in some obscure way. No, he sent his Son to live as a Jewish man, die on a Roman cross and rise again so that we could be saved and know him. One of the most powerful expressions of God’s love in us is in the words we say to our coworkers. Most of us have opportunities to give feedback. Yet, sometimes we shy away from giving positive feedback, in fear of appearing weak or sappy, or we give it in such a way that tears people down. When the love of God is at work in us to transform the way we see others and the importance of our work, even seemingly insignificant feedback can create the kind of change that brings life and health to an individual as well as an organization. Day 1 Love
  • 7. Day 2 Cultural Mandate
  • 8. After God created humanity, he gave them a series of commands: be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion over other living things. This call to cultivate the world and exercise dominion is often called the cultural mandate. As God’s image bearers, our vocation is to reflect his nature— as modeled for us in his work of creating— by bringing increased order, structure, vibrancy and flourishing to this world that’s so full of potential. God wants us to steward what he has lovingly given to us as a gift, to responsibly harness nature’s power and innovate for his glory and the good of all creation. Day 2 Cultural Mandate
  • 9. When we read that God rested on the seventh day, we shouldn’t take this to mean that creation was entirely finished or no longer in need of development. Rather, he made humans in his image to continue his work and bring creation to its God-given potential. This mandate is not reserved for “elites”— politicians, pastors, entrepreneurs and so on. No, we all—no matter our rank, ethnicity, age or vocation—are called to continue God’s work in bringing order and vibrancy to our world. God has entrusted humans with the inordinate privilege of continuing his work of creation “to be God’s helper in executing to the end the blueprint for his masterpiece.” Day 2 Cultural Mandate
  • 10. Connecting This cultural mandate gives our work incredible significance, since it is meant to be an extension of God’s work in creation. Still, many of us do not sense that the work we perform each day has a significant meaning or purpose. Some of us even see work as torment and a curse, an obstacle to what’s really important: whether it be friends, family, hobbies—you name it. But the Bible says that work is good, and the cultural mandate reminds us that the work we participate in points to something far greater than ourselves, even if we can’t see the bigger picture. Sure, work is tainted now because of the fall, and we are incredibly limited. But as God’s image bearers, we work to contribute to human flourishing and the development of the earth. How does our work bring order and flourishing to your company or community? How does it contribute to the common good, the well-being of others and the improvement of the world? Day 2 Cultural Mandate
  • 11. Day 3 Image of God
  • 12. The Bible has a lot to say about humanity. It tells us we were made male and female (Genesis 1:27), that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), are frail (see Psalm 103:14–16), that we are sinful (Psalm 143:2)—the list goes on. Perhaps the most profound thing it says about humanity is that we all have been given the unfathomable honor of bearing the image of God (imago dei). When we view another human being, we see God reflected in them. Even after the fall, despite the sin that resides in all people, humans continue to bear God’s image (see Genesis 9:6). And Christ—the perfect image of God (see Colossians 1:15)—came to redeem us so that we might reflect in greater fullness God’s glory. Day 3 Image of God
  • 13. As divine image bearers, we have a deep sense of purpose in this world: we are called to reflect God’s character and continue his work. This also shapes how we view and treat others. Each person—whether a stranger, neighbor or co-worker—must be given the dignity, respect and love due them as God’s image bearer. Humans not only reflect God but also represent him. Ancient rulers often erected images of themselves in various parts of their realms, to represent their authority to their subordinates. We were created in God’s image so we could represent him here on earth, much like an ambassador represents a foreign country. Day 3 Image of God
  • 14. Connecting While we all were created to mirror God, not all of us represent God well. In fact, we all do it imperfectly. This is an important distinction that helps us in two ways. First, it helps us understand how we should view all people—as divine image bearers, loved by God. Second, it highlights the challenge we have of representing God in the world. When you think of your coworkers, do you see them as people created in the divine image— worthy of dignity and worth that this reality brings with it? Or do you see them as merely a pathway to your own personal gain, even sometimes treating them as sub- human? And how does the truth of the gospel and the grace of God help you better represent God to those with whom you interact each day? Day 3 Image of God
  • 16. Acentral theme in Scripture is the glory of God. Yet to many of us, God’s glory seems like an abstract concept. What is it exactly? When people conceive of God’s glory, they often think of ethereal or immaterial realities, not physical things we experience in the world every day. Isaiah, however, tells us that God’s glory can be seen in creation. As Isaiah is in awe of God in heaven, the seraphim are in awe of God’s glory displayed on earth: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory,” they cry. Day 4 Glorious
  • 17. God didn’t want to be known only by himself. He wanted others to experience his goodness. But since God chose to create us as physical beings, he also elected to express physically to us his invisible qualities. Thus, God created a world in which we can see his glory expressed in all the beautiful things he has made—trees, flowers, mountains, oceans, animals, everything. God’s glory, therefore, is something that we experience tangibly through our senses and is meant to leave us in awe of who he is. And when we behold God’s glory and recognize him for who he is, we can’t help but worship him—just as Isaiah did. But that’s not the whole picture. Just as God’s creative work reveals who he is, so our work is a tangible expression of our identity. Because we have been created in God’s image, we reflect who we are in the work we do. And ultimately our work is meant to reflect God’s glory as we participate in his glorious work. He created us not only so that we would know him in all his splendor, but also so that we would reflect his character to the world around us. Day 4 Glorious
  • 18. Connecting Most of us don’t naturally sense that our work is glorious. If we’re honest, we probably think our ordinary jobs have little lasting value. But a rich understanding of how God’s glory is reflected in creation tells us that even the most commonplace jobs have incredible value. Just as a common flower, such as a lily, can reflect God’s beauty, so can a common job, such as a house painter How does your work communicate who you are as God’s image bearer? How might your work communicate God’s glory in the world? Day 4 Glorious
  • 20. We live in a culture that thinks hard work gets us what we want or what we think we deserve. This is especially true in the workplace. If we work hard enough, we get a raise, bonus, or promotion. And if something goes wrong, we can usually work hard enough to make amends. We live in a meritocratic culture. But God’s kingdom functions differently. He has given us something we don’t deserve: right status before him. Day 5 Justification
  • 21. The doctrine of justification tells us that we are considered righteous before God, not by our obedience to the law—for no one can fulfill the law’s requirements—but because of the perfect work of Christ. He alone lived perfectly according to the law and fulfilled it. Because of Christ’s work, God no longer sees us as sinful or guilty. He sees us as righteous and holy. Therefore, we do not have to fear God’s wrath, because our sins are forgiven and the weight of our guilt has been removed. In his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, reformer John Calvin says that no sinner could ever justify himself. Not only that, but wherever there is sin, there also “the wrath and vengeance of God show themselves.” Conversely, a justified person is one “who is reckoned in the condition not of a sinner, but of a righteous man; and for that reason, he stands firm before God’s judgment seat while all sinners fall.” This happens when we trust not in ourselves and our own works—because we will find nothing righteous within us— but in the righteousness of Christ through faith. That’s good news! Day 5 Justification
  • 22. Connecting As human beings, we are constantly trying to justify ourselves before others. Fearful of our inadequacies and sins being exposed, we work tirelessly to prove ourselves. This leaves us only exhausted and joyless. But when we begin to grasp the truth that in Christ we are wholly accepted by God regardless of what we do, we experience a peace that allows us not to be preoccupied with ourselves—our successes or failures. Further, we can have confidence as we perform the work God has set before us, even with all of our human limitations. The doctrine of justification brings an incredible freedom in our work, because if God, the ultimate judge, has already deemed us righteous, then no one and nothing can steal our security or status in him. Day 5 Justification
  • 24. Whether we are in a toxic work environment or perform a job that seems boring and monotonous, many of us wonder at times how long we’ll be able to last in our current job. Work is often toilsome and frustrating, but we are called to persevere—to be faithful, working with all our heart, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23). Day 6 Perseverance
  • 25. Although we are not always called to remain on our current path, there are times when God calls us to persevere in work that we would rather not continue. God’s call for us to remain faithful arises out of the larger work of renewal that he’s performing in every sector of our world. Our willingness to persevere arises out of the knowledge that God wants to transform us and our workplaces, and that he invites us to participate in his work. The doctrine of perseverance highlights the grace and strength we have in Christ, so that we can be faithful in our calling. Day 6 Perseverance
  • 26. Connecting In today’s world, it can be tempting to float from one job to the next, especially when we begin to encounter aspects of our work that seem demoralizing or dehumanizing. Yet, as Christians, our calling is shaped by God and not just by our desires. God calls us to enter into the brokenness around us so that we can participate in his renewal of all things. When we persevere, we acknowledge the sufficiency of God’s grace to help us complete the tasks he has given us, which is a daily reality. This steadfast grace helps us to see the value in remaining in our present work, if indeed it is God’s desire for us to remain in that work. Most often we see only in retrospect God’s wisdom in directing our paths. While it can be very difficult to see this reason in the moment, we can be confident that God wants to use us to make known his love and redemptive purposes to all those around us. And the joy that comes with this knowledge helps us to endure when God wants us to endure. Day 6 Perseverance
  • 28. Many people—some without even knowing it—read the Bible as if it were merely a manual for living a moral life. The Bible, however, is so much more than just that. It tells us not only about who we are and what our condition is, but also about who God is and what he has done in history to redeem us. Paramount to understanding the Bible is seeing it as a story. Day 7 Scripture
  • 29. The Bible is God’s telling of history that begins with creation, leads to Christ and ends with new creation. Even though he arrives before the ending, Christ is the climax of this narrative. All of Scripture points to him. And unless we know who Christ is, we cannot understand Scripture, because he is the key to the story, the leading character. This view of Scripture helps us to not only understand the Bible, but also to understand how work plays a critical role in the great drama of redemption. Day 7 Scripture
  • 30. Many people today read only a few small sections of the Bible at a time. While this approach can be helpful, it doesn’t allow those who follow it to learn the larger narrative of the Bible. One reason why people have a difficult time integrating their faith with their work is that they lack a comprehensive understanding of the Biblical narrative. From Genesis through Revelation, God reveals the big picture of his redemptive purpose in history and in our lives. The story that begins in a garden waiting to be cultivated ends in a city filled with the treasures brought in by the nations. These beginning and end points provide the context to help us understand the significance of our work. God not only saves his people, but also the work his people were created to do. Day 7 Scripture
  • 31. Connecting When we understand that Scripture is a narrative and that God has been at work throughout all of history to redeem this world, we don’t have to be cynical about our work, particularly in times when brokenness feels so acute. Understanding the Biblical narrative reassures us with insights that lead us to identify not only the broken elements but also those things that are still good and in the process of being healed. Day 7 Scripture