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Box #764
Youth Ministry Internship 2
YOU 4930
Dr. Karen Grant, Internship Coordinator
Summer 2013
Hutto 1
Youth Ministry is one of the blessings in life that you may not always see the end result
or the fruit that God has produced. Youth Ministry is a lot about planting the seeds of faith and
meeting kids and teens where they are at in life to minister and show the love of Jesus. I had
the opportunity this summer to serve as a teacher, counselor and leader at my home church,
Highway Pentecostal Holiness Church, in our youth group, X-Ample Youth as well as our kid’s
ministries (Kidz Korner), and various summer camps as well as our VBS. Our youth group’s name
is “X-Ample Youth” and our verse and mission comes 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no man despise thy
youth; but be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith,
in purity”.
Responsibilities & Experiences
My internship responsibilities and areas included Teaching Assistant/Supervisor for 2nd-
7th graders (Kidz Korner), teacher and small group leader for 6-7th grade girl (Grace Girls),
Summer Camp Counselor for 9-13 year olds at Camp Robinson, Administrative assisting, middle
school supervisor, and camp speaker for Choir Camp, and middle school group co-leader for
Son Rock Kids Camp VBS, and chaperoning our annual weekend camp retreat for the teenagers.
My summer has been busy, fun, and eventful to say the least.
In June, Choir Camp was a great week and God moved in so many lives. Our theme this
year was "I AM...God's Name". I had the opportunity to be the "camp speaker" I guess you
could call it for the 4-8th grade campers, leading the mid-day service before lunch and had the
Hutto 2
privilege and blessing to see 11 kids come to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their
heart and lives! It was a very tiring but fun-filled week with many memories. In the morning
sessions before lunch I had preparation time for my message as well as still being able to
supervise and check in on my students, 7th-8th graders, who were with my co-leader. In the
afternoon sessions, I was the group leader for the 6th-8th grade girls. Choir Camp runs from
7:15am-5:45pm Mon-Thurs and Friday is a half-day until about 2pm with rehearsal for
Saturday’s performance. Choir Camp includes the following classes: Bible, Choir, Gospel Choir,
Arts/Crafts, Drama, Senior Moments, Archery, Outdoor Recreation, Sing-a-along, and snack
time as well as swimming. I assisted our director in various administrative tasks, such as
registration and gathering applications, feedback and ideas for next year, running errands,
finding business sponsor, and supervising the other younger leaders and high school staff. I had
the privilege of preparing the week’s messages for the older kids.
The following week in June, I was a girl’s cabin counselor at Camp Robinson. The theme
this year was "Unleashed" The structure was a bit different this year with a few schedule
changes and new events and activities, but I was blessed with a group of 8 sweet young ladies
and God gave me the opportunity to pour into their lives. I heard many stories and testimonies
of these young girls that broke my heart, and realized how fierce jealously is among young girls.
Also how prevalent bullying has become in our schools, by how many of my girls said they had
been bullied at school or bullied others, even in church. All of these girls attended the same
church and knew each other really well, but all came from different backgrounds. This has been
only the second year that I have not had my own girls from my church in my cabin. This was
Hutto 3
very hard for them at first, but I think it gave them the opportunity to connect with and get to
know other girls, and their counselor was also a very dear friend and mentor of mine. Our camp
ran Sunday through Thursday rather than Monday through Friday this year. Camp Robinson
includes activities and recreation such as “GaGa” (a more intense version of dodgeball), “Krazy
Kickball”, Archery, Human Foosball, Cornhole, Volleyball, Slip-N-Slide, Paddleboats, and
Swimming. We have morning devotion at the lake near the docks just before breakfast every
morning. There are afternoon sessions followed up with small group discussions by cabins, then
the evening worship service after dinner. Instead of having the traditional “banquet” which to
the kids was a “big deal”; like getting asked to prom by a cute date, but they finally did away
with that but kept our annual talent show along with the Legacy Award. The Legacy Award is
awarded to one girl and one boy who truly have demonstrated an example of leadership and
friendliness to all other campers by showing an example of Jesus’ love and a Christ-like attitude
with outstanding personality. One of my sweet middle school girls from Highway, Kelsey, was
awarded the girl’s Legacy Award for 2013. I am so proud of her. She is constantly growing to be
the young woman God intended her to be. Instead of the banquet, after dinner before the
service and talent show, we had a baptism service. Approximately 20 of our kids accepted Jesus
as their Lord and Savior and asked to be baptized. They were baptized by our pastors in the
SCIPHC (SC Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church) who were our camp
deans and director as well as some counselors. The last night of service, was amazing God
poured out His power and blessings upon this generation! After service they continued with the
talent show and ended with a fireworks display at the dock. Game night and “midnight
Hutto 4
activities” are open until 1:00am the very last night of camp. It was truly a great year, and a lot
of lives were changed.
In June, I also had the opportunity to chaperone an overnight trip to Brevard &
Hendersonville, NC. I also was able to check off a new adventure and experience off my bucket
list, whitewater rafting! June 26-27th we took a group of about 25 teenagers and adults to the
Nantahala Outdoor Company in Brevard, NC to experience the chilly rapids of the French Broad
River up close and personal. Needless to say, most of the girls, Wynde and me included, were a
bundle of nerves on the bus ride there and when we had to watch the training introduction
videos. I think we were all praying and shouting “Oh Jesus! Don’t let us drown!” about 50 times
that day! Once we got used it, it was one of the most fun and exhilarating experiences! We are
definitely going back next year! This trip, I was one of the official chaperones, we can
sometimes be difficult for a group of teenagers who see me as sometimes more their friend
and “big sister” than an adult leader to be respected. Wynde had a talk with the girls before we
checked into our hotel room. The rest of the trip was fine and dandy. I really didn’t have any
issues out my girls. That evening we had dinner together as a group, then all the girls piled into
one room for girl time and bonding. The next day we got to experience another aspect of
nature’s beauty in Pisgah National Forest just outside of Hendersonville, NC. We went to Sliding
Rock, a natural rock water slide that ends in a frigid 8ft deep pool of water at the bottom and
we also experience the beauty of God’s creation at Looking Glass Falls, a beautiful waterfall in
Pisgah National Park and Forest. The trip was amazing and definitely an experience for all of us.
Hutto 5
In July, we had VBS at my church; the theme was "Son Rock Kids Camp". I had the
opportunity to be one of two group leaders for the "Wise Owls" (5-8th graders). Our sessions
included crafts, recreation, supper, and Bible teaching. Our VBS kicked off on a Sunday night in
place of our PM service and ended with a performance and “silly string” ambush on our pastor
on Thursday night by the class that collected the most money in offering during the week.
In August, we went on our annual weekend camping retreat for our teenagers (8th grade
and high school/college) just outside of Orangeburg in Cameron, SC. At our camp retreat we left
Friday around 10:30am, stopped to eat lunch and arrived a little afternoon 1:30, unpacked and
settled into our cabins. We after our traditional dinner at Cracker Barrel, we attended a
Sidewalk Prophets concert and youth revival at the Cornerstone Community Church in
Orangeburg. We had morning devotions at breakfast and afternoon activities, like swimming,
waterslide and paddle boating, as well as fishing and the games in the recreation hall. We had a
great evening worship service lead by our senior pastor. After service we had a cornhole
tournament, carpet bowl tournament and campfire with smores before we called it a night.
Then we packed up and cleaned up the camp Sunday after devotion and headed home. It was a
great weekend for bonding and team building as a “family”. It was also great to have
opportunity to get away by myself with nature during quiet time and soak in God’s word with
God’s creation. I love spending time at the dock on the lake with my Bible, journal, camera, and
a fishing pole in silence and wonder. Psalm46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God; I will be
exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Hutto 6
I am also still teaching my middle school girls small group/class on Wednesday nights. I
also have had numerous opportunities to teach and lead in Kidz Korner on Sunday mornings at
Highway. I absolutely love the time I get to spend with my middle school (6-7th grade) girls.
Although at times it is very chaotic just trying to get their attention spans in line. Prayer request
time sometimes turn into “gossip” time and I have to reign them back in. At times it is hard to
get the girls to pay attention and stay on topic, but I understand that issue myself as well as
several of my students have ADHD. But I love hearing their stories; about school, sports, band,
boys, their friendships, what their favorite book or verse in the Bible is, or something that they
feel God is teaching them. They just want to be listened to. I simply just love doing life with
these sweet, beautiful 12 and 13 year old young ladies who are at the point in their life where
they need to feel accepted, loved, encouraged. To me it sometimes feels like a big
responsibility, they are at pivotal point in life, puberty and becoming a teenager, they are trying
to find their identity and shape who they want to be, and are getting ready to enter the youth
group in 8th grade. I wouldn’t trade my responsibility and privilege at all.
Relational Aspects & Team Leadership Dynamics
My relationships with my church leaders and supervisor have grown in many ways. I
have grown closer in our leadership and team dynamics with Wynde, Walt, Mr. Jack and Mrs.
Julie as well as Mrs. Glenna. I have learned and gained so much insight and wisdom from these
leaders. Wynde is our youth leader but a 4th grade teacher at Doby’s Mill Elementary in Elgin.
Her husband, Walt is our youth leader also, they work together. He works as a sales
Hutto 7
representative at T-Mobile, part of the coaching staff for girls’ softball at Spring Valley High
School. They are also parents of a beautiful, almost 2 year old little girl, Whitley. Walt and
Wynde understand balance and did a very good job of reminding of the importance of that in
my own life, but giving me time to rest and also take a Sunday off from Kidz Korner to go into
the adult service to be fed by the Word. Wynde has been a dear friend and mine for years, and I
thoroughly enjoy her insight and wisdom. Her encouragement and feedback is always
refreshing to my spirit and confidence. I feel I have also grown closer with our Choir Camp
director, Mrs. Glenna Brown-Kaiser through many conversations of input, feedback, ideas, joys
and tears during planning. I feel I have also stepped into higher leadership position, as a teacher
(higher paid staff) at Choir Camp, and am now part of the committee and planning team for
Choir Camp starting in January in preparation for summer. One constant relationship I have
maintained is that with my mentor, “second mom”, and youth leader, Mrs. Julie. She has been
a constant source of encouragement as well holding me accountable. She is not afraid to be
real and authentic with me, and encourages me to be real with her also. Simply put, we enjoy
doing life together and growing in discipleship. My relationships with my middle school group
have definitely strengthened; they are more open and honest. I love hearing about their loves
and showing a genuine interest. My relationships with my teenagers have been challenged in
some minor ways, with the whole respect aspect, but I love being able to just talk with them,
pray with them, and share life. From the toddlers, JAMs (kindergarten-2nd) all the way to my
fellow college students who are few years younger than me, I love spending time with X-ample
Youth of Highway PH Church.
Hutto 8
Personal Life: Balancing Ministry, Work, & Family, etc.
It has been a great summer of ministry, busy and tiring as well; while still working at
Chick-Fil-A. This year, especially this summer; has had its ups and downs, emotionally,
physically, spiritually, and mentally as well as financially. Earlier this year in January, the Chick-
Fil-A location in Columbia Place Mall, I have worked at since I was a 17 year old senior in high
school, a place I called home for 5 ½ years closed its doors for good due to economic reasons. I
have now transferred to another store location, a freestanding unit (FSU) at Forest Drive. It has
taken time to readjust to a new environment, lower position, new management, and a new
Chick-Fil-A family. But God certainly has provided when I thought I would be without a job. The
past 6 months have been challenging but have definitely been a series of “teachable moments”.
I can honestly say that to begin with my attitude was not that great, I hated feeling like “rookie”
or “new kid” when I had been with the company for at least 5 years. I had hours that I had to
balance with my school schedule. But I have truly learned to make the best of every situation
that comes, by keeping smiling and showing people Jesus by taking care of their needs through
genuine friendliness, warmth and hospitality. I just honestly love to help and serve people.
Balancing ministry work, a part time job, as a full-time has been the story of my life the past few
years. It has been a journey. I can see areas where my ministry experience has helped me focus
in on what’s important at my job, helping others. I can also see where my work experience has
helped in ministry as well, like learning to be adaptable and flexible when things happen and
plans change; but most importantly the importance of teamwork.
Hutto 9
Another one of my teachable moments, and truly a test of faith and endurance this
summer was my health. I have had asthma for about 12 years now. I was diagnosed when I was
11. Asthma is not easy, but it’s just one of those things that you learn to deal with. I had been
experiencing numerous symptoms and attacks throughout the spring and summer, taking my
inhaler several times a day as well as my albuterol nebulizer machine. I began to have chest
pains and strange, weird, abnormal heart palpitations; I didn’t think anything of it because I
thought it was a side effect of my medicines. The heart palpitations began to reoccur even
when I hadn’t had to use my medications at all. I asked my doctor to do an EKG, which turned
out fine and normal; but I had to wear a 24 hour heart monitor. The results showed that what I
have is called PACs or premature atrial contractions. PACs are early beats in my heart rhythm.
In a short version, the upper (atrial) and lower (ventricle) chambers aren’t beating at the same
time. My beat will skip, and then kick back into high gear beating faster to catch up and it feels
like I had just been running a marathon. This is not a life threatening or life limiting heart
condition, just a minor issue. Like my asthma, it’s just something I have to live with.
Throughout this past summer during my internship, I have had to go through the
possibility of not being to go back to school this semester due to financial reasons and academic
probation, a minor heart condition, asthma, a painful breakup, and balancing ministry work
with working a part-time job. It has been a journey, but through every mountain and valley God
has never let go of my hand. He has taught me how to put my faith into truly trusting when
reality and life hit hard. I have also learned so much more about being able to show grace and
Hutto 10
listen more in everyday situations. Life is full of tests and teachable moments, they may have
different outcomes but the lessons remain timeless. God has constantly been at work in my
life, especially in changing my perspective about everything in life and how to handle it with
grace. There were many times I cried out and prayed through these difficulties and hardships,
but I felt God whisper “Just wait, trust Me. Things will change, blessings are coming”. My
teenagers, friends, church family and family, were very supportive and encouraging through
throughout this summer. I never felt so much love and encouragement from a group of
teenagers and kids, their simple words of encouragement on tough days had a resounding and
lasting impact on me that they probably didn’t realize. Through everything, God has taught me
that His grace is sufficient for each day and that His timing is always perfect and well planned.
Youth Ministry is where I know He has called me, what they may look like in the future is
something I don’t know at this point in life but He will reveal it is His time, and I am content
with growing where He has me, at Highway PH Church.

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Final Report Reflection Paper

  • 1. HeatherHutto September6,2013 Box #764 Youth Ministry Internship 2 YOU 4930 Dr. Karen Grant, Internship Coordinator Summer 2013
  • 2. Hutto 1 Youth Ministry is one of the blessings in life that you may not always see the end result or the fruit that God has produced. Youth Ministry is a lot about planting the seeds of faith and meeting kids and teens where they are at in life to minister and show the love of Jesus. I had the opportunity this summer to serve as a teacher, counselor and leader at my home church, Highway Pentecostal Holiness Church, in our youth group, X-Ample Youth as well as our kid’s ministries (Kidz Korner), and various summer camps as well as our VBS. Our youth group’s name is “X-Ample Youth” and our verse and mission comes 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no man despise thy youth; but be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity”. Responsibilities & Experiences My internship responsibilities and areas included Teaching Assistant/Supervisor for 2nd- 7th graders (Kidz Korner), teacher and small group leader for 6-7th grade girl (Grace Girls), Summer Camp Counselor for 9-13 year olds at Camp Robinson, Administrative assisting, middle school supervisor, and camp speaker for Choir Camp, and middle school group co-leader for Son Rock Kids Camp VBS, and chaperoning our annual weekend camp retreat for the teenagers. My summer has been busy, fun, and eventful to say the least. In June, Choir Camp was a great week and God moved in so many lives. Our theme this year was "I AM...God's Name". I had the opportunity to be the "camp speaker" I guess you could call it for the 4-8th grade campers, leading the mid-day service before lunch and had the
  • 3. Hutto 2 privilege and blessing to see 11 kids come to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their heart and lives! It was a very tiring but fun-filled week with many memories. In the morning sessions before lunch I had preparation time for my message as well as still being able to supervise and check in on my students, 7th-8th graders, who were with my co-leader. In the afternoon sessions, I was the group leader for the 6th-8th grade girls. Choir Camp runs from 7:15am-5:45pm Mon-Thurs and Friday is a half-day until about 2pm with rehearsal for Saturday’s performance. Choir Camp includes the following classes: Bible, Choir, Gospel Choir, Arts/Crafts, Drama, Senior Moments, Archery, Outdoor Recreation, Sing-a-along, and snack time as well as swimming. I assisted our director in various administrative tasks, such as registration and gathering applications, feedback and ideas for next year, running errands, finding business sponsor, and supervising the other younger leaders and high school staff. I had the privilege of preparing the week’s messages for the older kids. The following week in June, I was a girl’s cabin counselor at Camp Robinson. The theme this year was "Unleashed" The structure was a bit different this year with a few schedule changes and new events and activities, but I was blessed with a group of 8 sweet young ladies and God gave me the opportunity to pour into their lives. I heard many stories and testimonies of these young girls that broke my heart, and realized how fierce jealously is among young girls. Also how prevalent bullying has become in our schools, by how many of my girls said they had been bullied at school or bullied others, even in church. All of these girls attended the same church and knew each other really well, but all came from different backgrounds. This has been only the second year that I have not had my own girls from my church in my cabin. This was
  • 4. Hutto 3 very hard for them at first, but I think it gave them the opportunity to connect with and get to know other girls, and their counselor was also a very dear friend and mentor of mine. Our camp ran Sunday through Thursday rather than Monday through Friday this year. Camp Robinson includes activities and recreation such as “GaGa” (a more intense version of dodgeball), “Krazy Kickball”, Archery, Human Foosball, Cornhole, Volleyball, Slip-N-Slide, Paddleboats, and Swimming. We have morning devotion at the lake near the docks just before breakfast every morning. There are afternoon sessions followed up with small group discussions by cabins, then the evening worship service after dinner. Instead of having the traditional “banquet” which to the kids was a “big deal”; like getting asked to prom by a cute date, but they finally did away with that but kept our annual talent show along with the Legacy Award. The Legacy Award is awarded to one girl and one boy who truly have demonstrated an example of leadership and friendliness to all other campers by showing an example of Jesus’ love and a Christ-like attitude with outstanding personality. One of my sweet middle school girls from Highway, Kelsey, was awarded the girl’s Legacy Award for 2013. I am so proud of her. She is constantly growing to be the young woman God intended her to be. Instead of the banquet, after dinner before the service and talent show, we had a baptism service. Approximately 20 of our kids accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and asked to be baptized. They were baptized by our pastors in the SCIPHC (SC Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church) who were our camp deans and director as well as some counselors. The last night of service, was amazing God poured out His power and blessings upon this generation! After service they continued with the talent show and ended with a fireworks display at the dock. Game night and “midnight
  • 5. Hutto 4 activities” are open until 1:00am the very last night of camp. It was truly a great year, and a lot of lives were changed. In June, I also had the opportunity to chaperone an overnight trip to Brevard & Hendersonville, NC. I also was able to check off a new adventure and experience off my bucket list, whitewater rafting! June 26-27th we took a group of about 25 teenagers and adults to the Nantahala Outdoor Company in Brevard, NC to experience the chilly rapids of the French Broad River up close and personal. Needless to say, most of the girls, Wynde and me included, were a bundle of nerves on the bus ride there and when we had to watch the training introduction videos. I think we were all praying and shouting “Oh Jesus! Don’t let us drown!” about 50 times that day! Once we got used it, it was one of the most fun and exhilarating experiences! We are definitely going back next year! This trip, I was one of the official chaperones, we can sometimes be difficult for a group of teenagers who see me as sometimes more their friend and “big sister” than an adult leader to be respected. Wynde had a talk with the girls before we checked into our hotel room. The rest of the trip was fine and dandy. I really didn’t have any issues out my girls. That evening we had dinner together as a group, then all the girls piled into one room for girl time and bonding. The next day we got to experience another aspect of nature’s beauty in Pisgah National Forest just outside of Hendersonville, NC. We went to Sliding Rock, a natural rock water slide that ends in a frigid 8ft deep pool of water at the bottom and we also experience the beauty of God’s creation at Looking Glass Falls, a beautiful waterfall in Pisgah National Park and Forest. The trip was amazing and definitely an experience for all of us.
  • 6. Hutto 5 In July, we had VBS at my church; the theme was "Son Rock Kids Camp". I had the opportunity to be one of two group leaders for the "Wise Owls" (5-8th graders). Our sessions included crafts, recreation, supper, and Bible teaching. Our VBS kicked off on a Sunday night in place of our PM service and ended with a performance and “silly string” ambush on our pastor on Thursday night by the class that collected the most money in offering during the week. In August, we went on our annual weekend camping retreat for our teenagers (8th grade and high school/college) just outside of Orangeburg in Cameron, SC. At our camp retreat we left Friday around 10:30am, stopped to eat lunch and arrived a little afternoon 1:30, unpacked and settled into our cabins. We after our traditional dinner at Cracker Barrel, we attended a Sidewalk Prophets concert and youth revival at the Cornerstone Community Church in Orangeburg. We had morning devotions at breakfast and afternoon activities, like swimming, waterslide and paddle boating, as well as fishing and the games in the recreation hall. We had a great evening worship service lead by our senior pastor. After service we had a cornhole tournament, carpet bowl tournament and campfire with smores before we called it a night. Then we packed up and cleaned up the camp Sunday after devotion and headed home. It was a great weekend for bonding and team building as a “family”. It was also great to have opportunity to get away by myself with nature during quiet time and soak in God’s word with God’s creation. I love spending time at the dock on the lake with my Bible, journal, camera, and a fishing pole in silence and wonder. Psalm46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
  • 7. Hutto 6 I am also still teaching my middle school girls small group/class on Wednesday nights. I also have had numerous opportunities to teach and lead in Kidz Korner on Sunday mornings at Highway. I absolutely love the time I get to spend with my middle school (6-7th grade) girls. Although at times it is very chaotic just trying to get their attention spans in line. Prayer request time sometimes turn into “gossip” time and I have to reign them back in. At times it is hard to get the girls to pay attention and stay on topic, but I understand that issue myself as well as several of my students have ADHD. But I love hearing their stories; about school, sports, band, boys, their friendships, what their favorite book or verse in the Bible is, or something that they feel God is teaching them. They just want to be listened to. I simply just love doing life with these sweet, beautiful 12 and 13 year old young ladies who are at the point in their life where they need to feel accepted, loved, encouraged. To me it sometimes feels like a big responsibility, they are at pivotal point in life, puberty and becoming a teenager, they are trying to find their identity and shape who they want to be, and are getting ready to enter the youth group in 8th grade. I wouldn’t trade my responsibility and privilege at all. Relational Aspects & Team Leadership Dynamics My relationships with my church leaders and supervisor have grown in many ways. I have grown closer in our leadership and team dynamics with Wynde, Walt, Mr. Jack and Mrs. Julie as well as Mrs. Glenna. I have learned and gained so much insight and wisdom from these leaders. Wynde is our youth leader but a 4th grade teacher at Doby’s Mill Elementary in Elgin. Her husband, Walt is our youth leader also, they work together. He works as a sales
  • 8. Hutto 7 representative at T-Mobile, part of the coaching staff for girls’ softball at Spring Valley High School. They are also parents of a beautiful, almost 2 year old little girl, Whitley. Walt and Wynde understand balance and did a very good job of reminding of the importance of that in my own life, but giving me time to rest and also take a Sunday off from Kidz Korner to go into the adult service to be fed by the Word. Wynde has been a dear friend and mine for years, and I thoroughly enjoy her insight and wisdom. Her encouragement and feedback is always refreshing to my spirit and confidence. I feel I have also grown closer with our Choir Camp director, Mrs. Glenna Brown-Kaiser through many conversations of input, feedback, ideas, joys and tears during planning. I feel I have also stepped into higher leadership position, as a teacher (higher paid staff) at Choir Camp, and am now part of the committee and planning team for Choir Camp starting in January in preparation for summer. One constant relationship I have maintained is that with my mentor, “second mom”, and youth leader, Mrs. Julie. She has been a constant source of encouragement as well holding me accountable. She is not afraid to be real and authentic with me, and encourages me to be real with her also. Simply put, we enjoy doing life together and growing in discipleship. My relationships with my middle school group have definitely strengthened; they are more open and honest. I love hearing about their loves and showing a genuine interest. My relationships with my teenagers have been challenged in some minor ways, with the whole respect aspect, but I love being able to just talk with them, pray with them, and share life. From the toddlers, JAMs (kindergarten-2nd) all the way to my fellow college students who are few years younger than me, I love spending time with X-ample Youth of Highway PH Church.
  • 9. Hutto 8 Personal Life: Balancing Ministry, Work, & Family, etc. It has been a great summer of ministry, busy and tiring as well; while still working at Chick-Fil-A. This year, especially this summer; has had its ups and downs, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally as well as financially. Earlier this year in January, the Chick- Fil-A location in Columbia Place Mall, I have worked at since I was a 17 year old senior in high school, a place I called home for 5 ½ years closed its doors for good due to economic reasons. I have now transferred to another store location, a freestanding unit (FSU) at Forest Drive. It has taken time to readjust to a new environment, lower position, new management, and a new Chick-Fil-A family. But God certainly has provided when I thought I would be without a job. The past 6 months have been challenging but have definitely been a series of “teachable moments”. I can honestly say that to begin with my attitude was not that great, I hated feeling like “rookie” or “new kid” when I had been with the company for at least 5 years. I had hours that I had to balance with my school schedule. But I have truly learned to make the best of every situation that comes, by keeping smiling and showing people Jesus by taking care of their needs through genuine friendliness, warmth and hospitality. I just honestly love to help and serve people. Balancing ministry work, a part time job, as a full-time has been the story of my life the past few years. It has been a journey. I can see areas where my ministry experience has helped me focus in on what’s important at my job, helping others. I can also see where my work experience has helped in ministry as well, like learning to be adaptable and flexible when things happen and plans change; but most importantly the importance of teamwork.
  • 10. Hutto 9 Another one of my teachable moments, and truly a test of faith and endurance this summer was my health. I have had asthma for about 12 years now. I was diagnosed when I was 11. Asthma is not easy, but it’s just one of those things that you learn to deal with. I had been experiencing numerous symptoms and attacks throughout the spring and summer, taking my inhaler several times a day as well as my albuterol nebulizer machine. I began to have chest pains and strange, weird, abnormal heart palpitations; I didn’t think anything of it because I thought it was a side effect of my medicines. The heart palpitations began to reoccur even when I hadn’t had to use my medications at all. I asked my doctor to do an EKG, which turned out fine and normal; but I had to wear a 24 hour heart monitor. The results showed that what I have is called PACs or premature atrial contractions. PACs are early beats in my heart rhythm. In a short version, the upper (atrial) and lower (ventricle) chambers aren’t beating at the same time. My beat will skip, and then kick back into high gear beating faster to catch up and it feels like I had just been running a marathon. This is not a life threatening or life limiting heart condition, just a minor issue. Like my asthma, it’s just something I have to live with. Throughout this past summer during my internship, I have had to go through the possibility of not being to go back to school this semester due to financial reasons and academic probation, a minor heart condition, asthma, a painful breakup, and balancing ministry work with working a part-time job. It has been a journey, but through every mountain and valley God has never let go of my hand. He has taught me how to put my faith into truly trusting when reality and life hit hard. I have also learned so much more about being able to show grace and
  • 11. Hutto 10 listen more in everyday situations. Life is full of tests and teachable moments, they may have different outcomes but the lessons remain timeless. God has constantly been at work in my life, especially in changing my perspective about everything in life and how to handle it with grace. There were many times I cried out and prayed through these difficulties and hardships, but I felt God whisper “Just wait, trust Me. Things will change, blessings are coming”. My teenagers, friends, church family and family, were very supportive and encouraging through throughout this summer. I never felt so much love and encouragement from a group of teenagers and kids, their simple words of encouragement on tough days had a resounding and lasting impact on me that they probably didn’t realize. Through everything, God has taught me that His grace is sufficient for each day and that His timing is always perfect and well planned. Youth Ministry is where I know He has called me, what they may look like in the future is something I don’t know at this point in life but He will reveal it is His time, and I am content with growing where He has me, at Highway PH Church.