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One fatal accident turns into a nightmare every six to eight months. The directors that brought
you back to church after not working for years and years are now flipping the bird and getting
paid to curse.
"Excellent hand
I love the hand
Have a smoke
Or a drink
Or two
Let's just drink and smoke"
Chapter 1
'The Beginning'
Yeaaa it was
Look at you. You don't even blink
What what what
(Looking over snapping lids)
Here hit this
Ohh yea
Look out!!!!
(They hit a car)
Well what are we gonna do
You could eat it
How bout you eat it and I'll watch
Okay we'll both eat it right after we figure out how to walk away without walking back
I know
Quick gimme a pen
A pen
What are you doing
I'm writing a thank you note explaining how we missed you at the bar tonight and wanted to see
you afterwardso this guy's us
Hit the glove compartment
You wanna make it so we're the not
That brilliant
Picked up from watching Hitchcock movies
(Slam Slam)
Their films
What films there movies
Films even the name broken down into words
It's a movie because its moving and sets the mood
No. You got it
Yes. Keep talking
(Walking off)
When the police try to examine this shit were gonna be the last two people they come looking
(Reaches down at the body) it
What are you doin now
(Cuts off the ear)
Har har har
Shits weak
It's shit
Crack baby bitch
Ohh yea. Mmmm
Get your momma breast milk for coffee girl
(Reaches into his pocket)
Look at this shit
(Examining the ear)
Did you get one for me
No only one is all we need to steerclear
Here. Say cheese
(Takes a picture of the two of them infront of the wreck)
See now we're the victims and the witnesses
And a lovely touch with the disposable camera
Har har har
Gimme dat blunt you wee girl
Here's your breast milk
Taste like sugar and cinnamon
[End Scene]
Chapter 2
'The Breakfast Scene'
Here listen
Eww man get that off me
Ha anyone call..
Nah no one but Ripley's believe it or not
Yea they wanted to ask how we managed to cook breakfast from scratch and not afford to buy
suitable wedding rings for our girls
Well what'd you tell em
I told em that having a 24 7 relationship was a major thing
(Reaching for cereal)
And that wedding rings better be on the bodies of the next hit and run
Good call
(Pouring cereal)
(Phone rings)
Hello. Yes. Okay. Alright bye.
Who was it is
It was the landlord he said he found a case of severed ears and wants us to investigate the
Ha. Who was it..
It was Denise and Tiffany
What'd they want
They wanted to stop by
And I said comeby
You did..
I did. And I did it without actually responding
That's a Hitchcock
I know
Thats mega. We should celebrate
Come here
(Pretends to cut his ear off)
(Phone rings)
Hello. Yea. Alright. Yea just comeby.
You get it..
(They both open the newspaper)
Chapter 3
'Let's Be Directors'
You want rock metal pop or funk
(Flipping through the channels)
What about rap
What rap this is the rap. Look look wantannamerda
(Flips on Baywatch)
What about the news
no no news we gotta get a job
Ok set the Smurfs
Oh come on the Smurfs make me see shit
(Bong rip)
Yea you need a diete better start smoking lites
(Hitting his stomach)
Oh yeah
look look
(The Smurfs in TV)
you know Mr Smurf I'm also very familiar about where the experts section is"
Ohh this is the best part
(3D rendition)
"Yea you better change that tone or you'll lible to turn red. Oh Mr Smurf. Oh Smurf. Whata ya
think Smurf roomie?"
(Ripping a bong in the corner)
Yea boy!
(Daydream thought)
Nah I don't want it
It's your turn
I just had a thought
We should use that Smurf shit to smoke some more refined weed
Like what if we just became directors
Yea Trina and Marie would that
Yea wait aren't their names Deb and Hillary
No thats Weird Science
Ohh yeah
Yea fuck it
You wanna call and try to get some pussy
(Gets up)
I got the phone
I got the number
Wait a minute wait a minute
Who's gonna tell them we're not allowed to drivwait what are you talking about
The severed ear I lost it
Calm down your getting high
I'm always stoned though
Yes but stoned is still solid
And now what I'm a fucking mutant
(Mini mutant walks into the kitchen
Shit shit fuck fuck
(Slamming the countertop)
Hey snap out of it
We gotta find it we gotta find it
(Knock at the door)
Shit it's the cops run
It's not the cops shut up and be cool
(Opens the door)
Ohh hey Mrs sennet
Hello Douglas
did we call you
No it's nothing important
Ohh well see ya then
(Her hand stops the door from closing)
This package came in the mail and it's addressed to you two boys
Mark Mark
Yea yea oh hi Mrs Sennet
hi marcus
Your looking extra kozy today
Hey hey
(Dancing Jolli-Li)
She says it's ours it's addressed to the guy
(Blows her a baraj of kisses)
Well I guess I'll be goin
No come on in we were just eating breakfast
Breakfast at this hour
Hey where's Mrs sennets portion of the scrambled eggs
We didn't have eggs
Hurry don't be such a terrible host
No butts but the button up
The nerve you got me right Sen dawg
I suppose
You wanna watch some BBC
Oops this was last episode
haahaa are you feeling okay Marcus
Yea why wouldn't I be
(Picks up the bong)
Hey what are doing
Yeaaa hit dat shit Senator
(Waving hands)
Oh come on
(Both stand up as she drops her key purse)
Ooo you dropped this Mrs sennet
Here's the eggs
(Carrying frying pan slips and frying pan goes flying into Mrs sennets eye socket hand side
Ahh my back
It's mine too
If it's mine it can't be yours ahh ahh
You okay sennet
(They both get up)
Ahh Doug
Why's Mrs sennet dead
Holy shit man
Hey it's okay
(Trying to analyze her body)
Yep it's really in there
Damn man
(Still crying)
Ok lets not panic I'll just shit I don't know either and we already smoked
I hate being highhhh
Quick what's today not the day we killed Mrs sennet
Good good good
Let's just sit
(They both sit)
Okay breath
(Douglas wheezing)
In and out
(Douglas sigh)
In and out yea there we go okay hey Mrs sennet meet us here tonight
(Doug laughs)
I known lets piss on her the vagrance won't show and traces of dead aroma for at least 56 to 48
Marcus Marcus
Chapter 4
'Ask me something'
How she doin
Shhh shh she's sleeping
I ment how's Mrs Sennet
Oh I don't know I threw her in the laundry room
(Mrs Sennet hanging)
Yep. Shes in the laundry room
Any calls?
(Lifts feet up, looks around)
Nope. Ship shape
Great Im goin to get breakfast
(heading for the door)
What you mean. wait wait wait
I dont know of I can do this man
(referencing to Mrs Sennet)
Shes okay
(Slams it shut)
Maybe your right
I know Im right
Okay who are we?
Were directors
No. were 'Hollywood Directors'
Here take my picture by her feet
What if she tells?
Shhh just say cheese
And cheese it was
They wanted cheese
So. Cheese they got
And it tasted rather sour like milk from the nuts that is
Chapter 5
'You give me goosebumps'
I give you goosebumps?
(telling his date)
Yea its pirty
(They make out)
(Hits Dougs foot)
Hey you wanna she a dead body?
Dont ask her that
No I mean..
Well which one is it?
Its neither
Its No
Okay here goes
No No
(Covers his eyes)
Well whata ya think?
(Dressed in a rowdy fan outfit)
Yea tomorrow she gets to be 8th member of the 8 dwarfs
Well there you have it
You guys are sick
Whyd you waste Mrs Sennet?
(grabbing her things to go)
Im leaving
Is that my lakers hat?
I hate it
Come on you love it
Take it off
Take it off Marcus
(They start fighting)
Wait where you goin
(They stop. she leaves)
Just call me when you get done
Isnt today our dinner date?
No its mine
(They laugh)
Its both.
[End Scene]
Chapter 6
'Mistol Toe Rock'
Arr ahhh
(Doug walks into the living room)
Hey you wanna order pizza
its 9 oclock in the morning
yea but its critical when im eating for two
we neef to move her
we got too. shes gonna stink the whole apartment
(grabs a camera)
snap some pictures
what are you made?
just not the head
wait why?
i got this great idea
we got this new hollywood approach
and yea..
we use the Sennet to make special effects wardrobe
if you say so
snap. snap
oh here get this
(posing the dead body)
and even if she gets too hot
snap. snap
we can always cool her down
beer me...
"if its not for effect, its to win every award for the actual direction"
Doug and Marcus...The Hollywood Dungeon
(The bell rings)
if its the pizza guy
kill him
(Doug opens the door)
hi is this the Anderson resident
well we split that name
im Andrews, and hes Sanders
were a #directingduo
since when?
since now
well I have a western union for the two of you
Doug sign Hollywood Duo
no i wont sign hollywood duo
(Doug signs Hollywood Duo)
anything else?
how much?
hes asking how much
for the package
no the letter
he means the sex
she rips open her blouse
its 200 for the hour and 500 for the night
you up for it
yea just give me those credentials and we can mistol toe rock this night around the clock
okay here
(hands Doug her badge and clipboard)
anything else?
quick check her pockets
is she wearing a wire?
no shes...woah!
yea im stacked
she means hung
yea. which one of you two wants the first blowjob?
i will
if he insists
okay drop em...
The boys blew their load and the pa kage was delivered on time
Only thing was...
Whats Mrs Sennett gonna say???
End Scene
Chapter 7
'Blasphemy Fluck'
Gulp Gulp Gulp
(drinking from the cartoon)
Enters Marcus...
you sure are a downpour...
I have five brothers
oh yea
Yea we hardly ever have a full milk carton in the fridge
Hey Doug
(he screams from his bed)
You and Doug dont ever buy anything but Diet Seven-Up?
Yea well its on sale
(walking into tje living room)
I thought you and he were vig hollywood directors
(looking at Mrs Sennett)
He muzzels her mouth
You wanna get in here?
Just tell once more for the night only day..
No its a little different than that
Wait wait wait
what the flucked you do that for?
She would have told.
No she..
Hey. You wanna crack?
Good. then go fix Breakfast. i wanna feel nice and toasty before we watch Bob Barker
I eyyya
Just think...
After today the whole world will be missing only one letter
Yea. the murder letter
Ahhh but now its cool
yea whys that?
Cause were high
(cough cough)
End Scene.
Chapter 8
'The Callers ID'
Huh huh huh- huh -huh- huh
what are you doin?
tryin to get some work done
yep. someones gotta put food on the table
yes hello
(smerks and laughs)
yes hi this is Marcus Goodfeller
yes i can hold. hey...
(lundes for Doug)
whod you call?
the hollywood forum
oh yea. you wanna pimp out Mrs Sennett and papergirl
noooo. a little..
yes hello. i sure can and i can have my first reel by the end of the week. email? yea sure
(lundes for Doug)
whats the email!
we dont have one
how bout another phone call?
yea. great. okay bye.
(hangs up)
(Marcus typing at a typerwriter)
(typewriter bar)
_this ine time it happened so often i was scare. so many people were dying my entire life
changed. it was so terrible it felt like we were entering the #horrorzone
(turns to Doug)
Doug punched Marcus right in the face
I didnt even see tbis coming
and #imthevoice
go figure...
this is good
(they fight)
whatd you do that for Doug?
(Doug in a headlock)
huh? huh?
im choking
(he lets him go)
so now what?
you better not pull us down man
first mrs sennett, now the mail girl
your over reacting
i just cant take this
here take a vitamin
(slaps it out of his hand)
its better than a tylenol, what?
i dont want a vitamin. i dont want a bong rip?
(sparks the carb...)
dont lose it okay
yea maybe your right
and buy me lunch for punching me
you want a mondo burger?
yea. with curly fries
okay. just please first tell me whqt were gonna do? were fucked. like special fucked...
thats it. well be special effects directors
what like in a horror movie?
(high five)
yea snap
(high five)
okay but first...
put my name on that letter so people know i just punched you in the face
you got it...Dougs name
(writes it down on paper)
alrite carry on
and Doug?
curly fries �
End Scene..
Chapter 9
'Mr Magic's
La La-La La La-La-La La
(DuHast song)
Its not the size tbat matters
Hand me the camera
Camera stat
(snap snap snap)
you know..
(Marcus examining the photos)
For an ametuer..
Go ahead say it
Theyre beautiful
I know I know
we are so LA
were Holly
heaa heaa heaa
Ha. Oager
Is the job simmerin?
its festerin
hows our victimlineup?
theyre festering
maybe we should drain theyre blood
Turns on the radio
(breakin the law-Judas Priest)
Alrite Mr Magic
(Marcus to Doug)
this is how a star is born
Changes song
(that thing you do-theWonders)
End Scene
Chapter 10
'Ready Set Action'
hey Doug whats up
(marcus playing with action figures)
hey. Doug
hey stop
(Doug rollin over in his bed)
hey hey
go play with the test dummies
fuckin a look
mrs sennetts in her sunday best and the milk maid is bare nude
should we fuck her?
okay you first
what do i wear a rubber
no just peakaboo it
pekaboo shes ot even brearhing im gonna...ohh
its still warm
what like the pie
no well maybe
ohhh quick get the camera
yea #cameocoma
(looking at doug to snap the picture)
yea ohh Dougies got crush
ahh you wanna go
you dont wanna. sickoooo
hey Doug
(doug turns to Marcus)
It wasnt peetty but it wasnt rock
(guitar solo)
Alls well and ends well
And to all a good night...
(chainsaw sounds)
���its waynes world excellent���
shut up man this ant Thriller
you michael jackson tho

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Final cut, By Author JAB

  • 1. One fatal accident turns into a nightmare every six to eight months. The directors that brought you back to church after not working for years and years are now flipping the bird and getting paid to curse. "Excellent hand I love the hand Have a smoke Or a drink Or two Let's just drink and smoke" … Chapter 1 'The Beginning' Ahahaha Yeaaa it was Look at you. You don't even blink What what what (Looking over snapping lids) Ahahaha Here hit this Ohh yea Look out!!!! (They hit a car) Shit
  • 2. Well what are we gonna do You could eat it How bout you eat it and I'll watch Ewww Okay we'll both eat it right after we figure out how to walk away without walking back I know What Quick gimme a pen A pen Yea Here What are you doing I'm writing a thank you note explaining how we missed you at the bar tonight and wanted to see you afterwardso this guy's us Yup Ohhh Hit the glove compartment You wanna make it so we're the not (smiles) Exactly (Hummm) That brilliant
  • 3. Picked up from watching Hitchcock movies (Slam Slam) Their films What films there movies Films even the name broken down into words It's a movie because its moving and sets the mood No. You got it Yes. Keep talking (Walking off) When the police try to examine this shit were gonna be the last two people they come looking for (Reaches down at the body) it What are you doin now (Snip) Souvenir (Cuts off the ear) Ahshaha Har har har Shits weak It's shit Wack Crack baby bitch Yeaaa
  • 4. (Spark) Ahhh Here Ohh yea. Mmmm Get your momma breast milk for coffee girl (Reaches into his pocket) Look at this shit (Examining the ear) Did you get one for me No only one is all we need to steerclear Here. Say cheese (Takes a picture of the two of them infront of the wreck) See now we're the victims and the witnesses And a lovely touch with the disposable camera Right Har har har Gimme dat blunt you wee girl Here's your breast milk Taste like sugar and cinnamon [End Scene]
  • 5. … Chapter 2 'The Breakfast Scene' Here listen Eww man get that off me Ha anyone call.. Nah no one but Ripley's believe it or not Yea. Yea they wanted to ask how we managed to cook breakfast from scratch and not afford to buy suitable wedding rings for our girls Well what'd you tell em I told em that having a 24 7 relationship was a major thing And.. (Reaching for cereal) And that wedding rings better be on the bodies of the next hit and run Good call (Pouring cereal) Eating.. (Phone rings) Hello. Yes. Okay. Alright bye. Who was it is It was the landlord he said he found a case of severed ears and wants us to investigate the culprit
  • 6. Ha. Who was it.. It was Denise and Tiffany What'd they want (Eating) They wanted to stop by And.. And I said comeby You did.. I did. And I did it without actually responding That's a Hitchcock I know Thats mega. We should celebrate Come here (Pretends to cut his ear off) (Phone rings) Hello. Yea. Alright. Yea just comeby. Jeez You get it.. Yea (They both open the newspaper)
  • 7. … Chapter 3 'Let's Be Directors' You want rock metal pop or funk (Flipping through the channels) What about rap What rap this is the rap. Look look wantannamerda (Flips on Baywatch) What about the news no no news we gotta get a job Ok set the Smurfs Oh come on the Smurfs make me see shit (Bong rip) Yea you need a diete better start smoking lites (Hitting his stomach) Oh yeah look look (The Smurfs in TV) you know Mr Smurf I'm also very familiar about where the experts section is" Haha Ohh this is the best part (3D rendition)
  • 8. "Yea you better change that tone or you'll lible to turn red. Oh Mr Smurf. Oh Smurf. Whata ya think Smurf roomie?" (Ripping a bong in the corner) Yea boy! Ahhh (Daydream thought) Here Nah I don't want it It's your turn Oh I just had a thought What We should use that Smurf shit to smoke some more refined weed Like what if we just became directors Yea Trina and Marie would that Yea wait aren't their names Deb and Hillary No thats Weird Science Ohh yeah Yea fuck it You wanna call and try to get some pussy Yup (Gets up) I got the phone
  • 9. I got the number Wait a minute wait a minute Who's gonna tell them we're not allowed to drivwait what are you talking about The severed ear I lost it Calm down your getting high I'm always stoned though Yes but stoned is still solid And now what I'm a fucking mutant (Mini mutant walks into the kitchen See Shit shit fuck fuck (Slamming the countertop) Hey snap out of it We gotta find it we gotta find it (Knock at the door) Shit it's the cops run It's not the cops shut up and be cool (Opens the door) Ohh hey Mrs sennet Hello Douglas did we call you No it's nothing important
  • 10. Ohh well see ya then (Her hand stops the door from closing) This package came in the mail and it's addressed to you two boys Mark Mark Yea yea oh hi Mrs Sennet hi marcus Your looking extra kozy today (Smiles) Hey hey (Dancing Jolli-Li) Yea She says it's ours it's addressed to the guy (Blows her a baraj of kisses) Well I guess I'll be goin No come on in we were just eating breakfast Breakfast at this hour Hey where's Mrs sennets portion of the scrambled eggs We didn't have eggs Hurry don't be such a terrible host But No butts but the button up The nerve you got me right Sen dawg
  • 11. I suppose You wanna watch some BBC (Porn) Oops this was last episode haahaa are you feeling okay Marcus Yea why wouldn't I be (Picks up the bong) Hey what are doing Yeaaa hit dat shit Senator (Waving hands) Oh come on (Both stand up as she drops her key purse) Ooo you dropped this Mrs sennet Here's the eggs (Carrying frying pan slips and frying pan goes flying into Mrs sennets eye socket hand side inward) Ahh my back It's mine too If it's mine it can't be yours ahh ahh You okay sennet (They both get up) Ahh Doug
  • 12. Yea Why's Mrs sennet dead Holy shit man (Crying) Hey it's okay (Trying to analyze her body) Yep it's really in there Damn man (Still crying) Ok lets not panic I'll just shit I don't know either and we already smoked I hate being highhhh (Sobbering) Quick what's today not the day we killed Mrs sennet Good good good Let's just sit (They both sit) Okay breath (Douglas wheezing) In and out (Douglas sigh) In and out yea there we go okay hey Mrs sennet meet us here tonight Haha
  • 13. (Doug laughs) I known lets piss on her the vagrance won't show and traces of dead aroma for at least 56 to 48 hours Marcus Marcus Yea (Fart) … Chapter 4 'Ask me something' How she doin Shhh shh she's sleeping I ment how's Mrs Sennet Oh I don't know I threw her in the laundry room (Mrs Sennet hanging) Yep. Shes in the laundry room Any calls? (Lifts feet up, looks around) Nope. Ship shape Great Im goin to get breakfast (heading for the door) What you mean. wait wait wait I dont know of I can do this man Look
  • 14. (referencing to Mrs Sennet) Shes okay (Slams it shut) Maybe your right I know Im right Okay who are we? Were directors No. were 'Hollywood Directors' Here take my picture by her feet What if she tells? Shhh just say cheese Cheese Narrator And cheese it was They wanted cheese So. Cheese they got (Mmmm) And it tasted rather sour like milk from the nuts that is … Chapter 5 'You give me goosebumps'
  • 15. I give you goosebumps? (telling his date) Yea its pirty (They make out) See (Hits Dougs foot) Hey you wanna she a dead body? Dont ask her that No I mean.. Well which one is it? Its neither Its No Okay here goes No No (Covers his eyes) Ummm Well whata ya think? (Dressed in a rowdy fan outfit) Yea tomorrow she gets to be 8th member of the 8 dwarfs Well there you have it What You guys are sick
  • 16. Whyd you waste Mrs Sennet? (grabbing her things to go) Im leaving Is that my lakers hat? I hate it Come on you love it Take it off No Take it off Marcus (They start fighting) Wait where you goin (They stop. she leaves) Just call me when you get done Hey Yea? Isnt today our dinner date? No its mine (They laugh) Its both. [End Scene] …
  • 17. Chapter 6 'Mistol Toe Rock' Arr ahhh (Doug walks into the living room) Hey you wanna order pizza its 9 oclock in the morning yea but its critical when im eating for two we neef to move her no we got too. shes gonna stink the whole apartment here (grabs a camera) snap some pictures what are you made? just not the head wait why? i got this great idea yea we got this new hollywood approach and yea.. we use the Sennet to make special effects wardrobe if you say so
  • 18. snap. snap oh here get this (posing the dead body) and even if she gets too hot yea snap. snap we can always cool her down beer me... "if its not for effect, its to win every award for the actual direction" ahhh Doug and Marcus...The Hollywood Dungeon (The bell rings) if its the pizza guy yea kill him (Doug opens the door) hi is this the Anderson resident well we split that name yea im Andrews, and hes Sanders were a #directingduo since when?
  • 19. since now well I have a western union for the two of you Doug sign Hollywood Duo no i wont sign hollywood duo (Doug signs Hollywood Duo) thanks anything else? no yes how much? hes asking how much for the package no the letter he means the sex (slap) she rips open her blouse its 200 for the hour and 500 for the night you up for it yea just give me those credentials and we can mistol toe rock this night around the clock okay here (hands Doug her badge and clipboard) alright
  • 20. anything else? quick check her pockets is she wearing a wire? no shes...woah! yea im stacked she means hung yea. which one of you two wants the first blowjob? i will if he insists okay drop em... Narrator: The boys blew their load and the pa kage was delivered on time Only thing was... Whats Mrs Sennett gonna say??? End Scene … Chapter 7 'Blasphemy Fluck' Gulp Gulp Gulp (drinking from the cartoon)
  • 21. Enters Marcus... you sure are a downpour... I have five brothers oh yea Yea we hardly ever have a full milk carton in the fridge Hey Doug Ugh Doug What!!! (he screams from his bed) You and Doug dont ever buy anything but Diet Seven-Up? Yea well its on sale Sale? (walking into tje living room) I thought you and he were vig hollywood directors Ahhhh (looking at Mrs Sennett) He muzzels her mouth Doug? Yeaaa You wanna get in here? Just tell once more for the night only day..
  • 22. No its a little different than that Ahhh Wait wait wait Hammer? (wack) what the flucked you do that for? She would have told. No she.. Hey But.. Hey. You wanna crack? No. Good. then go fix Breakfast. i wanna feel nice and toasty before we watch Bob Barker I eyyya Just think... Ugh.. After today the whole world will be missing only one letter Yea. the murder letter Ahhh but now its cool (toke) yea whys that? Cause were high
  • 23. (cough cough) End Scene. … Chapter 8 'The Callers ID' Okay Huh huh huh- huh -huh- huh what are you doin? tryin to get some work done yea yep. someones gotta put food on the table yes hello (smerks and laughs) yes hi this is Marcus Goodfeller (hehe) yes i can hold. hey... (lundes for Doug) whod you call? the hollywood forum oh yea. you wanna pimp out Mrs Sennett and papergirl noooo. a little..
  • 24. (smerk) yes hello. i sure can and i can have my first reel by the end of the week. email? yea sure (lundes for Doug) whats the email! we dont have one how bout another phone call? yea. great. okay bye. (hangs up) ahhhhh (Marcus typing at a typerwriter) alrite (typewriter bar) _this ine time it happened so often i was scare. so many people were dying my entire life changed. it was so terrible it felt like we were entering the #horrorzone Hey (turns to Doug) (punch) Narrator: Doug punched Marcus right in the face I didnt even see tbis coming yea
  • 25. and #imthevoice go figure... oh.. this is good Ahhhh (they fight) whatd you do that for Doug? (Doug in a headlock) huh? huh? im choking haaa..haaa (he lets him go) so now what? you better not pull us down man what? first mrs sennett, now the mail girl your over reacting i just cant take this here take a vitamin (slaps it out of his hand) its better than a tylenol, what?
  • 26. i dont want a vitamin. i dont want a bong rip? yea.. (sparks the carb...) dont lose it okay yea maybe your right and buy me lunch for punching me you want a mondo burger? yea. with curly fries okay. just please first tell me whqt were gonna do? were fucked. like special fucked... thats it. well be special effects directors what like in a horror movie? yes! (high five) snap yea snap yea (high five) okay but first... yea put my name on that letter so people know i just punched you in the face you got it...Dougs name (writes it down on paper)
  • 27. alrite carry on and Doug? yea curly fries � End Scene.. … Chapter 9 'Mr Magic's La La-La La La-La-La La (DuHast song) Its not the size tbat matters ha Hand me the camera Camera stat (snap snap snap) you know.. (Marcus examining the photos) For an ametuer.. Go ahead say it Theyre beautiful I know I know
  • 28. we are so LA were Holly wood holly wood heaa heaa heaa Ha. Oager Is the job simmerin? its festerin hows our victimlineup? theyre festering yea. yea maybe we should drain theyre blood prop? prop. Turns on the radio (breakin the law-Judas Priest) Alrite Mr Magic (Marcus to Doug)
  • 29. this is how a star is born Changes song (that thing you do-theWonders) End Scene … Chapter 10 'Ready Set Action' hey Doug whats up (marcus playing with action figures) no hey. Doug hey stop (Doug rollin over in his bed) hey hey stop! geeez go play with the test dummies fuckin a look mrs sennetts in her sunday best and the milk maid is bare nude should we fuck her?
  • 30. no okay you first what do i wear a rubber no just peakaboo it pekaboo shes ot even brearhing im gonna...ohh yea? its still warm what like the pie no well maybe ohhh quick get the camera yea #cameocoma hey (looking at doug to snap the picture) yea. yea ohh Dougies got crush ahh you wanna go you dont wanna. sickoooo hey yea hey Doug what (doug turns to Marcus)
  • 31. Bang... Narrartor: It wasnt peetty but it wasnt rock (guitar solo) Alls well and ends well And to all a good night... (chainsaw sounds) ���its waynes world excellent��� THEND aHaHaHaaaaa shut up man this ant Thriller ahhhh . .. ... you michael jackson tho